Monday, February 14, 2022

Mon 14th February 2022 Current Affairs

My name is David Daniel Ball and I am Voice DDB dot locals dot com a voice of freedom supporting freedom around the world for all peoples. I write on historical and current affairs. I look for the conservative voice where mainstream media eschews it. Around the world media espouses liberalism orthodoxy and proclaims a history of liberalism that never happened. Liberalism of today is based on repeated lies that have been accepted from the past.

Consider these recent truths
Mask wearing does not address COVID
Vaccines against COVID are not effective
Truck rally in Canada opposed by media

Today is a big day for  

In 748, Abbasid Revolution: The Hashimi rebels under Abu Muslim Khorasani took Merv, capital of the Umayyad province Khorasan, marking the consolidation of the Abbasid revolt. 842, Charles the Bald and Louis the German swore the Oaths of Strasbourg in the French and German languages. 1014, Pope Benedict VIII crowned Henry of Bavaria, King of Germany and of Italy, as Holy Roman Emperor. 1076, Pope Gregory VII excommunicates Henry IV, Holy Roman Emperor. 1349, Several hundred Jews were burned to death by mobs while the remainder of their population was forcibly removed from the city of Strasbourg. 1400, Richard IIdied, most likely from starvation, in Pontefract Castle, on the orders of Henry Bolingbroke. 1556, Thomas Cranmer was declared a heretic. 1778, the United States Flag was formally recognised by a foreign naval vessel for the first time, when French Admiral Toussaint-Guillaume Picquet de la Motte rendered a nine gun salute to USS Ranger, commanded by John Paul Jones. 1779, American Revolutionary War: the Battle of Kettle Creek was fought in Georgia. Also 1779, James Cook was killed by Native Hawaiians near Kealakekua on the Island of Hawaii. 1797, French Revolutionary Wars: Battle of Cape St. VincentJohn Jervis, (later 1st Earl of St Vincent) and Horatio Nelson (later 1st Viscount Nelson) led the British Royal Navy to victory over a Spanish fleet in action near Gibraltar.

In 1804, Karadjordje led the First Serbian Uprising against the Ottoman Empire. 1831, Ras Marye of Yejju marched into Tigray and defeated and killed Dejazmach Sabagadis in the Battle of Debre Abbay. 1835, the original Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, in the Latter Day Saint movement, was formed in Kirtland, Ohio. 1849, in New York City, James Knox Polk becomes the first serving President of the United States to have his photograph taken. 1852, Great Ormond St Hospital for Sick Children, the first hospital in England to provide in-patient beds specifically for children (The National Children's Hospital in Dublin was founded over 30 years previously in 1821), was founded in London. 1855, Texas was linked by telegraph to the rest of the United States, with the completion of a connection between New Orleans and Marshall, Texas. 1859, Oregon was admitted as the 33rd U.S. state. 1876, Alexander Graham Bell applied for a patent for the telephone, as did Elisha Gray. 1879, the War of the Pacific broke out when Chilean armed forces occupied the Bolivian port city of Antofagasta. 1899, Voting machines were approved by the U.S. Congress for use in federal elections.

In 1900, Second Boer War: In South Africa, 20,000 British troops invaded the Orange Free State. 1903, the United States Department of Commerce and Labor was established (later split into the Department of Commerce and the Department of Labor). 1912, Arizona was admitted as the 48th U.S. state. Also 1912, in Groton, Connecticut, the first diesel-powered submarine was commissioned. 1918, the Soviet Union adopted the Gregorian calendar (on 1 February according to the Julian calendar). 1919, the Polish–Soviet War began. 1920, the League of Women Voters was founded in Chicago. 1924, the Computing-Tabulating-Recording Company changed its name to International Business Machines Corporation (IBM). 1929, Saint Valentine's Day Massacre: Seven people, six of them gangster rivals of Al Capone's gang, were murdered in Chicago, Illinois.

In 1942, Battle of Pasir Panjang contributed to the fall of Singapore. 1943, World War IIRostov-on-Don, Russia was liberated. Also 1943, World War II: Tunisia Campaign – General Hans-Jürgen von Arnim's Fifth Panzer Army launched a concerted attack against Allied positions in Tunisia. 1944, World War II: Anti-Japanese revolt on Java. 1945, World War II: On the first day of the bombing of Dresden, the British Royal Air Force and the United States Army Air Forces began fire-bombing Dresden, the capital of the German state of Saxony. Also 1945, World War II: Navigational error led to the mistaken bombing of PragueCzechoslovakia by an American squadron of B-17s assisting in the Soviet's Vistula–Oder Offensive. Also 1945, World War II: Mostar was liberated by Yugoslav partisans. Also 1945, President Franklin D. Rooseveltmet with King Ibn Saud of Saudi Arabia aboard the USS Quincy, officially beginning U.S.-Saudidiplomatic relations. 1946, the Bank of England was nationalised. 1949, the Knesset (Israeliparliament) convened for the first time. Also 1949, the Asbestos Strike began in Canada. The strike marked the beginning of the Quiet Revolution in Quebec. 1950, Chinese Civil War: The National Revolutionary Army instigated the unsuccessful Battle of Tianquan against the People's Liberation Army. 1956, the XX Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Unionbegan in Moscow. On the last night of the meeting, Premier Nikita Khrushchevcondemned Joseph Stalin's crimes in a secret speech.

