We have a good idea as to the path Trump is walking to retain the white house. It is not martial law. It does not involve SCOTUS. Trump is keen not to hurt the union or the constitution. Trump is on his knees, losing unnecessary fights which continue to show that Deep State have had control of the union for a long time and many of the levers of power are not functioning. It is necessary Trump fight these battles, but not necessary he win them. It is not certain Trump will win. But, the cabal have been losing badly with each 'win' they get. The SCOTUS decision of the Texas lawsuit is a case in point. The election was stolen. The evidence is clear. SCOTUS does not need the evidence, the people have it. Even as Big tech and media deny it, the people have seen it and made a decision regarding it. Trump wanted a stimulus for COVID and Democrats delayed it and forced it into a pork barrel. It does not matter if Trump refuses to sign it. The people have seen the Democrats delaying the bill for political advantage as people suffered. The people have also seen that the pork barrels are not meant for them.
American people are not impressed that Democrats are trying to steal the Georgia senate run offs. They are not impressed with the Democrat candidates. They are not impressed with polling that shows a narrative mainstream media peddle, but which does not reflect reality. People are not impressed with the intimidation of Kemp. People are expecting Kraken will expose attempted fraud in the run off. The mail in fraud is not going to impress the people. The fraudulent votes for Biden will not transfer to support for him if he wins.
We know Trump is the most popularly re elected President ever. We know Trump is gaining support among minorities as well as regular aspirational voters. What we don't yet know is when Biden and the cabal will face justice for what they have done. But we know Trump is temporising so as to not embarrass SCOTUS. So, the steps are, Trump will secure a win via state legislatures. Then SCOTUS will be brought in to deal with the fraudsters. In all likelihood, Trump does not want another special council in the wings of his 2021 inauguration.
COVID 19 has been inflated by hysterics for the primary purpose of controlling the US elections in 2020. It allowed states to declare states of emergency and suspend normal rules while a cabal engaged in voter fraud. Trump has produced a few vaccines but the cabal need COVID to remain so they can prevent a free and fair election in Georgia for the senate positions. However, in order to achieve what the cabal has, things have had to be sacrificed, including reputations and people's lives. Not all of which are in USA.
COVID is not worse than a bad flu. The IPA (Institute of Public Affairs in Australia) have researched the death rate at 800 per million, or 0.08%. A bad flu might be 0.1%. However, hysterics have reported death rates as 20% or more. COVID is particularly deadly to the sick and elderly, unlike SARS which afflicted the young and sick. However, elderly people under COVID-19 have longer life expectancies than before. And, older, sick people have always died in large numbers. It is easy to inflate numbers of natural attrition for elderly. A healthy person wearing a mask has no real defence from COVID, and cannot transmit it. Children are not particularly susceptible to COVID. Yet children have been prevented from going to school, and businesses have been closed and treatments have been denied the sick so COVID hysteria can allow rules to be suspended during elections.
Some people have been very sick from COVID and died. That happens with the flu too, every year. However, there have been treatments for COVID denied the sick by bureaucrats. At first, the treatments were declared as counter to research. But such research was debunked when it was observed it had not been rigorous but set to fail. It is hard to know the exact number who have died from such neglect, but as of June 2020, statistics showed deaths from COVID were some 8 times more likely in Democrat run states. While it is possible that COVID is more virulent against those with left wing values, whose personal hygiene is suspect, the more likely explanation is that bad management is the cause. Herd immunity is still the only long term solution, possibly achieved through vaccine, but in the mean times, treatment is available and cheap.
In Victoria, in Australia, following the first wave, elimination had temporarily been achieved. However it had been bungled by Victorian Premier Dan Andrews and extraordinary measures were brought to bear, ruling out treatment. Some one hundred people died as a direct result, but the Victorian Premier was able to declare a state of emergency and a state of disaster and introduce a Chinese style curfew on movement. Such virtue signalling was necessary for the pre election pre text in the United states. Australians dying so US peoples could be bound in chains. Similar tragedy ensued in Europe and elsewhere. Notably, poor nations with access to cheap treatments were largely unaffected by the crisis.
