Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Wed 31st March 2021 Current Affairs

Editorial, an Easter Message

Nothing lasts forever. My time is nearly up. I have relied on a 2013 era laptop to get through my 28 published books and online work. My ERTAON keys are all faded to smears as opposed to letters, and I only recognise them by position. This morning, I dropped my computer and now the screen is partly obscured by crisscrossing bands. I'm taking it to maintenance, but have little hope it won't be expensive. A comparable modern computer would cost me over $8k Australian, without insurance. I need to upgrade my phone, my iPad, my refrigerator and my calculator too, to be of a work standard for school. I can do without the latter for a time, but the loss of my computer is a blow. I went to Centrelink to organise a loan. They could loan me $500. I can't get a loan from a bank. The end comes with a rush, and a little whimper. I am proud of what I have achieved. I believe I can still follow through with daily postings to complete my video projects of Bible Reading, Bible Quotes and Morning and Evening. I will leave behind my 28 books. I explain to my students that to tell the truth, one must sometimes lie. The truth is I love God. I understate my issues, so as to not detract from my message of love for God. But in understating my issues, I am lying. The fact that I will eventually fail, falling from my stage, does not mean God is not working powerfully in my life. 

I tell people not to fight the Devil, but resist it. The Devil is fought by God, and has lost, The Devil has no future, but a black pit from which there is no escape. But, if one tries to fight the Devil, they can end up dancing to its' tune. It is not my job to be immortal. But it is my job to do my best. I thank Jesus for my life. 

Editorial on Genealogy fail

It is ok to fail, but better to be successful. MyHeritage had DNA linked me to a US based cousin. We have separate trees without common ancestors, but Ball is prominent in each. MyHeritage used generic trees to link us, providing me with a map. A common ancestor, it turned out, was the Potomac Ball line which includes George Washington. I immediately set about disproving the link in the hopes I would be unsuccessful. But I succeeded!

My family 'Ball' line goes to Salford, Manchester in the mid 1800's. We believe the line originated in County Cork, Ireland. However, Potomac Ball line originates in Manchester circa 1600. I'm confident, if I can research that far, I'll find a Potomac Ball before their migration to the New World as tobacco farmers. My Salford line includes a James Ball in mid 1800's whose father I've not yet found. It may have been a George Ball. The Potomac line includes a mid 1800 George Ball. However the Potomac George Ball would have been 9 years old when his first son was conceived. Unlikely. More likely is that my DNA linked cousin could not find their match and searched the Potomac way as a possible compromise. 

My search continues for family. 
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Tucker Carlson absolutely destroyed Juan Williams in this must-see video. In this episode, I discuss the fireworks. I also address the outrageous push for “vaccine passports,” and the pushback by this conservative Governor.

News Picks:

=== Bongino Headlines ===
Psaki Attempts to Explain Why Migrant Kids Are Getting In-Person Schooling Before Americans

China Strengthens Control Over Hong Kong

Dems’ Background Check Gun Control Bill Already Tanking

Kayleigh McEnany to Co-Host “Outnumbered”

Biden Courts Far-Left to Advance Agenda

Biden Admin Spends Nearly $100M on Hotels for Illegals

Capitol Hill
Kamala Laughs Maniacally About Parents Who Can’t Send Kids to School
Biden Announces First List of Federal Judicial Nominees
Trump Establishes New ‘45’ Website
Amazon Started a Social Media War With Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren Because Jeff Bezos Got Mad: Report
White House Attempts to Quell Confusion About What Exactly Kamala Harris Does as “Border Czar”
Brian Kemp: Stacey Abrams Making Money Off Election Bill Disinformation
Sen. Schumer Explores Ways to Pass Biden’s Next Spending Package Without Republicans
SCOTUS Denies Bid for Hillary Clinton Deposition About Emails
Biden Touts Progress on Fighting Coronavirus While CDC Chief Warns Sky Is Falling
Eric Greitens Leads Big in Missouri Senate Primary

Culture War
Trump Rips Birx and Fauci in Scathing Statement
SCOTUS Takes Up Dismemberment Abortion Case
Gina Carano Slams Former Dem Senator Heidi Heitkamp for Accusing Her of Being a Nazi on TV
U.S. Church Attendance Falls Below 50% for the First Time
Oxford to Possibly Remove Sheet Music From Music Curriculum, Citing Colonialism Concerns
Oregon Bill Would Force Teachers to Be Subject to “Anti-Bias Training” Propaganda
Journalists Attack the Powerless Then Play the Victim
Legal Activists Take Fight Against Critical Race Theory to the Courts
Kristi Noem Vetoes Bill That Protects Women’s Sports – Signs Two Executive Orders Aimed at Protecting Them

One of World’s Largest Hidden Fortunes Wiped Out in Days
Thirteen States Aren’t Offering a Tax Break on Unemployment Benefits Received Last Year
Free States Are Doing Much Better Than Lockdown States
Ex-Blackrock Exec Says Green Investing “Definitely Not Going to Work”
Result in Alabama Amazon Unionization Vote Likely a Week Away
Little-Known Hedge Fund Archegos Causes Chaos on Wall Street
Volkswagen Accidentally Leaks New Name for U.S. Operations
GOP Lawmakers Take Stand Against Vaccine Passports
The Income Tax Filing Deadline for Every State
Facebook and Google Plan to Build Subsea Cables Between U.S. and Southeast Asia

Swamp Watch
Judge Drops Terrorism Charges for Men Accused in Alleged Michigan Gov. Kidnapping Plot
CCP-Linked Peter Daszak Has Long-Standing Relationship With Dr. Fauci
Vox Attempts to Prove That America Has a Gun Problem, Ends Up Doing the Opposite
WHO Report Led By China On Chinese Lab Expected to Say Exactly What China Wants It to Say
Border Crisis Sees Family Groups Crossing Border in Record Numbers
Amazon Shows Its Dedication to Exploiting Blue-Collar Workers With Its Weak Attempts to Correct Dangerous Labor Conditions
Chinese Propaganda Machine in High Gear Over Xinjiang Cultural Genocide
Head Fact Checker at WaPo Spreads Disinformation About Georgia’s New Election Reforms
Insane Yale Professor Fired After Diagnosing Trump as Insane
Amazon Workers Who Praise the Company Reap Rewards
Memos: Hunter Biden and Business Partner Attempted to Assist Fugitive Ukrainian Oligarch Indicted by Obama Admin
=== Newsmax Headlines ===

Biden Presidency
Moderate Dems Assail Progressives' Biden Access
Mark Morgan: 30K Migrants Released Into US Since January
Blackburn Seeks Answers on $89.6M Migrant Hotel Contract
Rep. Mike Turner: Biden Putting 'Blackout' on Border Crisis
Congress Seeks to Limit Biden's War Powers
Biden Court Picks Include First Muslim-American Federal Nominee
Spec Ops Diversity Czar Reassigned for Divisive Posts

