Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Tue 16th November 2021 Current Affairs

My name is David Daniel Ball and I am Voice DDB dot locals dot com a voice of freedom supporting freedom around the world for all peoples. I write on historical and current affairs. I look for the conservative voice where mainstream media eschews it. Around the world media espouses liberalism orthodoxy and proclaims a history of liberalism that never happened. Liberalism of today is based on repeated lies that have been accepted from the past.

Consider these recent truths

There is hope. Today we have the gloomy subject matter of the Kyle Rittenhouse trial, nearing an end, and, the ongoing Presidency of Joe Biden, and, the ongoing corruption of the FBI. And yet there is hope.

This week saw the defense mistake of placing Rittenhouse on the stand and giving a corrupt Prosecution carte blanche to lie. A desperate, exposed judge fought valiantly to preserve justice while Rittenhouse was betrayed by those charged to defend him, and denounced by those charged with upholding justice denied Rittenhouse. Along the way, we heard the Presidential candidate Joe Biden call Rittenhouse a white supremacist. We discovered the riot which forced Rittenhouse to act in self defence was a machination of the FBI to facilitate a coup which was part of the 2020 election fraud. What did Biden achieve by calling Rittenhouse a white supremacist? What did the FBI achieve by facilitating a murderous riot?

The press have not told you. They largely, have not reported on aspects of the Rittenhouse trial shown publicly. Rittenhouse acted in self defence. Three times he needed to apply deadly force that night, before he managed to secure safety from a local police armed response group acting as neutral observers. A longstanding Democrat, the local mayor has been among those persecuting Rittenhouse who prevented rioters from setting fire to a gas station and blowing up a neighbourhood. We saw Rittenhouse attacked thanks in part to FBI surveillance which seemed to be keeping tabs on their operatives running amok. Rittenhouse was kicked in the face and he did not kill the unidentified assailant. Rittenhouse was assaulted and a now dead man tried to take Rittenhouse’ gun. The chief persecutor asked why Rittenhouse brought a gun, saying it was merely to kill rioters. One guesses that that is what the persecutor would have done. Rittenhouse used it to defend his life from those who charged and assailed him. One assailant, who survived because Rittenhouse is not some mere killer, charged Rittenhouse and raised his gun to him before Rittenhouse shot him, disabling him from killing Rittenhouse.That surviving assailant has demanded ten million dollars for his testimony. Following his testimony, mainstream media lauded him and wrote of his resilience and interviewed him as a victim and survivor.

Those who know Rittenhouse is innocent of murder through self defence can see that that is the fact, in the trial. But, what of those who believe Rittenhouse is a white supremacist who brought a gun to a ‘peaceful’ riot? The chief persecutor is sticking to script. By ignoring law and focusing what divides Americans, the persecutor is merely doing the job given him by the likes of Joe Biden . Biden did not call Rittenhouse a white supremacist because Rittenhouse is racist. Rittenhouse is not racist. Biden is racist, but that is not the reason for the policy statement. A narrative is being painted to convince actual racists that Rittenhouse should be persecuted. And, we saw on the stand a lone, undefended boy, having a panic attack as bothe his defence and the persecutor publicly assailed and denied him succour. Rittenhouse is innocent, but he may still be convicted by jury. He is still fighting for his life.

Some are saying Joe Biden is the worst President ever. It is not a competition. Biden is mounting a strong argument for the accolade, and he is not yet done. But, an unseemly parade of awful precedes him. What of the claims of Johnson who ended reconstruction and established resistance to freedom through the KKK? What of person who facilitated modern poverty and inequity through their new deal, exploiting Americans by race and gifting them single, unemployed parents? What of the guy who nuked a civilian population twice? What of the guy who restarted a cold war to solve the policy vacuum created by their poor foreign policy?

Some are saying the FBI must be disbanded because they facilitated a violent coup. But then, what was Watergate? Why was Weather Underground protected by the FBI? What is the FBI’s role in the drug distribution networks and the faux arms management crises that sees cities like Boston and Detroit vie for the epithet ‘murder capitals.’?

Biden looks awful because Trump is so good. But also Carter and Reagan played similar roles. I liken the problem with fighting the Devil. Don’t do it. In fighting the Devil, one may well dance to the Devil’s tune. Instead, hold to the Lord. The Lord has already defeated the Devil, and the only future the Devil has is in a black pit of despair, eternally separated from God. But, that is not your future if you hold to the Lord.

We have hope. It is incumbent on us to win back the freedom denied us. And to protect that freedom. We will do that democratically. We will take back our legislature. We will get our courts to return to protecting our constitution.

I have lost everything several times. And yet here I am. Behind me is an Australian flag and a MAGA cap. On my MAGA cap is an American flag. I will die, one day. But, I pledge allegiance to the flag (of Australia and) the United States of America. And to the republics for which they stand. One nation. Indivisible. Under God. With liberty, and justice, for all.

