Welfare creates a poverty of values
Piers Akerman – Sunday, August 14, 11 (09:11 am)
Quicker than a brick through a window, the navel-gazers were blaming everything and everyone for the British riots except those smashing the glass and looting.
That pinpointed one of the real issues at the heart of the problem, the refusal to nail those actually responsible for the murder and mayhem, the hooded young men and women out for a little excitement during the long twilight of the northern hemisphere summer.
I feel responsibility for the riots needs to be taken by UK Labor. The kids after they are turned in say as much. The empty gestures and broken promises of UK Labor have created a mixture of dissatisfaction and entitlement responsible people are appalled by.
There are many similarities between those riots and ALP inspired Cronulla, Macquarie Fields, Redfern and Democrat inspired LA.
Also there is a hatred for police which is part and parcel of the underclass. A belief among lefties that police need to be tethered.
Sun 14 Aug 11 (09:22am)
Mon 15 Aug 11 (11:38am)
That’s true DD, but the dysfunctional state of many parts of British society is due also to an all-pervasive soft-left ideology of which Labour is only the most visible element. There is far less robust debate about issues in Britain than here because the Left has a much stronger hold on the media there.
Take global warming for example. We’ve had several Brit warmist identities come here and express surprise at how we’re even debating the issue. True, we have courageous journalists with integrity like Piers, Janet A, Bolt, Jones and Blair, and others, but there are good people there too.
The big difference there is the sheer size and influence of the BBC, which is overwhelmingly left wing. They have several TV channels, many radio stations and a plethora of websites constantly spouting left-wing dogma, and forever identifying and marginalising conservative voices. They’ve got the game down to such a fine art that most people would not consider them an intrusive influence, but they are.
Everyone was brought up with the BBC knocking on their doors demanding hundreds of pounds of ‘TV Licence’ to fund BBC propaganda, so they don’t see it as outrageous. A good deal of BBC is innocuous fluff, but they’re very good at nudging the political centre further left in small increments with their news and current affairs divisions.
Now that Britons search in bewilderment for reasons to understand why their society has become so dysfunctional and violent, the real reason is literally staring them in the face, right out of their TV screens. The overwhelming, monolithic leftist power of the BBC, which controls more than half the media, and sets the parameters within which governments may produce an agenda.
If the Brits want to get serious about wrenching their society back away from the soft-left dysfunction that has gradually ruined their education, their police, their families and almost every other institution, they have to disable the one big institution that has promoted the general disintegration, yet flourished itself: the BBC. The BBC strongly promotes every destructive policy setting that has led to the disaster, from child-centred, non-disciplinary teaching in schools where the child’s desires are paramount and learning is virtually optional, to non-confrontational policing where offenders are reasoned with rather than arrested. From the glorification of single motherhood to the aggressive promotion of welfare dependency as a legitimate lifestyle choice, the BBC is the strident voice of modern Leftism, defending all the factors that have led to the breakdown of civil society.
Not even Thatcher could successfully tackle the BBC, but things have got a lot worse since then and it’s time to act. Until they break up and sell that massive monster of Leftism, it will be impossible to turn Britain back into a country where individual responsibility and civil society are once more the norm.
Mon 15 Aug 11 (04:43pm)
John A, we agree. The BBC is a very big dog. They produce more than the ABC too, and this influences the world. I don’t want that to excuse the ABC from their failure of duty. Q&A;, Current affairs, news and Media Watch are appallingly one sided. Occasionally they show two sides when they explore the ALP Green divide.
The problem of a fatherless society
Miranda Devine – Sunday, August 14, 11 (09:09 am)
The fact that Penny Wong’s female partner is to have a baby is a cause for private celebration for them. But why are so many people exhorting the rest of us to celebrate as if this were some major milestone in human civilisation?
You’d think no politician had ever had a child before.
I have just read an article about a person who needed a maternity bed but there was nothing available. The girl was 13 years old. Census statisticians might need to include that fact while looking at where to build more.
It is wonderful for Penny and her significant other that they are to be a family. I wish them well. But I wish to add the truth that modelling works to show others what is acceptable behavior and aspirations. I despise rich leading licentious lives and using money to dig themselves out of scrapes that others can’t. A mum and dad can care for a child on modest means.
Right now we are being challenged to lead more modest lives for Climate Change. How about this example?
