Friday, December 01, 2017

Fri Dec 1st Todays News

Don't give up on hope. As soon as Malcolm Turnbull passes SSM, he may walk away from the lodge. He has never been good for the party. Turnbull will leave it divided and compromised and in need of healing. There is great talent in the party, but it is badly misdirected. Some, like Pyne and Bishop are fatally compromised. Had Turnbull been a competent businessman, he would have walked away long ago, leaving the way clear for a competent leader. Right now, Turnbull seems to be laying mines for the next PM with a banking enquiry which serves no worthwhile purpose. 

The Iran deal
Iran does not need nuclear power. She is one of the world’s richest oil producers. However sanctions levied on Iran for her funding international terrorism had seen Iran desperate to trade. Iranian peoples are suffering as a result of the regime’s terrorism support policy. It had been hoped the election of a so called moderate Ahmadinejad in 2005 would break the nexus of administration support of terror. Only it did not pan out that way.

China and Russia rely on Iranian oil. That means they have vested interests in keeping production and keeping Iran happy. Although for a time, the terms of sanctions allowed them to favourably trade oil for goods.

Ahmadinejad claimed the need for nuclear power was to protect the environment from AGW. The size of the proposed reactors was far larger than that needed for energy production. The only possible use was to make nuclear weapons.

Obama’s Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action brokered with Russia during the Syrian crisis. The plan was to prevent weapons grade uranium being produced. Inspections were to be key to ensuring the fidelity to plan. It became apparent, under Obama that there were no conditions under which Iran could be described as non compliant.

When Trump became President, it is alleged he negotiated to censure Iran over terror, which was considered against the terms of the treaty. More recently, Trump has denied recertification of Iran’s compliance of the plan, on the grounds Iran would not allow inspectors near military installations.

3AW interview with a gender neutral academic. Neil Mitchell owns the academic, who admits they have not heard of a "Ruckman" and would not know what to call it. After a few moments thought, the academic suggests "Ruck?" The academic has not done their job and does not know the etymology of "Man" which dates back to Sanskrit. Neither does the academic know that Mantle is not a gendered word. Apparently the academic has only researched the words it wants to change. The argument goes it will lessen violence. That theory has not been tested.

The US Senate is investigating a Dem who has confessed already to what they are investigating. Will they discover the truth? 

I am a decent man and don't care for the abuse given me. I created a video raising awareness of anti police feeling among western communities. I chose the senseless killing of Nicola Cotton, a Louisiana policewoman who joined post Katrina, to highlight the issue. I did this in order to get an income after having been illegally blacklisted from work in NSW for being a whistleblower. I have not done anything wrong. Local council appointees refused to endorse my work, so I did it for free. Youtube's Adsence refused to allow me to profit from their marketing it. Meanwhile, I am hostage to abysmal political leadership and hopeless journalists. My shopfront has opened on Facebook.

Here is a video I made Excerpt from The Friends of Mr. Cairo

The Friends of Mr. Cairo is the second collaboration of Jon Anderson and Vangelis as Jon & Vangelis. There are two editions of this album, with different sleeves. Both versions were released in 1981 within a few weeks of each other. The second edition includes the single "I'll Find My Way Home", which stayed for 14 weeks in the Swiss charts and peaked at #1 on March 7, 1982. "State of Independence" was later a hit single for Donna Summer, and a decade later for Moodswings with Chrissie Hynde on vocal. Anderson also later re-recorded that song on his solo album Change We Must, released in 1994. The title track and its accompanying music video serve as an ode to classic Hollywood films of the 30s and 40s. Most notable references are to the classic film noir The Maltese Falcon. The track incorporates sound effects and voice impressions of the stars of the era most notably Humphrey Bogart and Peter Lorre. During the track, a screeching of tyres and a car horn are heard, presumably as a car makes its getaway. This screeching sound/car horn is identical to that heard in the 1970 feature film 'Get Carter' (at 1.1.52-1.1.56), and was probably sampled for use on the track.

=== from 2016 ===
I still am hoping for a reply from President elect Trump and V-P elect Pence to my open letter asking for help. I alarmed one friend of mine who helped me rewrite and improve my resume. I’m looking for full time work anywhere in Australia, and am open to beyond. I’m an accomplished Mathematic teacher with over 17 years full time public High School experience. I’ve authored 13 books published, and have another fourteen ready, and plans for about thirty more. I have a large online presence with over a million hits on Youtube, over a million hits on my blogs, and maintain a FB presence including admin of a site with over 25k members. I’m willing to shelve my projects temporarily. I also have an M.Ed. Dip. Ed and B.Sc. I have a workable plan that could improve Math and science achievement in most schools and costs nothing. 

IPA Review (Nov 2016) features a Peter Gregory article “Taming the Final Frontier” on the importance of property rights in space for discovery and profit. The abysmal PM Hawke acceded to the 1979 UN Moon Treaty in ’86, preventing commercial activity in space. If one prevents growth, they condemn all to poverty. If Hawke had ruled Spain in 1492, the Americas would never have been discovered. He is that progressive. The US has a more sensible policy. If a US citizen can mine it in space, they can keep it. There are endless possibilities, but mining Helium -3 on the moon, where it is recoverable, could feed nuclear generators without waste. Space colonies could be better than self sustaining. The only losers would be the progressives who opposed it. Similar to the progressives who opposed watering Australia viably. 
=== from 2015 ===
Turnbull, in seizing the PM's position before a by-election cemented Mr Abbott's position, sidelined the National Party, so that only Liberals got to vote for their leader. This weighted Turnbull's position but the Nationals demanded that Turnbull promise he would never make a Carbon Tax. Mr Turnbull, in promising a billion dollars a year be diverted from foreign aid towards the corrupt AGW lobby has broken that assurance. Australia is short many billions of dollars, and so she will have to pay for it, and Turnbull is looking to increase tax. The money is being diverted from the world's poorest towards a billion dollar a day scam run by wealthy elite. Mr Turnbull promised improved communication, not obfuscation. All that he has delivered is adulation from extreme left wing journalists for taking out Mr Abbott. And now Turnbull is white anting his likely successor of Morrison. Meanwhile Julie Bishop has lied about her role. 

For some, at the moment, the Sex Party has more credibility.
From 2014  
Women who abandon their children sometimes to death, are mentally ill and need help. The public desire to punish such behaviour is understandable, but what is better is to understand the issue and work to prevent it from happening. Such women are not fit mothers, but they can still contribute to society. But crime and punishment is not the issue when do gooders try to address the problem by suggesting such women are not mentally ill and require some outrageous public promises designed to not shame them. The eighteenth century London solution is to have a baby drop place that is safe for the child to be left at anonymously. Children need to have their past, including medical history of family and cultural history and that means they need to be able to know who their mother was, even if their mother is not part of their lives. So the modern baby drop off may be private, but should never be anonymous. 

Victoria's ALP begin predictably, by cancelling a project on infrastructure but wanting to keep the federal money meant for infrastructure. The Victorian ALP are free to squander what they will that is Victorian. However, Mr Abbott prudently planned to make sure that if the plan derailed, the money would not go there. Minorities will run the Victorian senate, but it is too soon to know how many. Greens lose in poll that should have favoured them, with ALP benefiting from the corrupt union campaign. Greens had anticipated 18% of the vote, but received only 11%. Meanwhile the LNP results showed they lost long time core supporters. If you stand for nothing you will fall for anything. They had been a competent government, without being inspired. Andrews, speaking on the ABC Monday, said he could not work as an adult with the federal government. He said they have to be blamed for imaginary health and education cuts first. 

Federally, fall out from the Victorian election has highlighted the ALP have no plan or policy.  They block cuts, but could not replace those with any savings. They created the anticipated $650 billion deficit which could well become more. Clearly the narrative of what had happened in the campaign is wrong. The narrative has it that independent peoples stood up for the CFMEU in support of the ALP. But the fact is that the LNP were right to point out that the ALP were too close to the CFMEU. What saved the ALP was the slush funds and the partisan press who were complicit with covering up the corruption. But Shorten, who has no policy, blames Mr Abbott for the loss of Victoria despite the polling extending two years prior to Mr Abbott being PM. The LNP is made to look bad by the partisan press, but they have done nothing wrong and have worked as an inspired unit. The senate blockage is related to ALP having control prior to July and Palmer's PUP blocking things after. 

Palmer has real power and he abuses it. He met with Lambie. The outcome of their discussions are not yet known, but they will probably favour the ALP. 

