Greek compassion for illegal boat people is wavering. The truth is it isn't compassionate to drown people wanting to migrate. Press made much of the earlier claims of Greek hospitality for survivors of the people smugglers. But the riots on homeless peoples who survived people smuggling suggest the rosy picture is not an accurate one.
ALP attempting to shut down royal commission into trade unions. It isn't a terrible mistake or error of judgement as some say. A highly respected judge who fronts the royal commission was scheduled to speak at a Liberal Party fundraiser. The arrangement is years old. The royal commission is recent. So as to avoid the appearance of bias, the judge has declined the event. Now the ALP claim that the judge, who has done nothing wrong and who has not even appeared anything but impartial regarding the royal commission, should step aside, and close down the royal commission. They have to say something, because the mounting evidence is damning.
Turnbull's outspoken attack on government policy. Turnbull has previously said that speaking against government policy for a minister should be a sackable offence. But the Same Sex Marriage issue seems too important to let pass, for him. The important question Turnbull has not answered is does he feel that religious clerics who act on conscience should go to jail or be sued?
Jimmy Carter has cancer. Hillary Clinton is fading. Bad days for Democrats regarding the Presidency because the incumbent is so bad and the next time isn't their turn. They will campaign for a stronger Congress position. But they will need to find a policy which somehow doesn't bankrupt the nation.
=== from 2014 ===
Lauren Bacall died today. It is ok to die old and blessed. A link to the golden age of movies has passed. She was nineteen years old when she was cast opposite Humphrey Bogart. She was thirty one when he passed from cancer, leaving her a widow. She was a screen siren, and then an accomplished actress when she was older. A lifelong Democrat supporter, she once sang, sitting on top of a piano played by then Vice President Truman. She was first cousin to Shimon Peres. May she rest in peace. The casualty list for the Liberal Party in NSW looks appalling. The administration is making good decisions for the state and the opposition has yet to show a policy that is worthwhile. The criticism of the Liberal Party by a triumphant press is not proportionate to the accusations relative to the ALP in government. The NSW Libs seem to have fallen foul of a technicality regarding fund raising that doesn't appear to amount to much. Had the regulation not been to exclude developers from donating, no crime would have been committed. However, one of the many corrupt ALP figures is accused of misappropriating half a billion dollars. And when Obeid was in office, the ICAC turned a blind eye. The ICAC cannot pick and choose which laws it will investigate, or which party, if it is to be independent. However, I am uncomfortable that there is a suggestion that corrupt Libs were sharing with corrupt ALP former minister Tripodi. My issue is tied up with Tripodi and I want to know I have not lost my career, my home and my future because the Libs are in cahoots with my abuser who had been my sitting member. The ICAC ignored my submission in 2001, before Hamidur Rahman died. Did ICAC incompetence kill a school child? Are they covering up that neglect in their persecution of Liberal members?
On this day in 29 BC, Octavian held the first of three consecutive triumphs in Rome. The Roman senate had ordered the closure of the Temple of Janus, signifying Rome was not at war for the first time in over two hundred years. This pleased Octavian who had had success against Antony the year before and was working hard to raise the name of the Roman Republic while also acquiring the powers of a dictator. Octavian had little choice but retain the dictatorial powers, many would have killed him to claim powers of their own. The previous year, 30BC had seen Gaius Cornelius Gallus quell an uprising in Egypt and set up monuments of himself within months the monuments had outlasted the future exile. In 554, Justinian I was so impressed with his public servant Liberius he reorganised Italy to give him extensive land. Liberius shares having had civic responsibility for Italy, Gaul and Egypt with Caeser and Napoleon. Some people called him the gangster of love, but in 582, Maurice became Byzantine Emperor. He was successful in facing off Persia so that Byzantium no longer needed to pay tribute in his reign. In 900, a petty squabble between a person who was not Duke of Loraine, Count Reginar I of Hainult was solved when he killed the bastard son of Carolingian Emperor Arnulf of Carinthia, Zwentibold of Lotharingia. In 1521, Cortes' long siege of Tenochtitlan was successful. In 1532, Brittany became part of France, but the language of the peasants remained so that by 1780, only 20% of France spoke French. In 1536 in Kyoto, Buddhist monks set fire to 21 temples in what became known as the Tenbun Hokke Disturbance. Michael Servetus was a polymath cartographer, theologian, physician and translator. He was the first to correctly describe the operation of the pulmonary arterial system. He was also denounced by both Catholics and Protestants and in 1553 was arrested as a heretic by order of Calvin and later burned at the stake. Today, Servetus' work would not be out of place in a theological school.
In 1624, Louis XIII of France appointed Cardinal Richelieu as Prime Minister, and Richelieu began brilliantly centralising power away from the feudal system that was inherited, presaging Louis XIV. Before Germany unified, her states feuded, and in 1704 Bavaria squared off against Prussia and lost. Only they had allied themselves with common enemies, Bavaria with France faced off against Prussia with a Grand Alliance of England, Holy Roman Empire and Dutch Republic. Louis XIV had had a successful previous year in the War of the Spanish Succession, but in the Battle of Blenheim that reversed. Blenheim saw the rare example of a weaker force attacking a defended position and through a mixture of daring, good timing and General competence and collegial confidence the Grand Alliance had a stunning win, an amazing victory for Winston Churchill's ancestor. In 1779, the Royal Navy humiliated the US Navy's Penobscot Expedition which had set sail with the intent of preventing England from renaming Maine as New Ireland. The expedition wasn't successful, but Maine kept her name, ultimately. In 1792 King Louis XVI of France was arrested and declared an enemy of the people. In 1831, Nat Turner saw a solar eclipse, and decided it was a sign from God, he enlisted some seventy slaves to kill white people, of which fifty five were victim in Southampton County, Virginia. In 1898, a mock battle for Manila was held between the US and Spain, with Spain surrendering to prevent Manila from falling to Philippine guerrillas. In 1906 an ASADA type investigation was held into the shooting death of a barman and a police officer. A Black Army unit was blamed and fabricated evidence from local white townsfolk was given. The entire unit (167 soldiers) was discharged dishonourably despite exculpatory evidence. In the early 1970s, the unit was expunged of the charge, but no compensation was ever paid. In 1913, Harry Brearly began producing stainless steel in the UK. In 1918, the US army began enlisting Women. Also in 1918, BMW was established in Germany. In 1920, Poland defeated the Soviets in the Battle of Warsaw, starting on this day and finishing August 25th. In 1937, the Battle of Shanghai began. In 1942, the Manhattan Projects construction facilities were authorised. Also in 1942, Bambi was released by Disney. In 1961 East Germany closed her borders. In 1977, rioting by a group of people who would later form the EDL resulted in 214 arrests and 111 injuries. In 1978 150 Palestinians were killed in Lebanon. In 2004, 156 Tutsi were killed in a refugee camp in Burundi. In 2008, Russian units occupied Georgian Gori. In 2010 492 Sri Lankan Tamils docked in British Columbia on this day.