Sun 14 Aug 11 (09:32am)
Mon 15 Aug 11 (07:17am)
It is simply appalling that many country towns have no maternity facilities at all for what is a regular occurence of everyday life, which most women expect to have some assistance for close at hand. I think it is good to consider this when cheering the miracles of modern procreation at the other end.
Here’s a letter to the Boston Globe:
Contra Jeff Jacoby, Berl Hartman believes that the new government-imposed fuel-economy standard of 54.5 mpg is realistic because “many leading carmakers … endorsed the new standards. Chrysler said it could use ‘plain-vanilla technology’ to meet the new standards, and all agreed that technology already in the pipeline could suffice” (Letters, Aug. 14).
Before rejecting Mr. Jacoby’s argument, Mr. Hartman should ask why some “leading carmakers” endorse this mandate. If such a magnificent increase in fuel economy is easily and cost-effectively achieved, government no more has to force automakers to offer it than government has to force automakers to offer air-conditioning, cup holders, and other amenities that consumers willingly buy.
Perhaps this ‘endorsement’ is simply the simpering “yes, massa” of corporate executives now servile to leviathan.
Or maybe this support reflects some automakers’ realization that satisfying this mandate will be more costly for their competitors than for them – and, hence, that the mandate will increase the market power of these supportive automakers by differentially burdening, and perhaps even bankrupting, some of their rivals.
Either way, the very statement from Chrysler that Mr. Hartman finds so reassuring should plant in him deep suspicion of Chrysler’s motives.
Donald J. Boudreaux
Tim Blair – Monday, August 15, 11 (03:40 am)
The more extreme the circumstances, the more certain it becomes that someone from the left will write or say something indefensibly stupid.
Tim Blair – Monday, August 15, 11 (03:33 am)
Age national affairs correspondent Katharine Murphy:
If you use language like [Bob] Brown did last week, referring positively to a ‘’Green-Gillard’’ agenda, you are actually stroking the left, not the centre …
That ‘’team’’ terminology alienates Abbott’s battlers. Out there in the ‘’old economy’’ where people make things and pollute with abandon, teeth gnash and blood boils.
That’s an excellent definition of the so-called “old economy” (in fact, the only economy): “where people make things”. As opposed, obviously, to the Green-Gillard “new economy”, where the government taxes people for making things.
Tim Blair – Monday, August 15, 11 (03:18 am)
Some politicians are inclined to seek a low profile when hints of trouble emerge. And then there’s Craig Thomson:
Under-fire Labor MP Craig Thomson – already battling claims he authorised union funds to pay for prostitutes – reduced a charity worker to tears in a spittle-laden tirade that has increased pressure on him to resign.
Mr Thomson gave a Central Coast Salvation Army worker a verbal “bollocking” after a fiery poker machine rally at the Mingara Recreation Club, in which he allegedly threatened to name and shame her in parliament.
It is claimed that he called her a “disgrace” and threatened to “finish your career”.
Mr Thomson vehemently denies this but does not deny that there was a dispute.
No comments on this post. Too many potential legal issues.
Tim Blair – Monday, August 15, 11 (02:43 am)
Caroline Overington joins the latest media trend sweeping the nation – charity puppy donations:
The ABC is advertising for a corporate communications person to replace Sandy Culkoff, who is off to eBay. “I’ve had a ball working with Mark (Scott) and Mick (Millet),” she tells Diary. “But it was time to push on.” They will be swamped, obviously, but let’s have a little bet: if they appoint anyone other than someone from Scott’s old stamping ground, The Sydney Morning Herald, I’ll make a $100 donation to Guide Dogs Australia.
In the future, all media conflicts, wagers or feuds will be settled by giving money to labradors.
And again and again we tried to save that Afghan
Andrew Bolt – Monday, August 15, 11 (04:27 pm)
Something is very different about the Afghan society, and from my point of view, very much worse. And to think it’s a story about the rescue of a dog that makes me despair.
(Thanks to reader Alan RM Jones.)
Welfare and water cannons
Andrew Bolt – Monday, August 15, 11 (04:18 pm)
Peter Hitchens on the burning of England:
As the polluted flood (it is not a tide; it will not go back down again) of spite, greed and violence washes on to their very doorsteps, well-off and influential Left-wingers at last meet the filthy thing they have created, and which they ignored when it did not affect them personally.
