Monday, November 30, 2020

Mon 30th November 2020 Current Affairs

How did #FakeNews predict a blue wave from 16.7% of counties favouring Biden? How did they measure voter fraud? How come #FakeNews is now unaware of voter fraud? 

The evidence of Fraud in the 2020 election, so widespread is harmful for democracy. It must be addressed. It was not solely the 2020 election, apparently, but had failed in 2016 after Trump over performed then, as he has now. Trump was so good in 2020, that the fraud became evident. It also highlights the possibility that voter fraud extended to 2006 and underpinned Obama's rise. As did big tech collusion. Recently, every one of my browsers would not let me access MAGAbook, citing privacy concerns. 

We know who voted for Trump. We saw them. Queues of people with hats and signs and cheering Trump in their thousands all over USA. We have not seen people in great numbers who supported Biden. There is no evidence they have ever existed outside of a riot or a hissy fit by a Democrat partisan election official. 

I watch Dan Bongino on Rumble and heard him on his Rumble cast say Trump should have addressed disloyal swamp creatures sooner. I disagree with it, and might have egg all over my face soon for saying so, but following is my reasoning. Trump has temporised on facing some of the swamp, not hesitated. Late last year, Trump said he was pulling troops out of Syria and was criticised for it severely. But then an ISIS leader stood up and special forces ran him to committing suicide rather than be taken. The operation, a sting masterminded by Trump had not included significant figures within his administration, and sparked a resignation of National Security Adviser Bolton, who had not been in the loop. Imagine the resistance if Trump had opposed more? But now, if Trump politically survives this, the swamp is exposed and has no support from conservatives. I'm reminded of former Premier of Victoria Jeff Kennett who had led a successful conservative government and had a crash or crash through election which he lost. Had Kennett won, he had clear air for a long time, but having lost Victoria is where the US will be if Biden is allowed to cheat a win. 

Trump cycle has it Trump is on his knees, before ... Media is cheering expected partisan court decisions to not support inquiry into voting fraud. However, they overstate the meaning of the shortfalls. The Trump campaign to have their electoral win restored was never going to be straightforward. They have the evidence. It points to multiple elections and undermines the credibility of US Democracy. Ultimately, aspects of it will be decided by SCOTUS. We do not yet know how SCOTUS will decide, or even what exact evidence they will face. But we know the evidence is substantial, and in an effort to suppress the will of conservative resistance, media are claiming that the evidence is not substantive and so the evidence is yet to be addressed. Maybe there is a good reason for a CIA asset being deployed to fraudulently control the US election. Let us hear what it is.

It is apparent that Dems committed fraud to steal the 2020 election. They may well have done similar in 2016. In 2016, Fox declared Pennsylvania early to HRC. The demand was made for Trump to concede. Trump won in 2016, but it surprised the establishment that did similar in their voter suppression as they have done in 2020. HRC had organised a victory party, but blessed marching vagina instead. Even her book did not say what happened. Trump has been very good at mobilising ordinary, decent Americans to support him in numbers greater than any GOP ever. Trump does not court race, or gender, like his racist, bigoted opposition have. Yet Trump has extraordinary minority support for a GOP, possibly the highest since Eleanor Roosevelt courted the Black vote as her husband exploited them. The Dem voting pattern and issues echo the Obama wins too. How long have Dems been using these fraudulent methods to obtain votes? Did they use them to bodgy the 2006 mid terms? It is not that the mysterious support of vapour for Dems is so clearly fraudulent, but, other than violent rioters, and #FakeNews, where is their support, really? How come there is no policy platform for Democrats? Why does Big Tech have to censor the truth? How many millions of Trump supporting votes have been given to Biden? The corruption is so apparent, and so pervasive, that if Trump concedes 2020, he will be conceding all elections that follow, and the flame of liberty will be extinguished in America. 



=== Newsmax election headlines ===
Trump Suggests Special Prosecutor For 'Rigged' Election
GOP Pa. State Rep Says Election Should Not Be Certified
Blunt: Biden Not President-Elect Until Electoral College Votes
Trump May Kick Off '24 Campaign During a Biden Inauguration
Newt Gingrich: 'Never Thought It Would Be This Corrupt'
Completed Wisconsin Recount Confirms Biden's Win
Giuliani: Legislatures Would Be 'Certifying False Election'
Sidney Powell: Dominion Contracts Warrant Criminal Probe |
Trump Doubts Supreme Court Will Hear Election Cases
=== Newsmax Presidency headlines ===
Trump: Fox News 'Virtually Unwatchable'
Kushner and Team Heading to Saudi Arabia, Qatar
Surgeon General Expects 40M Vaccine Doses By Year's End
Canada Blocks Certain Drug Exports in Response to US Plan
Suicide Bombings Intensify as US Plans Afghan Withdrawal
Supreme Court Takes Up Census Case, as Count Issues Loom
700 Gang Members in Central America Arrested With US Help
Eli Lake: Trump Was Right to Pardon Flynn
=== Newt Gingrich on Voter Fraud size ===

zerohedge parleyed.

-- Zero Hedge zerohedge Monday, November 30, 2020


zerohedge parleyed.

-- Zero Hedge zerohedge Monday, November 30, 2020


Georgia Extending “emergency rules.” Nuts

-- Mark Levin Marklevinshow Monday, November 30, 2020


Kudos to Allens for being so woke they renamed the candy 'redskins' in celebration of Russia's most 'successful' serial killer

Better late than never, FBI, but time is of the essence

-- Mark Levin Marklevinshow Monday, November 30, 2020

=== EU Fail, supporting terrorism ===

FU to EU

-- Mark Levin Marklevinshow Monday, November 30, 2020

=== Swamp protects swamp ===

zerohedge parleyed.

-- Zero Hedge zerohedge Monday, November 30, 2020

=== Pub joins #Resistance ===

zerohedge parleyed.

-- Zero Hedge zerohedge Monday, November 30, 2020

=== Evidence of voter fraud ===

Interesting . . . Trump margin of “defeat” in 4 states occurred in 4 data dumps between 1:34-6:31 AM. Statistical anomaly? Fraud? Look at the evidence and decide for yourself.(That is, if Big Tech allows u to read this) Anomalies in Vote Counts;

-- Rand Paul Randpaul Monday, November 30, 2020

=== FB Memes and memories ===

Over the massive front doors of a church, these words were inscribed: "The Gate of Heaven". Below that was a small cardboard sign which read: "Please use other entrance."

Rev. Warren J. Keating, Pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Yuma, AZ, says that the best prayer he ever heard was: "Lord, please make me the kind of person my dog thinks I am."

A Sunday School teacher asked her class why Joseph and Mary took Jesus with them to Jerusalem. A young girl answered: "Because they couldn't get a babysitter."

Woman went to the Post Office to buy stamps for her Christmas cards. "What denomination?" Asked the clerk. "Oh, good heavens! Have we come to this?" said the woman. "Well give me 50 Baptist and 50 Catholic ones."