=== Publishing News ===
This column welcomes feedback and criticism. The column is not made up but based on the days events and articles which are then placed in the feed. So they may not have an apparent cohesion they would have had were they made up.
Editorials will appear in the "History in a Year by the Conservative Voice" series, starting with August, September, October, or at Amazon The kindle version is cheaper, but the soft back version allows the purchase of a kindle version for just $3.99 more.
For twenty two years I have been responsibly addressing an issue, and I cannot carry on. I am petitioning the Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott to remedy my distress. I leave it up to him if he chooses to address the issue. Regardless of your opinion of conservative government, the issue is pressing. Please sign my petition at
Or the US President at
or or
Mr Ball, I will not sign your petition as it will do no good, but I will share your message and ask as many of friends who read it, to share it also. Let us see if we cannot use the power of the internet to spread the word of these infamous killings. As a father and a former soldier, I cannot, could not, justify ignoring this appalling action by the perpetrators, whoever they may; I thank you Douglas. You are wrong about the petition. Signing it is as worthless and meaningless an act as voting. A stand up guy would know that. - ed
Lorraine Allen Hider I signed the petition ages ago David, with pleasure, nobody knows what it's like until they've been there. Keep heart David take care.
I have begun a bulletin board ( which will allow greater latitude for members to post and interact. It is not subject to FB policy and so greater range is allowed in posts. Also there are private members rooms in which nothing is censored, except abuse. All welcome, registration is free.
===For twenty two years I have been responsibly addressing an issue, and I cannot carry on. I am petitioning the Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott to remedy my distress. I leave it up to him if he chooses to address the issue. Regardless of your opinion of conservative government, the issue is pressing. Please sign my petition at
Or the US President at
or or
Mr Ball, I will not sign your petition as it will do no good, but I will share your message and ask as many of friends who read it, to share it also. Let us see if we cannot use the power of the internet to spread the word of these infamous killings. As a father and a former soldier, I cannot, could not, justify ignoring this appalling action by the perpetrators, whoever they may; I thank you Douglas. You are wrong about the petition. Signing it is as worthless and meaningless an act as voting. A stand up guy would know that. - ed
Lorraine Allen Hider I signed the petition ages ago David, with pleasure, nobody knows what it's like until they've been there. Keep heart David take care.
1521 – After an extended siege, forces led by Spanish conquistador Hernán Cortés captured Tlatoani Cuauhtémoc and conquered the Aztec capital of Tenochtitlan.
1704 – War of the Spanish Succession: The Duke of Marlborough led Allied forces to a crucial victory in the Battle of Blenheim.
1898 – Spanish–American War: After a mock battle for Manila, the Spanish commander surrendered to the U.S. in order to keep the city out of Filipino rebel hands.
1954 – The complete version of "Qaumī Tarāna", the national anthem of Pakistan, was broadcast for the first time on Radio Pakistan.
2010 – After having been boarded by Canadian authorities, the MV Sun Sea docked and the 492 Sri Lankan Tamil refugee claimants on board were placed into detention. Your extended siege is over. It is all yours (indicates the curtains). No need for mock battles. The anthem plays, the ship has landed. The days is yours.
- 1311 – Alfonso XI of Castile (d. 1350)
- 1625 – Rasmus Bartholin, Danish physician, mathematician, and physicist (d. 1698)
- 1666 – William Wotton, English linguist and scholar (d. 1727)
- 1790 – William Wentworth, Australian journalist, explorer, and politician (d. 1872)
- 1819 – Sir George Stokes, 1st Baronet, Irish-English mathematician and physicist (d. 1903)
- 1851 – Felix Adler, German-American religious leader and educator (d. 1933)
- 1860 – Annie Oakley, American target shooter (d. 1926)
- 1888 – John Logie Baird, Scottish engineer, invented the television (d. 1946)
- 1899 – Alfred Hitchcock, English-American director and producer (d. 1980)
- 1902 – Felix Wankel, German engineer (d. 1988)
- 1904 – Buddy Rogers, American actor and trombonist (d. 1999)
- 1911 – William Bernbach, American advertiser, co-founded DDB Worldwide (d. 1982)
- 1921 – Jimmy McCracklin, American singer-songwriter and pianist (d. 2012)
- 1948 – Scott Powell, American singer (Sha Na Na)
- 1951 – Dan Fogelberg, American singer-songwriter and guitarist (d. 2007)
- 1959 – Danny Bonaduce, American actor
- 1963 – Valerie Plame, American CIA agent and author
- 1971 – Heike Makatsch, German actress and singer
- 1975 – Shoaib Akhtar, Pakistani cricketer
- 1984 – L'Aura, Italian singer-songwriter and pianist
- 1984 – James Morrison, English singer-songwriter and guitarist
- 1990 – Shila Amzah, Malaysian singer-songwriter and actress
- 1990 – Sae Miyazawa, Japanese singer and actress (AKB48 and Diva)
- 2000 – Piper Reese, American video blogger
- 586 – Radegund, Frankish princess and saint (b. 520)
- 604 – Emperor Wen of Sui (b. 541)
- 612 – Fabia Eudokia, Byzantine empress (b. 580)
- 900 – Zwentibold, French son of Arnulf of Carinthia (b. 870)
- 1826 – René Laennec, French physician, invented the stethoscope (b. 1781)
- 1863 – Eugène Delacroix, French painter (b. 1798)
- 1865 – Ignaz Semmelweis, Hungarian physician (b. 1818)
- 1910 – Florence Nightingale, Italian-English nurse (b. 1820)
- 1912 – Jules Massenet, French composer (b. 1842)
- 1946 – H. G. Wells, English journalist and author (b. 1866)
- 1991 – Jack Ryan, American designer (b. 1926)
Tim Blair – Thursday, August 13, 2015 (7:55pm)
Refugee advocates Dimitria Groutsis and Diane van den Broek celebrate Greek compassion towards arriving boat enthusiasts, which contrasts with evil Australian selfishness:
Given Greece’s economic troubles, you might assume its people would have little sympathy for the boatloads of migrants that arrive from North Africa, the Middle East and beyond. However, nothing could be further from the truth …Many concerned residents of Kos also respond in kind to the crisis unfolding before them. Individuals assist in the nightly rituals of preparing and delivering some 400 meals to migrants …It’s hard to understand why a country like Australia, which enjoys one of the best standards of living in the world, is not at the forefront of the humanitarian efforts. Why is it that a country that has not had a whiff of austerity or experienced the global financial crisis as acutely as many others did can remain so mean-spirited?In many ways it is hard to understand why these two countries have responded to the same issue in such completely different ways: one, taking on, and nourishing, the cargo of the people smugglers, while the other allegedly paid people smugglers to “take them back to where they came from”. It defies both reason and compassion …
That was last month. As arrivals continued, Greek attitudes changed:
Police on the Greek island of Kos have used fire extinguishers and batons against migrants, as tensions boiled over in a sports stadium where hundreds had gathered to wait for immigration documents ...The Mayor of Kos, Yorgos Kyritsis, said that police and coast guards are simply unable to deal with the huge amounts of people arriving in Greece.Speaking on Greek TV, he said: “This situation on the island is out of control. There is a real danger of uncontrollable situations. Blood will be shed.”
