The election results in Queensland show the worst enemy of the Liberals is the Liberals, and the biggest drag weight is PM Malcolm Turnbull. Then Julie Bishop and Christopher Pyne. If any Liberal wants to be re elected, they need to ditch Malcolm and restore Tony Abbott. Note, Tony Abbott will not be popular with the press.
Kristina Keneally who was awful as Premier of NSW is also fact challenged. She asserted things about Medicare wait times which weren't true. Keneally claimed there were hour long waits for medicare when the statistics show they are 13 minutes. Such disgraceful scare mongering should not be rewarded.
I am a decent man and don't care for the abuse given me. I created a video raising awareness of anti police feeling among western communities. I chose the senseless killing of Nicola Cotton, a Louisiana policewoman who joined post Katrina, to highlight the issue. I did this in order to get an income after having been illegally blacklisted from work in NSW for being a whistleblower. I have not done anything wrong. Local council appointees refused to endorse my work, so I did it for free. Youtube's Adsence refused to allow me to profit from their marketing it. Meanwhile, I am hostage to abysmal political leadership and hopeless journalists. My shopfront has opened on Facebook.
Here is a video I made "Yesterday Once More"
"Yesterday Once More", written by Richard Carpenter and John Bettis, is a hit song by The Carpenters from their 1973 album Now & Then. Composed in the key of E, "Yesterday Once More" preceded an "Oldies Medley" on the album, consisting of nine songs from the 1960s.
=== from 2016 ===
Bias is not the same as partisan. Jimmy Carter and Canada’s Trudeau lost a murderous tyrannical friend when Fidel Castro died. But while one understands they grieve, there are many many living victims whom it would be cowardly to diminish. Carter and Trudeau are cowards. Trump got unanticipated support from Hispanics in the recent presidential election. Unanticipated by freedom hating media who adored Castro’s tyrannical reign. Castro promised freedom in ’59, but changed quickly in power to embrace communism. It was similar to Rudd’s pivot from economic conservative to socialist economic vandal. It came after consent had been given for something different. Only Castro’s reign is on a continuum with Stalin, Pol Pot and Mao.
IPA Review (Nov 2016) features an Evan Mulholland article “A License to Nanny” on destructive government policy. Only Mulholland shows little understanding of the issues, focusing on Greyhound racing, a banking enquiry, NSW Lockout laws and gambling regulation. Mulholland seems to want to hit conservatives rather than deal with the actual issues, and e begins by setting an example of Baird’s close down of the Greyhound industry. Baird shut it down after the industry said it could not govern itself and was infested with organised crime. The subsequent outcry led to the regulators claiming they could police it, and so Baird is letting the industry proceed. In his judgement, Baird had pointed out there was no social license for a sport that was ungovernable. But Mulholland takes that out of context and claims it is an example of a nanny state. Mulholland is also wide of the mark on lockout laws where drinking culture and fighting was claiming lives and gumming up emergency. Hysterical claims of destroying industry have been made by political opponents who profit from deaths and mismanagement. It hasn’t been made illegal to drink.
By way of contrast, there are ridiculous nanny state laws that need to be addressed. They are related to green red tape and frequently sponsored by the ALP in Australia. They limit who can have life saving operations, or who can smoke and when and how and what. The over reach of Turnbull over banks is a legitimate example, but it is a stretch compared to closing down the beef export industry because government regulation had failed as ALP did. In Dandenong my housing estate does not have access to the internet without satellite because of ALP over regulation re NBN. Australia misses out on mining opportunity from over regulation, losing trillions of dollars in opportunity costs, but Mulholland is worried about quibbles over gun regulation. Bias is not the same as partisan.
IPA Review (Nov 2016) features an Evan Mulholland article “A License to Nanny” on destructive government policy. Only Mulholland shows little understanding of the issues, focusing on Greyhound racing, a banking enquiry, NSW Lockout laws and gambling regulation. Mulholland seems to want to hit conservatives rather than deal with the actual issues, and e begins by setting an example of Baird’s close down of the Greyhound industry. Baird shut it down after the industry said it could not govern itself and was infested with organised crime. The subsequent outcry led to the regulators claiming they could police it, and so Baird is letting the industry proceed. In his judgement, Baird had pointed out there was no social license for a sport that was ungovernable. But Mulholland takes that out of context and claims it is an example of a nanny state. Mulholland is also wide of the mark on lockout laws where drinking culture and fighting was claiming lives and gumming up emergency. Hysterical claims of destroying industry have been made by political opponents who profit from deaths and mismanagement. It hasn’t been made illegal to drink.
By way of contrast, there are ridiculous nanny state laws that need to be addressed. They are related to green red tape and frequently sponsored by the ALP in Australia. They limit who can have life saving operations, or who can smoke and when and how and what. The over reach of Turnbull over banks is a legitimate example, but it is a stretch compared to closing down the beef export industry because government regulation had failed as ALP did. In Dandenong my housing estate does not have access to the internet without satellite because of ALP over regulation re NBN. Australia misses out on mining opportunity from over regulation, losing trillions of dollars in opportunity costs, but Mulholland is worried about quibbles over gun regulation. Bias is not the same as partisan.
=== from 2015 ===
Video has been withheld, but one of five shots of an incident involving a lone, abusive, drunk or drugged man shouting at several orthodox Jews is disturbing. It is known Jihadis want to kill Jews in Australia, as well as others in the community, but Jews are a focus and Islamic leaders feed the prejudice with lies about the Middle East and history. So that the UN approves Palestinians not being told of the Holocaust in schooling. And this abusive man is shouting that the orthodox Jews should ask Allah and go home to Israel. The Jews did not hurt the drunk. They merely detained him for the police. But had they acted proportionately, with a distressed child in the foreground, that drunken abuser might not require a sex change. He might be Aboriginal. It is doubtful racial vilification laws would apply. But Jews do not feel safe in Australia. And often the law is not helpful to them.
For some, at the moment, the Sex Party has more credibility.
For some, at the moment, the Sex Party has more credibility.
From 2014
The death of international cricket player Phillip Hughes in a Sheffield Shield match between NSW and South Australia was a tragic accident. The delivery of Abbott was short pitched and slower than full pace, so that Hughes was through his shot too early. The ball hit him flush, beneath his helmet, on the side of the neck. It compressed a major artery and the artery subsequently split, bleeding into the brain. At first Hughes stood stunned, then fell face first onto the pitch. He never regained consciousness. He was surrounded for days by family and loved ones. He was a few days before turning twenty six years old. It is doubtful that legislation or protective equipment could have prevented the injury. It happens very rarely in cricket, even so. In 1974, twenty four year old Ewen Chatfield, a very accurate medium paced bowler was batting at number eleven when English fast bowler Peter Lever tested him with a bouncer which hit Chatfield's temple and he swallowed his tongue. Heart massage saved him. But nothing could have saved Hughes whose internal injuries were too devastating. I made a mistake previously in publicly calling on God to intercede. I had thought Hughes would survive and welcomed the possibility of being challenged. But this is not for him, but for his family. And their faith is private. I wish them well.
How the nation responds to the tragedy of Phil Hughes' death will expose the national character. An ABC presenter, poet and comedian, Ben Pobjie (also writes for New Matilda, SMH and Age) tweeted "Sean Abbott hits Phil Hughes in the head. Continuing the tradition of Abbotts fXXXing up Australia." ABC Grandstand tweeted insensitively about his possible death soon after the delivery. It was very different in 1933 when twenty three year old Archie Jackson died from tuberculosis. At the time, the ABC did not see the need to trumpet his death or link him disparagingly to an MP, the PM. The then Premier of NSW unveiled a headstone paid for by public subscription which read "He played the game." Some will say Hughes was cut short in his sporting career, and it is true his average did not reflect his talent in test cricket. But he leaves behind some exquisite innings only he could have executed. Too young. Too soon. But Phillip Hughes led a life blessed, and at the end he was surrounded by family and loved ones. He died having lived well, and the tragedy is he won't have the opportunity to finish it right.
Eighteen members of the ALP were ejected from federal parliament's lower house for poor behaviour in one day. They were elected to serve their constituents, but fail. Rudd was made ALP leader to save the furniture, and the furniture is failing to show any leadership, or reform for any future hope. But, because of their senate numbers, they can stop important legislation and then claim it is the government's fault. Worth considering as Victoria goes to election and considers voting for a corrupt and inept ALP.
The US went to election and voted for Obama twice. It isn't only Ferguson county suffering for the racist divisions fracturing America. There is injustice in the US, but it is overstated and with the recent shooting of a black man by a white policeman and the reaction of rioters suggest that the issue is more political than real. Even jihadists are asking rioters to join causes. In Ferguson, the policeman shot the man who tried to take his weapon. That will happen to anyone regardless of race. Those calling for riots are little different to jihadis. In another shooting a twelve year old boy playing with a realistic looking toy gun in a public area was shot dead by another policeman. Maybe the boy's parents have an excuse, but if they have it is not as public as outrage from rioters.
How the nation responds to the tragedy of Phil Hughes' death will expose the national character. An ABC presenter, poet and comedian, Ben Pobjie (also writes for New Matilda, SMH and Age) tweeted "Sean Abbott hits Phil Hughes in the head. Continuing the tradition of Abbotts fXXXing up Australia." ABC Grandstand tweeted insensitively about his possible death soon after the delivery. It was very different in 1933 when twenty three year old Archie Jackson died from tuberculosis. At the time, the ABC did not see the need to trumpet his death or link him disparagingly to an MP, the PM. The then Premier of NSW unveiled a headstone paid for by public subscription which read "He played the game." Some will say Hughes was cut short in his sporting career, and it is true his average did not reflect his talent in test cricket. But he leaves behind some exquisite innings only he could have executed. Too young. Too soon. But Phillip Hughes led a life blessed, and at the end he was surrounded by family and loved ones. He died having lived well, and the tragedy is he won't have the opportunity to finish it right.
Eighteen members of the ALP were ejected from federal parliament's lower house for poor behaviour in one day. They were elected to serve their constituents, but fail. Rudd was made ALP leader to save the furniture, and the furniture is failing to show any leadership, or reform for any future hope. But, because of their senate numbers, they can stop important legislation and then claim it is the government's fault. Worth considering as Victoria goes to election and considers voting for a corrupt and inept ALP.
The US went to election and voted for Obama twice. It isn't only Ferguson county suffering for the racist divisions fracturing America. There is injustice in the US, but it is overstated and with the recent shooting of a black man by a white policeman and the reaction of rioters suggest that the issue is more political than real. Even jihadists are asking rioters to join causes. In Ferguson, the policeman shot the man who tried to take his weapon. That will happen to anyone regardless of race. Those calling for riots are little different to jihadis. In another shooting a twelve year old boy playing with a realistic looking toy gun in a public area was shot dead by another policeman. Maybe the boy's parents have an excuse, but if they have it is not as public as outrage from rioters.
From 2013
Since 2008 I have worked to promote people I'm in touch with. I have several reasons for doing so. I hope to found what I call the Cabramatta/Fairfield/Smithfield Digital Cultural museum. I intend it will allow the local community to film, in television broadcast ready standard, material, from martial arts, through to cultural dance. One Ethiopian Christian Pastor I know could use it to produce crossover material for people in Ethiopia, where he has founded hundreds of churches, through to people living in Australia wishing to learn more about there. But these neighbourhoods are not merely one culture or ethnicity, but many. It would be good to have facilities to allow local schools to send drama students to hone all aspects of production skills. My dream will cost $ millions. But it could make money too through licensing and production. I note many skilled actors with martial arts back grounds struggle with employment between Underbelly shooting schedules. Offer work to them, and the material that will be produced would be valuable.
But the dream is far distant. The reality is I am struggling. My place was flooded with raw sewage a few months ago and I live in a concrete shell, having lost everything I valued as a keepsake. I have no job because of government corruption from the ALP involving pedophilia and the death through apparent negligence of a school boy. I am unemployed for six years through no fault of my own, and am being forced to sell my only asset, my home, should insurance ever repair it. And just as I'm righting myself, I was slapped with a tax audit into my superannuation.
I need help. I have done nothing wrong. I beg The PM or NSW Premier to come to my home. I post an event where they might become aware of my need. And eleven have bothered to list themselves as supporting. Many whom I promote, and will continue to promote, were invited. The only comment Andrew Bolt has ever made regarding me, of which I'm aware, is that he doesn't like my kind of poetry. I had shared with him my postings on freeing Korean hostages from Afghanistan, or of Clare Oliver's appeal to end sun beds. His criticism feels harsh, and his condemnation unwarranted, but I am aware that there are people who don't like me. They are embellishing things I post. So local newspapers like the Fairfield Advance or Fairfield Champion censor my letters to them, but post letters written by others using my name. Or when a former friend contacted me recently, someone posted to them so that they broke the contact and spoke of my having a mental illness (I don't).
I don't agree with Bolt on all things, but I support him and will continue to do so. Should I set up another event? I don't know what the future holds, but I will fight so that our future is democratic, free and fair. I tend to conservative (and some libertarian, but not drug use) values as the key to achieving that end.
Daily Mail might open a centrist news service in Australia, being very different to Fairfax, ABC, Guardian or regional papers. I don't think they will find fifty conservative journalists, and they are masting with Channel 9 which is extreme left, along with Sunrise, but not as far left as the ABC. ABC is fighting to be vile. Craig Thomson rejects a gift from prosecutors. ALP are united in opposing Australia .. remember how Gillard claimed she had no choice but to proceed with a Carbon Tax because the Greens were making her? They are continuing with it even though Greens aren't supporting them. Good news is, cold kills, but warming saves. Pyne has not broken a promise, but uses ALP cuts to education to make teachers more efficient. Naturally press call it a back flip. Bob Katter may be insignificant, but also, he doesn't count. Maybe he should do the 'Christian' thing and resign? A point of difference between Bolt and I is that I look forward to Australia's population exceeding 400 million. Before that happens, we will have built infrastructure. When that happens, opposition to a big Australia will be viewed as provincial and backwards, impeding economic growth.
But the dream is far distant. The reality is I am struggling. My place was flooded with raw sewage a few months ago and I live in a concrete shell, having lost everything I valued as a keepsake. I have no job because of government corruption from the ALP involving pedophilia and the death through apparent negligence of a school boy. I am unemployed for six years through no fault of my own, and am being forced to sell my only asset, my home, should insurance ever repair it. And just as I'm righting myself, I was slapped with a tax audit into my superannuation.
I need help. I have done nothing wrong. I beg The PM or NSW Premier to come to my home. I post an event where they might become aware of my need. And eleven have bothered to list themselves as supporting. Many whom I promote, and will continue to promote, were invited. The only comment Andrew Bolt has ever made regarding me, of which I'm aware, is that he doesn't like my kind of poetry. I had shared with him my postings on freeing Korean hostages from Afghanistan, or of Clare Oliver's appeal to end sun beds. His criticism feels harsh, and his condemnation unwarranted, but I am aware that there are people who don't like me. They are embellishing things I post. So local newspapers like the Fairfield Advance or Fairfield Champion censor my letters to them, but post letters written by others using my name. Or when a former friend contacted me recently, someone posted to them so that they broke the contact and spoke of my having a mental illness (I don't).
I don't agree with Bolt on all things, but I support him and will continue to do so. Should I set up another event? I don't know what the future holds, but I will fight so that our future is democratic, free and fair. I tend to conservative (and some libertarian, but not drug use) values as the key to achieving that end.
Daily Mail might open a centrist news service in Australia, being very different to Fairfax, ABC, Guardian or regional papers. I don't think they will find fifty conservative journalists, and they are masting with Channel 9 which is extreme left, along with Sunrise, but not as far left as the ABC. ABC is fighting to be vile. Craig Thomson rejects a gift from prosecutors. ALP are united in opposing Australia .. remember how Gillard claimed she had no choice but to proceed with a Carbon Tax because the Greens were making her? They are continuing with it even though Greens aren't supporting them. Good news is, cold kills, but warming saves. Pyne has not broken a promise, but uses ALP cuts to education to make teachers more efficient. Naturally press call it a back flip. Bob Katter may be insignificant, but also, he doesn't count. Maybe he should do the 'Christian' thing and resign? A point of difference between Bolt and I is that I look forward to Australia's population exceeding 400 million. Before that happens, we will have built infrastructure. When that happens, opposition to a big Australia will be viewed as provincial and backwards, impeding economic growth.
