Cold war rhetoric is broadening from Russia over Ukraine to China over man made islands in the South Sea and testing of a mach 10 rocket. It highlights Obama policy failure and strengths. Obama has failed to use US military supremacy and has never pointed to moral decency. Now, lowest common denominator type actions by small nations have spiralled to threaten world peace. So that North Korea is China's problem even as China is loathe to reign it in. Syria and Ukraine are Russian problems even as Russia is loathe to address it. Post superpower politics was well negotiated by President GHW Bush even as he was heavily criticised, but the nascent democracy in the Middle East has crumbled under Obama's hesitant Presidency. The ISIL leader was released from prison by Obama to pursue his agenda. So now Obama is returning to policy he openly despised in his youth, Power politics in a cold war. Obama will only talk about Ukraine as it is in Russia's sphere of influence. Reports of imminent war between the US and China are similar to the cold war rhetoric of the sixties under Kennedy and LBJ. Only back then, China was different, and the Soviet Union was different. A better President would promote good friends like India and Israel and show the advantages of freedom.
Counter accusations created point to the unicorn of people smugglers allegedly paid to keep people off boats. We don't know exactly what happened in this case. But the ALP are keen to beat up the issue to obscure the fact Shorten is avoiding explaining his apparently corrupt activity as Union leader. One wouldn't be happy with queue jumpers being paid, but one does not know the circumstances either. If the criminal organisation that sent the boat people footed the bill, and now has to see the well remunerated victims returned, wishing another go, then that is funny. If these queue jumpers had paid $15k to $20k each and they came back short handed, that works too. One does not agree with what Mr Abbott has not done. Now, what about Mr Shorten?
Philae has awoken from her comet slumber. She is approaching the sun and open for research. Her mission was a partial success when she landed on a comet and reported on conditions there. But she was placed too far in shadow to retain power from her solar panels. But after months of being asleep, she has awakened to report she is now capable of finding out more about the comet she is on.
Two young women, Chinese, jumped from a window sill on the fifth floor of a burning building in Bankstown, Sydney, in 2012. They had had no choice, as the building failed to meet building code regulations. The aluminium window sill had melted under the flames onto the hand of Yinvo Giang and she jumped. Connie Zhang jumped too, but we don't know why exactly, as she died when she hit the ground. Yinvo has suffered severe injury, so that she is currently in a wheel chair. She loves Australia and trusts Australia's justice system. However the building is still not meeting the regulation for fire safety.
News.com.au reports after giving her evidence, a tearful Ms Jiang, who was learning to be an English as second language teacher, asked to make a statement to the inquest.
“I came to this country because I love Australia and I wanted to learn how to educate children.
“I think that’s the reason my friend (Ms Zhang) here as well.
“I trust your legal system. Please find out what happened to my friend.”
In 763 BC, Assyrians recorded a solar eclipse that was later used to fix the chronology of Mesopotamian history. 923, Battle of Soissons: King Robert I of France was killed and King Charles the Simple was arrested by the supporters of Duke Rudolph of Burgundy. Not much is known of the actual battle, except the victorious king was killed and the despised father in law to (Rollo) the future kings and queens of England was captured. 1184, King Magnus V of Norway was killed at the Battle of Fimreite. Magnus had tied together his fleet of craft, while the usurper Sverre Sigurdsson used his greater mobility to concentrate his attacks on one end of the fleet. The result was tethered ships were captured one by one. And then overfilled ships began to sink. The king was on one of the last craft to sink. His sons avenged him. 1215, King John of England put his seal to the Magna Carta. The snivelling and pathetic King John could have fought a civil war and died, and the kingdom would be reunited a different way. But, as history showed, the sealing of the Magna Carta was glorious. 1219, Northern Crusades: Danish victory at the Battle of Lyndanisse (modern-day Tallinn) established the Danish Duchy of Estonia. According to legend, this battle also marks the first use of the Dannebrog, the world's first national flag still in use, as the national flag of Denmark. 1246, with the death of Duke Frederick II, the Babenberg dynasty ended in Austria. 1300, the city of Bilbao was founded. 1312, at the Battle of Rozgony, King Charles I of Hungary won a decisive victory over the family of Palatine Amade Aba. 1389, Battle of Kosovo: The Ottoman Empire defeated Serbs and Bosnians. 1410, in a decisive battle at Onon River, the Mongol forces of Oljei Temur were decimated by the Chinese armies of the Yongle Emperor.
In 1502, Christopher Columbus landed on the island of Martinique on his fourth voyage. 1520, Pope Leo X threatened to excommunicate Martin Luther in papal bull Exsurge Domine. 1580, Philip II of Spain declared William the Silent to be an outlaw. William was also known as William of Orange. But he isn't the same as William III King of England. 1648, Margaret Jones was hanged in Boston for witchcraft in the first such execution for the Massachusetts Bay Colony. 1667, the first human blood transfusion was administered by Dr. Jean-Baptiste Denys. His first two patients survived using animal blood, but two others died. It wasn't until 1902, when the four blood groups were identified that blood transfusions became relatively safe. 1752, Benjamin Franklin proved that lightning was electricity (traditional date, the exact date is unknown). 1775, American Revolutionary War: George Washington was appointed commander-in-chief of the Continental Army. 1776, Delaware Separation Day: Delaware voted to suspend government under the British Crown and separate officially from Pennsylvania. 1785, Jean-François Pilâtre de Rozier, co-pilot of the first-ever manned flight (1783), and his companion, Pierre Romain, became the first-ever casualties (fatalities) of an air crash when their hot air balloon exploded during their attempt to cross the English Channel.
In 1804, New Hampshire approved the Twelfth Amendment to the United States Constitution, ratifying the document. 1808, Joseph Bonaparte became King of Spain. 1815, the Duchess of Richmond's ball was held in Brussels, "the most famous ball in history". The assembled were guarding for the possible rise of Napoleon. 1836, Arkansas was admitted as the 25th U.S. state. 1844, Charles Goodyear receives a patent for vulcanization, a process to strengthen rubber. 1846, the Oregon Treaty established the 49th parallel as the border between the United States and Canada, from the Rocky Mountains to the Strait of Juan de Fuca. 1859, Pig War: Ambiguity in the Oregon Treaty led to the "Northwestern Boundary Dispute" between United States and British/Canadian settlers. 1864, American Civil War: The Second Battle of Petersburg began. Also 1864, Arlington National Cemetery was established when 200 acres (0.81 km2) around Arlington Mansion (formerly owned by Confederate General Robert E. Lee) were officially set aside as a military cemetery by U.S. Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton. 1867, Atlantic Cable Quartz Lode gold mine located in Montana. 1877, Henry Ossian Flipper became the first African American cadet to graduate from the United States Military Academy. 1878, Eadweard Muybridge took a series of photographs to prove that all four feet of a horse left the ground when it runs; the study became the basis of motion picture. 1888, Crown Prince Wilhelm became Kaiser Wilhelm II; he would be the last Emperor of the German Empire. Due to the death of his predecessors Wilhelm I and Frederick III, 1888 is the Year of the Three Emperors. 1896, the deadliest tsunami in Japan's history killed more than 22,000 people.
In 1904, a fire aboard the steamboat SS General Slocum in New York City's East River killed 1,000. 1905, Princess Margaret of Connaught married Gustaf, Crown Prince of Sweden. 1909, representatives from England, Australia and South Africa met at Lord's and formed the Imperial Cricket Conference. 1913, the Battle of Bud Bagsak in the Philippines ended. 1916, U.S. President Woodrow Wilson signed a bill incorporating the Boy Scouts of America, making them the only American youth organisation with a federal charter. 1919, John Alcock and Arthur Brown completed the first nonstop transatlantic flight when they reach Clifden, County Galway, Ireland. 1920, Duluth lynchings in Minnesota. Also 1920, a new border treaty between Germany and Denmark gave northern Schleswig to Denmark. 1934, the U.S. Great Smoky Mountains National Park was founded. 1936, first flight of the Vickers Wellington bomber. 1937, a German expedition led by Karl Wien lost sixteen members in an avalanche on Nanga Parbat. It was the worst single disaster to occur on an 8000m peak.
In 1940, World War II: Operation Ariel began – Allied troops started to evacuate France, following Germany's takeover of Paris and most of the nation. 1944, World War II: Battle of Saipan: The United States invaded Japanese-occupied Saipan. Also 1944, in the Saskatchewan general election, the CCF, led by Tommy Douglas, was elected and formed the first socialist government in North America. 1945, the General Dutch Youth League (ANJV) was founded in Amsterdam, Netherlands. 1954, UEFA (Union of European Football Associations) was formed in Basel, Switzerland. 1970, Charles Manson went on trial for the Sharon Tate murders. 1972, Red Army Faction co-founder Ulrike Meinhof was captured by police in Langenhagen. 1978, King Hussein of Jordan married American Lisa Halaby, who took the name Queen Noor. 1985, Rembrandt's painting Danaë was attacked by a man (later judged insane) who threw sulfuric acid on the canvas and cuts it twice with a knife.
In 1991, in the Philippines, Mount Pinatubo erupted in the second largest volcanic eruption of the 20th Century. In the end, over 800 people died. 1992, the United States Supreme Court ruled in United States v. Álvarez-Machaín that it was permissible for the United States to forcibly extradite suspects in foreign countries and bring them to the USA for trial, without approval from those other countries. 1994, Israel and Vatican City establish full diplomatic relations. 1996, the Provisional Irish Republican Army exploded a large bomb in the middle of Manchester, England, United Kingdom. 2001, leaders of the People's Republic of China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan formed the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation. 2012, Nik Wallenda became the first person to successfully tightrope walk over Niagara Falls.
I must choose my words carefully as the boy has died. I respect him, and wish it that others know of him. People talk about intelligence and bravery and resolution, throwing those words around as if they have little currency, and applying them to people in bizarre situations who merely want to live. Jacky's life was tragically short, but he had foreknowledge of it and he faced it. It is a tough thing for the young knowing they are going to die. Jacky did not face an evil scientist who did terrible things for knowledge or pride. What claimed Jacky was historical and even today, not perfectly understood. It was made famous in a movie, Lorenzo's Oil. Jacky had Adrenoleukodystrophy.
ADL is from a chromosome, involving DNA. What it does is what the body naturally does. There is no known treatment that cures it, yet. It kills people by attacking the brain and central nervous system, reducing them to a vegetative state. Victims rarely live to their teens. Diet can help manage it for a time, as can stem cell therapy. Typically, sufferers have ADD type behaviours. Jacky was superior than a garden variety .. he was smart and capable of resisting temptation which others would succumb. I became aware of him when he was in year 8 and in a high level Mathematic class. He played chess at lunchtime in a room I had set aside for that purpose. He was a little shorter than average stature, but perfectly formed, and I recall him talking about getting a sick note to avoid a test and I suggested that that was not good behaviour. He told me he was sick, and suffered from ADL but hadn't shown symptoms yet .. but that he would die soon after he did show symptoms. He said that doctors had told him that he did not look sick, but that symmetric features sometimes showed good health, but sometimes, as with elfinism, meant someone was very sick. I clocked it mentally, as his year advisor told me it was true and the school knew about it, I didn't need to do anything administrative.
After I left teaching I reengaged with Jacky on Facebook. He had become a university student studying computer science. He had led a normal life, but began to feel the onset of symptoms his specialists had warned him about towards the end of his first year. He had become a keen Magic the Gathering card player. He got special stem cell treatment, but the disease progressed quickly. Soon he struggled to even work on a computer. He wrote about what was happening to him. And then, surrounded by family and loved ones, he passed away. And while Jacky's early death is a tragedy, his life isn't. He is an inspiration. I am thankful I got to know Jacky when I was a teacher. Todays is his birthday.
ADL is from a chromosome, involving DNA. What it does is what the body naturally does. There is no known treatment that cures it, yet. It kills people by attacking the brain and central nervous system, reducing them to a vegetative state. Victims rarely live to their teens. Diet can help manage it for a time, as can stem cell therapy. Typically, sufferers have ADD type behaviours. Jacky was superior than a garden variety .. he was smart and capable of resisting temptation which others would succumb. I became aware of him when he was in year 8 and in a high level Mathematic class. He played chess at lunchtime in a room I had set aside for that purpose. He was a little shorter than average stature, but perfectly formed, and I recall him talking about getting a sick note to avoid a test and I suggested that that was not good behaviour. He told me he was sick, and suffered from ADL but hadn't shown symptoms yet .. but that he would die soon after he did show symptoms. He said that doctors had told him that he did not look sick, but that symmetric features sometimes showed good health, but sometimes, as with elfinism, meant someone was very sick. I clocked it mentally, as his year advisor told me it was true and the school knew about it, I didn't need to do anything administrative.