Over to you, Dimitria and Diane.
(Via Andrew R.)
Ban Nick Kyrgios
Andrew Bolt August 13 2015 (5:37pm)
Why wasn’t this ratbag immediately disqualified?
Midway through the second set against world No. 5 Stan Wawrinka at the Montreal Masters, Kyrgios spat at the Swiss: “Kokkinakis banged your girlfriend. Sorry to tell you that, mate.”
He should at least be banned for a tournament or two. Might even save what’s left of the public’s respect - if there’s any left at all.
Blair pleads with Labour: do not make Jeremy Corbyn leader
Andrew Bolt August 13 2015 (4:15pm)
Tony Blair begs even his haters not to make Jeremy Corbyn Labour’s leader:
===It doesn’t matter whether you’re on the left, right or centre of the party, whether you used to support me or hate me. But please understand the danger we are in.Blair spells it out:
The Labour party is in danger more mortal today than at any point in the over 100 years of its existence....Blair doesn’t even mention Corbyn’s history of friendship with terrorists:
If Jeremy Corbyn becomes leader it won’t be a defeat like 1983 or 2015 at the next election. It will mean rout, possibly annihilation. If he wins the leadership, the public will at first be amused, bemused and even intrigued. But as the years roll on, as Tory policies bite and the need for an effective opposition mounts – and oppositions are only effective if they stand a hope of winning – the public mood will turn to anger. They will seek to punish us. They will see themselves as victims not only of the Tory government but of our self-indulgence.
Jeremy Corbyn doesn’t offer anything new… These are policies from the past that were rejected not because they were too principled, but because a majority of the British people thought they didn’t work.... Even more so today, they do not think their challenges can be met by old-fashioned state control as the way to personal or social empowerment; they do not think breaking up Nato unilaterally is sensible; and they realise that a party without a serious deficit-reduction plan is not in these times a serious contender to govern them.
Labour will also be in the extraordinary position of having as its leader a man with among the most extensive links in Parliament to terrorists, extremists and hardline regimes…Still happening:
Mr Corbyn, The Telegraph can reveal, has taken thousands of pounds in gifts from organisations closely linked to the terror group Hamas, whose operatives he once described as “friends”.
He has travelled to Tehran at the expense of a secretive British-Iranian multi-millionaire who has employed a number of other British parliamentarians as consultants to build business links with the country.
He has hosted, promoted and vigorously defended vicious anti-Semites and racists…
From the mid-Eighties, a decade before the IRA ceasefire, he worked hard to build links between Labour and the Provos, regularly hosting senior figures from their political wing in Parliament, calling for British withdrawal from Northern Ireland and paying tribute to deceased terrorists. His defenders call him ahead of his time; his opponents say that, by giving the IRA hope that the armed struggle was working, he and others on the Left actually prolonged the conflict.
These days, however, it is Islamist causes that claim more of Mr Corbyn’s attention. Others on the Left may support negotiating with Hamas, whose aim remains the complete destruction of Israel and which continues to kill civilians, but no other MP does so with quite the frequency and fervour of Mr Corbyn.
In February 2013, he and his wife travelled to Gaza thanks to a £2,800 gift from Interpal, a British charity banned by the US government as “part of the funding network of Hamas” and as a terrorist organisation in its own right…
Mr Corbyn and MEMO co-sponsored the visit to Britain and to Parliament of an Israel-based anti-Semitic extremist, Sheikh Raed Saleh, found by a British court to have spread the classic “blood libel” against Jews, the claim that they use the blood of gentile children to make their bread. Mr Saleh, who also describes Jews as “monkeys” and “bacteria,” claims that 9/11 was a Jewish plot and that the Jews employed at the World Trade Center were warned not to come into work that day.
But he was strongly defended by Mr Corbyn, who congratulated him on defeating Government moves to exclude him from Britain, called him “a very honoured citizen who represents his people extremely well” and said he “looked forward to giving you tea on the [House of Commons] terrace.”
Jeremy Corbyn is to share a stage with supporters of the Palestinian militant group Hamas – including an academic who has defended suicide attacks.(Thanks to the IPA, which has more.)
The Labour leadership frontrunner will speak later this month at a London conference hosted by the controversial publication Middle East Monitor.
One speaker will be Palestinian-born Dr Azzam Tamimi, who once told the BBC that ‘sacrificing myself for Palestine is a noble cause… I would do it if I had the opportunity’.
Scrap this fundraiser now. Why let Labor and crooked unions off the hook?
Andrew Bolt August 13 2015 (11:06am)
This is a serious misjudgment:
Heydon has pulled out:
===The former judge charged with overseeing the royal commission into union corruption has been billed as guest speaker at a Liberal Party fundraiser.I don’t doubt Heydon’s integrity for a second. But I do think this is a stupid way to help Labor to discredit his commission.
The revelation could discredit the royal commission, which Labor has decried as a political witch hunt from the outset.
Justice Dyson Heydon is listed as the keynote speaker at the Sir Garfield Barwick Address on August 26 at the Castlereagh Boutique Hotel in Sydney.
An invitation written on a Liberal Party letterhead obtained by Fairfax Media says the $80 cost should be made to the Liberal Party of Australia’s NSW division. It also calls for donations if people are unable to attend.
Heydon has pulled out:
The Commissioner has since provided a statement saying he will not deliver the speech.
In a written statement a spokesman said: “If there was any possibility that the event could be described as a Liberal Party event he will be unable to give the address, at least whilst he is in the position of Royal Commissioner”.
The statement said Justice Heydon advised the organisers of the fundraiser before receiving media inquiries.
