This was death blow for multiculturalism
Piers Akerman – Saturday, August 06, 11 (06:31 pm)
THE responses to the Norwegian terrorist massacre have more clearly delineated the fault lines in Western culture fault lines which are just as evident in our own isolated microcosm.
Anders Behring Breivik killed 77 people and left scores of others wounded in Oslo and on the resort island of Utoya on July 22.
Is illigal immigration the third worlds version of imperialism?
Sat 06 Aug 11 (07:02pm)
Sat 06 Aug 11 (09:29pm)
Noam Chomsky refers to a deep structure within the mind which is what is drawn upon for language acquisition. It is interesting to me as I note that Wikipedia defines Empirialism and Impirialism the same. But I take it it means empire building and is a nasty charge about whomever it is pointed at.
I have no problem with migration. I have no problem with cultural diversity. I won’t accept being beaten up by anybody, be they sole parents, unemployed or cultural imperialists. I expect the law to be followed.
I follow a higher standard than the law. I have a moral code. I still follow the law while having my code. I have no problem with gay marriage. I have no problem with multiple partners. I have no problem with Islam. I wouldn’t choose to adopt any of those practices, but I will accept from others what is legal. I will act according to my conscience.
My culture includes out and out bastards. They rape, murder and desecrate churches. I don’t accept that, and insist the law prosecutes offenders. I am unaware of any other culture that is worse. People in my culture have killed women and children because they felt like it. I take some comfort in that my religious leaders don’t claim they are also fellow worshippers in Christ. But, and I believe them when they tell me this because it is in the Bible, they can be.
The issue of Islamic extremism is serious and exposing the civilian community to it is wrong. I won’t let that impugn Islamists.
I don’t think there is a lesson to be learned from the likes of Martin Bryant or Breivik. I think they are mentally ill and it was irresponsible to condone their ravings before their crimes, just like it is wrong to condone their crimes. I despise the Trolls of the ABC, Fairfax etc who seek to score cheap political points from these complicated issues.
Multiculturalism is a failure. There isn’t any such animal as a multiculture, philosophically, it is one culture or another. But cultural diversity is the future. It isn’t the law. But it is the code I embrace.
Reply: Don’t quote Chomsky here, he is determined to destroy the West.
Sat 06 Aug 11 (10:14pm)
With all due respect, DD Ball, when you say
My culture includes out and out bastards. They rape, murder and desecrate churches.
you’re right, but the difference is that when they do, the blogs and forums and streets aren’t filled with cheers and jubilation. We are shocked and outraged and saddened.
Sun 07 Aug 11 (02:09am)
DD Ball,
Thank you for your thoughtful comment. When you say,’ I despise the Trolls of the ABC, Fairfax etc who seek to score cheap political points from these complicated issues’, I couldn’t agree more. When sick, murdering bastards and rogue political groups become a cause celebre amongst the usual suspects, it is both frightening and dangerous for us all. I suspect some of the usual suspects have a personal agenda which is almost as pathological as the sick, murdering bastards they champion. In this regard I’m thinking of Lee Rhiannon and her desperately angry responses to Israel. Perhaps the usual suspects need sick, mudering bastards and rogue political groups the way the rest of us need oxygen.
Sun 07 Aug 11 (08:14am)
Piers, I might quote it, but I won’t place any store on its’ veracity. We agree.
Caz, true. It is clear the leadership of Islam is captured by extremists, which is not true of conservatives of the West. So that Islamic leaders do not represent a righteous path. So that Piers is spot on to highlight the failure of multiculturalism. There is a need for educational institutions which cater for Islam to embrace the secular world, and they could do little better than to model themselves on Christian institutions which work equivalently.
Laura, we agree. Among the left are leaders who endorse terror and power by any means. They have a journalist following that agree with them and abuse basic principles of cogent argument, replacing debate with abuse.
Sun 07 Aug 11 (08:23am)
Also Piers, I played chess against Chomsky when I was very young, about 5 years old. I can’t tell you the outcome, I don’t really recall it well. Chomsky is a self absorbed git. He may have won to reaffirm his need to appear superior. He might have lost to be gracious (unlikely, or my parents might remember). He probably never finished it, losing interest in not having some camera flash or some coat follower go ‘ah.’
