Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Tue 18th May 2021 Current Affairs

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Editorial Media hatred of Trump shields Biden

headline names President Trump in a murder. A husband had killed his wife and allegedly used her vote, afterwards, to vote for Trump as an alibi. It is not yet certain the killer broke electoral laws established during the COVID crisis. He might not have forged her signature and it might still have been counted. Why do we know the vote was cast for Trump? Would a vote for Biden have changed the status of the investigation? Maybe Liz Cheney can enlighten us, with her vow to do anything to prevent Trump from being elected an historic third time. Usually it is a power hungry Democrat who goes for more than two elections. Except Trump has been fraudulently denied the 2020 election as an investigation into voting is showing. When Democrat Governor of California faced recall, he insisted on signatures being checked and 20% of signatures were fouled off. But during the 2020 Presidential election, some states did not check voter signatures. 

It is now being revealed by former Biden staffers that Biden is a Malcolm Turnbull type talent. He hesitates and pontificates but holds onto the power of saying 'no' well past the time a 'yes' might be practicable. Before Biden implements policy that he thought of, he is implementing policy that others preached, and that failed others. This failed policy is getting people killed in the Middle East, and denying workers jobs at home. Kudos to the forty two million Biden voters who voted twice. 

How is the press covering the Biden fiasco? By reporting that AOC had an ugly confrontation with a congress woman she publicly attacked? Marjorie Taylor Greene is correct in saying AOC has endorsed the murderous terrorists of 'Palestine' over the government and peoples of Israel? 

Or maybe the press are ignoring Biden's failure and focusing on the antics of Elon Musk?  

Editorial Cricket Australia's Ball tampering fail

The treatment of Australia's cricket elite over a professional foul of ball tampering was absurd. A player cheated badly and as a result management was cleaned out and the Captain and Vice Captain were hung out to dry. Instead of a match fee being removed from guilty parties, innocent parties resigned, and senior players were ousted for years from the sport and lost $millions. For trying to wear out one side of a cricket ball during play when the ball was playing dead. In other similar incidents players don't face any sanctions. 

Recently, the incumbent Australian captain who has led a weakened side weakly has admitted that the former captain should get his job back. And then the press inflate a 'confession' from the cricketer who committed the foul. What will the press do when they find out about Biden's involvement with the downing of MH 17 in Ukraine? We may never know. 

Actor Craig McLachlan was brutally attacked by press over allegations he was innocent. But the press are persevering with trying to destroy his career forever. 

Editorial Press harassing Israel as Israel defends herself from WMD

Israelis are facing tens of thousand of rocket attacks as terroristt celebrate Biden's 2020 election fraud. 

On May15th, Journalists against Israel 'report' on grim death toll and UN opinion favouring terrorists. We are told that there was a horror moment when Israeli police raided a home with human shields being active for terrorists. Israel collapsed tunnels which had housed high explosives. 

On May 16th we read that two press agencies, AP and Al Jazeera were using their home base in the conflict to shelter those launching missiles. "They’re not going to get weapons. They’re going to get their cameras and their work gear,” he said." "Moments later, hundreds of journalists watched their office be reduced to rubble after the Israeli army launched an air strike against it, demolishing the 13-floor building in the Gaza Strip." Apparently the life work of journalists is now to shield terrorists from retribution? 

The next day, press again report among fatalities of human shields used by terrorists to protect military targets. Only we don't know that that is what happened at all. In the past, journalists have staged things to look like atrocities. 

As Fatah's leader clings to power decades after a fraudulent election win, Press denounce Benjamin Netanyahu of clinging to power. 

Editorial how Biden started Jew Killing in Middle East

Two competing foreign policy agenda are regionalism vs bilateralism. Trump favoured bilateral relations policy. Obama favoured regionalism and recreated a cold war to achieve those aims. Under cold war theory, trouble nations like North Korea and Iran are forced to find a big protector like China or Russia to protect them. Under Bilateral theory, nations are free to achieve their agenda and engage with nations for mutual benefit. In the Middle East, a Cold War theory question of the USA to their satellite countries is "What is your biggest security threat?" and, filtered through the noise of competing factors is the answer 'Israel.' Israel is not a threat to anyone, but the compromise takes into account the desire of terrorists to achieve their aim of destroying Israel. However, when bilateral practitioners ask their question 'What do you want?' Then, most Middle East nations do not consider Israel at all. 

Under bilateral practice, Trump achieved a balanced peace in the Middle East. Under regionalism, Biden has revived terrorism, with tens of thousands of rockets aimed at Israel as thousands are fired daily. The press are happy for the war, as they hand wring and write of the possibility of peace they despised Trump. Where to next? Cold War involves bureaucratic process. Terrible things happen like the shooting down of a Malaysian airways flight over Ukraine, where the guilty parties, including Biden, have never been brought to book. 

