Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Tue 12th January 2021 Current Affairs

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The persecution of General James Cartwright (circa 2012) is salient to the issue of Big Tech preemptively attacking conservatives. General Cartwright had been Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff when a NYT journalist, wrote a book, Confront and Conceal, to which Cartwright was accused of leaking. The leak damaged US Israeli relations while providing for Iran to build a nuclear bomb. Only, as Caroline Glick was to write in 2017, it was not Cartwright who had leaked, but Obama. Obama pardoned Cartwright in 2017. The pardoning meant a deal would never be done with the Department of Justice allowing critical examination of the abuse of power. It illustrates the utter contempt Democrats have for natural justice and the US military. And the lengths the Cabal will go to to tie up loose ends. Loose ends like conservatives reporting on the 2020 election fraud and the Democrat Coup seizing the US Presidency and both houses of Congress. 

The Cabal have gone after Parler, after President Trump was forced off Twitter. However, lawfare has been engaged and Parler is being denied a contract service to even operate. It is like when lawyers were engaged to represent Americans victim to #ElectionFraud2020 and those lawyers had their credentials attacked before they could fulfil their functions. The Cabal prevented a free and fair hearing in any court or legislature, or even online. The enemies of freedom, called the Swamp, are overwhelming. But, the Swamp is directionless without an enemy. The Swamp has to exercise power or lose it. Who is next? Who will the swamp label as a rioter? Independent journalists? 


The useful idiot that is RINO Romney is wrong about the mother of our child, USA. She is not virginal. When the patriot Ashli Babbitt was killed during a largely peaceful demonstration at the Capitol, she was not killed because President Trump incited violence or lied about election fraud. She was there because she was standing up for an opportunity the founding fathers promised was her free right. And she was killed because a Cabal has stolen the 2020 election and Georgia senate run offs and that Cabal desperately needs to protect itself. And by killing her, the Cabal has prevented President Trump from presenting his case before the legislature, as he had been allowed by constitution. Biden is now President Elect. But Biden did not get the votes he claims, and will not have the support such a turnout would endow. 

The awful situation of President Elect Biden for USA, with senate in tow, cannot be understated. Just as with 911, terrorists around the world are cheering. It is trite to say there will be no justice, as there has been none. When Biden ok'd Ukraine's sting of Russia, and a Malaysian airline was shot down, the perpetrators remained free while victims died. Innocent victims. USA will endure what she must. But, it will hurt her. President Trump may be around in 2024 to pick up the pieces again. But he may not, too. Somebody will stand up for free USA again, one day. But their task will be more daunting than that faced by Trump, who with over 74 million votes, lost to fraud. The Cabal will govern through dictation. It is true to say, as they claim, they are neither man nor woman. The deep state is not forgiving. The cold hand of bureaucracy is wet with blood and the tech tyrants will have their way until they are not useful. 

I am hurt, having lost Facebook and Twitter and faced with more. My legacy is in the hands of Google, Youtube and Amazon too. My love for America is challenged by her betrayal. And I'm reminded to note some monolog from Bridgerton's Daphne. 

"I know why you made that vow to your father"

"Just because something is not perfect does not make it any less worthy of love"

"Your father made you believe otherwise"

“He made you believe that you needed to be without fault in order to be loved, but he was wrong.” 

"Should you need any proof of the matter then look just here"

"I am tired of pretending. And I cannot continue acting as if I do not love you."

"Because I do. I love all of you."

"Even the parts you believe are too dark and too shameful"

"Every scar. Every flaw. Every imperfection."

"I love you."

"You may think you are too damaged and too broken to ever allow yourself to be happy"

"You can choose differently"

“You can choose to love me as much as I love you”

"That should not be up to anyone else. "

"That cannot be up to anyone else"

"It can only be up to you"

America, what happens now, is up to you. Do not be violent, but purposeful. Do not succumb to the Cabal, die on your feet, not your knees. We are mortal and do not have eternal life. Let God bestow it on you, instead. 


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In this episode, I discuss the open war on free speech declared this past weekend.