Olympics-USOPC Sets Rules for Protests at US Olympic Trials
Athletes competing in the U.S. Olympic trials can protest, the United States Olympic & Paralympic Committee (USOPC) said on Tuesday, including kneeling or raising a clenched fist on the podium or at the start line during the national anthem.In a detailed document, the USOPC...... [Full Story]

3rd Suit Filed Challenging Georgia Election Overhaul Law
A third federal lawsuit challenging Georgia's new election law has [Full Story]
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Here is a video I made Clancy of the Overflow 

"Clancy of The Overflow" is a poem by Banjo Paterson, first published in The Bulletin, an Australian news magazine, on 21 December 1889. The poem is typical of Paterson, offering a romantic view of rural life, and is one of his best-known works.
The music is from Albert Arlen's setting in 1955
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=== From 2018 ===
Don't give up on hope. One has to be proportionate in all things or one loses proportion. For example, Andrew Bolt correctly calls out the egregious error in MamaMia when they call out an all white panel on Sunrise for correctly noting that much that has been denounced as a stolen generation is the result of aid. Andrew also correctly points out that ball tampering is wrong in international cricket. But it is the weight Bolt puts on these issues that suggests a lack of proportion. Underpinning support for hysteria over the alleged stolen generation is racism. We don't do things today we used to. But it is not wrong to save an aboriginal child now or then. There is no evidence supporting the allegation of a stolen generation based on ethnic cleansing. There is a lot of evidence that aid is diverted from Aborigines because of the myth of a stolen generation. Mamamia would place rape victims into the hands of their abusers. Because of race. That is wrong and the enormity of it must never be accepted. Bolt then addresses Australia's ball tampering in cricket in South Africa. Ball tampering is wrong and needs to be addressed. It is on the scale of slow over rates, mankadding or falling over for no reason in soccer, hoping to attract a penalty. It is a bad part of sport and must be stamped out. It is not the same as gambling, insider trading or ethnic cleansing. Administrative penalties like a percentage of a match fee apply. But the career ending penalties thrown at young players for a professional foul do not deserve the weight Bolt attributes to them. It is not the fault of Steve Waugh being successful. It was alleged by the persecutor, James Sutherland, an isolated incident. Like Ian Meckiff removed from the sport for throwing. But since then rules were changed to allow Muttiah Muralitharan. In some ways it may be argued Smith, Warner and Bancroft were guilty of being the wrong race in South Africa. It is lucky they don't farm. 
=== from 2017 ===
Some things should not happen, but they do. Government is not a good innovator. The NBN project, which is costing Australia $40 billion, will deliver slower speeds than competitors would offer if they weren't banned. People defending restrictions on free speech make erroneous claims regarding what amendments to the legislation would do. They claim rude people would be able to speak. The problem is decent people who have not been rude are being silenced. The current legislation does not protect Jews from being vilified, but will prevent a journalist from highlighting abuses of power and corruption. Does your local member oppose free speech? The entire ALP, Greens and some independents are very outspoken in opposing free speech. Today, electric power became scarcer in Victoria with the shutting down of a coal powered generator that provided about a quarter of energy needs. South Australian type brownouts can be expected to follow. 
=== from 2016 ===
Mismanagement by Malcolm Turnbull is making the upcoming election close. ALP Leader Bill Shorten is not a credible alternative, and so voters, who are compelled to vote, have little choice. They want a conservative government, but Turnbull is not offering that. Do we vote for the incompetent Turnbull, or the corrupt Shorten? It is Hobson's choice where the only option isn't worthwhile either. The best outcome for Australia would be every electorate to vote Liberal, except, Turnbull's electorate to vote Green. 

Get Up are complaining that Turnbull has promised to end federal funding for public schools. They are already funded by the state governments. Federal funding has merely placed extremely expensive plaques with ALP names in school halls. No expense has been spared. The taxpayer has funded immortality of ALP corruption, and Get Up! want it to continue. 

For some, at the moment, the Sex Party has more credibility. 
=== from 2015 ===
In 2014, a 'man' who had married a 16 yo girl when he was 46 years old, killed her eight years later after she questioned his manhood. Henry VIII did much the same with Catherine Howard after two years. Today, it is alleged a Lebanese ethnic man, aged 58, returned a day early from a holiday in Lebanon to 'surprise his wife.'  This morning, before 7am he stabbed her to death and wounded his teenage daughter, before turning himself into police. There is something very wrong with these so called men. Did this latest victim question his manhood? And so what if they did? Couldn't the 'man' do something more traditional, like have an argument? Call out Expecto Patronum? Divorce? Gamble the money away? 

In the last year of the dying Gillard Government, a desperate Home Secretary, Jason Clare, announced that cheating and drugs in sport was endemic. It had nothing to do with his love of sport, Clare was fighting to prevent Rudd from coming back. And his lever was to cast an aspersion on two codes, AFL and ARL through the agency of ASADA. But although both codes have been terribly affected by the desperate manoeuvre, nothing has panned the way it was hoped. Cheating and drugs are not endemic to sport in Australia, Rudd Gillard ALP governments are in the past. Their murderous policies are still promoted by a fawning press. 

QLD is reeling after their minority government is found to contain a member who hasn't declared a past. But that member is very close to senior ALP members. How much was known of Billy Gordon before it became public, post election? QLD Premier is demanding a bye election. Maybe a general one would be better? Already it is apparent that the population had been hoodwinked by the press into a protest vote they didn't want. 

ABC is reeling as a lone conservative got into their Q and A Audience. It won't happen again, but was very embarrassing for Senator Wong. Wong is famous for losing over $100 billion while being finance minister. But she is currently better known as a liar claiming $100k degrees are the price of reform to higher education, when in fact no degrees would be the result of not reforming. 

