Today Mr Rudd has declared a national day of mourning. Apparently that will be enough to erase from the public memory how bad administration cost the lives of over 170 Australians, over 800 other people suffered burns, 2029 homes were destroyed, 2439 buildings razed and 59 commercial premises lost. Locals aware of the danger were restricted from working to save themselves from green policy. In one instance a person broke the law and used a bull dozer to clear land regardless of administrative penalty.
People lost their homes and in the aftermath there have been restrictions placed on people talking about their plight, so that the danger exists of similar things happening in future. There has been an inquiry, but some media groupings have argued that 'now is not the time for recriminations' so that the same problems may play again, as had happened in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.
This story concerns me, as I recently was advised by my bank that I had some thirty days to pay a bill I couldn't pay or in sixty one days the bank would move to keep my unit where I live. There is nothing sinister with the bank I work through, they have done the right thing by me. As a business, they need to be paid so that they can provide the funds to allow business, and homebuyers, to do their work. My problem is that I have been illegally blacklisted from my work by elements of the Department of Education. I am allowed to talk about it, having clean hands on the issue involving the fair reporting of the cover up of the death of school boy Hamidur Rahman. But the media groupings don't have to report on it. So after thirty one months since I left my job, I am losing my place where I live.
There is a symmetry about this, which is appealing to my Mathematics teaching self. Rudd has declared a day of mourning for what he is largely responsible for, and people can't talk about it, and I am losing my unit for another issue people can't talk about.
I am confident in writing that Rudd is largely responsible for this end that some will have ears which perk up, and may anonymously contact me to say it is outrageous to lay this at Rudd's doorstep. But if Rudd is not responsible, let him defend himself. Let him say why it is that the loss of those houses, and those people were not a result of his sexing up lies on global warming and preventing people from taking practical steps to defend themselves. This is a separate issue to the Heiner affair, where Rudd has head of Premier's office in Queensland facilitated the shredding of a child rape victim's evidence. This is a separate issue to Utegate where Rudd's people accepted campaign donations for no reason from people who claimed not to benefit from requests for benefits that were given personal attention from Rudd's people.
Today is a day of mourning for Australia's worst peace time tragedy. I will pray for those who have lost. I ask that if you pray too, that you would consider my issue too, and that of the family of that school boy. Maybe silence is no longer golden.
This is an editorial for posting on Zaya's site.
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