Saturday, June 05, 2021

Sat 5th June 2021 Current Affairs

Editorial on Press Misrepresenting Facts

Press individuals are entitled to opinions, but it is unprofessional of them to be deliberately, objectively, biased. Take for example the death penalty applied to Ledell Lee, who was executed April 20th 2017 for the 1993 murder of his neighbor Debra Reese. She had been killed by a small bat her husband had given her for protection. Ledell was found with $300 stolen from Reese, an hour later. His DNA was on the bat, and a cloth used to grip the bat. Just prior to execution, more DNA was found on the bat that did not correspond to Ledell. However, it had not cleared Ledell, who had also been found to have raped two other women, and allegedly killed a third whom he never faced trial over, because of the death penalty conviction. 

The new evidence was insufficient to overturn the case. It could have meant a third party was present when Ledell beat Reese to death, but had not taken her money and had not raped her. The DNA might belong to her husband who gave her the bat and possibly owned the shirt the bat grip was wrapped? However, according to the press reporting the issue for activists, the trial was unfair

Editorial Headline reads 'mind control' but their minds seem ill disciplined

Mind control has been linguistically applied to describe a detached mechanical arm being manipulated through a silicon chip connected to a brain of a guy needing a prosthetic. There is even sensory feedback so the user can pick up breakables. It suggests a bright future for those in need of limbs, or in dangerous lines of work needing remote access. Imagine flying planes remotely with a feel for experienced turbulence? 

But, mind control is not all about hope. In Victoria, in Australia we are under lockdown despite it being ineffective and expensive. However, independent members of parliament have gifted the ALP the means to declare lockdowns, although they had promised voters a vote for them would prevent such abuses of power. In this circumstance, mind control is more sinister. Bored with rules, and unable to work, syphilis cases are exploding. News promotes ALP incompetence, and attacks conservative government ministers, or actors.

Herd immunity is the only natural way to securely deal with COVID. Vaccinations help lead to it. Press don't yet understand that the two things are linked. 
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Is there a criminal investigation going on involving the lab-leak? Was it a bio-weapon? Do not miss this show.

News Picks:

=== Bongino Headlines ===
Jobs Report Disappoints Again – U.S. Economy Adds 559k Jobs in May vs. 671k Expected READ MORE

Georgia Board of Education Votes to Reject “Critical Race Theory” Propaganda

Facebook Suspends Trump for Two Years

Allen West Resigns as Texas GOP Chair – Fueling Speculation He’ll Run for Office

Biden Lowers Expectations After Another Dismal Month of Job Growth

Emails: Burisma-Linked Firm Pitched Ukrainian Prosecutor Access to Clinton Camp in 2016

Most of the $2 Billion Set Aside for Busiest Border Wall Section Goes Unused

Capitol Hill
Rep. Swalwell Hires Private Investigator to Stalk Mo Brooks to Sue Him Over Jan 6
Defense Is Not a Biden Administration Priority
White House Says No Company Is Safe From Ransomware
Landlords Appeal to SCOTUS to End Eviction Moratorium
Psaki Says Biden Backs Legislation to Establish a Reparations Commission
Plurality Of Americans Believe Race Relations Are Worse Under Biden
Biden Announces 5-Part Vaccine Effort, Targets 70% Vaccination Rate by July 4
Biden Proposes 15% Corporate Minimum Tax on Corporations That Don’t Pay Federal Taxes
Biden Declares War on the Suburbs

Culture War
Conservatives Raise Thousands for AOC’s Grandma
LA County Sheriff Says They’ll Issue More Concealed Carry Permits as Homicides Spike 95%
Trump to Meet With GOP Leaders in New Jersey
Corporations Change Social Media Profile Pictures for Pride Month Except in the Middle East
Neil Cavuto on What He Learned From Getting Cancer and Open Heart Surgery
Latest Migration Figures Show California Losing the Most Residents
Mike Pence Says Him and Trump Have Spoken Numerous Times Since Leaving Office
Chauvin Defense Files Arguments Supporting Claims of Juror Misconduct, Lack of Impartiality

