Friday, June 11, 2021

Fri 11th June 2021 Current Affair

Editorial Media assault on decorated Australian Soldier

Former special forces soldier Ben Robert Smith has been smeared by media and political enemies. Former PM Julia Gillard smeared Smith as she decorated him, calling him 'modest.' There is a world of difference between a modest soldier and a humble one in service. Smith, in service, was humble, but his achievements were not modest. In a battle which earned him the VC, he offers it to all who served with him on that day. 

One terrible smear is that Smith killed non combatants after they had been detained. Evidence of which, presented in court, was the case of Smith killing a machine gunner who was 15 years old. Is it the curt's suggestion that proof of age cards must be kept by terrorists wielding deadly weapons like machine guns? "Sir, I have a bead on that gunner pinning down our forces, can I take the shot?" "Have you checked his age?" "She has a beard." "Wait, check your privilege." "It doesn't matter sir, the unit is gone."

Ben Robert Smith has earned my thanks for his service. He has earned my admiration for his accomplishments. He has earned my favour, because those attacking him are politically motivated, not personally motivated, and placed on trial is not Smith's battle field activity, but my right to the freedom Smith defended. 

Editorial Biden Crime family friends with awful people

Murdoch's Australian news focuses on Hunter Biden using the 'nigger' word freely with friends and associates. He has a meme joking about using it with Obama. It matters nothing to me how Hunter interacts with his friends and colleagues. It matters nothing to me that the issue of racism means nothing to Hunter, but he treats it as a joke. What Democrats call racism is a bad joke, undermining the meaning of the word and using it to exploit those whom have in the past been victims of racism. But, exploiting the oppressed has been Democrat policy since before the civil war. FDR practiced it to convince black voters to support Democrats as they have done since the 1930's. How did Monica Lewinsky respond to exploitation?

Biden's criminal association in the Ukraine has not been examined by the world media, who have not asked basic questions as to why Ukraine have not faced prosecution for painting their military aircraft with civilian identifiers, causing the shoot down of MH17. Australia is contributing to protecting Biden from censure. 

Biden has outsourced his foreign policy to cold war policy, and so China is emboldened to challenge India by proxy in surrounding nations. However, Biden is not inactive overseas, he is working hard to hurt Israel.

Editorial Press corruption fuels corruption

A simple question by President Trump is "Why is Fox employing Chris Wallace?" But, as with most answers to Trump questions, the issues are salient, poignant and many. Chris Wallace is an incompetent journalist but a powerful left wing spokesperson. Whenever the Democrats are on the public nose, Wallace speaks for them. Wallace is partisan Democrat. Wallace is wrong on every issue he speaks on. He was wrong about COVID origins, he was wrong about election fraud and he is wrong about racism in today's America. 

In Victoria, Australia, a question is being asked about Dan Andrews accident that threatened his life and laid him up for over 90 days. Andrews is not answering questions about it. We know that Andrews lies and claims to forget when it is convenient. The story is Andrews slipped on steps and broke his back. A question is why did the police or emergency not cater to the critically ill Premier of Victoria, instead he was privately transported to emergency. Was it a simple miss step, or was Andrews toxically drunk or on drugs? Was emergency service declined so Dan could sober up before treatment? It is not a new issue for the ALP, a former drunk driving attorney general for the ALP in NSW once left a hospital with his blood samples so he couldn't be charged for driving into stationary, parked cars. He later died drunk. A sniggering partisan press helped the public accept the corruption.

The press, meanwhile attack decent people, like highly decorated soldier Be Robert Smith. May Smith get a huge payout for their libel. However, as the press fail the public with misinformation, truly terrible people are killing innocent people. 
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Did Bill Barr save the country from a massive blackmail scandal? In this episode, I discuss compelling evidence that he did.

News Picks:

=== Bongino Headlines ===
Inflation Surges 5% Year-Over-Year in May – The Fastest Pace Since Summer 2008 READ MORE

Half of COVID-19 Stimulus Money May Have Been Stolen

Trump Calls for CPP to Pay $10 Trillion in “Global Reparations”

Biden in Europe: I Don’t Want To Go Home!