Tony Smith needs to borrow Bronwyn Bishop’s stick
Andrew Bolt August 13 2015 (8:41am)
As we discussed last night,
new Speaker Tony Smith must have been kidding himself to think Labor
would now play fair. Labor is instead walking over him and deliberately
turning Question Time into a circus in a way that can only hurt the
Stefanie Balogh:
===Stefanie Balogh:
As an L-plated Speaker, he is stuck in relief teacher mode. He appeared hapless yesterday as he spent the televised parliamentary session politely asking the naughty kids (actually highly paid political professionals) to be quiet.
Parliament is not a playground, and it is up to Smith to enforce the rules.
The high-decibel hubbub was so bad ministers could hardly be heard. A house deteriorating into childish chaos, regardless of who is at fault, is always blamed on the government.
The incredible sinking Clinton
Andrew Bolt August 13 2015 (7:54am)
Hillary Clinton’s campaign is in danger of derailment:
===As pressure builds on Hillary Clinton to explain her official use of personal email while serving as secretary of state, she faced new complications Tuesday. It was disclosed her top aides are being drawn into a burgeoning federal inquiry and that two emails on her private account have been classified as “Top Secret.”That could expose Clinton criminal charges, although as yet the investigation is a not a criminal one:
The inspector general for the Intelligence Community notified senior members of Congress that two of four classified emails discovered on the server Clinton maintained at her New York home contained material deemed to be in one of the highest security classifications - more sensitive than previously known.
The Justice Department originally characterized the inspector general letters as a “criminal referral,” but later reversed itself. The two inspectors general looking into the matter — at the State Department and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence — have said it was not a criminal referral but “a security referral made for counterintelligence purposes.”But Clinton certainly faces accusations that she recklessly endangered national security by using her own email account and server. Right now she’s also suffering poll damage for seeming sneaky and dishonest:
Since news broke in March of her use of a personal email address on a server kept in her Chappaqua, New York, home, Clinton has insisted that she’s turned over all of her work-related emails to the State Department and deleted all others—but wouldn’t turn over her server to the government.Sinking fast:
Democratic presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders has rocketed past longtime front-runner Hillary Clinton in New Hampshire, a stunning turn in a race once considered a lock for the former secretary of state, a new Franklin Pierce University/Boston Herald poll shows.
Sanders leads Clinton 44-37 percent among likely Democratic primary voters, the first time the heavily favored Clinton has trailed in the 2016 primary campaign, according to the poll of 442 Granite-Staters.
If one then all: the confirmation bias of the tribalist Age
Andrew Bolt August 13 2015 (7:38am)
A former Democrat supporter insults a conservative TV host who asked him ”when exactly did you become a Republican”. That former Democrat supporter’s response angered Republican candidates. That former Democrat supporter is attacked by conservative commentators while the conservative woman is praised by The American Conservative.
Yet The Age offers this conclusion:
===Yet The Age offers this conclusion:
Donald Trump is too typical of conservative politics… Political discourse is diminished when conservatives continually denigrate women and their demand for respect in public life.Confirmation bias.
Abbott keeps Coalition together in same-sex marriage victory
Andrew Bolt August 13 2015 (7:35am)
TONY Abbott’s victory in the same-sex marriage debate on Tuesday is a warning to his critics. He’s not dead yet. Far from it.
Forget the bad polls. This chronically underestimated Prime Minister has just nailed in place another critical part of his election strategy — one he’s convinced will work.
In doing so, Abbott also showed he’s much more in touch with his MPs than are his biggest rivals. There will be no challenge any time soon.
Abbott on Tuesday let more than 90 Coalition MPs speak during a marathon debate.
Two thirds backed him in resisting calls by Labor and the media class to break an election promise and let his MPs have a conscience vote on same-sex marriage.
Rival Malcolm Turnbull, though, was in the minority, demanding a free vote that would have ripped apart the party.
But Abbott didn’t “kill” gay marriage, as the hysterically angry Age newspaper screeched in a front-page headline.
(Read full article here.)
===Forget the bad polls. This chronically underestimated Prime Minister has just nailed in place another critical part of his election strategy — one he’s convinced will work.
In doing so, Abbott also showed he’s much more in touch with his MPs than are his biggest rivals. There will be no challenge any time soon.
Abbott on Tuesday let more than 90 Coalition MPs speak during a marathon debate.
Two thirds backed him in resisting calls by Labor and the media class to break an election promise and let his MPs have a conscience vote on same-sex marriage.
Rival Malcolm Turnbull, though, was in the minority, demanding a free vote that would have ripped apart the party.
But Abbott didn’t “kill” gay marriage, as the hysterically angry Age newspaper screeched in a front-page headline.
(Read full article here.)
Assange dodges justice
Andrew Bolt August 13 2015 (7:32am)
Hope his supporters are proud of how Assange weaselled out of these serious charges of sexual assault:
===FUGITIVE Wikileaks founder Julian Assange could walk free from his diplomatic bolt-hole hide-out in London as early as next week with sexual assault allegations made against him set to expire.
The 44-year-old Australian has been holed up at the Ecuadorean embassy in central London since June 2012 and was later granted political asylum there against extradition to Sweden to face questioning on three counts of sexual assault and one of rape alleged by two women.
He has remained in a back room of the embassy, next door to the Harrods department store loading dock, since then with British police armed with arrest warrants posted outside the building 24 hours a day at a cost so far of more than AUD$25 million.
But Swedish authorities have now confirmed that next week three of the four charges against him will reach their five-year expiry date under Sweden’s statute of limitations and Assange will be automatically cleared.
Hiroshima was destroyed by Japan’s war, not one weapon
Andrew Bolt August 13 2015 (7:30am)
THE Hiroshima bombing was a terrible warning. But journalists and politicians now preach the wrong lessons.
ABC TV’s news reported claims that the destruction of Hiroshima with an atomic bomb 70 years ago last week was an American “war crime”.
The reporter added it started a nuclear arms race that brought the world “to the brink of destruction”.
Japan similarly prefers to cast the Americans’ bomb as the villain.
“As the only country ever attacked by an atomic bomb, we have a mission to create a world without nuclear arms,” Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said.
Typically, US President Barack Obama’s Administration indulged this blame shifting.
(Read full article here.)
===ABC TV’s news reported claims that the destruction of Hiroshima with an atomic bomb 70 years ago last week was an American “war crime”.
The reporter added it started a nuclear arms race that brought the world “to the brink of destruction”.
Japan similarly prefers to cast the Americans’ bomb as the villain.
“As the only country ever attacked by an atomic bomb, we have a mission to create a world without nuclear arms,” Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said.
Typically, US President Barack Obama’s Administration indulged this blame shifting.
(Read full article here.)