After I left teaching I reengaged with Jacky on Facebook. He had become a university student studying computer science. He had led a normal life, but began to feel the onset of symptoms his specialists had warned him about towards the end of his first year. He had become a keen Magic the Gathering card player. He got special stem cell treatment, but the disease progressed quickly. Soon he struggled to even work on a computer. He wrote about what was happening to him. And then, surrounded by family and loved ones, he passed away. And while Jacky's early death is a tragedy, his life isn't. He is an inspiration. I am thankful I got to know Jacky when I was a teacher. Todays is his birthday.
Historical perspectives on this day
In 763 BC, Assyrians recorded a solar eclipse that was later used to fix the chronology of Mesopotamian history. 923, Battle of Soissons: King Robert I of France was killed and King Charles the Simple was arrested by the supporters of Duke Rudolph of Burgundy. 1184, King Magnus V of Norway was killed at the Battle of Fimreite. 1215, King John of England put his seal to the Magna Carta. 1219, Northern Crusades: Danish victory at the Battle of Lyndanisse (modern-day Tallinn) established the Danish Duchy of Estonia. According to legend, this battle also marks the first use of the Dannebrog, the world's first national flag still in use, as the national flag of Denmark. 1246, with the death of Duke Frederick II, the Babenberg dynasty ended in Austria. 1300, the city of Bilbao was founded. 1312, at the Battle of Rozgony, King Charles I of Hungary won a decisive victory over the family of Palatine Amade Aba. 1389, Battle of Kosovo: The Ottoman Empire defeated Serbs and Bosnians. 1410, in a decisive battle at Onon River, the Mongol forces of Oljei Temur were decimated by the Chinese armies of the Yongle Emperor.
In 1502, Christopher Columbus landed on the island of Martinique on his fourth voyage. 1520, Pope Leo X threatened to excommunicate Martin Luther in papal bull Exsurge Domine. 1580, Philip II of Spain declared William the Silent to be an outlaw. 1648, Margaret Jones was hanged in Boston for witchcraft in the first such execution for the Massachusetts Bay Colony. 1667, the first human blood transfusion was administered by Dr. Jean-Baptiste Denys. 1752, Benjamin Franklin proved that lightning was electricity (traditional date, the exact date is unknown). 1775, American Revolutionary War: George Washington was appointed commander-in-chief of the Continental Army. 1776, Delaware Separation Day: Delaware voted to suspend government under the British Crown and separate officially from Pennsylvania. 1785, Jean-François Pilâtre de Rozier, co-pilot of the first-ever manned flight (1783), and his companion, Pierre Romain, became the first-ever casualties (fatalities) of an air crash when their hot air balloon exploded during their attempt to cross the English Channel.
In 1804, New Hampshire approved the Twelfth Amendment to the United States Constitution, ratifying the document. 1808, Joseph Bonaparte became King of Spain. 1815, the Duchess of Richmond's ball was held in Brussels, "the most famous ball in history". 1836, Arkansas was admitted as the 25th U.S. state. 1844, Charles Goodyear receives a patent for vulcanization, a process to strengthen rubber. 1846, the Oregon Treaty established the 49th parallel as the border between the United States and Canada, from the Rocky Mountains to the Strait of Juan de Fuca. 1859, Pig War: Ambiguity in the Oregon Treaty led to the "Northwestern Boundary Dispute" between United States and British/Canadian settlers. 1864, American Civil War: The Second Battle of Petersburg began. Also 1864, Arlington National Cemetery was established when 200 acres (0.81 km2) around Arlington Mansion (formerly owned by Confederate General Robert E. Lee) were officially set aside as a military cemetery by U.S. Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton. 1867, Atlantic Cable Quartz Lode gold mine located in Montana. 1877, Henry Ossian Flipper became the first African American cadet to graduate from the United States Military Academy. 1878, Eadweard Muybridge took a series of photographs to prove that all four feet of a horse left the ground when it runs; the study became the basis of motion picture. 1888, Crown Prince Wilhelm became Kaiser Wilhelm II; he would be the last Emperor of the German Empire. Due to the death of his predecessors Wilhelm I and Frederick III, 1888 is the Year of the Three Emperors. 1896, the deadliest tsunami in Japan's history killed more than 22,000 people.
In 1904, a fire aboard the steamboat SS General Slocum in New York City's East River killed 1,000. 1905, Princess Margaret of Connaught married Gustaf, Crown Prince of Sweden. 1909, representatives from England, Australia and South Africa met at Lord's and formed the Imperial Cricket Conference. 1913, the Battle of Bud Bagsak in the Philippines ended. 1916, U.S. President Woodrow Wilson signed a bill incorporating the Boy Scouts of America, making them the only American youth organisation with a federal charter. 1919, John Alcock and Arthur Brown completed the first nonstop transatlantic flight when they reach Clifden, County Galway, Ireland. 1920, Duluth lynchings in Minnesota. Also 1920, a new border treaty between Germany and Denmark gave northern Schleswig to Denmark. 1934, the U.S. Great Smoky Mountains National Park was founded. 1936, first flight of the Vickers Wellington bomber. 1937, a German expedition led by Karl Wien lost sixteen members in an avalanche on Nanga Parbat. It was the worst single disaster to occur on an 8000m peak.
In 1940, World War II: Operation Ariel began – Allied troops started to evacuate France, following Germany's takeover of Paris and most of the nation. 1944, World War II: Battle of Saipan: The United States invaded Japanese-occupied Saipan. Also 1944, in the Saskatchewan general election, the CCF, led by Tommy Douglas, was elected and formed the first socialist government in North America. 1945, the General Dutch Youth League (ANJV) was founded in Amsterdam, Netherlands. 1954, UEFA (Union of European Football Associations) was formed in Basel, Switzerland. 1970, Charles Manson went on trial for the Sharon Tate murders. 1972, Red Army Faction co-founder Ulrike Meinhof was captured by police in Langenhagen. 1978, King Hussein of Jordan married American Lisa Halaby, who took the name Queen Noor. 1985, Rembrandt's painting Danaë was attacked by a man (later judged insane) who threw sulfuric acid on the canvas and cuts it twice with a knife.
In 1991, in the Philippines, Mount Pinatubo erupted in the second largest volcanic eruption of the 20th Century. In the end, over 800 people died. 1992, the United States Supreme Court ruled in United States v. Álvarez-Machaín that it was permissible for the United States to forcibly extradite suspects in foreign countries and bring them to the USA for trial, without approval from those other countries. 1994, Israel and Vatican City establish full diplomatic relations. 1996, the Provisional Irish Republican Army exploded a large bomb in the middle of Manchester, England, United Kingdom. 2001, leaders of the People's Republic of China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan formed the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation. 2012, Nik Wallenda became the first person to successfully tightrope walk over Niagara Falls.
=== Publishing News ===
This column welcomes feedback and criticism. The column is not made up but based on the days events and articles which are then placed in the feed. So they may not have an apparent cohesion they would have had were they made up.
Editorials will appear in the "History in a Year by the Conservative Voice" series, starting with August https://www.createspace.com/4124406, September https://www.createspace.com/5106914, October https://www.createspace.com/5106951, or at Amazon http://www.amazon.com/dp/1482020262/ref=cm_sw_r_tw_dp_dVHPub0MQKDZ4 The kindle version is cheaper, but the soft back version allows the purchase of a kindle version for just $3.99 more.
For twenty two years I have been responsibly addressing an issue, and I cannot carry on. I am petitioning the Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott to remedy my distress. I leave it up to him if he chooses to address the issue. Regardless of your opinion of conservative government, the issue is pressing. Please sign my petition at https://www.change.org/en-AU/petitions/tony-abbott-remedy-the-persecution-of-dd-ball
Or the US President at
https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/change-injustice-faced-david-daniel-ball-after-he-reported-bungled-pedophile-investigation-and/b8mxPWtJ or http://wh.gov/ilXYR
Mr Ball, I will not sign your petition as it will do no good, but I will share your message and ask as many of friends who read it, to share it also. Let us see if we cannot use the power of the internet to spread the word of these infamous killings. As a father and a former soldier, I cannot, could not, justify ignoring this appalling action by the perpetrators, whoever they may; I thank you Douglas. You are wrong about the petition. Signing it is as worthless and meaningless an act as voting. A stand up guy would know that. - ed
Lorraine Allen Hider I signed the petition ages ago David, with pleasure, nobody knows what it's like until they've been there. Keep heart David take care.
I have begun a bulletin board (http://theconservativevoice.freeforums.net) which will allow greater latitude for members to post and interact. It is not subject to FB policy and so greater range is allowed in posts. Also there are private members rooms in which nothing is censored, except abuse. All welcome, registration is free.
For twenty two years I have been responsibly addressing an issue, and I cannot carry on. I am petitioning the Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott to remedy my distress. I leave it up to him if he chooses to address the issue. Regardless of your opinion of conservative government, the issue is pressing. Please sign my petition at https://www.change.org/en-AU/petitions/tony-abbott-remedy-the-persecution-of-dd-ball
Or the US President at
https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/change-injustice-faced-david-daniel-ball-after-he-reported-bungled-pedophile-investigation-and/b8mxPWtJ or http://wh.gov/ilXYR
Mr Ball, I will not sign your petition as it will do no good, but I will share your message and ask as many of friends who read it, to share it also. Let us see if we cannot use the power of the internet to spread the word of these infamous killings. As a father and a former soldier, I cannot, could not, justify ignoring this appalling action by the perpetrators, whoever they may; I thank you Douglas. You are wrong about the petition. Signing it is as worthless and meaningless an act as voting. A stand up guy would know that. - ed
Lorraine Allen Hider I signed the petition ages ago David, with pleasure, nobody knows what it's like until they've been there. Keep heart David take care.
=== Bolt Report Items ===
On Bolt Report an ongoing policy is that any Islam post can only be on the pinned leader. Normal rules apply in that if it is merely foul and abusive it will be deleted. Otherwise comments are welcome.
As of today, the rules of this forum are going to be enforced more rigorously. This includes the instant removal of members who personally abuse other members of this forum.
Whilst the use of bad language is often invoked as colourful descriptors of politicians, we ask that people refrain from the C word as there are many people on this forum who do not want to see that as part of every day language here.
Blatant racism, homophobia and religious slurs will be removed from the forum, along with the person who posted them.
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Happy birthday and many happy returns Bacon Luu, Jacky Dang and Davey Nguyen. Born on the same day, across the years. On this day in 1215, King John of England put his seal to Magna Carta. In 1878, Eadweard Muybridge took a series of photographs to prove that all four feet of a horse leave the ground when it runs; the study became the basis of motion pictures. In 1919, After nearly 16 hours, the Vickers Vimy flown by John Alcock and Arthur Whitten Brown crash-landed in County Galway, Ireland, to complete the first non-stop transatlantic flight. Suggesting that there is adventure sealed with a big check. Jacky, thank you for sharing yourself in part of my life as a teacher.
- 1330 – Edward, the Black Prince, English son of Edward III of England (d. 1376)
- 1519 – Henry FitzRoy, 1st Duke of Richmond and Somerset, English son of Henry VIII of England (d. 1536)
- 1640 – Bernard Lamy, French mathematician and theologian (d. 1715)
- 1755 – Antoine François, comte de Fourcroy, French chemist (d. 1809)
- 1763 – Kobayashi Issa, Japanese poet (d. 1827)
- 1835 – Adah Isaacs Menken, American actress, painter and poet (d. 1868)
- 1843 – Edvard Grieg, Norwegian pianist and composer (d. 1907)
- 1894 – Nikolai Chebotaryov, Ukrainian-Russian mathematician (d. 1947)
- 1900 – Gotthard Günther, German philosopher (d. 1984)
- 1911 – Wilbert Awdry, English author, co-created Thomas the Tank Engine (d. 1997)
- 1923 – Ninian Stephen, Australian judge
- 1924 – Ezer Weizman, Israeli commander and politician, 7th President of Israel (d. 2005)
- 1937 – Waylon Jennings, American singer-songwriter and guitarist (The Highwaymen) (d. 2002)
- 1941 – Harry Nilsson, American singer-songwriter (d. 1994)
- 1943 – Muff Winwood, English bass player, songwriter, and producer (Spencer Davis Group)
- 1946 – Demis Roussos, Egyptian-Greek singer (Aphrodite's Child)
- 1949 – Russell Hitchcock, Australian singer-songwriter (Air Supply)
- 1954 – Jim Belushi, American actor and singer
- 1962 – Chris Morris; English satirist, writer, director, actor, voice actor, and producer
- 1969 – Ice Cube, American rapper, producer, and actor (C.I.A., N.W.A, and Westside Connection)
- 1972 – Andy Pettitte, American baseball player
- 1973 – Pia Miranda, Australian actress
- 1981 – Billy Martin, American guitarist, songwriter, author, and illustrator (Good Charlotte)
- 1990 – Miwa, Japanese singer-songwriter and musician
- 1993 – Kanna Arihara, Japanese singer and model (Cute)
- 923 – Robert I of France (b. 866)
- 1073 – Emperor Go-Sanjō of Japan (b. 1034)
- 1381 – John Cavendish, English judge (b. 1346)
- 1381 – Wat Tyler, English leader of the Peasants' Revolt (b. 1341)
- 1560 – William Sommers, English jester (b.1525)
- 1996 – Ella Fitzgerald, American singer and actress (b. 1917)
- 2002 – Choi Hong Hi, South Korean general and martial artist, founder of Taekwondo (b. 1918)
- 763 BC – The Eclipse of Bur-Sagale was observed in Assyria, the earliest solar eclipsementioned in historical sources that has been successfully identified.
