Empty, hollow apologies are the order of the day. Dzhokhar Tsarnaev said sorry for killing three people and injuring many, but left their fate to the mercy of Allah. Merciful Allah had been doing fine until the two brothers decided to blow up a fun run for him. Many jihadists view the terrorist act as the will of Allah, and a disappointing many who aren't jihadists agree. Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) are sorry they paid for a terrorist sympathiser to ask a question (make a statement) on a partisan tv show, Q and A. ABC have placed the program on the internet and rebroadcast it. Clearly they aren't very sorry. Australian Labour Party Leader Bill Shorten he is sorry he lied to the public on radio about his involvement with knifing two ALP PMs in the previous government. Shorten is saying the government may call an election soon and so he must remain as leader. Otherwise the Australian people might choose to vote for a trustworthy ALP Leader, and Shorten will never let that happen. On this day in 1947, Ann Frank's Diary was published in edited form. Her life had much promise and her killers never apologised but they were very sorry at the end. Two NSA cryptographers fled to Russia in 1960, felt sorry but were not allowed to return to the US. In Sydney, a Caltex petrol station on a major arterial road is sorry it sold water as petrol to at least a dozen people whose cars broke down in peak hour traffic. They are paying all repair costs and for replacement vehicles. An anaesthesiologist is sorry she has to pay $500k US to a patient she insulted during a colonoscopy. He had inadvertently recorded the operation on an iPhone. She had recorded a symptom he hadn't had too.
In 524, the Franks were defeated by the Burgundians in the Battle of Vézeronce. Archaeologists found a Frankish head dress probably belonging to a chieftain in 1871. It had been preserved in peat marsh. 841, in the Battle of Fontenay-en-Puisaye, forces led by Charles the Bald and Louis the German defeated the armies of Lothair I of Italy and Pepin II of Aquitaine. The forces numbered about 150000 each side, and defined Europe. 1530, at the Diet of Augsburg the Augsburg Confession was presented to the Holy Roman Emperor by the Lutheran princes and Electors of Germany. Charles V was Holy Roman Emperor and he had asked Lutheran states to say what they believed so there might be church unity. It didn't happen as he hoped. 1658, Spanish forces failed to retake Jamaica at the Battle of Rio Nuevo during the Anglo-Spanish War. 1678, Venetian Elena Cornaro Piscopia was the first woman awarded a doctorate of philosophy when she graduated from the University of Padua. She was a genius, having learned many languages by age 7. She had wanted to study theology, but that was man's work, according to the Bishop of Padua. 1741, Maria Theresa of Austria was crowned Queen of Hungary. 1786, Gavriil Pribylov discovered St. George Island of the Pribilof Islands in the Bering Sea. 1788, Virginia became the tenth state to ratify the United States Constitution. 1876, Battle of the Little Bighorn and the death of Lieutenant Colonel George Armstrong Custer.
In 1900, the Taoist monk Wang Yuanlu discovered the Dunhuang manuscripts, a cache of ancient texts that were of great historical and religious significance, in the Mogao Caves of Dunhuang, China. The works are being uploaded to the internet. 1906, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania millionaire Harry Thaw shot and killed prominent architect Stanford White. White had seduced Thaw's wife when she was 16, before she had married Thaw. Thaw held a grudge. Thaw approached White in a theatre and shot him at point blank. Initially the audience cheered, apparently thinking it part of the act. But when they realised White was dead, panic ensued. Thaw was wealthy and managed to acquire a not guilty verdict through reason of insanity. 1910, the United States Congress passed the Mann Act, which prohibited interstate transport of females for “immoral purposes”; the ambiguous language would be used to selectively prosecute people for years to come. Also 1910, Igor Stravinsky's ballet The Firebird was premiered in Paris, bringing him to prominence as a composer. 1913, American Civil War veterans began arriving at the Great Reunion of 1913. 1923, Capt. Lowell H. Smith and Lt. John P. Richter perform the first ever aerial refueling in a DH-4B biplane
In 1935, Diplomatic relations between the Soviet Union and Colombia were established. 1938, Dr. Douglas Hyde was inaugurated as the first President of Ireland. 1940, World War II: France officially surrendered to Germany at 01:35. 1943, The Holocaust: Jews in the Częstochowa Ghetto in Poland staged an uprising against the Nazis. 1944, World War II: The Battle of Tali-Ihantala, the largest battle ever fought in the Nordic Countries, began. Vikings tried, but did not win WW2. Also 1944, World War II: United States Navy and Royal Navy ships bombarded Cherbourg to support United States Army units engaged in the Battle of Cherbourg. Also 1944, the final page of the comic Krazy Kat was published, exactly two months after its author George Herriman died. 1947, The Diary of a Young Girl (better known as The Diary of Anne Frank) was published. 1948, the Berlin airlift began. 1949, Long-Haired Hare, starring Bugs Bunny, was released in theatres.
In 1950, the Korean War began with the invasion of South Korea by North Korea. 1960, two cryptographers, William Hamilton Martin and Bernon F. Mitchell, working for the United States National Security Agency left for vacation to Mexico, and from there defected to the Soviet Union. They found they did not enjoy life there as it was not like what they had envisioned from propaganda. They were not trusted by the Soviets. The US refused to let them back. 1967, broadcasting of the first live global satellite television program: Our World 1975, Mozambique achieved independence. Also 1975, Prime Minister Indira Gandhi had a state of internal Emergency declared in India. 1976, Missouri Governor Kit Bond issued an executive order rescinding the Extermination Order, formally apologising on behalf of the state of Missouri for the suffering it had caused to the members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Was the apology enough? 1978, the rainbow flag representing gay pride was flown for the first time in the San Francisco Gay Freedom Day Parade.
In 1981, Microsoft was restructured to become an incorporated business in its home state of Washington. 1982, Greece abolished the head shaving of recruits in the military. 1991, Croatia and Slovenia declared their independence from Yugoslavia. 1993, Kim Campbell was sworn in as the first female Prime Minister of Canada. Also 1993, Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action was adopted by World Conference on Human Rights. 1997, an unmanned Progress spacecraft collided with the Russian space station Mir. 1998, in Clinton v. City of New York, the United States Supreme Court decided that the Line Item Veto Act of 1996 was unconstitutional. 2013, Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani became the eighth Emir of Qatar.
It was long ago, but D'Artagnan died on this day, 1673. His life was dramatised and romanticised by Dumas in the Three Musketeers, Twenty years after, Vicomte De Braggelonne, Madame Louise De La Valliere and The Man in the Iron Mask. Still, he lived a fascinating life, addicted to adrenaline. As governor he was despised, and did not enjoy the life, and so died on campaign age 62. There have been significant deaths on this day. In 2009, Farrah Fawcett spoiled the glorious death of Michael Jackson. Farrah died too young, Michael too old. One man said to be responsible was not given the medal he deserved, but jailed for a time, protesting his love for Michael. Three brothers and a nephew died on this day in 1876, among many others. They were high ranking officers, two generals and a colonel. During the civil war, as an ambitious captain, he overheard a commanding officer wonder how deep a river crossing was. George rode out to the middle of the river on his horse, water lapping the horse's legs, and called out "It is this deep, sir." But on this day in 1876, General George Custer was said to have uttered the last words "Hurrah boys, we've got them! We'll finish them up and then go home to our station." But Little Bighorn was where he fell.
Significant births include Louis Mountbatten (1900) and George Orwell (1903), Carly Simon (1945), Tim Finn (1952), Craig Johnston (1960) and George Michael (1963). Louis was great. Louis was a great grandson of Queen Victoria. He was foundational to the creation of electrical engineers IEE and showed great daring in executing his command in war. Murdered by the IRA in an act of terror when he was an old man. By way of contrast, Orwell was born upper class and lead a charmed life, being taught French by Aldous Huxley at Eton. An upper class twit whose words have been embraced enthusiastically by the left. The tragedy of George's life was that he wasn't born as rich as his dad had been. George's writing can be measured by his brittle inability to appreciate the greatness of Kipling.
The Mann act was passed in 1910, on this day. It made it illegal to take a woman across state borders in the US for immoral purposes. In 1976, the Missouri Governor rescinded the 150 year old Mormon Extermination order. Someone had not liked door knockers. In 1906, a millionaire shot dead an architect. Not for salacious building reasons, the guy had had an affair with the millionaire's wife. There is no evidence he was Mormon. The crowning puzzle of the day had two wealthy hucksters standing side by side. Clive Palmer and Al Gore.
Significant births include Louis Mountbatten (1900) and George Orwell (1903), Carly Simon (1945), Tim Finn (1952), Craig Johnston (1960) and George Michael (1963). Louis was great. Louis was a great grandson of Queen Victoria. He was foundational to the creation of electrical engineers IEE and showed great daring in executing his command in war. Murdered by the IRA in an act of terror when he was an old man. By way of contrast, Orwell was born upper class and lead a charmed life, being taught French by Aldous Huxley at Eton. An upper class twit whose words have been embraced enthusiastically by the left. The tragedy of George's life was that he wasn't born as rich as his dad had been. George's writing can be measured by his brittle inability to appreciate the greatness of Kipling.
The Mann act was passed in 1910, on this day. It made it illegal to take a woman across state borders in the US for immoral purposes. In 1976, the Missouri Governor rescinded the 150 year old Mormon Extermination order. Someone had not liked door knockers. In 1906, a millionaire shot dead an architect. Not for salacious building reasons, the guy had had an affair with the millionaire's wife. There is no evidence he was Mormon. The crowning puzzle of the day had two wealthy hucksters standing side by side. Clive Palmer and Al Gore.
Historical perspectives on this day
In 524, the Franks were defeated by the Burgundians in the Battle of Vézeronce. 841, in the Battle of Fontenay-en-Puisaye, forces led by Charles the Bald and Louis the German defeated the armies of Lothair I of Italy and Pepin II of Aquitaine. 1530, at the Diet of Augsburg the Augsburg Confession was presented to the Holy Roman Emperor by the Lutheran princes and Electors of Germany. 1658, Spanish forces failed to retake Jamaica at the Battle of Rio Nuevo during the Anglo-Spanish War. 1678, Venetian Elena Cornaro Piscopia was the first woman awarded a doctorate of philosophy when she graduated from the University of Padua. 1741, Maria Theresa of Austria was crowned Queen of Hungary. 1786, Gavriil Pribylov discovered St. George Island of the Pribilof Islands in the Bering Sea. 1788, Virginia became the tenth state to ratify the United States Constitution. 1876, Battle of the Little Bighorn and the death of Lieutenant Colonel George Armstrong Custer.
In 1900, the Taoist monk Wang Yuanlu discovered the Dunhuang manuscripts, a cache of ancient texts that were of great historical and religious significance, in the Mogao Caves of Dunhuang, China. 1906, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania millionaire Harry Thaw shot and killed prominent architect Stanford White. 1910, the United States Congress passed the Mann Act, which prohibited interstate transport of females for “immoral purposes”; the ambiguous language would be used to selectively prosecute people for years to come. Also 1910, Igor Stravinsky's ballet The Firebird was premiered in Paris, bringing him to prominence as a composer. 1913, American Civil War veterans began arriving at the Great Reunion of 1913. 1923, Capt. Lowell H. Smith and Lt. John P. Richter perform the first ever aerial refueling in a DH-4B biplane
In 1935, Diplomatic relations between the Soviet Union and Colombia were established. 1938, Dr. Douglas Hyde was inaugurated as the first President of Ireland. 1940, World War II: France officially surrendered to Germany at 01:35. 1943, The Holocaust: Jews in the Częstochowa Ghetto in Poland staged an uprising against the Nazis. 1944, World War II: The Battle of Tali-Ihantala, the largest battle ever fought in the Nordic Countries, began. Also 1944, World War II: United States Navy and Royal Navy ships bombarded Cherbourg to support United States Army units engaged in the Battle of Cherbourg. Also 1944, the final page of the comic Krazy Kat was published, exactly two months after its author George Herriman died. 1947, The Diary of a Young Girl (better known as The Diary of Anne Frank) was published. 1948, the Berlin airlift began. 1949, Long-Haired Hare, starring Bugs Bunny, was released in theatres.
In 1950, the Korean War began with the invasion of South Korea by North Korea. 1960, two cryptographers working for the United States National Security Agency left for vacation to Mexico, and from there defected to the Soviet Union. 1967, broadcasting of the first live global satellite television program: Our World 1975, Mozambique achieved independence. Also 1975, Prime Minister Indira Gandhi had a state of internal Emergency declared in India. 1976, Missouri Governor Kit Bond issued an executive order rescinding the Extermination Order, formally apologising on behalf of the state of Missouri for the suffering it had caused to the members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. 1978, the rainbow flag representing gay pride was flown for the first time in the San Francisco Gay Freedom Day Parade.
In 1981, Microsoft was restructured to become an incorporated business in its home state of Washington. 1982, Greece abolished the head shaving of recruits in the military. 1991, Croatia and Slovenia declared their independence from Yugoslavia. 1993, Kim Campbell was sworn in as the first female Prime Minister of Canada. Also 1993, Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action was adopted by World Conference on Human Rights. 1997, an unmanned Progress spacecraft collided with the Russian space station Mir. 1998, in Clinton v. City of New York, the United States Supreme Court decided that the Line Item Veto Act of 1996 was unconstitutional. 2013, Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani became the eighth Emir of Qatar.
In 1900, the Taoist monk Wang Yuanlu discovered the Dunhuang manuscripts, a cache of ancient texts that were of great historical and religious significance, in the Mogao Caves of Dunhuang, China. 1906, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania millionaire Harry Thaw shot and killed prominent architect Stanford White. 1910, the United States Congress passed the Mann Act, which prohibited interstate transport of females for “immoral purposes”; the ambiguous language would be used to selectively prosecute people for years to come. Also 1910, Igor Stravinsky's ballet The Firebird was premiered in Paris, bringing him to prominence as a composer. 1913, American Civil War veterans began arriving at the Great Reunion of 1913. 1923, Capt. Lowell H. Smith and Lt. John P. Richter perform the first ever aerial refueling in a DH-4B biplane
In 1935, Diplomatic relations between the Soviet Union and Colombia were established. 1938, Dr. Douglas Hyde was inaugurated as the first President of Ireland. 1940, World War II: France officially surrendered to Germany at 01:35. 1943, The Holocaust: Jews in the Częstochowa Ghetto in Poland staged an uprising against the Nazis. 1944, World War II: The Battle of Tali-Ihantala, the largest battle ever fought in the Nordic Countries, began. Also 1944, World War II: United States Navy and Royal Navy ships bombarded Cherbourg to support United States Army units engaged in the Battle of Cherbourg. Also 1944, the final page of the comic Krazy Kat was published, exactly two months after its author George Herriman died. 1947, The Diary of a Young Girl (better known as The Diary of Anne Frank) was published. 1948, the Berlin airlift began. 1949, Long-Haired Hare, starring Bugs Bunny, was released in theatres.
In 1950, the Korean War began with the invasion of South Korea by North Korea. 1960, two cryptographers working for the United States National Security Agency left for vacation to Mexico, and from there defected to the Soviet Union. 1967, broadcasting of the first live global satellite television program: Our World 1975, Mozambique achieved independence. Also 1975, Prime Minister Indira Gandhi had a state of internal Emergency declared in India. 1976, Missouri Governor Kit Bond issued an executive order rescinding the Extermination Order, formally apologising on behalf of the state of Missouri for the suffering it had caused to the members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. 1978, the rainbow flag representing gay pride was flown for the first time in the San Francisco Gay Freedom Day Parade.