No doubt they will find ways to save themselves. But they will not save the country. Because even now they will not admit that all their ideas are wrong, and that the policies of the past 50 years – the policies they love – have been a terrible mistake…
Take our Prime Minister, who ... has no real idea of what to do. He thinks the actual solutions to the problem are ‘fascist’....
Say to him that naughty children should be smacked at home and caned in school, that the police (and responsible adults) should be free to wallop louts and vandals caught in the act, that the police should return to preventive foot patrols, that prisons should be austere places of hard work, plain food and discipline without TV sets or semi-licit drugs, and that wrongdoers should be sent to them when they first take to crime, not when they are already habitual crooks, and he will throw up his well-tailored arms in horror at your barbarity.
Say to him that divorce should be made very difficult and that the state should be energetically in favour of stable, married families with fathers (and cease forthwith to subsidise families without fathers) and he will smirk patronisingly and regard you as a pitiable lunatic.
Say to him that mass immigration should be stopped and reversed, and that those who refuse any of the huge number of jobs which are then available should be denied benefits of any kind, and he will gibber in shock.
Yet he is ready to authorise the use of water cannon and plastic bullets on our streets (quite useless, as it happens, against this sort of outbreak) as if we were a Third World despotism.
Water cannon and plastic bullets indeed. What an utter admission of failure, that after 50 years of the most lavish welfare state in the solar system, you cannot govern your country without soaking the citizenry in cold water and bombarding them with missiles from a safe distance. Except, of course, that it is because of the welfare system that this is so.
Crean could make “a great leader” - of a party now dead
Andrew Bolt – Monday, August 15, 11 (02:11 pm)
True, Fox did not call for Crean to take over:
VICTORIAN trucking magnate Lindsay Fox says Regional Australia Minister Simon Crean would make a “great leader” of the ALP and has warned that the next federal poll would “probably” go against the Gillard government…
He said he expected Labor would be looking for “some sort of stability” before the next poll—prompting Bolt to ask whether Mr Crean might be Labor’s best hope. But Mr Fox downplayed that prospect.
“Simon shows and has always shown good solidarity and great security in a government that is probably having a lot of pressure placed upon them.
“With everyone accepting the next election will probably go against them—they’ve got to look for some sort of stability.”
But what is not mentioned in this report is that Fox added:
Simon is probably the only seniuor citizen today in politics, either Labor or Liberal.
By which he meant Crean was not only more experienced than most around him, but one of the few adults. The kind of person who could provide stability.
But the longer Labor leaves Julia Gillard in charge, the more certain it will be that Kevin Rudd replaces her. Crean (or Shorten) would need time to show voters they can deliver competent and stable government. Rudd can’t be given time to prove he could not, but with his brand recognition, he could and should be dropped in at the last minute for maximum effect.
So Labor must ask itself: is it Crean now or Rudd later?
Meanwhile, the latest Nielsen poll confirms that Labor really, really is a dead party walking under Julia Gillard:
The opposition now leads the government on a two party-preferred basis by 58 per cent to 42 per cent. This represents an 8-point swing to the Coalition since the poll. If the result were repeated at an election, and the swing were uniform, Labor would lose 35 of its 72 seats.
But the Sydney Morning Herald continues its tradition of searching through mountains of manure for Labor’s silver living, and produces this headline:
Gillard shines in Labor gloom
Gillard “shines”? As in, she didn’t personally lead Labor to this devastation? As in, she’s more popular that the turkeys she’s forced to lead?
Actually, no:
The poll finds Ms Gillard’s approval rating has jumped 4 points to 38 per cent since the poll a month ago and her disapproval rating has fallen 5 points to 57 per cent.
A disapproval rating of 57 per cent is not the mark of a Prime Minister who “shines”.
If this is the best hope that former Labor faction leaer Stephen Loosley can offer, Labor is toast:
Next year, carbon pricing becomes a reality. Contrary to opposition charges, the sky will not fall and Western civilisation will not end.
On the contrary, Australian leadership on this issue brings opportunity for Australians, just as the Hawke-Keating economic liberalisation not only led globally, but also resulted in many Australians becoming skilled and active participants in international markets.
Loosley is spending too much time in the company of merchant bankers.
Essential Research has Labor stuck on 43 to 57.
(Thanks to reader Arthur.)
One click, and you’ve created factories, banks, shops …
Andrew Bolt – Monday, August 15, 11 (01:58 pm)
The ACTU and Australian Conservation Foundation have figured out a way to create 770,000 jobs that’s so simple, so fool-proof, I’m astonished no one has every thought of it before.