On this day in 1492, the Alhambra decree from Queen Isabella of Castille ordered 150,000 subjects who were Jewish or Muslim to convert to Christianity or be expelled from Spain. In 1717, a Sermon on the nature of the Kingdom of Christ threw England into disarray. Generally the church had been subservient to the state, but with the theology espoused by Benjamin Hoadly suggested that kings were not divinely appointed, so much as equal with any faithful member of the state, as the Kingdom of Christ was not the world. It was called the Bangorian controversy and came too close to the unsettled throne for the comfort of royalty. In 1774, Britain closed the port of Boston for being too unruly. In 1822, an attempted rebellion against the Ottomans by the Greek Island of Chios resulted in the massacre of tens of thousands on the Island, resulting in world wide support for a free Greece. The uprising had been depicted by the French artist Eugène Delacroix. In 1854, Japan opened to trade internationally when Commodore Perry signed an instrument of the Treaty of Kanagawa. In 1889, the Eiffel Tower official opened. In 1913, Skandalkonzert, where the Vienna Concert society rioted during a performance of modern music. 1918, daylight savings went into effect in the US for the first time. In 1942, Japan invaded Christmas Island. In 1945, a defecting German pilot gave the allies a jet. In 1959, the 14th Dalai Lama was granted asylum after crossing into India. 
From 2014
Putting religion aside, if indeed it involves religion, I don't understand why a 46 year old man would marry a 16 year old girl. The world view is completely different for both. The guy is probably particularly rich or immature or both. I get it that some women are forced into bondage, so maybe the girls hasn't much choice. But in this particular case, there was choice and in eight years, she gave him three children. She was 24 years old when he stabbed her repeatedly. He killed her. And then called emergency and said there was a problem with his wife. It is worse than Prince Charles and Diana. The older man chose a mate and then mistreated her. In Australia, one feels that such a situation would be treated fairly, and the man who committed such a crime would get murder. However, in Australia this happened, and the man was only convicted of a lesser charge of manslaughter. The judge accepted the defence that the man had been provoked by having his manhood questioned. If that is the case, perhaps a new charge can be brought against the man under 18c? Or does 18c mean that the woman could have been charged had she lived? Maybe I misunderstand 18c, but with due respect, he was provoked. Something happened. Surely a law which protects people should, um, protect people? Maybe he wasn't able to resort to 18c ("I'm suing you because you are provoking me") and just used the knife instead. So, what was the problem with the wife which required an emergency call? She would never again cook a meal or clean the dishes .. in his defence, she was 24 years old, and so not the same girl he married. Clearly someone does not understand what marriage is. There is no evidence he is gay. If he was a religious man, it would be good to hear his religious teachers speak up and denounce his actions.

There is a western history of women marrying young. Fausta, daughter of Emperor Maximian, was betrothed to Emperor Constantine age 4 in 293 AD. She married him on this day in 307 age 18 after he had divorced his first wife. He had her killed, smothered in a bath when she was 37 years old. The accusation is she had had an affair with a stepson. Maybe she had questioned Constantine's manhood? Even so, as a Christian, I will say Constantine was wrong to kill his wife. But I felt the same way when I was an Atheist too. I'm not saying that the 54 year old should be put to death for the murder of his wife, we don't do that in Australia. But I feel he should be charged with her murder EVEN IF HE WAS PROVOKED. Considering the young age at which he married his wife, I feel that prisoners should be made aware of his pedophile nature too.
Historical perspective on this day
In 307, after divorcing his wife MinervinaConstantine married Fausta, the daughter of the retired Roman Emperor Maximian. 627, Battle of the TrenchMuhammad underwent a 14-day siege at Medina (Saudi Arabia) by Meccan forces under Abu Sufyan. 1146, Bernard of Clairvaux preached his famous sermon in a field at Vézelay, urging the necessity of a Second CrusadeLouis VII was present, and joined the Crusade. 1492, Queen Isabella of Castille issued the Alhambra Decree, ordering her 150,000 Jewish and Muslim subjects to convert to Christianity or face expulsion. 1561, the city of San Cristóbal, Táchira was founded. 1717, a sermon on "The Nature of the Kingdom of Christ" by Benjamin Hoadly, the Bishop of Bangor, provoked the Bangorian Controversy. 1774, American Revolutionary War: The Kingdom of Great Britain ordered the port of BostonMassachusetts closed pursuant to the Boston Port Act.

In 1822, The massacre of the population of the Greek island of Chios by soldiers of the Ottoman Empire following an attempted rebellion, depicted by the French artist Eugène Delacroix. 1854, Commodore Matthew Perry signed the Treaty of Kanagawa with the Japanese government, opening the ports of Shimoda and Hakodate to American trade. 1866, the Spanish Navy bombed the harbour of Valparaíso, Chile. 1877, the family with samuraiantecedents that responded to the Saigō army in Ōita Nakatsu, rebels. 1885, the United Kingdom established a protectorate over Bechuanaland. 1889, the Eiffel Tower was officially opened. 1899, Malolos, capital of the First Philippine Republicwas captured by American forces.

In 1901, 1901 Black Sea earthquake. 1903, Richard Pearse allegedly made a powered flight in an early aircraft. 1906, the Intercollegiate Athletic Association of the United States (later the National Collegiate Athletic Association) was established to set rules for college sports in the United States. 1909, Serbia accepted Austrian control over Bosnia and Herzegovina. Also 1909, Construction of the ill fated RMS Titanic began. 1910, six North Staffordshire Pottery towns federate to form modern Stoke-on-Trent. 1913, the Vienna Concert Society rioted during a performance of modernist music by Arnold SchoenbergAlban BergAlexander von Zemlinsky, and Anton von Webern, causing a premature end to the concert due to violence; this concert became known as the Skandalkonzert. 1917, the United States takes possession of the Danish West Indies after paying $25 million to Denmark, and renames the territory the United States Virgin Islands. 1918, Massacre of ethnic Azerbaijanis was committed by allied armed groups of Armenian Revolutionary Federation and Bolsheviks. Nearly 12,000 Azerbaijani Muslims were killed. Also 1918, Daylight saving time went into effect in the United States for the first time.

In 1921, the Royal Australian Air Force was formed. 1930, the Motion Picture Production Code was instituted, imposing strict guidelines on the treatment of sex, crime, religion and violence in film, in the U.S., for the next thirty-eight years. 1931, an earthquakedestroyed Managua, Nicaragua, killing 2,000. Also 1931, TWA Flight 599 crashed near Bazaar, Kansas, killing eight, including University of Notre Dame head football coach Knute Rockne. 1933, the Civilian Conservation Corps was established with the mission of relieving rampant unemployment in the United States. 1942, World War IIJapanese forces invaded Christmas Island, then a British possession. 1945, World War II: a defecting German pilot delivered a Messerschmitt Me 262A-1, the world's first operational jet-powered fighter aircraft, to the Americans, the first to fall into Allied hands. 1949, the Dominion of Newfoundland joined the Canadian Confederation and became the 10th Province of Canada.

In 1951, Remington Rand delivered the first UNIVAC I computer to the United States Census Bureau. 1957, Elections to the Territorial Assembly of the French colony Upper Volta were held. After the elections PDU and MDV formed a government. 1958, in the Canadian federal election, the Progressive Conservatives, led by John Diefenbaker, won the largest percentage of seats in Canadian history, with 208 seats of 265. 1959, the 14th Dalai Lama, crossed the border into India and was granted political asylum. 1964, a coup d'état in Brazil established a military government, under the aegis of general Castelo Branco. 1966, the Soviet Unionlaunched Luna 10 which later became the first space probe to enter orbit around the Moon. 1970, Explorer 1 re-entered the Earth's atmosphere after 12 years in orbit. 1979, the last British soldier left the Maltese Islands. Malta declared its Freedom Day (Jum il-Helsien).

