My name is David Daniel Ball and I am Voice DDB dot locals dot com a voice of freedom supporting freedom around the world for all peoples. I write on historical and current affairs. I look for the conservative voice where mainstream media eschews it. Around the world media espouses liberalism orthodoxy and proclaims a history of liberalism that never happened. Liberalism of today is based on repeated lies that have been accepted from the past.
Consider these recent truths
Analysis of published statistics on COVID in the world shows the Victorian death rate, in relation to the Australian death rate, is 147% more likely that a Victorian with COVID dies than an Australian with COVID. That result is entirely due to public policy, not geography. The Victorian response to COVID has been lock down and curfew, with crime tape on swings and slides to prevent children from using them. Face masks indoors and out doors. Vaccinations, but denial of other medications known to be efficacious. HCQ has been listed as a poison. Neither Ivermectin nor Fenofibrate are approved treatments. And the result is people in Victoria who are sick and denied treatment will die, while Dan Andrews jockeys for more power, and so called independents give it to him. Remember that next election, in 2022, when independents say "Vote for us to keep ALP honest." To be fair, the ALP did not lie about their naked ambition for power. The independents lied for them.
Only now is the Victorian conservative party becoming more strident in their opposition to these draconian measures. In my case, my school employer has been required to see that I've been double vaccinated, but they've not been allowed to hire me because schools were closed. Children are being vaccinated in large numbers to meet government demands "for freedom" but each time 'freedom' is achieved, restrictions appear. With 80% of Victoria vaccinated, businesses were allowed to open. Only my tutoring school cannot because it is not considered a school but a business, and businesses have restrictions. Worldwide, the statistics on school child transmissions are consistent. Children are not spreading COVID at schools, neither are they falling sick at school. So why insist on vaccinations? Masks?
Vaccination mandates are not addressing COVID spread issues. World statistics show that vaccinations do not prevent spread and do not prevent deaths. Neither do masks. That does not mean no one should take it, neither does it mean everyone should. Governments have not outlawed deaths with their hysterical over reactions to COVID, they have restricted freedom. SCOTUS was recently asked to provide an injunction against vaccine mandates. SCOTUS has so far said it is not up to them to decide. Public health authorities are confused, most claiming erroneously that vaccination is for the public good. Masks are for the public good. Lockdowns are for the public good. But the science does not show that.
It is Halloween and confused Christian zealots are feeling free to denounce those enjoying the celebrations as serving the devil. It was similar with the hysteria over Harry Potter books. However, those who once burned witches were wrong then, as they who burn Harry Potter books are now. It is worth remembering that Jesus, in casting out demons, those demons yet testified He was lord. And they do so today. And it isn't the Halloween participants who form the analog.
=== From recent years ===
One rumour going around the internet is that JFK was erudite, smart, capable and visionary. JFK died on Nov 22nd 1963 when Lee Harvey Oswald shot him, and in response a secret service agent accidentally sent a dum dum round into JFK's head. The enormity of the cover up should be noted. At least one secret service agent ended his days a drunk. LHO was killed before facing justice, as was his killer, Jack Ruby. And the brain of JFK, filled with dum dum shrapnel disappeared during surgery. Anyway, the meme goes JFK was killed for a speech he gave about censorship and dangers facing democracy. Only the speech was not the last one JFK gave, but had been given in April 27th 1961. To put the speech in perspective, JFK had lost the 1960 election to Nixon, but Nixon, rather than doing what Al Gore did and threaten the union, conceded. Kennedy had approved the Bay of Pigs plan on April 4th. It was before a U2 plane took pictures of Soviet missiles on Cuba. Castro had lied to his backers about taking over Cuba to restore freedoms, but had aligned himself with communists (or revealed himself to be one) and so Kennedy was doing what the fox like Malcolm Turnbull does, putting his foot in his mouth. Kennedy proclaimed and declared openness while planning secret deals, and the press gave him a free pass. Given an opportunity to illustrate his understanding of world affairs, JFK chose Karl Marx. Kennedy did not write the words, which are good words, but we know he didn't mean them either. Kennedy may have threatened Governor Wallace over Wallace's racist stance to segregation, in private. In public, Wallace and Kennedy served the same party.
