Sunday, February 13, 2022

Sun 13th February 2022 Current Affairs

My blog is resuming today as I have moved. But, the move did not go smoothly and I'm being pursued by a vindictive estate agent that is stealing my rent and bond and wants more. I have been blessed by my new neighbourhood and my new job, which I love. 
My name is David Daniel Ball and I am Voice DDB dot locals dot com a voice of freedom supporting freedom around the world for all peoples. I write on historical and current affairs. I look for the conservative voice where mainstream media eschews it. Around the world media espouses liberalism orthodoxy and proclaims a history of liberalism that never happened. Liberalism of today is based on repeated lies that have been accepted from the past.

Consider these recent truths
Mask wearing does not address COVID
Vaccines against COVVID are not effective
Truck rally in Canada opposed by media

Today is a big day for  

Historical perspective on this day
In 1322, the central tower of Ely Cathedral fell on the night of 12th-13th. 1462, the Treaty of Westminster was finalised between Edward IV of England and the Scottish Lord of the Isles. 1503, Disfida di Barletta – tournament between 13 Italian and 13 French knights near Barletta. 1542, Catherine Howard, the fifth wife of Henry VIII of England, was executed for adultery. 1572, Elizabeth I of England issued a proclamation which revoked all commissions on account of the frauds which they had fostered. 1575, Henry III of France was crowned at Rheims and married Louise de Lorraine-Vaudémont on the same day.

In 1633, Galileo Galilei arrived in Rome for his trial before the Inquisition. 1660, with the death of Swedish King Charles X Gustav, the Swedish government began to seek peace with Sweden's enemies in the Second Northern War – something that Charles had refused. As his son and successor on the throne, Charles XI, is only four years old, a regency ruled Sweden until 1672. 1668, Spain recognised Portugal as an independent nation. 1689, William and Mary were proclaimed co-rulers of England. 1692, Massacre of Glencoe: About 78 Macdonalds at Glen CoeScotland were killed early in the morning for not promptly pledging allegiance to the new king, William of Orange. 1739, Battle of Karnal: The army of Iranian ruler Nadir Shah defeated the forces of the Mughal emperor of IndiaMuhammad Shah. 1849, the delegation headed by Metropolitan bishop Andrei Şaguna handed out to the Emperor Franz Joseph I of Austria the General Petition of Romanian leaders in TransylvaniaBanat and Bukovina, which demanded that the Romanian nation be recognised. 1861, in Gaeta the capitulation of the fortress decreeing the end of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies was signed. 1867, work began on the covering of the Zenne, burying Brussels's primary river and creating the modern central boulevards. 1880, Thomas Edison observed the Edison effect. 1881, the feminist newspaper La Citoyenne was first published in Paris by the activist Hubertine Auclert.

In 1914, Copyright: In New York City the American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers was established to protect the copyrighted musical compositions of its members. 1920, the Negro National League was formed. 1931, New Delhi became the capital of India. 1934, the Soviet steamship Cheliuskin sank in the Arctic Ocean. 1935, a jury in Flemington, New Jersey found Bruno Hauptmann guilty of the 1932 kidnapping and murder of the Lindbergh baby, the son of Charles Lindbergh. 1945, World War II: The siege of Budapest concluded with the unconditional surrender of German and Hungarian forces to the Red Army. Also 1945, World War II: Royal Air Force bombers were dispatched to DresdenGermany to attack the city with a massive aerial bombardment. 1951, Korean WarBattle of Chipyong-ni, which represented the "high-water mark" of the Chinese incursion into South Korea, commenced. 1954, Frank Selvybecame the only NCAA Division I basketball player ever to score 100 points in a single game. 1955, Israel obtained four of the seven Dead Sea scrolls.

In 1960, with the success of a nuclear test codenamed "Gerboise Bleue", France became the fourth country to possess nuclear weapons. Also 1960, black college students stage the first of the Nashville sit-ins at three lunch counters in Nashville, Tennessee. 1961, an allegedly 500,000-year-old rock was discovered near Olancha, CaliforniaUS, that appears to anachronistically encase a spark plug. 1967, American researchers discovered the Madrid Codices by Leonardo da Vinci in the National Library of Spain. 1971, Vietnam War: Backed by American air and artillery support, South Vietnamese troops invaded Laos. 1978, Hilton bombing: a bombexploded in a refuse truck outside the Hilton Hotel in SydneyAustralia, killing two refuse collectors and a policeman. 1979, an intense windstorm struck western Washington and sank a 1/2-mile-long section of the Hood Canal Bridge. 1981, a series of sewer explosions destroyed more than two miles of streets in Louisville, Kentucky. 1982, the Río Negro massacre takes place in Guatemala. 1983, a cinema fire in Turin, Italy, killed 64 people. 1984, Konstantin Chernenko succeeded the late Yuri Andropov as general secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. 1990, German reunification: An agreement was reached on a two-stage plan to reunite Germany. 1991, Gulf War: Two laser-guided "smart bombs" destroyed the Amiriyah shelter in Baghdad. Allied forces said the bunker was being used as a military communications outpost, but over 400 Iraqi civilians inside were killed.

In 2000, the last original "Peanutscomic strip appeared in newspapers one day after Charles M. Schulz dies. 2001, an earthquake measuring 6.6 on the Richter Scale hit El Salvador, killing at least 400. 2004, the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics announced the discovery of the universe's largest known diamondwhite dwarf star BPM 37093. Astronomers named this star "Lucy" after The Beatles' song "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds". 2007, Taiwan opposition leader Ma Ying-jeou resigned as the chairman of the Kuomintang party after being indicted on charges of embezzlement during his tenure as the mayor of Taipei; Ma also announced his candidacy for the 2008 presidential election. 2008, Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd made a historic apology to the Indigenous Australians and the mythic Stolen Generations. 2010, a bomb exploded in the city of PuneMaharashtraIndia, killing 17 and injuring 60 more. 2011, for the first time in more than 100 years the Umatilla, an American Indian tribe, were able to hunt and harvest a bison just outside Yellowstone National Park, restoring a centuries-old tradition guaranteed by a treaty signed in 1855. 2012, the European Space Agency (ESA) conducted the first launch of the European Vega rocket from Europe's spaceport in KourouFrench Guiana. 2013, a plane crash killed five people and injured nine others in DonetskUkraine.

