Tuesday, December 08, 2020

Tue 8th December 2020 Current affairs

PJ Media, balanced reporting group, have published an article claiming that the 2020 election was likely not fraudulently drawn, but a result of big tech creating a new lobby effort which institutionalises bias. It is true that big tech have done just that. However, Trump over-performed in the election forcing a Dem cabal to resort to voter fraud and it wasn't finessed as it had been in the past. In fact, it is obvious. Circumstantial evidence points to Biden not being popular at all, and not outperforming Obama by tens of millions. Circumstantial evidence points to it being unlikely 16.7% of counties favouring Biden elected him President, even with up to 350% of votes in a voting area favouring Biden. We have testimony of late postal votes being delivered over state lines in their hundreds of thousands. We know the vote system was vulnerable to outside influence and that checks and balances ensuring a fair election were removed. We know the fraud was prepared in advance, multi pronged, with the COVID health scare employed to overturn voting regulations ensuring fairness. We know voters favoured GOP in down votes on Senate and the house. Trump won fairly. Biden is attempting to steal the election, as Hillary attempted in 2016 with the Russia hoax, for which she has not served jail time, yet. 

Is COVID hysteria entirely so China can influence the US election outcome? Were the lockdowns in Europe and Australia so that US states could claim a state of emergency and allow for dysfunctional voting procedure? Is it the case that people have died as a result of COVID hysteria, while the worst affected by COVID are not dying in the same numbers as they were pre-COVID?

There are reports on a Lt General McInerney claiming the Dominion server which was used to change votes and 'elect' Biden has been seized from a CIA site in Germany. Some US soldiers died. Details will be privy to SCOTUS. If true, several significant peoples on Democrat side face treason accusations. Several Deep State operatives face treason accusations. Could the first 'black President' of the United States face justice for his crimes? NB AFP fact check denies claim.

How did #FakeNews predict a blue wave from 16.7% of counties favouring Biden? How did they measure voter fraud? How come #FakeNews is now unaware of voter fraud? Is it now the case that Democrat tactics are to force SCOTUS to make a decision so they can then claim SCOTUS is compromised?

The evidence of Fraud in the 2020 election, so widespread is harmful for democracy. It must be addressed. It was not solely the 2020 election, apparently, but had failed in 2016 after Trump over performed then, as he has now. Trump was so good in 2020, that the fraud became evident. It also highlights the possibility that voter fraud extended to 2006 and underpinned Obama's rise. As did big tech collusion. Recently, every one of my browsers would not let me access MAGAbook, citing privacy concerns.

We know who voted for Trump. We saw them. Queues of people with hats and signs and cheering Trump in their thousands all over USA. We have not seen people in great numbers who supported Biden. There is no evidence they have ever existed outside of a riot or a hissy fit by a Democrat partisan election official.

I watch Dan Bongino on Rumble and heard him on his Rumble cast say Trump should have addressed disloyal swamp creatures sooner. I disagree with it, and might have egg all over my face soon for saying so, but following is my reasoning. Trump has temporised on facing some of the swamp, not hesitated. Late last year, Trump said he was pulling troops out of Syria and was criticised for it severely. But then an ISIS leader stood up and special forces ran him to committing suicide rather than be taken. The operation, a sting masterminded by Trump had not included significant figures within his administration, and sparked a resignation of National Security Adviser Bolton, who had not been in the loop. Imagine the resistance if Trump had opposed more? But now, if Trump politically survives this, the swamp is exposed and has no support from conservatives. I'm reminded of former Premier of Victoria Jeff Kennett who had led a successful conservative government and had a crash or crash through election which he lost. Had Kennett won, he had clear air for a long time, but having lost Victoria is where the US will be if Biden is allowed to cheat a win.

Trump cycle has it Trump is on his knees, before ... Media is cheering expected partisan court decisions to not support inquiry into voting fraud. However, they overstate the meaning of the shortfalls. The Trump campaign to have their electoral win restored was never going to be straightforward. They have the evidence. It points to multiple elections and undermines the credibility of US Democracy. Ultimately, aspects of it will be decided by SCOTUS. We do not yet know how SCOTUS will decide, or even what exact evidence they will face. But we know the evidence is substantial, and in an effort to suppress the will of conservative resistance, media are claiming that the evidence is not substantive and so the evidence is yet to be addressed. Maybe there is a good reason for a CIA asset being deployed to fraudulently control the US election. Let us hear what it is.