- 1815 – The Duchess of Richmond held a ball in Brussels, Belgium, that was described as "the most famous ball in history".
- 1859 – The shooting of a pig in the San Juan Islands led to the so-called Pig War over the border between the United States and British North America.
- 1978 – King Hussein of Jordan married American Lisa Halaby, who became known as Queen Noor of Jordan (pictured).
- 1991 – The eruption of Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines deposited large amounts of particulate into the atmosphere, enough to lower global temperatures by about 0.5 °C (0.9 °F).
They had an eclipse, but I couldn't see it. It was blocked. The duchess is generous. Nobody wins the pig war. Freedom can lead to tyranny. Don't erupt, chill. Let's party.
- 763 BC – Assyrians record a solar eclipse that is later used to fix the chronology of Mesopotamianhistory.
- 923 – Battle of Soissons: King Robert I of France is killed and King Charles the Simple is arrested by the supporters of Duke Rudolph of Burgundy.
- 1184 – King Magnus V of Norway is killed at the Battle of Fimreite.
- 1215 – King John of England puts his seal to the Magna Carta.
- 1219 – Northern Crusades: Danish victory at the Battle of Lyndanisse (modern-day Tallinn) establishes the Danish Duchy of Estonia. According to legend, this battle also marks the first use of the Dannebrog, the world's first national flag still in use, as the national flag of Denmark.
- 1246 – With the death of Duke Frederick II, the Babenberg dynasty ends in Austria.
- 1300 – The city of Bilbao is founded.
- 1312 – At the Battle of Rozgony, King Charles I of Hungary wins a decisive victory over the family of Palatine Amade Aba.
- 1389 – Battle of Kosovo: The Ottoman Empire defeats Serbs and Bosnians.
- 1410 – In a decisive battle at Onon River, the Mongol forces of Oljei Temur were decimated by the Chinese armies of the Yongle Emperor.
- 1502 – Christopher Columbus lands on the island of Martinique on his fourth voyage.
- 1520 – Pope Leo X threatens to excommunicate Martin Luther in papal bull Exsurge Domine.
- 1580 – Philip II of Spain declares William the Silent to be an outlaw.
- 1648 – Margaret Jones is hanged in Boston for witchcraft in the first such execution for the Massachusetts Bay Colony.
- 1667 – The first human blood transfusion is administered by Dr. Jean-Baptiste Denys.
- 1752 – Benjamin Franklin proves that lightning is electricity (traditional date, the exact date is unknown).
- 1775 – American Revolutionary War: George Washington is appointed commander-in-chief of the Continental Army.
- 1776 – Delaware Separation Day: Delaware votes to suspend government under the British Crown and separate officially from Pennsylvania.
- 1785 – Jean-François Pilâtre de Rozier, co-pilot of the first-ever manned flight (1783), and his companion, Pierre Romain, become the first-ever casualties of an air crash when their hot air balloon explodes during their attempt to cross the English Channel.
- 1804 – New Hampshire approves the Twelfth Amendment to the United States Constitution, ratifying the document.
- 1808 – Joseph Bonaparte becomes King of Spain.
- 1815 – The Duchess of Richmond's ball is held in Brussels, "the most famous ball in history".
- 1836 – Arkansas is admitted as the 25th U.S. state.
- 1844 – Charles Goodyear receives a patent for vulcanization, a process to strengthen rubber.
- 1846 – The Oregon Treaty establishes the 49th parallel as the border between the United States and Canada, from the Rocky Mountains to the Strait of Juan de Fuca.
- 1859 – Pig War: Ambiguity in the Oregon Treaty leads to the "Northwestern Boundary Dispute" between United States and British/Canadian settlers.
- 1864 – American Civil War: The Second Battle of Petersburg begins.
- 1864 – Arlington National Cemetery is established when 200 acres (0.81 km2) around Arlington Mansion (formerly owned by Confederate General Robert E. Lee) are officially set aside as a military cemetery by U.S. Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton.
- 1867 – Atlantic Cable Quartz Lode gold mine located in Montana.
- 1877 – Henry Ossian Flipper becomes the first African American cadet to graduate from the United States Military Academy.
- 1878 – Eadweard Muybridge takes a series of photographs to prove that all four feet of a horse leave the ground when it runs; the study becomes the basis of motion pictures.
- 1888 – Crown Prince Wilhelm becomes Kaiser Wilhelm II; he will be the last Emperor of the German Empire. Due to the death of his predecessors Wilhelm I and Frederick III, 1888 is the Year of the Three Emperors.
- 1896 – The deadliest tsunami in Japan's history kills more than 22,000 people.
- 1904 – A fire aboard the steamboat SS General Slocum in New York City's East River kills 1,000.
- 1905 – Princess Margaret of Connaught marries Gustaf, Crown Prince of Sweden.
- 1909 – Representatives from England, Australia and South Africa meet at Lord's and form the Imperial Cricket Conference.
- 1913 – The Battle of Bud Bagsak in the Philippines ends.
- 1916 – U.S. President Woodrow Wilson signs a bill incorporating the Boy Scouts of America, making them the only American youth organization with a federal charter.
- 1919 – John Alcock and Arthur Brown complete the first nonstop transatlantic flight when they reach Clifden, County Galway, Ireland.
- 1920 – Duluth lynchings in Minnesota.
- 1920 – A new border treaty between Germany and Denmark gives northern Schleswig to Denmark.
- 1934 – The U.S. Great Smoky Mountains National Park is founded.
- 1936 – First flight of the Vickers Wellington bomber.
- 1937 – A German expedition led by Karl Wien loses sixteen members in an avalanche on Nanga Parbat. It is the worst single disaster to occur on an 8000m peak.
- 1940 – World War II: Operation Ariel begins – Allied troops start to evacuate France, following Germany's takeover of Paris and most of the nation.
- 1944 – World War II: Battle of Saipan: The United States invade Japanese-occupied Saipan.
- 1944 – In the Saskatchewan general election, the CCF, led by Tommy Douglas, is elected and forms the first socialistgovernment in North America.
- 1945 – The General Dutch Youth League (ANJV) is founded in Amsterdam, Netherlands.
- 1954 – UEFA (Union of European Football Associations) is formed in Basel, Switzerland.
- 1970 – Charles Manson goes on trial for the Sharon Tate murders.
- 1972 – Red Army Faction co-founder Ulrike Meinhof is captured by police in Langenhagen.
- 1978 – King Hussein of Jordan marries American Lisa Halaby, who takes the name Queen Noor.
- 1985 – Rembrandt's painting Danaë is attacked by a man (later judged insane) who throws sulfuric acid on the canvas and cuts it twice with a knife.
- 1991 – In the Philippines, Mount Pinatubo erupts in the second largest volcanic eruption of the 20th Century. In the end, over 800 people die.
- 1992 – The United States Supreme Court rules in United States v. Álvarez-Machaín that it is permissible for the United States to forcibly extradite suspects in foreign countries and bring them to the USA for trial, without approval from those other countries.
- 1994 – Israel and Vatican City establish full diplomatic relations.
- 1996 – The Provisional Irish Republican Army explodes a large bomb in the middle of Manchester, England, United Kingdom.
- 2001 – Leaders of the People's Republic of China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan formed the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation.
- 2012 – Nik Wallenda becomes the first person to successfully tightrope walk over Niagara Falls.
- 1330 – Edward, the Black Prince of England (d. 1376)
- 1479 – Lisa del Giocondo, Italian model, subject of the Mona Lisa (d. 1542)
- 1519 – Henry FitzRoy, 1st Duke of Richmond and Somerset, English politician, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland (d. 1536)
- 1542 – Richard Grenville, English captain and explorer (d. 1591)
- 1594 – Nicolas Poussin, French painter (d. 1665)
- 1615 – Thomas Randolph, English poet and dramatist (d. 1635)
- 1623 – Cornelis de Witt, Dutch politician (d. 1672)
- 1624 – Hiob Ludolf, German orientalist (d. 1704)
- 1640 – Bernard Lamy, French mathematician and theologian (d. 1715)
- 1749 – Georg Joseph Vogler, German organist, composer, and theorist (d. 1814)
- 1754 – Juan José Elhuyar, Spanish chemist and mineralogist (d. 1796)
- 1755 – Antoine François, comte de Fourcroy, French chemist and entomologist (d. 1809)
- 1763 – Franz Danzi, German cellist, composer, and conductor (d. 1826)
- 1763 – Kobayashi Issa, Japanese priest and poet (d. 1827)
- 1765 – Martin Baum, American businessman and politician (d. 1831)
- 1765 – Johann Gottlieb Friedrich von Bohnenberger, German astronomer and mathematician (d. 1831)
- 1767 – Rachel Jackson, American wife of Andrew Jackson (d. 1828)
- 1777 – David Daniel Davis, Welsh physician (d. 1841)
- 1789 – Josiah Henson, American minister, author, and activist (d. 1883)
- 1792 – Thomas Mitchell, Scottish-Australian colonel and explorer (d. 1855)
- 1801 – Benjamin Wright Raymond, American politician, 3rd Mayor of Chicago (d. 1883)
- 1805 – William B. Ogden, American politician, 1st Mayor of Chicago (d. 1877)
- 1809 – François-Xavier Garneau, Canadian poet and historian (d. 1866)
- 1835 – Adah Isaacs Menken, American actress, painter and poet (d. 1868)
- 1843 – Edvard Grieg, Norwegian pianist and composer (d. 1907)
- 1848 – Gheevarghese Mar Gregorios of Parumala, Indian bishop and saint (d. 1902)
- 1872 – Thomas William Burgess, English swimmer (d. 1950)
- 1875 – Herman Smith-Johannsen, Norwegian-Canadian skier (d. 1987)
- 1876 – Margaret Abbott, Indian-American golfer (d. 1955)
- 1882 – Ion Antonescu, Romanian field marshal and politician (d. 1946)
- 1884 – Harry Langdon, American actor, director, and screenwriter (d. 1944)
- 1888 – Ramón López Velarde, Mexican poet (d. 1921)
- 1890 – Georg Wüst, German oceanographer (d. 1977)
- 1894 – Robert Russell Bennett, American composer (d. 1981)
- 1894 – Nikolai Chebotaryov, Ukrainian-Russian mathematician and theorist (d. 1947)
- 1898 – Hubertus Strughold, German-born physiologist and prominent medical researcher (d. 1986)
- 1900 – Gotthard Günther, German philosopher and academic (d. 1984)
- 1900 – Otto Luening, German-American composer and conductor (d. 1996)
- 1901 – Elmar Lohk, Russian-Estonian architect (d. 1963)
- 1902 – Erik Erikson, German-American psychologist and psychoanalyst (d. 1994)
- 1906 – Gordon Welchman, English-American mathematician and author (d. 1985)
- 1906 – Léon Degrelle, Belgian SS officer (d. 1994)
- 1907 – James Robertson Justice, English actor (d. 1975)
- 1908 – Sam Giancana, American mobster (d. 1975)
- 1909 – Elena Nikolaidi, Greek-American soprano (d. 2002)
- 1910 – David Rose, English-American pianist, composer, and conductor (d. 1990)
- 1911 – Wilbert Awdry, English author, co-created Thomas the Tank Engine (d. 1997)
- 1914 – Yuri Andropov, Russian politician (d. 1984)
- 1914 – Saul Steinberg, Romanian-American cartoonist (d. 1999)
- 1914 – Hilda Terry, American cartoonist (d. 2006)
- 1915 – Thomas Huckle Weller, American biologist and virologist, Nobel Prize laureate (d. 2008)
- 1916 – Olga Erteszek, Polish-American fashion designer (d. 1989)
- 1916 – Horacio Salgán, Argentinian pianist, composer, and orchestra leader
- 1916 – Herbert A. Simon, American political scientist and economist, Nobel Prize laureate (d. 2001)
