Wednesday, October 06, 2021

6th Oct Review of Historical and Current Affairs

 My name is David Daniel Ball and I am the voice of freedom coming to you from the oppressed of Australia and Melbourne. The Victorian state premier, Dan Andrews is denying freedom to Victorians and is safe from prosecution. The NSW Premier offered freedom in NSW and has had to leave office a persecuted figure. NSW has performed better than Victoria despite Victoria having had more and more stringent lockdowns. The Victorian Premier had killed over a hundred Victorians in a previous lockdown through mismanagement. When challenged as to the reason for the mismanagement the Victorian Premier claimed he forgot as his staff were caught deleting relevant articles. 

Lockdowns are as ineffective as face masks. I must wear a face mask indoors and out doors despite being double vaccinated. My employer who cannot employ me under lockdown has had to check that I am double vaccinated. I will not be allowed to work until February next year. Those who claim face masks keep me safe point to studies made in hospitals where the sickly are densely populated. I can point to the ridiculous spread of Covid variants despite curfew, lockdown and face masks. Something is wrong. I am not allowed, were I to contract COVID, to treat it with Ivermectin, HCQ or Fenofibrate despite all three being effective medications. Instead I have been double vaccinated when the vaccine may be more deadly than COVID. 

A Christian Evangelist who targeted Jews asked me to clarify my outrage. I do so. 

NB. FB deleted a post I made on the issue 

“I ask forgiveness from Jews who experienced horrible persecution because of my arrogance in believing that my theology was more important than the incessant wounds they suffered for almost 2000 years at the hands of Christians.”

Read it aloud and try to see what might be offensive to a Jewish person, even one who was not religious, but ethnically Jewish. I have Jewish family, and lost some to the holocaust. My Jewish ancestors had gone to Poland from Horowice, which gave them a name, and Jacobs, which gave them another, but last names are not a Jewish thing. You may wish forgiveness for arrogance. You are not important enough that your belief was responsible for their horrible persecution. That persecution was persistent and real and largely documented, but not entirely. Sometimes some of the persecutors asked forgiveness of G-d, but continued. Today, one wound Jews feel terribly is when evangelical Christians claim their young using sophisticated arguments the young are not conditioned to respond to. Jewish peoples do not proselytise, but raise their young in accordance with their scripture. They feel real anger when their young are taken from them by hucksters.

My family fled the pogroms of the Tsars. Before that, they fled many Christian leaders. You may have heard of Hypatia and Saint Cyril, there had been Alexandrian Jews that Cyril ‘loved’ too. The New World was discovered when a persecuted Spanish Jew named Columbus set sail. Japan’s second religion is an offshoot from Jewish slaves dating back to a hundred years or so after Jonah, it is in DNA records. And yet, despite the thousands of years of persecution, the Jewish community retains her indomitable character. I believe God did something very special when they were in that desert, and God has a plan which includes them. I don’t know what it is. But I’m not so arrogant to think I can impugn on their good will by targeting their young without consequence. Disraeli is said to have observed “Two thousands years of Christian love has left the Jews feeling nervous.” Yet Disraeli was Christian. I ask G-d for guidance on this issue, and I believe I need to be humble. And I’m saying to you that needs to inform your mission. And if that is not possible for you, go somewhere else.

The following day, I got further messages
Brian Rocker I'm really confused David at what you're getting at? Who's targeting youth? And I don't understand what's wrong with Brother Tommy or myself or anyone else repenting for the sins of our fathers like Daniel did while in Babylon. I'm really confused at your post. Can you explain so we can understand the offense you feel? Thanks!

For some, failing to understand is a gift. When the Lord finally returns and tells his people of his love, Brian and Tommy might say 'huh?'

I apologise. I'm angry. I may be dead in a few years, having been lucky to have lived so long. I see a world of promise, and I see that promise squandered by the corrupt. When I was young, I dreamt of a positive answer to that eternal question, is their intelligent life on Earth? Andrews, Biden and Trudeau say 'no'

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Intro to

My name is David Daniel Ball I'm a teacher with three decades experience teaching math to high school kids.I also work with first graders and kids in between first grade and high school. I know the legends of why Hypatia's dad is remembered through his contribution to Math theory. And I know the legend of why followers of Godel had thought he had disproved God's existence. 