In 1981, Microsoft was restructured to become an incorporated business in its home state of Washington. 1982, Greece abolished the head shaving of recruits in the military. 1991, Croatia and Slovenia declared their independence from Yugoslavia. 1993, Kim Campbell was sworn in as the first female Prime Minister of Canada. Also 1993, Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action was adopted by World Conference on Human Rights. 1997, an unmanned Progress spacecraft collided with the Russian space station Mir. 1998, in Clinton v. City of New York, the United States Supreme Court decided that the Line Item Veto Act of 1996 was unconstitutional. 2013, Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani became the eighth Emir of Qatar.
=== Publishing News ===
This column welcomes feedback and criticism. The column is not made up but based on the days events and articles which are then placed in the feed. So they may not have an apparent cohesion they would have had were they made up.
Editorials will appear in the "History in a Year by the Conservative Voice" series, starting with August https://www.createspace.com/4124406, September https://www.createspace.com/5106914, October https://www.createspace.com/5106951, or at Amazon http://www.amazon.com/dp/1482020262/ref=cm_sw_r_tw_dp_dVHPub0MQKDZ4 The kindle version is cheaper, but the soft back version allows the purchase of a kindle version for just $3.99 more.
For twenty two years I have been responsibly addressing an issue, and I cannot carry on. I am petitioning the Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott to remedy my distress. I leave it up to him if he chooses to address the issue. Regardless of your opinion of conservative government, the issue is pressing. Please sign my petition at https://www.change.org/en-AU/petitions/tony-abbott-remedy-the-persecution-of-dd-ball
Or the US President at
https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/change-injustice-faced-david-daniel-ball-after-he-reported-bungled-pedophile-investigation-and/b8mxPWtJ or http://wh.gov/ilXYR
Mr Ball, I will not sign your petition as it will do no good, but I will share your message and ask as many of friends who read it, to share it also. Let us see if we cannot use the power of the internet to spread the word of these infamous killings. As a father and a former soldier, I cannot, could not, justify ignoring this appalling action by the perpetrators, whoever they may; I thank you Douglas. You are wrong about the petition. Signing it is as worthless and meaningless an act as voting. A stand up guy would know that. - ed
Lorraine Allen Hider I signed the petition ages ago David, with pleasure, nobody knows what it's like until they've been there. Keep heart David take care.
I have begun a bulletin board (http://theconservativevoice.freeforums.net) which will allow greater latitude for members to post and interact. It is not subject to FB policy and so greater range is allowed in posts. Also there are private members rooms in which nothing is censored, except abuse. All welcome, registration is free.
For twenty two years I have been responsibly addressing an issue, and I cannot carry on. I am petitioning the Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott to remedy my distress. I leave it up to him if he chooses to address the issue. Regardless of your opinion of conservative government, the issue is pressing. Please sign my petition at https://www.change.org/en-AU/petitions/tony-abbott-remedy-the-persecution-of-dd-ball
Or the US President at
https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/change-injustice-faced-david-daniel-ball-after-he-reported-bungled-pedophile-investigation-and/b8mxPWtJ or http://wh.gov/ilXYR
Mr Ball, I will not sign your petition as it will do no good, but I will share your message and ask as many of friends who read it, to share it also. Let us see if we cannot use the power of the internet to spread the word of these infamous killings. As a father and a former soldier, I cannot, could not, justify ignoring this appalling action by the perpetrators, whoever they may; I thank you Douglas. You are wrong about the petition. Signing it is as worthless and meaningless an act as voting. A stand up guy would know that. - ed
Lorraine Allen Hider I signed the petition ages ago David, with pleasure, nobody knows what it's like until they've been there. Keep heart David take care.
=== Bolt Report Items ===
On Bolt Report an ongoing policy is that any Islam post can only be on the pinned leader. Normal rules apply in that if it is merely foul and abusive it will be deleted. Otherwise comments are welcome.
As of today, the rules of this forum are going to be enforced more rigorously. This includes the instant removal of members who personally abuse other members of this forum.
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Blatant racism, homophobia and religious slurs will be removed from the forum, along with the person who posted them.
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Happy birthday and many happy returns Natalie Nicole Ngo. Born on a day in which in 1900, A Daoist monk discovered the Dunhuang manuscripts, a cache of documents from the 5th to 11th centuries, in the Mogao Caves of Dunhuang, China. In 1913, More than 50,000 Union and Confederate veterans gathered at the Gettysburg Battlefield near Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, the largest combined reunion of American Civil War veterans ever held. In 1944, World War II: United States Navy and Royal Navy ships bombarded Cherbourg, France, to support U.S. Army units engaged in the Battle of Cherbourg. In 1978, The rainbow flag representing gay pride first flew in the San Francisco Gay Freedom Day Parade. And, in 2009, Swedish authorities removed eight-year-old Domenic Johansson from the custody of his parents on the grounds that he was not being properly educated. What a Day! Raise the flag in pride. Expect many to attend. That birth certificate is a precious document. But then a well educated person such as yourself (they are your parents, right?) would know that.
- 1242 – Beatrice of England (d. 1275)
- 1560 – Wilhelm Fabry, German surgeon (d. 1634)
- 1860 – Gustave Charpentier, French composer (d. 1956)
- 1887 – George Abbott, American director, producer, and screenwriter (d. 1995)
- 1900 – Louis Mountbatten, 1st Earl Mountbatten of Burma, English admiral and politician, 44th Governor-General of India (d. 1979)
- 1903 – George Orwell, English author (d. 1950)
- 1924 – Sidney Lumet, American director, producer, and screenwriter (d. 2011)
- 1925 – June Lockhart, American actress
- 1926 – Ingeborg Bachmann, Austrian author and poet (d. 1973)
- 1927 – Chuck Smith, American pastor, founded the Calvary Chapel (d. 2013)
- 1928 – Peyo, Belgian author and illustrator, created The Smurfs (d. 1992)
- 1934 – Jack W. Hayford, American minister and author
- 1935 – Tony Lanfranchi, English race car driver (d. 2004)
- 1940 – Clint Warwick, English bass player (The Moody Blues) (d. 2004)
- 1945 – Carly Simon, American singer-songwriter, actress, and author (Elephant's Memory)
- 1946 – Ian McDonald, English guitarist and saxophonist (King Crimson and Foreigner)
- 1952 – Tim Finn, New Zealand singer-songwriter (Finn Brothers, Crowded House, and Split Enz)
- 1960 – Craig Johnston, South African-Australian footballer
- 1961 – Ricky Gervais, English comedian, actor, director, and producer
- 1962 – Phill Jupitus, English comedian and actor
- 1963 – George Michael, English singer-songwriter, producer, and actor (Wham!)
- 1975 – Chenoa, Argentinian-Spanish singer
- 1975 – Vladimir Kramnik, Russian chess player
- 1979 – La La, American television host and actress
- 1982 – Rain, South Korean singer-songwriter, dancer, and actor
- 1984 – Lauren Bush, American model and fashion designer
- 1991 – Christa Theret, French actress
- 1993 – Piero Vergara, Filipino singer-songwriter and actor
- 635 – Emperor Gaozu of Tang (b. 566)
- 1218 – Simon de Montfort, 5th Earl of Leicester, French crusader (b. 1160)
- 1533 – Mary Tudor, Queen of France (b. 1496)
- 1579 – Hatano Hideharu, Japanese warlord (b. 1541)
- 1593 – Michele Mercati, Italian physician (b. 1541)
- 1673 – Charles de Batz-Castelmore d'Artagnan, French captain (b. 1611)
- 1876 – Boston Custer, American general (b. 1848)
- 1876 – George Armstrong Custer, American general (b. 1839)
- 1876 – Thomas Custer, American colonel, Medal of Honor recipient (b. 1845)
- 1984 – Michel Foucault, French philosopher and historian (b. 1926)
- 2009 – Farrah Fawcett, American actress (b. 1947)
- 2009 – Michael Jackson, American singer-songwriter, producer, dancer, and actor (The Jackson 5) (b. 1958)
- 1658 – Anglo-Spanish War: English colonial forces repelled a Spanish attack in the largest battle ever fought on Jamaica.
- 1910 – The Firebird, the first major work by Russian composer Igor Stravinsky, made its premiere in Paris.
- 1950 – The Korean War began with North Korean forces launching a pre-dawn raid over the 38th parallel into South Korea.
- 1975 – Citing threats to national security, Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi (pictured) unilaterally had a state of emergency declared across the nation that lasted nearly two years.
- 2013 – Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani became the eighth Emir of Qatar, currently the world's youngest reigning monarch.
Jamaica likes cricket. That firebird is new. They started it. After the emergency, they killed her. Al Jazeera covers it, badly. Let's party.
- 524 – The Franks are defeated by the Burgundians in the Battle of Vézeronce.
- 841 – In the Battle of Fontenay-en-Puisaye, forces led by Charles the Bald and Louis the Germandefeat the armies of Lothair I of Italy and Pepin II of Aquitaine.
- 1530 – At the Diet of Augsburg the Augsburg Confession is presented to the Holy Roman Emperor by the Lutheran princes and Electors of Germany.
- 1658 – Spanish forces fail to retake Jamaica at the Battle of Rio Nuevo during the Anglo-Spanish War.
- 1678 – Venetian Elena Cornaro Piscopia is the first woman awarded a doctorate of philosophy when she graduates from the University of Padua.
- 1741 – Maria Theresa of Austria is crowned Queen of Hungary.
- 1786 – Gavriil Pribylov discovers St. George Island of the Pribilof Islands in the Bering Sea.
- 1788 – Virginia becomes the tenth state to ratify the United States Constitution.
- 1876 – Battle of the Little Bighorn and the death of Lieutenant Colonel George Armstrong Custer.
- 1900 – The Taoist monk Wang Yuanlu discovers the Dunhuang manuscripts, a cache of ancient texts that are of great historical and religious significance, in the Mogao Caves of Dunhuang, China.
- 1906 – Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania millionaire Harry Thaw shoots and kills prominent architect Stanford White.
- 1910 – The United States Congress passes the Mann Act, which prohibits interstate transport of females for “immoral purposes”; the ambiguous language would be used to selectively prosecute people for years to come.
- 1910 – Igor Stravinsky's ballet The Firebird is premiered in Paris, bringing him to prominence as a composer.
- 1913 – American Civil War veterans begin arriving at the Great Reunion of 1913.
- 1923 – Capt. Lowell H. Smith and Lt. John P. Richter perform the first ever aerial refueling in a DH-4B biplane
- 1935 – Diplomatic relations between the Soviet Union and Colombia are established.
- 1938 – Dr. Douglas Hyde is inaugurated as the first President of Ireland.
- 1940 – World War II: France officially surrenders to Germany at 01:35.
- 1943 – The Holocaust: Jews in the Częstochowa Ghetto in Poland stage an uprising against the Nazis.
- 1944 – World War II: The Battle of Tali-Ihantala, the largest battle ever fought in the Nordic Countries, begins.
- 1944 – World War II: United States Navy and Royal Navy ships bombard Cherbourg to support United States Army units engaged in the Battle of Cherbourg.
- 1944 – The final page of the comic Krazy Kat was published, exactly two months after its author George Herriman died.
- 1947 – The Diary of a Young Girl (better known as The Diary of Anne Frank) is published.
- 1948 – The Berlin airlift begins.
- 1949 – Long-Haired Hare, starring Bugs Bunny, is released in theaters.
- 1950 – The Korean War begins with the invasion of South Korea by North Korea.
- 1960 – Two cryptographers working for the United States National Security Agency left for vacation to Mexico, and from there defected to the Soviet Union.
- 1967 – Broadcasting of the first live global satellite television program: Our World
- 1975 – Mozambique achieves independence.
- 1975 – Prime Minister Indira Gandhi has a state of internal Emergency declared in India.
- 1976 – Missouri Governor Kit Bond issues an executive order rescinding the Extermination Order, formally apologizing on behalf of the state of Missouri for the suffering it had caused to the members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
- 1978 – The rainbow flag representing gay pride is flown for the first time in the San Francisco Gay Freedom Day Parade.
- 1981 – Microsoft is restructured to become an incorporated business in its home state of Washington.
- 1982 – Greece abolishes the head shaving of recruits in the military.
- 1991 – Croatia and Slovenia declare their independence from Yugoslavia.
- 1993 – Kim Campbell is sworn in as the first female Prime Minister of Canada.
- 1993 – Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action is adopted by World Conference on Human Rights.
- 1997 – An unmanned Progress spacecraft collides with the Russian space station Mir.
- 1998 – In Clinton v. City of New York, the United States Supreme Court decides that the Line Item Veto Act of 1996 is unconstitutional.
- 2013 – Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani becomes the eighth Emir of Qatar.