We are being lied to. But not by everyone. Our nations and their justice machinery are not broken, but damaged. Things are bad, but they are supposed to be bad, rather than merely breaking. We can't give up. We must reject the liars, and remove them from public office, and prosecute them lawfully. Things can get better, but we must persevere or risk losing hope. We must not fight the Devil by playing the Devil's game. Rather we must resist the Devil by being free. There is no law against doing what is right. Their utter depravity kills us. They target us and they seek to restrain us. But while the greatest among us a hundred years ago has died, their legacy has not. That which we are, we are. Lockdowns were ineffective in dealing with COVID. Effective medication has been denied whole populations. Herd immunity will prevail. Fraud deleteriously affected recent elections around the world. But, Democracy will prevail. Our oppressors will pass. For us to win, we must assert our freedoms. For us to lose, we must willingly surrender our freedoms forever. Our children will have to pay back our debt. We must sacrifice now so that they can. That means telling truth to power. That means pointing up when when some get confused and lose their way. Stand by the one who sacrificed their pension and freedoms to speak out. Prosecute the ones forgiven by a debauched and self interested administration. Vote for those who help you exercise your freedom. Don't wait for free speech. Exercise free speech.

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Intro to Locals.com

My name is David Daniel Ball I'm a teacher with three decades experience teaching math to high school kids.I also work with first graders and kids in between first grade and high school. I know the legends of why Hypatia's dad is remembered through his contribution to Math theory. And I know the legend of why followers of Godel had thought he had disproved God's existence. 

I'm not a preacher, but I am a Christian who has written over 28 books all of which include some reference to my faith. Twelve blog books on world history and current affairs, detailing world events , births and marriages on each day of the year, organised by month. Twelve books on the background to and history of Bible Quotes. One Bible quote per day for a year. An intro to a science fiction series I'm planning, post apocalyptic cyber punk. An autobiography with short story collections. 

I'm known in Australia for my failure as a whistleblower over the negligence death of a school boy. I had reported the issue responsibly and had not known I'd blown the whistle. The embarrassed left wing government had responded by imposition of a nationwide ban on the use of peanut butter in canteens, despite failing to address the issue of peanut allergy appropriately. 

I've been de-platformed on Facebook and twitter despite not being an activist. Twitter did not like me asking for Obama to face justice in 2011. FB gave no specific reason for removing me following Jan 6th 2021 in Washington DC where a policeman killed an unarmed woman, so a crowd would know he was in control.



From the Bible, Hebrews 11:1-19

Faith in Action

Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. This is what the ancients were commended for.

By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.

By faith Abel brought God a better offering than Cain did. By faith he was commended as righteous, when God spoke well of his offerings. And by faith Abel still speaks, even though he is dead.

By faith Enoch was taken from this life, so that he did not experience death: “He could not be found, because God had taken him away.” For before he was taken, he was commended as one who pleased God. And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.

By faith Noah, when warned about things not yet seen, in holy fear built an ark to save his family. By his faith he condemned the world and became heir of the righteousness that is in keeping with faith.

By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going. By faith he made his home in the promised land like a stranger in a foreign country; he lived in tents, as did Isaac and Jacob, who were heirs with him of the same promise. For he was looking forward to the city with foundations, whose architect and builder is God. And by faith even Sarah, who was past childbearing age, was enabled to bear children because she considered him faithful who had made the promise. And so from this one man, and he as good as dead, came descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and as countless as the sand on the seashore.

All these people were still living by faith when they died. They did not receive the things promised; they only saw them and welcomed them from a distance, admitting that they were foreigners and strangers on earth. People who say such things show that they are looking for a country of their own. If they had been thinking of the country they had left, they would have had opportunity to return. Instead, they were longing for a better country—a heavenly one. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for he has prepared a city for them.

By faith Abraham, when God tested him, offered Isaac as a sacrifice. He who had embraced the promises was about to sacrifice his one and only son, even though God had said to him, “It is through Isaac that your offspring will be reckoned.” Abraham reasoned that God could even raise the dead, and so in a manner of speaking he did receive Isaac back from death.

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In this episode I address the fireworks during my interview with coward BLM activist Hawk Newsome. Don’t miss this.

News Picks:

=== Bongino Headlines ===
Closing Arguments Underway in Rittenhouse Trial READ MORE

Bannon Speaks Out: “This Is Going to Be the Misdemeanor From Hell”

Rittenhouse Prosecutor Proves He’s Clueless – Falsely Claims You Can’t Argue Self Defense If You Bring a Gun