I'm not a preacher, but I am a Christian who has written over 28 books all of which include some reference to my faith. Twelve blog books on world history and current affairs, detailing world events , births and marriages on each day of the year, organised by month. Twelve books on the background to and history of Bible Quotes. One Bible quote per day for a year. An intro to a science fiction series I'm planning, post apocalyptic cyber punk. An autobiography with short story collections. 

I'm known in Australia for my failure as a whistleblower over the negligence death of a school boy. I had reported the issue responsibly and had not known I'd blown the whistle. The embarrassed left wing government had responded by imposition of a nationwide ban on the use of peanut butter in canteens, despite failing to address the issue of peanut allergy appropriately. 

I've been de-platformed on Facebook and twitter despite not being an activist. Twitter did not like me asking for Obama to face justice in 2011. FB gave no specific reason for removing me following Jan 6th 2021 in Washington DC where a policeman killed an unarmed woman, so a crowd would know he was in control.

Australia moves towards an election federally. And the director of the Liberal Party infuriates me, asking me for money to support his AGW hucksterism that isn't as bad as the ALP one. It still is not good policy. 

Today, 25th Sept 2021 I carry fake news
The fake news comes from a left wing site called "The Hill" 
In the article on the Arizona draft Audit into 2020 election fraudulently given Biden, we are told there were no accidents and that a simple vote count shows Biden won. However, the simple vote count does not show that at all. It shows that the voter fraud was wilful and deliberate. It shows that the parties behind the fraud covered their tracks. Now for the parts of the audit that have been opposed. A check of signatures. The system data showing when and how votes were cast. That will take longer because the investigation has been impeded. 

A successful withdrawal was what was engineered at Gallipolli, where, over three days troops pulled out of defended positions and left on ships .. nobody died. That was war. Nobody was left behind. Because of the failure, WW1 was prolonged another two and a half years, Russia collapsed etc etc. The price of failure was big. But the retreat was a success. In contrast, Biden's retreat was utter failure in Afghanistan. 

Editorial on Covid policy failure
It is apparent COVID policy is political, not health related. However health advice has been political and not health related. Public health has been corrupted. Media has failed. Judiciary is corrupt. Defence is incompetent. The thin blue line has been cut. And, elder abuse is apparent from the Presidential office through to the ordinary NYC retirement home. On the plus side, there is an emerging possibility of an empty gesture securing the white house for womyn on behalf of one raised in Canada. 

Dan Andrews' lockdown has cancelled AA meetings. Go the beers. Playgrounds have been shut down state wide and even a curfew has been re-imposed. There is no science showing any such measure addresses COVID, but we know it allows the government to assert authority.

Editorial Biden's Afghan failure culminated from Obama's Afghan lies

Afghanistan is in flames as Biden begins bombing runs on terrorists as he seeks to negotiate with them. US soldiers have been killed after a strategic error left an exposed airport the only means of Americans and their allies to flee. Biden says those that remained behind wanted to, after fleeing Afghans clinging to a wing and fuselage of an aircraft plummet to their deaths. After Biden had said the Afghan government would stand following US withdrawal. US left behind billions of dollars of weapons Chicago gangs look on with shock and awe. The Taliban will not use a fleet of Blackhawk helicopters. China will. 

So who is responsible for the failure? According to Biden, the buck stops with him, and he views it as a Dunkirk like success, when he is not looking at his watch waiting for mourning to end of soldiers that died in his service. Biden also feels any mistake was made by Donald Trump as NK begins nuclear weapons work. The US military have included critical junior officers in their lists of personal pronouns for enemies. What is a personal pronoun for a failed President? 

Editorial on God In answer to Dinesh Dsousa's article 
The God the atheists refute is not real, but is a ridiculous, impossible figure. God is real. God as He is revealed in the Bible is a fact. However, as ridiculous as the atheists arguments are, they are instructive. God made a bridge He could not cross (man's rejection of Him). God bridged that gap with Jesus. Thing is, atheists don't believe that that gap is real. 

In my Sermon on a Miracle I describe how God gave a childless woman who could not bear children, prayed for children, family. He did that. And he did not use supernatural measures. 

God is real. God does the impossible. God is not subject to our demands. God answers prayer. Sometimes bad people prosper for a time. All those statements are true. 

