My name is David Daniel Ball and I am Voice DDB dot locals dot com a voice of freedom supporting freedom around the world for all peoples. I write on historical and current affairs. I look for the conservative voice where mainstream media eschews it. Around the world media espouses liberalism orthodoxy and proclaims a history of liberalism that never happened. Liberalism of today is based on repeated lies that have been accepted from the past.
Consider these recent truths
Analysis of published statistics on COVID in the world shows the Victorian death rate, in relation to the Australian death rate, is 147% more likely that a Victorian with COVID dies than an Australian with COVID. That result is entirely due to public policy, not geography. The Victorian response to COVID has been lock down and curfew, with crime tape on swings and slides to prevent children from using them. Face masks indoors and out doors. Vaccinations, but denial of other medications known to be efficacious. HCQ has been listed as a poison. Neither Ivermectin nor Fenofibrate are approved treatments. And the result is people in Victoria who are sick and denied treatment will die, while Dan Andrews jockeys for more power, and so called independents give it to him. Remember that next election, in 2022, when independents say "Vote for us to keep ALP honest." To be fair, the ALP did not lie about their naked ambition for power. The independents lied for them.
Only now is the Victorian conservative party becoming more strident in their opposition to these draconian measures. In my case, my school employer has been required to see that I've been double vaccinated, but they've not been allowed to hire me because schools were closed. Children are being vaccinated in large numbers to meet government demands "for freedom" but each time 'freedom' is achieved, restrictions appear. With 80% of Victoria vaccinated, businesses were allowed to open. Only my tutoring school cannot because it is not considered a school but a business, and businesses have restrictions. Worldwide, the statistics on school child transmissions are consistent. Children are not spreading COVID at schools, neither are they falling sick at school. So why insist on vaccinations? Masks?
Vaccination mandates are not addressing COVID spread issues. World statistics show that vaccinations do not prevent spread and do not prevent deaths. Neither do masks. That does not mean no one should take it, neither does it mean everyone should. Governments have not outlawed deaths with their hysterical over reactions to COVID, they have restricted freedom. SCOTUS was recently asked to provide an injunction against vaccine mandates. SCOTUS has so far said it is not up to them to decide. Public health authorities are confused, most claiming erroneously that vaccination is for the public good. Masks are for the public good. Lockdowns are for the public good. But the science does not show that.
It is Halloween and confused Christian zealots are feeling free to denounce those enjoying the celebrations as serving the devil. It was similar with the hysteria over Harry Potter books. However, those who once burned witches were wrong then, as they who burn Harry Potter books are now. It is worth remembering that Jesus, in casting out demons, those demons yet testified He was lord. And they do so today. And it isn't the Halloween participants who form the analog.
=== From recent years ===
One rumour going around the internet is that JFK was erudite, smart, capable and visionary. JFK died on Nov 22nd 1963 when Lee Harvey Oswald shot him, and in response a secret service agent accidentally sent a dum dum round into JFK's head. The enormity of the cover up should be noted. At least one secret service agent ended his days a drunk. LHO was killed before facing justice, as was his killer, Jack Ruby. And the brain of JFK, filled with dum dum shrapnel disappeared during surgery. Anyway, the meme goes JFK was killed for a speech he gave about censorship and dangers facing democracy. Only the speech was not the last one JFK gave, but had been given in April 27th 1961. To put the speech in perspective, JFK had lost the 1960 election to Nixon, but Nixon, rather than doing what Al Gore did and threaten the union, conceded. Kennedy had approved the Bay of Pigs plan on April 4th. It was before a U2 plane took pictures of Soviet missiles on Cuba. Castro had lied to his backers about taking over Cuba to restore freedoms, but had aligned himself with communists (or revealed himself to be one) and so Kennedy was doing what the fox like Malcolm Turnbull does, putting his foot in his mouth. Kennedy proclaimed and declared openness while planning secret deals, and the press gave him a free pass. Given an opportunity to illustrate his understanding of world affairs, JFK chose Karl Marx. Kennedy did not write the words, which are good words, but we know he didn't mean them either. Kennedy may have threatened Governor Wallace over Wallace's racist stance to segregation, in private. In public, Wallace and Kennedy served the same party.
People seem to like abuse of power. A problem with abuse of power, beyond the abuse, is that it is recognised as legal by the foolish and hoodwinked. In the 1970's, an elderly German woman was interviewed regarding the leadership of the war. Shown pictures of senior Nazis, she smiled and said "All the old faces bring back memories." She wasn't a Nazi or a fan of them. But while they were imbued with power, they made promises to the people from a position of power they abused. It is sickening how average people gravitate to the abusers. During the weak years of Boris Yeltsin in Russia, one old timer opined for the glory days of Stalin.