In 1980, the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railroad operated its final train after being ordered to liquidate its assets because of bankruptcy and debts owed to creditors. 1985 the first WrestleMania, the biggest wrestling event from the WWE (then the WWF), took place in Madison Square Garden in New York. 1986, six metropolitan county councils were abolished in England. 1990, approximately 200,000 protestors took to the streets of London to protest against the newly introduced Poll Tax. 1991, Georgian independence referendum, 1991: Nearly 99 percent of the voters supported the country's independence from the Soviet Union. 1992, the USS Missouri, the last active United States Navy battleship, was decommissioned in Long Beach, California. 1994, the journal Nature reported the finding in Ethiopia of the first complete Australopithecus afarensis skull. 1995, end of the US military campaign in Somalia 2004, Iraq War in Anbar Province: In Fallujah, Iraq, four American private military contractorsworking for Blackwater USA, were killed after being ambushed.

=== Bible Reading ===

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Today's reading: Judges 9-10, Luke 5:17-39 (NIV)

View today's reading on Bible Gateway

Today's Old Testament reading: Judges 9-10

Abimelek son of Jerub-Baal went to his mother's brothers in Shechem and said to them and to all his mother's clan, 2"Ask all the citizens of Shechem, 'Which is better for you: to have all seventy of Jerub-Baal's sons rule over you, or just one man?' Remember, I am your flesh and blood."
3 When the brothers repeated all this to the citizens of Shechem, they were inclined to follow Abimelek, for they said, "He is related to us." 4 They gave him seventy shekels of silver from the temple of Baal-Berith, and Abimelek used it to hire reckless scoundrels, who became his followers. 5He went to his father's home in Ophrah and on one stone murdered his seventy brothers, the sons of Jerub-Baal. But Jotham, the youngest son of Jerub-Baal, escaped by hiding. 6 Then all the citizens of Shechem and Beth Millo gathered beside the great tree at the pillar in Shechem to crown Abimelek king.

Today's New Testament reading: Luke 5:17-39

Jesus Forgives and Heals a Paralyzed Man

17 One day Jesus was teaching, and Pharisees and teachers of the law were sitting there. They had come from every village of Galilee and from Judea and Jerusalem. And the power of the Lord was with Jesus to heal the sick. 18 Some men came carrying a paralyzed man on a mat and tried to take him into the house to lay him before Jesus. 19 When they could not find a way to do this because of the crowd, they went up on the roof and lowered him on his mat through the tiles into the middle of the crowd, right in front of Jesus.
20 When Jesus saw their faith, he said, "Friend, your sins are forgiven."
21 The Pharisees and the teachers of the law began thinking to themselves, "Who is this fellow who speaks blasphemy? Who can forgive sins but God alone?"

=== Morning and Evening ===

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"He was numbered with the transgressors."
Isaiah 53:12
Why did Jesus suffer himself to be enrolled amongst sinners? This wonderful condescension was justified by many powerful reasons. In such a character he could the better become their advocate. In some trials there is an identification of the counsellor with the client, nor can they be looked upon in the eye of the law as apart from one another. Now, when the sinner is brought to the bar, Jesus appears there himself. He stands to answer the accusation. He points to his side, his hands, his feet, and challenges Justice to bring anything against the sinners whom he represents; he pleads his blood, and pleads so triumphantly, being numbered with them and having a part with them, that the Judge proclaims, "Let them go their way; deliver them from going down into the pit, for he hath found a ransom." Our Lord Jesus was numbered with the transgressors in order that they might feel their hearts drawn towards him. Who can be afraid of one who is written in the same list with us? Surely we may come boldly to him, and confess our guilt. He who is numbered with us cannot condemn us. Was he not put down in the transgressor's list that we might be written in the red roll of the saints? He was holy, and written among the holy; we were guilty, and numbered among the guilty; he transfers his name from yonder list to this black indictment, and our names are taken from the indictment and written in the roll of acceptance, for there is a complete transfer made between Jesus and his people. All our estate of misery and sin Jesus has taken; and all that Jesus has comes to us. His righteousness, his blood, and everything that he hath he gives us as our dowry. Rejoice, believer, in your union to him who was numbered among the transgressors; and prove that you are truly saved by being manifestly numbered with those who are new creatures in him.


"Let us search and try our ways, and turn again to the Lord."
Lamentations 3:40
The spouse who fondly loves her absent husband longs for his return; a long protracted separation from her lord is a semi-death to her spirit: and so with souls who love the Saviour much, they must see his face, they cannot bear that he should be away upon the mountains of Bether, and no more hold communion with them. A reproaching glance, an uplifted finger will be grievous to loving children, who fear to offend their tender father, and are only happy in his smile. Beloved, it was so once with you. A text of Scripture, a threatening, a touch of the rod of affliction, and you went to your Father's feet, crying, "Show me wherefore thou contendest with me?" Is it so now? Are you content to follow Jesus afar off? Can you contemplate suspended communion with Christ without alarm? Can you bear to have your Beloved walking contrary to you, because you walk contrary to him? Have your sins separated between you and your God, and is your heart at rest? O let me affectionately warn you, for it is a grievous thing when we can live contentedly without the present enjoyment of the Saviour's face. Let us labour to feel what an evil thing this is--little love to our own dying Saviour, little joy in our precious Jesus, little fellowship with the Beloved! Hold a true Lent in your souls, while you sorrow over your hardness of heart. Do not stop at sorrow! Remember where you first received salvation. Go at once to the cross. There, and there only, can you get your spirit quickened. No matter how hard, how insensible, how dead we may have become, let us go again in all the rags and poverty, and defilement of our natural condition. Let us clasp that cross, let us look into those languid eyes, let us bathe in that fountain filled with blood--this will bring back to us our first love; this will restore the simplicity of our faith, and the tenderness of our heart.

=== Bible Quote ===

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=== Message ===

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I am a decent man and don't care for the abuse given me. I created a video raising awareness of anti police feeling among western communities. I chose the senseless killing of Nicola Cotton, a Louisiana policewoman who joined post Katrina, to highlight the issue. I did this in order to get an income after having been illegally blacklisted from work in NSW for being a whistleblower. I have not done anything wrong. Local council appointees refused to endorse my work, so I did it for free. Youtube's Adsence refused to allow me to profit from their marketing it. Meanwhile, I am hostage to abysmal political leadership and hopeless journalists. My shopfront has opened on Facebook.


I am publishing a book called Bread of Life: January.

Bread of Life is a daily bible quote with a layman's understanding of the meaning. I give one quote for each day, and also a series of personal stories illustrating key concepts eg Who is God? What is a miracle? Why is there tragedy?

January is the first of the anticipated year-long work of thirteen books. One for each month and the whole year. It costs to publish. It (Kindle version) should retail at about $2US online, but the paperback version would cost more, according to production cost.If you have a heart for giving, I fundraise at (Gofundme finished the fund raiser, 2017)


Editorials will appear in the "History in a Year by the Conservative Voice" series, starting with August, September, October, or at Amazon The kindle version is cheaper, but the soft back version allows a free kindle version.

