It was a quiet moment the evening of the last presidential election when a mainstream journalist told me they were frightened of Romney winning, as they thought he must. One would never have known it from the impenetrable wall that was the front mainstream journalists had put forward. Romney was an unknown quantity to the media, as they had campaigned against him without looking at who he was. They had made much of his religion, but they hadn't considered how healthy it would be to have a GOP President who wasn't from the mainstream Christian lobby. But they portrayed Romney as being weird. Romney is a GOP insider who could have been trusted to run a GOP administration which would aim to cut spending. But the mainstream media only put forward a scare campaign. Obama was reelected in 2012 without his policy agenda being vetted. And the same is happening now for Hillary.
A player in the media campaign is Julian Assange with Wikileaks. Another in Russia is Snowden. Exactly what Snowden is doing right now is not known. He may be leaking to Wikileaks. Thing is neither of these figures are reliable to the public. All they can do is expose details that need to be weighed and understood. In the past, mainstream media have not used material from Wikileaks responsibly. People have died, innocent people, people unrelated to the material leaked, when rumour and innuendo from low level political cables was leaked. And around the world, Islamo fascists felt entitled to run amok. Not much need be said for Islamo fascists to run amok. In fact, mainstream media seems to support Islamo fascists with a steady diet of hand wringing over lots of things that aren't true, related to same sex marriage, US culture, US army activity, AGW, Monsanto, nuclear power, Palestinian terrorism, and many things beside that are often made up. The former Soviet Union used to run the peace movement which US Democrats tapped into with mainstream media to weaken GOP Presidential government. Compare the outrage of Nixon deleting less than twenty minutes of audio tape and the silence of Hillary deleting her emails. Only, Nixon had had authority, whereas Hillary had not. But in each case a Democrat led congress provided spin.
Assange admitted that his leaks were why the US Government wanted to kill him. Only the US Government did not want any such thing. But Hillary might have. The leaks now harm the Clinton campaign. But Assange is not doing the people a favour. He is acting as a gatekeeper just as the mainstream media have. The character of Hillary is known by those who follow politics. One does not even have to have watched Fox to follow that balanced service's work. How long has Assange sat on what he now leaks? Maybe if US media functioned without bias hen the Obama administration would not be so unbalanced and Hillary would not now be the threat she is, because Democrats would have thrown up a better candidate. But for the media, this is tribal. They want, because they want. Principle does not matter. I don't expect to hear from that journalist again, this time around. But I bet you he is sad, and fearful. He does not know who Trump is, but he expects Trump to win. But he would never report that.
I suggest Red Gum ward vote for David Daniel Ball. And, after asking your local councillor about their views on Trump, Same Sex Marriage and Greyhounds, try and find out what it is they will do to make garbage collection cheaper and more efficient. Ask how they will make business more profitable. Ask what they will do to help address crime. Ask what they will do to improve public transport issues locally.
=== from 2015 ===
The poor pay for Green Activism. Every dollar spent on supporting Green projects which would have, in other ways, been invested, denies a poor person in the world an opportunity to not be poor. Some have said it is terrible how poor people are exploited by business. That is nothing compared to the soul destroying poverty for those who cannot work from loss of opportunity. Because businesses had to be destroyed feed Green monsters that are inefficient and wasteful. A solar powered car park is promoted as an answer to normal bitumen, concrete and steel. Only the price tag means that over ten thousand such car parks won't be built. But the monster might pay for itself in a few hundred years. Or people are asked to spend thousands on solar power which does not even take them away from the power grid. So their money is gone but the savings are minimal .. which means others don't get value from the money .. it shrinks the economy. And poor people suffer. For some, at the moment, the Sex Party has more credibility.
From 2014
Greatness cannot be measured, but is clearly seen. The divide caused by politics between opposing parties means friendships rarely cross the divide and the many slights leave a bitter taste. It is unimaginable that Gillard or Rudd would contact a Liberal identity when they had long retired and were facing their final days in a nursing home. "Sorry about calling you a mincing poodle or claiming that you were an ugly misogynist" doesn't sound right. Yet Mr Howard did not have the style of personal abuse. He wasn't a great friend of Mr Cohen, but respected him, and gave the former ALP Minister a call. And they joked about times past.
Leftwing without a matching right
Victoria's desalination plant, which has produced no water, will have cost $2 billion to Victorians by the end of next financial year. The plant isn't needed because AGW alarmists lied about the science. Meanwhile, ABC claims world is heating substantially, but that it just can't be measured because our instruments aren't up to it. According to measurement theory, they should be accurate to within half of one degree with mercury thermometers alone. According to those measures in Sydney homes, there is no global warming at the moment and has not been for some sixteen years. Gillard blames ALP for her failure to support Israel when she was PM. She has previously blamed Jews for not having a strong enough lobby. Maybe if she had shared her slush with them? Plibersek is opposing Shorten over ALP policy. But neither want anything worthwhile for the public. Gerard Henderson collects a long list of ABC bias. Professional activists are costing the public billions of dollars in challenges to public policy. The money could have gone to schools, hospitals ..
Foreign affairs
Fight for Democracy in Hong Kong shows that Taiwan cannot reconcile while the government is communist. India agrees with Abbott that cheap coal is lifesaving for industry. Bishop wins pledge from Putin over MH17. Legal observers at G20 will be looking at police, but not activists.
International fights
Leftwing without a matching right
Victoria's desalination plant, which has produced no water, will have cost $2 billion to Victorians by the end of next financial year. The plant isn't needed because AGW alarmists lied about the science. Meanwhile, ABC claims world is heating substantially, but that it just can't be measured because our instruments aren't up to it. According to measurement theory, they should be accurate to within half of one degree with mercury thermometers alone. According to those measures in Sydney homes, there is no global warming at the moment and has not been for some sixteen years. Gillard blames ALP for her failure to support Israel when she was PM. She has previously blamed Jews for not having a strong enough lobby. Maybe if she had shared her slush with them? Plibersek is opposing Shorten over ALP policy. But neither want anything worthwhile for the public. Gerard Henderson collects a long list of ABC bias. Professional activists are costing the public billions of dollars in challenges to public policy. The money could have gone to schools, hospitals ..
Foreign affairs
Fight for Democracy in Hong Kong shows that Taiwan cannot reconcile while the government is communist. India agrees with Abbott that cheap coal is lifesaving for industry. Bishop wins pledge from Putin over MH17. Legal observers at G20 will be looking at police, but not activists.
International fights
WHO blames itself for failing over Ebola outbreak. Terrorists claim that Burqa issues are causing them to kill. Them cross dressers become fierce when denied their cover.
From 2013
NSW forest fires are a direct result of ALP policy to not back burn. Fires are natural to rural NSW, some indigenous life is reliant on it. Having parks is nice, but being able to coexist and prosper is essential. ALP Green policy denies coexistence. People are dying from out of control fires. hundreds of houses lost yesterday, and it isn't yet summer. Another reason for the rich outback is the substantial rain from the last two years. The outback is very green, at the moment. And it hasn't been safely maintained.
Global warming is guilty of: fewer winter deaths; lower energy costs; better agricultural yields; probably fewer droughts; maybe richer biodiversity. It is a little-known fact that winter deaths exceed summer deaths — not just in countries like Britain but also those with very warm summers, including Greece.... Thankfully, although billions of dollars has been spent fighting it, the fight has been ineffective. The planet wont be saved by throwing away money, but it will make Adam Bandt smile.
Another fight is that against censorship of the press. This fight is being lead by the left wing mainstream press who favour censorship.
The working ALP motto seems to be paraphrasing that of the Australian Democrats "Calling each other bastards." There is a press award available for calling Mr Abbott a bastard, but nothing for excellence in reporting news.
In the US mainstream press are applauding Obama for failing to act to end the government stand down. Obama failed to negotiate. GOP made their point effectively. Now the press have to massage the truth in the lead up to the mid term elections.
Global warming is guilty of: fewer winter deaths; lower energy costs; better agricultural yields; probably fewer droughts; maybe richer biodiversity. It is a little-known fact that winter deaths exceed summer deaths — not just in countries like Britain but also those with very warm summers, including Greece.... Thankfully, although billions of dollars has been spent fighting it, the fight has been ineffective. The planet wont be saved by throwing away money, but it will make Adam Bandt smile.
Another fight is that against censorship of the press. This fight is being lead by the left wing mainstream press who favour censorship.
The working ALP motto seems to be paraphrasing that of the Australian Democrats "Calling each other bastards." There is a press award available for calling Mr Abbott a bastard, but nothing for excellence in reporting news.
In the US mainstream press are applauding Obama for failing to act to end the government stand down. Obama failed to negotiate. GOP made their point effectively. Now the press have to massage the truth in the lead up to the mid term elections.
Historical perspective on this day
Not done
=== Publishing News ===
This column welcomes feedback and criticism. The column is not made up but based on the days events and articles which are then placed in the feed. So they may not have an apparent cohesion they would have had were they made up.
Thanks to Warren for this advice on watching Bolt
Warren Catton Get this for your PC or MAC Once you have installed it start it up and press Live TV you don't need a login to watch Sky News!
I am publishing a book called Bread of Life: January.
Bread of Life is a daily bible quote with a layman's understanding of the meaning. I give one quote for each day, and also a series of personal stories illustrating key concepts eg Who is God? What is a miracle? Why is there tragedy?
January is the first of the anticipated year-long work of thirteen books. One for each month and the whole year. It costs to publish. It (Kindle version) should retail at about $2US online, but the paperback version would cost more, according to production cost.If you have a heart for giving, I fundraise at
Bread of Life is a daily bible quote with a layman's understanding of the meaning. I give one quote for each day, and also a series of personal stories illustrating key concepts eg Who is God? What is a miracle? Why is there tragedy?
January is the first of the anticipated year-long work of thirteen books. One for each month and the whole year. It costs to publish. It (Kindle version) should retail at about $2US online, but the paperback version would cost more, according to production cost.If you have a heart for giving, I fundraise at
Editorials will appear in the "History in a Year by the Conservative Voice" series, starting with August, September, October, or at Amazon The kindle version is cheaper, but the soft back version allows a free kindle version.
List of available items at Create Space
The Amazon Author Page for David Ball
UK .. ..
Japan ..
German ..
Happy birthday and many happy returns Quyen Le Qttl, Anna Vasilyeva, Hoang Pham, Kymberley Wang, Hans-leo Rehbaum and Jade Guttenbeil. Born on the same day, across the years, along with 1127 – Emperor Go-Shirakawa of Japan (d. 1192) 1679 – Ann Putnam, Jr., American witness in the Salem witch trials (d. 1716) 1926 – Chuck Berry, American singer-songwriter and guitarist 1926 – Klaus Kinski, German actor (d. 1991) 1927 – George C. Scott, American actor (d. 1999) 1939 – Lee Harvey Oswald, American assassin of John F. Kennedy (d. 1963) 1960 – Erin Moran, American actress 1960 – Jean-Claude Van Damme, Belgian martial artist, actor, and director 1990 – Bristol Palin, American author 1998 – Julia Wróblewska, Polish actress
Tim Blair
Andrew Bolt
Which planet are our MPs living on?
Piers Akerman – Saturday, October 17, 2015 (9:20pm)
THE words Islam or Islamic were uttered six times in federal parliament before it rose for the week on Thursday — but not once in reference to terrorism.
The only “I” word being embraced by the Turnbull government is “inclusive”, which makes one wonder — just which planet our parliamentarians living on?

Poor will pay price of green activism
Miranda Devine – Saturday, October 17, 2015 (9:22pm)
YOU know humans have their priorities all wrong when the habitat of the yakka skink is a greater priority than the lives of 1.3 billion people subsisting in energy poverty, or the job prospects of thousands of Australians.
Even when the fauna are given new homes, even when every environmental safeguard is met and every legal hurdle overcome, it’s never good enough for anti-fossil fuel Luddites.
They went feral last week when the government finally approved the $16.5 billion Adani mine in Queensland’s Galilee Basin.

Tim Blair – Sunday, October 18, 2015 (12:17pm)
A warning from Fairfax’s Clementine Ford:
F**k those people who tell feminists to be nice so as not to pose a threat to men. I *am* a threat, and they better get used to it.
Ford doesn’t spell out the specific nature of her threat, but just to be on the safe side men are encouraged to master this manoeuvre in case they are ever cornered by a crazed Clementine. Incidentally, our favourite feisty frightbat has lately added a Rosie the riveter tattoo to her ink collection:
Clementine may be unaware of that image’s history. Rosie was inspired by a photograph of WWII factory worker Geraldine Doyle:
Clementine may be unaware of that image’s history. Rosie was inspired by a photograph of WWII factory worker Geraldine Doyle:
Shortly after the photo was taken left her job at the factory. She barely lasted two weeks.A cellist, Mrs. Doyle was horrified to learn that a previous worker at the factory had badly injured her hands working at the machines. She found safer employment at a soda fountain and bookshop in Ann Arbor, where she wooed a young dental school student and later became his wife.
That’s a quitter on your arm, Clementine.
(Via several readers.)