Turnbull provides the distraction he denounces
Andrew Bolt August 13 2015 (7:08am)
Communications Minister Malcolm Turnbull actually holds a press conference to attack his own Government:
===The Communications Minister, a prominent advocate of same-sex marriage, warned the Prime Minister’s strong disposition for a public vote would become an incessant distraction for the Coalition in the lead-up to the next election and into the next term of parliament....Yet there is Turnbull making sure that what he predicts comes true - talking up divisions and distractions.
“The reason I have not advocated a plebiscite after the next election is that it would mean that this issue is a live issue all the way up to the next election and indeed at the next election, and if we are returned to office, it will be a very live issue in the lead-up to the plebiscite itself.
“I want to be clear. I think it is an important issue, but particularly between now and the election, the more time I can talk about the economy, about jobs, about innovation, about digital technology and digital efficiency, the happier I’ll be.’’
Time to step it up
Andrew Bolt August 13 2015 (6:59am)
The Islamic State appeals to keyboard warriors as well as psychopathic ones. Result:
Now so common that the desensitised world barely notices:
===AUSTRALIAN defence officials, public servants and a member of Parliament have been placed on a frightening Islamic State hit list.If we are not winning against the Islamic State we’re losing. And right now we’re not winning at all:
Their personal details including phone numbers and emails have been shared on social media as the death cult claimed they had hacked American government and military computers.
Australia’s top IS fighter Neil Prakash, from Melbourne, sent the list to his 1100 followers and urged them to attack.
One post he shared said: “Kill them where you find them and enslave their women.”
AUSTRALIA’S Hornet jet fighters should be unleashed to bomb Islamic State terrorists in Syria, according to an Abbott Government MP who heads a key security committee.UPDATE
The jihad-busting plan, if adopted, would significantly expand Australia’s military commitment, which currently limits the nation’s warplanes to attacking IS in neighbouring Iraq…
Liberal Dan Tehan..., the chairman of the federal Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security, said the international community was “ignoring the suffering of innocent Syrians.’’
“The time has come for Australia to join the military coalition seeking to destroy Daesh (IS) in Syria,’’ Mr Tehan writes in an opinion piece in the Herald Sun.
Now so common that the desensitised world barely notices:
The Islamic State group claims to have beheaded a Croatian hostage abducted in Egypt, posting a purported picture of the victim’s body on IS-affiliated Twitter accounts.
The Croat, Tomislav Salopek, was abducted last month west of the capital Cairo.
The race factor
Andrew Bolt August 13 2015 (6:32am)
The Washington Post doesn’t make clear in its report on the favorability ratings of the candidates just how much race trumps most other factors when courting the African American vote:
Two of the hottest candidates after Jeb Bush and Scott Walker are Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, yet both men are among the least favored candidates of African Americans. Both are Hispanic.
Bobby Jindal, governor of Louisiana, is the least favored candidate of African American voters. Jindal is the son of Indian immigrants.
Coincidence or not, everyone with a non-Anglo surname, other than Pataki, is in the bottom half of the poll.
===Neurosurgeon Ben Carson, charming and inspiring though he is, has about the fewest political qualifications of any of the Republicans battling for the presidential nomination. Yet among African American voters, he is the second choice. Carson is African American.
Two of the hottest candidates after Jeb Bush and Scott Walker are Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, yet both men are among the least favored candidates of African Americans. Both are Hispanic.
Bobby Jindal, governor of Louisiana, is the least favored candidate of African American voters. Jindal is the son of Indian immigrants.
Coincidence or not, everyone with a non-Anglo surname, other than Pataki, is in the bottom half of the poll.
Savva vs Sheridan
Andrew Bolt August 13 2015 (5:51am)
Take your pick from today’s Australian.
Niki Savva:
Greg Sheridan:
Another pick between two columnists of the Australian.
Peter van Onselen claims Liberals are killing gays and don’t care:
Professor James Allan:
===Niki Savva:
... almost half the Liberal Party has been locked into supporting something they believe should have been left to their conscience… Sometimes Abbott has trouble recognising what is in his own interests so trusting he would do what some think would be in the government’s and step aside is whimsical, to say the least… Abbott and his office persist with petty vendettas ... Abbott’s ability to impose his will on the Liberal Party has been compromised… His position remains fragile ... Abbott’s immediate survival relies on the support of his conservative base. He has done everything possible to preserve it, nowhere more obviously than in his handling of the marriage equality issue. He has scored a temporary victory without a clear resolution… What they also know is that important as it is, this debate has meant almost another week, after many, many such weeks, has passed without serious discussion of the economy, or tax or jobs or growth.
Greg Sheridan:
Despite countless tactical problems, and a good deal of mismanagement, looked at internationally the Abbott government is a roaring success.I am completely confused by the criticism of Abbott by Turnbull and the unnamed party critics. Abbott on gay marriage is doing what most Liberals MPs say they want. If he ignored the majority view as Turnbull insists he would be acting the autocrat and risking a deep split in the party. He would break a promise and break faith with many Liberal supporters. He would outrage the Nationals, the Liberals’ partners in government. He would destroy his own base, embitter many Liberal supporters and delight Labor - exactly what Turnbull did, using similar arguments, when he backed Labor’s emissions trading scheme as Opposition Leader. Yet Abbott has at the same time offered same-sex marriage supporters exactly what they should want, given their claims to overwhelming public support - a plebiscite or referendum to settle the matter in the next term of Parliament.
On boats, the navy, greenhouse gas emissions and now same-sex marriage, the Abbott government has moved into strategic positions that represent good policy, manageable politics if done well and compare favourably in international terms… Labor has now given the Abbott government the ultimate seal of approval by endorsing its boats turnback policy… However, in doing this, Labor reminds us that absolutely everything it has said previously on this issue for a decade was wrong, and woefully wrong…
Now the government has come up with a carbon emissions reduction target that is vastly more ambitious than anyone would have imagined of an Abbott government. The long-run objective of global carbon policy is to reach a certain per capita level of emissions around the world. Under these targets, Australia will cut its per capita emissions by half, more than any other nation… My criticism of this target is that it is excessive. Certainly it is utterly absurd to suggest it is insufficient…
Finally, on same-sex marriage Abbott has kept faith with his conservative base but offered a way to change if that’s what people want. Activists who claim the issue should never go to plebiscite because plebiscites are hard to win are being dishonest and anti-democratic.
Another pick between two columnists of the Australian.
Peter van Onselen claims Liberals are killing gays and don’t care:
Chris Kenny says Liberals are offering a vote on what same-sex marriage campaigners say they’d win:
Professor James Allan:
The PM’s referendum offer is precisely how we ought to be moving. This way your consciences will count for just as much as those of all these MPs…(Thanks to reader Peter of Bellevue Hill.)