News Picks:

Parler Sues Amazon for Site Takedown
Giuliani May Be Disbarred Over Capitol Riot
Supreme Court Rejects Fast Track for Trump Election Cases
Parler CEO Denies Site's Role in Violence, Vows Return
Turley Dismisses ‘Snap Impeachment’ Effort
House Democrats Begin Bid to Remove Trump From Office
Twitter Shares Plunge Following Permanent Trump Ban
PGA Cancels Agreement With Trump's Golf Club
Issa: House 'Probably 100%' Will Impeach Trump

Trump Presidency
Pence to Attend Biden Inauguration
Keep Tariffs on China, Outgoing US Trade Chief Says
Army Investigating Officer Who Led Group to Washington Rally
China Threatens 'Counterstrike' Over US Contact With Taiwan
Trump to Give Presidential Medal of Freedom to Belichick
Pompeo Voids Restrictions on Diplomatic Contacts With Taiwan
Nebraska Gov. Ricketts to Newsmax TV: Trump Should Focus on Transition |
US Consulate Turning Point for Disputed Western Sahara
Rubio Warns Capitol Seige Plays Into China's Hands

A Year After First Death in China, COVID Source Still a Medical Mystery
It is the world's most pressing scientific puzzle, but experts warn there may never be conclusive answers over the source of the coronavirus, after an investigative effort marked from the start by disarray, Chinese secrecy and international anger.... [Full Story]

Related Stories
Azar Blasts Cuomo's 'Ignorant Demagoguery'' On COVID Variants
'60 Minutes' Host Stahl Questions Pelosi on COVID Bill, Says Dems Obstructed, Too
Possible Virus Exposure for Lawmakers Sheltering During Riot
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Capitol Hill
Melania Trump Speaks Out on Capitol Riot: “Disappointed and Disheartened”
Trump Has No Intention of Resigning, Will Not Leave the Public Stage at All
Capitol Physician Says Lawmakers May Have Been Exposed to Coronavirus While They Were in Protective Location
Biden Pledges to Prioritize Non-White Male Owned Businesses for Aid
Biden Taps William Burns to Head CIA
Former Soviet Leader Gorbachev Claims to Know Who Plotted U.S. Capitol Siege
House Dem Prepares Resolution Expelling Republicans Who Supported Election Challenge
President Trump to Visit U.S.-Mexico Border Tuesday
DNI Report: Officials Downplayed CCP Interference in 2020 Election to “Avoid Supporting Trump Policies”
Weekday Poll (Rasmussen) – January 11: Trump Approval at 48%

Swamp Watch
Rick Scott: Republicans Can Win Back the Senate in 2022
Corporate America Seeks to Impose Communist-Style Social Credit System on Us
ACLU Voices Concern Over the Unchecked Power of Social Media
Forbes Looks to Punish Trump Staffers By Targeting Them and Their Future Employers
Lincoln Project Co-Founder Accused of Grooming Multiple Young Men for Sex
Rep. Nunes Calls for RICO Investigation Into Big Tech
Alexei Navalny, Russian Opposition Leader and Fierce Putin Critic, Blasts Twitter for Banning Trump
Ted Cruz Has Uncomfortable Questions For Those Who Are OK With Big Tech’s Tactics

Culture War
Pence’s Political Future May Be in Jeopardy Amid Split With Trump
As Big Tech Muzzles Conservative Voices, Dystopian Novel “1984” A Best Seller on Amazon
Last Week in Campus Insanity
In Poland, Social Media Companies Could Be Fined $2 Million For Censoring a Post
Warnock and Ossoff Boosted By Decades of Mass Immigration Into Georgia
Where and How Did Trump Incite the Mob Exactly?
Biden Vows Investigation Into Trump Officials Responsible for Border Policy
The Media, Tech Corporations Embraced Censorship With Alarming Speed
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=== From 2018 ===
Don't give up on hope. DH reminds that oil from the ground was the eco replacement of whale oil. Whale oil was free range and completely organic. But a New York Mayor is hoping to profit from five oil companies who profit. The mayor calls their profit disgusting. One hopes the courts toss out the bid. Maybe commercial whaling can be revived, in what could be called "The New York compromise of 2018." If the mayor tries hard enough, he might re start the ivory trade too. That was a disgusting trade. Maybe the Mayor should ask Obama for tips on unintended consequences, like gas stations closing in NYC. 