Little-Known Federal Law Helps Biden Cabinet Members Avoid Taxes
Fed’s Powell: Climate Change Not a Main Factor in Fed’s Policy Decisions
Facebook Hit With Antitrust Probes in UK and EU
Russia to Remove U.S. Dollar Assets From National Wealth Fund
The Economics of Fauci’s Mask Flip-Flop
AMC Raises $587 Million in Share Sale
Sampling Returns to Sam’s Club
Low-Tax Stocks Slide After Biden’s 15% Minimum Corporate Tax Proposal
How Biden’s Stimulus Favored Blue States
BlackBerry the Latest Stock Targeted by Reddit Traders

Swamp Watch
Google Removes “Head of Diversity” After Their Anti-Semitic Comments Were Exposed
The Lab Leak Fiasco Proves The Incompetence of Our “Fact Checkers”
DOJ Probes Lobbying Firm Connected to Hunter Biden
Media Continues Ignoring Continued Hunter Biden Laptop Revelations
Barrett, Gorsuch, and Kavanaugh Side With Liberals in Computer Fraud Case
Netanyahu’s Government to Be Dissolved in Israel
Former CDC Director Got Death Threats From Scientists Over Lab Leak Theory
Fauci Emails Suggest February 2020 Phone Call a Possible Pivot for Lab-Leak Theory
Psaki Praises Fauci After Bombshell Email Revelations

The Chinese Military Was Engineering Mice With “Humanized” Lungs in the Summer of 2019. Why?
Revealing the Conflicts of Interest in U.S. Funding of Wuhan Lab
Michigan Gov Whitmer May Extend Coronavirus Restrictions Past July 1
Report Reveals That U.S. Govt Officials Ordered Coronavirus Origin Cover-Up
White House Says It Finally Has a Plan to Share 25 Million Coronavirus Vaccine Doses
Democratic State Lawmaker Seeks to Allow Kids to Be Vaccinated Without Parental Consent
The Media’s Coronavirus Lies Weaken America
Trump: What Did Dr. Fauci Know… And When Did He Know It?
Pompeo: NIH Suppressed State Department Probe Into COVID-19 Origins – Repeated CCP Excuses

National Security
Riots Break Out in Minneapolis After Police Fatally Shoot Homicide Suspect Who Pulled Gun on Them
Russia Is Building Another Stealth Fighter – There’s Just One Giant Problem
North Korea’s Large Stockpile of Chemical Weapons Is a Big Problem
China Has No Place in the Rim of the Pacific Naval Exercise
Dornier Do 335 Fighter-Bomber: Hitler’s Forgotten World War II Wonder Weapon
U.S. Air Force Seeking Another Dozen F-15EXs As Part of Unfunded Priorities List, But No Additional F-35s
Yes, North Korea Has Deadly Missiles (But Watch Out for South Korea)
Purchase of Hypersonic Cruise Missiles Included in Pentagon Budget Request
What Does the U.S. Marine Corps Want More than Anything? Missiles. Lots of Missiles.

Around the World
Budapest Protests China Project Approved by PM Viktor Orban
EU Threatens More Sanctions, as Diplomacy Efforts Intensify
Anti-Semitic Incidents in UK at Record High
IMF, World Bank Press G7 to Release Surplus Coronavirus Vaccines
Pro-China Hong Kong Lawmakers Claims No One Died in Tiananmen Square Massacre
Little Difference Seen Between Old and New Israeli Leaders Among Palestinians
UN: Millions of Syrians Face Disaster if Aid Crossing is Shut
Former MI6 Boss Says China Will Have Destroyed Wuhan Lab Leak Evidence by Now

Joe Concha: Why Was Fauci Calling Chris Cuomo on a Nightly Basis After the CNN Anchor Contracted Coronavirus?
Tim Graham: The Media Proclaim Themselves “Infrastructure”
Kurt Schlichter: Democrats Want to Destroy Democracy to Save It
Larry Elder: Jan. 6 Commission: Do Democrats Really Want “the Facts”?
David Limbaugh: Biden’s Disgraceful Exploitation of the Tulsa Race Massacre
Todd Starnes: Media Ignores Heinous Attack on Republican Lawmaker’s Home
Derek Hunter: Just Shut Up Already, Facebook
Jenny Beth Martin: Biden’s Budget: Serious? No. Radical? Yes.
Armstrong Williams: The Light of the American Dream