Biden to Sign $1 Trillion “Infrastructure” Bill Into Law

Biden and Harris Sour on Each Other

Biden Decides Solution to Inflation Is to Spend Even More Money

Judge Dismisses Gun Charge Against Kyle Rittenhouse

Capitol Hill
Psaki Refuses to Answer Question on Biden Smearing Rittenhouse as “White Supremacist”
Rep. Adam Schiff Met With Former Chairman Of Chinese Communist Party’s Foreign Influence Operations
Steve Bannon Surrenders to FBI
Sen. Patrick Leahy Won’t Seek Reelection After 48 Years
Lol: Beto Announces Run for Governor of Texas
Biden Won’t Try to “Change” China in Summit With Xi
Harris Ally: Biden Admin Racist for Not Doing More to Boost VP as She Sinks in Polls
Republicans Are on the Comeback Trail in Pennsylvania
Schumer Tells Senate to “Keep Your Schedule Flexible” for Remainder of Year Amid Delays
Infrastructure Bill Includes “Budget Gimmicks” That Increase Energy Costs, Make Grid Less Reliable

Culture War
Critical Race Theory Defender Threatens Parents, Says He Has 1,000 Soldiers “Locked and Loaded”
Yale’s Administrators Now Outnumber Their Entire Undergraduate Enrollment
Wisconsin National Guard Put on Alert Ahead of Rittenhouse Verdict
Dershowitz: Rittenhouse Should Be Acquitted Then Sue Media for “Deliberate and Willful Lies”
Winsome Sears Fires Back at SNL for Gun Joke
U.S. Bishops to Debate Biden’s Eligibility for Communion
Latest Media Spin: People Can Afford Inflation Just Fine!
14 NYPD Officers Leave to Join Department in Lakeland, Florida
Andy Ngo and Sen. Ron Johnson Receive Annie Taylor Award for Courage
Durham University to Offer “Training” to Student Prostitutes

Infrastructure Bill Allocates $250 Million to Target “Truck Emissions at Ports” Despite Supply Chain Logjams
Elon Musk Taunts Bernie Sanders
USPS Advises People Send Christmas Packages Early
Florida Trial Could Unmask the Creator of Bitcoin
Biden Wants to Give Tax Breaks to Media Outlets
Treasury Yields Start the Week Lower
Trump Reaches $375 Million Deal to Sell D.C. Trump International Hotel
Royal Dutch Shell Ditches the Dutch, Moves to London
Obama Economist: Biden’s Inflation “Doesn’t Look So Transitory”

Swamp Watch
ACLU Surprisingly Comes to Support of Project Veritas Following FBI Raids
Corporate Media Decides to Admit They Got the Steele Dossier Wrong Four and a Half Years Too Late
It’s Come to This: “Non-Binary” Professor Advocates Destigmatizing Pedophilia in Interview With Former Washington Post Writer
California’s State of Emergency Extended for Third Time
Adam Schiff Confronted on Steele Dossier, Refuses to Concede Regrets
Financial Ties Link Biden Family to China
Disgusting: Chicago Police Recommends Posthumous 3-Day Suspension for Slain Officer Ella French
FBI Probes Cyber Attack
MSNBC: The Trucking Industry Is Racist Because It Mostly Employs White Men
FBI Email Server Hacked, Spam Emails Sent to Over 100,000 Accounts

National Security
Is the US Navy’s F/A-18 Super Hornet Doomed?
In a New Era of U.S. Foreign Policy, What are the Optics of Coercion?
Tragic Righteousness and America’s “Forever Wars”
Why Naval Power Matters
Polls Indicate Americans Think Corporations Should Help Vets Find Work
Amid Speculation of Invasion of Ukraine, Russia Sending Paratroopers to Belarus Region
The U.S. Army’s New Multi-Domain Fires Concept Should Make Russia Nervous
U.S. and Israel Announce Cybersecurity Joint Task Force
Top General: Marine Corps to “Reinvent Itself” to Focus on Diversity

Around the World
Following Deadly UK Hospital Blast, Three Arrested Under Terrorism Act
Putin Downplays Need to Escalate Black Sea Tensions With NATO, Rejects Calls for Snap Drills
Poland to Migrants Massed on Border: “Force May Be Used Against You”
As Border Crisis With Belarus Continues, Poland Asks NATO for “Concrete Steps” to Resolve Situation
Finnish Government May Close Its Border Due to Potential Migrant Surge
Russia Showcases New Warplane in Dubai as UAE Waits For U.S. F-35s
On Remembrance Sunday, Britain Honors War Dead Without Injured Queen
Thousands of Thais March For Royal Reform: “No Absolute Monarchy”

Debra J. Saunders: Woke Math Won’t Deliver Equity
Kurt Schlichter: This Is a Valid Self-Defense Case
NY Post Editorial Board: The “Build Back Better” Plan Would Be Utter Poison for a Struggling Economy
May Davis: The Gender Strategy We Need
Michael Goodwin: Is Joe Biden the Second Coming of Herbert Hoover?
Kristen Waggoner: Religious Freedom Means Both Worship and Witness
Wayne Allyn Root: My Interview with President Trump — The Good and Bad News
Tom Tradup: Chicago Tribune Throws Gas on “Racism” Fire