Be clear about this. A conscience vote is less democratic than either (a) having a party state its policy before an election, winning, and implementing it or (b) holding a plebiscite in which the votes of all of us ... all carry the same weight ...
I think Mr. Abbott’s referendum offer on this issue is a great idea. In fact, if you’re against the idea then I’m keen to hear why you think some small handful of people’s consciences are better than your own.
Tim Blair – Wednesday, August 13, 2014 (5:40pm)
Tim Blair – Wednesday, August 13, 2014 (12:36pm)
Miranda Devine explains news to an ABC journalist:
With Sharrouf among at least 150 Australians taking part in the medieval horrors it’s all a bit too close to home to dismiss the looming threat to Australia as overstated or “Islamophobia”. But Australia’s moral relativists keep hiding from the truth.Exhibit A: The ABC’s Jonathan Green, who objected to The Australian newspaper running the Sharrouf boy’s photo, albeit heavily pixilated.“Will the Oz now comb life’s underbelly for further psychopathic atrocities?” he tweeted. “Or did this one just fit the narrative?”No, it’s news.
Quite so. Green offered further puzzling views during a Twitter chat:

Someone should tell him that if you click on the front page of a newspaper nothing will happen. Also: what “discussion”, precisely?
Someone should tell him that if you click on the front page of a newspaper nothing will happen. Also: what “discussion”, precisely?
UPDATE. An ABC discussion.
Tim Blair – Wednesday, August 13, 2014 (11:56am)
Tim Blair – Wednesday, August 13, 2014 (11:43am)
A sad day for hippies:
The famed Rainbow Café, the hippy heart of Nimbin, burnt to the ground in the early hours of this morning.
“The place went up in smoke, the joint is on fire, there are plenty of puns you can make up, it is Nimbin,” Alan Salt said of the fire that destroyed the iconic Rainbow Café.
The Nimbin Museum, Tribal Magic and Bring-a-Bong were also damaged or destroyed. The Hemp Embassy escaped harm, however.
Leftists say this image proves the badness of … Abbott
Andrew Bolt August 13 2014 (6:01pm)
ABC presenter Jonathan Green is furious at the publication of an image that destroys not innocence but ignorance - a deliberately cultivated ignorance about what’s really at stake:
But Guardian writer Katharine Murphy devises a truly mad excuse for looking at the picture and thinking about anything but evil and Islamism:
It can be a piece of simple iconography: here is the poster child of modern terrorism – this far barbarism, and no further. Or it can be an emblem of a really serious bureaucratic bungle on the Coalition’s watch. Take your pick.Guess which pick is the lookaway Left’s?
A grateful Green seconds a vote of thanks to Murphy:
Pull back. So according to Murphy and Green, this picture could best be described as an image not of the evil of Islamism but the evil of Abbott.
These people are crazy.
Could all the honest NSW Liberals MPs please step forward
Andrew Bolt August 13 2014 (1:12pm)
How many cleanskins are there actually left in the NSW Liberal party? What a sewer:
But, my God, already five Liberals sitting on the crossbenches after being named and shamed. A Premier forced to step down for “forgetting” about an expensive donation of Grange.
===FORMER NSW police minister Mike Gallacher has been accused of orchestrating illegal donations from property developers, including businessman Nathan Tinkler.The allegations against Gallacher are, of course, unproven and the presumption of innocence must apply. That said, he did step down.
Hugh Thomson, who was Liberal Newcastle MP Tim Owen’s campaign manager in 2011, told the Independent Commission against Corruption that Mr Gallacher had arranged for media adviser Luke Grant to be paid by property developers. Mr Owen and fellow Liberal Hunter Valley Andrew Cornwell were yesterday forced to resign from NSW parliament after evidence to ICAC they took illegal donations from developers including Newcastle mayor Jeff McCloy, and Hilton Grugeon.
But, my God, already five Liberals sitting on the crossbenches after being named and shamed. A Premier forced to step down for “forgetting” about an expensive donation of Grange.
ABC man clears Islam
Andrew Bolt August 13 2014 (1:08pm)
By the time the ABC’s James Carleton has finished discussing Khaled Sharrouf you’d think Islam had nothing at all to do what the man himself - and thousands of his fellow terrorists - say they are doing for Islam.
===Media Watch pretends a viciously anti-Israeli cartoon was just the ‘truth’
Andrew Bolt August 13 2014 (8:55am)
Media Watch’s whitewash this week of anti-Semitic slurs in the Sydney Morning Herald - and its astonishing attack instead on Jews - shows just how out of control the ABC now is.
I yesterday explained just how wickedly host Paul Barry had spun the issue to help his ideological mate Mike Carlton.
Today former Age editor-in-chief Michael Gawenda points out one more disgraceful bit of Barry spinning:
Why isn’t the ABC board demanding the ABC live up to its charter and some basic standards?
(Thanks to readers John and brett tr.)
===I yesterday explained just how wickedly host Paul Barry had spun the issue to help his ideological mate Mike Carlton.
Today former Age editor-in-chief Michael Gawenda points out one more disgraceful bit of Barry spinning:
How pathetic then was the SMH [for not defending Carlton and the cartoon above his column], Barry implied. How powerful was a certain group in the community and a certain media organisation that a cartoon considered offensive to Jews gets so widely lambasted while an equally offensive cartoon by Leak about Palestinians is largely ignored and gets the support of his editor.It’s always the Jews, isn’t it?
To reinforce all this Barry recalled the cartoon by Michael Leunig that The Age had refused to publish. He quoted Leunig at some length about how he has been abused and vilified by people who dislike his views on Israel and the Palestinians and how it was a pity that the SMH apologised for the fat Jew cartoon because such an apology makes it harder for cartoonists to tell the truths that some people do not want to hear.
Barry did not show the cartoon that The Age refused to publish, which I imagine made it hard for people to know what he was on about.
Well I was the editor of The Age at the time and I refused to publish the cartoon. I refused because the cartoon clearly suggested that the Israelis were dealing with the Palestinians the way the Nazis had dealt with the Jews. The Jenin refugee camp was the equivalent of Auschwitz.
Barry said nothing about this. One of his researchers had called me to ask why I refused to publish the cartoon. I told her I refused to publish it because suggesting Israelis (Jews) were the modern-day Nazis was not just factually unjustifiable, to put it mildly, but a form of vilification that no editor should accept. Clearly what I had to say was of no interest to Barry. Instead, he canvassed a few cartoonists who confirmed that they found it most difficult to draw anything about the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians.
Barry inferred this was because of the response they got to cartoons on this subject from …. well who knows?
Why isn’t the ABC board demanding the ABC live up to its charter and some basic standards?
