Cow pox was preferable to smallpox for revolutionary USA. Would Dem's make the same decision today as was made by Washington then?
=== Bible Quotes ===
“He who pursues righteousness and love finds life, prosperity and honor.”- Proverbs 21:21
no one after drinking old wine wants the new, for he says, 'The old is better.' Luke 5:39
On what would have been Ronald Reagan's 99th birthday, his policies are still affecting America. Take a look at some major (and minor) moments of his presidency.
Obama Won't Quit Reform
President assures despondent Democrats he will not abandon commitment to overhauling health care despite GOP challenges to their congressional dominance
Tea Party Steeped in Division?
Tea partiers who emphasize fiscal responsibility urge unity as some drift in less politically profitable direction
Snow KOs Mid-Atlantic States
Blizzard batters Washington area, knocking out power to thousands as record snowfall is predicted
Anti-Whaling Ship Collides With Japanese Boat Off Antarctica
The anti-whaling ship the Bob Barker and a Japanese harpoon boat collided in the icy waters off Antarctica on Saturday — the second major clash this year in the increasingly aggressive confrontations between the two sides. No one was reportedly injured in the latest strike. The U.S.-based activist group Sea Shepherd, which sends vessels to confront the Japanese fleet each year, said a small hole was torn in the hull of its ship, but it was above the water line and the vessel was not in danger of sinking.
Jennifer and Mick Clark of Kinglake lost two grandchildren in the Black Saturday bushfires at their designated 'safe house'
Longer school hours for children
MORE money will go to needy schools to help fund longer hours and extra specialist teachers.
Taxpayers foot mass murderers' perks
TWO mass murderers are using taxpayers' money to fund their fight for prison perks and computers.
Banker Sung Kyu Chung 'stole $7m for sex with prostitutes'
A HIGH-FLYING Sydney banker who stole $7 million from his employer allegedly spent much of the cash on prostitutes, showering them with lavish gifts. Sung Kyu Chung, 41, gave evidence in Sydney District Court last week where he has pleaded guilty to fraud charges. The senior manager, who worked in the Korea Exchange Bank's Sydney office, was charged in December, 2008 by City Central Fraud Unit detectives.
Keira Knightley's stalker accused arrested
A MAN accused of stalking international actress Keira Knightley's been arrested
Killer feral pigs take over water supplies
GIANT feral pigs are roaming Australia ruining city drinking water and sparking an official cull.
Burqa-clad bank robbers stage French post office hold-up
TWO burqa-wearing bank robbers have held up a post office near Paris, using a handgun concealed beneath an Islamic-style full veil, court officials said. Staff let the pair through the security double doors of the banking branch of the postal office overnight, believing them to be veil-wearing Muslim women, before they flipped back their head coverings and pulled out a gun, officials said.
Switched on mandatory energy move
ALL Australian homes will soon have to undergo a mandatory energy-efficiency assessment costing up to $1,500 per property.
We paid $200m for rented offices
NSW taxpayers are paying more than $200m in rent for Government officials and bureaucrats to work at some of Sydney's prestigious office sites.
Audit exposes 'rorts' rent-a-cop scheme
A CORRUPTION inquiry has been launched into Sydney's largest police station over a "rent-a-cop" rort allegedly being run by a group of officers. The Sunday Telegraph can reveal that several officers at Flemington Local Area Command (LAC) have been questioned by internal affairs investigators over claims they are forging time sheets to earn extra income.
Couple clung on for life as waters raged around them on the Hawkesbury River
A YOUNG couple spent Friday night in the freezing waters of the Hawkesbury River desperately clinging to tree branches and wearing only their swimmers. Police pulled a Kurmond man, 24, and a Wilberforce woman, 23, out of the river at 8.45am yesterday.
Switched on mandatory energy move
ALL Australian homes will soon have to undergo a mandatory energy-efficiency assessment costing up to $1,500 per property.
