Sunday, January 10, 2021

Sun 10th January 2021 Current Affairs

The useful idiot that is RINO Romney is wrong about the mother of our child, USA. She is not virginal. When the patriot Ashli Babbitt was killed during a largely peaceful demonstration at the Capitol, she was not killed because President Trump incited violence or lied about election fraud. She was there because she was standing up for an opportunity the founding fathers promised was her free right. And she was killed because a Cabal has stolen the 2020 election and Georgia senate run offs and that Cabal desperately needs to protect itself. And by killing her, the Cabal has prevented President Trump from presenting his case before the legislature, as he had been allowed by constitution. Biden is now President Elect. But Biden did not get the votes he claims, and will not have the support such a turnout would endow. 

The awful situation of President Elect Biden for USA, with senate in tow, cannot be understated. Just as with 911, terrorists around the world are cheering. It is trite to say there will be no justice, as there has been none. When Biden ok'd Ukraine's sting of Russia, and a Malaysian airline was shot down, the perpetrators remained free while victims died. Innocent victims. USA will endure what she must. But, it will hurt her. President Trump may be around in 2024 to pick up the pieces again. But he may not, too. Somebody will stand up for free USA again, one day. But their task will be more daunting than that faced by Trump, who with over 74 million votes, lost to fraud. The Cabal will govern through dictation. It is true to say, as they claim, they are neither man nor woman. The deep state is not forgiving. The cold hand of bureaucracy is wet with blood and the tech tyrants will have their way until they are not useful. 

I am hurt, having lost Facebook and Twitter and faced with more. My legacy is in the hands of Google, Youtube and Amazon too. My love for America is challenged by her betrayal. And I'm reminded to note some monolog from Bridgerton's Daphne. 

"I know why you made that vow to your father"

"Just because something is not perfect does not make it any less worthy of love"

"Your father made you believe otherwise"

“He made you believe that you needed to be without fault in order to be loved, but he was wrong.” 

"Should you need any proof of the matter then look just here"

"I am tired of pretending. And I cannot continue acting as if I do not love you."

"Because I do. I love all of you."

"Even the parts you believe are too dark and too shameful"

"Every scar. Every flaw. Every imperfection."

"I love you."

"You may think you are too damaged and too broken to ever allow yourself to be happy"

"You can choose differently"

“You can choose to love me as much as I love you”

"That should not be up to anyone else. "

"That cannot be up to anyone else"

"It can only be up to you"

America, what happens now, is up to you. Do not be violent, but purposeful. Do not succumb to the Cabal, die on your feet, not your knees. We are mortal and do not have eternal life. Let God bestow it on you, instead.

Cabal steals Georgia run off and claims senate in illegitimate election. Riots force VP Pence to withdraw from Congress. Cabal are fighting, but they have not won. 

It is outrageous how #FakeNews poisonously position facts. Today, on Capitol Hill where Congress were meeting to count electoral college votes and decide the 2020 presidential election outcome, rent a crowd rioters of the same type favoured by BLM and Antifa shot and killed a woman, forcing VP Pence to be evacuated and shutting down proceedings. Proceedings which probably would show Trump won. Trump had organised a peaceful demonstration and people had arrived in substantial numbers. The local mayor who seemed to encourage BLM and Antifa riots, had called in National Guard when they realised Trump's demonstrators were substantial in numbers. And #FakeNews reports "US election: Pro-Trump protesters storm Capitol over Electoral College vote count" and "The chaos arose after MAGA protesters stormed the Capitol in an attempt to overthrow democracy in the dying days of Donald Trump’s presidency this morning."

In fact, the scheduled assembly in congress was the first opportunity Trump has had to present the substantial evidence of election fraud. It is constitutional and proper for Trump to debate in that forum, that way. We know Trump is not behind the rioting, we know the Cabal are. We know the Cabal are keen for Trump to over reach and use police or military to put down the insurrection. The so called 'coup' is the Cabal installing Biden and Harris to the Presidency. 