(Thanks to readers John and brett tr.)
Why would Israel cooperate with such a UN inquiry?
Andrew Bolt August 13 2014 (8:35am)
The United Nations bureaucracy is hopelessly Leftist - and hopelessly antagonistic to Israel.
The latest evidence:
===The latest evidence:
A Canadian law professor chosen to helm a United Nations commission examining possible war crimes in Gaza scoffed Monday at charges he’s biased against Israel…“Absurd”? Watch and weep:
“The suggestion that I’m anti-Israel is absurd,” William Schabas said Monday in an interview from Toronto, pointing out that he’s on the editorial board of the Israel Law Review…
Schabas, who currently works as an international law professor at Middlesex University in England, is one of three lawyers who will investigate any violations of international humanitarian and human rights law in Gaza.
Asked why he called Netanyahu his “favorite” to indict at the International Criminal Court, instead of Syria’s Assad or Hamas’ Mashal, Schabas said he merely echoed the Goldstone Report. Except Netanyahu wasn’t PM then—and isn’t mentioned anywhere in the report!(Thanks to reader Kat.)
A minority of Muslims, yes, but potentially very dangerous
Andrew Bolt August 13 2014 (7:36am)
SBS Insight last night rightly suggested that, yes, most Muslims were moderates horrified by the slaughter in the Middle East.
It also suggested that a minority of Muslims here are deeply troubling and potentially very dangerous, pledging their support for a murderous terrorist group which boasts of cutting throats and slaughtering infidels.
“Abdullah”, talking about his son:
===It also suggested that a minority of Muslims here are deeply troubling and potentially very dangerous, pledging their support for a murderous terrorist group which boasts of cutting throats and slaughtering infidels.
“Abdullah”, talking about his son:
I’m worried … he wants to go to Syria and join those groups and he kill some innocent people and he (might) die himself.Abu Bakr, a 19-year-old Australian supporting the Islamic State and wearing its flag:
In order for me to be connected to the values here of Australia, the Australian government needs to stop picking on the Muslims here.Mohamed Zuhbi, an Australian volunteer with the Islamic State:
I believe that they are the future of Syria and I believe that they’re the future of the Islamic empire to come.
And we can’t even safely debate this
Andrew Bolt August 13 2014 (6:45am)
The politics of race are sure tricky. A racist organisation is accused of being racist in the wrong way:
A biracial woman has won her case against her former employer – the Black Educators Association – after human rights officials deemed she had been bullied by co-workers for being “not really black enough” to do her job.No comment is safe, while section 18c remains.
‘Horseshit’ - criticism on Syria nettles Obama
Andrew Bolt August 13 2014 (6:32am)
I’m not sure arming the “good” Syrian rebels would have done much - other than to put weapons in the hands of people who could turn very nasty. But Obama’s lack of leadership has exposed him:
===President Obama got angry at lawmakers who suggested in a private meeting that he should have armed the Syrian rebels, calling the criticism “horseshit.”Then there’s this:
The argument that America should have done more in Syria, made for years by foreign policy leaders in both parties and several members of Obama’s senior national security team, was brought back to the fore this past weekend. Obama and Hillary Clinton gave dueling interviews in which they publicly split on whether the security and humanitarian catastrophe in Syria could have been avoided if the United States had played a larger role. Obama’s outburst on July 31, one week prior, reveals the criticism was already getting to him, even before the White House tried to deflect Clinton’s remarks as pre-presidential political posturing.
The leader of the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Shams (ISIS,) Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, was formerly held by the U.S. military at Camp Bucca in southern Iraq from 2005 to his release in 2009.Richard A. Epstein:
Why such a dangerous man was slated for release in 2009, or who made the decision is not known. The Telegraph offers that “one possible explanation is that he was one of thousands of suspected insurgents granted amnesty as the US began its draw down in Iraq.”
Yet there is no denying that Obama’s rudderless foreign policy has been a disaster. The international order has rapidly deteriorated since Obama entered the Oval Office. The current situation is so perilous that so long as Obama remains President, the phrase “presidential leadership” will continue to be an oxymoron.
The President suffers from two fundamental flaws. The first is that he is unwilling to make decisions. He much prefers to play the role of a disinterested observer who comments on a set of adverse events that he regards himself as powerless to shape, of which Assad’s carnage in Syria is the prime example. The second is that he fundamentally misunderstands the use of force in international affairs. He handicaps himself fatally by imposing unwise limitations on the use of American force, such as his repeated declarations that he will not send ground troops back into Iraq… No one can claim that Iraq was at peace when George W. Bush left office, but the violence had been curbed. Since Obama has taken over, relative tranquility yielded to factional squabbling, followed by vicious aggression that caught the President woefully off guard. Iraq is not alone. The number of hotspots in the world—including Gaza, Syria, Libya, Nigeria, Ukraine and the China Sea—is increasing. The President wrings his hands over how difficult it has become to find credible allies in the world to address these problems without ever asking why no one trusts him. So he resolves to hold back on the use of American force overseas. Armed with that certainty, every tin pot dictator and terrorist group thinks it has an open field in which to run.
Abbott won’t rule out troops for Iraq
Andrew Bolt August 13 2014 (6:23am)
Tony Abbott has developed a taste for international intervention:
===PRIME Minister Tony Abbott has suggested Australia is prepared to send military forces to Iraq if that’s what is needed to prevent genocide by the “murderous hordes” fighting for Islamic State…
“No one wants to stand aside in the face of a potential genocide,” the prime minister said following talks with the British prime minister, senior UK ministers and intelligence officers in London. Asked if that could include military action Mr Abbott replied: “Well we certainly don’t rule that out.”
Don’t mention the Koran
Andrew Bolt August 13 2014 (12:09am)
A “Canadian theologian” usually suggests a self-hating Christian, but John Stackhouse on Q&A suddenly had enough of the deceptive pieties of the wilfully blind Liberal Sussan Ley and even more wilfully ignorant “human rights” lawyer Jennifer Robinson, unable to explain just why she’s so sure Stackhouse is wrong:
It is all very well to be nice. But to believe in these falsehoods is not the sign of a good heart but a cowardly mind.
===SUSSAN LEY: We must be really careful with the - we must recognise several things about Muslim Australians. One is that Islam is a religion of peace. It absolutely is…She doesn’t know, but she’s sure he’s wrong. Reason? She simply does not want what he says to be true.
TONY JONES: John Stackhouse, listening to this, I’m sure you’ve had the same debates in Canada?