Australia has problems with abuse of power too. Being a modern democracy, it is harder for abuse of power to be sustained. But there is a danger of it being systematised too. So that before the NSW conservative party with Barry O'Farrell could be elected in '11, they had to assure those who corruptly ran NSW they would not shake the boat. Credit to O'Farrell and his front bench, they retained integrity and even resigned when the corruption lobby fingered them. The result has been new leadership unencumbered by pre election promises made in '11. The judiciary of NSW is corrupt. Not biased, but actively partisan in support of the ALP and the left. So that inquiries into corruption get sidelined by judges within the virtue of their powers. It is legal, but an abuse of power. The Heiner Affair is another such abuse. Anyone with sense recognises it is wrong to tear up evidence of a gang rape of an aboriginal girl in detention. Which is why Rudd obtained legal advice. There are supposed to be protections against the abuse of power by Rudd against that girl who was decades without compensation, and silenced when a paltry amount was given her. Australia's parliament could have opened an inquiry, but Steve Fielding, acting against advice from Family First, decided to embrace the abuse of power instead.
Political fights can be bruising and confusing, making people bitter and lowering expectations of political process. But one outrageous, totally unacceptable practice has been endorsed by one side of the political divide and it is unacceptable from them. They must address the issue from their side, and not oppose those who would address it from the community. The issue referred to is child abuse, more specifically, raising children to hate and kill. Such child abuse is soul destroying. We have images of Palestinians marching for terror with kids in tow carrying toy guns. We have images of children's television shows in Palestine with puppet characters glorifying suicide. We have local ISIS spokespeople claiming Jews are responsible for terror through mythical atrocities. We have pictures of children holding severed heads and declaring their love for some terrorist group. We have child soldiers in Burma, Cambodia, Africa and the Middle East, except Israel. One common denominator is an excuse by the left of an imperative driving the behaviour. But there is no excuse for such damnation. It is child abuse.
One hate preacher who has freedom in Australia has claimed he was taken out of context when he was quizzed over saying "Jews are filthy rapists" and claimed he had limited his statement to specific ones whom had raped his sisters. One doesn't mind free speech, so long as it can be acknowledged that a liar has lied. That hate preacher has lied and is lying. His sisters are safe, but for being siblings to a terrorist. JT is free to say what he likes, but his child abuse deserves to be addressed, and his hate preaching contradicted. In Australia, rapes have been described as cultural to the Islamic community by Islamic community leaders impotent to address the needs of their community under a secular administration.
We are being lied to. But not by everyone. Our nations and their justice machinery are not broken, but damaged. Things are bad, but they are supposed to be bad, rather than merely breaking. We can't give up. We must reject the liars, and remove them from public office, and prosecute them lawfully. Things can get better, but we must persevere or risk losing hope. We must not fight the Devil by playing the Devil's game. Rather we must resist the Devil by being free. There is no law against doing what is right. Their utter depravity kills us. They target us and they seek to restrain us. But while the greatest among us a hundred years ago has died, their legacy has not. That which we are, we are. Lockdowns were ineffective in dealing with COVID. Effective medication has been denied whole populations. Herd immunity will prevail. Fraud deleteriously affected recent elections around the world. But, Democracy will prevail. Our oppressors will pass. For us to win, we must assert our freedoms. For us to lose, we must willingly surrender our freedoms forever. Our children will have to pay back our debt. We must sacrifice now so that they can. That means telling truth to power. That means pointing up when when some get confused and lose their way. Stand by the one who sacrificed their pension and freedoms to speak out. Prosecute the ones forgiven by a debauched and self interested administration. Vote for those who help you exercise your freedom. Don't wait for free speech. Exercise free speech.
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Ep. 1382 Incredibly, The Story Gets Worse - The Dan Bongino Show
In this episode, I discuss the shocking poll numbers coming out of key swing states. I also address the latest Biden Crime Family disaster to emerge.
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This follows Joe Biden on campaign |
How a Donald Trump win in US election could spark world instability
A professor has shared a bleak picture of what the world could look like if Donald Trump wins a second term as US President.
This is how bad the Murdoch papers are in Australia. Presumably, a vote for the Biden crime family would restore world peace? But the non Murdoch papers are worse.
Why a Joe Biden election win could make certain Australians very rich
Polls are saying Joe Biden will romp home in the US election. If he does win, it will be good news for a significant number of Aussies.