CNN’s Brian Stelter Hilariously Roasted by C-SPAN Callers

EU Leaders Call for Unfettered Investigation Into COVID-19 Origins

Former Sinaloa Cartel Leader El Chapo’s Wife Pleads Guilty to U.S. Drug Trafficking Charges

Capitol Hill
California Board Approves Pay Raises for Gov. Newsom as He Fights Recall
McConnell Slams Schumer, Says “Era of Bipartisanship Is Over” Due to Him
Biden to Drop Steel and Aluminum Tariffs
Gov. Cuomo Being Investigated For Allegedly Retaliating Against Sexual Harassment Accusers
Democrats’ Grip on Latino Vote Is Slipping
AOC Blames Climate Policy for Illegal Immigration
America “Is Being Destroyed”: Trump Hits Biden on Border Crisis
Congressional Black Caucus Blocks Black Republican From Joining
Biden Budget Redefines Mothers as “Birthing People”
House Republicans: Contrary to Democrats’ Claims, McGahn Interview Produced No Evidence of Trump Wrongdoing
Dems Threaten to Block 2026 World Cup Funds Unless Women Get Equal Pay

Culture War
Taxpayers Fleeing Blue States Took $26.8 Billion in Income to Red States
Dems Demand DHS Not Re-Detain Illegals Released From Holding Facilities Over COVID-19 Concerns
Court Rules for “Sanctuary for the Unborn” County Against Planned Parenthood
Soros-Backed Groups Plans Radical “Third Reconstruction” Agenda
Portland Police Driven Out of HQ Due to Constant Vandalism
Tucker Speaks to Former Google Employee Fired for Questioning Woke Training Programs
Parent Who Grew Up in Mao’s China Says Draws Parallels to Critical Race Theory
Biden Cancels Trump-Era Insulin and EpiPen Discounts
Leo Terrell Torches Obama Over Critical Race Theory – “Who in the World Oppressed You?”

CDC Gives Two Carnival Ships Approval to Resume Passenger Sailings Out of U.S.
Senate Passes Bill to Raise Fees on Big Mergers
AG Garland Says Tax Leak to ProPublica Is On Top of List to Investigate
15 States Move to Curb Public Health Agency Powers Due to Damage From Lockdowns
Facebook Allows Employees to Keep Working Remotely – But May Cut Their Pay If They Move Somewhere Cheaper
Americans Have Made More Bitcoin Profits Than Any Other Country
U.S. Beef Supplier Paid $11 Million Ransomware Demand
Dems Embrace Biden Plan for $200 Billion Subsidy to Electric Vehicle Market in Infrastructure Bill
Truck Driver Shortage Boosts Food Prices

Swamp Watch
Emails Reveal Hunter Biden Called Italian Pres, Lobbied French Ambassador, and More
Investigation Concludes Police Didn’t Clear Lafayette Park for Trump Photo Op
Poll: Whitmer Trailing Republican Challenger by Double Digits in Michigan Governor’s Race
#RacistHunter: A Product of the Biden Household
Hunter Biden Emails Show Friends Mocking Gays and Lesbians
Biden Slammed for Reversing Trump Ban on TikTok and Other Chinese-Owned Apps
Fauci Claims to Have “No Idea” When Asked About Emails He Exchanged With Mark Zuckerberg
Media That Was Obsessed With Republican “Civil War” Doesn’t Seem to Care About Huge Divide in Democratic Party

India Records World’s Highest Daily COVID Death Total
Republicans Ask Fauci to Explain Discrepancy in Sworn Testimony
Coronavirus High on Biden’s Agenda for G7 Summit
Biden Wants to Purchase Half a Billion Vaccine Doses for Other Countries
Rand Paul: Cleveland Clinic Study Shows No Point In Vaccinating People Who Already Had Coronavirus
Emails Show Fauci Massively Flipped, Flopped and Flipped
Republicans Looking for Answers About Why Facebook Censored Wuhan Lab Leak Theory
When Will the “Experts” Admit That Recovered Coronavirus Patients Have Natural Immunity to the Virus?
Fauci Headlined Conference With Wuhan “Bat Lady”