- 1917 – John Fenn, American chemist and academic, Nobel Prize laureate (d. 2010)
- 1917 – Michalis Genitsaris, Greek singer-songwriter (d. 2005)
- 1917 – Lash LaRue, American actor (d. 1996)
- 1918 – Zhang Ruifang, Chinese actress (d. 2012)
- 1920 – Alla Kazanskaya, Russian actress (d. 2008)
- 1920 – Sam Sniderman, Canadian businessman, founded Sam the Record Man (d. 2012)
- 1920 – Alberto Sordi, Italian actor, director, and screenwriter (d. 2003)
- 1921 – Erroll Garner, American pianist and composer (d. 1977)
- 1922 – Jaki Byard, American pianist and composer (d. 1999)
- 1922 – Ronald King Murray, Lord Murray, Scottish judge and politician
- 1922 – John Veale, English composer (d. 2006)
- 1923 – Erland Josephson, Swedish actor and director (d. 2012)
- 1923 – Ninian Stephen, English-Australian lieutenant, judge, and politician, 20th Governor-General of Australia
- 1924 – Ezer Weizman, Israeli general and politician, 7th President of Israel (d. 2005)
- 1925 – Ross Andru, American illustrator (d. 1993)
- 1925 – Richard Baker, English journalist and author
- 1926 – Shigeru Kayano, Japanese activist (d. 2006)
- 1926 – Mac McGarry, American game show host (d. 2013)
- 1927 – Ibn-e-Insha, Indian-Pakistani poet and author (d. 1978)
- 1927 – Ottó Foky, Hungarian animator (d. 2012)
- 1927 – Hugo Pratt, Italian author and illustrator (d. 1995)
- 1930 – John Fretwell, English diplomat, British Ambassador to France
- 1930 – Victor Lundin, American actor and singer (d. 2013)
- 1930 – Miguel Méndez, American author (d. 2013)
- 1930 – Marcel Pronovost, Canadian ice hockey player and coach (d. 2015)
- 1931 – Joseph Gilbert, English air marshal
- 1932 – David Alliance, Baron Alliance, Iranian-English businessman and politician
- 1932 – Mario Cuomo, American lawyer and politician, 52nd Governor of New York (d. 2015)
- 1932 – Zia Fariduddin Dagar, Indian singer (d. 2013)
- 1932 – Bernie Faloney, American-Canadian football player (d. 1999)
- 1933 – Sergio Endrigo, Italian singer-songwriter (d. 2005)
- 1933 – Mark Jones, English footballer (d. 1958)
- 1933 – Mohammad-Ali Rajai, Iranian politician, 2nd President of Iran (d. 1981)
- 1934 – Mikel Laboa, Spanish singer-songwriter (d. 2008)
- 1935 – John Perry, English bishop
- 1936 – Claude Brasseur, French actor
- 1936 – William Levada, American cardinal
- 1937 – Pierre Billon, Canadian author
- 1937 – Anna Hazare, Indian activist
- 1937 – Waylon Jennings, American singer-songwriter and guitarist (The Highwaymen) (d. 2002)
- 1938 – Billy Williams, American baseball player and coach
- 1939 – Ward Connerly, American activist and businessman, founded the American Civil Rights Institute
- 1941 – Neal Adams, American illustrator
- 1941 – Harry Nilsson, American singer-songwriter (d. 1994)
- 1942 – Ian Greenberg, Canadian broadcaster, founded Astral Media
- 1942 – John E. McLaughlin, American diplomat
- 1942 – Peter Norman, Australian sprinter (d. 2006)
- 1943 – Johnny Hallyday, French singer and actor
- 1943 – Xaviera Hollander, Dutch madam and author
- 1943 – Poul Nyrup Rasmussen, Danish politician, 38th Prime Minister of Denmark
- 1943 – Lee Shallat-Chemel, American director and producer
- 1943 – Larry Whitty, Baron Whitty, English politician
- 1944 – Robert D. Keppel, American police officer and detective
- 1945 – Nicola Pagett, British actress
- 1945 – Miriam Defensor Santiago, Filipino judge and politician
- 1945 – Robert Sarah, Guinean cardinal
- 1945 – Lawrence Wilkerson, American colonel
- 1946 – Brigitte Fossey, French actress
- 1946 – Noddy Holder, English singer-songwriter, guitarist, and actor (Slade)
- 1946 – John Horner, American paleontologist
- 1946 – Demis Roussos, Egyptian-Greek singer-songwriter and bass player (Aphrodite's Child) (d. 2015)
- 1947 – John Hoagland, American photographer
- 1947 – Lee Purcell, American actress
- 1948 – Mike Holmgren, American football player and coach
- 1948 – Alan Huckle, English politician and diplomat, Governor of Anguilla
- 1948 – Henry McLeish, Scottish footballer, academic, and politician, 2nd First Minister of Scotland
- 1949 – Dusty Baker, American baseball player and manager
- 1949 – Simon Callow, English actor and director
- 1949 – Russell Hitchcock, Australian singer-songwriter (Air Supply)
- 1949 – Jim Varney, American actor (d. 2000)
- 1950 – Juliana Azumah-Mensah, Ghanaian nurse and politician
- 1950 – Lakshmi Mittal, Indian-English businessman
- 1951 – Vance A. Larson, American painter (d. 2000)
- 1951 – John Redwood, English politician, Secretary of State for Wales
- 1951 – Steve Walsh, American singer-songwriter and keyboard player (Kansas and Streets)
- 1952 – Dirceu, Brazilian footballer (d. 1995)
- 1952 – Satya Pal Jain, Indian politician
- 1953 – Vilma Bardauskienė, Lithuanian long jumper
- 1953 – Eje Elgh, Swedish race car driver
- 1953 – Xi Jinping, Chinese engineer and politician, General Secretary of the Communist Party of China
- 1953 – Raphael Wallfisch, English cellist and educator
- 1954 – Jim Belushi, American actor and singer
- 1954 – Paul Rusesabagina, Rwandan humanitarian
- 1954 – Zdeňka Šilhavá, Czech discus thrower
- 1954 – Beverley Whitfield, Australian swimmer (d. 1996)
- 1955 – Polly Draper, American actress, producer, screenwriter and political fundraiser
- 1955 – Julie Hagerty, American model and actress
- 1956 – Ava Cadell, Hungarian-American actress and therapist
- 1956 – Robin Curtis, American actress
- 1956 – Yevgeny Kiselyov, Russian journalist
- 1956 – Lance Parrish, American baseball player, coach, and manager
- 1957 – Brad Gillis, American guitarist (Night Ranger and Rubicon)
- 1957 – Stephen Lloyd, British politician
- 1957 – Seppo Pääkkönen, Finnish actor
- 1957 – Peeter Pere, Estonian architect
- 1958 – Wade Boggs, American baseball player
- 1958 – Riccardo Paletti, Italian race car driver (d. 1982)
- 1959 – Alan Brazil, Scottish footballer and sportscaster
- 1959 – Eileen Davidson, American actress
- 1959 – Vicki Genfan, American singer-songwriter and guitarist
- 1960 – Michèle Laroque, French actress
- 1960 – Marieke van Doorn, Dutch field hockey player
- 1961 – Brad Armstrong, American wrestler (d. 2012)
- 1961 – Laurent Cantet, French director and screenwriter
- 1961 – Kai Eckhardt, German-American bass player and songwriter (Garaj Mahal and Vital Information)
- 1961 – Yoshimi Iwasaki, Japanese singer and actress
- 1961 – Dave McAuley, Irish boxer
- 1961 – Scott Norton, American wrestler
- 1962 – Chris Morris, English actor, director, and producer
- 1962 – Andrea Rost, Hungarian soprano
- 1963 – Marina Azyabina, Russian hurdler
- 1963 – Mario Gosselin, Canadian ice hockey player and sportscaster
- 1963 – Helen Hunt, American actress, director, and producer
- 1963 – Igor Paklin, Kyrgyzstani high jumper
- 1963 – Blanca Portillo, Spanish actress
- 1963 – Tom Taaffe, Irish horse trainer
- 1964 – Valeri Bukrejev, Estonian pole vaulter
- 1964 – Courteney Cox, American actress, director, and producer
- 1964 – Michael Laudrup, Danish footballer and manager
- 1965 – Annelies Bredael, Belgian rower
- 1965 – Karim Massimov, Kazakhstani politician, 7th Prime Minister of Kazakhstan
- 1965 – Adam Smith, American lawyer and politician
- 1967 – Yūji Ueda, Japanese voice actor and singer
- 1968 – Oh Dal-su, South Korean actor
- 1968 – Károly Güttler, Hungarian swimmer
- 1969 – Jesse Bélanger, Canadian ice hockey player
- 1969 – Ice Cube, American rapper, producer, and actor
- 1969 – Nasos Galakteros, Greek basketball player
- 1969 – Oliver Kahn, German footballer and sportscaster
- 1969 – Jeff Neal, American drummer (Boston)
- 1969 – Maurice Odumbe, Kenyan cricketer
- 1969 – Cédric Pioline, French tennis player
- 1970 – Christian Bauman, American author
- 1970 – Gaëlle Méchaly, French soprano
- 1970 – Leah Remini, American actress
- 1970 – Žan Tabak, Croatian basketball player and coach
- 1971 – Edwin Brienen, Dutch-German actor, director, and producer
- 1971 – Jake Busey, American actor, singer, and producer
- 1971 – Isménia do Frederico, Cape Verdean sprinter
- 1971 – Christos Myriounis, Greek basketball player
- 1971 – Bif Naked, Indian-Canadian singer-songwriter, actress, and poet
- 1972 – Chloe Dao, American fashion designer
- 1972 – Marcus Hahnemann, American soccer player
- 1972 – Justin Leonard, American golfer
- 1972 – Andy Pettitte, American baseball player
- 1972 – Hank von Helvete, Norwegian singer and guitarist (Turbonegro and Doctor Midnight & The Mercy Cult)
- 1973 – Tore André Flo, Norwegian footballer and coach
- 1973 – Neil Patrick Harris, American actor, singer, and director
- 1973 – Pia Miranda, Australian actress
- 1973 – Greg Vaughan, American actor
- 1974 – Chakri, Indian singer-songwriter (d. 2014)
- 1976 – Gary Lightbody, Northern Irish singer-songwriter and guitarist (Snow Patrol, Listen... Tanks!, Tired Pony, and The Reindeer Section)
- 1976 – Jiří Ryba, Czech decathlete
- 1977 – Michael Doleac, American basketball player
- 1977 – Nina Liu, Australian actress
- 1977 – Mario Vazquez, American singer
- 1978 – Wilfred Bouma, Dutch footballer
- 1978 – Zach Day, American baseball player
- 1979 – Yulia Nestsiarenka, Belarusian sprinter
- 1979 – Christian Rahn, German footballer
- 1979 – Charles Zwolsman, Jr., Dutch race car driver
- 1980 – Mary Carey, American porn actress and director
- 1980 – Almudena Cid Tostado, Spanish gymnast
- 1980 – Cara Zavaleta, American model and actress
- 1981 – John Paintsil, Ghanaian footballer
- 1981 – Jeremy Reed, American baseball player
- 1981 – Jordi Vilasuso, American actor
- 1982 – Katie Chapman, English footballer
- 1982 – Mike Delany, New Zealand rugby union footballer
- 1982 – Abdur Razzak, Bangladeshi cricketer
- 1983 – Derek Anderson, American football player
- 1983 – Julia Fischer, German violinist and pianist
- 1983 – Laura Imbruglia, Australian singer-songwriter and guitarist
- 1983 – Josh McGuire, Canadian fencer
- 1984 – Luke Hodge, Australian rules footballer
- 1984 – Eva Hrdinová, Czech tennis player
- 1984 – Tim Lincecum, American baseball player
- 1984 – Mauro Rizzo, Italian footballer
- 1984 – Edison Toloza, Colombian footballer
- 1985 – Nadine Coyle, Irish singer-songwriter and actress (Girls Aloud and Six)
- 1986 – Stjepan Hauser, Croatian cellist (2Cellos)
- 1986 – James Maloney, Australian rugby league player
- 1987 – Ani Mijačika, Croatian tennis player
- 1987 – Rohullah Nikpai, Afghan martial artist
- 1988 – Barakat Al-Harthi, Omani sprinter
- 1988 – Miku Ishida, Japanese singer and actress
- 1989 – Víctor Cabedo, Spanish cyclist (d. 2012)
- 1990 – Miwa, Japanese singer-songwriter
- 1991 – Kristina Bannikova, Estonian footballer
- 1992 – Dafne Schippers, Dutch heptathlete and sprinter
- 1993 – Kanna Arihara, Japanese singer (Cute)
- 1993 – Jacopo Galimberti, Italian footballer
- 1994 – Rina Hidaka, Japanese voice actress
- 1995 – Tucker West, American luge athlete
- 923 – Robert I of France (b. 866)
- 991 – Theophanu, Byzantine wife of Otto II, Holy Roman Emperor (b. 960)
- 1073 – Emperor Go-Sanjō of Japan (b. 1034)
- 1189 – Minamoto no Yoshitsune, Japanese general (b. 1159)
- 1246 – Frederick II, Duke of Austria (b. 1219)
- 1341 – Andronikos III Palaiologos, Byzantine emperor (b. 1297)
- 1381 – John Cavendish, English judge (b. 1346)
- 1381 – Wat Tyler, English leader of the Peasants' Revolt (b. 1341)
- 1383 – John VI Kantakouzenos, Byzantine emperor (b. 1292)
- 1389 – Murad I, Ottoman sultan (b. 1326)
- 1389 – Lazar of Serbia (b. 1329)
- 1416 – John, Duke of Berry (b. 1340)
