Monday, March 08, 2021

Mon 8th March 2021 Current Affairs

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Further to the Pope Francis question posted the other day, I ask, who was Phil Haney and why is he dead? Haney was critical of aspects of Pope Francis' spearheading an Abrahamic Faith initiative. As with much touched by the Pope and other globalists, the worthy concept is a shell for distracting the Muslim Brotherhoods terrorist activity from exposure as domestic terrorism from BLM gets called conservative terrorism as a red herring. Why is the Pope going to bat for terrorists? Haney questions the inclusion of terrorist faith as representative of Islamic faith. It had been a mistake of the Obama administration which Haney had resigned from DHS over such issues. But a week after Haney tells a colleague to keep digging, he is thought to have suicided. Yet Haney was near completing a book and risk averse, avoiding flying because he felt it was dangerous. Yet the FBI treated the death as if Hunter had pulled the trigger. 

Pope calls violence in the name of God the greatest blaspheme. Couldn't he have just said it was bad? Poor King David, Moses, Joshua, and Joseph all come acropper on this one. Maybe if Francis had called it the worst Blaspheme we'd have a better sense of his intent? He is saying it is bad, right?

How does one celebrate Redemption? 

Not me, mind you, I’m asking for a friend. My friend has really missed out on life. Very early in their professional career they witnessed a bungled pedophile investigation that went sideways, resulting in the negligence death of a public school boy, covered up by a coroner keen to protect a political party they were beholden to. Coroner blamed the parents and shafted a whistleblower witness. The whistleblower was fat and lost their public service job and had no recourse but move state where they were still unemployable. Nearly thirty years have passed, their life is nearing an end and they have nothing to show for it, except the depraved indifference of bureaucrats which left wing loonies are keen to imbue with more power. 

However, my friend is thankful for God in his life. Sure he has no actual family who’d stand by him. His friends are terrified he is too needy and might ask for help. Big tech companies boot him about because they don’t like his politics supporting economic conservatism and MAGA Trump ideals. So he is booted off FB and Messenger for life, and cannot access decade old emails, photographs, videos or memories he made online. He cannot connect with apps which allow him to connect via FB. And FB sends him messages suggesting he join up, but they won’t accept him. 

It is a Wonderful life, made by Frank Capra in 1946 and is relevant today. Because it illustrates redemption. But, what is redemption for my friend? When McConnell can diss everything my friend has stood for, and spits on him, as he claims another six more years of a snout in the trough lifestyle while a stand up guy is beaten up. How does one celebrate redemption?

=== Bongino Headlines ===
Gov. Cuomo Again Refuses to Resign – Slams Critics as “Anti-Democratic”

Second NY Newspaper Editorial Board Calls for Gov. Cuomo’s Resignation

Biden to Sign Voter Registration Executive Order, Pushes Senate to Pass HR 1

Trump Promises to Travel to Alaska to Campaign Against Sen. Murkowski

Texas Gov. Deploys National Guard, State Troopers to Respond to Growing Border Crisis

Trump Sends Cease and Desist to RNC, NRCC, and NRSC for Using His Name to Fundraise

Capitol Hill
Dem Rep. Malinowski Didn’t Disclose at Least $671k in Stock Trades
Dem Sen. Menendez Has Spent $300k at Morton’s Steakhouse – His PAC Picked Up the Tab
Report: McConnell May Not Finish Out Term
Jason Miller Says Trump Isn’t Considering Pence for VP on Potential 2024 Ticket
GOP Lawmakers Urge Biden to Re-Declare National Emergency at Border
Eight Common Sense Amendments to the Relief Bill Dems Voted Down
Biden Pick for Top Pentagon Post Under Fire for Past Tweets
Child Migrants Could Be Sent To Virginia Military Base Amid Record Surge at Border
Supreme Court Won’t Rule on Legality of Trump’s Order Defunding Sanctuary Cities