Pastor: "This being Easter Sunday, we will ask Mrs. Johnson to come forward and lay an egg on the altar."

Rev. H.J. Dick, pastor of Emmaus Mennonite Church near Whitewater, KS, came to the end of a very heavy day at the New Year's Eve midnight service. Getting his tongue tangled, he announced, "Let us now stand and sing, Another Dear is Yawning."

On a very cold, snowy Sunday in February, only the pastor and one farmer arrived at the village church. The pastor said, "Well, I guess we won't have a service today." The farmer replied: "Heck, if even only one cow shows up at feeding time, I feed it."

During a children's sermon, Rev. Larry Eisenberg asked the children what "Amen" means. A little boy raised his hand and said: "It means - 'Tha-tha-tha-that's all folks!' "

A student was asked to list the 10 Commandments in any order. His answer? "3, 6, 1, 8, 4, 5, 9, 2, 10, 7".

I was at the beach with my children when my four-year-old son ran up to me, grabbed my hand, and led me to the shore, where a sea gull lay dead in the sand. "Mommy, what happened to him?" the little boy asked. "He died and went to Heaven," I replied. My son thought a moment and then said, "And God threw him back down?"

Bill Keane, creator of the Family Circus cartoon strip tells of a time when he was penciling one of his cartoons and his son Jeffy said, "Daddy, how do you know what to draw?" I said, "God tells me." Jeffy said, "Then why do you keep erasing parts of it?"

After the church service, a little boy told the pastor: "When I grow up, I'm going to give you some money." "Well, thank you," the pastor replied, "but why?" "Because my daddy says you're one of the poorest preachers we've ever had."

My wife invited some people to dinner. At the table, she turned to our six-year-old daughter and said, "Would you like to say the blessing?" I wouldn't know what to say," she replied. "Just say what you hear Mommy say," my wife said. Our daughter bowed her head and said: "Dear Lord, why on earth did I invite all these people to dinner?"

From the Churchdown Parish Magazine: 'Would the Congregation please note that the bowl at the back of the Church, labelled "For The Sick", is for monetary donations only.'

From The Guardian concerning a sign seen in a Police canteen in Christchurch, New Zealand: 'Will the person who took a slice of cake from the Commissioner's Office return it immediately. It is needed as evidence in a poisoning case.'

From The Times 'A young girl, who was blown out to sea on a set of inflatable teeth, was rescued by a man on an inflatable lobster. A coast-guard spokesman commented, "This sort of thing is all too common these days."'

From The Gloucester Citizen: 'A sex line caller complained to Trading Standards. After dialling an 0891 number from an advertisement entitled "Hear Me Moan" the caller was played a tape of a woman nagging her husband for failing to do jobs around the house. Consumer Watchdogs in Dorset refused to look into the complaint, saying, "He got what he deserved."'

From The Barnsley Chronicle: 'Police arrived quickly, to find Mr Melchett hanging by his fingertips from the back wall. He had run out of the house when the owner, Paul Finch, returned home unexpectedly, and, spotting an intruder in the garden, had dialled 999. What Mr Finch did not know was that Mr Melchett had been visiting Mrs Finch and, hearing the front door open, had climbed out of the rear window. But the back wall was 8 feet high and Mr Melchett had been unable to get his leg over.'

From The Scottish Big Issue: 'In Sydney, 120 men named Henry attacked each other during a "My Name is Henry" convention. Henry Pantie of Canberra accused Henry Pap of Sydney of not being a Henry at all, but in fact an Angus. "It was a lie", explained Mr. Pap, "I'm a Henry and always will be.", whereupon Henry Pap attacked Henry Pantie, whilst two other Henrys - Jones and Dyer - attempted to pull them apart. Several more Henrys - Smith, Calderwood and Andrews - became involved and soon the entire convention descended into a giant fist fight. The brawl was eventually broken up by riot police, led by a man named Shane."

From The Daily Telegraph in a piece headed "Brussels Pays 200,000 Pounds to Save Prostitutes": "... the money will not be going directly into the prostitutes' pocket, but will be used to encourage them to lead a better life. We will be training them for new positions in hotels."

From The Derby Abbey Community News: "We apologise for the error in the last edition, in which we stated that 'Mr. Fred Nicolme is a Defective in the Police Force'. This was a typographical error. We meant of course that Mr Nicolme is a Detective in the Police Farce."

From The Guardian: "After being charged 20 pounds for a 10 pounds overdraft, 30 year old Michael Howard of Leeds changed his name by deed poll to "Yorkshire Bank Plc are Fascist Bastards". The Bank has now asked him to close his account, and Mr Bastards has asked them to repay the 69p balance by cheque, made out in his new name."

From The Manchester Evening News: "Police called to arrest a naked man on the platform at Piccadilly Station released their suspect after he produced a valid rail ticket."
=== From 2017 ===
Don't give up on hope. The hot humid weather has taken a toll on me, but everything wears anyway. I don't know how long my computer will last. My CPAP machine is failing, there are numerous ways through it, but I've not yet seen them. The lifetime on my laptop battery has exceeded specs. I'll need to replace it soon. I don't yet know what the cost will be. In a perfect world, I'd get it reconditioned, with a new battery, give it to my daughter and buy a new one. I may be able to in a few months time without calling on help. That would be very nice. Because of the heat, recently, the bed sheets cling when I turn over in my sleep. The result was I tangled a hose to my CPAP machine and while turning, ruptured a hose. It is old stock and there are no replacements. I jimmied a fix which will last until I see a sleep specialist. Hopefully I'll be able to get a microCPAP. Thing about being poor, which I despise, is calling on help. I might need to, but not yet. If you are the praying type, I'd appreciate your prayers, not for my things, but for my perseverance on mission. A friend once asked why I do what I do. I consider it a blessing to serve God. I'm an evangelical Christian and I want to tell others of what God has done in my life. Living like I'm in the middle chapter of Job is not yet inspiring as a message.

The smell you sense is Donald Trump draining the swamp. Matt Lauer is a long time media personality who disrespected President Trump as much as he did pretty women, allegedly. Matt has been stood aside following public allegations of misconduct. Possibly the anti Trump aspect is all that kept him from being dismissed sooner. Lauer is not alone. The incompetent media is being hoist on their own petard. Meanwhile Donald Trump is being attacked on tweets he retweeted regarding Islamofascists. Who stands up for Islamofascists?

Malcolm Turnbull is laying ground mines for the next PM with an enquiry into banks that can have no positive outcome. A war criminal has taken poison in front of a war crimes court, killing himself as he was declared guilty. Sam Dastayari has stepped down from shadow minister positions, but remains a spy in opposition. Kim Jong Un showed he can nuke anywhere in the US, as Obama intended.