It is apparent that Dems committed fraud to steal the 2020 election. They may well have done similar in 2016. In 2016, Fox declared Pennsylvania early to HRC. The demand was made for Trump to concede. Trump won in 2016, but it surprised the establishment that did similar in their voter suppression as they have done in 2020. HRC had organised a victory party, but blessed marching vagina instead. Even her book did not say what happened. Trump has been very good at mobilising ordinary, decent Americans to support him in numbers greater than any GOP ever. Trump does not court race, or gender, like his racist, bigoted opposition have. Yet Trump has extraordinary minority support for a GOP, possibly the highest since Eleanor Roosevelt courted the Black vote as her husband exploited them. The Dem voting pattern and issues echo the Obama wins too. How long have Dems been using these fraudulent methods to obtain votes? Did they use them to bodgy the 2006 mid terms? It is not that the mysterious support of vapour for Dems is so clearly fraudulent, but, other than violent rioters, and #FakeNews, where is their support, really? How come there is no policy platform for Democrats? Why does Big Tech have to censor the truth? How many millions of Trump supporting votes have been given to Biden? The corruption is so apparent, and so pervasive, that if Trump concedes 2020, he will be conceding all elections that follow, and the flame of liberty will be extinguished in America.  

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In this episode, I discuss the stunning election video out of Georgia, and the pathetic attempts by insiders to explain it away.

News Picks:

=== Bongino Headlines ===


=== Newsmax headlines ===
Georgia Officials: 2nd Recount Also Shows Biden Won
Trump Legal Adviser: Arizona Speaker Using Giuliani Diagnosis to Delay Case
Ga. Again Certifies Election Results Favoring Biden; Fed Judge Nixes State Lawsuit
Georgia Investigator: No 'Mystery' Ballots Counted After Poll Watchers Left
Rick Scott: Democrat Senate Wins Mean 'Control,' Socialist Policies
Newt Gingrich: GOP Has to ‘Turn Out More Votes Than Stacey Abrams Can Steal’
6 States Where Mail-In Ballots Cost Trump the Election
Lt. Gov. Duncan: Georgia Election Not Rigged
USS Judge Slams Sidney Powell’s Mich. ‘Kraken’ Suit
Congress Eyes Short-Term Funding Measure
Barr Intends To Stay At DOJ 'As Long As' Trump Needs Him
Sen. Cassidy: Bipartisan Relief Plan Will Pass 'In Some Way'
Progressive Lawmakers Say $908B COVID-19 Relief Bill Isn't Enough
Surgeon General: Vaccines Won't Matter If People Refuse Them |
HHS Sec. Azar: Pfizer Vaccine Could Come Out 'Within Days'
Dr. Rajter to Newsmax TV: Trials Show Ivermectin Effective Treatment for COVID-19
Dr. Jean-Jacques Rajter of Florida's Broward Health Medical Center told Newsmax TV on Friday that recent scientific trials suggest that the anti-parasitic drug ivermectin could be...... [Full Story]
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Surgeon General: Vaccines Won't Matter If People Refuse Them
Fauci Warns Christmas May Top Thanksgiving in COVID Infections
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Giuliani Hospitalized After Testing Positive for COVID
Union Poll: Majority of NYC Firefighters Will Refuse Vaccine
Trudeau: Canada to Get 250K Doses of Pfizer/BioNTech Vaccine by Year's End

Dr. Everett Piper: “We have put our livelihoods on the line and our lives on hold to ‘run to the fields’ at the behest of our leaders who have told us the wolf is real.” #WashTimesOpEd

-- Washington Times Opinion WashTimesOpEd Tuesday, December 8, 2020


TheWesternJournal parleyed.

-- The Western Journal TheWesternJournal Tuesday, December 8, 2020


TheWesternJournal parleyed.

-- The Western Journal TheWesternJournal Tuesday, December 8, 2020


zerohedge parleyed.