The Amazon Author Page for David Ball

UK ..

French ..

Japan ..

German ..


Other Stuff


I'm now on MAGAbook to sidestep FB censorship


I'm looking for former students to endorse me



Tuesday, March 30, 2021

In Loving Memory Bà Đặng Thị Kim Hoa


In coming to Melbourne in 2016, I ran into trouble with a share house where a flatmate was an ice addict. 

A refugee family gave me a stable home environment while I looked for work. Bà Đặng Thị Kim Hoa was the matriarch of the family. She was a good woman, of strong character. She had married a teacher in Vietnam, raised her children during a time of civil war, and prospered. 

On meeting her for the first time, she gave me a character test, which I think I passed. It was important, because I was sharing a house with two of her grandchildren. Everyone dies, but not everyone lives. Bà Đặng Thị Kim Hoa was an exceptional person I will remember to the end of my days. 

Tue 30th March 2021 Current Affairs

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Editorial, an Easter Message
Nothing lasts forever. My time is nearly up. I have relied on a 2013 era laptop to get through my 28 published books and online work. My ERTAON keys are all faded to smears as opposed to letters, and I only recognise them by position. This morning, I dropped my computer and now the screen is partly obscured by crisscrossing bands. I'm taking it to maintenance, but have little hope it won't be expensive. A comparable modern computer would cost me over $8k Australian, without insurance. I need to upgrade my phone, my iPad, my refrigerator and my calculator too, to be of a work standard for school. I can do without the latter for a time, but the loss of my computer is a blow. I went to Centrelink to organise a loan. They could loan me $500. I can't get a loan from a bank. The end comes with a rush, and a little whimper. I am proud of what I have achieved. I believe I can still follow through with daily postings to complete my video projects of Bible Reading, Bible Quotes and Morning and Evening. I will leave behind my 28 books. I explain to my students that to tell the truth, one must sometimes lie. The truth is I love God. I understate my issues, so as to not detract from my message of love for God. But in understating my issues, I am lying. The fact that I will eventually fail, falling from my stage, does not mean God is not working powerfully in my life. 
I tell people not to fight the Devil, but resist it. The Devil is fought by God, and has lost, The Devil has no future, but a black pit from which there is no escape. But, if one tries to fight the Devil, they can end up dancing to its' tune. It is not my job to be immortal. But it is my job to do my best. I thank Jesus for my life. 

Editorial on Genealogy fail
It is ok to fail, but better to be successful. MyHeritage had DNA linked me to a US based cousin. We have separate trees without common ancestors, but Ball is prominent in each. MyHeritage used generic trees to link us, providing me with a map. A common ancestor, it turned out, was the Potomac Ball line which includes George Washington. I immediately set about disproving the link in the hopes I would be unsuccessful. But I succeeded!

My family 'Ball' line goes to Salford, Manchester in the mid 1800's. We believe the line originated in County Cork, Ireland. However, Potomac Ball line originates in Manchester circa 1600. I'm confident, if I can research that far, I'll find a Potomac Ball before their migration to the New World as tobacco farmers. My Salford line includes a James Ball in mid 1800's whose father I've not yet found. It may have been a George Ball. The Potomac line includes a mid 1800 George Ball. However the Potomac George Ball would have been 9 years old when his first son was conceived. Unlikely. More likely is that my DNA linked cousin could not find their match and searched the Potomac way as a possible compromise. 

My search continues for family. 
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In this episode, I compare the very real chaos of the Biden administration, with the media-driven fake chaos of the Trump administration. I use video and media reports to prove the case and debunk the rhetoric. I also address the Hunter Biden/Secret Service story using information I received from a source.

News Picks:

=== Bongino Headlines ===
Heavily Armed Leftist Rioters Descend on Oregon State Capitol

Suez Canal Liberated

Latest Crazy Edict From Fauci: Kids Shouldn’t Be Allowed to Play With Each Other Without Masks

Psaki Ripped Over Border Crisis in Interview With Chris Wallace

Seattle Social Justice Activist Charged With Anti-Asian Hate Attacks

Sec of State Blinken Evasive on Holding China Accountable for Coronavirus

Capitol Hill
“Do You Miss Me Yet?” – Trump Surprises Guests at Mar-a-Lago Wedding
Senate Punts on Taking Up Gun Control Bills as Support for House Background Check Bill Breaks Down
GOP Congressman Schools CNN Host on Dem’s Radical HR1 Bill
North Korea’s Missile Tests Were More Than They Seemed
Media Lobs Softballs at Biden on Palm Sunday
Sen. Graham: “Sick” Biden Is Playing Race Card on GA Election Reform Law, Filibuster
Kamala Busy Being Frustrated With Ongoing Mansion Renovations Amid Border Crisis She’s Supposed to Fix
Special Operations Command Investigates New Diversity Chief’s Anti-Trump and Cruz Posts
Biden Staffer Blocks Ted Cruz From Filming Inside of Migrant Facility
Trump Confirms He Will Likely Visit Border “Over Next Couple of Weeks”

Culture War
Lara Trump Joins Fox News as Contributor
DC Mayor Criticized for Ignoring Fatal Carjacking While Tweeting Out Tips to Avoid Getting Carjacked
GoFundMe for Family of Uber Eats Driver Killed During Carjacking Raises $700k+
“Captain Underpants” Comic Book Pulled Over Alleged “Passive Racism”
Activists Pressure MLB and PGA to Boycott Georgia Over Common Sense Election Reform Law
Associated Press Tells Its Reporters Not to Say “Crisis” When Referring to Border Crisis
CNN Condemned For Calling Killing of Uber Eats Driver an “Accident”
Boston Doctors Call for Promoting Social Justice Via Racially Discriminating Against Patients
Homeschooling Surges Amid Continued School Closures
Color Blindness Also a Form of Racism According to Merriam-Webster

CDC to Extend National Eviction Ban Through June 30
Oil Prices Rise Ahead of OPEC Meeting
Visa to Allow Payment Settlements Using Cryptocurrency
German Union Calls for 4-Day Strike at Amazon Ahead of Easter
How the World’s Chip Shortage Is Impacting Stocks
Biden Suggests Plan to UK’s Johnson to Rival China’s Belt and Road Initiative
The Economic Week Ahead: What to Know
SCOTUS to Determine if Goldman Sachs Shareholders Can Sue in Major Fraud Case
Biden to Push Infrastructure Plan Before Health and Family Care
Companies Scramble to Reroute Shipping Vessels to Avoid Suez Canal
NASA Offers $400 Million Reward for Companies to Develop and Build New Space Stations