=== from 2016 ===
Headline reads Kazakhstan beats Australia in Science and Math. ZT writes “This is what happens when you focus on which bathroom children should use in schools rather than teaching maths and science.” One is happy for Kazakhstan’s achievement. 3AW’s Neil Mitchell brought up the issue of school discipline and asked for people to call in. 3AW would not answer my calls, so I am writing here my views on these connected issues. Firstly, I’m happy for Kazakhstan to beat Australia in something other than wrestling. I am confident they will do it again, and again. Safe Schools is a threat to children’s welfare, but is not connected with their achievement in Maths or Science, although it is a distraction too. Lack of discipline in schools is not the issue related to Math and Science achievement, although dysfunctional schools exist and harm their students. 

I have a workable plan that can improve achievement in Math and science in the vast majority of Australian Schools. It costs next to nothing and would improve discipline too, while allowing larger class sizes. It is based on the premise that kids want to achieve and are competitive and collegial in schooling. It assumes there are ongoing programs for high achieving students and low ability students. The plan involves targeting the lower end of the middle third of students. Those tend to be students who have gaps in their knowledge of basic skills in numeracy and literacy for Math and Science. I target individuals with a battery of basic skills tests. I identify gaps and address them. The students tend to be improved as a result and tend to share their new skills with their friends. The result is disengaged students can participate with the mainstream, and they tend to improve the lower end. It is an old technique called ‘schooling.’ It improves discipline and boosts school morale. Maybe Kazakhstan employs it?
=== from 2015 ===
In the mid 90's, for yesterdays article, I referred to the Howard Costello deal that Howard later reneged on. Howard believed that the leadership had to be seized for there to be respect. He brought on Turnbull into government and made that a test for Costello. Turnbull immediately began undermining the party and by 2007, it was apparent the party was divided. Following the election loss, Costello was faced with claiming the leadership but being undermined by Turnbull in a way he could not defend. Costello left politics then. Turnbull undermined Dr Nelson until he got the leadership. But Turnbull surrendered the leadership over the Carbon Dioxide tax. Mr Abbott had not caused that spill, but won it. But as Costello had seen, Turnbull undermined the Libs so that State Governments were lost to the ALP and the popular federal government became unpopular. By staging a coup for Turnbull, Costello has stopped the undermining. But the problem is, Malcolm Turnbull is not a good leader. If Turnbull had been gracious with his win, things might be different. But Turnbull is still hitting Abbott. 

For some, at the moment, the Sex Party has more credibility.
From 2014  
Victoria loses election
Victoria loses election, but it was part of the culture war where the LNP failed to engage. The LNP had balanced, but a left wing bias. The idea being a softly softly approach would not foment unrest. It was predicated on the belief that a centrist government could still be economically responsible. And the former LNP government did leave Victoria better off economically. Criticism of the government was overstated and orchestrated. But it is not the case that the ALP won (because the LNP lost), as the ALP are unreformed and still corrupt, with ties to the CFMEU which do not pass any simple scratch and sniff test. One positive is that the myth has been debunked that Kennett lost the election to Bracks because his ideas were too conservative and radical. Partisan press support for the ALP mean that all other things being equal, the ALP will win. Which means that for the LNP to win elections, it must be better than the ALP .. the LNP has to have ideas and drive and energy. The ALP can get by with running an economy well. They could hold government for a long time if they do that, but no ALP government has been responsible since the Hawke Keating years. And that only happened because the LNP used the senate to force responsibility. 

It is a positive vision, not a fear of unpopularity which will keep the LNP elected. A case in point is the Queensland LNP government of Campbell Newman which, because they made hard calls, is now polling well. Newman's seat had been threatened, but even that now seems secure. A failure of vision is exemplified by PUP. With Lambie gone, and the song playing "Who let the dogs out?" the party is imploding and failed to get a 2% result for Victoria's senate. Another blessing is the possibility of a forward movement on higher education reforms. Some sacrifices have to be made to the full reform to get the measures passed. 

PUP's irrational attack on Newman and their policy of matching ALP's voting record has constipated the budget reform initiatives. But now they are in play again. One important measure is the co-payment on medicare of $7. It is not a terrible measure to the poor. It is a responsible measure. But the senate battles leads one to wistfully consider the parliaments of NZ and Queensland. Only to consider them, because ALP style governments have been rapaciously bad for them in the recent past. If the LNP can hold on federally, compromise now on what it must, the benefit in the future will be an ALP shut out of the senate the following term. The ALP have broken every single one of their undertakings to the public in their opposition to every government budgetary reform. Mr Abbott, as opposition leader had passed many ALP bills. 
Culture wars
Union greed means Australia can't afford to build our own submarines. It is too expensive. Every dollar extra to build a submarine here is less submarine for the defence force. It is simply not responsible to try because the unions have pushed the price to over fifty percent of what can be achieved off shore. Meanwhile, the ABC is the kind of elitist organisation it derides, being expensive, contributing nothing but partisan politics which means that corruption is fostered by it, and communities hurt by it. The ABC will cut off a limb before trimming a nail for 5% cuts. Meanwhile, those angry feminists who derided a scientist for his t-shirt a few weeks ago have successfully made the t-shirt a hit sale item. Meanwhile Julie Bishop promotes a nuclear solution to energy concerns which addresses carbon dioxide issues. It would have to get past the anti nuclear scare campaign. Or fail because of the realisation that Carbon Dioxide is plant food. 
From 2013
When they murdered Lee Rigby, two Islamo Fascists raised their bloody hands to cameras and one said in a UK accent that such things were seen by women and children in his nation every day. He also spoke of an eye for an eye. The UK does not have a death penalty, but it is inconceivable that the two killers will ever be free. Regardless of their defence of the atrocity. People would not feel safe if it was generally believed that fantasists could run people over and butcher them while they were immobile. So it is very disturbing when the press do not report on why a group of thugs pushed through a front door of a house in Sydney and cut to pieces a young man in front of his mother and family. It scares the public to think such an attack is random. They want to know if it was drug inspired, or Islamo Fascist, or Bikie Gang. Without the cohesion of a story explaining to the public why everyone is safe, people feel threatened.