People usually have a negative view of politics generally, and the detail becomes too hard to scan. They don't really care about things, but feel the ALP are good for spending money on workers and LNP are good for small business. Which isn't true, but which the partisan press portrays consistently. The ALP are corrupt and negligent and policy less. One example of ALP red tape is highlighted by the fact that Rinehart had to make over 3000 applications to open a mine. The time delays and cost mean Australia is not profitable to mine compared to most other nations. That means that everyone, workers, small business and big business suffer. The only ones who profit are environmental activists. 
From 2013
I never watched a Fast and Furious movie. In 2006, on the last day of school, some year 9 wanted to watch one but I couldn't and wouldn't let them. It was rated 'M.' But I also despised the kind of movie .. facile and promoting social vice to the young, packaged as adventurous, edgy and sexy. So the tragic death of one of the stars highlights a vice of mine. I am bitter. I don't like it when the uber wealthy promote bad behaviour which would cripple their fans who might try to copy it. Not everyone has the money to get out of a killing ala OJ Simpson. Or out of Michael Jackson's depraved indulgence. But the death is a tragedy. Test driving a new car into a tree. It wasn't the tree's fault. North of Los Angeles, it was unlikely to be an icy road, although global warming is very disappointingly slight. In some ways, the actor has given his fans a moral message as strong as Diana's. But I'd rather be envious of his highly paid under achieving as an actor. 

Speaking of extraordinary indulgence, we have an abysmal Governor General trying to be sacked for being partisan, and egged on by irresponsible and unprofessional journalists. PM Abbott is unlikely to sack the fool, as it would carry poison over to the next appointment. It is only a few months. And then, I would love it were the GG to face questions, and possibly serve time, for obstruction of justice re Heiner. 

Another indulgence is Gonski. A woman in the NT is knitting wool sourced from her vagina, which she presumably inserts. It is performance art, paid by the tax payer via SBS. Gonski is a similar indulgence which the ALP and press are demanding. No program cut from not honouring Gonski will adversely affect a child. The only result is teachers doing what they are already paid to do. Principals of public schools, taking the lead of the GG, are speaking out and lying about what Gonski cuts mean. which isn't to say that education cannot improve. Centralising education can mean centralising bad practice, as the common core experience in the US shows. But there is an opportunity to expand best practice too. 
Historical perspective on this day
In 800, Charlemagne judged the accusations against Pope Leo III in the Vatican. In 1420, Henry V of England entered Paris. In 1577, Francis Walsingham was knighted. In 1640, end of the Iberian Union: Portugal acclaimed as King João IV of Portugal, ended 60 years of personal union of the crowns of Portugal and Spain and the end of the rule of the Philippine Dynasty. In 1768, the slave ship Fredensborg sank off Tromøy in Norway. In 1822, Peter I was crowned Emperor of Brazil. In 1824,  United States presidential election, 1824: Since no candidate received a majority of the total electoral college votes in the election, the United States House of Representatives was given the task of deciding the winner in accordance with the Twelfth Amendment to the United States Constitution. In 1826, French philhelleneCharles Nicolas Fabvier forced his way through the Turkish cordon and ascended the Acropolis of Athens, which had been under siege. In 1828, Argentine general Juan Lavallemade a coup against governor Manuel Dorrego, beginning the Decembrist revolution. In 1834, slavery was abolished in the Cape Colony in accordance with the Slavery Abolition Act 1833. In 1862, in his State of the Union Address President Abraham Lincoln reaffirmed the necessity of ending slavery as ordered ten weeks earlier in the Emancipation Proclamation. In 1864,  Great Fire of Brisbane. In 1865,  Shaw University, the first historically black universityin the southern United States, was founded in Raleigh, North Carolina. In 1885, first serving of the soft drink Dr Pepper at a drug store in Waco, Texas

In 1913, the Buenos Aires Metro, the first underground railway system in the Southern Hemisphere and in Latin America, began operation. Also, the Ford Motor Companyintroduced the first moving assembly line. Also, Crete, having obtained self rule from Turkeyafter the First Balkan War, was annexed by Greece. In 1918, Transylvania united with the Kingdom of Romania, following the incorporation of Bessarabia (March 27) and Bukovina(November 28), thus concluding the Great Union. Also, the Kingdom of Iceland became a sovereign state, yet remained a part of the Danish kingdom. Also, the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes (later known as the Kingdom of Yugoslavia) was proclaimed. In 1919,  Lady Astor became the first female Member of Parliament to take her seat in the House of Commons of the United Kingdom. (She had been elected to that position on November 28.) Also, the first issue of Diário de Noite was published from Goa. In 1934, in the Soviet UnionPolitburo member Sergey Kirov was shot dead by Leonid Nikolaev at the Communist Partyheadquarters in Leningrad. In 1941, World War II: Emperor Hirohito of Japan gave the final approval to initiate war against the United States. Also, World War II: Fiorello La GuardiaMayor of New York City and Director of the Office of Civilian Defense, signed Administrative Order 9, creating the Civil Air Patrol. In 1948,  Taman Shud Case: The body of an unidentified man was found in Adelaide, Australia, involving an undetectable poison and a secret code in a very rare book; the case remains unsolved and is "one of Australia's most profound mysteries." 

In 1952, the New York Daily News reported the news of Christine Jorgensen, the first notable case of sexual reassignment surgery. In 1955, American Civil Rights Movement: In Montgomery, Alabama, seamstress Rosa Parks refused to give up her bus seat to a white man and was arrested for violating the city's racial segregation laws, an incident which led to the Montgomery Bus Boycott. In 1958, the Central African Republic attains self-rule within the French Union. Also, the Our Lady of the Angels School fire in Chicago killed 92 children and three nuns. In 1959, Cold War: Opening date for signature of the Antarctic Treaty, which set aside Antarctica as a scientific preserve and banned military activity on the continent. In 1960, Paul McCartney and Pete Best were arrested (and later deported) from Hamburg, Germany, after accusations of attempted arson. In 1963, Nagaland became the 16th state of India. In 1964, Vietnam War: U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson and his top-ranking advisers met to discuss plans to bomb North Vietnam. Also, MalawiMalta and Zambia joined the United Nations. In 1965, India's Border Security Force was established. In 1966, the first Gävle goat, an annual Swedish Yule Goat tradition, was erected in Gävle. In 1969, Vietnam War: The first draft lottery in the United States was held since World War II. In 1971, Cambodian Civil WarKhmer Rouge rebels intensify assaults on Cambodiangovernment positions, forcing their retreat from Kompong Thmar and nearby Ba Ray. In 1973, Papua New Guinea gained self-governance from Australia. In 1974, TWA Flight 514, a Boeing 727, crashed northwest of Dulles International Airport, killing all 92 people on board. Also, Northwest Orient Airlines Flight 6231, another Boeing 727, crashed northwest of John F. Kennedy International Airport. In 1976, Angola joined the United Nations

In 1981, Inex-Adria Aviopromet Flight 1308, a McDonnell Douglas MD-80, crashes in Corsica, killing all 180 people on board. In 1984, NASA conducted the Controlled Impact Demonstration, wherein an airliner was deliberately crashed in order to test technologies and gather data to help improve survivability of crashes. In 1988, Benazir Bhutto was appointed Prime Minister of Pakistan. In 1989, 1989 Philippine coup attempt: The right-wing military rebel Reform the Armed Forces Movement attempted to oust Philippine President Corazon Aquino in a failed bloody coup d'état. Also, Cold WarEast Germany's parliament abolished the constitutional provision granting the Communist Party the leading role in the state. In 1990, Channel Tunnel sections started from the United Kingdom and France met 40 metres beneath the seabed. In 1991, Cold War: Ukrainian voters overwhelmingly approved a referendum for independence from the Soviet Union. In 1997, in the Indian state of BiharRanvir Sena attacked the CPI(ML) Party Unity stronghold Lakshmanpur-Bathe, killing 63 lower caste people. In 2001, Captain Bill Compton brought Trans World Airlines Flight 220, an MD-83, into St. Louis International Airport bringing to an end 76 years of TWA operations following TWA's purchase by American Airlines. In 2009, the Treaty of Lisbon, which amends the Treaty on European Union and the Treaty establishing the European Community, which together comprise the constitutional basis of European Union, came into effect. In 2013, China launched Yutu or Jade Rabbit, its first lunar rover, as part of the Chang'e 3 lunar exploration mission. Also, at least four are dead and 63 are injured following a Metro-North Railroad train derailment near Spuyten Duyvil, BronxNew York City.
=== Publishing News ===
This column welcomes feedback and criticism. The column is not made up but based on the days events and articles which are then placed in the feed. So they may not have an apparent cohesion they would have had were they made up.
I am publishing a book called Bread of Life: January

Bread of Life is a daily bible quote with a layman's understanding of the meaning. I give one quote for each day, and also a series of personal stories illustrating key concepts eg Who is God? What is a miracle? Why is there tragedy?

January is the first of the anticipated year-long work of thirteen books. One for each month and the whole year. It costs to publish. It (Kindle version) should retail at about $2US online, but the paperback version would cost more, according to production cost.
If you have a heart for giving, I fundraise at
Editorials will appear in the "History in a Year by the Conservative Voice" series, starting with AugustSeptemberOctober, or at Amazon  The kindle version is cheaper, but the soft back version allows a free kindle version.