Gifted kids let down by system
THOUSANDS of potential child geniuses are going unrecognised in schools, leaving many in danger of never reaching their full potential. For some of WA's 35,000 gifted children, their overlooked "gifts" have become a burden, forcing them to turn to misbehaviour or switch off from lessons. According to US child intelligence expert Deborah Ruf, the education system - particularly primary schools - is failing to get the most out of gifted children.
Belinda Neal defies PM's anger course order
TROUBLE-PRONE Labor backbencher Belinda Neal has apparently defied Kevin Rudd, revealing that she never undertook an anger management course after all. Despite the Prime Minister insisting the angry Central Coast MP had displayed a "pattern of unacceptable behaviour" and needed help, Ms Neal said last week it was rubbish - she had never needed treatment for anger issues, and never got it. Ms Neal, who is under siege from internal party challengers who want her seat, admitted seeking "counselling", but not for her fiery temper. She added: "There was no request from the Prime Minister for that at all." This astonishing admission is at odds with what voters were told by Mr Rudd. - They aren't an odd couple, they are the same couple. Can two people with anger management issues survive in the same parliament on the same side of politics? - ed.
=== Comments ===
The Ultimate King of Heels?
By The Stiletto
A spate of salacious new details about John Edwards’ affair with Rielle Hunter – and his handlers’ desperate, and possibly felonious, attempts at damage control – has become the source of endless talk recently with the publication of the bestselling campaign post-mortem “Game Change” and former campaign aide Andrew Young’s tell-all, “The Politician.” Edwards is just one in a long line of ambitious pols to cheat on his wife, and his affair with Hunter shares a number of interesting parallels with the sex scandals of previous presidents and candidates for the office. For instance:
• James Garfield had his own Rielle Hunter of sorts in the person of an 18-year-old New York Times reporter named Lucia Calhoun. He gave her up when his wife threatened to divorce him, which would have cut his political career short.
• Like Edwards, Grover Cleveland was accused of having fathered an illegitimate child early in his presidential campaign, Ignoring the advice of his aides to lie, he came clean about his affair with Maria Halpin right away and acknowledged being the boy’s father. The thing is, Halpin was something of a loose woman (or worse) and the child could have been fathered by several men, but Cleveland assumed financial responsibility for the child because all the others had wives and children to support.
In contrast, when Edwards became aware that the National Enquirer would name his lover and divulge her pregnancy a couple of weeks before the 2008 Iowa primary, he strong-armed Young – a married father of three – into a public declaration of paternity. In an interview on "Good Morning America" this week Young said he agreed to the ruse out of loyalty to Edwards, compassion for his cancer-stricken wife and because "two very powerful people" assured him that “every viable Democratic candidate” had a skeleton in his or her closet.
When Frances Quinn Hunter was born on February 27, 2008 in California, no father’s name is given on the birth certificate.
In an interview with ABC’s “Nightline” some five months later Edwards admitted to an affair with Hunter, but denied fathering her daughter or making child support payments.
God and the President
By Rev. Bill Shuler
At key moments in history, America’s presidents have called upon God. Most notable are the times in which America was in crisis and marked by change.
The issues that face America as outlined in President Obama’s State of the Union address last week are, at their core, issues of the heart. Two wars may have contributed to our deficit but it was the heart of man that created the wars themselves. It was greed that began the mess on Wall Street and greed that brought about the downturn in the housing market. The need of the hour is a call to place our faith not in government but in God.
At key moments in history, America’s presidents would call upon God. Most notable are the times in which America was in crisis and marked by change. Abraham Lincoln spoke of being driven many times to his knees by, “the overwhelming conviction that I had nowhere else to go.
My own wisdom, and that of all about me, seemed insufficient for that day.” On April 12, 1945, one day after Franklin Roosevelt’s funeral, President Harry Truman concluded his first address before a joint session of Congress with these words, “At this moment I have in my heart a prayer. As I assume my heavy duties, I humbly pray to Almighty God in the words of King Solomon, ‘Give therefore thy servant an understanding heart to judge this Thy so great a people?’ I ask only to be a good and faithful servant of my Lord and my people.” President Truman knew that the strength of our Union would be found in calling upon God’s wisdom.