One commentator wrote to me today to say it is over. It is not over. In fact, it is only the beginning. We must overthrow (legitimately) Rino like Romney, who blamed Trump for the rioting. We must overthrow the foreign influence that has seized the Democrat leadership. We must overthrow the tech giants who favour the Cabal and act as enforcers. We must stand for our nation to keep liberty and equality for all, alive.  

Dershowitz: Trump Impeachment Great Threat to Constitution
Legal Scholar Turley: Dems Adopting New Ominous Standard With Impeachment Talk
McConnell Memo: Senate Trial of Trump After He Leaves
Dershowitz to Newsmax TV: Facebook, Twitter Should Lose 230 Protection After Banning Trump |
Man Seen with Speaker's Lectern During Capitol Riot Arrested |
2 Seattle Officers Placed on Leave in Probe Into Capitol Protesters
Rush Limbaugh Pulls Twitter Account in Sympathy With Blocked President Trump |
Democrats Plan Lightning Trump Impeachment, Want Him Out Now
Banned From Twitter, Trump Tries Posting Pitch to Build Out His Own Platform
Trump’s Twitter Page Looks Like This

Army Head Says National Guard May Be Allowed to Carry Guns in DC
Defense leaders are reviewing restrictions on the use of force by National Guard members and could allow troops to carry batons or guns in Washington, D.C., as they brace for more protests and possible violence around the Jan. 20 inaugural, The Associated Press has...... [Full Story]

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=== Bongino Headlines ===
Capitol Hill
Senate Schedule Makes Impeachment Trial All But Impossible
Biden Compares Trump to Nazi Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels
Hope Hicks Leaving White House
“I Want Him Out”: Murkowski Only Republican Senator So Far to Call on Trump to Quit
It’s Time to End the Poisonous Personalization of Politics
Lindsey Graham Swarmed by Unhappy Trump Supporters at Airport
Pelosi’s Laptop Stolen During Capitol Breach
Biden Refuses to Give Opinion on Impeachment of Trump
DOJ Says President Trump “Not Expected to Be” Charged for Capitol Hill Incident
Weekday Poll (Rasmussen) – January 8: Trump Approval at 48%

Culture War
Republicans React With Outrage to “Big Tech Tyranny”
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zerohedge parleyed.

-- Zero Hedge zerohedge Sunday, January 10, 2021


Twitter’s stated reasons for permanently banning Trump are a window into the tyrannical mind of the digital censors

-- Dinesh D’Souza DineshDSouza Sunday, January 10, 2021

=== From 2018 ===
Don't give up on hope. Oprah delivers fresh meat to Weinstein. Rita Ora, an Albanian Pop Star was at Weinstein's BAFTA after party when Oprah introduced her to Weinstein in 2014. Oprah is seen clearly holding Rita's hand, giving her Dutch courage? Child bullied to death after modelling an Akubra hat. The fourteen year old suicide had modelled the hat when she was six years old. Amy Jane Everett (Dolly) had been the face of the iconic Akubra hat on Christmas campaigns. The left wing lobby have no compunction about bullying anyone who represents Australian values. Remember when a celebrity said Bindy Irwin should have sex when she was 8 years old? Dolly needed resilience, as do we all, but what sick perverted minds targeted her? Why are they gifted anonymity? 

Trump designates a historic site to honour Martin Luther King. And some say Trump is literally Hitler. Trump tweets an email address of someone he respected. Leftwing activists proceed to bully the email address owner. He documents it. I hope he sues some rich abusers. Remember, Obama is using tax dollars to fuel such abuse. SBS is inherently racist. Ray Martin's program illustrated that. 

NBN is an awful deal for Australia for internet. Australia has very slow speeds, but a very expensive infrastructure program delivering those slow speeds. Dumped Melbourne East West link revived by Andrews Government. Andrews had tossed away $1.3 billion to not build it. Awful treasury advice to NSW premier on Negative Gearing. The highly politicised advice was intended to harm the federal government and NSW homebuyers and home owners. The NSW Premier rightfully ignored it. 

Awful political decision made for popularity by NZ PM Jacinda Ardern to remove National Standards. National Standards were not the problem, but highlighted it. Standards measure using Blockchains will become better, cheaper. But negligence by Labour politicians is forever.