Apparently, all you need to do is click this.
If Smith is a hate-monger, then so is every imam
Andrew Bolt – Monday, August 15, 11 (01:27 pm)
The restrictions on free speech are becoming absolutely insane when you can be investigated for hate speech against Muslims for simply saying what is in the Koran and the sacred Hadith:
The Australian Communications and Media Authority confirmed in a letter dated July 21 that it was investigating the remarks by the 2UE afternoon host.
Adem Cetinay, a Muslim from Bossley Park, complained that Mr Smith was inciting hatred against Muslims through his July 5 broadcast.
‘’By making this remark he is asserting that God’s messenger is a paedophile. This is racist, it’s stupid and it is not needed on air,’’ he wrote to the station’s program director, Peter Brennan.
In fact, the joke is that Smith was too kind to Mohammad. Islamic teaching is that the Prophet in fact consumated his marriage with Aisha when she was nine, not 11:
Bukhari :: Book 7 :: Volume 62 :: Hadith 88
Narrated ‘Ursa:The Prophet wrote the (marriage contract) with ‘Aisha while she was six years old andconsummated his marriage with her while she was nine years old and she remained with him for nine years (i.e. till his death).
If saying what is in the Islamic texts is a hate crime, every imam should tremble.
(No comments, because we just can’t be bothered going through them all, knowing the dangers of legal action these days, when even speaking the truth cannot save you. Thanks to reader Tasman.)
The greens have ways that would make your blood boil
Andrew Bolt – Monday, August 15, 11 (01:12 pm)
Big Green Brother wants the power to turn off your heating and airconditioning at exactly the time you need it most:
TVs, airconditioners and fridges could be switched off remotely by power companies during peak times under plans to rein in households’ demand for electricity.
The option is among measures being considered as part of a national review of the management of domestic power use.The Ministerial Council on Energy has initiated the Australian Energy Market Commission review in response to the nation’s increasing demand for power.
The council is seeking ways to ease the demand for electricity during extremely cold nights and exceptionally hot days, to avoid the need for energy companies to build more power stations.
Building more power stations didn’t bother politicians a bit in past decades. Now it’s just too terrifying. You either upset the green fanatics by building a cheap coal-fired station, or you outrage consumers by blowing billions on solar and wind.
(Thanks to reader Andrew.,)
Barnett: PM “lacks legitimacy”
Andrew Bolt – Monday, August 15, 11 (10:13 am)
Barnett’s criticisms don’t even sound extreme, such is Labor’s performance:
WA Premier Colin Barnett has blasted Prime Minister Julia Gillard as lacking both legitimacy in her office and political authority. ...
``We have a serious problem that no doubt the prime minister lacks both the legitimacy in that office and also lacks political authority,’’ he said.
``The lack of legitimacy and political authority is a view held widely in this country.’’
Amid the London riots, share market instability and growing concerns over the economies of both Europe and the US, Mr Barnett said Australia needed a steady hand
``What we are seeing instead are radical and divisive policies,’’ he said.
``This is not the time for these policies, if there is ever a time for them.’’
(Thanks to reader Steve. UPDATE: Link fixed.)
Not very warm in New Zealand
Andrew Bolt – Monday, August 15, 11 (10:10 am)
Not climate but weather - which reporters should mention the next time they report an unusual heat wave:
(Thanks to readers Bruce and Bryce,)
If this is our green future, prepare for lots of red
Andrew Bolt – Monday, August 15, 11 (09:27 am)
Tony Windsor is excited, and the Sydney Morning Herald is supportive - but spot the critical fact missing from this report on the new solar energy future:
AUSTRALIA should concentrate its clean energy funding on research, the federal independent MP Tony Windsor says…
Mr Windsor, a member of the government’s multi-party climate change committee, spent last week researching clean energy facilities and policy-making in Europe, including an inspection of Torresol Energy’s 20 megawatt Gemasolar power station near Seville, Spain.
Gemasolar uses 2650 mirrors to concentrate the sun’s rays on to the top of a central ‘’power tower’’ and heat salt to more than 500 degrees. The molten salts store heat that is slowly released to power a steam turbine, generating enough electricity for 25,000 households.
Last month, Gemasolar became the first solar thermal power station to supply electricity into the grid for 24 hours - including throughout the night - a key test for solar energy’s ability to provide baseload power.
