We know who voted for Trump. We saw them. Queues of people with hats and signs and cheering Trump in their thousands all over USA. We have not seen people in great numbers who supported Biden. There is no evidence they have ever existed outside of a riot or a hissy fit by a Democrat partisan election official.
I watch Dan Bongino on Rumble and heard him on his Rumble cast say Trump should have addressed disloyal swamp creatures sooner. I disagree with it, and might have egg all over my face soon for saying so, but following is my reasoning. Trump has temporised on facing some of the swamp, not hesitated. Late last year, Trump said he was pulling troops out of Syria and was criticised for it severely. But then an ISIS leader stood up and special forces ran him to committing suicide rather than be taken. The operation, a sting masterminded by Trump had not included significant figures within his administration, and sparked a resignation of National Security Adviser Bolton, who had not been in the loop. Imagine the resistance if Trump had opposed more? But now, if Trump politically survives this, the swamp is exposed and has no support from conservatives. I'm reminded of former Premier of Victoria Jeff Kennett who had led a successful conservative government and had a crash or crash through election which he lost. Had Kennett won, he had clear air for a long time, but having lost Victoria is where the US will be if Biden is allowed to cheat a win.
Trump cycle has it Trump is on his knees, before ... Media is cheering expected partisan court decisions to not support inquiry into voting fraud. However, they overstate the meaning of the shortfalls. The Trump campaign to have their electoral win restored was never going to be straightforward. They have the evidence. It points to multiple elections and undermines the credibility of US Democracy. Ultimately, aspects of it will be decided by SCOTUS. We do not yet know how SCOTUS will decide, or even what exact evidence they will face. But we know the evidence is substantial, and in an effort to suppress the will of conservative resistance, media are claiming that the evidence is not substantive and so the evidence is yet to be addressed. Maybe there is a good reason for a CIA asset being deployed to fraudulently control the US election. Let us hear what it is.
It is apparent that Dems committed fraud to steal the 2020 election. They may well have done similar in 2016. In 2016, Fox declared Pennsylvania early to HRC. The demand was made for Trump to concede. Trump won in 2016, but it surprised the establishment that did similar in their voter suppression as they have done in 2020. HRC had organised a victory party, but blessed marching vagina instead. Even her book did not say what happened. Trump has been very good at mobilising ordinary, decent Americans to support him in numbers greater than any GOP ever. Trump does not court race, or gender, like his racist, bigoted opposition have. Yet Trump has extraordinary minority support for a GOP, possibly the highest since Eleanor Roosevelt courted the Black vote as her husband exploited them. The Dem voting pattern and issues echo the Obama wins too. How long have Dems been using these fraudulent methods to obtain votes? Did they use them to bodgy the 2006 mid terms? It is not that the mysterious support of vapour for Dems is so clearly fraudulent, but, other than violent rioters, and #FakeNews, where is their support, really? How come there is no policy platform for Democrats? Why does Big Tech have to censor the truth? How many millions of Trump supporting votes have been given to Biden? The corruption is so apparent, and so pervasive, that if Trump concedes 2020, he will be conceding all elections that follow, and the flame of liberty will be extinguished in America.
===In this episode, I discuss the dramatic announcement by the Trump legal team that had the media buzzing. I also discuss the most troubling examples of alleged fraud in the 2020 election.
News Picks:
Sidney Powell releases a statement about her relationship with the Trump team.
Twelve compelling pieces of evidence of voting irregularities in the election.
Devin Nunes urged the appointment of a special counsel in the Biden Crime Family case.
Biden and his team are already gaslighting about the vaccine.
Hapless RINO Larry Hogan shows his true colors.
Larry Hogan is a RINO.
President Trump’s legal team is appealing the appalling Pennsylvania court decision.

Why is Irish America so anti-British?
by Dan Hannan, Contributor
It was a brief but revealing moment. As the results came in, a television correspondent asked a jubilant Joe Biden whether he had anything to say to the BBC. “I’m Irish,” replied the elderly Scrantonian, with the air of a man delivering a clever punchline.
What, though, was the joke? It rests on the audience assuming that there is some elemental, eternal hostility between Britain and Ireland. Sure, it was lighthearted, and I don’t think that Biden is actually anti-British. Indeed, during the Falklands War, it was he, already a senator 38 years ago, who moved the resolution telling Argentina to withdraw. The United States, he argued, must make clear “that we are on the British side."
But his remark wouldn’t work on the other side of the Atlantic, where decades of improving relations culminated in 2011 when large crowds cheered the queen as she visited Dublin and Cork.
Why are Irish Americans so much readier to define themselves in essentially anti-British terms? During the 1980s, for example, when Irish American congressmen, including Biden, mobilized against the extradition of terrorist suspects, there were more republican gunmen in Irish than in British jails.