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Intro to

My name is David Daniel Ball I'm a teacher with three decades experience teaching math to high school kids.I also work with first graders and kids in between first grade and high school. I know the legends of why Hypatia's dad is remembered through his contribution to Math theory. And I know the legend of why followers of Godel had thought he had disproved God's existence. 

I'm not a preacher, but I am a Christian who has written over 28 books all of which include some reference to my faith. Twelve blog books on world history and current affairs, detailing world events , births and marriages on each day of the year, organised by month. Twelve books on the background to and history of Bible Quotes. One Bible quote per day for a year. An intro to a science fiction series I'm planning, post apocalyptic cyber punk. An autobiography with short story collections. 

I'm known in Australia for my failure as a whistleblower over the negligence death of a school boy. I had reported the issue responsibly and had not known I'd blown the whistle. The embarrassed left wing government had responded by imposition of a nationwide ban on the use of peanut butter in canteens, despite failing to address the issue of peanut allergy appropriately. 

I've been de-platformed on Facebook and twitter despite not being an activist. Twitter did not like me asking for Obama to face justice in 2011. FB gave no specific reason for removing me following Jan 6th 2021 in Washington DC where a policeman killed an unarmed woman, so a crowd would know he was in control.

From the Bible, Matthew 26:26-50

While they were eating, Jesus took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to his disciples, saying, “Take and eat; this is my body.”

Then he took a cup, and when he had given thanks, he gave it to them, saying, “Drink from it, all of you. This is my blood of the[a] covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins. I tell you, I will not drink from this fruit of the vine from now on until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father’s kingdom.”

When they had sung a hymn, they went out to the Mount of Olives.

Jesus Predicts Peter’s Denial

Then Jesus told them, “This very night you will all fall away on account of me, for it is written:

“‘I will strike the shepherd,
    and the sheep of the flock will be scattered.’[b]

But after I have risen, I will go ahead of you into Galilee.”

Peter replied, “Even if all fall away on account of you, I never will.”

“Truly I tell you,” Jesus answered, “this very night, before the rooster crows, you will disown me three times.”

But Peter declared, “Even if I have to die with you, I will never disown you.” And all the other disciples said the same.


Then Jesus went with his disciples to a place called Gethsemane, and he said to them, “Sit here while I go over there and pray.” He took Peter and the two sons of Zebedee along with him, and he began to be sorrowful and troubled. Then he said to them, “My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death. Stay here and keep watch with me.”

Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, “My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will.”

Then he returned to his disciples and found them sleeping. “Couldn’t you men keep watch with me for one hour?” he asked Peter. “Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.”

He went away a second time and prayed, “My Father, if it is not possible for this cup to be taken away unless I drink it, may your will be done.”

When he came back, he again found them sleeping, because their eyes were heavy. So he left them and went away once more and prayed the third time, saying the same thing.

Then he returned to the disciples and said to them, “Are you still sleeping and resting? Look, the hour has come, and the Son of Man is delivered into the hands of sinners. Rise! Let us go! Here comes my betrayer!”

Jesus Arrested

While he was still speaking, Judas, one of the Twelve, arrived. With him was a large crowd armed with swords and clubs, sent from the chief priests and the elders of the people. Now the betrayer had arranged a signal with them: “The one I kiss is the man; arrest him.” Going at once to Jesus, Judas said, “Greetings, Rabbi!” and kissed him.

Jesus replied, “Do what you came for, friend.”[c]

Then the men stepped forward, seized Jesus and arrested him.

=== Bongino Headlines ===
Biden’s Polling Reveals “The Worst First Year of a President in American History”READ MORE

White House Says They’ve Seen New Signs Russia Could Invade Ukraine “At Any Time”

Senators: CIA Has Secret Program Collecting Data on Americans in Bulk

9 Phoenix Police Officers Wounded in Standoff, Suspect Dead

California Debates Vax Mandate for ALL Workers

Shoplifting Reaches Crisis Levels

GiveSendGo to Give Donations To Freedom Convoy In Spite Of Court Order

Capitol Hill
House Oversight Republicans Plan November Surprise For DC Mayor Bowser
Rasmussen: Biden’s Approval 14 Points Underwater
$7B in Frozen Afghan Funds Being Split Between 9/11 Victims and Relief
Biden Admin Vetting “About Four” SCOTUS Candidates
Biden Attacks Credibility of Army Report Blasting His Administration’s Pullout From Afghanistan
Biden Calls Lester Holt a “Wise Guy” for Bringing Up Past Claims Inflation Would Be Temporary
Blue States Follow the Political Science on Mask Mandates
Biden Warns Americans in Ukraine to “Leave Now”
California Legislature Denies Republican Effort to End State of Emergency
Matt Gaetz Predicts Jan 6 Committee Will Try to Disqualify Trump From Running Again

Culture War
Waukesha Massacre Suspect Pleads Not Guilty
Joe Rogan Fires Back at CNN: Nobody Listens To You
CNN Analyst Tries to Backtrack After Saying Freedom Convoy Truckers Should Have Tires Slashed
Texas Abortions Fell 60% First Month After Heartbeat Act Took Effect
California Republicans Wear Masks With Pictures of Maskless Gov. Newsom and Magic Johnson During Emergency Powers Hearing
Biden’s Struggles Draw Obama Back into the Spotlight
Hillary Clinton to Deliver Remarks Next Week at New York State Democrat Party Convention
Schoolchildren Erupt in Celebration After Being Told They Don’t Need to Wear Masks Anymore
West Virginia AG: Biden Admin “Trying to Destroy the Fabric” of America

