Saturday, October 02, 2021

Sat 2nd October 2021 Current Affairs

Join the free voice .. for free

Australia moves towards an election federally. And the director of the Liberal Party infuriates me, asking me for money to support his AGW hucksterism that isn't as bad as the ALP one. It still is not good policy. 

Today, 25th Sept 2021 I carry fake news
The fake news comes from a left wing site called "The Hill" 
In the article on the Arizona draft Audit into 2020 election fraudulently given Biden, we are told there were no accidents and that a simple vote count shows Biden won. However, the simple vote count does not show that at all. It shows that the voter fraud was wilful and deliberate. It shows that the parties behind the fraud covered their tracks. Now for the parts of the audit that have been opposed. A check of signatures. The system data showing when and how votes were cast. That will take longer because the investigation has been impeded. 

Canada loses another election
Trudeau rewarded for COVID failure. Who will be the next conservative leader? Will the next conservative leader have different policies to Trudeau? Why was PPC denied a place in leader's debate when they qualified on all criteria? 

My name is David Daniel Ball I'm a teacher with three decades experience teaching math to high school kids.I also work with first graders and kids in between first grade and high school. I know the legends of why Hypatia's dad is remembered through his contribution to Math theory. And I know the legend of why followers of Godel had thought he had disproved God's existence. 

I'm not a preacher, but I am a Christian who has written over 28 books all of which include some reference to my faith. Twelve blog books on world history and current affairs, detailing world events , births and marriages on each day of the year, organised by month. Twelve books on the background to and history of Bible Quotes. One Bible quote per day for a year. An intro to a science fiction series I'm planning, post apocalyptic cyber punk. An autobiography with short story collections. 

I'm known in Australia for my failure as a whistleblower over the negligence death of a school boy. I had reported the issue responsibly and had not known I'd blown the whistle. The embarrassed left wing government had responded by imposition of a nationwide ban on the use of peanut butter in canteens, despite failing to address the issue of peanut allergy appropriately. 

I've been de-platformed on Facebook and twitter despite not being an activist. Twitter did not like me asking for Obama to face justice in 2011. FB gave no specific reason for removing me following Jan 6th 2021 in Washington DC where a policeman killed an unarmed woman, so a crowd would know he was in control.

A successful withdrawal was what was engineered at Gallipolli, where, over three days troops pulled out of defended positions and left on ships .. nobody died. That was war. Nobody was left behind. Because of the failure, WW1 was prolonged another two and a half years, Russia collapsed etc etc. The price of failure was big. But the retreat was a success. In contrast, Biden's retreat was utter failure in Afghanistan. 

Editorial on Covid policy failure
It is apparent COVID policy is political, not health related. However health advice has been political and not health related. Public health has been corrupted. Media has failed. Judiciary is corrupt. Defence is incompetent. The thin blue line has been cut. And, elder abuse is apparent from the Presidential office through to the ordinary NYC retirement home. On the plus side, there is an emerging possibility of an empty gesture securing the white house for womyn on behalf of one raised in Canada. 

Dan Andrews' lockdown has cancelled AA meetings. Go the beers. Playgrounds have been shut down state wide and even a curfew has been re-imposed. There is no science showing any such measure addresses COVID, but we know it allows the government to assert authority.

Editorial Biden's Afghan failure culminated from Obama's Afghan lies

Afghanistan is in flames as Biden begins bombing runs on terrorists as he seeks to negotiate with them. US soldiers have been killed after a strategic error left an exposed airport the only means of Americans and their allies to flee. Biden says those that remained behind wanted to, after fleeing Afghans clinging to a wing and fuselage of an aircraft plummet to their deaths. After Biden had said the Afghan government would stand following US withdrawal. US left behind billions of dollars of weapons Chicago gangs look on with shock and awe. The Taliban will not use a fleet of Blackhawk helicopters. China will. 

So who is responsible for the failure? According to Biden, the buck stops with him, and he views it as a Dunkirk like success, when he is not looking at his watch waiting for mourning to end of soldiers that died in his service. Biden also feels any mistake was made by Donald Trump as NK begins nuclear weapons work. The US military have included critical junior officers in their lists of personal pronouns for enemies. What is a personal pronoun for a failed President? 

Editorial on God In answer to Dinesh Dsousa's article 
The God the atheists refute is not real, but is a ridiculous, impossible figure. God is real. God as He is revealed in the Bible is a fact. However, as ridiculous as the atheists arguments are, they are instructive. God made a bridge He could not cross (man's rejection of Him). God bridged that gap with Jesus. Thing is, atheists don't believe that that gap is real. 