God is worthy of praise. Atheists don't see it, but they have countless examples of it, from their own lives to the works of those they admire. In the Revelations of the Holy Spirit I underscore and outline some of what God does that even atheists call for. 

We need god, but even in a world without God, there is a need for Him. 


=== From 2017 ===
Don't give up on hope. Leftists reach for old tropes in dealing with tragedy. In dealing with Las Vegas atrocity, where an accountant inexplicably planned an atrocity using illegal weapons, Democrats are demanding that something be done. One such something is to ban the bump stock that Democrats approved. It is important that in 'doing something' one does something constructive, or else one produces a crime rate like Chicago and an economy like Venezuela. Every month in Chicago, where Democrat gun rules rule, there is a Las Vegas atrocity. 'Doing something' is why leftists force the world to pay over $100 trillions taken from the world's poorest to fund a drop of a fraction of a degree in a hundred years time. Instead of letting a strong industry do what is profitable. 'Doing something' is why Obama began bombing Syria in opposition to Russian advice. Instead of empty gestures, how about we do something worthwhile? Support Las Vegas by going there. 

Australia has developed an amphibious craft which could be stopped by a small wave. Malcolm Turnbull is looking awful, but so does Bill Shorten. And outcomes for Australia look bleak so long as they rule. 
=== from 2016 ===
Last year Turnbull began claiming credit for Abbott's policies. He has not contributed anything worthwhile. He has not communicated better. Every single key performance indicator Turnbull used to reason why he needed to back stab Abbott and seize the PM's position shows Turnbull is a failure. 

In the United States, Hillary is campaigning to be a failure too. She might still win, but she is offering nothing worthwhile. Unless one accepts the theory Hillary is running to lose so that the Democrats can claim they have learned their lesson and don't need to reform after the election. Maybe I am wrong, and maybe Hillary really wants to be the Presidential doormat. She is not campaigning to make America great again.
=== from 2015 ===
The Amazon Author Page for David Ball was completed today. 7 books that are on kindle are listed there. It shows the various prices. As well as links to Twitter, this Blog, a video introducing me and a short, very incomplete, biography. Soon, all 13 books will be available. They are already published, but they aren't all on Kindle. Yet. 

Malcolm Turnbull is showing the form which got him PM. He is releasing many proofs of good governance which Abbott had prepared. Illustrating that had Turnbull not knifed Abbott when he had, he would not have had justification. But there is more. Turnbull has some bad ideas. The distraction of a Republic and new taxes which aren't needed when there is a spending problem, not a revenue problem. Turnbull promised better communication, when that had not been an Abbott problem. It can be fixed by Turnbull if he can get important legislation passed. He might be needing to throw up chaff to please the likes of Lambie. That would explain why someone allegedly so smart would be apparently so stupid. 

For some, at the moment, the Sex Party has more credibility.
From 2014
Islamo Fascist Terror issues
Obama and Biden bicker over whom to arm in Syria. They need troops on the ground for airstrikes to be effective. But they are being dishonest to the voters who put them in office. The reason why they need to have boots on the ground is to avoid hitting innocent parties. There are many such in Syria, but not as many as there should be. The enemies of good people in Syria have been supported for a long time, and any good person has been removed from power. There is a local government that could advise the US as to what useful action could be, but Obama does not like Israel. Meanwhile four more beheadings by Islamo Fascists, but not ISIL, have been perpetrated recently. The myth of Islamic murder is embraced by terrorists keen to scare all opposition. But it also galvanises opposition. Including idiots like the Australian Defence League (ADL) who also call themselves the Australian Tea Party. The ADL have allegedly called notable Islamic peoples, unrelated to terrorism, and threatened their lives, by threatening to behead them. The issue of terrorism in Australia was exposed by eleven terrorist wannabes having been stopped at an Australian airport. A twelfth alleged terrorist was stopped in Saudi Arabia and flown back. Naturally this disturbs those who support terrorism in Australia, and so a valiant attempt to legitimise terrorism is to say "Terrorism is to Islam as the KKK is to Christians." It is an effective way at spitting at Christians, but just as with the Nazi analogy, it fails too. Christian leaders don't embrace the KKK, but Islamic leaders embrace terrorist values. 