Biden Economy Hurting Hollywood as High Inflation Causes Prices of Construction Material to Skyrocket
It’s Time for Knicks to Reevaluate After Bombing in Playoffs
SpaceX Launches New Solar Arrays to International Space Station
Texas Passes Bill Requiring Professional Sports Teams to Play the National Anthem
Despite the Rain, Harry Potter Fans Wait Hours for NYC Store Opening
NASA to Launch Two Missions to Venus by 2030
Harry and Meghan Will Definitely Be Invited to Queen’s Platinum Jubilee
10,000 Volunteers Quit Tokyo Olympics Over Coronavirus Fears
=== Newsmax Headlines ===
Former President Donald Trump lashed out at Facebook Friday for "censoring and silencing" after the social media giant announced it would suspend his account for at least two years as it enforces new "protocols to be applied in exceptional cases." [Full Story]

Newsmax tv

Republican congressional leaders are blasting President Joe Biden [Full Story]
The White House declined comment on reports on Friday about a series [Full Story]
Leaders nationwide are pushing perks - including booze and bullets - [Full Story] | 
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Here is a video I made The Australaise

CJ Dennis' Australaise, written circa 1915 and proudly sung as soldiers went to war. I left out the extra word.
Clarence Michael James Stanislaus Dennis, better known as C. J. Dennis, (7 September 1876 - 22 June 1938) was an Australian poet famous for his humorous poems, especially "The Sentimental Bloke", published in the early 20th century.

A Marching Song
Air - Onward Christian Soldiers 
Fellers of Australier,
   Blokes an' coves an' coots,
Shift yer --- carcases,
   Move yer --- boots.
Gird yer --- loins up,
   Get yer --- gun,
Set the --- enermy
   An' watch the blighters run.
   Get a --- move on,
      Have some --- sense.
   Learn the --- art of
      Self de- --- -fence.
Have some --- brains be-
   Neath yer --- lids.
An' swing a --- sabre
   Fer the missus an' the kids.
Chuck supportin' --- posts,
   An' strikin' --- lights,
Support a ---- fam'ly an'
   Strike fer yer --- rights.
   Get a --- move on, etc.
Joy is --- fleetin',
   Life is --- short.
Wot's the use uv wastin' it
   All on --- sport?
Hitch yer --- tip-dray
   To a --- star.
Let yer --- watchword be
   "Australi- --- -ar!"
   Get a --- move on, etc.
'0w's the --- nation
   Goin' to ixpand
'Lest us --- blokes an' coves
   Lend a --- 'and?
'Eave yer --- apathy
   Down a --- chasm;
'Ump yer --- burden with
   Enthusi- --- -asm.
   Get a --- move on, etc.
W'en old mother Britain
   Calls yer native land
Take a --- rifle
   In yer --- 'and
Keep yer --- upper lip
   Stiff as stiff kin be,
An' speed a --- bullet for
   Post- --- -ity.
   Get a --- move on, etc.
W'en the --- bugle
   Sounds "Ad- --- -vance"
Don't be like a flock er sheep
   In a --- trance
Biff the --- Kaiser
   Where it don't agree
Spifler- --- -cate him
   To Eternity.
   Get a --- move on, etc.
Fellers of Australier,
   Cobbers, chaps an' mates,
Hear the --- German
   Kickin' at the gates!
Blow the --- bugle,
   Beat the --- drum,
Upper-cut an' out the cow
   To kingdom- --- -come!
   Get a --- move on,
      Have some --- sense.
   Learn the --- art of
      Self de- --- -fence.
(With some acknowledgements to W.T. Goodge.)
Footnote to 1915 reissue - Where a dash (---) replaces a missing word, the adjective "blessed" may be interpolated. In cases demanding great emphasis, the use of the word "blooming" is permissible. However, any other word may be used that suggests itself as suitable.
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=== From 2018 ===
Don't give up on hope. Universities in Australia are so rich they don't need money. Academic independence is either assured or fatally compromised as universities reject funds that explore a skeptic view of AGW, or, that are a byproduct of a visit to a GP, or, if they mean teaching students who want to learn about Western Civilisation. Such conspicuous wealth should not mean tutorial classes will be small, or lecture theatres won't need fewer seats than a Joni Mitchell concert. But the wealth can be seen in toilet cubicles allowing feet to be washed and catering for genders unimagined by university founders. 

