Amy Winehouse - Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow
What a pack of burqas
Piers Akerman – Saturday, July 23, 11 (05:42 pm)
In the middle of its cold summer holiday, Europe is struggling with two major issues - the fragile Euro economy and unwanted Islamic migration. The Left’s obsession with Rupert Murdoch’s media empire is no longer news.
Those among France’s hard-working middle class who do mention Murdoch, proprietor of this newspaper, do so with admiration for the drive and determination he has displayed throughout his corporation-building career.
The big topic is the economic survival of the European community. French president Nicolas Sarkozy held a press conference last Thursday night after an all-day summit with German chancellor Angela Merkel, Greek prime minister George Papandreou and other European leaders and bankers on Greece’s debt crisis.The Clayton’s solution Sarkozy outlined embraces a lowering of the interest rates on Greece’s crippling loans and an extension of the period in which the nation may repay them. This is not an end to the problem, it merely places Greece on an economic drip and its loans on the never-never.
It’s a classic European dodge. Push the problem into the future and hope that when it next erupts, someone else will have to deal with it.
I like migration and want more. I think it is important that the law be applied too. Equally and fairly. I think if we didn’t nuke our ability to grow, by not having water available, people would be less inclined to complain. Also bad immigration policy is an aggravating factor. The pacific solution was fair. The current policy is unfair.
Sat 23 Jul 11 (06:07pm)
Sun 24 Jul 11 (09:41am)
Well that’s just jim dandy for you. I am totally unimpressed with the quality of immigrants we are getting and I want a moratorium, to allow time for INTEGRATION and not multiculturalism, which has been and will continue to be an abject failure.
Sun 24 Jul 11 (09:45am)
A New South Wales police officer commented recently that he and his colleagues would have far fewer problems if Temporary Protection Visas were still being issued, meaning that troublemakers from the refugee communities here would be less likely to misbehave.
I agree that the Pacific Solution was fair. I cannot understand why Labor abandoned it and I am very annoyed that they pretend that it is not the solution and ignore its past success.
Sun 24 Jul 11 (09:26pm)
They gives us patheic referendums on Republics, flags, daylight saving, and any other mediocre farce that comes to mind.
Don’t let those dirty plebs have a say on immigration and muliticulturalism though. It might upset the dual passport holder developers who have put us in the top twenty of the world’s most in debt countries !
A network of nastiness
Miranda Devine – Saturday, July 23, 11 (05:52 pm)
Sweet, pretty and popular, 14-year-old Dannii Sanders had almost 2000 Facebook friends. Whether or not cyberbullying played a part in her suicide last week, as her friends claim it did and those closest to her deny, it’s clear social networking was a big part of her short life.
And it’s also clear that after her death, a memorial Facebook page in her name was bombarded with vile hate messages and images.
“Deserved it. I (laughed out loud) hard,” one poster wrote. “She can’t read this because she’s dead,” wrote another. We won’t repeat the more depraved comments because that would just provide pleasure to those who create them.
Yes, pleasure.
The real question is, when even a cursory look at Facebook demonstrates that there are numerous defamatory, cyberstalking or outright flagrant psychotic hate pages, and Facebook has been informed about all of them (as if they didn’t know) WHY IS FACEBOOK NOT SUBJECT TO FEDERAL POLICE PROSECUTION?
Porn sites are regularly shut down overseas by local Fed Pol action. So why the hands off approach to the worst sewer of the internet?
Sat 23 Jul 11 (06:41pm)
Sun 24 Jul 11 (02:16pm)
FB is not solely how you characterise it, or it would be shut down.
Seems very peculiar that a sentence like this - Most are male and have been around in every culture since time immemorial = in an article that seems to be wholly about girls bullying girls. Other suspect mentions are mysoginistic, Some young girls, It is a statistical fact that males suicide at about 4 : 1 in relation to females. 44 years of anecdotal evidence would suggest this is even more - 6 : 1 maybe - accentuated in young people. Tragic as this is it appears that society still cant bring itself to accept that females are actually violent, controlling, vengeful, nasty and all other things baser we accept males are capable of. Thing is, anecdotaly, females seem much more ready to engage in this gang type, social and public harrassment than males.
Sat 23 Jul 11 (06:49pm)
Sun 24 Jul 11 (02:20pm)
The issue is real with peculiarities for each gender. Boys are also heavily involved with terrible bullying, as is obvious. Girls are subtler. Thing is it is not easy to know who is who. If you don’t know them they might not be who they claim to be, the age they claim to be or the gender they claim to be. The trick is, imho, to be who you are, and let the rest sort itself.