Historical perspective on this day
In 25 Luoyang was declared capital of the Eastern Han dynasty by Emperor Guangwu of Han. In 176, Emperor Marcus Aurelius granted his son Commodus the rank of "Imperator" and made him Supreme Commander of the Roman legions. In 395, Rufinus, praetorian prefect of the East, was murdered by Gothic mercenaries under Gainas. In 511, King Clovis Idied at Paris ("Lutetia") and was buried in the Abbey of St Genevieve. The Merovingian dynasty was continued by his four sons, Theuderic I, Chlodomer, Childebert I and Chlothar I, who divide the Frankish Kingdom and ruled from the capitals at Metz, Orléans, Paris and Soissons. In 602, Emperor Maurice was forced to watch his five sons be executed before being beheaded himself; their bodies were thrown into the sea and their heads were exhibited in Constantinople. In 1095, Pope Urban II declared the First Crusade at the Council of Clermont. In 1703, the first Eddystone Lighthouse was destroyed in the Great Storm of 1703. In 1727, the foundation stone to the Jerusalem Church in Berlin was laid.
In 1807, the Portuguese Royal Family left Lisbon to escape from Napoleonic troops. In 1810, the Berners Street hoax was perpetrated by Theodore Hook in the City of Westminster, London. In 1815, adoption of Constitution of the Kingdom of Poland. In 1830, Saint Catherine Labouré experienced a vision of the Blessed Virgin standing on a globe, crushing a serpent with her feet, and emanating rays of light from her hands. In 1835, James Pratt and John Smith were hanged in London; they are the last two to be executed for sodomy in England. In 1839, in Boston, Massachusetts, the American Statistical Association was founded. In 1856, the Coup of 1856 led to Luxembourg's unilateral adoption of a new, reactionary constitution. In 1863, American Civil War: Confederate cavalry leader John Hunt Morgan and several of his men escaped the Ohio Penitentiary and returned safely to the South. Also, American Civil War: Battle of Mine Run: Union forces under General George Meade took up positions against troops led by Confederate General Robert E. Lee. In 1868, American Indian Wars: Battle of Washita River: United States Army Lieutenant ColonelGeorge Armstrong Custer led an attack on Cheyenne living on reservation land. In 1886, German judge Emil Hartwich sustained fatal injuries in a duel, which would become the background for Theodor Fontane's Effi Briest. In 1895, at the Swedish–Norwegian Club in Paris, Alfred Nobel signed his last will and testament, setting aside his estate to establish the Nobel Prize after he died.
In 1901, the U.S. Army War College was established. In 1912, Spain declared a protectorate over the north shore of Morocco. In 1924, in New York City, the first Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade was held. In 1940, In Romania, the ruling Iron Guard fascist party assassinated over 60 of arrested King Carol II of Romania's aides and other political dissidents, including former Prime Minister Nicolae Iorga. Also, World War II: At the Battle of Cape Spartivento, the Royal Navy engaged the Regia Marina in the Mediterranean Sea. In 1942, World War II: At Toulon, the French navy scuttled its ships and submarines to keep them out of Nazihands. In 1944, World War II: RAF Fauld explosion: An explosion at a Royal Air Forceammunition dump in Staffordshire killed seventy people. In 1954, Alger Hiss was released from prison after serving 44 months for perjury. In 1963, the Convention on the Unification of Certain Points of Substantive Law on Patents for Invention was signed at Strasbourg. In 1965, Vietnam War: The Pentagon told U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson that if planned operations were to succeed, the number of American troops in Vietnam had to be increased from 120,000 to 400,000. In 1968, Penny Ann Early became the first woman to play major professional basketball, for the Kentucky Colonels in an ABA game against the Los Angeles Stars.
In 1971, the Soviet space program's Mars 2 orbiter released a descent module. It malfunctioned and crashed, but it was the first man-made object to reach the surface of Mars. In 1973, Twenty-fifth Amendment: The United States Senate voted 92 to 3 to confirm Gerald Ford as Vice President of the United States. (On December 6, the House would confirm him 387 to 35). In 1975, the Provisional IRA assassinated Ross McWhirter, after a press conference in which McWhirter had announced a reward for the capture of those responsible for multiple bombings and shootings across England. In 1978, in San Francisco, city mayor George Moscone and openly gay city supervisor Harvey Milk were assassinatedby former supervisor Dan White. Also, the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) was founded in the city of Riha (Urfa) in Turkey. In 1983, Avianca Flight 011: A Boeing 747 crashed near Madrid's Barajas Airport, killing 181. In 1984, under the Brussels Agreement signed between the governments of the United Kingdom and Spain, the former agreed to enter into discussions with Spain over Gibraltar, including sovereignty. In 1989, Avianca Flight 203: A Boeing 727 exploded in mid-air over Colombia, killing all 107 people on board and three people on the ground. The Medellín Cartel would claim responsibility for the attack.
In 1991, the United Nations Security Council adopted Security Council Resolution 721, leading the way to the establishment of peacekeeping operations in Yugoslavia. In 1992, for the second time in a year, military forces try to overthrow president Carlos Andrés Pérez in Venezuela. In 1997, twenty-five were killed in the second Souhane massacre in Algeria. In 1999, the left-wing Labour Party took control of the New Zealand government with leader Helen Clark becoming the first elected female Prime Minister in New Zealand's history. In 2000, in the Canadian federal election the Liberal Party of Canada won its third consecutive election with a gain in the number of its members. In 2001, a hydrogen atmosphere was discovered on the extrasolar planet Osiris by the Hubble Space Telescope, the first atmosphere detected on an extrasolar planet. In 2004, Pope John Paul II returned the relics of Saint John Chrysostom to the Eastern Orthodox Church. In 2005, the first partial human face transplant was completed in Amiens, France. In 2006, the Canadian House of Commons approved a motion tabled by Prime Minister Stephen Harper recognizing the Québécois as a nation within Canada. In 2009, Nevsky Express bombing: A bomb exploded on the Nevsky Express train between Moscow and Saint Petersburg, derailing it and causing 28 deaths and 96 injuries.
In 1807, the Portuguese Royal Family left Lisbon to escape from Napoleonic troops. In 1810, the Berners Street hoax was perpetrated by Theodore Hook in the City of Westminster, London. In 1815, adoption of Constitution of the Kingdom of Poland. In 1830, Saint Catherine Labouré experienced a vision of the Blessed Virgin standing on a globe, crushing a serpent with her feet, and emanating rays of light from her hands. In 1835, James Pratt and John Smith were hanged in London; they are the last two to be executed for sodomy in England. In 1839, in Boston, Massachusetts, the American Statistical Association was founded. In 1856, the Coup of 1856 led to Luxembourg's unilateral adoption of a new, reactionary constitution. In 1863, American Civil War: Confederate cavalry leader John Hunt Morgan and several of his men escaped the Ohio Penitentiary and returned safely to the South. Also, American Civil War: Battle of Mine Run: Union forces under General George Meade took up positions against troops led by Confederate General Robert E. Lee. In 1868, American Indian Wars: Battle of Washita River: United States Army Lieutenant ColonelGeorge Armstrong Custer led an attack on Cheyenne living on reservation land. In 1886, German judge Emil Hartwich sustained fatal injuries in a duel, which would become the background for Theodor Fontane's Effi Briest. In 1895, at the Swedish–Norwegian Club in Paris, Alfred Nobel signed his last will and testament, setting aside his estate to establish the Nobel Prize after he died.
In 1901, the U.S. Army War College was established. In 1912, Spain declared a protectorate over the north shore of Morocco. In 1924, in New York City, the first Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade was held. In 1940, In Romania, the ruling Iron Guard fascist party assassinated over 60 of arrested King Carol II of Romania's aides and other political dissidents, including former Prime Minister Nicolae Iorga. Also, World War II: At the Battle of Cape Spartivento, the Royal Navy engaged the Regia Marina in the Mediterranean Sea. In 1942, World War II: At Toulon, the French navy scuttled its ships and submarines to keep them out of Nazihands. In 1944, World War II: RAF Fauld explosion: An explosion at a Royal Air Forceammunition dump in Staffordshire killed seventy people. In 1954, Alger Hiss was released from prison after serving 44 months for perjury. In 1963, the Convention on the Unification of Certain Points of Substantive Law on Patents for Invention was signed at Strasbourg. In 1965, Vietnam War: The Pentagon told U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson that if planned operations were to succeed, the number of American troops in Vietnam had to be increased from 120,000 to 400,000. In 1968, Penny Ann Early became the first woman to play major professional basketball, for the Kentucky Colonels in an ABA game against the Los Angeles Stars.
In 1971, the Soviet space program's Mars 2 orbiter released a descent module. It malfunctioned and crashed, but it was the first man-made object to reach the surface of Mars. In 1973, Twenty-fifth Amendment: The United States Senate voted 92 to 3 to confirm Gerald Ford as Vice President of the United States. (On December 6, the House would confirm him 387 to 35). In 1975, the Provisional IRA assassinated Ross McWhirter, after a press conference in which McWhirter had announced a reward for the capture of those responsible for multiple bombings and shootings across England. In 1978, in San Francisco, city mayor George Moscone and openly gay city supervisor Harvey Milk were assassinatedby former supervisor Dan White. Also, the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) was founded in the city of Riha (Urfa) in Turkey. In 1983, Avianca Flight 011: A Boeing 747 crashed near Madrid's Barajas Airport, killing 181. In 1984, under the Brussels Agreement signed between the governments of the United Kingdom and Spain, the former agreed to enter into discussions with Spain over Gibraltar, including sovereignty. In 1989, Avianca Flight 203: A Boeing 727 exploded in mid-air over Colombia, killing all 107 people on board and three people on the ground. The Medellín Cartel would claim responsibility for the attack.
In 1991, the United Nations Security Council adopted Security Council Resolution 721, leading the way to the establishment of peacekeeping operations in Yugoslavia. In 1992, for the second time in a year, military forces try to overthrow president Carlos Andrés Pérez in Venezuela. In 1997, twenty-five were killed in the second Souhane massacre in Algeria. In 1999, the left-wing Labour Party took control of the New Zealand government with leader Helen Clark becoming the first elected female Prime Minister in New Zealand's history. In 2000, in the Canadian federal election the Liberal Party of Canada won its third consecutive election with a gain in the number of its members. In 2001, a hydrogen atmosphere was discovered on the extrasolar planet Osiris by the Hubble Space Telescope, the first atmosphere detected on an extrasolar planet. In 2004, Pope John Paul II returned the relics of Saint John Chrysostom to the Eastern Orthodox Church. In 2005, the first partial human face transplant was completed in Amiens, France. In 2006, the Canadian House of Commons approved a motion tabled by Prime Minister Stephen Harper recognizing the Québécois as a nation within Canada. In 2009, Nevsky Express bombing: A bomb exploded on the Nevsky Express train between Moscow and Saint Petersburg, derailing it and causing 28 deaths and 96 injuries.
=== Publishing News ===
This column welcomes feedback and criticism. The column is not made up but based on the days events and articles which are then placed in the feed. So they may not have an apparent cohesion they would have had were they made up.
I am publishing a book called Bread of Life: January.
Bread of Life is a daily bible quote with a layman's understanding of the meaning. I give one quote for each day, and also a series of personal stories illustrating key concepts eg Who is God? What is a miracle? Why is there tragedy?
January is the first of the anticipated year-long work of thirteen books. One for each month and the whole year. It costs to publish. It (Kindle version) should retail at about $2US online, but the paperback version would cost more, according to production cost.If you have a heart for giving, I fundraise at
Bread of Life is a daily bible quote with a layman's understanding of the meaning. I give one quote for each day, and also a series of personal stories illustrating key concepts eg Who is God? What is a miracle? Why is there tragedy?
January is the first of the anticipated year-long work of thirteen books. One for each month and the whole year. It costs to publish. It (Kindle version) should retail at about $2US online, but the paperback version would cost more, according to production cost.If you have a heart for giving, I fundraise at
Editorials will appear in the "History in a Year by the Conservative Voice" series, starting with August, September, October, or at Amazon The kindle version is cheaper, but the soft back version allows a free kindle version.
List of available items at Create Space
The Amazon Author Page for David Ball
UK .. ..
Japan ..
German ..
- 111 – Antinous, Greek youth of Hadrian (d. 130)
- 1582 – Pierre Dupuy, French scholar (d. 1651)
- 1635 – Françoise d'Aubigné, Marquise de Maintenon, French wife of Louis XIV of France (d. 1719)
- 1701 – Anders Celsius, Swedish astronomer (d. 1744)
- 1809 – Fanny Kemble, English actress, playwright, and poet (d. 1893)
- 1907 – L. Sprague de Camp, American author (d. 2000)
- 1940 – Bruce Lee, American actor and martial artist (d. 1973)
- 1942 – Jimi Hendrix, American singer-songwriter, guitarist, and producer (The Jimi Hendrix Experience and The Blue Flame) (d. 1970)
- 1952 – Daryl Stuermer, American guitarist (Genesis and Era)
- 1964 – Robin Givens, American actress
- 1995 – Leonard Proxauf, German-Austrian actor
November 27: Thanksgiving in the United States (2014)
- 1703 – The Great Storm of 1703, one of the severest storms to strike southern Great Britain, destroyed the first Eddystone Lighthouse off Plymouth, England.
- 1895 – Swedish chemist and industrialist Alfred Nobel signed his last will and testament, setting aside the bulk of his estate to establish the Nobel Prize after his death.
- 1926 – Restoration of Colonial Williamsburg (pictured), a recreation of a Colonial American city in the Historic Triangle on the Virginia Peninsula, US, began.
- 1978 – San Francisco mayor George Moscone and openly gay supervisor Harvey Milk were assassinated by supervisor Dan White.
- 1999 – The Labour Party defeated the governing National Party in the New Zealand general election, making Labour's Helen Clark the first woman to win the office of Prime Minister at an election.
- 8 BC – Horace, Roman soldier and poet (b. 65 BC)
- 395 – Rufinus, Roman politician
- 450 – Galla Placidia, Roman daughter of Theodosius I (b. 392)
- 602 – Maurice, Byzantine emperor (b. 539)
- 1198 – Constance, Queen of Sicily (b. 1154)
- 1252 – Blanche of Castile (b. 1188)
- 1474 – Guillaume Dufay, Flemish composer (b. 1397)
- 1570 – Jacopo Sansovino, Italian sculptor and architect (b. 1486)
- 1592 – Nakagawa Hidemasa, Japanese commander (b. 1568)
- 1632 – John Eliot, English politician (b. 1592)
- 1661 – Teofila Zofia Sobieska, Polish noblewoman, mother of King John III Sobieski (b. 1607)
- 1680 – Athanasius Kircher, German priest, philologist, and scholar (b. 1601)
- 1703 – Henry Winstanley, English painter and engineer (b. 1644)
- 1754 – Abraham de Moivre, French-English mathematician and theorist (b. 1667)
- 1758 – Senesino, Italian opera singer (b. 1686)
- 1811 – Andrew Meikle, Scottish engineer, designed the threshing machine (b. 1719)
- 1830 – André Parmentier, Belgian-American architect (b. 1780)
- 1852 – Ada Lovelace, English mathematician (b. 1815)
- 1895 – Alexandre Dumas, fils, French author and playwright (b. 1824)
- 1901 – Clement Studebaker, American businessman, co-founded Studebaker (b. 1831)
- 1934 – Baby Face Nelson, American criminal (b. 1908)
- 1940 – Nicolae Iorga, Romanian historian and politician, 34th Prime Minister of Romania (b. 1871)
- 1943 – Ivo Lola Ribar, Croatian soldier and politician (b. 1916)
- 1944 – Leonid Mandelstam, Russian physicist (b. 1879)
- 1953 – Eugene O'Neill, American playwright, Nobel Prize laureate (b. 1888)
- 1975 – Ross McWhirter, English author and activist, co-founded the Guinness Book of Records (b. 1925)
- 1978 – Harvey Milk, American lieutenant and politician (b. 1930)
- 1988 – John Carradine, American actor and singer (b. 1906)
- 2007 – Bernie Banton, Australian activist (b. 1946)
- 2007 – Robert Cade, American physician, co-invented Gatorade (b. 1927)
- 2011 – Sultan Khan, Indian singer and sarangi player (Tabla Beat Science) (b. 1940)
- 2013 – David Peleg, Israeli historian and diplomat (b. 1942)
- 2013 – Avraham Verdiger, Israeli politician (b. 1921)
Tim Blair 2017
It’s so difficult to select a favourite extract from this piece of straight-up pro-North Korean propaganda.
UPDATED Australian Test cricket rookie Cameron Bancroft took two solid hits in his first match and didn’t flinch. And he may have earlier been struck in an off-field incident, too.
Now that we’ll all soon be able to get gay married, maybe it’s time to examine another pressing social issue. Such as how difficult it might be to hold a same-sex wedding ceremony when there’s no electricity.