-- Zero Hedge zerohedge Tuesday, December 8, 2020

=== FB Memes and memories ===

=== From 2017 ===
Don't give up on hope. My Drivers License saga is nearing an end. Victoria were happy for me to have one, provided I got a health check form completed. I offered my doctor's notes, but they required the standard waivers only available on the form. That was 11th September. My doctor said she did not know me, despite having my entire medical history, and insisted I see a sleep specialist regarding my sleep apnea.

I thought it good to see a sleep specialist as I needed alternatives for my APAP, I'm considering the micro CPAP. Also a hose was damaged recently and I need a replacement. When I last got my APAP an upgrade was available for free, but I had lost everything in the raw sewage flood including redemption items, and I hoped to get that fixed up.

I asked my previous sleep specialist for their notes on my case. They had previously said that so long as I was compliant with using the APAP machine I was cured. Turns out all notes following my initial prognosis have disappeared. So My doctor booked me for a sleep study. I pointed out that a sleep study was absurd when all the necessary data was on my machine. She found a specialist who could bulk bill. Only, they would not bulk bill. They said it would be $150 but I'd get back 85%. I made the booking. I waited for the appointment. A few days before the appointment I was told I needed $250 cash. I made the withdrawal. Saw the specialist. and paid $200.

The specialist was cheerful and suggested weight management unprompted. They want to see me again next year. They could not help me regarding the APAP or advise me regarding micro CPAP. They did not have the necessary software to read my machine data (ResMed) but could read from the machine and said I was cured so long as I was compliant. They filled out part of the medical waiver. Reception gave me a receipt and directed me to Centrelink.

An optometrist completed part of the waiver, and my doctor said it was ok to ignore the rest re Diabetes and Heart issues.

Today, Centrelink got me to use the Medicare App. They informed me I would get back 64%. I'm not feeling charitable. But, it is a result. I get the drivers license, expert advice and one day, I'll be on my feet again, financially. 

=== from 2016 ===
The teacher refugee support movement is misnamed, because they aren’t supporting refugees. Refugees are often trapped for years in a UN camp, unable to get placement because economic migrants and terrorists steal their places after employing people smugglers. The economic migrants risk drowning through accident or piracy. In some cases, it has been claimed terrorists have killed Christians on the journey. But the Christians were fleeing persecution. The teachers wearing refugee ‘supporting’ t shirts would be contravening the teacher’s code of conduct. Only, corruption within teacher ranks means that the code of conduct does not apply to them. In NSW, the Teacher’s Code of Conduct (2005) had been written so that the Premier of NSW could persecute me. I had not done anything wrong, but had responsibly reported on a teacher pedophile issue that had been bungled in investigation, and the subsequent death of a school child that had been covered up. An old school friend of mine had been working in the corrupt office of attorney general Jeff Shaw, and then moved to the NSW Premier’s office under Morris Iemma. They told me they had written the legislation. When a local Director of schools was parachuted into position, they instructed me to delete my writings under the code of conduct. Their words they employed had been the same as my old school friend. 

Australia needs migrants, and lots of them. The issue of boat people is not about restricting migration, but about strong borders being fairer, more compassionate. Without boat migration, people don’t drown. Border security is better. But the press and ALP and Greens seem to like drowning families. Seem to like feeding terrorists. One can support refugees by calling for stronger borders.  

Meanwhile in Victoria, the Education Department is being criticised for releasing the correct results early to some students. It was important that the government had a large number of support services available for students who were finally told what they had achieved from two years of study, which they probably already knew. Hopefully it won’t be shown that these services don’t actually address anything. The government is usually relied upon to release incorrect results. Maybe when Australia earns a top three position in world education, teachers can indulge in their fantasy projects.
=== from 2015 ===
Stephen Colbert uses Christians from Syria for laughs. Because it is funny to the people of the left that people they don't understand are raped, beheaded, abused and slaughtered. It fits with left wing thinking that elevates the desperate dying to reach Western nations after being exploited by pirates. Colbert could have a whole raft of jokes there. Don't forget the exploitation, Stephen, plenty of good guffaws at ISIS profiting $10-$20k a person. Don't let the GOP get away with helping the desperate and needy. If you work it right, maybe Trump will be candidate for the GOP for President. But if you work it better, Corey Booker will decide to run as a Dem, lose, but get Hillary elected. That would be a right royal laugh, right? And maybe as the last Christian in Syria is gutted for your amusement, you can chuckle.