People seem to like abuse of power. A problem with abuse of power, beyond the abuse, is that it is recognised as legal by the foolish and hoodwinked. In the 1970's, an elderly German woman was interviewed regarding the leadership of the war. Shown pictures of senior Nazis, she smiled and said "All the old faces bring back memories." She wasn't a Nazi or a fan of them. But while they were imbued with power, they made promises to the people from a position of power they abused. It is sickening how average people gravitate to the abusers. During the weak years of Boris Yeltsin in Russia, one old timer opined for the glory days of Stalin.
Australia has problems with abuse of power too. Being a modern democracy, it is harder for abuse of power to be sustained. But there is a danger of it being systematised too. So that before the NSW conservative party with Barry O'Farrell could be elected in '11, they had to assure those who corruptly ran NSW they would not shake the boat. Credit to O'Farrell and his front bench, they retained integrity and even resigned when the corruption lobby fingered them. The result has been new leadership unencumbered by pre election promises made in '11. The judiciary of NSW is corrupt. Not biased, but actively partisan in support of the ALP and the left. So that inquiries into corruption get sidelined by judges within the virtue of their powers. It is legal, but an abuse of power. The Heiner Affair is another such abuse. Anyone with sense recognises it is wrong to tear up evidence of a gang rape of an aboriginal girl in detention. Which is why Rudd obtained legal advice. There are supposed to be protections against the abuse of power by Rudd against that girl who was decades without compensation, and silenced when a paltry amount was given her. Australia's parliament could have opened an inquiry, but Steve Fielding, acting against advice from Family First, decided to embrace the abuse of power instead.
Political fights can be bruising and confusing, making people bitter and lowering expectations of political process. But one outrageous, totally unacceptable practice has been endorsed by one side of the political divide and it is unacceptable from them. They must address the issue from their side, and not oppose those who would address it from the community. The issue referred to is child abuse, more specifically, raising children to hate and kill. Such child abuse is soul destroying. We have images of Palestinians marching for terror with kids in tow carrying toy guns. We have images of children's television shows in Palestine with puppet characters glorifying suicide. We have local ISIS spokespeople claiming Jews are responsible for terror through mythical atrocities. We have pictures of children holding severed heads and declaring their love for some terrorist group. We have child soldiers in Burma, Cambodia, Africa and the Middle East, except Israel. One common denominator is an excuse by the left of an imperative driving the behaviour. But there is no excuse for such damnation. It is child abuse.
One hate preacher who has freedom in Australia has claimed he was taken out of context when he was quizzed over saying "Jews are filthy rapists" and claimed he had limited his statement to specific ones whom had raped his sisters. One doesn't mind free speech, so long as it can be acknowledged that a liar has lied. That hate preacher has lied and is lying. His sisters are safe, but for being siblings to a terrorist. JT is free to say what he likes, but his child abuse deserves to be addressed, and his hate preaching contradicted. In Australia, rapes have been described as cultural to the Islamic community by Islamic community leaders impotent to address the needs of their community under a secular administration.
We are being lied to. But not by everyone. Our nations and their justice machinery are not broken, but damaged. Things are bad, but they are supposed to be bad, rather than merely breaking. We can't give up. We must reject the liars, and remove them from public office, and prosecute them lawfully. Things can get better, but we must persevere or risk losing hope. We must not fight the Devil by playing the Devil's game. Rather we must resist the Devil by being free. There is no law against doing what is right. Their utter depravity kills us. They target us and they seek to restrain us. But while the greatest among us a hundred years ago has died, their legacy has not. That which we are, we are. Lockdowns were ineffective in dealing with COVID. Effective medication has been denied whole populations. Herd immunity will prevail. Fraud deleteriously affected recent elections around the world. But, Democracy will prevail. Our oppressors will pass. For us to win, we must assert our freedoms. For us to lose, we must willingly surrender our freedoms forever. Our children will have to pay back our debt. We must sacrifice now so that they can. That means telling truth to power. That means pointing up when when some get confused and lose their way. Stand by the one who sacrificed their pension and freedoms to speak out. Prosecute the ones forgiven by a debauched and self interested administration. Vote for those who help you exercise your freedom. Don't wait for free speech. Exercise free speech.
=== === ===
From the Bible, Titus 2
Doing Good for the Sake of the Gospel
You, however, must teach what is appropriate to sound doctrine. Teach the older men to be temperate, worthy of respect, self-controlled, and sound in faith, in love and in endurance.