This is a big one. Mr Biden is likely to recommit America to taking action on climate change. Mr Trump is pulling America out of the Paris agreement, but the new president will dive back in. That is going to re-energise the global push to cut emissions.
In the short run this could be a bit painful for Australia as we need to make some big changes fast. But in the long run, if we can stop Australia getting four degrees warmer and burning down every summer, that’d be great.
Qld election 2020: Premier heckled while casting vote at polling booth
Labor and the LNP are spending the last hours of the election campaigning in must-win seats but ugly scenes unfolded in Inala as the Premier cast her vote.
COVID favours the incumbent, even though it has been badly mishandled by the incumbent.
With 24 hours until Queensland election day, has the LNP left it too late to release costings?
ABC are sick with worry ALP might not win, as they are expected to. ALP win the election with some 46 of 47 seats needed, 7 with independents and 31 with LNP, 9 seats undecided. An abysmal premier gets another term with press support for incompetence and corruption.
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QLD loses another election |
Jim Caviezel in Infidel
How does a monkey deal with grief? Here, a monkey mother carries her dead baby long after the baby dies.
One rumour going around the internet is that JFK was erudite, smart, capable and visionary. JFK died in Nov 22nd 1963 when Lee Harvey Oswald shot him, and in response a secret service agent accidentally sent a dum dum round into JFK's head. The enormity of the cover up should be noted. At least one secret service agent ended his days a drunk. LHO was killed before facing justice, as was his killer, Jack Ruby. And the brain of JFK, filled with dum dum shrapnel disappeared during surgery. Anyway, the meme goes JFK was killed for a speech he gave about censorship and dangers facing democracy. Only the speech was not the last one JFK gave, but had been given in April 27th 1961. To put the speech in perspective, JFK had lost the 1960 election to Nixon, but Nixon, rather than doing what Al Gore did and threaten the union, conceded. Kennedy had approved the Bay of Pigs plan on April 4th. It was before a U2 plane took pictures of Soviet missiles on Cuba. Castro had lied to his backers about taking over Cuba to restore freedoms, but had aligned himself with communists (or revealed himself to be one) and so Kennedy was doing what the fox like Malcolm Turnbull does, putting his foot in his mouth. Kennedy proclaims and declares openness while planning secret deals, and the press gave him a free pass. Given an opportunity to illustrate his understanding of world affairs, JFK chooses Karl Marx. Kennedy did not write the words, which are good words, but we know he didn't mean them either. Kennedy may have threatened Governor Wallace over Wallace's racist stance to segregation, in private. In public, Wallace and Kennedy served the same party.
Dan Andrews has backflipped on another election promise not to start a safe injecting room. Safe injecting rooms do not save lives. Junkies have a large number of ways of killing themselves, and junkie deaths have not fallen with Sydney's safe injecting rooms, although there have been no recorded deaths inside one either over 15 years. But the one policy known to limit junkie deaths is strict policing. And Dan Andrews won't do that. So the feel good empty promise is the way Andrews is going. With a plan for locating it opposite a primary school. At least those kids can graduate in safety. My plan for such a room would be to locate them inside ALP member offices. It would do much to reduce waiting times.
In the US, Robert Mueller is desperate now he has been exposed as aiding Hillary Clinton in getting away with a Russia Uranium trade that did not favour the US but did the Clinton Foundation. So Mueller has made grandiose claims of a gotcha involving Trump's campaign manager Only, nothing wrong seems to have been discovered. The swamp is fighting as it drains.
Geniuses need to have ground work so they can reach up. Geniuses should have rules they can trust so they wont be eliminated being great. Some refer to a Tall Poppy Syndrome in Australia. But Australia has had more than her fair share of greatness. So brilliance, like comedy, sets rules, and breaks them. But one observation, nothing good ever came from Hitler’s, Stalin’s, Mao’s or Pol Pot’s death camps.
Meanwhile in current news, lawyers at the Royal Commission into institutionalised response to pedophilia have asked that Cardinal Pell’s evidence be ignored. Pell is a good man, as well as a capable Cardinal. Pell led the Catholic Church in Australia to support victims of pedophilia. He has not been accused (seriously) as being a pedophile. The lawyers have merely illustrated how flimsy their case is. If they throw out Pell’s testimony, he might have no defence? If one were to have thrown out Don Bradman’s high scores, he was an ordinary batsman.
Rumour now runs internationally that the apparent Saudi Spy who partners Hillary Clinton kept a life insurance policy of emails left in her ex husband’s computer. And the FBI found it. And so the insurance policy has been cashed in early. And the FBI investigating a witch on Halloween have found incriminating evidence on her familiar’s Weiner.