National Security
The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly in Biden’s Defense Budget
Biden Tells Troops That Global Warming Is the Greatest Threat to America
USS Gerald R. Ford Headed to “Shock Trials”
UFOs Are Most Likely Not Advanced Chinese Technology
This Is What an F-35 Looks Like in “Beast Mode”
U.S. Military Requesting Billions to Defend Against Hypersonic Weapons
The Marine Corps’ Return to the Sea: What Does It Mean for the Army?
New Stealth Fighter for Chinese Aircraft Carriers Spotted for First Time
Next-Generation, Synthetic Bioweapons are Coming
Lockheed Martin Selected by Germany for Space Tracking System
The Whole World Is Crossing the Rio Grande

Around the World
Leftist Rioters Attacked By Civilians With Machetes in Colombia
Biden to Meet Putin in 18th-Century Swiss Villa for Summit
El Salvador Becomes First Country to Accept Bitcoin as Legal Tender
Canada Taking Tentative First Step Towards Lifting Border Restrictions
Poll: Huge Majority of Britons Backs Ban on Illegal Migrants Claiming Asylum
Opposition Leader Calls Belarus the “North Korea of Europe”
Oxford Students Vote to “Cancel the Queen”, Remove “Colonial” Portrait of Her From Campus
Iran Nuclear Talks Set to Resume Over the Weekend

Armstrong Williams: Hackers Showcase America’s Vulnerabilities Staff: The Truth About Fauci
Tim Graham: PolitiFact Isn’t Partisan? Pants On Fire
Will Alexander: After Freedom, “Some Would Rather Be Slaves”
Austin Bay: Were the Colonial Pipeline and JBS Foods Hacks Acts of War?
Lori Roman: Corporatism Will Snuff Out Individual Rights Unless We Stop It
Laura Hollis: A Society Infected with Lies
Star Parker: The State of Black America

Twitter Users Compile List of LeBron James Lies and Exaggerations
Madison Square Garden Opens to Full Capacity for Vaccinated-Only Rock Concert
Kevin Durant Has Come a Long Way in Two Years
NASA Authorization Act Passed by the Senate
NBA Playoff Viewership Down 19% From 2018, Flat From 2019
All the Signs Are Pointing to a Nets NBA Championship
When, Where and How to Witness the “Ring of Fire” Eclipse 2021
Andrew Lloyd Weber Says He’ll Risk Arrest to Reopen London Theaters in June
=== Newsmax Headlines ===
Republican members of a bipartisan group trying to forge a new deal to boost U.S. infrastructure reported some progress on Thursday after their Senate leader Mitch McConnell told them he was open to such a plan. [Full Story]

Newsmax TV

Trump: Fauci Is 'Science Fiction'
Former President Donald Trump on Thursday joined a chorus of criticism stemming from a trove of emails from White House adviser Anthony Fauci, including those related to the origin of the coronavirus pandemic...... [Full Story]
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Here is a video I made The Game

"Ginger Mick was a likeable rogue who, before he answered the call to arms to defend democracy, sold fresh rabbits in the streets of Melbourne. This book by CJ Dennis tells of his tender love for Rose and his experiences at war in North Africa. The verse is full of humour and pathos and truly captures the spirit of the era.

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=== From 2018 ===
Don't give up on hope. Donald Trump is in Singapore to promote world peace by meeting with North Korea's chief. Analysts did not predict it but claimed it was impossible. In reply, the Democrat Platform puts forward actor Robert Deniro who says "Fuck Trump." 

The talk is delicately balanced, and in trying to upset the talks, G7 leaders attempted to exploit trade unfairness. Trump rejected the attempt, and this puts the US onside with NK. Meanwhile US Democrats oppose fixing unfair trade. 

In NSW, ALP leader Luke Foley announces he does not want to be Premier. He chose the Queens's birthday to announce if he becomes Premier he will rename it. King's birthday? Looking for something else, Foley noticed that NSW government has removed the ridiculous Safe School program and Matthew Guy in Victoria has earned kudos from promising to remove the awful program. Foley says #MeToo to removing the already removed safe schools program. It doesn't mean NSW is safe from safe schools if they vote ALP next year. Gillard had promised to never implement a carbon tax. Foley is still representative of the last NSW ALP government. 