A few years ago I visited the Ruskin Museum in northern England, where the wreckage of Donald Campbell’s water speed record craft Bluebird was on display.
Andrew Bolt 2017
"I hope they reflect on this decision & change it." Senator Matt Canavan on Triple J’s "disgraceful" change of date for the Hottest 100 countdown.
The Queensland election was the one where everyone lost - and that includes Malcolm Turnbull. But do not gloat over One Nation. It won just a single seat but is a real force for destruction. My editorial from The Bolt Report.
Tell us the news here. On the next The Bolt Report - Cory Bernardi on the lessons his Australian Conservatives are taking from the Queensland election.
Don't these lawyers care about the effect this may have on a jury?: "Louise Milligan’s [book on Cardinal George Pell] was written ... from the perspective of alleged victims The second curiosity ... is the announcement on Friday by Owen Dixon Chambers that Ms Milligan has won its Law Reporter of the Year award. And, yes, she won it for Cardinal."
Spot the party which the media says flopped in the Queensland election.
So why did TV bosses wait until now to denounce him? Why did reporters not out him years ago? "For almost two decades Don Burke was one of the most powerful men in Australia's entertainment industry... But ... behind the scenes those who worked with Burke claim he was a 'psychotic bully', a 'misogynist' and a 'sexual predator." (Burke denies it.)
A GetUp! official is now on the Press Council, which polices journalists. So is this Leftist academic, who wants a tough media muzzle: "Matthew Ricketson [helped] draw up a report in 2012 that called for the establishment of a statutory regulator of all news media." He now faces a boycott for essentially accusing The Australian of lying.
COLUMN Poor Julie Bishop. One of her fiendish Cabinet colleagues must really hate the Foreign Minister by leaking information so helpful to her that people would naturally think her the source. Have you ever seen someone make a minister look so bad by leaking so much to make them look so good?
COLUMN The Queensland election result sends one screaming message to the federal Liberals: sack Malcolm Turnbull or you’ll lose, too. It you don’t get yourselves a leader who can win Pauline Hanson’s followers, you are gone. Don’t buy the media gloating that Hanson’s One Nation crashed on Saturday, proving that moving to the Right is poison.
Pressure mounts on Malcolm Turnbull's leadership after One Nation killed the coalition in the Queensland election. MP George Christensen to voters: "I'm sorry that we in the LNP have let you down... I think a lot of that starts with the Turnbull government, its leadership and its policy direction." A week to go before one MP quits the Government.
Piers Akerman
Miranda Devine
Tim Blair
Andrew Bolt
Nod to Kitching sinks Shorten’s credibility
Miranda Devine
‘This man is not fit to be Australian of the Year’
Why can’t we just let kids be kids?
Lebanese immigration — just saying it makes you racist
It’s the revenge of the deplorables
Time for some scalps in this debacle
Hillary’s crybabies need to grow up
Thanks for nothing, Hillary and Julia
Will the ‘divvie’ be the new sickie?
Trump’s Code Orange has hit rural NSW
All hail Trump! Rescuer of Western civilisation
Tim Blair
Andrew Bolt
Trump farewells Castro: "brutal dictator"
Islamic extremism: We cannot stand for this
Piers Akerman – Friday, November 27, 2015 (12:42am)
IF you want to understand why the liberal, democratic Western world is losing ground to the ideology of Islamic extremists look no further than the weak-kneed responses of the NSW and federal governments to a convicted criminal who refuses to obey the directions of its court officers.
On The Bolt Report on Sunday, November 30
Andrew Bolt November 27 2015 (5:18pm)
On Sunday at 10am and 3pm.
Editorial: Global warmists fiddle while terrorism burns.
My guest: Immigration Minister Peter Dutton.
The panel: former Labor president Warren Mundine and John Roskam, head of the Institute of Public Affairs.
Fact-checking Bill Shorten’s big global warming scare. Plus Mal Brough woes, Tony Abbott’s foes and why Malcolm Turnbull and Barack Obama still claim the Islamic State is weak.
NewsWatch: Nick Cater, columnist with The Australian and head of the Menzies Research Centre. On some bullies trying to shut us up. And is YouTube the new morals police?:
The videos of the shows appear here.
===Editorial: Global warmists fiddle while terrorism burns.
My guest: Immigration Minister Peter Dutton.
The panel: former Labor president Warren Mundine and John Roskam, head of the Institute of Public Affairs.
Fact-checking Bill Shorten’s big global warming scare. Plus Mal Brough woes, Tony Abbott’s foes and why Malcolm Turnbull and Barack Obama still claim the Islamic State is weak.
NewsWatch: Nick Cater, columnist with The Australian and head of the Menzies Research Centre. On some bullies trying to shut us up. And is YouTube the new morals police?:
Oh, and a few words about Human Rights Commission president Gillian Triggs.
The videos of the shows appear here.
ABC promotes Shorten’s call not to report the sceptics who know he exaggerates
Andrew Bolt November 27 2015 (1:18pm)
How interesting - even sinister. Check the quote that the ABC has picked out to promote from Bill Shorten’s speech today on global warming:
I will be doing a full fact check on Shorten’s hysterical claims - a fact check that the country’s biggest media organisation seems unwilling to do.
Why does every apology from the ABC involving an ideological battle involve an admission that it came in too hard from the Left?
===The ABC picks out an excuse not only to keep stifling a debate on global warming. It’s also an excuse not to check the litany of wild exaggerations and falsehoods in Shorten’s speech - about drowning islands, bleached reefs, increasing temperatures, food shortages and the rest.
I will be doing a full fact check on Shorten’s hysterical claims - a fact check that the country’s biggest media organisation seems unwilling to do.
Why does every apology from the ABC involving an ideological battle involve an admission that it came in too hard from the Left?
On 13 November 2015 ABC Local News in Queensland, News Breakfast and News 24 News broadcast a story which suggested that the Chief Executive of Adani Australia, Mr Jeyakumar Janakaraj, had a ‘criminal history’. This was incorrect. Mr Janakaraj was director of operations of KCM, a mining company operating in Zambia, when the company was charged and pleaded guilty in 2010 with causing a serious pollution spill. No criminal or other charges were brought against Mr Janakaraj in relation to this or any other matter. ABC News apologises to Mr Janakaraj.(Thanks to reader Andrew.)
Tribal warfare in Melbourne
Andrew Bolt November 27 2015 (12:49pm)
As I have warned many times, Jews will be the losers in the re-tribalism of Australia:
===A man screaming “go back to Israel” and “swear to Allah” had to be forcibly pinned to the ground after a scuffle outside a Melbourne synagogue yesterday.I’d say more about one aspect of this story, but Jewish leaders supported the retention of a law that makes debate too dangerous.
The enraged man cornered an orthodox Jew and then slapped him during an argument outside the Adass Synagogue, south of Melbourne…
Repeatedly claiming to be of Aboriginal descent, he is seen screaming at the Jewish man to “go back to Israel”.
“I am from Australia,” the Jewish man responds. Tensions boil over when man in the red t-shirt tries to grab the other man around the neck and is tackled by a group of onlookers in religious dress.
Complete sentences
Andrew Bolt November 27 2015 (9:04am)
Malcolm Turnbull in announcing his leadership bid two months ago:
===We need a style of leadership that explains those challenges and opportunities… A style of leadership that respects the people’s intelligence, that explains these complex issues… We need advocacy, not slogans.The Australian’s Troy Bramston:
It has been a long time since Australia had a prime minister who could consistently speak in fully formed sentences…The Australian:
A fluent communicator, Mr Turnbull has what it takes to explain how economic reform will set up Australia for prosperity…Professor Mark Beeson in The Conversation:
We now have an unembarrassing leader who can speak in complete sentences...Academic Dennis Gruber in The Conversation:
Once more we have a new prime minister who is personally popular and has an obvious gift for communicating… Turnbull is a natural explainer...From last night’s interview on 7.30:
MALCOLM TURNBULL: Well, that’s - that is true. There is a - this is the - we - as a nation, we’ve had limited experience from terrorism domestically....This must change before the election campaign.
MALCOLM TURNBULL: Well, I was really referring to the point that we have to be - look, if you go back a little bit earlier in the speech, perhaps this is the key to the point I was making…
MALCOLM TURNBULL: I wouldn’t describe - it depends what you mean....
MALCOLM TURNBULL: Well, well, it may - Leigh, I think the - I think the way you’ve got to look at any economic reform is whether it is equitable right across the community. The object - and of course, many, many - everyone is situated somewhat differently. Someone asked me: what is fair? ...
MALCOLM TURNBULL: Well I think the - I think if you - for example, if you had a - changes that resulted in perhaps people on higher incomes bearing a - paying - bearing a higher burden - I mean, some people - I’m not saying this is our policy, but for example, many people have advocated that there should be some changes to superannuation so that it is - if you like, the tax concession is less generous to people on very high incomes or high incomes. I suppose that would be seen by many people as fair. But on the other hand, I suppose if you’re one of the people who’s getting less of a concession, you would - you might or might not feel it was fair or unfair. I mean, the - ultimately - ultimately, the proof of this pudding will be - of this whole exercise will be in the eating, in the outcome and the question is whether the whole outcome is seen to be equitable and that is our absolute objective....
MALCOLM TURNBULL: Well I think you’ve - I think there’s a - I’ve just been to the G20 and also to APEC and the East Asia Summit, but at G20 where you had the 20 largest economies, naturally, climate change was a big issue. And I would say there was a - the views around the table were as close to unanimous as you could imagine....
MALCOLM TURNBULL: Well, the - as you know, there is a long tradition in the Liberal Party of people, backbenchers of course, being able to cross the floor. And that has - that has happened…
MALCOLM TURNBULL: Well I’ve noticed - well I wouldn’t interpret those remarks in that way at all. People are entitled - look, if you’re going back to the security situation in Syria, people are entitled to express the view that there should be a large Western military force, boots on the ground.
Not true
Andrew Bolt November 27 2015 (8:56am)
Malcolm Turnbull on 7.30 last night:
(Thanks to reader Correllio.)
===LEIGH SALES: Well how do you intend to manage the detractors within your party? We’ve had a number of people in recent weeks publicly speak out against positions that you’ve taken.The Australian today:
MALCOLM TURNBULL: Well I haven’t noticed that.
Malcolm Turnbull has turned to Tony Abbott, the man he ousted as prime minister 10 weeks ago, as part of an effort to settle simmering resentment over the leadership dumping.Note also that Turnbull puts in a call, and then leaks the news of this private chat to seem to be ticking all the boxes.
The Prime Minister is moving to head off spreading recrimination between supporters of both men, which was threatening to create bitter camps and a corrosive campaign of damaging leaks.
Mr Turnbull spoke personally to Mr Abbott after his return from 10 days overseas, the first time the two old colleagues have spoken since the leadership change on September 14.
(Thanks to reader Correllio.)
Raging at the Sun and not the news of jihadist support
Andrew Bolt November 27 2015 (8:33am)
I agree the poll question is ambiguous, but not as ambiguous as apologists are insisting:
Or course, I must admit that some of the Britons going to Syria do sign up for more “moderate” terrorist groups, such as al Qaeda. Maybe the respondents were thinking of them?
But turning the argument on the Sun’s report rather than on the poll results helps to perpetuate the victim narrative on which jihadism thrives:
===British tabloid newspaper the Sun has wrongly interpreted an opinion poll of British Muslims’ attitudes to Islamic State (formerly ISIS/ISIL), claiming one in five have sympathy with those who travel abroad to join the terrorist group.Does anyone seriously think that many poll respondents were thinking of the Kurds when they said they sympathised with “young Muslims who leave the UK to join fighters in Syria”?
The newspaper has come under fire for misrepresenting the results of a poll, which asked British Muslims how they felt “about young Muslims who leave the UK to join fighters in Syria.”
The Sun appears to have spun the results of the poll to suggest up to 20 percent of Muslims in the UK sympathize with the terror group, despite the fact ISIS has killed tens of thousands of Muslims… However, the ambiguous nature of the question means it could refer equally to groups fighting against ISIS such as the Kurdish YPG militia… Pundits have also pointed out the term “sympathy” is broad and can be a way of saying they understand why someone has come to do something, even if they think it is wrong.
Or course, I must admit that some of the Britons going to Syria do sign up for more “moderate” terrorist groups, such as al Qaeda. Maybe the respondents were thinking of them?
But turning the argument on the Sun’s report rather than on the poll results helps to perpetuate the victim narrative on which jihadism thrives:
The Sun caused a social media outcry when it reported the poll with a front-page headline Monday that read “1 in 5 Brit Muslims’ sympathy for militants”.What is most important: the poll finding, however interpreted, or the Sun’s report? What is more likely to promote “Islamophobia”: jihadists or reporting on them? Yet see how sounding the alarm is becoming ever harder.
Over 30,000 signed a petition demanding The Sun apologise and Britain’s press watchdog said it received about 3,600 complaints...The petition said the report — which comes amid indications of rising levels of hate crime against Muslims — “amounts to inciting religious and racial hatred and promotes Islamophobia”.
Turnbull in peace talks with Abbott
Andrew Bolt November 27 2015 (7:28am)
After his team tried to publicly humiliate Tony Abbott, Malcolm Turnbull tries diplomacy:
Turnbull needs to know that the divisions won’t be fixed by his charm but by his policies.
There is an inconsistency in the argument put today in The Australian by David Crowe, a well-briefed Turnbull supporter.
On the one hand, Abbott is a spent force - an irrelevance to the government, a bore to the public and an embarrassment to his friends:
Abbott then followed up with the mild and perfectly reasonable observation that the Islamic State will not be quickly defeated unless the allies and their partners in the region sent in some troops on the ground - not as an invasion force, but to assist local forces, harass the Islamic State leadership and better identify bombing targets. That, too, is an eminently sensible suggestion that I suspect will also be adopted in time.
Had Turnbull treated this as an idea worth putting on the table rather than as the ”machismo” ravings of a hot-head contemplating a ”unilateral” invasion and occupation of Syria, there would be no embarrassment, no tension, no issue. But paranoia rules, so that Abbott is now deemed to have no place in politics if he keeps making sensible suggestions.
Turnbull’s supporters should settle down. For one, they are demanding from Abbott a silence that they never demanded from the far more disloyal Turnbull.
Ellen Whinnett on the paranoia of the Turnbull camp:
===Malcolm Turnbull has turned to Tony Abbott, the man he ousted as prime minister 10 weeks ago, as part of an effort to settle simmering resentment over the leadership dumping.That last bit is bull, and every participant knows it.
The Prime Minister is moving to head off spreading recrimination between supporters of both men, which was threatening to create bitter camps and a corrosive campaign of damaging leaks.
Mr Turnbull spoke personally to Mr Abbott after his return from 10 days overseas, the first time the two old colleagues have spoken since the leadership change on September 14…
Last night, Mr Turnbull disclosed in an interview on the ABC’s 7.30 that he had “a good chat” with Mr Abbott and publicly dismissed any suggestion the former prime minister was running an “insurgency” against him. He also defended the right of Mr Abbott and former defence minister Kevin Andrews to argue for more “boots on the ground” in Syria after Foreign Affairs Minister Julie Bishop said references to “grand gestures and machismo” about Islamic State were not primarily directed at Mr Abbott.
Turnbull needs to know that the divisions won’t be fixed by his charm but by his policies.
There is an inconsistency in the argument put today in The Australian by David Crowe, a well-briefed Turnbull supporter.
On the one hand, Abbott is a spent force - an irrelevance to the government, a bore to the public and an embarrassment to his friends:
With terrorists attacking Paris and Russian jets being shot down, with a tax debate to manage and a mental health policy to release, the government has plenty to do and no great reason to worry about Abbott…Yet at the same time, this irrelevant Abbott is scaring the (pro-Turnbull) press gallery, overshadowing his colleagues and distracting the rattled Prime Minister so much that he must quit politics forthwith
Abbott and Andrews can speak up as they wish, but they are delusional if they think voters will not see their calls for action against terrorism as an eagerness for revenge against Turnbull… None of Turnbull’s senior colleagues seem worried. Tuesday’s Newspoll showed Turnbull gaining even more ground as preferred prime minister… Abbott lost some of the conservatives months ago and has no chance of getting them back… Now the conservative side of the party is struggling with what to do with its figurehead.
Turnbull spoke to Abbott on Wednesday night to try to smooth things over… Abbott, the conservative warrior of the Liberal Party, may end up doing his own team more harm than good...The press gallery is obviously jumpy about Abbott’s every move… There are conservative MPs who might like to speak up on public policy but now find themselves overshadowed by a former prime minister… Abbott is not giving anything away about his plans, but there are untold opportunities for him outside parliament. He should explore them.For heaven’s sake. All Abbott did was to give a speech - before Paris - warning Europe to close its borders and take the Islamic State more seriously. On both points, who now disagrees?