Queensland ALP Government are removing physical details, like gender and height from their drivers licenses. Also removed was hair and eye colour. What is the point of ID without physical detail? And why should patronymic names be included? They should really be named according to their last tax return. That would be equitable. 

The machine intelligence dream got closer with a neural approach to relational reasoning. Latika Bourke sounds messed up, imagining the White House operating well without Trump tweeting. But Trump's trolling is part of his genius. A drug addled driver who was driving while his license was suspended has killed a family. Remember that, Libertarians. 

Vegan artificial meat dreamers despair, as one scientist claims "It is all chemical." But, one day, enormous vats will grow edible meats on bone like tubes without the need of killing an animal. But before then, meat will grow on animals fed on plant life. Vegans want those animals to be extinct. Vegans also want people to eat products derived from plant life, not chemicals.

84 yo Dianne Feinstein has claimed she had a cold when she made the call releasing a transcript from Fusion GPS regarding allegations of collusion between Trump and Russia. It echoes Carmen Lawrence's forgetfulness over the Easton Affair which claimed the life of Penny Easton after ruining her sub judice. Feinstein is intending to run again for office in 2018 as a Democrat in California. 

=== from 2017 ===
Caroline Glick has posted on it but few are picking up on it and its' importance. A four star general, Marine General James Cartwright, the former Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, has faced a sentencing hearing where prosecutors asked he faced two years jail for leaking a damaging secret which harmed the US's relationship with Israel. Only the general is not guilty. 

 Glick writes "Cartwright, whom the article says was once considered "Obama's favorite general" was convicted of lying to FBI investigators. ..Cartwright's crime was that he told FBI investigators that he didn't confirm the New York Times' and Newsweek's exposes of the Stuxnet story, when in fact, he did.

Those stories exposed the US-Israeli program of using the Stuxnet computer virus to sabotage Iran's nuclear program. Its publication removed a significant obstacle to Iran's nuclear advancement. In other words, those articles directly assisted Iran's nuclear program.

After that action, which took place in 2012, Israel's continued trust in its intelligence ties to the US under Obama made no sense whatsoever, but that's a different story."

What happened was Obama was behind the leaks and the general was brought in after the fact to be a fall guy. 

It is inconceivable that the President face justice. But it is an abuse of power for which there needs to be answers if we are to be convinced the swamp has been drained. Instead of going for a two year sentence, prosecutors should be offering immunity if the President is implicated. 
=== from 2016 ===
A story is emerging that Hillary Clinton considered using contacts to get Palestinians to protest, to embarrass Israel into accepting a bad deal. We know this from a 2011 email she made. It is publicly available. And considering what has happened since, it is despicable. Israel has offered peace for decades. And the UN has forced Israel to negotiate with terrorists for that peace. Clinton had planned to use those terrorists to get Israel to back down from their security position. Clinton tried to have Israel as exposed as Benghazi. Israel is the only functioning democracy in the Middle East. Clinton has tried to work with terrorists to destroy Israel. It would be illegal to attempt something similar on US soil. What illegal activity has Clinton done in the US? 

For some, at the moment, the Sex Party has more credibility.
=== from 2015 ===
 Irritated the Australia Post left a card in my mail box advising me that a parcel I had not expected was not delivered although I was at home, and I needed to go to the post office to collect it. I had been home and isolated for a week, so they had no excuse for failing to deliver it. I have contacted Australia Post and made complaint regarding previous deliveries not being delivered. I have been assured that my issue is being looked at. So I went to the post office and lined up in the queue marked "For parcels" not the general queue. One other with child was waiting in the general queue. She had letters for collection. When she reached the customer service officer, after a long wait as parcels queue was faster, she was rudely informed that she had been in the wrong queue and would not be served. I offered my space, but she refused. The service at Cabramatta Post office is abysmal. 