In 1961, Discovery of the chemical elementsElement 103Lawrencium, was first synthesized at the University of California. 1962, First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy took television viewers on a tour of the White House. 1966, Australian currency was decimalised. 1970, the iconic live album Live at Leeds by The Who was recorded. 1979, in KabulSetami Milli militants kidnapped the American ambassador to AfghanistanAdolph Dubs who was later killed during a gunfight between his kidnappers and police. 1981, Stardust Disaster: A fire in a Dublin nightclub killed 48 people 1983, United American Bank of Knoxville, Tennessee collapsed. Its president, Jake Butcher, was later convicted of fraud. 1989, Union Carbide agreed to pay $470 million to the Indian government for damages it caused in the 1984 Bhopal disaster. 1989, Iranian leader Ruhollah Khomeini issued a fatwa encouraging Muslims to kill Salman Rushdie, author of The Satanic Verses. 1990, Ninety-two people were killed aboard Indian Airlines Flight 605 at Bangalore, India. Also 1990, the Voyager 1 spacecraft took the photograph of planet Earth later it became famous as Pale Blue Dot. 1998, an oil tanker train collided with a freight train in YaoundéCameroon, spilling fuel oil. One person scavenging the oil created a massive explosion which killed 120.

In 2000, the spacecraft NEAR Shoemaker entered orbit around asteroid 433 Eros, the first spacecraft to orbit an asteroid. 2004, in a suburb of Moscow, Russia, the roof of the Transvaal water park collapsed, killing more than 25 people, and wounding more than 100 others. 2005, Lebanese self-made billionaire and business tycoon Rafik Hariri was killed, along with 21 others, when explosives, equivalent of around 1,000 kg of TNT, were detonated as his motorcade drove near the St. George Hotel in Beirut. Also 2005, seven people were killed and 151 wounded in a series of bombings by suspected al-Qaeda-linked militants that hit the PhilippinesMakatifinancial district in Metro ManilaDavao City, and General Santos City. Also 2005, YouTube was launched by a group of college students, eventually becoming the largest video sharing website in the world and a main source for viral videos. 2008, Northern Illinois University shooting: A gunman opened fire in a lecture hall of the DeKalb County, Illinois university resulting in six fatalities (including gunman) and 21 injuries. 2011, as a part of Arab Spring, the Bahraini uprising, a series of demonstrations, amounting to a sustained campaign of civil resistance, in the Persian Gulf country of Bahrain began with a 'Day of Rage'.

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Intro to

My name is David Daniel Ball I'm a teacher with three decades experience teaching math to high school kids.I also work with first graders and kids in between first grade and high school. I know the legends of why Hypatia's dad is remembered through his contribution to Math theory. And I know the legend of why followers of Godel had thought he had disproved God's existence. 

I'm not a preacher, but I am a Christian who has written over 28 books all of which include some reference to my faith. Twelve blog books on world history and current affairs, detailing world events , births and marriages on each day of the year, organised by month. Twelve books on the background to and history of Bible Quotes. One Bible quote per day for a year. An intro to a science fiction series I'm planning, post apocalyptic cyber punk. An autobiography with short story collections. 

I'm known in Australia for my failure as a whistleblower over the negligence death of a school boy. I had reported the issue responsibly and had not known I'd blown the whistle. The embarrassed left wing government had responded by imposition of a nationwide ban on the use of peanut butter in canteens, despite failing to address the issue of peanut allergy appropriately. 

I've been de-platformed on Facebook and twitter despite not being an activist. Twitter did not like me asking for Obama to face justice in 2011. FB gave no specific reason for removing me following Jan 6th 2021 in Washington DC where a policeman killed an unarmed woman, so a crowd would know he was in control.

From the Bible, Matthew 26:51-75

With that, one of Jesus’ companions reached for his sword, drew it out and struck the servant of the high priest, cutting off his ear.

“Put your sword back in its place,” Jesus said to him, “for all who draw the sword will die by the sword. Do you think I cannot call on my Father, and he will at once put at my disposal more than twelve legions of angels? But how then would the Scriptures be fulfilled that say it must happen in this way?”

In that hour Jesus said to the crowd, “Am I leading a rebellion, that you have come out with swords and clubs to capture me? Every day I sat in the temple courts teaching, and you did not arrest me. But this has all taken place that the writings of the prophets might be fulfilled.” Then all the disciples deserted him and fled.

Jesus Before the Sanhedrin

Those who had arrested Jesus took him to Caiaphas the high priest, where the teachers of the law and the elders had assembled. But Peter followed him at a distance, right up to the courtyard of the high priest. He entered and sat down with the guards to see the outcome.

The chief priests and the whole Sanhedrin were looking for false evidence against Jesus so that they could put him to death. But they did not find any, though many false witnesses came forward.

Finally two came forward and declared, “This fellow said, ‘I am able to destroy the temple of God and rebuild it in three days.’”

Then the high priest stood up and said to Jesus, “Are you not going to answer? What is this testimony that these men are bringing against you?” But Jesus remained silent.

The high priest said to him, “I charge you under oath by the living God: Tell us if you are the Messiah, the Son of God.”

“You have said so,” Jesus replied. “But I say to all of you: From now on you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the Mighty One and coming on the clouds of heaven.”[a]

Then the high priest tore his clothes and said, “He has spoken blasphemy! Why do we need any more witnesses? Look, now you have heard the blasphemy. What do you think?”

“He is worthy of death,” they answered.

Then they spit in his face and struck him with their fists. Others slapped him and said, “Prophesy to us, Messiah. Who hit you?”

Peter Disowns Jesus

Now Peter was sitting out in the courtyard, and a servant girl came to him. “You also were with Jesus of Galilee,” she said.