For some, at the moment, the Sex Party has more credibility.
From 2014  
 A great thing about China becoming wealthy is that their rich and middle class that rely on efficient markets are not going to tolerate corrupt interference from the communist state. They will force reform, and bring the administration towards working for China's national interests. Not by stealing foreign land, but by commerce. But, consider the changing of the guard that has the US being placed second in their economy to China in the world. The last time that was the case, US Grant was President. Highly criticised as a President, US Grant nonetheless oversaw a US economy on the ascendant. Obama promised Change, and this impressive statistic won't be the only record of his Presidency.

Australia has a similar leader of a political party as Obama, Bill Shorten is leader of the ALP and in opposition to the government. Shorten has not got a policy or vision of Australia as a nation. Shorten is a lawyer and union hack who has a faulty memory which reliably protects him from charges of corruption. He cannot be trusted and has backflipped to remove previous ALP leaders while climbing the greasy pole of ambition. Shorten opposes policy like maternity leave for working women. He opposed the baby bonus which was to provide a kind of maternity leave for poor women too. One guesses he doesn't like women he doesn't sleep with and hates their families too. He is also popular with the partisan press.

There are reasons why the ALP is popular when it is shown to be corrupt and inept. When the conservative parties lean to the left. Conservative parties cannot lean far enough to the left to attract votes, ever. Neither should they. All they need do is assert a conservative vision which offer competence and growth. But South Australian conservatives have abandoned conservatism in embracing populist, feel good items that promote minorities at the expense of cultural assets. So SA Liberals lurch to left and lose a heartland seat.

Asked to cut 5%, ABC management panics and cuts their regional services. Only the regional services are the only reason for ABC being, it isn't a commercial venture, but something requiring government funds to operate. It turns out the plans to drop regional service predated the cuts. But now ABC personnel are facing the chop and panicking. Some hysterically call the ABC's process for culling employees similar to the Hunger Games. The panicking staff are striking. The over paid presenters, however, while their colleagues strike, are on paid annual leave.

Mr Howard was correct to call out Cate Blanchett over her overblown oratory for Whitlam's funeral. She lied about free education. Education is not free. Somebody pays for it. Whitlam's bad policy was unaffordable and did not last. Blanchett claimed that such poverty inducing failure was laudable. Mr Howard has corrected her.

Mr Abbott mentioned in interview when presented with polls showing his government was not popular that Prime Minister Howard, President Reagan and Prime Minister (UK) Margaret Thatcher all struggled early in polls. Mr Abbott's point is that those three administrations were all long and effective. However, the partisan press have run with Mr Abbott's words meaning that he compared himself favourably with those three. As if Mr Abbott was, as a person, like Howard, Reagan and Thatcher. Mr Abbott did not claim what was reported, he is a gracious man and humble and those partisans who abuse him are beneath contempt.

Mars curiosities appear as an image in a smooth expanse shows a different terrain in the shape of a circle. The geological formation is curious, and some tin hatted peoples are saying it is unnatural. What unnatural thing could it be? A galactic USB port? An iPhone recharger? LBJ's nuclear activation button? Here at the conservative voice, we welcome suggestions as to what it is. 
From 2013
Soon, responsible adults in government will deliver a shock to ABC followers who are unaware that Slush funds have been used to embezzle the nations poorest workers, exploited by senior ALP members. The full extent of the corruption is not yet known. In all likelihood, Fair Work will have to be restructured. I feel a Fair Work VP like Graham Watson should be promoted to oversee the full operations. He has an ALP profile, but is independent having done excellent work in the past with Costello on the Dockside workers. I don't have inside information on him (he is a cousin of mine) but I do know neither Gillard nor Rudd did him any favours. 

Those that are badly abused for being conservative can't reply the same way. They just have to be better than their opponents. The result can sometimes be startling, as when Red Kerry took out Rudd's glass jaw with a simple question. Gillard subsequently rolled Rudd .. and the rest is history. Red Kerry stepped away from the 7:30 report. Still, the 7:30 report has not improved. But getting back to the point, the best way to deal with abuse is to be competent. Heckling can be destabilising and should never be encouraged. The demolition of Premier Nick Greiner is a shining example of how heckling can succeed to damage much. Hot heads are wanting to advise Mr Abbott. Better to allow Mr Abbott to do what is right. 