List of available items at Create Space
Happy birthday and many happy returns Josephine SalernoJohn T TranTiffany Lee-Shoy and David Vuong. Born on the same day, across the years. Along with
Juan Lavalle
The silver is ours. The gift production line is open. We have them on air. Antarctica will be free. We can dig the tunnel. Let's party. 
Tim Blair 2017

Andrew Bolt 2017

Tim Blair


Everybody’s favourite hectoring Anglican, bossy little moralist Fr Rod Bower, lately visited Qatar to collect a prize.


First there was the literal shakening. Then came the literal fakening.


It’s always a good day when Bill Leak’s education gimp makes an appearance.


Today’s noticeboard is brought to you by whoever keeps calling me using a blocked number.


Greens politicians are very keen on freedom of speech. Wait – let us be more specific on that point. Greens politicians are very keen on THEIR freedom of speech. About the free speech of others, they are rather less concerned.
1 Dec
Andrew Bolt

Speccie out now

Don't miss the latest Spectator Australia, out now. Editor Rowan Dean is a genius.

Andrews was right about Sudanese crime. Where are the apologies?

The truth about Sudanese refugees is now so obvious that even the ABC admitted to the danger this week. So where are the sorries to Kevin Andrews from the journalists, Labor politicians and senior police who slimed him as a racist? 
COLUMN 1 Dec  129 comments

Christensen strips for Fairfax. Cracking pic

George Christensen is fast announcing himself as a real force in politics. This picture won't hurt the Nationals MP,  either, although I'm yet to hear an explanation for the most interesting thing about it.


Tim Blair – Tuesday, December 01, 2015 (1:14pm)

“Actions have consequences,” writes Clementine Ford. Indeed they do – but not for Clementine.
A rude fellow recently called the Fairfax columnist a “slut” on her Facebook page. By Clementine’s standards, this was not particularly extreme. Ford has previously called Daily Telegraph columnist Miranda Devine a “f**king c**t”and wrote of Iranian-born Rita Panahi: “No matter how hard she tries, she’ll never be a white man.”
Clem sure can dish it out. When abuse is directed at her, however, she can’t take even a single word of it. Following the “slut” comment, Ford contacted the man’s employers and had him fired
A man has been dismissed from his job at Meriton Apartments after calling popular feminist writer and Fairfax columnist Clementine Ford a “slut” …
In an update today, Ford told followers Meriton Group had contacted her to confirm it had investigated the matter.
“Meriton Group does not condone this type of behaviour. Michael Nolan was removed from the Meriton site on Saturday 28th November pending an investigation, and as of 2:30pm today 30th November 2015, he no longer works for the Meriton Group,” correspondence from the group, shared by Ford, said. 
A few points:
One. Nolan’s witless and crude comment was obviously offensive and should not have been posted. Dumb abuse is dumb abuse, no matter against whom it is aimed. 
Two. Clementine is an extraordinary hypocrite. She is more abusive than almost all of her critics, yet takes the most extreme action possible when even a tiny amount of that abuse is returned.
Three. Clementine’s attitude towards the word “slut” is ambivalent, to say the least. In 2013, she told an interviewerthat use of the word was: 
… something that’s completely beneath me to even engage with. Because I feel like anyone who would use that word legitimately as an insult to try and tear down a woman is not worthy of my time or even recognition of their argument. 
Until she felt like getting someone sacked. By 2015, incidentally, Ford was using “slut” in the introduction to speeches and columns
This is a letter to the chicks. It’s a letter to the bitches and the broads, the sluts and the whores. 
Four. Consider, as might a leftist, the relative power of Ford and her now-unemployed attacker. He’s an ex-apartment supervisor with no extensive online reach. She’s a widely-read media personality with sufficient presence to frighten PR-conscious businesses into sacking their staff. Leftists refer to Ford’s tactic as punching down
Punching down is a concept in which you’re assumed to have a measurable level of power and you’re looking for a fight. Now, you can either go after the big guy who might hurt you, or go after the little guy who has absolutely no shot. Either way, you’ve picked a fight, but one fight is remarkably more noble and worthwhile than the other. Going after the big guy, punching up, is an act of nobility. Going after the little guy, punching down, is an act of bullying. 
Five. Ford isn’t done yet. Yesterday she alerted – in a  now-deleted post – JB Hi-Fi to the use of “slut” by one of the company’s staffers. Following criticism, Ford responded
Who said anything about firing him? It’s up to JB what they do. Perhaps they just need to tighten their social media policy. 
Or perhaps, as Fairfax does in reaction to Clementine’s continual breaches, they could completely ignore it. Ford is immune to censure, which makes this Clemmy comment especially notable: 
I guess if you can’t handle the consequences of writing comments online then maybe reconsider writing comments online. 
Six. Like Clementine, I also receive numerous abusive and obscene comments and emails from the angry and unknown. Unlike Clementine, I avoid identifying the authors of those comments, much less run crying to their employers. A final word from Ford: 
“To anyone who suggests I have caused a man to lose his job, I’d like to say this: He is responsible for his actions.” 
So are you, Clementine. So are you.


Tim Blair – Tuesday, December 01, 2015 (11:03am)

In Mumbai, India, local Muslims are furious
Offices of the Marathi newspaper Lokmat witnessed angry protests on Sunday by outraged Muslims who claimed that the newspaper had insulted their faith by publishing a blasphemous picture.
Copies of the newspaper were burnt at various cities in Maharashtra and the protesting men demanded arrest of the editor and the artist who drew the illustration. A couple of offices are reported to have been attacked too, as the editor extended an immediate apology. 
Here’s the cause of all the trouble:

(Via Dylan Kissane.)


Tim Blair – Tuesday, December 01, 2015 (10:15am)

We live in troubled times, people. Dangerously stupid climate change conferences are happening even as we speak, flooding our media with frightening levels of Turnbull and Shorten. Yesterday those money-burning muppets were in Paris as an environmental visionary called for idiocy to be piled upon evil:

Robert Mugabe will show them the way forward. Today’s Daily Telegraph editorial
Australia’s enormous presence at the Paris climate conference is difficult to explain. Our nation produces barely more than 1 per cent of the planet’s man-made climate gases. Even if Australia were to abandon all industry, ban fossil fuel use and outlaw coal mining, resulting carbon dioxide savings would quickly be matched by industrial growth in China and India.
Observed from that angle, our presence in Paris is comparable to landlocked Chad attending a coastal flooding conference. 
At least Pachamama is getting something out of this.

How will Germany stop this brawling when these “refugees” leave their shelters?

Andrew Bolt December 01 2015 (7:01pm)

Welcome to Germany’s new arrivals, so grateful to their new home:
Clashes broke out Sunday between hundreds of asylum seekers at a shelter in Berlin, in the second mass brawl to erupt over the weekend in Germany’s crowded migrant accommodations. 
Several people were arrested at the fight that started in the food distribution queues at the former airport of Tempelhof, which has been turned into a temporary accommodation for 1,200 refugees, an AFP photographer witnessed.
The brawl came just hours after another mass fight at a refugee shelter in the Berlin suburb of Spandau, where migrants went at each other with fire extinguishers, a police spokesman said.
Windows were smashed, sofas were thrown, and fire extinguishers emptied, said police, adding that several residents of the shelter were wounded…
Separately, two other fights broke out in other shelters… 
Germany expects to take in a million asylum seekers this year alone… Germany’s police union had called for refugees to be separated by religion and by country of origin to minimise the potential for conflict.
How will police later separate these “refugees” from German Christians under this peace-keeping strategy of separating by religion and country of origin?
Meanwhile, on the Greek-Macedonian border:
More proof that screening the “refugees” is no safeguard:
The Paris attacks have raised fears of terrorists slipping into Europe by posing as refugees. But in Germany, the top migrant destination, security officials have another worry: Local extremists will recruit the newcomers to join the Islamist cause once they arrive. 
German authorities warn that migrants seeking out Arabic-language mosques in search of the familiar are increasingly ending up at those attended by Islamist radicals. In interviews, security officials from Berlin to the southwest German state of Saarland said they have registered a sharp rise in the number of asylum-seekers attending mosques they believed attracted extremists. Federal officials said they have counted more than 100 cases in which Islamists known to them have tried to establish contact with refugees.

