Andrew Bolt
There are many reasons to go see the new Batman movie - and Heath Ledger’s sensational performance at the the Joker is one of them.
The intelligent script, perhaps surprisingly, is another. The philosophical background - and, yes, it has one - is the distinction between seeming good and achieving it
John Della Bosca, Belinda Neal rest easy
DUMPED minister John Della Bosca and his federal MP wife Belinda Neal have told close friends and colleagues they do not expect to be charged over the Iguanas nightclub scandal.
The Daily Telegraph understands the couple have reassured their staffers they should not fear for their jobs.
It is believed their legal team has advised them they are unlikely to be charged with perverting the course of justice or any other offence.
Sunbathers ignore bodies of drowned girls on beach
Annika Burgess
There has been worldwide shock towards photographs published yesterday, showing sunbathers at a beach in Italy completely ignoring the bodies of two drowned girls beside them.
The photographs were taken on Saturday at a beach near Naples in Southern Italy – they show the bodies of two deceased young girls, covered by beach towels.
Sitting just metres away are sunbathers, enjoying the day at the beach.
It is reported that the bodies are of cousins, Violetta, 12 and Cristina, 13, who drowned when they went to the beach to beg and sell trinkets.
The photographer who took the photos told CNN the mood among sunbathers had been one of indifference.
Actually, the Nazis would have approved
Andrew Bolt
Media With Conscience claims it’s all about speaking out against authorities, and quotes an heroic example of the perils of staying silent in the face of persecution:
First they came for the communists, and I did not speak out—...
The less educated would surely be more moderate
Andrew Bolt
They’ll grow out of it, I’m sure - and let’s just hope they let the rest of us grow out of stuff, too:
A third of Muslim students in Britain believe killing someone in the name of religion is justified, a new poll claims…
Seven graphs to embarrass a warming professor
Andrew Bolt
Professor Barry Brook heads Adelaide University’s research institute for climate change and sustainability. So when he sets about proving me wrong about man-made global warming
America readies for its Rudd
Andrew Bolt
John McCain is looking very old - and seems to symbolise old, too, without managing to exploit many of the virtues that come with age. Like wisdom and experience. So I’m not altogether surprised to now read this:
Alan Abramowitz, a professor of political science at Emory University, Thomas Mann, a senior fellow at Brookings Institution, and Larry Sabato, professor of politics at University of Virginia, accused the media of flogging a dead horse in trying to portray the presidential race as a cliffhanger.
Is soft hail warmer?
Andrew Bolt
Typical. The Bureau of Meteorology quashes the lastest evidence of global cooling:
The Bureau of Meteorology says reports of snow falling in Sydney today are misleading… Peter Zemerski from the bureau says it was not snow, it was soft hail.
You wouldn’t be bored if the end really was nigh
Andrew Bolt
Even The Age’s environment reporter is starting to sweat:
(L)ast week brought one of the more obvious indications yet of an affliction we will see plenty of over coming years: climate-change fatigue… Widely agreed to be the most important transformation of the economy in a generation, the fine detail of emissions trading bores people so much that it failed to entice a single talkback caller when Climate Change Minister Penny Wong was on ABC Melbourne local radio just five days after her blueprint was launched.
When Hamas is a peacemaker, you’re in strife
Andrew Bolt
Now there’s a verb you don’t often see in a paragraph that also contains the nouns “Hamas” and “violence”:
THE Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas is moving to suppress an outbreak of violence in the Gaza Strip that began at the start of the weekend and left seven people dead.
Why weren’t you told this was coming?
Andrew Bolt
Now AP agrees about Iraq, too:
The United States is now winning the war that two years ago seemed lost.
An affair of bias
Andrew Bolt
The media has different rules for politicians of the Left:
SCRATCH John Edwards off the list of potential vice-presidential candidates… Every supermarket shopper knows that the preternaturally youthful former senator for North Carolina may have fathered a love child with a film-maker while Elizabeth, his saintly wife, is dying of cancer. There are sensational new details on the National Enquirer website, although most of the media have done their best to ignore them…
BingeWatch failed, too
Andrew Bolt
The Rudd Government gave just one reason for its huge tax rise on alcopops - that it wanted to stop teens bingeing on these satanically sweet drinks. Said Health Minister Nicola Roxon:
We think that this measure will have a health impact. That’s why we’ve introduced it.
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