Actress Busy Philipps Attacks “Religious Zealot” Chris Pratt for Praising His Wife
Report: Carnage from Travis Scott’s Astroworld Has 9-Year-Old on Life Support
“Gasland” Director Josh Fox Says Kyle Rittenhouse “Murdered My Brothers”
“SNL” Audience Groans At “Weekend Update” Jokes About Steve Bannon & Kyle Rittenhouse
Dave Chappelle’s Appearance Postponed At His Own High School Over Fear Of Protests
Out of Control Cancel Culture Targets “Seinfeld” Reruns
Mr. T Receives His COVID-19 Booster Shot: “I Pity Pain” And “I Am Blessed And I Am Thankful”
REVIEW: “Mayor Of Kingstown” With Jeremy Renner

Cavs Roar Back From 19-Point Deficit to Beat Celtics 91-89
Cowboys Destroy The Falcons 43-3 To Go To 7-2 On The Season
Baker Mayfield Reflects After Browns’ Painful Loss to Patriots: “Obviously, Something’s Wrong”
“American by Birth, Patriot by Choice” – Cardinals Players Honor Pat Tillman Before Game
Aaron Rodgers Returns To The Field After COVID-19 Diagnosis
Cam Newton Scores Two Touchdowns In Return To Panthers: “I’m Back!”
Isiah Thomas Blasts 76ers For Airing Ben Simmons’ “Dirty Laundry”
After Sexual Assault Claim Against Chinese Politican Chinese Tennis Champ “Vanishes”
=== Newsmax Headlines ===

Newsmax TV
The Wyoming Republican Party will no longer recognize Liz Cheney as a member of the GOP in its second formal rebuke for her criticism of former President Donald Trump.The 31-29 weekend vote by the state party central committee followed votes by local GOP officials in about...... [Full Story]
Six teenagers went to the hospital after a shooting in a park near a [Full Story]
A new bill introduced Monday by Rep. Nancy Mace, R-S.C., would [Full Story]
A longtime Democratic lawmaker from South Texas switched parties [Full Story]
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Here is a video I made "Happy Together"
"Happy Together" is a 1967 song from The Turtles' album of the same name. Released in February of 1967, the song knocked The Beatles' "Penny Lane" out of the #1 slot for three weeks on the Billboard Hot 100. It was the group's only chart-topper. "Happy Together" reached #12 on the UK Singles Chart in April 1967. The song was written by Garry Bonner and Alan Gordon, former members of a band known as The Magicians. The song had been rejected a dozen times before The Turtles were offered it, and the demo acetate was worn out
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=== From 2020 ===

Media is cheering expected partisan court decisions to not support inquiry into voting fraud. However, they overstate the meaning of the shortfalls. The Trump campaign to have their electoral win restored was never going to be straightforward. They have the evidence. It points to multiple elections and undermines the credibility of US Democracy. Ultimately, aspects of it will be decided by SCOTUS. We do not yet know how SCOTUS will decide, or even what exact evidence they will face. But we know the evidence is substantial, and in an effort to suppress the will of conservative resistance, media are claiming that the evidence is not substantive and so the evidence is yet to be addressed. Maybe there is a good reason for a CIA asset being deployed to fraudulently control the US election. Let us hear what it is.

It is apparent that Dems committed fraud to steal the 2020 election. They may well have done similar in 2016. In 2016, Fox declared Pennsylvania early to HRC. The demand was made for Trump to concede. Trump won in 2016, but it surprised the establishment that did similar in their voter suppression as they have done in 2020. HRC had organised a victory party, but blessed marching vagina instead. Even her book did not say what happened. Trump has been very good at mobilising ordinary, decent Americans to support him in numbers greater than any GOP ever. Trump does not court race, or gender, like his racist, bigoted opposition have. Yet Trump has extraordinary minority support for a GOP, possibly the highest since Eleanor Roosevelt courted the Black vote as her husband exploited them. The Dem voting pattern and issues echo the Obama wins too. How long have Dems been using these fraudulent methods to obtain votes? Did they use them to bodgy the 2006 mid terms? It is not that the mysterious support of vapour for Dems is so clearly fraudulent, but, other than violent rioters, and #FakeNews, where is their support, really? How come there is no policy platform for Democrats? Why does Big Tech have to censor the truth? How many millions of Trump supporting votes have been given to Biden? The corruption is so apparent, and so pervasive, that if Trump concedes 2020, he will be conceding all elections that follow, and the flame of liberty will be extinguished in America.
Likely actual vote
Lou Dobbs interview showing fraud voting in battleground states, results with fraud and results without fraud. Biden has tried to steal USA, and Biden is not doing it alone. Those engaged in doing it must be stopped this election, so that elections can be free and fair moving forward.


Fraud disputes

Media includes fraud






Our Civil Liberties Are In Danger. It’s Time for SCOTUS To Act In Defense 


Rumble — Justice Alito gave a great speech about how imperiled our civil liberties are. It’s time for #Scotus to act in defense of those liberties



Historians have been appalling, deplorable in support of Democrat corruption from FDR, Truman, JFK, LBJ, Carter, Clinton or Obama. 