Likewise, teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live, not to be slanderers or addicted to much wine, but to teach what is good. Then they can urge the younger women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God.
Similarly, encourage the young men to be self-controlled. In everything set them an example by doing what is good. In your teaching show integrity, seriousness and soundness of speech that cannot be condemned, so that those who oppose you may be ashamed because they have nothing bad to say about us.
Teach slaves to be subject to their masters in everything, to try to please them, not to talk back to them, and not to steal from them, but to show that they can be fully trusted, so that in every way they will make the teaching about God our Savior attractive.
For the grace of God has appeared that offers salvation to all people. It teaches us to say “No” to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age, while we wait for the blessed hope—the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ, who gave himself for us to redeem us from all wickedness and to purify for himself a people that are his very own, eager to do what is good.
These, then, are the things you should teach. Encourage and rebuke with all authority. Do not let anyone despise you.
Explosive new evidence emerges that Ford Motor company may be taking orders from a George Soros operative. In this episode I address the scandal. I also discuss the massive destruction being caused by the vaccine mandates.
News Picks:
- Will governments survive the coming peasant revolt?
- Companies are dropping federal contracts to escape the disastrous vaccine mandates.
- This North Carolina case shows how to battle back against corporate wokeness.
- Biden’s approval continues to collapse in historic fashion.
- Harvard exposed as hypocrites.
- Could the US lose a war with China?
- Ibram Kendi humiliates himself on Twitter.
- “I have been through this before.”
Manchin: Holding Infrastructure Bill Hostage Won’t Make Me Support Reconciliation Bill
Biden’s Bureau of Land Management Director Grilled on Ecoterrorist Links
Sen. Hawley Fights to Stop Democrats From Including Women in the Draft
Fifteen Ballot Measures to Watch on Tuesday
Trial for Esteemed Marksman Kyle Rittenhouse Kicks Off
Southwest Launches Investigation Into Pilot Who Said “Let’s Go Brandon” Because Liberals Are Hysterical Crybabies
Capitol Hill
Report: Lindsey Graham Told Police to Use Guns Against Jan 6 Protesters
Left-Wing Third Party Candidate for Virginia Governor Could Split McAuliffe’s Vote
Seven Races to Watch Tomorrow in Addition to Virginia’s
Biden Makes a Mussolini Reference in Rome
Sen. Sanders Demands Reconciliation Framework
Trump: Youngkin Will Win VA Gubernatorial Race If My Base Turns Out
Hilarity Ensues as CEO Struggles to Figure Out What “Squad” Rep. Tlaib Is Talking About
Biden Sidelined in G20 “Family Photo”
Biden’s Tax Pledge Goes Up in Smoke
“An F, and Not an F+” – Trump Grades the Biden Administration
Biden Uses Prepared List of Reporters After G20 Summit to Take Questions From
71% Say America Is on the Wrong Track Under Biden
Culture War
Terry McAuliffe Complains That VA’s Teachers Are “Too White”
Dan Bongino Will Be Off The Radio Again This Week
SCOTUS to Hear Challenges to Texas Abortion Law
Dan Abrams Says Manhattanites Asked Him If He Was Concerned About His Kid Being a Cop for Halloween
Bill Maher: Left Tries to Change Reality by Redefining Words
Austin to Now Vote on Hiring Back Officers After Defunding Police
Media That Loved “F-Donald Trump” Chants Now Triggered by “Let’s Go Brandon”
Report: AT&T Runs Critical Race Theory Training Program
Loudoun County Mom Says Her 6-Year-Old Asked Her If She Was Born Evil Because She’s White
Twix Runs Halloween Ad Featuring Trans Propaganda
J.B. Shurk: Will Governments Survive the Coming Peasant Revolt?
Barclays CEO Resigns Amid Probe Into Epstein Ties
American Airlines Cancels 1,500+ Flights, Citing Weather and Staffing Problems
Is Ford Caving to the Demands of a Soros Stooge?
Major Restaurant Chains Hike Prices Due to Labor Shortage
This Economic Week Ahead
Brands Cut Advertising Spending Due to Supply Chain Issues
Elon Musk Says He’d Sell Enough Tesla Shares to Solve World Hunger If UN Can Explain How Money Would Be Spent
Sacramento Becomes the Most Unaffordable Housing Market in the U.S.