- 1242 – Beatrice of England (d. 1275)
- 1328 – William de Montacute, 2nd Earl of Salisbury, English commander (d. 1397)
- 1373 – Joanna II of Naples (d. 1435)
- 1560 – Wilhelm Fabry, German surgeon (d. 1634)
- 1612 – John Albert Vasa, Polish cardinal (d. 1634)
- 1709 – Francesco Araja, Italian composer (d. 1762)
- 1715 – Joseph Foullon de Doué, French politician, Controller-General of Finances (d. 1789)
- 1755 – Natalia Alexeievna of Russia (d. 1776)
- 1799 – David Douglas, Scottish-English botanist and explorer (d. 1834)
- 1814 – Gabriel Auguste Daubrée, French geologist (d. 1896)
- 1852 – Antoni Gaudí, Spanish architect, designed the Park Güell (d. 1926)
- 1858 – Georges Courteline, French author and playwright (d. 1929)
- 1860 – Gustave Charpentier, French composer (d. 1956)
- 1863 – Émile Francqui, Belgian soldier and diplomat (d. 1935)
- 1864 – Walther Nernst, German chemist and physicist, Nobel Prize laureate (d. 1941)
- 1884 – Géza Gyóni, Hungarian poet (d. 1917)
- 1884 – Daniel-Henry Kahnweiler, German-French art collector and historian (d. 1979)
- 1886 – Henry H. Arnold, American general (d. 1950)
- 1887 – George Abbott, American director, producer, and screenwriter (d. 1995)
- 1887 – Frigyes Karinthy, Hungarian author, poet, and journalist (d. 1938)
- 1892 – Shirō Ishii, Japanese microbiologist and general (d. 1959)
- 1894 – Hermann Oberth, Romanian-German physicist and engineer (d. 1989)
- 1900 – Louis Mountbatten, 1st Earl Mountbatten of Burma, English admiral and politician, 44th Governor-General of India (d. 1979)
- 1900 – Zinaida Aksentyeva, Ukrainian/Soviet astronomer (d. 1969)
- 1901 – Harold Roe Bartle, American politician, 47th Mayor of Kansas City (d. 1974)
- 1902 – Prince Chichibu of Japan (d. 1953)
- 1903 – George Orwell, Indian-American author and critic (d. 1950)
- 1903 – Anne Revere, American actress (d. 1990)
- 1905 – Rupert Wildt, German astronomer (d. 1976)
- 1907 – J. Hans D. Jensen, German physicist and academic, Nobel Prize laureate (d. 1973)
- 1908 – Willard Van Orman Quine, American philosopher and academic (d. 2000)
- 1911 – William Howard Stein, American chemist and biologist, Nobel Prize laureate (d. 1980)
- 1912 – William T. Cahill, American politician, 46th Governor of New Jersey (d. 1996)
- 1913 – Cyril Fletcher, English actor (d. 2005)
- 1917 – Nils Karlsson, Swedish skier (d. 2012)
- 1918 – P. H. Newby, English author (d. 1997)
- 1921 – Celia Franca, English-Canadian ballerina, founded the National Ballet of Canada (d. 2007)
- 1922 – Johnny Smith, American guitarist and songwriter (d. 2013)
- 1923 – Sam Francis, American painter (d. 1994)
- 1923 – Dorothy Gilman, American author (d. 2012)
- 1924 – Sidney Lumet, American director, producer, and screenwriter (d. 2011)
- 1924 – Madan Mohan, Iraqi-Indian composer (d. 1975)
- 1925 – Clifton Chenier, American singer-songwriter and accordion player (d. 1987)
- 1925 – June Lockhart, American actress
- 1925 – Robert Venturi, American architect and educator
- 1926 – Margaret Anstee, English diplomat
- 1926 – Ingeborg Bachmann, Austrian author and poet (d. 1973)
- 1926 – Kep Enderby, Australian lawyer, judge, and politician, 23rd Attorney-General for Australia (d. 2015)
- 1927 – Antal Róka, Hungarian runner (d. 1970)
- 1927 – Newton Russell, American politician (d. 2013)
- 1927 – Chuck Smith, American pastor, founded the Calvary Chapel (d. 2013)
- 1927 – Arnold Wolfendale, English astronomer and academic
- 1928 – Peyo, Belgian author and illustrator, created The Smurfs (d. 1992)
- 1928 – Alexei Alexeyevich Abrikosov, Russian physicist and academic, Nobel Prize laureate
- 1928 – Michel Brault, Canadian director, producer, and screenwriter (d. 2013)
- 1928 – Bill Russo, American pianist and composer (d. 2003)
- 1928 – Alex Toth, American animator and screenwriter (d. 2006)
- 1929 – Eric Carle, American author and illustrator
- 1929 – Francesco Marchisano, Italian cardinal (d. 2014)
- 1931 – V. P. Singh, Indian politician, 7th Prime Minister of India (d. 2008)
- 1932 – Peter Blake, English painter
- 1932 – George Sluizer, French-Dutch director, producer, and screenwriter (d. 2014)
- 1933 – James Meredith, American activist
- 1933 – Álvaro Siza Vieira, Portuguese architect, designed the Porto School of Architecture
- 1934 – Jean Geissinger, American baseball player (d. 2014)
- 1934 – Jack W. Hayford, American minister and author
- 1934 – Beatriz Sheridan, Mexican actress and director (d. 2006)
- 1935 – Larry Kramer, American author, playwright, and activist, co-founded Gay Men's Health Crisis
- 1935 – Tony Lanfranchi, English race car driver (d. 2004)
- 1935 – Charles Sheffield, English-American mathematician, physicist, and author (d. 2002)
- 1936 – B. J. Habibie, Indonesian engineer and politician, 3rd President of Indonesia
- 1936 – Bert Hölldobler, German biologist and author
- 1935 – Eddie Floyd, American singer-songwriter (The Falcons)
- 1937 – Derek Foster, Baron Foster of Bishop Auckland, English politician
- 1937 – Karin Graßhof, German jurist
- 1937 – Doreen Wells, English ballerina and actress
- 1939 – Allen Fox, American tennis player
- 1940 – Mary Beth Peil, American actress and singer
- 1940 – A. J. Quinnell, English author (d. 2005)
- 1940 – Clint Warwick, English bass player (The Moody Blues) (d. 2004)
- 1941 – Denys Arcand, Canadian director, producer, and screenwriter
- 1941 – Eddie Large, Scottish comedian and actor
- 1941 – Roy Marsden, English actor
- 1942 – Patricia Brake, English actress
- 1942 – Nikiforos Diamandouros, Greek academic and politician
- 1942 – Willis Reed, American basketball player, coach, and manager
- 1942 – Michel Tremblay, Canadian author and playwright
- 1944 – Robert Charlebois, Canadian singer-songwriter, guitarist, and actor
- 1945 – Gary David Goldberg, American screenwriter and television producer (d. 2013)
- 1945 – Carly Simon, American singer-songwriter
- 1945 – Philip Watts, English priest
- 1946 – Roméo Dallaire, Dutch-Canadian general and politician
- 1947 – John Hilton, English table tennis player
- 1947 – John Powell, American discus thrower
- 1947 – Jimmie Walker, American actor
- 1948 – Broery Marantika, Indonesian singer and actor
- 1949 – Richard Clarke, Irish archbishop
- 1949 – Patrick Tambay, French race car driver
- 1950 – Nitza Saul, Israeli-English actress
- 1950 – Marcello Toninelli, Italian author
- 1952 – Péter Erdő, Hungarian cardinal
- 1952 – Tim Finn, New Zealand singer-songwriter (Finn Brothers, Crowded House, and Split Enz)
- 1952 – Martin Gerschwitz, German singer-songwriter and keyboard player (Iron Butterfly)
- 1952 – Alan Green, Northern Irish sportscaster
- 1953 – Olivier Ameisen, French-American cardiologist and educator (d. 2013)
- 1954 – Mario Lessard, Canadian ice hockey player
- 1954 – David Paich, American singer-songwriter, keyboard player, and producer (Toto)
- 1954 – Daryush Shokof, Iranian director, producer, and screenwriter
- 1954 – Sonia Sotomayor, American judge
- 1956 – Anthony Bourdain, American chef and author
- 1956 – Frank Paschek, German long jumper
- 1956 – Boris Trajkovski, Macedonian politician, 2nd President of the Republic of Macedonia (d. 2004)
- 1956 – Craig Young, Australian rugby league player and coach
- 1957 – Greg Millen, Canadian ice hockey player and sportscaster
- 1959 – Lutz Dombrowski, German long jumper
- 1959 – Jari Puikkonen, Finnish ski jumper
- 1959 – Efren Reyes, Jr., Filipino actor
- 1959 – Paris Themmen, American actor
- 1959 – Bobbie Vaile, Australian astrophysicist (d. 1996)
- 1960 – Alastair Bruce, English journalist and author
- 1960 – Craig Johnston, South African-Australian footballer
- 1960 – Brian Hayward, Canadian ice hockey player and sportscaster
- 1961 – Timur Bekmambetov, Kazakh director, producer, and screenwriter
- 1961 – Ricky Gervais, English comedian, actor, director, and producer
- 1962 – Phill Jupitus, English comedian, actor, and screenwriter
- 1963 – Doug Gilmour, Canadian ice hockey player and manager
- 1963 – John Benjamin Hickey, American actor
- 1963 – Yann Martel, Spanish-Canadian author
- 1963 – George Michael, English singer-songwriter, producer, and actor
- 1964 – Dell Curry, American basketball player and coach
- 1964 – Johnny Herbert, English race car driver
- 1964 – Greg Raymer, American poker player
- 1964 – Emma Suárez, Spanish actress
- 1966 – Dikembe Mutombo, Congolese-American basketball player
- 1967 – Tanel Tuhal, Estonian architect
- 1968 – Vaios Karagiannis, Greek footballer and manager
- 1970 – Ariel Gore, American journalist and author
- 1970 – Roope Latvala, Finnish guitarist (Children of Bodom, Stone, Sinergy, and Waltari)
- 1970 – Erki Nool, Estonian decathlete and politician
- 1970 – Aaron Sele, American baseball player
- 1971 – Karen Darke, English cyclist and author
- 1971 – Jason Gallian, Australian-English cricketer
- 1971 – Angela Kinsey, American actress
- 1971 – Neil Lennon, Northern Irish footballer and manager
- 1971 – Sébastien Levicq, French decathlete
- 1971 – Jason Lewis, American model and actor
- 1971 – Michael Tucker, American baseball player
- 1972 – Carlos Delgado, Puerto Rican baseball player and coach
- 1972 – Saif al-Islam Gaddafi, Libyan engineer and politician
- 1973 – René Corbet, Canadian ice hockey player
- 1973 – Milan Hnilička, Czech ice hockey player
- 1973 – Jamie Redknapp, English footballer and coach
- 1974 – Nisha Ganatra, Canadian director, prouder, and screenwriter
- 1974 – Karisma Kapoor, Indian actress
- 1974 – Glen Metropolit, Canadian ice hockey player
- 1975 – Chenoa, Argentinian-Spanish singer
- 1975 – Kiur Aarma, Estonian journalist and guitarist
- 1975 – Linda Cardellini, American actress
- 1975 – Albert Costa, Spanish tennis player
- 1975 – Natasha Klauss, Colombian actress
- 1975 – Vladimir Kramnik, Russian chess player
- 1975 – Michele Merkin, American model and television host
- 1976 – José Cancela, Uruguayan footballer
- 1976 – Carlos Nieto, Argentinian-Italian rugby player
- 1977 – Layla El, English wrestler, model, and dancer
- 1977 – Lola Ponce, Argentinian-Italian singer-songwriter and actress
- 1978 – Aramis Ramírez, Dominican-American baseball player
- 1978 – Luke Scott, American baseball player
- 1978 – Aftab Shivdasani, Indian actor and producer
- 1978 – Chakrit Yamnam, Thai actor
- 1979 – Marko Albert, Estonian triathlete
- 1979 – Hirooki Goto, Japanese wrestler
- 1979 – Richard Hughes, Scottish footballer
- 1979 – Busy Philipps, American actress
- 1980 – Maja Latinović, Serbian model
- 1980 – Nozomi Takeuchi, Japanese actress and singer
- 1981 – Simon Ammann, Swiss ski jumper
- 1981 – Irina Osipova, Russian basketball player
- 1981 – Sheridan Smith, English actress, singer, and dancer
- 1981 – Pooja Umashankar, Sri Lankan-Indian actress
- 1982 – Rain, South Korean singer-songwriter, dancer, and actor
- 1982 – Mikhail Youzhny, Russian tennis player
- 1983 – Cristian Baroni, Brazilian footballer
- 1983 – Marc Janko, Austrian footballer
- 1984 – Lauren Bush, American model and fashion designer
- 1984 – Fatih Atik, French-Turkish professional footballer
- 1985 – Karim Matmour, Algerian footballer
- 1986 – Charlie Davies, American soccer player
- 1986 – Aya Matsuura, Japanese singer and actress (GAM, Gomattō, 3nin Matsuri, and Def.Diva)
- 1986 – Seda Tokatlıoğlu, Turkish volleyball player
- 1987 – Brian Canter, American bull rider
- 1987 – Alissa Czisny, American figure skater
- 1987 – Takahiro Itō, Japanese actor (d. 2009)
- 1988 – Jhonas Enroth, Swedish ice hockey player
- 1988 – Miguel Layún, Mexican footballer
- 1989 – Zaden Alexander, Portuguese actor
- 1989 – Rafael Morais, Portuguese actor
- 1990 – Andi Eigenmann, Filipino actress
- 1991 – Kyousuke Hamao, Japanese actor and singer
- 1991 – Shōta Iizuka, Japanese sprinter
- 1991 – Liisi Rist, Estonian cyclist
- 1991 – Christa Theret, French actress
- 1991 – Anna Zaja, German tennis player
- 1993 – Piero Vergara, Filipino actor
- 635 – Emperor Gaozu of Tang (b. 566)
- 1134 – Niels, King of Denmark (b. 1064)
- 1218 – Simon de Montfort, 5th Earl of Leicester, French crusader (b. 1160)
- 1291 – Eleanor of Provence (b. 1223)
- 1483 – Anthony Woodville, 2nd Earl Rivers, English courtier (b. 1440)
- 1522 – Franchinus Gaffurius, Italian composer and theorist (b. 1451)
- 1533 – Mary Tudor, Queen of France (b. 1496)
- 1579 – Hatano Hideharu, Japanese warlord (b. 1541)
- 1593 – Michele Mercati, Italian physician and archaeologist (b. 1541)
- 1634 – John Marston, English poet and playwright (b. 1576)
- 1638 – Juan Pérez de Montalbán, Spanish author, poet, and playwright (b. 1602)
- 1665 – Sigismund Francis, Archduke of Austria (b. 1630)
- 1669 – François de Vendôme, Duke of Beaufort (b. 1616)
- 1671 – Giovanni Battista Riccioli, Italian priest and astronomer (b. 1598)
- 1673 – Charles de Batz-Castelmore d'Artagnan, French captain (b. 1611)
- 1686 – Simon Ushakov, Russian painter (b. 1626)
- 1715 – Jean-Baptiste du Casse, French admiral (b. 1646)
- 1767 – Georg Philipp Telemann, German composer and theorist (b. 1681)
- 1798 – Thomas Sandby, English cartographer, painter, and architect (b. 1721)
- 1822 – E. T. A. Hoffmann, German jurist and author (b. 1776)
- 1825 – Elizabeth Brontë, second daughter of the Brontë family (b. 1815)
- 1838 – François-Nicolas-Benoît Haxo, French general and engineer (b. 1774)
- 1861 – Abdülmecid I, Ottoman sultan (b. 1823)
- 1866 – Alexander von Nordmann, Finnish biologist and paleontologist (b. 1803)
- 1868 – Carlo Matteucci, Italian physicist and neurophysiologist (b. 1811)
- 1870 – David Heaton, American lawyer and politician (b. 1823)
- 1875 – Antoine-Louis Barye, French sculptor (b. 1796)
- 1876 – James Calhoun, American lieutenant (b. 1845)
- 1876 – Boston Custer, American general (b. 1848)
- 1876 – George Armstrong Custer, American general (b. 1839)
- 1876 – Thomas Custer, American colonel, Medal of Honor recipient (b. 1845)
- 1876 – Myles Keogh, Irish-American colonel (b. 1840)
- 1882 – François Jouffroy, French sculptor (b. 1806)
- 1884 – Hans Rott, Austrian organist and composer (b. 1858)
- 1886 – Jean-Louis Beaudry, Canadian politician, 11th Mayor of Montreal (b. 1809)
- 1894 – Marie François Sadi Carnot, French politician, 5th President of France (b. 1837)
- 1906 – Stanford White, American architect, designed the Washington Square Arch (b. 1853)
- 1916 – Thomas Eakins, American painter, photographer, and sculptor (b. 1844)
- 1917 – Géza Gyóni, Hungarian poet (b. 1884)
- 1922 – Satyendranath Dutta, Indian poet (b. 1882)
- 1932 – Howard Valentine, American runner (b. 1881)
- 1937 – Colin Clive, English-American actor (b. 1900)
- 1939 – Richard Seaman, English race car driver (b. 1913)
- 1944 – Dénes Berinkey, Hungarian jurist and politician, 18th Prime Minister of Hungary (b. 1871)
- 1944 – Lucha Reyes, Mexican singer and actress (b. 1906)
- 1948 – William C. Lee, American general (b. 1895)
- 1949 – Buck Freeman, American baseball player (b. 1871)
- 1949 – James Steen, American water polo player (b. 1876)
- 1950 – Maurice O'Sullivan, Irish author (b. 1904)
- 1958 – Alfred Noyes, English author, poet, and playwright (b. 1880)
- 1959 – Charles Starkweather, American spree killer (b. 1938)
- 1960 – Malcolm Shepherd, Australian public servant (b. 1873)
- 1971 – John Boyd Orr, 1st Baron Boyd-Orr, Scottish physician, biologist, and politician, Nobel Prize laureate (b. 1880)
- 1972 – Jan Matulka, Czech-American painter (b. 1890)
- 1973 – Lars Tvinde, Norwegian actor (b. 1886)
- 1974 – Cornelius Lanczos, Hungarian mathematician and physicist (b. 1893)
- 1976 – Johnny Mercer, American singer-songwriter, co-founded Capitol Records (b. 1909)
- 1977 – Olave Baden-Powell, English wife of Robert Baden-Powell, 1st Baron Baden-Powell (b. 1889)
- 1977 – Endre Szervánszky, Hungarian pianist and composer (b. 1911)
- 1979 – Dave Fleischer, American animator, director, and producer (b. 1894)
- 1979 – Philippe Halsman, Latvian-American photographer (b. 1906)
- 1983 – Alberto Ginastera, Argentinian composer (b. 1916)
- 1984 – Michel Foucault, French historian and philosopher (b. 1926)
- 1985 – Morris Mason, American murderer (b. 1954)
- 1987 – Boudleaux Bryant, American songwriter (b. 1920)
- 1988 – Hillel Slovak, Israeli-American guitarist and songwriter (Red Hot Chili Peppers and What Is This?) (b. 1962)
- 1995 – Ernest Walton, Irish physicist and academic, Nobel Prize laureate (b. 1903)
- 1997 – Jacques Cousteau, French oceanographer and explorer (b. 1910)
- 1998 – Lounès Matoub, Algerian singer, guitarist, and poet (b. 1956)
- 1999 – Tommy Ivan, Canadian-American football player, coach, and manager (b. 1911)
- 2002 – Jean Corbeil, Canadian politician (b. 1934)
- 2003 – Lester Maddox, American politician, 75th Governor of Georgia (b. 1915)
- 2005 – John Fiedler, American actor and singer (b. 1925)
- 2005 – Kâzım Koyuncu, Turkish singer-songwriter and activist (b. 1971)
- 2006 – Jaap Penraat, Dutch-American humanitarian (b. 1918)
- 2007 – Jeeva, Indian director, cinematographer, and screenwriter (b. 1963)
- 2007 – Mahasti, Iranian-American singer (b. 1946)
- 2008 – Lyall Watson, South African anthropologist and ethologist (b. 1939)
- 2009 – Yasmine, Belgian singer (b. 1972)
- 2009 – Farrah Fawcett, American actress and producer (b. 1947)
- 2009 – Michael Jackson, American singer-songwriter, producer, dancer, and actor (b. 1958)
- 2009 – Anil Wilson, Indian academic (b. 1947)
- 2010 – Alan Plater, English playwright and screenwriter (b. 1935)
- 2011 – Annie Easley, American computer scientist, mathematician, and rocket scientist (b. 1933)
- 2011 – Margaret Tyzack, English actress (b. 1931)
- 2013 – Lau Kar-leung, Chinese actor, martial artist, and director (b. 1934)
- 2014 – Nigel Calder, English journalist, author, and screenwriter (b. 1931)
- 2014 – Ana María Matute, Spanish author (b. 1925)
- Arbor Day (Philippines)
- Christian Feast Day:
- Independence Day, celebrates the independence of Mozambique from Portugal in 1975.