In my Sermon on a Miracle I describe how God gave a childless woman who could not bear children, prayed for children, family. He did that. And he did not use supernatural measures. 

God is real. God does the impossible. God is not subject to our demands. God answers prayer. Sometimes bad people prosper for a time. All those statements are true. 

God is worthy of praise. Atheists don't see it, but they have countless examples of it, from their own lives to the works of those they admire. In the Revelations of the Holy Spirit I underscore and outline some of what God does that even atheists call for. 

We need god, but even in a world without God, there is a need for Him. 

From the Bible, Ephesians 4

Unity and Maturity in the Body of Christ

As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.

But to each one of us grace has been given as Christ apportioned it. This is why it says:

“When he ascended on high,
    he took many captives
    and gave gifts to his people.”

(What does “he ascended” mean except that he also descended to the lower, earthly regions? He who descended is the very one who ascended higher than all the heavens, in order to fill the whole universe.) So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.

Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of people in their deceitful scheming. Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ. From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.

Instructions for Christian Living

So I tell you this, and insist on it in the Lord, that you must no longer live as the Gentiles do, in the futility of their thinking. They are darkened in their understanding and separated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them due to the hardening of their hearts. Having lost all sensitivity, they have given themselves over to sensuality so as to indulge in every kind of impurity, and they are full of greed.

That, however, is not the way of life you learned when you heard about Christ and were taught in him in accordance with the truth that is in Jesus. You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.

Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to your neighbor, for we are all members of one body. “In your anger do not sin”: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold. Anyone who has been stealing must steal no longer, but must work, doing something useful with their own hands, that they may have something to share with those in need.

Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.

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In this episode I address the critical question being left out of the current political climate.

News Picks:

=== Bongino Headlines ===
Biden Scrambles as His Agenda Teeters on Brink of Collapse READ MORE

Email Show Fauci Congratulating Wuhan Collaborator On “Deserved” Xi Jinping Award

Victims of Hurricane Ida Say They’re Still Waiting for Help From Biden’s FEMA

Former CBO Director: Biden’s $3.5 Trillion Bill “a Mess,” May Not Pass

Clinton Attorney Briefed National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan on Debunked Trump-Russia Conspiracy in 2016

Dr. Fauci Grilled on History of Flip Flops and Failed Predictions

Mike Pompeo Says Gen. Milley May Have Lied Under Oath to Congress

Capitol Hill
Arizona Senate Pres Says State Could Take Over Maricopa Election After Audit Red Flags
Candidate Trump Endorsed to Challenge Liz Cheney Once Called Him “Racist and Xenophobic”
House Dems Block Effort to Require COVID Tests for Illegal Aliens
SCOTUS to Hear Boston “Christian Flag” Lawsuit
Has Biden Lost Control of His Party?
Biden Adds to String of Family-Related Hires, Nominates Rep. Clyburn’s Daughter to Fed Commission
Dems Admit They May Lose the House Majority
DHS Secretary: U.S. Will No Longer Deport Illegals Solely Because They’re Here Illegally
Ten Biden Whoppers

Culture War
Majority of Trump Voters Want Blue States to Secede
NY Times “Tik Tok Reporter” Taylor Lorenz Sued for Defamation
Thanks to Vax Mandate, 72% Of Black NYC Residents Are Banned From Entering Dining Establishments
Gabby Petito in Newly Released Bodycam Video Details Violent Fight With Laundrie
Portland’s Cultural Council Won’t Replace Knocked Down Statues of Abe Lincoln
Pelosi’s Bishop Calls for “Campaign of Prayer and Fasting” for Her “Conversion of Heart” on Abortion
Capitol Hill Reporter Complains About Family of Maine Slain in Kabul Not Wearing Masks

Stocks at 70 Year Highs as a Percent of Household Financial Wealth
Crypto Exchange Bug Accidentally Gives $90 Million to Users, Founder Begs for People to Return It
White House Economic Adviser Says High Inflation Is Here to Stay
Connecticut Surpasses New Jersey as State With Highest Tax Burden
Central Banks Claim “Risks” in Government-Backed Digital Currencies
Dem Tax Hike Proposal Breaks Biden’s $400k Pledge
Keurig Dr Pepper CEO Eyes $20 Billion in Deals
Commerce Department: Inflation Surged to Fastest Pace in Over 30-Years in August