Frank Bongiorno has denounced Tony Abbott for defending Western Values. It means the ANU will not accept money. Possibly because people who are giving the ANU money from overseas won't let the ANU accept the money on Abbott's terms. 

Miss America is modifying its contests so that beauty is not rewarded. This innovation could have allowed former White House Correspondent Helen Thomas to get an award. Hilary could more than participate. And after Bill Clinton was 'victimised' by the Lewinski scandal, it is nice to think he can redeem himself and excel again. I don't watch the pageants, but, assuming that there is no harassment or bad behaviour, what is wrong with celebrating beautiful women (or men)? 

Free speech outside abortion clinics is to be restricted suggests a lawmaker. One might have thought police might be able to deal with violence, death threats and bad behaviour without having to restrict free speech, but maybe it is just easier to tell people who disagree with you to shut up and keep away? 

This is not the time to have a pretend, dithering PM. The high court is run by activists and the banking industry underpins our prosperity. If the activists overthrow the security of our banks then we are in deep trouble. Think about how well the high court is working to outsource our citizenship to foreign governments.
Via JF
It’s not rocket science.
If you place higher onuses of proof and more regulations on banks on how they deal with borrowers, they will be more cautious and therefore tougher on borrowers when they come to them for a loan.
So it will effectively place a greater burden on poorer borrowers to prove their credit-worthiness to the bank and delay their loan processing.
Not to mention increased regulatory costs passed on the customers.
After all, no bank wants to be flogged before the cameras at another Royal Commission.
I don’t care but be prepared.🤔🙄"

NBN was reported as complaining it was so slow because people used it. The first report I saw came from Betoota Advocate. Then Newswire. Now the Guardian. I'd assumed they were joking. But if the Guardian reports it they could not possibly be joking. The DC universe is winning?

Oxfam lamb approached me at Dandenong mall. I was playing Pokémon Go. She said I was emailing her and I should face her instead. Lovely English accent. Blond. Blue eyed. I stopped and wished her a good day. She said “Stop. What if I were to ask you what was the deadliest danger children face today around the world? What might you say it is?” I replied “The UN preventing profit and condemning children to die without allowing parents the means to support themselves. But that is just me. I wish you a good day” and she stood with her mouth agape saying 'wow.'
=== from 2017 ===
Some things should not happen, but they do. There has been a solution to Middle East terrorism that has not been applied in the past, partly because it is related to Cold War politics involving the Soviet Union, and since the Soviet collapsed, Only George W Bush addressed it before Trump. Trump belled the cat with his address to Islamic leaders telling them to fix their problem. Isolating Qatar is a start. However, in the West, governments need to address the Islamic terror threat, and the best way to do it is opposed by the politically correct crowd, and by anti Islamic hysterics too. Western intelligence are aware of the worst, but domestic law does not allow them to act. We need to sanction an abuse of power which might see innocent people receive unfair treatment, but we don't need to apply it to whole populations. We need to be able to exclude migrants by reason that a government minister has no confidence in them. There would be no need to appeal, and no further reason given. Normal rules apply to the home grown Islamic terrorist. Had that simple abuse of power been in place, then none of the successful terror attacks in Australia since the Hilton Bombing would have happened. And it is doubtful that Australia would have booted more than 500 people that way in the last twenty years. 

In 70, Titus and his Roman legions breached the middle wall of Jerusalem in the Siege of Jerusalem. 754, Boniface, an Anglo-Saxon missionary, was killed by a band of pagans at Dokkum in Frisia1829, HMS Pickle captured the armed slave ship Voladora off the coast of Cuba. 1832, the June Rebellion broke out in Paris in an attempt to overthrow the monarchy of Louis Philippe1851, Harriet Beecher Stowe's anti-slavery serial, Uncle Tom's Cabin, or Life Among the Lowly, started a ten-month run in the National Era abolitionist newspaper. 1862, as the Treaty of Saigon was signed, ceding parts of southern Vietnam to France, the guerrilla leader Trương Định decided to defy Emperor Tự Đức of Vietnam and fight on against the Europeans. 1864, American Civil WarBattle of PiedmontUnion forces under General David Hunter defeated a Confederate army at Piedmont, Virginia, taking nearly 1,000 prisoners. 1883, the first regularly scheduled Orient Express departed Paris.