Will there ever be justice for those who paid high prices for COVID hysteria so a cabal could rig an election?
A former and a current CIA chief used their offices to create a fake news attack on then candidate Donald Trump. They did not use, apparently, CIA resources, but private ones which they then had given to FBI and state department as bona fide CIA intelligence. Two former FBI chiefs then colluded to create fake investigations to persecute the candidate, and later, President Trump. The actual application of the CIA to USA operations is illegal. Those chiefs and a few underlings, sponsored by a cabal of Democrats and big tech, have orchestrated crisis after crisis in the United States, and world. And DOJ chief Barr sees nothing wrong?
It is apparent the spying on Trump prior to 2016 election, and the subsequent attempt to remove him from office was baseless and corrupt. Yet is has become very hard to say so, with FB, Twitter and Google acting to restrict substantive evidence. Mainstream media print lies, but don't retract when corrected. Why did Fox news give North Carolina early, in error, to HRC in 2016? Why in 2020 did Fox news also give North Carolina early? How did pollsters measure fraudulent votes before they were cast? Why were pollsters so wrong about Trump popularity?
We know that FBI began investigating Trump before the 2016 election. We know it was based on a lie that had not been started by bona fide security channels but was initiated from HRC campaign and shepherded by senior CIA and FBI executives. What does Barr know that allows him to claim what he does?
Trump is fighting to get re elected after he was voted back in. Nothing is certain. I am confident he will walk down one of the roads which sees him inaugurated again on 20th January 2021. I am also certain there are very bad people fighting for their lives as criminals to deny him. The rumour surrounding Governor Kemp does not have to be true. The possibility that Kemp's daughter's significant other was murdered to threaten Kemp illustrates the stakes. If voter fraud is real, and has been detailed, imagine the breadth of the corruption involved in independently and multiply, conning voter authorities. It was not merely using COVID hysteria to change laws to allow voter fraud. It was not merely using trucks to carry fake ballots across state lines. It was not merely opening voting machines to hostile governments. It was not merely foreign governments compromising legislature in significant committees. It is not merely covering up for the corrupt activities. It is not merely tasking tech giants to sideline debate. It is all of that, and more. In order to maintain the lie, what keeps the corrupt pollsters in Georgia in line, and waiting for more? What keeps corrupt judges from respecting the law and the constitution? If the Media editors are corrupt, are the journalists corrupt too? All of them? When was it that not one capable, honest journalist worked at CNN? When was it that entire support structures of Facebook and Google would countenance the deception they perpetrate?
I can tell you I have no evidence that suggests there is an honest journalist at CNN. NYT, WaPo, LA Times etc etc. I have no evidence that suggests FB or Google are not part of a cabal. My interactions suggest gross incompetence among judges, police and authorities. I see a depraved indifference to the welfare of ordinary citizens as educational authorities persecute children who don't toe their lines, or repeat lies of convenience.
Allow me to throw some truth bombs illustrating the issues. COVID-19 is not as bad as a bad 'flu in terms of mortality, and the worst affected, elderly people, are living longer now than they were a year ago. Masks do not help healthy people fight COVID. AGW is a lie, and the world's temperatures have been rising since the end of the ice age, but seem more stable at the moment. Carbon Dioxide is plant food, a trace particle in our atmosphere and necessary for life on Earth. Fracking provides cheap, effective gas. Solar power is inefficient. Wind power is poorly implemented, killing birds. Nuclear power is safe, and something Iran should never have. It is ok to pray in school, or in church, or in public. It is ok to swear on a bible, or talk to God. It is not racist to ignore race. It is racist to promote race. Publicly funded wildlife protection is a failure, but farming is incredibly successful. No farm animal is an endangered species. Kneeling in support of racism is not healthy. Standing for God and country can be motivating. Donald Trump got over 74 million votes from people we knew existed, and saw at rallies. Biden's votes did not seem to come from any known source, and he is not as popular as Obama was. Obama belongs in jail for the Russia Hoax and his work to undermine the 2020 election too. Obama started a new cld war because he was deficient in foreign policy. Trump has miraculously achieved what Obama could not, in Israel, NK, Iran, Syria and the United States.