Swamp Watch
Austin Police No Longer Responding to “Non-Life Threatening” 9/11 Calls
Tucker Shares Hunter Biden Laptop Email From CNBC Exec/Hillary Donor
California Gov. Newsom Mandates COVID Vaccine for All School Children
Anti-DeSantis Group Runs Unintentionally Hilarious Attack Ad
de Blasio Says NYPD Should Be About “Customer Service”
Durham Issues New Subpoenas to Democrat Law Firm
White House Creates Fake White House Set for Biden’s Online Events
Sen. Paul Slams HHS Secretary Becerra for Insulting Americans and Pushing Junk Science
Andy McCabe Says Durham Indictment and Subpoena Cast the FBI as Victims
Texas to Appeal Denial of State’s Emergency Declaration Over Biden Border Crisis

National Security
In October, U.S. Marine F-35Bs Set to Embark From Japan’s Largest Warship
“Something Special” In Store for B-21 Public Debut, Says Air Force Chief
The Navy’s Constellation-Class Frigate: Built To Sink Anything?
In an Ominous Sign for Turkish Military, Top Generals Step Down
Hypersonic Missile Tests for the B-1 Scheduled for Next Year
New Carrier-Based Fighter Jet Being Prepped by China
Blame the Ammo Shortage: Hunting is Going to Cost More
Our Next War With Afghanistan Is On the Horizon. And It May Be Even Harder.
Why Battleship USS North Carolina Can’t Ever Be Moved

Around the World
France May Extend COVID Health Pass Usage Until Next Summer
North Korea Orders Hotline to South Korea Reinstated, Has No Desire to Speak to U.S.
Iran State Media Promotes Video of VP Harris Encouraging Student to Speak Up Against Israel
Russian News Editor Who Angered Kremlin By Investigating Navalny Poisoning a Wanted Man by Authorities
In Pitiful Attempt at Relevance, Woke UK Labor Leader Demands Female James Bond
Ethiopia Accuses Seven U.N. Officials of “Meddling”, Expels Them From Country
Drunk Man in Turkey Spends Hours With Search Party to Find Missing Person – He Was the Missing Person

Laura Hollis: What Kind of Person Are You, Really?
Libby Emmons: Women Have the Right to Name Their Bodies
Judge Andrew P. Napolitano: On Jan. 6, What Did the FBI Know?
Jonathan Feldstein: Kamala’s Hillary Moment
Jackie Cushman: Political Math Is the New Free!
Kurt Schlichter: Every Republican Is “Literally Hitler,” So Stop Caring What Libs Say
R. Emmett Tyrrell: The Aukus Treaty, 30 Years of Calm?
John Schnatter: The Only Way to Build Back Better Is to Get Government Off the Backs of Small Businesses

Super Bowl 2022’s Halftime Show: Kendrick, Eminem, Mary J. Blige, Snoop & Dr. Dre
Country Star Jason Aldean Stands By His Wife After She’s Attacked For Bashing Biden
Gina Carano Describes Police Action In Australia As “Tyrannical Rule” After Man Gets Arrested For Violating The Chief Health Officer’s Directive
Comedian Responds After Actress Debra Messing Incites Cancel Mob To Fire Him From Overseas Military Tour
Did Joe Rogan Just Become The Media’s Public Enemy No. 1?
Dolly Parton Praises Lil Nas X’s Cover of “Jolene”
Rocky IV Director’s Cut Hitting Theaters In November

GOP Rep Hits Out-Of-The-Park Home Run In Congressional Baseball Game
Shaq’s Solution To Nets’ Kyrie Irving Vaccine Dilemma: Trade Him
Dallas Mavericks Mandate Covid Vaccine Or Negative Test To Attend Games
Yankees’ Winning Streak Ends As Wild-Card Race Tightens
“World’s Sexiest Athlete” Alica Schmidt Walks At Milan Fashion Week After Tokyo Olympics Disappointment
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar: Getting COVID Vaccine Is An “Extension Of Black Lives Matter”
After 12 Stellar Seasons In The NFL Eagles’ LeSean McCoy To Retire
Nuggets’ Michael Porter Jr. Doesn’t “Feel Comfortable’ With COVID Vaccine, Would Not Support League Mandate
=== Newsmax Headlines ===

Newsmax TV
President Joe Biden traveled to Capitol Hill on Friday to try to mend [Full Story]
Employees of Louisiana's largest health system who have a spouse [Full Story]
Rejecting the recommendation of prosecutors, a federal judge sentenced a Jan. 6 rioter to probation Friday.The same judge also suggested that the Justice Department was being too hard on those who broke into the Capitol compared with its handlnig of those arrested during...... [Full Story]
A group representing local public school boards is asking the Biden [Full Story]
After overseeing the botched U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan and [Full Story] | platinum
Viva Barnes News

1. Big Pharma vs. Big Pharma: new covid treatment drug undermines vaccine mandate authority.

2. They got it wrong, again. The policy "experts" claims a vaccine mandate would boost restaurants and bars, b/c folks would flock in! Oops!