But he denied it before them all. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he said.

Then he went out to the gateway, where another servant girl saw him and said to the people there, “This fellow was with Jesus of Nazareth.”

He denied it again, with an oath: “I don’t know the man!”

After a little while, those standing there went up to Peter and said, “Surely you are one of them; your accent gives you away.”

Then he began to call down curses, and he swore to them, “I don’t know the man!”

Immediately a rooster crowed. Then Peter remembered the word Jesus had spoken: “Before the rooster crows, you will disown me three times.” And he went outside and wept bitterly.

Live from Ambassador Bridge (My Brother) - Viva Frei Live
My brother is live at the Windsor protest.
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=== Bongino Headlines ===
“A Scandal Far Greater in Scope and Magnitude Than Watergate” – Trump Reacts To Durham Revelations

Super Bowl LVI Kicks Off

Dan Bongino: How the Left Imposes Censorship

The Ten Top Facts Supporting the Wuhan Lab Leak Theory

2020 Democrat Presidential Candidates Keep Coming to New Hampshire Despite Biden Pledge to Run in 2024

Washington Post “Fact Checker” the Latest to Hilariously Try and Fail to Debunk Biden Admin “Crack Pipe Giveaway” Story

Canada’s Freedom Convoy Could End Justin Trudeau’s Career

Capitol Hill
Biden Pushes Back on States Partially and Fully Lifting Mask Mandates
This Week’s White House Report Card
Some Democrats Turn Blame for Legislative Failures to Sen. Schumer and Ron Klain
Poll: Trump Voters Approve of Biden Killing ISIS Leader More Than Biden’s Own Supporters
Seven Times the Biden Admin Called for Censorship
Independent Voters Give Trump 7-Point Edge Over Biden
Dr. Oz’s Family Company Had Largest ICE Fine in History
Washington State Bill Bans Reporting on Inmates’ Gender Identity
Biden Speaks With Putin About Russia/Ukraine Situation

Culture War
NBC News President: We’re Objective and Nonpartisan!
University of Virginia Paid Race Hustler Ibram Kendi $541 Per Minute for “Antiracism” Lecture
State Republican Lawmakers Increasingly Sour on the Death Penalty
Jon Stewart Slams Attempts to Cancel Joe Rogan, Questions Who Gets to Decide What Misinformation Is
Babylon Bee: Media Spreads Misinformation On Joe Rogan To Prevent Him From Spreading Misinformation
Bill Maher Comments on Justin Trudeau’s Condemnation of Freedom Convoy Protesters: “Now You Do Sound Like Hitler”
Democrats Are Repeating the Same Anti-Parent Mistakes They Made in Virginia in Wisconsin
College Professor Widely Mocked After Complaining Panda Express Managers Get Paid More Than Him

Under Biden Wages Are Up – While Inflation Adjusted Wages Are Down
Consumer Confidence Falls to 11-Year Low
Investors Bet Ukraine-Russia War Will Be Averted
CDC Releases New COVID Guidelines for Cruise Industry
New York Fed Releases New Study on Highest and Lowest Paying College Degrees
Soros Cut Stake in Big Tech Stocks Before Selloff
Texas Brothers Make $4 Million Mining Bitcoin Off Flare Gas From Oil Drilling
The Economy Is Voters’ #1 Issue Heading Into Midterms
Major Banks and NYSE Drop Mask Mandates
Big Business Is Infatuated With Ugliness

Swamp Watch
The Washington Post’s Fairy Tale on Pennsylvania Voter Fraud
Biden Admin Loses Track of Thousands of Unaccompanied Minors
Lax IRS Oversight Allows $15 Billion in Questionable Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Claims
Bill Gates’ “Deeply Troubling” Ties to China
Gov. DeSantis: Florida Parents Should Be Able to Sue School Districts for Negative Effects of Forced Masking
Pentagon to Host Lecture on Bending to China
San Francisco School Board Recall Pits City’s Liberals Against Its Far-left
Study: Teens Treated or Referred to Gender Identity Clinic Are at 5.5 Times Greater Risk for Suicide
South African Doc Who Sounded Alarm on Omicron Says She Was Pressured to Make It Sound More Dangerous

National Security
State Department Imposing COVID Vax Requirement for Americans Fleeing Ukraine to Poland
Meet the Mach 6 SR-72: America’s Next Great Spy Plane?
Tulsi Gabbard Puts Blame on Military-Industrial Complex for Fanning the Flames of War in Ukraine
B-52 Bombers Return to Europe
U.S. Claims Deal in Sight, But Warns Iran That Time is Running Out for Nuclear Agreement
A Look At the Historic Air Force Flyover Set for Super Bowl Sunday
Ukraine Crisis: B-52 Bombers, F-15, and F-16 Fighters Move Closer to Russia
With Possible Russian Invasion of Ukraine Looming, More U.S. Military Jets Turn to Eastern Europe
The Baltic States – Are They Defensible?
Russians Claim They Chased U.S. Sub From Their Waters

Around the World
Canadian Police Begin Arresting Freedom Convoy Protesters Blocking U.S.-Canada Bridge
New Zealand’s Attempt to Disperse Freedom Convoy With 80’s Music Fails
U.S. Allies Warning Time is Running Out for Diplomacy With Russia
Mayor Accuses Truckers of “Economic Terrorism”, With Another Canadian Blockade Formed
China Orders Olympics Star to Delete Photos Unflattering to the Situation in the Athlete’s Village
As Freedom Convoy Bursts Into Paris, Police Respond By Breaking Car Windows, Beating Protesters
Biden to Putin: Ukraine Invasion WIll Bring Quick, Decisive Response From the West
Norway Lifts Almost All Remaining COVID Restrictions
Ontario Provincial Police Officer Shows Up at Home of Woman Who Supports Freedom Truckers on Facebook, Hands Her Pamphlet About What Constitutes a “Peaceful Protest”