An Archaeological mystery has come up over the carved wooden head found in Israel. From circa 900BC, the head appears to be of an Israelite king. Could it be a representation of David or Solomon? 
=== from 2017 ===
Some things should not happen, but they do. When I say I feel the Dan Andrews government is evil, it is not because I am politically oppositional to it. I don't agree with left wing principles, but were it the case that Andrews led Victoria responsibly I would accept as legitimate those policies that worked, and the creator of those policies. However, Andrews government does not stand for even basic left wing principles. I give an example of asbestos in schools. Asbestos was used in schools, in insulation, in fibro boarding and in paint until it was banned in the nineteen eighties because of it causing mesothelioma, an incurable cancer. It is alarming to think that schools still have it, but the reality is it is 'safe' while locked in blocks or paint, but dangerous in dust form. We know how to remove asbestos, and there are safety guidelines, but it is not cheap. Dan Andrews government has promised to remove all asbestos from schools. Only the Andrews government is hiding reports on which schools are affected and how the asbestos is being removed, if it is. The Matthew Guy conservative opposition are skeptical about the figures Andrews Government has set aside for dealing with the problem. And so the question needs to be asked is Andrews lying in reassuring parents about asbestos his government has not addressed, but promised to? Andrews may never have to face relatives of people affected by mesothelioma because of his government's lies. Then a debate of school girls happens where one, a Mc Rob's student, claims that her school cannot afford to remove asbestos they have on site. It is an excellent debating point and may not be true. Mc Robs is Victoria's leading school for female students. It would ruin their reputation were it to be widely circulated they knowingly have asbestos with their students, because those parents are unlikely to accept that risk. Andrews government lied over Country Fire Association arrangements with the firefighter's union. What is Andrew's government doing to state schooling? 

In 1184 BC, Trojan WarTroy was sacked and burned, according to calculations by Eratosthenes. 173, Marcomannic Wars: The Roman army in Moravia was encircled by the Quadi, who had broken the peace treaty (171). In a violent thunderstorm emperor Marcus Aurelius defeated and subdued them in the so-called "miracle of the rain". 631, Emperor Taizong of Tang, the Emperor of China, sent envoys to the Xueyantuo bearing gold and silk in order to seek the release of enslaved Chinese prisoners captured during the transition from Sui to Tang from the northern frontier; this embassy succeeded in freeing 80,000 Chinese men and women who were then returned to China.

In 1509, Henry VIII of England married Catherine of Aragon. 1594, Philip II recognised the rights and privileges of the local nobles and chieftains in the Philippines, which paved way to the stabilisation of the rule of the Principalía (an elite ruling class of native nobility in Spanish Philippines). 1770, British explorer Captain James Cook ran aground on the Great Barrier Reef1898, the Hundred Days' Reform was started by Guangxu Emperor with a plan to change social, political and educational institutions in China, but was suspended by Empress Dowager Cixi after 104 days. The failed reform though led to the abolition of the Imperial examination in 1905.

1963, Buddhist monk Thích Quảng Đức burned himself with gasoline in a busy Saigon intersection to protest the lack of religious freedom in South Vietnam (North Vietnam's religious persecution was fine?). Also 1963, John F. Kennedy addressed Americans from the Oval Office proposing the Civil Rights Act of 1964 that would revolutionise American society. Proposing equal access to public facilities, end segregation in education and guarantee federal protection for voting rights. 1964, World War II veteran Walter Seifert ran amok in an elementary school in Cologne, Germany, killing at least eight children and two teachers and seriously injuring several more with a home-made flamethrower and a lance. 1968, Lloyd J. Old identified the first cell surface antigens distinguishing cells of different lineages, introducing the concept of cell surface antigens that could differentiate different cell types.
=== from 2016 ===
A Greens activist demanded of Turnbull a promise regarding local hospital funding. He challenged her for receiving the dole. She immediately denied it and took offence. Only she had been on the dole. Instead of looking for work, she was soliciting hand outs. But the minds of many will be on the murder of Christina Grimmie by a guy who suicided immediately after. Christina had been a third place getter on the US version of the Voice in 2014. She was only 22 years old, immensely talented and hard working. We don't yet know why the gunman targeted her. But the violence is emblematic of Obama's failed presidency. We can't afford the politics of division. We need to embrace cultural assets. We need the next President to work to make America great again. And in Australia, we must be very careful, lest we end up with the bill. 