Abbott then followed up with the mild and perfectly reasonable observation that the Islamic State will not be quickly defeated unless the allies and their partners in the region sent in some troops on the ground - not as an invasion force, but to assist local forces, harass the Islamic State leadership and better identify bombing targets. That, too, is an eminently sensible suggestion that I suspect will also be adopted in time.
Had Turnbull treated this as an idea worth putting on the table rather than as the ”machismo” ravings of a hot-head contemplating a ”unilateral” invasion and occupation of Syria, there would be no embarrassment, no tension, no issue. But paranoia rules, so that Abbott is now deemed to have no place in politics if he keeps making sensible suggestions.
Turnbull’s supporters should settle down. For one, they are demanding from Abbott a silence that they never demanded from the far more disloyal Turnbull.
Ellen Whinnett on the paranoia of the Turnbull camp:
The paranoia is manifesting itself in some very amusing ways, including in talk this week about the “Monkey Pod’’ lunches taking place most Tuesdays on sitting weeks…(Thanks to reader Peter of Bellevue Hill.)
“What we are supposed to do — have secret meetings at Hendy’s?” said one attendee, referring to the Sunday night gathering at MP Peter Hendy’s Canberra house by a group of pro-Turnbull plotters the night before they launched the coup that toppled Abbott. There is a worrying sign emerging in all this. The Government is starting to look a little directionless. The “everything is on the table’’ debate around tax and financial reform is showing no signs of solidifying into real proposals anytime soon. The international fight against IS limps on, hamstrung by a lack of action from the US. And the Liberal party room is showing signs of internal stress, with this week’s meeting dragging on for some time as MPs bickered about climate change policy and removing badges from the hats of army chaplains.
Bill Shorten promises a warming scheme twice more useless and expensive than Turnbull’s
Andrew Bolt November 27 2015 (7:00am)
There’s been no real warming of the atmosphere for around 18 years. Anything Australia does to its emissions will have close to zero effect on the climate. Labor lost the last election in large part because of its carbon tax.
Yet here comes Labor again, flogging a plan more likely to lower its vote than the temperature:
Labor thinks it can wedge Malcolm Turnbull on this by portraying him as a hypocrite:
===Yet here comes Labor again, flogging a plan more likely to lower its vote than the temperature:
Bill Shorten will ... commit today to a carbon reduction target of 45 per cent by 2030 — almost twice the level set by the Coalition three months ago…And neither plan will make any effective and positive change to the climate. Not that most journalists care.
But the new policy could wipe $30 billion off the economy when compared with doing nothing further on climate change — a far bigger cost than the government’s target.
Labor’s commitment, based on a 2005 base year, goes far beyond promises from Japan (25 per cent) and exceeds the US (41 per cent) and Europe (34 per cent)…
Mr Turnbull has backed the Direct Action policy that pays companies to reduce carbon emissions and has endorsed the government target set in August to cut emissions by 26-28 per cent by 2030… While Mr Turnbull’s target would trim gross domestic product by 0.6 per cent by 2030, according to modelling prepared for the government by economist Warwick McKibbin, the new Labor target would trim 1 per cent.
Labor thinks it can wedge Malcolm Turnbull on this by portraying him as a hypocrite:
The Labor leader will argue the science demands it, the Australian economy can afford it and Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull is worse than a climate change sceptic because he abandoned his green beliefs in a secret deal to attain the Liberal leadership…But this strategy relies on two very risky assumptions.
“Malcolm Turnbull is flying to Paris carrying Tony Abbot’s climate-sceptic baggage,” Mr Shorten’s speech notes say, adding that Mr Turnbull had “won the leadership vote in the party room, but Tony Abbott has won the climate policy debate in the Liberal Party”.
First, that most voters really do believe man is heating the world dangerously and they should pay more to “stop” it. In fact, voters hated Labor’s carbon tax and most are now sceptical about man-made warming, according to a CSIRO study.I really don’t understand why Labor doesn’t go back to the most critical issues and those most important to its base. Why not talk about jobs, rather than the weather?
But, second, that Turnbull is a weakness to be exploited on this front. In fact, I suspect most voters instinctively believe Turnbull is a warmist, and therefore on the side of the angels in a debate in which seeming is infinitely more important than doing. They will be more prepared to accept his word that his policies are sufficient and prudent than they were to accept it from a closet sceptic like Abbott. That gives Turnbull plenty of scope to portray Shorten as reckless and a dangerous and desperate pawn of the Greens.
Turnbull’s NBN faces another blowout
Andrew Bolt November 27 2015 (6:35am)
I’ve wondered before why Malcolm Turnbull’s version of the NBN is less than promised for twice the price.
It could get worse:
The Financial Review story is unfair to Turnbull and misleading. After all, the decision to buy the Optus HFC was actually made by Labor. From May, 2012
===It could get worse:
Leaked documents, which show that the company building the government’s national broadband network could be up for $375 million in repairs and upgrades of a key part of its multi-technology-mix (MTM) pose serious questions about the wisdom of the government in tearing up Labor’s fibre to the premise plans.UPDATE
On Wednesday afternoon, as Communications Minister Mitch Fifield was confidently telling the Senate that cable TV (or HFC) networks, purchased at huge expense from Telstra and Optus, were one of the main reasons why the Coalition’s NBN would be rolled out nationwide faster than Labor’s – the internal NBN documents were doing the rounds and making him look foolish.
The documents showed that, having spent $800 million to buy and reuse Optus’ cable network, now it may be forced to invest another $375 million to rebuild parts of the fading network because it isn’t capable of delivering high-speed broadband to enough people…
Labor Queensland Senator Jan McLucas was quick to draw attention to words from Malcolm Turnbull back in July 2012, “The Optus HFC could be upgraded for a modest cost to provide NBN equivalent services for most customers,” the then-Communications spokesman said… It is worth posing the question of whether the government was misled by Optus.... If this is not the case, it means that the government knew the HFC network couldn’t be used and ploughed on with a purchase regardless, or simply didn’t do its due diligence properly before spending $800 million.
The Financial Review story is unfair to Turnbull and misleading. After all, the decision to buy the Optus HFC was actually made by Labor. From May, 2012
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission yesterday released a draft decision allowing NBN Co to buy Optus’ 429,000 cable broadband customers for about $800 million.
In decline
Andrew Bolt November 27 2015 (6:19am)
Maurice Newman warns that the West has lost its will to resist:
Obama needs a nudge.
===This stark reality presented most recently in Paris when terrorists killed 130 innocent civilians. Around the Western world, the response was “sensible” and “measured”. There was talk of standing “shoulder to shoulder” with the French people. How we shared their pain. Our own Prime Minister praised French football fans who sang Le Marseillaise as they left the stadium.And to pre-empt the Left’s “gotcha” posse, ever hunting for straw men, no: Newman is not saying Obama is a Muslim.
“Freedom stands up for itself, stands up for its values in the face of terrorism,” Malcolm Turnbull declared.
This timid reaction is a worrying sign. It suggests weakness and unpreparedness.... The Left intelligentsia has joined the Islamic crusade against the West, attracted by a common contempt for our democratic institutions…
Western leadership seems slow to grasp the consequences of what Tony Abbott calls “a catastrophic error”. Europe’s borders remain open. It tolerates no-go areas, where Islamic colonies exist in parallel and, where sharia law replaces civil law. Sweden alone has 55 such areas…
Incredibly, the leader of the Western world, US President Barack Obama, studiously avoids being drawn into a conflict with militant Islam. He describes it in vague phrases. He denies Islamic State is getting stronger… Obama is half-hearted and warns against Islamophobia.... Is it any wonder a CNN poll found one in five Americans believe he is a Muslim?… The radical giant in our midst is waking up to this reality. He sees moral and economic decline. He has no respect for this civilisation and will stop at nothing “to restore glory to humanity”. Thanks to uncontrolled migration, he has many believers within who will join his cause.
Obama needs a nudge.
After the Paris attacks on November 13, Abbott began telling confidants that if he were still the prime minister, he would have joined French President Francois Hollande in ramping up military action against Islamic State. Abbott, sources say, believed such a joint effort from France and Australia would “shame’’ US President Barack Obama into action and bring the Americans in to lead a wholesale assault on IS.(Thanks to reader Peter of Bellevue Hill.)
Triggs makes her Human Rights Committee look a witchhunt
Andrew Bolt November 27 2014 (8:44pm)
LABOR loves using your taxes to pay activists to push its causes. Take the Human Rights Commission, led by the now-damaged Gillian Triggs.
Created by the Hawke government in 1986, the HRC has ever since promoted the Left’s causes on the taxpayers’ dime.
It is largely responsible for creating the stolen generations myth, for example.
Its Bringing them Home inquiry suggested up to 100,000 Aboriginal children were stolen for racist reasons in a cultural “genocide”, even though no one since could identify even 10 such examples.
That inquiry accepted without cross-examination the claims of witnesses whose identities it kept secret — including claims that fell apart when tested in the Federal Court “stolen generations” test case.
Yet no Coalition government has had the courage or conviction to scrap the HRC as a propaganda arm for the Left — and a $27 million waste.
So taxpayers today pay HRC commissioners more than $300,000 each to do the nagging that thousands of other activists already do free.
But more Coalition MPs will now wonder exactly why we fund the HRC after Triggs’ astonishing performance last Thursday.
The HRC president’s evidence to the Senate’s Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee suggested her commission is every bit as politically biased as its critics feared.
Triggs was called to answer questions about the inquiry she announced in February into our detention of boat children. [Watch here.]
That timing always seemed bizarre.
As Liberal senator Barry O’Sullivan noted, when the Rudd Labor government took office there were just four boat people left in detention, none children.
(Read full article here.)
===Created by the Hawke government in 1986, the HRC has ever since promoted the Left’s causes on the taxpayers’ dime.
It is largely responsible for creating the stolen generations myth, for example.
Its Bringing them Home inquiry suggested up to 100,000 Aboriginal children were stolen for racist reasons in a cultural “genocide”, even though no one since could identify even 10 such examples.
That inquiry accepted without cross-examination the claims of witnesses whose identities it kept secret — including claims that fell apart when tested in the Federal Court “stolen generations” test case.
Yet no Coalition government has had the courage or conviction to scrap the HRC as a propaganda arm for the Left — and a $27 million waste.
So taxpayers today pay HRC commissioners more than $300,000 each to do the nagging that thousands of other activists already do free.
But more Coalition MPs will now wonder exactly why we fund the HRC after Triggs’ astonishing performance last Thursday.
The HRC president’s evidence to the Senate’s Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee suggested her commission is every bit as politically biased as its critics feared.
Triggs was called to answer questions about the inquiry she announced in February into our detention of boat children. [Watch here.]
That timing always seemed bizarre.
As Liberal senator Barry O’Sullivan noted, when the Rudd Labor government took office there were just four boat people left in detention, none children.
(Read full article here.)
Phillip Hughes dies
Andrew Bolt November 27 2014 (8:21pm)
What a terrible, terrible loss. His poor family. He was just 25.
Bravo, Michael Clarke, for your leadership these past days:
Callers to our 2GB show are urging Cricket Australia and our team to go ahead with the First Test against India next Thursday.
They want day one to be a celebration of Hughes life and have offered some wonderful suggestions. The best I have heard is for Hughes to be named 12th man.
Bravo, Michael Clarke, for your leadership these past days:
Callers to our 2GB show are urging Cricket Australia and our team to go ahead with the First Test against India next Thursday.
They want day one to be a celebration of Hughes life and have offered some wonderful suggestions. The best I have heard is for Hughes to be named 12th man.
Jack the Insider is cross
Andrew Bolt November 27 2014 (6:18pm)
Jack the Insider discusses the Right:
===May 21, 2014 - Right-wing columnists often moan they are chronically under-represented in the media.... The deeper irony is that most of the scribblers of the Right are actually living in self-exile from the Left.Jack the Insider pins his hopes on the Left:
March 28, 2014 - Prior to World War II conservative politics was so brutal that right wing political parties in Australia were utterly destroyed every three years or so.
December 16, 2009 - I believe that it’s refreshing to find a group of right-wing nut jobs
January 6, 2012 - I despair of the Left because the fundamentals of left-wing politics at or around the centre are where I have always believed this country’s future best lies.But Jack the Insider is upset when he is given his own label:
A couple of days ago I was amused to read Andrew Bolt’s blog. This particular entry featured a long roll of News Corp columnists described by Bolt as ‘leftist’. Guess what? I made the list.Jack is cross that someone else is playing with his labels:
I suppose it’s just a matter time before I will be made to front the House Un-Australian Committee to be asked, “Are you now or have you ever sculled a beer with Bob Hawke?” Under oath, I would be obliged to say yes.
However, his list of ‘leftist’ journalists which has me in the Top Ten reveals Bolt has become the self-appointed key master of the political spectrum. :Jack says the labels he’s been using are meaningless, now one is pinned on him:
This is more a discussion about ideology and a plea to recalibrate the current political nomenclature for the primary reason that a single left-right axis is a lazy, unsophisticated and largely anachronistic means of codifying a set of beliefs, views and opinions. It does not allow for distinction, exception, gradation or nuance.Jack nevertheless thinks these labels are not lazy, unsophisticated and largely anachronistic, failing to allow for distinction, exception, gradation or nuance, as long as they are pinned on you-know-who:
This is odd given there aren’t many who sit to the right of [Bolt] - maybe Tamurlane and the 3rd Duke of Alba.Jack seems in his pleas for “nuance” not to understand the critical difference between a conservative and someone on the Right, or, indeed, that the relevant axis is not Left to Right, but anarchy to Left/Right, or individual to coercive collectivism:
Ultimately, the left-right axis is about as helpful in understanding people’s views as it might be knowing which footy team they barrack for.Jack the Insider should be slower to dismiss those he brands of the “Right” and should not write in anger.
Your safety in Jacqui Lambie’s hands
Andrew Bolt November 27 2014 (11:54am)
Senator Jacqui Lambie, September:
===BARRIE CASSIDY: And do you feel the Government’s got a handle on the terrorism issue at home?Jacqui Lambie yesterday:
JACQUI LAMBIE: I believe it’s heading in the right direction, absolutely. Yep, but it certainly needs to put its foot down. There’s no 50 per cent here. It needs to go in hard and it needs to go in fast.
BARRIE CASSIDY: And do you think then the Government can rely on Palmer United as they introduce the new laws this week? JACQUI LAMBIE: I would certainly hope so, yes. They can certainly rely on me - we’ll put it that way.
A THIRD tranche of counter-terrorism laws passed the Senate yesterday, despite independent senator Jacqui Lambie voting against expanding the Australian Defence Force’s capability to combat terrorism…
The Tasmanian senator, who has repeatedly accused her political opponents of being untrustworthy, complained the legislation had been rushed through parliament after only four weeks’ scrutiny.
“As a legislator I want to be careful I don’t unwittingly get rushed again and again by the government to pass laws only to find out at the end of it we now have a police state,” she said.
The legislation will enable Australia’s foreign spy agency ASIS to co-operate with the ADF on intelligence matters and military operations overseas.
It also expands the scope of Australian Federal Police control orders and enables certain intelligence agencies, including ASIS, to launch emergency operations without government approval.
How to cripple Victoria on Saturday
Andrew Bolt November 27 2014 (10:23am)
Victoria seems about to vote for the kind of union culture not seen since the Kirner years. The Financial Review warns:
===Victorians must ask themselves if Labor is equipped to return to government so soon. There are grave concerns as to whether Opposition Leader Daniel Andrews and his team have the character or the ability to do the job…
The lack of a transparent cost-benefit study [of the East West Link] is a concern, but the project needs to start happening… Labor’s promise to rip up the contract would be absurdly costly, as well as pandering to Green voters who threaten Labor members in inner Melbourne…
Labor should make any voter concerned about the state economy shudder. It is stacked with Trades Hall types; 16 of its front benchers hail from unions.
Mr Andrews is an exception, but he belongs to the ALP’s Socialist Left faction. Deputy leader James Merlino is a former shop assistants’ union state secretary, shadow treasurer Tim Pallas is a former ACTU official, and would-be planning minister Brian Tee is a paid-up member of the CFMEU – a lawless union that has blockaded Melbourne’s CBD, consorted with criminals and intimidated and boycotted law-abiding companies. Incredibly, Mr Andrews wants to scrap the Napthine government’s building and construction code of practice, one of the few constraints on union and contractor unlawfulness on government projects. This in itself makes Mr Andrews and Labor not fit to govern. The Productivity Commission has recommended that the code be taken up nationally. Yet Mr Andrews does not have the political spine to stand up to Labor’s trade union bosses over a lawless labour monopoly that is undermining Victoria’s investment climate and job prospects.