John Hawkins: Why So Many Americans Don’t “Trust the Science” On COVID
Newt Gingrich: The Cathedral of the Left
Debra J. Saunders: Can Britain’s Trump Survive?
Humberto Fontova: Joe Rogan Apologized for the Wrong Podcast
Wayne Allyn Root: My Latest Groundbreaking Interview with 45th President Donald J. Trump … and a Shocking New $800 Million Biden Scandal
Adam Turner: Indisputable Facts, Unacceptable Conclusions: DHS’ Latest Effort to Stamp Out “False or Misleading Narratives”
Kyle Smith: Sarah Palin Case Shows New York Times Lives in Its Own Bubble of Misinformation
Josh Withrow: U. S. Global Competitiveness in Tech at Stake as Congress Advances Antitrust Legislation
David Harsanyi: Biden’s Afghan Bugout Keeps Looking Worse and Worse

NBC Admits Ratings for Beijing Olympics a Bust
Ex-NHL Star Ron Duguay Confirms He and Sarah Palin are Dating
Bill Maher Says Trudeau’s Rhetoric Sounds “Like Hitler”
“Shut In” Gets 100% Score From Critics, 98% From Viewers
A Look At Super Bowl 2020’s Biggest Commercials
Hypocrisy: Oscars Won’t Require Vax for Celebrities, Will Require Negative Test
“Death on the Nile” Tops U.S. Box Office
Pop Star Adele Slams Woke Gender Mob: “We Love Being F**king Females”

Three Friends Head to Their 56th Straight Super Bowl
Joe Rogan Not Scheduled to Appear on UFC 271 Broadcast
The NY Post’s Experts Make Their Predictions for Super Bowl 2022
Street Artist Sabo Puts Up Recall Soros-Backed Los Angeles DA Gascon Signs Ahead of Super Bowl
Ukraine’s Olympic Team Makes Call for Peace
Koreans Tear Up Chinese Flags to Protest Host Cheating at Olympic Games
Free-Falling Nets Have 11 Straight Losses and Counting
A Look at How Bengals-Rams Match Up in Super Bowl 2022
=== Newsmax Headlines ===
Some airlines canceled flights to the Ukrainian capital and troops there unloaded fresh shipments of weapons from NATO members Sunday, as its president sought to project confidence in the face of U.S. warnings of possible invasion within days by a growing number of Russian forces. [Full Story]

Newsmax TV

Former President Donald Trump on Sunday took aim at ABC's "This Week" [Full Story]

1. Yup, they spied on Trump towers.

2. Mueller was a "cover up plan" just as Durham's real goal is to protect the institutional insiders by shifting blame to corrupt outsiders.

3. "The US military-industrial complex needs a war in Ukraine to justify new arms spending and to solidify a new all-out cold war with Russia, former US congresswoman and Democratic presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard has allege."

4. Police raid truckers on bridge in Canada.

5. Ukraine doubts Biden's impending war narrative.

*Bonus: All my Super Bowl picks.

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Here is a video I made Taken

Written in tribute to my sister, Pamela Frances Ball who died on Valentines Day 1978 at age 13. Magnificent music/guitar by Frozen Entropy. This clip has been dedicated to the organization "Stop Aids Now" although Pamela never had aids .. she died from renal failure following a rejected Kidney transplant.

From Invisible Dyad 9, competition
Many many thanks to Frozen Entropy for his production, guitar and all round brilliance.

I've written this, once before. When I had written my autobiography. I had to delete it then because the government were keen to cover up information relating to the death of Hamidur Rahman and they needed to delete all my writing. But it isn't connected to his death, and only because it happened that you died it is connected to yours. 
I had judged you harshly, and not to excuse myself, it was the custom of our family to do so. You were sick and I resented what blessings you had. My mother was sick too, but although I had contempt for her, I hadn't fully comprehended the nature of her disease. She did not know how to be a parent and she was hurt. She set us against each other. She didn't need to feel to blame if we were blaming each other. 
It happened when Mother had been found out for drinking by Dad. She made out she was defending Cathy's right to have a cat, or John's right to push his fist through a glass door. Dad slapped her, once, simply across the face. 
Mother got all shocked, and said she had never been hit before .. and told all of us to get in the car. Dad told us not to, but the two older ones were in the car with Mom, and you and I were firmly instructed to go to our rooms. 
Mom drove down the hidden driveway and onto the street of 101 Winant Rd in Princeton NJ. I have a google Earth map showing it. 
Not much time passed. Dad told us to stay in our rooms no matter what. But soon Cathy was at our windows, indicating we should go outside and get in the car. 
I got out quietly, and you could have too, but you decided to argue. So Dad heard us leaving, and he got in his car and chased after us in mother's car. We were going down the highway, and John remarked that we had lost Dad, but Cathy said he'd know to come here, as it was the only way out of town .. and Dad was behind us. Mother pulled over and Dad got out of his car saying he only wanted you and me, the others could go. 
So after making us leave the rooms we had been ordered to stay in, Mother turned us over to Dad, whom she had stoked into a rage. 
He raged a lot on his way back home. Saying we had betrayed him. We got out of the car in the carport, and walked up the steps to the landing at the kitchen. Dad told us to stop there. He cornered us against a wall and continued to rage at our betrayal. He slapped us down, and then began to kick at us .. not hard, but the rage and spit and threat were terrifying. 
We couldn't get up, we were lying on the ground as he swung his shoe into us with slow but determined strides. You said "Dad, stop. My colostomy bag."
I didn't think he intended to hurt us .. but I could tell he wasn't thinking straight either. I said "If you are going to kick, then kick me."
He didn't stop what he was doing, but something of what was said penetrated his rage. "You want me to kick you?" he asked. 
"No. I don't want you hurting Pam."
Forever after he would call me a martyr, and say I was sanctimonious. He eventually let up and ordered us to our rooms again and said if we betrayed him again he would kill us. 
It wasn't long after you got the offer of a new Kidney. A possibility of a life without that colostomy bag. No more dialysis. 
I resented you. But I love you too. Happy valentines day, Pam.
You would have been 46 years old had you not died on this day at age 13.