One person who knows how to profit from central planning is Hillary Clinton. The Chicago Tribune is withdrawing support from her, and suggesting that Democrats replace Hillary. But corrupt news, like the Tribune, knew everything now known about Hillary as they supported her days ago. Maybe they are only backing a tribe, but not a policy? And Maybe they want to find another crook. I note that press, who had accepted Hillary's corruption, are now denouncing her Saudi Spy Handler
Donald Trump's speech at Gettysburg is frightening media. They have supported and protected insider corruption for a long time. Trump will clean up the festering wound, and make America great again.
Australia has problems with abuse of power too. Being a modern democracy, it is harder for abuse of power to be sustained. But there is a danger of it being systematised too. So that before the NSW conservative party with Barry O'Farrell could be elected in '11, they had to assure those who corruptly ran NSW they would not shake the boat. Credit to O'Farrell and his front bench, they retained integrity and even resigned when the corruption lobby fingered them. The result has been new leadership unencumbered by pre election promises made in '11. The judiciary of NSW is corrupt. Not biased, but actively partisan in support of the ALP and the left. So that inquiries into corruption get sidelined by judges within the virtue of their powers. It is legal, but an abuse of power. The Heiner Affair is another such abuse. Anyone with sense recognises it is wrong to tear up evidence of a gang rape of an aboriginal girl in detention. Which is why Rudd obtained legal advice. There are supposed to be protections against the abuse of power by Rudd against that girl who was decades without compensation, and silenced when a paltry amount was given her. Australia's parliament could have opened an inquiry, but Steve Fielding, acting against advice from Family First, decided to embrace the abuse of power instead.
For some, at the moment, the Sex Party has more credibility.
One hate preacher who has freedom in Australia has claimed he was taken out of context when he was quizzed over saying "Jews are filthy rapists" and claimed he had limited his statement to specific ones whom had raped his sisters. One doesn't mind free speech, so long as it can be acknowledged that a liar has lied. That hate preacher has lied and is lying. His sisters are safe, but for being siblings to a terrorist. Junaid Thorne is free to say what he likes, but his child abuse deserves to be addressed, and his hate preaching contradicted. In Australia, rapes have been described as cultural to the Islamic community by Islamic community leaders impotent to address the needs of their community under a secular administration.
CFMEU likely to be investigated as part of corruption inquiry. The findings from a royal commission into union practice has meant a 30 member joint federal, Victorian police task force can investigate the abuses. Victorian ALP are claiming that the investigation is close to the Victorian election. However, had they reformed as they had claimed, it would not be an issue. Police cannot time an investigation for political comfort.
Did Nova lie in her autobiography about her heritage? A fact check of her ALP biography shows she has lied about her parents an grandparents involvement in a stolen generation. Also, she is the fourth Aboriginal person to serve in an Australian Parliament, but the first female to do so. Her online biography has been amends to reflect it after it was flagged.
ALP member Melissa Parkes keeps company with bigots and might be in danger of transgressing anti terror legislation for siding with BDS against Israel. She is entitled to her opinion, but that opinion should be defensible with reason, not bigotry and hatred. Jewish blood libel is not an argument, as it lacks substance.
Greens fight Green policies, having opposed a rise in petrol prices and an environmental policy. Why would anyone who cared about the environment vote Green?
Free speech under threat? The accusation is easy to make as Free Speech has been under threat from ridiculous laws, like 18c from racial vilification. However, the anti terrorism legislation is not about restricting free speech but locking up terrorists and there is a world of difference between terrorism advocacy and free speech. A disagreement between people should not end in one cutting off the head of the other.
Palmer withdrew the $10m himself, from Chinese companies. It is up to him to prove he has spent it appropriately, given the evidence he has not.
According to AGW hysterics, Indian mourning practice of incinerating their dead is bad for the environment. Maybe they should choose to live? But then people are a cost to the environment. Without a winning solution, it is best not to become an AGW hysteric. New climate research discovers water in the oceans. What can be made of frost destroying crops?
Burnside calls for choice to be removed from schooling. Socialists abuse police despite calling for police state regulation. Russell Brand pleasures himself with socialism.
683 – During the Siege of Mecca, the Kaaba catches fire and is burned down.
802 – Empress Irene is deposed and banished to Lesbos. Conspirators place Nikephoros, the minister of finance, on the Byzantine throne.
1517 – Protestant Reformation: Martin Luther posts his 95 Theses on the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg.
1587 – Leiden University Library opens its doors after its founding in 1575.
1614 – First performance of Ben Jonson's comedy Bartholomew Fair by the Lady Elizabeth's Men company at the Hope Theatre in London.
