Andrew Bolt
A tyranny exports its values:
China is breaking the United Nations arms embargo on Sudan, providing military equipment and training pilots to fly Chinese jets, the BBC said Sunday, citing an investigation by its journalists.
This news comes just days after China helped to veto UN Security Council sanctions on Zimbabwe’s muderous dictator.
Chinese diplomats accused of bribing Labor staffer
Andrew Bolt
This scandal demands investigation - of both the Chinese vice-consul and the (now ex) Labor staffer. The Canberra Times reports:
A Chinese vice-consul in Sydney cultivated a Labor staffer over a 15-month period before the federal election in November 2007.
Australians 'accept' Afghanistan deaths
AUSTRALIANS said to know the Afghan war directly affects them and have a "robust tolerance" for deaths - note how the leftwing protestors who march against Australian Farmers or supported Saddam Hussein don't have the guts to oppose such things? Notice how Rudd has not gone up to Hu, in China, and told him, in Chinese, that Zimbabwe belongs to China? I note we also accepted a lefty US president dropping a nuclear bomb on Japanese cities, twice. - ed.
Paid to moan
Andrew Bolt
UNHAPPY teachers could get up to $50,000 to leave the classroom and find another job under radical plans designed to regenerate Victoria’s teaching workforce.
Enjoy World Youth Day... while you can
Whatever your views on World Youth Day it's great to see so much joy across the country. But enjoy it while you can, because afterwards Australia's in for a bumpy ride, says Alan Jones.
A Catholic the Age can trust
Andrew Bolt
The Age finally acknowledges the World Youth Day and the Pope’s arrival by getting a Catholic to write an op ed on the significance of this happy week for the faithful.
Its choice? Why it’s Paul Collins, who procedes to write exactly what you’d expect:
The church is a quite self-destructive organisation. Desperately short of clergy, it still refuses to consider the ordination of married men, let alone the ordination of women. Lacking effective leadership, it still uses a system of appointing bishops that virtually makes sure that those with creative talent are excluded and that only those with mediocre talent make it to the episcopate… (W)hat Australian Catholicism really needs is a commitment of resources to serious pastoral renewal rather than to extravaganzas that rival the Olympic Games.
Topless PETA protesters get Sydney police in a flap
Three scantily clad animal rights activists from PETA have been arrested by police after staging a topless protest on the steps of KFC in Sydney's CBD.
Only now does an expert admit we need dams
Andrew Bolt
Hey, our water experts have finally had an idea that only a fool would once have suggested:
NEW dams should be considered for Melbourne, and aspects of the city’s water-restriction regime are socially damaging and in need of review, says one of Victoria’s most experienced water bureaucrats.
Milne monstered
Andrew Bolt
Glenn Milne reveals just the latest example of the way Kevin Rudd’s enforcers try to rule the Canberra press gallery:
In my alternate role as political editor for News Ltd’s Sunday newspapers I was warned on Saturday by one of the most senior - and I mean one of the most senior elected office holders in the land - that if I reported claims in a new book that Julia Gillard had been Kevin Rudd’s preferred choice as treasurer I would not be dealt with again by the Government. And to his credit, the person making those threats wasn’t Wayne Swan. At least whatever punishment is dealt out to it Brendan Nelson, even by his own side, he doesn’t behave like that.
Tell us the price of Rudd’s save-the-world plan
Andrew Bolt
Henry Ergas is astonished we’re being told to buy a scheme no one has actually costed:
(T)he encyclopedia Garnaut and his team have produced does everything except what it was supposed to do: cost a target for greenhouse emissions reductions.
Even so, he points out that dealing with the consequences of warming - even assuming Garnaut’s apocalytic scenario - will probably be much cheaper than trying to “stop” it
The Wikipeddling of smears
Andrew Bolt
Lawrence Solomon explains how Wikipedia stifles debate on global warming:
Kim Dabelstein Petersen is a Wikipedia “editor” who seems to devote a large part of his life to editing reams and reams of Wikipedia pages to pump the assertions of global-warming alarmists and deprecate or make disappear the arguments of skeptics…
They should be grateful for our applause
Andrew Bolt
On top of financing their training, their facilities, their competitions, their fares and their accommodation, giving them a stage to win lucrative sponsorships, apparently taxpayers must sling them tens of thousands of dollars more in cash prizes
Memo to Pope: Garnaut is infallible, too
Andrew Bolt
Matthew Warren says Ross Garnaut has let the green guru tag go to his head:
Garnaut is working for Kevin Rudd in name only. The separation is all but complete. He has undergone a transformation over the past six months, from eminent trade economist and ambassador to activist academic: the new expert voice of climate change policy in Australia…
Obama and Osama cover 'offensive'
BARACK Obama's campaign team has blasted the latest issue of the New Yorker magazine as "tasteless and offensive".
The cartoon cover depicts Barack and Michelle Obama celebrating with a fist bump in the Oval Office in front of a portrait of Osama bin Laden and an American flag burning in the fireplace.
While the presidental candidate declined to comment - “I have no response to that” - his campaign didn't mince its words.
“The New Yorker may think, as one of their staff explained to us, that their cover is a satirical lampoon of the caricature Senator Obama’s right wing critics have tried to create. But most readers will see it as tasteless and offensive. And we agree,” spokesman Bill Burton said in a statement.
Save the world: spend hours on your waste
Andrew Bolt
The residents of one Japanese town have a plan to save the world that’s all garbage:
Residents have to compost all their food waste and sort other rubbish into 34 different categories.
Win-win: Link Rudd’s permits to the temperature
Andrew Bolt
Reader Kingsley has a superb suggestion:
Andrew – has anyone ever suggested a carbon trading scheme that raises the price of carbon in line with how the world’s temperature rises? The believers should have nothing to fear from such a scheme.
Well, yes and no:
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