Already, Biden meddling in the Israeli election process has clouded the state of Israel's administration. Under Cold War rules, can Israel defend herself? 
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Liberals are full of it. Especially AOC and Ilhan Omar. They say they believe in science as they continue to pump the country full of misinformation. In this episode, I discuss the latest controversy, as well as the crisis in Israel.

News Picks:

=== Bongino Headlines ===
SCOTUS to Hear Direct Challenge to Roe v. Wade READ MORE

Biden Says the Unvaccinated “Will Pay the Price”

Gov. Cuomo Accuser Says He Had “Long Pattern of Harassing Staffers”

Rudy Giuliani Looks to Dispute Legality of DOJ Investigation

U.S. Approves $735 Million Weapons Sale to Israel

Parler Back on Apple App Store Following Ban

Two Months After Biden’s “Neanderthal Thinking” Comment, Texas Reports Zero Covid Deaths for First Time

Capitol Hill
Psaki Refuses to Condemn Anti-Israel Comments From Democrats
Don Huffines Announces Run for Texas Governorship
House Republicans Hesitant to Work With Frank Luntz About 2022 Messaging
Kamala Nears Two Months Without a News Conference Since Being Given “Border Czar” Role
Concerns Raised That Biden Is Adopting an Anti-Car Agenda?
Trump Celebrates Polling Showing His Grip on GOP
SCOTUS Unlikely to Strike Down Entirety of ObamaCare
Tennessee Republican State Rep. Mike Carter Dies at 67
Dem Rep. Cori Bush Stands in Solidarity With Hamas “Resistance”
U.S. Ready to Lend Support to Israel, Palestinians if They Work Towards a Ceasefire
Biden Calls Israeli, Palestinian Leaders

Culture War
SNL Ratings Hit Record Low as Americans Suddenly Realize It’s a Terrible Show
Biden Revokes Trump Order Protecting Users From Social Media Censorship
Civil Rights Activist Blasts Critical Race Theory: “I Prefer Old-Fashioned Bigotry That’s Obvious”
Israeli PM Netanyahu Calls Out Associated Press for Lying About Saturday Bombing
Brooklyn Center to Implement Unarmed Traffic Enforcement After Police Shooting Death of Duante Wright
Report: Jeffrey Epstein Gave Bill Gates Advice About Ending His Marriage
Politician Suspended From Twitter for Saying Men Can’t Get Pregnant
Project Veritas Confronts CNN Employees
CNN Contributor Tweets “The World Today Needs a Hitler” Amid Israel/Gaza Clashes

Study: Red States Have the Best Taxpayer ROI
Elon Musk Clarifies Tesla Hasn’t Sold Any Bitcoin After Confusion
Gold Prices Hit Three-Month High
Expanded Child Tax Credit to Begin July 15
Some Gas Stations Still Facing Shortages Despite Colonial Pipeline Resuming Operations
AT&T Announces Merger Between WarnerMedia and Discovery
Bank of America Reaches $75 Million Settlement Over Excessive Overdraft Fees
BLM Co-Founder Says Her $3 Million Real Estate Portfolio “Disrupts White Supremacy”
Loans 90+ Days Past Due Reach Unprecedented Levels

Swamp Watch
WSJ Report: Microsoft Board Forced Bill Gates Out Over Office Affair
Liz Cheney Continues Attacks on Trump During Interview With Chris Wallace
Associated Press Mocked for Pleading Ignorance About Sharing Office Space With Hamas
Devin Nunes Demands Answers From Biden and Spy Chief on Wuhan Lab, Coronavirus Origins
Biden Reverses Trump Policy Requiring Immigrants to Have Means to Pay for Health Care
Video Shows Capitol Police Giving Protesters OK to Enter on Jan 6
Former Navy Pilot Says He Saw Hundreds of UFOs in Restricted Airspace
Dems Want to Keep the Spotlight on Trump After Stefanik Replaces Cheney

Biden Announces U.S. Will Send 20 Million Covid Vaccines Abroad
Huge Numbers of New Yorkers Fled to Florida During Coronavirus Pandemic
Fauci Defends CDC on Mask Mandates Flip-Flop Amid Confusion Over Guidance
CDC Director: Govt Not Depending on Vaccine Mandates to Stem Pandemic
Pompeo: Evidence Suggests Coronavirus Came From Wuhan Lab, Suggests China Engaged in Cover-up
The Science “Evolved” in Just Two Weeks: CDC Director Responds to Charges That New Mask Guidance Politically Motivated
ABC Decries the Maskless, Calls for a Soviet-Style “Passport”
Trump: “Trump Vaccine” the “Greatest Bet in History”
Analysis Finds Restaurants, Gyms, and Hair Salons Not a Significant Source of Coronavirus Transmissions

