Thursday, January 14, 2021

Thu 14th January 2021 Current Affairs

A clear message has been sent by every congressional Democrat and 10 RINO in voting to impeach President Trump over the Capitol Hill riot. It shows corruption runs deep in Washington. It shows an abuse of power that no democracy can tolerate. Trump has been impeached twice. Once over the Russia hoax, and now over a riot the Cabal orchestrated. In neither instance had Trump done anything wrong. However, at each instance, Democrat leadership has lied about the accusation. And those who stood for facts were sidelined. The DOJ and SCOTUS are sidelined by the abuse of power, and apparently endorse it. 

When the Russia hoax impeachment vote proceeded, Senior Dem claimed there was evidence that the public was unaware. We now know that the substance of it was a fabricated dossier created by HRC and passed to the head of the CIA (at the time) who passed it to DOJ without processing it through CIA assets. Not only were the documents faked, but they had been so badly faked they did not withstand scrutiny. And FBI chiefs colluded to investigate Trump and obstruct the administration, falsely charging some people they then had sent to prison. Now, we have endorsed tech giants suppressing evidence of how they (FB, Twitter, Youtube) allowed the first sixteen captured rioters on the Capitol to organise the riot, and blame Parler which had not been involved at all. Worse, Dem and RINO have colluded to give big tech a license to act as law enforcement in pursuing companies and individuals they know were not involved with the riot, and blame them for it. And punish them. And DOJ and SCOTUS apparently endorse it. But, if the non RINO GOP campaign diligently for two years, then  if they exceed the 74 million voter support they received today. Will #VoteFraud prevent them rectifying the abuse of power? 

In the mean time, what will the Dem do with their powers? Gift Iran nuclear power? Destroy Israel? Abuse children with fake history and gender dysphoria? Penalise conservatives? Defund the military and police? Were they to embrace communism or socialism, how would it be different to what they do today? Were they to embrace fascism, would it be different to what they do now? If Jimmy Carter were alive today, and not some addled parody of Joe Biden, would he endorse it? (NB, Jimmy Carter is still alive, sort of, as this article is written, but aged).

The persecution of General James Cartwright (circa 2012) is salient to the issue of Big Tech preemptively attacking conservatives. General Cartwright had been Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff when a NYT journalist, wrote a book, Confront and Conceal, to which Cartwright was accused of leaking. The leak damaged US Israeli relations while providing for Iran to build a nuclear bomb. Only, as Caroline Glick was to write in 2017, it was not Cartwright who had leaked, but Obama. Obama pardoned Cartwright in 2017. The pardoning meant a deal would never be done with the Department of Justice allowing critical examination of the abuse of power. It illustrates the utter contempt Democrats have for natural justice and the US military. And the lengths the Cabal will go to to tie up loose ends. Loose ends like conservatives reporting on the 2020 election fraud and the Democrat Coup seizing the US Presidency and both houses of Congress. 

The Cabal have gone after Parler, after President Trump was forced off Twitter. However, lawfare has been engaged and Parler is being denied a contract service to even operate. It is like when lawyers were engaged to represent Americans victim to #ElectionFraud2020 and those lawyers had their credentials attacked before they could fulfil their functions. The Cabal prevented a free and fair hearing in any court or legislature, or even online. The enemies of freedom, called the Swamp, are overwhelming. But, the Swamp is directionless without an enemy. The Swamp has to exercise power or lose it. Who is next? Who will the swamp label as a rioter? Independent journalists?

The useful idiot that is RINO Romney is wrong about the mother of our child, USA. She is not virginal. When the patriot Ashli Babbitt was killed during a largely peaceful demonstration at the Capitol, she was not killed because President Trump incited violence or lied about election fraud. She was there because she was standing up for an opportunity the founding fathers promised was her free right. And she was killed because a Cabal has stolen the 2020 election and Georgia senate run offs and that Cabal desperately needs to protect itself. And by killing her, the Cabal has prevented President Trump from presenting his case before the legislature, as he had been allowed by constitution. Biden is now President Elect. But Biden did not get the votes he claims, and will not have the support such a turnout would endow. 