People feel threatened and they are, daily, by mainstream press partisanly pursuing conservatives while promoting left wing values. Media lies and their cover stories are discordant with reality. Desperate to engineer a policy back flip, Pyne's words are dissected, misrepresented and re-packaged. The truth is the ALP promoted bad policy, called Gonski, which would take money from tax payers and school kids and give it to ALP mates. This is called reform by the mass media who speak for the ALP while they are incapable. The truth is the federal government have no need to give money to public schools, because the states do. The federal government responsibly gives some money to private schools, because it would cost Australia too much if private schools were not viable. Private schools in Australia are either systemic or independent. Systemic school parents are generally not wealthy and their contributions are important to the wellbeing of education in Australia. Private students do not get more than public students from the public purse, and never have. What has happened is that the ALP took money away from their Gonski reform, but are demanding the conservatives return it to the budget. Parents are confused. One hairdresser I met recently is the breadwinner for her family. Her husband lost his job to ALP policy and she has one school age son and one pre school daughter. The hair dresser is highly educated, with a degree in computer science from a Vietnamese university and work experience in the computer industry. She is told by her son's public high school principal that the changes mean the school will have to cut classes and won't be able to buy computers. Also, she has been told private schools will not lose funding. The lies apparently spread by Chester Hill HS' Principal are not isolated. Parents are meant to be angry. But the cuts, were Pyne to cut Gonski entirely, would not cut a single program at any school. The only change will be that teachers will do what they are paid to do. If one truly believed the talk about teacher standards, that would mean everything was good. But the press would have you believe that Australian Teachers cannot function if some left wing extremists aren't paid a lot more.
Historical perspective on this day
In 3340 BC, Earliest believed record of an eclipse. In 1707, the second Siege of Pensacolacame to end with the failure of the British to capture Pensacola, Florida. In 1718, King Charles XII of Sweden died during a siege of the fortress of Fredriksten in Norway. In 1782, American Revolutionary WarTreaty of Paris – In Paris, representatives from the United States and the Kingdom of Great Britain signed preliminary peace articles (later formalized as the 1783 Treaty of Paris). In 1786, the Grand Duchy of Tuscany, under Pietro Leopoldo I, became the first modern state to abolish the death penalty (later commemorated as Cities for Life Day). 

In 1803, in New Orleans, Spanish representatives officially transferred the Louisiana Territoryto a French representative. Just 20 days later, France transferred the same land to the United States as the Louisiana Purchase. In 1804, the Democratic-Republican-controlled United States Senate began an impeachment trial of Federalist Supreme Court JusticeSamuel Chase. In 1824, ground was broken at Allanburg, Ontario, for the building of the first Welland Canal. In 1829, First Welland Canal opened for a trial run, 5 years to the day from the ground breaking. In 1853, Crimean WarBattle of Sinop – The Imperial Russian Navyunder Pavel Nakhimov destroyed the Ottoman fleet under Osman Pasha at Sinop, a sea port in northern Turkey. In 1864, American Civil WarBattle of Franklin – The Confederate Army of Tennessee led by General John Bell Hood mounted a dramatically unsuccessful frontal assault on Union positions commanded by John McAllister Schofield around Franklin, Tennessee, with Hood losing six generals and almost a third of his troops. In 1868, a statue of King Charles XII of Sweden was inaugurated in Stockholm's Kungsträdgården. In 1872, the first-ever international football match took place at Hamilton CrescentGlasgow, between Scotland and England. In 1886, the Folies Bergère staged its first revue. 

In 1902, American Old WestKid Curry Logan, second-in-command of Butch Cassidy's Wild Bunch gang, was sentenced to 20 years imprisonment with hard labor. In 1908, a mine explosion in Marianna, Pennsylvania, killed 154. In 1916, Costa Rica signed the Buenos Aires Convention, a copyright treaty. In 1934, the LNER Class A3 4472 Flying Scotsmanbecame the first steam locomotive to be authenticated as reaching 100 mph. In 1936, in London, the Crystal Palace was destroyed by fire. In 1939, Winter WarSoviet forces crossed the Finnish border in several places and bombed Helsinki and several other Finnish cities, starting the war. In 1940, Lucille Ball married Desi Arnaz in Greenwich, Connecticut. In 1942, World War IIBattle of Tassafaronga; A smaller squadron of Japanese destroyers led by Raizō Tanaka defeated a U.S. cruiser force under Carleton H. Wright. In 1947,  1947–48 Civil War in Mandatory Palestine began, leading up to the creation of the state of Israel

In 1953, Edward Mutesa II, the kabaka (king) of Buganda was deposed and exiled to London by Sir Andrew Cohen, Governor of Uganda. In 1954, in Sylacauga, Alabama, United States, the Hodges meteorite crashed through a roof and hit a woman taking an afternoon nap in the only documented case of a human being hit by a rock from space. In 1966, Barbadosbecame independent from the United Kingdom. In 1967, the People's Democratic Republic of Yemen became independent from the United Kingdom. Also, the Pakistan Peoples Party was founded by Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, who became its first chairman. In 1971, Iran seized the Greater and Lesser Tunbs from the United Arab Emirates. In 1972, Vietnam WarWhite House Press Secretary Ron Ziegler told the press that there would be no more public announcements concerning American troop withdrawals from Vietnam due to the fact that troop levels were then down to 27,000. In 1981, Cold War: In Geneva, representatives from the United States and the Soviet Union began to negotiate intermediate-range nuclear weapon reductions in Europe. (The meetings end inconclusively on December 17.) In 1982, Michael Jackson's second solo album, Thriller was released worldwide. It would become the best-selling record album in history. In 1989, Deutsche Bank board member Alfred Herrhausen was killed by a Red Army Faction terrorist bomb. 

In 1993, American National Football League awarded 30th franchise to the Jacksonville Jaguars. Also, U.S. President Bill Clinton signed the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act(the Brady Bill) into law. In 1994, MS Achille Lauro caught fire off the coast of Somalia. In 1995, Official end of Operation Desert Storm. Also, U.S. President Bill Clintonvisited Northern Ireland and spoke in favour of the "Northern Ireland peace process" to a huge rally at Belfast City Hall. He called terrorists "yesterday's men". In 1998, Exxon and Mobil signed a US$73.7 billion agreement to merge, thus creating ExxonMobil, the world's largest company. In 1999, in Seattle, United States, demonstrations against a World Trade Organization meeting by anti-globalization protesters caught police unprepared and forced the cancellation of opening ceremonies. Also, British Aerospace and Marconi Electronic Systems merged to form BAE Systems, Europe's largest defense contractor and the fourth largest aerospace firm in the world. In 2001, in Renton, Washington, United States, Gary Ridgway (aka The Green River Killer) was arrested. In 2004, longtime Jeopardy! champion Ken Jennings of Salt Lake City, finally lost, leaving him with US$2,520,700, television's biggest game show winnings. Also, Lion Air Flight 538 crash landed in SurakartaCentral JavaIndonesia, killing 26. In 2005,  John Sentamu became the first black archbishop in the Church of England with his enthronement as the 97th Archbishop of York. In 2012, an Ilyushin Il-76 cargo plane belonging to Aéro-Servicecrashed into houses near Maya-Maya Airport during a thunderstorm, killing at least 32 people.
I am publishing a book called Bread of Life: January.

Bread of Life is a daily bible quote with a layman's understanding of the meaning. I give one quote for each day, and also a series of personal stories illustrating key concepts eg Who is God? What is a miracle? Why is there tragedy?