National Security
US Marshals Rescued Record 387 Missing Children in 2020
Upcoming Pentagon Report Says U.S. Military Encounters UFOs “Every Day”
House Leaders Consider Spending $200 Million to Stand Up Permanent National Guard Force in D.C.
Date for Full-Rate F-35 Production Still Unclear
France Embarks on a Broad Renewal of Its Nuclear Forces
The B-52 Bomber: Now A Giant Hypersonic Missile Truck?
A Wider Agenda for Statecraft in U.S. Russia Policy
Soldier at Fort Bliss Texas Convicted of Murder, Assault Sentenced to Nearly 41 Years
NY Subways Marked by Violent Attacks in Another Morning of Mayhem
UN Secretary General Calls for Immediate Ceasefire Between Israel, Gaza

Around the World
Israel Takes Out Top Palestinian Islamic Jihad Commander – Destroys Tunnel 163 Football Fields Long
Pro-Palestinian Convoy Drives Through London, Protester Yells Anti-Semitic Profanities
India Promises Increase in Vaccines as Coronavirus Deaths Continue to Surge
Boris Johnson: Jews in UK Should Not be Subjected to “Shameful Racism”
Report: Prince Andrew Has Been Dumped As Patron By Almost 50 Charities Over Links to Jeffrey Epstein
Czech President Labels Russia’s Action “Silliness” For Listing His Nation as Unfriendly
Volcano In Iceland Erupts for the First Time in 6,000 Years
Ministers in England Will Make Decision to Ease Lockdown on June 14

Wayne Allyn Root: Welcome Back, Carter. Except Add Dementia.
Kevin McCullough: Why Biden Slanders Police
Michael Goodwin: Biden Must Let Bibi Fight His Way
Derek Hunter: Oh, Just Shut Up Already, Dr. Fauci
Debra J. Sanders: Bet On It. Trump Is Running.
Katie Yoder: Here’s What “Partial-Birth Abortion” Means
NY Post Editorial Board: Joe Biden Is Proving Even More of a “Master of Disaster” Than Jimmy Carter
Jerry Newcombe: How Do You Leave God Out of Prayer?

Attendance Caps At Disney Parks Being Raised, Says Struggling CEO
Here’s Why Yankees Called up Ryan LaMarre to Replace Aaron Hicks, Rather Than Estevan Florial
SpaceX Discloses Plans for First Orbital Starship Test Flight
Alec Baldwin: Cancel Culture is a “Forest Fire in Constant Need of Fuel”
Ninth Fully Vaccinated Member of Yankees Tests Positive for Coronavirus
Photos From 10 Extraordinary Ocean Worlds in Our Solar System
Giants Sign Kelvin Benjamin, Corey Clement
Nine Transgender Athletes Look to Compete in 2021 Summer Olympics, Paralympics
=== Newsmax Headlines ===
Embattled Biden's Approval Rating Dips Below 50 Percent
The president's drop in recent weeks comes as he continues to grapple with the pandemic, an immigrant surge at the southern border, a weak jobs report, flaring violence in the Mideast and more. According to Rasmussen's daily Approval Index History, his new rating is compared with around 43% approval for former President Donald Trump in the same period in his presidency and 57% for former President Barack Obama. [Full Story]

Biden Presidency
Biden Tax Returns: He Paid 25.9% Rate and Earned $607,336
Texas Reports No COVID Deaths Two Months After Biden 'Neanderthal' Slam
WH: Biden 'Committed to Codifying' Roe v. Wade Regardless of Miss. Case
Biden Tells Netanyahu He Supports a Cease-Fire With Hamas
Stefanik: CDC's New Mask Guidance 'Political' to Benefit Biden
Biden Revokes Trump Executive Order Targeting Online Censorship
Former Amb. Oren: Renewed Iran Nuke Deal Will Put Mideast on 'Path to War'
Jan. 6 Capitol 'Attack' Commission Nears Vote in House
GOP Readies Revised Offer to Biden Infrastructure Plan
Franklin Graham Says He Would Help Biden Admin Convince Evangelicals to Get Vaccinated

World’s Oranges, Coffee at Risk as Brazil Runs Out of Water
Brazil, the world's biggest exporter of coffee, sugar and orange juice, just had a rainy season that brought hardly any rain.Soils are parched and river levels are low in the nation's Center-South region, a powerhouse of agricultural output. The drought is so severe that...... [Full Story]
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Here is a video I made Ordinary Days 

Norman MacCaig (14 November 1910 -- 23 January 1996) was a Scottish poet. His poetry, in modern English, is known for its humour, simplicity of language and great popularity

I took my mind a walk
Or my mind took me a walk–
Whichever was the truth of it.
The light glittered on the water
Or the water glittered in the light.
Cormorants stood on a tidal rock
With their wings spread out,
Stopping no traffic. Various ducks
Shilly-shallied here and there
On the shilly-shallying water.
An occasional gull yelped. Small flowers
Were doing their level best
To bring to their kerbs bees like
Ariel charabancs. Long weeds in the clear
Water did Eastern dances, unregarded
By shoals of darning needles. A cow
Started a moo but thought
Better of it–And my feet took me home
And my mind observed to me,
Or I to it, how ordinary
Extraordinary things are or
How extraordinary ordinary
Things are, like the nature of the mind
And the process of observing.
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=== From 2018 ===

Don't give up on hope. Richard Dawkins is a poster child for atheists. He calls himself smart and points to himself having invented the modern usage of the word 'meme.' But Dawkins, in his hubris, fails to explain himself. He adheres to Atheism because, in his own words, he doesn't understand God.' Dawkins failure to understand is not evidence that God does not exist. Agnostic neocon Andrew Bolt invited Dawkins onto his show. Dawkins accepted. But with only hours to go before interview, Dawkins insisted a large number of questions could not be asked. That is anti academic, counter to free speech and suggests Dawkins is an intellectual coward. 