Good people have to be engaged with the medium to mitigate the horror. People with authority who have a role in the lives of young people. I get it that many don’t want to go near it because of the dangers. But it means a lot when kids are getting into a spaz if an adult is on hand to play a cool, middle line. I don’t mean a parasite who gets pleasure associating with the young to recall their own youth. But a person who has an online presence which intersects with the lives of young people.
One thing I am involved with but take no part in is local youth work in film and television and creative work. I am not an artist. I cannot help kids get gigs. I make suggestions where I can and try to promote what I can. For free. The result is I know many young people and are in touch with them through social networking. They tolerate my daily bible readings and conservative politics. I don’t interfere with their social chatter. But when the community was in mourning over the tragic murder of a young woman I was there and a mature presence. Kids still want that.
Sat 23 Jul 11 (07:55pm)
… is the final paragraph of my favorite essay by one of my all-time favorite thinkers. The essay, written in 1830, is by Thomas Babington Macaulay; its title is “Southey’s Colloquies on Society“:
It is not by the intermeddling of [English poet laureate] Mr. Southey’s idol, the omniscient and omnipotent State, but by the prudence and energy of the people, that England has hitherto been carried forward in civilization; and it is to the same prudence and the same energy that we now look with comfort and good hope. Our rulers will best promote the improvement of the nation by strictly confining themselves to their own legitimate duties, by leaving capital to find its most lucrative course, commodities their fair price, industry and intelligence their natural reward, idleness and folly their natural punishment, by maintaining peace, by defending property, by diminishing the price of law, and by observing strict economy in every department of the state. Let the Government do this: the People will assuredly do the rest.
Tim Blair – Monday, July 25, 11 (01:06 pm)
Australia’s Prime Minister is currently wearing out her shoe leather in a frantic nationwide search for someone who likes her carbon tax.
We join her now at a press conference already underway in beautiful Byron Bay, where Ms Gillard is inspecting an aromatherapy candle outlet run by Evaan and his life partner Lilly.
PRIME MINISTER: … and this thriving candle company, shining so brightly with so many points of sustainable illumination, shows why Mr Abbott is wrong to reject the price on carbon pollution, wrong to reject the science, and wrong to turn his back on Australia’s clean energy future. Ouch!
REPORTER: Her back’s on fire! Put her out!
Tim Blair – Monday, July 25, 11 (12:49 pm)
First comes the conservative government, and then comes the picnic bloodletting:
Bushwalkers and picnickers face a greater risk of being shot in NSW’s state forests because the Coalition government has opened the gates to hunters, a Labor MP says …
‘’Over this term of government, at this rate, there’ll be an extra 5000 hunters in our state forests,’’ [opposition environment spokesman Luke Foley] said.
People relaxing in parks were being exposed to the sound of gunfire and risked being hurt, said.
Not a problem. According to Foley logic, all those hunters will surely end up shooting each other.
Tim Blair – Monday, July 25, 11 (06:26 am)
It’s just sad:
Peter Garrett made a song and dance about the need to “drum up support” for the carbon tax but yesterday it was only his most faithful supporters who joined him for a beachside rally …
“Bring a drum or something to make yourself heard,” Mr Garrett’s July 18 letter read. “I’m asking for your support to help the Gillard government tackle climate change.”
His call to arms was answered by fewer than 200 people carrying a few saucepan lids and maracas …
Some consolation may be taken, perhaps, in that the saucepan lids and maracas didn’t turn against their owners. Sydney City Council can only dream of such loyalty:
An attempt by Greens on the Sydney City Council to boycott businesses supporting an anti-carbon-tax campaign has backfired.
Greens councillor Chris Harris was left red-faced after it emerged the council was itself a member of a business chamber he wanted to boycott.
Don’t let that stop you.
Tim Blair – Monday, July 25, 11 (05:35 am)
Professor Bunyip exposes the latest government plan to survive carbon tax poverty:
Our government has a website that urges Australians to save the planet from the carbon curse by, amongst other things, sleeping with our dogs …
Or any other heat-generating housebeasts. As the site says:
To reduce the energy you use while watching TV, take another tip from grandma and share the warmth. Snuggle up under a rug, snuggle with your family or cuddle your favourite pet.