Australian issues
Thin budget cuts are not enough. The ALP have racked up a lot of debt and have spent on more. It is unaffordable to stand still. At the moment, Palmer United Party are joined with Greens and ALP in preventing needed reform. One of the architects of the debt is former PM Julia Gillard. She claimed she spent big for social justice. Many people of celebrity status, like Gillard give their time for free on social justice issues. Gillard has said she would help on a social justice issue, for a fee. Gillard claims she was hampered by misogynists who wouldn't let her succeed. Meanwhile writer Birmingham targets Mr Abbott, writing of his appearance in Speedos and claiming Mr Abbott is pushing his genitals into everyone, including voters. Birmingham hates Mr Abbott, and no other writer has written of Gillard in the same way. Yet Mr Abbott endures, while Gillard whinges. The fact is Gillard was not fit to be PM. Gillard was supported by the ABC in office. It is telling to hear the ABC now on other issues. Tonight, ABC news presented an item on Big Australia discussing global warming in context of a growing population. And the presenter finished it by suggesting Australia needs to find world's best practice for dealing with large populations, like, for example Cuba. Only one example was given. What could Australia learn from Communist Cuba? ABC needs to say more explicitly what it suggests. 
From 2013
It is hard to know what is worse for Seagull supporters in ARL .. losing a 2012 semifinal, or the 2013 Grand Final .. each game was theirs to win. The Manly supporters are known as Sea Eagles, so they might never forgive me for asking. There is a lot of that going around. In the space of five minutes at 4:30 PM at Cabramatta station, near Broomfield st exit, I was assaulted twice, tonight. I don't blame daylight savings, although considering the hour and it is a long weekend just before the grand final of the ARL, feelings would be high. Neither assault was vicious like a glassing, but both leave a sour taste.

The first assault was as I left the train and waited for an elevator. There was a family waiting already, so  I maneuvered to allow them first right of entry, but a large middle aged woman tried to shoulder me aside. I would have none of it, and easily slipped in and moved to the back to allow others on, which nobody else does .. even the young family crowded the entrance to be first off too. One of the reasons I like to be first on is to set the example of standing at the back. The woman was unhappy she lost her attempt to horn in, and hit my backpack and told me loudly she didn't appreciate not being able to push aside a fat man (I'm paraphrasing as she wasn't that polite). She then went to the next elevator .. and I took the steps.

At the bottom of the steps, a young man was on a bicycle. I paid him no attention, and pushed the crossing button and waited for the light to turn green. The boy stopped riding the bike and said from behind me "Do you remember me you fucking pedophile arsehole?" "No" I truthfully answered. "You taught at my fucking school you fucking pedophile bastard." "What school was that?" "Canley Vale. Don't you fucking remember me?" He spits at me, saliva landing on my pants. He is shaping to fight. I cross the street. "Aaron Herbert?" "Yeah that's me you fucking peddo what is your fat fucking name?"

I kept an eye out behind me as I walked down the street to my church for an afternoon prayer meeting. I don't know if it was Aaron. Aaron was in year 8 circa 2005 when I knew him. He had behavioural issues that were off the chart and my Head Teacher, Helen Best, was undermining me. If I sent a student to her who was misbehaving in class, she would make it worse. So I stopped referring students to her. She couldn't place Aaron in any other class, and couldn't have him in her class. So she placed Aaron in my class with strict instructions to refer him to her for any misbehaviour. Aaron got sent to her after he observed to the class that my breasts were large and I required a bra. It made Helen Giggle. But he escalated his behaviour following that referral and it became sexualised. I have never done anything to be abused by him in that way as he accosted me. He was suspended from school, sent to a specialist behavioural management unit until he could legally not go to school. I saw him again circa 2007 after he left school at the same elevator I'd been accosted at by the large woman earlier this evening. He called me a pedophile then too. So I asked Helen Best (in 2007) why it was that he would call that out to me, and she shrugged.