Tim Blair – Sunday, October 18, 2015 (10:57am)
Seven’s Chris Reason, 2014’s Graham Perkin Australian Journalist of the Year, reveals an increase in threats to reporters following the murder of police accountant Curtis Cheng:
“Some media outlets are receiving direct physical violent death threats, specific threats not to go near Parramatta Mosque, where the 15-year-old went to pray. At one point a senior member of the Daily Telegraph turned up there with two flak jackets,” Reason said.“The situation is deadly serious among journalists covering the story in Western Sydney. People have been seen videoing journos in their cars. Journos and cameramen are doing their job more cautiously, but they continue covering this critical story well ...”[Reason] told the audience last night, “This is the sort of story Graham Perkin would have chased down hard and fearlessly.”
Perkin’s old paper, the Melbourne Age, hasn’t run a word from Reason’s speech.
Tim Blair – Sunday, October 18, 2015 (9:24am)
A remarkable interview between Russia Today‘s Sophie Shevardnadze and Formula One boss Bernie Ecclestone:
Ecclestone: I don’t think there’s any place for democracy, first of all.Shevardnadze: Ever? Anywhere?Ecclestone: Anywhere.
Ecclestone’s views may explain the current unappealing state of his sport. The F1 boss also offered this opinion on former soccer supremo Sepp Blatter:
Ecclestone: I don’t think he should have ever stepped down, and I don’t think he should have ever been challenged, because it’s because of him we have a lot of countries around the world that are now playing football. And if these people allegedly have been corrupted to make things happen in their country, it’s good. It’s a tax football had to pay.
“Because it’s because of him we have a lot of countries around the world that are now playing football.” On that basis alone, Blatter belongs in a basement cell at Guantanamo.
But who are these people behind the Bendigo mosque?
Andrew Bolt October 18 2015 (10:08am)
The fight over the Bendigo mosque is more complicated than the story usually presented in the media of anti-Islam bigots vs Muslims just wanting somewhere to pray.
Rebecca Weisser:
Speaking of which:
More from Weisser as she hand outs the ”Don’t mention the mosque” awards.
===Rebecca Weisser:
The proposal by Australian Islamic Mission to build a $3 million mosque in rural Bendigo has already attracted an unsavoury crowd of protesters.And where does that $3 million come from?
But that may not be the worst of it. Some of the people associated with AIM are so extreme they have been denied visas to the US and the UK.
For AIM’s 2014 and 2015 conferences the leading speaker is Dr. Anas Al-Tikriti, founder of the Cordoba Foundation, UK.
In August 2009, the Cordoba Foundation sponsored an event with Imam Anwar Al-Awlaki, a senior recruiter for Al-Qaeda who was killed in a drone strike in 2011.
Al-Awlaki… preached to three of the 9/11 hijackers, corresponded with Nidal Malik Hasan before the Army psychiatrist went on a shooting rampage in Fort Hood, and was linked to Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, who tried to blow up a US airliner....
Another speaker at the AIM 2014 conference was Yvonne Ridley, an activist with the UK Respect party. Ridley called the Chechen architect of the Beslan school massacre “a martyr"…
In June 2010, Dr. Tareq Al-Suwaidan was the guest speaker at an AIM fundraising dinner… In May 2007, Al-Suwaidan was listed as a member of the US Muslim Brotherhood and an unindicted co-conspirator and/or joint venturer in a case between the US District Court, Dallas Division and the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development (HLF). In 2008, the founders of HLF were found guilty of channelling $12 million to Hamas in one of the largest terrorism financing cases in US history.
Last year Al-Suwaidan was banned from attending a Muslim Fair in Brussels after he said of Israel “… We hate them. They are our enemies. We should instil this in the souls of our children, until a new generation arises and wipes them off the face of the earth … each and every one of us, when leaving this hall, should be contemplating a plan how to wipe out Israel.”
The secretary of AIM Melbourne Dr. Seyed Sheriffdeen said AIM invited Al-Suwaidan to speak because he was popular but did not endorse his views “100 per cent. We cherry pick,” he explained…
There is nothing moderate however about the video AIM Victoria shared on its Facebook page, which shows a picture of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu with the sound of a gunshot firing and a photo apparently of former Israeli defence minister Ehud Barak with a rifle sight over his face and the sound of a gun firing.
AIM Victoria’s Facebook page also shared a photo of the book Fiqh al-Zakah by Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, with the exhortation “Read to understand ...”
Qaradawi, an intellectual leader in the Muslim Brotherhood, ... has said of suicide bombing, “I consider this type of martyrdom operation as an evidence of God’s justice....”. In 2009, Qaradawi said on Al Jazeera: “Throughout history, Allah has imposed upon the Jews people who would punish them for their corruption ... The last punishment was carried out by Hitler ... Allah Willing, the next time will be at the hand of the believers.”
Speaking of which:
Australian Islamic Mission is providing $3 million to build a mosque in [Bendigo]…UPDATE
The mission says its goal is to present “the balanced message of Islam”, emphasising the values of “community, equality, justice, mercy, compassion and peace”.
However, many of its events are sponsored by Human Appeal International Australia, one of 36 organisations banned by the Israeli government since 2008 because it says the group channels funds to Hamas.
HAI Australia runs an emergency appeal to provide funds for fuel for hospitals in Gaza. Most hospitals in Gaza are run by Hamas. During the conflict between Hamas and Israel last year, The Washington Post reported that Hamas had its headquarters in the Al-Shifra hospital....
HAI’s Melbourne manager, Rabih Baytie, denied any link with Hamas, saying: “I have no information whatsoever about what they (the Israelis) are talking about.”
But in 2013, Samuel Westrop of the Gatestone Institute reported that HAI was one of several charities honoured in a Hamas ceremony in Gaza in 2011 and published a photo showing HAI’s logo at a Hamas event. Asked about that ceremony, Mr Baytie said: “It’s all false and nonsense.” He said the activities HAI funded in Gaza were “purely humanitarian and charity work. Nothing political.” A spokesman for the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade said Hamas had been listed by the United Nations as a terror group since December 2001.... A 1996 CIA report said HAI was an Islamic charity used as a conduit to fund terrorism, and an FBI report in 2003 claimed there was a close relationship between HAI and Hamas.
More from Weisser as she hand outs the ”Don’t mention the mosque” awards.
On The Bolt Report today, October 18
Andrew Bolt October 18 2015 (6:50am)
My guests: Liberal Democrat Senator David Leyonhjelm, former Treasurer Peter Costello, former NSW Labor Treasurer Michael Costa and Nick Cater, head of the Menzies Research Centre and columnist with The Australian.
Does reaching out to Muslims mean having to tell untruths about Islam? What’s the Turnbull Government actually done in the past month? Labor’s sick class war - and the same right back at them.
The videos of the shows appear here.
Terribly sorry, but yet more time changes because of car races.
===Does reaching out to Muslims mean having to tell untruths about Islam? What’s the Turnbull Government actually done in the past month? Labor’s sick class war - and the same right back at them.
The videos of the shows appear here.
Terribly sorry, but yet more time changes because of car races.
10am on Ten as usual, except in Brisbane and Perth, where we will be on at 10am on OneAFTERNOON SHOW
Melbourne, Sydney, Adelaide, Hobart - 3pm on One
Perth - 3pm on Ten
Brisbane - 4pm
Bad Jews defend themselves
Andrew Bolt October 18 2015 (4:19am)
Melanie Phillips on a media that only gets angry when Israel defends itself:
===Predictably, the Western media ignored the hundreds of attacks on Israeli Jews these past few weeks. It waited until Israel started killing terrorists. Then it sprang into action to portray the Israelis as brutal oppressors driving helpless Palestinians to desperate measures.(Thanks to reader Grendel.)
In American and British newspapers, on CNN and the BBC, the focus was on the Palestinians who had been killed with their Israeli victims added as an afterthought.
The New York Times excelled itself in its twisted anti-Israel reporting by peddling an absurd theory – which every expert dismisses as utter rubbish – that the “explosive historical question” was whether the two Jewish Temples had ever stood on the Temple Mount at all.
On BBC TV’s Newsnight, presenter Evan Davies tried to insist that measures Israel was taking to deter further murderous attacks were “reprisals” – in other words, revenge attacks. Then he suggested that the most likely reason why these young, “post-Oslo” Arabs believed Israelis should be killed was that they had been “provoked” by Israel’s behavior.
Such remarks betray total ignorance of the Arab pogroms against Jews, the frenzied butchery and the very same incitement and lies about al-Aksa that have being going on in the Land of Israel for almost a century…
Far from calling the Palestinians to account, Western politicians echo and amplify their mind-bending manipulation of reality. They parrot the lies that the Palestinians have a legitimate claim to the land, that Israel is in illegal occupation, that Jerusalem is not part of Israel at all. Earlier this week, US Secretary of State John Kerry blamed a “massive increase in settlements” in recent years for stoking Palestinian “frustration” and violence.But since Benjamin Netanyahu became prime minister in 2009, there has been less construction activity in the settlements than since 1995. So not only had Kerry blamed Israel for its own victimization, but he had done so on the basis of a tendentious misrepresentation of reality.
The State Department then accused Israel of using “excessive force” to quell the violence. Since this force has clearly been restrained and proportionate, this amounted to criticizing Israel for defending itself at all.
Race over: it’s Hillary for the Democrats
Andrew Bolt October 18 2015 (4:16am)
Charles Krauthammer on the unstoppable Hillary Clinton:
===I repeat: Unless she’s indicted, Hillary Clinton will win the Democratic nomination. I wrote that six weeks ago, amid fevered dreams of a Clinton collapse and a Joe Biden rescue. That those were a mirage is all the more obvious after Tuesday’s debate. The reason, then as now, is simple: Clinton has no competition.(Thanks to reader Peter of Bellevue Hill.)
She’s up against three ciphers and one endearing, gesticulating, slightly unmoored old man. If Biden was ever thinking of getting into the race, he’d be crazy to do so now. It’s over.
Indeed, even before the debate, Clinton’s numbers had stabilized. It began with [House Majority Leader] Kevin McCarthy’s gaffe of the decade. That gave her a perpetual get-out-of-jail-free card that she adroitly deploys whenever the e-mail issue arises. Her technique is flawless: a few meaningless phrases about having made a mistake, taking responsibility and being transparent, blah blah, followed by (I paraphrase) “but look at the larger picture, even Kevin McCarthy admits it’s a partisan witch hunt.” Q.E.D.
At the debate, Bernie Sanders sealed the deal with a thunderous “the American people are sick and tired of hearing about your damn e-mails.” That rendered the issue officially off-limits to all Democrats. File closed. End of story. Of course, it will be featured in the general election, but we’re talking here about her getting the nomination.
Clinton won the debate because it didn’t change the dynamic. It froze the race, and she’s far in the lead. It doesn’t matter that her lead has shrunk from 50 points to 20. Twenty points is a landslide. She remains a lousy candidate but she is an excellent debater — smart, quick, strategic and extremely practiced.
170,000 illegal immigrants invade Europe in September
Andrew Bolt October 18 2015 (4:01am)
It continues:
Calculate proportion of extremists.
Figure how many will get work.
Calculate the effect of joblessness on those who won’t, and how that might influence their attitude to their new home.
The backlash in Germany is ugly, too:
===Some 170,000 irregular migrants entered the European Union in September, the bloc’s border agency Frontex said on Tuesday, taking the total for the year so far to 710,000.Add family reunion.
That compares with 282,000 migrants crossing irregularly for the whole of 2014 as Europe faces its biggest refugee crisis since World War Two.
Calculate proportion of extremists.
Figure how many will get work.
Calculate the effect of joblessness on those who won’t, and how that might influence their attitude to their new home.
The backlash in Germany is ugly, too:
A leading candidate in a German city mayoral election was stabbed while campaigning today in what police said was a “racist political” attack linked to the large numbers of migrants entering the country.
Henriette Reker, an independent close to the ruling Christian Democrats (CDU) of Chancellor Angela Merkel, suffered serious wounds to the neck in the attack in the western city of Cologne, which is to elect its mayor on Sunday… The attacker, a 44-year-old unemployed man arrested at the scene, “said he had a racist motivation for committing this act”, Cologne police official Norbert Wagner added at a news conference. Reker was said to be in a stable condition after the attack which took place as she manned a CDU information stand at a market in the city. Four other people were wounded in the incident, one seriously.
But the debt? The unemployment? The spending? The tax burden?
Andrew Bolt October 18 2015 (3:55am)
I’m not sure the Turnbull Government is focussing on the main game:
===Australia’s retail trading hours could be radically overhauled, and ride-share services such as Uber more readily welcomed into the country, after the Turnbull government said it will launch an “enthusiastic response” to the Harper review of Australia’s competition laws.Plus, of course, we still seem a long way from any real action on anything.
It means the long-standing monopoly-power held by existing taxi services could be broken up, and traditional retail hours loosened dramatically, while road transport regulations could be significantly modernised… It also means laws governing where pharmacies can be located will be reconsidered, as will aggressively competitive behaviour from big businesses looking to expand.
Treasurer Scott Morrison says the Harper review has the potential to unlock “enormous opportunities” for the economy and Australians can expect an enthusiastic response to it from the Turnbull government…
Mr Morrison – who became Treasurer less than four weeks ago – flew to Melbourne last week to meet with the chair of the review, Professor Ian Harper.
Contemporary Australia described
Andrew Bolt October 18 2015 (3:28am)
Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews describes the funky vibe of modern, multicultural Australia:
In contrast, Islamist extremism is not part of a contemporary Japan. The difference lies largely in the decisions made by politicians who to let in their country, and what to expect from those few admitted:
===All of us, as Victorians and indeed Australians, have to accept that violent extremism is part of a contemporary Australia.By “violent extremism”, Andrews actually means Islamist terrorism, but he is too polite to be so explicit.