The issues outlined in the State of the Union Address are not new. They are as old as the scriptures. The Bible addresses:
1. Jobs: “…the laborer is worthy of his wages.” Luke 10:7President Obama is right in stating that these are not ordinary times and we will not overcome our challenges by ordinary measures. Even as President Ronald Reagan called the nation to the principles of God by declaring 1983 as the national “Year of the Bible,” America now needs leadership with the audacity to call America back to God. The scriptures declare, “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and will heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14
2. Equality: “There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” Galatians 3:28
3. Responsibility: “Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn’t do it, sins.” James 4:17
4. Unity: “…a house divided against itself will fail.” Luke 11:17
5. Civility: “Come now, let us reason together…” Isaiah 1:18
6. Environment: “The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it…” Psalm 24:1
7. Freedom: “…proclaim liberty throughout the land to all of its inhabitants…” Leviticus 25:10
8. Human Dignity: “So God created man in his own image.” Genesis 1:27
9. Corporate Greed: “Do not defraud your neighbor or rob him.” Leviticus 19:13
10. Values: “…Seek justice, encourage the oppressed. Defend the cause of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow.”Isaiah 1:17
Let it not all be in vain
Piers Akerman
AS Australians mark the first anniversary of the worst peacetime disaster in our history, the Black Saturday bushfires, it is worth asking whether anything has been learned from the tragedy.
Indeed the environmental agenda does not include humans. They want us living like urchins in the 13th century. They want our living standards gone and our technology destroyed.- Greens in politics, be they ALP or Green, have no memory of their failures. They take no responsibility for their decisions. They are not the ones risking anything on the bad decisions. They are still profiting from the disasters, making their false claims regarding global warming and collecting well intended donations and diverting funds to irrelevant causes.
You can throw that 173 into the ‘sacrifices have to be made’ column.
Rudd and Wong are so confident that they can get the ETS TAX up and running that they have set up a secret agency staffed by invisible crats to administer it. Check it out
This insidious body is plotting the redistribution of our hard earned money as we speak. This secret organisation has no right to exist not even in an informal manner till parliament says so - That simple.
Funny how clarity has disappeared from our political system with the advent of Labor. One thing is for sure - By keeping this black project off the books Labor has tacitly admitted that the tide has turned against Anthropogenic Global Warming and they need to resort to covert means to keep their shakedown alive.
Party on
They are coordinated in government and opposition and a threat wherever they may be, using the law to abuse their trust. They are a sponge for public monies, and a waster of good will. I am sorry I ever, through being even handed, endorsed anything they said to a child. They have invaded our schools and corrupted our curriculum. I don’t want there to be laws to prevent them. I don’t want people to take extreme action against them. I want responsible people to highlight their weaknesses and failures, and show the light of truth on the issues. The rest will follow. - ed.
Tim Blair
In The Spectator, Matt Ridley hails tenacious amateurs:
Journalists are wont to moan that the slow death of newspapers will mean a disastrous loss of investigative reporting. The web is all very well, they say, but who will pay for the tenacious sniffing newshounds to flush out the real story? ‘Climategate’ proves the opposite to be true. It was amateur bloggers who scented the exaggerations, distortions and corruptions in the climate establishment; whereas newspaper reporters, even after the scandal broke, played poodle to their sources.Do read on. One more extract:
Despite 20 years of being told they were not just factually but morally wrong, of being compared to Holocaust deniers, of being told they deserved to be tried for crimes against humanity, of being avoided at parties, climate sceptics seem to be growing in number and confidence by the day. What is the difference?Miranda Devine has further on this delightful turn of events. Meanwhile, watch those numbers move …
In a word, the internet.