I was a good teacher. I deserved better than the support Helen denied me.
Historical perspective on this day
105 BC – Battle of Arausio: The Cimbri inflict the heaviest defeat on the Roman army of Gnaeus Mallius Maximus.
69 BC – Battle of Tigranocerta: Forces of the Roman Republic led by Lucullus defeat the army of the Kingdom of Armenia led by King Tigranes the Great.
AD 23 – Rebels kill and decapitate the Xin dynasty emperor Wang Mang two days after the capital Chang'an is sacked during a peasant rebellion.
404 – Byzantine Empress Eudoxia has her seventh and last pregnancy which ends in a miscarriage. She is left bleeding and dies of an infection shortly after.
618– Wang Shichong decisively defeats Li Mi at the Battle of Yanshi, during the transition from Sui to Tang civil war.

1539 – Spanish conquistador Hernando de Soto and his army enter the Apalacheecapital of Anhaica (present-day Tallahassee, Florida) by force.
1582 – Because of the implementation of the Gregorian calendar, this day is skipped in Italy, Poland, Portugal and Spain.
1600 – Jacopo Peri's Euridice, the earliest surviving opera, receives its première performance in Florence, signifying the beginning of the Baroque period
1683 – German immigrant families found Germantown in the colony of Pennsylvania, marking the first major immigration of German people to America.

1723 – Benjamin Franklin arrives in Philadelphia at the age of 17.
1762 – Seven Years' War: Conclusion of the Battle of Manila between Britain and Spain, which resulted in the British occupation of Manila for the rest of the war.
1777 – American Revolutionary War: General Sir Henry Clinton leads British forces in the capture of Continental Army Hudson River defenses in the Battle of Forts Clinton and Montgomery.
1789 – French RevolutionLouis XVI returns to Paris from Versailles after being confronted by the Parisian women on October 5.

1849 – The execution of The 13 Martyrs of Arad after the Hungarian war of independence.
1854 – In England the Great fire of Newcastle and Gateshead starts shortly after midnight, leading to 53 deaths and hundreds injured.
1876 – The American Library Association was founded.
1884 – The Naval War College of the United States Navy is founded in Newport, Rhode Island.
1898 – Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia, the largest American music fraternity, is founded at the New England Conservatory of Music by Ossian Everett Mills.

1903 – The High Court of Australia sits for the first time.
1908 – Austria-Hungary annexes Bosnia-Herzegovina, sparking a crisis.
1910 – Eleftherios Venizelos is elected Prime Minister of Greece for the first time (seven times in total).
1923 – The Turkish National Movement enters Constantinople.
1927 – Opening of The Jazz Singer, the first prominent "talkie" movie.

1939 – World War II: Germany's invasion of Poland ends with the surrender of Independent Operational Group Polesie after the Battle of Kock
1942 – World War II: The October Matanikau action on Guadalcanal begins as United States Marine Corps forces attack Imperial Japanese Army units along the Matanikau River.
1943 – World War II: 13 civilians are burnt alive by Friedrich Schubert's paramilitary group in Kali SykiaCrete.
1944 – World War II: Units of 1st Czechoslovak Army Corps crossed Czechoslovakborders during Battle of the Dukla Pass.

1973 – Egypt launches a coordinated attack with Syria against Israel leading to the Yom Kippur War.
1976 – Cubana de Aviación Flight 455 crashes into the Atlantic Ocean shortly after taking off from BridgetownBarbados, after two bombs, placed on board by terroristswith connections to the CIA, exploded. All 73 people on board are killed.
1976 – New Premier Hua Guofeng orders the arrest of the Gang of Four and associates and ends the Cultural Revolution in the People's Republic of China.
1976 – Massacre of students gathering at Thammasat University in BangkokThailand, to protest the return of ex-dictator Thanom, by a coalition of right-wing paramilitary and government forces, triggering the return of the military to government.
1977 – In Alicante, Spain, fascists attack a group of MCPV militants and sympathizers, and one MCPV sympathizer is killed.
1977 – The first prototype of the Mikoyan MiG-29, designated 9-01, makes its maiden flight.
1979 – Pope John Paul II becomes the first pontiff to visit the White House.

1981 – Egyptian President Anwar Sadat is murdered by Islamic extremists.
1985 – PC Keith Blakelock is murdered as riots erupt in the Broadwater Farm suburb of London.
1987 – Fiji becomes a republic.
1995 – 51 Pegasi is discovered to be the second major star apart from the Sun to have a planet orbiting around it.
2007 – Jason Lewis completes the first human-powered circumnavigation of the globe.