Liberals at war: Abbott accuses Bishop of falsehoods

Andrew Bolt December 01 2015 (6:48pm)

Foreign Minister Julie Bishop’s reputation is getting a battering, and the rift in the Liberals is getting worse - driven in part by alarm at where Malcolm Turnbull is taking the party:
Tony Abbott has unleashed a public attack on his former deputy, Julie Bishop, to accuse her of telling falsehoods. 
The former prime minister told Fairfax Media it was “false” that Ms Bishop had warned him of a phone call where Malcolm Turnbull was making plans for a post-Abbott government seven months before he challenged for the leadership…
In the February 8 call, Mr Turnbull offered Scott Morrison the treasurer’s post in a future Turnbull government… Ms Bishop was in the same room as Mr Turnbull at the time, a silent participant in the call....
When Ms Bishop was asked on Channel Nine on Tuesday whether she had told Mr Abbott about the call, she responded: “Of course, of course.”
But Mr Abbott said: “The claim that Julie Bishop made on Channel Nine that she told me about the conversation between Malcolm Turnbull and Scott Morrison that she witnessed is false.”
On a second point, Mr Abbott said it was not true that Ms Bishop had urged him to appoint two more women to his first cabinet.
In part two of Fairfax’s Shirtfronted, Ms Bishop is said to have suggested that Marise Payne and Sussan Ley be appointed to the cabinet, but met opposition from Mr Abbott’s then chief of staff, Peta Credlin…
But Mr Abbott told Fairfax Media: “The suggestion that Julie Bishop lobbied me to get Marise Payne and Sussan Ley into cabinet in September 2013 is false. The suggestion that Peta Credlin opposed that is also false."…

He challenged her remark that his cabinet had held firm during the first and unsuccessful leadership spill in February.
Ms Bishop had said: “The cabinet held absolutely firm… I certainly was not aware of white-anting, although I’m sure that the former prime minister has a number of concerns about what went on in those last six months of his time as prime minister.”
Mr Abbott said: “Julie Bishop’s claim that the cabinet was solidly behind me was rendered ridiculous by the leaking that so obviously took place.” 

How well is Turnbull really doing?

Andrew Bolt December 01 2015 (4:16pm)

Malcolm Turnbull is up against a terrible Labor leader.
He has the uncritical and lavish support of much of the media, from writers on the Australian to those on The Age and ABC.
He has avoided making a single tough decision that could alientate anyone.
He has business leaders licking his hand.
It cannot get better than this for Turnbull. Yet despite all these massive advantages, Turnbull’s lead is surprisingly brittle:
And the Government is yet to admit that the deficit is blowing out again.
(Thanks to reader Alan RM Jones.) 

Sexism alert: abusive Clementine Ford applauds sacking of abusive man

Andrew Bolt December 01 2015 (3:58pm)

Fairfax columnist Clementine Ford has printed and sold “F… Abbott” T-shirts.
Fairfax columnist Clementine Ford has jeered that a female journalist of Iranian background ”will never be a white man”.
Fairfax columnist Clementine Ford has called former Queensland Premier Campbell Newman a ”c..t”.
Fairfax columnist Clementine Ford has called conservative columnist Miranda Devine a ” c..t”.
Now that Fairfax columnist Clementine Ford has helped get a man sacked for his abuse, will Fairfax uphold the same standards and sack Ford, or are feminists not held to the very standards they applaud for men?
A Sydney hotel supervisor has lost his job after making a sexist and offensive comment on the Facebook page of Fairfax Media columnist Clementine Ford. 
The Meriton Group confirmed that Michael Nolan was no longer employed by the company, after he labelled Ford a “slut” when she spoke out publicly against misogyny and online harassment…
On his Facebook profile, Mr Nolan listed that he was a supervisor at Meriton Apartments, prompting Ford to tag the Meriton Group on Facebook and query whether they were aware that one of their employees was making such degrading comments…
Ford originally said she highlighted Mr Nolan’s comment because “these men don’t get to just go around leaving these kinds of comments and attempting to degrade women just for the hell of it. Why should they get away with it? Why should there be no consequences at all for them?"… 
After receiving a message from the Meriton Group confirming that Mr Nolan was no longer working for the company, Ford applauded the company’s actions.
Why are there no consequences for Ford’s actions?
(Thanks to many readers.) 

If Bhutan is the warmists’ “role model”, start worrying

Andrew Bolt December 01 2015 (9:41am)

Climate Action Tracker, a prominent global warming activist group, claims Bhutan is our role model:
We rate Bhutan “role model”. This means that Bhutan’s target is in line with a global 2°C pathway… In such a context, the country has also put forward the concept of “Gross National Happiness”, in contrast with the established notion of “Gross Domestic Product”, and the utilitarian political theory.  
Let’s check the happiness factor in the warmists’ “role model”, which lacks the wicked emissions of a thriving economy.
Life expectancy in Bhutan: 68
Life expectancy in Australia:  82
How happy are hungry people?:
It is estimated that 34 percent of children in Bhutan are stunted as a result of malnutrition and 11 percent show signs of wasting. While malnutrition and stunting is found to be slightly higher in rural regions of western and eastern Bhutan, national statistics from Bhutan show that at least 15 percent of children under five are undernourished.
This is the green dream?
Meanwhile, warmists save the planet from overconsumption, one course at a time:
(Thanks to reader Relevance Please.) 

Bernard Keane’s contempt for soldiers who served this nation

Andrew Bolt December 01 2015 (8:49am)

Rudyard Kipling on the posturing Left:
\Making mock o’ uniforms that guard you while you sleep.
Today’s example, Crikey’s Bernard Keane:
“Militarist bozos”?
Let’s compare the records of Keane, Nikolic and Hastie in serving this nation. Let’s sort out the real bozo:
Andrew Nikolic, Liberal MP for Bass:
During his 31 year career in the Army, he has completed three postings to the Middle East: 
As United Nations Team Leader in Israel, Syria and South Lebanon (1990-91); As Chief of Staff and Deputy Commander of Australia’s initial contribution to Afghanistan (2001-02); and 
As the first Australian National Commander in Southern Iraq (2005).
In addition to his national command responsibilities in Southern Iraq, he concurrently served as Chief of Staff of the British-led Multinational Division.
Andrew has taught tactics at the Royal Military College and has served as the Commanding Officer / Chief Instructor of the Parachute Training School…
In 2003 Andrew became the first officer appointed to lead the Army Recruit Training Centre to have also graduated as a soldier.  In 2007 he was promoted to Brigadier.
Andrew is a graduate of the Army Command and Staff College, Joint Services Staff College, Armed Forces of the Philippines Joint College, the United States Army War College, the United Nations Senior Leader’s Course, and the Australian Institute of Company Directors. 
In addition to his military qualifications he holds two Bachelors Degrees in Arts and Social Science, and three Masters Degrees in Management, International Relations and Strategic Studies.
Andrew Hastie, Liberal MP for Canning:
Wangaratta-born and Sydney-raised, Capt. Hastie arrived in WA in 2010 after passing the gruelling SAS selection process, as documented in the SBS documentary SAS: The Search for Warriors. “I then completed the 18-month-long training cycle developing expertise in shooting, parachuting, diving, boating and other niche commando skills,” his application says. 
He had a troop command role for three years in charge of 30 soldiers, deploying to Afghanistan three times.
“My tasks have included leading sensitive strategic operations on behalf of the Australian Government in Afghanistan in 2012 and 2013 working alongside Afghan partner forces, conducting strike missions against Taliban leadership,” he wrote.
In 2013 he advised a Government team reviewing “critical security infrastructure in support of Operation Sovereign Borders”. 
In 2014-15, he was in the Middle East for coalition operations against Islamic State working with Western partners to better understand the threat of terrorism to the West.
Bernard Keane, writer for Crikey, the internet gossip site:
Bernard Keane has been Crikey‘s correspondent in Canberra since 2008, writing on politics, media and economics. He was educated at the University of Sydney, where he received a PhD in history. Before joining Crikey, he was a public servant and speechwriter in transport and communications. In ... 2014 he wrote A Short History of Stupid with Helen Razer, about the debasement of public debate.
Keane owes Nikolic and Hastie an apology.
(Thanks to reader John.) 

Who is your big hope of the conservative side?

Andrew Bolt December 01 2015 (8:34am)

So who do you think will emerge as the great hope of the conservative wing of the Liberal party, now increasingly concerned with Malcolm Turnbull’s direction?
Tony Abbott
Peter Dutton
Scott Morrison
Josh Frydenberg
Angus Taylor
I had my own say on our 2GB/3AW/4BC show last night. Listen here. (Very impressive contribution from MP Michael Sukar, too.)
A lot of support in comments below for Andrew Hastie down the track. Dutton, Frydenberg and Abbott the favourites so far. Taylor is supported, but is battling a recognition factor.
James Massola on the souring of support for Scott Morrison:
Immigration Minister Peter Dutton ...  is now being discussed as a possible future deputy leader by conservatives who are angry with Mr Morrison as well as deputy leader Julie Bishop, over the events of September… 
Along with Finance Minister Mathias Cormann, Mr Dutton – who has maintained a hardline approach to border protection – is now seen as the most senior conservative in the cabinet following the axing of former ministers Kevin Andrews and Eric Abetz.
Fairfax Media spoke to half a dozen conservatives who said that Mr Morrison’s standing with the party’s right had been damaged by his handling of the switch from Mr Abbott to Mr Turnbull. One said that “neither side now trusts Morrison; he has identified himself as being for sale” while Ms Bishop had also been “irrevocably damaged” by her involvement in the spill.
Another said that “ ... Dutton is now the most senior conservative ... if you want to raise an issue, you go to Dutton not Morrison."…
Another MP mentioned as a possible future leaders of the party’s conservative wing is new cabinet minister Josh Frydenberg, who has launched a strong defence of coal exports since becoming Resources Minister and who on Sunday accused the Grand Mufti of Australia, Dr Ibrahim Abu Mohammed, of a failure of leadership in recent comments about the Paris terrorist attacks. 
Mr Frydenberg also supported Mr Abbott until the end but is, however, a strong supporter of same-sex marriage, which sets him apart from conservative colleagues.
(Thanks to reader Peter of Bellevue Hill.) 