UPDATE. Mark Steyn:
“Climate change” is not a story of climate change, which has been a fact of life throughout our planet’s history. It is a far more contemporary story about the corruption of science and “peer review” by hucksters, opportunists and global-government control-freaks. I can see what’s in it for Dr. Pachauri and professor Hasnain, and even for the lowly Environmental Correspondent enjoying a cozy sinecure at a time of newspaper cutbacks in everything from foreign bureaus to arts coverage.
But it’s hard to see what’s in it for Dan Gajewski of Ottawa and the millions of kindred spirits who’ve signed on to this racket and are determined to stick with it. Don’t be the last off a collapsing bandwagon. The scientific “consensus” is melting way faster than the glaciers.
Tim Blair
Nobody can ignore a blimp, apparently:
Imagine...a “Peace Blimp"- defiantly displaying a message of peace across the skies of the nation, unable to be dismissed, ignored or brushed aside. Rallies for peace greet the blimp in every city it visits. Politicians, celebrities, movie stars, athletes, war veterans and peace activists make the call to bring our troops home by boarding the blimp for a ride. Crowds flock to the events and are educated about the war. With each stop along the tour the momentum for peace grows from a dull roar into an undeniable fervor until the seemingly endless wars come to an end.(Via Paco)
Now, let’s make this a reality.
Tim Blair
Headline of the week:
Gay, Mentally Challenged Biracial Male Cheerleader Claims Discrimination
(Via R. Black)
More will die, of course
Andrew Bolt
And another, with the new technique for prompting rescue - the one that actually has had people killed:
A RESCUE mission is underwayafter distress calls were received from a boat believed to be carrying asylum seekers off Christmas Island. The Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) says patrol boat HMAS Larrakia has been sent to give assistance after they received word of an emergency situation aboard the boat this afternoon.The boat is believed to be carrying about 45 Tamils asylum seekers
Amazing how old certainties can melt once debate is allowed
Andrew Bolt
Peter van Onselen is wrong to claims sceptics didn’t like discussing climate change. In fact, what they demanded was more discussion, not censorship and media shut-ups, to achieve just what now so bemuses Peter:
How quickly things can change in politics. At the end of last year the government’s CPRS was something most Liberals wanted off the political agenda. Whether it was Malcolm Turnbull and his supporters who wanted it pasted into law so they could get back to talking about debt and deficits or the climate change sceptics who wanted the legislation defeated, conservatives didn’t particularly like discussing climate change.
The reason was simple: opinion polls showed an overwhelming majority of the public supported action on climate change and Rudd’s CPRS had become the conventional wisdom for what shape action should take....
The government has (now) looked to shift the policy agenda on to matters other than climate change for two reasons: it is concerned that selling the CPRS might be as complicated as selling the Goods and Services Tax was for John Hewson in 1993 and Howard in 1998. ..
For a government that ended last year urging action on climate change (the greatest moral challenge of our generation, as Rudd calls it), to focus policy attention elsewhere this year has been utterly brazen… The debate over climate change policy appears to be leading us unavoidably towards the calling of a double dissolution election. Rudd simply has to call one if his dependence on the CPRS as the way of lowering emissions is to remain credible… The risk for Rudd is that a double dissolution guarantees climate change is more likely to become the central issue of the campaign, exactly what the Coalition now appears to be wanting.
Watson harpooned
Andrew Bolt
More claims of violence from the Sea Shepherd extremists:
DRAMA again has broken out at sea near Antarctica with the Sea Shepherd anti-whaling vessel accusing Japanese whaling ships of ramming a conservation vessel....I wish I had footage of these wicked harpoonists and the Sea Shepherd, but search on both terms and the best I could find was this - which makes me actually think it’s Watson’s lot that has questions to answer:
Sea Shepherd founder, Captain Paul Watson, said the Japanese harpoon ship rammed the conservationists’ ship the Bob Barker and tore a 90cm gash in the hull above the water line.
(No leaping to conclusions, please. There may be a perfectly innocent explanation for the footage.)
Has Flannery actually predicted anything that’s come true?