1917, World War IConscription began in the United States as "Army registration day". 1933, the U.S. Congress abrogated the United States' use of the gold standard by enacting a joint resolution (48 Stat. 112) nullifying the right of creditors to demand payment in goldIn 1940, World War II: After a brief lull in the Battle of France, the Germans renewed the offensive against the remaining French divisions south of the River Somme in Operation Fall Rot ("Case Red"). 1941, World War II: Four thousand Chongqing residents were asphyxiatedin a bomb shelter during the Bombing of Chongqing. 1942, World War II: The United States declared war on BulgariaHungary, and Romania. 1944, World War II: More than 1000 British bombers dropped 5,000 tons of bombs on German gun batteries on the Normandy coast in preparation for D-Day. 1945, the Allied Control Council, the military occupation governing body of Germany, formally took power. 1946, a fire in the La Salle Hotel in Chicago, Illinois, killed 61 people. 1947, Marshall Plan: In a speech at Harvard University, the United States Secretary of State George Marshall called for economic aid to war-torn Europe.

In 1956, Elvis Presley introduced his new single, "Hound Dog", on The Milton Berle Show, scandalising the audience with his suggestive hip movements. 1959, the first government of the State of Singapore was sworn in. 1963, the British Secretary of State for WarJohn Profumo, resigned in a sex scandal known as the "Profumo affair". Also 1963, Movement of 15 Khordad: Protests against the arrest of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini by the Shah of IranMohammad Reza Pahlavi. In several cities, masses of angry demonstrators were confronted by tanks and paratroopers. 1967, the Six-Day Warbegan: Israel launched surprise strikes against Egyptian air-fields in response to the mobilisation of Egyptian forces on the Israeli border. 1968, Robert F. Kennedy, a U.S. presidential candidate, was shot at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles, by Sirhan Sirhan, a Palestinian. Kennedy died the next day. 

1981, the "Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report" of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that five people in Los Angeles, California, have a rare form of pneumonia seen only in patients with weakened immune systems, in what turned out to be the first recognised cases of AIDS. 1984, the Prime Minister of IndiaIndira Gandhi, ordered an attack on the Golden Temple, the holiest site of the Sikh religion. 1989, the Tank Man halted the progress of a column of advancing tanks for over half an hour after the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989
=== from 2016 ===
Ramadan begins for 2016. The streets of Dandenong are clean in the morning. Many shops are closed, but those that are open sedately serve good food. Expect the angry youths of APEX to come out at night. They claim religious privilege and it is extended by corrupt Islamic authorities. But the sincerity of those drunk and disgusting bands is based on drugs and young hormone dominated brats whose outlook on life is atheistic. They serve no one but the devil. And they strangely seem to serve Dan Andrews, who protects them from some consequences of their actions. Police are apparently helpless because Dan Andrews passed restrictions on their powers to prevent people being beaten, raped and having their property stolen. Something APEX normally restrict to performing on their women folk. 

For some, at the moment, the Sex Party has more credibility. 
=== from 2015 ===
Alan Bond has died following complications from surgery. The former billionaire was a good person to talk to. He stole superannuation from pensioners and when in jail for his crime, convinced the authorities he should be released early, claiming his IQ was lowered. He was close to the ALP, and was connected with WA Inc which brought down the state. But, he paid lip service to being even handed. He had a sense of humour.

State Funeral for Joan Kirner, former ALP Premier of Victoria. Kirner became Premier of Victoria following resignation of Cain, whom had been exposed as corrupt and inept. She had supported Cain in government and had not changed his policy after becoming Premier. She made poor decisions for ideological reasons, gutting the education system and leaving Victoria a basket case that only the heroic Jeff Kennett could save. Kirner was behind 'Emily's List' which promotes left wing women in politics. She had a sense of humour.

A Chinese cruise ship has been struck by a tornado. There are 65 confirmed dead. 350 missing. The Eastern Star (MV Dong Fang Zhi Xing) was on the Yangtze in the Three Gorges Dam area. Three Gorges is an excellent project, but the environment has changed in the area and so it may take many years before the changes are understood.

An early hominid, Australopithecus deyiremeda, has been located? They date from 3.3 to 3.5 million years ago. Some jaw bones and fragments. Maybe they are relatives of Lucy. They probably had a good sense of humour.