3. Consumer attitudes hit a range of recent record lows and recent record highs in the places you don't want lows and you don't want highs.

4. Biden admin effectively opens the border.

5. Eugenics through gene-selected abortions.

*Bonus: Why I like little town newspapers: Happy 100th birthday! "Once Frank retired, they traveled the United States in an RV visiting relatives while working on their family history."

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Here is a video I made The Meeting
Yes are an English progressive rock band formed in London in 1968, generally regarded as one of the archetypal bands and pioneers of the genre. Despite many lineup changes, occasional splits within the group, and the ever-changing trends in popular music, the band have continued for more than 40 years and still retain a large following. They have sold over 30 million albums. The band's music blends symphonic and other "classical" structures with their own brand of rock music. Although the band's sole consistent member has been bass player Chris Squire, Yes are also generally noted for the distinctive high-register vocals of former lead singer Jon Anderson and the eclectic musical stylings of a succession of guitarists (Steve Howe, Peter Banks, Trevor Rabin, Billy Sherwood), keyboard players (Rick Wakeman, Tony Kaye, Patrick Moraz, Geoff Downes, Igor Khoroshev, Oliver Wakeman), and drummers (Alan White and Bill Bruford). Several band members became celebrated musicians and/or bandleaders in their own right, and a 1980 lineup of the band was briefly fronted by Trevor Horn (shortly before he became one of rock music's most celebrated record producers). The band's current lineup are Squire, Howe, White, Oliver Wakeman (keyboards) and Benoît David (lead vocals)
The fact I cannot sing does not mean I will not
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=== From 2017 ===
Don't give up on hope. There is an illegal vote over division in Catalonia Spain. The region is rich and Democratic, so the issue of a split is meaningless spite by drama queens. It is like Hillary Clinton's supporters wanting to leave the US because they lost an election. The Democrats in the US are still the same party that backed slavery. Tragedy in Las Vegas as a possibly Antifa inspired gunman killed twenty and wounded over a hundred while using a machine gun. 

Trump has been denounced by an opportunist hoping to exploit tragedy in Puerto Rico. I like Ice cream. I'm not married to it. Someone is outraged by gender labelled ice cream. Left wing media are worried ALP may not win the next Queensland election. Local media are upset a local council used meta data to catch employees not working on site while being paid. Cate McGregor who admired Tony Abbott for accepting her is now reported as un-friending him because he is voting 'no' on SSM. True friendship is not that arbitrary. Trump's America exceeds 3% growth for the quarter. 

A Christian Evangelist who targeted Jews asked me to clarify my outrage. I do so. 

NB. FB deleted a post I made on the issue 

“I ask forgiveness from Jews who experienced horrible persecution because of my arrogance in believing that my theology was more important than the incessant wounds they suffered for almost 2000 years at the hands of Christians.”

Read it aloud and try to see what might be offensive to a Jewish person, even one who was not religious, but ethnically Jewish. I have Jewish family, and lost some to the holocaust. My Jewish ancestors had gone to Poland from Horowice, which gave them a name, and Jacobs, which gave them another, but last names are not a Jewish thing. You may wish forgiveness for arrogance. You are not important enough that your belief was responsible for their horrible persecution. That persecution was persistent and real and largely documented, but not entirely. Sometimes some of the persecutors asked forgiveness of G-d, but continued. Today, one wound Jews feel terribly is when evangelical Christians claim their young using sophisticated arguments the young are not conditioned to respond to. Jewish peoples do not proselytise, but raise their young in accordance with their scripture. They feel real anger when their young are taken from them by hucksters.