Swamp Watch
FBI: Background Checks Are Necessary for Gun Owners, But Not Those Housing Unaccompanied Minors
Eric Trump: If I Lied Like Hunter Biden, I’d Be in Jail
Sen. Cruz: Cartel Members Are “Renting” Children to Bring Them to U.S. Border
Republican Lawmakers Should Refuse Any Discussion on Immigration Until Border is Secured
“Coyotes” Heckle U.S. Senators at Border: “Whatever You Do, We’re Coming”
Poll Shows 54 Percent of Americans Believe Biden Border Crisis Is in Fact a Crisis
GOP Senators Urged to Delete Photos Proving Horrible Conditions at Biden’s Migrant Detention Facilities
One Man Stands in the Way of an Investigation Into Gov. Cuomo’s Nursing Home Scandal
=== Newsmax Headlines ===

Biden Presidency
Sen. Cotton: Border Patrol Agrees Immigration Policy a 'Total Failure'
Biden White House Plans ‘Vaccine Passports’
Lithuanian President Agrees With Biden That Putin Is a Killer
Kudlow: Biden's 'Class Warfare' Will Crush Economy
Economist Stephen Moore: Biden Throwing 'Wet Blanket' on Economy'
Biden: I've Passed Gun Control, Can Do It Again
Ex-CBP Chief Mark Morgan: Biden's 'Ideological Hubris' Creating Border Chaos |
Biden Cyber Director Nominee Delayed Amid Turf Battle

Trump Rips Biden in Surprise Appearance at Mar-a-Lago Wedding
Former President Donald Trump crashed a wedding at his Florida resort, Mar-a-Lago, on Saturday, where he gave a speech ripping his successor, President Joe Biden, over China, Iran, and the Southwest border. ... [Full Story]

Opening Statements Begin in Ex-officer's Trial in Floyd's Death
A prosecutor told jurors Monday in his opening statement at former [Full Story]

Ship Blocking Suez Canal Freed, Traffic to Resume
The giant container ship that blocked the Suez Canal for almost a [Full Story]
Shock-Weary Global Economy Girds for Supply Jolt From Suez Mess

Report: Ship Backlogs From Suez Chaos Could Take Months to Clear
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Here is a video I made Charge of the Light Brigade 

"The Charge of the Light Brigade" is an 1854 narrative poem by Alfred, Lord Tennyson about the Charge of the Light Brigade at the Battle of Balaclava during the Crimean War. He was the poet laureate of the United Kingdom at the time of the writing of the poem and the work reflects his compromised ability to express anti-war, populist sentiments while still reflecting his patriotism and remaining in the Crown's favour.
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=== From 2018 ===
Don't give up on hope. It is Good Friday and on what many Christians feel is the holiest day of the year, Dan Andrews ALP in Victoria tried to sneak legislation through Parliament. The legislation was to do with the CFA, a volunteer association of fire fighters and a unionised firefighters group which is paid in urban areas. The government never tried to explain the need for crippling firefighters. They wanted to sneak it through while a conservative was sick. Two other conservatives, Craig Ondarchie (probable industry minister in a Guy led Liberal government) and Bernie Finn both asked for paired leave to attend religious functions. Both conservatives went to said functions, and then made it to parliament to vote on the issue. The corrupt ALP Government is upset, claiming they were tricked by the two paired members. It is the public that were nearly hoodwinked by a fait accompli. Matthew Guy's team outplayed a corrupt ALP government this time. 

James Sutherland is CEO of Cricket Australia. He is no relation to Kiefer Sutherland or Donald Sutherland. Kiefer brought student doctors back from the dead in Flatliners and opposed terrorism in 24. Donald Has been in the Dirty Dozen, Mash and Pride and Prejudice. Both actors can speak with authority on far out things. But neither actor would attempt in fiction the outrage James has perpetrated as CEO of Cricket Australia in dealing with Steve SmithDavid Warner and Cameron Bancroft. Ball tampering is a serious offence and any player caught, or covering up should be penalised. Possibly even stripped of captaincy. James Sutherland's abuse of power has been to boot the players from the game for a combined two years and nine months, and prevent Warner from ever being captain of Australia again. And to impose restrictions on Smith and Warner costing them $2.4 million each. This follows a bitter pay dispute in which Sutherland tried to play the players against fans. Sutherland's hysterical overreaction should be overturned. It is in stark contrast in which players might be fined 25% of their match fee. It is equivalent to arresting a potential house buyer for break and enter because they looked at a house. It is absurd. Smith crying on radio and apologising to a nine year old fan traumatised by the hysteria are warning signals to Cricket Australia that their CEO needs to be dismissed immediately and the penalties overturned .. and players compensated. Failure to do so immediately will do substantial damage to team morale. Already respected coach Darren Lehman has resigned and fast bowler Mitchell Starc has left the tour of South Africa. 
=== from 2017 ===
Some things should not happen, but they do. Today in Melbourne, a class of year seven kids were on a carriage between Southern Cross Railway and Westgarth. They were boisterous, happy and supervised. When they left, the only evidence they had been there was a 500 gram carton of milk coffee and a half empty bottle of water rolling on the floor. Either of which might have belonged to one of them, but also may not have. And, two year seven boys who were almost trapped by the closing doors. The train has a driver and the driver should have paid attention. The kids were clearly in uniform. They didn't panic, but looked nonplussed. One had a mobile phone, and called their parents and got off the next stop. Several stops later the train waited at a platform for several minutes. One hopes the driver was being reminded of their duty. It would be worthwhile mentioning duty to Dan Andrews too. Mathew Guy is doing a great job of gathering together a team that can effect real positive change in Victoria. Radio stations and news are being even handed, saying Dan Andrews is 'not that bad' and Guy is 'no better.' But that is like saying a train driver who never makes mistakes is like one which drives in their sleep. 
=== from 2016 ===
The Stiffler saga is not quite over yet. The floor still has glass on the wooden floorboards. Eggs still coat the walls. BBQ meat has been removed from inside and left in Stiffler's BBQ. Along with very large knives that he has kept there. The gas has been drained so he doesn't blow up the house. The doors have not been fixed. Stiffler's keys were found so there is no need to change the locks. Only we don't know yet how to pay for the clean up. Is it insurance or VCAT? Stiffler has left at least $10k in damage, probably more. He left a note claiming he was Tony Montana and guilty of $100k damage. He came by while everyone was asleep (5am) this morning and broke in by smashing a rear glass sliding door I had locked to prevent his entry earlier in the evening. Then he cheerfully called out to the other share house mates. I woke to the broken glass that sounded on the wooden floorboards like someone pouring petrol on the ground. I called emergency immediately from my locked bedroom which was only secured by a broken door. They came in ten minutes and Stiffler remained calm. Probably because his drug dealing moll was with him, about the same age as his 23 yo daughter, blonde haired, blue eyed, pretty in an ice addict whore kind of way. Police refused to arrest him for his break and enter, but escorted him to get his clothes and 'medication' and leave. He has a lot left behind, but I believe he has retrieved his stash. The place is cold and now open to insects and animals. I contacted police to ask if I could get them to issue me an intervention order, as the magistrates court is jammed up until next Monday. Police can get me an order. But not until Monday. 