There is a heat wave in India. More than 200 have died. It does not mean that more than 200 died from the heat wave. People die, but not as many as are born.
From 2014
Joe Tripodi has been found to have acted corruptly and prosecutors are discussing what charges might be laid against him, if any. There is a process being followed. If the full spread of Tripodi's activity is not examined there will be procedural unfairness. I know Tripodi from the late '90s and Canley Vale HS where the Principal Garland, a strong ALP supporter allowed the former local mayor to make a speech to a graduating class. The speech was illogical and disjointed. Staff rumoured he had written it himself. In his early days as a local member, Tripodi told the parliament (circa '97) that he had spoken to the Principal about the local gang issue and hand guns. Garland asked the deputies if either of them had spoken to Tripodi because he hadn't and he thought it was bad form to lie to parliament over a non issue. On retirement, the Principal got a dream job as a development officer for the Wallabies. 

I was being harassed by ALP government and by anonymous education department officials so I approached my local member, Tripodi, and told him of the seriousness of my issue. This was before a child died. Tripodi's office sent me a form letter saying he didn't know why I was being treated as I was, but he would represent me to the parliament as part of his normal duty. I complained to the ICAC about my issue regarding pedophiles and the ALP government and they replied they would do nothing as they could not see how anything I had alleged would lead to a corruption prosecution. After the child died, I again referred the matter to the ICAC and they expressed the view I was inflating the issue opportunistically. But, if they had acted the child might be alive today. 

The ALP appear to have facilitated Tripodi's corruption. I have approached the ALP on a number of occasions suggesting they quietly help me settle my issues. All ALP members have denied they could work with me. I am a Liberal party supporter, but I demand competence from those who represent me. Will procedural unfairness deny me justice again?
Historical perspective on this day
In 70, Titus and his Roman legions breached the middle wall of Jerusalem in the Siege of Jerusalem. 754, Boniface, an Anglo-Saxon missionary, was killed by a band of pagans at Dokkum in Frisia. 1257, Kraków, in Poland, received city rights. 1283, Battle of the Gulf of NaplesRoger of Lauria, admiral to King Peter III of Aragon, captured Charles of Salermo. 1625, the city of Breda surrendered to the Spanish tercios under general Ambrosio Spinola. 1798, The Battle of New Ross: The attempt to spread the United Irish Rebellion into Munster was defeated.

In 1817, the first Great Lakes steamer, the Frontenac, was launched. 1829, HMS Picklecaptured the armed slave ship Voladora off the coast of Cuba. 1832, the June Rebellionbroke out in Paris in an attempt to overthrow the monarchy of Louis Philippe. 1837, Houston was incorporated by the Republic of Texas. 1849, Denmark became a constitutional monarchy by the signing of a new constitution. 1851, Harriet Beecher Stowe's anti-slavery serial, Uncle Tom's Cabin, or Life Among the Lowly, started a ten-month run in the National Era abolitionist newspaper. 1862, as the Treaty of Saigon was signed, ceding parts of southern Vietnam to France, the guerrilla leader Trương Định decided to defy Emperor Tự Đức of Vietnam and fight on against the Europeans. 1864, American Civil WarBattle of PiedmontUnion forces under General David Hunter defeated a Confederate army at Piedmont, Virginia, taking nearly 1,000 prisoners. 1883, the first regularly scheduled Orient Express departed Paris. 1888, the Rio de la Plata Earthquake took place.

In 1900, Second Boer War: British soldiers took Pretoria. 1915, Denmark amended its constitution to allow women's suffrage. 1916, Louis Brandeis was sworn in as a Justice of the United States Supreme Court; he was the first American Jew to hold such a position. 1917, World War IConscription began in the United States as "Army registration day". 1933, the U.S. Congress abrogated the United States' use of the gold standard by enacting a joint resolution (48 Stat. 112) nullifying the right of creditors to demand payment in gold.