Pfizer Postpones FDA Application for COVID Vax for Babies, Toddlers
Commerce Sec’s Husband Cashed in on Chinese Gov-Linked Tech Company
Economic Confidence Down Again in February
Traders Pricing Seven Fed Hikes This Year
Kellogg May Raise Prices Again in 2022 – Faces “Double-Digit Cost Inflation”
Shares in Affirm Crash 21% After Company Accidentally Tweets Out Financial Results Early
Mortgage Rates Surge to Highest Level in Over Two Years
Biden Rolls Out $5 Billion Funding Plan to States for Electric Vehicle Chargers
10-Year Treasury Yields Exceed 2% for First Time Since 2019
Billionaire Founder of Binance Crypto Exchange to Invest $200 Million in Forbes

Swamp Watch
Don Lemon Could Face Financial Ruin as Sexual Assault Case Goes to Trial
Possible Biden SCOTUS Pick Gave Lesser Sentence to George Floyd Rioter for Deadly Arson Attack
Biden Says He’s Not Making an “Ideological” Choice In Specifically Picking a Black Female Supreme Court Nominee
Gov. Whitmer Offers Heavy Equipment to Help Canada Move Trucks Off Bridge Blocked by Freedom Convoy
Ex-Gov. Cuomo to File Complaint Against AG James Alleging Misconduct in Harassment Investigation
ICE Deportations Fall 70% Under Biden
DC Police Investigation Finds Beating Unconscious Trump Supporter on Jan 6 “Reasonable”
Emails: Hunter Biden Sought “Forever” Deal With China Military-Tied Firm

National Security
Rand Paul Introduces Resolution to Block U.S. Weapons Sale to Egypt
Top Commander Slams White House, Jill Biden for Being a Distraction During Chaotic Kabul Withdrawal
Biden: I Would Not Send Troops to Rescue Americans Fleeing Ukraine
Pentagon: “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion” Should Be Part of All Military Decisions
China Threatens U.S. Over $100 Million Taiwan Arms Sale
Privately Contracted Fighter Jet Crashes Near Arizona Air Force Base
Democrat Rep. Luria Says U.S. Should Declare It Will Protect Taiwan From China
UN: Size of ISIS-K Doubled Following Taliban Prisoner Releases

Around the World
More European Countries Roll Back COVID Restrictions
Ontario Premier Doug Ford Declares State of Emergency, Announces End to “Nearly All” Pandemic Restrictions
Biden Admin Urges Canada to Use Federal Powers to Shut Down Freedom Convoy
Trudeau Huddles With Opposition Party Leaders as Trucker Reinforcements Arrive in Ottawa
Former British Prime Minister Says Boris Johnson Broke the Law Over Parties
China Threatens Sanctions on Biden, U.S. Congress Over Breitbart Report on GOP Plan to Weaken Communists
The Number of Destitute Households in UK Will Increase by 1M Thanks to Tory Tax Hikes
Sources: Putin Kept Macron at Distance for Snubbing COVID Demands

Jack Bucbky: How The Democrats Plan To Stop Donald Trump From Running In 2024
Laura Hollis: It’s Not Science That Has Changed: It’s the Political Calculus
John Hawkins: The Key to Fixing Race Relations
Kurt Schlichter: The GOP Must Adopt a “No Prisoners” Agenda for 2023
R. Emmett Tyrrell: Homage to Ukraine
Spencer Brown: Liberal Fact-Checkers Desperately Try to Snuff Out Crack Pipe Outrage
Michael Barone: Lamentations About Redistricting Ending Democracy Prove Hypocritical — and Wrong
Veronique de Rugy: To Lift All Boats, Help Americans Resume Fulfilling Work
Armstrong Williams: A Twisted Love Affair with China
Charles Lipson: Yesterday’s Sister Souljah Moment, Today’s Costly Silence

Seth MacFarlane Describes Oscars Decision to Not Mandate Vaccines “A Colossal Abdication of Responsible Management”
“Jurassic World: Dominion” Trailer Features Jeff Goldblum, Laura Dern & Sam Neill
Dolly Parton Gives Free College Tuition to Dollywood Workers
Mark Wahlberg Torches Cancel Culture – “It’s Not My Place to Judge”
Hollywood Celebs Including Steven Spielberg & Mark Ruffalo Pouring Cash Into Senate Midterm Races
Mike Myers’ “Austin Powers” Villains Return to Sell Climate Fear & Electric Cars in GM Super Bowl Ad
Morgan Wallen’s Crowd Chants “Let’s Go, Brandon” at Madison Square Garden Show
Former Snoop Dogg Backup Dancer Sues Him for Alleged Sexual Assault & Sex Trafficking

USA Hockey Unleashes Fury on Sellouts, Crushes Chinese Team
Dolphins Coach Calls Discussions About His Race “Odd,” Says He Identifies as “A Human Being”
Russia Caught Doping at Olympics, Again
Report: DHS Warns of Potential U.S. Trucker Convoy During Super Bowl in Los Angeles
James Harden Traded for Ben Simmons in Nets-76ers Blockbuster Megadeal
Sources Say NFL Is Begging the Richest Black Man in the U.S. to Buy the Broncos
Next Season The NFL Will Start Playing Games in Germany
Richard Petty’s Grandson Will Make Truck Debut at Daytona With STP
=== Newsmax Headlines ===

Newsmax TV

A filing from Justice Department special counsel John Durham says [Full Story]
Former White House adviser and the son-in-law to former President [Full Story]

News of the day captioned like the Drudge Report of old, curating top-5 stories of note.

1. Even the establishment now confesses: mask mandates never worked.

2. War talk with Russia is nuts. We will explore that topic further, as Biden predicts war by week's end, with the Duran on this week's Sidebar.