For some, at the moment, the Sex Party has more credibility. 
=== from 2015 ===
A 4 yo girl left home at 3am in search of a slushie from a Kwik-E-Mart. She got put on a bus and made it to international news. We live in good times, sometimes. A bigoted policy platform is criticised by former ALP senior politicians, but not by other senior ALP politicians. The critics are threatened with expulsion. It is as if the yes men are the only ones who may speak. Warnie says he is thirsty several times as Australia defeat a valiant NZ Cricket team. Martin Crowe, we still love you. But don't drink with Warnie .. it isn't good for him. News papers promote an article where an escort says she loves her job. Which is ok. Except the women exploited, killed or tortured in the industry suggest it needs to be heavily regulated. Another article features a woman saying her husband did not want children so she had an open marriage. Maybe there were alternative choices? A Thai resort is heavily criticised for an elephant being in a party photo. Woe betide when the critics discover "the Party" with Peter Sellers. 

On this day in 1815, Joachim Murat issued a proclamation that would later unify Italy. But in the short term got him executed. Joachim was a Marshall of France during the revolution and a friend of Napoleon, who was his brother in law. Joachim had been made King of Naples by Napoleon between 1808 and his capture by the Austrians in 1815. As a king he was a dandy. At his execution, he was bare faced, and ordered the riflemen to shoot for the heart but miss the face. Joachim's missive began "Italians! The hour has come to engage in your highest destiny." The process of Italian unity finished in 1871, but began in 1815. In 1842, Ether was used for the first time in an operation. Before then, teeth were pulled, limbs were amputated and surgery was conducted on conscious people. In 1855, border ruffians from Missouri invaded Kansas to change the legislature to accept slaves. In 1867, Alaska was purchased by the US from Russia for $7.2 million. In 1939 Batman was first introduced, part of Detective Comics #27. In 1981, an attempt was made on President Reagan's life by John Hinkley Jr. Press secretary Brady later died from wounds. 
From 2014
It isn't something I'm paid for, or get credit for, but I start, or promote, memes. Sometimes years pass, and I get to see them come back to me. I started one with a court recorder recording ridiculous statements by barristers. Or when a dying Clare Oliver publicly begged that her fight against sun beds be remembered. Or a sculpture of David illustrating the dangers of fast food. Or a childhood backyard baseball match influencing an Astronauts' words. I didn't invent chess vs death, but I made it a Christmas funny. I enjoy it when I see people posting them, or an incarnation of them. So I get how they feel when some eco facist gleefully points to some factoid about Coal, Solar, Nuclear, Fracking, GM food, socialism etc etc. But I post obvious jokes or things that benefit people. eco fascists post terrible, murderous memes that hurt people. Sometimes, a mate somewhere is well remunerated for the meme, but it upsets me that people fall for it. 

In politics they call it spin. Recognise that it isn't balanced if someone spins only one way. This last week marked a hundred days without boat people arriving in Australia or drowning en route. Business is improving. An old institution of knighthoods has been re-established. Jobs are being created. The ALP complained about ninety of their members being ejected from parliament by the speaker, without being able to point to any one instance of where a member should not have been ejected. It was a week that Andrew Bolt described as bad for the Federal Government. And yet in over six years, the ALP never had a week that good. I get Mr Bolt wants to be balanced. But I feel he needs to pick his battles better. The worst thing that could be said about knighthoods is that they are meaningless. But the reality is they profoundly support institutions that keep society together, pointing the way up for school children who often have to endure years of confusing leftist memes from teachers.
Historical perspective on this day
In 598, Balkan Campaign: The Avars lifted the siege at the Byzantine stronghold of Tomis. Their leader Bayan I retreated north of the Danube River after the Avaro-Slavic hordes were decimated by the plague. 1282, the people of Sicily rebelled against the Angevin king Charles I, in what becomes known as the Sicilian Vespers. 1296, Edward I sacked Berwick-upon-Tweed, during armed conflict between Scotland and England.

In 1814, Napoleonic WarsSixth Coalition forced march into Paris. 1815, Joachim Muratissued the Rimini Proclamation which would later inspire Italian Unification. 1822, the Florida Territory was created in the United States. 1841, the National Bank of Greece was founded in Athens. 1842, Ether anesthesia was used for the first time, in an operation by the American surgeon Dr.Crawford Long. 1844, one of the most important battles of the Dominican War of Independence from Haiti took place near the city of Santiago de los Caballeros. 1855, Origins of the American Civil WarBleeding Kansas – "Border Ruffians" from Missouri invade Kansasand force election of a pro-slavery legislature. 1856, the Treaty of Paris was signed, ending the Crimean War. 1863, Danish prince Wilhelm Georg was chosen as King George of Greece. 1867, Alaska was purchased from Russia for $7.2 million, about 2-cent/acre ($4.19/km²), by United States Secretary of StateWilliam H. Seward.

In 1870, Texas was readmitted to the Union following Reconstruction. 1885, the Battle for Kushka triggered the Panjdeh Incident which nearly gave rise to war between the British Empire and Russian Empire. 1899, German Society of Chemistry issued an invitation to other national scientific organisations to appoint delegates to the International Committee on Atomic Weights. 1909, the Queensboro Bridge in New York City opened, linking Manhattanand Queens. 1910, the Mississippi Legislature founded The University of Southern Mississippi. 1912, Sultan Abdelhafid signed the Treaty of Fez, making Morocco a Frenchprotectorate. 1918, Outburst of bloody March Events in Baku and other locations of Baku Governorate.

In 1939, the Heinkel He 100 fighter set a world airspeed record of 463 mph (745km/h). Also 1939, Detective Comics #27 was released, introducing Batman. 1940, Second Sino-Japanese WarJapan declared Nanking capital of a new Chinese puppet government, nominally controlled by Wang Jingwei. 1944, World War IIAllied bombers conducted their most severe bombing run on SofiaBulgaria. Also 1944, Allied bombing raid on Nuremberg. Along the English eastern coast 795 aircraft were despatched, including 572 Lancasters, 214 Halifaxesand 9 Mosquitos. The bombers met resistance at the coasts of Belgium and the Netherlandsfrom German fighters. In total, 95 bombers were lost, making it the largest RAF Bomber Command loss of World War II. 1945, World War II: Soviet forces invaded Austria and captured ViennaPolish and Soviet forces liberate Danzig. 1949, a riot broke out in Austurvöllur square in Reykjavík, when Iceland joined NATO. 1954, the Yonge Street subway line opened in Toronto. It was the first subway in Canada. 1961, the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs was signed in New York City. 1964, Jeopardy!, hosted by Art Flemingdebuted. 1965, Vietnam War: A car bomb exploded in front of the United States Embassy, Saigon, killing 22 and wounding 183 others.