Community Channel (Natalie Tran) is under siege for a throw away comment of hers regarding religion, which she doesn't have anything to do with. Several followers got upset. We live in a culturally diverse land. It is fine for someone to say they want nothing to do with any religion. I don't feel that way about it, and I have reasons for my stance, but Natalie is welcome to her view. I'll still support her. 
From 2014
We need to have a discussion. A New York Time article on a Father’s Day address delivered by President Obama said: “We know the statistics - that children who grow up without a father are five times more likely to live in poverty and commit crime, nine times more likely to drop out of schools and 20 times more likely to end up in prison. They are more likely to have behavioural problems, or run away from home, or become teenage parents themselves. And the foundation of our community is weaker because of it.” But we haven't been able to discuss it because of the preciousness of the left who don't argue, but abuse those who wish to bring their thoughts to the discussion table that are different from the left's. Bernardi has made many reasonable statements on this issue and on the issue of abortion, but instead of arguing them, the left have lied, making extravagant claims. A mother, father and their children are the basic family unit. It is a desirable model. A natural model. There is such thing as diversity, there are also cultural assets that need to be strong and maintained. 

Because celebration of cultural assets is not welcomed by the press, the passing of Ariel Sharon may not be well understood by many in its' significance. He had been in a persistent vegetative state for eight years, and his last work was unfinished. He had split the conservative party, Likud, in forming a unity type party of Kadima. He had the luxury of working with a conservative White House offering a 'peace' opportunity which respected Israeli security. Arafat refused. Later, Fatah and Hamas were engaged in civil war and so there was no partner for peace. Sacrifices were made and the opportunity passed. Sharon had been one of Israel's finest soldiers and generals. The sacrifice without gain will not be forgotten by the victims. Sharon's service should not be forgotten either. He found eternal rest on a Saturday. 
Historical perspective on this day
In 1528, Gustav I of Sweden crowned king of Sweden. 1554, Bayinnaung, who would go on to assemble the largest empire in the history of Southeast Asia, was crowned King of Burma. 1616, the city of Belém was founded in ParáBrazil by Francisco Caldeira Castelo Branco. 1777, Mission Santa Clara de Asís was founded in what is now Santa Clara, California. 1808, the organizational meeting that led to the creation of the Wernerian Natural History Society, a former Scottish learned society, was held in Edinburgh, Scotland. Also 1808, John Rennie's scheme to defend St Mary's Church, Reculver, founded in 669, from coastal erosion was abandoned in favour of demolition, despite the church being an exemplar of Anglo-Saxon architecture and sculpture. 1848, the Palermo rising took place in Sicily against the BourbonKingdom of the Two Sicilies. 1866, the Royal Aeronautical Society was formed in London. 1872, Yohannes IV was crowned Emperor of Ethiopia in Axum, the first imperial coronation in that city in over 200 years. 1895, The National Trust was founded in the United Kingdom. 1898, Itō Hirobumi began his third term as Prime Minister of Japan. 1899, thirteen crew members and five apprentices were rescued from the stricken schooner Forest Hall by the Lynmouth Lifeboat when the former foundered off the coast of Devon.

In 1906, Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman's cabinet (which included amongst its members H. H. AsquithDavid Lloyd George, and Winston Churchill) embarked on sweeping social reforms after a Liberal landslide in the British general election. 1908, a long-distance radio message was sent from the Eiffel Tower for the first time. 1911, the University of the Philippines College of Law was formally established; three future Philippine presidents were among the first enrolees. 1915, the Rocky Mountain National Park was formed by an act of U.S. Congress. Also 1915, the United States House of Representatives rejected a proposal to give women the right to vote. 1918, Finland's "Mosaic Confessors" law went into effect, making Finnish Jews full citizens. 1921, acting to restore confidence in baseball after the Black Sox Scandal, Judge Kenesaw Mountain Landis was elected as Major League Baseball's first commissioner. 1926, original Sam 'n' Henry aired on Chicago, Illinois radio later renamed Amos 'n' Andy in 1928. 1932, Hattie Caraway became the first woman elected to the United States Senate. 1942, World War IIPresident Franklin D. Roosevelt created the National War Labor Board.