Dan Hannan does not take this article far enough. While the initial response of UK to the potato famine was effective, it got messed up. The reason being that in addressing the issue, Sir Robert Peel moved to address the Corn Laws. He had spent a quarter of UK's budget sending aid and allowing Ireland to stand back up. But, with the Corn Laws (trade barriers to grain imports), Peel's conservatives were split and the Whig party led by Russel took government and began dismantling Ireland, getting their landholders who had been hit by failure of renters to pay rent, to pay for the aid. Poor Irish could flee to UK, but Rich ones, who owed the UK treasury, went to USA with an enormous chip on their shoulders. Which is why, today, Irish descent peoples in the US are likely to be IRA supporting bigots.===
Israel PM Netanyahu Reportedly Meets Saudi Prince in Historic Meeting
by Elizabeth Vaughn
The Jerusalem Post reported that Netanyahu left Israel on a civilian plane at 7 pm on Sunday and returned just after midnight.
Netanyahu and Cohen were met by Pompeo at the Neom airport and the three attended the meeting. According to the Post, they “reportedly discussed efforts to counter threats from Iran.”
This meeting comes after Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates, and Sudan, have each normalized ties with Israel. A similar peace deal with Saudi Arabia is a bit more complicated, but not out of reach. Though an agreement between Israel and Saudi Arabia would certainly benefit both nations, the challenge lies in the fact that “King Salmon supports the Palestinians in their efforts to secure an independent state.”
According to Fox News, “analysts and insiders suggest his 35-year-old son, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, likely is more open to the idea of normalizing relations without major progress in the moribund peace process.”
Al Sharpton Paid His Family Over $80k From His Charity
by Matt Palumbo
China Publicly Issues Instructions For the “Incoming” Biden Administration
by John Hawkins
=== Headlines via Dan Bongino Report ===
=== Swamp Watch via Dan Bongino report ===
Scorecard: Twitter Has Censored Trump and His Campaign 262 Times – Biden Zero
Carl Bernstein Names 21 GOP Senators He Claims Privately Disdain Trump
Lou Dobbs Warned About “Venezuelan Controlled” Smartmatic in 2006 CNN Segment
Maskless Hypocrite/NJ Gov. Phil Murphy Confronted at Restaurant
Devin Nunes Worried a Biden Administration Would End the Durham Probe
Oregon’s Governor Urges People to Snitch on Neighbors Who Violate Coronavirus Restrictions
China Paid U.S. News Outlets Millions to Publish Propaganda This Year
Trump Campaign Issues Statement Saying Sidney Powell Isn’t a Member of the Trump Legal Team
Covid’s privileged oppressors are sanctimonious, self- righteous, self -serving people of every race, colour creed and sexual orientation; most often found in mainstream media, politics, Hollywood, and some in the general public. They rant and rave and lecture us about masks and social distancing and hand washing, scream about the number of new Covid cases and Covid deaths (would that be deaths from Covid or deaths with Covid?) and then yell at the rest of us for not following the rules (as if they do), while threatening lockdowns and then locking down. (More at link)
Check out latest episode of Common Sense.
-- Rudy G RudyG Tuesday, November 24, 2020
zerohedge parleyed.
-- Zero Hedge zerohedge Tuesday, November 24, 2020
TheWesternJournal parleyed.
-- The Western Journal TheWesternJournal Tuesday, November 24, 2020
=== Old FB Memes ===
I am sitting in my dingy little office, where a stingyhttps://www.poetrylibrary.edu.au/poets/paterson-a-b-banjo/poems/clancy-of-the-overflow-0001006
Ray of sunlight struggles feebly down between the houses tall,
And the foetid air and gritty of the dusty, dirty city
Through the open window floating, spreads its foulness over all
And in place of lowing cattle, I can hear the fiendish rattle
Of the tramways and the ‘buses making hurry down the street,
And the language uninviting of the gutter children fighting,
Comes fitfully and faintly through the ceaseless tramp of feet.
And the hurrying people daunt me, and their pallid faces haunt me
As they shoulder one another in their rush and nervous haste,
With their eager eyes and greedy, and their stunted forms and weedy,
For townsfolk have no time to grow, they have no time to waste.
Clancy of the overflow
Don't give up on hope. Tony Abbott's father passed away age 93. It is ok to die old and blessed. Richard Henry Abbott was born in Newcastle upon Tyne in 1924. At age 16, he came to Australia with his parents. In 1942, he was called up. He returned to the UK in 1954, and met and married a Sydney girl, Fay Peters, a dietitian. Richard was a successful orthodontist. The family came to Australia in 1960, spent some time in Bronte before settling in Chatswood. He retired in 2002. One judge of the man's character is that of his children. They are good people. It is no accident they are who they are. Many are raised through the Catholic system who don't achieve as Tony Abbott has. Whereas Turnbull's life is defined by ambition and ego, Tony's has been through service and devotion. It is humbleness which leads to great leadership.