- National Catfish Day (United States)
- Statehood Day (Croatia)
- Statehood Day (Slovenia)
- Statehood Day (Virginia)
- Teacher's Day (Guatemala)
- World Vitiligo Day
Tim Blair – Thursday, June 25, 2015 (6:06am)
The Sydney Morning Herald this week exposed the horrifying differences between a loaf of bread cooked today and a loaf of bread cooked under the monstrous climate change conditions of 2050. But the terror doesn’t end there.
Last night I conducted several further climate change experiments on various foods, beverages, condiments and kitchen items. The results will shock you!
Tim Blair – Thursday, June 25, 2015 (5:57am)
How many overpaid ABC staffers does it take to put an Islamic extremist on television?
At least five senior producers of embattled ABC program Q&A had contact with former suspected terrorist Zaky Mallah prior to his appearance on Monday night’s show …The Daily Telegraph can reveal Mallah was briefed on Monday night before the show went to air by executive producer Peter McEvoy, who has helmed the show since 2008, according to a source in attendance.In addition, Q&A’s floor manager Hilary Firth also had some interaction with him, the source said.Earlier that day, it’s believed producer Tara Thomas, who co-ordinates submitted questions from attendees, would’ve spoken to Mallah on the phone …When Mallah arrived at the ABC’s Sydney studio, it’s understood he was met by Thomas and senior producer Christine El-Khoury.A fifth staff member to have contact with Mallah was audience producer Sandra Radice, responsible for choosing audience members.
All this, plus an ABC-supplied bus to take Mallah to and from the studio. The show’s panellists receive far less guidance. And it turns out that Mallah has previously attended Q & A broadcasts:
Mr Mallah said on Monday April 27, two days after Anzac Day, he was approved to ask the panel: “Who was responsible for the creation of ISIS?”The implication of the question was a widespread view within the Muslim community that the west was to blame for creating the extremist organisation.Asked by Fairfax Media in a text message if this was the case, Mr Mallah answered, “Yes”.“British and France and Aus has toppled the Caliphate Ottoman empire in 1921. The fall of the empire was the given reason for the new generation of youth wanting to fight for ISIS.”
But what about the British in Malaya in the 1950s?
UPDATE. Mammal-maulin’ tax absorber Jonathan Green brings his cultured reason to the issue:
(Via stu)
(Via stu)
UPDATE II. Background on Q & A‘s Peter McEvoy, from Paul Sheehan.
Tim Blair – Thursday, June 25, 2015 (2:57am)
In an unprecedented assault on the integrity of the frightbat election process, Elizabeth Farrelly implies that 2015 frightbat favourite Gillian Triggs has corrupted this year’s vote:
Gillian Triggs [has been] added to Tim Blair’s new “Crown Our Crazy Queen” frightbat list for 2015. Triggs has knocked me – a “hopeless loser” – from my perch, gaining 6548 votes compared to my pathetic 1367.
This seditious statement suggests that Farrelly was last year’s frightbat champion, when in fact her dismal return secured only ninth place in a field of ten. Moreover, Triggs’s 2015 current total has been gained during just a week or so of polling while Farrelly’s 2014 total represents 12 entire months of vote aggregation.
People, I implore you. Please do not let this failed candidate’s bitterness foster any doubts about the purity of frightbat democracy. To that end, should Elizabeth wish to pursue her claim, she is welcome to submit all allegations to a full hearing of the Council of Wisdom.
Tim Blair – Wednesday, June 24, 2015 (7:31pm)
The brutal sexist demons tormenting Clementine Ford turn out to be three Adelaide schoolchildren:
Adelaide High School has suspended three Year 11 students for “abhorrent” social media comments directed at women’s advocate and columnist Clementine Ford …Principal Anita Zocchi wrote on the school website on Monday that the “abhorrent” comments included “demeaning references towards women, and racism, and are in stark contrast to the school values of respect and compassion”.
Stupid kids. If they’d made similar comments about women at News Corp, the ABC would have picked them up in a bus and put them on television.
UPDATE. Clementine identifies as a black woman.
“Heads should roll” at the ABC, say Abbott
Andrew Bolt June 25 2015 (3:30pm)
I asked below what Tony
Abbott would do about the ABC, after using a Muslim extremist to ambush
a government Minister. His reply now follows:
===The Abbott government has today launched its own investigation into Mallah’s appearance on Q&A last Monday, arguing internal ABC inquiries have often resulted in “virtual whitewashes” of wrongdoing.Some on the Left will no doubt mock the “heads should roll” line, given the topic is the ABC’s decision to give a platform to a Muslim hothead. But if the ABC continues its astonishing recruitment of extremists, the time may come when heads indeed do roll.
The Prime Minister said the broadcaster’s decision to rebroadcast Monday night’s program in full yesterday was “utterly incomprehensible”.
“Here we had the ABC admitting a gross error judgment and then compounding that terrible mistake – that betrayal, if you like, of our country by giving a platform to this convicted criminal and terrorist sympathiser – they compounded the mistake by rebroadcasting the program,” Mr Abbott said in Canberra.
“Now, frankly, heads should roll over this. Heads should roll over this. I’ve had a good discussion with the Communications Minister, Malcolm Turnbull, I know he has made a very strong representation to the ABC.
“We’ve announced that we are not satisfied with an internal ABC inquiry because so often we’ve seen virtual whitewashes when that sort ever thing happens. There is going to be an urgent government inquiry with recommendations, and frankly the ABC ought to take some very strong action straightaway.”
What Gillian Triggs did next: attack a bank for refusing to hire an armed robber
Andrew Bolt June 25 2015 (10:39am)
Human Rights Commission president Gillian Triggs has already recommended the Government pay $350,000 in compensation for refusing to release a “refugee” who’d beaten his wife to death with a child’s bicycle.
For her next trick, she has now ordered a bank to apologise for not hiring a convicted armed robber.
The finding:
===For her next trick, she has now ordered a bank to apologise for not hiring a convicted armed robber.
The finding:
The recommendation:
The record:
From Q&A’s latest recruit
Andrew Bolt June 25 2015 (10:29am)
The ABC still hyperventilates about Tony Abbott standing near a “Ditch the witch” sign he didn’t see.
Yet it gets five staff to help put to air a convicted criminal and Muslim extremist who has tweeted this:
So much for the ABC being sorry. The ABC’s Jonathan Green now says Zachy Mallah had a “fair point” in claiming that what turned young Muslims to extremism was ... the Abbott Government.
Yes, seriously:
Wow. The overstaffed ABC sure gave convicted criminal and Islamic extremist Zaky Mallah a lot of help for his verbal assault on a government minister:
Via Tim Blair:
===Yet it gets five staff to help put to air a convicted criminal and Muslim extremist who has tweeted this:
So who will be sacked?
So much for the ABC being sorry. The ABC’s Jonathan Green now says Zachy Mallah had a “fair point” in claiming that what turned young Muslims to extremism was ... the Abbott Government.
Yes, seriously:
Wow. The overstaffed ABC sure gave convicted criminal and Islamic extremist Zaky Mallah a lot of help for his verbal assault on a government minister:
At least five senior producers of embattled ABC program Q&A had contact with former suspected terrorist Zaky Mallah prior to his appearance on Monday night’s show …UPDATE
The Daily Telegraph can reveal Mallah was briefed on Monday night before the show went to air by executive producer Peter McEvoy, who has helmed the show since 2008, according to a source in attendance.
In addition, Q&A’s floor manager Hilary Firth also had some interaction with him, the source said.
Earlier that day, it’s believed producer Tara Thomas, who co-ordinates submitted questions from attendees, would’ve spoken to Mallah on the phone …
When Mallah arrived at the ABC’s Sydney studio, it’s understood he was met by Thomas and senior producer Christine El-Khoury.
A fifth staff member to have contact with Mallah was audience producer Sandra Radice, responsible for choosing audience members.
Via Tim Blair:
(Thanks to reader fern.)
Frozen panic
Andrew Bolt June 25 2015 (10:24am)
===According to Dr David Viner, a senior research scientist at the climatic research unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia,within a few years winter snowfall will become “a very rare and exciting event”.2015:
Britain faces FREEZING winters.(Thanks to reader Old Fellah.)
Could we really reform such children? And who would pay the price for failure?
Andrew Bolt June 25 2015 (10:19am)
I feel very sorry for the children, to be brought up like that, yet am not anxious for them to return to us - especially in the care of their mother:
===SYDNEY’S Islamic State butchers Khaled Sharrouf and Mohamed Elomar have been accused of buying, raping and torturing Yazidi slave girls in Syria and teaching their young children how to torture the girls.(Thanks to reader fern.)
One woman has described how Sharrouf’s children threatened to behead them and film their deaths.
“(They) said that they would make a video while cutting off our heads,” the woman, who says she was bought as a slave by Sharrouf told the ABC’s 7.30 Report last night…
“The children were holding knives and told us that they were going to kills us. They were calling us infidels ‘all Yazidis are infidels’, they said, the whole world must convert to Islam.”
Rinehart vs red tape
Andrew Bolt June 25 2015 (10:12am)
Sadly, not surprised - and I wonder how many other investors have felt the same:
===Mining billionaire Gina Rinehart has praised Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi for his approach to cutting red tape, arguing Australia has become a nation where compliance is more important to government than performance.
At an elite gathering of business leaders at Mr Modi’s house in New Delhi to launch Mrs Rinehart’s second book, she revealed that if she knew what she knows now about building a significant mining project in Australia, she doubts she would have proceeded with her $US10 billion ($13bn) Roy Hill project.
“Roy Hill has faced more than 4000 government approvals, permits and licences — and that doesn’t count many, many more for construction,” she said in a speech to launch her book Red Tape to Red Carpet ... and then some.
Yes, shocking. So what will Abbott do about out-of-control ABC?
Andrew Bolt June 25 2015 (6:35am)
A FURIOUS Prime Minister Tony Abbott this week challenged the ABC: “Whose side are you on?”
And I challenge Abbott: We’ve known for years what side it’s on. Now, what will you do about it?
There should be no surprise that the ABC gave a national platform to Muslim extremist Zaky Mallah, once jailed for threatening to kill ASIO officers.
The ABC has been at this kind of thing for years, thanks to bias in our biggest media organisation that is systemic, unlawful and dangerous.
Monday should be the final straw.
(Read full column here.)
===And I challenge Abbott: We’ve known for years what side it’s on. Now, what will you do about it?
There should be no surprise that the ABC gave a national platform to Muslim extremist Zaky Mallah, once jailed for threatening to kill ASIO officers.
The ABC has been at this kind of thing for years, thanks to bias in our biggest media organisation that is systemic, unlawful and dangerous.
Monday should be the final straw.
(Read full column here.)
Bill Shorten caught lying
Andrew Bolt June 25 2015 (6:31am)
The Killing Season showed us Kevin Rudd and Julia Gillard trying to kill each other.
But between them they’ve destroyed Bill Shorten.
This ABC documentary accidentally caught the new Labor leader telling outright lies, just when his credibility is at an all-time low.
Rudd was shown on Tuesday saying Shorten told him in a secret meeting on June 19, 2013 that he’d stop backing Gillard, then the prime minister.
Shorten would instead throw his supporters behind Rudd, to give him back the leadership they took from him in 2010.
As Rudd said, Shorten’s switch was crucial to his successful challenge: “There was no way in the world I was going to move unless Bill Shorten was going to come with me.”
But hang on. June 19? Two days after telling Rudd he’d betray Gillard, Shorten told a completely different story on 3AW to host Neil Mitchell.
(Read full article here.)
===But between them they’ve destroyed Bill Shorten.
This ABC documentary accidentally caught the new Labor leader telling outright lies, just when his credibility is at an all-time low.