3. Twitter responds to Alex Berenson's suit.

4. More whistleblowers come out and more dissidents speak out: vaccine safety was never properly tested.

5. "Is Washington ready for Peter Thiel’s radical brand of anti-establishment thinking?" Cause it's comin'.

*Bonus: All my Super Bowl picks.

Here is a video I made Life is Beautiful, My Child
A free poem, read by a Frenchman, with images from Capra's "A Wonderful Life"
Some iCompositions links no longer work. iCompositions leaders took a view on Global Warming and called me a BNP supporter and began deleting my material. I keep the links because I can sometimes reconstruct material using 'Wayback machine' et al. For the record, I despise AGW hysteria and fascists

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15 seconds

15 seconds

=== From 2021 ===

On Friday, at work in the adjacent suburb of Hallam, a lightning storm resulted in power going down across Hallam. Children at the tutorial centre at 8pm were forced to work from fading daylight across summer of Melbourne. Lights returned fifteen minutes later. Work was done and children got a new appreciation of Zeus. When I got back home, I found the internet was down from wifi, but I had phone data operative. I searched for internet failure and found nothing. I waited until next morning, and found a report of NBN failure the night before. I went to work in the morning. At work I was called by my estate agent who had tried to reset the modem in the share accommodation, without success. I told them of the NBN outage report, with the news that the anticipated recovery was on Monday at 6pm, the fourth day from the failure. 

I went home and checked the internet again. Still down, I checked the outage reports, and there were none. Not even at my address. Clearly, the estate agent had not got the landlord to raise the issue with the ISP. There is no reason to believe the internet will be restored on even the fourth day if no one is looking at the issue. 

What has caused this outage? Internet gets slow whenever there is a thunderstorm. I live in Dandenong, a suburb of Melbourne. There is no excuse for such poor service. 


Editorial Thursday 11th February 2021

Having reported the outage to my landlord’s agent, I queried them as to why no fault was reported on the address a day later, two days later, three days later and four days later. The estate agent raised their voice to me “It is not my job to sit by a phone for a telecommunications company hours on end. I’ve alerted the landlord.” 


“Yes, but the telecommunications company needs to know there is a fault or they cannot address it.”


“I take your point but I have told you I have alerted the landlord.”


“Have you advised them to report the fault?”


“They said they will fix it. If they haven’t fixed by the end of working day tomorrow I will see to it. Have a good day, sir”


It wasn’t working on day five, but another member of the share household found mail addressed to the landlord from the telecommunications company and opened it. It said that the company was sending a final warning before cancellation. The company was forced to close their cable service and link to NBN instead. The cancellation was to take place on the 15th February, ten days after they in fact cancelled it. Had the company been called when the ‘fault’ was detected, the problem could have been addressed immediately. The agent has still not apologised to me. Neither is the internet connected after seven days. 


My oldest sister sent me a near fifty year old school photo of me. I told her that I had lost all my photos when FB booted me. I have no place for such memories, but I’m thankful she thought of me. I had been booted from FB after Jan 6th for not being a good citizen, as I endorsed Donald Trump for President. I am not uncivilised  and never condone violence or racism, but FB booted me. My sister, a left wing loony, said I should go somewhere else where I’m accepted. She suggested I use the library to access the internet. She was taunting me. That is how they behave.

=== From 2018 ===

Don't give up on hope. I posted an item today and some Trolls bit. I include as it is illustrative of how trolls operate. But also I wanted it to highlight an issue of concern. The Victorian media are being unfair to Matthew Guy. Guy has raised many points which address all of Victoria's issues. But the press ignore it and say he is nowhere to be seen, that people don't know him. Last year Guy referred to investigation the case of ALP red shirts being paid in ways strictly forbidden by the electoral office. The imbalance that throws democracy is a threat to democracy. My point in raising it is that the trolls wasting time of keyboard warriors on FB are probably paid to do so. And it takes away my time I need to concentrate on valuable things. So one troll here struggles to argue the case of a spheroid Earth. But that had nothing to do with the post or substantive arguments. On substantive issues, the troll claimed to be insulted, to have read something, or posts irrelevant detail. 
The money paying for the trolls includes slush funds of trades unions illegally obtained by stand over tactics against builders. Malcolm Turnbull has worked to prevent those trades unions from being stopped. That is why LNP support is dropping, or remaining on the floor. Meanwhile Turnbull fights to remain PM, by releasing state secrets? By hitting the Deputy PM? By hurting the Liberal party? 
Via DS <Over the past months a spate of scientific papers published show sea level rise has not accelerated like many climate warming scientists warned earlier. The reality is that the rise is far slower than expected.
The latest findings glaringly contradict alarmist claims of accelerating sea level rise. For example the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) wrote sea levels would “likely rise for many centuries at rates higher than that of the current century”, due to global warming.
In 2013 The Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) sea-level rise in this century would likely be 70-120 centimeters by 2100″ (i.e. 7 – 12 mm annually) and that 90 experts in a survey “anticipated a median sea-level rise of 200-300 centimeters by the year 2300” (i.e. on average circa 7 to 10 mm every year).
Using these modelled estimates, the globe should now be seeing a rapid acceleration in sea level rise. Yet no evidence of this can be found so far. In fact the real measured data show the opposite is happening: a deceleration in sea level rise is taking place.>

KO There will be pauses & there will be plateaus. Are you saying, by cherry-picking this statistic, that the widely accepted IPCC 2100 prediction is therefor wrong? Try convincing the Netherlands of that, or Bangladesh, or the Maldives.

RL Widely accepted by morons who dont even understand that the sea level is the SAME over the entire planet.. you cant have higher sea level in one place unless you believe in flat earth. And anyway the Maldives are GROWING higher out of the ocean.. like Tuvalu and other FAKE places at risk. But dont worry.. the Tooth Fairy will rescue you...


JN A prediction might be wrong ? 
If that is your question ? I must ask, because well, do you even science ?