So much that might have been and so much that may have been shared. Yours was a painful and short life. Born with a kidney disease. You underwent many operations in your short life. From dialysis to a colostomy bag. You underwent a transplant and your body rejected it. But that wasn't all. You were raised without what many of my Christian friends recognise as love.

Todays is a day where love is celebrated. What sweet irony that you who missed out on so much of it should pass on this day. I, your younger brother am not without fault here. I was the one who had ripped a chair from beneath you when you were stirring a pot, as you had begged your mother to do, and she was so proud to let you. Boiling water filled your shoe, spilling down your thigh. I understand surgeons had to cut away the shoe and clothing because they couldn't remove your clothing without de-gloving your skin. Or the time some bullies at school stole your bike and you wanted to use mine because you were embarrassed, or possibly threatened. I did my best to make out it was your fault. Those are two instances, I'm sure you can remember more.

Father never forgave himself, although you forgave him. It took me a long time to work it out. It wasn't really his fault, mother was quite manipulative and it suited her to live like that. She divorced father soon after you died, it seemed to allow her some latitude to be manipulative, but it failed like many of her hare brained schemes. She blamed her father. But looking back on it I don't think either mother or father understood love. They would rather score points than seek redemption or admit they lost something. They didn't believe in God so why ask him for forgiveness? Yet only one man has ever been perfect.

I heard a sermon on love recently, a good theme for Valentines Day. In it, the preacher referred to the good samaritan and compared him with the others on the scene who ignored one in desperate need. The preacher wondered at why anyone would ignore someone in need. Thoughts passed through my mind. Maybe they felt the traveller was unclean and that God didn't want them to go near? But mostly I felt "Maybe that desperate traveller was family."

I see many families being raised in the church I attend, some with people that are quite smart .. they could almost have been one of us, if we had been better, more gracious people. There is a lot to be said for raising children with love. I remember that time when dad was kicking you and me after mother had raised his temper threatening to take all of us away from him. I asked him to stop kicking you and to kick me instead, you had been worrying about your colostomy bag breaking. He never forgave me that, years later he would ask if I enjoyed being kicked. He never forgave himself either, trying very hard to erase anything that might remind him.

I sometimes wonder what if, after you had that last procedure and the kidney was rejected, you had agreed to go on dialysis again and get another kidney? It was a possibility, but you decided you couldn't go on with more procedures. What if you had known of the future with a hope for love? You asked mother for permission to give up. You forgave everyone. Mother, keen not to admit blame, said that you might be reincarnated in a better body, and I don't think anyone who heard her believed her, including herself. But what if there had been love?

You might say you had been loved. By many. That father and mother loved you. That all those family friends and doctors and nurses loved you. You had good times, enjoyed some silly movies, read some silly comics. You went bathing nude as often as you could. You stood up for mother when she had left you at a church so she had time to write letters to her friends, and the church challenged you on why your mother didn't believe in God. But what if you had known of grace and redemption? Would you have had the strength to carry on then? Or maybe it isn't about carrying on. Maybe there is another important thing I have been missing which completes this puzzle for me this year.

On this Valentines Day, I thank God for you. That what time we had we had. That there is love, there is hope. Not to say that a little girl died, having struggled a whole difficult life, but that you had lived.

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=== From 2021 ===

Editorial Sun Feb 7th 2021


On Friday, at work in the adjacent suburb of Hallam, a lightning storm resulted in power going down across Hallam. Children at the tutorial centre at 8pm were forced to work from fading daylight across summer of Melbourne. Lights returned fifteen minutes later. Work was done and children got a new appreciation of Zeus. When I got back home, I found the internet was down from wifi, but I had phone data operative. I searched for internet failure and found nothing. I waited until next morning, and found a report of NBN failure the night before. I went to work in the morning. At work I was called by my estate agent who had tried to reset the modem in the share accommodation, without success. I told them of the NBN outage report, with the news that the anticipated recovery was on Monday at 6pm, the fourth day from the failure. 

I went home and checked the internet again. Still down, I checked the outage reports, and there were none. Not even at my address. Clearly, the estate agent had not got the landlord to raise the issue with the ISP. There is no reason to believe the internet will be restored on even the fourth day if no one is looking at the issue. 

What has caused this outage? Internet gets slow whenever there is a thunderstorm. I live in Dandenong, a suburb of Melbourne. There is no excuse for such poor service. 