By way of contrast, I played against the gentleman Bob Ludlum. We had bought his old house at Christie St Leonia, in NJ, and he showed several moves, and illustrated a fools mate in a couple of ways.
I think it funny to use a quote to poke at Islamic Imperialism. He really wouldn’t like it.
Sun 07 Aug 11 (12:43pm)
Empires are part of what it is to be human always have been
always will be.
Empires have come and gone over the millenia - as one dies
another rises from the ashes.
Sadly for the mighty West it has been brought low by its own
“elite” whose selfloathing and hate for its own people, culture,
traditions and history knows no bounds.
An unfolding tragedy with those responsible running for cover
spitting venom and in serious denial.
Political correctness - that terrible insistence that some things
must remain unsayable even if they are patently true.
Political correctness - the system of censorship which has settled over Australia like a dense cloud of phosgene gas.
Sun 07 Aug 11 (02:49pm)
DD Ball, I have some disagreement with you but agree with your tenets on the basic debate of islamic migration. We might all say we like multiculturalism, we believe in the law, and you say you accept gay marriage and polygamy.
The problem with such blanket agreeability about things is that until we allow such things in full measure we have absolutely no idea of their unacceptable outcomes and costs to society; by that stage the legitimacy becomes irrevocable in practice and law.
We can all think of where polygamy can lead in a society such as ours with its abundant social welfare apparatus. I believe increasing committment to homosexuality makes development and demands on our children, and hence society, hugely more complex in terms of establishing their own sexuality at time of life when nothing is simple.
Even with multiculturalism, we have no idea as to how successful it is until we have a stressed situation in the world of
one culture versus another. I know of plenty of third generation ‘Áustralians’ where the ethnicity hatreds of their grandparents
still run hot in their grandchildren and probably will continue to the next generation. In England we saw what hatred exists in third generation islamic offspring in blowing up the buses. In
Australia from similar groups we saw applause in the streets when the twin towers went down.
I am not very sanguine about a policy that requires specific laws to impose the ‘acceptance’ of some people upon another,
generally to the advantage of the new party and overused from inception to continue that advantage. That is not acceptance, that is forced integration with all the advantages against the group required to physically and economically integrate the other.
In Australia, a murder is illegal and prosecuted as such. Society cannot tell you to go out and murder someone or ordain the killing as justified on some odd religious concept. Here we seem to allow islamic preachers to produce tirades most foul against our own community which justify adherents committing the most heinous crimes and we appear impotent or worse, unwilling to take any action against them. The grounds appears to be ‘turn the other cheek’ and try to convince the communities
our way is better. A christian preacher would almost be burned at the stake for the same crime. Sharia law, even being allowed a foot in the door, is the beginning of the end for our current legal system. My blood ran cold when I saw polygamy was knowingly being accepted by our law makers currently. Almost like fabian ideas, this is the start of us getting taken down piece by piece.
I cannot understand why our politicians cannot see where encroaching, hate riven islamic migration is taking us when we see day after day what is going on in Europe, where areas become no go zones even for law enforcement and where cartoonists are killed for exercising their craft. We see in this country, even while numbers are small, demands to introduce sharia law. There is no acceptance by these people that they chose to migrate to ‘christian’societies’ and it is they that have to accomodate change to those values and not the other way around. There should be a law allowing, and used, to expatriate
people back to their homelands for inciting hatred in this country.
Leashing Malcolm Turnbull
Miranda Devine – Saturday, August 06, 11 (06:29 pm)
WHAT do you do with a problem like Malcolm Turnbull? It’s a question exercising the minds of a few in the Liberal party, and exciting many in the press gallery.
The common wisdom is that, at some point, the ambitious 56-year-old former investment banker is going to blow up, and wreck the Coalition’s chances of winning the next election. That’s Labor’s fervent hope, anyway.
Adding fuel to the fire is a slimmed-down, energised Turnbull himself who periodically creates controversy with bold, but carefully worded, rebukes to his leader Tony Abbott.
I felt betrayed by Turnbull in ‘07 with those leaks that I felt were because he was ambitious and wanted the leadership. I was willing to endorse his leadership when he achieved it. I felt that he could do anything, and others would accept it, as long as he followed a coherent position. It is expected that a conservative leader would have scruples. However, AGW belief is not a scruple. It is wrong. The tax may be appealing to a leftist but to a conservative it must be regressive. I get the appeal it might have for Turnbull, who as leader might have been able to name his own tax and have support from the ALP and Greens as well as from his own party. But I could not stomach such a thing and clearly neither could the party .. and neither can the general population.