Allow me to explain something Dawkins cannot face. The meme of God Dawkins does not accept is not God. It is an absurd figure, breaking laws of physics and failing in any endeavour for rational consistency. It is absurd to suggest God cannot build a bridge across a chasm God could not cross. To try and detect such a being that might is absurd. Note, using tools, I can build bridges across chasms I could not cross, but that is not the silly notion Dawkins tries to impress his listeners with. The God of the Bible is not that creature and does not try to be. Christians talk of the God of the Bible in other terms to physical absurdities, and it is apparent that God exists. The eternal question of "why are we here?" is matched with the miracle that we are. Atheists have taken to argue that it is absurd that there is a creator God that has information like knowing every hair on one's head. Because their ridiculous creature would. Their ridiculous creature does parlour tricks with such information. And yet Christians are satisfied with who God is. And by dying on the cross, God had built a bridge he could not cross. 

Hamas, a terrorist organisation devoted to the extermination of Jews and supported by the UN and mainstream media has admitted that 50 of 72 dead so called 'peaceful' protestors were her members. They died attacking Israel, seeking a hole in Israel's defensive barrier. Maybe they just didn't want to fast anymore? It seems apparent that Hamas does not represent muslim faith, but calls it into disrepute. It is disturbing the number of Islamic clerics adhering to such terrorism. An inspired idiot who handed a handgun to the child who killed a police accountant Curtis Chang in Sydney a few years ago has been sentenced to thirteen years in jail. The idiot, who follows IS, refused to stand for the sentencing judge. Meanwhile in Texas, a mass shooting at a high school began when one armed idiot called out "Surprise!" The idiot has been arrested. Will they stand for a judge? One day, they will account to one. If they follow Dawkins, they will be surprised. 

Corruption does not remain hidden forever. Julie Bishop has been exposed for her conduct prior to Turnbull backstabbing Abbott successfully with her help. Abbott has been gracious in defeat, but Turnbull and Bishop have damaged the party by not joining in common cause with Abbott. Losers Hilary and Julia rake in audiences in Sydney and Melbourne, charging top dollar. That is Bishop's future too? 

=== from 2017 ===

Some things should not happen, but they do. US President Donald Trump's administration is being investigated regarding its links to Russia. The investigator appointed (Robert Mueller) is a former FBI chief who tanked on investigating the corruption of Mark Felt over Watergate, after it was revealed Felt was Deep Throat. The man who appointed the investigator (US Dept of Justice Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein) advised Trump to sack Comey. Fake News outlets are hyperventilating, saying it is possible Trump will be impeached. It is also possible the sun will rise in the West. One takes one's chances. It is good news that the swamp are fighting dirty. Trump is fully engaged in the culture wars and winning. Trump is draining the Swamp and so they have to fight back. But the Russia backed Trump card is overstated, and losing. Those playing it now will look foolish. Had Hillary Clinton gracefully accepted defeat, she would have gotten away scot-free. But by leading resistance to a legitimate administration, she may finally go to jail. Hillary did not lose election because Russia stole it. Hillary lost it because she was awful, and treated good people with utter contempt. People that had wanted to support her. 

In Australia, a senior tax official is being investigated as part of a crime costing the taxpayer  over $160 million in fraud. He is not accused of being part of the fraud, but his son is. Michael Cranston is known in Australia as being a capable forensic accountant who has international respect. This is why it is important Trump drains the swamp. Because corruption erodes public trust. 
=== from 2016 ===
I have moved to a good home. I leave behind the ice house. Dan Andrews would rather I lived with an ice addict, and that you should too. 

For some, at the moment, the Sex Party has more credibility. 
=== from 2015 ===
Todays report stands on its own because this time in 2014, the Conservative Voice was looking for rental accommodation after being forced to sell their unit/home.