Editorial Thursday 11th February 2021

Having reported the outage to my landlord’s agent, I queried them as to why no fault was reported on the address a day later, two days later, three days later and four days later. The estate agent raised their voice to me “It is not my job to sit by a phone for a telecommunications company hours on end. I’ve alerted the landlord.” 


“Yes, but the telecommunications company needs to know there is a fault or they cannot address it.”


“I take your point but I have told you I have alerted the landlord.”


“Have you advised them to report the fault?”


“They said they will fix it. If they haven’t fixed by the end of working day tomorrow I will see to it. Have a good day, sir”


It wasn’t working on day five, but another member of the share household found mail addressed to the landlord from the telecommunications company and opened it. It said that the company was sending a final warning before cancellation. The company was forced to close their cable service and link to NBN instead. The cancellation was to take place on the 15th February, ten days after they in fact cancelled it. Had the company been called when the ‘fault’ was detected, the problem could have been addressed immediately. The agent has still not apologised to me. Neither is the internet connected after seven days. 


My oldest sister sent me a near fifty year old school photo of me. I told her that I had lost all my photos when FB booted me. I have no place for such memories, but I’m thankful she thought of me. I had been booted from FB after Jan 6th for not being a good citizen, as I endorsed Donald Trump for President. I am not uncivilised  and never condone violence or racism, but FB booted me. My sister, a left wing loony, said I should go somewhere else where I’m accepted. She suggested I use the library to access the internet. She was taunting me. That is how they behave.

=== From 2018 ===

Don't give up on hope. Valentines Day is today, with all the hope and tragedy that entails. For Jews around the world, they have memories of atrocities against them. Which some survived. James Cook was killed in Hawaii by friendly natives keen to avenge the invasion of Australia that had not yet taken place, and never would. Horatio Nelson acquired celebrity with disobeying an order at Cape St Vincent. 

The Strasbourg Massacre of Jews in 1349 took place during the Black Death plagues. The root cause being blood libel which ignorant peasants held, with the encouragement of learned peoples. Jews at the time were often money lenders because they weren't legally allowed to be farmers. Even today blood libel is raised to justify killing Jews. And ignorant claims are made that Jews control money around the world. 

Turnbull is still incompetent, still hurting the Liberals and the Nationals. Turnbull is trying to force Barnaby Joyce out of office. It looks like Turnbull will succeed. At issue is Joyce's affair with a staffer. It is a tragedy for Joyce's family, but Turnbull is exploiting it to secure his tenuous grasp on power. Joyce has been an effective leader and one of the few to shine brightly despite Turnbull's malevolent presence. It was Turnbull's office which leaked a cabinet to the ABC. Turnbull cannot continue in office and be competent. But Turnbull can dither, snarl and weaken the conservative parties. The affair had been long known, but the release of the scandal has been timed by Turnbull's office. 

Star Trek Discovery is not as awful as it could be thanks to Sonequa Martin-Green. The cast includes many fine performers and performances, but the awful story lines are saved because Sonequa's turns of phrase recalling the moral choices of Union soldiers during the Civil War. The terrible moral turpitude of the times was in many cases ameliorated by exceptional young soldiers who navigated precipice with honour and valour. 

=== from 2017 ===
I am reading a research article by Matthew C. MacWilliams , University of Massachusetts Amherst, a PhD student. The article was popular among #FakeNewsMedia. Beginning his third sentence of his abstract "In 2016, it was America’s authoritarian voters. And their candidate of choice, Donald Trump, is anathema to party leaders. I argue that Trump’s rise is in part the result of authoritarian voters’ response to his unvarnished, us-versus-them rhetoric. The failure of Republican Party insiders to coalesce behind one candidate opened the door for Trump" This is not research but political activism. Matthew is researching Authoritarianism, which is academic code for fascism. But Matthew has not defined or discovered it. He labels it. And then he tosses words justifying it. Anathema has an academic meaning. It is also biblical. The application is of one consecrated to serve the devil. He claims Trump's rhetoric was unvarnished, so Trump spoke simple truths? Simple lies? If they were lies, why didn't the angelic leaders state their truth? If they were truths, why didn't the responsible leaders varnish lies? Or weren't they simple at all, but varnished, rhetorical memes that were tellingly effective on the base? And why should the demonic GOP insiders coalesce behind candidates when all they need do is stand behind the one they support? 

In 2015, I wrote Turnbull should resign as he had nothing left to offer, except damaging Liberal governments. Today, Turnbull has proved me right. At the moment, Turnbull is being lauded by the partisan media for insulting Bill Shorten, the ALP leader. A real Liberal leader would not insult Shorten, but point to his failed policy record. Turnbull still has the support of Miranda Devine. But non partisan conservative commentators say that Abbott is the best alternative. Meanwhile, I am hostage to abysmal political leadership and hopeless journalists. My shopfront has opened on Facebook.
=== from 2016 ===
No more columns until I secure accommodation. 
=== from 2015 ===
Coexistence is natural. Only the demented or damaged can't. So reports of an artist who made a sign with coexistence being the word used, next to their image, being beaten up by people who didn't like the sign is illustrative. We don't know the ethnicity of those who beat up the artists, as the artist won't say. Tim Blair suggests it is those pesky Presbyterians. It was in Paris.

It is always easy for a Liberal to be heard by the media, just criticise the Liberal party, as Queenslander Andrew Laming has found. One challenge to Laming is to outline the governments policy successes to date to those reporting his words.