KO Why do you need to be so aggressive? Happy to debate with you but cool down.

David Daniel Ball "Cherry picked data" is your debating issues?

KO Moron? 
"Most people are surprised to learn that, just as the surface of the Earth is not flat, the surface of the ocean is not flat, and that the surface of the sea changes at different rates around the globe. For instance, the absolute water level height is higher along the West Coast of the United States than the East Coast."

David Daniel Ball And I could add that large swathes of central Australia are beneath the water line. That has nothing to do with AGW hysteria .. except it addresses the issue of sea rising from ice melting. Australia could cool the world substantially by flooding her inland with fresh water diverted from northern rivers. Environmentalists resist that arguing it would change the environment

KO You avoided correcting your earlier statement that "the sea level is the SAME over the entire planet". Happy for you to admit that you were incorrect. Re parts of Australia being below sea level - I think you are referring to Lake Eyre which floods regularly from the odd northern Aust cyclone and creates one of the worlds most brilliant wetland areas. Where your reference to the "tooth fairy" fits in with all of this Im not sure, but Tuvalu, Maldives, Netherlands and even New Orleans are all working on the computer models that sit behind the IPCC 'predictions' for 2100. Are they all Morons?

KO JN C'mon that's silly. Of course a 'prediction' might be wrong - some more than others. But when 95% of the world's nations come together in Paris, backed by the scientific elite, and arrive at an agreed prediction, you would have to say that that prediction might be a bit more solid than you & I predicting the result of a horse race.

David Daniel Ball  I thought you were happy to debate. you get it 95% stat is hyperbole? You get it the models to date are wrong. You get it you are arguing with different people and I did not come up with the universal sea level concept? You get it waters have been rising since the ice age? You get it sea rising has slowed recently? I am sure physics underpins weather, but AGW activists have been wrong .. I believe because their underlying assumptions are wrong

KO Ok. You have said sea level rises are the same all over the world. Wrong. In your earlier comment you link sea level rise to ice melt. Wrong - sea ice melt will have little impact, but land surface ice melt will have a major impact.You refer to an option in Australia to flood its interior (actually only a small part) to 'cool the world'. Wrong, for so many reasons. You keep referring to ice melting as main contributor to sea rise. Wrong - it is the warming of the oceans (caused by a greater rate of CO2 absorption that expands its volume). By the way, 'hyperbole' means 'exaggeration'. How can an absolute 95% majority be an exaggeration? And could you please refer me to the published articles where the administrations of the Maldives, Bangladesh, Netherlands and New Orleans agree with you?


SG KO yes they are

KO Stephen, not according to the National Ocean Services, National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration, US Dept of Commerce - and many other sources you can look up. I couldnt find one source that said otherwise. But it really isnt important to the main discussion re probable v possible man-assisted sea level rise. What is your view?

BG Please Google Peter Ridd and that's just the tip of the ice berg (Pardon the pun )

KO Brian, I did as you suggested - thank you. I note that Prof Ridd was addressing global warming impact on the Great Barrier Reef, not global warming as such. interesting however. I also note his close relationship with Peta Creddin and Alan Jones.

PD please explain how water can rise in one part of the ocean but not in another part a few hundred kilometres away?
why do we have instruments known as water levels??
if water rises in Netherlands won't it by logic rise in England and France and Scandinavia and Germany and Russia and Africa etc etc.

check it out

KO PD did you follow my link above? ‘National Ocean Services”. Interesting, but doesn’t necessarily firm or otherwise the competing views on sea levels.


David Daniel Ball The earth is potato shaped, not spherical. She spins on an axis. Earth has a bulge around the equator. Also, tidal forces affect the behaviour of water .. technically tidal forces are the behaviour .. but I think that begins to explain it

KO Correct David. See, even Christians & Athiests can sometimes agree. 😊

RL So much garbage in one little string of info.


KO RL Given that you have now read the above, the point or question you would like to contribute is....??

DA Global warming is nonsense a has been discredited by many scientists. The IPCC has said their models are wrong.


KO Rephrase your post to ‘discredited by some scientists’ and ‘IPCC’s models are continually being updated’ - and I will agree with you. You just cant make blanket claims like that. Unhelpful.


BW Been happening since the dawn of time. Humans are just arrogant enough to believe we can prevent nature in her natural progression. Good luck with that


RZ Arctic ice is melting. Greenland is melting away, longer summers and better growing conditions. Not so much in the Southern Hemisphere.

RL BS... total and utter BS.. more ice than ever...

RZ Rob Luck Not the scientific papers I read.

GD Read up on the huge increase of ice in Antarctica.

DA What is wrong with better growing conditions.

RL Haha... the water you see in the background was going to be at the 2030 level in 2015...when these morons made their inane predictions in 2001

RH So the sky is falling again. Unsubstantiated modelling inaccuracies.

SJH Exactly unsubstantiated modelling. Every time I ask the question why do the tides appear to be getting lower not higher, I am accused of not believing the scientific modelling and not caring about this planet. I care because I live 1 meter above our highest high tides produced over the last 50 years. Once a year it comes within 1.1 meters from my lounge room floor, never higher. If I ignored the tide charts and believed the non factual scientific reports my lounge would be approx 1.5 meters under water by now. 
Because I have been concerned I constantly ask this question : If the sea level is rising in the northern hemisphere what will happen if that stops and it then comes back to the southern areas.?
Rather than any answer I am branded an unbeliever and unintelligent. What does that say. Mmmmmm

RH It’s scaremongering being taken to a new low.

RP The Sydney tide gauge (the oldest in Australia) has shown a total rise over its entire life (approx 160years) of less than 2cm and the vast bulk of that was in the 1940s when there was a suspected minor earth tremor which most likely moved the gauge a bit.