- 1467 – Philip the Good, French son of Margaret of Bavaria (b. 1396)
- 1521 – Tamás Bakócz, Hungarian cardinal (b. 1442)
- 1560 – William Sommers, English jester (b.1525)
- 1614 – Henry Howard, 1st Earl of Northampton, English politician, Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports (b. 1540)
- 1679 – Guillaume Courtois, French painter (b. 1628)
- 1724 – Henry Sacheverell, English clergyman and politician (b. 1674)
- 1768 – James Short, Scottish mathematician and optician (b. 1710)
- 1772 – Louis-Claude Daquin, French organist and composer (b. 1694)
- 1844 – Thomas Campbell, Scottish poet and academic (b. 1777)
- 1849 – James K. Polk, American lawyer and politician, 11th President of the United States (b. 1795)
- 1858 – Ary Scheffer, Dutch-French painter (b. 1795)
- 1888 – Frederick III, German Emperor (b. 1831)
- 1889 – Mihai Eminescu, Romanian journalist, author, and poet (b. 1850)
- 1890 – Unryū Kyūkichi, Japanese sumo wrestler, the 10th Yokozuna (b. 1822)
- 1917 – Kristian Birkeland, Norwegian physicist (b. 1867)
- 1934 – Alfred Bruneau, French composer (b. 1857)
- 1938 – Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, German painter (b. 1880)
- 1941 – Otfrid Foerster, German neurologist and physician (b. 1873)
- 1941 – Evelyn Underhill, English mystic and author (b. 1875)
- 1961 – Giulio Cabianca, Italian race car driver (b. 1923)
- 1962 – Alfred Cortot, Swiss pianist and conductor (b. 1877)
- 1965 – Steve Cochran, American actor (b. 1917)
- 1965 – Ephraim Avigdor Speiser, Polish-American archaeologist and scholar (b. 1902)
- 1967 – Tatu Kolehmainen, Finnish runner (b. 1885)
- 1968 – Sam Crawford, American baseball player, coach, and umpire (b. 1880)
- 1968 – Wes Montgomery, American guitarist (Montgomery Brothers) (b. 1925)
- 1971 – Wendell Meredith Stanley, American biochemist and virologist, Nobel Prize laureate (b. 1904)
- 1976 – Jimmy Dykes, American baseball player, coach, and manager (b. 1896)
- 1983 – Sri Sri, Indian poet and songwriter (b. 1910)
- 1984 – Meredith Willson, American composer, conductor and playwright (b. 1902)
- 1985 – Andy Stanfield, American sprinter (b. 1927)
- 1985 – Robert Stethem, American diver (b. 1961)
- 1989 – Maurice Bellemare, Canadian politician (b. 1912)
- 1991 – Happy Chandler, American businessman and politician, 49th Governor of Kentucky (b. 1898)
- 1991 – Arthur Lewis, Saint Lucian economist and academic, Nobel Prize laureate (b. 1915)
- 1992 – Brett Whiteley, Australian avant-garde artist (b. 1939)
- 1993 – John Connally, American politician, 61st United States Secretary of the Treasury (b. 1917)
- 1993 – James Hunt, English race car driver (b. 1947)
- 1994 – Manos Hatzidakis, Greek composer and theorist (b. 1925)
- 1995 – John Vincent Atanasoff, American physicist and inventor, invented the Atanasoff–Berry Computer (b. 1903)
- 1996 – Ella Fitzgerald, American singer and actress (b. 1917)
- 1996 – Sir Fitzroy Maclean, 1st Baronet, Egyptian-Scottish general and politician (b. 1911)
- 1996 – Dick Murdoch, American wrestler (b. 1946)
- 1999 – Omer Côté, Canadian politician (b. 1906)
- 2000 – James Montgomery Boice, American pastor and theologian (b. 1938)
- 2000 – Jules Roy, French author (b. 1907)
- 2001 – Henri Alekan, French cinematographer (b. 1909)
- 2001 – Maria Foka, Greek-English actress (b. 1917)
- 2001 – Jay Moriarity, American surfer (b. 1978)
- 2002 – Choi Hong Hi, South Korean general and martial artist, founded Taekwondo (b. 1918)
- 2003 – Hume Cronyn, Canadian-American actor and producer (b. 1911)
- 2005 – Suzanne Flon, French actress (b. 1918)
- 2006 – Raymond Devos, Belgian-French comedian and clown (b. 1922)
- 2006 – Herb Pearson, New Zealand cricketer (b. 1910)
- 2007 – Sherri Martel, American wrestler and manager (b. 1958)
- 2008 – Ray Getliffe, Canadian ice hockey player (b. 1914)
- 2008 – Stan Winston, American makeup artist and director (b. 1946)
- 2011 – Bill Haast, American herpetologist (b. 1910)
- 2012 – Phillip D. Cagan, American economist and author (b. 1927)
- 2012 – Capitola Dickerson, American pianist and educator (b. 1913)
- 2012 – Rune Gustafsson, Swedish guitarist and composer (b. 1933)
- 2012 – Barry MacKay, American tennis player (b. 1935)
- 2012 – Israel Nogueda Otero, Mexican economist and politician, 10th Governor of Guerrero (b. 1935)
- 2012 – Jerry Tubbs, American football player and coach (b. 1935)
- 2013 – Manivannan, Indian actor and director (b. 1954)
- 2013 – Peride Celal, Turkish author (b. 1916)
- 2013 – Heinz Flohe, German footballer and manager (b. 1948)
- 2013 – José Froilán González, Argentinian race car driver (b. 1922)
- 2013 – Stan Lopata, American baseball player (b. 1925)
- 2013 – Dennis O'Rourke, Australian director and producer (b. 1945)
- 2013 – Kenneth G. Wilson, American physicist and academic, Nobel Prize laureate (b. 1936)
- 2014 – Jacques Bergerac, French actor (b. 1927)
- 2014 – Sardar Fazlul Karim, Bangladeshi philosopher and academic (b. 1925)
- 2014 – Casey Kasem, American radio host, producer, and actor, co-created American Top 40 (b. 1932)
- 2014 – Daniel Keyes, American author (b. 1927)
- 2014 – Andrei Kharlov, Russian chess player (b. 1968)
- 2014 – Moise Safra, Brazilian businessman and philanthropist, co-founded Banco Safra (b. 1934)
- Arbor Day (Costa Rica)
- Cagayan de Oro Charter Day (Cagayan de Oro City)
- Christian Feast Day:
- Augustine of Hippo (Eastern Orthodox Church)
- Blessed Albertina Berkenbrock
- Blessed Clement Vismara
- Edburga of Winchester
- Evelyn Underhill (Church of England and the The Episcopal Church)
- Germaine Cousin
- Maria Micaela of the Blessed Sacrament
- Trillo
- Vitus, Modestus and Crescentia
- June 15 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics)
- Day of Valdemar and Reunion day (Flag Day) (Denmark)
- Earliest day on which Father's Day can fall, while June 21 is the latest; celebrated on the third Sunday in June. (United States, and most other countries.)
- Global Wind Day (international)
- Mangaia Gospel Day (Mangaia, Cook Islands)
- National Salvation Day (Azerbaijan)
- Statehood Day (Arkansas)
- The first day of the month of Harh. (Sikhism)
Tim Blair – Monday, June 15, 2015 (12:59pm)
Damn Americans. Just when it seemed Australian Belle Gibson was a certainty to win this year’s coveted Best Fakery award (western division, female category), along comes a Yank who has simply blown our Belle out of the water.
Gibson, you will recall, was the young woman who made headlines and a great deal of money by claiming to have treated her advanced brain cancer with food and alternative lifestyle therapies. It was a fantastically brazen, medically impossible story. Finally, Gibson confessed in April that her entire tale was a lie.
Rachel Dolezal, in the style of a true fakery champion, is offering no such admission.
(Continue reading White is the New Black.)
UPDATE. Dolezal has cancelled her appearance. For the second time, you might say.
Tim Blair – Monday, June 15, 2015 (12:47pm)
British Muslim activist Asghar Bukhari exposes the Jews who stole his shoe:
In his original Facebook post, which has since been removed, Mr Bukhari wrote: “Are Zionists trying to intimidate me: Someone came into my home yesterday while I was asleep.“I don’t know how they got in, but they didn’t break in – the only thing they took was one shoe.”He continued: “Now think about that, the only thing they took was a single shoe – they left one shoe behind to let me know someone had been there.“Of course I can’t prove anything and that’s part of the intimidation. The game is simple – to make me feel vulnerable in my own home. It’s psychological. Neither can I do much about it.”
According to Bukhari, this blatant Zionist shoe theft is not an isolated incident:

(Via Dan Lewis)
(Via Dan Lewis)
Tim Blair – Monday, June 15, 2015 (12:10pm)
In light of #RachelDolezal It should be acknowledged that Ethnjc Fraud a major issue in Aus Aboriginal community - w/ many holding meetings
Whose world?
Andrew Bolt June 15 2015 (3:22pm)
Given recent events, would New Matilda like to rephrase?
Rachel Dolezal is not alone in the US. When race is a weapon of war, it’s no wonder some Americans switch sides.
Dolezal managed to get a scholarship from a historically black university by making them think she was black. Perhaps she got her inspiration from this 1986 movie, made when she was 8:
Rachel Dolezal is not alone in the US. When race is a weapon of war, it’s no wonder some Americans switch sides.
Dolezal managed to get a scholarship from a historically black university by making them think she was black. Perhaps she got her inspiration from this 1986 movie, made when she was 8:
Soul Man (1986) ...(Thanks to readers Jeremy and Jason.)
To achieve his dream of attending Harvard, a pampered teen poses as a young black man to receive a full scholarship.
How is Labor allowed to get away with pretending to be tougher on boat people?
Andrew Bolt June 15 2015 (3:15pm)
Am I missing something here?
All Question Time, and during a censure motion as well, one political party was raging against giving incentives to people smugglers and putting them in business.
That party was Labor, which itself offered so many incentives to people smugglers when it was in government that 50,000 people came over, paying some $500 million for the trip and costing us $11 billion..
The party they were attacking, on the other hand, is the Liberal Party, which in government has had just one boat arrive in a year and a half, and is now accused - without any proof - of paying people smugglers to turn one boat back to Indonesia.
And reporters are buying this astonishing hypocrisy? Are worrying about “incentives” and “pull factors” when no boats are actually coming, after denying Labor had offered incentives and “pull factors” when boats were arriving every few days?
Oh, yes, those “pull factors”. Remember how Labor once swore blind pull factors didn’t explain why boat people were coming.
I just don’t get it. The media should be laughing these people into silence.
===All Question Time, and during a censure motion as well, one political party was raging against giving incentives to people smugglers and putting them in business.
That party was Labor, which itself offered so many incentives to people smugglers when it was in government that 50,000 people came over, paying some $500 million for the trip and costing us $11 billion..
The party they were attacking, on the other hand, is the Liberal Party, which in government has had just one boat arrive in a year and a half, and is now accused - without any proof - of paying people smugglers to turn one boat back to Indonesia.
And reporters are buying this astonishing hypocrisy? Are worrying about “incentives” and “pull factors” when no boats are actually coming, after denying Labor had offered incentives and “pull factors” when boats were arriving every few days?
Oh, yes, those “pull factors”. Remember how Labor once swore blind pull factors didn’t explain why boat people were coming.
I just don’t get it. The media should be laughing these people into silence.
When black is white in race politics
Andrew Bolt June 15 2015 (8:52am)
(Note: because of Australia’s absurd laws against free speech -
particularly the Racial Discrimination Act - I am unable on legal advice
to make several important points, mention an academic survey and
correct a popular falsehood.)
RACHEL Dolezal is the face of modern race politics: a white academic who thrived by calling herself black.