In contrast, Islamist extremism is not part of a contemporary Japan. The difference lies largely in the decisions made by politicians who to let in their country, and what to expect from those few admitted:
...the total is just 0.1% or so of Japan’s population. In the U.S., the figure is less than 0.8%, and in France, 7.5%, according to the Pew Research Center.In Australia it’s 2.2 per cent.
Tim Blair – Saturday, October 18, 2014 (1:19pm)
Labor veteran Barry Cohen reports from his new home – a Sydney aged care facility:
When word got out that I had joined the list of dementia sufferers one of the first calls I had was from an old “friend”.“A Mr Howard calling,” was the message from the nurse.“I don’t know a Mr Howard, unless it’s the former prime minister.”“That’s the one,” said the nurse.I was deeply moved that a lifelong opponent had taken the trouble to ring to find out how I was and whether he could do anything to help. After a lengthy conversation, I told him, “This is what makes Australia a great country.”His last question was, “What’s it like in there?”He roared when I shouted back, “Question time.”
Cohen’s facility even has its own equivalent to the Greens – a group he describes as “screamers”. Best wishes to the former Hawke government minister.
Two fine Australians
Andrew Bolt October 18 2014 (2:15pm)
Barry Cohen is a lovely man and as a Hawke Government Minister summed up the best of Labor - compassionate but practical, romantic but no dreamer, improver not revolutionary. Add, of course, he’s a man with great faith in Western civllisation.
He today writes that he has dementia and has had had to move into a nursing home:
Hit the link for Barry’s invaluable tips to make a generation of people in nursing homes feel less miserable and more human. I do urge Ministers Kevin Andrews and Mitch Fifield to read it.
(Thanks to reader S.)
===He today writes that he has dementia and has had had to move into a nursing home:
When word got out that I had joined the list of dementia sufferers one of the first calls I had was from an old “friend”.Great men and women help make a great country. You’ve just heard about two of them.
“A Mr Howard calling,” was the message from the nurse.
“I don’t know a Mr Howard, unless it’s the former prime minister.”
“That’s the one,” said the nurse. I was deeply moved that a lifelong opponent had taken the trouble to ring to find out how I was and whether he could do anything to help. After a lengthy conversation, I told him, “This is what makes Australia a great country.”
Hit the link for Barry’s invaluable tips to make a generation of people in nursing homes feel less miserable and more human. I do urge Ministers Kevin Andrews and Mitch Fifield to read it.
(Thanks to reader S.)
The global warming scare: the costs and the new deniers
Andrew Bolt October 18 2014 (10:45am)
Global warming alarmists panicked gullible Labor governments into building desalination plants with scares like Tim Flannery’s:
The new consensus is that there is an unexpected pause in the warming of the atmosphere:
Tolstoy would surely have warmists in mind today:
===So even the rain that falls isn’t actually going to fill our dams and our river systems, and that’s a real worry for the people in the bush…No one in the ABC or Fairfax newspapers questioned Flannery’s alarmism, and no political leader dared to:
I think there is a fair chance Perth will be the 21st century’s first ghost metropolis…
Perth is facing the possibility of a catastrophic failure of the city’s water supply…
I’m personally more worried about Sydney than Perth… Where does Sydney go for more water?
In 2008, Flannery said: “The water problem is so severe for Adelaide that it may run out of water by early 2009.” ...But today we must pay the price for losing our heads:
In 2007, Flannery predicted ... “In Adelaide, Sydney and Brisbane, water supplies are so low they need desalinated water urgently, possibly in as little as 18 months.” One premier, Queensland’s Peter Beattie, took such predictions - made by other warming alarmists, too - so seriously that he spent more than $1 billion of taxpayers’ money on a desalination plant, saying “it is only prudent to assume at this stage that lower-than-usual rainfalls could eventuate”.
New figures obtained by The Weekend Australian show the Victorian desalination plant, southeast of Melbourne, will have cost water users $1.2bn by the November 29 state election, rising to $2bn by the end of the next financial year.Those serious questions aren’t really being asked, actually, because the politicians, academics and journalists who fell for the global warming scare are not interested in holding the gullible - including themselves - to account.
The cost has soared, despite no water having been drawn from the facility since its opening in 2012 and dams being more than 80 per cent full…
The Victorian experience has been replicated across Australia’s east and south. Plants in Victoria, NSW, Adelaide and on the Gold Coast cost more than $10bn to build but their operations have been effectively mothballed.
Sydney’s plant is dismissed as a white elephant, with no water produced since 2012, despite costing consumers almost $200 million a year, or about $100 a year for every water user.
In Queensland, the Gold Coast desalination plant built by the previous Labor government at Tugun cost $1.2bn but has been effectively mothballed for the past few years.
In Adelaide, the 100-gigalitre-capacity desalination plant cost $2.2bn to build and was finished in December 2012 but the plant, publicly owned but operated by private contractors AdelaideAqua, will be mothballed from January 15 next year after a two-year “proving period”. Serious questions are being asked about why state governments past and present have invested billions of dollars in desalination plants when high dam levels — such as 88 per cent in Sydney — make the infrastructure surplus to requirement.
The new consensus is that there is an unexpected pause in the warming of the atmosphere:
Michael Asten, from the school of earth atmosphere and environment at Monash University, says there have been 15 articles commenting on and analysing the pause, or hiatus, published by the top journal group Nature in the past two years.So who are the new “deniers” now?
“While opinions on causes differ, existence of the pause is settled; only activists dare claim the pause in global temperature does not exist,” Asten says.
Responses from Australia’s key science organisations show they remain in lock-step with the IPCC and their advice is accepted by Environment Minister, Greg Hunt.UPDATE
Helen Cleugh, science director at CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere Flagship, says ... while the rate of increase is lower, the temperatures are not lower, she says.
Measurements across the oceans and Earth system as a whole show that warming has continued unabated. “A reduction in the rate of warming (not a pause) is a result of short-term natural variability, ocean absorption of heat from the atmosphere, volcanic eruptions, a downward phase of the 11-year solar cycle, and other impacts over a short time period,” Cleugh says.
After taking advice from the Bureau of Meteorology, Hunt tells Inquirer the warming of the climate system is “unequivocal"…
Greens leader Christine Milne says she does not accept the pause… Australia’s Bureau of Meteorology says the rate of warming in global surface temperature during the past century has not been uniform… “The pattern that results is one of steady warming of the oceans, accompanied by alternating periods of fast and slow rises in air temperature.”
Tolstoy would surely have warmists in mind today:
I know that most men, including those at ease with problems of the greatest complexity, can seldom accept even the simplest and most obvious truth if it be such as would oblige them to admit the falsity of conclusions which they delighted in explaining to colleagues, which they have proudly taught to others, and which they have woven, thread by thread, into the fabric of their lives.(Thanks to reader Rocky.)
Protester’s challenges costs money that could go on schools and hospitals
Andrew Bolt October 18 2014 (10:17am)
We must pay for the politics of this ”professional protester”, but he does not pay us the taxes needed to realise his utopian dreams:
===Tony Murphy has cost the Victorian taxpayer $1.7?million in his failed court bids to stop the East West Link.
The figure has been revealed as his latest High Court bid to stall the $8 billion road tunnel failed yesterday.
Mr Murphy, whose court challenge is partly publicly funded, is unemployed.
Fight for democracy in Hong Kong gets more violent
Andrew Bolt October 18 2014 (10:08am)
The battlelines in Hong Kong are hardening:
===Pro-democracy demonstrations heated up again in Hong Kong early Saturday as thousands of protesters converged on the city’s busy Mong Kok financial district. The numbers increased overnight, swelling to 9,000 protesters, Hong Kong police said.China can say goodbye forever to Taiwan - at least while Communists rule.
Protesters crossed police lines, authorities said, clashing with officers as the situation turned violent.
At least 240 people were injured over the past 24 hours, according to the Hong Kong Hospital Authority, which manages all public hospitals in the city. Fifteen police officers were injured, the Hong Kong Police public relations branch said.
Fight the anti-coal pagans. UPDATE: India echoes Abbott
Andrew Bolt October 18 2014 (9:32am)
Paul Kelly on Tony Abbott’s war on green extremists:
The world’s third-biggest emitter says forget India making any cuts to emissions. As Abbott says, coal is indeed a blessing to India’s poor:
===WITH his statement that coal is “essential for the prosperity of Australia” and “essential for the prosperity of the world”, Tony Abbott has declared political war on the green activist campaign to shut down Australia’s cheap energy sectors and undermine our competitiveness…I do think we should help Abbott win this battle. Workers, rationalists, humanists and Christians who believe God gave man dominion over nature should finally wind back the suffocating power of the green pagans who threaten our reason, jobs, wealth and security.
Abbott’s message is that if you want jobs, cheap energy and economic prosperity then you must oppose the ideological campaign to close down fossil fuels as soon as possible in the cause of renewables…
He thinks Labor will be caught at the next election between supporting jobs on one hand and making concessions to the pro-green compulsion to punish fossil fuels and accentuate their decline on the other…
Yet public opinion is likely to be equivocal. There is still much incomprehension in the community that recent high levels of health, education and welfare have been financed directly by the high terms of trade enjoyed by the resources sector or that a nexus exists between such prices and high living standards…
The anti-fossil fuel movement in Australia can mobilise a loose yet growing coalition typically seen as including the Greens; a collection of non-governmental organisations, veterans such as Greenpeace, the Graeme Wood Foundation (with Wood having made the largest campaign donation in our political history to the Greens) and the Australia Institute; climate change activists in unions, universities and social media; foundations, wealthy individuals, philanthropists with deep pockets; and the margins of the Christian churches. This network is gaining in sophistication, money and tactics…
The IEA predicts that by 2035 fossil fuels will meet 76 per cent of world energy demand and renewables will meet 18 per cent. It says China’s demand for coal continues to rise despite its commitment to renewables, Last year China added three times more new coal-based electricity than wind and solar combined. China is not getting out of coal; but it is getting into cleaner coal.... More than 1.3 billion people across the world have no access to energy, and fossil fuels will be pivotal in filling that gap… With Labor pledged to resurrect carbon pricing and the Greens running hard against fossil fuels, Abbott takes his stand on a competitive economy and cheap energy. But the politics won’t be easy.
The world’s third-biggest emitter says forget India making any cuts to emissions. As Abbott says, coal is indeed a blessing to India’s poor:
In a blow to American hopes of reaching an international deal to fight global warming, India’s new environment minister said Wednesday that his country would not offer a plan to cut its greenhouse gas emissions ahead of a climate summit next year in Paris.(Thanks to reader Peter of Bellevue Hill, David and mem.)
The minister, Prakash Javadekar, said in an interview that his government’s first priority was to alleviate poverty and improve the nation’s economy, which he said would necessarily involve an increase in emissions through new coal-powered electricity and transportation… “What cuts?” Mr. Javadekar said. “That’s for more developed countries… India’s first task is eradication of poverty… Twenty percent of our population doesn’t have access to electricity, and that’s our top priority. We will grow faster, and our emissions will rise.”
Are our police really the enemy?
Andrew Bolt October 18 2014 (9:26am)
So many lawyers to monitor the police at next month’s G20 protest. Why not monitor the protesters as well, given they will almost certainly be the initial source of any violence?
===About 6,000 officers will patrol the city with many of them drafted in from interstate and from New Zealand.Sure, sure. Yet McDougall himself goes on to add:
They will be observed by a team of independent lawyers whose task will be to watch and record how protesters and police interact and they have already started training....
JOHN TAYLOR: Some Queensland lawyers believe they can help make a safe and just Brisbane G20 as independent legal observers.
DAN ROGERS: One way to describe it is walking Go-Pros…
SCOTT MCDOUGALL, CAXTON LEGAL CENTRE: They’re on nobody’s side. They are not there to police the police. They are simply there to observe the interactions between the police and the public.
SCOTT MCDOUGALL: It’s going to be very easy for people to find themselves in trouble during the G20. They are not going to have to step out of line very far.(Thanks to reader John.)
JOHN TAYLOR: There may be dozens of legal observers during the G20.
Biased ABC excuses the warming pause with a theory that’s just been debunked
Andrew Bolt October 18 2014 (8:19am)
The ABC’s Catalyst program finally confronts the great embarrassment of the global warming movement - the failure of the planet’s atmosphere to warm for 16 years, against all predictions:
The trouble, though, which Catalyst inexplicably fails to mention, is that NASA has just ruled out the ocean excuse, announcing: ”The cold waters of Earth’s deep ocean have not warmed measurably since 2005, according to a new NASA study, leaving unsolved the mystery of why global warming appears to have slowed in recent years… The temperature of the top half of the world’s ocean — above the 1.24-mile mark — is still climbing, but not fast enough to account for the stalled air temperatures.”
But Catalyst is determined to pin most of its hopes on this dubious excuse:
But on Catalyst ploughs, letting warmists scramble for excuses without demanding they explain their past errors, delivered with such certainty:
But on the ABC goes with its ocean excuse:
Sure, in the interests of “balance”, the ABC then tacks on quick grabs from sceptics, but not before giving them a pejorative introduction:
And to further load the dice, Catalyst has each of sceptics’ arguments below immediately countered by a warmist (see full transcript), while the warmists were allowed to speak unchallenged:
===NARRATION“Crisis of confidence”? Only a crisis among alarmists. The rest of us were demanding those fearmongers be held to account:
It was 1998 and the climate seemed set on a frightening trajectory.News Reporter
What the world is experiencing could be part of a climate shift.NARRATION
But the years that followed didn’t live up to predictions, leading to a crisis of confidence.