1822 – Emperor Agustín de Iturbide attempts to dissolve the Congress of the Mexican Empire.
1861 – American Civil War: Citing failing health, Union General Winfield Scott resigns as Commander of the United States Army.
1863 – The Maori Wars resume as British forces in New Zealand led by General Duncan Cameronbegin their Invasion of the Waikato.
1864 – Nevada is admitted as the 36th U.S. state.
1903 – The Purdue Wreck, a railroad train collision in Indianapolis, kills 17 people, including 14 players of the Purdue University football team.
1913 – Dedication of the Lincoln Highway, the first automobile highway across United States.
1913 – The Indianapolis Streetcar Strike and subsequent riot begins.
1917 – World War I: Battle of Beersheba: The "last successful cavalry charge in history".
1918 – World War I: The Aster Revolution terminates the Austro-Hungarian Compromise of 1867, and Hungary achieves full sovereignty.
1922 – Benito Mussolini is made Prime Minister of Italy
1923 – The first of 160 consecutive days of 100° Fahrenheit at Marble Bar, Western Australia.
1924 – World Savings Day is announced in Milan, Italy by the Members of the Association at the 1st International Savings Bank Congress (World Society of Savings Banks).
1926 – Last issue of the independent Italian newspaper Il Mondo, thereafter suppressed by the Mussolini regime
1938 – Great Depression: In an effort to restore investor confidence, the New York Stock Exchangeunveils a fifteen-point program aimed to upgrade protection for the investing public.
1940 – World War II: The Battle of Britain ends: The United Kingdom prevents a possible Germaninvasion.
1941 – After 14 years of work, Mount Rushmore is completed.
1941 – World War II: The destroyer USS Reuben James is torpedoed by a German U-boat near Iceland, killing more than 100 U.S. Navy sailors. It is the first U.S. Navy vessel sunk by enemy action in WWII.
1943 – World War II: An F4U Corsair accomplishes the first successful radar-guided interception by a United States Navy or Marine Corps aircraft.
1956 – Suez Crisis: The United Kingdom and France begin bombing Egypt to force the reopening of the Suez Canal.
1961 – In the Soviet Union, Joseph Stalin's body is removed from Vladimir Lenin's Tomb.
1963 – An propane tank explosion at the Indiana State Fair Coliseum (now the Indiana Farmers Coliseum) in Indianapolis kills 74 people and injures another 400 during an ice skating show.
1968 – Vietnam War October surprise: Citing progress with the Paris peace talks, US President Lyndon B. Johnson announces to the nation that he has ordered a complete cessation of "all air, naval, and artillery bombardment of North Vietnam" effective November 1.
1973 – Mountjoy Prison helicopter escape. Three Provisional Irish Republican Army members escape from Mountjoy Prison, Dublin aboard a hijacked helicopter that landed in the exercise yard.
1979 – Western Airlines Flight 2605 crashes on landing in Mexico City, killing 73 people.
1984 – Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi is assassinated by two Sikh security guards. Riots break out in New Delhi and other cities and around 3,000 Sikhs are killed.
1996 – TAM Transportes Aéreos Regionais Flight 402 crashes in São Paulo, Brazil, killing 99 people.
1998 – Iraq disarmament crisis begins: Iraq announces it would no longer cooperate with United Nations weapons inspectors.
1999 – Yachtsman Jesse Martin returns to Melbourne after 11 months of circumnavigating the world, solo, non-stop and unassisted.
1999 – EgyptAir Flight 990 crashes into the Atlantic Ocean near Nantucket, killing all 217 people on board.
2000 – Soyuz TM-31 launches, carrying the first resident crew to the International Space Station. The ISS has been crewed continuously since then.
2000 – Singapore Airlines Flight 006 crashes on takeoff from Taipei, killing 83.
2002 – A federal grand jury in Houston, Texas indicts former Enron chief financial officer Andrew Fastow on 78 counts of wire fraud, money laundering, conspiracy and obstruction of justice related to the collapse of his ex-employer.
2003 – Mahathir bin Mohamad resigns as Prime Minister of Malaysia and is replaced by Deputy Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, marking an end to Mahathir's 22 years in power.
2011 – The global population of humans reaches seven billion. This day is now recognized by the United Nations as the Day of Seven Billion.
2014 – During a test flight of VSS Enterprise, a Virgin Galactic experimental spaceflight test vehicle, suffers a catastrophic in-flight breakup and crashes in the Mojave Desert, California,
2015 – Metrojet Flight 9268 is bombed over the northern Sinai Peninsula, killing all 224 people on board.