Mr Windsor visited the facility with Ross Garnaut, a climate change adviser, and Matthew Wright, head of Beyond Zero Emissions, a think-tank which proposed last year the extensive use of baseload solar power in its stationary energy plan to re-power Australia with 100 per cent renewable energy.
Mr Windsor said the Gemasolar plant was ‘’an incredible sight’’…
“I made the point, ‘we’re driving into our future here’, and we really are!
‘’I have no doubt that this sort of stuff is where we should be going.’’
This missing fact? This solar project to supply just 110GWH of electricity a year cost 230 million euro - or $316 million.
Let’s be generous and round that figure down to $300 million, and do some sums to see how such a plant would compare with some old coal-fired power station such as Hazelwood, which produces 100 times more power:
To replace all of Australia’s electricity capacity with CSP plants like Gemasolar would cost something in the order of $680 billion!
That’s our future?
No wonder no one talks of the price.
Next question: if you really were mad enough to replace a Hazelwood with solar plants, where exactly would you build 100 plants of the size of Gemasolar?:
It’s the seat that keeps Gillard in power
Andrew Bolt – Monday, August 15, 11 (07:13 am)
Craig Thomson is already trying to explain why brothel payments were charged to his union supplied credit cardand authorited by him as the then union chief.
He didn’t need to add to his troubles with this:
UNDER-FIRE Labor MP Craig Thomson - already battling claims he authorised union funds to pay for prostitutes - reduced a charity worker to tears in a spittle-laden tirade that has increased pressure on him to resign.
Mr Thomson gave a Central Coast Salvation Army worker a verbal “bollocking” after a fiery poker machine rally at the Mingara Recreation Club, in which he allegedly threatened to name and shame her in parliament.
It is claimed that he called her a “disgrace” and threatened to “finish your career”.
Mr Thomson vehemently denies this but does not deny that there was a dispute.
(Thanks to readers CA, Rosemary and the Great Waisuli.)
No more comments. Too dangerous. Link fixed.
Trust nothing this government says about global warming
Andrew Bolt – Monday, August 15, 11 (07:05 am)
You already knew, of course, that the Gillard Government would tell any untruth, no matter how brazen or stupid, to sell a tax that would hurt your economy:
THE Gillard government’s claims that Australia lags behind China in the effective price on carbon have been discredited by its Climate Change Department.
The revelations, in documents obtained through a Freedom of Information application, show that rather than trailing China’s implicit carbon price by more than $12 per tonne, Australia’s effective price could already be higher.
This undermines the government’s argument for Australia to introduce a carbon tax now at an additional cost of $23 per tonne.The documents, obtained by the Institute of Public Affairs, show the Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency warned that a crucial draft report on comparative implicit carbon pricesoverestimated China’s figure more than sixfold.
Despite that warning, the higher figure remained in the report and has been quoted by Climate Change Minister Greg Combet.
“Well, according to this report by Vivid Economics,” Mr Combet told the ABC in March, “the effective carbon price in sectors of the Chinese economy was $14 a tonne compared to $1.68 in Australia."…
But a crucial email from the department to the Climate Institute in October provided final revisions to the draft report and argued the China figures were wrong.
It said the figure for the dominant Chinese scheme was overestimated at $7.58 per tonne when, if it had been costed on the same basis as a comparable Australian scheme, the price would have been $1.28 per tonne.
How did such a preposterous figure get produced in the first place? Well, follow the money:
The report the minister referred to was not as independent as it sounds—it was funded by government through a $70,000 payment that went via the “non-partisan” Climate Institute.
Protesters, start your engines
Andrew Bolt – Monday, August 15, 11 (06:39 am)
Enough trucks, and the symbolism will be very damaging - of the country coming in anger to Canberra:
FOR some it’s climate change alarmism; for others too much wasted taxpayers’ money on boatpeople, school halls, or pink batts; and for others still it’s the importation of Chinese apples, the temporary ban on the live cattle trade, or same-sex couples rearing children.
But the common thread in what is emerging as a national Tea Party-style revolt in the form of a “Convoy of No Confidence” to Canberra is a burning conviction that politicians of all persuasions have lost touch with the real-life needs of the common man and woman they are supposed to represent.