=== Via FB Spit Take Brigade ===

=== Memes from the past ===

=== 2017 ===

Don't give up on hope. Malcolm Turnbull's greatest achievement will forever be known as SSM. Profound things are happening in Australia and around the world, and Turnbull has spent political capital choosing an empty symbolic gesture. China is flexing her political muscle in ditching Zimbabwe's tyrannical bloodthirsty ruler, Mugabe. The CIA did not do it and the world would have been up in arms if they had. But China hosted the Zimbabwe General behind the coup. And that is not a terrible thing, but it could be very disturbing. What about North Korea? What about the Clinton Foundation and Malcolm Turnbull? A lot of hysteria was printed regarding the CIA and the dismissal of Whitlam, but what of the Clinton Foundation overthrowing Abbott, and getting Malcolm to spend political capital on SSM? The SSM plebiscite was Tony Abbott's brainchild and Turnbull opposed it. Even so, Turnbull campaigned so badly on the issue he made it illegitimate by preventing a free and fair election. The vote is overwhelming in favour of Yes, but the likelihood is too much political capital has been spent and the various enabling bills can be terribly corrupted. But it doesn't matter, now Malcolm will be remembered for something. 

=== from 2016 ===
IPA Review (Nov 2016) features a Brett Hogan article “Throttling Superannuation.” The weak leadership of Turnbull has crossed the floor with the weak leadership of Shorten to present the electorate plans to access superannuation as a revenue source. Tony Abbott, former Liberal leader, had promised a few times to not change Superannuation adversely. But the government needs money. They are prevented from cutting wasteful spending by a Shorten lead Senate. If the government raids the cash it will be worse that cutting wasteful spending, or even effective spending. Once confidence is lost in superannuation it will never be returned. The longer Turnbull remains as Liberal leader, and in parliament, the worse it is for Australia. Turnbull has now fatally compromised Julie Bishop’s career and credibility. 

Malcolm Farr as political editor of news.com.au’s Daily Telegraph has an article claiming Trump is unhappy at winning the election last tuesday. The paper under Farr has an appalling lack of judgement in reporting on issues. He opposed GOP and opposed Abbott. But the paper’s job is to present issues, not support or oppose candidates or parties.
=== from 2015 ===
There is a way that peace can be taken from terrorism. It does not involve weakening the Western education systems or negotiating with killers as to how many they want to kill. It involves strengthening borders, and taking in refugees. But more importantly, it involves the currently impotent Islamic Leadership pointing out to their followers that Jihadism brings Islam into disrepute. By stopping the hero worship of sadistic killers, the billion Muslims living in fear of their murderous blasphemers can assert control. It means reforming Islam without changing it fundamentally. They must give up fads, like Jew hating, FGM, pedophilia, honour killings, terrorism, stoning, weak jurisprudence. But then such things bring Islam into disrepute and they wouldn't want to do that. Muslims want peace. Will Jihadist Moslams let them? Will the impotent leadership find their spine? 

For some, at the moment, the Sex Party has more credibility.
From 2014 
Witch hunt 
A theory doing the rounds regarding the Salem Witch trials is that a substantial role was played by ergot poisoning. The LSD like effects of the mould found in uncooked affected wheat has been said to have substantially explained other events too, like when a French Village went mad shortly after WW2 after a popular bakery distributed some affected wheat. The theory is attractive to the Conservative Weasel because it positions Arthur Miller's The Crucible as a polemic which was more propaganda than reality. Although the late unlamented Senator Joseph McCarthy went about his witch hunt the wrong way, he had investigated communists, many of them, while it is arguable that none of the women accused at Salem was really a witch. But sometimes witch hunts take on a life of their own. 

NSW Police Chief  Scipione is being investigated by the Police Integrity Commission and it has been said that the commission has nothing on him, but is investigating him to smear him, much as the ICAC has smeared innocent Liberal Party members while giving passes to Australian Labor Party members who are corrupt. In the case of the ICAC, it appears as if they are trying to appear biased so as to be rounded up before they ever investigate the ALP on the many serious issues needing to be examined. The ICAC has been so bad, that it reflects poorly on all such bodies. Maybe the PIC has a valid case. Scipione was also police chief under several corrupt ALP administrations, and there is every possibility of mud existing. Many say he has been very effective under the Liberals, but personally he has failed over the issue of Hamidur Rahman. 

Another witch hunt is being conducted against Sydney University Professor and Poet Barry Spurr. Spurr has been suspended by the university after emails he privately made including crude jokes were hacked and publicly released. Spurr has a credible explanation for them, but the university has kept him sidelined during a glacially slow investigation. One suspects New Matilda will be sued for a lot regarding their action in publishing the private emails for no public good. However ABC's Media Watch have approved the publication. By way of contrast, the University was hosting a staff Christmas party which was themed Mexican. But an ethnically Argentinian who possesses some Mexican clothes complained that such costumes would denigrate him. The university quickly cancelled the theme when it might have been better to dis-envite the complainant. There is a difference between Spurr and the complainant. Spurr had agreed to be part of a Federal Government investigation into improving the school curriculum. He suggested ways to balance what had been left wing claptrap. So he is a little conservative in some things. According to the ABC and Fairfax, that means he is fair game for any smear. 