This American race campaigner is what we get when we’re mad enough to think “race” is important and we must treat people differently depending on which they belong to.
Photos show Dolezal was once a freckled white girl with blue eyes and blonde straight hair before she transformed into an olive skinned woman with a mop of frizzled black hair.
According to her (white) father, Dolezal’s racial rebirth started when Washington’s Howard University — the “black Harvard” — “took her for a black woman” and gave her a scholarship.
Now 37, she is professor of Africana Studies at Eastern Washington University, teaching African-American culture and listing among her interests “African dance”.
What victim box doesn’t she tick?
(Read the abbreviated column here.
===RACHEL Dolezal is the face of modern race politics: a white academic who thrived by calling herself black.
This American race campaigner is what we get when we’re mad enough to think “race” is important and we must treat people differently depending on which they belong to.
Photos show Dolezal was once a freckled white girl with blue eyes and blonde straight hair before she transformed into an olive skinned woman with a mop of frizzled black hair.
According to her (white) father, Dolezal’s racial rebirth started when Washington’s Howard University — the “black Harvard” — “took her for a black woman” and gave her a scholarship.
Now 37, she is professor of Africana Studies at Eastern Washington University, teaching African-American culture and listing among her interests “African dance”.
What victim box doesn’t she tick?
(Read the abbreviated column here.
When will Four Corners give up this green porn?
Andrew Bolt June 15 2015 (8:29am)
Of course the ABC isn’t biased.
It’s just that the ABC just hates the stuff that keeps their top activists on the air - and in it, as Joe Aston points out
(Thanks to reader Peter of Bellevue Hill.)
===It’s just that the ABC just hates the stuff that keeps their top activists on the air - and in it, as Joe Aston points out
Usually, we’re the first to ignore vague pejoratives about the ABC’s independence (or alleged lack of it), but the vendetta the public broadcaster’s current affairs program Four Corners seems to have against the mining industry deserves attention…Marian Wilkinson? When will she post a correction to this alarmist tosh on Four Corners in 2008?:
Kerry O’Brien will commute from Byron Bay to Sydney in Business class on Monday to read from an autocue for approximately 40 seconds before retiring to Royal Sydney Golf Club and then flying home the following day. This weekly service costs the taxpayer around $200,000 each year.
This week he will introduce a segment called The End of Coal, whose promos ask “will Australia be left on the wrong side of history?"…
(C)orrespondent Marian Wilkinson has already brought two segments to air suggesting the coal industry is threatening the Great Barrier Reef: one in September last year called Battle for the Reef ... and one in November 2011 called Great Barrier Grief.
In July 2014, Power to the People bemoaned Australia’s failure to embrace renewable energy despite a “revolution in power generation taking place across the globe”.
In May 2012, Casualties of the Boom documented how “massive mining developments are killing communities in regional Australia”.
In February 2011, The Gash Rush investigated “the cost to farmers and the environment” of the coal seam gas industry. April 2013’s Gas Leak! was no different.
But our personal favourite is April 2010’s A Dirty Business about “how the people of a once picturesque valley found themselves surrounded by coalmines, dust and toxic chemicals, while the state government ignores their pleas for help”.
Anyone seeing a pattern here?
MARIAN WILKINSON: It could be the greatest change to the planet’s environment many of us will ever see… The Arctic sea ice is retreating as climate change advances....In fact, Arctic ice refuses to melt away:
DR TED SCAMBOS, NATIONAL SNOW AND ICE DATA CENTER USA: .... There’s a group that makes a very strong case that in 2012 or 13 we’ll have an ice-free Arctic, as soon as that…
MARIAN WILKINSON: If you want to see climate change happening before your eyes, scientists will tell you, go to the ends of the earth, and that is why we are here in the Arctic Circle…
DR ROBIE MACDONALD, DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES AND OCEANS, CANADA: ... the modellers say that this ocean will be seasonally ice free for, initially they said by the end of this century, 2100.... And there was a very recent one when I was up on the Amundsen a couple of months ago. Do you know what it said? Maybe by 2013....
MARIAN WILKINSON: ... The more we burn oil, gas and coal, the more we clear land, the more greenhouse gases are being released adding to the Arctic warming…
As the Louis ploughed through the thick sea ice we met one Arctic dweller already struggling with climate change - the polar bear… The US Government now estimates two thirds of its polar bear population could disappear within decades.
Antarctic sea ice is way above the average extent:
And polar bears show no sign of dying away any time soon.
(Thanks to reader Peter of Bellevue Hill.)
Don’t rely on police to tackle union intimidators
Andrew Bolt June 15 2015 (8:26am)
Paul Sheehan:
===One of the disturbing things to come out of the royal commission into union corruption is the frequent uselessness of police. This is why a special agency was set up to police the building industry – and was removed by Labor and the Greens after they got into power.(Thanks to reader Peter of Bellevue Hill.)
One shocking example of police inertia contained in the interim report of the commission: two union officials, John Setka and Shaun Reardon, left intimidating and insulting phone messages for a female government inspector.
The men’s phone numbers were identified. Their voices were recorded. They even left their names. The messages came late at night. They were clearly intimidating. A formal complaint was made to the Victoria Police.
Taking action on this case would be like tracking a bleeding elephant in the snow. But Victoria Police took none.
What’s new? Labor complained about paying people smugglers in 2002, too. But the boats stopped
Andrew Bolt June 15 2015 (7:50am)
Does the navy really sail around with $40,000 in the safe?
Here is then Labor Senator John Faulkner in 2002:
===AUSTRALIAN spies may have been involved in paying people smugglers to turn their boats around as part of a classified operation to disrupt their movements, a senior intelligence source revealed…Indeed, Labor was complaining about this kind of thing when the Howard Government ‘s successful border also stopping the boats - and before Labor let in more than 50,000 boat people.
However, a senior intelligence source has told The Daily Telegraph that Australia’s foreign intelligence service ASIS had been engaged in covert disruption and intelligence operations which may have involved such payments....
“Put it this way, the navy doesn’t have authorisation to do such things nor do they sail around with safes full of US dollars in them,” the source said.
The opposition has demanded answers from the government over reports that a boat crew had been paid $[US]30,000 to turn around…
But Prime Minister Tony Abbott has refused to confirm or deny the reports, sticking to a longstanding practice of not commenting on operational matters…
Mr Abbott last Friday hinted at the possible involvement of national security agencies, rather than the navy or Immigration and Border Protection. ASIS operations are classified.
“There are all sorts of things that our security agencies do ... that they need to do to protect our country and many of those things just should never be discussed in public,” he said.
Here is then Labor Senator John Faulkner in 2002:
The AFP agreed that there were a whole series of methods that could be used to prevent the departure of the vessel and that it was the “discretion of the liaison officer in Jakarta as to the best method to apply”. There may be disruption of the transport of the passengers to the embarkation point, for instance, or the movement of the boat to that embarkation point…
The Government has refused to confirm if the disruption programme in Indonesia ever extended to the physical interference of vessels…
The most concerning of these allegations is that AFP informant Kevin Enniss admitted, indeed boasted, to reporter Ross Coulthart and two colleagues that he had paid Indonesian locals on four or five occasions to scuttle people smuggling boats with passengers aboard. Mr Enniss claimed the boats were sunk close to land so everyone got off safely.
The AFP recently issued a press statement indicating that “Kevin Enniss has been formally interviewed since the Nine Network’s Sunday Program alleged his involvement in the sabotaging of vessels. He emphatically denies any such involvement”. However the AFP did not indicate if Mr Enniss had told the Sunday crew that he had paid local Indonesians to scuttle four or five boats.
The AFP recently confirmed, as a result of the Sunday Program revelations in February, that Mr Enniss was paid at least $25,000 by the AFP to be an informant. The AFP also admitted that they were aware that Mr Enniss purported to be a people smuggler and on at least one occasion took money from asylum seekers who thought they were buying a passage to Australia. Commissioner Keelty told Senate Estimates: “…we knew he was involved in people smuggling activities because he was telling us what was going on”.
Go march on Bill Shorten instead
Andrew Bolt June 15 2015 (7:39am)
SO how will Australia’s cleaners celebrate this huge day — the International Justice for Cleaners Day?
If they listened to their union bosses — and what a catastrophe that’s been — they’ll march on the Australian Chamber of Commerce’s Melbourne headquarters.
Why? Because Victoria’s Trades Hall Council says these wicked bosses “want penalty rates abolished”.
But wait. If that’s the crime, why don’t the cleaners march instead on the office of Labor leader Bill Shorten, who on Friday was invited by the royal commission into union corruption to come explain himself?
(Read full article here.)
A Fox News host would never have said it
Andrew Bolt June 15 2015 (7:02am)
She says she “misspoke”. But somehow a CNN host called a Dallas gunman who shot at a police station “courageous” and “brave”.
(Thanks to reader Steve.)
===(Thanks to reader Steve.)
What this poll really proves is Fairfax’s poll reporting can’t be trusted
Andrew Bolt June 15 2015 (6:02am)
This is ludicrous. A
month ago the Fairfax Ipsos poll claimed the Abbott Government was 50-50
with Labor, which was plainly unbelievable. As I said then:
===I do suspect the electorate is a little more unforgiving than the IPSOS poll suggests">I do suspect the electorate is a little more unforgiving than the IPSOS poll suggestsNow the IPSO poll corrects - perhaps even overcorrects - but rather than simply say so (and thus admit its polls are unreliable) the Sydney Morning Herald pretends this actually marks a real shift in voter sentiment:
Voters are again drifting away from Tony Abbott after a brief post-budget pause amid a worsening housing affordability crisis and the government’s refusal to bend on popular social reforms such as same-sex marriage equality.That said, I do think the media pile-on on Joe Hockey has hurt, not least because he did not counter it decisively.
The ... poll slump ... if continued would feed tensions within the Liberal Party over policy and presentation, and could even see the leadership question revisited…
Labor’s share of the two-party-preferred vote after preferences now stands at 53 per cent to 47 per cent for the Coalition ... An immediate post-budget survey in May had the two sides level-pegging on 50/50.
Fran Kelly: royal commission will let Bill Shorten shine again
Andrew Bolt June 15 2015 (12:42am)
No, of course the ABC isn’t biased.
It’s just that ABC host Fran Kelly seriously thinks Bill Shorten being summoned to the royal commission into union corruption is his chance to shine and show what a wonderful union he once lead, From Insiders yesterday:
And a few other things don’t fit her incredibly generous view of the matter. As in: why get employers to pay for union memberships? Why disguise some of those payments as fees for health and safety courses? Why is the AWU asking Fair Work Australia for one of Shorten’s deals to be scrapped in the interests of the workers? And did workers miss out on payments they could have got through more effective representation, including, dare I say, by the CFMEU?
How can the ABC be allowed to continue like this?
===It’s just that ABC host Fran Kelly seriously thinks Bill Shorten being summoned to the royal commission into union corruption is his chance to shine and show what a wonderful union he once lead, From Insiders yesterday:
MICHAEL STUTCHBURY:Of course there is a third option that Kelly has failed to consider in choosing between the CFMEU and AWU: “neither of the above”.
The irony here is, previously, it’s been the CFMEU in the dock and they’ve been in the dock for basically being outrageous and conducting illegal and often criminal activity and inflating wages, if you like. The AWU is now in the dock, ironically, for not looking after workers enough and I think the fact is that the system accommodates a rogue union – the CFMEU – which routinely breaks the law and its business model is based on breaking the law, it pays the Labor Party money – in Victoria it’s the largest donor – it’s really a disgrace. On the other hand, the bosses go to the AWU, which is a moderate union and in a lot of ways a perfectly good union, to get protection so they can do a deal with the boss and say, ‘Well, we’ll keep the CFMEU in’.
That’s why they pay these union fees, to keep the CFMEU out of it.
Exactly. So you get complete outrage on one hand and then you get to get protection against that if you’re an employer and you get some dodge deals on the other hand.
Doesn’t that work for Bill Shorten’s favour, that he comes in as the leader of the AWU at the time and says, ‘Ok, we’re a decent union, we’ve got decent workers, we want to do well, you pay us well and, you know, you can keep the CFMEU out’? I presume that’s the kind of discussion they had and can’t he make a meal of that at the Royal Commission? I’m just wondering. Beaconsfield Bill gets to shine through again.
And a few other things don’t fit her incredibly generous view of the matter. As in: why get employers to pay for union memberships? Why disguise some of those payments as fees for health and safety courses? Why is the AWU asking Fair Work Australia for one of Shorten’s deals to be scrapped in the interests of the workers? And did workers miss out on payments they could have got through more effective representation, including, dare I say, by the CFMEU?
How can the ABC be allowed to continue like this?
Boris Johnson
Look, I am no seismologist. But I cannot agree with the people of the Malaysian province who claim that a recent fatal tremor was nothing short of divine retribution.