In 1972, Vietnam War: The Easter Offensive began after North Vietnamese forces crossed into the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) of South Vietnam. 1976, the first Land Day protests were held in Israel/Palestine. 1979, Airey Neave, a British Member of Parliament, was killed by a car bomb as he exited the Palace of Westminster. The Irish National Liberation Army claimed responsibility. 1981, U.S. President Ronald Reagan was shot in the chest outside a Washington, D.C., hotel by John Hinckley, Jr. Another two people were wounded at the same time. 1982, Space Shuttle programSTS-3 Mission was completed with the landing of Columbia at White Sands Missile RangeNew Mexico. 2006, the United Kingdom Terrorism Act 2006 became a law. 2009, twelve gunmen attacked the Manawan Police Academy in LahorePakistan.

=== Bible Reading ===

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Today's reading: Judges 7-8, Luke 5:1-16 (NIV)

View today's reading on Bible Gateway

Today's Old Testament reading: Judges 7-8

Gideon Defeats the Midianites
1 Early in the morning, Jerub-Baal (that is, Gideon) and all his men camped at the spring of Harod. The camp of Midian was north of them in the valley near the hill of Moreh. 2 The LORD said to Gideon, "You have too many men. I cannot deliver Midian into their hands, or Israel would boast against me, 'My own strength has saved me.' 3 Now announce to the army, 'Anyone who trembles with fear may turn back and leave Mount Gilead.'" So twenty-two thousand men left, while ten thousand remained.
4 But the LORD said to Gideon, "There are still too many men. Take them down to the water, and I will thin them out for you there. If I say, 'This one shall go with you,' he shall go; but if I say, 'This one shall not go with you,' he shall not go...."

Today's New Testament reading: Luke 5:1-16

Jesus Calls His First Disciples
1 One day as Jesus was standing by the Lake of Gennesaret, the people were crowding around him and listening to the word of God. 2 He saw at the water's edge two boats, left there by the fishermen, who were washing their nets. 3 He got into one of the boats, the one belonging to Simon, and asked him to put out a little from shore. Then he sat down and taught the people from the boat.
4 When he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, "Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch."
5 Simon answered, "Master, we've worked hard all night and haven't caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets."
6 When they had done so, they caught such a large number of fish that their nets began to break. 7 So they signaled their partners in the other boat to come and help them, and they came and filled both boats so full that they began to sink....

=== Morning and Evening ===

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"Though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered."
Hebrews 5:8
We are told that the Captain of our salvation was made perfect through suffering, therefore we who are sinful, and who are far from being perfect, must not wonder if we are called to pass through suffering too. Shall the head be crowned with thorns, and shall the other members of the body be rocked upon the dainty lap of ease? Must Christ pass through seas of his own blood to win the crown, and are we to walk to heaven dryshod in silver slippers? No, our Master's experience teaches us that suffering is necessary, and the true-born child of God must not, would not, escape it if he might. But there is one very comforting thought in the fact of Christ's "being made perfect through suffering"--it is, that he can have complete sympathy with us. "He is not an high priest that cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities." In this sympathy of Christ we find a sustaining power. One of the early martyrs said, "I can bear it all, for Jesus suffered, and he suffers in me now; he sympathizes with me, and this makes me strong." Believer, lay hold of this thought in all times of agony. Let the thought of Jesus strengthen you as you follow in his steps. Find a sweet support in his sympathy; and remember that, to suffer is an honourable thing--to suffer for Christ is glory. The apostles rejoiced that they were counted worthy to do this. Just so far as the Lord shall give us grace to suffer for Christ, to suffer with Christ, just so far does he honour us. The jewels of a Christian are his afflictions. The regalia of the kings whom God hath anointed are their troubles, their sorrows, and their griefs. Let us not, therefore, shun being honoured. Let us not turn aside from being exalted. Griefs exalt us, and troubles lift us up. "If we suffer, we shall also reign with him."


"I called him, but he gave me no answer."
Song of Solomon 5:6
Prayer sometimes tarrieth, like a petitioner at the gate, until the King cometh forth to fill her bosom with the blessings which she seeketh. The Lord, when he hath given great faith, has been known to try it by long delayings. He has suffered his servants' voices to echo in their ears as from a brazen sky. They have knocked at the golden gate, but it has remained immovable, as though it were rusted upon its hinges. Like Jeremiah, they have cried, "Thou hast covered thyself with a cloud, that our prayer should not pass through." Thus have true saints continued long in patient waiting without reply, not because their prayers were not vehement, nor because they were unaccepted, but because it so pleased him who is a Sovereign, and who gives according to his own pleasure. If it pleases him to bid our patience exercise itself, shall he not do as he wills with his own! Beggars must not be choosers either as to time, place, or form. But we must be careful not to take delays in prayer for denials: God's long-dated bills will be punctually honoured; we must not suffer Satan to shake our confidence in the God of truth by pointing to our unanswered prayers. Unanswered petitions are not unheard. God keeps a file for our prayers--they are not blown away by the wind, they are treasured in the King's archives. This is a registry in the court of heaven wherein every prayer is recorded. Tried believer, thy Lord hath a tear-bottle in which the costly drops of sacred grief are put away, and a book in which thy holy groanings are numbered. By and by, thy suit shall prevail. Canst thou not be content to wait a little? Will not thy Lord's time be better than thy time? By and by he will comfortably appear, to thy soul's joy, and make thee put away the sackcloth and ashes of long waiting, and put on the scarlet and fine linen of full fruition.

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I am a decent man and don't care for the abuse given me. I created a video raising awareness of anti police feeling among western communities. I chose the senseless killing of Nicola Cotton, a Louisiana policewoman who joined post Katrina, to highlight the issue. I did this in order to get an income after having been illegally blacklisted from work in NSW for being a whistleblower. I have not done anything wrong. Local council appointees refused to endorse my work, so I did it for free. Youtube's Adsence refused to allow me to profit from their marketing it. Meanwhile, I am hostage to abysmal political leadership and hopeless journalists. My shopfront has opened on Facebook.


I am publishing a book called Bread of Life: January.

Bread of Life is a daily bible quote with a layman's understanding of the meaning. I give one quote for each day, and also a series of personal stories illustrating key concepts eg Who is God? What is a miracle? Why is there tragedy?

January is the first of the anticipated year-long work of thirteen books. One for each month and the whole year. It costs to publish. It (Kindle version) should retail at about $2US online, but the paperback version would cost more, according to production cost.If you have a heart for giving, I fundraise at (Gofundme finished the fund raiser, 2017)


Editorials will appear in the "History in a Year by the Conservative Voice" series, starting with August, September, October, or at Amazon The kindle version is cheaper, but the soft back version allows a free kindle version.

The Amazon Author Page for David Ball

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Other Stuff


I'm now on MAGAbook to sidestep FB censorship


I'm looking for former students to endorse me