Kristina Keneally is running for parliament but forgetting her awful time as Premier of NSW. She had been the insider paralysed to make any good decision. Instead, corruption blossomed under her 'leadership.' Even so, she may well get elected ahead of the Australian Citizen John Alexander who had not needed to vacate his seat as he was never a dual citizen. But Turnbull panicked. And people like Dick Smith label Amazon bad for selling great produce at cheap prices.
I made a mistake yesterday blaming Dan Andrews for a blackout that limited my tutoring work in Hallam's industrial area. Dan Andrews' abysmal power policy will see people suffer brown outs and possibly die from them (I need a CPAP machine to sleep). The proximate cause for the blackout, I'm told, is from a tree falling on powerlines. Doesn't make Andrews' policy any good.
Thanksgiving is not an Australian custom as the US practices it. An Aussie might lift an eyebrow and think “Whatever, mate.” But giving is universal. Because those that don’t give don’t prosper. I thank God for being part of my life.
IPA Review (Nov 2016) features a Dr Jennifer Marohasy article “Your Dinner Party Survival Guide” putting the facts of climate change on the table. AGW hysterics have not found an appropriate solution to their perceived problem. The world spends $Trillions each year on removing plant food from the atmosphere, denying the world’s poor an opportunity to not be poor as the money is diverted to filthy rich AGW hysterics. Climate change has drifted from a scientific concern based on a greenhouse gas which isn’t in a greenhouse to becoming a religious debate where reason does not apply. In his call to Catholic faithful, Pope Francis is promoting a dangerous, costly fad. Both poles are cooling with growing ice each year, so now hysterics point to a perceived acidification of ocean waters. Why is the answer supposed to be expensive power bills and diverting funds for the world’s poorest? As Scott Adams might note, there are two different movies being played regarding climate change. In one movie, people are destroying the world by even existing. In the other movie, progress means change and the world will prosper if resources are appropriately managed. As it becomes apparent that the hysterics claiming the world is ending are clearly wrong, their believers will either self correct or double down and be more hysterical. Regardless, the only responsible answer for either movie is to sensibly manage resources. Happy Thanksgiving.
For some, at the moment, the Sex Party has more credibility.
Obama's bad diplomacy is pushing Australia towards a Chinese regional infrastructure bank.
ALP kill another $900 million in cuts, saving hand outs to union mates which will probably go to slush funds.
ABC culture is conditioned to waste. That is why a 5% cut has exulted in job slashing and pain, because the self indulged won't bear to lose their waste. Meanwhile a conservative is appointed to host a program, but not on tv or internet, and they are restricted in what they can discuss on their radio program which will be broadcast at the prime time for people to watch TV.
More detail regarding the death of an Al Qaeda leader eight years ago. We might not know who did it, but they deserve a medal.
Jacqui Lambie quit PUP. Probably because they could choose to decommission her and replace her with another had she not done so. Her voting record is almost the same as the ALP, so it remains to be seen how independent she will be. Meanwhile, her former boss, Clive Palmer tweeted that 5% of cuts for ten years for the ABC was equivalent to 50%. Technically, it was the same as 5% over ten years. Maybe that is why a billionaire needed to steal twelve million dollars. Meanwhile Palmer claims that Lambie was a plant who has joined his party to sabotage it. Sadly none of his Tasmanian relatives were available for the spot on the Senate.
Ricky Muir, whose voting record is almost the same as the ALP, had a point of difference with his support for a government bill regarding financial institutionalised practice. His backflip brings his record closer in line with the ALP. Some feel that that makes him more independent.
Bread of Life is a daily bible quote with a layman's understanding of the meaning. I give one quote for each day, and also a series of personal stories illustrating key concepts eg Who is God? What is a miracle? Why is there tragedy?
January is the first of the anticipated year-long work of thirteen books. One for each month and the whole year. It costs to publish. It (Kindle version) should retail at about $2US online, but the paperback version would cost more, according to production cost.If you have a heart for giving, I fundraise at gofund.me/27tkwuc (Gofundme finished the fund raiser, 2017)
French .. http://www.amazon.fr/-/e/B01683ZOWG
Japan .. http://www.amazon.co.jp/-/e/B01683ZOWG
German .. http://www.amazon.de/-/e/B01683ZOWG
Other Stuff
I'm now on MAGAbook to sidestep FB censorship
I'm looking for former students to endorse me
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