My family fled the pogroms of the Tsars. Before that, they fled many Christian leaders. You may have heard of Hypatia and Saint Cyril, there had been Alexandrian Jews that Cyril ‘loved’ too. The New World was discovered when a persecuted Spanish Jew named Columbus set sail. Japan’s second religion is an offshoot from Jewish slaves dating back to a hundred years or so after Jonah, it is in DNA records. And yet, despite the thousands of years of persecution, the Jewish community retains her indomitable character. I believe God did something very special when they were in that desert, and God has a plan which includes them. I don’t know what it is. But I’m not so arrogant to think I can impugn on their good will by targeting their young without consequence. Disraeli is said to have observed “Two thousands years of Christian love has left the Jews feeling nervous.” Yet Disraeli was Christian. I ask G-d for guidance on this issue, and I believe I need to be humble. And I’m saying to you that needs to inform your mission. And if that is not possible for you, go somewhere else.
=== from 2016 ===
Obama has often inflamed and harmed situations where a cool head is required. He once claimed a thug killed in the process of committing a crime could have been his son. The Son's of Obama are a fearful lot. Last year, on this day, a mentally ill GOP hating white supremacist went on a shooting rampage in Umpqua Community college, Oregon and Obama unhelpfully declared he had given up on prayer. It might have startled his supporters that Obama had been rather reliant on prayer. The shooter had killed 10, including himself. Following a media script, the shooter had asked his victims if they were Christian before gloating and killing them. Obama reacted quickly, claiming to have no knowledge of the shooter's motivation, but blaming GOP for gun laws that have protected the constitution since the US revolution. And then giving up on prayer. I don't care for Obama's master. Obama's master has not got the same competence as George W Bush's Lord and God, Jesus. At least when Bush prayed, one could be satisfied that the prayer was for understanding of policy, and not the actual policy.
=== from 2015 ===
Two shootings around the world are little more than a continuation of Obama's failed foreign policy. One shooting in the US close to Portland, Oregon (Grimm country) had Obama claiming he had tried prayer and it hadn't worked. It looks like the young man identified as Muslim but he claimed on social media that he was a GOP Conservative. Nobody in the press believes that could be a lie, although nothing of the attitudes expressed support it. Very few white supremacists seem to like the GOP. If the boy had been older, he might have called himself a Nixon/Reagan/Bush supporter too. The 'boy' shot up a school and seems to have killed ten and wounded many more. Asking if they were Christian, as he had targeted Christians. Just like GOP Conservatives?

Meanwhile, on the other side of the world, Parramatta, In NSW, in Sydney, a lone gunman killed a tech analyst outside police HQ, and was subsequently shot dead. The gunman was dressed in black and allegedly of Middle Eastern appearance. Apparently intelligence had warned of such a possible hit and all officers had been required to wear their sidearms, while desk workers had theirs at their desks. But the gunman probably surprised the analyst. So what will Australia's new PM do? Turnbull has replaced the decisive Mr Abbott whose ability to calmly and correctly position such tragedy allowed Australia to prosper in tough times. On form, Turnbull will say a lot, and probably delegate to a committee the issue of responses. Maybe Turnbull should try prayer?

For some, at the moment, the Sex Party has more credibility.
From 2014
A specific issue
ALP seem to govern employing procedural unfairness as a weapon against innocent people who get in their way. The accusation of widespread drug use and criminal betting in every Australian sport by elite athletes has been disproved. It was apparently an attempted smear by Jason Clare to protect disgraced former PM Gillard. It worked, for a time. The compromise deal struck with AFL Essendon seems to protect ASADA's reputation for their outrageous intrusion into the club. But Essendon's coach James Hird has been very shabbily treated. The ALP have public servants in place in all levels of government. They are willing to spin the truth or lie outright to protect the ALP. And Hird is on the wrong side of that thick Labor line. It seems if he resists and appeals, he is on a hiding to nothing. But if he accepts it, there is no reward. 

International terrorism issues
We should not give Iran a bomb to fight ISIL. It is really important the US assert her authority and demand a free run against ISIL without Iranian interference. Iran will do so anyway, as they are still a terrorist state. But to bribe them to get their acquiescence when they won't anyway is arrant foolishness. An Islamo fascist terrorist has killed 41 Islamic children, blowing up the children and then himself. What have the Israel haters to offer now? Diversity has failed in the US Secret Service. In 2012, AP worried about a lack of it, with not enough women to protect the President, then a woman was appointed. Two weeks ago a woman was overpowered by a guy who ran into the Presidential living quarters. Today the woman appointed 19 months ago as director has resigned. 