Malcolm, crush the NBN. That is your task. If you want to be remembered as a great leader of vision, then support a Bradfield scheme. Or get out.
Sat 06 Aug 11 (09:38pm)
… is from page 66 of Sir Henry Sumner Maine’s Popular Government (1885):
Yet nothing is more certain, than that the mental picture which enchains the enthusiasts for benevolent democratic government is altogether false, and that, if the mass of mankind were to make an attempt at redividing the common stock of good things, they would resemble, not a number of claimants insisting on the fair division of a fund, but a mutinous crew, feasting on a ship’s provisions, gorging themselves on the meat and intoxicating themselves with the liquors, but refusing to navigate the vessel to port.
Who can doubt that Maine would be completely unsurprised by today’s events in Washington, DC?
It’s a shame that it is necessary to point out here that oppostion to what Maine calls “benevolent democratic government” – by which Maine means largely unlimited democracy – does not imply support for dictatorship, oligarchy, or any other form of top-down, centralized command. Rather, by far the best alternative to unlimited democracy is a system based upon respect for private property rights and for the patterns of market activities that such rights give rise to.
Tim Blair – Sunday, August 07, 11 (08:23 am)
Al Gore, ranting about denier evilists and the evil they deny, completely loses it:
“They pay pseudo-scientists to pretend to be scientists to put out the message: ‘This climate thing, it’s nonsense. Man-made CO2 doesn’t trap heat. It may be volcanoes.’ Bullshit! ‘It may be sun spots.’ Bullshit! ‘It’s not getting warmer.’ Bullshit!” Gore exclaimed.
The large angry man is also upset about the lack of a shared reality:
“When you go and talk to any audience about climate, you hear them washing back at you the same crap over and over and over again,” he continued. “There’s no longer a shared reality on an issue like climate even though the very existence of our civilization is threatened. People have no idea! … It’s no longer acceptable in mixed company, meaning bipartisan company, to use the goddamn word climate. It is not acceptable. They have polluted it to the point where we cannot possibly come to an agreement on it.”
Maybe Al’s warmists might prevail if governments, the UN and the media all got behind his cause and contributed a dollar or two. Oh, wait …
(Via Climate Depot)
Tim Blair – Sunday, August 07, 11 (07:54 am)
Tim Flannery takes all precautions:
While his place was, he admitted, “very close to the water”, the issue was how far it was above the water – something Professor Flannery would not reveal because, he said, it could help identify the location and subject him to a Norway-style attack by conservatives.
This is as likely as any of Flannery’s previous predictions.
(Via Chris Poole)
Tim Blair – Sunday, August 07, 11 (07:53 am)
Happy timing for Mark Steyn:
As the author of a suitably apocalyptic book to be released on Monday, I’m grateful to Standard & Poor’s for providing the ultimate publicity tie-in.
Adds Mark: “On Thursday, in honor of Barack Obama’s 50th birthday, the Dow dropped 10 points for every year he has walked among us. It was the ninth-largest drop in history. We should be relieved he wasn’t turning 80.”
Tim Blair – Sunday, August 07, 11 (07:35 am)
Bob K. emails:
My brother-in-law sent me this photo from a barber shop in Taylor, Arizona (that’s my sister in the reflection).
He did get a hair cut.
Is America a great country or what?
Your Texas Friend,
Bob K.
The full text of that barber shop promo: “Every time you get your hair cut between now and December 2011 you can enter to win this 9mm Hi Point Carbine. $260 retail value! All ATF rules apply.”
Tim Blair – Sunday, August 07, 11 (07:27 am)
I was 142 days old when Collingwood defeated Melbourne at Victoria Park to establish a ten-game winning streak. It should have extended to 11 games, but the umpiring at the Lake Oval in round 18 was appalling.
No matter. Last night Collingwood finally completed an 11-game sequential victory record by destroying Port Adelaide. Next Friday: St Kilda, and further vengeance for ruining the first month of my life.
From today’s Bolt Report
Andrew Bolt – Sunday, August 07, 11 (03:35 pm)
What to do with that government propaganda. And Professor Sinclair Davidson on the looming danger of stagflation.