The government is grandma now? And where are we living – in a freakin’ snowdrift? Also, just by-the-by, shouldn’t global warming itself be taking care of any hypothermia issues?
Tim Blair – Monday, July 25, 11 (05:12 am)
US reader Smike emails:
World-wise Aussie punters are on tenterhooks awaiting the outcome of the US debt limit talks. At $1.0851 USD per, the gamble is to travel there now or wait until after August 2 when the US is officially tapped out and the exchange rate gets even better. Bargains abound. Steyn has more.
“Don’t delay,” counsels Smike. “Our own problems loom.”
Tim Blair – Monday, July 25, 11 (04:57 am)
Australian Cadel Evans wins the Tour de France:
Further Evans news here. My patriotic local grocer high-fived customers last night and rejoiced over and over again in the story of the magical 20th stage. For a time, all hostility towards bicycle lanes is put aside. “Cadel Evans has conquered France,” reads the second editorial in today’s Telegraph. “Hail him.”
Tim Blair – Monday, July 25, 11 (03:57 am)
Former Daily Telegraph editor David Penberthy reflects on changes in politics from 2007 to 2011:
For a number of reasons John Howard was on a hiding to nothing in 2007.
A majority of voters – this sounds funny now – were alarmed at the prospect of global warming and wanted the government to act.
He had exceeded his mandate on WorkChoices. His boast from the 2004 campaign, ‘“Who do you trust to keep interest rates low?”, was undermined by successive rate rises. He had failed to resolve the leadership question with Peter Costello. I was editor of The Daily Telegraph at the time of Howard’s demise and the job fell to the paper to record and analyse the strife he was in. It wasn’t a case of creating public opinion but chronicling it. There were several front pages that were a bit of a smash-up on the bloke.
But they weren’t unfair. I was opinion editor at the time, and although I believed Howard should have been re-elected, I couldn’t disagree with Dave’s assessment of the public view. We argued over some details of our coverage – arguments, both in print and in the office, are not infrequent at the Telegraph – but overall those front pages reflected a clear electoral shift. Howard himself didn’t complain:
The only thing John Howard said about these successive front pages, ever, was in a casual aside at a Dally M dinner. In a droll and valid reference to Kevin Rudd’s profanity-laden, glass-jawed preciousness in relation to negative press, he said: “I’ve been following the coverage – and I just hope you have noted that unlike some political leaders, you haven’t had any abusive phone calls from me.”
Howard knew he was cactus and he knew it was the job of the media to reflect that.
Now that Labor is copping some front-page reflection, they’re whining like underfed labradoodles:
The complaints from Gillard and others about their treatment at the dastardly hands of News Limited suggest three things: preciousness, blame-shifting and amnesia.
The amnesia part is the deadliest. It goes not just to the valid news coverage Howard received as he trudged towards his execution, but the chief policy reason he was making that doomed march.
That reason was WorkChoices. Simply, he had no mandate. Gillard has her own WorkChoices and it’s the carbon tax.
Penberthy concludes:
Of course there is every chance the News Limited conspiracy theorists are right and that we are so cunning, the negative coverage of Howard was a plot to pave way for Rudd, who would be knocked off by Gillard, who would then mislead the public so badly about the carbon tax that we’d get Abbott as prime minister. Maybe she could have an inquiry into that.
Go for it, Prime Minister. Maybe it’ll turn up some of that phone-hacking you’re so down on. In England.
No comment
Andrew Bolt – Monday, July 25, 11 (03:11 pm)
For legal reasons, I am unable to express my opinion about racial identification in such a circumstance as this:
Professor Lisa Jackson Pulver is not your average Australian Jew. True, she is one of this country’s 110,000 or so tribal members, but she is also a member of another tribe - an Aboriginal tribe called the Wiradjuri.
And yet, despite the seeming rarity of an Aboriginal Jew, Professor Jackson Pulver says she is not alone… “There’s a big mob of black Cohens out there and they’ve got Jewish ancestry.”..
The first Aboriginal Australian to receive a PhD in medicine from the University of Sydney, Professor Jackson Pulver is now the director of the Muru Marri Indigenous Health Unit at the University of New South Wales in Sydney.
Here’s the story of her struggle to get a PhD in Medicine. I cannot comment on aspects of it.
Unfortunately, for legal reasons I also cannot comment about the racial identification claimed by students of the Muru Marri Indigenous Health Unit.