Australian issues
Palmer abuses parliamentary process by making a bogus inquiry into Campbell Newman. It may well backfire and embarrass him. There is no need to ban the burqa, but women need to be identifiable to security in some instances. It is also important to remember cross dressing Islamo Fascists used women's clothing to hide weapons when attacking a shopping mall in Africa last year. It is not procedural unfairness to segregate Burqa wearing women in Parliament's gallery. It is not unfair. It is not racist. In all probability, it is not needed. But media demanded to know a process, and now have one. Except Mr Abbott may block the procedure. Frightbat Badham becomes Islam compliant in her opposition to misogyny. Demand freedom of speech. It is the last safeguard for a liberal democracy. 
Dr Margot Kingston helpfully tweets "Only the people can stop the horror." She has seen a movie from the fifties, she should present references to it. Otherwise she is plagiarising. 

Stuff that doesn't fit
US overtakes Saudi Arabia in oil production. France more than halves car production since 1994, from three million a year to 1.46 million a year.  France is now overtaken by the UK for car production. Shorten does not have a Prime Ministerial voice in his email to his followers. He abuses and denounces and divides. He is a leader of the ALP, but he is not a leader. US's CBS admits there has been no warming for 18 years. Liberal party's cup of talent runneth over. They are stymied by a hostile senate, but still get some impressive things done. 
From 2013
The world seems focused on the shutdown of the US government. The shutdown is a result of US debt reaching $17 trillion. The shut down would not have happened had Obama cut spending. Instead, Obama is introducing Obama Care which increases spending and does not address basic health care needs for most US citizens. Healthcare is a problem in the US, but spending money that is borrowed doesn't address the problem. The economic truth is no one can own what they can't afford. Parks and museums are shut down at the moment, but if irresponsible government continues unchecked, then US infrastructure crumbles, and world economic confidence ebbs. The danger is Obama will believe he wins a game of chicken if GOP blinks.

US foreign policy is also sadly lacking. Some years ago, I wrote a blog after Hamas trounced Fatah in an election. I pointed out that the worst event had not happened. Fatah is a terrorist group too. The danger of a Hamas win was that democracy would unravel in the Middle East. The Jordanians calling themselves Palestinians have a substantial amount of aid, a lot of which comes from Israel. Israel is a modern democracy, offering freedom for all of her people. So called Palestine is a terrorist military state offering no basic freedoms for anyone but endless civil war. Naturally the UN wants Palestine and despises Israel.Today, the conservative PM of Israel promised to act before Iran acquired nuclear weapons. That is important for world peace. Meanwhile, Obama has asked for Israel (forced) to release killers into the community. A Middle East Islamic scholar has apparently (linked) proven Obama is Muslim according to Islamic law .. meaning Obama is in fact apostate as he falls asleep in a Christian church. Worth considering when one hears that Kenya was warned by Israel of the specific threat to Westgate last year but was ignored (other targets were highlighted too). The Kenyan blooded Obama has relatives who are on the wrong side of the struggle against terror. Victims at Westgate had their Islam bona fides checked. How would the cross dressing terrorists respond to the apostate President? I couldn't make up this story for fear that the suspension of disbelief would be too difficult. Meanwhile a Jewish boy of mixed blood gives to his community (linked) and a brave Israeli widow keeps her husband's farm running, after he was killed by terrorists (linked yesterday). As I have linked, so called Palestinians are being raised to hate and kill, and that breaks many international laws, but apparently the UN approves.

Mr Abbott is a statesman. He has given appropriate weight to Indonesia, The result is a deal that should close down the murderous people trafficking that ALP initiated in 2008 after taking down the pacific solution. Abbott has been criticised by many for many bad reasons. Shorten Burke and Bowen have complained at the secrecy surrounding military operations and boat people. Of course, they had military secrets too, only, not about soldiers sleeping around.

SBS have inflated false claims to create enmity between Australia and Islamics. ABC have lied to protect global warming belief. Details of all the editorial are in todays linked material.
Historical perspective on this day
829 – Theophilos succeeds his father Michael II as Byzantine Emperor.
939 – Battle of Andernach: King Otto I crushes a rebellion against his rule, by a coalition of Eberhard of Franconia and other Frankish dukes.
1187 – Siege of JerusalemSaladin captures Jerusalemafter 88 years of Crusader rule.
1263 – The Battle of Largs is fought between Norwegians and Scots.

1470 – Richard Neville's rebellion forces King Edward IV of England to flee to the Netherlands, restoring Henry VI to the throne.
1528 – William Tyndale, the renowned English Reformer and Bible translator published his famous work The Obedience of a Christian Man.
1535 – Jacques Cartier discovers the area where Montreal is now located.
1552 – Conquest of Kazan by Ivan the Terrible.
1780 – John André, British Army officer of the American Revolutionary War, is hanged as a spy by American forces.
1789 – George Washington sends proposed Constitutional amendments (The United States Bill of Rights) to the States for ratification.