$6 billion did little to reduce Australia's production of plant food. Eiffel tower is beautiful, but the light tribute to Mandela has not yet happened. One suspects that a computer game will not overthrow capitalism, but cashed up developers are welcome to try. Just don't label it educational. Obama has now ruled it is legal to hunt endangered birds with a wind mill. Fairfax stereotypes the image of a female. ABC pays a woman less than any man. Lefties use children as fodder for marketing. Fairfax targets a female conservative with misogynistic heckling campaign. 

Friendly reminder. This is a discussion page, not a shared anger site. We argue ideas and politely disagree by providing substance. I note some have recently taken to posting abusive style material from ADL type sites. It is ok for you to hold those opinions, but the unsubstantiated abuse they spread isn't helpful for discussion. Before posting an item that states that Presbyterians are raping Martian Women because of their religious beliefs, ask yourself if you are posting something that is verifiable or merely outraged opinion. It will save me from having to direct my team to delete it .. and you.

Presbyterian youths aren't used to Martian customs .. they view their summer dress as a cat views its' dinner .. .. and yet they live among Martians, enjoying their lifestyle and income when it suits them, then go off to fight in Presbyterian wars that Martians have nothing to do with. There are basically two types of Presbyterians. One type believes in spiritual matters in which their central prophet will one day be restored to them, the other believe in very little, but are pragmatic in decision making. The spiritualists are more numerous around the world. The pragmatists tend to be excellent dictators in the fascist mould. I note some Martians praise some Presbyterians. "They don't kill many of us. The others are worse." Some say the US President was raised and remains a Presbyterian. Although there is pictorial evidence and a ghost written biography, most Martians feel he is really an apostate with atheist tendencies .. which is a perfect description for most Presbyterians who scuff Pork rolls, drink liquor and generally carouse with opposite gender animals they call pets when their youthful males aren't buggering each other. 
Historical perspective on this day
In 395, Later Yan was defeated by its former vassal Northern Wei at the Battle of Canhe Slope. In 757, Du Fu returned to Chang'an as a member of Emperor Xuanzong's court, after having escaped the city during the An Lushan Rebellion. In 1432, the first battle between the forces of Švitrigaila and Sigismund Kęstutaitis was fought near the town of Oszmiana (Ashmyany), launching the most active phase of the Lithuanian Civil War. In 1560, the city of Guarulhos is founded. In 1596, Luis de Carabajal the younger, one of the first Jewish authors in the Americas, died in an auto-da-fé during the Spanish Inquisition in Mexico City. In 1660, a woman (either Margaret Hughes or Anne Marshall) appeared on an English public stage for the first time, in the role of Desdemona in a production of Shakespeare's play Othello.

In 1813, premier of Beethoven's Seventh Symphony. In 1854, in his Apostolic constitutionIneffabilis DeusPope Pius IX proclaimed the dogmatic definition of Immaculate Conception, which holds that the Virgin Mary was conceived free of original sin. In 1907, King Gustaf V of Sweden acceded to the Swedish throne. In 1912, leaders of the German Empire held an Imperial War Council to discuss the possibility that war might break out. In 1914, World War I: A squadron of Britain's Royal Navy defeated an inferior squadron of the Imperial German High Seas Fleet in the Battle of the Falkland Islands in the South Atlantic. In 1927, the Brookings Institution, one of the United States' oldest think tanks, was founded through the merger of three organizations that had been created by philanthropist Robert S. Brookings. In 1941, World War II: U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt declared December 7 to be "a date which will live in infamy", after which the U.S. declared war on Japan. Also, World War II: Japanese forces simultaneously invade MalayaThailandHong Kongthe Philippines, and the Dutch East Indies. (See December 7 for the concurrent attack on Pearl Harbor in the Western Hemisphere.) In 1949, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East was established to provide aid to Palestinian refugees who left their homes during the 1948 Palestinian exodus.