For some, at the moment, the Sex Party has more credibility. 
=== from 2015 ===
The hatred of the left to anything progressive in terms of prosperity is never ending. They long for the glory days to come when banks and financial institutions fail. Part of their current campaign against life is to oppose coal seam gas. It seems that Clive Palmer has paid Alan Jones to campaign against it. This suited Palmer in his successful campaign against the LNP in Queensland. But coal seam gas is the 'planet saving' substance timid environmental campaigners campaigning against Carbon Dioxide have yearned for. It burns clean. For all the fear generated about water tables, managed properly, Coal Seam Gas is safer than wind or solar power for the environment, for extraction and for function. 

Cheating in high schools is becoming an issue with so many devices helpful in aiding it. Overseas, a boy dressed as a girl to help his girlfriend with a test. They were caught. That wasn't the fault of technology, but available online are essays on any subject, or smart phones with incredible functions. A Masterchef candidate was booted for keeping his phone in the competition. He had allegedly used it to get an advantage on acquiring ingredients. The question is how it is dealt with. It is important that pubic tests become cheaper to manage. It is also important that the creation process is given strong recognition, so those who acquire answers without thought don't prosper. 

A boy walking in Martin Place is holding his father's hand as his dad pushes a pram. As images go it would be a great image celebrating fatherhood. Only the boy, who seems about seven or eight years old is carrying a Kalashnikov Rifle copy. It is fun for boys to play wars at home or in a private setting, but to carry it in public is reminiscent of the child abuse perpetrated by Hezbollah. And to do so metres away from the Sydney Siege is thoughtlessness of the father of the highest order. The issue of legality is tricky. If the child can carry that gun in public, can his older cousins? Can it be carried into a chocolate shop? Into a bank? Into parliament? And what happens if a policeman panics? 
From 2014
Thinking of the future is not a luxury. It is an expectation of good government. People want their nation to prosper and that happens with careful planning. However, when Shorten invited someone to think of their future, he wasn't discussing prosperity, but threatening their welfare. That is not the behaviour of someone fit to be leader. 

Reading on the history of the day, I find a fascinating reference to Eratosthenes who created a sieve for finding prime numbers by exhaustion. He also calculated the exact day Troy was sacked and burned .. today, 1184 BC. Alexander the Great died today, 323 BC. A stoic leader fought in a rainstorm and achieved a remarkable victory today, 173 AD. Marcus Aurelius had been leader when a failed peace treaty meant he was surrounded, isolated and inferior in number. Besieged and without water, Aurelius considered surrender .. and then the storm came and the soldiers had all the water they needed. A bit like when we were promised Global Warming would end rain .. but it didn't. As comparisons go, it fails, but is to me, irresistible. 

In 631, the great Chinese Emperor Taizong of Tang sent an envoy with silk to an enemy and freed 80,000 Chinese peoples held prisoner. It wasn't charity. If the slavers had resisted he would have killed them all. In 1837, Boston remained at type, with rioting between Irish and Yankees. On this day in 1920, GOP discussed their leadership in a smoke filled room. The resulting presidencies would juggernaut a great period of prosperity. In '36, surrealists had an exhibition in London. In '37, on this day, Stalin executed eight of his generals. On this day in 1963, Democrat Governor Wallace stood in the door to prevent Black students from going to school. National guard would escort those students to school later that day. A buddhist monk burned himself to death in protest in Vietnam. JFK had a thought bubble about equal rights which Nixon implemented. I guess JFK was thinking of the future. 
Historical perspective on this day
In 1184 BC, Trojan WarTroy was sacked and burned, according to calculations by Eratosthenes. 173, Marcomannic Wars: The Roman army in Moravia was encircled by the Quadi, who had broken the peace treaty (171). In a violent thunderstorm emperor Marcus Aurelius defeated and subdued them in the so-called "miracle of the rain". 631, Emperor Taizong of Tang, the Emperor of China, sent envoys to the Xueyantuo bearing gold and silk in order to seek the release of enslaved Chinese prisoners captured during the transition from Sui to Tang from the northern frontier; this embassy succeeded in freeing 80,000 Chinese men and women who were then returned to China. 786, a Hasanid Alid uprising in Mecca was crushed by the Abbasids at the Battle of FakhkhIdris ibn Abdallah fled to the Maghreb, where he later founded the Idrisid dynasty.