Apologies, but legal reasons forbid me for allowing you to comment, either.
(Thanks to reader Paua, whose interesting observations I am unable to publish for legal reasons.)
And where did that 1939 accent go?
Andrew Bolt – Monday, July 25, 11 (02:39 pm)
Reader Geoffrey discovers some great newsreels from British Pathe: Australian soldiers playing football in 1916and Australia playing Palestine at soccer at the Sydney Cricket Ground in 1939.
And the Greeks invented maths?
Andrew Bolt – Monday, July 25, 11 (01:56 pm)
Michael Lewis on how the Greeks got into this fantastic mess that now threatens the European Union with financial disaster and political disintegration:
In just the past decade the wage bill of the Greek public sector has doubled, in real terms—and that number doesn’t take into account the bribes collected by public officials. The average government job pays almost three times the average private-sector job. The national railroad has annual revenues of 100 million euros against an annual wage bill of 400 million, plus 300 million euros in other expenses. The average state railroad employee earns 65,000 euros a year. Twenty years ago a successful businessman turned minister of finance named Stefanos Manos pointed out that it would be cheaper to put all Greece’s rail passengers into taxicabs: it’s still true....
The Greek public-school system is the site of breathtaking inefficiency: one of the lowest-ranked systems in Europe, it nonetheless employs four times as many teachers per pupil as the highest-ranked, Finland’s…
The retirement age for Greek jobs classified as “arduous” is as early as 55 for men and 50 for women. As this is also the moment when the state begins to shovel out generous pensions, more than 600 Greek professions somehow managed to get themselves classified as arduous: hairdressers, radio announcers, waiters, musicians, and on and on and on. The Greek public health-care system spends far more on supplies than the European average—and it is not uncommon, several Greeks tell me, to see nurses and doctors leaving the job with their arms filled with paper towels and diapers and whatever else they can plunder from the supply closets…
The scale of Greek tax cheating was at least as incredible as its scope: an estimated two-thirds of Greek doctors reported incomes under 12,000 euros a year—which meant, because incomes below that amount weren’t taxable, that even plastic surgeons making millions a year paid no tax at all....
For most of the 1980s and 1990s, Greek interest rates had run a full 10 percent higher than German ones, as Greeks were regarded as far less likely to repay a loan… In 2001, Greece entered the European Monetary Union, swapped the drachma for the euro, and acquired for its debt an implicit European (read German) guarantee. Greeks could now borrow long-term funds at roughly the same rate as Germans—not 18 percent but 5 percent. To remain in the euro zone, they were meant, in theory, to maintain budget deficits below 3 percent of G.D.P.; in practice, all they had to do was cook the books to show that they were hitting the targets. Here, in 2001, entered Goldman Sachs, which engaged in a series of apparently legal but nonetheless repellent deals designed to hide the Greek government’s true level of indebtedness. For these trades Goldman Sachs—which, in effect, handed Greece a $1 billion loan—carved out a reported $300 million in fees…
When (Finance Minister) Papaconstantinou arrived here, last October, the Greek government had estimated its 2009 budget deficit at 3.7 percent. Two weeks later that number was revised upward to 12.5 percent and actually turned out to be nearly 14 percent....
Then there’s the amazing story about the monks, the lake and the land swap that earned them maybe billions. Read it all.
(Thanks to reader Andrew.)
Pascoe’s dam silly argument
Andrew Bolt – Monday, July 25, 11 (01:19 pm)
Michael Pascoe writes with all the scathing certitude of your common Fairfax warmist:
If anyone took Christopher Monckton seriously enough to bother contradicting him, a quick check of the Canadian province’s experience with a carbon tax would destroy his typically hyperbolic claim that putting a price on carbon would reduce Australia to a third world banana monarchy.
This week’s Economist magazine notes that since introducing the tax in 2008, the BC economy has done well, outperforming the rest of Canada with slightly higher growth, slightly lower unemployment and lower income taxes…
And the BC government didn’t wimp out on applying the tax to fuel either – the Economist reports the tax adds 5 cents a litre to the price of petrol. Fuel consumption per head in BC has fallen by 4.5 per cent since 2008.
Let’s overlook Pascoe’s hyperbole and crude sleight of hand in implying that because there’s still some growth after such a tax, that it’s wrong to think there would have been even more without it.
Consider instead the most basic objection to his analogy - that British Columbia relies almost completely on electricity that would not be affected by a carbon dioxide tax, while Australia relies almost completely on electricity that would.