Culture War
NY Times Claims It’s “Misinformation” That BLM Was Violent Last Year
The Rise of “Blue Anon”
San Francisco Reporter Robbed On-Air While Filming Segment on Robberies
New Film Exposes Media’s Scandalous Treatment of Covington Kids
NY Dems Propose “Gender Identity” Education for Five-Year-Olds
Activists Call for Elimination of Standardized Testing From College Admissions Process, Citing Racism
AOC Declares Trans Kids “Awesome” – Claims Republicans Are “Obsessing Over People’s Genitals”
Views on George Floyd, BLM Protesters, and Race Relations Changed Drastically the Past Year
Bill Proposed in California That Would Require Children’s Sections in Department Stores to Be Gender Neutral

Europe’s Vaccine Blunders Alarm Global Stock Investors
“Brave” Prepares to Launch Search Engine to Compete With Google
Elon Musk Loses $27 Billion in Under a Week
144 Cities Risk Losing Status as Metro Areas
China Exports Surge 155% in February 2021 vs. 2020
Half of States Show Double-Digit Growth in Job Listings
Why Central Banks Are Gaining Interest in Cryptocurrencies
Coronavirus Relief Bill Offers Convicted Murderers Relief Checks
Senate Passes $1.9 Trillion Coronavirus Relief Bill
Big Tech Getting Big Discount To Hire Foreign Workers Instead of Americans
Prices Surge With 200,000 Fewer Homes on the Market

Swamp Watch
Gov. Cuomo’s Pandemic Book Only Sells 300 Copies in February
Former FBI Boss Expressed Concern FISA Court Was Intentionally Defrauded in Russia Probe
Ilhan Omar Admits Americans Received More Pandemic Aid Under Trump Than Biden
Former ICE Chief Says Biden Has Turned Border Detention Centers Into Welcoming Centers
NIH Spent $1.75 Million on Research Funneled to Chinese Government
Texts Reveal How the FBI’s Cozy Relations With Reporters Often Resulted in Inaccurate Scandal Stories
Devin Nunes: No Explanation for Why House Intel Committee Hasn’t Been Filled Yet
=== Newsmax Headlines ===
Biden Presidency
New Biden Executive Order Increases Voting by Criminals
Barrasso Blasts COVID Stimulus Bill as 'Liberal Wish List'
Biden Nominates 2 Female Generals Whose Promotions Were Delayed
Rep. Mike Gallagher Wants Biden Reversal on Keystone XL Pipeline
Gaetz Blasts Biden for Lack of Press Briefings, Suggests 'Transition' to Harris Underway
Biden Officials Visit Border as Child Migrant Crisis Grows
Manchin Says He'll Push For $11/Hour Minimum Wage
Biden Now Acknowledging Migrant Children Influx at Border

Top New York Lawmaker Calls for Gov. Cuomo's Resignation
The Democratic leader of New York's Senate called for Gov. Andrew Cuomo to resign Sunday amid mounting allegations of sexual harassment and undercounting COVID-19 deaths in nursing homes.... [Full Story]

Related Stories
Another Ex-Aide Calls Cuomo's Office Conduct Inappropriate
Schumer Backs Inquiry After More Women Accuse Cuomo of Sex Misconduct
Cuomo Says ‘No Way’ He’ll Quit After New Allegations Emerge
NY Lawmakers Pass Bill to Limit Cuomo's Emergency Power
Gov. Cuomo Accuser Charlotte Bennett: He Asked to Find Him 'a Girlfriend'
Cuomo Team Rewrote Nursing Home Report to Conceal Death Toll
WH: Report Cuomo Aides Rewrote Nursing Home COVID Data 'Troubling'
The British Broadcasting Corporation has come under fire after a televised panel conversation in which participants debated whether Jews could be considered an ethnic minority.

As the participants spoke, a banner stretched across the bottom of the screen read: “Should Jews Count As An Ethnic Minority?”
VICE Perpetuates Palestinian Refugee Myth, Blames Israel For Hamas’ Attack on Women’s Rights

What could have been an inspiring story about young Palestinians using social media to share their culture with a global audience was used by Vice World News as a cover for attacking Israel.