Execution nears for nine in Kerobakan jail in Bali. Two Australians are among them and Australia's consulate staff have been summonsed to hear the process. Mr Abbott has done everything he can to have their lives spared, but the ABC cut his legs out from beneath him in Indonesia last year. If Mr Abbott is not successful, and he can be relied on to do what he can, then any flowers for the dead men should be sent to ABC studios, which can be found in Sydney's alternative district, but nowhere near the country.

Obama normalises anti Semitism. Caroline Glick writes
Today, the most outstanding example of Obama’s exploitation of anti-Semitic tropes to diminish US support for Israel is his campaign to delegitimize Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu ahead of his scheduled speech before the joint houses of Congress on March 3.

As we belatedly learned from a small correction at the bottom of a New York Times article on January 30, contrary to the White House’s claim, Netanyahu did not blindside Obama when he accepted Speaker of the House John Boehner’s invitation to address the Congress. He informed the White House of his intention to accept Boehner’s offer before he accepted it.

Netanyahu did not breach White House protocol.

He did not behave rudely or disrespectfully toward Obama.

The only one that behaved disrespectfully and rudely was Obama in his shabby and slanderous treatment of Netanyahu. It was Obama who peddled the lie that Netanyahu was using the speech not to legitimately present Israel’s concerns regarding the prospect of a nuclear armed Iran, but to selfishly advance his political fortunes on the back of America’s national security interests and the independence of its foreign policy.

It was Obama and Vice President Joe Biden who spearheaded efforts to coerce Democratic lawmakers to boycott Netanyahu’s speech by announcing that they would refuse to meet with the leader of the US’s closest ally in the Middle East during his stay in Washington.

So far only 15 members of the House and three Senators have announced their intention to boycott Netanyahu’s speech. But even if all the other Democratic lawmakers do attend his speech, the impact of Obama’s campaign to defame Netanyahu will long be felt.

First of all, if all goes as he hopes, the media and his party members will use his demonization of Netanyahu’s character as a means to dismiss the warnings that Netanyahu will clearly sound in his address.

Second, by boycotting Netanyahu and encouraging Democrats to do the same, Obama is mainstreaming the anti-Semitic boycott, divestment and sanctions movement to isolate Israel.
Sad moments in Valentines day celebrations .. 1349, Several hundred Jews were burned to death by mobs while the remainder of their population was forcibly removed from the city of Strasbourg. 1400, Richard II died, most likely from starvation, in Pontefract Castle, on the orders of Henry Bolingbroke. 1556, Thomas Cranmer was declared a heretic. 1779, James Cook was killed by Native Hawaiians near Kealakekua on the Island of Hawaii. 1797, French Revolutionary Wars: Battle of Cape St. Vincent – John Jervis, (later 1st Earl of St Vincent) and Horatio Nelson (later 1st Viscount Nelson) led the British Royal Navy to victory over a Spanish fleet in action near Gibraltar. 1929, Saint Valentine's Day Massacre: Seven people, six of them gangster rivals of Al Capone's gang, were murdered in Chicago, Illinois. 1945, World War II: On the first day of the bombing of Dresden, the British Royal Air Force and the United States Army Air Forces began fire-bombing Dresden, the capital of the German state of Saxony. Also 1945, World War II: Navigational error led to the mistaken bombing of Prague, Czechoslovakia by an American squadron of B-17s assisting in the Soviet's Vistula–Oder Offensive. 1979, in Kabul, Setami Milli militants kidnapped the American ambassador to Afghanistan, Adolph Dubs who was later killed during a gunfight between his kidnappers and police. 1981, Stardust Disaster: A fire in a Dublin nightclub killed 48 people. 1989, Iranian leader Ruhollah Khomeini issued a fatwa encouraging Muslims to kill Salman Rushdie, author of The Satanic Verses. 1998, an oil tanker train collided with a freight train in Yaoundé, Cameroon, spilling fuel oil. One person scavenging the oil created a massive explosion which killed 120. 2005, Lebanese self-made billionaire and business tycoon Rafik Hariri was killed, along with 21 others, when explosives, equivalent of around 1,000 kg of TNT, were detonated as his motorcade drove near the St. George Hotel in Beirut. Also 2005, seven people were killed and 151 wounded in a series of bombings by suspected al-Qaeda-linked militants that hit the Philippines' Makati financial district in Metro Manila, Davao City, and General Santos City.
From 2014
Stateline NSW with Quentin Dempster ran opposition to amendments to crime legislation making mandatory sentences for judges on certain crimes occasioning death. They made the accusation that mandatory sentencing would mean fewer people would plead guilty for some crimes, and so criminal justice would cost more. As arguments go, it is similar to the one that says were the ABC not biased, it would not report responsibly on matters. A retrospective view shows considerable injustice without mandatory sentencing. Four years jail for killing an innocent bystander is light, although, at the time, that was the law. Similarly, a biased ABC has not been able to report responsibly on matters. The arguments they present are emotive. But, the community are demanding sensible government of the type the ALP could not provide.

It is Valentines Day and a time for reflection on matters of love. Everyone is a child of someone. It is a blessing and a privilege to have children, not undertaken as lightly or easily as they are produced. Children are resilient and can be raised right under extraordinary circumstances, but also falter and stumble over what seems like nothing. So the issue of child protection is important. It is all about choices, but those choices aren't always clear when present. A mother from a well to do family had a child with a wild guy. He was apparently a good father, but a lousy partner. He got involved with drugs. Her family got her a good house close to the dad so he could be present in raising the boy. But he became violent. He was violent to the mother, but she made the choice to keep his access to the boy so the boy would have a father in his life. This rings home for me as my father abandoned me several times in my life, partly because of my mother's choices. It is a cruel injustice the woman's faith and love were answered so badly by the father killing his son in a murder suicide. Not her fault, but his. It is Valentines Day, time to hold your loved ones tight.