The awful situation of President Elect Biden for USA, with senate in tow, cannot be understated. Just as with 911, terrorists around the world are cheering. It is trite to say there will be no justice, as there has been none. When Biden ok'd Ukraine's sting of Russia, and a Malaysian airline was shot down, the perpetrators remained free while victims died. Innocent victims. USA will endure what she must. But, it will hurt her. President Trump may be around in 2024 to pick up the pieces again. But he may not, too. Somebody will stand up for free USA again, one day. But their task will be more daunting than that faced by Trump, who with over 74 million votes, lost to fraud. The Cabal will govern through dictation. It is true to say, as they claim, they are neither man nor woman. The deep state is not forgiving. The cold hand of bureaucracy is wet with blood and the tech tyrants will have their way until they are not useful. 

I am hurt, having lost Facebook and Twitter and faced with more. My legacy is in the hands of Google, Youtube and Amazon too. My love for America is challenged by her betrayal. And I'm reminded to note some monolog from Bridgerton's Daphne. 

"I know why you made that vow to your father"

"Just because something is not perfect does not make it any less worthy of love"

"Your father made you believe otherwise"

“He made you believe that you needed to be without fault in order to be loved, but he was wrong.” 

"Should you need any proof of the matter then look just here"

"I am tired of pretending. And I cannot continue acting as if I do not love you."

"Because I do. I love all of you."

"Even the parts you believe are too dark and too shameful"

"Every scar. Every flaw. Every imperfection."

"I love you."

"You may think you are too damaged and too broken to ever allow yourself to be happy"

"You can choose differently"

“You can choose to love me as much as I love you”

"That should not be up to anyone else. "

"That cannot be up to anyone else"

"It can only be up to you"

America, what happens now, is up to you. Do not be violent, but purposeful. Do not succumb to the Cabal, die on your feet, not your knees. We are mortal and do not have eternal life. Let God bestow it on you, instead.   


The ten RINO in support of corruption who voted to impeach Trump again were Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger, Jaime Herrera Beutler, Dan Newhouse, Peter Meijer, John Katko, Fred Upton, David Valadao, Tom Rice and Anthony Gonzalez. None of them could say what Trump did to deserve the charge. While Trump had authorised a peaceful demonstration, it is apparent ANTIFA organised the riot on FB, Youtube and Twitter in support of #Voterfraud so as to avoid the legislature addressing the evidence of #Voterfraud

In this episode, I give you the inside story about what’s going on with Parler. I also address the real consequences of the ridiculous impeachment of President Trump.

News Picks:
=== Bongino Headlines ===
Capitol Hill
Rep. Boebert Fires Back at Those Calling for Her Resignation
Biden’s Pick to Head Labor Department Was Once Embroiled in Union Extortion Scandal
Dems to Introduce Bill to End Federal Death Penalty
Trump Admin Believes 10-20 House Republicans Could Vote for Impeachment
Florida Lawmaker Demands State Divest From Big Tech
Crazy Nancy Names Impeachment Managers
Biden Personnel Chief Served At Chinese Intel Org Flagged By FBI for Recruiting Western Spies
NY Dem Senator Turns Self in After Allegedly Strangling Wife
VP Pence Tells Pelosi He Won’t Invoke 25th Amendment – Dems Pass Resolution Asking Him to Invoke It Anyway
Weekday Poll (Rasmussen) – January 13: Trump Approval at 46%

Swamp Watch
These Three Critical Questions About the Capitol Riot Remain Unanswered
Giving the Keys to Social Media to the Government Would Make Things Much Worse
Michigan to Charge Ex-Governor Rick Snyder in Flint Water Scandal
Conservatives Call for Liz Cheney to Be Ousted as GOP Conference Chair for Supporting Impeachment
Twitter Says Nothing as Resurfaced Tweet From Crazy Nancy Declared That 2016 Election Was Hijacked
CNN “Analyst” Claims Trump Leads a Terrorist Organization
Group of GOP Lawmakers Introduce Legislation to Censure President Trump
We Never Got Russia Declassification