Two Bitcoin Mining Companies Battle It Out in Small Texas Town
Marco Rubio to Call for GOP to Divorce From Big Business
Charles Gasparino: Larry Fink Shakes Big Bucks From Lefty Joe’s Environmental Social Governance
Swamp Watch
White House Backpedals on Vax Mandate Enforcement for Federal Contractors
ActBlue Kicked Off Ex-Gov. Cuomo – But Not These Ten Scandal Plagued Dems
Media Mocked for Referring to Project Lincoln Operatives as Republicans
Antifa Upset That Portland Police Foiled Attempted Halloween Violence
Buttigieg Defends Cutting Paid Leave From Spending Bill After Enjoying Paternity Leave
Sec. of State Blinken Sidesteps Questions on U.S. Commitment to Defending Taiwan
Huma Abedin Says She Ignored Hillary Clinton’s Calls About What to Do With Anthony Weiner
Kansas Democrat State Rep. Arrested and Charged With Domestic Battery
Billionaire With History of Using Art to Steer Donor Cash at Center of Recent Hunter Biden Art Show
National Security
Ex-CIA Officer Warns: China Using Stolen U.S. Tech to Build Military That Can Defeat Ours
Taiwan. Will We or Won’t We Defend It?
How Joe Biden Has Undermined Europe’s Democracies
U.S. Navy Goes Underground as NATO Intensifies Its Focus on Northern Border With Russia
GE Wins $1.6 Billion Engine Contract for F-15EX
General Atomics Retooling It’s UAVs With Laser Weapons, Missile Interceptors to Protect Them in Combat
The Inevitable Rivalry Between America and China
U.S. Marine Corp Cracks Down on Extremist Tattoos
Why Did the Afghan “Fabergé Egg” Army Crack So Quickly?
Around the World
Israel Launches Huge Drill Simulating War Against Iran and Hezbollah
For First Time Since March 2020, Australia Eases International Border Ban
The Private Jets That Swarm Glasgow for COP26 Put Out More CO2 Than Scots Churn Out in a Year
Biden Raises Human Rights, Discusses F-16s in Meeting With Turkey’s Erdogan
Iraqi Migrants, Syrian People Smugglers Apprehended by German Police at Polish Border
Blinken and Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Warn Each Other Against Fueling Taiwan Tensions
As Tensions With Iran Are on the Rise, U.S. Flies B-1B Strategic Bomber Over Mideast
Mediation Efforts in Sudan Look for a “Way Forward” After Anti-Coup Protests
Miranda Devine: The Media Needs to Ignore the “Lincoln Liars”
Newt Gingrich: Youngkin vs. McAuliffe: Two Opposing Strategies
Wayne Allyn Root: What I Just Told The New York Times About the Complete Failure and Disaster of the COVID-19 Vaccine
Naomi Schaefer Riley: Movement to Stop “Mandated Reporting” of Child Abuse Is a Bad Idea
Debra J. Saunders: Biden Border Policy: Criminals Welcome
Kevin McCullough: The Left Is Gaslighting Us… AGAIN!