In 1118, Roger of SalernoPrince of Antioch, captured Azaz from the Seljuk Turks. 1157, Albert I of Brandenburg, also called, The Bear (Ger: Albrecht der Bär), became the founder of the Margraviate of BrandenburgGermany and the first Margrave. 1345, the megas doux Alexios Apokaukos, chief minister of the Byzantine Empire, was lynched by political prisoners. 1429, Hundred Years' War: start of the Battle of Jargeau. 1488, Battle of Sauchieburn: fought between rebel Lords and James III of Scotland, resulting in the death of the King. 

In 1509, Henry VIII of England married Catherine of Aragon. 1594, Philip II recognised the rights and privileges of the local nobles and chieftains in the Philippines, which paved way to the stabilisation of the rule of the Principalía (an elite ruling class of native nobility in Spanish Philippines). 1770, British explorer Captain James Cook ran aground on the Great Barrier Reef. 1775, the American Revolutionary War's first naval engagement, the Battle of Machias, resulted in the capture of a small British naval vessel. 1776, the Continental Congressappointed Thomas JeffersonJohn AdamsBenjamin FranklinRoger Sherman, and Robert R. Livingston to the Committee of Five to draft a declaration of independence. 1788, Russian explorer Gerasim Izmailov reached Alaska.

In 1805, a fire consumed large portions of Detroit in the Michigan Territory. 1825, the first cornerstone was laid for Fort Hamilton in New York City. 1837, the Broad Street Riotoccurred in Boston, fuelled by ethnic tensions between Yankees and Irish. 1865, the Naval Battle of Riachuelo was fought on the rivulet Riachuelo (Argentina), between the Paraguayan Navy on one side and the Brazilian Navy on the other. The Brazilian victory was crucial for the later success of the Triple Alliance (BrazilUruguay and Argentina) in the Paraguayan War. 1892, the Limelight Department, one of the world's first film studios, was officially established in Melbourne, Australia. 1895, Paris–Bordeaux–Paris was sometimes called the first automobile race in history or the "first motor race". 1898, Spanish–American War: U.S. war ships set sail for Cuba. Also 1898, the Hundred Days' Reform was started by Guangxu Emperor with a plan to change social, political and educational institutions in China, but was suspended by Empress Dowager Cixi after 104 days. The failed reform though led to the abolition of the Imperial examination in 1905.

In 1901, the boundaries of the Colony of New Zealand were extended by the UK to include the Cook Islands. 1903, a group of Serbian officers stormed royal palace and assassinatedKing Alexander Obrenović and his wife queen Draga. 1907, George Dennett, aided by Gilbert Jessop, dismissed Northamptonshire for 12 runs, the lowest total in first-class cricket. 1917, King Alexander assumed the throne of Greece after his father Constantine I abdicated under pressure by allied armies occupying Athens. 1919, Sir Barton won the Belmont Stakes, becoming the first horse to win the U.S. Triple Crown. 1920, during the U.S. Republican National Convention in Chicago, U.S. Republican Party leaders gathered in a room at the Blackstone Hotel to come to a consensus on their candidate for the U.S. presidential election, leading the Associated Press to first coin the political phrase "smoke-filled room".

In 1935, inventor Edwin Armstrong gave the first public demonstration of FM broadcasting in the United States at Alpine, New Jersey. 1936, the London International Surrealist Exhibitionopened. 1937, Great Purge: The Soviet Union under Joseph Stalin executed eight army leaders. 1938, Second Sino-Japanese War: The Battle of Wuhan started. 1942, World War II: The United States agreed to send Lend-Lease aid to the Soviet Union. 1942, Free French Forces retreated from Bir Hakeim after having successfully delayed the Axis advance. 1944, USS Missouri, the last battleship built by the United States Navy and future site of the signing of the Japanese Instrument of Surrender, was commissioned. 1955, eighty-three spectators were killed and at least 100 were injured after an Austin-Healey and a Mercedes-Benz collide at the 24 Hours of Le Mans, the deadliest ever accident in motorsports. 1956, start of Gal Oya riots, the first reported ethnic riot that targeted minority Sri Lankan Tamils in the Eastern Province. The total number of deaths was reportedly 150.