Culture War
YouTube Suspends President Trump’s Channel for One Week – Indefinitely Disables Comments on His Videos









=== From 2018 ===
Don't give up on hope. But, with great hope comes great disappointment. I love Australia and look forward to the annual "Love our lamb" adverts put out by the Australian livestock industry. Last July they booted comedic genius Dan Ilic, and so this years advert was not up to par. James Morrow correctly bells the cat showing why the advert was awful. But on the plus side, the Hipsters who would normally complain about it will now nod their heads in fond agreement that they like the advert. Except about the meat eating part. Normally the sale of Lamb increases around Australia at this time. Australia Day may be one reason other than the advert. 

Another disappointment is the centre left advocacy of the IPA. To be fair, IPA stands for ordinary freedoms that mainstream media and extreme leftwing parties despise. For example, Freedom of Speech, free markets and high educational standards. Lead editorial for the IPA Review by D'Arcy Allen notes the difficulties and need for economic reform in Australia. Under Turnbull, the needed reform is not being pursued. So D'Arcy's brilliant suggestion is to hand the task to (mainly ALP run) state governments. A federal ALP government created the regulatory mess in the first place. It is true that competition is a healthy thing, but basket case states like South Australia show states get rewarded for awful policy by bad federal governments. The solution to needed reform is federal reform. Malcolm Turnbull is not up to task, but neither is Shorten. 

Heckling is an old art. It pre existed the word's creation, To heckle is to tease out flax or hemp fibres, but in the 1800's in Scottish Dundee it took on the meaning to interrupt speakers with awkward or embarrassing questions. Politics being what it is, good speakers still get the upper hand, like Martin Luther King's "I have a Dream" speech being launched, ad lib, after he was heckled. Or UK PM Harold Wilson (Labor) 
Heckler: (interrupting a passage in a Wilson speech about Labour's spending plans) What about Vietnam?
Wilson: The government has no plans to increase public expenditure in Vietnam.
Heckler: Rubbish!
Wilson: I'll come to your special interest in a minute, sir
But current hecklers aiding the ALP and Greens are not funny, clever or restrained. Violence is employed as evidenced by the assaults on Andrew Bolt or Simon Breheny. A friend of mine was campaigning for Libs at an event  and was heckled by people demanding he doesn't film them as they abused him. Law fare is a real threat. In a public space, he was welcome to film himself as he pleased, but he does not want the issues related to the entanglements. And the law courts are demonstrably corrupt and free speech is not protected. 

Today is my birthday, and I have many blessings, great hope and great disappointment. Last year I left my church and I've not settled, so I have not yet found a new one. The loss is profound for me because I was relying on them for references for my applications to schools with a religious background. The bureaucracy behind the Victorian Institute of Teaching registration should prevent me from renewing this year. Meaning I may not be able to continue seeking work as a teacher anyway. So my last few straws are a stop gap in telesales, and tutoring, or working with the Libs who won't have me as a member. I have hope. 
=== from 2017 ===
I'm fifty years old today, and not out. Please allow me time to count my blessings. Or brag. My plans have firmed for my next fourteen books. I am now pre planning my science fiction series which I'm not counting among the fourteen. That will number another twenty in a pulp fiction universe where people and aliens interact as you'd expect they might, and not according to some socialist or nihilist vision. As soon as I get a steady job, I'll get started. I hunger for work. One thing I have not been able to pay enough attention to is the Bolt Report Supporter's group. There are over twenty eight thousand members. Twenty thousand more since the unfortunate leadership spill that was entirely my fault over a year ago. I think it is the Katz phenomena, where he is attracted to success, and things become successful when he involves himself. He didn't want to be admin, but he didn't want to be bullied either. It reminds me of Trump. I'm more confident of finding work now than at any time in the last nine years. The kids I work with prosper, which is something a lot of Australian education systems lack. I ran for local council and missed out on recouping my $250 deposit by failing to get 4% of the vote. Next time I'll more than get that target without the annoying advertising others spend. But hearing from friends and family has made my day. My daughter has sacrificed so much to study in Australia. But she has the will, the drive to prosper where lesser people fold. I'm inspired, and hope to make her path straighter, better, more rewarding. And that is something everyone needs. The will to serve and achieve success. 