In 1940, World War II: After a brief lull in the Battle of France, the Germans renewed the offensive against the remaining French divisions south of the River Somme in Operation Fall Rot ("Case Red"). 1941, World War II: Four thousand Chongqing residents were asphyxiatedin a bomb shelter during the Bombing of Chongqing. 1942, World War II: The United States declared war on BulgariaHungary, and Romania. 1944, World War II: More than 1000 British bombers dropped 5,000 tons of bombs on German gun batteries on the Normandy coast in preparation for D-Day. 1945, the Allied Control Council, the military occupation governing body of Germany, formally took power. 1946, a fire in the La Salle Hotel in Chicago, Illinois, killed 61 people. 1947, Marshall Plan: In a speech at Harvard University, the United States Secretary of State George Marshall called for economic aid to war-torn Europe. 1949, Thailand elected Orapin Chaiyakan, the first female member of Thailand's Parliament.

In 1956, Elvis Presley introduced his new single, "Hound Dog", on The Milton Berle Show, scandalising the audience with his suggestive hip movements. 1959, the first government of the State of Singapore was sworn in. 1963, the British Secretary of State for WarJohn Profumo, resigned in a sex scandal known as the "Profumo affair". Also 1963, Movement of 15 Khordad: Protests against the arrest of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini by the Shah of IranMohammad Reza Pahlavi. In several cities, masses of angry demonstrators were confronted by tanks and paratroopers. 1964, DSV Alvin was commissioned. 1967, the Six-Day Warbegan: Israel launched surprise strikes against Egyptian air-fields in response to the mobilisation of Egyptian forces on the Israeli border. 1968, Robert F. Kennedy, a U.S. presidential candidate, was shot at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles, by Sirhan Sirhan, a Palestinian. Kennedy died the next day. 1969, the International communist conferencebegan in Moscow.

In 1975, the Suez Canal opened for the first time since the Six-Day War. Also 1975, the United Kingdom held its first country-wide referendum on remaining in the European Economic Community (EEC). 1976, the Teton Dam in Idaho, United States, collapsed. 1977, a coup took place in Seychelles. 1981, the "Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report" of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that five people in Los Angeles, California, have a rare form of pneumonia seen only in patients with weakened immune systems, in what turned out to be the first recognised cases of AIDS. 1984, the Prime Minister of IndiaIndira Gandhi, ordered an attack on the Golden Temple, the holiest site of the Sikh religion. 1989, the Tank Man halted the progress of a column of advancing tanks for over half an hour after the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989.

In 1993, portions of the Holbeck Hall Hotel in Scarborough, in North Yorkshire, England, fell into the sea following a landslide. 1995, the Bose–Einstein condensate was first created. 1998, a strike began at the General Motors parts factory in Flint, Michigan, that quickly spreads to five other assembly plants. The strike lasted seven weeks. 2000, the Six-Day War in Kisangani began in Kisangani, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, between Ugandan and Rwandan forces. A large part of the city was destroyed. 2001, Tropical Storm Allison made landfall on the upper-Texas coastline as a strong tropical storm and dumped large amounts of rain over Houston. The storm caused $5.5 billion in damages, making Allison the costliest tropical storm in U.S. history. 2003, a severe heat wave across Pakistanand India reached its peak, as temperatures exceeded 50°C (122°F) in the region. 2006, Serbia declared independence from the State Union of Serbia and Montenegro. 2009, after 65 straight days of civil disobedience, at least 31 people were killed in clashes between security forces and indigenous people near Bagua, Peru.

=== Bible Reading ===

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Today's reading: 2 Chronicles 21-22, John 14 (NIV)

View today's reading on Bible Gateway

Today's Old Testament reading: 2 Chronicles 21-22

1 Then Jehoshaphat rested with his ancestors and was buried with them in the City of David. And Jehoram his son succeeded him as king. 2Jehoram's brothers, the sons of Jehoshaphat, were Azariah, Jehiel, Zechariah, Azariahu, Michael and Shephatiah. All these were sons of Jehoshaphat king of Israel.3 Their father had given them many gifts of silver and gold and articles of value, as well as fortified cities in Judah, but he had given the kingdom to Jehoram because he was his firstborn son....

Today's New Testament reading: John 14

Jesus Comforts His Disciples
1 "Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. 2 My Father's house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. 4 You know the way to the place where I am going...."