Andrew Bolt
The ABC in 2005 reported the latest prediction of professional scaremonger Tim Flannery:
Leading environmentalist Professor Tim Flannery has warned that Australia is now entering long-term climate change, which could cause longer and more frequent droughts.Five years later:
He also predicts that the ongoing drought could leave Sydney’s dams dry in just two years.
Sydney’s catchments have been swamped in rain, bringing some of the best falls in up to four years.Sydney Water reports:
Dam levels @ 4 Feb = 50.9%
Those who play at identitiy politics are racist, too
Andrew Bolt
The green denies it, though:
A RACE row has erupted at a Melbourne council with a former Greens candidate accused of telling a fellow councillor not to vote on “Asian matters” because he has a Korean wife.
Global cooling: California now rethinks its gas-slash laws
Andrew Bolt
An admission of the fact that slashing gases is also slashing jobs:
Republican politicians and conservative activists are launching a ballot campaign to suspend California’s landmark global-warming law, in what they hope will serve as a showcase for a national backlash against climate regulations.Meanwhile another reminder that getting warming won’t be so awful, after all, since it’s a cold planet that’s least comfortable, as Americans have found all winter:
Supporters say they have “solid commitments” of nearly $600,000 to pay signature gatherers for a November initiative aimed at delaying curbs on the greenhouse gas emissions of power plants and factories until the state’s unemployment rate drops.
A winter storm continued its blizzard rage in some parts of the Mid-Atlantic region on Saturday morning, dumping nearly two feet of wet, heavy snow that cut power to about 200,000 residents, caused the roof of a private jet hangar to collapse at Washington Dulles International Airport and forced the nation’s capital into quiet hibernation.(Via Instapundit.)
Insiders back, but Rudd still not game
Andrew Bolt
The ABC’s Insiders resumes tomorrow:
Insiders ABC 1 9am Sunday, on the panel The Australian’s Lenore Taylor, The Age’s Mischa Schubert and The Herald Sun’s Andrew Bolt.Kevin Rudd has maintained his ban on the show, making it just one appearance in more than two years on the country’s leading political TV chat show. Was it something I said, or is it all Barrie’s fault?
Liberal MP Jamie Briggs taunts Rudd in Parliament:
The National Broadcasting Legislation Amendment Bill 2009 is a perfect Labor bill to go into question time with. It is a bill about three things: union power, union power and union power. That is all this is about. There is nothing wrong with the ABC; this is a bill about union power. The one reform the ABC wants is for this Prime Minister to appear on Insiders just once this year. He is on Sunrise every week but he spends no time on Insiders. We need to see him on Insiders. That is the reform the ABC wants.(Thanks to reader Foehn.)
Here’s the transcript of Rudd’s last appearance on Insiders, and his only one as Prime Minister. What went so wrong on July 6 2008 that Rudd hasn’t dared come back?
Did Rudd take exception to this string of pointed questions from Barrie on his (still unfulfilled) promise to take “tough” decisions on the “diabolical” problem of global warming - question which got a series of non-answers:
BARRIE CASSIDY: A diabolical political problem, the toughest any government has faced in a lifetime - that’s enough to overwhelm anybody. Do you feel in any sense overwhelmed by this?…ABC boss Mark Scott must step in and ask Rudd what his game is. Is he trying to punish the ABC’s flagship political program simply because Cassidy is doing his job in holding the Government to account? Or is Rudd in fact trying to blackmail the ABC into banning from the show the three conservative commentators it has on its roster of some 15 otherwise Leftist panelists?BARRIE CASSIDY: And you say it will be tough. What’s the toughest decision you’ve taken so far as Prime Minister? ...Or was it this series of question that had Barrie put on the very short list of journalists Rudd has frozen out for having the cheek to ask him something hard:
BARRIE CASSIDY: And I think it’s understood that you will need to take tough decisions and that’s why I asked you to nominate one tough decision that you’ve taken so far....