Rudd was shown on Tuesday saying Shorten told him in a secret meeting on June 19, 2013 that he’d stop backing Gillard, then the prime minister.
Shorten would instead throw his supporters behind Rudd, to give him back the leadership they took from him in 2010.
As Rudd said, Shorten’s switch was crucial to his successful challenge: “There was no way in the world I was going to move unless Bill Shorten was going to come with me.”
But hang on. June 19? Two days after telling Rudd he’d betray Gillard, Shorten told a completely different story on 3AW to host Neil Mitchell.
(Read full article here.)
Lawler too sick to work? Then explain this
Andrew Bolt June 25 2015 (6:25am)
What a hide. The man is supposed to be too sick to do his day job:
===Fair Work Commission vice-president Michael Lawler leapt to centre stage in a hearing before the Federal Court yesterday, in the Health Services Union case against his partner Kathy Jackson, which alleges misappropriation of $1.4 million in union funds.Chris Merritt on Michael Lawler, who sure rocks my faith in the Fair Work Commission:
In a dramatic day, Mr Lawler at one point publicly dumped his own lawyer in order to address the court himself — with the result that when he sought to reinstate her 15 minutes later she refused, declaring that as her instructions had been withdrawn she was not prepared to operate on a step-in, step-out basis.
Lawler is one of the nation’s most senior law officers. He is a vice-president of the commission and is paid more than a judge of the Federal Court…
Yet ... Lawler has given new meaning to the great Australian sickie. He has been away from his official duties for months due to ill health.
Instead of presiding over his own hearing room, these days he is more likely to be found in someone else’s court debating points of law. Or he might be found outside, gesticulating at an unwelcome photographer just like other reluctant public figures.
Lawler might be sick, but he is clearly a superior lawyer — why else would he shove aside his barrister, as he did yesterday, and argue his case himself?
ABC breaks law in plain sight. Coalition MPs have had enough
Andrew Bolt June 25 2015 (6:11am)
Conservative MPs are
finally rebelling at what is actually fraud by the ABC - using
taxpayers’ money for a purpose other than the one intended. Using
taxpayers’ money, meant by law to go to providing an impartial service, to provide instead a soapbox for the Left.
This is actually breaking the law in the plainest sight - on national television - and enough is enough:
The Australian today picks up on the same point:
Paul Sheehan:
===This is actually breaking the law in the plainest sight - on national television - and enough is enough:
Defence Minister Kevin Andrews has become the first Abbott government minister to officially boycott the ABC’s Q&A after it aired convicted criminal and “terrorist sympathiser” Zaky Mallah’s claim that Muslims were “justified” in joining Islamic State…The ABC is out of control, a law unto itself. The Australian:
Mallah and the ABC yesterday confirmed he travelled by shuttle bus paid for by the ABC from Parramatta to Q&A’s Ultimo studio… Mallah, who denied his comments incited terrorism, told The Australian: “The producers also amended my question and I had to approve of it to ask it. It was similar to mine, but edited.”
ABC managing director Mark Scott yesterday faced a fiery closed-door meeting in Canberra with regional MPs who demanded the program be suspended until an external review into the show’s format and procedures is concluded.
Mr Andrews formally rejected the invitation to join next week’s panel with Labor’s Tanya Plibersek, and has indicated he won’t appear on the show “until it becomes balanced"…
Queensland Coalition senator James McGrath said left-wing bias on Q&A risked “toxifying” the ABC’s brand. “Q&A is out of control and should be taken off the air pending any recommendations received from an independent review,” Mr McGrath said.
Within 24 hours of the ABC’s director of television, Richard Finlayson, conceding that Q&A had “made an error in judgment in allowing Zaky Mallah to join the audience and ask a question’’ on Monday night, the statement proved hollow. The program was rerun on ABC television yesterday and on the ABC’s Australia Plus network throughout the Asia-Pacific region. The failure to edit out the Mallah sequence was as unprofessional as a newspaper running a correction but immediately repeating the identical error, in print and online — unimaginable misconduct. Yet this week’s Q&A remains available, intact, on the ABC’s website, incongruously preceded by the acknowledgment that the program had erred by including Mallah. Why repeat such an error?On 2GB last night a Muslim listener rang in absolute outrage that the ABC could promote Mallah as the voice of Muslims, thus smearing all.
The Australian today picks up on the same point:
Q&A would not provide a free kick for others jailed for serious crimes or for other men who tweeted that two female journalists were “whores’’ who should be pack raped. Mallah’s record speaks for itself. On YouTube in August last year, in an obscene, abusive and sexually explicit rant against The Daily Telegraph’s Miranda Devine, Mallah described himself as “Australia’s first terrorist’’. In the same video he unleashed a tirade of anti-Semitic abuse against The Sunday Telegraph’s Yoni Bashan… The next day, the ABC interviewed him on Lateline as a “Muslim activist’’, commenting on the government’s security crackdown. Such labelling was unfair to decent Australian Muslims.UPDATE
Paul Sheehan:
This pattern of providing a megaphone for accusations of Islamophobia explains the powerful exasperation following Monday’s Q&A stunt… This latest incident was both trivial and ephemeral but pointed to something deeper and ingrained: the ABC’s incessant invocation of prejudice against Muslims in Australia. It has ranged from false accusations about asylum seekers, to a reluctance to examine dysfunctions within Muslim communities, to endorsing Muslim victimology.Jennifer Oriel:
I was invited to appear as a panellist on the ABC’s political talk show Q&A this month.
This week, Q&A featured a self-described Muslim activist who tweeted about gang-raping female columnists in January and pleaded guilty to threatening to kill an ASIO officer.
Why would I want to appear on Q&A following such an outrage against women and our nation’s protective forces?
The man who tweeted the idea of gang-raping female journalists also has expressed support for an Islamic caliphate…
As a female political commentator who leans conservative, my right to free speech and bodily safety may not mean much to the ABC. But I did not spend my formative years fighting for women’s rights in the 20th century only to submit to an Islamist-Left alliance of misogyny in the 21st.
ABC attacks critics
Andrew Bolt June 24 2015 (10:47pm)
The ABC is out of control. Is there a single journalist in that vast workforce that has the wit or courage to say it was wrong for the ABC to give such a platform for a Muslim radical jailed for threatening to kill and capture ASIO officials?
Instead, we get ABC 774 host Rafael Epstein telling my editor, Damon Johnston, there seems little difference between the ABC giving a platform to Zaky Mallah and the Herald Sun giving one to me:
Seriously, Rafael? That is pathetic.
And on Radio National, more evidence that the ABC, our biggest media organisation, will turn its vast resources on its critics even when it is wrong:
Wow. The overstaffed ABC sure gave convicted criminal and Islamic extremist Zaky Mallah a lot of help for his verbal assault on a government minister:
Via Tim Blair:
===Instead, we get ABC 774 host Rafael Epstein telling my editor, Damon Johnston, there seems little difference between the ABC giving a platform to Zaky Mallah and the Herald Sun giving one to me:
No, I don’t think it is a partisan criticism, but it goes to, you are essentially I guess editorialising that the ABC is in some way doesn’t have the nation’s best interests at heart and [inaudible] appropriate given that one incident
Yeah, yeah, I think in that context it is appropriate to question that
Is that, so let me try and fit around they can Damon. Andrew Bolt, columnist, very very popular. He, I guess, I’m trying to frame his words in a way that are acceptable to him. He doesn’t believe in the concept of the stolen generations, he strongly questioned that. He has got a lot of strong questions on the science of climate change, many people would feel that they are irrefutable facts and that by questioning those things, Andrew Bolt is in some way corroding the social fabric. Does that mean that we can all we should question the Herald Sun’s real commitment to cohesive society?
Are you trying to draw some equivalency between Zaki Mallah and Andrew Bolt? Last time I looked Andrew hadn’t done 2 ½ years jail
No no no I’m not saying they are saying that all I am just trying to, I’m trying to get at whether or not it is fair to attack the ABC’s intentions towards the country around some coverage. Andrew Bolt is clearly very popular, I don’t want to get into the ins and outs of his columns, I don’t think this is the place to do that. However, if he is asking a lot of significant questions around the stolen generation and climate change science and they are things that for many people, not for everyone, for many people they are irrefutable facts. Can I then question the Herald Sun and say well, you are in some way being corrosive in you know, [inaudible]
Seriously, Rafael? That is pathetic.
And on Radio National, more evidence that the ABC, our biggest media organisation, will turn its vast resources on its critics even when it is wrong:
ALISON CARABINE:If the ABC has even one conservative host of a mainstream current affairs show you might not see quite this tribal defence of the indefensible.
It may have been an own-goal by Q&A, but hasn’t it just given the Government another excuse to give the ABC a good kicking?
The Government hasn’t created this issue. Q&A, the ABC has created this issue and instead of trying to somehow run this rear-guard action, this protection racket for Q&A and Tony Jones, the ABC needs to be responsible, own up to their own actions.
I think it’s already done that…
Well, as I say, in every ABC interview I’ve done since then there seems to be this rear-guard action as opposed to saying…
Well, maybe that’s because of the way in which the Government has reacted to what happened on Monday night. It’s been quite over the top.
Wow. The overstaffed ABC sure gave convicted criminal and Islamic extremist Zaky Mallah a lot of help for his verbal assault on a government minister:
At least five senior producers of embattled ABC program Q&A had contact with former suspected terrorist Zaky Mallah prior to his appearance on Monday night’s show …UPDATE
The Daily Telegraph can reveal Mallah was briefed on Monday night before the show went to air by executive producer Peter McEvoy, who has helmed the show since 2008, according to a source in attendance.
In addition, Q&A’s floor manager Hilary Firth also had some interaction with him, the source said.
Earlier that day, it’s believed producer Tara Thomas, who co-ordinates submitted questions from attendees, would’ve spoken to Mallah on the phone …
When Mallah arrived at the ABC’s Sydney studio, it’s understood he was met by Thomas and senior producer Christine El-Khoury.
A fifth staff member to have contact with Mallah was audience producer Sandra Radice, responsible for choosing audience members.
Via Tim Blair:
Shorten: I “regret” lying
Andrew Bolt June 24 2015 (10:33pm)
Shorten didn’t actually apologise. He didn’t actually admit he lied. But he has just suffered a terrible wound:
===Bill Shorten has apologised for lying about his efforts to topple Julia Gillard…From The Killing Season, describing a meeting on June 19, 2013:
The Opposition Leader today faced questioning over his claim on June 21, 2013, that he had “not spoken to Kevin Rudd about the leadership” and would “continue to support” Julia Gillard despite a secret meeting with Kevin Rudd only two days earlier.
The meeting on the night of parliament’s midwinter ball was detailed in Paul Kelly’s history of the Rudd-Gillard government, Triumph and Demise, and confirmed by Kevin Rudd and his former adviser Patrick Gorman in the ABC’s The Killing Season last night....
Mr Shorten subsequently contacted Melbourne broadcaster Neil Mitchell, who conducted the interview onJulyJune 21, 2013, and apologised for not telling the truth.
Narrator: Kevin Rudd used the cover of the night for a secret meeting with Bill Shorten.But from Shorten’s interview with Neil Mitchell on June 21, 2013:
Former Rudd advisor, Patrick Gorman: Kevin makes an early exit ... and heads up to Richard Marles’ office where Bill Shorten is.
Mr Rudd: There was no way in the world I was going to move unless Bill Shorten was going to come with me.
Mitchell: Is there, Bill Shorten, any question that Julia Gillard will be Prime Minister, heading into the election?This is a disaster.
Shorten: No
Mitchell: Will you review your support for her?
Shorten: No
Mitchell: Have you been asked to?
Shorten: No…
Mitchell: Have you spoken to Kevin Rudd?
Shorten: I haven’t spoken to Kevin Rudd about the leadership
Posted by Latika M Bourke on Wednesday, 24 June 2015
White Sands
Posted by Matt Granz on Thursday, 25 June 2015
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Posted by Comedy 103.1 on Thursday, 1 January 2015
Attenti alle chiappe !
Posted by Video Incredibili on Thursday, 6 November 2014
Spiraling DownwardCanadian Texas
Posted by Matt Granz on Wednesday, 24 June 2015
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Posted by PerezHilton.com on Friday, 1 August 2014
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#tbt Riding my old #Peugeot fold-up bike on my last day as MP for Parramatta. #auspol #offtodundas #turtleneck pic.twitter.com/gdp8S1TGUN
— Philip Ruddock (@philipruddockmp) June 25, 2015
Zaky Mallah is the latest in a string of stunts that has backfired for Q&A http://t.co/FVMJHdyPuv via @theage
— David Daniel Ball (@DaOddBall67) June 25, 2015
Citizenship could be stripped for wide range of offences under terror laws http://t.co/X4Ic3DCGFc via @theage
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15 Incredible Life-Saving Facts That Everyone Should Know! http://t.co/fFkDOrNymX via @unbelievablefts
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Freedom demands the law is respected and followed. http://t.co/0lLhgbxwUB via @newscomauHQ
— David Daniel Ball (@DaOddBall67) June 25, 2015
How many followers do you get weekly? 66 awesome new followers for me! Grow with http://t.co/TCZI616991
— David Daniel Ball (@DaOddBall67) June 24, 2015
=== Posts from last year ===
How jihad became the latest fashion in Sydney
Miranda Devine – Tuesday, June 24, 2014 (10:08pm)
IF anything gives Islam a bad name in Australia, it’s extremist outfits like Hizb ut-Tahrir, which wants to use the upcoming Festival of Dangerous Ideas to justify honour killings.
Uthman Badar, the group’s spokesman, was invited to the prestigious Sydney Opera House event in August to deliver a speech titled: “Honour killings are morally justified.”
Seriously. Murdering women is not a dangerous idea – it’s a crime.
After pressure from the NSW government, the Opera House last night cancelled the speech, claiming “a line has been crossed”. But why did it and Festival partner, the St James Ethics Centre, offer a platform to Islamist extremists at all?
There simply is no justification for the murder of women by relatives who feel she has dishonoured the family, by, say, being raped.
Some ideas in the world really are dangerous, and you only have to look at the horrors unfolding in Syria and Iraq to know that radical Islam is as bad as they come.
But to Festival organizers, it was all a game. By inviting Hizb Ut Tahrir to join the rest of the luvvies on stage they made Islamist extremism fashionable.
We have trouble enough on that score.
Take jihad, which has become so cool in Australia that we are the leading supplier, per capita, of Western fighters in Syria and now Iraq.
You can hear Australian accents on recruitment videos posted online by the brutal ISIS terrorist group, which has recently moved from the war in Syria to Iraq where it now controls large parts of the country.
“Muslim brothers in Australia. I don’t see myself as better than you…this is the message for youse.”
Australian jihadists are not just making propaganda videos, but taking leading roles.
Convicted terrorist Khaled Sharrouf, formerly of Wiley Park, for instance, is pictured in graphic images on social media, reportedly holding a pistol and surrounded by the corpses of Iraqi civilians who have been executed.
The 150 Australian jihadists who have joined ISIS and other terrorist groups are a disproportionate number, compared to an estimated 50 from the US, and 400 from the UK, out of 1000 from all Europe.
And since Sydney is where the majority of Australia’s Muslims live, this is particularly our problem.
And since Sydney is where the majority of Australia’s Muslims live, this is particularly our problem.