Another witch hunt involves attacking an eminent scientist who had just had an amazing success, for the clothes he wore and the tattoos he bears. The success for the astro physicist was to land a probe on an asteroid. Even after twenty years planning with the mother ship at matched velocities with the meteor, the success of the probe was anticipated to be fifty percent. Afterwards, Matt Taylor wore a Hawaiian shirt made by a female friend which featured scantily clad females holding guns. That was too much, and so Matt was attacked for misogyny of the worst kind. And he has tattoos. The wowserism of feminists is embarrassing for Christians. Yes, Christian conservatives are judgemental at times, but at least they have judgement. 

Another witch hunt involves the ABC campaigning against the Abbott government. Abbott recounted four promises his new government made fourteen months ago, and ABC news wouldn't play it beyond the first two. It was a calculated insult. They had no problem explaining their theory that Mr Abbott had presented poorly 
  1. repeal carbon tax (Senate obstructed but successful)
  2. Stop illegal boats (Senate obstructed but successful) 
  3. Building roads (infrastructure, being done) 
  4. Budget under control (Senate blocks)
ABC news played the first two, but stopped before playing all four. Insider played all four under their current affairs program, but then the left wing panelists said it was strange and weird. In contrast Obama was making promises he wouldn't keep. Insiders labelled Abbott's contributions as boring and for a domestic audience. While Obama was applauded as visionary after offering empty promises for his domestic audience. Insiders personally attacked Putin over Ukraine and expressed their contempt by saying Putin was not popular. Putin, was diplomatic as he left, saying discussions had been frank and fruitful. Obama said that Putin was behaving dangerously badly. Obama might have been looking in a mirror. 

Another witch hunt involves Putin and the Ukraine. Savaging Putin to obfuscate issues of Ukrainian culpability in the downing of MH17. Russia should not have allowed the separatists to fire such a weapon uncontrolled. But Ukraine were fighting a war, and hadn't warned international civilian flights and probably were involved with targeting MH17. 

Other issues
Desperate hope for a sensible block of senators by separating Lambie from PUP. But it seems outrageous to suggest Lambie would be part of any sensible bloc. 

Men giving birth by legal definition. According to medicare data, 54 men gave birth around Australia last year. Medicare is that good. 
From 2013
Everybody makes mistakes, but in entertaining the fallacy endorsing genocide of the Armenians by Turkey, Bolt makes a big one. Bolt is correct that there should be debate, but he is wrong to excuse. There are excuses that Turkey might give for the atrocity. Hitler gave excuses too. For one thing, Hitler pointed out nobody seemed to care about Turkey's actions. Meanwhile, in another abuse of justice, Syrians have killed the wrong person. Climate change hysterics killed the wrong clam. Julia Baird is being harassed by Jellyfish for AGW hysteria promotion. Whatever floats your boat, Julia.

In assessing degrees of wrongness, it is hard to position accurately Rudd, Gillard or Whitlam as the worst Australian PM ever. They all shared talentless front and back benches. They all had corrupt colleagues they were compromised defending. They all killed Australians going about their normal lives. They all left a ballooning debt. They all hurt industry. They all have stand out achievements of ineptitude. They also retained fanatical supporters in the press. The only thing certain is that Malcolm Fraser thought they had admirable qualities and policies. 

Speaking of corruption, there is that investigation into Craig Thomson. Time for a paper to act its' age?
Historical perspective on this day
In 1272, while travelling during the Ninth CrusadePrince Edward became King of England upon Henry III of England's death, but he would not return to England for nearly two years to assume the throne. In 1491, an auto-da-fé, held in the Brasero de la Dehesa outside of Ávila, concluded the case of the Holy Child of La Guardia with the public execution of several Jewish and converso suspects. In 1532, Francisco Pizarroand his men captured Inca Emperor Atahualpa at the Battle of Cajamarca. In 1632, Thirty Years' WarBattle of Lützen was fought, the Swedes were victorious but King Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden died in the battle. In 1776, American Revolutionary War: British and Hessian units captureFort Washington from the Patriots. Also, American Revolution: The United Provinces (Low Countries) recognised the independence of the United States. In 1793, French Revolution: Ninety anti-republican Catholic priests were executed by drowning at Nantes. In 1797, the Prussian heir apparent, Frederick William, became King of Prussia as Fredrick William III.