1814 – Battle of Rancagua: Spanish Royalists troops under Mariano Osorio defeats rebel Chilean forces of Bernardo O'Higgins and José Miguel Carrera.
1835 – The Texas Revolution begins with the Battle of Gonzales: Mexican soldiers attempt to disarm the people of Gonzales, Texas, but encounter stiff resistance from a hastily assembled militia.
1864 – American Civil WarBattle of SaltvilleUnion forces attack Saltville, Virginia, but are defeated by Confederate troops.

1919 – U.S. President Woodrow Wilson suffers a massive stroke, leaving him partially paralyzed.
1925 – John Logie Baird performs the first test of a working television system.
1928 – The "Prelature of the Holy Cross and the Work of God", commonly known as Opus Dei, is founded by Josemaría Escrivá.
1937 – Dominican Republic strongman Rafael Trujillo orders the execution of the Haitian population living within the borderlands; approximately 20,000 are killed over the next five days.

1941 – World War II: In Operation Typhoon, Germany begins an all-out offensive against Moscow.
1942 – World War II: Ocean Liner RMS Queen Mary accidentally rams and sinks her own escort ship, HMS Curacoa, off the coast of Ireland, killing 239 crewmen aboard the Curacoa.
1944 – World War II: German troops end the Warsaw Uprising.
1949 – The Soviet Union recognises the People's Republic of China, proclaimed the previous day by Mao Zedong.

1950 – Peanuts by Charles M. Schulz is first published.
1958 – Guinea declares its independence from France.
1959 – The anthology series The Twilight Zone premieres on CBS television.
1967 – Thurgood Marshall is sworn in as the first African-American justice of the United States Supreme Court.
1968 – Mexican President Gustavo Díaz Ordaz orders soldiers to suppress a demonstration of unarmed students, ten days before the 1968 Summer Olympics will start.

1970 – A plane carrying the Wichita State University football team, administrators, and supporters crashes in Colorado killing 31 people.
1980 – Michael Myers becomes the first member of either chamber of Congress to be expelled since the Civil War.
1990 – Xiamen Airlines Flight 8301 is hijacked and lands at Guangzhou, where it crashes into two other airliners on the ground, killing 128.
1996 – The Electronic Freedom of Information Act Amendments are signed by U.S. President Bill Clinton.

2002 – The Beltway sniper attacks begin, extending over three weeks.
2006 – Five Amish girls are murdered by Charles Carl Roberts in a shooting at an Amish school in Nickel Mines, Pennsylvania before Roberts commits suicide.
2007 – President Roh Moo-hyun of South Korea walks across the Military Demarcation Line into North Korea on his way to the second Inter-Korean summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong-il.
2016 – 2016 Ethiopian protests: Violence breaks out during an Irreechaa festival in the Oromia region, killing dozens of people.

=== Bible Reading ===

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Today's reading: Isaiah 11-13, Ephesians 4 (NIV)

View today's reading on Bible Gateway

Today's Old Testament reading: Isaiah 11-13

The Branch From Jesse

1 A shoot will come up from the stump of Jesse;
from his roots a Branch will bear fruit.
2 The Spirit of the LORD will rest on him—
the Spirit of wisdom and of understanding,
the Spirit of counsel and of might,
the Spirit of the knowledge and fear of the LORD—
3 and he will delight in the fear of the LORD.
He will not judge by what he sees with his eyes,
or decide by what he hears with his ears;
4 but with righteousness he will judge the needy,
with justice he will give decisions for the poor of the earth.
He will strike the earth with the rod of his mouth;
with the breath of his lips he will slay the wicked.
5 Righteousness will be his belt
and faithfulness the sash around his waist....

Today's New Testament reading: Ephesians 4

Unity and Maturity in the Body of Christ
1 As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. 2 Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.3 Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. 4 There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called; 5 one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.
7 But to each one of us grace has been given as Christ apportioned it. 8 This is why it says:
“When he ascended on high,
he took many captives
and gave gifts to his people.”
9 (What does “he ascended” mean except that he also descended to the lower, earthly regions? 10 He who descended is the very one who ascended higher than all the heavens, in order to fill the whole universe.) 11 So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, 12 to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up 13 until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ....