=== from 2017 ===
Icon supporting identity politics, Meryl Streep, roared. Meryl who applauded a rapist, denounced Trump. Meryl had played in a role the former wife of Michael Chamberlain who died (from leukaemia complications) shortly after her awful speech. Meryl seeks to divide the world by gender, race and politics according to elitist standards. Joseph McCarthy was long denounced for his crusade against communism becoming destructive. Meryl wants what he had. Trump sledged her, saying Meryl was not talented. There is some truth to that. Meryl has been lauded for showing her breasts and playing extremist roles. But she offers no insight into what it is like to be human. 

Peter Eardley Sarstedt has died after a long fight with a dementia type disease. He was a one hit wonder with "Where do you go to my lovely." The ballad was possibly about Sophia Loren, but at one time was largely attributed to a socialite who died young in an apartment fire. The song sounded personal. Maybe Peter is with her now? 
=== from 2016 ===
From last year. I was right then, and now. .. In 49 BC Caesar crossed the Rubicon. He hadn't hesitated, he had temporised, before crossing. In Rome, those who opposed Caesar were dreading what he was going to choose to do. They were willing to let him have everything he had if he left Rome. But Caesar wanted Rome. By waiting, Caesar's enemies were able to think about what would happen. They lost their nerve. And the rest is history. The world faces a similar moment today. A weak and self doubting West have looked at jihadism, and just like impotent Islamic leaders, have panicked. Some are saying that migration needs to be closed. Some are saying that laws must be passed limiting Islam and worship. Ninety years ago, Ataturk hoodwinked Islamic scholars and got Turkish women to give up their head coverings. It was a rear guard action and made a long term change, but that has sadly failed recently. For the West, the issue is easier to face, although it has not been widely recognised yet. The key is law and order.

The meekness of modern police is astonishing to those who knew the world before the sixties. The Soviet Union exploited the peace movement as a way to secure reach within the West. And political correctness has been the brainchild of the peace movement, corroding institutions and emasculating police forces around the world. So that a celebrity who is the wrong colour can kill a woman the wrong colour and get away with it. So that a pedophile celebrity can become fabulously wealthy and highly lauded. So that a thief can resist arrest and be compensated. So that a President can openly demean the US public and be re elected. Note, names don't have to be used here because there are numerous examples of each. But part of the cure of the fear of terrorism, the way to address it, is to give police and the courts the latitude to do their jobs. To not have killers walking the streets because "they can't kill their victims again." It means border security like that Mr Abbott desired. It means security laws like that Mr Abbott was trying to pass. It means freedom of speech like Mr Abbott had promised.  

Nothing need change for the West to be free of jihadism. Jail criminals. Police effectively. Have free and fair press. Strong border protection. Effective intelligence agencies. Strengthen cultural assets. 

One footnote, a free and fair press does not mean a partisan press. Partisan left wing media have been complicit in promoting a narrative that has corroded cultural assets and prompted hysterical jihadism. People have died from lies spread by the media regarding so called insults to Islam. Or military activity that hasn't occurred. Case in point being the jailing of Peter Greste who, while adhering to international standards, is still guilty of promoting jihadism. Journalist standards have to rise for press to be free and fair. We must cross the river. 

For some, at the moment, the Sex Party has more credibility.
=== from 2015 ===
In 49 BC Caesar crossed the Rubicon. He hadn't hesitated, he had temporised, before crossing. In Rome, those who opposed Caesar were dreading what he was going to choose to do. They were willing to let him have everything he had if he left Rome. But Caesar wanted Rome. By waiting, Caesar's enemies were able to think about what would happen. They lost their nerve. And the rest is history. The world faces a similar moment today. A weak and self doubting West have looked at jihadism, and just like impotent Islamic leaders, have panicked. Some are saying that migration needs to be closed. Some are saying that laws must be passed limiting Islam and worship. Ninety years ago, Ataturk hoodwinked Islamic scholars and got Turkish women to give up their head coverings. It was a rear guard action and made a long term change, but that has sadly failed recently. For the West, the issue is easier to face, although it has not been widely recognised yet. The key is law and order.