Bad government in Victoria is costly for Victorians. A car was rammed this morning by a group of people that may have been APEX gang affiliated. The car contained a mother and child, wife and daughter of a friend. The mum had the presence of mind to get them to safety. Police are chasing what Dan Andrews would doubtless call children, and Obama might call his own children. The sons of Obama will do damage until they are stopped. Hopefully by appropriate legal bodies doing their job. 
=== from 2016 ===
The issue of who runs what and where doesn't interest me much. I am grateful for Daniel Katz who is generous with his time. Were he to covet this column I would give it to him for free. But he doesn't. Daniel is not petty. But many people are. It is about control. Something I don't care to exercise. I'm thankful for each and all the 17827 members on the Bolt Report Supporter's Group. When I first began many told me I needed help to run a group. They told me they could do any of many things that adds value to it and makes it friendly. Daniel does that. So did Mandy, John, Phil, Jenny and Stephanie. I trusted SnJ and they betrayed me. They took this group and they have taken other groups too. SnJ uses multiple accounts, sometimes by agreement, sometimes from old accounts connected to multiple fake names. It becomes confusing, dealing with the two. Who does one trust? People whisper in the ear. Recently, SnJ, through Leeanne Meredith, took over the page of Australian Political Debate - Open Forum. Some 3000 members. And they will exercise control of the members through a series of whispers and outrageous lies which will confuse those not following things. The best way to deal with things is to block SnJ and any friend of theirs. And join Debate Australian Politics if that interests you. It is run by the one fine Luke McNamara, whom I don't know but know he isn't SnJ.  
For some, at the moment, the Sex Party has more credibility.
=== from 2015 ===
Today is a mixed bag of birthdays. Mark Antony, Benedict Arnold, J F Archibald (Australian portrait guy), Albert Schweitzer, Alfred Tarski, Andy Rooney, Frank Costigan, Faye Dunaway, Ian Brayshaw and Steven Soderbergh. Antony was a suicide whose grandson was Nero. Benedict was unfaithful to the revolution. But greatness does not fall to the timid. In 1639, on this day, the first constitution to create a state was made for Connecticut. Connecticut is a name that sounds like it was made by committee. In 1933, Bill Woodfull, Australian Cricket Captain and opener was hit over the heart by a body line bouncer, resulting in Douglas Jardine's tactics prompting a diplomatic incident between Australia and England. In 1967, in San Francisco's Golden Gate Park, counterculture staged a "Human be-in" to launch the "Summer of Love." It is that kind of a day.  

Australia has provided a particularly cowardly journalist in the wake of the Charlie Hebdo terror hit. He even beat Hollande's comment "Those who committed these acts have nothing to do with the Muslim religion." Andrew Marlton has written "I don’t depict Muhammad because it’s probably racist and also I don’t get to put my family and my coworkers at risk of being firebombed. " Great analysis by Arutz Sheva is linked in the article. Maybe too much summer of love for Andrew. The "97% of climate scientists agree" statement is fact checked Alex Epstein writing for Forbes. It is a lie. Probably too much summer is involved too. Fairfax is promoting a band that hates Mr Abbott. Where has that summer of love gone? 
From 2014
It is my birthday and a time to reflect on things. Former friends of mine, ultra left wing, who call themselves moderates have slandered me and the Liberal Party likening it too Adolph Hitler's Nazi party. I don't feel the need to respond to such but I also flag it as a typical example of left wing argument, which employs abuse, rather than substance. Apparently, they feel it is ok to make a claim like "Ariel Sharon was responsible for the deaths of Palestinian Refugees in Lebanon." When the fact was Israel was at war, Sharon as defence minister ordered his troops to show restraint even with extreme provocation. Israeli troops were killed by those they were fighting because of that restraint. Meanwhile Christian militia attacked some refugee camps and killed about 700 refugees. The allegation against Sharon is outrageous, and often made by terrorists or their apologists without reference to what happened, or on appeal to balance, saying it was an example of balanced atrocity. The reason for restraint is to do with US demands on Israel during the prosecution of the war. Reagan was in the first half of his first term and Carter had inflamed the Middle East, weakening US presence there. US had to work with Saudi Arabia as the Soviet Union threatened to make the situation worse. Small comfort for the families of those Israelis who lost their lives. 