In fact, more than 90 per cent of Australia’s electricity comes from carbon--based fuels, mostly coal:
Total electricity production was around 925 PJ (257 TWh) in 2007–08. Coal accounts for more than three-quarters of Australia’s electricity generation, followed by gas (16 per cent). Renewables account for an estimated 7 per cent of electricity generation, most of which is hydro.
But more than 90 per cent of British Columbia’s electricity is hydroelectricity, and unaffected by a carbon dioxide tax:
Now, why didn’t Pascoe point out this fundamental difference, which might explain just why a carbon dioxide tax that hasn’t poleaxed British Columbia would still hurt Australia?
Oh, and one other little detail Pascoe forgot to mention. How much warming was averted by British Columbia’s tax?
Pascoe also doesn’t mention that one reason fuel use in British Columbia has dropped since petrol was taxed is that some Vancouver locals might now just drive over the border, 15 minutes away, to fill up:
People living in southern B.C.[Canada] might find it an opportune time to head south of the border this weekend to fill up their gas tanks.
The Lower Mainland is seeing prices topping $1.33 per litre at some gas stations. But in Washington, you can still fill up for anywhere from 94 cents to a $1.04 per litre…
[University of British Columbia business professor Ambarish Chandra] said it’s no surprise that gasoline is almost 40 cents per litre cheaper in Blaine, Wash., than it is in Burnaby, B.C.
“The States are just cheaper. They don’t tax gasoline or most energy sources the way we do in Canada…”
(Thanks to readers Alan RM Jones and Tim.)
Newspoll: Labor 44 to 56
Andrew Bolt – Monday, July 25, 11 (11:57 am)
A slight improvement in the polls for Julia Gillard’s tax and government, but not for her:
Support for the carbon tax rose six percentage points to 36 per cent, after sitting at 30 per cent for almost three months, according to the latest Newspoll survey…
Dissatisfaction with the Prime Minister’s performance remains unchanged at a record high…
Satisfaction with Tony Abbott has fallen but he remains a point ahead of Ms Gillard as preferred prime minister ...
Labor’s primary vote rose from its lowest-ever support of 27 per cent to 29 per cent and the Coalition’s fell from 49 to 47 per cent…
Based on preference flows at the August 2010 election the Coalition has a two-party preferred vote of 56 per cent compared with Labor’s 44 per cent. Before the release of the package the Coalition led by 58 to 42 per cent.
Essential Media also notes a slight improvement for Labor, which goes up to 45 per cent of the 2PP to the Coalition’s 55.
Revealed: Gillard last year opposed “pricing carbon”
Andrew Bolt – Monday, July 25, 11 (11:13 am)
Julia Gillard only last year wanted a policy like Tony Abbott’s So which policy is the “real Julia"s"?
JULIA Gillard faces new pressure over her climate change convictions as Tony Abbott seized on a report revealing she previously pushed for a bipartisan approach that didn’t involve a carbon tax or an emissions trading scheme.
Mr Abbott today questioned what Ms Gillard stood for, saying her post-election carbon tax plan had been dictated by the Greens…
The Australian Financial Review reports that Ms Gillard, as deputy prime minister, had encouraged the Rudd government’s “kitchen cabinet” to shelve plans for a carbon price in favour of other alternatives.
The revelation is extremely damaging for Ms Gillard, who with Treasurer Wayne Swan urged Kevin Rudd to dump his emissions trading scheme…
In a paper titled “The bipartisan solution” , Ms Gillard reportedly urged senior colleagues to set aside contentious aspects of the government’s climate change policy for so long as Mr Abbott remained opposition leader.
She reportedly lobbied for a new policy to achieve Australia’s five per cent emissions reduction target by 2020 without pricing carbon, submitting the proposal for consideration to the Strategic Priorities and Budget Committee of Cabinet.
And the reason her colleagues rejected her clone of Abbott’s “direct action” plan? No, nothing to do with science or the moral imperative:
Mr Rudd and his ministers thought Ms Gillard’s proposal would hand Mr Abbott a political advantage.
But bottom line, Gillard only last year was arguing against “pricing carbon”.
Yes, the same Gillard who was telling the public we couldn’t afford to wait:
We want to act now to deal with climate change.... Delay is denial.
Does any warmist in this fraud of a debate believe a word they’re actually saying?
Which of Gillard’s enemies in Labor leaked this, do you think?