The piece perpetuates misleading claims about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and omits the fact that terrorist groups are using social media to incite violence.
Media, When Did Diplomacy Become a Dirty Word?

In depicting Israel’s foray into vaccine diplomacy as a cold, calculated political ploy, the media failed to provide crucial context, hence dredging up and perpetuating the ancient stereotype of the greedy, dishonest Jew.

When it comes to the Jewish state, no good deed goes unpunished.
Israel Updating Plans to Strike Iranian Nuclear Sites, Israeli Defense Minister Tells FoxNews (Trey Yingst and Yonat Frilling, Fox News)

The Gross Hypocrisy of the ICC (Nitsana Darshan-Leitner, Israel Hayom)

Will Israel, Saudi Arabia Form the NATO of the Middle East? (Lahav Harkov, Jerusalem Post)

Understanding Jewish Indigeneity to Israel (Noam Rotstain, Algemeiner)

Israeli Deni Avdija Named to NBA’s Rising Stars Team (Rob Charry, Jewish Telegraphic Agency)
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Here is a video I made Free Speech, it is our voice 

This is a fan vid for the IPA ( ). They don't know about it.

I was raised as an Atheist. I learned, after reading the Bible, that God loves me, and you. This is his song for you too. He loves you, and wants to be with you.

All the elements are me and mine. ARIA ISRC number AUAWN1507109
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=== From 2018 ===
Don't give up on hope. Some say that Turnbull is not behind the lynching of Joyce. They say that because too many other actors are involved in it. But that is because Turnbull has no actual control of the forces he unleashed. Turnbull's levers of power involve favouring the Clinton Foundation among others. The Clinton Foundation has a strong presence in ALP, Green and Media circles. The reason why Turnbull falls on the wrong side of many issues is because although Turnbull has paid the Clinton Foundation with Australian money, they own him. Turnbull agrees to an awful people swap deal with Obama because he has no choice. Turnbull is an AGW alarmist because he must be. Turnbull rejects free speech because it is counter to Clinton Foundation interests. And Turnbull won't let go of power because the house of cards will collapse if he does. Turnbull is at odds with Joyce because Joyce was an effective minister and made a powerful case for removing Turnbull, merely by being competent. 

Che Guevara was an awful person. Unworthy of adulation or respect. A picture is being circulated of what looks like Che shooting teen girls while Fidel looks on. It is a snapshot of what socialism is. Socialism is dressed up as a fair go for strugglers. But the crippling, poverty spreading mass murderous cult is nothing more than a criminal syndicate. The girls pictured might really have hated Che. Doesn't give him the right to shoot them. 
=== from 2017 ===
International Mirror Morals Day? Where instead of celebrating Women we make false claims of victimisation. And ALP in Victoria are crashing in the polls. There are lots of reasons for them to crash. Putting aside the obvious rorting of expenses. The claim is both sides do it, then when that fails it is claimed conservatives are richer than ALP. Until one counts the slush funds. Putting aside the throwing away of a billion dollars to not build a road that is needed. Putting aside sending trucks through back streets to avoid exorbitant tolls. Putting aside badly managed infrastructure which is so badly planned that people are inconvenienced for months as central Melbourne escalators and elevators don't work at busy railway stations. Putting aside the debacle of closing down a needed coal power station in favour of unreliable renewables and reliance on states that use coal power. Putting aside a bungled order for water that is not needed from a desalination plant that was supposed to run on wind power but instead will use diesel generators. And still we take water from farmers. Putting aside the government neutering volunteer CFA prior to the fire season. Putting aside rising youth crime and conditions unfavourable for youth employment. Putting aside Dan Andrews making police work more difficult and encouraging vigilante action. Dan Andrews has participated as Premier of Victoria. He has no control over his own party. It isn't his fault. The job is too hard for any one idiot. 