Kevin D. Williamson: Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook Fight Is Really About Silencing Right-Wing Voices
Derek Hunter: My Favorite White Supremacist Was The Black Guy
Michael Goodwin: It’s Weak by Week for Old Joe Biden
“Parks and Rec” Actor Charged With Vandalism for Defacing NYC George Floyd Statue
Alec Baldwin: “Extremely Interested” In Limiting Use Of Firearms On Movie Sets
Madonna Slams Cancel Culture, Connects All the Vital Dots in the Process
Actor Steve Buscemi Dresses As “How Do You Do, Fellow Kids?” Meme for Halloween
Already Vaxxed Bryan Adams Ducks Out Of Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame Performance After Testing Positive For COVID-19
Kanye West Joined By Marilyn Manson, Justin Bieber on Sunday Service Livestream
Three Vets New Rap Song “Let’s Go Brandon” Is Chart Topping Hit
Trump Laughs at “Let’s Go Brandon” Chant at World Series
World Series: Astros Stay Alive vs. Braves, Rally In Game 5 After Allowing First-Inning Grand Slam
Kaepernick Mocked For Comparing NFL Combine To Slave Auction
Jon Gruden Weighing Legal Options Against NFL After Email Leak
Backup Quarterback Mike White Lead Jets To Thrilling Win Over Bengals
Titans Come Away With OT Win Over Colts
Steelers Hold On For Win Over Browns
Lead Falcons Wide Receiver Calvin Ridley Announces He’s Stepping Away From Football, Citing Mental Health Issues

Newsmax TV
- Rep. Steil: Biden Busy Enforcing Global Tax but Ignoring Americans |
- Sen. Roger Marshall: Vaccine Mandate Will Increase Unemployment, Inflation |
- Youngkin: I Won't Order Vaccine Mandates |
- Dershowitz: 'Full Adjudication' Needed on Vaccine Mandates |
- George P. Bush: Biden Border Policies ‘Chipping Away Law and Order’ |
- Rep. Stefanik: Prison for Ex-Gov. Cuomo If Convicted |
- Rep. Tenney: 'So Much' More Than 'Me Too' to Bring Cuomo Down |
- McAuliffe Slams Trump Endorsement of Youngkin In Va. Gov Race
- Trump Angry with TV Ad: ‘Glenn Youngkin a Good Man’
- Murphy Leads Ciattarelli by Just 4.2 Points in NJ Governor's Race
- Glenn Youngkin to Newsmax: Virginia Gov Race ‘Is a Movement, Not a Campaign’ |
- Youngkin Ad: McAuliffe Hiding Hillary Clinton |
- Newt Gingrich Predicts Biden Will Be '1-Term President'
- Louisiana Court Temporarily Blocks Healthcare Vaccine Mandate
- 9K Unvaccinated NYC Workers Won't Be Paid Monday
- Youngkin: I Won't Order Vaccine Mandates |
- Vaccines for Kids 5-11 Ready by Next Week - White House
- Military Officials Warn of Skilled Job Losses From December Vaccine Mandates
- As Mandate Kicks In, Ranks of Unvaccinated New York Police, Firefighters Dwindle
- WH Eases Vaccine Mandates for Federal Contractors
- Amazon Lifts Mask Mandate for Fully Vaccinated US Warehouse Workers

1. The vaccine mandate done "to make the economy stronger and smoother" is, unsurprisingly, causing massive job shortages in essential workers.
2. Biden admin already trying to walk back the deadline and mandate rules for federal contractors.
3. Virginia early voting dropped by over 60% from 2020, when turnout usually only drops about a third in off-year Governor elections, strongly suggesting the mass mail-in voting of 2020 will be tough to repeat for Democrats.
4. Betting markets forecast an 8 point victory for Democrats in New Jersey, which would still be a twelve point drop off from 2020 as Biden won the state by almost 20 points in 2020. If the same drop off occurs in Virginia, then Youngkin would win in a squeaker in a state Biden carried by 10 points less than Jersey.
5. For Rittenhouse trial issues, see last night's Bourbon w/ Barnes.
- Bonus: I watched Get Out for my Halloween film choice, and it was fun scary, as well as can be construed as a commentary on white liberals.
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Via Spit Take Brigade |
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Many thought common core had no solutions |
In his new film — Trump Card — New York Times bestselling author Dinesh D’Souza argues the American Dream is not only at stake in this presidential election, but the Democratic Left wants to propel America headlong into socialism and tyranny.
As the 2020 presidential election looms, D’Souza told The New American that the country is divided between one party that wants to preserve our founding principles and another that wants to catapult America into what is “arguably the most discredited idea in history after slavery.”
The Nazi salute, 'Sieg heil' sounds really threatening when Nazi soldiers shouted it in unison. It translates from German to mean 'Be safe.' I'm reminded of that when I read how children have been kept from school over a disease that largely does not affect them and which may be treated with cheap, effective medications
James Woods Just Shared the Most Savage and Damaging Anti-Biden Ad You’ll Ever See…And It’s Viral![]() |
Weekend at Bidens |
This Video of Democrat DESTROYING a MSNBC Host Might Be Greatest Thing Ever
I could barely keep it together watching this!!! Absolute annihilation. SO good.
A Strange Encounter, Hunter Biden & the FBI
You've got to hear about the "very, very strange" encounter Bill O'Reilly had over the weekend. Here's a hint: Hunter Biden's laptop.
He's joined by former U.S. Attorney Brett Tolman for his reaction to the realization that the FBI has been sitting on the evidence for A YEAR.