The most senior police in NSW, including counter-terrorism officers, past and present, say Sydney’s Muslim leaders are doing their best to stop the recruitment of young people.
One reason ISIS has been successful here is that it is a Sunni group, one of the two main branches of Islam. Sydney has the largest population of Lebanese Sunnis outside of Lebanon, a product of immigration in the 1970s and 1980s during that country’s civil war.
But it is the Australian-born children and grandchildren of those migrants, who don’t speak Arabic and have never read the Koran, who have been recruited to jihad across the world.
The families whose sons – and sometimes daughters – have left to fight in Syria and Iraq are “devastated”.
“We are fuming and very angry about ISIS,” Belmore GP Dr Jamal Rifi said yesterday. “Our young men have been brainwashed, not by the people of the cloth but by evil people. They’ve taken them where they should not go. They’ve taken them to their death.”
Dr Rifi knows three Sydney families whose sons have joined ISIS in Syria and two families whose daughters have gone.
One 17-year-old told his mother two weeks ago he was going to Gosford to get a job, and then he turned up on Facebook in Syria.
“We informed the AFP. And the local authorities… The family is devastated.”
About five weeks ago, Dr Rifi said Muslim community leaders became aware of extremists recruiting young people for jihad in Bankstown.
“This was a small group operating behind closed doors making a network of like-minded, impressionable people. Somebody pretending to be a religious leader was brainwashing them.
“We know that group went to Turkey on different pretences and [then] went from Turkey to Syria.”
The brainwashing is real, says one former counter terrorism officer, who worked on the Operation Pendennis terrorist plot investigation, which foiled attacks in Sydney and Melbourne in 2005, including a plan to blow up the MCG.
Extremists “groom” young men identified though youth groups, or other activities, as good prospects for jihad.
“It’s no different to a way a paedophile will groom a child. They will work on them over years and brainwash them.
“I’ve seen it first hand. [The recruits] are lost souls anyway; they’re not hard to manipulate and bring on board.”
The government has vowed to cancel the passports of homegrown jihadists. But, without proof of terrorist activity, it will be tricky to stop Australian citizens coming home.
Just look at the public furore supporting David Hicks, a homegrown jihadist of an earlier generation.
In the end, we have to rely on the skill of our police, and their good relations with the majority of moderate Muslims, who have as much at stake as anyone in stopping the radicalisation of their youth.
But what hope is there when Sydney’s fashionable left-wing establishment fetes extremism, as if it is just another dinner party conversation starter.
The curious case of O’Farrell’s wine
Miranda Devine – Tuesday, June 24, 2014 (9:06pm)
BARRY O’Farrell’s sudden resignation over a bottle of Grange has never been satisfactorily explained.
Tim Blair – Wednesday, June 25, 2014 (4:14pm)
It’s Blair’s Law writ extra-large:
Former US vice-president Al Gore will join Clive Palmer in Parliament House on Wednesday afternoon.Fairfax Media understands Mr Gore and Mr Palmer will discuss environment and climate policy in a joint press conference in the Great Hall.Mr Palmer’s spokesman Andrew Crook is remaining tight-lipped about details of the event, but he said it was “not wrong” that Mr Gore is expected in the building in the next few hours.
Two massive millionaires – the perfect image of modern environmentalism.
ACT Policing has advised of several road closures due to snow around Canberra.
Tim Blair – Wednesday, June 25, 2014 (5:11am)
Islamic extremist Uthman Badar’s planned Sydney speech – “Honour killings are morally justified” – has beencancelled:
The Opera House on Tuesday canned a lecture entitled “Honour killings are morally justified”, which was to have been given by writer Uthman Badar, only hours after it was announced.The talk was planned as part of the annual Festival of Dangerous Ideas, which takes place in August.Its inclusion in the line-up sparked a barrage of criticism on social media and condemnation from the NSW government, with Minister for Women Pru Goward branding it “abhorrent”.
Good call.
Late on Tuesday, the Opera House announced on its Facebook page that the lecture would not go ahead.“The Festival of Dangerous Ideas is intended to be a provocation to thought and discussion, rather than simply a provocation,” the statement said.“It is always a matter of balance and judgement, and in this case a line has been crossed ... It is clear from the public reaction that the title has given the wrong impression of what Mr Badar intended to discuss.”
That would be the title: “Honour killings are morally justified.” How on earth did people get the wrong idea?
“Neither Mr Badar, (festival organisers) the St James Ethics Centre, nor Sydney Opera House in any way advocates honour killings or condones any form of violence against women.”
Except that they did actually plan a speech with the title “Honour killings are morally justified.” Apart from that, no condoning of any violence towards women at all.
Mr Badar took to Twitter to make a statement of his own.“Hysteria wins out. Opera house cancels my session at #FODI. Welcome to the free world, where freedom of expression is a cherished value,” he wrote.
So now we’re being lectured on freedom of expression by a Hizb ut-Tahrir propagandist.
Mr Badar had indicated he did not intend to defend honour killings.His tweeted response to one critic who wrote, “Any one who condones or justifies the murder of defenceless women is a gutless creep”, was: “I’m with you on that. Calm down.”
Here’s an idea, my Hizbie friend: now that your schedule is clear, you’ve got time to visit ISIS and tell them exactly the same thing. Be sure to mention your fondness for freedom of expression. Good luck.
“Overwhelmingly, those who condemn honour killings are based in the liberal democracies of the West,” a blurb for Mr Badar’s event had read.“The accuser and moral judge is the secular (white) westerner and the accused is the oriental other; the powerful condemn the powerless.”
Those two sentences are literally sickening. We’re talking here about women being stoned or hacked or slashed to death, and this is a plea of powerlessness on behalf of their murderers. Everybody associated with Badar’s planned speech stands absolutely condemned.
UPDATE. Today’s Daily Telegraph editorial:
The organisers of this utter disgrace may congratulate themselves on winning media attention. Perhaps that was the aim all along.But media attention will eventually fade, and those organisers will have to live with the fact that they intended to elevate the slaughter of women and girls to the very centre of Sydney’s cultural life.
One of those organisers is professional ethicist Simon Longstaff:
Joint founder and co-curator of the festival Simon Longstaff said the idea is one he had consistently nominated for six years, because the point of the event is to push boundaries “to the point where you become extremely uncomfortable”.
If making people “extremely uncomfortable” is the aim, Simon, why not just pelt rocks at the Opera House audience? It’d be less expensive than presenting speakers, and would also provide an authentic “honour killing” experience for your customers. Here’s Simon on Twitter:
The session to explore ‘honour killing’ has been cancelled. Alas, people read the session title - and no further. Just too dangerous.
It was about killing women, you idiot. You really want to “explore” that idea? Where do you go after working out that killing innocent women is wrong?
Tim Blair – Wednesday, June 25, 2014 (4:11am)
Former Gillard government advisor John McTernan:
The jailing of al-Jazeera journalists shows how precious free speech is. Government regulation should be resisted.
Wow. Already forgotten this, John?
UPDATE. Readers should be aware that McTernan has returned to the UK.
Tim Blair – Wednesday, June 25, 2014 (4:10am)
Nominations remain open for your ancient domestic artefacts.
Tim Blair – Wednesday, June 25, 2014 (3:12am)
The Guardian‘s reaction to two verdicts in Britain’s phone-hacking trial:
“There was wild cheering in newsroom at news that jury had verdict. Now gone deathly silent.”
They’re upset because primary hate-figure Rebekah Brooks has been found not guilty:
David Cameron’s former communications chief Andy Coulson has been found guilty of conspiring to hack phones, but his co-accused, the former editor of News of the World and News International executive Rebekah Brooks, has walked free at the Old Bailey …Following an arduous eight-month trial and three-year investigation, Brooks, 46, clearly looking faint and needing to be helped by a court official, was found not guilty of the four charges she was facing.She was exonerated of conspiracy to hack phones, conspiracy to corrupt public officials and conspiracy to pervert the course of justice.
Coulson, still to be sentenced, can expect some prison time.
ABC presenter on the justification for honour killings
Andrew Bolt June 25 2014 (7:29pm)
From 3:49, the ABC’s James Carleton explains the benefits of knowing the justification for honour killings. He opposes honour killings, of course, but now far better understands why they may seem necessary.
Incredibly, he then adds the difference between him giving this rationalisation and Uthman Badar is that he himself is non-Muslim, and the opposition to Badar must therefore be based on Islamophobia.
This overlooks a few points. For instance, Badar hasn’t actually explained what his argument is, and Carleton simply imagines it’s one he can accept. Second, Badar’s speech was actually titled “Honor killings are morally justified” - not a question but a statement. The blurb, also approved by Badar, said the speech would be an attack on whites who criticised honor killing. This further suggests Carleton is in full apologetics mode. Lastly, Badar’s record of excusing terrorists and the oppression of women do not entitle him to a privileged platform at such a Festival.
Oh, and I find Carleton’s rationalisation pretty creepy, actually.
Carleton is the presenter who had to apologise the other day for sliming Cardinal George Pell. Far less willingness to be understanding there.
Why is the ABC filled wall-to-wall with the Left?
(Thanks to reader Rex.)
===Incredibly, he then adds the difference between him giving this rationalisation and Uthman Badar is that he himself is non-Muslim, and the opposition to Badar must therefore be based on Islamophobia.
This overlooks a few points. For instance, Badar hasn’t actually explained what his argument is, and Carleton simply imagines it’s one he can accept. Second, Badar’s speech was actually titled “Honor killings are morally justified” - not a question but a statement. The blurb, also approved by Badar, said the speech would be an attack on whites who criticised honor killing. This further suggests Carleton is in full apologetics mode. Lastly, Badar’s record of excusing terrorists and the oppression of women do not entitle him to a privileged platform at such a Festival.
Oh, and I find Carleton’s rationalisation pretty creepy, actually.
Carleton is the presenter who had to apologise the other day for sliming Cardinal George Pell. Far less willingness to be understanding there.
Why is the ABC filled wall-to-wall with the Left?
(Thanks to reader Rex.)
ABC asks foul question to incite its Abbott haters
Andrew Bolt June 25 2014 (5:10pm)
Push-polling by the ABC:
This is just push polling to suggest a problem that does not exist, and incite the hatred the ABC can count on from its on-line audience.
The ABC is out of control.
===There is not the slightest evidence to suggest the Government has not done enough. The Greste family does not say so, Labor does not say so, lawyers do not say so, no reputable journalist says so. The intensive effort mounted is so obvious that the question is simply a non-issue - apart from at the ABC, which chooses to ask this question rather than a 1000 others it could legitimately ask about the case.
This is just push polling to suggest a problem that does not exist, and incite the hatred the ABC can count on from its on-line audience.
The ABC is out of control.
Al Gore advises Clive Palmer. We’re in strife
Andrew Bolt June 25 2014 (4:49pm)
A discredited billionaire asks a discredited warming alarmist for advice. Australia is in deep trouble, and the carbon tax may not be lifted from our backs:
From Gore’s list of dud predictions:
Tim Blair:
Reports that Palmer wants an emissions trading scheme. Which is a carbon tax in another form.
What a sell out. But this should cement Palmer’s relationship with the ABC and the Canberra press gallery.
The Greens are now also suggesting they could back an emissions trading scheme, having already helped destroy the prime ministerships of Kevin Rudd and Julia Gillard by opposing just that.
So why is Palmer now demanding an emissions trading scheme when just two months ago he insisted there was no problem to fix:
Palmer’s plan isn’t good, but could be worse.
The very bad news is that Palmer (the coal miner) will vote to keep the Clean Energy Finance Corporation, which lends our money for dodgy green schemes, and the Renewable Energy Target, which forces us to waste money on green power and drives up power bills.
But Palmer’s trading scheme has a useful get-out, although it sets up a dangerous machinery - especially if Labor is returned.
He says he will move an amendment to a bill to abolish the Climate Change Authority that a zero-rated emissions trading scheme be set up, to be operative only when China, the US, the European Union, Japan and Korea have the same. The price, he suggests, will be set at the world price.
At this stage, though, there is no sign the US, Korea and Japan will have any such scheme, and the Chinese plan is for a scheme where permits are likewise free.
Clever Clive. With luck, this scheme will never happen. But Palmer says the carbon tax will go. And that is the main game.
Then Gore speaks. He is typically misleading.
He claims Obama has just announced a 30 per cent cut in emissions. In fact, Obama announced a 30 per cent cut in the 2005 levels of emission by 2030 - but only from power stations, which make up 40 per cent of all human emissions. This means Obama’s plans an actual cut to emissions today of just 6 per cent. Moreover, this need not be done as Gore claims, by an emissions trading scheme.
Gore also claims the new Indian Prime Minister has pledged to put electricity in every home - and this will “mainly” come from solar power. Modi made no such promise, which is unachievable. In fact, Modi made only a vague nod to solar power:
And the deception didn’t stop there. Palmer said both men had an “urgent dinner” to attend and so couldn’t take questions. It was actually 5.45pm. And Gore’s aversion to taking questions from journalists not pre-screened is notorious.
A question Gore would have or should faced is this: How much did Palmer pay you or your interests to get you to attend? It must have cost something, because why would Gore otherwise attend a press conference called by a politician announcing he’s help scrap the carbon tax and replace it with an emissions trading scheme that is unlikely to ever to see light of day?
Gore the fraud was just there as cover.
===Clive Palmer will announce his party’s position on repealing the carbon tax bill this afternoon, flanked by climate change campaigner and former US vice-president Al Gore.I don’t know which of the two men is shamed most by this association.
The Fairfax MP is due to reveal how the Palmer United Party Senators will vote on the crucial bill in Parliament’s Great Hall at 5.30pm AEST…
A statement from Mr Palmer’s office says ...: “Mr Palmer said it is apparent that climate change is a global issue and in the meeting he will discuss this with Vice President Gore”. Yesterday, Mr Palmer told the ABC the announcement would “offer hope to mankind” and “a solution for Australia and the world”.
From Gore’s list of dud predictions:
In December 2008, Al Gore, for instance, said: ”The entire north polar ice cap will be gone in 5 years...”In fact, world sea ice is above average levels. And Arctic sea ice is above 2008 levels, according to Norsex data.
Climate change has already cost us – in more costly extreme weather disasters, in failed crops...In fact, the world has seen increasing crops and fewer cyclones, if anything, and little sign of extra droughts and floods, according to the IPCC.
Tim Blair:
Behold, once again, the Gore Effect:UPDATEACT Policing has advised of several road closures due to snow around Canberra.
Reports that Palmer wants an emissions trading scheme. Which is a carbon tax in another form.
What a sell out. But this should cement Palmer’s relationship with the ABC and the Canberra press gallery.
The Greens are now also suggesting they could back an emissions trading scheme, having already helped destroy the prime ministerships of Kevin Rudd and Julia Gillard by opposing just that.
So why is Palmer now demanding an emissions trading scheme when just two months ago he insisted there was no problem to fix:
Lateline presenter Tony Jones: Clive Palmer, can I ask you a very basic question? Do you believe the consensus scientific view set out in the latest IPCC report that climate change impacts due to global warming will have especially serious impacts on Australia?UPDATE
Clive Palmer: No, I don’t believe that’s so. There’s been global warming for a long time. I mean, all of Ireland was covered by ice at one time. There were no human inhabitants in Ireland. That’s how the world has been going over millions and billions of years and Ross Garnaut knows that’s true, so I think that’s part of the natural cycle…
It’s not logical. If we say 97 per cent comes from nature and we don’t even bother examining how we can reduce carbon in nature, just in industry, it’s not a proper balance… I mean, if we say we want to reduce it by 1 per cent, which I think is the target globally, to do that, why can’t we take some from nature, some from industry, or maybe all from nature?