Why aren’t these “refugees” fighting like the Kurds?

Andrew Bolt December 01 2015 (8:28am)

The Kurds have a point:
So I never quite understand the people who make this point:
The Iraqi foreign minister says the terrorist activities committed by Takfiri Daesh terrorists show the terror group’s hatred toward the entire world, noting that Muslims are the main victims of terrorist attacks
True enough. So why aren’t Muslims here also the main campaigners against Islamist terrorism?
(Thanks to reader Lachie.) 

Pick which way is best: speaking honestly about Islam, or speaking like Burke and Dreyfus?

Andrew Bolt December 01 2015 (8:05am)

Labor frontbenchers Mark Dreyfus and Tony Burke, both with substantial Muslim minorities in their electorates, think it’s bad to speak the truth about Islam and the Mufti:
LABOR frontbenchers Tony Burke and Mark Dreyfus said the language used by some government MPs calling for Islam to change risked returning to “old rhetoric” of the Liberal party. 
Mr Dreyfus [said Liberals were] “… irresponsibly stirring up division between Muslim and non-Muslims"… Mr Burke ... said Resources Minister Josh Frydenberg’s comments on the Grand Mufti were “needlessly aggressive” and “self-defeating”, adding others who’ve joined such statements risked reigniting sectarian debates.
So how would Dreyfus and Burke talk about Islam, jihadism and Muslim immigration?
Burke has actually endorsed radicalism, rather than challenge it, in his now notorious speech to the Friends of Palestine group:
For those who are political advocates within Palestine itself, I will never know the bravery that comes with putting your life on the line and at risk, in engaging in politics in different ways.
Pardon? What “different ways”? Involving putting lives “on the line”? Like stabbing attacks on Jews? Suicide attacks? What precisely?
And Dreyfus apparently prefers to close his eyes to real trouble and say the opposite of the truth:
[Dreysfus] talks about his electorate: 
Isaacs MP Mark Dreyfus said..."One third of Australians were born overseas and Greater Dandenong is home to citizens representing 150 different nationalities,” he said. “Our community is a wonderful example to others of a modern, diverse and harmonious society.”
This week: 
...Community leaders have joined police on regular patrols in Dandenong as the force tries to improve ties with troubled ethnic youths. The ethnically diverse city has crime rates almost 40 per cent higher than the state average… Pacific Islander and Sudanese community leaders were informed by Victoria Police last year that their populations were overrepresented in crime statistics. 

In Britain, too. Labour is surrendering its values - even unwinding the battles fought by suffragettes more than a century ago:
Labour faced a sexism row today after men and women were segregated at an Asian party rally. 
The meeting organised by the party’s Friends of Bangladesh group was held ahead of Thursday’s crucial by-election, which Labour is in danger of losing.
Photographs of the event in Oldham West and Royton, where one in five voters is from an ethnic minority, shows Asian men and women sitting in separate rows. 
Critics said allowing the sexes to be split up at the party-run event was ‘shameful’ and accused Labour of ‘putting political correctness ahead of equality’ in order to win votes.
Of course, segregation like this in a Muslim enclave is precisely what multicultural policies dictate.
(Thanks to reader Never Again Socialism.) 

Turnbull promises $1 billion of your money to global warming scare

Andrew Bolt December 01 2015 (7:49am)

Robbing hungry Peter to pay warmist Paul:
Malcolm Turnbull has promised to spend “at least” $1 billion helping vulnerable nations cope with climate change, as he told the climate change conference in Paris Australia wouldn’t be daunted by the challenge. 
Like the $200 million pledged for a global climate fund at similar talks in Peru last year, the additional $800 million will be redirected from the existing foreign aid budget.
That’s our money, gone to feed a gigantic scare.
Turnbull’s excuse:
Some of the most vulnerable nations are our Pacific neighbours and we are helping them to build resilience through practical action and assistance. To this end, Australia will contribute at least $1 billion over the next five years from our existing aid budget both to build climate resilience and reduce emissions. 
In fact:
New Zealand coastal geomorphologist Paul Kench, of the University of Auckland’s School of Environment, and colleagues in Australia and Fiji, who have been studying how reef islands in the Pacific and Indian Oceans respond to rising sea levels… Their analysis, which now extends to more than 600 coral reef islands in the Pacific and Indian Oceans, indicates that about 80 percent of the islands have remained stable or increased in size (roughly 40 percent in each category)… Tuvalu’s main atoll, Funafuti—33 islands distributed around the rim of a large lagoon—has gained 75 acres (32 hectares) of land during the past 115 years. 
And those islands face fewer cyclones and probably not stronger ones, admits the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change:
In summary, confidence in large scale changes in the intensity of extreme extratropical cyclones since 1900 is low… Over periods of a century or more, evidence suggests slight decreases in the frequency of tropical cyclones making landfall in the North Atlantic and the South Pacific...
Why is Turnbull ignoring this science? Why is he spending $1 billion on a false premise? Why aren’t journalists calling him out and reporting the science?
You wouldn’t think Turnbull faces a Budget that is blowing out by billions, with no sign of an end to our deficits. Or maybe you’d understand it only too well:
It has already emerged that during the summit Australia will be signing up to a global clean energy technology initiative that would see the government double its $100 million a year commitment to research and development in the field over the next five years.
Any hype will do. Environment Minister Greg Hunt reports “widespread applause and acclamation” for Turnbull in Paris:
Jill Jacks listens closely and thinks “widespread applause and acclamation” is a vast exaggeration:
Why the hell is the ABC’s 7.30 crossing to an activist - Erwin Jackson from the Climate Institute - to give a roundup on the Paris global warming conference?
Not even the pretence now of balance. 

Standing up for the law - and for our culture

Andrew Bolt December 01 2015 (7:00am)

NSW Attorney-General Gabrielle Upton finally stands up for the law and insists a Muslim extremist does, too:
ISLAMIC extremist Milad bin Ahmad-Shah al-Ahmadzai could face contempt charges after NSW Attorney-General Gabrielle Upton ­finally lost patience with his ­repeated lack of respect for the judiciary. 
Al-Ahmadzai has refused to stand up in courts for well over a year, claiming he is “not at the behest of any authority other than Islam"…
Ms Upton wrote to Solicitor-General Michael Sexton SC last night ordering him to consider contempt charges.
“I have also sought advice from the Department of Justice for possible changes to the law so accused persons show respect for ­judicial officers and our system of justice,” she said.
Mr Sexton has the power to prosecute al-Ahmadzai, 25, who did not stand for Judge Gregory Farmer SC yesterday as his trial for car theft and ­attempted murder continued at Parramatta District Court.
It is important that on all fronts we now stand up for our culture. We cannot keep teaching the children of immigrants that Australia is a racist and land-raping country founded on theft and genocide, even stealing children just because they were Aboriginal. Not only is that untrue, or at best an obscene exaggeration, it is also dangerous. How can we expect children from other, prouder cultures to pledge loyalty to this when we sell it so soiled?
And how can we expect other children to defend what they are told is contemptible? 

Fairfax admits its papers are part of a warmist lobby group

Andrew Bolt December 01 2015 (6:48am)

The Sydney Morning Herald’s official warming alarmist chides the Turnbull Government:
Turnbull will have to convince his party that Australia must lift its climate ambitions if it’s to do its fair share to keep global warming to less than two degrees - a case that will be easier to make if Paris produces a credible pathway to such an outcome.
At the bottom of this sermon, this declaration:
Fairfax Media is a global partner of the United Nations Foundation
That makes Fairfax papers - The Age and Sydney Morning Herald - just propaganda sheets for an activist group pushing global warming. Do not expect any balance or impartiality in their coverage. 

Europe grants Turks easier entry

Andrew Bolt December 01 2015 (6:31am)

See Europe while it’s still there:
Turkey’s 75 million citizens will be given the right to travel to and within Europe without a visa next year after European Union leaders took a gamble yesterday that the country could solve the continent’s migration crisis.
It’s meant to be a payment for help in stopping illegal immigration:
EU leaders on Sunday signed a deal meaning that Ankara will take back deported migrants from European countries in exchange for visa restrictions to be lifted and talks on Turkey joining the EU to be accelerated.
But the price could be more legal immigration instead:
The EU also said that it will re-open talks on whether to allow Turkey, which has a population of more than 70 million, to join the EU. Critics have warned that allowing Turkey to join the EU would result in large numbers of migrants attempting to travel to the UK.
But pennies are finally starting to drop:
Unless it can secure its borders, the EU risks the same fate as the Roman Empire, according to Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte. 
“As we all know from the Roman Empire, big empires go down if the borders are not well protected,” said Rutte, whose country takes over the presidency of the Council of the EU in January. “We really have an imperative that it is handled.”
So far:
Some 850,000 people [illegal immigrants] have entered the European Union this year, more than half of them landing in Greece…
(Thanks to reader Correllio.) 

