Tim Blair – Tuesday, December 03, 2013 (7:17pm)
Andy Trieu
Woo! Shooting last episode of the year#Chatterbox. Also on TV tonight. #Foxtel#thatsAwrap #ninjaout
Aprille Love

Thanks so much to the team at RCM and to the wonderful @kateceberano for this beautiful signed frame! Supporting our charity benefit for#typhoonhaiyan #help4haiyan #kateceberano
Just do it, Santa - ed
There is Roller Coaster Designed To Kill Passengers: http://bit.ly/Y3YLLX

Larry Pickering
The Age called it “Abbott’s boulevard of broken promises”, The SMH called Christopher Pyne the Minister for Muddles in a “Gonski reversal”, SKY News called it a “cave-in” and a “double backflip”, The Australian called it “a fix” and news.com and The Telegraph went with, "Justin Bieber is a spoilt brat".
So was it a backflip? Of course it was, because Tony Abbott on the hustings, was determined to have no daylight between Labor’s and the Coalition’s promises.
Unfortunately Abbott’s constituency wanted to drive a bus between the two and Labor’s constituency wanted to drive the same bus.
Now the Left media has the “backflip” they knew had to come... and there will be more.
It’s the price Abbott will have to pay for not initially distancing himself from his opponents.
Let’s face it, Gillard left her beloved Gonski in a shambles and Abbott should have promised to repair it not bloody copy it.
But Abbott was still suffering deprivation from the 2010 election that Gillard fluked due to an unholy alliance with the Greens and Mr Windsor and Mr Oakeshott having inexplicably betrayed their constituents.
Gillard has now departed for greener pastures leaving a trail of time-bombs for Abbott, and really, he should have handled this one better.
Labor’s unfunded Gonski mess was a result of Gillard playing conservative States off against each other. NT, QLD and WA didn’t fall for her ruse, so they had their proposed funding of $1.2 billion diverted back to internal revenue.
Abbott and Pyne intended to inject a few extra million into the bereft WA, QLD and NT schools budget and force the treacherous Vic and NSW to take up the national slack.
Not a good plan when you’re taking on half the voting population of the country and a Left media baying for your blood.
Gillard’s schools largesse was in return for the States agreeing to Federal control.
Now the Coalition must wear the outrageous cost when it quite rightly doesn’t want the socialist concept of Federal control anyway. That’s an Abbott lose/lose.
The real lesson for the Coalition?
Next election keep a space, a zone of differentiation, an ideological gap, between you and your opponents. Don’t attempt to vacuum up every stray vote when it’s plainly unnecessary.
If you roll in Gillard's excrement when in opposition you will smell in government.

Vzzzzzzt. Zhhhht. What’s your best impression of a Sonic Screwdriver sound?
Or you could just get the official app and turn your iPhone into one…
Download here: http://bit.ly/1bdScAB



This isn't a photograph of Morgan Freeman. Here are the details: http://tblz.us/ro1qe


Sarah Palin
Honored to be participating in the final Convocation of 2013 this Wednesday at Liberty University. Look forward to discussing “Good Tidings and Great Joy” and how together we can protect the heart of Christmas. More information here: https://www.liberty.edu/
P.S. This is a photo of the Heath antler pile that I wrote about in “Good Tidings and Great Joy”!
James Calore

25,921 bears for local charities including the Alberta Children's Hospital, the Boys and Girls Club of Calgary, the YWCA, the Red Cross, the Salvation Army and the Calgary Food Bank.


Sarah Palin
We will be in Charlotte, NC, this Friday, December 6th at the Billy Graham Library signing copies of "Good Tidings and Great Joy." Look forward to visiting with volunteers as well as supporting Operation Christmas Child. Todd, Bristol, and I visited Haiti with Franklin Graham and were able to hand out some of the generous shoeboxes these volunteers process and package with care -- glad to have the opportunity to thank them and highlight the great work they do. Learn more about this great charity here: http://



Holly Sarah Nguyen
~I was so wrapped up in worry that I was missing the point: God had created a new day, and God wanted me to enjoy it.~
===Gosh, at the risk of stating the obvious:
rs in the capital cities who would support Abbott's position on, say, climate change or asylum seekers or same sex marriage.>
An equally obvious answer: is be yourself, stand up for your convictions and never be afraid to lose friends over your convictions.
Read more: http://www.canberratimes.com.au/comment/abbotts-anguish-innercity-types-in-media-dislike-him-20131202-2ylyd.html#ixzz2mN8lS4zM
Aprille Love

Heads up guys!! Please dont forget to buy your tickets this week! Please come and support this awesome event!
If you thought our performers were amazing, wait to til you see what we also have for raffle/ auction / prizes!!!!
Please spread the word. Tell your friends to come!
Tickets can be bought here:
* $250 Cactus Skin Care Package
* $200 Maple Avenue Clothing Voucher
* $200 Saffron and Co Clothing Voucher
* 4 X Lush Cosmetics Bath and Skincare Gift Boxes
* High end headphones from Audio Technica
* Tour of Young Henry's Brewery in Newtown
* 8 Tickets to box seats at the Western Sydney Wanderers Home game in Jan!
* Sydney FC Signed and Framed Jersey
* Parramatta Eels Sign and Framed Jersey
* $850 High Tea Corporate Catering
* Design your own Macaroons and create your own flavour which will be sold in the store with Mak Mak Macaroons
* Porsche Drive Day - Drive a Porsche for a day!
If you've ever eaten cold, 3-day-old pizza off the floor then this is for you: The top 10 bachelor habits to stop, right now. | http://bit.ly/18yHeYm
ABC -- grossly irresponsible - ed

James Calore
If a dog says, "All dogs are liars," is the dog saying the truth?If a cat said it it is a cliche.
They don't use words or speak like civilised people, so I asked my neighbours's mastiff in a Chicago accent. The first thought was "how does its' butt smell?" The second was "in epistemological terms dog's don't speak, so much as nuzzle, bark, whimper and drool. But some point. But it all comes down to how the butt smells" - ed===
My love, am I so different? - ed

Restaurant inside a cave in Italy
more pics here:http://

Labor leave us with debt in excess of $430 billion but refuse to increase their self imposed debt limit beyond $400 billion. Reckless stuff!

"But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, though you are small among the clans of Judah, out of you will come for… http://t.co/P6m5aLsL00
'House' actor Hugh Laurie vividly describes 'Obama's struggle with Affordable Care' ==>http://twitchy.com/2013/
Now that Caroline Glick's Latma | לאטמה is gone from further production (for the time being), it is worthwihile bringing out this old article from Blogcritics Magazine that analyzes both it and Glick's restrained analyses of events. She still appears to think that the United States and Israel should be aliies - a deadly mistake in judgment. But read and enjoy. Then THINK!
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