There are two side stories to election fraud that I'm surprised no one is talking about. Biden in 2020 and Kevin Rudd in 2007. Both situations had had tremendous voter suppression played by mainstream media. Biden was too weak relative to Trump, and so the fraud was obvious because too much ground had to be made up. Kevin Rudd was aided by Malcolm Turnbull's betrayal of the Liberal Party of Australia, resulting from the failure of Peter Costello to campaign for the leadership from Mr Howard. But the media are ignoring corruption efforts by Biden and Rudd which they ought to question.
With Joe Biden, he was VP and had special interests in Ukraine on 17th July 2014 when MH17 was shot down by Russian separatist forces. As the separatists reported the accident to Moscow, US signals intelligence picked up the chatter. The question has never been asked publicly, why was a civilian aircraft targeted? And, why was US signals intelligence so quick in intercepting that particular signal? The answer lies with Ukraine's problem with Russian separatists shooting down their military aircraft, killing many troops. Someone decided that Ukraine could paint their military aircraft with radio civilian identifiers. This trained the separatists to ignore civilian identifiers, and so tragedy resulted. Only the tragedy was not unexpected by Ukraine, who failed to warn Malaysia that Ukraine was a war zone. US signals intelligence were prepared to capitalise on the tragedy. Is the media protecting Biden and Ukraine from war crimes inquiry?
In '07, Kevin Rudd bragged he had special contacts within Australian defence forces which would address problems he claimed Mr Howard had failed. One issue Rudd identified was Timor's rebel leader, Alfredo Reinado. Reinado had had some training in Australia and Rudd was convinced he could stop him where Howard had not. Soon, after Rudd became PM, on 11th February 2008, Reinado attempted to detain the Timorise leadership of Ramos-Horta and Gusmao, and was killed. It was soon called an assassination attempt. It looked like a bungled black ops which resulted in poisoning what had once been a good relationship between Australia and Timor. Had Kevin Rudd bungled the issue with a rushed black ops mission? My name is David Daniel Ball, and I'm here to help.
Who will be left for Democrats after Obama, Biden, HRC, Schiff, Warren and Pelosi are prosecuted for their Russia Collusion Hoax? What will be left of the FBI and DOJ after Mueller, Comey et al are prosecuted for their collusion? Dan Bongino discusses the explosive exposure of how Russia has had HRC emails from her illegal server in which HRC tried to deflect from her exposure by blaming President Trump. What of the powerful tech business allies of HRC who colluded to get Biden elected President? How will FB, Google, youtube and Twitter be affected? Will their CEO's escape jail time? What of CNN? NBCNews?, CBSNews? FoxNews?
I'm waiting for delayed gratification. T45 may well be the greatest President USA has had, based on analysis of achievements to date. He fixed a broken economy. He achieved peace by not going to war. He commandeered initiative in science and tech. He worked for all constituents, not the corrupt few which his opponents focused on.
Opposition to T45 has been substantially larger than for any previous President. The Russia Hoax dominated (swamped) his Presidency. Treasonous activity by tech giants and social elite have persecuted T45. Partly, that was at T45's behest because he was an outsider to Washington. Trump has walked a path others have not because opposition to outsiders is fierce. Including from within his own party, with RINO members part of the swamp.
Trump won re-election in terms of votes cast in record numbers. The swamp is trying to steal it from him. The swamp are abusing legal avenues to prevent analysis of their illegal activity. What will happen when it is decided that has not worked? How many people will the swamp kill to protect their 'interests'? In order to protect the union, SCOTUS has not acted prematurely. It is up to state legislatures to do the right thing. How will RINO affect the outcome of those state legislature? Will RINO break the union to support the swamp?