Socialist seeks solace with God?
Malcolm Turnbull is still having fun. That is important to know as it transpires that months ago his colleague instructed an MP not to come forward about being British until after the High Court ruled, but then publicly castigated the MP for not coming forward straight away.The Liberal Party needs Tony Abbott to heal the wounds left by Malcolm Turnbull. A study on SSM voting shows a knife edge with a more than likely 'no' result. The campaign for 'yes' has been appallingly bad. the 'election' has not been free and fair. The opportunity to test new polling methods has been squandered. Regardless of the results, to quote Malcolm Turnbull criticising John Howard over the failed republic campaign Howard opposed, the PM has broken the hearts of the nation. Turnbull has promised too much, delivered too little. Turnbull has failed every single criterion he nominated for rolling Tony Abbott. Liberals don't need Turnbull, Pyne or Bishop. And the worst aspect is those three, and a few others, are gifting the ALP the next election, and the Prime Minister's position to possibly the worst character who would ever had had the position. Turnbull has some capable members in party. There is none that is capable among the ALP. Rudd saved their furniture, but they have an unreformed party ready to make murderously bad policy.
Turns out Trump's travel ban was too weak. It needed to include Uzbekistan. That would have prevented the latest atrocity in NYC.
One observation that is never made is that the economies struggling most are led by the left. Obama is dismissed by those who want to portray the US as struggling as being a figurehead who is impotent to effect positive change because the position of President can’t do much. In fact GOP Presidents manage to achieve much, and are criticised for it. Obama has been a real presence in damaging the economy, limiting the defence forces and dividing the nation on race and income. Any decent review of history would show similar with Clinton, Carter, LBJ and Kennedy. Any decent review would show strong responses from Nixon, Reagan, Bush (41) and Bush (43). Bush (43) is openly despised by Obama yet even as a lame duck Bush (43) achieved much more than O (44) with a troop surge and spending increase in financial crisis.
Instead of making the observation, economic theory is presented which fails to tell the story or address apparent facts. Libertarians seem hung up on examining the cutting edge between conservatives and leftists in the great dialog. But the problem is conservatives (if they are competent) address the issue of institutional asset maintenance, and leftists try to tear down those institutions. There is currently no intellectual coherence to leftist action, so studying them is unproductive. In Australia, there is a need for a strong Labor Party which stands on values which support the struggling workers. But it currently is a corrupt organisation which exploits the poorest workers in a parody of what it should be. The world needs conservatives to have government in France, Greece, Italy, Japan, Canada and USA. The Great exhaustion can be dealt with if just some of them have effective government.
Australia is poorly positioned to capitalise on a Trump Presidency with both the foreign affairs Minister Julie Bishop and the Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull talking out to personalise antipathy to Trump. One understands they prefer Hillary Clinton because they prefer working with corruption. They had insisted Abbott give over $10 million aid to the Clinton Foundation in 2014, and rolled Abbott after he stopped the payments. But neither Bishop nor Turnbull has explained how Australia will be better off with a corrupt Clinton as President, compared to a GOP backed Trump. Trump is not Reagan. Trump is very good at negotiations and knows how to run an executive team. Reagan was more reliant on insiders from GOP. Trump can deliver on promises better than Turnbull can. Turnbull has portrayed himself as being a good business executive. With Trump as President we will see a real one. Trump would never have put himself in the ridiculous position Turnbull has. All Turnbull can do now, constructively, is resign.
Meanwhile Trump’s progressive opponent is loved by the press and demonstrably corrupt. And the Libertarian candidate is trying to find Aleppo. Or a head of state.
Rumour now runs internationally that the apparent Saudi Spy who partners Hillary Clinton kept a life insurance policy of emails left in her ex husband’s computer. And the FBI found it. And so the insurance policy has been cashed in early. And the FBI investigating a witch on Halloween have found incriminating evidence on her familiar’s Weiner.
One person who knows how to profit from central planning is Hillary Clinton. The Chicago Tribune is withdrawing support from her, and suggesting that Democrats replace Hillary. But corrupt news, like the Tribune, knew everything now known about Hillary as they supported her days ago. Maybe they are only backing a tribe, but not a policy? And Maybe they want to find another crook. I note that press, who had accepted Hillary's corruption, are now denouncing her Saudi Spy Handler
Donald Trump's speech at Gettysburg is frightening media. They have supported and protected insider corruption for a long time. Trump will clean up the festering wound, and make America great again.