Palmer’s plan isn’t good, but could be worse.
The very bad news is that Palmer (the coal miner) will vote to keep the Clean Energy Finance Corporation, which lends our money for dodgy green schemes, and the Renewable Energy Target, which forces us to waste money on green power and drives up power bills.
But Palmer’s trading scheme has a useful get-out, although it sets up a dangerous machinery - especially if Labor is returned.
He says he will move an amendment to a bill to abolish the Climate Change Authority that a zero-rated emissions trading scheme be set up, to be operative only when China, the US, the European Union, Japan and Korea have the same. The price, he suggests, will be set at the world price.
At this stage, though, there is no sign the US, Korea and Japan will have any such scheme, and the Chinese plan is for a scheme where permits are likewise free.
Clever Clive. With luck, this scheme will never happen. But Palmer says the carbon tax will go. And that is the main game.
Then Gore speaks. He is typically misleading.
He claims Obama has just announced a 30 per cent cut in emissions. In fact, Obama announced a 30 per cent cut in the 2005 levels of emission by 2030 - but only from power stations, which make up 40 per cent of all human emissions. This means Obama’s plans an actual cut to emissions today of just 6 per cent. Moreover, this need not be done as Gore claims, by an emissions trading scheme.
Gore also claims the new Indian Prime Minister has pledged to put electricity in every home - and this will “mainly” come from solar power. Modi made no such promise, which is unachievable. In fact, Modi made only a vague nod to solar power:
India Prime Minister Narendra Modi wants to boost the country’s solar industry in a bid to drive the economy and cut the number of blackouts. Today’s Presidential Address outlining the new government’s plans emphasised… “It will expand the national solar mission and connect households and industries with gas-grids."…Gore is a fraud.
We need a saffron revolution that focuses on renewable energy sources such as solar energy, to meet India’s growing energy demand,” he said.
And the deception didn’t stop there. Palmer said both men had an “urgent dinner” to attend and so couldn’t take questions. It was actually 5.45pm. And Gore’s aversion to taking questions from journalists not pre-screened is notorious.
A question Gore would have or should faced is this: How much did Palmer pay you or your interests to get you to attend? It must have cost something, because why would Gore otherwise attend a press conference called by a politician announcing he’s help scrap the carbon tax and replace it with an emissions trading scheme that is unlikely to ever to see light of day?
Gore the fraud was just there as cover.
The desperation of Suarez the biter
Andrew Bolt June 25 2014 (10:51am)
Uruguay’s Luis Suarez has for the third time bitten a player on the pitch - this time at the World Cup.
This profile helps to explain the man.
===This profile helps to explain the man.
Coalition slowly recovers
Andrew Bolt June 25 2014 (9:45am)
This week’s Essential Media poll confirms the Abbott Government is slowly crawling out of the deep hole it dug with its Budget. It’s still behind - 48 to 52 - but a week ago it was lagging 46 to 54.
Again the question is: but what’s Labor’s alternative?
(Thanks to reader Mike of NQ.)
===Again the question is: but what’s Labor’s alternative?
(Thanks to reader Mike of NQ.)
Pay-per-view for ABC?
Andrew Bolt June 25 2014 (8:55am)
Why not? If it’s that good, surely people will pay for it. And by “people” I mean those actually using the service:
===THE ABC and SBS could for the first time charge viewers to watch content under a proposal put forward by the government-commissioned review of the public broadcasters.
An eight-page executive summary of the review, which identifies tens of millions of dollars’ worth of potential savings and new revenue streams, includes the option of creating a shared ABC and SBS back-office entity with a private sector partner to deliver extensive administration savings. The review says the SBS could also be allowed to increase the number of minutes of advertising it could run.
One of the most controversial proposals in the summary, obtained by The Australian, is the creation of a “pay-per-view service” once programs have run for free on television and online “catch-up” services for a certain period.
Labor blew the Budget, wrecks the recovery
Andrew Bolt June 25 2014 (8:19am)
The Greens and Labor, even in opposition, are driving us further into debt:
===LABOR and the Greens have wiped another $3.3 billion from Tony Abbott’s budget savings…
In a reversal on the fuel tax, the Greens vowed to oppose the government plan to restore indexation of the excise despite indicating support for the move six weeks ago…
Labor added a new front to its attack on the budget by vowing to block the government attempt to scrap an $876 annual supplement for about 290,000 seniors who do not qualify for the age pension.
The Labor move blocks another $1.1bn in savings while the Greens decision on fuel excise will veto $2.2bn in new revenue over four years…
Dooming most of the government’s welfare reforms, the Labor caucus formally voted yesterday to reject $11.4bn in social security changes while supporting another $2.8bn in measures in two bills currently before the parliament…
Labor is now rejecting budget savings worth about $25bn over four years, almost every spending cut or tax increase that needs to be legislated other than the deficit levy on earnings over $180,000, which passed the parliament last week. The government estimated last night that Labor now opposed $39.3bn in overall savings measures, including those in the budget on top of others that have been before the parliament since late last year.
Honor killing speech cancelled. Critics blamed
Andrew Bolt June 25 2014 (7:32am)
More oppression of poor Muslims:
The title:
The excuses for scheduling this talk seem disingenuous, to put it mildly. And why is this extremist group, now attacking critics of the ISIS terrorist group that’s slaughtering civilians, even given any stage to advance its agenda?
But lucky Uthman! He still has his beloved narrative of Western oppression of good Muslims:
The Daily Telegraph puts it well:
Meanwhile, a warning about the 150 Australians now thought to be fighting for jihadists in Syria and Iraq:
===Of course not! What could have given people that impression, other than the title of the lecture, the blurb, and the record of the speaker in demanding shariah law and excusing terrorist groups?
The Opera House on Tuesday canned a lecture entitled ‘Honour killings are morally justified’, which was to have been given by writer Uthman Badar [of Islamist group Hizb ut-Tahrir], only hours after it was announced.
The talk was planned as part of the annual Festival of Dangerous Ideas, which takes place in August....
Late on Tuesday, the Opera House announced ... ‘The Festival of Dangerous Ideas is intended to be a provocation to thought and discussion, rather than simply a provocation… It is always a matter of balance and judgement, and in this case a line has been crossed ... It is clear from the public reaction that the title has given the wrong impression of what Mr Badar intended to discuss. ‘Neither Mr Badar, (festival organisers) the St James Ethics Centre, nor Sydney Opera House in any way advocates honour killings or condones any form of violence against women.’
The title:
The blurb:
For most of recorded history parents have reluctantly sacrificed their children—sending them to kill or be killed for the honour of their nation, their flag, their king, their religion. But what about killing for the honour of one’s family? Overwhelmingly, those who condemn ‘honour killings’ are based in the liberal democracies of the West. The accuser and moral judge is the secular (white) westerner and the accused is the oriental other; the powerful condemn the powerless. By taking a particular cultural view of honour, some killings are condemned whilst others are celebrated. In turn, the act becomes a symbol of everything that is allegedly wrong with the other culture.Pardon me, but how is it possible to construe this talk as anything but apologetics for honor killing and an attack on its white critics?
The excuses for scheduling this talk seem disingenuous, to put it mildly. And why is this extremist group, now attacking critics of the ISIS terrorist group that’s slaughtering civilians, even given any stage to advance its agenda?
But lucky Uthman! He still has his beloved narrative of Western oppression of good Muslims:
Mr Badar took to Twitter to make a statement of his own.UPDATE
‘Hysteria wins out. Opera house cancels my session at #FODI. Welcome to the free world, where freedom of expression is a cherished value,’ he wrote…
Mr Badar had indicated he did not intend to defend honour killings. His tweeted response to one critic who wrote, ‘Any one who condones or justifies the murder of defenceless women is a gutless creep’, was: ‘I’m with you on that. Calm down.’
The Daily Telegraph puts it well:
The organisers of this utter disgrace may congratulate themselves on winning media attention. Perhaps that was the aim all along.UPDATE
But media attention will eventually fade, and those organisers will have to live with the fact that they intended to elevate the slaughter of women and girls to the very centre of Sydney’s cultural life.
Meanwhile, a warning about the 150 Australians now thought to be fighting for jihadists in Syria and Iraq:
A decade ago, around 60 Australians went to Afghanistan to join jihadist operations. Others travelled to Somalia in 2004. Of the 25 Australians who returned home, 19 were, to different degrees, found to be involved in domestic terrorist activities aimed at Australians.
In each of the domestic terrorist plots foiled by Australian authorities — from the al-Qa’ida planned attacks during the 2000 Sydney Olympics, the foiled 2003 plot by Lashkar-e-Toiba, to home-grown attacks planned in Melbourne and Sydney uncovered in Operation Pendennis in 2005, to the 2009 terrorist plot to attack Sydney’s Holsworthy army base — it involved men who had trained in terrorist training camps overseas. Terrorism, by its nature, requires only a few people to cause mass death.
Greste betrayed by al Jazeera’s extremists
Andrew Bolt June 25 2014 (12:38am)
I said yesterday Peter Greste was the innocent victim - collateral damage - of a battle between Egypt’s new regime and Qatar, which support’s the regime’s Muslim Brotherhood enemy.
Qatar’s al Jazeera network has housed leaders of the extremist Muslim Brotherhood who have fled Iraq and given them a platform.
Many journalists who know only al Jazeera’s English service, for which Greste worked, would think we are talking about a network that’s just the BBC of the Middle East.
But there is another al Jazeera, described two years ago by the Jerusalem Post’s Oren Kessler, which Egypt could be forgiven for considering a threat - even if its jailing of Geste is manifestly unjust:
(Thanks to reader Geoff.)
===Qatar’s al Jazeera network has housed leaders of the extremist Muslim Brotherhood who have fled Iraq and given them a platform.
Many journalists who know only al Jazeera’s English service, for which Greste worked, would think we are talking about a network that’s just the BBC of the Middle East.
But there is another al Jazeera, described two years ago by the Jerusalem Post’s Oren Kessler, which Egypt could be forgiven for considering a threat - even if its jailing of Geste is manifestly unjust:
Lost in the exuberance is the fact that a vast gulf still separates the channel’s English iteration from the original Arabic…Peter Greste is now a hostage in Egypt’s battle with the Qatar regime which employs him. Australia’s pleadings are of small account in this wider struggle.
If there was any doubt about Al Jazeera’s sympathies and lack of neutrality, it was effectively laid to rest with the channel’s coverage of the release of Samir Kuntar. Kuntar had savagely murdered two Israelis in 1979, including a 4-year old girl, and had been jailed in Israel since then. On his 2008 release in an Israel-Hezbollah deal, Al Jazeera Arabic threw him a party: “Brother Samir, we wish to celebrate your birthday with you,” crowed the station’s Beirut bureau chief, hailing Kuntar as a “pan-Arab hero.”
In the aftermath of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, Fouad Ajami traveled to Qatar to write a profile on Al Jazeera Arabic (AJA) for The New York Times Magazine…
Virtually all of the channel’s journalists, he found, were either leftist, pan-Arab nationalists, or Islamists… “Day in and day out, Al Jazeera deliberately fans the flames of Muslim outrage.” ...
In the wake of those attacks, Ajami discovered, bin Laden was Al Jazeera’s unchallenged star: “The channel’s graphics assign him a lead role… A huge, glamorous poster of bin Laden’s silhouette hangs in the background of the main studio set.”
In Afghanistan, Al Jazeera’s narrative was roughly analogous to the Taliban’s: ill-equipped, heroic Muslims overcoming the foreign invader through sheer courage and faith… Coverage in Iraq has been similar. Words like “terror” and “insurgency” are rarely mentioned with a straight face, usually replaced with “resistance” or “struggle.” Suicide bombings against U.S. troops are “commando attacks” or sometimes even “paradise operations” while “War in Iraq” is replaced by “War on Iraq.” ...
In his 2004 state of the union address, President George W. Bush singled out Al Jazeera as a source of “hateful propaganda” in the Arab world, and then-defense secretary Donald Rumsfeld blasted its war coverage as “propaganda,” “inexcusably biased,” and “vicious."…
Judea Pearl is a celebrated University of California computer scientist and cofounder of the Daniel Pearl Dialogue for Muslim-Jewish Understanding, created to honor his son, the Wall Street Journal reporter kidnapped and beheaded in 2002 by al-Qaeda terrorists in Pakistan. Since 2007, Pearl has been a lonely voice on the left warning against Al Jazeera’s legitimization. “Their unconditional support of Hamas’s terror in Gaza, the Hezbollah takeover in Lebanon, and the Syrian and Iranian regimes betrays any illusion that democracy and human rights are on Al Jazeera’s agenda"—he wrote this year—"weakening the West is their first priority."…
Al Jazeera’s detractors have long dismissed the network as a vehicle for Doha’s foreign policy, one driven by Sunni sectarianism and an overriding antagonism toward Iran. Voices critical of Qatar’s government—the “worst in the region” in tracking terrorist financing, according to U.S. diplomatic cables published by WikiLeaks - are nonexistent in English or Arabic. In 2011, both channels provided only scant coverage of the uprising in neighboring Bahrain—where a downtrodden Shiite majority demanded greater rights in the Sunni-led kingdom - and were slow to cede airtime to the rebellion in Syria - a leader of the “resistance bloc” against the United States and Israel even if it is allied with the Shiite hegemon in Tehran.
Over the past decade, however, Al Jazeera’s sectarian impulse has been moving ever closer to garden-variety Sunni Islamism...In the words of Alberto Fernandez, then-director for press and public diplomacy in the State Department’s Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs, “We see the unconditional support of Islamic movements, no matter where they are: Lebanon, Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan. … How things are covered, the prominence of things, what words are used—sometimes you do see that very clear Islamist subtext.”
In 2002, Al Jazeera Arabic promoted Wadah Khanfar—a reporter from the West Bank town of Jenin widely believed to have close Muslim Brotherhood ties - from Iraq bureau chief to managing director. Three years later Khanfar was promoted to director general of the overall Al Jazeera network, overseeing both language channels… Gillespie spoke with nine active and former employees who described Khanfar as an Islamist…
“From the first day of the Wadah Khanfar era, there was a dramatic change, especially because of him selecting assistants who are hard-line Islamists,” added AJA’s former Washington bureau chief Hafez al-Mirazi, who resigned a year after Khanfar’s arrival to protest the station’s “Islamist drift."… Judea Pearl put the channel’s agenda more plainly: “I have no doubt that, today, Al Jazeera is the most powerful voice of the Muslim Brotherhood."… Yusuf al-Qaradawi, host of Al Jazeera’s most popular program, Shari’a and Life, regularly froths about the insidious character of Shiites, Americans, and especially Jews. “Oh Allah, take this oppressive, Jewish, Zionist band of people. Oh Allah, do not spare a single one of them. Oh Allah, count their numbers, and kill them, down to the very last one,” he said on air in 2009.
(Thanks to reader Geoff.)