The meekness of modern police is astonishing to those who knew the world before the sixties. The Soviet Union exploited the peace movement as a way to secure reach within the West. And political correctness has been the brainchild of the peace movement, corroding institutions and emasculating police forces around the world. So that a celebrity who is the wrong colour can kill a woman the wrong colour and get away with it. So that a pedophile celebrity can become fabulously wealthy and highly lauded. So that a thief can resist arrest and be compensated. So that a President can openly demean the US public and be re elected. Note, names don't have to be used here because there are numerous examples of each. But part of the cure of the fear of terrorism, the way to address it, is to give police and the courts the latitude to do their jobs. To not have killers walking the streets because "they can't kill their victims again." It means border security like that Mr Abbott desires. It means security laws like that Mr Abbott is trying to pass. It means freedom of speech like Mr Abbott has promised.  

Nothing need change for the West to be free of jihadism. Jail criminals. Police effectively. Have free and fair press. Strong border protection. Effective intelligence agencies. Strengthen cultural assets. 

One footnote, a free and fair press does not mean a partisan press. Partisan left wing media have been complicit in promoting a narrative that has corroded cultural assets and prompted hysterical jihadism. People have died from lies spread by the media regarding so called insults to Islam. Or military activity that hasn't occurred. Case in point being the jailing of Peter Greste who, while adhering to international standards, is still guilty of promoting jihadism. Journalist standards have to rise for press to be free and fair. We must cross the river. 
From 2014
Extreme left wingers seem to feel it is ok to drown people if one feels compassion while doing it. That would not be the position of a reasonable person. It is icing on the cake that illegal immigration also undermines systems that benefit people, such as refugee camps, foreign aid and migration. Because the extreme left have adopted that position, the moderate left have embraced it too. After all, the moderate left see themselves as being compassionate. And they dislike unfettered capitalism. It has to have fetters, like those employed monetarily to refugee seekers willing to pay to risk drowning. Because all lefties think the same, moderate leftists must embrace what extreme leftists espouse. That has not always been the case. Moderate leftists like Hawke and Keating were able to pull the extremists to back them on their compromises. They still managed to convey to extremists they would not behave sensibly. The kind of moderate left leadership provided by Hawke and Keating was surrendered by Beazley who was not capable of filling the vacuum left when Keating retired. Which is sad for boat people, who rely on people like Sarah Hanson Young to keep the drain unplugged as they circle the drain of Keating's vision of Australia. 

The conservative position espoused by Mr Abbott and of long standing public policy of conservative administrations is opposed by the radical left. And so it is also despised by moderates. And so Channel 10's morning show, after interviewing Mr Abbott, discussed the issue and no member of the four person panel spoke in favour of the conservative position. Not even Joe Hildebrand who is a vocal supporter of good government at other times. Such a jaundiced view is unwatchable and not entertaining, but irritating. Channel Ten's program was celebrating fifty episodes. It won't grow if it fails to be different to other channels.
Historical perspective on this day
In 49 BC, Julius Caesar crossed the Rubicon, signalling the start of civil war. 9, the Western Han Dynasty ended when Wang Mang claimed that the divine Mandate of Heaven called for the end of the dynasty and the beginning of his own, the Xin Dynasty. 69, Lucius Calpurnius Piso Licinianus is appointed by Galba as deputy Roman Emperor. 236, Pope Fabiansucceeded Anterus to become the twentieth pope of Rome. 1072, Robert Guiscardconquered Palermo. 1475, Stephen III of Moldavia defeated the Ottoman Empire at the Battle of Vaslui. 1645, Archbishop William Laud is beheaded at the Tower of London. 1776, Thomas Paine published his pamphlet Common Sense. 1791, the Siege of Dunlap's Station began near Cincinnati during the Northwest Indian War.

In 1806, Dutch settlers in Cape Town surrendered to the British. 1810, Napoleon Bonaparte divorced his first wife Joséphine. 1861, American Civil WarFlorida seceded from the Union. 1863, the London Underground, the world's oldest underground railway, opened between London Paddington station and Farringdon station. 1870, John D. Rockefellerincorporated Standard Oil.