In 1962, Frank MorrisJohn Anglin and Clarence Anglin allegedly became the only prisoners to escape from the prison on Alcatraz Island. 1963, American Civil Rights MovementGovernor of Alabama George Wallace defiantly stood at the door of Foster Auditoriumat the University of Alabama in an attempt to block two black students, Vivian Malone and James Hood, from attending that school. Later in the day, accompanied by federalised National Guard troops, they were able to register. Also 1963, Buddhist monk Thích Quảng Đứcburned himself with gasoline in a busy Saigon intersection to protest the lack of religious freedom in South Vietnam. Also 1963, John F. Kennedy addressed Americans from the Oval Office proposing the Civil Rights Act of 1964 that would revolutionise American society. Proposing equal access to public facilities, end segregation in education and guarantee federal protection for voting rights. 1964, World War II veteran Walter Seifert ran amok in an elementary school in Cologne, Germany, killing at least eight children and two teachers and seriously injuring several more with a home-made flamethrower and a lance. 1968, Lloyd J. Old identified the first cell surface antigens distinguishing cells of different lineages, introducing the concept of cell surface antigens that could differentiate different cell types.

In 1970, after being appointed on May 15Anna Mae Hays and Elizabeth P. Hoisingtonofficially received their ranks as U.S. Army Generals, becoming the first females to do so. 1971, the U.S. Government forcibly removed the last holdouts to the Native AmericanOccupation of Alcatraz, ending 19 months of control. 1978, Altaf Hussain founded the students' political movement All Pakistan Muhajir Students Organisation (APMSO) in Karachi University. 1981, a Richter scale 6.9 magnitude earthquake at Golbaf, Iran, killed at least 2,000. 1982, the Sentosa Musical Fountain was officially opened as part of the second phase of construction on the island of SentosaSingapore. 1987, Diane AbbottPaul Boateng and Bernie Grant were elected as the first black Parliamentarians in Great Britain. 1998, CompaqComputer paid US$9 billion for Digital Equipment Corporation in the then largest high-tech acquisition. 2001, Timothy McVeigh was executed for his role in the Oklahoma City bombing. 2002, Antonio Meucci was acknowledged as the first inventor of the telephone by the United States Congress. 2004, Cassini–Huygens made its closest flyby of the Saturn moon Phoebe. 2008, Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper made a historic official apology to Canada's First Nations in regard to a residential school abuse in which children were isolated from their homes, families and cultures for a century.

=== Bible Reading ===

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Today's reading: 2 Chronicles 34-36, John 19:1-22 (NIV)

View today's reading on Bible Gateway

Today's Old Testament reading: 2 Chronicles 34-36

Josiah's Reforms
Josiah was eight years old when he became king, and he reigned in Jerusalem thirty-one years. 2 He did what was right in the eyes of the LORD and followed the ways of his father David, not turning aside to the right or to the left.

3 In the eighth year of his reign, while he was still young, he began to seek the God of his father David. In his twelfth year he began to purge Judah and Jerusalem of high places, Asherah poles and idols....

Today's New Testament reading: John 19:1-22

1 Then Pilate took Jesus and had him flogged. 2 The soldiers twisted together a crown of thorns and put it on his head. They clothed him in a purple robe 3 and went up to him again and again, saying, "Hail, king of the Jews!" And they slapped him in the face.
4 Once more Pilate came out and said to the Jews gathered there, "Look, I am bringing him out to you to let you know that I find no basis for a charge against him." 5 When Jesus came out wearing the crown of thorns and the purple robe, Pilate said to them, "Here is the man!"
6 As soon as the chief priests and their officials saw him, they shouted, "Crucify! Crucify!"