But my life is not all politics. I have friends and loved ones who make themselves known. It is a time to gather and look .. forward. Over three months ago, my place was flooded with raw sewage. GIO, my strata insurer are nowhere near addressing the simple repairs. But out of the frustration comes opportunity. I'm hoping to start a business around these columns soon. A simple email one .. hopefully with corporate backing. Things are incredibly tight. I have turned to family and they have shown .. well, we will see. God works for me. I just don't know how, or what He is trying to do. But I am trying to do it. 

A journalism academic has asked for help. I'm sure we can point the way up for them. Syria's civil war has an Australian connection. But if they were listening, would they be fighting? Who would they listen to? AGW Doom predictors show a colour photo from a 65 million year old extinction event. But they fail to attribute it, so we don't know who took it. 
Historical perspective on this day
In 1301, Andrew III of Hungary died, ending the Árpád dynasty in Hungary. 1343, Arnošt of Pardubice became the last bishop of Prague and, subsequently, the first Archbishop of Prague. 1539, Spain annexed Cuba. 1639, the "Fundamental Orders", the first written constitution that created a government, was adopted in Connecticut. 1724, King Philip V of Spain abdicated the throne. 1761, the Third Battle of Panipat was fought in India between the Afghans under Ahmad Shah Durrani and the Marathas. 1784, American Revolutionary WarRatification Day, United States - Congress ratified the Treaty of Paris with Great Britain. 1814, Treaty of KielFrederick VI of Denmark ceded Norway to Sweden in return for Pomerania. 1822, Greek War of IndependenceAcrocorinth was captured by Theodoros Kolokotronis and Demetrios Ypsilantis. 1858, Napoleon III of France escaped an assassination attempt.

In 1907, an earthquake in KingstonJamaica killed more than 1,000. 1911, Roald Amundsen's South Pole expedition made landfall on the eastern edge of the Ross Ice Shelf. 1933, the controversial "Bodylinecricket tactics used by Douglas Jardine's England peaked when Australian captain Bill Woodfull was hit over the heart. 1938, Norway claimed Queen Maud Land in Antarctica. 1943, World War II: Japan began Operation Ke, the successful operation to evacuate its forces from Guadalcanal during the Guadalcanal Campaign. Also 1943, World War II: Franklin D. Roosevelt and Winston Churchill began the Casablanca Conference to discuss strategy and study the next phase of the war. Also 1943, World War II: Franklin D. Roosevelt became the first President of the United States to travel by airplane while in office when he travelled from Miami to Morocco to meet with Winston Churchill.

In 1950, the first prototype of the MiG-17 made its maiden flight. 1952, NBC's long-running morning news program Today debuted, with host Dave Garroway. 1953, Josip Broz Tito was inaugurated as the first President of Yugoslavia. 1954, the Hudson Motor Car Companymerged with Nash-Kelvinator Corporation forming the American Motors Corporation. 1957, Kripalu Maharaj was named fifth Jagadguru (world teacher) after giving seven days of speeches before 500 Hindu scholars. 1960, the Reserve Bank of Australia, the country's central bank and banknote issuing authority, was established. 1967, Counterculture of the 1960s: The Human Be-In, took place in San Francisco, California's Golden Gate Park, launching the Summer of Love. 1969, an accidental explosion aboard the USS Enterprise near Hawaii killed 27 people.