January is the first of the anticipated year-long work of thirteen books. One for each month and the whole year. It costs to publish. It (Kindle version) should retail at about $2US online, but the paperback version would cost more, according to production cost.If you have a heart for giving, I fundraise at (Gofundme finished the fund raiser, 2017)

Editorials will appear in the "History in a Year by the Conservative Voice" series, starting with August, September, October, or at Amazon The kindle version is cheaper, but the soft back version allows a free kindle version.

The Amazon Author Page for David BallUK ..
French ..
Japan ..
German ..


Other Stuff

I'm now on MAGAbook to sidestep FB censorship

I'm looking for former students to endorse me


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Sunday, November 29, 2020

Sttoke story

 I like the look and sound of the product. I could use two of their 12 oz cups for when I go walking each day. They could keep my drinks cool which is important to me in Melbourne. Also, I don't have a decent sized fridge and it would be good to have such things during the summer days when I also have no air conditioner. 

I live in a share house with some shady people, and some good people. One does not always know which is which. When I ordered, the price of two cups came out at about $aud130, but I could afford that if I could use them. I'm not on disability pension, but I've been labelled as having a disability, and that severely limits my income. The website assured me of delivery on signature. I ordered through Paypal. 

Twelve days later I get a morning phone call saying it will be delivered. I ask if it will be that day but the response from the guy wasn't clear. I wait, but also go about my day, and prepare for my work. I'm getting a short snooze at 3pm for my 4:50 start on zoom. a knock on my door at 3:20 pm and I disconnect my sleep apnea machine and answer the door. An elderly man, neighbour, whom I know to take amphetamines and is a life long criminal, apologises for waking me and I ask if there had been a delivery. Another flatmate I don't get along with, Mo, is watching from his door with a knowing grin. John says "I was going up the street and was wondering if you wanted anything." He'd never shown such consideration before. I said "No thanks. I'm waiting on a package. I need to sign for it." He said he didn't know anything about it. Mo is laughing as he goes to his room. I check the website tracking my order. It says the delivery guy has received it, but I can't tell if it says that it has been delivered. I check down stairs at the door and outside. No parcel. 

Next day I contact the delivery guy, and get no reply. I contact the website and try to explain that I can't read their delivery advice clearly. No reply. I try FB site and get no reply. I wait patiently. Two weeks later I send another email, saying I will cancel the order until I hear back from them. They immediately reply that they will contact their delivery guy. I call him. He shows me a picture of my place on the day John knocked on my door. It shows people from my share house outside, including Mo's car. 

By now, J has probably fenced the cups. I tell him I will pay him $30 if he can find them, no questions asked. He wants me to describe them, which I do. 

I advise Sttoke of what has happened. I think they have a depraved indifference to my situation. But, then they promise to replace them. 


Delivery! Sttoke sent replacements. 

It is 35 degrees centigrade in my room. 
I've tried chocolate milk, coke cola and bubble tea. Normally they'd be warm slurry in minutes, but these babies keep them cool. 

The 12oz cups are perfect for letting me be mobile, they fit in a device I have for carrying stuff. Life is looking better. 

Sun 29th November 2020 Current Affairs

The evidence of Fraud in the 2020 election, so widespread is harmful for democracy. It must be addressed. It was not solely the 2020 election, apparently, but had failed in 2016 after Trump over performed then, as he has now. Trump was so good in 2020, that the fraud became evident. It also highlights the possibility that voter fraud extended to 2006 and underpinned Obama's rise. As did big tech collusion. Recently, every one of my browsers would not let me access MAGAbook, citing privacy concerns. 

We know who voted for Trump. We saw them. Queues of people with hats and signs and cheering Trump in their thousands all over USA. We have not seen people in great numbers who supported Biden. There is no evidence they have ever existed outside of a riot or a hissy fit by a Democrat partisan election official. 

I watch Dan Bongino on Rumble and heard him on his Rumble cast say Trump should have addressed disloyal swamp creatures sooner. I disagree with it, and might have egg all over my face soon for saying so, but following is my reasoning. Trump has temporised on facing some of the swamp, not hesitated. Late last year, Trump said he was pulling troops out of Syria and was criticised for it severely. But then an ISIS leader stood up and special forces ran him to committing suicide rather than be taken. The operation, a sting masterminded by Trump had not included significant figures within his administration, and sparked a resignation of National Security Adviser Bolton, who had not been in the loop. Imagine the resistance if Trump had opposed more? But now, if Trump politically survives this, the swamp is exposed and has no support from conservatives. I'm reminded of former Premier of Victoria Jeff Kennett who had led a successful conservative government and had a crash or crash through election which he lost. Had Kennett won, he had clear air for a long time, but having lost Victoria is where the US will be if Biden is allowed to cheat a win. 

Trump cycle has it Trump is on his knees, before ... Media is cheering expected partisan court decisions to not support inquiry into voting fraud. However, they overstate the meaning of the shortfalls. The Trump campaign to have their electoral win restored was never going to be straightforward. They have the evidence. It points to multiple elections and undermines the credibility of US Democracy. Ultimately, aspects of it will be decided by SCOTUS. We do not yet know how SCOTUS will decide, or even what exact evidence they will face. But we know the evidence is substantial, and in an effort to suppress the will of conservative resistance, media are claiming that the evidence is not substantive and so the evidence is yet to be addressed. Maybe there is a good reason for a CIA asset being deployed to fraudulently control the US election. Let us hear what it is.

It is apparent that Dems committed fraud to steal the 2020 election. They may well have done similar in 2016. In 2016, Fox declared Pennsylvania early to HRC. The demand was made for Trump to concede. Trump won in 2016, but it surprised the establishment that did similar in their voter suppression as they have done in 2020. HRC had organised a victory party, but blessed marching vagina instead. Even her book did not say what happened. Trump has been very good at mobilising ordinary, decent Americans to support him in numbers greater than any GOP ever. Trump does not court race, or gender, like his racist, bigoted opposition have. Yet Trump has extraordinary minority support for a GOP, possibly the highest since Eleanor Roosevelt courted the Black vote as her husband exploited them. The Dem voting pattern and issues echo the Obama wins too. How long have Dems been using these fraudulent methods to obtain votes? Did they use them to bodgy the 2006 mid terms? It is not that the mysterious support of vapour for Dems is so clearly fraudulent, but, other than violent rioters, and #FakeNews, where is their support, really? How come there is no policy platform for Democrats? Why does Big Tech have to censor the truth? How many millions of Trump supporting votes have been given to Biden? The corruption is so apparent, and so pervasive, that if Trump concedes 2020, he will be conceding all elections that follow, and the flame of liberty will be extinguished in America. 

Published 29th Nov 2009

Why would a scientist embrace Christianity?
The point being made is that science offers facts and is verifiable. Christianity does not seem to do that. But it is a misleading question because Christianity is a faith, not a science and not relevant to science, although there are some who try hard to reconcile the faith with the science.