What a disaster for her.
Another dud green investment in solar
Andrew Bolt – Monday, July 25, 11 (10:41 am)
2008, and Labor slashed out another $1 million for our “clean energy future”:
Melbourne company Solar Systems is upgrading the Umuwa solar power station in northern South Australia with the latest technology.
Today Australian Government Minister for the Environment, Heritage and the Arts Peter Garrett announced that the Australian and South Australian Governments would fund a $1.1 million upgrade of the solar power station.
It’s clean and green, boasted Garrett:
Mr Garrett said the injection of money into the project will ensure a ”reliable, renewable power source” for people living in one of the state’s most remote regions.
But it turns out to be another $1 million wasted:
The $2.5 million state- and federally-funded sun farm was built at Umuwa in 2003.
Another $1 million was spent upgrading it in 2008, but it has not been running for the past year…
Energy Minister Michael O’Brien said the solar technology was flawed and is no longer economically viable.
(Thanks to reader Ben,)
From the Bolt Report yesterday
Andrew Bolt – Monday, July 25, 11 (10:04 am)
Thank you. We yesterday received our second-highest ratings figures, a cumulative 301,000.
Look not at his creed but his wounds
Andrew Bolt – Monday, July 25, 11 (07:02 am)
There seems to be a lot of gloating attempts to blame the horrific murder of 93 Norwegians of any interest group or cause that murderer Anders Behring Breivik touched.
Since he improbably claimed to be a Christian, that is seized upon as being implicated.
Since he was anti-Islamic, that is also widely regarded as a motive for his slaughter of Norwegian Christians, leading to wildly off-the-mark damning of Norwegian society generally, like this:
Many Norwegians don’t want their idyll spoiled, by either joining the EU, or by turning multicultural - and it is this nativist side of the country that has now turned horrifyingly murderous. Clearly, Norway must confront its racist demons, in the same way other western nations have
Since he was “Right wing”, that is a very favored theory by many journalists, who seem unaware that extremes of the Right and Left are indistinguishable, sharing the same contempt for the individual that is the real pathology.
Since he was a Freemason, that, too is cited as evidence of ... something:
Last night it emerged he was a member of the secretive freemason network.
But some people are simple wired evilly, and some are left deeply wounded and enraged by a sense of powerlessness and rejection. Which means this is more likely than anything else I’ve seen to be a clue to this explosion of murderous rage:
“We never lived together but we had some contact during his childhood,” he said.
“When he was younger, he was an ordinary boy but not very communicative. He was not interested in politics at the time.”
Supporting my contention that the extreme Left and extreme Right, or extreme anything that diminishes the value of the individual, are morally almost indistinguishable:
The passages copied by Anders Behring Breivik appear in the first few pages of Kaczynski’s manifesto. Breivik changed a Kaczynski screed on leftism and what he considered to be leftists’ “feelings of inferiority”—mainly by substituting the words “multiculturalism” or “cultural Marxism” for “leftism."…
Kaczynski is serving a life sentence in federal prison in Colorado for mail bombs that killed three people and injured 23 others across the U.S. from the 1970s to the 1990s.
Former FBI Agent Terry Turchie, who supervised the federal task force to capture the Unabomber, said Sunday that he saw similarities between the two men.
“They seem to have this anger, the loner aspect, this desire to look back at the way things were and think of themselves as self-reliant,” said Turchie, who wrote “Hunting the American Terrorist: The FBI’s War on Homegrown Terror” in 2007.
Further evidence from his manifesto of the absurdity of linking his alleged “Christianity” to his crimes. Why not accuse his Darwinism instead?
Q: Do you oppose all aspects of multiculturalism?
A: No, I don’t. I support the continued consolidation of non-Muslim Europe and an unconditional support to all Christian countries and societies (Israel included), in addition to continuing our good relationships with all Hindu and Buddhist countries.
Q: What should be our civilisational objectives, how do you envision a perfect Europe?A: “Logic" and rationalist thought (a certain degree of national Darwinism) should be the fundament of our societies.... We should strive to become a civilisation where the individual’s acquisition of wealth would no longer be the driving force in our lives…
Tore, my stepfather, worked as a major in the Norwegian military and is now retired. I still have contact with him although now he spends most his time (retirement) with LEGAL SNIP.
And this, also from his manifesto:
Q: Why did you choose an allegiance to a group with Christian values and pan-European goals instead of a purely national/regional group?