Professor Judith CurryThe ABC does grimly concede the truth it so long ignored or even denied - that the world’s atmosphere has simply not warmed, or in ABC weasel-speak, that ‘the rate of rise has slowed dramatically”:
The globally average surface temperature hasn’t increased in any significant way since 1998.Maurice Newman
In fact, can be argued since 2003 it has cooled off somewhat.
NARRATION…So the ABC’s task is simple. As a fervent missionary, it must restore faith in the global warming scare by pretending the warmists were not utterly wrong all along:
It became the most important question to answer in climate science today - what happened to global warming? ...Professor Judith Curry
While the period from 1975 to 1998 had seen a rapid rise of global average air surface temperatures, in the years since, the rate of rise has slowed dramatically, leading a vocal minority to question predictions of catastrophe.
So we’re getting this growing divergence between the observations and the climate model simulations.Emeritus Professor Garth Paltridge
You have at least to consider the possibility that the models are not reliable for one reason or another.Anja Taylor
On one point the sceptics were right - none of the models used in future climate projections predicted the hiatus. And while the slowdown for the first few years was written off as natural variability, lately it’s become something to explain.
NARRATIONNote the presumptions underling the inquiry. The world MUST be warming. The heat MUST be hiding somewhere. This is not a dispassionate scientific inquiry but a desperate search for vindication,
From the data he’s been analysing, Dr Trenberth sees a planet heating up just as fast as ever… His calculations show our budget is continually in surplus - more energy coming in than leaving the atmosphere.Dr Kevin Trenberth
Given that there’s an energy imbalance, where does that energy go? How much has gone into the oceans? How much has gone into melting Arctic sea ice? ... And when we first did this, there was some quite substantial discrepancies that in some years we can’t account for where the energy has gone.NARRATION
...Monitoring systems simply aren’t sophisticated enough to track all of the heat exchanges on the planet.
The trouble, though, which Catalyst inexplicably fails to mention, is that NASA has just ruled out the ocean excuse, announcing: ”The cold waters of Earth’s deep ocean have not warmed measurably since 2005, according to a new NASA study, leaving unsolved the mystery of why global warming appears to have slowed in recent years… The temperature of the top half of the world’s ocean — above the 1.24-mile mark — is still climbing, but not fast enough to account for the stalled air temperatures.”
But Catalyst is determined to pin most of its hopes on this dubious excuse:
NARRATIONNo, not unprecedented, but disproved.
In total, aerosols and solar activity are thought to account for about 20% of the pause, but the biggest contender for where the rest of the heat is going is the one that’s hardest to measure. The oceans absorb a whopping 93% of the world’s excess heat.Dr Kevin Trenberth
... we’ve found ... that after about 1999, a lot more heat is going deeper into the ocean. And this is unprecedented…
But on Catalyst ploughs, letting warmists scramble for excuses without demanding they explain their past errors, delivered with such certainty:
NARRATIONHey, isn’t that the same Matthew England who just two years ago still insisted that claims of a pause in the warming of the atmosphere were “actually not true”, and thundered: “And so anybody out there lying that the IPCC projections are overstatements or that the observations haven’t kept pace with the projections is completely offline with this. The analysis is very clear that the IPCC projections are coming true.” Why should we believe the new assurances of a man who just two years ago falsely accused people of “lying” when they pointed out the pause he’s now trying to excuse?
Professor Matthew England has been key to nailing down how the Pacific has been dragging down world average temperatures.Professor Matthew England
We had to look for something about the climate system post-2000 that was dramatically different to the climate system in the ‘80s and ‘90s, and one of the most dramatic things you see in the system is this flip in the Pacific Ocean. If ever you travel to the tropics in the Pacific Ocean, there’s a prevailing wind from the east towards the west, and these easterly winds push a lot of the surface water across the West Pacific Ocean. If they remain for long enough, this water starts to get subducted into the ocean interior…
But on the ABC goes with its ocean excuse:
NARRATIONGlobal warming theory saved! Well, if you ignore the admitted lack of data. If you ignore that these same scientists were wrong before. If you ignore NASA’s latest data showing no warming of the deep ocean for nine years now.
The ocean once more began to build up heat. The change in the way the ocean either releases or draws in heat is part of a regular long-term cycle called the Pacific Decadal Oscillation. Each phase lasts around 15 to 30 years. When Dr Gerry Meehl from Boulder studied climate models with hiatuses, he discovered they linked closely with the negative phase of this pattern.Dr Gerald Meehl
And sure enough the extra heat was going into the deeper ocean....NARRATION
It was Matthew England who found [trade] winds were unprecedented in strength this century… the winds push the warm surface waters west.Professor Matthew England
... It’s sort of reaches a breaking point perhaps where that heat then sloshes back to the East Pacific…NARRATION
What that means is we’re currently in the phase before the next global temperature jump.
Sure, in the interests of “balance”, the ABC then tacks on quick grabs from sceptics, but not before giving them a pejorative introduction:
NARRATIONPardon? Another way of introducing those sceptical scientists would be: “But scientists who were right about the warming pause disagree with these latest excuses.”
But a small minority of scientists disagree.
And to further load the dice, Catalyst has each of sceptics’ arguments below immediately countered by a warmist (see full transcript), while the warmists were allowed to speak unchallenged:
Professor Judith CurryWhat a pathetic program, summed up best by its triumphant conclusion - marred by a missing and crucial “no” in the transcript:
That’s where I break with my colleagues. I just think there’s a lot more uncertainty. We’re now in the cool phase of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation, and I think that is the major thing that’s causing the pause. And my understanding of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation is that we could stay in the cool phase for another two decades. So where does that leave us in terms of thinking that this sensitivity that we’ve deduced, largely based on this warming in the last quarter of the 20th century, during that period we were in the warm phase of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation.Emeritus Professor Garth Paltridge
And this is a thought which is, for about 30 years people have tried to ignore because it takes away from the thought that most of the rise in temperature is due to increasing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere…Professor Judith Curry
And there is one other possibility - that there is no missing heat.
NARRATIONThe ABC’s bias is out of control.
All things considered, there’s been global warming pause.
Plibervola virus hits Labor
Andrew Bolt October 18 2014 (8:07am)
Rowan Dean nails the posturing of Plibersek:
===Authorities within the Australian Labor Party were scrambling this week to try to contain an outbreak of the deadly Pliberbola virus, with frantic calls for the exposed leadership of Bill Shorten to be immediately quarantined…(Thanks to reader Peter of Bellevue Hill .)
The Pliberbola crisis came after Mr Shorten recklessly wandered into the national security debate with no protection against the extreme risk of being infected by a deadly dose of bipartisanship, caused by getting too close to Tony Abbott.
“Pliberbola is the most virulent strain of undergraduate socialism the world has ever seen,” said a spokesman for Mr Shorten… The virus is believed to have mutated in the 1970s in the Democratic Republic of Marrickville in a freakish contact between batty undergraduates and hard-core Marxist union enforcers, or apes, which in turn infected the gibbering idealists of the Greens. How the virus crossed the species barrier to infect normal, sane, rational human beings is not known, although the first identifiable case has long been rumoured to be a large man with a booming voice known only as Gough.
World Health Organisation damns itself
Andrew Bolt October 18 2014 (8:05am)
Another dysfunctional United Nations agency:
===THE World Health Organisation has admitted it botched attempts to stop the now-spiralling Ebola outbreak in West Africa, blaming factors including incompetent staff and a lack of information.(Thanks to reader Dave.)
IN a draft internal document obtained by The Associated Press, the UN agency wrote that experts should have realised that traditional infectious disease containment methods wouldn’t work in a region with porous borders and broken health systems.
“Nearly everyone involved in the outbreak response failed to see some fairly plain writing on the wall,” WHO said in the document. The UN health agency acknowledged that, at times, even its own bureaucracy was a problem. It noted that the heads of WHO country offices in Africa are “politically motivated appointments” made by the WHO regional director for Africa, Dr. Luis Sambo, who does not answer to the agency’s chief in Geneva, Dr. Margaret Chan.
But before the raids came the (alleged) plots
Andrew Bolt October 18 2014 (7:58am)
The organisers of “Wear a Hijab Week” don’t blame the Islamists but the authorities trying to stop them killing Australians:
(Thanks to reader Max.)
===Since the terror raids and proposed anti-terror laws we have seen a wave of unwarranted anti-Muslim violence around the country. Mosques have been defaced in Brisbane, a woman was bashed on a train in Melbourne, and in Sydney a man with a knife threatened students and staff at an Islamic primary school.This victim mentality is pathological.
(Thanks to reader Max.)
Julie Bishop wins pledge from Putin
Andrew Bolt October 18 2014 (7:50am)
The Foreign Minister Julie Bishop shirtfronts Putin:
(Thanks to reader John.)
===But, but, but, says the Sydney Morning Herald:FOREIGN Minister Julie Bishop has personally taken Russian President Vladimir Putin to task over the shooting down of Flight MH17.
At the Asian-Europe Meeting in Italy yesterday, Ms Bishop spoke to Mr Putin for more than 20 minutes, during which she won a guarantee from him to allow crash investigators another visit to the Ukraine crash site before winter sets in.
Mr Putin said Russia would co-operate with investigators.
“I approached Mr Putin and had a detailed and lengthy discussion,” Ms Bishop told The Saturday Telegraph late last night from Milan.
“I raised my concerns about MH17 and the fact our teams had not had access. I sought his co-operation in using Russian influence over the Rebels."…
Ms Bishop said she had bluntly spelled out Australia’s frustration at what it sees as Moscow’s hampering of the Dutch-led probe into the shooting down of the Malaysian airliner over eastern Ukraine in July, in which 38 Australians died.
“Russia has not been as co-operative as we would have expected,” she said.
Australia’s Foreign Affairs Minister has buttonholed - not shirt-fronted - Vladimir Putin, and won from him a promise to help international forensic teams regain access to the MH17 crash site.The Sydney Morning Herald is just determined not to pay credit. Here’s its report yesterday:
AUSTRALIAN Foreign Minister Julie Bishop appears to have missed an opportunity to “shirt-front” Vladimir Putin over Russia’s role in the MH17 tragedy ... However, she did buttonhole Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov over problems with access to the Ukraine crash site.Mind you, a Putin promise is worth ...?
(Thanks to reader John.)
===The Florida church where an 15-year-old orphan pleaded for a family to adopt him has been "flooded" with phone calls.
"It has been just an awesome outpour," Cynthia Coney, a secretary at St. Mark Missionary Baptist Church, said. "We've been getting calls from as far as Utah and forwarding them to his adoption agency."
Two weeks ago, Davion Navar Henry Only, 15, dressed in a dark suit and borrowed tie, told the packed church that he was seeking a family to call his own. His requirements were simple.A brother needs a home - ed
A CONTROVERSIAL judge is in the firing line again after an accused rapist was set free and allegedly raped and stabbed the same woman.
Judge Sarah Bradley refused to adjourn the man's trial for a night after his alleged victim left court in the middle of giving evidence and said she couldn't go on.
It was the third time a trial had collapsed because the woman could not complete her testimony.
The woman, an indigenous special witness, was allegedly stabbed then raped and sodomised at knifepoint.
Prosecutors asked for an overnight adjournment or to call other witnesses while they sought to bring the woman back to court to continue testifying, but Judge Bradley refused.
The charges were withdrawn and the accused rapist was freed from custody.
Two days later police claim he allegedly tortured and raped the woman in an attack in which she was again stabbed multiple times.
Even if the rape trial wasn't to proceed, assault with a deadly weapon and GBH didn't require her testimony. He might have been given a custodial sentence on that? - ed
AN INDIAN policeman who got lost as a child at a crowded railway station has been reunited with his family after 24 years - thanks to a tattoo on his arm.
Ganesh Raghunath Dhangade was separated from his parents in 1989 aged just six when they were boarding a train. He ended up on his own in Mumbai, where he was cared for by a fisherman and then at two orphanages.
A car accident later left him unconscious for four months, struggling to remember details of his family or home, and he spent years rummaging through missing person records at police stations - before joining the force himself in 2011.
"I had not given up on finding my family," Mr Dhangade said.
He pressed on with his search using the only clue he had: a tattoo of his mother's name, Manda, on his right arm.
Another piece of the puzzle - forgotten after his car crash - came from records at his first orphanage, where he had given his home place as "Mama Bhanja", a forested area in a district neighbouring Mumbai.
Earlier this month, Mr Dhangade went back to the area with his police colleagues asking for Manda, and he was directed to the hut of an old lady who had been staying in the hills there for years.
Heart warming - ed
A WELL-PRESERVED skull from 1.8 million years ago offers new evidence that early man was a single species with a vast array of different looks.
With a tiny brain about a third the size of a modern human's, protruding brows and jutting jaws like an ape, the skull was found in the remains of a medieval hilltop city in Dmanisi, Georgia, said the study in the journal Science.