In 1972, Queen Margrethe II of Denmark ascended the throne, the first Queen of Denmark since 1412 and the first Danish monarch not named Frederick or Christian since 1513. 1973, Elvis Presley's concert Aloha from Hawaii was broadcast live via satellite, and set the record as the most watched broadcast by an individual entertainer in television history. 1975, teenage heiress Lesley Whittle was kidnapped by Donald Neilson, aka "the Black Panther". 1999, Toronto Mayor Mel Lastman became the first mayor in Canada to call in the Army to help with emergency medical evacuations and snow removal after more than one meter of snow paralysed the city. 2000, a United Nations tribunal sentenced five Bosnian Croats to up to 25 years for the 1993 killing of over 100 Muslims in a Bosnian village. 2004, the national flag of the Republic of Georgia, the so-called "five cross flag", was restored to official use after a hiatus of some 500 years. 2005, the Huygens probe landed on Saturn's moon Titan. 2010, Yemen declared an open war against the terrorist group al-Qaeda. 2011, former president of TunisiaZine El Abidine Ben Ali fled his country to Saudi Arabia after a series of street demonstrations against his regime and corrupt policies, asking for freedom, rights and democracy, considered as the anniversary of the Tunisian Revolution and the birth of the Arab Spring. 2012, the Pirate Party of Greece was founded, on the model of the Swedish Pirate Party.
=== Bible Readings ===

Today's reading: Genesis 31-32, Matthew 9:18-38 (NIV)

View today's reading on Bible Gateway

Today's Old Testament reading: Genesis 31-32

Jacob Flees From Laban
1 Jacob heard that Laban's sons were saying, "Jacob has taken everything our father owned and has gained all this wealth from what belonged to our father." 2 And Jacob noticed that Laban's attitude toward him was not what it had been.
3 Then the LORD said to Jacob, "Go back to the land of your fathers and to your relatives, and I will be with you."
4 So Jacob sent word to Rachel and Leah to come out to the fields where his flocks were. 5 He said to them, "I see that your father's attitude toward me is not what it was before, but the God of my father has been with me. 6 You know that I've worked for your father with all my strength, 7 yet your father has cheated me by changing my wages ten times. However, God has not allowed him to harm me. 8 If he said, 'The speckled ones will be your wages,' then all the flocks gave birth to speckled young; and if he said, 'The streaked ones will be your wages,' then all the flocks bore streaked young. 9 So God has taken away your father's livestock and has given them to me....

Today's New Testament reading: Matthew 9:18-38

Jesus Raises a Dead Girl and Heals a Sick Woman
18 While he was saying this, a synagogue leader came and knelt before him and said, "My daughter has just died. But come and put your hand on her, and she will live." 19 Jesus got up and went with him, and so did his disciples.
20 Just then a woman who had been subject to bleeding for twelve years came up behind him and touched the edge of his cloak. 21She said to herself, "If I only touch his cloak, I will be healed."
22 Jesus turned and saw her. "Take heart, daughter," he said, "your faith has healed you." And the woman was healed at that moment.
23 When Jesus entered the synagogue leader's house and saw the noisy crowd and people playing pipes, 24 he said, "Go away. The girl is not dead but asleep." But they laughed at him.25 After the crowd had been put outside, he went in and took the girl by the hand, and she got up. 26 News of this spread through all that region....

=== Morning and Evening by Charles Spurgeon ===
January 13: Morning
"Jehoshaphat made ships of Tharshish to go to Ophir for gold: but they went not; for the ships were broken at Ezion-geber" - 1 Kings 22:48
Solomon's ships had returned in safety, but Jehoshaphat's vessels never reached the land of gold. Providence prospers one, and frustrates the desires of another, in the same business and at the same spot, yet the Great Ruler is as good and wise at one time as another. May we have grace today, in the remembrance of this text, to bless the Lord for ships broken at Ezion-geber, as well as for vessels freighted with temporal blessings; let us not envy the more successful, nor murmur at our losses as though we were singularly and specially tried. Like Jehoshaphat, we may be precious in the Lord's sight, although our schemes end in disappointment.