Got on a late train from Parliament Station to Dandenong. The 8:10 ran twelve minutes late. It was packed. Standing room only. My fifty year old 200 Kg frame was forced to stand, holding a back pack and a cooler shopping bag. I couldn't even find a wall to lean against, and stood in the centre of the carriage with an arm raised over my head to hold a rail for balance. Four pretty girls and a young man reading a book were sitting in the priority seating immediately in front of me. The girls were absorbed with their phones, playing games matching colours, or listening to music. The guy had a blood bank t shirt, was built like a soldier just returned from Syria. He was reading a Koran. Dan Andrews is fixing things so there was no escalator access from the street. Thank you Dan Andrews. You might not be popular, but I was not alone in standing for you. But none of those pretty girls would. Or the guy reading the Koran. 
=== from 2016 ===
I told Joe Tripodi about my concerns regarding a bungled pedophile investigation and the death of schoolchild Hamidur Rahman. I was being targeted by people involved possibly with both incidents, and if they couldn't discredit me they might choose to kill me. Joe said he would help represent my interests to parliament. He sent me a letter saying he had contacted the education Minister. Then he sent me the Minister's advice. The minister was fighting to improve teacher salary. The reply was innocuous, but the meaning was sinister. The next year an old school friend of mine who worked for disgraced ALP attorney general Jeff Shaw drafted the NSW Teachers Code of Conduct and applied it to force me to delete my writing. All of it. Millions of words and images. The ALP were hiding the death of a school child and covering up a bungled pedophile investigation. 

For some at the moment, the sex party has more credibility. 
=== from 2015 ===
The greatest predictor of behaviour is past behaviour. Or in the ALP's case, current behaviour. The Queensland and Victorian governments are doing much to show how a corrupt NSW Victorian government will behave. In Queensland,  unready Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk has told her Attorney-General Yvette D’Ath to overturn the bikie laws Newman championed. That frees up drug running and terrorist linked communications. D'Ath had chaired the Australian Federal Government's privileges committee which found nothing wrong with Craig Thomson's misappropriating union money from the poorest workers to pay for prostitutes. In her defence, Craig Thomson had no problem with it either. In Victoria, Premier Andrews has moved to scrap the building code preventing corrupt unions from standing over businesses and establishing slush funds. The threat is not imaginary. Recently, the superannuation fund CBUS leaked the home addresses and details of 300 employees of builders to the CFMEU. There is no record of anyone being killed as a result. Yet. Andrews is also giving away money to avoid building a needed road. 

International women's day, but the press seem confused, and actually seem to laud things which hurt most females, mothers. A radio boss gives away condoms to prevent their female employees falling pregnant. Work life balance is a catch phrase for business management and it isn't friendly to mothers very often. But everyone has or has had a mother. Children are resilient, but good mothering can help a child carry that resilience into adulthood. It isn't an accident when it happens. It os true that many extraordinary women juggle work and family. Many happy women choose the life of work over family. But most women become mothers and a day that celebrates them should not demean them. 

Meanwhile federal ALP are campaigning on Green issues using kittens. It is a distraction from the fact that Bill Shorten has no policy on any issue. In one advert, a praying kitten in a park asks for no coal seam gas. Coal seam gas is safe to extract and very good for the environment. But the kitten opposes CSG because it doesn't want cheap energy to support poor people. Just like the ALP. Who knew that the largest killer of Australian native fauna voted ALP?
From 2014
Northampton County of Virginia Colony in 1655, the law recognised the right of a black man to own a black man. John Casor had argued he was not a slave, but a freedman working as an indentured servant. The premise being that he would one day be free to own his own land. His former master disagreed, and the court ruled John was a slave for life. Although he would never own a tobacco farm, his hope of freedom was smoked. One hundred and twenty years later, a paper was written asking for abolition of slavery. Another ninety years after that, the first GOP President made sure that slavery was abolished. Justice is slow. From Lincoln, one had to wait until Nixon for equal rights. Maybe freedom would have come faster if there were no Democrats. We will never know. 