Say it ain’t so: surely Turnbull won’t back Rudd as UN boss

Andrew Bolt November 30 2015 (7:48pm)

Leigh Sales cannot get former Labor Prime Minister Kevin Rudd tonight to criticise Liberal Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull.
More reason to heed the whispers: that Turnbull could actually back this failed leader’s bid to be UN Secretary General.
Say it ain’t so, Malcolm. 


Tim Blair – Monday, December 01, 2014 (5:39pm)

An appropriate name, considering the circumstances: 
shark has reportedly leapt from the water during a surf competition involving a mothers club in Coffs Harbour …
Surfer Sharni Winkler told the Advocate “it was real” and that her arms were aching from the frantic paddle back to shore. 
Click for the photograph. Of course, the original Winkler preferred to jump sharks rather than be jumped by a shark:

(Via A.R.M. Jones)


Tim Blair – Monday, December 01, 2014 (12:45pm)

Feminists should pay more attention to clothes. No, wait – that sounds sexist. What I mean to say is that feminists should pay more attention to the complicated and interconnected issues associated with clothes in the broader context of an oppressive capitalist patriarchy.
 Continue reading 'SOCIAL FABRIC'


Tim Blair – Monday, December 01, 2014 (12:01pm)

Protesters make their various, er, points during the G20 summit:



Tim Blair – Monday, December 01, 2014 (11:30am)

Politics, most of the time, is a necessarily cautious game. This is why the Greens usually hold their party conferences behind closed doors, away from any media attention. No point exposing the public to the absolute madness behind the Greens’ carefully contrived mainstream facade.
There are two circumstances where governments may be justified in taking a risky approach. One is when polls show a large enough lead that even policies which alienate some voters still won’t do enough damage to wreck chances of re-election.
 Continue reading 'GO FOR IT'


Tim Blair – Monday, December 01, 2014 (11:14am)

Joe Hildebrand discovers a hotbed of cultural insensitivity on the north coast of NSW:

I bet they didn’t even have any lecturers to explain Mexican history. This looks like a job for the Autonomous Collective Against Racism

Does Leyonhjelm want his conservative supporters to be equally absolutist with him?

Andrew Bolt December 01 2014 (7:57pm)

I’m not sure David Leyonhjelm would want to give his many conservative admirers reason to drop off him - not when the Left won’t ever thank him enough to vote for him anyway:
Prime Minister Tony Abbott faces opening up a new battle front in the Senate, with Liberal Democratic senator David Leyonhjelm pledging to block government legislation if MPs are not allowed to properly debate his same-sex marriage bill
Last week, Senator Leyonhjelm introduced a bill into the Senate that would amend the Marriage Act to allow marriage between same-sex couples, as well as for transgender and intersex Australians.
In response to Mr Abbott’s comments, Senator Leyonhjelm observed that newly independent senator Jacqui Lambie was not the only one on the crossbench who could veto the government’s legislation in protest. 

Glenn Lazarus taken to hospital

Andrew Bolt December 01 2014 (1:14pm)

Party leader Clive Palmer says his Senate leader has been taken to hospital for a “condition”.
And Palmer won’t been feeling well after his car-crash appearance at the National Press Club today, with several journalists trying to ask him about his court case. In the end Palmer just kept talking over the questions to stop them being asked, and personally insulted the journalists asking them.
This man is a clown, yes. He is also sinister. Imagine him with real power.
Oh, wait.... 

Campaigns matter less, performance more

Andrew Bolt December 01 2014 (12:54pm)

Simon Benson makes a good point about not just the Victorian election:
If the extraordinarily high number of pre-poll votes is a sign of a new phenomenon, parties will have to rewrite the election campaign guide book. 
With one million Victorians voting three weeks before the poll, campaigns can no longer rely on a surge of promises in the final two weeks ... John Howard always said it that you can’t fatten a pig on market day. Never before has that been truer.
(Thanks to reader Peter of Bellevue Hill.) 

Abbott changes

Andrew Bolt December 01 2014 (11:56am)

Tony Abbott has heard and is starting to change. His press conference today was probably his longest yet and arguably his best.
We wanted him to show he was listening and learning from his stumbles. He acknowledged last week’s performance was “ragged” and said he would restore the allowances that were being cut from defence services’ pay.
We wanted to him to make changes in his staff. He said highly experienced diplomat Michael Thawley, a top public servant with serious experience in the private sector, would become head of Prime Minister and Cabinet. Yes, he did defend his personal staff, as he should, but he hasn’t ruled out changes there - and should make them.
We wanted him to sound less scripted and more heartfelt.  His tone today - and the sheer length of the press conference - was spot on. This was genuine Abbott being more open about his stumbles and the challenges he was trying to balance.
We wanted him not to treat people like idiots and to stop denying he’d broken promises. He admitted his cuts to the ABC were “at odds with what I said immediately prior to the election”. That’s still not quite good enough. Abbott simply stuffed up in that one interview in mistaking what was clear and explicit and often-repeated policy, but this is miles better than last week’s evasions.
We wanted him to focus more on the purpose to the pain, to describe the sunny uplands. There was some of that, too, albeit not yet enough. Just as importantly, though, he sounded confident, calm and focussed.
We wanted him to ditch the unaffordable - notably the paid parental leave scheme. Well, he won’t quite do that, saying he’d promised it so often, but hinted that it might be further modified to get Senate support.
But we also wanted him not to stray from the central story, and, indeed, to focus more on it - that the nation does face a financial crisis and spending must be restrained if we are to give people jobs. There was plenty of that, and Abbott crucially did not give in on the ADF pay offer itself - a 1.5 per cent increase. We simply cannot afford more, he said.
I thought this was a very promising start.
Abbott needs to give people, especially his critics, a reason or excuse to give him another look, another chance.
That requires him to acknowledge but also to change. We’re getting a fair bit of the first but not yet enough of the second, which will take time. His office needs beefing up, his ministers need some reshuffling, his ministers need to sell harder, his ministers need more freedom, the Government’s policies need sharpening, the constitutional recognition campaign needs to be quietly buried, the job queues need to be tackled, the government needs to show it gets people and is helping them in their daily lives.
Abbott needs to go harder on his strengths - the can-do man and community volunteer. Surround himself with more friends - the quiet doers. Fixing their problems. Lauding their virtues. Giving strength to their arm. Abbott’s Australia.
But after today I am feeling a lot more optimistic about the Abbott Government than I have for a few weeks.
But this remains the greatest threat to the Government’s re-election:
THE torrent of revenue delivered by the resources boom to the federal government has dried up sooner than expected, all but destroying Tony Abbott’s promise to return the federal budget to surplus even if he manages to convince the Senate to pass his controversial savings. 
The mid-year budget update, due within weeks, will reveal a deficit blowout of more than $35 billion over the next four years and show that for the first time in more than a decade the state of the economy has become a drag on the budget, according to a report by economic forecaster Deloitte Access Economics....
Deloitte says that sharper-than-expected falls in the price of Australia’s biggest export, iron ore — down more than 35 per cent since May to less than $US70 a tonne — and sluggish wage growth at home have lopped more than $9bn from projected revenues over the next two years alone, rendering hopes of a surplus in 2017-18 “well and truly toast"…
Chris Richardson, head of economics at Deloitte ... points out that about 80 per cent of the deterioration in the budget’s bottom line since 2000 was due to extra spending rather than tax cuts…
At the peak of the boom in 2007, the revenue bonanza was adding about $80bn a year to government revenues but the state of the economy will now subtract $24bn from the budget over the next four years…
In his report, Mr Richardson says the budget delivered in May is “the only road map to structural fiscal repair Australia has”.
“The opposition and minor parties have washed their hands of setting­ out detailed alternatives, preferring populist posturing...”
Where’s Labor’s plan? Why is it actively sabotaging the rescue of the economy? Why is it putting its ambitions ahead of the interests of the Australians who need jobs for themselves and their children?
(Thanks to reader Peter of Bellevue Hill.) 