=== Morning and Evening ===

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"Pleasant fruits, new and old, which I have laid up for thee, O my beloved."
Song of Solomon 7:13
The spouse desires to give to Jesus all that she produces. Our heart has "all manner of pleasant fruits," both "old and new," and they are laid up for our Beloved. At this rich autumnal season of fruit, let us survey our stores. We have new fruits. We desire to feel new life, new joy, new gratitude; we wish to make new resolves and carry them out by new labours; our heart blossoms with new prayers, and our soul is pledging herself to new efforts. But we have some old fruits too. There is our first love: a choice fruit that! and Jesus delights in it. There is our first faith: that simple faith by which, having nothing, we became possessors of all things. There is our joy when first we knew the Lord: let us revive it. We have our old remembrances of the promises. How faithful has God been! In sickness, how softly did he make our bed! In deep waters, how placidly did he buoy us up! In the flaming furnace, how graciously did he deliver us. Old fruits, indeed! We have many of them, for his mercies have been more than the hairs of our head. Old sins we must regret, but then we have had repentances which he has given us, by which we have wept our way to the cross, and learned the merit of his blood. We have fruits, this morning, both new and old; but here is the point--they are all laid up for Jesus. Truly, those are the best and most acceptable services in which Jesus is the solitary aim of the soul, and his glory, without any admixture whatever, the end of all our efforts. Let our many fruits be laid up only for our Beloved; let us display them when he is with us, and not hold them up before the gaze of men. Jesus, we will turn the key in our garden door, and none shall enter to rob thee of one good fruit from the soil which thou hast watered with thy bloody sweat. Our all shall be thine, thine only, O Jesus, our Beloved!


"He will give grace and glory."
Psalm 84:11
Bounteous is Jehovah in his nature; to give is his delight. His gifts are beyond measure precious, and are as freely given as the light of the sun. He gives grace to his elect because he wills it, to his redeemed because of his covenant, to the called because of his promise, to believers because they seek it, to sinners because they need it. He gives grace abundantly, seasonably, constantly, readily, sovereignly; doubly enhancing the value of the boon by the manner of its bestowal. Grace in all its forms he freely renders to his people: comforting, preserving, sanctifying, directing, instructing, assisting grace, he generously pours into their souls without ceasing, and he always will do so, whatever may occur. Sickness may befall, but the Lord will give grace; poverty may happen to us, but grace will surely be afforded; death must come but grace will light a candle at the darkest hour. Reader, how blessed it is as years roll round, and the leaves begin again to fall, to enjoy such an unfading promise as this, "The Lord will give grace."
The little conjunction "and" in this verse is a diamond rivet binding the present with the future: grace and glory always go together. God has married them, and none can divorce them. The Lord will never deny a soul glory to whom he has freely given to live upon his grace; indeed, glory is nothing more than grace in its Sabbath dress, grace in full bloom, grace like autumn fruit, mellow and perfected. How soon we may have glory none can tell! It may be before this month of October has run out we shall see the Holy City; but be the interval longer or shorter, we shall be glorified ere long. Glory, the glory of heaven, the glory of eternity, the glory of Jesus, the glory of the Father, the Lord will surely give to his chosen. Oh, rare promise of a faithful God!
Two golden links of one celestial chain:

Who owneth grace shall surely glory gain.

=== Bible Quote ===

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I am a decent man and don't care for the abuse given me. I created a video raising awareness of anti police feeling among western communities. I chose the senseless killing of Nicola Cotton, a Louisiana policewoman who joined post Katrina, to highlight the issue. I did this in order to get an income after having been illegally blacklisted from work in NSW for being a whistleblower. I have not done anything wrong. Local council appointees refused to endorse my work, so I did it for free. Youtube's Adsence refused to allow me to profit from their marketing it. Meanwhile, I am hostage to abysmal political leadership and hopeless journalists. My shopfront has opened on Facebook.


I am publishing a book called Bread of Life: January.

Bread of Life is a daily bible quote with a layman's understanding of the meaning. I give one quote for each day, and also a series of personal stories illustrating key concepts eg Who is God? What is a miracle? Why is there tragedy?

January is the first of the anticipated year-long work of thirteen books. One for each month and the whole year. It costs to publish. It (Kindle version) should retail at about $2US online, but the paperback version would cost more, according to production cost.If you have a heart for giving, I fundraise at (Gofundme finished the fund raiser, 2017)


Editorials will appear in the "History in a Year by the Conservative Voice" series, starting with August, September, October, or at Amazon The kindle version is cheaper, but the soft back version allows a free kindle version.

The Amazon Author Page for David Ball

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Other Stuff


I'm now on MAGAbook to sidestep FB censorship


I'm looking for former students to endorse me


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