New York Times publishes police officer’s address as mobs rage
Andrew Bolt November 27 2014 (9:39am)
Much of the media persists in portraying the Ferguson riots as the price of white racism rather than evidence of black racism - and a mindless violence.
Much of the media seems to believe an innocent white police officer, Darren Wilson, should have been punished for shooting the black thief, Michael Brown, who attacked him. Worse, many seem to believe this innocent officer should be punished just to appease the race resentments of a violent and unreasoning mob:
The issue that the media Left prefer not to discuss?. Former New York City police chief and mayor Rudi Giuliani notes it:
Reader Jono:
Barack Obama has done nothing tangible to bridge the racial divide. Worse, he seems to belegitimising the victimology driving this violence:
===Much of the media seems to believe an innocent white police officer, Darren Wilson, should have been punished for shooting the black thief, Michael Brown, who attacked him. Worse, many seem to believe this innocent officer should be punished just to appease the race resentments of a violent and unreasoning mob:
We now know that just before Monday night’s riots, Michael Brown’s stepfather screamed “Burn this bitch down!” to a mob as Brown’s mother stood silently by. The end result was utter chaos. More than a dozen businesses were looted and set on fire, a 20 year-old man is dead, and the Brown Family’s own church was burnt to the ground.But for sheer bastardy, the Leftist New York Times now publishes Wilson’s street name - a detail the mob seems already to have noted. It’s as if the Times actually wants Wilson murdered:
The International Business Times notes:
But printing his street name in the nation’s most influential newspaper on the day the grand jury is expected to hand up a decision on the indictment could reignite interest in — and awareness of — the location, and some critics worry that it could result in protesters descending on his home. Slate even went a step further than the Times, publishing an article featuring a photo of the modest, red-brick house on Monday.Evil.
A number of Twitter users — some of whom have identified themselves as planning to protest the grand jury decision — have tweeted the location of Wilson’s home as they gear up for rallies. The house number was not printed in the Times, but the street in the St. Louis suburb of Crestwood where it sits is only about two blocks long, and the house number can be easily located via online sources using only the street name and Wilson’s name.
The issue that the media Left prefer not to discuss?. Former New York City police chief and mayor Rudi Giuliani notes it:
After noting how he diversified the New York City police force, Giuliani said it was very disappointing that “we are not discussing the fact that 93 percent of blacks are killed by other blacks.”Check the link for the million ways the Washington Post tries to knock down Giuliani’s argument - with no success.
Reader Jono:
An academic replies that those remarks reinforce the problematic perspective that prevails in the culture whatever that means.UPDATE
Barack Obama has done nothing tangible to bridge the racial divide. Worse, he seems to belegitimising the victimology driving this violence:
BARACK OBAMA, US PRESIDENT: Burning buildings, torching cars, destroying property, putting people at risk - that’s destructive and there’s no excuse for it. Those are criminal acts. And people should be prosecuted if they engage in criminal acts.(Thanks to readers Gab, The Realist and Terry.)
[REPORTER]: But the President also acknowledged the frustrations of the peaceful protestors around the country who feel the law isn’t always enforced equally. BARACK OBAMA: That may not be true everywhere and it’s certainly not true for the vast majority of law enforcement officials, but that’s an impression that folks have and it’s not just made up. It’s rooted in realities that have existed in this country for a long time.
Eggs broken. Time Abbott talked omelettes
Andrew Bolt November 27 2014 (9:25am)
Niki Savva despairs at Tony Abbott making the same blunders that killed Julia Gillard:
What is so frustrating for those who wish Abbott well is that this disaster was utterly predictable - and, indeed, predicted.
In April, even though it killed me, I warned through gritted teeth that the Government should honor its promise to the ABC:
===It’s as if they have been cursed to repeat each other’s mistakes, wilfully treating voters like idiots. It is plain in the Opposition Leader’s responses to every savings measure announced by the government. One day he will pay, like Abbott has had to pay for those few words to SBS the night before the election ruling out any changes to the GST, cuts to health, pensions, the ABC and SBS that have been slowly killing him.As Savva suggests, what makes this latest reckoning over the ABC cuts painful is that Abbott’s colleagues know they themselves look shifty trying to defend it.
One stupid line at the end of a long campaign shouldn’t be enough to hang someone — unless they behave even more stupidly later by refusing to make a simple admission: I stuffed up or I was wrong to say what I said, or circumstances forced me to make a difficult choice. Abbott undermined an eminently defensible case for cuts to the ABC, shredded his credibility and forced his colleagues into humiliating verbal jousts with journos to cover for him. They despair.
What is so frustrating for those who wish Abbott well is that this disaster was utterly predictable - and, indeed, predicted.
In April, even though it killed me, I warned through gritted teeth that the Government should honor its promise to the ABC:
In May I warned:
TONY Abbott wants to break a promise, after all. But his deficit tax would break the wrong one and risk killing his Government… Why is Abbott planning a new [2 per cent wealth tax] tax that will be jeered when he could instead scrap his $5 billion leave scheme — hated even by many Liberals — and be cheered?Well, the damage is now done. The solution?
Why is Abbott planning a new tax that the Senate would likely block when he could scrap a parental leave scheme the Senate may not pass either? ...
But why is Abbott thinking about breaking any promise at all? ...
Abbott was so desperate to win the last election — and voters seemed so hooked on Labor’s reckless spending — that he promised more than he should have. On election eve he summed up the promises: “No cuts to education, no cuts to health, no changes to pensions, no change to the GST and no cuts to the ABC or SBS.” Not even a cut to the bloated ABC? ...
Labor knows this is its big chance to destroy Abbott by doing to him what he did to Julia “No Carbon Tax” Gillard. It can paint him as a liar to voters now hypersensitive to being lied to… But why would Abbott even think of breaking a promise? He’d just give Labor all it needs to call him a liar until election day. Voters would then distrust his every word, just as they did with Gillard. Those voters may want more than government can afford, but they also want another deficit fixed — the moral deficit in politics. They demand promises be kept. Abbott’s survival may demand that, too.
1. Abbott must now discount the advice of anyone who told him so many promises could be broken.
2. Abbott must now discount the advice of anyone who told him he could pretend those promises hadn’t been broken.
3. He must hire a communications guru, a startling absence in his office.
4. He should recast himself in ways that don’t flatter him and offend his self-image, but which are at least plausible given what’s happened. Yes, he broke promises but he’s a tough bastard who’d do anything to rescue this country from the disaster it’s heading to thanks to Labor’s reckless spending in government and its mindless sabotage in office.
5. Remember that you do not have to be pure in politics. You just have to be better than the other bastard. So don’t defend, but attack. Fight, fight, fight.
6. The eggs are now broken. Sell the omelette instead. (And show you wouldn’t feed a dog what Labor is cooking.)
Which battle must the Government fight - to seem honest or seem financially competent?
Andrew Bolt November 27 2014 (9:18am)
The Abbott Government has lost the battle to save its reputation for keeping promises. But now there’s a more critical challenge - to save its reputation for fixing Budget disasters:
===The Federal government is rapidly running out of time to fix fundamental budget weaknesses likely to be exposed by collapsing commodity prices, a lack of productivity growth and declining workforce participation, research by the Parliamentary Budget Office suggests.So getting the money may now ultimately prove more critical than seeming this sneaky and mean:
In wake-up call to a Senate still mired in a grinding budget stalemate, the independent budget office has for the first time quantified what would happen if Australia’s 23-year run of economic growth is suddenly derailed…
The budget office report ... shows the budget would still be in deficit to the tune of $33.1 billion in 2024-25 if productivity growth fails to recover from last decade’s slump…
The modelling also shows if workers and companies can boost productivity growth to 2 per cent a year over the next ten years - a performance that has only been bested once, during the 1990s - the budget’s 2024-25 surplus would be a massive 2.5 per cent of GDP, or 1.1 per cent larger than the government currently predicts. Debt would also have been wiped out under a high productivity scenario and the Commonwealth would be sitting on a cash pile equivalent to 4.3 per cent of GDP, or $69 billion in today’s dollars.
THE federal government will put a new price signal on visits to the doctor by using regulations to overcome a Senate veto of its $7 GP co-payment…(Thanks to reader Peter of Bellevue Hill.)
Sticking to its goal of charging more for primary healthcare from next July ... it is drafting a second option that keeps some of the key aspects of the reform including a medical research future fund that could grow to $20 billion by 2020…
Tony Abbott moved yesterday to rescue remaining budget reforms by scheduling a meeting with newly independent senator Jacqui Lambie next Monday, in the hope of winning her vote.
But Senator Lambie issued a new ultimatum to Mr Abbott over an increase in Defence Force pay, telling The Australian she would not compromise on her demand for a 3 per cent pay rise and the restoration of Christmas leave… Her remarks are a challenge to the government’s hopes of passing an amended version of its $5bn cuts to higher education funding, while other budget measures are also in doubt.
Hypocrite alert
Andrew Bolt November 27 2014 (9:08am)
Jennifer Rajca, 26 November:
Anyone would think Labor is the military’s best friend and not a pack of hypocrites.
7.30 yesterday:
===Shadow Defence Minister Stephen Conroy said the Prime Minister needed to show leadership and make [the Defence Minister] say sorry to Parliament.AAP, 26 February:
“Tony Abbott should demand that David Johnston go into the chamber and apologise publicly to the workforce, to the people of Australia for undermining our national security. “He is the Defence Minister, this is a very serious situation that he’s put himself in.”
DEFENCE force chief David Hurley says it’s not enough that Labor’s Stephen Conroy has withdrawn his accusation that border commander Angus Campbell has been engaged in a political cover-up.UPDATE
“Unfortunately, once said, the shadow will linger,’’ General Hurley said ... adding Lieutenant-General Campbell had a reputation in Australia and beyond of being an officer of integrity, intellect and studied impartiality…
Senator Conroy withdrew the accusation against Lieutenant-General Campbell after Senate estimates… Senator Conroy ... insisted it was not for him to apologise.
Anyone would think Labor is the military’s best friend and not a pack of hypocrites.
7.30 yesterday:
PENNY WONG, LEADER OF OPPOSITION IN SENATE: He is a disgrace! He is an utter disgrace! ... [The Defence Minister’s] position is untenable.Radio National, 26 February:
FRAN KELLY: ... (Y)esterday in Senate Estimates Labor Senator Stephen Conroy launched a pretty extraordinary attack on Lieutenant General Angus Campbell the head of Operation Sovereign Borders ... In your view is that appropriate, to speak to a senior military officer like that accusing him of a political cover up?David Johnston in his own defence:
WONG: I think it’s entirely appropriate for Labor Senators to probe the cloak of secrecy this government is applying to so many areas of public policy and clearly Operation Sovereign Borders is one of them.
KELLY: A political cover up? WONG: You and I both know that this government has refused to be fully frank with the Australian people
Senator Johnston, speaking to a Senate censure motion, attacked the Labor Party for “playing callously” with national security and doing “big fat nothing” on the future submarine program during their tenure.(Thanks to reader Peter of Bellevue Hill.)
“You simply were the greatest underminers of confidence in Australia’s defence capability,” Senator Johnston shouted across the chamber.
“You ripped $16 billion out of the portfolio and delivered an unsustainable mess.”
Senator Johnston claimed the greatest insult to military personnel in recent years was Julia Gillard’s decision as deputy prime minister to send her bodyguard to sensitive national security meetings on her behalf.
How low will ABC and Fairfax comedians go?
Andrew Bolt November 27 2014 (8:07am)
Ben Pobjie is a comedian and ABC regular, as well as a Fairfax columnist. And with all the sensitivity and genuine humor for which ABC comedians and Fairfax columnists are now famous he tells a ”joke” about Phil Hughes.
(Thanks to reader Peter of Bellevue Hill.)
===(Thanks to reader Peter of Bellevue Hill.)
Murdoch’s debate terrifies ABC defenders
Andrew Bolt November 27 2014 (7:35am)
THE Abbott Government’s cuts to the bloated ABC are too tiny to explain these hysterics.
A 5 per cent cut to a $1.2 billion budget still leaves the ABC with four TV stations, five radio stations, 220 websites, an online newspaper, magazines and a publishing house.
Yet listen to the screams.
I don’t mean Opposition Leader Bill Shorten’s bellowing about “our ABC”. He naturally wants this voice of the Left kept strong.
I mean instead the people freaking that a skinnier ABC might encourage people to read a newspaper of Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp instead. One like this.
Take ABC presenter Quentin Dempster, who called the ABC cuts “a piece of Tony Abbott/Rupert Murdoch bastardry”.
(Read full article here.)
===A 5 per cent cut to a $1.2 billion budget still leaves the ABC with four TV stations, five radio stations, 220 websites, an online newspaper, magazines and a publishing house.
Yet listen to the screams.
I don’t mean Opposition Leader Bill Shorten’s bellowing about “our ABC”. He naturally wants this voice of the Left kept strong.
I mean instead the people freaking that a skinnier ABC might encourage people to read a newspaper of Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp instead. One like this.
Take ABC presenter Quentin Dempster, who called the ABC cuts “a piece of Tony Abbott/Rupert Murdoch bastardry”.
(Read full article here.)
Clive Palmer tries to stop fraud ruling
Andrew Bolt November 27 2014 (7:21am)
Clive Palmer is trying to block a Supreme Court judge from ruling on whether he acted acted dishonestly or fraudulently when allegedly siphoning $12 million from his Chinese partner to fund his election campaign:
===Mr Palmer’s legal team revealed he would not give evidence personally, or call witnesses or tender documents in the trial [which started yesterday]. Barrister Simon Couper QC made a series of concessions on Mr Palmer’s behalf, in an attempt to stop the public examination of fraud and dishonesty allegations. Mr Couper told Justice Jackson the concessions meant the question of fraud was now irrelevant, an argument rejected by Citic.
Mr Palmer withdrew the $12.167m in Citic funds in August and September last year, from a “Port Palmer Operations” bank account set up to pay for the management of a West Australian port linked to the Sino Iron project. He personally wrote cheques for more than $4m to Media Circus for political advertising and funnelled $6m through his company Cosmo Developments into the PUP. Citic’s central claim is that the cash in the account, which it argues was a trust, was strictly for port-related expenses. Citic wants Justice Jackson to declare that Mr Palmer dishonestly procured a breach of trust, and to force him to pay compensation.
Mr Palmer argues there was no breach because the account was not a trust, so he could spend the money as he saw fit.
Mr Couper yesterday conceded that if Justice Jackson ruled the cash was trust money, and Mr Palmer knew it was, it would be a breach of trust. He said, if that occurred, Citic would win the right to collect compensation from Mr Palmer, without the need to delve into the fraud allegations… Dr Bell [for Citic] highlighted Mr Palmer’s failure to explain why he made the two payments, why he drafted the “sham” document and other “gaping holes” in his story. He said Mr Palmer would not explain why the two payments were wrongly described as port-related in Mineralogy’s books, when Mr Palmer conceded neither Media Circus nor Cosmo had anything to do with the port.
Labor offers ABC mates cash we can’t afford
Andrew Bolt November 27 2014 (7:15am)
Labor knows the ABC has been overfunded, so won’t promise to restore the cuts:
That is how over-mighty the country’s biggest media outlet has become.
===PRESENTER Nicole Chvastek: Would you reverse the cuts (to the ABC) if you took office?But Labor also know that to win the ABC’s support it must at least offer more money than do the Liberals, even though the country’s deficit keeps growing.
Bill Shorten: We don’t think the cuts need to be as deep as they are, absolutely ...
Chvastek: Bill Shorten, you won’t say whether you would or wouldn’t reverse the cuts if you took office ... Shorten: ... just to correct you ever so slightly, we wouldn’t be making the same extent of cuts to the ABC, so there is a difference.
That is how over-mighty the country’s biggest media outlet has become.
Pig-headed BDS Movement.
The incident that got BDS banned from demonstrating at Woolworths stores in South Africa was when members of a political party in support of BDS trespassed into one of the stores and placed pigs heads in what they thought was the kosher foods section.
What kosher food has to do with a cynical anti-Israel provocation was clear to everyone. Kosher means Jewish. Jewish means Israel. BDS is anti-Semitic.
BDS in South Africa has a number of Muslims among its hierarchy. They recruit support from thousands of Muslims in that country who despise the Jewish state of Israel which they view as an abomination against the Islamic will.
It was against this backdrop that the porky protest flopped - badly.