It is one of five early human skulls - four of which have jaws - found so far at the site, about 100 kilometres from the capital Tbilisi, along with stone tools that hint at butchery and the bones of big, saber-toothed cats.
Lead researcher David Lordkipanidze, director of the Georgian National Museum, described the group as "the richest and most complete collection of indisputable early Homo remains from any one site.''
The skulls vary so much in appearance that under other circumstances, they might have been considered different species, said co-author Christoph Zollikofer of the University of Zurich.
there is greater diversity within a race, than between races .. old news - ed===
YESTERDAY capped off a remarkable 16 days for the US government, after a last minute deal was passed to raise the debt ceiling and avoid an unprecedented default.
If you've just tuned in, here's a quick rundown.
Poor analysis .. Obama failed to negotiate. US peoples won't be impressed - ed===
Pastor Rick Warren
Staying quiet and trusting God to vindicate you when critics attack what God told you to do is a beautiful expression of faith.
I bought this pink pumpkin to celebrate Kay's 10 year anniversary of being cancer free!
#BreastCancerAwarenessMonth Follow this amazing woman on Twitter: @KayWarren1
Anytime you add a new task or event to your life ask "What'll I give up?" Elimination leads to #purposedriveneffectiveness
... Despite all their denials and protests the leftists and those affiliated with the socialist alliance support directly and indirectly this type of Wahabi scum.
Where is this " moderate Islam " we are told exists ?
Let's not fool ourselves any longer.
If this is what Muslims do to Muslims what then will they do to others who refuse to be part of their sick ideology.
Islam is a mental disease.
Those that claim only extremists are responsible need to be reminded that a Muslim will always be a Muslim based on the perverted ideas of a dead false prophet with an imaginary man made god backed up by a book of gibberish.
When is enough enough ?>
VIDEO & TRANSCRIPT Israeli Security Policy in an Uncertain Middle East 2013 Zeev Schiff Memorial Lecture Maj. Gen. (res.) Amos Gilad, IDF Also available in العربية October 11, 2013
Sarah Palin
See the link below for some inspiration and a reminder of how to push through pain and inconvenience and not complain or make excuses.
A group of vets with Operation Giveback took part in a charity relay-style race called Ragnar “to help raise awareness and resources for the families and children of fallen heroes. Every year they raise enough money to provide Christmas presents for Orphans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.” Many of the vets participating in the run were wounded warriors, and their dedication is especially inspiring.
It was great to see so many proud vets last Sunday in Washington, D.C. standing up for freedom. These guys know never to give up!
Hat tip to my cousin JD and his great band “Missing Stateside” for sharing this with me and generously supporting our vets and active duty military.
Here’s the article about the relay:
And here’s the Missing Stateside website:
- Sarah Palin
Dean Hamstead
Our school system has failed, if people believe that you need to borrow more money to pay interest on your debt.
People scream for access to 'free' education, then don't consider how little of what was learned is of any use.
Larry Pickering
The perfect cup of tea
I fully expect to live and enjoy life well beyond 100 and if I do it will be for three reasons.
Good reds, good roll-tobacco and good cups of tea. Now I can’t share my baccy or reds with you but I can share how I have always made my tea.
First, do not use a teapot, or those hideous teabag things. Use hot water from the tap to boil the jug.
While the jug boils heat your teacup under the hot water tap. You must use milk! Why milk?
Well here’s the secret... milk is alkaline and tea is acid. The object is to have the Ph level balanced to perfection. You will notice when you get it right.
So the amount of cow juice you put in the cup must equate to the required strength of your tea.
Now put the strainer (I use a large one) in the cup and the required amount of tea leaves with the sugar (if you take it) on top of the tea leaves. The sugar must be on top.
By now the jug has boiled.
Slowly pour the boiling water through the strainer filling the cup to the rim and leave it to steep for no more than ten seconds.
Remove the strainer and your tea is ready.
Don’t use just any tea, the finer the leaf the less you need to use. Nerada is good but there are others and leaf tea is as cheap as chips.
You haven’t lost any critical heat by pouring the boiling water into a pot or using a cold spoon to add the sugar... and you haven’t wasted anything.
You can make multiple cups by adding tea or leaving the strainer in the cup longer.
Only takes about 40 seconds... and if you’re a tea tragic try it, it’s worth it!
#Burma is among the top 10 countries with the highest number of people in #ModernDaySlavery with an estimated 384,000 enslaved people, according to the Global Slavery Index 2013. The top 10 countries account for 76% of the world's 30 million enslaved people. Read the report:
- 320 – Pappus of Alexandria, Greek philosopher, observes an eclipse of the Sun and writes a commentary on The Great Astronomer (Almagest).
- 614 – King Chlothar II promulgates the Edict of Paris (Edictum Chlotacharii), a sort of Frankish Magna Carta that defend the rights of the Frankish nobles while it excludes Jews from all civil employment in the Frankish Kingdom.
- 629 – Dagobert I is crowned King of the Franks.
- 1009 – The Church of the Holy Sepulchre, a Christian church in Jerusalem, is completely destroyed by the Fatimid caliph Al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah, who hacks the Church's foundations down to bedrock.
- 1016 – The Danes defeat the Saxons in the Battle of Assandun.
- 1081 – The Normans defeat the Byzantine Empire in the Battle of Dyrrhachium.
- 1356 – Basel earthquake, the most significant historic seismological event north of the Alps, destroys the town of Basel, Switzerland.
- 1386 – Opening of Heidelberg University.
- 1540 – Spanish conquistador Hernando de Soto's forces destroy the fortified town of Mabila in present-day Alabama, killing Tuskaloosa.
- 1565 – Ships belonging to the Matsura clan of Japan fail to capture the Portuguese trading carrack in the Battle of Fukuda Bay, the first recorded naval battle between Japan and the West.
- 1599 – Michael the Brave, Prince of Wallachia, defeats the Army of Andrew Báthory in the Battle of Șelimbăr, leading to the first recorded unification of the Romanian people.
- 1648 – Boston Shoemakers form first American labor organization.
- 1748 – Signing of the Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle ends the War of the Austrian Succession.
- 1775 – African-American poet Phillis Wheatley is freed from slavery.
- 1775 – American Revolutionary War: The Burning of Falmouth (now Portland, Maine).
- 1779 – American Revolutionary War: The Franco-American Siege of Savannah is lifted.
- 1797 – Treaty of Campo Formio is signed between France and Austria
- 1851 – Herman Melville's Moby-Dick is first published as The Whale by Richard Bentley of London.
- 1860 – The Second Opium War finally ends at the Convention of Peking with the ratification of the Treaty of Tientsin, an unequal treaty.
- 1867 – United States takes possession of Alaska after purchasing it from Russia for $7.2 million. Celebrated annually in the state as Alaska Day.
- 1898 – The United States takes possession of Puerto Rico from Spain.
- 1912 – First Balkan War: King Peter I of Serbia issues a declaration "To the Serbian People", as his country joins the war.
- 1914 – The Schoenstatt Movement is founded in Germany.
- 1921 – The Crimean Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic is formed as part of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic.
- 1922 – The British Broadcasting Company (later Corporation) is founded by a consortium, to establish a nationwide network of radio transmitters to provide a national broadcasting service.
- 1929 – The Judicial Committee of the Privy Council overrules the Supreme Court of Canada in Edwards v. Canada when it declares that women are considered "Persons" under Canadian law.
- 1944 – World War II: Soviet Union begins the liberation of Czechoslovakia from Nazi Germany.
- 1945 – The USSR's nuclear program receives plans for the United States plutonium bomb from Klaus Fuchs at the Los Alamos National Laboratory.
- 1945 – A group of the Venezuelan Armed Forces, led by Mario Vargas, Marcos Pérez Jiménez and Carlos Delgado Chalbaud, stages a coup d'état against president Isaías Medina Angarita, who is overthrown by the end of the day.
- 1945 – Argentine military officer and politician Juan Perón marries actress Eva "Evita" Duarte.
- 1954 – Texas Instruments announces the first transistor radio.
- 1967 – The Soviet probe Venera 4 reaches Venus and becomes the first spacecraft to measure the atmosphere of another planet.
- 1977 – German Autumn: a set of events revolving around the kidnapping of Hanns Martin Schleyer and the hijacking of a Lufthansa flight by the Red Army Faction (RAF) comes to an end when Schleyer is murdered and various RAF members allegedly commit suicide.
- 1979 – the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) begins allowing people to have home satellite earth stations without a federal government license.
- 1991 – The Supreme Council of Azerbaijan adopts a declaration of independence from the Soviet Union.
- 2003 – Bolivian gas conflict: Bolivian President Gonzalo Sánchez de Lozada, is forced to resign and leave Bolivia.
- 2004 – Myanmar prime minister Khin Nyunt is ousted and placed under house arrest by the State Peace and Development Council on charges of corruption.
- 2007 – Karachi bombing: A suicide attack on a motorcade carrying former Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto kills 139 and wounds 450 more. Bhutto herself is uninjured.
- 1127 – Emperor Go-Shirakawa of Japan (d. 1192)
- 1130 – Zhu Xi, Chinese philosopher (d. 1200)
- 1405 – Pope Pius II (d. 1464)
- 1517 – Manuel da Nóbrega, Portuguese-Brazilian priest and missionary (d. 1570)
- 1547 – Justus Lipsius, Belgian philologist and scholar (d. 1606)
- 1569 – Giambattista Marino, Italian poet (d. 1625)
- 1634 – Luca Giordano, Italian painter and illustrator (d. 1705)
- 1653 – Abraham van Riebeeck, South African-Dutch merchant and politician, Governor-General of the Dutch East Indies (d. 1713)
- 1662 – Matthew Henry, Welsh minister and scholar (d. 1714)
- 1663 – Prince Eugene of Savoy (d. 1736)
- 1668 – John George IV, Elector of Saxony (d. 1694)
- 1679 – Ann Putnam, Jr., American witness in the Salem witch trials (d. 1716)
- 1701 – Charles le Beau, French historian and author (d. 1778)
- 1706 – Baldassare Galuppi, Italian harpsichord player and composer (d. 1785)
- 1741 – Pierre Choderlos de Laclos, French general and author (d. 1803)
- 1777 – Heinrich von Kleist, German author and poet (d. 1811)
- 1785 – Thomas Love Peacock, English author and poet (d. 1866)
- 1792 – Lucas Alamán, conservative Mexican politician and historian (d. 1853)
- 1804 – Mongkut, Thai king (d. 1868)
- 1822 – Midhat Pasha, Ottoman civil servant and politician, 238th Grand Vizier of the Ottoman Empire (d. 1883)
- 1831 – Frederick III, German Emperor (d. 1888)
- 1836 – Frederick August Otto Schwarz, American businessman, founded FAO Schwarz (d. 1911)
- 1850 – Basil Hall Chamberlain, English-Swiss historian, author, and academic (d. 1935)
- 1854 – Billy Murdoch, Australian cricketer (d. 1911)
- 1859 – Henri Bergson, French philosopher and theologian, Nobel Prize laureate (d. 1941)
- 1862 – Mehmet Esat Bülkat, Ottoman general (d. 1952)
- 1865 – Arie de Jong, Dutch linguist and author (d. 1957)
- 1865 – Logan Pearsall Smith, American-English author and critic (d. 1946)
- 1868 – Ernst Didring, Swedish author (d. 1931)
- 1870 – D. T. Suzuki, Japanese author and scholar (d. 1966)
- 1872 – Mikhail Kuzmin, Russian poet and author (d. 1936)
- 1873 – Ivanoe Bonomi, Italian lawyer and politician, 25th Prime Minister of Italy (d. 1951)
- 1875 – Len Braund, English cricketer, coach, and umpire (d. 1955)
- 1878 – James Truslow Adams, American historian and author (d. 1949)
- 1880 – Ze'ev Jabotinsky, Ukrainian-Russian general, journalist, and theorist (d. 1940)
- 1882 – Lucien Petit-Breton, French cyclist (d. 1917)
- 1885 – Amleto Novelli, Italian actor (d. 1924)
- 1887 – Takashi Sakai, Japanese general and politician, Governor of Hong Kong (d. 1946)
- 1888 – Paul Vermoyal, French actor (d. 1925)
- 1893 – Sidney Holland, New Zealand lieutenant and politician, 25th Prime Minister of New Zealand (d. 1961)
- 1893 – George Ohsawa, Japanese philosopher and academic (d. 1966)