A valid point, but unworthy, is that science is not fact based or verifiable, as climate research has shown us, but there is a case for comparing science and Christianity and seeing how they apply to individuals. The title question is misleading because scientists can be Christians and have no issues with their discipline interacting with their faith. But, some individuals fail to reconcile their faith and their science.
Following is a few thoughts.

Science does not disprove God. Also science does not make sense of who God is and what characteristics God would have. Whatever questions science examines, are not relevant to God. God is not infinite in the scientific sense, nor does God have infinite scientific intelligence as we seem to believe we have in encyclopedia. God is described in the Bible as being the beginning and the end, and creating Earth and the Heavens, but the definitions become meaningless when examining them under the guise of physics or chemistry. Yet they have great wisdom and application for examining the role an individual has in including God in their life.

No sane person will use the Bible to build a rocket ship, navigate by stars or calculate Pi. In writing that, I am aware that that view is contentious and that there are many literalists who would feel compelled to argue with me on that point. I am willing to do so, or ignore them, in much the same way that scientists are slow to address the glaring deficiencies of the IPCC and climate research. Or the study of race. Or phrenology. It is admitted that whole communities are involved with the insane, but that is hardly the fault of Christianity or science.

It is an oft used argument that Christians choose their religion as a crutch, to feel good in difficult times. There is substantial satisfaction for Christians in maintaining their faith. Were it to be argued that such rewards are natural; a result of evolution, that would hardly disprove the existence of God. For surely that would be the way God rewards his faithful. But does science make people happy? Can science provide security for an individual as they go through their lives? Every one will experience loss in their lives. Loss of a parent, siblings, love, pets, witnessing desire evolve through dissatisfaction. It is probably natural for scientists to yearn for the comforts that Christianity provides.

Which brings me back to my original point. Christianity offers facts which are verifiable, in much the same way that science does .. but the facts and the verification process are not the same because they aren't for the same class of studies. A Christian finds their faith challenged daily, and each day provides an affirmation for their faith. Much as each day provides an affirmation for science as it allows people to explore the furthest reaches of the known universe.


THE GUILTY ARE THE MEDIA by Larry Pickering 29th November 2013
Last week, after receiving reliable information that the prominent Labor Party figure accused of rape was none other than Bill Shorten, I wrote the following: 

[The name of the testosterone-infused accused is now known widely within the Victorian legal fraternity.
“But why would someone wait this long to report a rape?” I asked. 

The explanation given was that she has lived with the traumatic experience for 27 years with the emotional support of her girlfriend who was with her at the time but not a witness to the alleged rape.
Now she can’t switch on the TV without hearing his name and seeing his contorted face. She has to relive the cowardly attack over and over again. 

The treacherously ambitious Deputy Leader of the Opposition, Tanya Plibersek, has urged a full investigation. Hmmm, I’ll say no more.]
Well allow me, in anger, to say a little bit more now. 

As a commentator I have always been politically agnostic. I have no affiliation with any party and nor do I want to have. If I believe either side is wrong I say so. I value my independence, I have been equally hated by both sides and defamed by those of the Left who fear my influence... and I don’t care. 

I am, and always have been, a newspaperman first. I was brought up on the smell of ink and hot metal and the deafening rumbling of presses. 

I have worked for them all, from David Syme to Fairfax and Murdoch and I treasure those dim memories of Press propriety. 

Frenetic urgency, but never at the expense of accuracy, was our statement of faith never to be violated. Fairness and impartiality were bywords prominent in my “style” book. 

My anger is not directed at the accused. Labor’s well-documented record of fraud, paedophilia and racketeering is known to all. It’s in their DNA and it always has been. It has not changed in the half century since I worked for Labor unions and it will not change in future. 

Bill Shorten, Federal Labor Opposition leader, is now under police investigation for the rape of a 16 yo girl. Julia Gillard is currently (and during her Prime Ministership) under police investigation for fraud. Michael Williamson, National President of the ALP, has pled guilty to having defrauded his HSU members of $1 million. Eddie Obied, Craig Thomson... oh, forget the rest, the list is far too long. 

My anger is reserved for our disintegrating media... and it really doesn’t know why it is disintegrating. It is lost in a vacuum between old intrepid reporting and a new digital age. 

People have stopped listening to it. They no longer believe it. The radical Left has infiltrated every corner of it, destroying its moral ethic of impartiality and truth. 

Blogs have mushroomed to fill the void but battle to be heard. 

No better example of the Left’s destructive bias was Fairfax’s and the ABC’s gay vanguard, David Marr’s reporting of an accusation that a wall may have been punched by Abbott 30 years ago. 

Although there was no witness, it was the Left's grand expose of Abbott’s possible hatred of women and his possible violent nature. 

And the media’s Left spent ten days of excited hyperventilation covering that possibility. 

Now that Bill Shorten has been accused of raping a young girl, the silence from the Left of the media is sickeningly deafening. 

No suggestion that he stand down while the investigation is in progress. No, nothing, not one word, not one question. Only the inaudible mumblings of "a presumption of innocence" apply to Labor's accused.
Documented evidence shows Gillard, Shorten and others were complicit in the massive AWU WRA fraud. Still not a left-handed pen is lifted in anger! 

Move on readers, there’s nothing to see here.

=== Newsmax Pennsylvania headlines ===
Judge: Pa. Mail Ballot Procedures Likely Illegal
A Pennsylvania judge who Nov. 25 blocked the state from going forward with additional steps that might be required to certify the state's presidential vote said in a written opinion that changes to the Pennsylvania's mail-in balloting procedures were likely illegal. [Full Story]
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=== Why West use Hindu Arabic numbers ===

=== Voters punished Pelosi Democrats ===

WashingtonExaminerOpinion parleyed.

-- Washington Examiner - Opinion WashingtonExaminerOpinion Saturday, November 28, 2020

=== Ranking Presidents for clemency ===

zerohedge parleyed.

-- Zero Hedge zerohedge Saturday, November 28, 2020

=== Levin on Penn State Judge Decision ===

More on PA court decision

-- Mark Levin Marklevinshow Saturday, November 28, 2020

=== 10 Hypocritical lockdown Dems ===

zerohedge parleyed.

-- Zero Hedge zerohedge Saturday, November 28, 2020

=== Levin on electoral hijacking ===

This is the greatest hijacked election in American history. Subscribe to the Mark Levin show podcast for free and listen right here.