In 1805, Napoleonic WarsBattle of Schöngrabern – Russian forces under Pyotr Bagration delayed the pursuit by French troops under Joachim Murat. In 1822, American Old WestMissouri trader William Becknell arrived in Santa Fe, New Mexico, over a route that became known as the Santa Fe Trail. In 1828, Greek War of Independence: The London Protocol entailed the creation of an autonomous Greek state under Ottoman suzerainty, encompassing the Morea and the Cyclades. In 1849, a Russian court sentenced writer Fyodor Dostoyevsky to death for anti-government activities linked to a radical intellectual group; his sentence was later commuted to hard labor. In 1852, the English astronomer John Russell Hind discovered the asteroid 22 Kalliope. In 1857, Second relief of Lucknow – twenty-four Victoria Crosses were awarded, the most in a single day. In 1863, American Civil WarBattle of Campbell's Station near Knoxville, Tennessee – Confederate troops unsuccessfully attacked Union forces. In 1885, Canadian rebel leader of the Métis and "Father of ManitobaLouis Riel was executed for treason

In 1904, English engineer John Ambrose Fleming received a patent for the thermionic valve (vacuum tube). In 1907, Indian Territory and Oklahoma Territory join to form Oklahoma, which was admitted as the 46th U.S. state. In 1907, Cunard Line's RMS Mauretania, sister ship of RMS Lusitania, set sail on her maiden voyage from Liverpool, England, to New York City. In 1914, the Federal Reserve Bank of the United States officially opened. In 1920,  Qantas, Australia's national airline, was founded as Queensland and Northern Territory Aerial Services Limited. In 1940, World War II: In response to the leveling of Coventry by the German Luftwaffe two days before, the Royal Air Force bombed Hamburg. Also, Holocaust: In occupied Poland, the Nazisclosed off the Warsaw Ghetto from the outside world. Also, New York City's "Mad Bomber" George Metesky placed his first bomb at a Manhattan office building used by Consolidated Edison. In 1943, World War II: American bombers struck a hydro-electric power facility and heavy water factory in German-controlled Vemork, Norway. In 1944, World War II: Operation Queen, the costly Allied thrust to the Rur, was launched. Also, World War II: Dueren, Germany, is destroyed by Allied bombers. In 1945, UNESCO was founded. 

In 1965, Venera program: The Soviet Union launched the Venera 3 space probe toward Venus, which would be the first spacecraft to reach the surface of another planet. In 1973, Skylab program: NASA launched Skylab 4 with a crew of three astronauts from Cape Canaveral, Florida for an 84-day mission. Also, U.S. President Richard Nixon signed the Trans-Alaska Pipeline Authorization Act into law, authorizing the construction of the Alaska Pipeline. In 1979, the first line of Bucharest Metro (Line M1) is opened from Timpuri Noi to Semănătoarea in Bucharest, Romania. In 1988, the Supreme Sovietof the Estonian Soviet Socialist Republic declared that Estonia was "sovereign" but stopped short of declaring independence. Also, in the first open election in more than a decade, voters in Pakistan elected populist candidate Benazir Bhutto to be Prime Minister of Pakistan. In 1989, a death squad composed of El Salvadoran army troops killed six Jesuit priests and two others at Jose Simeon Canas University. In 1992, the Hoxne Hoard was discovered by metal detectorist Eric Lawes in Hoxne, Suffolk. In 1997, after nearly 18 years of incarceration, the People's Republic of China released Wei Jingsheng, a pro-democracy dissident, from jail for medical reasons.

=== Bible Reading ===

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Today's reading: Ezekiel 1-2, Hebrews 11:1-19 (NIV)

View today's reading on Bible Gateway

Today's Old Testament reading: Ezekiel 1-2

Ezekiel’s Inaugural Vision
1 In my thirtieth year, in the fourth month on the fifth day, while I was among the exiles by the Kebar River, the heavens were opened and I saw visions of God.
2 On the fifth of the month—it was the fifth year of the exile of King Jehoiachin— 3 the word of the LORD came to Ezekiel the priest, the son of Buzi, by the Kebar River in the land of the Babylonians. There the hand of the LORD was on him.
4 I looked, and I saw a windstorm coming out of the north—an immense cloud with flashing lightning and surrounded by brilliant light. The center of the fire looked like glowing metal, 5and in the fire was what looked like four living creatures. In appearance their form was human, 6 but each of them had four faces and four wings. 7 Their legs were straight; their feet were like those of a calf and gleamed like burnished bronze. 8 Under their wings on their four sides they had human hands. All four of them had faces and wings, 9 and the wings of one touched the wings of another. Each one went straight ahead; they did not turn as they moved....

Today's New Testament reading: Hebrews 11:1-19

Faith in Action
1 Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. 2 This is what the ancients were commended for.
3 By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.
4 By faith Abel brought God a better offering than Cain did. By faith he was commended as righteous, when God spoke well of his offerings. And by faith Abel still speaks, even though he is dead.
5 By faith Enoch was taken from this life, so that he did not experience death: “He could not be found, because God had taken him away.” For before he was taken, he was commended as one who pleased God. 6 And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.
7 By faith Noah, when warned about things not yet seen, in holy fear built an ark to save his family. By his faith he condemned the world and became heir of the righteousness that is in keeping with faith....