Kepler's brilliant third law "The square of the orbital period of a planet is proportional to the cube of the semi-major axis of its orbit."was discovered on this day in 1618. It tells us how long a year would be for a planet with a known orbit. It was an insight as powerful as any of Ramanujan's, but explicable. Kepler was a rational, religious man. His mother had been denounced as a witch in 1615, but Johannes managed to have her freed. If she had cast a spell, she never did it again.
Historical perspective on this day
1010 – Ferdowsi completes his epic poem Shahnameh.
1126 – Following the death of his mother Urraca, Alfonso VII is proclaimed king of Castile and León.
1576 – Spanish explorer Diego García de Palacio first sights the ruins of the ancient Mayan city of Copán.
1618 – Johannes Kepler discovers the third law of planetary motion.
1655 – John Casor becomes the first legally-recognized slave in England's North American colonies where a crime was not committed.
1658 – Treaty of Roskilde: After a devastating defeat in the Northern Wars (1655–1661), Frederick III, the King of Denmark–Norway is forced to give up nearly half his territory to Sweden to save the rest.

1702 – Queen Anne, the younger sister of Mary II, becomes Queen regnant of EnglandScotland, and Ireland.
1722 – The Safavid Empire of Iran is defeated by an army from Afghanistan at the Battle of Gulnabad, pushing Iran into anarchy.
1736 – Nader Shah, founder of the Afsharid dynasty, is crowned Shah of Iran.
1775 – An anonymous writer, thought by some to be Thomas Paine, publishes "African Slavery in America", the first article in the American colonies calling for the emancipation of slaves and the abolition of slavery.
1777 – Regiments from Ansbach and Bayreuth, sent to support Great Britain in the American Revolutionary War, mutiny in the town of Ochsenfurt.
1782 – Gnadenhutten massacre: Ninety-six Native Americansin Gnadenhutten, Ohio, who had converted to Christianity are killed by Pennsylvania militiamen in retaliation for raids carried out by other Indian tribes.

1801 – War of the Second Coalition: At the Battle of Abukir, a British force under Sir Ralph Abercromby lands in Egypt with the aim of ending the French campaign in Egypt and Syria.
1817 – The New York Stock Exchange is founded.
1844 – King Oscar I ascends to the thrones of Sweden and Norway.
1862 – American Civil War: The Naval Battle of Hampton Roads begins.
1868 – Sakai incident: Japanese samurai kill 11 French sailors in the port of Sakai, Osaka.
1910 – French aviator Raymonde de Laroche becomes the first woman to receive a pilot's license.
1914 – First flights (for the Royal Thai Air Force) at Don Mueang International Airport in Bangkok.
1916 – World War I: A British force unsuccessfully attempts to relieve the siege of Kut (present-day Iraq) in the Battle of Dujaila.
1917 – International Women's Day protests in St. Petersburgmark the beginning of the February Revolution (February 23rd in the Julian calendar).
1917 – The United States Senate votes to limit filibusters by adopting the cloture rule.

1920 – The Arab Kingdom of Syria, the first modern Arab state to come into existence, is established.
1921 – Spanish Prime Minister Eduardo Dato Iradier is assassinated while exiting the parliament building in Madrid.
1924 – A mine disaster kills 172 coal miners near Castle Gate, Utah.
1936 – Daytona Beach and Road Course holds its first oval stock car race.
1937 – Spanish Civil War: The Battle of Guadalajara begins.
1942 – World War IIImperial Japanese Army forces gave ultimatum to Dutch East Indies Governor General Jonkheer Tjarda van Starkenborgh Stachouwer and KNIL Commander in Chief Lieutenant General Hein Ter Poorten, to unconditionally surrender.
1942 – World War IIImperial Japanese Army forces captured RangoonBurma from British.
1947 – Thirteen thousand troops of the Republic of China Army arrive in Taiwan after the February 28 Incident and launch crackdowns which kill thousands of people, including many elites. This turns into a major root of the Taiwan independence movement.
1949 – Mildred Gillars ("Axis Sally") is condemned to prison for treason.
1949 – President of France Vincent Auriol and ex-emperor of Annam Bảo Đại sign the Élysée Accords, giving Vietnamgreater independence from France and creating the State of Vietnam to oppose Viet Minh-led Democratic Republic of Vietnam.