Rinehart: more than 3000 approvals just to build a mine

Andrew Bolt December 01 2014 (9:52am)

A strong speech from mining boss Gina Rinehart on this bizarre culture of crippling the investments we need to pay for all we demand:
Mining is the largest earner of export income generating more than $200 billion in much needed revenue for our country, a country in record debt… 
For an industry that delivers so much, wouldn’t you think that there would be just a little more understanding and less negativity for what mining contributes to our country?…

Recently, the Boston Consulting Group looked at the performance of the major exporting nations and put Australia at the bottom of the list… Expensive labor and energy costs were significant and so was low productivity.
Despite all the talk of reform, when it comes to international comparisons, Australia is going backwards. We’re now bundled in with Italy and France.
The report found, our wages grew by 48 percent from 2004 to 2014, but labour productivity remained virtually flat.
In the same period, electricity costs rose by about 60%.
What has definitely grown though is government imposed costs - regulation and compliance.
Deloitte recently calculated that regulation is costing Australia an incredible $250 billion a year.... They estimate the red tape industry unproductively employs more than 1 million people nationwide now – and consider this – compliance has become Australia’s fastest growing sector!
Of course, mining remains THE most regulated of all industries…

When I was at Port Hedland the day before yesterday, for the two thirds milestone of our Roy Hill project, I heard that one Department wants us to spend approximately $3million to re-vegetate an access road which had cost us about $12 million to build. Whereas the locals don’t want the road closed and want to be able to use it after us. Why waste $15 million dollars? And then how much would it take the government to then rebuild with taxpayers money a similar access road, no doubt much more than this!…
We can’t change international commodity prices, and Australians are reluctant to have their wages lowered, so it should be blindingly obvious that we must reduce our costs, so government burdens have to be reduced…
I’ve spoken of our Roy Hill experience with its 3000 plus approvals and licences.
But at a coal project we used to have 100% of in Queensland, guess how many approvals and licences our staff found were required? Firstly they advised after years of searching, over 3000! But later they found even more, more than 5000 approvals and licences were required. And we’re not talking a simple short form . Some of these approvals require thousands of pages to be submitted, a recent approval it was published utilised 500 consultants. If I’d known this beforehand, I doubt I would have even bothered to invest and advance the project. 
Contrast the Australian experience to how mining is treated in our competitor nations and we should start to think. Just take for instance the USA, a much more heavily populated and built up country. We’re told approvals and licences required for major projects would be less than 100 in total. I’ve heard as low as 35.

Russell was right

Andrew Bolt December 01 2014 (9:30am)

Bertrand Russell:
Much that passes as idealism is disguised hatred or disguised love of power.
Take Damiya Hayden, who has been an Oaktree Foundation ambassador and Australian Young Greens campaign co-coordinator and ticks many of the boxes of the identity politics that define the Left:
I’m a white, queer, disabled, middle class Italian-Australian woman
And her suffering hasn’t made her more conspicuously compassionate:
(Via Menzies House.) 

The devil meets his imp

Andrew Bolt December 01 2014 (9:11am)

Lambie meets with “the devil” who spent up to $700,000 to win her seat for her:
Jacqui Lambie… met Clive Palmer for a drink to discuss her ex-leader’s position on better pay for the defence force. 
A photograph emerged on social media on Sunday night showing the pair meeting at Canberra’s Hotel Hotel, a surprising move given the toxic nature of the pair’s relationship…
I did have a meeting with the devil himself,” she told reporters.

Liberals and Nationals lose loyalists in Victoria. Swing biggest in safest seats

Andrew Bolt December 01 2014 (9:02am)

Demographer and former Labor Senator John Black says Victorian Liberals lost their base:
...a lead-footed, hesitant Coalition government got clobbered by an effective and populist Labor campaign. On the current political settings, the same thing is likely to happen to Tony Abbott in 2016 for the same reasons.... 
Saturday’s Victorian swing of 2.5 per cent was not big enough to be emphatic; nor was it concentrated on 2010 Coalition marginal seats, where it picked up six or seven seats out of a dozen marginals....
This means the biggest swings to Labor came from hardcore Coalition voters in seats such as Sandringham, Hawthorn, Bass, Caulfield, Nepean, Benambra, Gippsland, Murray Plains, Werribee, Kew and Warrandyte. Get the picture? 
Labor didn’t win this election. Hardcore Liberal voters chucked out their own. Just as hardcore Labor voters chucked out state Labor governments during the chaotic Rudd/Gillard era.
The swing to Labor overall was indeed 2.5 per cent. But the swing in many of the safest Liberal and Nationals seats was much higher.
The swing in Shepparton - 32.5 per cent.
Sandringham - 8.3
Hawthorn - 8.1
Caulfield - 6.7
Murray Plains - 6.2
Warrandyte - 5.6
Kew - 5.6
Brighton - 4.5
Malvern - 4.3 
Yes, Hawthorn and Kew had sitting members quit. Special factors were at play in Shepparton, with the Nationals losing to an independent. And, of course, fewer people are rusted on these days, as Labor has already found.
But the message seems clear: the Victorian Liberals and Nationals did not have a happy base.
That’s very true of the Nationals:
The National Party faces losing party status in Victoria, with its state-wide primary vote reduced to about 5.3 per cent, compared to 6.8 per cent in 2010.
Although thousands of pre-poll votes are still to be counted, the Nationals appear to have lost the seat of Shepparton, which it has held for 47 years, to rural independent Suzanna Sheed after suffering a whopping 32.5 per cent swing. 
The seat of Morwell is also under a cloud, with Nationals incumbent Russell Northe suffering an 11.6 per cent swing.
Which suggests Abbott’s big push on the Monday after the Victorian election is exactly not what’s needed if he wants to inspire his own troops to fight:
TONY Abbott has stepped up the campaign to recognise indigenous Australians in the Constitution with a passionate and direct appeal to constitutional monarchists, the group most against reforms and the constituency he successfully led to defeat the 1999 republican referendum. Delivering the ­Neville Bonner Oration to Australians for a Constitutional Monarchy on Friday night, the Prime Minister argued that as a “constitutional conservative” he did not want to change the Constitution, just “complete it"… 
“The challenge is to find a way to acknowledge Aboriginal people in the Constitution without otherwise changing it,” he told the private function in Sydney. In an ardent appeal to the group he once led against constitutional change, Mr Abbott said: “I invite the friends of the Constitution to suspend scepticism...”
That Abbott is explicitly and openly taking on conservatives says everything. This is not a winning strategy - to antagonise your allies without placating your foes:
Indigenous leader Mick Dodson ... criticised the Abbott government for contributing to a “discourse of negativity” about Aboriginal people and ...said the government’s focus on child protection, community safety and employment in indigenous affairs emphasised failure. 
“The negativity actually makes people sick....” 
John Black continues:
Which moves us neatly onto Abbott. His erratic leadership of a cabinet of angry old men is reminding me more and more of the last few months of John Gorton. The problems for Abbott lie not just with his cabinet, an ineffectual Treasurer, an unsellable budget, a bogan Senate and duff policies. 
The problems for Abbott start with Abbott himself.
ABC presenter Jon Faine, a Greens sympathiser, gloats that the Victorian result shows elections can’t be won from the radical right, and this was the “last roar of the dinosaurs” of the Liberals. The Liberals must move to the centre.
We know why Faine, who offered no such analysis following the fall of Labor, would want this to be true. But what makes that analysis so transparently self-serving is that is relies on imagining the Baillieu and Napthine governments as radical right-wing.  The exact opposite is true.
Faine has form. This is the same ABC radical who, after the fall of the Howard Government, asked the editor of the Herald Sun if he’d then have a “cleansing” of his conservative columnists (of whom there were but me and Terry McCrann):
JON FAINE: I want to expand our discussion to another aspect of media which I think is quite intriguing as the Rudd Government is about to start it’s first session in the parliament, and that is whether or not the media needs to go through a bit of a rethink, as it would seem, according to last year’s election, the nation has. Have things moved on and have some of the staples of the media in the Howard era worn out their usefulness as we enter a Rudd era? ... I’m going to talk in particular about columnists… and Bruce you have some notorious ones of your own? ...  so you’re not going through a cleansing process?
But Faine called for no “cleansing” of “notorious” Leftists at the ABC or Fairfax (like himself) when Labor just five years later lost the federal election and was left in power only in South Australia. There was no talk then of the “last roar of the dinosaurs”.
To celebrate this morning, Faine gives a very kind interview to the Greens, with none of the rude heckling that he invariably gives to Coalition MPs. The Greens look like holding just one of the 88 seats in the lower house.
Too transparent, Jon.

Excellent piece by Roger Franklin:
Advance your enemies, betray your friends – that might be another epitaph worth inscribing on the Liberal headstone. 
As to the next four years, well, it is a horror-show script. For starters, the incoming government has sworn that it will shut down much of the state’s coal-burning capacity to generate electricity. Plus, there are some $30 billion dollars worth of promises, a union thugocracy waiting to issue orders, and emergency service workers to be lavishly rewarded for their truculence with pay raises that will set the scale for many, many more of similar size to come. If Victorians wish to glimpse the future, look not to Andrews’ promises but across Bass Strait, where Tasmania’s basket-case economy sets the benchmark.
Professor Sinclair Davidson:
The problem with the Victorian Liberals is that they are embarrassed by their constituents – they want the votes, but don’t want to deliver. Ronald Reagan is said to have observed that you’ve got to go home with the one that brung you to the dance. Well, true – but before you go home, you’ve got to dance with the one that brung you too. 
The Victorian Liberals don’t get that. These are people who won office in 2010 promising to repeal the Charter of Human Rights and by 2014 the same people were campaigning to retain 18c. I can’t imagine why any liberally minded person could ever vote for them – the Victorian Liberals were so useless they couldn’t articulate any reason why they should remain in office either. 
(Thanks to reader Gab.) 