- 1894 – H. L. Davis, American author and poet (d. 1960)
- 1894 – Tibor Déry, Hungarian author and translator (d. 1977)
- 1897 – Isabel Briggs Myers, American theorist and author (d. 1980)
- 1898 – Lotte Lenya, Austrian-American singer and actress (d. 1981)
- 1902 – Miriam Hopkins, American actress (d. 1972)
- 1902 – Pascual Jordan, German physicist and theorist (d. 1980)
- 1903 – Lina Radke, German runner and coach (d. 1983)
- 1904 – A. J. Liebling, American journalist and author (d. 1963)
- 1904 – Haim Shirman, Ukrainian-Israeli scholar and academic (d. 1981)
- 1905 – Jan Gies, Dutch activist (d. 1993)
- 1905 – Félix Houphouët-Boigny, Ivorian union leader and politician, 1st President of Côte d'Ivoire (d. 1993)
- 1906 – James Brooks, American painter and educator (d. 1992)
- 1909 – Norberto Bobbio, Italian philosopher and theorist (d. 2004)
- 1914 – Raymond Lambert, Swiss mountaineer (d. 1997)
- 1915 – Victor Sen Yung, American actor (d. 1980)
- 1918 – Molly Geertsema, Dutch lawyer and politician, Deputy Prime Minister of the Netherlands (d. 1991)
- 1918 – Konstantinos Mitsotakis, Greek lawyer and politician, 178th Prime Minister of Greece
- 1918 – Bobby Troup, American singer-songwriter, pianist, and actor (d. 1999)
- 1919 – Ric Nordman, Canadian captain and politician (d. 1996)
- 1919 – Anita O'Day, American singer (d. 2006)
- 1919 – Pierre Trudeau, Canadian lawyer, academic, and politician, 15th Prime Minister of Canada (d. 2000)
- 1919 – Camilla Williams, American soprano and educator (d. 2012)
- 1920 – Melina Mercouri, Greek actress, singer, and politician, 9th Greek Minister of Culture (d. 1994)
- 1921 – Jerry Cooke, Ukrainian-American photographer and journalist (d. 2005)
- 1921 – Jesse Helms, American soldier, journalist, and politician (d. 2008)
- 1921 – Beatrice Helen Worsley, Mexican-Canadian computer scientist and academic (d. 1972)
- 1923 – Jessie Mae Hemphill, American singer-songwriter and guitarist (d. 2008)
- 1924 – Buddy MacMaster, Canadian singer-songwriter and fiddler (d. 2014)
- 1925 – Ramiz Alia, Albanian politician, 1st President of Albania (d. 2011)
- 1926 – Chuck Berry, American singer-songwriter and guitarist
- 1926 – Klaus Kinski, German-American actor, director, and screenwriter (d. 1991)
- 1927 – Marv Rotblatt, American baseball player (d. 2013)
- 1927 – George C. Scott, American actor and director (d. 1999)
- 1928 – Keith Jackson, American sportscaster and actor
- 1928 – Maurice El Mediouni, Algerian pianist and composer
- 1928 – Dick Taverne, English lawyer and politician
- 1929 – Violeta Chamorro, Nicaraguan publisher and politician, President of Nicaragua
- 1929 – Hillard Elkins, American producer and manager (d. 2010)
- 1929 – Kees Fens, Dutch author and critic (d. 2008)
- 1930 – Flora Fraser, 21st Lady Saltoun, Scottish politician
- 1930 – Esther Hautzig, Lithuanian-American author (d. 2009)
- 1931 – Chris Albertson, Icelandic-American historian, journalist, and producer
- 1931 – Roger Climpson, English-Australian journalist
- 1931 – Ien Dales, Dutch civil servant and politician, Dutch Minister of the Interior (d. 1994)
- 1932 – Vytautas Landsbergis, Lithuanian musicologist and politician
- 1933 – Forrest Gregg, American football player and coach
- 1933 – Irwin M. Jacobs, American electrical engineer, businessman, and entrepreneur
- 1933 – Ludovico Scarfiotti, Italian race car driver (d. 1968)
- 1934 – Inger Stevens, Swedish-American actress (d. 1970)
- 1934 – Chuck Swindoll, American pastor, author, and educator
- 1935 – Peter Boyle, American actor (d. 2006)
- 1936 – Jaime Lucas Ortega y Alamino, Cuban cardinal
- 1938 – Ronnie Bright, American R&B and doo-wop singer (d. 2015)
- 1938 – Robert Dove, American lawyer and politician
- 1938 – Dawn Wells, American model and actress, Miss Nevada 1959
- 1939 – Flavio Cotti, Swiss lawyer and politician, 82nd President of the Swiss Confederation
- 1939 – Mike Ditka, American football player, coach, and sportscaster
- 1939 – Ted Boy Marino, Italian-Brazilian wrestler and actor (d. 2012)
- 1939 – Lee Harvey Oswald, American assassin of John F. Kennedy (d. 1963)
- 1939 – Jan Erik Vold, Norwegian poet, author, and translator
- 1940 – Cynthia Weil, American songwriter
- 1941 – Timothy Bell, Baron Bell, English businessman
- 1941 – Martha Burk, American psychologist and author
- 1942 – Gianfranco Ravasi, Italian cardinal and scholar
- 1943 – Christine Charbonneau, Canadian singer-songwriter (d. 2014)
- 1943 – Birthe Rønn Hornbech, Danish police officer and politician, Danish Minister for Ecclesiastical Affairs
- 1945 – Huell Howser, American television host and actor (d. 2013)
- 1945 – Chris Shays, American politician
- 1946 – James Robert Baker, American author and screenwriter (d. 1997)
- 1946 – Frank Beamer, American football player and coach
- 1946 – Dafydd Elis-Thomas, Welsh academic and politician
- 1946 – Howard Shore, Canadian composer, conductor, and producer
- 1947 – Paul Chuckle, English comedian, actor, and screenwriter
- 1947 – Job Cohen, Dutch scholar and politician, Mayor of Amsterdam
- 1947 – Joe Morton, American actor
- 1947 – Laura Nyro, American singer-songwriter and pianist (d. 1997)
- 1947 – Gary Sullivan, Australian rugby league player
- 1948 – Hans Köchler, Austrian philosopher, author, and academic
- 1948 – Ntozake Shange, American author, poet, and playwright
- 1949 – Joe Egan, Scottish singer-songwriter
- 1949 – George Hendrick, American baseball player and coach
- 1949 – Gary Richrath, American guitarist, songwriter, and producer (d. 2015)
- 1950 – Om Puri, Indian actor and singer
- 1950 – Wendy Wasserstein, American playwright and author (d. 2006)
- 1950 – Sheila White, English actress and singer
- 1951 – Mike Antonovich, American ice hockey player and coach
- 1951 – Pam Dawber, American actress and producer
- 1951 – Terry McMillan, American author and screenwriter
- 1951 – David Normington, English civil servant and politician
- 1951 – Nic Potter, English bass player and songwriter (d. 2013)
- 1952 – Roy Dias, Sri Lankan cricketer and coach
- 1952 – Paul Geroski, American-English economist and academic (d. 2005)
- 1952 – Chuck Lorre, American director, producer, and screenwriter
- 1952 – Patrick Morrow, Canadian mountaineer and photographer
- 1952 – Bảo Ninh, Vietnamese soldier and author
- 1952 – Allen Ripley, American baseball player (d. 2014)
- 1952 – Jerry Royster, American baseball player, coach, and manager
- 1954 – Nick Houghton, English general
- 1954 – Arliss Howard, American actor, director, producer, and screenwriter
- 1955 – Jean-Pierre Hautier, Belgian journalist and television host (d. 2012)
- 1955 – Vanessa Briscoe Hay, American singer-songwriter and keyboard player
- 1955 – Timmy Mallett, English radio and television host
- 1955 – Stu Mead, American painter and illustrator
- 1955 – David Twohy, American director, producer, and screenwriter
- 1955 – Rita Verdonk, Dutch journalist and politician, Dutch Minister of Justice
- 1955 – Denis Watson, Zimbabwean golfer
- 1955 – Mark Welland, English physicist and academic
- 1956 – Craig Bartlett, American animator, producer, screenwriter, and voice actor
- 1956 – Martina Navratilova, Czech-American tennis player and coach
- 1956 – Jim Talent, American lawyer and politician
- 1957 – Jon Lindstrom, American actor, director, producer, and screenwriter
- 1957 – Catherine Ringer, French singer-songwriter, dancer, and actress
- 1958 – Thomas Hearns, American boxer
- 1958 – Megumi Ishii, Japanese actress and politician
- 1958 – Kjell Samuelsson, Swedish ice hockey player and coach
- 1959 – Kirby Chambliss, American pilot
- 1959 – Tatyana Kolpakova, Kyrgyzstani long jumper and coach
- 1959 – Milcho Manchevski, Macedonian-American director and screenwriter
- 1959 – John Nord, American wrestler
- 1960 – Jean-Claude Van Damme, Belgian martial artist, actor, and producer, and screenwriter
- 1960 – Erin Moran, American actress
- 1961 – Wynton Marsalis, American trumpet player, composer, and educator
- 1961 – Rick Moody, American author and composer
- 1961 – Gladstone Small, Barbadian-English cricketer
- 1962 – Min Ko Naing, Burmese activist
- 1962 – Vincent Spano, American actor, director, and producer
- 1964 – Dan Lilker, American singer-songwriter and bass player
- 1964 – Charles Stross, English journalist, author, and programmer
- 1965 – Curtis Stigers, American singer-songwriter and guitarist
- 1966 – Dave Price, American journalist and game show host
- 1966 – Angela Visser, Dutch model and actress, Miss Universe 1989
- 1967 – Eric Stuart, American singer-songwriter, guitarist, and voice actor
- 1968 – Lisa Chappell, New Zealand actress and singer
- 1968 – Narendra Hirwani, Indian cricketer
- 1968 – Stuart Law, Australian cricketer and coach
- 1968 – Michael Stich, German tennis player and sportscaster
- 1969 – Volker Neumüller, German talent manager
- 1969 – Nelson Vivas, Argentinian footballer, coach, and manager
- 1970 – Doug Mirabelli, American baseball player and coach
- 1970 – Mike Starink, Dutch television host and actor
- 1971 – Nick O'Hern, Australian golfer
- 1971 – Koshalendraprasad Pande, Indian guru
- 1972 – Mika Ninagawa, Japanese photographer and director
- 1972 – Alex Tagliani, Canadian race car driver
- 1973 – Stephen Allan, Australian golfer
- 1973 – James Foley, American photographer and journalist (d. 2014)
- 1973 – Michalis Kapsis, Greek footballer
- 1973 – Rachel Nichols, American journalist and sportscaster
- 1973 – Sarah Winckless, English rower
- 1974 – Robbie Savage, Welsh footballer and sportscaster
- 1974 – Peter Svensson, Swedish guitarist and songwriter
- 1975 – Alex Cora, Puerto Rican-American baseball player and sportscaster
- 1977 – Flavia Colgan, Brazilian-American journalist
- 1977 – Kunal Kapoor, Indian actor
- 1977 – Ryan Nelsen, New Zealand-American soccer player and coach
- 1977 – David Vuillemin, French motorcycle racer
- 1978 – Mike Tindall, English rugby player
- 1978 – Kenji Wu, Taiwanese singer-songwriter and actor
- 1979 – Jaroslav Drobný, Czech footballer
- 1979 – Hikaru Kawamura, Japanese model
- 1979 – Ne-Yo, American singer-songwriter, record producer, dancer, and actor
- 1979 – 'Ana Po'uhila, Tongan shot putter, hammer, and discus thrower
- 1980 – Josh Gracin, American soldier and singer
- 1980 – Rebecca Watson, American blogger
- 1980 – Birsen Yavuz, Turkish sprinter and hurdler
- 1981 – Nathan Hauritz, Australian cricketer
- 1981 – Tina Hergold, Slovenian tennis player
- 1981 – Greg Warren, American football player
- 1982 – Thierry Amiel, French singer-songwriter
- 1982 – Michael Dingsdag, Dutch footballer
- 1982 – Mark Sampson, Welsh footballer and manager
- 1982 – Simon Gotch, American wrestler
- 1983 – Dante, Brazilian footballer
- 1984 – Robert Harting, German discus thrower
- 1984 – Freida Pinto, Indian actress and model
- 1984 – Esperanza Spalding, American singer-songwriter and bassist
- 1984 – Lindsey Vonn, American skier
- 1985 – Yoenis Céspedes, Cuban baseball player
- 1985 – Andrew Garcia, American singer-songwriter and guitarist
- 1985 – Iori Nomizu, Japanese voice actress and singer
- 1986 – Wilma Elles, German actress and fashion designer
- 1987 – Zac Efron, American actor and singer
- 1989 – Riisa Naka, Japanese model and actress
- 1990 – Carly Schroeder, American actress
- 1991 – Roly Bonevacia, Dutch footballer
- 325 – Emperor Ming of Jin (b. 299)
- 707 – Pope John VII (b. 650)
- 1035 – Sancho III of Pamplona (b. 992)
- 1101 – Hugh I, Count of Vermandois (b. 1053)
- 1141 – Leopold, Duke of Bavaria (b. 1108)
- 1382 – James Butler, 2nd Earl of Ormond, Irish politician, Lord Justice of Ireland (b. 1331)
- 1417 – Pope Gregory XII (b. 1326)
- 1480 – Uhwudong, Korean dancer and poet (b. 1440)
- 1503 – Pope Pius III (b. 1439)
- 1541 – Margaret Tudor, English wife of James IV of Scotland (b. 1489)
- 1545 – John Taverner, English organist and composer (b. 1490)
- 1558 – Mary of Hungary (b. 1505)
- 1561 – Yamamoto Kansuke, Japanese samurai (b. 1501)
- 1564 – Johannes Acronius Frisius, Dutch physician and mathematician (b. 1520)
- 1570 – Manuel da Nóbrega, Portuguese-Brazilian priest and missionary (b. 1517)
- 1604 – Igram van Achelen, Dutch lawyer and politician (b. 1528)
- 1646 – Isaac Jogues, French priest, missionary, and martyr (b. 1607)
- 1667 – Fasilides, Ethiopian emperor (b. 1603)
- 1678 – Jacob Jordaens, Belgian painter illustrator (b. 1593)
- 1739 – António José da Silva, Brazilian-Portuguese playwright (b. 1705)
- 1744 – Sarah Churchill, Duchess of Marlborough (b. 1660)
- 1770 – John Manners, Marquess of Granby, English general and politician, Lord Lieutenant of Derbyshire (b. 1721)
- 1775 – Christian August Crusius, German philosopher and theologian (b. 1715)
- 1817 – Etienne Nicolas Méhul, French pianist and composer (b. 1763)
- 1865 – Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount Palmerston, English soldier and politician, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (b. 1784)