Internationally, it is not the ALP badge, but the media support of a leftwing agenda which allows abuse of power. Otherwise Truman would have faced hard questions over dropping two atomic bombs on civilians. Or Kennedy would face hard questions over selling out his partner for peace in the Cuban Missile Crisis. Or Johnson would have faced hard questions over his assassination of allies, or supporting corrupt allies. Or Carter would face tough questions for giving chemical weapons to Iraq. Or Bill Clinton would have to explain the deaths of former friends who could finger him for corruption, or his dropping bombs on civilians in Yugoslavia. Or Obama would have to explain how he came to sacrifice for no reason his people in Benghazi while dancing with Beyonce.
For some, at the moment, the Sex Party has more credibility.
Multiple marriages by Boko Haram of their captured school girls shows Michelle Obama's awareness raising is working to raise awareness. It certainly hasn't helped the female hostages. Brothers for Life gang finished. Jailed or killed by their own. A gang of Lebanese and Afghan refugees. We can thank the ALP who have deemed it important for their electoral success to import radical Islam. But the most elevated art work is that of a former Gosford Anglican Minister whose bigotry has seen the membership of his church plummet, but Rod Bower is now Arch Deacon. Rod likes drowning new migrants who have been subjected to piracy. He also likes taxes on plant food and would limit plant food around the world if he could. He doesn't seem to know much about God, but that might not have anything to do with his occupation of social activism.
Stolen Generation myths are challenged by primary research in Adelaide where letters from the eighteen hundreds and early nineteen hundreds are being transcribed and posted online. The evidence shows nothing consistent with the stolen generation myth.
Obama lies in both domestic and foreign policy.
On the domestic front, despite Obama’s repeated promises that Obamacare would not threaten anyone’s existing health insurance policies, over the past two weeks, millions Americans have received notices from their health insurance companies that their policies have been canceled because they don’t abide by Obamacare’s requirements.
The Wall Street Journal’s editorial board explained that Obama’s repetition of this lie was not an oversight. It was a deliberate means of lulling into complacency these Americans who opted to buy their insurance themselves on the open market, in order to stick them with the burden of underwriting Obamacare.
In the editorialist’s words, “The [healthcare] exchanges need these customers [whose private policies are being canceled] to finance Obamacare’s balance sheet and stabilize its risk pools. On the exchanges, individuals earning more than $46,000 or a family of four above $94,000 don’t qualify for subsidies and must buy overpriced insurance. If these middle-class Obamacare losers can be forced into the exchanges, they become financiers of the new pay-as-yougo entitlement.”
Sure there is an outcry now about Obama’s dishonesty and the way he has used lying to take away from an unwilling public a right it would never have knowingly surrendered, but it is too late. There is no chance of revoking the law until at 2017, when Obama leaves office.
And by then, everyone will have been forced to accept what they consider unacceptable or be fined and lose all health coverage." from Caroline Glick. I suggest you read her full column.
1410 – The Peace of Bicêtre suspends hostilities in the Armagnac–Burgundian Civil War.
1675 – Plymouth Colony governor Josiah Winslow leads a colonial militia against the Narragansett during King Philip's War.
1795 – The French Directory, a five-man revolutionary government, is created.
1868 – Time zone: New Zealand officially adopts a standard time to be observed nationally.
1889 – North Dakota and South Dakota are admitted as the 39th and 40th U.S. states.
1899 – The Boers begin their 118-day siege of British-held Ladysmith during the Second Boer War.
1912 – Bulgaria defeats the Ottoman Empire in the Battle of Lule Burgas, the bloodiest battle of the First Balkan War, which opens her way to Constantinople.
1914 – World War I: The Russian Empire declares war on the Ottoman Empire and the Dardanellesare subsequently closed.
1917 – The Balfour Declaration proclaims British support for the "establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people" with the clear understanding "that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities".
1917 – The Military Revolutionary Committee of the Petrograd Soviet, in charge of preparation and carrying out the Russian Revolution, holds its first meeting.
1920 – In the United States, KDKA of Pittsburgh starts broadcasting as the first commercial radio station. The first broadcast is the result of the United States presidential election, 1920.