In 1959, the Caves of Nerja were rediscovered in Spain. 1962, Vietnam WarOperation Chopper, the first American combat mission in the war, took place. 1964, rebels in Zanzibarbegan a revolt known as the Zanzibar Revolution and proclaimed a republic. 1966, Lyndon B. Johnson stated that the United States should stay in South Vietnam until Communistaggression there was ended. 1967, Dr. James Bedford became the first person to be cryonically preserved with intent of future resuscitation. 1969, the New York Jets of the American Football League defeated the Baltimore Colts of the National Football League to win Super Bowl III in what is considered to be one of the greatest upsets in sports history. 1970, Biafra capitulated, ending the Nigerian Civil War. 1971, the Harrisburg Seven: Reverend Philip Berrigan and five others were indicted on charges of conspiring to kidnap Henry Kissinger and of plotting to blow up the heating tunnels of federal buildings in Washington, D.C. Also 1971, All in the Family The famous situation comedy premieres on CBS 1976, the United Nations Security Council voted 11-1 to allow the Palestine Liberation Organization to participate in a Security Council debate (without voting rights).

In 1986, Space Shuttle program: Congressman Bill Nelson lifted off from Kennedy Space Center aboard Columbia on mission STS-61-C as a Mission Specialist. 1991, Gulf War: An act of the U.S. Congress authorised the use of military force to drive Iraq out of Kuwait. 1998, nineteen European nations agreed to forbid human cloning. 2001, Downtown Disney opened to the public as part of the Disneyland Resort in Anaheim, California. 2004, the world's largest ocean linerRMS Queen Mary 2, made its maiden voyage. 2005, Deep Impact launched from Cape Canaveral on a Delta II rocket. 2006, A stampede during the Stoning of the Devil ritual on the last day at the Hajj in Mina, Saudi Arabia, killed at least 362 Muslim pilgrims. Also 2006, the French warship Clemenceau reached Egypt and was barred access to the Suez CanalGreenpeace activists boarded the ship. 2007, Comet C/2006 P1 (McNaught) reached perihelion becoming the brightest comet in more than 40 years. 2010, the 2010 Haiti earthquake occurred killing an estimated 316,000 and destroying the majority of the capital Port-au-Prince.

I am a decent man and don't care for the abuse given me. I created a video raising awareness of anti police feeling among western communities. I chose the senseless killing of Nicola Cotton, a Louisiana policewoman who joined post Katrina, to highlight the issue. I did this in order to get an income after having been illegally blacklisted from work in NSW for being a whistleblower. I have not done anything wrong. Local council appointees refused to endorse my work, so I did it for free. Youtube's Adsence refused to allow me to profit from their marketing it. Meanwhile, I am hostage to abysmal political leadership and hopeless journalists. My shopfront has opened on Facebook.

I am publishing a book called Bread of Life: January.

Bread of Life is a daily bible quote with a layman's understanding of the meaning. I give one quote for each day, and also a series of personal stories illustrating key concepts eg Who is God? What is a miracle? Why is there tragedy?

January is the first of the anticipated year-long work of thirteen books. One for each month and the whole year. It costs to publish. It (Kindle version) should retail at about $2US online, but the paperback version would cost more, according to production cost.If you have a heart for giving, I fundraise at gofund.me/27tkwuc (Gofundme finished the fund raiser, 2017)
Editorials will appear in the "History in a Year by the Conservative Voice" series, starting with August, September, October, or at Amazon http://www.amazon.com/dp/1482020262/ref=cm_sw_r_tw_dp_dVHPub0MQKDZ4 The kindle version is cheaper, but the soft back version allows a free kindle version.

The Amazon Author Page for David Ball

Other Stuff

I'm now on MAGAbook to sidestep FB censorship
I'm looking for former students to endorse me
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