=== Morning and Evening ===

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"The Lord's portion is his people."
Deuteronomy 32:9
How are they his? By his own sovereign choice. He chose them, and set his love upon them. This he did altogether apart from any goodness in them at the time, or any goodness which he foresaw in them. He had mercy on whom he would have mercy, and ordained a chosen company unto eternal life; thus, therefore, are they his by his unconstrained election.
They are not only his by choice, but by purchase. He has bought and paid for them to the utmost farthing, hence about his title there can be no dispute. Not with corruptible things, as with silver and gold, but with the precious blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord's portion has been fully redeemed. There is no mortgage on his estate; no suits can be raised by opposing claimants, the price was paid in open court, and the Church is the Lord's freehold forever. See the blood-mark upon all the chosen, invisible to human eye, but known to Christ, for "the Lord knoweth them that are his"; he forgetteth none of those whom he has redeemed from among men; he counts the sheep for whom he laid down his life, and remembers well the Church for which he gave himself.
They are also his by conquest. What a battle he had in us before we would be won! How long he laid siege to our hearts! How often he sent us terms of capitulation! but we barred our gates, and fenced our walls against him. Do we not remember that glorious hour when he carried our hearts by storm? When he placed his cross against the wall, and scaled our ramparts, planting on our strongholds the blood-red flag of his omnipotent mercy? Yes, we are, indeed, the conquered captives of his omnipotent love. Thus chosen, purchased, and subdued, the rights of our divine possessor are inalienable: we rejoice that we never can be our own; and we desire, day by day, to do his will, and to show forth his glory.


"Strengthen, O God, that which thou hast wrought for us."
Psalm 68:28

It is our wisdom, as well as our necessity, to beseech God continually to strengthen that which he has wrought in us. It is because of their neglect in this, that many Christians may blame themselves for those trials and afflictions of spirit which arise from unbelief. It is true that Satan seeks to flood the fair garden of the heart and make it a scene of desolation, but it is also true that many Christians leave open the sluice-gates themselves, and let in the dreadful deluge through carelessness and want of prayer to their strong Helper. We often forget that the Author of our faith must be the Preserver of it also. The lamp which was burning in the temple was never allowed to go out, but it had to be daily replenished with fresh oil; in like manner, our faith can only live by being sustained with the oil of grace, and we can only obtain this from God himself. Foolish virgins we shall prove, if we do not secure the needed sustenance for our lamps. He who built the world upholds it, or it would fall in one tremendous crash; he who made us Christians must maintain us by his Spirit, or our ruin will be speedy and final. Let us, then, evening by evening, go to our Lord for the grace and strength we need. We have a strong argument to plead, for it is his own work of grace which we ask him to strengthen--"that which thou hast wrought for us." Think you he will fail to protect and sustain that? Only let your faith take hold of his strength, and all the powers of darkness, led on by the master fiend of hell, cannot cast a cloud or shadow over your joy and peace. Why faint when you may be strong? Why suffer defeat when you may conquer? Oh! take your wavering faith and drooping graces to him who can revive and replenish them, and earnestly pray, "Strengthen, O God, that which thou hast wrought for us."

=== Bible Quote ===

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I am a decent man and don't care for the abuse given me. I created a video raising awareness of anti police feeling among western communities. I chose the senseless killing of Nicola Cotton, a Louisiana policewoman who joined post Katrina, to highlight the issue. I did this in order to get an income after having been illegally blacklisted from work in NSW for being a whistleblower. I have not done anything wrong. Local council appointees refused to endorse my work, so I did it for free. Youtube's Adsence refused to allow me to profit from their marketing it. Meanwhile, I am hostage to abysmal political leadership and hopeless journalists. My shopfront has opened on Facebook.


I am publishing a book called Bread of Life: January.

Bread of Life is a daily bible quote with a layman's understanding of the meaning. I give one quote for each day, and also a series of personal stories illustrating key concepts eg Who is God? What is a miracle? Why is there tragedy?

January is the first of the anticipated year-long work of thirteen books. One for each month and the whole year. It costs to publish. It (Kindle version) should retail at about $2US online, but the paperback version would cost more, according to production cost.If you have a heart for giving, I fundraise at gofund.me/27tkwuc (Gofundme finished the fund raiser, 2017)


Editorials will appear in the "History in a Year by the Conservative Voice" series, starting with August, September, October, or at Amazon http://www.amazon.com/dp/1482020262/ref=cm_sw_r_tw_dp_dVHPub0MQKDZ4 The kindle version is cheaper, but the soft back version allows a free kindle version.

The Amazon Author Page for David Ball

UK .. http://www.amazon.co.uk/-/e/B01683ZOWG

French .. http://www.amazon.fr/-/e/B01683ZOWG

Japan .. http://www.amazon.co.jp/-/e/B01683ZOWG

German .. http://www.amazon.de/-/e/B01683ZOWG


Other Stuff


I'm now on MAGAbook to sidestep FB censorship



I'm looking for former students to endorse me



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