A personal note, my cousin Stephen Ball has died, suddenly of a heart attack at age about 60. He was a good, kind gracious man, a loving husband and a good father and a good businessman. There is no reason why anyone would have heard of him. He wasn't corrupt. He was hard working and honest. So I wish to share the little I know of him so that the world can know more than daily politics and historical settings. He was on holiday in the UK prior to moving into a newly purchased house in Sydney. He was playing golf and his wife was by his side when he had his heart attack. He was fit for his age, and fit compared to his youth when he was tubby as my people can be, weighed down as we are by nominative determinism. My paternal grandfather once took Stephen and his siblings to the beach. The oldest might have been 8 years old. The youngest about three. Grandfather made it to the beach with them, but got separated and came back home after looking for them. My uncle, his father asked grandfather about his day, which apparently was good. He also asked after his children which grandfather had not known their whereabouts after getting separated and looking for them before returning home. Things might have gone downhill had Stephen and his siblings not knocked on the front door, having caught public transport busses home without having cash. That would have been circa '62 and times were different to now. As a young man, Stephen had not enjoyed school. He was easily distracted. But he had drive and ambition too. I heard many years ago, and do not know if it was true, but he had gone to the Middle East after school and made money which he wasn't allowed to take out of that nation, so he had filled a jeep with US dollars and driven to an airport and flown back to Australia. In his early thirties, his dad had a heart attack, but survived. Stephen visited him in the recovery ward and the Doctor said "Your next." Or maybe that was my father. A year later, my father was recovering in that ward too. Stephen lost weight. He raised a family. They remember his love, his humour, his joy of life. He has died, but love is never lost. He wasn't replaceable, but life goes on. He was Australian, which is to say he gave generously, and worked hard. 

An Australian boy who went to fight for the death cult ISIL has reportedly died. It is not known if he was blown up or beheaded by ISIL for wanting to come home. Girls are encouraged by pedophiles to join up too. Their reward is not motherhood, as may be assumed, but to be the diversionary playthings of gang rapists after bouts of bestiality and sodomy. 

In 332, citizens of Constantinople were given free food by Constantine. A similar thing had happened in Rome by Julius Caesar. It was great for morale and encouraged non citizens to aspire. Also very expensive. In 1096, the first crusade had made it to Worms in Germany where they killed some 800 Jews for no reason. In 1152, the indecisive Henry II of England married Eleanor of Aquitaine, which was his finest moment. In 1268, the Principality of Antioch, a crusader state, fell to the Mamluk Sultan Baibars in the Siege of Antioch. In 1291, Fall of Acre, the end of Crusader presence in the Holy Land. In 1302, Bruges Matins, the nocturnal massacre of the French garrison in Bruges by members of the local Flemish militia. In 1388, during the Battle of Buyur Lake, General Lan Yu led a Chinese army forward to crush the Mongol hordes of Tögüs Temür, the Khan of Northern Yuan. In 1499, Alonso de Ojeda set sail from Cádiz on his voyage to what is now Venezuela.

In 1565, the Great Siege of Malta began, in which Ottoman forces attempted and failed to conquer Malta. Also 1565, the Royal Audiencia of Concepción was created by a decree of Philip II of Spain. 1593, playwright Thomas Kyd's accusations of heresy lead to an arrest warrant for Christopher Marlowe. 1631, in Dorchester, MassachusettsJohn Winthrop took the oath of office and became the first Governor of Massachusetts. 1652, Rhode Islandpassed the first law in English-speaking North America making slavery illegal. 1756, the Seven Years' War began when Great Britain declared war on France. 1763, fire destroyed a large part of Montreal 1783, first United Empire Loyalists reached Parrtown (later called Saint John), New Brunswick, Canada after leaving the United States.

In 1803, Napoleonic Wars: The United Kingdom revoked the Treaty of Amiens and declared war on France. 1804, Napoleon Bonaparte was proclaimed Emperor of the French by the French Senate. 1811, Battle of Las Piedras: The first great military triumph of the revolution of the Río de la Plata in Uruguay led by José Artigas. 1812, John Bellingham was found guilty and sentenced to death by hanging for the assassination of British Prime Minister Spencer Perceval. 1843, the Disruption in Edinburgh of the Free Church of Scotland from the Church of Scotland. 1848, Opening of the first German National Assembly(Nationalversammlung) in Frankfurt, Germany. 1860, Abraham Lincoln won the Republican Party presidential nomination over William H. Seward, who later became the United States Secretary of State. 1863, American Civil War: The Siege of Vicksburg began. 1896, the United States Supreme Court ruled in Plessy v. Ferguson that the "separate but equal" doctrine was constitutional. Also 1896, Khodynka Tragedy: A mass panic on Khodynka Fieldin Moscow during the festivities of the coronation of Russian Tsar Nicholas II resulted in the deaths of 1,389 people.

