The U.S. Campaign for Burma is happy to again be working with U2 this summer on their 360° tour. Our grassroots members have been active in engaging concert goers and building support for the cause across the U.S. Thanks to all our members and volunteers so far and the ones in the cities to come!
On Wednesday, June 22nd, twelve U.S. Campaign for Burma members arrived at U2’s 360° tour performance in Baltimore, Maryland with the goal of raising awareness about both human rights violations in Burma and Aung San Suu Kyi’s fight for democracy.
John Baumann, the team leader for the Baltimore concert said, "It was great to be at the U2 concert not just because it was a good show, but because a stadium full of people got a few moments of education and inspiration about Burma from Bono onstage and from the U.S. Campaign for Burma members." John hopes that thousands learn about Burma at these concerts.
"I quickly found out that the only people who know about the situation in Burma are those who have been to a U2 concert before. Which means that Bono's doing a great job, but there's still a lot of awareness raising work to do" states USCB intern, Jill Ridderbos. "It was a great experience to be part of the effort and we are very thankful to U2 for helping us raise awareness about Burma" added Kate Morton, another USCB intern.
Along with members of Amnesty International and the ONE Campaign, USCB volunteers canvassed the crowd outside of the concert venue for several hours, working to get petition signatures up until moments before the concert start time.
We are very thankful for the committed volunteers and our faithful members for all their time and support. Let us keep up the good work!!!
In gratitude and solidarity,
Myra and USCB team
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