Good reviews for Davidson, but his message is grim.
Racists attack
Andrew Bolt – Sunday, August 07, 11 (11:49 am)
Milwaukee race riot:
Witnesses tell ... of a mob of young people attacking innocent fair-goers at the end of the opening night of State Fair, with some callers claiming a racially-charged scene....
Witnesses’ accounts claim everything from dozens to hundreds of young black people beating white people as they left State Fair Thursday night....
“It looked like they were just going after white guys, white people,” said Norb Roffers of Wind Lake…
“It was 100% racial,” claimed Eric, an Iraq war veteran from St. Francis who says young people beat on his car.
“I had a black couple on my right side, and these black kids were running in between all the cars, and they were pounding on my doors and trying to open up doors on my car, and they didn’t do one thing to this black couple that was in this car next to us. They just kept walking right past their car. They were looking in everybody’s windshield as they were running by, seeing who was white and who was black. Guarantee it.”
And in London:
POLICE cars were torched, shops looted and a bus burned out as a major riot erupted in North London last night.
Petrol bombs were thrown as hundreds of protesters rampaged in Tottenham, after local anger over the fatal shooting of a suspected gangster by cops.
An initially-peaceful demonstration had been held outside a police station on the area’s High Road from about 5pm, where locals called for “justice” after the 29-year-old man named as Mark Duggan (above) was killed on Thursday night.But witnesses said as anger turned to violence, hundreds more protesters appeared on the scene - apparently alerted by people using Twitter.
Most of the reporting on the London riot is extremely coy. But when so many people consider police the enemy and a black gangster their ally, and believe they’re entitled to destroy and to loot, it’s natural to suspect that they are people who do not think they belong to the society around them:
The area is very diverse and home to one of the capital’s biggest black populations. The area also has a history of racial tension and anti-police feeling.
Is race a faultline that clever multicultural policies can heal, or is it always there, liable to yawn open at some sign of stress? This question is critical for multiethnic societies.
Toby Young:
What’s so depressing about tonight’s outbreak of public disorder is that it indicates that little or no progress has been made when it comes to relations between the police and the local African-Caribbean population, particularly the local youths. The trigger for the original Broadwater Farm Riot was the death of Cynthia Jarrett, the 49-year-old mother of a young black man called Floyd Jarrett. She collapsed and died during an altercation when the police came to her home to arrest her son. There was a demonstration outside the police station the following day in which police officers were pelted with bricks and petrol bombs. Later that night, the disturbances spread to the Broadwater Farm estate, with a fire breaking out in one of the housing blocks. The fire brigade came under attack when they entered the estate and a police officer who was trying to protect the fire fighters was murdered by a violent mob.
Tonight’s disturbances are almost a carbon copy of the events of 26 years ago. They were triggered by the death of a 29-year-old black man who was shot and killed by Operation Trident officers on Thursday night. Protests by community leaders were followed by outbreaks of disorder, just as they were in 1985. Tottenham was a tinderbox then and, judging from the pictures on Sky News this evening, it’s a tinderbox now.
The policy most reporters seem to have adopted in reporting this riot, refusing to mention any ethnic characteristics of the perpetrators, suggest a fear of the facts and of speaking frankly that makes a solution all the harder.
Second boat arrives
Andrew Bolt – Sunday, August 07, 11 (11:30 am)
And now the Gillard Government starts to sweat ... a second boat has arrived since the Malaysian deal was signed:
HMAS Albany, operating under the control of Border Protection Command, intercepted a suspected ‘irregular entry vessel’ north east of Christmas Island this morning.
w Initial indications suggest there are 50 passengers and 2 crew on board.
Two boats since the people swap deal with Malaysia was finally signed means that already 105 of the 800 places are filled of the quota Malaysia will take in exchange for 4000 of their own refugees.
But does the pipe reach the tap?
Andrew Bolt – Sunday, August 07, 11 (11:22 am)
The claim, if true, is damning:
With Lake Eildon at 91 per cent - its highest level in 15 years - and billions of litres being released from it every day to prevent flooding, Water Minister Peter Walsh refuses to switch on the pipeline or say when he will…
The State Opposition has branded the stance “pig-headed” and “ideologically stubborn”.
After pledging to use the pipe only in extreme circumstances, the Baillieu Government must now choose either to break an election promise, or continue to allow billions of litres of water to go down the drain.