Mariam Yahya Ibrahim detained again
Andrew Bolt June 25 2014 (12:05am)
But to worry about Islam is to be a bigot:
===Mariam Yahya Ibrahim, the Christian woman sentenced to death and later freed after an international outcry, was briefly re-arrested while trying to leave the country for the US before being released again.
Eman Abdul-Rahim, a lawyer representing Ms Ibrahim, said she had been held along with her two children and husband at the international airport in Khartoum, Sudan’s capital. The BBC reported that Ms Ibrahim, whose death sentence in May for renouncing Islam sparked international outrage, was detained by around 40 security agents, but was then released again by Sudanese authorities.
Holly Sarah Nguyen
The fear of hurt will hurt you more than facing that fear and finding freedom.
===Lieberman: Invade Gaza for 'Thorough Clean-Up'
Knesset Defense Committee Chair says Israel needs to seriously consider Gaza op following rocket salvo. - Israel National
We need to be giving, to exercise that muscle. We need to strive to grow. But that might not be what they need. It gets back to what Dr Phil calls "Life Code" There are people who are pathological. They are conditioned to take. And when it is over, we need to grieve. - ed
'Nothing done' as SIEV 358 boatpeople died
The boat had been in trouble for four days. Distress calls had been made to both Indonesian and Australian authorities. But no one had come for them.
===Julia Gillard’s Baby Bonus
What kind of society gives $5,000 lump sum payments to women after an abortion?
What kind of society pays out parental leave schemes to mums and dads who have willingly killed their child?
And, just for the record, I’m not talking about the early abortions here. I’m talking about late-term abortions, when limbs are formed, the heart is pumping, pain is present and the child is viable.
The answer to those questions is simple. Our society.
And why not. If the government has no problem with the killing of a child, then why would it baulk at handing over great wads of taxpayer cash afterwards.
But hold on, I hear you cry. Where is the proof this happens?
Israeli Scientist Discovers Treatment to Save Bee Colonies
An Israeli professor working alongside an Israeli start-up has discovered a treatment for bees affected by a destructive virus.
Hebrew University Prof. Ilan Sela has won this year’s Kaye Award for Innovation for discovering the IAPV virus, which is linked to Colony Collapse Disorder, and for finding a solution to the problem. The Kaye Award for Innovation has been given annually since 1994 as a means to encourage faculty and staff at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem to develop innovative ideas with good commercial potential that benefit society at large.
Colony Collapse Disorder spreading within the bee population has caused $35 billion worth of damages in the US alone. Many crops rely on bees and farmers around the world have been quite worried about the adverse effect on certain crops due to the drastic reduction in the bee population. Until it was known that Colony Collapse Disorder was the culprit, many believed the bee population was being reduced due either to global warming or pesticide use.
===From Peter Lilley
G.K. Chesterton said that "when people stop believing in orthodox religion, rather than believe in nothing, they will believe in anything". One of the ersatz religions which fills the void in recent years is belief in Catastrophic Man-Made Global Warming. It claims to be based on science. But it has all the characteristics of an eschatological cult.
It has its own priesthood and ecclesiastical establishment - the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change; they alone can interpret its sacred scriptures - the Assessment Reports; it anathematises as 'deniers' anyone who casts doubt on its certainties; above all it predicts imminent doom if we do not follow its precepts and make the sacrifices it prescribes.
What most clearly distinguishes the Catastrophic Global Warming cult from science is that it is not refutable by facts. As Parliament enacted the Climate Change Bill, on the presumption that the world was getting warmer, it snowed in London in October - the first time in 74 years. Supporters explained "extreme cold is a symptom of global warming"!
The Met Office - whose climate model is the cult's crystal ball to forecast centuries ahead - has made a series of spectacularly unreliable short term forecasts: "Our children will not experience snow" (that was 2000, before the recent run of cold winters), a barbecue summer (before the dismal 2011 summer), the drought will continue (last spring before the wettest summer on record). Now they say that rain and floods are the new normal. But - hot or cold, wet or dry - global warming is always to blame.
Alarmists are reluctant to admit that the global surface temperature has not increased for 16 years, despite CO2 emissions rising far more than predicted. They wave this inconvenient truth away with the non-sequitur that this decade is the hottest since records began, so the world is still warming. If you climb a hill and reach a flat plateau you are higher than before - but the plateau is flat, not rising. When cornered, global warming alarmists assert that the current pause is simply the result of unspecified 'natural variations'. That implies that the pronounced warming over the previous 25 years may have been amplified by 'natural variations' in the other direction. In which case, the likely temperature rise for a given increase in CO2 may be less than previously estimated or required to produce the threatened doom.
In 2006 I asked how long the pause in warming would have to persist before the Met Office would revise its model. They replied that, since it is based on known laws of physics, they would never adjust it. Just like the German philosopher Hegel, who claimed to derive the laws of nature from first principles: when told that the facts did not agree with his theories, Hegel replied: "So much the worse for the facts"! Climate models do incorporate some established physical laws including the basic greenhouse effect which, having studied physics at Cambridge, I accept. This implies that doubling the concentration of CO2 will raise the temperature by a fairly harmless 1.2ºC. But the models amplify this several fold using assumptions about complex phenomena which cannot yet be reduced to simple physical laws.
This cult enables adherents to feel morally superior at little personal cost. Buy a Prius or vote Green and save the planet. Unfortunately, costly renewables are driving many into fuel poverty and manufacturing jobs overseas. Action by Britain is pointless unless China, India and Africa join in. They are most vulnerable to climate change. But they are vulnerable because they are poor. They will remain poor until they harness energy like us. Requiring them to forego fossil fuels in favour of renewables costing several times more condemns them to remain poor. The cult requires sacrificing the poor to Gaia. As Professor Bruckner concludes: "save the earth, punish mankind" .
This cult enables adherents to feel morally superior at little personal cost. Buy a Prius or vote Green and save the planet. Unfortunately, costly renewables are driving many into fuel poverty and manufacturing jobs overseas. Action by Britain is pointless unless China, India and Africa join in. They are most vulnerable to climate change. But they are vulnerable because they are poor. They will remain poor until they harness energy like us. Requiring them to forego fossil fuels in favour of renewables costing several times more condemns them to remain poor. The cult requires sacrificing the poor to Gaia. As Professor Bruckner concludes: "save the earth, punish mankind" .
Peter Lilley was a speaker at this year's HowTheLightGetsIn festival
Mick Aston, a former resident academic on Channel 4's Time Team, has died at the age of 66.
He appeared on the show, which sees experts carry out archaeological digs, from its inception in 1994 until 2011.
Professor Aston lived in Somerset and taught at a number of UK universities.
Time Team's official Twitter account tweeted: "It is with a very heavy heart that we've been informed that our dear colleague Mick Aston has passed away. Our thoughts are with his family."
The exact circumstances of the death of Prof Aston, who was born and raised in Oldbury, in the West Midlands, and was known on the show for his colourful jumpers and unruly white hair, are not yet known.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, today (Monday, 24 June 2013), attended the unveiling of a memorial plaque at the Prof. Benzion Netanyahu School in the Samarian community of Barkan. Education Minister Shai Piron and Samaria Regional Council Chairman Gershon Mesika also attended the ceremony.
The Prof. Benzion Netanyahu School opened at the beginning of the current academic year and accepts pupils from Barkan, Nofim and Alei Zahav.
Prime Minister Netanyahu observed the exhibition on Benzion Netanyahu at the school and spoke with pupils.
Prime Minister Netanyahu said: "My father thought that the revival of the Jewish People was not self-evident, that it was something we had to want, to justify. He thought that with our return to our homeland and the re-establishment of our sovereignty, that there would be many would not agree with this and who would try to uproot us from our homeland and eliminate our state; therefore, he thought that a fundamental part of the establishment of the State of Israel as a renewed Jewish state was the ability of the Jews to defend themselves by themselves. This has guided me in every arena against every threat. Yesterday, rockets were fired at our communities – and the response was immediate. My policy is to strike at those who try to attack us. There is no trickle, there is no accumulation, this is how we will operate against both near and distant threats. This is the first thing that my father believed in, and I believe that the Jews must be capable of defending themselves by themselves and to take determined action against any enemy that tries to attack us.
The second thing – we believe in the rule of law. This says that there can be no lawbreakers. There is no Price Tag or any other kind of tag. Of course, we are acting against other enemies, real enemies, who seek our lives, and we cannot allow the law to fray from within. We are acting with a strong hand against this as well, and we will continue to do so.
But the most important thing my father believed in is that we need to believe in ourselves, in the justice of our cause, in our link to our land, which we will continue to develop, not just physically but also in terms of development, in terms of trees, I would say, in terms of branches and fruit, and of roots. The most important thing is to deepen the roots – because from these everything grows. Today, we are here deepening our roots, and I am proud that you have decided to name this fine school after my father Benzion. I simply regret that he cannot be here with us, but his spirit is with us."
Education Minister Piron said: "When I was a student I would read about Prof. Benzion Netanyahu almost every day, a man of values who deeply impressed me even as a child. It would be a great honor for Benzion's spirit to be part of your lives, more than the honor of naming a school after him."
Samaria Regional Council Chairman Mesika said: "It is a pleasure to commemorate the name of Prof, Benzion Netanyahu. The further we delved, the more we were exposed to his image and his personality which embody a love of the people and the land, amidst a strong faith in the revival of the Jewish People in its Land. When one studies about Benzion, one understands, Mr. Prime Minister, from where you draw the strength to lead the Jewish People."
Photo: Moshe Milner, GPO
Joe Hildebrand explains this week in politics, with the PM announcing a Gender Inquiry whilst knitting.
Unchallenged lies, deception and distortion eventually develop into accepted truths, and in due course, propaganda becomes empowered, feeding ignorance and hatred. Ignorance then, unfortunately, supports many levels of hate agendas.
- 1658 – Anglo-Spanish War: English colonial forcesrepelled a Spanish attack in the largest battle ever fought on Jamaica.
- 1910 – The United States Congress passed the Mann Act, which prohibited interstate transport of females for "immoral purposes".
- 1944 – World War II: United States Navy and Royal Navy shipsbombarded Cherbourg, France, to support U.S. Army units engaged in the Battle of Cherbourg.
- 1975 – Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi (pictured) unilaterally had a state of emergency declared across the nation that lasted nearly two years.
- 2009 – Singer Michael Jackson died after suffering cardiac arrest at hisLos Angeles home, which authorities later declared a homicide caused by the combination of drugs in his body.
“But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one.” 2 Thessalonians 3:3 NIV
Charles Spurgeon's Morning and Evening
"A certain woman of the company lifted up her voice, and said unto him, Blessed is the womb that bare thee, and the paps which thou hast sucked. But he said, Yea rather, blessed are they that hear the word of God, and keep it."
Luke 11:27-28
Luke 11:27-28
It is fondly imagined by some that it must have involved very special privileges to have been the mother of our Lord, because they supposed that she had the benefit of looking into his very heart in a way in which we cannot hope to do. There may be an appearance of plausibility in the supposition, but not much. We do not know that Mary knew more than others; what she did know she did well to lay up in her heart; but she does not appear from anything we read in the Evangelists to have been a better-instructed believer than any other of Christ's disciples. All that she knew we also may discover. Do you wonder that we should say so? Here is a text to prove it: "The secret of the Lord is with them that fear him, and he will show them his covenant." Remember the Master's words--"Henceforth I call you not servants; for the servant knoweth not what his Lord doeth: but I have called you friends; for all things that I have heard of my Father I have made known unto you." So blessedly does this Divine Revealer of secrets tell us his heart, that he keepeth back nothing which is profitable to us; his own assurance is, "If it were not so, I would have told you." Doth he not this day manifest himself unto us as he doth not unto the world? It is even so; and therefore we will not ignorantly cry out, "Blessed is the womb that bare thee," but we will intelligently bless God that, having heard the Word and kept it, we have first of all as true a communion with the Saviour as the Virgin had, and in the second place as true an acquaintance with the secrets of his heart as she can be supposed to have obtained. Happy soul to be thus privileged!
"Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, answered and said ... Be it known unto thee, O king, that we will not serve thy gods."
Daniel 3:16-18
Daniel 3:16-18
The narrative of the manly courage and marvellous deliverance of the three holy children, or rather champions, is well calculated to excite in the minds of believers firmness and steadfastness in upholding the truth in the teeth of tyranny and in the very jaws of death. Let young Christians especially learn from their example, both in matters of faith in religion, and matters of uprightness in business, never to sacrifice their consciences. Lose all rather than lose your integrity, and when all else is gone, still hold fast a clear conscience as the rarest jewel which can adorn the bosom of a mortal. Be not guided by the will-o'-the-wisp of policy, but by the pole-star of divine authority. Follow the right at all hazards. When you see no present advantage, walk by faith and not by sight. Do God the honour to trust him when it comes to matters of loss for the sake of principle. See whether he will be your debtor! See if he doth not even in this life prove his word that "Godliness, with contentment, is great gain," and that they who "seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, shall have all these things added unto them." Should it happen that, in the providence of God, you are a loser by conscience, you shall find that if the Lord pays you not back in the silver of earthly prosperity, he will discharge his promise in the gold of spiritual joy. Remember that a man's life consisteth not in the abundance of that which he possesseth. To wear a guileless spirit, to have a heart void of offence, to have the favour and smile of God, is greater riches than the mines of Ophir could yield, or the traffic of Tyre could win. "Better is a dinner of herbs where love is, than a stalled ox and inward contention therewith." An ounce of heart's-ease is worth a ton of gold.
[Ăhī'tub] - brother of benevolence orfather of goodness.
[Ăhī'tub] - brother of benevolence orfather of goodness.
- A son of Phinehas and grandson of Eli (1 Sam. 14:3; 22:9, 11, 12, 20).
- A son of Amariah and father of Zadok the priest (2 Sam. 8:17; 1 Chron. 6:11, 12). Perhaps the same as No. 1.
- A priest and ruler of the House of God in Nehemiah's time (1 Chron. 9:11; Neh. 11:11).
Today's reading: Job 1-2, Acts 7:22-43 (NIV)
View today's reading on Bible GatewayToday's Old Testament reading: Job 1-2
1 In the land of Uz there lived a man whose name was Job. This man was blameless and upright; he feared God and shunned evil. 2 He had seven sons and three daughters, 3 and he owned seven thousand sheep, three thousand camels, five hundred yoke of oxen and five hundred donkeys, and had a large number of servants. He was the greatest man among all the people of the East.
4 His sons used to hold feasts in their homes on their birthdays, and they would invite their three sisters to eat and drink with them. 5 When a period of feasting had run its course, Job would make arrangements for them to be purified. Early in the morning he would sacrifice a burnt offering for each of them, thinking, "Perhaps my children have sinned and cursed God in their hearts." This was Job's regular custom....
Today's New Testament reading: Acts 7:22-43
22 Moses was educated in all the wisdom of the Egyptians and was powerful in speech and action.
23 "When Moses was forty years old, he decided to visit his own people, the Israelites. 24 He saw one of them being mistreated by an Egyptian, so he went to his defense and avenged him by killing the Egyptian. 25 Moses thought that his own people would realize that God was using him to rescue them, but they did not. 26 The next day Moses came upon two Israelites who were fighting. He tried to reconcile them by saying, 'Men, you are brothers; why do you want to hurt each other?'
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