The climate is changing, it always has, but the Chicken Little’s of this world are not only running around claiming the sky to be falling but they are making money out of their screaming. It is the most disgusting of con jobs

OB There is no doubt that clean air is good for humans and finding alternatives to raping the earth is a good thing, but will we drown in sea water, I don’t think so, And will the planet explode and fire off into the universe, I doubt it, so let’s just face reality.... climate change is normal.

OB I do think it’s stupid that in Australia we have a clean energy target that costs all Australians every week in high energy costs, while Adani and many other foreign companies can rape our land, ship it overseas tax free and burn the hell out of it with no recourse? Where is the logic in that? Tax the hell out of it or use it here and tell them to bugger off.

David Daniel Ball Raping the earth?

RH David Daniel Ball raping the taxpayer.


GH what factors does continental drift play on these findings?

DP The magnetic poles are constantly moving so rotational axis can get a wobble and the earth cycle time wise is comprehended by life time human wise , only those people who have lived 60 yrs plus qualify to give a street wise answer these 25 yr olds need to research at lease 50 yrs of result before quoting al gore and his mates public rip off scheme

JJ Read an article recently where scientists couldn't understand why the ocean levels weren't rising. They decided that the ocean floors were actually sinking due to the extra weight of water from melting icebergs!!
=== from 2017 ===
The Western Australia deal between One Nation and the Liberals, preferencing One Nation over the Nationals is awful politics for the Liberals, and highly suggestive of Malcolm Turnbull's involvement. It seems apparent that it will cause a rift between the conservative coalition parties, which would appeal to Turnbull who feels he can't reach down easily with Barnaby Joyce as leader of the Nationals. Also, it isn't a plan with a history of Abbott endorsement. So it is something that Turnbull can truly claim as his own (like the other dog deals). But the strongest motivating factor for the deal is to secure votes from Cory Bernardi's conservative party should it contest the election. It is as if the ALP are not the people Turnbull is distancing himself from. Turnbull has never benefited the Liberals as a member of the Liberals, except when he gave $1.7 million to run adverts promoting himself above the party in election. It highlights that Pauline Hanson is now the Belle of the Ball. And it highlights that Turnbull can do nothing worthwhile, and only hurts conservatives in office. 

In 2015, I wrote Turnbull should resign as he had nothing left to offer, except damaging Liberal governments. Today, Turnbull has proved me right. At the moment, Turnbull is being lauded by the partisan media for insulting Bill Shorten, the ALP leader. A real Liberal leader would not insult Shorten, but point to his failed policy record. Turnbull still has the support of Miranda Devine. But non partisan conservative commentators say that Abbott is the best alternative. Meanwhile, I am hostage to abysmal political leadership and hopeless journalists. My shopfront has opened on Facebook.

I am reading a research article by Matthew C. MacWilliams , University of Massachusetts Amherst, a PhD student. His second sentence in abstract is "Who decides when the party elites don’t?"It may come as a surprise to the doctoral student, but in a democracy like the United States, the oldest in the modern world, the people decide. However, it is not a first past the post system, or even a simple majority win. In the United States, there are electoral colleges which are supposed to vote according to their constituency. Trump won handsomely. Had the campaign been different, Trump would have campaigned differently. But according to rules laid out well before the election began, Trump won bigly. Sadly, despite the hours of research, one doesn't know how many, as pub times vary, Matthew doesn't seem to have penetrated this mystery. And the many media supporters spruiking Matthew's research seem to have missed it too. Maybe pubs need to be open longer? Do the people really want that?

In Victoria, Melbourne ground to a halt for a few hours this morning thanks to Dan Andrews dealing with Uber and taxis. Andrews had prevaricated over Uber, before legislating for it. But Taxis have been short changed by the deal. It was a difficult situation Andrews handled badly. Taxis are also small businesses, and at least one person's second hand license traded for $800k before Andrews reduced the value to nothing. Uber is better than taxis, but taxis had been regulated heavily and so the industry deserves much better than nothing. Small business is a risk, but a government mandated wipe out is wrong. But the ALP have history with such. It wasn't long ago when small business relied on foreign students doing heavy lifting of service. Students got exploited, but got experience too, and if they persevered, got degrees. Some business still work that way, but illegally. Others went out backwards, after Rudd, Fair Work and small business hating regulation trashed them. Andrews has given away hundreds of millions of dollars for nothing before. But then ALP don't represent small business. Maybe the small business owners can migrate to Detroit through Canada? Trump can deal with them, I hear on good authority. 
=== from 2016 ===
No more columns until I secure accommodation. 
=== from 2015 ===
The holocaust never ended, although the Nazis were defeated and their concentration camps emptied. Some Nazis went to the Middle East, and some to South America. While Nazi networks are no longer, individuals they supported and inspired continue. Rich Palestinian leaders are inheritors of Nazi ideology, not Islam. Propaganda and terror are historically preserved in jihadist ideology. Iran, Pakistan and Turkey have Nazi leanings in their ideology. And the US, under Obama has been a friend of those with Holocaust ambitions, as exemplified by giving cash inappropriately or turning a blind eye inappropriately. 

Standing for a brighter future is Israel. A modern democracy under siege by those who would complete the Nazi work of a final solution. Soon, her PM, Netanyahu, should speak to US Congress. One hopes he bells the cat of evil Israel faces. Because if Israel should fall, it is the rest of the world which will have to face the evil. Or succumb. 

Consider the words of Iran (“The only solution to the Palestine problem is the destruction of the Zionist regime….We view the wondrous resistance as the only way towards a victorious and inspiring battle against the false, illegitimate Zionist regime.”) or Turkey (Erdogan called Israel a terrorist state) regarding Israel and then consider the mis statement of Mr Abbott in parliament. Mr Abbott immediately apologised and doubled back. He had referred to a holocaust on jobs. It was a simile. But the press have been strident in denouncing it. Yet the Greens have a history of employing the word, as did Keating, and nothing was heard from the press on them. And on top of the outrage, press carry on other campaigns meant to undermine the Australian PM which are similarly without weight. 

