Which witch is worse? And can we hear again from Gillard?
Andrew Bolt December 11 2013 (7:30pm)
Labor leader Julia Gillard, 2012:
Are they?
===And then of course, I was offended too by the sexism, by the misogyny of the Leader of the Opposition… I was offended when the Leader of the Opposition went outside in the front of Parliament and stood next to a sign that said “Ditch the witch.”Labor frontbencher Joel Fitzgibbon, 2013:
That is Julie Bishop photoshopped as a witch:
Foreign Minister Julie Bishop, known for her impeccable fashion and fierce death stare in parliament, is the mother Morticia and is seen looking towards the sky with her arms crossed.Cue outrage from the ABC, Destroy the Joint, Anne Summers, Labor, the Greens… I mean they’re not hypocrites are they?
Mr Abbott’s chief-of-staff Peta Credlin, who has a reputation for being a hard taskmaster, is dressed as the Frankenstein-esque butler Lurch.
Are they?
Palmer declares
Andrew Bolt December 11 2013 (5:22pm)
Let the digging begin:
===CLIVE Palmer has declared interests in more than 100 companies, including foreign holdings in the British Virgin Islands and Belize.
The mining magnate and new federal MP for Fairfax has also revealed to parliament his interest in six family trusts and, with his wife, eight properties in Queensland, one in French Polynesia and another in Bulgaria.
His declaration in the register of members interests, tabled today, provides the most detailed picture yet of the mining and tourism magnate’s affairs.
Mr Palmer’s private company, Mineralogoly Pty Ltd, has 43 subsidiaries, including one called Deng Xiaoping Memorial Challenge Pty Ltd.
His nickel interests are controlled by three companies and eight subsidiaries, while his Coolum resort in Queensland appears to be run through two companies and four subsidiary enterprises.
Holden closes, five years earlier than Gillard promised
Andrew Bolt December 11 2013 (3:41pm)
Labor and some media
commentators have tried to set up the Abbott Government for blame should
Holden fail. But for that to work, Holden would have to announce a pull
out after Christmas, and after the Abbott Government had ruled out more
Instead, Holden has been forced to declare its hand now:
Just last year then Prime Minister Julia Gillard made this announcement after handing over more millions:
(Note: I’ve corrected this post. I originally said the Gillard funding announcement was made last March, rather than last year.)
===Instead, Holden has been forced to declare its hand now:
ALMOST 3000 Holden workers will lose their jobs after the company confirmed it will cease manufacturing cars in Australia in 2017.That exposes the folly of Labor’s handout mentality:
GM Holden confirmed the move this afternoon after Victorian Premier Denis Napthine made the announcement in State Parliament.
Chairman and CEO Dan Akerson said the decision “reflects the perfect storm of negative influences the automotive industry faces in the country, including the sustained strength of the Australian dollar, high cost of production, small domestic market and arguably the most competitive and fragmented auto market in the world...”
Just last year then Prime Minister Julia Gillard made this announcement after handing over more millions:
And the good news is that the future of General Motors is now secure in this country for the next decade.That guarantee of 10 more years of production has turned into a delivery of just five years. The promise was complete bull, and someone then was lying - GMH, Gillard or both.
Holden will be here in Australia producing cars for at least the next 10 years. That’s great news. And it’s as a result of a more than $1 billion co-investment between the Federal Government, the South Australian Government, the Victorian Government and of course Holden, which is investing strongly in the future of manufacturing Holden cars here in Australia.
(Note: I’ve corrected this post. I originally said the Gillard funding announcement was made last March, rather than last year.)
Tim Blair – Wednesday, December 11, 2013 (2:05pm)
The Herald Sun reports:
Holden has told the State Government that it will cease operations in 2017.The announcement will be made to the workforce later today.
McTernan unleashed. Such language from a man of the caring-sharing Left
Andrew Bolt December 11 2013 (1:21pm)
That’s embarrassing,
and not just for McTernan, former chief spinner for a government
campaigning against stuff like workplace harassment and offensive
===Thousands of emails from Julia Gillard’s powerful media adviser John McTernan have been leaked to the ABC… The emails show he frequently used vulgar language in professional communications with junior staff, with Mr McTernan employing obscene language to describe journalists, critics and even US president Barack Obama’s digital strategist, Harper Reed, over his prediction that Labor would lose the 2013 election.What’s embarrassing is how easily journalists could be spun into thinking Labor mates on Twitter, which skews hard to the Left, were a legitimate measure of public opinion:
When Ms Gillard’s chief of staff declared a “war on crap’” and ordered staff to tidy their workstations to make the office one befitting a prime minister, a colleague jokingly referred to “McTernan’s office” as one needing attention.
Mr McTernan replied: “C***, you will be c**ted too” in a reply-all email to the office.
The emails show he encouraged Labor staffers to mobilise so called “Twitter armies”’ to ridicule the Tony Abbott-led opposition and attack individual Coalition MPs online, which he would later point out to journalists as proof of public opinion.We saw just that strategy use to convince gullible journalists that Gillard’s misogyny speech was actually brilliant, and not a divisive, cynical and deceitful sledge to distract attention from Peter Slipper.
The upside to the loss of Australia's manufacturing industry is that manufactured goods will be cheaper. Australian cars are ridiculously overpriced. The unions will lose a whipping post. In a way,it is a means of deregulating unions in the industry. The parasites will fall off the dead host. Many thanks to the ALP for their carbon tax and their fair work for bringing the day.