The ignorant anti-Israel idiots thought they had placed the pigs heads in the kosher section. They photoed themselves holding the heads in triumph, grinningly exposing themselves to publicity. But they had made a huge mistake. Instead of being in the kosher food section they were in the halal section where they had unkoshered the Muslim food shelves with pigs.
The Muslim community had broadly supported this act only to be horrified to learn that their food supply had been defiled. The swine!
Ah well. That's what you get when you are pig-headed. .. from B Shaw
Sarah Palin
Thanksgiving offers us invaluable time to spend with our family and reflect on our many blessings. In 1789, George Washington declared a day of national Thanksgiving for our new country to render unto God our "sincere and humble thanks for His kind care and protection."
But even before that first proclamation from a new nation, pioneers across America celebrated Thanksgiving as a time to give praise to God for full harvests and Divine Providence.
And indeed, America has been richly blessed. From coast to coast, we enjoy an abundance of natural resources, plentiful harvests, beautiful cities and our most precious gift of all—a people who value liberty and continue to stand as an example to the world of all that can be accomplished by a free and hard-working people.
This Thanksgiving, join me in a moment of prayer to give thanks for the thousands of American men and women in our armed forces who will spend Thanksgiving away from their homes and families, facing danger overseas to protect our way of life.
When we sit down to enjoy a family meal on Thursday, I will give thanks to God for the blessing of a strong and diverse family life that has taught me so much about loyalty, selflessness, and compassion. I will pray for God's continued blessings on my family, and on yours, and on this great nation of ours.
From my family to yours, God bless you and Happy Thanksgiving!
With an Alaskan heart,
Sarah Palin
P.S. Be sure to check out the latest video from my book tour here:
After Obama released Sufian bin Qumu in 2010 (he had been a Gitmo detainee), he went on to Benghazi .. ed
If you're already over the smartwatch craze, why not try a 'smartwig'? Sony filed for a patent for a hairpiece
with vibrating sideburns.

The SmartWig is jammed packed with sensors that vibrate on the user's head to send them messages. The patent also says the wig may include special fibers that look natural and can change shape.
The hair-raising idea will monitor your health, give directions and could "be made from horse hair, human hair, wool, feathers, yak hair or any kind of synthetic material."
The wig has already been tested on Sony employees who switched slides during a presentation by tapping their sideburns.
rent overdue? .. also .. first tool shed! - ed
"Imagine Romney In The White House" - His Defeat Was a Significant Loss For Israel And America's National Security - Romney's Policy Is The Opposite of Obama's
By Ambassador Oded Eran, Jerusalem Post
"When it comes to dealing with the new political leadership in Tehran, does it matter that Obama, rather than Romney, occupies the White House? The President should take a cue from his former opponent and insert some much-needed toughness into negotiations with Iran." The Ambassador made the following comments:
• Romney developed his views on the Iranian file over several years. He publicly declared seven years ago that Iran must and can be stopped, that sanctions should be toughened, and that Iran should be isolated.
• In the October 2012 debate, Romney said he would tighten economic sanctions, increase the diplomatic isolation of Iran, and indict then-president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. He accused the Obama administration of signaling weakness to the Iranian regime.
• Romney said he would insist on a complete halt to Iran’s nuclear effort, “To be clear, the objective is get Iran to stop spinning centrifuges, stop enriching uranium, shut down its facilities. Full stop."
• "Existing fissile material will have to be shipped out of the country.”
• Romney would not have sent his secretary of state to Congress to try and stop new sanctions on Iran.
• It is also fair to say that Romney’s secretary of state would have been more courteous to the Israeli prime minister.
• Although Romney was not elected president, it is not too late for Washington to integrate some of Romney’s ideas.
Oded Eran was Israel’s ambassador to Jordan and the European Union. He is now a fellow at the Institute for National Security Studies in Tel Aviv.
No conservative will ever lean far enough to the left to get leftwing support. Yet hardcore conservative leaders like Howard got support from some in the left by being true to his own policy. The best GOP candidates didn't run because it isn't the GOP's turn. Reagan won out of cycle and although he was great, the parties became unbalanced. Democrats became even weaker .. All you need do to rattle a left wing leader and make them question the very things they most value in their existence is to say they aren't popular. - ed
<$900 headphones. "Wear them at the gym," it says...haha, yep, right.>
===Deric Ly
We are back... Choco Tart & Vanilla Slice to Frangipani Tart & Cookies and Creme... From $3.50 to $4.50 Get yours today at Hamel Road Bakery...33 Hamel Road Mount Pritchard===
Sarah Palin'
They’re still pulling the wool over some eyes, friends. So let’s call them out yet again. I was recently interviewed on Fox News Sunday. One question I answered was prefaced with the supposed “fact” that “30 million MORE people will be covered by Obamacare.” That statistic is about as credible a promise as “if you like your health care plan you can keep your health care plan.”
Obamacare is presently hitting people who buy insurance on the individual market because they may not receive health coverage through their employers. It’s hurting millions! But you ain’t seen nuthin' yet. Just wait until the Obamacare employer mandate kicks in next year. As I told Fox News Sunday, despite what the White House and media report, tens of millions more Americans are set to lose their employer provided insurance plans. The ramifications of this WILL fundamentally transform America.
The article linked today at the top of Drudge confirms my point, which is significant because my point was mocked until this article confirmed it. Headline: “Almost 80 million with employer health care plans could have coverage canceled, experts predict.”
Companies that provide health insurance plans that aren’t compliant with new burdensome Obamacare mandates will obviously decide it’s cheaper to dump employees into the government-run Obamacare exchanges and pay the penalty than try to provide an expensive Obamacare-approved plan.
Obamacare is presently hitting people who buy insurance on the individual market because they may not receive health coverage through their employers. It’s hurting millions! But you ain’t seen nuthin' yet. Just wait until the Obamacare employer mandate kicks in next year. As I told Fox News Sunday, despite what the White House and media report, tens of millions more Americans are set to lose their employer provided insurance plans. The ramifications of this WILL fundamentally transform America.
The article linked today at the top of Drudge confirms my point, which is significant because my point was mocked until this article confirmed it. Headline: “Almost 80 million with employer health care plans could have coverage canceled, experts predict.”
Companies that provide health insurance plans that aren’t compliant with new burdensome Obamacare mandates will obviously decide it’s cheaper to dump employees into the government-run Obamacare exchanges and pay the penalty than try to provide an expensive Obamacare-approved plan.
No one in America will be left unscathed by Obamacare. Please trust me on this. The media can repeat all the bogus White House stats they want about false claims like the individual mandate “only affects 5% of the public,” but they can’t change reality – NUMBERS DON'T LIE – and America is about to get “mugged by reality” very soon, to paraphrase Irving Kristol.
Far from providing more Americans with insurance, Obamacare is ironically hurting the very people it was sold to as some kind of health care savior. More people will choose to pay the IRS penalty and go without insurance because they can’t afford the increased rates slamming them, plus they now have fewer options in this one-size-fits-all expensive bureaucratic exchange which forces people to buy coverage for things they don’t want nor need. We’re talking about one-sixth more of our economy controlled now by big government, remember.
Do not forget that Obamacare contains health care rationing. When I warned America about “death panels,” I was denounced as a liar. But now the reality of “death panels” is openly admitted, even touted by some liberals as their solution. Just yesterday yet another prominent liberal media lapdog joined the chorus in finally admitting that death panel-style rationing is “built into the plan. It's not like a guess or like a judgment. That's going to be part of how costs are controlled." This guy and his ilk need to apologize to all of you, NOW, who knew what I was talking about, repeated my warnings, and were mocked and criticized for it. (Don't hold your breath.)
The truth is the “enlightened ones” knew all along that rationing was in the plan. They were angry with me for saying it out loud. The twin pillars of Obamacare have always been redistribution and rationing. Take away one of those pillars and the whole thing crumbles. That’s why Obamacare is doomed. You were smart enough to know that, while they were arrogant enough to keep up a deceitful ruse until their White House control was guaranteed. They’re busted now, though. And that’s why they’re scrambling to distract you and hope you won’t realize how enormously important upcoming elections are to save our economy.
Far from providing more Americans with insurance, Obamacare is ironically hurting the very people it was sold to as some kind of health care savior. More people will choose to pay the IRS penalty and go without insurance because they can’t afford the increased rates slamming them, plus they now have fewer options in this one-size-fits-all expensive bureaucratic exchange which forces people to buy coverage for things they don’t want nor need. We’re talking about one-sixth more of our economy controlled now by big government, remember.
Do not forget that Obamacare contains health care rationing. When I warned America about “death panels,” I was denounced as a liar. But now the reality of “death panels” is openly admitted, even touted by some liberals as their solution. Just yesterday yet another prominent liberal media lapdog joined the chorus in finally admitting that death panel-style rationing is “built into the plan. It's not like a guess or like a judgment. That's going to be part of how costs are controlled." This guy and his ilk need to apologize to all of you, NOW, who knew what I was talking about, repeated my warnings, and were mocked and criticized for it. (Don't hold your breath.)
The truth is the “enlightened ones” knew all along that rationing was in the plan. They were angry with me for saying it out loud. The twin pillars of Obamacare have always been redistribution and rationing. Take away one of those pillars and the whole thing crumbles. That’s why Obamacare is doomed. You were smart enough to know that, while they were arrogant enough to keep up a deceitful ruse until their White House control was guaranteed. They’re busted now, though. And that’s why they’re scrambling to distract you and hope you won’t realize how enormously important upcoming elections are to save our economy.
The redistribution aspect will be Obamacare’s undoing. Not enough young or healthy people will apply for Obamacare because it’s simply unaffordable. It makes NO economic sense for them to voluntarily sign up. They’ll choose to pay the IRS fine instead. This will bankrupt the whole Ponzi scheme, which is premised on young and healthy people paying for those who are sick or have pre-existing conditions. And when Obamacare fails, the left will push to have us move to full socialized medicine under a so-called “single payer plan.” This is exactly what Barack Obama touted as a candidate, as did many of his bureaucratic appointees, but the media glossed over that all these years.
Friends, the only way to fix Obamacare is to scrap this stuffed turkey and start over with genuine free market, patient-centered reforms that allow people to purchase insurance across state lines, enact tort reform, and give individual insurance buyers the same breaks we give employer provided insurance. And we need to elect leaders who will fight for us to get it done.
Keep all of this in mind this week as we break for Thanksgiving. Be warned the White House is arming leftist supporters with “talking points” to try to convince family and friends around the Thanksgiving table that Obamacare is the greatest thing since sliced pumpkin bread. You should politely let them know you’re not swallowing that turkey.
Thank you for doing your own homework, for trusting the truth I've expressed, and for refusing to let the “enlightened ones” keep America in the dark.
- Sarah Palin
Friends, the only way to fix Obamacare is to scrap this stuffed turkey and start over with genuine free market, patient-centered reforms that allow people to purchase insurance across state lines, enact tort reform, and give individual insurance buyers the same breaks we give employer provided insurance. And we need to elect leaders who will fight for us to get it done.
Keep all of this in mind this week as we break for Thanksgiving. Be warned the White House is arming leftist supporters with “talking points” to try to convince family and friends around the Thanksgiving table that Obamacare is the greatest thing since sliced pumpkin bread. You should politely let them know you’re not swallowing that turkey.
Thank you for doing your own homework, for trusting the truth I've expressed, and for refusing to let the “enlightened ones” keep America in the dark.
- Sarah Palin
Here’s the article linked at the top of Drudge today:
Ah, my friends .. and yes .. I know I will die .. and so you will view this as double edged. But know this. I know that I will one day go home. I don't know his plan for me. I only know the promise. I'm not looking for death, but to live. Isn't that what everyone does? No. Some fear death so much .. they don't live. - ed
===Allyson Christy
Caroline Glick has 'nailed it' and then some, summarising an analysis quite encompassing a sinister, yet menacing scope of the Obama Administration's underlying political goals.
Yet distressingly, clarity comes finally into focus, of those who have craftily hurled accusations of lunacy, insanity, war-mongering and a desire for bloodshed relative to the dynamics of security's integrity.
Ms. Glick has effectively outlined a twisted, yet prevailing mode of grave disproportion of diplomatic magnitude; one of far-reaching and dangerous manipulation facilitated and presently implemented by the current White House.
The situation with America's leadership-helm is far worse than I'd even imagined until just very recently.
"With Iran building military bases all over Central and South America, Obama never bothered trying to make the case to the American people that they would be more secure with this regime in possession of the capacity to kill millions of Americans with one bomb.
He never explained how allowing Iran to continue to enrich uranium decreases the likelihood of war.
So what did Obama need the last year for? If he wasn’t concerned with getting a less dangerous deal, and he didn’t care what the American people though about his facilitation of Iran’s nuclear weapons program, what prevented him from okaying the agreement last year?
To ascertain the answer, it is worth considering Finance Minister Yair Lapid’s comments Sunday morning. Beyond noting the nuclear deal’s danger to Israel’s security, Lapid said, “I am worried not only over the deal but that we have lost the world’s attention.”
And indeed, Israel has lost the world’s attention.
Its appropriately deep concerns over Iran’s nuclear behavior were belittled, ignored and derided, first and foremost by the Obama administration.
Worse than belittling Israel’s concerns, which are completely shared by the Sunni Arab world, Obama and Kerry have castigated as warmongers those Americans who agree with Israel’s concerns and have attacked them as traitors who seek to push America into an unnecessary war.
At the same time, they have presented the dispute as one of Israel against the rest of the world, ignoring that the Sunni Arab world shares Israel’s concerns.
The US has also weakened Israel’s capacity to take steps short of war to prevent Iran from becoming a nuclear weapons possessing state by leaking key components of Israel’s covert operations against Iran’s nuclear program." - excerpts
Read the article…..truth is sometimes disgusting and despicable.
==="When I first ran for president, I said it was time for a new era of American leadership in the world, one that turned the page on a decade of war and began a new era of engagement with the world," added Obama. "As president and as commander in chief, I've done what I've said." And he sure has, in every foolish and treacherous way.
===Widow of Slain Actor Demands Death Sentence
- AD 25 – Luoyang is declared capital of the Eastern Han dynasty by Emperor Guangwu of Han.
- 176 – Emperor Marcus Aurelius grants his son Commodus the rank of "Imperator" and makes him Supreme Commander of the Roman legions.
- 395 – Rufinus, praetorian prefect of the East, is murdered by Gothicmercenaries under Gainas.
- 511 – King Clovis I dies at Lutetia and is buried in the Abbey of St Genevieve.
- 602 – Emperor Maurice is forced to watch his five sons be executed before being beheaded himself.
- 1095 – Pope Urban II declares the First Crusade at the Council of Clermont.
- 1703 – The first Eddystone Lighthouse is destroyed in the Great Storm of 1703.
- 1727 – The foundation stone to the Jerusalem Church in Berlin is laid.
- 1810 – The Berners Street hoax was perpetrated by Theodore Hook in the City of Westminster, London.
- 1815 – Adoption of Constitution of the Kingdom of Poland.
- 1830 – Saint Catherine Labouré experiences a Marian apparition.
- 1835 – James Pratt and John Smith are hanged in London; they are the last two to be executed for sodomy in England.
- 1839 – In Boston, Massachusetts, the American Statistical Association is founded.
- 1856 – The Coup of 1856 leads to Luxembourg's unilateral adoption of a new, reactionary constitution.
- 1863 – American Civil War: Confederate cavalry leader John Hunt Morgan and several of his men escape the Ohio Penitentiary and return safely to the South.
- 1863 – American Civil War: Battle of Mine Run: Union forces under General George Meade take up positions against troops led by Confederate General Robert E. Lee.
- 1868 – American Indian Wars: Battle of Washita River: United States Army Lieutenant ColonelGeorge Armstrong Custer leads an attack on Cheyenne living on reservation land.
- 1886 – German judge Emil Hartwich sustains fatal injuries in a duel, which would become the background for Theodor Fontane's Effi Briest.
- 1895 – At the Swedish–Norwegian Club in Paris, Alfred Nobel signs his last will and testament, setting aside his estate to establish the Nobel Prize after he dies.
- 1896 – Also sprach Zarathustra by Richard Strauss is first performed.
- 1901 – The U.S. Army War College is established.
- 1912 – Spain declares a protectorate over the north shore of Morocco.
- 1924 – In New York City, the first Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade is held.
- 1940 – In Romania, the ruling Iron Guard fascist party assassinates over 60 of arrested King Carol II of Romania's aides and other political dissidents.
- 1940 – World War II: At the Battle of Cape Spartivento, the Royal Navy engages the Regia Marina in the Mediterranean Sea.
- 1942 – World War II: At Toulon, the French navy scuttles its ships and submarines to keep them out of Nazi hands.