-- Mark Levin Marklevinshow Saturday, November 28, 2020

=== FB Memes and Memory ===

The longest running attraction on Coney Island was the incubators .. they had been invented in France for premature babies and no US Hospital had them .. so when babies were born prematurely, they could have a space in an incubator, and paying public could watch them thrive .. or not .. 29th November 2013

=== From 2017 ===
Don't give up on hope. Three highly notable things across Australia were SSM bill passing federally, as the Euthanasia bill passed in Victoria, and Sam Dastyari was sprung tipping a Chinese spy they were being investigated by ASIO. Federal members of parliament have been booted by the High Court if their grandparents were born overseas and so their children had been given foreign citizenship retrospectively without their knowledge. But if you were born overseas and renounced affiliations, then you can serve anyone who pays for your loyalty, apparently. The SSM laws were not properly debated and so they are illegitimate. But they were waved through despite attempts to ensure proper protections for freedom of religion. Technically, were they to restrict religion, they would be unconstitutional. But High court judges can sometimes read between the lines. Euthanasia laws were passed. They have been debated, but not widely in the community, although some have been very emotive. Euthanasia is practiced in Australia, but this legalises it. It won't mean a sad, lonely person gets help, but it will allow them to kill themselves.

Good leadership fosters talent. I noted this while chatting to an ex Liberal Minister today. A great leader can get the same players to perform exceptionally when a poor leader can't. For example, Howard and Turnbull. The Howard ministry was uber talented in '07. Most of the same people were second raters under Turnbull in '09. The difference was not the team, but the leadership. And sometimes the team don't see why they do better under good leaders. I noted that chatting to the former minister who does not like Tony Abbott. It sounded like a religious thing, with Tony seeming to be a religion insider, and the former minister was not. What was really fascinating was being privy to the former minister's reasoning. They still use the classic undermining lines like "Tony's office became closed to communications from insiders" This during the time Abbott had been under siege from press and colleagues. That might be what the backstabbing bedwetters comfort themselves with, but the truth is the plotters shut down the lines of communication. Tony is capable of healing the party, but the party, under Turnbull, has become so dysfunctional it may not be possible. But don't lose hope. 

=== from 2016 ===
Yesterday I wrote of a journalist who unquestioningly reported gaff from a refugee advocate. Today is a story of a refugee in the US who copied a refugee terrorist’s attack in France last year, by driving into a crowd and then assaulting people with a knife. Only, he was killed before he could do more damage. Months ago, he had been interviewed by a reporter and spoke of how he prayed in public and felt awkward, as if others thought he was a terrorist. I bet they do. But a more salient question is do Muslim authorities view him as acting faithfully? 

IPA Review (Nov 2016) features a Bella D’Abrera article “Will of the People” brilliantly comparing the elite politicians of today with those who opposed the grassroots Chartist movement of the early nineteenth century. Chartism was not very effective, and was probably more of a Whigg tool to beat conservatives, much as guns today are used by the left wing to oppose conservative government. With the case of guns, Lefties snivel about a constitution they never respected anyway. But the elite Democrats don’t want gun control, they want to blame GOP for not controlling guns. Only, as with Ohio, guns can be useful in the right hands. Chartists wanted an expanded vote. But not women voting. Just like Democrats of today, Chartists were ahead of their time. And bigoted.
=== from 2015 ===
I may be wrong. I'm very distant from these people I observe. Alexander Downer had the leadership of the Liberal Party on a youth ticket. Hewson had failed on an anti Howard ticket and collapsed much as Malcolm Turnbull is now. But the talented duo of Downer and Costello had regrouped the Liberal party after Hewson's loss. Mr Howard sat with Costello and told him some hard truths which were advantageous for the Liberals. Costello struck a deal and Howard took the Liberal leadership and led the best federal government Australia has had. Only Howard reneged on the deal. Howard believed that leadership had to be won. Costello believed a modern party would manage succession better. We now see how both of their apparently opposite ideas work. Malcolm Turnbull has seized the leadership with Costello's help, but he hasn't the talent to be a good Prime Minister. So the succession is going to go to ..?  

For some, at the moment, the Sex Party has more credibility.
From 2014  
The white racism meme which inspires riots in the US and is claiming lives is related to the ridiculous outrages which power jihadism. No truth behind the rhetoric, but endless urban myths. Boko Haram is jihadist and they have just claimed credit for killing 120 in blowing up a mosque in Nigeria. The target seems to have been Nigeria's most senior Muslim cleric, and it yet again illustrates the greatest threat to any Muslim is a jihadist. But Jihadists threaten others too. Sirhan Sirhan was a PLO terrorist who killed Bobby Kennedy for Kennedy's alleged support of Israel. Interestingly, Democrats demonstrably don't support Israel now but do support the PLO. The BDS movement support jihadism too, and Facebook accept their terrorist memes, one particular one being a picture of holocaust survivors being photoshopped to portray them as Palestinians. In Australia the white racism meme is expressed under the myth of the stolen generation. There have been tragic consequences with that, too. 

A corrupt, unreformed ALP have won the Victorian election. There is now an opportunity for the Victorian Liberals to find real leadership with vision. All things being fair a competent Liberal government will always lose to a corrupt ALP, because of the partisan press. So the Libs have to be better than competent. They need a leader who has a conservative vision. Not someone who falls for populism, as with AGW hysteria, or the white racism meme, or with suppression of free speech, but one who is compassionate, fair and a believer in the benefits of small government and prosperity. Napthine only had a year, but he seems too old and too compromised, having failed to challenge the corrupt institutions which support ALP power. 

Liberal party infighting alleged the eve of Victoria's election over the issue of medicare co payments. It isn't the Liberals or Nationals at fault on the issue. The chief problem is Palmer secured a blocking vote and has opposed good legislation for his own reasons. So that most of the independents have almost the same voting record as the ALP. Advice is given to Libs to threaten the public with ALP government by an early election they could lose like Victoria. The threat is appealing for those outside government keen to see action. But Palmer and PUP are imploding and there is promise for the future by sticking to their guns. If an early election is not called, then the ALP are frozen from power, and reliant on Greens and independents to support them, which they won't, always. 

Boat turned back from Sri Lanka, but one of 37 goes to Nauru. Sarah Hanson-Young claims 36 were arrested back in Sri Lanka. In her fantasy world, they were better off compassionately drowned. 

Poet Ben Pobjie attack the government from the ABC after failing to justify his offensive tweet on Phil Hughes. Martin Flanagan defends the ABC from the AGE, claiming that the ABC is not partisan, like he is. Two more quit Clive Palmer's PUP, these two from Northern Territory.

Phil Hughes is compared to Victor Trumper, the best Austraian batsman before Bradman. It would be a formidable team which had openers of Trumper and Hughes, followed by Archie Jackson at first drop. Clarke's tears for Hughes. Very different than Kim Hughes resignation. Clarke is a man of substance, an aggressive, capable batsman and leader, and a great leader. 
From 2013
Were Abbott to decide to not implement Gonski or spend the money, no school would be worse off. No program that has to run would be chopped. The only difference would be some teachers would have to do what they are already paid to do. It is telling that many unionists fear the resulting fall in standards.

Foreign investment is good. There may be exceptions where something is not in the national interest. Hockey correctly found one. Ten years of turkeys calling out rude names to President Bush, but they forgive Obama. Is it wrong to ask the gay community to denounce the bigots exploiting their issues? Even Gareth Evans recognises what the ALP are doing across issues is wrong. 