Timid, tongue-tied government in turmoil smashed.  The real lessons for Tony Abbott

Andrew Bolt December 01 2014 (7:34am)

Politics - federal

IF you’re a Liberal, be scared. If you’re Prime Minister Tony Abbott, be alarmed. The Liberals should never have lost Victoria’s election.

No other Victorian government in the past 59 years has been thrown out after just one term.
This one shouldn’t have been, either.
Its Budget is the healthiest in the country. It’s had no major scandals, and no Labor-style desalination plant disaster bleeding billions.
It’s also had no inspirational Opposition. New Labor Premier Daniel Andrews is a man from the Socialist Left who vowed to tear up a massive road contract at God knows what cost, and made at least $24 billion of promises.
Labor even remains formally tied to the Construction Forestry Mining and Energy Union, many of whose officials have had charges recommended against them by the counsel assisting the royal commission into union corruption. The new Planning Minister is a CFMEU member.
And to make things worse, the Greens, as predicted, may help control the balance of power in the Upper House, and have at least one seat in the Lower House. When did Labor and Greens between them last deliver prosperity?
Yet the Liberals lost. And the Abbott Government may well lose, too, especially if it’s now panicked into repeating the mistakes that helped lose Victoria.
True, Abbott cost the Liberals votes. Labor didn’t put up posters of his face at every polling station because voters love him.
But let’s not exaggerate.
(Read full article here.)  

Oh dear. Another government needing fringe parties’ support

Andrew Bolt December 01 2014 (7:20am)

Increasingly we must ask whether upper houses and proportional representation gives us more democracy or more instability:
MINOR parties have claimed ­victory in the battle to control Victoria’s upper house, with the new Labor government likely to ­require support from the Shooters and Fishers Party, the Sex Party or other electoral minnows to pass its legislation.

Less than 60 per cent of the vote had been counted by yesterday afternoon, but the early figures suggest Labor will hold 13 seats, the Greens five and the ­Coalition 16 in the 40-seat Legislative Council. 

That leaves six seats open, with the possibility that the Shooters could emerge as a major winner with two or possibly three seats.
The Australian Sex Party is also likely to claim its first MP… The Democratic Labour Party and the Country Alliance are also ahead, as is Vote 1 Local Jobs, which ran chiefly in the Western Victorian district. 
Created by Moyne Shire councillor James Purcell, who has ­previously stood as an independent, the party opposes foreign ownership of agricultural land...

Greens support static in Victoria

Andrew Bolt December 01 2014 (7:06am)

Yes, the Greens won at least one seat in Victoria’s lower house and maybe five in the upper. But after polls predicting a vote of up to 18 per cent, the reality is more sober:
When counting resumes on Monday the party’s first preference result will be hovering on the same 11 per cent figure it won four years ago.  
The Greens celebrate winning Melbourne by murdering plants and handing the corpses to new MP Ellen Sandell:
“But the day of the Lord will come like a thief. The heavens will disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything done in it will be laid bare. Since everything will be destroyed in this way, what kind of people ought you to be? You ought to live holy and godly lives” 2 Peter 3:10-11 NIV
Morning and Evening by Charles Spurgeon


"And Amaziah said to the man of God, But what shall we do for the hundred talents which I have given to the army of Israel? And the man of God answered, The Lord is able to give thee much more than this."
2 Chronicles 25:9
A very important question this seemed to be to the king of Judah, and possibly it is of even more weight with the tried and tempted O Christian. To lose money is at no times pleasant, and when principle involves it, the flesh is not always ready to make the sacrifice. "Why lose that which may be so usefully employed? May not the truth itself be bought too dear? What shall we do without it? Remember the children, and our small income!" All these things and a thousand more would tempt the Christian to put forth his hand to unrighteous gain, or stay himself from carrying out his conscientious convictions, when they involve serious loss. All men cannot view these matters in the light of faith; and even with the followers of Jesus, the doctrine of "we must live" has quite sufficient weight.
The Lord is able to give thee much more than this is a very satisfactory answer to the anxious question. Our Father holds the purse-strings, and what we lose for his sake he can repay a thousand-fold. It is ours to obey his will, and we may rest assured that he will provide for us. The Lord will be no man's debtor at the last. Saints know that a grain of heart's-ease is of more value than a ton of gold. He who wraps a threadbare coat about a good conscience has gained a spiritual wealth far more desirable than any he has lost. God's smile and a dungeon are enough for a true heart; his frown and a palace would be hell to a gracious spirit. Let the worst come to the worst, let all the talents go, we have not lost our treasure, for that is above, where Christ sitteth at the right hand of God. Meanwhile, even now, the Lord maketh the meek to inherit the earth, and no good thing doth he withhold from them that walk uprightly.


"Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels."
Revelation 12:7
War always will rage between the two great sovereignties until one or other be crushed. Peace between good and evil is an impossibility; the very pretence of it would, in fact, be the triumph of the powers of darkness. Michael will always fight; his holy soul is vexed with sin, and will not endure it. Jesus will always be the dragon's foe, and that not in a quiet sense, but actively, vigorously, with full determination to exterminate evil. All his servants, whether angels in heaven or messengers on earth, will and must fight; they are born to be warriors--at the cross they enter into covenant never to make truce with evil; they are a warlike company, firm in defence and fierce in attack. The duty of every soldier in the army of the Lord is daily, with all his heart, and soul, and strength, to fight against the dragon.
The dragon and his angels will not decline the affray; they are incessant in their onslaughts, sparing no weapon, fair or foul. We are foolish to expect to serve God without opposition: the more zealous we are, the more sure are we to be assailed by the myrmidons of hell. The church may become slothful, but not so her great antagonist; his restless spirit never suffers the war to pause; he hates the woman's seed, and would fain devour the church if he could. The servants of Satan partake much of the old dragon's energy, and are usually an active race. War rages all around, and to dream of peace is dangerous and futile.
Glory be to God, we know the end of the war. The great dragon shall be cast out and forever destroyed, while Jesus and they who are with him shall receive the crown. Let us sharpen our swords tonight, and pray the Holy Spirit to nerve our arms for the conflict. Never battle so important, never crown so glorious. Every man to his post, ye warriors of the cross, and may the Lord tread Satan under your feet shortly!

Today's reading: Ezekiel 37-39, 2 Peter 2 (NIV)

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Today's Old Testament reading: Ezekiel 37-39

The Valley of Dry Bones
1 The hand of the LORD was on me, and he brought me out by the Spirit of the LORD and set me in the middle of a valley; it was full of bones. 2 He led me back and forth among them, and I saw a great many bones on the floor of the valley, bones that were very dry. 3 He asked me, “Son of man, can these bones live?”
I said, “Sovereign LORD, you alone know.”
4 Then he said to me, “Prophesy to these bones and say to them, ‘Dry bones, hear the word of the LORD! 5 This is what the Sovereign LORD says to these bones: I will make breathenter you, and you will come to life. 6 I will attach tendons to you and make flesh come upon you and cover you with skin; I will put breath in you, and you will come to life. Then you will know that I am the LORD.’”
7 So I prophesied as I was commanded. And as I was prophesying, there was a noise, a rattling sound, and the bones came together, bone to bone. 8 I looked, and tendons and flesh appeared on them and skin covered them, but there was no breath in them....

Today's New Testament reading: 2 Peter 2

False Teachers and Their Destruction
1 But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them—bringing swift destruction on themselves. 2 Many will follow their depraved conduct and will bring the way of truth into disrepute. 3 In their greed these teachers will exploit you with fabricated stories. Their condemnation has long been hanging over them, and their destruction has not been sleeping....

Seraiah [Sĕra ī'ah]—jehovah is prince, the lord is my prince, orsoldier of the lord.
  1. One of king David’s scribes (2 Sam. 8:17; see 1 Chron. 18:16for Shavsha).
  2. The son of Azariah and chief priest at Jerusalem when Nebuchadnezzar took it. This Seraiah, along with other renowned captives, was put to death at Riblah ( 2 Kings 25:181 Chron. 6:14Ezra 7:1;Jer. 52:24).
  3. A son of Tanhumeth, from Netophah, whom Gedaliah advised to submit to the Chaldeans. He was one of “the captains of the forces” (2 Kings 25:23Jer. 40:8).
  4. The second son of Kenez, brother of Othniel and father of Joab (1 Chron. 4:1314).
  5. A prince of Simeon, son of Asiel and grandfather of Jehu, who drove furiously (1 Chron. 4:35).
  6. One of the twelve leaders, a priest who returned from exile with Zerubbabel (Ezra 2:2Neh. 10:212:112).
  7. A priest, son of Hilkiah, dwelling in Jerusalem after the exile and called “ruler of the house of God” (Neh. 11:11;12:1).
  8. A chief man, son of Aziel, and sent by Jehoiakim to apprehend Jeremiah and Baruch (Jer. 36:26).
  9. A son of Neriah and brother of Baruch, a prince of Judah who went to Babylon with Zedekiah (Jer. 51:5961). For “quiet prince” the RV has “chief chamberlain.”

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