- 1944 – World War II: RAF Fauld explosion: An explosion at a Royal Air Force ammunition dump in Staffordshire kills seventy people.
- 1945 – CARE (then the Cooperative for American Remittances to Europe) was founded to a send CARE Packages of food relief to Europe after World War II.
- 1954 – Alger Hiss is released from prison after serving 44 months for perjury.
- 1965 – Vietnam War: The Pentagon tells U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson that if planned operations are to succeed, the number of American troops in Vietnam has to be increased from 120,000 to 400,000.
- 1968 – Penny Ann Early became the first woman to play major professional basketball, for the Kentucky Colonels in an ABA game against the Los Angeles Stars.
- 1971 – The Soviet space program's Mars 2 orbiter releases a descent module. It malfunctions and crashes, but it is the first man-made object to reach the surface of Mars.
- 1973 – Twenty-fifth Amendment: The United States Senate votes 92–3 to confirm Gerald Ford as Vice President of the United States. (On December 6, the House will confirm him 387–35).
- 1975 – The Provisional IRA assassinates Ross McWhirter, after a press conference in which McWhirter had announced a reward for the capture of those responsible for multiple bombings and shootings across England.
- 1978 – In San Francisco, city mayor George Moscone and openly gay city supervisor Harvey Milkare assassinated by former supervisor Dan White.
- 1978 – The Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) is founded in the city of Riha (Urfa) in Turkey.
- 1983 – Avianca Flight 011: A Boeing 747 crashes near Madrid's Barajas Airport, killing 181.
- 1984 – Under the Brussels Agreement signed between the governments of the United Kingdom and Spain, the former agreed to enter into discussions with Spain over Gibraltar, including sovereignty.
- 1987 – South African Airways Flight 295 crashes and kills all 159 on board.
- 1989 – Avianca Flight 203: A Boeing 727 explodes in mid-air over Colombia, killing all 107 people on board and three people on the ground. The Medellín Cartel will claim responsibility for the attack.
- 1992 – For the second time in a year, military forces try to overthrow president Carlos Andrés Pérezin Venezuela.
- 1997 – Twenty-five people are killed in the second Souhane massacre in Algeria.
- 1999 – The centre-left Labour Party takes control of the New Zealand government with leader Helen Clark becoming the first elected female Prime Minister in New Zealand's history.
- 2001 – A hydrogen atmosphere is discovered on the extrasolar planet Osiris by the Hubble Space Telescope, the first atmosphere detected on an extrasolar planet.
- 2004 – Pope John Paul II returns the relics of Saint John Chrysostom to the Eastern Orthodox Church.
- 2006 – The Canadian House of Commons approves a motion introduced by Prime Minister Stephen Harper recognizing the Québécois as a nation within Canada.
- 2009 – Nevsky Express bombing: A bomb explodes on the Nevsky Express train between Moscowand Saint Petersburg, derailing it and causing 28 deaths and 96 injuries.
- 2015 – United States: An active shooter inside a Planned Parenthood facility in Colorado Springs, Colorado, shoots at least four police officers. One officer later dies. Two civilians were also killed, and six injured. The shooter later surrendered.
- 111 – Antinous, Greek favourite of Hadrian (d. 130)
- 1127 – Emperor Xiaozong of Song (d. 1194)
- 1380 – King Ferdinand I of Aragon (d. 1416)
- 1548 – Jacopo Mazzoni, Italian philosopher (d. 1598)
- 1558 – Mingyi Swa, Crown Prince of Burma (d. 1593)
- 1576 – Shimazu Tadatsune, Japanese daimyo (d. 1638)
- 1582 – Pierre Dupuy, French historian and scholar (d. 1651)
- 1630 – Sigismund Francis, Archduke of Austria (d. 1665)
- 1635 – Françoise d'Aubigné, Marquise de Maintenon, second wife of Louis XIV of France (d. 1719)
- 1640 – Barbara Palmer, 1st Duchess of Cleveland (d. 1709)
- 1701 – Anders Celsius, Swedish astronomer, physicist, and mathematician (d. 1744)
- 1710 – Robert Lowth, English bishop and academic (d. 1787)
- 1746 – Robert R. Livingston, American lawyer and politician, 1st United States Secretary for Foreign Affairs (d. 1813)
- 1746 – Increase Sumner, American lawyer, jurist, and politician, 5th Governor of Massachusetts (d. 1799)
- 1754 – Georg Forster, German-Polish ethnologist and journalist (d. 1794)
- 1759 – Franz Krommer, Czech violinist and composer (d. 1831)
- 1779 – Aimé, duc de Clermont-Tonnerre, French general and politician, French Minister of Defence(d. 1865)
- 1804 – Julius Benedict, German-English conductor and composer (d. 1885)
- 1809 – Fanny Kemble, English actress, playwright, and poet (d. 1893)
- 1814 – Charles-François-Frédéric, marquis de Montholon-Sémonville, French politician and diplomat, French ambassador to the United States (d. 1886)
- 1833 – Princess Mary Adelaide of Cambridge (d. 1897)
- 1843 – Cornelius Vanderbilt II, American businessman (d. 1899)
- 1845 – Frederic Crowninshield, American artist and author (d. 1918)
- 1853 – Frank Dicksee, English painter and illustrator (d. 1928)
- 1857 – Charles Scott Sherrington, English physiologist, bacteriologist, and pathologist, Nobel Prizelaureate (d. 1952)
- 1859 – William Bliss Baker, American painter (d. 1886)
- 1865 – Janez Evangelist Krek, Slovene priest, journalist, and politician (d. 1917)
- 1867 – Charles Koechlin, French composer and educator (d. 1950)
- 1870 – Juho Kusti Paasikivi, Finnish academic and politician, 7th President of Finland (d. 1956)
- 1871 – Giovanni Giorgi, Italian physicist and engineer (d. 1950)
- 1874 – Charles A. Beard, American historian, author, and educator, co-founded The New School (d. 1948)
- 1874 – Chaim Weizmann, Belarusian-Israeli chemist and politician, 1st President of Israel (d. 1952)
- 1875 – Julius Lenhart, Austrian gymnast (d. 1962)
- 1878 – Jatindramohan Bagchi, Indian poet and critic (d. 1948)
- 1878 – Charles Dvorak, American pole vaulter and coach (d. 1969)
- 1885 – Daniel Mendaille, French actor (d. 1963)
- 1885 – Liviu Rebreanu, Romanian author and playwright (d. 1944)
- 1887 – Masaharu Homma, Japanese general (d. 1946)
- 1888 – Ganesh Vasudev Mavalankar, Indian activist and politician, 1st Speaker of the Lok Sabha (d. 1956)
- 1894 – Konosuke Matsushita, Japanese businessman, founded Panasonic (d. 1989)
- 1894 – Katherine Milhous, American author and illustrator (d. 1977)
- 1894 – Amphilochius of Pochayiv, Ukrainian monk and saint (d. 1971)
- 1897 – Vito Genovese, Italian-American mob boss (d. 1969)
- 1898 – Fredric Warburg, English author and publisher (d. 1981)
- 1900 – Jovette Bernier, Canadian journalist, author, and radio show host (d. 1981)
- 1901 – Ted Husing, American sportscaster (d. 1962)
- 1903 – Lars Onsager, Norwegian-American chemist and physicist, Nobel Prize laureate (d. 1976)
- 1907 – Harivansh Rai Bachchan, Indian poet and author (d. 2003)
- 1907 – L. Sprague de Camp, American historian and author (d. 2000)
- 1909 – James Agee, American novelist, screenwriter, and critic (d. 1955)
- 1909 – Anatoly Maltsev, Russian mathematician and theorist (d. 1967)
- 1911 – Fe del Mundo, Filipino pediatrician and educator (d. 2011)
- 1911 – David Merrick, American director and producer (d. 2000)
- 1916 – Chick Hearn, American sportscaster and actor (d. 2002)
- 1917 – Buffalo Bob Smith, American actor and television host (d. 1998)
- 1918 – Stephen Elliott, American actor (d. 2005)
- 1920 – Abe Lenstra, Dutch footballer (d. 1985)
- 1920 – Buster Merryfield, English actor (d. 1999)
- 1920 – Cal Worthington, American captain and car dealer (d. 2013)
- 1921 – Dora Dougherty Strother, American pilot and academic (d. 2013)
- 1921 – Alexander Dubček, Slovak soldier and politician (d. 1992)
- 1922 – Hall Bartlett, American director, producer, and screenwriter (d. 1993)
- 1923 – J. Ernest Wilkins Jr., American nuclear scientist, mechanical engineer and mathematician (d. 2011)
- 1925 – John Maddox, Welsh chemist, physicist, and journalist (d. 2009)
- 1925 – Marshall Thompson, American actor, director, and screenwriter (d. 1992)
- 1925 – Derroll Adams, American folk singer-songwriter and musician (d. 2000)
- 1925 – Ernie Wise, English actor, singer, and screenwriter (d. 1999)
- 1926 – Chae Myung-shin, South Korean general (d. 2013)
- 1927 – Carlos José Castilho, Brazilian footballer and manager (d. 1987)
- 1927 – William E. Simon, American soldier and politician, 63rd United States Secretary of the Treasury (d. 2000)
- 1928 – Alekos Alexandrakis, Greek actor and director (d. 2005)
- 1928 – Josh Kirby, English painter and illustrator (d. 2001)
- 1930 – Joe DeNardo, American meteorologist
- 1930 – Dick Poole, Australian rugby league player and coach
- 1930 – Rex Shelley, Singaporean engineer and author (d. 2009)
- 1930 – Alan Simpson, English screenwriter and producer (d. 2017)
- 1932 – Benigno Aquino, Jr., Filipino journalist and politician (d. 1983)
- 1933 – Jacques Godbout, Canadian journalist, author, director, and screenwriter
- 1933 – Gordon S. Wood, American historian and academic
- 1934 – Ammo Baba, Iraqi footballer and manager (d. 2009)
- 1934 – Al Jackson, Jr., American drummer, songwriter, and producer (d. 1975)
- 1934 – Gilbert Strang, American mathematician and academic
- 1935 – Les Blank, American director and producer (d. 2013)
- 1935 – Daniel Charles, French musicologist and philosopher (d. 2008)
- 1935 – Willie Pastrano, American boxer (d. 1997)
- 1937 – Gail Sheehy, American journalist and author
- 1938 – John Ashworth, English biologist and academic
- 1938 – Apolo Nsibambi, Ugandan academic and politician, Prime Minister of Uganda
- 1939 – Dave Giusti, American baseball player and manager
- 1939 – Tony Green, English sportscaster
- 1939 – Laurent-Désiré Kabila, Congolese politician, President of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (d. 2001)
- 1940 – Bruce Lee, American-Chinese actor, martial artist, and screenwriter (d. 1973)
- 1941 – Aimé Jacquet, French footballer, coach, and manager
- 1941 – Eddie Rabbitt, American singer-songwriter and guitarist (d. 1998)
- 1941 – Louis van Dijk, Dutch pianist
- 1942 – Henry Carr, American football player and sprinter (d. 2015)
- 1942 – Marilyn Hacker, American poet and critic
- 1942 – Jimi Hendrix, American singer-songwriter, guitarist, and producer (d. 1970)
- 1943 – Nicole Brossard, Canadian author and poet
- 1943 – Jil Sander, German fashion designer, founded Jil Sander AG
- 1944 – Mickey Leland, American activist and politician (d. 1989)
- 1945 – James Avery, American actor (d. 2013)
- 1945 – Phil Bloom, Dutch model and actress
- 1945 – Randy Brecker, American trumpeter and flugelhornist
- 1945 – Alain de Cadenet, English race car driver
- 1945 – Benigno Fitial, Mariana Islander businessman and politician, 7th Governor of the Northern Mariana Islands
- 1945 – Simon Townsend, Australian journalist and television host
- 1946 – Richard Codey, American politician, 53rd Governor of New Jersey
- 1947 – Don Adams, American basketball player (d. 2013)
- 1947 – Ismaïl Omar Guelleh, Ethiopian-Djiboutian lawyer and politician, President of Djibouti
- 1947 – Neil Rosenshein, American tenor and actor
- 1949 – Masanori Sekiya, Japanese race car driver
- 1950 – Gavyn Davies, English journalist and businessman
- 1951 – Kathryn Bigelow, American director, producer, and screenwriter
- 1951 – Gunnar Graps, Estonian singer and guitarist (d. 2004)
- 1952 – Sheila Copps, Canadian journalist and politician, 6th Deputy Prime Minister of Canada
- 1952 – Bappi Lahiri, Indian singer-songwriter and producer
- 1952 – Jim Wetherbee, American captain, engineer, and astronaut
- 1953 – Curtis Armstrong, American actor, singer, and producer
- 1953 – Steve Bannon, American media executive and political figure
- 1953 – Boris Grebenshchikov, Russian singer-songwriter and guitarist
- 1953 – Tarmo Kõuts, Estonian admiral and politician
- 1953 – Lyle Mays, American keyboardist and composer
- 1953 – Richard Stone, American composer (d. 2001)
- 1954 – Arthur Smith, English comedian, actor, and screenwriter
- 1955 – Pierre Mondou, Canadian ice hockey player
- 1955 – Bill Nye, American engineer, educator, and television host
- 1956 – William Fichtner, American actor
- 1956 – John McCarthy, English journalist and author
- 1956 – Nazrin Shah of Perak, Sultan of Perak
- 1957 – Kenny Acheson, Northern Irish race car driver
- 1957 – Frank Boeijen, Dutch singer-songwriter and guitarist
- 1957 – Caroline Kennedy, American lawyer and diplomat, 29th United States Ambassador to Japan
- 1957 – Callie Khouri, American director, producer, and screenwriter
- 1957 – Michael A. Stackpole, American game designer and author
- 1957 – Edda Heiðrún Backman, Icelandic actress, singer, director and artist (d. 2016)
- 1958 – Tetsuya Komuro, Japanese singer-songwriter, and producer
- 1958 – Mike Scioscia, American baseball player and manager
- 1959 – Charlie Burchill, Scottish guitarist and songwriter
- 1959 – Viktoria Mullova, Russian violinist
- 1960 – Kevin Henkes, American author and illustrator
- 1960 – Ken O'Brien, American football player and coach
- 1960 – Tim Pawlenty, American lawyer and politician, 39th Governor of Minnesota
- 1960 – Yulia Tymoshenko, Ukrainian economist and politician, 10th Prime Minister of Ukraine
- 1960 – Gianni Vernetti, Italian lawyer and politician
- 1961 – Samantha Bond, English actress
- 1961 – Steve Oedekerk, American actor, director, and screenwriter
- 1962 – Charlie Benante, American drummer and songwriter
- 1962 – Mike Bordin, American drummer
- 1962 – Davey Boy Smith, English-Canadian wrestler (d. 2002)
- 1963 – Fisher Stevens, American actor, director, and producer
- 1964 – Robin Givens, American actress
- 1964 – Roberto Mancini, Italian footballer and manager
- 1964 – Hisayuki Sasaki, Japanese golfer (d. 2013)
- 1965 – Danielle Ammaccapane, American golfer
- 1968 – Michael Vartan, French-American actor
- 1968 – Al Barrow, English bass guitarist (Magnum)
- 1969 – Ruth George, English politician
- 1969 – Damian Hinds, English politician
- 1969 – Myles Kennedy, American singer-songwriter
- 1971 – Kirk Acevedo, American actor
- 1971 – Larry Allen, American football player
- 1971 – Iván Rodríguez, Puerto Rican-American baseball player
- 1971 – Nick Van Exel, American basketball player and coach
- 1972 – Shane Salerno, American screenwriter and producer
- 1973 – Sharlto Copley, South African actor
- 1973 – Samantha Harris, American model and television host
- 1973 – Evan Karagias, American wrestler and actor
- 1973 – Jin Katagiri, Japanese comedian, actor, sculptor, and potter
- 1973 – Twista, American rapper and producer
- 1974 – Wendy Houvenaghel, Northern Irish racing cyclist
- 1974 – Alec Newman, Scottish actor
- 1975 – Bad Azz, American rapper
- 1975 – Martín Gramática, Argentinian-American football player
- 1975 – Rain Vessenberg, Estonian footballer
- 1976 – Jean Grae, South African-American rapper and producer
- 1976 – Chad Kilger, Canadian ice hockey player and firefighter
- 1976 – Jaleel White, American actor and screenwriter
- 1977 – Willie Bloomquist, American baseball player
- 1978 – Eszter Molnár, Hungarian tennis player
- 1978 – Jimmy Rollins, American baseball player
- 1978 – Mike Skinner, English rapper and producer
- 1978 – Radek Štěpánek, Czech tennis player
- 1979 – Ricky Carmichael, American motocross racer
- 1979 – Hilary Hahn, American violinist
- 1979 – Teemu Tainio, Finnish footballer
- 1980 – Jackie Greene, American singer-songwriter and guitarist
- 1980 – Veronika Portsmuth, Estonian singer and conductor
- 1980 – Michael Yardy, English cricketer
- 1981 – Bruno Alves, Portuguese footballer
- 1981 – Ryan Jimmo, Canadian mixed martial artist (d. 2016)
- 1981 – Matthew Taylor, English footballer
- 1982 – David Bellion, French footballer
- 1982 – Tommy Robinson, English activist, co-founded the English Defence League
- 1983 – Professor Green, English rapper
- 1984 – Izumi Kitta, Japanese voice actress and singer
- 1984 – Domata Peko, American football player
- 1984 – Leslie Dewan, American entrepreneur
- 1985 – Park Soo-jin, South Korean singer
- 1985 – Alison Pill, Canadian actress
- 1985 – Thilo Versick, German footballer
- 1986 – Misato Nagano, Japanese voice actor
- 1986 – Suresh Kumar Raina, Indian cricketer
- 1986 – Steven Silva, American-Filipino footballer
- 1986 – Xavi Torres, Spanish footballer
- 1986 – Oritsé Williams, English singer-songwriter, producer, and dancer
- 1988 – Max Jason Mai, Slovak singer-songwriter
- 1989 – Michael Floyd, American football player
- 1989 – Freddie Sears, English footballer
- 1990 – Josh Dubovie, English singer
- 1992 – Ala Boratyn, Polish singer-songwriter
- 1992 – Park Chanyeol, South Korean singer-songwriter and actor
- 1996 – Mike Williams, Dutch DJ and record producer
- 8 BC – Horace, Roman soldier and poet (b. 65 BC)
- 395 – Rufinus, Roman politician (b. 335)
- 450 – Galla Placidia, Roman Empress (b. 392)
- 511 – Clovis I, king of the Franks
- 602 – Maurice, Byzantine emperor (b. 539)
- 639 – Acarius, bishop of Doornik and Noyon
- 1067 – Sancha of León, Queen of León (b. c. 1018)
- 1198 – Constance, Queen of Sicily (b. 1154)
- 1252 – Blanche of Castile (b. 1188)
- 1346 – Saint Gregory of Sinai (b. c. 1260)
- 1382 – Philip van Artevelde, Flemish patriot (b. 1340)
- 1474 – Guillaume Dufay, Flemish composer and educator (b. 1397)
- 1570 – Jacopo Sansovino, Italian sculptor and architect (b. 1486)
- 1592 – Nakagawa Hidemasa, Japanese commander (b. 1568)
- 1620 – Francis, Duke of Pomerania-Stettin, Bishop of Cammin (b. 1577)
- 1632 – John Eliot, English politician (b. 1592)
- 1703 – Henry Winstanley, English painter and engineer (b. 1644)
- 1754 – Abraham de Moivre, French-English mathematician and theorist (b. 1667)
- 1811 – Andrew Meikle, Scottish engineer, designed the threshing machine (b. 1719)
- 1819 – Gustavus Conyngham, Irish-born American merchant sea captain, an officer in the Continental Navy and a privateer.