105 BC – Battle of Arausio: The Cimbri inflict the heaviest defeat on the Roman army of Gnaeus Mallius Maximus.
69 BC – Battle of Tigranocerta: Forces of the Roman Republic led by Lucullus defeat the army of the Kingdom of Armenia led by King Tigranes the Great.
AD 23 – Rebels kill and decapitate the Xin dynasty emperor Wang Mang two days after the capital Chang'an is sacked during a peasant rebellion.
404 – Byzantine Empress Eudoxia has her seventh and last pregnancy which ends in a miscarriage. She is left bleeding and dies of an infection shortly after.
618– Wang Shichong decisively defeats Li Mi at the Battle of Yanshi, during the transition from Sui to Tang civil war.

1539 – Spanish conquistador Hernando de Soto and his army enter the Apalachee capital of Anhaica (present-day Tallahassee, Florida) by force.
1582 – Because of the implementation of the Gregorian calendar, this day is skipped in Italy, Poland, Portugal and Spain.
1600 – Jacopo Peri's Euridice, the earliest surviving opera, receives its première performance in Florence, signifying the beginning of the Baroque period
1683 – German immigrant families found Germantown in the colony of Pennsylvania, marking the first major immigration of German people to America.

1723 – Benjamin Franklin arrives in Philadelphia at the age of 17.
1762 – Seven Years' War: Conclusion of the Battle of Manila between Britain and Spain, which resulted in the British occupation of Manila for the rest of the war.
1777 – American Revolutionary War: General Sir Henry Clinton leads British forces in the capture of Continental Army Hudson River defenses in the Battle of Forts Clinton and Montgomery.
1789 – French RevolutionLouis XVI returns to Paris from Versailles after being confronted by the Parisian women on October 5.

1849 – The execution of The 13 Martyrs of Arad after the Hungarian war of independence.
1854 – In England the Great fire of Newcastle and Gateshead starts shortly after midnight, leading to 53 deaths and hundreds injured.
1876 – The American Library Association was founded.
1884 – The Naval War College of the United States Navy is founded in Newport, Rhode Island.
1898 – Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia, the largest American music fraternity, is founded at the New England Conservatory of Music by Ossian Everett Mills.

1903 – The High Court of Australia sits for the first time.
1908 – Austria-Hungary annexes Bosnia-Herzegovina, sparking a crisis.
1910 – Eleftherios Venizelos is elected Prime Minister of Greece for the first time (seven times in total).
1923 – The Turkish National Movement enters Constantinople.
1927 – Opening of The Jazz Singer, the first prominent "talkie" movie.

1939 – World War II: Germany's invasion of Poland ends with the surrender of Independent Operational Group Polesie after the Battle of Kock
1942 – World War II: The October Matanikau action on Guadalcanal begins as United States Marine Corps forces attack Imperial Japanese Army units along the Matanikau River.
1943 – World War II: 13 civilians are burnt alive by Friedrich Schubert's paramilitary group in Kali SykiaCrete.
1944 – World War II: Units of 1st Czechoslovak Army Corps crossed Czechoslovak borders during Battle of the Dukla Pass.

1973 – Egypt launches a coordinated attack with Syria against Israel leading to the Yom Kippur War.
1976 – Cubana de Aviación Flight 455 crashes into the Atlantic Ocean shortly after taking off from BridgetownBarbados, after two bombs, placed on board by terrorists with connections to the CIA, exploded. All 73 people on board are killed.
1976 – New Premier Hua Guofeng orders the arrest of the Gang of Four and associates and ends the Cultural Revolution in the People's Republic of China.
1976 – Massacre of students gathering at Thammasat University in BangkokThailand, to protest the return of ex-dictator Thanom, by a coalition of right-wing paramilitary and government forces, triggering the return of the military to government.
1977 – In Alicante, Spain, fascists attack a group of MCPV militants and sympathizers, and one MCPV sympathizer is killed.
1977 – The first prototype of the Mikoyan MiG-29, designated 9-01, makes its maiden flight.

1981 – Egyptian President Anwar Sadat is murdered by Islamic extremists.
1985 – PC Keith Blakelock is murdered as riots erupt in the Broadwater Farm suburb of London.

1995 – 51 Pegasi is discovered to be the second major star apart from the Sun to have a planet orbiting around it.

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