In 1900, the United Kingdom proclaimed a protectorate over Tonga. 1910, the Earth passed through the tail of Comet Halley. 1912, the first Indian film, Shree Pundalik by Dadasaheb Torne was released in Mumbai. 1917, World War I: The Selective Service Act of 1917 was passed, giving the President of the United States the power of conscription. 1926, Evangelist Aimee Semple McPherson disappeared while visiting a Venice, California beach. 1927, the Bath School disaster: forty-five people were killed by bombs planted by a disgruntled school-board member in Michigan. 1927, after being founded for 20 years, the Government of the Republic of China approved Tongji University to be among the first national universities of the Republic of China. 1933, New Deal: President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed an act creating the Tennessee Valley Authority. 1944, World War IIBattle of Monte Cassino: Conclusion after seven days of the fourth battle as German paratroopersevacuated Monte Cassino. Also 1944, deportation of Crimean Tatars by the Soviet Union government. 1948, the First Legislative Yuan of the Republic of China officially convened in Nanking.

In 1953, Jackie Cochran became the first woman to break the sound barrier. 1955, Operation Passage to Freedom, the evacuation of 310,000 Vietnamese civilians, soldiers and non-Vietnamese members of the French Army from communist North Vietnam to South Vietnam following the end of the First Indochina War, ended. 1956, first ascent of Lhotse 8,516 meters, by a Swiss team. 1958, an F-104 Starfighter set a world speed recordof 1,404.19 mph (2,259.82 km/h). 1959, launch of the National Liberation Committee of Côte d'Ivoire in ConakryGuinea. 1965, Israeli spy Eli Cohen was hanged in DamascusSyria. 1969, Apollo programApollo 10 was launched. 1974, Nuclear test: under project Smiling Buddha, India successfully detonated its first nuclear weapon becoming the sixth nation to do so. Also 1974, completion of the Warsaw radio mast, the tallest construction ever built at the time. It collapsed on August 81991. 1980, Mount St. Helens erupted in Washington, United States, killing 57 people and causing $3 billion in damage. Also 1980, Gwangju Massacre: students in Gwangju, South Korea began demonstrations calling for democratic reforms. 1983, in Ireland, the government launched a crackdown, with the leading Dublin pirate Radio Nova being put off the air.

In 1990, in France, a modified TGV train achieved a new rail world speed record of 515.3 km/h (320.2 mph). 1991, Northern Somalia declared independence from the rest of Somalia as the Republic of Somaliland but was not recognised by the international community. 1993, riots in NørrebroCopenhagen caused by the approval of the four Danish exceptions in the Maastricht Treaty referendum. Police opened fire against civilians for the first time since World War II and injured 11 demonstrators. In total 113 bullets were fired. 2005, a second photo from the Hubble Space Telescope confirmed that Pluto had two additional moons, Nixand Hydra. 2006, the post Loktantra Andolan government passed a landmark bill curtailing the power of the monarchy and making Nepal a secular country. 2009, Sri Lankan Civil War: The LTTE were defeated by the Sri Lankan government, ending almost 26 years of fighting between the two sides. 2011, twenty-two people were killed when Sol Líneas Aéreas Flight 5428 crashed in southern Argentina.
From 2014
None in 2014 because of Government and public service corruption related to the petitions
Historical perspective on this day
In 332, Constantine the Great announced free distribution of food to the citizens in Constantinople. 1096, First Crusade: around 800 Jews were massacred in Worms, Germany 1152, Henry II of England married Eleanor of Aquitaine. 1268, the Principality of Antioch, a crusader state, fell to the Mamluk Sultan Baibars in the Siege of Antioch. 1291, Fall of Acre, the end of Crusader presence in the Holy Land 1302, Bruges Matins, the nocturnal massacre of the French garrison in Bruges by members of the local Flemishmilitia. 1388, during the Battle of Buyur Lake, General Lan Yu led a Chinese army forward to crush the Mongol hordes of Tögüs Temür, the Khan of Northern Yuan. 1499, Alonso de Ojeda set sail from Cádiz on his voyage to what is now Venezuela.

In 1565, the Great Siege of Malta began, in which Ottoman forces attempted and failed to conquer Malta. Also 1565, the Royal Audiencia of Concepción was created by a decree of Philip II of Spain. 1593, playwright Thomas Kyd's accusations of heresy lead to an arrest warrant for Christopher Marlowe. 1631, in Dorchester, MassachusettsJohn Winthroptook the oath of office and became the first Governor of Massachusetts. 1652, Rhode Island passed the first law in English-speaking North America making slavery illegal. 1756, the Seven Years' War began when Great Britain declared war on France. 1763, fire destroyed a large part of Montreal 1783, first United Empire Loyalists reached Parrtown (later called Saint John), New Brunswick, Canada after leaving the United States.

In 1803, Napoleonic Wars: The United Kingdom revoked the Treaty of Amiens and declared war on France. 1804, Napoleon Bonaparte was proclaimed Emperor of the French by the French Senate. 1811, Battle of Las Piedras: The first great military triumph of the revolution of the Río de la Platain Uruguay led by José Artigas. 1812, John Bellingham was found guilty and sentenced to death by hanging for the assassination of British Prime Minister Spencer Perceval. 1843, the Disruption in Edinburgh of the Free Church of Scotland from the Church of Scotland. 1848, Opening of the first German National Assembly (Nationalversammlung) in Frankfurt, Germany. 1860, Abraham Lincoln won the Republican Party presidential nomination over William H. Seward, who later became the United States Secretary of State. 1863, American Civil War: The Siege of Vicksburg began. 1896, the United States Supreme Court ruled in Plessy v. Ferguson that the "separate but equal" doctrine was constitutional. Also 1896, Khodynka Tragedy: A mass panic on Khodynka Field in Moscow during the festivities of the coronation of Russian Tsar Nicholas II resulted in the deaths of 1,389 people.