A:Many have asked this question. My choice has nothing to do with the fact that I am not proud of my own traditions and heritage. My choice was based purely pragmatism.All Europeans are in this boat together so we must choose a more moderate platform that can appeal to a great number of Europeans – preferably up to 50% (realistically upto 35%). Choosing a local/national group would be counterproductive as all the groups I am familiar with are Odinist orientated and not Christian identity groups. It is essential that we choose a banner that has the potential to appeal towards central and southern Europeans as well. I understand that many nationalists oppose Christianity and do not wish to fight under the banner of a cross. Furthermore, I understand that many nationalists only care for their own nation and culture. However, all Western Europeans are in the same situation, facing the same problems so it would be illogical not to cooperate and focus on pan-European organizations. Pooling resources and especially knowledge is essential. Obviously, this cannot be achieved if you require that your potential members follow un-appealing principles and codes such as that of the national anarchists (at least many of them). A hateful ideology (white supremacist), death metal, Odinism, conspiracy theories does NOT have mass appeal…
I’m not going to pretend I’m a very religious person, as that would be a lie.
(Thanks to readers Tasman and Mean Dean.)
Bush doesn’t say never
Andrew Bolt – Monday, July 25, 11 (06:36 am)
With the Republicans shamefully short of a viable candidate, Jeb Bush’s answer is tantalising:
Jeb Bush, who has made clear he isn’t running for president this cycle, raised some eyebrows on Sean Hannity’s Fox News show Friday night with this comment about a potential campaign:
“I don’t anticipate that. You never say never. This is a standard answer that I’ve kind of learned how to give which is — you never say never, but I never rule out being on Dancing with the Stars either … there are a lot of ways you can make a difference.”
Hannity’s interview here.
How I wish I had his voice
Andrew Bolt – Monday, July 25, 11 (06:29 am)
A friend of mine sang Parsifal in this production, which seems sensational.
Is it all right to envy a bloke, or is that a sin?
Yet again, the Greens threaten dissenters
Andrew Bolt – Monday, July 25, 11 (06:12 am)
The Greens are the natural home of the modern totalitarian. The latest evidence is this pratfall:
AN attempt by Greens on the Sydney City Council to boycott businesses supporting an anti-carbon-tax campaign has backfired.
Greens councillor Chris Harris was left red-faced after it emerged the council was itself a member of a business chamber he wanted to boycott.
Mr Harris will present a motion to the council this evening to boycott any business or member of an organisation associated with the Australian Trade and Industry Alliance’s anti-carbon-tax campaign.
Union savages “death tax”
Andrew Bolt – Monday, July 25, 11 (06:04 am)
A union turns on the Government over its carbon dioxide tax:
ONE of the nation’s biggest trade unions has turned on the Gillard government, savaging Workplace Relations Minister Chris Evans as incompetent and unworthy of his office.
Days after strident criticism of the government by business leaders, Transport Workers Union national secretary Tony Sheldon yesterday likened Senator Evans to a corpse, accusing him of failing to implement Labor policy and endangering the lives of truck drivers…
While the government has anticipated attacks from businesses affected by the tax, it was blind sided by Mr Sheldon’s assault, based on the fact the impost—which he on Friday called a “death tax”—will apply to the heavy transport industry from 2014.
We’re going to the dogs
Andrew Bolt – Monday, July 25, 11 (05:49 am)
Encyclopaedia Britannica describes a primitive lifestyle:
During fine weather, most Aborigines preferred to sleep in the open, with a windbreak; when it was too cold, dogs helped to provide warmth.
The Gillard Government’s Living Greener website urges it on all Australians:
To reduce the energy you use while watching TV, take another tip from grandma and share the warmth. Snuggle up under a rug, snuggle with your family or cuddle your favourite pet.
Via Professor Bunyip, who has a few suggestions for the person who authored this drivel.
Mum’s story
Andrew Bolt – Monday, July 25, 11 (05:03 am)
I am extremely grateful to researcher Sandy Horne, working on a project on Dutch migrants for South Australia’s Migration Museum, for yesterday sending me this article she’s uncovered in her archival work.
It’s from the Australian Women’s Weekly of January 29, 1969, and I think it’s the only piece mum had published in the big-city media. I can still remember her excitement.
She died nearly 30 years ago, hoping maybe I’d be the writer she’d wanted to be.
PS: I wrote about our time in Rapid Creek here, and you can see a picture of our house then.

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