=== Bible Reading ===

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Today's reading: Leviticus 14, Matthew 26:51-75 (NIV)

View today's reading on Bible Gateway

Today's Old Testament reading: Leviticus 14

Cleansing From Defiling Skin Diseases

The LORD said to Moses, 2 "These are the regulations for any diseased person at the time of their ceremonial cleansing, when they are brought to the priest: 3 The priest is to go outside the camp and examine them. If they have been healed of their defiling skin disease, 4the priest shall order that two live clean birds and some cedar wood, scarlet yarn and hyssop be brought for the person to be cleansed....

Today's New Testament reading: Matthew 26:51-75

51 With that, one of Jesus' companions reached for his sword, drew it out and struck the servant of the high priest, cutting off his ear.

52 "Put your sword back in its place," Jesus said to him, "for all who draw the sword will die by the sword. 53 Do you think I cannot call on my Father, and he will at once put at my disposal more than twelve legions of angels? 54 But how then would the Scriptures be fulfilled that say it must happen in this way?"

=== Morning and Evening ===

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February 13: Morning
"Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not. Beloved, now are we the sons of God." - 1 John 3:1-2
"Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us." Consider who we were, and what we feel ourselves to be even now when corruption is powerful in us, and you will wonder at our adoption. Yet we are called "the sons of God." What a high relationship is that of a son, and what privileges it brings! What care and tenderness the son expects from his father, and what love the father feels towards the son! But all that, and more than that, we now have through Christ. As for the temporary drawback of suffering with the elder brother, this we accept as an honour: "Therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not." We are content to be unknown with him in his humiliation, for we are to be exalted with him. "Beloved, now are we the sons of God." That is easy to read, but it is not so easy to feel. How is it with your heart this morning? Are you in the lowest depths of sorrow? Does corruption rise within your spirit, and grace seem like a poor spark trampled under foot? Does your faith almost fail you? Fear not, it is neither your graces nor feelings on which you are to live: you must live simply by faith on Christ. With all these things against us, now--in the very depths of our sorrow, wherever we may be--now, as much in the valley as on the mountain, "Beloved, now are we the sons of God." "Ah, but," you say, "see how I am arrayed! my graces are not bright; my righteousness does not shine with apparent glory." But read the next: "It doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him." The Holy Spirit shall purify our minds, and divine power shall refine our bodies; then shall we see him as he is.
"There is therefore now no condemnation." - Romans 8:1

Come, my soul, think thou of this. Believing in Jesus, thou art actually and effectually cleared from guilt; thou art led out of thy prison. Thou art no more in fetters as a bond-slave; thou art delivered now from the bondage of the law; thou art freed from sin, and canst walk at large as a freeman; thy Saviour's blood has procured thy full discharge. Thou hast a right now to approach thy Father's throne. No flames of vengeance are there to scare thee now; no fiery sword; justice cannot smite the innocent. Thy disabilities are taken away: thou wast once unable to see thy Father's face: thou canst see it now. Thou couldst not speak with him: but now thou hast access with boldness. Once there was a fear of hell upon thee; but thou hast no fear of it now, for how can there be punishment for the guiltless? He who believeth is not condemned, and cannot be punished. And more than all, the privileges thou mightst have enjoyed, if thou hadst never sinned, are thine now that thou art justified. All the blessings which thou wouldst have had if thou hadst kept the law, and more, are thine, because Christ has kept it for thee. All the love and the acceptance which perfect obedience could have obtained of God, belong to thee, because Christ was perfectly obedient on thy behalf, and hath imputed all his merits to thy account, that thou mightst be exceeding rich through him, who for thy sake became exceeding poor. Oh! how great the debt of love and gratitude thou owest to thy Saviour!

"A debtor to mercy alone,
Of covenant mercy I sing;
Nor fear with thy righteousness on,
My person and offerings to bring:
The terrors of law and of God,
With me can have nothing to do;
My Saviour's obedience and blood
Hide all my transgressions from view."

=== Bible Quote ===

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=== Message ===

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I am a decent man and don't care for the abuse given me. I created a video raising awareness of anti police feeling among western communities. I chose the senseless killing of Nicola Cotton, a Louisiana policewoman who joined post Katrina, to highlight the issue. I did this in order to get an income after having been illegally blacklisted from work in NSW for being a whistleblower. I have not done anything wrong. Local council appointees refused to endorse my work, so I did it for free. Youtube's Adsence refused to allow me to profit from their marketing it. Meanwhile, I am hostage to abysmal political leadership and hopeless journalists. My shopfront has opened on Facebook.


I am publishing a book called Bread of Life: January.

Bread of Life is a daily bible quote with a layman's understanding of the meaning. I give one quote for each day, and also a series of personal stories illustrating key concepts eg Who is God? What is a miracle? Why is there tragedy?

January is the first of the anticipated year-long work of thirteen books. One for each month and the whole year. It costs to publish. It (Kindle version) should retail at about $2US online, but the paperback version would cost more, according to production cost.If you have a heart for giving, I fundraise at (Gofundme finished the fund raiser, 2017)


Editorials will appear in the "History in a Year by the Conservative Voice" series, starting with August, September, October, or at Amazon The kindle version is cheaper, but the soft back version allows a free kindle version.

The Amazon Author Page for David Ball

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I'm now on MAGAbook to sidestep FB censorship


I'm looking for former students to endorse me


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