In 1900, the United Kingdom proclaimed a protectorate over Tonga. 1910, the Earth passed through the tail of Comet Halley. 1912, the first Indian film, Shree Pundalik by Dadasaheb Torne was released in Mumbai. 1917, World War I: The Selective Service Act of 1917 was passed, giving the President of the United States the power of conscription. 1926, Evangelist Aimee Semple McPherson disappeared while visiting a Venice, California beach. 1927, the Bath School disaster: forty-five people were killed by bombs planted by a disgruntled school-board member in Michigan. 1927, after being founded for 20 years, the Government of the Republic of China approved Tongji University to be among the first national universities of the Republic of China. 1933, New Deal: President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed an act creating the Tennessee Valley Authority. 1944, World War IIBattle of Monte Cassino: Conclusion after seven days of the fourth battle as German paratroopers evacuated Monte Cassino. Also 1944, deportation of Crimean Tatars by the Soviet Union government. 1948, the First Legislative Yuan of the Republic of China officially convened in Nanking.

In 1953, Jackie Cochran became the first woman to break the sound barrier. 1955, Operation Passage to Freedom, the evacuation of 310,000 Vietnamese civilians, soldiers and non-Vietnamese members of the FrenchArmy from communist North Vietnam to South Vietnam following the end of the First Indochina War, ended. 1956, first ascent of Lhotse 8,516 meters, by a Swiss team. 1958, an F-104 Starfighter set a world speed record of 1,404.19 mph (2,259.82 km/h). 1959, launch of the National Liberation Committee of Côte d'Ivoire in ConakryGuinea. 1965, Israeli spy Eli Cohenwas hanged in DamascusSyria. 1969, Apollo programApollo 10 was launched. 1974, Nuclear test: under project Smiling Buddha, India successfully detonated its first nuclear weapon becoming the sixth nation to do so. Also 1974, completion of the Warsaw radio mast, the tallest construction ever built at the time. It collapsed on August 81991. 1980, Mount St. Helens erupted in Washington, United States, killing 57 people and causing $3 billion in damage. Also 1980, Gwangju Massacre: students in Gwangju, South Korea began demonstrations calling for democratic reforms. 1983, in Ireland, the government launched a crackdown, with the leading Dublin pirate Radio Nova being put off the air.

In 1990, in France, a modified TGV train achieved a new rail world speed record of 515.3 km/h (320.2 mph). 1991, Northern Somalia declared independence from the rest of Somalia as the Republic of Somaliland but was not recognised by the international community. 1993, riots in NørrebroCopenhagen caused by the approval of the four Danish exceptions in the Maastricht Treaty referendum. Police opened fire against civilians for the first time since World War II and injured 11 demonstrators. In total 113 bullets were fired. 2005, a second photo from the Hubble Space Telescopeconfirmed that Pluto had two additional moons, Nix and Hydra. 2006, the post Loktantra Andolan government passed a landmark bill curtailing the power of the monarchy and making Nepal a secular country. 2009, Sri Lankan Civil War: The LTTE were defeated by the Sri Lankan government, ending almost 26 years of fighting between the two sides. 2011, twenty-two people were killed when Sol Líneas Aéreas Flight 5428 crashed in southern Argentina.

=== Bible Reading ===

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Today's reading: 1 Chronicles 1-3, John 5:25-47 (NIV)

View today's reading on Bible Gateway

Today's Old Testament reading: 1 Chronicles 1-3

Historical Records From Adam to Abraham
To Noah's Sons
1 Adam, Seth, Enosh, 2 Kenan, Mahalalel, Jared, 3 Enoch, Methuselah, Lamech, Noah.
4 The sons of Noah:
Shem, Ham and Japheth....

Today's New Testament reading: John 5:25-47

25 Very truly I tell you, a time is coming and has now come when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God and those who hear will live. 26 For as the Father has life in himself, so he has granted the Son also to have life in himself. 27 And he has given him authority to judge because he is the Son of Man.

28 "Do not be amazed at this, for a time is coming when all who are in their graves will hear his voice 29 and come out--those who have done what is good will rise to live, and those who have done what is evil will rise to be condemned. 30 By myself I can do nothing; I judge only as I hear, and my judgment is just, for I seek not to please myself but him who sent me....