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Ric Grenell to Newsmax TV: Iran Feared President Trump, Eagerly Awaits Biden |

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Mitch McConnell's home in Louisville, Ky., was vandalized over his blockage of a vote on a Senate bill that would provide $2,000 in stimulus checks to Americans, reports WDRB.... [Full Story]
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All true
-- Mark Levin Marklevinshow Sunday, January 3, 2021
Somewhat starting this New Year with a bit of controversy 🤗 Do you think Trump was unfairly treated by news media? I absolutely do! 🇺🇸
-- Blonde Politician Camillewead Sunday, January 3, 2021
Facebook Shuts Down Page for GOP Senate Campaigns Just Before Georgia Runoffs
-- Devin Nunes Devinnunes Sunday, January 3, 2021
zerohedge parleyed.
-- Zero Hedge zerohedge Sunday, January 3, 2021
Georgia, America is counting on You! Defend the Majority and vote Loeffler and Perdue! 🇺🇸
-- Ivanka IvankaTrump Sunday, January 3, 2021
This is a real test for Mitch McConnell. If he stands against election integrity, he’s finished in the Republican Party. Not even his record of court appointments will save him. Why go out in disgrace when he can choose to be the leader of the GOP citizen revolt?
-- Dinesh D’Souza DineshDSouza Sunday, January 3, 2021
But the owner of the local pub, David Allen, tells Natalie Peters and Erin Molan that the reaction to Scott Morrison is not reflective of the town.
“He’s the Prime Minister of Australia and he deserves some respect.
“He was here to listen and unfortunately a tiny minority of people did that and it’s not representative of the community.
“Those people who did it, they’re just no-hopers, they haven’t been seen helping anyone.
“I was just so embarrassed for the town because that’s not what we are.”

"Tis true my form is something odd, But blaming me is blaming God. Could I create myself anew, I would not fail in pleasing you. If I could reach from pole to pole, Or grasp the ocean with a span, I would be measured by the soul, The mind's the standard of the man. "A poem by Isaac Watts that Joseph Merrick would use to end his letters.
Dumb equity arguments are used to claim job resumes are not useful for employment purposes. Maybe there are more applicable techniques in some circumstances. A survey of majors for US students show smart males choose Math and less achieving females choose nursing and social work. Only the survey is bogus. The stats may be correct, but don't include double degrees showing women are smarter than guys. It also compares mainstream professional colleges with Ivy League campuses. Weak measurement should not sway public debate, or one gets anthropogenic global warming hysteria.
Fake news media may get awards from Donald Trump. They are desperate to not cover news like Uranium deal by Hillary.
For some, at the moment, the Sex Party has more credibility.
AirAsia flight QZ8501 has apparently crashed shortly after the pilot was denied the precaution of rising above the storm that claimed his craft. Apparently air traffic control had been concerned other planes would be in close proximity. The black box will be located soon and in all probability it was a freak, tragic accident that no precaution would have avoided.
Abysmal ALP/Green policy continues to threaten the lives and homes of country Australians during bushfire season. Back burning and limiting fuel is traditional and essential to effective administration of nature areas. Although pet scientists may disagree, as they are enthralled to the Greens.
As elections draw near in Israel, the left wing media campaign to bring down the conservative government of Netanyahu. Recently tv news media referenced an unending war between Israel and Palestine. Only there is currently no fighting and Palestine does not exist as a nation. But that does not matter to the partisan news media. Today is the 2002 anniversary of Israel pulling over a Palestinian bound ship crying 50 tons of weapons on the Red Sea.
Climate deniers in the US are not being told of the ice-capades of their brethren in the antarctic. Trapped in summer ice, and 98% of US news outlets don't mention it. At this rate of heating, by 2050, the world will be a snowball. Apparently a high salt diet is good for longevity. Assange, who does not recognise the right of a court to come between him and his abusive style of lovemaking is appealing for one to abuse process on his behalf.
I am a decent man and don't care for the abuse given me. I created a video raising awareness of anti police feeling among western communities. I chose the senseless killing of Nicola Cotton, a Louisiana policewoman who joined post Katrina, to highlight the issue. I did this in order to get an income after having been illegally blacklisted from work in NSW for being a whistleblower. I have not done anything wrong. Local council appointees refused to endorse my work, so I did it for free. Youtube's Adsence refused to allow me to profit from their marketing it. Meanwhile, I am hostage to abysmal political leadership and hopeless journalists. My shopfront has opened on Facebook.
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