Australian business has improved investment by 3.6% in the September quarter .. thank you Mr Abbott. 
It is time to release Jonathon Pollard. Release him now, and begin working on a substantial package of compensation. 

Below, there is an evil meme comparing the holocaust with atrocities against Native Americans. In Australia, a myth of a stolen generation has resulted in harm against indigenous peoples. Failure to recognise the holocaust is another monstrous wrong. What is it that activists are demanding? Strehlow's accounts of Journey to Horseshoe Bend is not an account that legitimates continued abuse of Aboriginal peoples. Are activists demanding more government intervention in native American peoples?
Historical perspective on this day
In 561, King Chlothar I died at Compiègne. The Merovingian dynasty was continued by his four sons — Charibert IGuntramSigebert I and Chilperic I — who divided the Frankish Kingdom. In 800, Charlemagne arrived at Rome to investigate the alleged crimes of Pope Leo III. In 1394, the Korean king Yi Seong-gye, founder of the Joseon dynasty, moved the capital from Kaesŏng to Hanyang, today known as Seoul. In 1549, the papal conclave of 1549–50 begins. In 1612, the Battle of Swally took place, which loosened the Portuguese Empire's hold on India. In 1729, Natchez Indians massacre 138 Frenchmen, 35 French women, and 56 children at Fort Rosalie, near the site of modern-day Natchez, Mississippi. In 1776, American Revolutionary War: The Battle of Fort CumberlandNova Scotia, came to an end with the arrival of British reinforcements. In 1777, San Jose, California, was founded as Pueblo de San José de Guadalupe. It is the first civilian settlement, or pueblo, in Alta California. In 1781, the crew of the British slave ship Zong murders 133 Africans by dumping them into the sea to claim insurance. In 1783, a 5.3 magnitude earthquake struck New Jersey

In 1830, November Uprising: An armed rebellion against Russia's rule in Poland began. In 1847, the Sonderbund is defeated by the joint forces of other Swiss cantons under General Guillaume-Henri Dufour. Also, Whitman massacre: Missionaries Dr. Marcus Whitman, his wife Narcissa, and 15 others were killed by Cayuse and Umatilla Indians, causing the Cayuse War. In 1850, the treaty, Punctation of Olmütz, is signed in OlomoucPrussiacapitulates to Austria, which will take over the leadership of the German Confederation. In 1864, American Indian WarsSand Creek massacre – Colorado volunteers led by Colonel John Chivington massacre at least 150 Cheyenne and Arapaho noncombatants inside Colorado Territory. Also, American Civil WarBattle of Spring Hill – A Confederate advance into Tennessee missed an opportunity to crush the Union Army. General John Bell Hood was angered, which led to the Battle of Franklin. In 1872, American Indian Wars: The Modoc War began with the Battle of Lost River. In 1877, Thomas Edison demonstrated his phonograph for the first time. In 1885, end of Third Anglo-Burmese War, and end of Burmese monarchy In 1890, the Meiji Constitution went into effect in Japan, and the first Diet convened. In 1893, the Ziqiang Institute, today known as Wuhan University, was founded by Zhang Zhidong, governor of Hubei and Hunan Provinces in late Qing dynastyChina, after his memorial to the throne was approved by the Qing Government. In 1899, FC Barcelona Association football club was founded.

In 1902, the Pittsburgh Stars defeated the Philadelphia Athletics, 11–0, at the Pittsburgh Coliseum, to win the first championship associated with an American national professional football league. In 1929, U.S. Admiral Richard E. Byrd led the first expedition to fly over the South Pole. In 1943, World War II: The second session of the Anti-Fascist Council for the National Liberation of Yugoslavia (AVNOJ), held to determine the post-war ordering of the country, concluded in Jajce in what is now Bosnia and Herzegovina. In 1944, the first surgery (on a human) to correct blue baby syndrome was performed by Alfred Blalock and Vivien Thomas. Also, World War II: Albania was liberated by partisan forces. In 1945, the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia was declared. In 1946, the All Indonesia Centre of Labour Organizations (SOBSI) was founded in Jakarta. In 1947, Partition Plan: The United Nations General Assembly approved a plan for the partition of Palestine. Also, First Indochina War: French forces carry out a massacre at Mỹ Trạch, Vietnam.

In 1950, Korean WarNorth Korean and Chinese troops force United Nations forces to retreat from North Korea. In 1952, Korean War: U.S. President-elect Dwight D. Eisenhowerfulfilled a campaign promise by traveling to Korea to find out what could be done to end the conflict. In 1961, Project MercuryMercury-Atlas 5 Mission – Enos, a chimpanzee, was launched into space. The spacecraft orbited the Earth twice and splashed down off the coast of Puerto Rico. In 1963, U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson established the Warren Commission to investigate the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Also, Trans-Canada Air Lines Flight 831 crashed shortly after takeoff from Montreal-Dorval International Airport, killing all 118 people on board. In 1965, the Canadian Space Agency launched the satellite Alouette 2. In 1967, Vietnam WarU.S. Secretary of Defense Robert McNamaraannounced his resignation.

In 1972, Atari announced the release of Pong, the first commercially successful video game. In 1975, Graham Hill and Tony Brise, along with three other members of the Embassy Hill F1 team, were killed when their plane crashed at Arkley golf course, England, in thick fog. In 1987, Korean Air Flight 858 exploded over the Thai–Burmese border, killing 115. In 1990, Gulf War: The United Nations Security Council passed two resolutions to restore international peace and security if Iraq did not withdraw its forces from Kuwait and free all foreign hostages by January 15, 1991. In 2007, the Armed Forces of the Philippines laid siege to the Peninsula Manila after soldiers led by Senator Antonio Trillanes staged a mutiny. Also, a 7.4 magnitude earthquake occurred off the northern coast of Martinique. This affected the Eastern Caribbean as far north as Puerto Rico and as far south as Trinidad. In 2009, Maurice Clemmons shot and killed four police officers inside a coffee shop in Lakewood, Washington. In 2013, LAM Mozambique Airlines Flight 470 crashed in Namibia, killing 33 people.
I am publishing a book called Bread of Life: January.

Bread of Life is a daily bible quote with a layman's understanding of the meaning. I give one quote for each day, and also a series of personal stories illustrating key concepts eg Who is God? What is a miracle? Why is there tragedy?

January is the first of the anticipated year-long work of thirteen books. One for each month and the whole year. It costs to publish. It (Kindle version) should retail at about $2US online, but the paperback version would cost more, according to production cost.If you have a heart for giving, I fundraise at (Gofundme finished the fund raiser, 2017)

Editorials will appear in the "History in a Year by the Conservative Voice" series, starting with August, September, October, or at Amazon The kindle version is cheaper, but the soft back version allows a free kindle version.

The Amazon Author Page for David BallUK ..
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