1957 – Egypt re-opens the Suez Canal after the Suez Crisis.
1957 – The 1957 Georgia Memorial to Congress, which petitions the U.S. Congress to declare the ratification of the 14th and 15th Amendments to the U.S. Constitution null and void, is adopted by the U.S. state of Georgia.
1957 – Ghana joins the United Nations.
1963 – The Ba'ath Party comes to power in Syria in a coup d'état by a clique of quasi-leftist Syrian Army officers calling themselves the National Council of the Revolutionary Command.
1965 – Thirty-five hundred United States Marines are the first American land combat forces committed during the Vietnam War.
1965 – DPR/MPR building in Jakarta, Indonesia formally opened.
1966 – Nelson's Pillar in Dublin, Ireland, destroyed by a bomb.

1971 – The Fight of the Century between Joe Frazier and Muhammad Ali commences. Frazier wins in 15 rounds via unanimous decision.
1974 – Charles de Gaulle Airport opens in Paris, France.
1978 – The first radio episode of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, by Douglas Adams, is transmitted on BBC Radio 4.
1979 – Philips demonstrates the compact disc publicly for the first time.
1983 – While addressing a convention of Evangelicals, U.S. President Ronald Reagan labels the Soviet Union an "evil empire".
1985 – A supposed failed assassination attempt on Islamic cleric Sayyed Mohammad Hussein Fadlallah in Beirut, Lebanonkills at least 45 and injures 175 others.
2004 – A new constitution is signed by Iraq's Governing Council.
2014 – Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, carrying a total of 239 people, disappears en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing.
2016 – A total solar eclipse occurs, with totality visible from Indonesia and the North Pacific.

=== Bible Reading ===

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Today's reading: Deuteronomy 1-3, Mark 10:32-52 (NIV)

View today's reading on Bible Gateway

Today's Old Testament reading: Deuteronomy 1-3

The Command to Leave Horeb
1 These are the words Moses spoke to all Israel in the wilderness east of the Jordan--that is, in the Arabah--opposite Suph, between Paran and Tophel, Laban, Hazeroth and Dizahab. 2 (It takes eleven days to go from Horeb to Kadesh Barnea by the Mount Seir road.)

Today's New Testament reading: Mark 10:32-52

Jesus Predicts His Death a Third Time
32 They were on their way up to Jerusalem, with Jesus leading the way, and the disciples were astonished, while those who followed were afraid. Again he took the Twelve aside and told them what was going to happen to him. 33 "We are going up to Jerusalem," he said, "and the Son of Man will be delivered over to the chief priests and the teachers of the law. They will condemn him to death and will hand him over to the Gentiles, 34 who will mock him and spit on him, flog him and kill him. Three days later he will rise...."