What began as a truckies protest against the carbon tax has grown into a mass alliance of those outside the urban elites who feel they have lost their voice…
The convoy, whose drivers will start their engines this week from around the country and converge on Canberra next Monday, was conceived by the National Road Freight Association....
They will ride under the banner “Real people—facing the forgotten issues with friendship and a little fun.”
The first of a total of 11 convoys—each with its own leaders and colours—will set off tomorrow from Port Hedland in Western Australia, led by truck owner-driver Peter Whytcross.
The danger for the protesters is that the message of the protest is becoming unfocussed.
The organisers’ petition, though, is blunt:
… the 43rd Executive Government of Australia has been compromised into wilfully and intentionally misleading the Australian people by introducing a ‘Carban Tax” without the
consent of the Australian people and, that would be normally decided by a free and unencumbered ballot.I therefore demand that the Prime Minister with the concurrence of the Governor-General, immediately dissolve both Houses of the 43rd Parliament and a ballot of the Australian people called so that the people of Australia may elect a responsible 44th Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia.
Details of the convoy and its routes here.
And is Labor’s position any different, Bob?
Andrew Bolt – Monday, August 15, 11 (06:07 am)
Yes, there is a tension between Abbott’s two positions - but it’s one every responsible government battles to reconcile:
THE Greens will move to give farmers veto powers over coal-seam gas operations on their land after seizing on comments from Tony Abbott, who last week backed the right of farmers to deny miners access to their properties.
After the Opposition Leader declined on Saturday to elaborate on remarks he made on Friday that farmers had “a right to say no”, Greens leader Bob Brown said he would seek Mr Abbott’s support for a private member’s bill on the issue.
The bill, to be brought into the Senate in the next fortnight by Greens Queensland senator Larissa Waters, would require the written permission of landholders be obtained before companies could explore for, or extract, coal-seam gas… Mr Abbott’s spokesman said he “stands by his recent comments that the Coalition supports a vibrant coal-seam gas industry”.
The Greens and Labor are trying to make Abbott seem opportunistic, changing his positions to suit his audience. But here is the actual quote that Brown is trying to exploit:
Concern over the issue has sparked a Senate inquiry and on Friday Mr Abbott told Sydney radio host Alan Jones: “If you don’t want something to happen on your land, you ought to have a right to say no. Now, OK, under certain circumstances the government ought to be able to resume your land, but it’s got to be done at a fair price.”
While “reputable miners” would not intrude without permission, Mr Abbott said, “people are entitled to be concerned about any situation where miners are coming on to land against the wishes of landholders”.
These sentiments are little different to those expresed by WA Premier Colim Barnett:
West Australian Premier Colin Barnett weighed into the debate yesterday, saying coal-seam gas mining would be one of the biggest environmental issues to confront the country, while backing the need for mining companies to respect the rights of farmers…
“Generally you get negotiated outcomes between mining companies and farmers or, in some cases, if there’s a resources deposit often the mining companies simply buy the land and work around it.”
Indeed, I suspect the Gillard Government would say exactly the same. And since the Greens are partners with Labor, why hasn’t Brown used his influence over Julia Gillard first to get his bill supported? After all, the Greens and Labor control the Senate between them.
Beat up. Stunt.
I suspect that “prime agricultural land” is really code for land owned by rich people with media access:
TONY Abbott says coal seam gas companies should respect the rights of farmers of “prime agricultural land”, but has rejected a Greens bid to hand landowners a veto over mining interests.
The Opposition Leader today retreated from his unqualified support of farmers over coal seam gas companies, which threatened to undermine his relationship with the nation’s powerful mining industry.
On Friday, Mr Abbott told 2GB’s Alan Jones that “if you don’t want something to happen on your land, you ought to have a right to say no”.
But after being accused of undermining the multi-billion dollar coal seam gas industry, Mr Abbott said he was referring to the farmers of only the most productive land.
“We support the mining industry, but we don’t want to see prime agricultural land destroyed and we think that the rights of farmers should always be respected,” Mr Abbott said today.
Symbol crashes
Andrew Bolt – Monday, August 15, 11 (05:58 am)
The US voted for a symbol, blindly choosing one of the least experienced people to ever become president of the United States. Not surprisingly:
New data posted Sunday shows that 39% of Americans approve of Obama’s job performance, while 54% disapprove. Both are the worst numbers of his presidency.
Bolt Report yesterday
Andrew Bolt – Monday, August 15, 11 (05:53 am)

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