Meanwhile activist students protest improvements to federal education policy. The activists make a great show of clashes with police they instigate. They use overblown rhetoric to a partisan press. The truth is the federal government want to impose small cuts now to education so as to not impose larger cuts later. So the students are marching for poor educational outcomes. 

Gillian Triggs' partisan paper on people smuggling is an example of a product of a poor education. Clearly partisan, about all that can be said for the paper is the tacit acknowledgement that it was wrong to drown poor desperate people wanting to come to Australia. 
From 2014
SPC 'saved' without Abbott giving it $25 million. I call that a win .. for Abbott. Unless the ruinous corrupt union activity is curbed more jobs will be lost. Shorten moves to ensure more jobs are lost. Hoffman died from drugs, best not to celebrate drug use. Bush critic convicted for many things. Clarence Thomas notes the abuse dominating left argument. More AWU evidence seized. Why save worker jobs when workers refuse to help themselves? 
Historical perspective on this day
In 1322, the central tower of Ely Cathedral fell on the night of 12th-13th. 1462, the Treaty of Westminster was finalised between Edward IV of England and the Scottish Lord of the Isles. 1503, Disfida di Barletta – tournament between 13 Italian and 13 French knights near Barletta. 1542, Catherine Howard, the fifth wife of Henry VIII of England, was executed for adultery. 1572, Elizabeth I of England issued a proclamation which revoked all commissions on account of the frauds which they had fostered. 1575, Henry III of France was crowned at Rheims and married Louise de Lorraine-Vaudémont on the same day.

In 1633, Galileo Galilei arrived in Rome for his trial before the Inquisition. 1660, with the death of Swedish King Charles X Gustav, the Swedish government began to seek peace with Sweden's enemies in the Second Northern War – something that Charles had refused. As his son and successor on the throne, Charles XI, is only four years old, a regency ruled Sweden until 1672. 1668, Spain recognised Portugal as an independent nation. 1689, William and Mary were proclaimed co-rulers of England. 1692, Massacre of Glencoe: About 78 Macdonalds at Glen CoeScotland were killed early in the morning for not promptly pledging allegiance to the new king, William of Orange. 1739, Battle of Karnal: The army of Iranian ruler Nadir Shah defeated the forces of the Mughal emperor of IndiaMuhammad Shah. 1849, the delegation headed by Metropolitan bishop Andrei Şaguna handed out to the Emperor Franz Joseph I of Austria the General Petition of Romanian leaders in TransylvaniaBanat and Bukovina, which demanded that the Romanian nation be recognised. 1861, in Gaeta the capitulation of the fortress decreeing the end of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies was signed. 1867, work began on the covering of the Zenne, burying Brussels's primary river and creating the modern central boulevards. 1880, Thomas Edison observed the Edison effect. 1881, the feminist newspaper La Citoyenne was first published in Paris by the activist Hubertine Auclert.

In 1914, Copyright: In New York City the American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers was established to protect the copyrighted musical compositions of its members. 1920, the Negro National League was formed. 1931, New Delhi became the capital of India. 1934, the Soviet steamship Cheliuskin sank in the Arctic Ocean. 1935, a jury in Flemington, New Jersey found Bruno Hauptmann guilty of the 1932 kidnapping and murder of the Lindbergh baby, the son of Charles Lindbergh. 1945, World War II: The siege of Budapest concluded with the unconditional surrender of German and Hungarian forces to the Red Army. Also 1945, World War II: Royal Air Force bombers were dispatched to DresdenGermany to attack the city with a massive aerial bombardment. 1951, Korean WarBattle of Chipyong-ni, which represented the "high-water mark" of the Chinese incursion into South Korea, commenced. 1954, Frank Selvybecame the only NCAA Division I basketball player ever to score 100 points in a single game. 1955, Israel obtained four of the seven Dead Sea scrolls.

In 1960, with the success of a nuclear test codenamed "Gerboise Bleue", France became the fourth country to possess nuclear weapons. Also 1960, black college students stage the first of the Nashville sit-ins at three lunch counters in Nashville, Tennessee. 1961, an allegedly 500,000-year-old rock was discovered near Olancha, CaliforniaUS, that appears to anachronistically encase a spark plug. 1967, American researchers discovered the Madrid Codices by Leonardo da Vinci in the National Library of Spain. 1971, Vietnam War: Backed by American air and artillery support, South Vietnamese troops invaded Laos. 1978, Hilton bombing: a bombexploded in a refuse truck outside the Hilton Hotel in SydneyAustralia, killing two refuse collectors and a policeman. 1979, an intense windstorm struck western Washington and sank a 1/2-mile-long section of the Hood Canal Bridge. 1981, a series of sewer explosions destroyed more than two miles of streets in Louisville, Kentucky. 1982, the Río Negro massacre takes place in Guatemala. 1983, a cinema fire in Turin, Italy, killed 64 people. 1984, Konstantin Chernenko succeeded the late Yuri Andropov as general secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. 1990, German reunification: An agreement was reached on a two-stage plan to reunite Germany. 1991, Gulf War: Two laser-guided "smart bombs" destroyed the Amiriyah shelter in Baghdad. Allied forces said the bunker was being used as a military communications outpost, but over 400 Iraqi civilians inside were killed.