The secret cause of Jehoshaphat's loss is well worthy of notice, for it is the root of very much of the suffering of the Lord's people; it was his alliance with a sinful family, his fellowship with sinners. In 2 Ch. 20:37, we are told that the Lord sent a prophet to declare, "Because thou hast joined thyself with Ahaziah, the Lord hath broken thy works." This was a fatherly chastisement, which appears to have been blest to him; for in the verse which succeeds our morning's text we find him refusing to allow his servants to sail in the same vessels with those of the wicked king. Would to God that Jehoshaphat's experience might be a warning to the rest of the Lord's people, to avoid being unequally yoked together with unbelievers! A life of misery is usually the lot of those who are united in marriage, or in any other way of their own choosing, with the men of the world. O for such love to Jesus that, like him, we may be holy, harmless, undefiled, and separate from sinners; for if it be not so with us, we may expect to hear it often said, "The Lord hath broken thy works."
"The iron did swim." - 2 Kings 6:6
The axe-head seemed hopelessly lost, and as it was borrowed, the honour of the prophetic band was likely to be imperilled, and so the name of their God to be compromised. Contrary to all expectation, the iron was made to mount from the depth of the stream and to swim; for things impossible with man are possible with God. I knew a man in Christ but a few years ago who was called to undertake a work far exceeding his strength. It appeared so difficult as to involve absurdity in the bare idea of attempting it. Yet he was called thereto, and his faith rose with the occasion; God honoured his faith, unlooked-for aid was sent, and the iron did swim. Another of the Lord's family was in grievous financial straits, he was able to meet all claims, and much more if he could have realized a certain portion of his estate, but he was overtaken with a sudden pressure; he sought for friends in vain, but faith led him to the unfailing Helper, and lo, the trouble was averted, his footsteps were enlarged, and the iron did swim. A third had a sorrowful case of depravity to deal with. He had taught, reproved, warned, invited, and interceded, but all in vain. Old Adam was too strong for young Melancthon, the stubborn spirit would not relent. Then came an agony of prayer, and before long a blessed answer was sent from heaven. The hard heart was broken, the iron did swim.

Beloved reader, what is thy desperate case? What heavy matter hast thou in hand this evening? Bring it hither. The God of the prophets lives, and lives to help his saints. He will not suffer thee to lack any good thing. Believe thou in the Lord of hosts! Approach him pleading the name of Jesus, and the iron shall swim; thou too shalt see the finger of God working marvels for his people. According to thy faith be it unto thee, and yet again the iron shall swim.


I am a decent man and don't care for the abuse given me. I created a video raising awareness of anti police feeling among western communities. I chose the senseless killing of Nicola Cotton, a Louisiana policewoman who joined post Katrina, to highlight the issue. I did this in order to get an income after having been illegally blacklisted from work in NSW for being a whistleblower. I have not done anything wrong. Local council appointees refused to endorse my work, so I did it for free. Youtube's Adsence refused to allow me to profit from their marketing it. Meanwhile, I am hostage to abysmal political leadership and hopeless journalists. My shopfront has opened on Facebook.

I am publishing a book called Bread of Life: January.

Bread of Life is a daily bible quote with a layman's understanding of the meaning. I give one quote for each day, and also a series of personal stories illustrating key concepts eg Who is God? What is a miracle? Why is there tragedy?

January is the first of the anticipated year-long work of thirteen books. One for each month and the whole year. It costs to publish. It (Kindle version) should retail at about $2US online, but the paperback version would cost more, according to production cost.If you have a heart for giving, I fundraise at (Gofundme finished the fund raiser, 2017)
Editorials will appear in the "History in a Year by the Conservative Voice" series, starting with August, September, October, or at Amazon The kindle version is cheaper, but the soft back version allows a free kindle version.

The Amazon Author Page for David Ball

Other Stuff

I'm now on MAGAbook to sidestep FB censorship
I'm looking for former students to endorse me

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