=== Morning and Evening ===

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"The kindness and love of God our Saviour."
Titus 3:4
How sweet it is to behold the Saviour communing with his own beloved people! There can be nothing more delightful than, by the Divine Spirit, to be led into this fertile field of delight. Let the mind for an instant consider the history of the Redeemer's love, and a thousand enchanting acts of affection will suggest themselves, all of which have had for their design the weaving of the heart into Christ, and the intertwisting of the thoughts and emotions of the renewed soul with the mind of Jesus. When we meditate upon this amazing love, and behold the all-glorious Kinsman of the Church endowing her with all his ancient wealth, our souls may well faint for joy. Who is he that can endure such a weight of love? That partial sense of it which the Holy Spirit is sometimes pleased to afford, is more than the soul can contain; how transporting must be a complete view of it! When the soul shall have understanding to discern all the Saviour's gifts, wisdom wherewith to estimate them, and time in which to meditate upon them, such as the world to come will afford us, we shall then commune with Jesus in a nearer manner than at present. But who can imagine the sweetness of such fellowship? It must be one of the things which have not entered into the heart of man, but which God hath prepared for them that love him. Oh, to burst open the door of our Joseph's granaries, and see the plenty which he hath stored up for us! This will overwhelm us with love. By faith we see, as in a glass darkly, the reflected image of his unbounded treasures, but when we shall actually see the heavenly things themselves, with our own eyes, how deep will be the stream of fellowship in which our soul shall bathe itself! Till then our loudest sonnets shall be reserved for our loving benefactor, Jesus Christ our Lord, whose love to us is wonderful, passing the love of women.


"Received up into glory."
1 Timothy 3:16

We have seen our well-beloved Lord in the days of his flesh, humiliated and sore vexed; for he was "despised and rejected of men, a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief." He whose brightness is as the morning, wore the sackcloth of sorrow as his daily dress: shame was his mantle, and reproach was his vesture. Yet now, inasmuch as he has triumphed over all the powers of darkness upon the bloody tree, our faith beholds our King returning with dyed garments from Edom, robed in the splendour of victory. How glorious must he have been in the eyes of seraphs, when a cloud received him out of mortal sight, and he ascended up to heaven! Now he wears the glory which he had with God or ever the earth was, and yet another glory above all--that which he has well earned in the fight against sin, death, and hell. As victor he wears the illustrious crown. Hark how the song swells high! It is a new and sweeter song: "Worthy is the Lamb that was slain, for he hath redeemed us unto God by his blood!" He wears the glory of an Intercessor who can never fail, of a Prince who can never be defeated, of a Conqueror who has vanquished every foe, of a Lord who has the heart's allegiance of every subject. Jesus wears all the glory which the pomp of heaven can bestow upon him, which ten thousand times ten thousand angels can minister to him. You cannot with your utmost stretch of imagination conceive his exceeding greatness; yet there will be a further revelation of it when he shall descend from heaven in great power, with all the holy angels--"Then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory." Oh, the splendour of that glory! It will ravish his people's hearts. Nor is this the close, for eternity shall sound his praise, "Thy throne, O God, is forever and ever!" Reader, if you would joy in Christ's glory hereafter, he must be glorious in your sight now. Is he so?

=== Bible Quote ===

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I am a decent man and don't care for the abuse given me. I created a video raising awareness of anti police feeling among western communities. I chose the senseless killing of Nicola Cotton, a Louisiana policewoman who joined post Katrina, to highlight the issue. I did this in order to get an income after having been illegally blacklisted from work in NSW for being a whistleblower. I have not done anything wrong. Local council appointees refused to endorse my work, so I did it for free. Youtube's Adsence refused to allow me to profit from their marketing it. Meanwhile, I am hostage to abysmal political leadership and hopeless journalists. My shopfront has opened on Facebook.


I am publishing a book called Bread of Life: January.

Bread of Life is a daily bible quote with a layman's understanding of the meaning. I give one quote for each day, and also a series of personal stories illustrating key concepts eg Who is God? What is a miracle? Why is there tragedy?

January is the first of the anticipated year-long work of thirteen books. One for each month and the whole year. It costs to publish. It (Kindle version) should retail at about $2US online, but the paperback version would cost more, according to production cost.If you have a heart for giving, I fundraise at (Gofundme finished the fund raiser, 2017)


Editorials will appear in the "History in a Year by the Conservative Voice" series, starting with August, September, October, or at Amazon The kindle version is cheaper, but the soft back version allows a free kindle version.

The Amazon Author Page for David Ball

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Other Stuff


I'm now on MAGAbook to sidestep FB censorship


I'm looking for former students to endorse me


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