- 1871 – Charles Babbage, English mathematician and engineer, invented the mechanical computer (b. 1791)
- 1886 – Philipp Franz von Siebold, German physician and botanist (b. 1796)
- 1889 – Antonio Meucci, Italian-American engineer (b. 1808)
- 1892 – William W. Chapman, American lawyer and politician (b. 1808)
- 1893 – Charles Gounod, French composer and educator (b. 1818)
- 1908 – Nozu Michitsura, Japanese field marshal (b. 1840)
- 1911 – Alfred Binet, French psychologist and author (b. 1857)
- 1921 – Ludwig III of Bavaria (b. 1845)
- 1931 – Thomas Edison, American engineer and businessman, invented the light bulb and phonograph (b. 1847)
- 1934 – Santiago Ramón y Cajal, Spanish pathologist, histologist, and neuroscientist, Nobel Prize laureate (b. 1852)
- 1935 – Gaston Lachaise, French-American sculptor (b. 1882)
- 1941 – Manuel Teixeira Gomes, Portuguese lawyer and politician, 7th President of Portugal (b. 1860)
- 1942 – Mikhail Nesterov, Russian painter (b. 1862)
- 1947 – Michiaki Kamada, Japanese admiral (b. 1890)
- 1948 – Walther von Brauchitsch, German field marshal (b. 1881)
- 1956 – Yoshio Markino, Japanese painter and author (b. 1869)
- 1959 – Boughera El Ouafi, Algerian-French runner (b. 1898)
- 1961 – Tsuru Aoki, Japanese-American actress (b. 1892)
- 1962 – Iván Petrovich, Serbian-German actor and singer (b. 1894)
- 1965 – Dezső Kertész, Hungarian actor and film director (b. 1892)
- 1965 – Lauri Törni, Finnish-American captain (b. 1919)
- 1965 – Henry Travers, Irish-American actor (b. 1874)
- 1966 – Elizabeth Arden, Canadian-American businesswoman, founded Elizabeth Arden, Inc. (b. 1878)
- 1966 – S. S. Kresge, American businessman, founded Kmart (b. 1867)
- 1973 – Margaret Caroline Anderson, American publisher, founded The Little Review (b. 1886)
- 1973 – Walt Kelly, American illustrator and animator (b. 1913)
- 1973 – Leo Strauss, German-American political scientist, philosopher, and academic (b. 1899)
- 1976 – Viswanatha Satyanarayana, Indian poet and author (b. 1895)
- 1977 – Andreas Baader, German militant (b. 1943)
- 1977 – Gudrun Ensslin, German militant leader, founded the Red Army Faction (b. 1940)
- 1977 – Jean-François Martial, Belgian actor (b. 1891)
- 1977 – Jan-Carl Raspe, Austrian-German militant (b. 1944)
- 1978 – Ramón Mercader, Spanish journalist, assassin of Leon Trotsky (b. 1914)
- 1980 – Edwin Way Teale, American photographer and author (b. 1899)
- 1982 – Dwain Esper, American director and producer (b. 1892)
- 1982 – Pierre Mendès France, French lawyer and politician, 143rd Prime Minister of France (b. 1907)
- 1982 – John Robarts, Canadian lawyer and politician, 17th Premier of Ontario (b. 1917)
- 1982 – Bess Truman, American wife of Harry S. Truman, 40th First Lady of the United States (b. 1885)
- 1983 – Diego Abad de Santillán, Spanish economist and author (b. 1897)
- 1983 – Willie Jones, American baseball player (b. 1925)
- 1984 – Jon-Erik Hexum, American model and actor (b. 1957)
- 1984 – Henri Michaux, French painter and poet (b. 1899)
- 1987 – Adriaan Ditvoorst, Dutch director and screenwriter (b. 1940)
- 1988 – Frederick Ashton, Ecuadorian dancer and choreographer (b. 1904)
- 1999 – Paddi Edwards, English-American actress (b. 1931)
- 2000 – Julie London, American singer and actress (b. 1926)
- 2000 – Gwen Verdon, American actress and dancer (b. 1925)
- 2003 – Preston Smith, American businessman and politician, 40th Governor of Texas (b. 1912)
- 2003 – Manuel Vázquez Montalbán, Spanish journalist, author, and critic (b. 1939)
- 2005 – Johnny Haynes, English-Scottish footballer (b. 1934)
- 2005 – Bill King, American sportscaster (b. 1927)
- 2006 – Mario Francesco Pompedda, Italian cardinal (b. 1929)
- 2006 – Anna Russell, English-Canadian singer and actress (b. 1911)
- 2006 – Laurie Taitt, Guyanese-English hurdler (b. 1934)
- 2007 – Alan Coren, English journalist and author (b. 1938)
- 2007 – William J. Crowe, American admiral and diplomat, United States Ambassador to the United Kingdom (b. 1925)
- 2007 – Vincent DeDomenico, American businessman, founded the Napa Valley Wine Train (b. 1915)
- 2007 – Lucky Dube, South African singer-songwriter and keyboard player (b. 1964)
- 2008 – Dee Dee Warwick, American singer (b. 1945)
- 2009 – Adriaan Kortlandt, Dutch ethologist and biologist (b. 1918)
- 2009 – Nancy Spero, American painter and academic (b. 1926)
- 2010 – Marion Brown, American saxophonist and musicologist (b. 1931)
- 2012 – Brain Damage, American wrestler (b. 1977)
- 2012 – Sylvia Kristel, Dutch model and actress (b. 1952)
- 2012 – Slater Martin, American basketball player and coach (b. 1925)
- 2012 – George Mattos, American pole vaulter (b. 1929)
- 2012 – Albert Lee Ueltschi, American pilot and businessman, founded FlightSafety International (b. 1917)
- 2012 – David S. Ware, American saxophonist and composer (b. 1949)
- 2013 – Felix Dexter, Caribbean-English comedian and actor (b. 1961)
- 2013 – Tom Foley, American lawyer and politician, 57th Speaker of the United States House of Representatives (b. 1929)
- 2013 – Bum Phillips, American football player and coach (b. 1923)
- 2013 – Allan Stanley, Canadian ice hockey player and coach (b. 1926)
- 2013 – Bill Young, American sergeant and politician (b. 1930)
- 2014 – Paul Craft, American singer-songwriter (b. 1938)
- 2014 – Mariano Lebrón Saviñón, Dominican author and academic (b. 1922)
- 2014 – Edward Regan, American academic and politician (b. 1930)
- 2014 – Sidney Shapiro, American-Chinese author and translator (b. 1915)
- 2015 – Robert Dickerson, Australian painter (b. 1924)
- 2015 – Gamal El-Ghitani, Egyptian journalist and author (b. 1945)
- 2015 – Robert W. Farquhar, American engineer (b. 1932)
- 2015 – Frank Watkins, American bass player (b. 1968)
- 2015 – Paul West, English-American author, poet, and academic (b. 1930)
- Alaska Day (Alaska)
- Christian feast day:
- Justus of Beauvais
- Luke the Evangelist
- Peter of Alcantara, can also be celebrated on October 19.
- October 18 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics)
- Independence Day (Azerbaijan), celebrates the independence of (Azerbaijan) from Soviet Union in 1991.
- Necktie Day (Croatia, and others)
- Persons Day (Canada)
Holidays and observances[edit]
“The LORD confides in those who fear him; he makes his covenant known to them. My eyes are ever on the LORD, for only he will release my feet from the snare.” Psalm 25:14-15 NIV
Morning and Evening by Charles Spurgeon
The thought of David's heart at this time was a false thought, because he certainly had no ground for thinking that God's anointing him by Samuel was intended to be left as an empty unmeaning act. On no one occasion had the Lord deserted his servant; he had been placed in perilous positions very often, but not one instance had occurred in which divine interposition had not delivered him. The trials to which he had been exposed had been varied; they had not assumed one form only, but many--yet in every case he who sent the trial had also graciously ordained a way of escape. David could not put his finger upon any entry in his diary, and say of it, "Here is evidence that the Lord will forsake me," for the entire tenor of his past life proved the very reverse. He should have argued from what God had done for him, that God would be his defender still. But is it not just in the same way that we doubt God's help? Is it not mistrust without a cause? Have we ever had the shadow of a reason to doubt our Father's goodness? Have not his lovingkindnesses been marvellous? Has he once failed to justify our trust? Ah, no! our God has not left us at any time. We have had dark nights, but the star of love has shone forth amid the blackness; we have been in stern conflicts, but over our head he has held aloft the shield of our defence. We have gone through many trials, but never to our detriment, always to our advantage; and the conclusion from our past experience is, that he who has been with us in six troubles, will not forsake us in the seventh. What we have known of our faithful God, proves that he will keep us to the end. Let us not, then, reason contrary to evidence. How can we ever be so ungenerous as to doubt our God? Lord, throw down the Jezebel of our unbelief, and let the dogs devour it.
Our good Shepherd has in his flock a variety of experiences, some are strong in the Lord, and others are weak in faith, but he is impartial in his care for all his sheep, and the weakest lamb is as dear to him as the most advanced of the flock. Lambs are wont to lag behind, prone to wander, and apt to grow weary, but from all the danger of these infirmities the Shepherd protects them with his arm of power. He finds new-born souls, like young lambs, ready to perish--he nourishes them till life becomes vigorous; he finds weak minds ready to faint and die--he consoles them and renews their strength. All the little ones he gathers, for it is not the will of our heavenly Father that one of them should perish. What a quick eye he must have to see them all! What a tender heart to care for them all! What a far- reaching and potent arm, to gather them all! In his lifetime on earth he was a great gatherer of the weaker sort, and now that he dwells in heaven, his loving heart yearns towards the meek and contrite, the timid and feeble, the fearful and fainting here below. How gently did he gather me to himself, to his truth, to his blood, to his love, to his church! With what effectual grace did he compel me to come to himself! Since my first conversion, how frequently has he restored me from my wanderings, and once again folded me within the circle of his everlasting arm! The best of all is, that he does it all himself personally, not delegating the task of love, but condescending himself to rescue and preserve his most unworthy servant. How shall I love him enough or serve him worthily? I would fain make his name great unto the ends of the earth, but what can my feebleness do for him? Great Shepherd, add to thy mercies this one other, a heart to love thee more truly as I ought.
Today's reading: Isaiah 50-52, 1 Thessalonians 5 (NIV)
View today's reading on Bible GatewayToday's Old Testament reading: Isaiah 50-52
Israel’s Sin and the Servant’s Obedience
1 This is what the LORD says:
“Where is your mother’s certificate of divorce
with which I sent her away?
Or to which of my creditors
did I sell you?
Because of your sins you were sold;
because of your transgressions your mother was sent away.
2 When I came, why was there no one?
When I called, why was there no one to answer?
Was my arm too short to deliver you?
Do I lack the strength to rescue you?
By a mere rebuke I dry up the sea,
I turn rivers into a desert;
their fish rot for lack of water
and die of thirst.
3 I clothe the heavens with darkness
and make sackcloth its covering.”
4 The Sovereign LORD has given me a well-instructed tongue,with which I sent her away?
Or to which of my creditors
did I sell you?
Because of your sins you were sold;
because of your transgressions your mother was sent away.
2 When I came, why was there no one?
When I called, why was there no one to answer?
Was my arm too short to deliver you?
Do I lack the strength to rescue you?
By a mere rebuke I dry up the sea,
I turn rivers into a desert;
their fish rot for lack of water
and die of thirst.
3 I clothe the heavens with darkness
and make sackcloth its covering.”
to know the word that sustains the weary.
He wakens me morning by morning,
wakens my ear to listen like one being instructed.
5 The Sovereign LORD has opened my ears;
I have not been rebellious,
I have not turned away.
6 I offered my back to those who beat me,
my cheeks to those who pulled out my beard;
I did not hide my face
from mocking and spitting.
7 Because the Sovereign LORD helps me,
I will not be disgraced.
Therefore have I set my face like flint,
and I know I will not be put to shame....
Today's New Testament reading: 1 Thessalonians 5
The Day of the Lord
1 Now, brothers and sisters, about times and dates we do not need to write to you, 2 for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. 3 While people are saying, “Peace and safety,” destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.
4 But you, brothers and sisters, are not in darkness so that this day should surprise you like a thief. 5 You are all children of the light and children of the day. We do not belong to the night or to the darkness. 6 So then, let us not be like others, who are asleep, but let us be awake and sober. 7 For those who sleep, sleep at night, and those who get drunk, get drunk at night. 8 But since we belong to the day, let us be sober, putting on faith and love as a breastplate, and the hope of salvation as a helmet. 9 For God did not appoint us to suffer wrath but to receive salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ. 10 He died for us so that, whether we are awake or asleep, we may live together with him. 11 Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing....