BARRIE CASSIDY: But in retrospect what was the tough decision in the Budget?…
BARRIE CASSIDY: It’s just I think some people would argue that means testing certain benefits to people beyond $150,000 is not particularly tough.
BARRIE CASSIDY: ... In plain, simple terms, what is an emissions trading scheme? (An unplain and very unsimple 310-word answer followed.)
BARRIE CASSIDY: Sure, but in simple terms, what are you asking of people out in the suburbs? You’re asking them to pay more for power, more for petrol…
BARRIE CASSIDY: And if it’s $2 a week or something on the power bill and maybe four cents a litre on petrol, given the mood of the country on this issue, they’ll accept that won’t they?…
BARRIE CASSIDY: Now there is another diabolical aspect I suppose to all of this - inflation. Inflation is public enemy number one and your responses to climate change surely must by definition by inflationary…
BARRIE CASSIDY: And what about jobs? Obviously jobs can be created in some areas but they’ll be lost in others.
There are serious issues at play here, about accountability and misuse of power, as well as free speech and the independence of the ABC. Time Scott had a word with Rudd.
Funnily enough, while Rudd can’t find the time to appear on Insiders more than once in two years, he can manage to appear on Channel 7’s Sunrise weekly, joining his very friendly mate David Koch. And when you watch the snoozefest that results, you can tell why that’s one show that Rudd still has the courage to go on - even though he cannot answer even the viewers’ questions.
But rely on “Kochie” to keep up the pressure - or not. Typical exchange: Rudd blathers about some government program, and “Kochie” chirrups, “Oh, that’s a good idea!:
Good boy, Kochie. Have another dog biscuit, and Rudd will be back next week to feed you another.
Facebook says attacking Rudd is fine
Andrew Bolt
Facebook denies - but does not explain:
FACEBOOK has denied claims of censorship after a group criticising Prime Minister Kevin Rudd was deleted from the social networking site.(Thanks to reader CA of WA.)
It was revealed this week a group titled “KEVIN RUDD = EPIC FAIL”, devoted to highlighting grievances with the prime minister, was removed by Facebook.
In a statement to news.com.au, Facebook said: “We do not take down groups that speak out against countries, political entities or ideas.”
However it refused to say exactly why the group had been deleted. Speaking generally, Facebook said that a group would only be removed if it violated the site’s terms of use policy…
“Specifically, we are sensitive to groups that threaten violence and these groups are taken down. We also remove groups that express hatred towards individuals and groups that are sponsored by recognised terrorist organisations.”..
The Prime Minister’s office earlier confirmed to The Punch website that it did not lodge a complaint against the “EPIC FAIL” group.
Give me back my chair
Andrew Bolt
Huge changes on the set of Insiders this year. I’ve been evicted from the chair on the far right of your screen (above) for the first time in nine years.
Cassidy says it’s to avoid seeming to label the panel’s conservative commentators, who inevitably are made to sit there. Viewers were complaining. Cassidy now wants us judged by our arguments, not by our labels.
Great, and just what I’ve long demanded, but there goes my material. No more jibes at the “couch collective”. No more jokes about the ABC tipping off viewers about where on the spectrum wicked conservatives allegedly sit - literally. No more jokes at the ABC yet again symbolically ostracising us. No more angling for the poor-victims-us sympathy vote as the couch collective once more pack-attacks the lone voice of reason.
I protest. What I once found intimidating has long become my friend. I don’t want to be mainstreamed. Give me back my chair!
Open up! It’s the Green Police
Andrew Bolt
The carbon police will soon be knocking down your door:A
LL Australian homes will soon have to undergo a mandatory energy-efficiency assessment costing up to $1500 per property.Didn’t Kevin Rudd once claim his great global warming policies would cost you only a dollar or two a week?
The assessment has to be done before any property can be sold or rented under new laws to tackle carbon emissions.