=== Morning and Evening ===

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March 7: Morning
"Have faith in God." - Mark 11:22
Faith is the foot of the soul by which it can march along the road of the commandments. Love can make the feet move more swiftly; but faith is the foot which carries the soul. Faith is the oil enabling the wheels of holy devotion and of earnest piety to move well; and without faith the wheels are taken from the chariot, and we drag heavily. With faith I can do all things; without faith I shall neither have the inclination nor the power to do anything in the service of God. If you would find the men who serve God the best, you must look for the men of the most faith. Little faith will save a man, but little faith cannot do great things for God. Poor Little-faith could not have fought "Apollyon;" it needed "Christian" to do that. Poor Little-faith could not have slain "Giant Despair;" it required "Great-heart's" arm to knock that monster down. Little faith will go to heaven most certainly, but it often has to hide itself in a nut-shell, and it frequently loses all but its jewels. Little-faith says, "It is a rough road, beset with sharp thorns, and full of dangers; I am afraid to go;" but Great-faith remembers the promise, "Thy shoes shall be iron and brass; as thy days, so shall thy strength be:" and so she boldly ventures. Little-faith stands desponding, mingling her tears with the flood; but Great-faith sings, "When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee:" and she fords the stream at once. Would you be comfortable and happy? Would you enjoy religion? Would you have the religion of cheerfulness and not that of gloom? Then "have faith in God." If you love darkness, and are satisfied to dwell in gloom and misery, then be content with little faith; but if you love the sunshine, and would sing songs of rejoicing, covet earnestly this best gift, "great faith."
"It is better to trust in the Lord, than to put confidence in man." - Psalm 118:8
Doubtless the reader has been tried with the temptation to rely upon the things which are seen, instead of resting alone upon the invisible God. Christians often look to man for help and counsel, and mar the noble simplicity of their reliance upon their God. Does this evening's portion meet the eye of a child of God anxious about temporals, then would we reason with him awhile. You trust in Jesus, and only in Jesus, for your salvation, then why are you troubled? "Because of my great care." Is it not written, "Cast thy burden upon the Lord"? "Be careful for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication make known your wants unto God." Cannot you trust God for temporals? "Ah! I wish I could." If you cannot trust God for temporals, how dare you trust him for spirituals? Can you trust him for your soul's redemption, and not rely upon him for a few lesser mercies? Is not God enough for thy need, or is his all-sufficiency too narrow for thy wants? Dost thou want another eye beside that of him who sees every secret thing? Is his heart faint? Is his arm weary? If so, seek another God; but if he be infinite, omnipotent, faithful, true, and all-wise, why gaddest thou abroad so much to seek another confidence? Why dost thou rake the earth to find another foundation, when this is strong enough to bear all the weight which thou canst ever build thereon? Christian, mix not only thy wine with water, do not alloy thy gold of faith with the dross of human confidence. Wait thou only upon God, and let thine expectation be from him. Covet not Jonah's gourd, but rest in Jonah's God. Let the sandy foundations of terrestrial trust be the choice of fools, but do thou, like one who foresees the storm, build for thyself an abiding place upon the Rock of Ages.

=== Bible Quote ===

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=== Message ===

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I am a decent man and don't care for the abuse given me. I created a video raising awareness of anti police feeling among western communities. I chose the senseless killing of Nicola Cotton, a Louisiana policewoman who joined post Katrina, to highlight the issue. I did this in order to get an income after having been illegally blacklisted from work in NSW for being a whistleblower. I have not done anything wrong. Local council appointees refused to endorse my work, so I did it for free. Youtube's Adsence refused to allow me to profit from their marketing it. Meanwhile, I am hostage to abysmal political leadership and hopeless journalists. My shopfront has opened on Facebook.


I am publishing a book called Bread of Life: January.

Bread of Life is a daily bible quote with a layman's understanding of the meaning. I give one quote for each day, and also a series of personal stories illustrating key concepts eg Who is God? What is a miracle? Why is there tragedy?

January is the first of the anticipated year-long work of thirteen books. One for each month and the whole year. It costs to publish. It (Kindle version) should retail at about $2US online, but the paperback version would cost more, according to production cost.If you have a heart for giving, I fundraise at (Gofundme finished the fund raiser, 2017)


Editorials will appear in the "History in a Year by the Conservative Voice" series, starting with August, September, October, or at Amazon The kindle version is cheaper, but the soft back version allows a free kindle version.

The Amazon Author Page for David Ball

UK ..

French ..

Japan ..

German ..


Other Stuff


I'm now on MAGAbook to sidestep FB censorship


I'm looking for former students to endorse me


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