In 1901, the first great Texas oil gusher was discovered at Spindletop in Beaumont, Texas. 1916, World War I: In the Erzurum OffensiveRussia defeated the Ottoman Empire. 1920, the Treaty of Versailles took effect, officially ending World War I. 1922, Arthur Griffith was elected President of the Dáil Éireann. 1923, Lithuania seized and annexed Memel. 1927, Fritz Lang's futuristic film Metropolis was released in Germany. 1929, The Adventures of Tintin, one of the most popular European comic books, was first published in Belgium. 1941, World War II: The Greek army captureKleisoura. 1946, the first General Assembly of the United Nationsopened in London. Fifty-one nations were represented. Also 1946, the United States ArmySignal Corps successfully conducted Project Diana, bouncing radio waves off the moon and receiving the reflected signals.

In 1954, BOAC Flight 781, a de Havilland DH.106 Comet 1, exploded and fell into the Tyrrhenian Sea killing 35 people. 1962, Apollo programNASA announced plans to build the C-5 rocket launch vehicle. It became better known as the Saturn V Moon rocket, which launched every Apollo Moon mission. 1972, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman returned to the newly independent Bangladesh as president after spending over nine months in prison in Pakistan. 1981, Salvadoran Civil War: The FMLN launched its first major offensive, gaining control of most of Morazán and Chalatenango departments 1984, Holy See–United States relations: The United States and Holy See (Vatican City) re-established full diplomatic relations after almost 117 years, overturning the United States Congress's 1867 ban on public funding for such a diplomatic envoy. 1985, Sir Clive Sinclair launched the Sinclair C5 personal electric vehicle, which became a notorious commercial failure and later a cult collector's item. Also 1985, Sandinista Daniel Ortega became president of Nicaragua and vowed to continue the transformation to socialism and alliance with the Soviet Union and Cuba; American policy continued to support the Contras in their revolt against the Nicaraguan government.

In 1990, Time Warner was formed by the merger of Time Inc. and Warner Communications. 1999, Sanjeev Nanda killed three policemen in New Delhi, India with his car, an act for which he was later acquitted, resulting in a sharp drop in public confidence in the Indian legal system. 2005, a mudslide occurred in La Conchita, California, killing 10 people, injuring many more and closing U.S. Route 101, the main coastal corridor between Los Angeles and San Francisco for 10 days. 2007, a general strike began in Guinea in an eventually successful attempt to get President Lansana Conté to resign. 2011, 2010–2011 Queensland floods: Torrential rain in the Lockyer Valley region of South East Queensland, Australia caused severe flash flooding, killing 9 people. 2012, a bombing in Khyber AgencyPakistan, killed at least 30 people with 78 others injured. 2013, more than 100 people were killed and 270 injured in several bomb blasts in Pakistan.

I am a decent man and don't care for the abuse given me. I created a video raising awareness of anti police feeling among western communities. I chose the senseless killing of Nicola Cotton, a Louisiana policewoman who joined post Katrina, to highlight the issue. I did this in order to get an income after having been illegally blacklisted from work in NSW for being a whistleblower. I have not done anything wrong. Local council appointees refused to endorse my work, so I did it for free. Youtube's Adsence refused to allow me to profit from their marketing it. Meanwhile, I am hostage to abysmal political leadership and hopeless journalists. My shopfront has opened on Facebook.

I am publishing a book called Bread of Life: January.

Bread of Life is a daily bible quote with a layman's understanding of the meaning. I give one quote for each day, and also a series of personal stories illustrating key concepts eg Who is God? What is a miracle? Why is there tragedy?

January is the first of the anticipated year-long work of thirteen books. One for each month and the whole year. It costs to publish. It (Kindle version) should retail at about $2US online, but the paperback version would cost more, according to production cost.If you have a heart for giving, I fundraise at (Gofundme finished the fund raiser, 2017)
Editorials will appear in the "History in a Year by the Conservative Voice" series, starting with August, September, October, or at Amazon The kindle version is cheaper, but the soft back version allows a free kindle version.

The Amazon Author Page for David Ball

Other Stuff

I'm now on MAGAbook to sidestep FB censorship
I'm looking for former students to endorse me
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