In 1953, U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower delivered his "Atoms for Peace" speech, which led to an American program to supply equipment and information on nuclear power to schools, hospitals, and research institutions around the world. In 1962, workers at four New York City newspapers (this later increases to nine) went on strike for 114 days. In 1963, Pan Am Flight 214, a Boeing 707, was struck by lightning and crashed near Elkton, Maryland, killing all 81 people on board. In 1966, the Greek ship SS Heraklion sank in a storm in the Aegean Sea, killing over 200. In 1969, an Olympic Airways Douglas DC-6 struck a mountainoutside of Keratea, Greece, killing 90—the worst crash of a DC-6. In 1971, Indo-Pakistani War: The Indian Navy launched an attack on West Pakistan's port city of Karachi. In 1972, United Airlines Flight 553, a Boeing 737, crashed after aborting its landing attempt at Chicago Midway International Airport, killing 45. The crash was the first-ever loss of a Boeing 737. In 1974, a plebiscite resulted in the abolition of monarchy in Greece.

In 1980, John Lennon was murdered by Mark David Chapman in front of The Dakota in New York City. In 1982, in Surinameseveral opponents of the military government were killed. In 1987, the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty was signed. Also, Frank Vitkovic shot and killed eight people at the Australia Post building in Melbourne, before jumping to his death. Also, the Alianza Lima air disaster occurred. Also, an Israeli army tank transporter killed four Palestinian refugees and injured seven others during a traffic accident at the Erez Crossing on the Israel–Gaza Strip border, sparking the First Intifada. In 1988, a United States Air Force A-10 Thunderbolt II crashed into an apartment complex in Remscheid, Germany, killing 5 people and injuring 50 others. In 1991, the leaders of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine signed an agreement dissolving the Soviet Union and establishing the Commonwealth of Independent States. Also, the Romanian Constitution was adopted in a referendum. In 1998, Eighty-one people were killed by armed groups in Algeria. In 2004, the Cusco Declaration was signed in CuscoPeru, establishing the South American Community of Nations. In 2007, three unidentified gunmen stormed an office of Benazir Bhutto's Pakistan Peoples Party in Balochistan. Three PPP supporters were killed. In 2009, Bombings in BaghdadIraq, killed 127 and injured 448. In 2010, with the second launch of the SpaceX Falcon 9 and the first launch of the SpaceX DragonSpaceX became the first private company to successfully launch, orbit and recover a spacecraft. Also, the Japanese solar-sailspacecraft IKAROS passed the planet Venus at a distance of about 80,800 km.


I am a decent man and don't care for the abuse given me. I created a video raising awareness of anti police feeling among western communities. I chose the senseless killing of Nicola Cotton, a Louisiana policewoman who joined post Katrina, to highlight the issue. I did this in order to get an income after having been illegally blacklisted from work in NSW for being a whistleblower. I have not done anything wrong. Local council appointees refused to endorse my work, so I did it for free. Youtube's Adsence refused to allow me to profit from their marketing it. Meanwhile, I am hostage to abysmal political leadership and hopeless journalists. My shopfront has opened on Facebook.

I am publishing a book called Bread of Life: January.

Bread of Life is a daily bible quote with a layman's understanding of the meaning. I give one quote for each day, and also a series of personal stories illustrating key concepts eg Who is God? What is a miracle? Why is there tragedy?

January is the first of the anticipated year-long work of thirteen books. One for each month and the whole year. It costs to publish. It (Kindle version) should retail at about $2US online, but the paperback version would cost more, according to production cost.If you have a heart for giving, I fundraise at gofund.me/27tkwuc (Gofundme finished the fund raiser, 2017)

Editorials will appear in the "History in a Year by the Conservative Voice" series, starting with August, September, October, or at Amazon http://www.amazon.com/dp/1482020262/ref=cm_sw_r_tw_dp_dVHPub0MQKDZ4 The kindle version is cheaper, but the soft back version allows a free kindle version.

The Amazon Author Page for David BallUK .. http://www.amazon.co.uk/-/e/B01683ZOWG
French .. http://www.amazon.fr/-/e/B01683ZOWG
Japan .. http://www.amazon.co.jp/-/e/B01683ZOWG
German .. http://www.amazon.de/-/e/B01683ZOWG


Other Stuff

I'm now on MAGAbook to sidestep FB censorship

I'm looking for former students to endorse me


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