What’s the betting this scheme will prove every bit the rip-off disaster that this similar one of Rudd’s is now:
It was pitched as yet another federal government plan to help Australians tackle climate change - a free energy assessment for hundreds of thousands of homes and “green loans” for those who wanted them. Not only would it boost household energy efficiency, it would create jobs in the process.UPDATE
But barely six months since its launch, the $175 million Green Loans program has become just the latest government green scheme to descend into farce, hot on the heels of the solar panel and insulation rebates.Thousands of people could be unemployed and thousands of dollars out of pocket after paying to be trained to work under a scheme that is likely to end more than two years early.
Queensland already has a similarly intrusive and largely useless law in place. Before you sell your house, you now have to fill in this form. Read it, and ask how migrants and the elderly would even understand the damn thing, let alone be able to afford for the check and the changes demanded. Example:
E12 No air-conditioning or(Thanks to reader LH.)
fixed evaporative air-conditioner or
___ out of ___ air-conditioners are energy efficient
(minimum 2.9 Energy Efficiency Ratio [EER])
A nasty letter to Rann
Andrew Bolt
It shows how restricted our free speech is that this issue cannot be properly discussed by voters before the election, thanks to the legal action taken by Mike Rann:
THE political sideshow to the upcoming March state election - the “she said, he said” intrigue - continues unabated with the release today of the document dubbed Michelle’s Letter.
In a heartfelt personal letter to Premier Mike Rann, Michelle Chantelois - the woman who claims they had an affair - says she felt “physically ill” when he publicly denied that they had a sexual relationship.
The letter she delivered to the Premier’s office this week pleads with Mr Rann to “publicly admit I was telling the truth about our relationship” in order to restore her reputation…
The detailed letter was attached to results of a lie-detector test which concluded it was likely Ms Chantelois was telling the truth about the affair.
How on earth can Rudd bet our economy on this?
Andrew Bolt
Good God, yet more errors in the IPCC’s 2007 report. And to think Kevin Rudd has based his colossal plan to completely reengineer our economy on this deeply suspect document:
And yet more evidence that the IPCC “sexed up” its report with gross exaggerations, hype and outright untruths:The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) report is supposed to be the world’s most authoritative scientific account of the scale of global warming. But this paper has discovered a series of new flaws in it including:Last month, the panel was forced to issue a humiliating retraction after it emerged statements about the melting of Himalayan glaciers were inaccurate.
The publication of inaccurate data on the potential of wave power to produce electricity around the world, which was wrongly attributed to the website of a commercial wave-energy company.
Claims based on information in press releases and newsletters.
New examples of statements based on student dissertations, two of which were unpublished.
More claims which were based on reports produced by environmental pressure groups.
They are the latest in a series of damaging revelations about the IPCC’s most recent report, published in 2007.
Last weekend, this paper revealed that the panel had based claims about disappearing mountain ice on anecdotal evidence in a student’s dissertation and an article in a mountaineering magazine. And on Friday, it emerged that the IPCC’s panel had wrongly reported that more than half of the Netherlands was below sea level because it had failed to check information supplied by a Dutch government agency…
However, senior scientists are now expressing concern at the way the IPCC compiles its reports and have hit out at the panel’s use of so-called “grey literature” — evidence from sources that have not been subjected to scientific scrutiny.
...the IPCC has wrongly claimed that in some African countries, yields from rain-fed agriculture could be reduced by up to 50 percent by 2020.What a fiasco. And for this we must have a huge green tax on everything, and shut down our sources of cheap power. To risk so much on such disintegrating evidence is grotesquely irresponsible.
At best, this is a wild exaggeration, unsupported by any scientific research, referenced only to a report produced by a Canadian advocacy group, written by an obscure Moroccan academic who specialises in carbon trading, citing references which do not support his claims.
Unlike the glacier claim, which was confined to a section of the technical Working Group II report, this “50 percent by 2020? claim forms part of the key Synthesis Report, the production of which was the personal responsibility of the chair of the IPCC, Dr R K Pachauri. It has been repeated by him in many public fora.
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