In 2000, the last original "Peanutscomic strip appeared in newspapers one day after Charles M. Schulz dies. 2001, an earthquake measuring 6.6 on the Richter Scale hit El Salvador, killing at least 400. 2004, the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics announced the discovery of the universe's largest known diamondwhite dwarf star BPM 37093. Astronomers named this star "Lucy" after The Beatles' song "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds". 2007, Taiwan opposition leader Ma Ying-jeou resigned as the chairman of the Kuomintang party after being indicted on charges of embezzlement during his tenure as the mayor of Taipei; Ma also announced his candidacy for the 2008 presidential election. 2008, Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd made a historic apology to the Indigenous Australians and the mythic Stolen Generations. 2010, a bomb exploded in the city of PuneMaharashtraIndia, killing 17 and injuring 60 more. 2011, for the first time in more than 100 years the Umatilla, an American Indian tribe, were able to hunt and harvest a bison just outside Yellowstone National Park, restoring a centuries-old tradition guaranteed by a treaty signed in 1855. 2012, the European Space Agency (ESA) conducted the first launch of the European Vega rocket from Europe's spaceport in KourouFrench Guiana. 2013, a plane crash killed five people and injured nine others in DonetskUkraine.

=== Bible Reading ===

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Today's reading: Leviticus 13, Matthew 26:26-50 (NIV)

View today's reading on Bible Gateway

Today's Old Testament reading: Leviticus 13

Regulations About Defiling Skin Diseases

The LORD said to Moses and Aaron, 2 "When anyone has a swelling or a rash or a shiny spot on their skin that may be a defiling skin disease, they must be brought to Aaron the priest or to one of his sons who is a priest....

Today's New Testament reading: Matthew 26:26-50

26 While they were eating, Jesus took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to his disciples, saying, "Take and eat; this is my body."

27 Then he took a cup, and when he had given thanks, he gave it to them, saying, "Drink from it, all of you...."

=== Morning and Evening ===

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February 12: Morning
"For as the sufferings of Christ abound in us, so our consolation also aboundeth by Christ." - 2 Corinthians 1:5
There is a blessed proportion. The Ruler of Providence bears a pair of scales--in this side he puts his people's trials, and in that he puts their consolations. When the scale of trial is nearly empty, you will always find the scale of consolation in nearly the same condition; and when the scale of trials is full, you will find the scale of consolation just as heavy. When the black clouds gather most, the light is the more brightly revealed to us. When the night lowers and the tempest is coming on, the Heavenly Captain is always closest to his crew. It is a blessed thing, that when we are most cast down, then it is that we are most lifted up by the consolations of the Spirit. One reason is, because trials make more room for consolation. Great hearts can only be made by great troubles. The spade of trouble digs the reservoir of comfort deeper, and makes more room for consolation. God comes into our heart--he finds it full--he begins to break our comforts and to make it empty; then there is more room for grace. The humbler a man lies, the more comfort he will always have, because he will be more fitted to receive it. Another reason why we are often most happy in our troubles, is this--then we have the closest dealings with God. When the barn is full, man can live without God: when the purse is bursting with gold, we try to do without so much prayer. But once take our gourds away, and we want our God; once cleanse the idols out of the house, then we are compelled to honour Jehovah. "Out of the depths have I cried unto thee, O Lord." There is no cry so good as that which comes from the bottom of the mountains; no prayer half so hearty as that which comes up from the depths of the soul, through deep trials and afflictions. Hence they bring us to God, and we are happier; for nearness to God is happiness. Come, troubled believer, fret not over your heavy troubles, for they are the heralds of weighty mercies.
"He shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you forever." - John 14:16

The Great Father revealed himself to believers of old before the coming of his Son, and was known to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob as the God Almighty. Then Jesus came, and the ever-blessed Son in his own proper person, was the delight of his people's eyes. At the time of the Redeemer's ascension, the Holy Spirit became the head of the present dispensation, and his power was gloriously manifested in and after Pentecost. He remains at this hour the present Immanuel--God with us, dwelling in and with his people, quickening, guiding, and ruling in their midst. Is his presence recognized as it ought to be? We cannot control his working; he is most sovereign in all his operations, but are we sufficiently anxious to obtain his help, or sufficiently watchful lest we provoke him to withdraw his aid? Without him we can do nothing, but by his almighty energy the most extraordinary results can be produced: everything depends upon his manifesting or concealing his power. Do we always look up to him both for our inner life and our outward service with the respectful dependence which is fitting? Do we not too often run before his call and act independently of his aid? Let us humble ourselves this evening for past neglects, and now entreat the heavenly dew to rest upon us, the sacred oil to anoint us, the celestial flame to burn within us. The Holy Ghost is no temporary gift, he abides with the saints. We have but to seek him aright, and he will be found of us. He is jealous, but he is pitiful; if he leaves in anger, he returns in mercy. Condescending and tender, he does not weary of us, but awaits to be gracious still.

Sin has been hammering my heart
Unto a hardness, void of love,
Let supplying grace to cross his art
Drop from above.

=== Bible Quote ===

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=== Message ===

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I am a decent man and don't care for the abuse given me. I created a video raising awareness of anti police feeling among western communities. I chose the senseless killing of Nicola Cotton, a Louisiana policewoman who joined post Katrina, to highlight the issue. I did this in order to get an income after having been illegally blacklisted from work in NSW for being a whistleblower. I have not done anything wrong. Local council appointees refused to endorse my work, so I did it for free. Youtube's Adsence refused to allow me to profit from their marketing it. Meanwhile, I am hostage to abysmal political leadership and hopeless journalists. My shopfront has opened on Facebook.


I am publishing a book called Bread of Life: January.

Bread of Life is a daily bible quote with a layman's understanding of the meaning. I give one quote for each day, and also a series of personal stories illustrating key concepts eg Who is God? What is a miracle? Why is there tragedy?

January is the first of the anticipated year-long work of thirteen books. One for each month and the whole year. It costs to publish. It (Kindle version) should retail at about $2US online, but the paperback version would cost more, according to production cost.If you have a heart for giving, I fundraise at (Gofundme finished the fund raiser, 2017)


Editorials will appear in the "History in a Year by the Conservative Voice" series, starting with August, September, October, or at Amazon The kindle version is cheaper, but the soft back version allows a free kindle version.

The Amazon Author Page for David Ball

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I'm now on MAGAbook to sidestep FB censorship


I'm looking for former students to endorse me


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