The Thing in the Night As I started my way back home today I went and did a final chase which went less than good. It...
Posted by Matt Granz on Sunday, 14 June 2015
So Wrong....
Posted by KS1075 on Thursday, 11 June 2015
Over $800 million for nothing Dumped East West Link to cost $420M http://t.co/8PwYgqf8F5
— David Daniel Ball (@DaOddBall67) June 15, 2015
This is why vote for Obama was bad and for Clinton will be worse War with China ‘inevitable’ http://t.co/bCmNBv0OH0 via @newscomauHQ
— David Daniel Ball (@DaOddBall67) June 15, 2015
Give him a fair trial. Then shoot him Sudan's dictator Omar al-Bashir to face justice for war crimes in Darfur http://t.co/ABlCLfpdLs
— David Daniel Ball (@DaOddBall67) June 15, 2015
Understanding Wahhabism is the first step to appeasing it. Killing it is the first step to helping it's victims. http://t.co/MWJFSDzGiE
— David Daniel Ball (@DaOddBall67) June 15, 2015
Being in the market is better than timing. First-home buyer investors worse off http://t.co/nDvAwXyDaD via @newscomauHQ
— David Daniel Ball (@DaOddBall67) June 15, 2015
Not real .. Is it real? Ghost-like girl seen in Snapchat photo taken inside a hospital in Leeds http://t.co/CIuZcnBpkx via @newscomauHQ
— David Daniel Ball (@DaOddBall67) June 15, 2015
‘How a Baby Is Made’ book is freaking everyone out http://t.co/aSqZdnA6kD via @newscomauHQ
— David Daniel Ball (@DaOddBall67) June 15, 2015
— Mark (@lynx19eighty5) June 11, 2015
This is from a childrens book.. on well, how a baby is made.. im a tad bit shocked.. pic.twitter.com/9Nh93Qcf1n
— Amber Not Rose (@freakyouneed) June 12, 2015
How an ordinary Joe brought down a Russian spy at Hooters http://t.co/EUjNuMMm2t via @newscomauHQ
— David Daniel Ball (@DaOddBall67) June 15, 2015
Greeks have to work .. Here are five possible scenarios as Greece edges closer to default http://t.co/OwsgYl6yR5 via @newscomauHQ
— David Daniel Ball (@DaOddBall67) June 15, 2015
Ugh ‘I take style tips from homeless people’ http://t.co/U2bHAfH01h via @newscomauHQ
— David Daniel Ball (@DaOddBall67) June 15, 2015
So what do they profit from? Good looks? Brothel offers free sex to protest tax increase http://t.co/xTJH8eJwds via @newscomauHQ
— David Daniel Ball (@DaOddBall67) June 15, 2015
I liked a @YouTube video http://t.co/nOS8nXaUYO Dave Chappelle The Black White Supremacist Full Video
— David Daniel Ball (@DaOddBall67) June 15, 2015
Web Boxes - 28 designers who really didn’t think things through http://t.co/WWgmqbL2Au via @Awcore
— David Daniel Ball (@DaOddBall67) June 15, 2015
Julie Bishop tells Jakarta to fix borders http://t.co/faC9oVnzPQ
— David Daniel Ball (@DaOddBall67) June 15, 2015
There really is a dog. Puppy stolen during Windsor break-in returns home http://t.co/2yvxr6D4a1 via @theage
— David Daniel Ball (@DaOddBall67) June 15, 2015
Photo: Left and right. It’s a big difference http://t.co/Ga3XiZLXuP
— David Daniel Ball (@DaOddBall67) June 14, 2015
Photo: Go on, make your point. http://t.co/RblOs4Lo8w
— David Daniel Ball (@DaOddBall67) June 14, 2015
Everything that develops has issues until it is done. It is behind schedule, but it's faults are overstated. https://t.co/fVRFfqxEGQ
— David Daniel Ball (@DaOddBall67) June 14, 2015
=== Posts from last year ===
Increasing youth unemployment a threat to the ongoing stability of the nation
Piers Akerman – Saturday, June 14, 2014 (11:10pm)
FORGET Generation X, Y and Z; the real threat to the ongoing stability of the nation is Generation M — M for Missing.
While the official employment figures for May look reasonable they mask an underlying and growing crisis.
The number of young people in employment is continuing to shrink at a steady rate.
Youth employment peaked in mid-2008.
Since then it has shrunk by more than more 7 per cent. That is, 140,000 young people have dropped out of the official record.
In some areas, youth unemployment is now more than twice the national average.
Under-employment of young Australians also exceeds that of the broader labour market, with around 30 per cent of young workers without work or sufficient hours of work.
The chief executive of the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ACCI), Kate Carnell, says a lost generation is being created.
“The youth participation rate measures the number of young people in the work force in any form,” she said.
“If they’re getting the dole, they’re in the participation rate. But these young people have just disappeared. They’re not there. They’re not working or looking for work, they’re not earning or learning.”
Carnell thinks some may be working in the cash economy, others may be simply sitting on the family couch.
“There’s a clear disengagement and if they’re disengaged at 25, they’ll be disengaged at 45 and they’ll become long-term unemployed,’ she said.
The prospect of hundreds of thousands, if not future millions, floating in society constitutes a very real problem.
ACCI’s director employment, education and training, Jenny Lambert, said policy decisions by the previous federal government to reduce apprenticeship incentives and of state governments which have seen support funding for training in key entry level occupations fall dramatically have also failed young Australians.
And unions continue to hinder the chances of young people competing in the job market by seeking wage rises for apprentices and juniors.
Lefties living in a parallel world
Miranda Devine – Sunday, June 15, 2014 (6:35pm)
IN an episode of the classic science fiction TV series, The Twilight Zone, astronaut Major Robert Gaines returns to Earth and discovers he has slipped into a surreal parallel universe in which everything looks the same but nothing makes sense.
Tim Blair – Sunday, June 15, 2014 (6:19am)
“Where will I live?” wonders a mutant dog/koala hybrid at yet another coal protest:

A better question: how will you live? An abomination like that surely isn’t viable, neither in kennel nor tree. Where did it come from? What does it eat? Why is it alive?
A better question: how will you live? An abomination like that surely isn’t viable, neither in kennel nor tree. Where did it come from? What does it eat? Why is it alive?
This could indicate a previously unnoticed species-morphing ability. It is possible that protesters are now beginning to … transform. Examine further evidence in the upper left corner of the same photograph:

This seems to be a bearded blonde woman wearing a miniskirt. She/he carries an appropriately astonished bear image, probably as a guide to his/her eventual appearance, once the shape-shifting is complete. Remain vigilant.
This seems to be a bearded blonde woman wearing a miniskirt. She/he carries an appropriately astonished bear image, probably as a guide to his/her eventual appearance, once the shape-shifting is complete. Remain vigilant.
Tim Blair – Sunday, June 15, 2014 (6:01am)
Al Qaeda sorry man Peter FitzSimons can’t pick winners in radio or the AFL. Back in March, FitzSimons declared Lance Franklin a Buddy disaster for the Sydney Swans:
The deal between the Swans and Franklin last year – whereby a club famous for its team-first, team-always culture put $10 million over nine years towards a 27-year-old party fiend with chronic knee problems who didn’t finish in the top 10 of the best and fairest in his last season with Hawthorn – might have been a tad close to the worst decision made by a sporting organisation since Balmain decided to get Alan Jones to coach them in 1989.
Great call, raghead:
Lance Franklin deserves another truckload of cash after single-handedly dragging the Swans over the line against top team Port Adelaide at the SCG.In a spectacular performance before a near capacity crowd of 41,317, Franklin kicked the Swans’ last five goals as they fought gallantly to win a finals-like clash by just four points.
You were saying, Peter?
Tim Blair – Sunday, June 15, 2014 (5:42am)
We were promised dams, and dams we shall receive:
NSW is close to getting its first new dam in almost 30 years, with $300 million set aside in next week’s budget for a dam in the Central West of the state …It will be the first built in the state since Split Rock at Tamworth in 1987, and is funded from the long-term lease of Port Waratah and Port Botany.
Our tax-funded protest community will find some reason to oppose this.
Tim Blair – Sunday, June 15, 2014 (5:26am)
Abbott: Mike, Canadia.
Gillard: dungeon, hyperbole, Taliband and tenant.
Tim Blair – Sunday, June 15, 2014 (5:01am)
Useful parenting instructions for Fairfax’s Sam De Brito, whose child is needlessly terrified of global warming:
Tim Blair – Sunday, June 15, 2014 (4:49am)
Crikey‘s Bernard Keane identifies global warming’s racial component:
There’s a certain inevitability about Prime Minister Tony Abbott and Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper standing shoulder-to-shoulder in an effort to stymie international action on climate change. That’s not just because they’re middle-aged white conservatives, which is defining demography of climate denialism?--?if CO2 caused baldness and erectile dysfunction climate change would have been addressed decades ago ...
Mark Steyn responds:
It’s good to know opposing climate change is, like everything else, totally racist. Like most people who drone on about middle-aged white men, Bernard Keane is a middle-aged white man. He doesn’t appear to be bald, but the erectile dysfunction of hockey-stick climate alarmism seems to be getting to him.
Unlike YouTube viewers, who resolutely stay away from Keane and his fellow bores. Further from Steyn: Is Michael Mann a blood-drinking shape-shifting space lizard?
Tim Blair – Sunday, June 15, 2014 (3:32am)
The 425-horsepower CFMEU ute was prominent at recent anti-Abbott demonstrations in Melbourne. Apparently our unionist bruvvers have abandoned their previous save the planet campaign.
Tim Blair – Sunday, June 15, 2014 (2:43am)
One of Bob Ellis’s valued readers exposes the great O. J. Simpson/World Cup conspiracy:
OJ Simpsons wife and lover were killed the saturday immediately proceeding the opening of the (soccer) World Cup in the USA because gridion players and baseball players had been on strike for a year and there was a real chance these homegrown games would suffer permanent value impairment if soccer had been given clean airtime so despite the fact the victims had 50 plus defensive wound apiece in what was given the injuries sustained obviously a desperate struggle and Simpson had a simple working man nick on one finger the black guy was chased on TV and dramatically charged and the entire process managed to maximise the blackout of what was supposed to be soccers coming of age in the US of A
So now you know.
Tim Blair – Sunday, June 15, 2014 (2:40am)
There are Adelaide names and then there are Florida names.
The Bolt Report today, June 15
Andrew Bolt June 15 2014 (6:00am)
My guest: Foreign Minister Julie Bishop on Iraq. The panel: former Treasurer Peter Costello and former NSW Treasurer Michael Costa on the AWU scandal and more.
NewsWatch: Rowan Dean. Fact-checking the media narrative of a stumble-bum PM.
On Channel 10 at 10am and 4pm.
The videos of the shows appear here.
===NewsWatch: Rowan Dean. Fact-checking the media narrative of a stumble-bum PM.
On Channel 10 at 10am and 4pm.
The videos of the shows appear here.
Truss: voting for Palmer betrays democracy
Andrew Bolt June 15 2014 (5:55am)
I very much hope Truss is right:
===NATIONALS leader Warren Truss reckons Clive Palmer could go the way of other political “saviours” such as Pauline Hanson…
“Those who throw away their vote in some kind of protest are in fact ignoring their obligations to their democracy but also putting their country at risk.”
Kind media outlet helps struggling Clinton daughter. Mum should be grateful
Andrew Bolt June 15 2014 (5:38am)
Chelsea Clinton’s mum, tipped to be the Democratic nominee for President, should be grateful for this astonishing largesse:
===On Friday morning, Politico published on the previously unknown and “closely held” details of former First Daughter Chelsea Clinton’s contract with NBC News. According to the story, Clinton was given an annual salary of $US600,000 when she joined NBC News as a “special correspondent” in November 2011. Based on these figures, Clinton has earned about $US26,724 for each minute she subsequently appeared on air.
ISIS leader was a US detainee
Andrew Bolt June 15 2014 (5:28am)
Just a little something to think about for all the libertarians who demanded detainees go free:
Obama pulled US forces out of Iraq in 2011.
David French was a soldier in Iraq at the height of trouble:
Our immigration program remains of great concern:
===When Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi walked away from a U.S. detention camp [in Iraq] in 2009, the future leader of ISIS issued some chilling final words to reservists from Long Island.UPDATE
“He said, ‘I’ll see you guys in New York,’” recalls Army Col. Kenneth King, then the commanding officer of Camp Bucca…
King had not imagined that in less that five years he would be seeing news reports that al-Baghdadi was the leader of ISIS, the ultra-extremist army that was sweeping through Iraq toward Baghdad.
Obama pulled US forces out of Iraq in 2011.