Bibi did not go to the Mandela memorial attend by world leaders. For once he used some common sense instead of pandering to the world.
I just watched the memorial service and it struck me that Israel stands alone ,as it should, observing all the anti Semites congregated in one self admiration society.
Every Jew hater was there kissing arse.
Only other exception was the Dalai Lama who I believe was instructed that he was not welcome to attend. Can't upset those Chinese investors can you ? So much for Mandela's legacy then when the DL of occupied Tibet is refused entry.
Yes Mandela did good for Africa and fighting racism we are told and they all commend him for unifying the cesspool that is South Africa but even Mandela was a supporter of his " brother Yasser " Arafat and Gadhaffi not to mention many other communist and fascist leaders who still today torture and persecute their own people.
It's unbelievable the Zimbabwe's butcher Mugabe was there with leaders of the West sharing the same podium. He should have been arrested on the spot and sent to the The Hague to face trial.
You are judged by the company you keep my friends.It negates all the good.
But what incredible double standards of mass hypocrisy displayed there today by all those corrupt dictators and Western leaders who are willing to throw Israel and Jews to the wolves attacking their one small bit of ancestral homeland.
Yes it was sad day but not for Mandela supporters but for all those who were and will be the victims of his legacy in years to come.
South Africa is a shit hole off inhumanity with Zuma in control. He is just another Mugabe in sheep's clothing. Africa has always been run by corrupt strongmen. The only difference is now that the white folk are no longer the privileged ones.





Aprille Love
Want to say a big thanks to Ritchie Perera for gifting our charity event 2 tix to WET N WILD SYDNEY'S NYE PARTY!!!! sif you dont want want to buy tickets to our awesome event!!!
Some woman confronted me in the school car park, not once, not twice, but 3 times about the kids opening our car door on hers. No mark was left on her car, it wasn't deliberate & with much force, I pointed out that it was an accident & that if she was THAT concerned about it maybe she shouldn't park so close to the line or else find another spot away from other parked cars. I was pretty close to keying her bomb of a car. I think she hung around just to make sure I didn't. The kids got a stern talking to about being careful with cars doors but this seriously made my blood boil. I already watched her speak to the child involved, then she spoke to me & we both inspected to see no harm done & then she continued to lecture me on respect of other ppl's property. Heated words were exchanged & I just walked away before it got physical. Clearly if you are that concerned about your dusty old car, don't drive it or stay home. How else could I have reasonably handled this?
I think a better response would be "Thank goodness! The last time they dented the panel and because we aren't insured and I'm unemployed legal aide had to step in and I kept going to court and all those legal fees they had to pay! It is lucky this didn't leave a mark!" - ed

Andy Trieu
Tiger claw. #kitchenwhiz @aliceinfranes#WatchOurTVshow #kthxbye
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