The Woman Who Shared Her Last Morsel
What deeper interest we would have in some of the conspicuous characters of the Bible if only we knew their names and their significance! The renowned widow of Zarephath, or Sarepta, so sympathetic, kind and self-sacrificial, must have had a lovely name. Yet both her own name and that of her boy are not given. The prophet Elijah who lived with them for so long must have come to know them well, but he has left us with no clue as to their identity. Even the Lord, who has our names engraven upon the palms of His hands, does not lift the curtain of anonymity, but simply refers to this commendable female, as "a woman that was a widow." Evidently, attention is focused on what she did, rather than on who she was.
Her Position
She lived in Sarepta which belonged to Zidon - a fact marking the striking providence of God. When the land of Israel was apostate and unsafe, Elijah found a welcome refuge in a heathen country, which was, moreover, the native place of his deadliest enemy, Jezebel, daughter of King Eth-Baal of the Zidonians. Although brought up among worshipers of strange gods, it would seem as if she had come to know about the faith of the Hebrews before Elijah the prophet came her way. She came to accept it more fully as the result of what she saw and heard due to Elijah's sojourn in her poor home.
Of an alien race, she was likewise a widow with a child to keep. Half-way between Tyre and Sidon, she had the humble home her husband had left her, and from a few olive trees and a small barley field she was able to eke out a frugal living for herself and her growing boy. When seasons were favorable what she was able to gather sufficed for her modest needs, but when a terrible drought killed the growing harvest then her poverty was most acute. What struggles some women had after they become widows. Straitened circumstances and oppressive cares made life difficult. With the able breadwinner taken, widows frequently had more cares than they could cope with. Yet godly widows have the promise of divine provision and protection, as this widow of Sarepta came to experience. When famine struck she did not know where the next meal could come from to keep the two of them alive.
Her Provider
Little did the distressed widow realize that deliverance was at hand - that never again would she and her son suffer the pangs of hunger - that the rough-looking stranger who appeared at her door one day was to be her provider for many a day. Elijah was a hunted man on the run, for the godless Queen Jezebel had set a price upon his head, and the sleuths of the wicked queen hunted in vain for the prophet who had pronounced the doom of Jezebel and her equally godless husband, Ahab. They never thought of looking for Elijah in the poor home of a starving widow. Yet she was the one whom God had singled out to shelter the prophet for some two years. She fed him, as a heaven-protected guest, with fearless faith. When Elijah met the widow she was gathering sticks to make a final scanty meal out of the last cakes and oil she had. What pathos was in the woman's reply to Elijah's request for a drink of water and a morsel of bread. She said -
As the Lord thy God liveth, I have not a cake but an handful of meal in a barrel, and a little oil in a cruse: and, behold, I am gathering two sticks, that I may go in and dress it for me and my son, that we may eat it, and die.
Famine in the land had emaciated the widow and her boy, now they have come to their last meal. Once this was eaten there would be nothing to do but throw their haggard, fleshless bodies on the bed and await their release from suffering - the terrible death of starvation. But she was to be the widow whom God would command to sustain Elijah. His commands were to be His enablings, as she was to daily prove. Hereafter she and her son were to live from hand to mouth, but it would be from God's ever open hand to their mouths - and the prophet's as well!
Although she came to speak of Elijah as the "man of God," and saw in him the prophet as he performed the miracle of multiplication, there is no evidence that she recognized in him, as he came to her as a stranger in a crucial moment asking for water, that he was indeed God's honored servant. While God had marked her out as the widow to sustain Elijah, she had not received any advance word that the beggar coming to her would be the prophet. She did not know beforehand of God's purpose for she was preparing to die. Further, lacking any intuition that the one asking for water would miraculously preserve her and her son from death by starvation, as soon as Elijah told her to go on with the preparation of what the widow felt would be her last meal, and share her penury with the prophet, she mechanically obeyed, believing what he had said about her meal never wasting and the cruse of oil not failing until the famine was past. "She went and did according to the saying of Elijah."
This woman of true hospitality who, in her willingness to share her only mouthful of food with a stranger whose face indicated a weariness born of fatigue and thirst, and exhaustion due to long travel, knew not that she was to entertain an angel unawares. She yet took the stranger in, and proved herself to be a noble type of Christian hospitality in that it was exercised out of the depth of her poverty. She might have protested when the beggar asked for food by saying, "Have a heart, sir! Do not mock me, a destitute widow who, with a dying son, has only one scanty meal left." Had this nameless woman met the request of Elijah with bitter scorn, asking him what he expected to find in a famine-stricken house, and also what kind of a man was he to take the last morsel of food out of her mouth, we would have understood her refusal. But no, she did none of these things. It may be that her kind heart said, "I'll share these last cakes with him, for death will soon end our hunger." Although she felt sharing the final meal would hurt both herself and her boy, she ventured out to give the hungry man who had come her way a portion of it, not realizing that her venture was to be one of faith, and would become the evidence of things not seen.
The widow of Sarepta, then, went ahead with her baking and used up her last handful of meal. She served the stranger firstfor this was what he had said, "Make me a little cake first, and bring it unto me, and after make for thee and for thy son." The astonished woman had little to say for the bold prediction and the manner of its announcement gave the man's message a commanding solemnity and convinced her that this man was no ordinary beggar. Hastening to do what her innate love of hospitality prompted her to do, she came to prove that "little is much if God is in it." Can you not imagine her after that first meal together - which she thought would be the last - was over, how anxiously she would steal away to the empty meal tub and examine her oil cruse to see if the prediction of the stranger had been fulfilled. How hope must have leaped in her heart as she fingered fresh meal and saw the empty cruse refilled. Truly the guest with whom she was willing to share, was a prophet! The widow was to experience a continuing miracle for until the rains came and famine was past -
The barrel of meal wasted not, neither did the cruse of oil fail, according to the word of the Lord, which he spake by Elijah.
Daily, the widow of Sarepta proved that sharing what she had with another needy one did not impoverish her life, but greatly enriched it, just as the heavenly Stranger does when we open the door for Him to come in and sup with us. Yes, God multiplied her handful of meal and cruse of oil as Jesus multiplied the five loaves and the two fishes to feed the hungry crowd following Him. How expressive are the stanzas an American poet has given us -
Is thy cruse of comfort failing?
Rise and share it with another:
And through all the years of famine
It shall serve thee and thy brother.
Love divine will fill the storehouse,
And thy handful still renew;
Scanty fare for one will often
Make a royal feast for two.
For the heart grows rich in giving;
All its wealth is golden grain:
Seeds, which mildew in the garner,
Scattered, fill with gold the plain.
Is thy burden hard and heavy?
Do thy steps drag wearily?
Help to bear thy brother's burden -
God will bear both it and thee.
Her Perplexity
What a difference the God-sent prophet had made to the home of the widow! All trial was past and daily their need was met by Him who opens His hand and supplies what His own require. Before this the widow had come to know that her guest was a prophet and what blessed truths she must have received from his lips. As the weeks and months rolled by Elijah became part of the home, and without exposing himself unnecessarily must have helped in gathering sticks and helping in other ways when manual labor was required. Then there was the widow's young son, who, like the rest of his kind, must have been inquisitive and full of questions as to the lodger's name and experiences. The rugged personality of Elijah must have had an impact on the mind of that boy, whose coming had saved him from death by starvation.
As time rolled by the widow must have grown to feel as calmly secure as Elijah himself who knew that whomever the Lord hides is safe. But one day the peace and contentment of the home miraculously sustained were disturbed for the widow's son was suddenly seized with illness and finally died. Once again the widow knew despair. Before Elijah came to the home, she feared the death of her boy because of the famine. Now he is actually dead and her mother-heart is perplexed and torn with unspeakable anguish. Why was her child rescued from death the first time, if only to die now? In her grief her conscience seems to trouble her. She feels that the boy's death was a form of divine judgment because of sin and she said to Elijah -
What have I to do with thee, O thou man of God? art thou come unto me to call my sin to remembrance, and to slay my son?
The presence of the prophet in her home must have impressed her with the reality of God, resulting in a deeper sense of sin within herself, and thus she connected Elijah, whom she had come to regard, with this terrible calamity. She felt that this man of God had looked into her heart and had detected that it was sinful, and that divine vengeance had fallen upon her. But Elijah knew the bereaved mother was beside herself, and had committed no evil meriting the death of her son. This anguish was to be another trial of her faith.
Her Praise
Somewhat bitter, the Sarepta widow was not permitted to reproach Elijah who did not rebuke her nor answer her question, but simply said, "Give me thy son." The dead form she was clasping was placed in the prophet's arms, who took the lifeless body up to his chamber and asked God why He had allowed such a grief to overtake the widow who had been so kind to him. Three times he stretched himself upon the child and prayed most earnestly that the child might live again. For the mother downstairs it must have been an agonizing wait, but she was to be the witness to another miracle. The Lord heard Elijah's prayer, the child's soul came into him again, and, hastening down the stairs, the prophet handed over the precious burden saying, "See, thy son liveth." The faith of the mother returned with a fervent vigor, and her sorrow turned to song as she praised God and exclaimed -
Now by this I know that thou art a man of God, and that the word of the Lord in thy mouth is truth.
In such a declaration we have the final victory of faith brought out by the crowning mercy of her child's resurrection. The widow's growing apprehension of God is seen in her concept of Him. As a heathen woman speaking of Jehovah from without, she said, "The Lord thy God" (1 Kings 17:12). Not her God but Elijah's - thy God, and as "the Lord God of Israel." Now she believes as never before that Elijah, God's servant, is indeed "a man of God" and in accepting "the word of the Lord" from his lips as "the truth" seems undoubtedly to express the widow's full surrender to Him whose miraculous power on her behalf had been manifested through His servant whom she had befriended.
Her Prominence
It must have been a sad day when God called Elijah to leave the shelter and love of the widow's home and go to show himself to Ahab and pronounce the end of the three and a half years drought. While, possibly, Elijah never lost contact with the Sarepta widow who had become such a part of his life, the Bible does not tell us anything further about her and her son whom God raised from the dead. Yet because of our Lord's reference to her, she is held in everlasting remembrance. While in the synagogue at Nazareth He selected this incident from the Old Testament and said that although there were "many widows in Israel in the days of Elijah," unto none of them was the prophet sent save unto the widow of Sarepta (Luke 4:26). As the heathen woman was visited of God, so Christ had come to gather Gentiles, as well as Jews, unto Himself. Jesus immortalized that lowly woman who was so hospitable, to emphasize the immortal truth that in this dispensation of divine grace God is no respecter of persons. No favored nation, nor exclusive privilege enters into His scheme of salvation. God's favor becomes the portion of those who repent of their sin and accept His Son as their Saviour and Lord.
[Săm'son] - distinguished, strong orsun-man.
[Săm'son] - distinguished, strong orsun-man.
The Man of Contrasts
One of the most renowned of the Hebrew judges, Samson was a son of the Danite, Manoah, who judged Israel for twenty years. He was unique in that his birth and manner of life were foretold. Supernaturally endowed, he killed a lion, thirty Philistines and one thousand men. He broke the strongest bands, carried off the gates of Gaza and pulled down the Temple of Dagon (Judg. 13:24-16:30). He is found among the illustrious in Faith's Hall of Fame (Heb. 11:32).
As long as Samson remained a Nazarite he was unconquerable. He only of all the judges of whom we have any history, does everything single-handed and alone. Samson never called the armies of Israel together; he asked no assistance. What he did, he did alone in his own unconquerable strength. We are not told how he managed his court, nor about the wisdom of his judgments, nor about the manner of Israel's life for a whole generation under her gigantic judge.
The complex story of Samson teaches us the evils of mixed or foreign marriages ( Judg. 14:3), the laxity of sexual relations and of playing with temptation. C. W. Emmet says that Samson "teaches us that bodily endowments, no less than spiritual, are a gift from God, however different may be our modern conception of the way in which they are bestowed, and that their retention depends on obedience to His laws."
But if Samson stands as an example "of impotence of mind in body strong," he also stands, in Milton's magnificent conception, as an example of patriotism and heroism in death, to all who "from his memory inflame their breast to matchless valour and adventures high."
The deadly results of Samson's self-indulgence after he broke his Nazarite vow, appear in their dark and ominous order:
Self-confidence: "I will go out" (Judg. 16:20).
Self-ignorance: "He wist not" (Judg. 16:20).
Self-weakness: "The Philistines laid hold on him" (Judg. 16:21).
Self-darkness: "They put out his eyes" (Judg. 16:21).
Self-degradation: "They brought him down to Gaza" ( Judg. 16:1-3, 21).
Self-bondage: "They bound him with fetters" (Judg. 16:21).
Self-drudgery: "He did grind in the prison-house" (Judg. 16:21).
Self-humiliation: "Call for Samson, that he may make us sport" (Judg. 16:25, 27).
Samson stands out as a man of striking contrasts. He had a kind of Dr. Jekell and Mr. Hyde being.
I. He was separated as a Nazarite ( Judg. 13:5 ), yet tampered with evil associations (Judg. 14:1-3).
II. He was occasionally Spirit-possessed (Judg. 13:25; 15:14), yet yielded to carnal appetites (Judg. 16:1-4).
III. He appeared childish in some of his plans (Judg. 15:4), yet was courageous in battle (Judg. 15:1-4).
IV. He was mighty in physical strength ( Judg. 16:3, 9, 13, 14), yet weak in resisting temptation (Judg. 16:15-17).
V. He had a noble beginning but a sad end (Judg. 16:30).
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