David French was a soldier in Iraq at the height of trouble:
I remember what Iraq was like in late 2008, when I left. My unit. . .had largely cleared out one of the last areas of al-Qaeda dominion in Iraq. At high cost we had taken thousands of square kilometers back from enemy control, broken the back of enemy resistance, and given the local population the chance to live something approaching a normal life. Want a measure of our success?UPDATE
When we arrived in November 2007, in Diyala Province (labeled the Islamic Caliphate of Iraq by the al-Qaeda forces in control) every time any convoy rolled out of the gate, it had a greater than 25 percent chance of enemy contact — IEDs, ambushes, or sniper fire. When we left in late September 2008, that chance was down to approximately 1 percent.
Good men died making that progress. Friends and brothers, all of them.
But that’s not to say that al-Qaeda was completely defeated. Even as we prepared to hand over the battle space to an incoming unit, al Qaeda struck one last blow – killing a very dear friend of mine when our troopers cornered a senior leader.
The bottom line was that Iraq was under control, but still in a state of low-intensity war. Iraqi forces, with the help of small groups of American advisers and — in extreme circumstances — American air power, were more than capable of handling large-scale threats from jihadists but weren’t yet capable of stopping all violence (and, indeed, may never have been). The situation was stable, and — here’s the key — sustainable. Yes, to sustain it would have required the continued presence of American troops, and those troops may have sustained occasional additional casualties, but that’s the price we pay to secure hard-won victories.
Our immigration program remains of great concern:
The head of the al-Risalah Islamic Centre in Sydney, where both Sulayman and Cerantonio have lectured, Wissam Haddad, said Muslims were rejoicing at ISIS’s stunning gains. “There’s a feeling of joy,’’ Mr Haddad told The Weekend Australian.(Thanks to reader David.)
Solar promise fried
Andrew Bolt June 15 2014 (5:02am)
I don’t wish embarrassment on the Environment Minister, the very nice Greg Hunt, but I am very grateful that the tap is finally being turned off the great global warming waste
Plain sense said plainly:
===Mr Hunt took his colleagues by surprise when he announced to an industry gathering last November that the Coalition was committed to its $500 million ‘’1 Million Solar Roofs’’ program....UPDATE
But Mr Hunt’s ‘’shining beacon’’, a leftover from the 2010 election campaign, had not been approved by Prime Minister Tony Abbott or his top economic ministers ...
In his presentation to the Clean Energy Council on November 29 last year, the Environment Minister declared: ‘’The government will provide $500 million for the 1 Million Solar Roofs program. And a further $50 million each,’’ he added, would be given to ‘’the Solar Towns and Solar Schools programs’’…
Mr Hunt was ultimately forced to abandon all but $2 million of his $600 million in promised policies. The 2014-15 budget allocated no money for solar roofs and nothing for solar schools. Just $2.1 million was given to the solar towns policy despite Mr Hunt promising $50 million in November.
Plain sense said plainly:
TONY Abbott has visited the energy capital of the USA to insist he does not want the battle against climate change to limit the use of any type of fuel.
Promoting his plan to scrap the carbon tax in front of an audience of energy executives in Houston, Texas, Mr Abbott said he wanted Australia to become a centre of cheap energy…
“Affordable, reliable energy fuels enterprise and drives employment,” Mr Abbott said… “For many decades at least coal will continue to fuel human progress as an affordable, dependable energy source for wealthy and developing countries alike.”
" One of the IEI's minor investors is Australian news mogul Rupert Murdoch. Murdoch is interested in IEI because there are also massive deposits of oil shale in Australia. If IEI's pilot is successful, Australia will doubtlessly follow Israel's lead in developing its own energy independence through oil shale development."Rupert at his age is way ahead of the rest of us as always.
Allyson Christy
And too, a means at diversion under the shadows of scandals....
"United States military support for Syrian rebels will include small arms, ammunition and possibly anti-tank weapons, according to two officials familiar with the matter. The weapons will be provided by the CIA, the officials said.
On Thursday, the White House said Syria had crossed a "red line" with the use of chemical weapons against rebels and added -- without specifics -- that the United States would increase the "scale and scope" of support for the opposition.
"What we need, really, is weapons and ammunition, and especially anti-tank and anti-aircraft missiles," Salim Idriss, the head of the rebel Free Syrian Army, told CNN's Christiane Amanpour on Friday." -CNN Breaking News
Allyson Christy
Once again, a reminder that the World Council of Churches, sanctimoniously mounted atop a familiar high horse, spews a vitriolic agenda; one aimed at utilising and stirring tired pots of scapegoating, habitual lies drenched in centuries of foul hatred and a sustained lifeline connected to ignorance and stupidity.
To wit, herein.....
"Any honest and unbiased reader of the Bible knows otherwise, and should reject this anti-Jewish theology. Anybody, the WCC included, who singles Israel out as the sole villain that threatens world peace, who points fingers at Israel, the least troublesome element in the Middle East, is, by definition, anti-Semitic. Masquerading such sentiment as Christian love only adds insult to injury." - Tsvi Sadan, Israel Today
- 1667 – French physician Jean-Baptiste Denys (pictured)administered the first fully documented human blood transfusion, giving the blood of a sheep to a 15-year-old boy.
- 1896 – A 7.2 Ms earthquake and a subsequent tsunamistruck Japan, destroying about 9,000 homes and causing at least 22,000 deaths.
- 1944 – In the Saskatchewan general election, the Co-operative Commonwealth Federation led by Tommy Douglas won enough seats in the Legislative Assembly to form the first socialist government in North America.
- 1954 – The Union of European Football Associations, the administrative and controlling body for European football, was founded inBasel, Switzerland.
- 1996 – The Provisional Irish Republican Army detonated a bomb in the commercial centre of Manchester, England, injuring over 200 people and causing widespread damage to buildings.
“But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ,”Philippians 3:20 NIV
Morning and Evening by Charles Spurgeon
"Delight thyself also in the Lord."
Psalm 37:4
Psalm 37:4
The teaching of these words must seem very surprising to those who are strangers to vital godliness, but to the sincere believer it is only the inculcation of a recognized truth. The life of the believer is here described as a delight in God, and we are thus certified of the great fact that true religion overflows with happiness and joy. Ungodly persons and mere professors never look upon religion as a joyful thing; to them it is service, duty, or necessity, but never pleasure or delight. If they attend to religion at all, it is either that they may gain thereby, or else because they dare not do otherwise. The thought of delight in religion is so strange to most men, that no two words in their language stand further apart than "holiness" and "delight." But believers who know Christ, understand that delight and faith are so blessedly united, that the gates of hell cannot prevail to separate them. They who love God with all their hearts, find that his ways are ways of pleasantness, and all his paths are peace. Such joys, such brimful delights, such overflowing blessednesses, do the saints discover in their Lord, that so far from serving him from custom, they would follow him though all the world cast out his name as evil. We fear not God because of any compulsion; our faith is no fetter, our profession is no bondage, we are not dragged to holiness, nor driven to duty. No, our piety is our pleasure, our hope is our happiness, our duty is our delight.
Delight and true religion are as allied as root and flower; as indivisible as truth and certainty; they are, in fact, two precious jewels glittering side by side in a setting of gold.
"'Tis when we taste thy love,
Our joys divinely grow,
Unspeakable like those above,
And heaven begins below."
"O Lord, to us belongeth confusion of face ... because we have sinned against thee."
Daniel 9:8
Daniel 9:8
A deep sense and clear sight of sin, its heinousness, and the punishment which it deserves, should make us lie low before the throne. We have sinned as Christians. Alas! that it should be so. Favoured as we have been, we have yet been ungrateful: privileged beyond most, we have not brought forth fruit in proportion. Who is there, although he may long have been engaged in the Christian warfare, that will not blush when he looks back upon the past? As for our days before we were regenerated, may they be forgiven and forgotten; but since then, though we have not sinned as before, yet we have sinned against light and against love--light which has really penetrated our minds, and love in which we have rejoiced. Oh, the atrocity of the sin of a pardoned soul! An unpardoned sinner sins cheaply compared with the sin of one of God's own elect ones, who has had communion with Christ and leaned his head upon Jesus' bosom. Look at David! Many will talk of his sin, but I pray you look at his repentance, and hear his broken bones, as each one of them moans out its dolorous confession! Mark his tears, as they fall upon the ground, and the deep sighs with which he accompanies the softened music of his harp! We have erred: let us, therefore, seek the spirit of penitence. Look, again, at Peter! We speak much of Peter's denying his Master. Remember, it is written, "He wept bitterly." Have we no denials of our Lord to be lamented with tears? Alas! these sins of ours, before and after conversion, would consign us to the place of inextinguishable fire if it were not for the sovereign mercy which has made us to differ, snatching us like brands from the burning. My soul, bow down under a sense of thy natural sinfulness, and worship thy God. Admire the grace which saves thee--the mercy which spares thee--the love which pardons thee!
Timotheus, Timothy
[Tīmō'theŭs, Tĭm'o thy̆] - honored of god, worshiping god or valued of god.A young man of Lystra, son of Eunice, a Jewess, by a Greek father who was probably dead when Paul first visited the home (Acts 16:1).
[Tīmō'theŭs, Tĭm'o thy̆] - honored of god, worshiping god or valued of god.A young man of Lystra, son of Eunice, a Jewess, by a Greek father who was probably dead when Paul first visited the home (Acts 16:1).
The Man Who Confessed a Good Confession
As Paul contributes a full portrait of his spiritual son, many years his junior, let us string together the salient features of Timothy.
I. He was the child of godly heritage ( 2 Tim. 1:5). His mother was a Christian Jewess and the daughter of another devout Jewess, Lois. His Greek father's name is unknown. It may be that Eunice became a Christian when Paul visited Lystra, a town not far from Paul's birthplace, Tarsus.
II. He was a youthful reader of Scripture (2 Tim. 3:15). From a "babe" he had had knowledge of the Truth. How blessed children are if cradled in the things of God!
III. He was Paul's child in the faith (1 Cor. 4:17; 1 Tim. 1:2; 2 Tim. 1:2 ). Probably Paul, a visitor of Timothy's house, led the young lad to Christ during his ministry in Iconium and Lystra since he refers to his persecutions there, which Timothy himself knew about (2 Tim. 3:10, 11). One writer suggests that when Paul recovered from his stoning at Lystra it was in Timothy's home he found shelter and succor.
IV. He was ordained as a minister of the Gospel (1 Tim. 4:14; 2 Tim. 1:6, 7). Conscious of Timothy's unique gifts, especially of evangelism (Rom. 16:21; 2 Tim. 4:5 ), it was fitting that Paul should choose him as a companion and fellow-worker. Faithfully he served Paul "as a son with his father," in the furtherance of the Gospel (Phil. 2:22). How indispensable he became to the apostle (Acts 17:14, 15; 18:5; 20:4)! Paul had no other companion so "like-minded" as Timothy, who enjoyed Paul's constant instruction (2 Tim. 2:3; 3:14).
V. He was an ambassador charged with difficult tasks. The responsible and delicate mission of restoring a backsliding church required both gift and grace (1 Cor. 14:17), as did the comfort of believers in the midst of tribulation (1 Thess. 3:2).
VI. He was co-sufferer with Paul in the afflictions of the Gospel (2 Tim. 1:8 ). Tradition says that Timothy died as a martyr for his faithfulness as a bishop in the reign of Domitian or Nerva. While attempting to stop an indecent heathen procession during the Festival of Diana, this God-honoring minister sealed his testimony with his blood. The two epistles Paul addressed to Timothy are rich in their pastoral counsel.
Today's reading: Ezra 9-10, Acts 1 (NIV)
View today's reading on Bible GatewayToday's Old Testament reading: Ezra 9-10
Ezra's Prayer About Intermarriage
1 After these things had been done, the leaders came to me and said, "The people of Israel, including the priests and the Levites, have not kept themselves separate from the neighboring peoples with their detestable practices, like those of the Canaanites, Hittites, Perizzites, Jebusites, Ammonites, Moabites, Egyptians and Amorites. 2 They have taken some of their daughters as wives for themselves and their sons, and have mingled the holy race with the peoples around them. And the leaders and officials have led the way in this unfaithfulness...."
Today's New Testament reading: Acts 1
Jesus Taken Up Into Heaven
1 In my former book, Theophilus, I wrote about all that Jesus began to do and to teach 2 until the day he was taken up to heaven, after giving instructions through the Holy Spirit to the apostles he had chosen. 3 After his suffering, he presented himself to them and gave many convincing proofs that he was alive. He appeared to them over a period of forty days and spoke about the kingdom of God. 4 On one occasion, while he was eating with them, he gave them this command: "Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift my Father promised, which you have heard me speak about. 5 For John baptized with water, but in a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit."
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