Close to 10 gigalitres - or 10 billion litres - of water a day has been released from the reservoir in recent weeks. That’s enough to supply Melbourne’s water for a year…
The water at Lake Eildon, in the state’s northeast, is being released into the Goulburn River, which feeds into the Murray River near Echuca and empties into the ocean off South Australia.
But reader Peter calls foul on this story:
It suggests that somehow, by turning on the north/south pipeline Melbourne’s dams can capture water that is currently being released down the Goulburn consequent to the much improved rainfall in the river’s catchments.
Although the map on Melbourne Water’s website shows network of pipes that would seem to make that possible, in fact it is not.
The north/south pipeline can only supply water to Sugarloaf Reservoir. The outflow from Sugarloaf is treated in the Winneke Treatment plant (which I once helped design and commission) from which it is transported to the Preston Service Reservoir Complex and then directly into distribution. Melbourne Water may well have the capacity now to transfer some of that water to Greenvale, but it certainly doesn’t have the ability to move any of it across to Silvan and hence into Cardinia.
Sugarloaf is full. Silvan is never completely filled as it is simply a transit reservoir, almost a surge tank, for accepting and rerouting water from the Thomson/Upper Yarra system into Cardinia and also directly into supply to various service reservoirs east and north of the city..
What (this story) suggests simply cannot be done – a weakness of the north/south pipeline concept that I pointed out long ago. If the Government had proceeded to build the dam at Watson’s Creek, which was the next dam the former MMBW planned to build, then what is suggested would be possible. Watsons Creek, like Sugarloaf, Cardinia, Silvan and Greenvale was to be an off-stream storage filled by untreated water from Sugarloaf itself. It would have been 10 times larger than Sugarloaf itself.
Let’s have politicians with some skin in the game
Andrew Bolt – Sunday, August 07, 11 (09:50 am)
Peter Swtizer hopes the stockmarket crunch is a wake-up:
Now all we need is to get our politicians to see the economic and financial world as it is, rather than how it might be, and we might see them come out and change their thinking as well as their rhetoric… Call a national summit, not about how they can tax the butt out of Australia but maybe on how they can devise policies to encourage entrepreneurs to grow the economic cake…
Politicians and others who don’t believe me should be made to borrow $1 million, be given 20 employees, and take out a three-year lease of $100,000 a year.
They should be visited by the tax office, the occupational health and safety mob and then try to apply for a business credit card as well as a merchandise facility. Next they should be faced with a pay rise for their staff, an interest rate rise and a threat of three more.
Oh yes, then let each staff member take carer’s leave for 10 days in a row: when one comes back, let another one do their 10 days. And let’s throw in a bullying case by a staff member as well.
Then they might understand why business confidence is low and why many Aussies are dying to see supportive, positive leadership.
(Thanks to reader Andrew.)
Boy on hunger strike to make Gillard relent
Andrew Bolt – Sunday, August 07, 11 (06:04 am)
Yes, it’s orchestrated, but that doesn’t mean it won’t hurt the government:
THE small boy whose subdued expression captured the mood of asylum seekers destined for expulsion to Malaysia has begun starving himself on Christmas Island, according to the refugee advocate with unparalleled access to detainees, workers and compounds on the tiny Australian territory.
Asylum Seekers Christmas Island director Michelle Dimasi said the boy, whom she believes was aged seven or eight, had joined men, women and other children in refusing to eat food or take water.They refused to go to their beds last night and instead slept on the ground outside in the rain, Ms Dimasi said.
China tells US how to run a strong economy
Andrew Bolt – Sunday, August 07, 11 (06:00 am)
For most of my life it has been impossible to even imagine China being able to give the US economic advice:
CHINA has hit out at the United States after its unprecedented ratings downgrade, with state media saying that the world’s largest economy needed to cure its “addiction” to debt.
Navy SEALs killed
Andrew Bolt – Sunday, August 07, 11 (05:44 am)
A blow:
Insurgents shot down a U.S. military helicopter during fighting in eastern Afghanistan, killing at least 30 Americans, most of them belonging to the same elite unit as the Navy SEALs who killed al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden, U.S. officials said Saturday. It was the deadliest single loss for American forces in the decade-old war against the Taliban.
None of those killed were in the squad that took out bin Laden.

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