- 1830 – André Parmentier, Belgian-American architect (b. 1780)
- 1852 – Ada Lovelace, English mathematician and computer scientist (b. 1815)
- 1875 – Richard Christopher Carrington, English astronomer and educator (b. 1826)
- 1881 – Theobald Boehm, German flute player and composer (b. 1794)
- 1884 – Fanny Elssler, Austrian ballerina (b. 1810)
- 1895 – Alexandre Dumas, fils, French novelist and playwright (b. 1824)
- 1899 – Constant Fornerod, Swiss academic and politician, 10th President of the Swiss Council of States (b. 1819)
- 1901 – Clement Studebaker, American businessman, co-founded Studebaker (b. 1831)
- 1908 – Jean Albert Gaudry, French geologist and palaeontologist (b. 1827)
- 1916 – Emile Verhaeren, Belgian poet and playwright (b. 1855)
- 1919 – Manuel Espinosa Batista, Panamanian pharmacist and politician (b. 1857)
- 1920 – Alexius Meinong, Ukrainian-Austrian philosopher and author (b. 1853)
- 1921 – Douglas Cameron, Canadian contractor and politician, 8th Lieutenant Governor of Manitoba(b. 1854)
- 1931 – Lya De Putti, Slovak-American actress (b. 1899)
- 1934 – Baby Face Nelson, American criminal (b. 1908)
- 1936 – Basil Zaharoff, Greek-French businessman and philanthropist (b. 1849)
- 1940 – Nicolae Iorga, Romanian historian and politician, 34th Prime Minister of Romania (b. 1871)
- 1943 – Ivo Lola Ribar, Croatian soldier and politician (b. 1916)
- 1944 – Leonid Mandelstam, Russian physicist and academic (b. 1879)
- 1953 – Eugene O'Neill, American playwright, Nobel Prize laureate (b. 1888)
- 1955 – Arthur Honegger, French-Swiss composer and academic (b. 1892)
- 1958 – Georgi Damyanov, Bulgarian politician, Head of State of Bulgaria (b. 1892)
- 1958 – Artur Rodziński, Polish-American conductor (b. 1892)
- 1960 – Frederick Fane, Irish-English cricketer (b. 1875)
- 1960 – Dirk Jan de Geer, Dutch lawyer and politician, Prime Minister of the Netherlands (b. 1870)
- 1962 – August Lass, Estonian footballer (b. 1903)
- 1967 – Léon M'ba, Gabonese politician, 1st President of Gabon (b. 1902)
- 1970 – Helene Madison, American swimmer and nurse (b. 1913)
- 1973 – Frank Christian, American trumpet player (b. 1887)
- 1975 – Alberto Massimino, Italian automotive engineer (b. 1895)
- 1975 – Ross McWhirter, English author and activist, co-founded the Guinness Book of Records (b. 1925)
- 1977 – Mart Laga, Estonian basketball player (b. 1936)
- 1978 – Harvey Milk, American lieutenant and politician (b. 1930)
- 1978 – George Moscone, American lawyer and politician, 37th Mayor of San Francisco (b. 1929)
- 1980 – F. Burrall Hoffman, American architect, designed the Villa Vizcaya (b. 1882)
- 1981 – Lotte Lenya, Austrian singer and actress (b. 1898)
- 1985 – Rendra Karno, Indonesian actor (b. 1920)
- 1988 – John Carradine, American actor (b. 1906)
- 1988 – Jan Hein Donner, Dutch chess player and author (b. 1927)
- 1989 – Carlos Arias Navarro, Spanish lawyer and politician, Prime Minister of Spain (b. 1908)
- 1990 – David White, American actor (b. 1916)
- 1990 – Basilis C. Xanthopoulos, Greek physicist and academic (b. 1951)
- 1992 – Ivan Generalić, Croatian painter (b. 1914)
- 1994 – Fernando Lopes-Graça, Portuguese composer and conductor (b. 1906)
- 1997 – Buck Leonard, American baseball player and educator (b. 1907)
- 1998 – Barbara Acklin, American singer-songwriter (b. 1943)
- 1999 – Yasuhiro Kojima, Japanese-American wrestler and trainer (b. 1937)
- 1999 – Alain Peyrefitte, French scholar and politician, French Minister of Justice (b. 1925)
- 1999 – Elizabeth Gray Vining, American author and librarian (b. 1902)
- 2000 – Malcolm Bradbury, English author and academic (b. 1932)
- 2000 – Uno Prii, Estonian-Canadian architect (b. 1924)
- 2000 – Len Shackleton, English footballer and journalist (b. 1922)
- 2002 – Billie Bird, American actress (b. 1908)
- 2002 – Shivmangal Singh Suman, Indian poet and academic (b. 1915)
- 2005 – Jocelyn Brando, American actress (b. 1919)
- 2003 – Harivansh Rai Bachchan, Indian poet and author (b. 1907)
- 2005 – Joe Jones, American singer-songwriter (b. 1926)
- 2006 – Don Butterfield, American tuba player (b. 1923)
- 2006 – Bebe Moore Campbell, American author and educator (b. 1950)
- 2006 – Casey Coleman, American sportscaster (b. 1951)
- 2007 – Bernie Banton, Australian activist (b. 1946)
- 2007 – Robert Cade, American physician and academic, co-invented Gatorade (b. 1927)
- 2007 – Sean Taylor, American football player (b. 1983)
- 2007 – Bill Willis, American football player and coach (b. 1921)
- 2008 – V. P. Singh, Indian lawyer and politician, 7th Prime Minister of India (b. 1931)
- 2009 – Al Alberts, American singer-songwriter (b. 1922)
- 2010 – Irvin Kershner, American actor, director, and producer (b. 1923)
- 2011 – Len Fulford, English photographer and director (b. 1928)
- 2011 – Ken Russell, English actor, director, producer, and screenwriter (b. 1927)
- 2011 – Gary Speed, Welsh footballer and manager (b. 1969)
- 2012 – Mickey Baker, American guitarist (b. 1925)
- 2012 – Ab Fafié, Dutch footballer and manager (b. 1941)
- 2012 – Érik Izraelewicz, French journalist and author (b. 1954)
- 2012 – Marvin Miller, American businessman and union leader (b. 1917)
- 2012 – Jack Wishna, American photographer and businessman, co-founded Rockcityclub (b. 1958)
- 2013 – Lewis Collins, English-American actor (b. 1946)
- 2013 – Herbert F. DeSimone, American lawyer and politician, Attorney General of Rhode Island (b. 1929)
- 2013 – Volker Roemheld, German physiologist and biologist (b. 1941)
- 2013 – Nílton Santos, Brazilian footballer (b. 1925)
- 2013 – Manuel F. Segura, Filipino colonel (b. 1919)
- 2014 – Wanda Błeńska, Polish physician and missionary (b. 1911)
- 2014 – Phillip Hughes, Australian cricketer (b. 1988)
- 2014 – P. D. James, English author (b. 1920)
- 2014 – Jack Kyle, Irish rugby player and humanitarian (b. 1926)
- 2014 – Fernance B. Perry, Portuguese-American businessman and philanthropist (b. 1922)
- 2015 – Mark Behr, Tanzanian-South African author and academic (b. 1963)
- 2015 – Maurice Strong, Canadian businessman and diplomat (b. 1929)
- 2015 – Garrett Swasey, American figure skater and coach (b. 1971)
- 2015 – Philippe Washer, Belgian tennis player and golfer (b. 1924)
- 2016 – Ioannis Grivas, Greek statesman (b. 1923)
- Christian feast day:
- Barlaam and Josaphat, the Christianized version of Buddha
- Congar of Congresbury
- Facundus and Primitivus
- Francis Fasani
- Humilis of Bisignano
- Leonard of Port Maurice
- Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal (Roman Catholic)
- Vergilius of Salzburg
- November 27 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics)
- Earliest day on which Advent Sunday can fall, while December 3 is the latest; celebrated on the Sunday nearest to St. Andrew's Day (Western Christianity)
- Maaveerar Day (Tamil Eelam, Sri Lanka)
- Naval Infantry Day (Russia)
- Teacher's Day (Spain)
- Lancashire Day (United Kingdom)
Holidays and observances[edit]
“Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe,”Hebrews 12:28 NIV
Morning and Evening by Charles Spurgeon
"Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do," refers to works that are possible. There are many things which our heart findeth to do which we never shall do. It is well it is in our heart; but if we would be eminently useful, we must not be content with forming schemes in our heart, and talking of them; we must practically carry out "whatsoever our hand findeth to do." One good deed is more worth than a thousand brilliant theories. Let us not wait for large opportunities, or for a different kind of work, but do just the things we "find to do" day by day. We have no other time in which to live. The past is gone; the future has not arrived; we never shall have any time but time present. Then do not wait until your experience has ripened into maturity before you attempt to serve God. Endeavour now to bring forth fruit. Serve God now, but be careful as to the way in which you perform what you find to do--"do it with thy might." Do it promptly; do not fritter away your life in thinking of what you intend to do to-morrow as if that could recompense for the idleness of today. No man ever served God by doing things to-morrow. If we honour Christ and are blessed, it is by the things which we do today. Whatever you do for Christ throw your whole soul into it. Do not give Christ a little slurred labour, done as a matter of course now and then; but when you do serve him, do it with heart, and soul, and strength.
But where is the might of a Christian? It is not in himself, for he is perfect weakness. His might lieth in the Lord of Hosts. Then let us seek his help; let us proceed with prayer and faith, and when we have done what our "hand findeth to do," let us wait upon the Lord for his blessing. What we do thus will be well done, and will not fail in its effect.
Small things marked the beginning of the work in the hand of Zerubbabel, but none might despise it, for the Lord had raised up one who would persevere until the headstone should be brought forth with shoutings. The plummet was in good hands. Here is the comfort of every believer in the Lord Jesus; let the work of grace be ever so small in its beginnings, the plummet is in good hands, a master builder greater than Solomon has undertaken the raising of the heavenly temple, and he will not fail nor be discouraged till the topmost pinnacle shall be raised. If the plummet were in the hand of any merely human being, we might fear for the building, but the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in Jesus' hand. The works did not proceed irregularly, and without care, for the master's hand carried a good instrument. Had the walls been hurriedly run up without due superintendence, they might have been out of the perpendicular; but the plummet was used by the chosen overseer. Jesus is evermore watching the erection of his spiritual temple, that it may be built securely and well. We are for haste, but Jesus is for judgment. He will use the plummet, and that which is out of line must come down, every stone of it. Hence the failure of many a flattering work, the overthrow of many a glittering profession. It is not for us to judge the Lord's church, since Jesus has a steady hand, and a true eye, and can use the plummet well. Do we not rejoice to see judgment left to him?
The plummet was in active use--it was in the builder's hand; a sure indication that he meant to push on the work to completion. O Lord Jesus, how would we indeed be glad if we could see thee at thy great work. O Zion, the beautiful, thy walls are still in ruins! Rise, thou glorious Builder, and make her desolations to rejoice at thy coming.
Today's reading: Ezekiel 27-29, 1 Peter 3 (NIV)
View today's reading on Bible GatewayToday's Old Testament reading: Ezekiel 27-29
A Lament Over Tyre
1 The word of the LORD came to me: 2 “Son of man, take up a lament concerning Tyre. 3 Say to Tyre, situated at the gateway to the sea, merchant of peoples on many coasts, ‘This is what the Sovereign LORD says:
“‘You say, Tyre,
“I am perfect in beauty.”
4 Your domain was on the high seas;
your builders brought your beauty to perfection.
5 They made all your timbers
of juniper from Senir;
they took a cedar from Lebanon
to make a mast for you.
6 Of oaks from Bashan
they made your oars;
of cypress wood from the coasts of Cyprus
they made your deck, adorned with ivory.
7 Fine embroidered linen from Egypt was your sail
and served as your banner;
your awnings were of blue and purple
from the coasts of Elishah.
8 Men of Sidon and Arvad were your oarsmen;
your skilled men, Tyre, were aboard as your sailors.
9 Veteran craftsmen of Byblos were on board
as shipwrights to caulk your seams.
All the ships of the sea and their sailors
came alongside to trade for your wares....
“I am perfect in beauty.”
4 Your domain was on the high seas;
your builders brought your beauty to perfection.
5 They made all your timbers
of juniper from Senir;
they took a cedar from Lebanon
to make a mast for you.
6 Of oaks from Bashan
they made your oars;
of cypress wood from the coasts of Cyprus
they made your deck, adorned with ivory.
7 Fine embroidered linen from Egypt was your sail
and served as your banner;
your awnings were of blue and purple
from the coasts of Elishah.
8 Men of Sidon and Arvad were your oarsmen;
your skilled men, Tyre, were aboard as your sailors.
9 Veteran craftsmen of Byblos were on board
as shipwrights to caulk your seams.
All the ships of the sea and their sailors
came alongside to trade for your wares....
Today's New Testament reading: 1 Peter 3
1 Wives, in the same way submit yourselves to your own husbands so that, if any of them do not believe the word, they may be won over without words by the behavior of their wives,2 when they see the purity and reverence of your lives. 3Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes. 4 Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight. 5 For this is the way the holy women of the past who put their hope in God used to adorn themselves. They submitted themselves to their own husbands, 6 like Sarah, who obeyed Abraham and called him her lord. You are her daughters if you do what is right and do not give way to fear.
7 Husbands, in the same way be considerate as you live with your wives, and treat them with respect as the weaker partner and as heirs with you of the gracious gift of life, so that nothing will hinder your prayers....
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