1930 – Haile Selassie is crowned emperor of Ethiopia.
1936 – The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation is established.
1936 – The British Broadcasting Corporation initiates the BBC Television Service, the world's first regular, "high-definition" (then defined as at least 200 lines) service. Renamed BBC1 in 1964, the channel still runs to this day.
1940 – World War II: First day of Battle of Elaia–Kalamas between the Greeks and the Italians.
1947 – In California, designer Howard Hughes performs the maiden (and only) flight of the Spruce Goose or H-4 The Hercules; the largest fixed-wing aircraft ever built.
1949 – The Dutch–Indonesian Round Table Conference ends with the Netherlands agreeing to transfer sovereignty of the Dutch East Indies to the United States of Indonesia.
1951 – Canada in the Korean War: A platoon of The Royal Canadian Regiment defends a vital area against a full battalion of Chinese troops in the Battle of the Song-gok Spur. The engagement lasts into the early hours of November 3.
1953 – The Constituent Assembly of Pakistan names the country The Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
1959 – Quiz show scandals: Twenty One game show contestant Charles Van Doren admits to a Congressional committee that he had been given questions and answers in advance.
1959 – The first section of the M1 motorway, the first inter-urban motorway in the United Kingdom, is opened between the present junctions 5 and 18, along with the M10 motorway and M45 motorway.
1960 – Penguin Books is found not guilty of obscenity in the trial R v Penguin Books Ltd, the Lady Chatterley's Lover case.
1963 – South Vietnamese President Ngô Đình Diệm is assassinated following a military coup.
1964 – King Saud of Saudi Arabia is deposed by a family coup, and replaced by his half-brother Faisal.
1965 – Norman Morrison, a 31-year-old Quaker, sets himself on fire in front of the river entrance to the Pentagon to protest the use of napalm in the Vietnam war.
1966 – The Cuban Adjustment Act comes into force, allowing 123,000 Cubans the opportunity to apply for permanent residence in the United States.
1967 – Vietnam War: US President Lyndon B. Johnson and "The Wise Men" conclude that the American people should be given more optimistic reports on the progress of the war.
1983 – U.S. President Ronald Reagan signs a bill creating Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.
1984 – Capital punishment: Velma Barfield becomes the first woman executed in the United States since 1962.
1988 – The Morris worm, the first Internet-distributed computer worm to gain significant mainstream media attention, is launched from MIT.
1990 – British Satellite Broadcasting and Sky Television plc merge to form BSkyB as a result of massive losses.
=== Bible Reading ===
Today's reading: Jeremiah 24-26, Titus 2 (NIV)
View today's reading on Bible Gateway
Today's Old Testament reading: Jeremiah 24-26
Two Baskets of Figs
Today's New Testament reading: Titus 2
Doing Good for the Sake of the Gospel
=== Morning and Evening ===
Matthew 24:39
=== Bible Quote ===
=== Message ===
I am a decent man and don't care for the abuse given me. I created a video raising awareness of anti police feeling among western communities. I chose the senseless killing of Nicola Cotton, a Louisiana policewoman who joined post Katrina, to highlight the issue. I did this in order to get an income after having been illegally blacklisted from work in NSW for being a whistleblower. I have not done anything wrong. Local council appointees refused to endorse my work, so I did it for free. Youtube's Adsence refused to allow me to profit from their marketing it. Meanwhile, I am hostage to abysmal political leadership and hopeless journalists. My shopfront has opened on Facebook.
I am publishing a book called Bread of Life: January.
Bread of Life is a daily bible quote with a layman's understanding of the meaning. I give one quote for each day, and also a series of personal stories illustrating key concepts eg Who is God? What is a miracle? Why is there tragedy?
January is the first of the anticipated year-long work of thirteen books. One for each month and the whole year. It costs to publish. It (Kindle version) should retail at about $2US online, but the paperback version would cost more, according to production cost.If you have a heart for giving, I fundraise at (Gofundme finished the fund raiser, 2017)
Editorials will appear in the "History in a Year by the Conservative Voice" series, starting with August, September, October, or at Amazon The kindle version is cheaper, but the soft back version allows a free kindle version.
The Amazon Author Page for David Ball
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I'm now on MAGAbook to sidestep FB censorship
I'm looking for former students to endorse me
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