=== Morning and Evening ===

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"So to walk even as he walked."
1 John 2:6
Why should Christians imitate Christ? They should do it for their own sakes. If they desire to be in a healthy state of soul--if they would escape the sickness of sin, and enjoy the vigour of growing grace, let Jesus be their model. For their own happiness' sake, if they would drink wine on the lees, well refined; if they would enjoy holy and happy communion with Jesus; if they would be lifted up above the cares and troubles of this world, let them walk even as he walked. There is nothing which can so assist you to walk towards heaven with good speed, as wearing the image of Jesus on your heart to rule all its motions. It is when, by the power of the Holy Spirit, you are enabled to walk with Jesus in his very footsteps, that you are most happy, and most known to be the sons of God. Peter afar off is both unsafe and uneasy. Next, for religion's sake, strive to be like Jesus. Ah! poor religion, thou hast been sorely shot at by cruel foes, but thou hast not been wounded one-half so dangerously by thy foes as by thy friends. Who made those wounds in the fair hand of Godliness? The professor who used the dagger of hypocrisy. The man who with pretences, enters the fold, being nought but a wolf in sheep's clothing, worries the flock more than the lion outside. There is no weapon half so deadly as a Judas-kiss. Inconsistent professors injure the gospel more than the sneering critic or the infidel. But, especially for Christ's own sake, imitate his example. Christian, lovest thou thy Saviour? Is his name precious to thee? Is his cause dear to thee? Wouldst thou see the kingdoms of the world become his? Is it thy desire that he should be glorified? Art thou longing that souls should be won to him? If so, imitate Jesus; be an "epistle of Christ, known and read of all men."


"Thou art my servant; I have chosen thee."
Isaiah 41:9

If we have received the grace of God in our hearts, its practical effect has been to make us God's servants. We may be unfaithful servants, we certainly are unprofitable ones, but yet, blessed be his name, we are his servants, wearing his livery, feeding at his table, and obeying his commands. We were once the servants of sin, but he who made us free has now taken us into his family and taught us obedience to his will. We do not serve our Master perfectly, but we would if we could. As we hear God's voice saying unto us, "Thou art my servant," we can answer with David, "I am thy servant; thou hast loosed my bonds." But the Lord calls us not only his servants, but his chosen ones--"I have chosen thee." We have not chosen him first, but he hath chosen us. If we be God's servants, we were not always so; to sovereign grace the change must be ascribed. The eye of sovereignty singled us out, and the voice of unchanging grace declared, "I have loved thee with an everlasting love." Long ere time began or space was created God had written upon his heart the names of his elect people, had predestinated them to be conformed unto the image of his Son, and ordained them heirs of all the fulness of his love, his grace, and his glory. What comfort is here! Has the Lord loved us so long, and will he yet cast us away? He knew how stiffnecked we should be; he understood that our hearts were evil, and yet he made the choice. Ah! our Saviour is no fickle lover. He doth not feel enchanted for awhile with some gleams of beauty from his church's eye, and then afterwards cast her off because of her unfaithfulness. Nay, he married her in old eternity; and it is written of Jehovah, "He hateth putting away." The eternal choice is a bond upon our gratitude and upon his faithfulness which neither can disown.

=== Bible Quote ===

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=== Message ===

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I am a decent man and don't care for the abuse given me. I created a video raising awareness of anti police feeling among western communities. I chose the senseless killing of Nicola Cotton, a Louisiana policewoman who joined post Katrina, to highlight the issue. I did this in order to get an income after having been illegally blacklisted from work in NSW for being a whistleblower. I have not done anything wrong. Local council appointees refused to endorse my work, so I did it for free. Youtube's Adsence refused to allow me to profit from their marketing it. Meanwhile, I am hostage to abysmal political leadership and hopeless journalists. My shopfront has opened on Facebook.


I am publishing a book called Bread of Life: January.

Bread of Life is a daily bible quote with a layman's understanding of the meaning. I give one quote for each day, and also a series of personal stories illustrating key concepts eg Who is God? What is a miracle? Why is there tragedy?

January is the first of the anticipated year-long work of thirteen books. One for each month and the whole year. It costs to publish. It (Kindle version) should retail at about $2US online, but the paperback version would cost more, according to production cost.If you have a heart for giving, I fundraise at gofund.me/27tkwuc (Gofundme finished the fund raiser, 2017)


Editorials will appear in the "History in a Year by the Conservative Voice" series, starting with August, September, October, or at Amazon http://www.amazon.com/dp/1482020262/ref=cm_sw_r_tw_dp_dVHPub0MQKDZ4 The kindle version is cheaper, but the soft back version allows a free kindle version.

The Amazon Author Page for David Ball

UK .. http://www.amazon.co.uk/-/e/B01683ZOWG

French .. http://www.amazon.fr/-/e/B01683ZOWG

Japan .. http://www.amazon.co.jp/-/e/B01683ZOWG

German .. http://www.amazon.de/-/e/B01683ZOWG


Other Stuff


I'm now on MAGAbook to sidestep FB censorship



I'm looking for former students to endorse me



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