=== Morning and Evening ===

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"We live unto the Lord."
Romans 14:8
If God had willed it, each of us might have entered heaven at the moment of conversion. It was not absolutely necessary for our preparation for immortality that we should tarry here. It is possible for a man to be taken to heaven, and to be found meet to be a partaker of the inheritance of the saints in light, though he has but just believed in Jesus. It is true that our sanctification is a long and continued process, and we shall not be perfected till we lay aside our bodies and enter within the veil; but nevertheless, had the Lord so willed it, he might have changed us from imperfection to perfection, and have taken us to heaven at once. Why then are we here? Would God keep his children out of paradise a single moment longer than was necessary? Why is the army of the living God still on the battle-field when one charge might give them the victory? Why are his children still wandering hither and thither through a maze, when a solitary word from his lips would bring them into the centre of their hopes in heaven? The answer is--they are here that they may "live unto the Lord," and may bring others to know his love. We remain on earth as sowers to scatter good seed; as ploughmen to break up the fallow ground; as heralds publishing salvation. We are here as the "salt of the earth," to be a blessing to the world. We are here to glorify Christ in our daily life. We are here as workers for him, and as "workers together with him." Let us see that our life answereth its end. Let us live earnest, useful, holy lives, to "the praise of the glory of his grace." Meanwhile we long to be with him, and daily sing--
"My heart is with him on his throne,
And ill can brook delay;
Each moment listening for the voice,
Rise up, and come away.'"


"They are they which testify of me."
John 5:39

Jesus Christ is the Alpha and Omega of the Bible. He is the constant theme of its sacred pages; from first to last they testify of him. At the creation we at once discern him as one of the sacred Trinity; we catch a glimpse of him in the promise of the woman's seed; we see him typified in the ark of Noah; we walk with Abraham, as he sees Messiah's day; we dwell in the tents of Isaac and Jacob, feeding upon the gracious promise; we hear the venerable Israel talking of Shiloh; and in the numerous types of the law, we find the Redeemer abundantly foreshadowed. Prophets and kings, priests and preachers, all look one way--they all stand as the cherubs did over the ark, desiring to look within, and to read the mystery of God's great propitiation. Still more manifestly in the New Testament we find our Lord the one pervading subject. It is not an ingot here and there, or dust of gold thinly scattered, but here you stand upon a solid floor of gold; for the whole substance of the New Testament is Jesus crucified, and even its closing sentence is bejewelled with the Redeemer's name. We should always read Scripture in this light; we should consider the word to be as a mirror into which Christ looks down from heaven; and then we, looking into it, see his face reflected as in a glass--darkly, it is true, but still in such a way as to be a blessed preparation for seeing him as we shall see him face to face. This volume contains Jesus Christ's letters to us, perfumed by his love. These pages are the garments of our King, and they all smell of myrrh, and aloes, and cassia. Scripture is the royal chariot in which Jesus rides, and it is paved with love for the daughters of Jerusalem. The Scriptures are the swaddling bands of the holy child Jesus; unroll them and you find your Saviour. The quintessence of the word of God is Christ.

=== Bible Quote ===

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I am a decent man and don't care for the abuse given me. I created a video raising awareness of anti police feeling among western communities. I chose the senseless killing of Nicola Cotton, a Louisiana policewoman who joined post Katrina, to highlight the issue. I did this in order to get an income after having been illegally blacklisted from work in NSW for being a whistleblower. I have not done anything wrong. Local council appointees refused to endorse my work, so I did it for free. Youtube's Adsence refused to allow me to profit from their marketing it. Meanwhile, I am hostage to abysmal political leadership and hopeless journalists. My shopfront has opened on Facebook.


I am publishing a book called Bread of Life: January.

Bread of Life is a daily bible quote with a layman's understanding of the meaning. I give one quote for each day, and also a series of personal stories illustrating key concepts eg Who is God? What is a miracle? Why is there tragedy?

January is the first of the anticipated year-long work of thirteen books. One for each month and the whole year. It costs to publish. It (Kindle version) should retail at about $2US online, but the paperback version would cost more, according to production cost.If you have a heart for giving, I fundraise at (Gofundme finished the fund raiser, 2017)


Editorials will appear in the "History in a Year by the Conservative Voice" series, starting with August, September, October, or at Amazon The kindle version is cheaper, but the soft back version allows a free kindle version.

The Amazon Author Page for David Ball

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Other Stuff


I'm now on MAGAbook to sidestep FB censorship


I'm looking for former students to endorse me


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