JOHN STACKHOUSE: Well, no, we don’t have a lot of Canadians who go fight overseas on behalf of Muslim movements elsewhere, so this is actually something that’s more Australian than Canadian… . But to keep our country safe, we do have to try to figure out who’s who and what’s what without being unrealistic and sentimental. I mean, I have to respectfully disagree. I’ve been teaching world religion for 25 years. Islam is not a religion of peace. They’ve tried to trademark that but it’s just not true. Islam is a religion that copes with the real world and in Islam, including in its holy books, there are provisions for warfare and there are provisions for defensive warfare and there are also provisions for the extension of Islam, which is why the whole history of Islam has been steady territorial expansion. Of course it’s a religion of peace, by which they mean the subjugation of other people under sharia and that’s peace but it is an imperial sort of peace and I’m not judging it. I mean, we Christians have done the same thing and lots of other religions have done the same thing as well.
TONY JONES: I mean, I beg to differ you. You do appear to be judging it?
JOHN STACKHOUSE: No, I’m simply correcting the record. I mean, as a matter of fact, the Qur’an and the sharia are very clear that the jihad can be both the internal, the greater jihad of subjecting myself to the will of God, and the lesser jihad is to subject the world to God. I mean there is only two realms. There is Dar al-Islam. There is the submitted part of the world and then there is the rest of the world that’s not yet submitted to God, the dar al-harb, the situation of war, the house of war. So it’s a pretty clear world view and while many of my Muslim friends are liberal and multicultural and love Canada and have no interest in the violent prosecution of their faith and I think it’s really important to understand, nonetheless, we just can’t make sense of world history if we suggest that Islam doesn’t have within it the legitimation of violence.
TONY JONES: Jen Robinson, I can see you wanted to get in there. JENNIFER ROBINSON: An eyebrow was raised. I am, by no means, a religious scholar but I think a lot of my Muslim friends would take great exception to what you’ve just said and I think there are many interpretations and I would take a massive point with that. I think we also need to actually ask the question and be real here about the real numbers. Is this a huge Australian problem we’re talking about? I think the numbers quoted were 150 people fighting overseas. Let’s not over-exaggerate this ...
It is all very well to be nice. But to believe in these falsehoods is not the sign of a good heart but a cowardly mind.
Check the company Craig Laundy keeps. He’s a Liberal?
Andrew Bolt August 13 2014 (12:01am)
Craig Laundy was one of the Liberal MPs loudest in opposing the restoration of our free speech, helping to defeat the reform of the Racial Discrimination Act.
No wonder: 10 per cent of the voters in his seat are Muslim, and Muslim leaders demanded we keep our gag.
But maybe Laundy will argue that, no, he was against free speech out of principle, not cheap self interest.
In that case I invite other Liberals to check out the ideological company Laundy now keeps and to ask him precisely which Liberal values he represents:
Here is an example of Jake Lynch’s politics - and the anti-Israel bias of this agitator for sanctions against Israel.
Here is an example of the politics of Antony Loewenstein - and his anti-Israel activism.
Here is an example of Aftab Malik’s politics - and his anti-Israel polemics.
Here is an example of Peter Manning’s politics - and his astonishing anti-American bias:
===No wonder: 10 per cent of the voters in his seat are Muslim, and Muslim leaders demanded we keep our gag.
But maybe Laundy will argue that, no, he was against free speech out of principle, not cheap self interest.
In that case I invite other Liberals to check out the ideological company Laundy now keeps and to ask him precisely which Liberal values he represents:
Here is an example of Peter Slezak’s politics - and the anti-Israel bias of this advocate for sanctions against Israel.
Here is an example of Jake Lynch’s politics - and the anti-Israel bias of this agitator for sanctions against Israel.
Here is an example of the politics of Antony Loewenstein - and his anti-Israel activism.
Here is an example of Aftab Malik’s politics - and his anti-Israel polemics.
Here is an example of Peter Manning’s politics - and his astonishing anti-American bias:
I FOUND September 11 so shocking. But equally shocking was how quickly it became an iconic event ... But as I thought more deeply in the following weeks, I had some sympathy for boxer Anthony Mundine’s brutal response: “They brought the attacks on themselves.”Exactly where are “Liberals” like Craig Laundy taking the Liberal party?
Hezbollah, a profile===
Lovers of Big Government and apologists for debt like Paul Krugman have tried to paint Milton Friedman as a contradiction. They say that Friedman’s insight that more Fed intervention might have mitigated the Great Depression is inconsistent with his view that the Depression would have been less severe without the Fed.
Four hundred American surface-to-air missiles were 'taken from Libya' during the terror attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, a former U.S. Attorney who represents whistleblowers claimed on Monday.
He added that the U.S. intelligence community is terrified they might be used to shoot down airliners.
The party that has lost $13 billion in ten weeks, with a finance minister that has lost $107 billion are to be believed on? - ed
You have to salute the courage of Treasury secretary Martin Parkinson and Finance Department secretary David Tune. Under serious pressure from their next political masters to produce a set of numbers favourable to the Coalition, they have stood their ground.
The bottom line of their Pre-election Economic and Fiscal Outlook (PEFO) is effectively identical to the one published 11 days ago in the government's economic statement. Where it differs, the forecast budget outcomes over the next four years is actually $209 million better than the previous estimate.
==="What Ben Chavis and the American Indian Model Schools are really guilty of is creating academic excellence that shows up the public school system, both by this school's achievements and by the methods used to create those achievements, which go against the educational dogmas prevailing in the failing public schools."
BEAT THE LEFT AT THEIR OWN GAME ON CIVIL LIBERTIES! They don't want us to be free to keep the fruits of our own labour! Courtesy of Gina Rinehart's father Lang Hancock in 1979:
"The strange fact is that while Australians are constitutionally free today to do almost everything that our cultural tradition has previously held to be immoral and obscene, the police powers of the State are being invoked against almost every aspect of the economic productive process, so no one is free to pursue those activities which will give them a rising standard of living or ensure the well-being of the nation."
<Genuine intellectuals who are devoted to the pursuit of ideas and who understand the transformative potential of debate should reject the politics of insult. Instead of sneeringly declaring ‘they don’t get it’, a real intellectual should develop ideas in a way that would allow ‘them’ to get it. Indeed, it is the conviction that most human beings have the potential to grasp the issues facing their communities that underpins the ideals of democratic politics and popular sovereignty. The real problem today is not stupid conservatives, but people with multiple university degrees who ‘don’t get’ what it truly means to be an intellectual.>
The United Nations’ refugee arm has launched an investigation into one of its top Jordanian officials after he posted on his Facebook page a “motivational” poster featuring Nazi leader Adolf Hitler.
Dr. Fares Haider, reportedly the dean of education at the U.N.’s Relief Works Agency’s (UNRWA) educational facilities in Jordan, posted on his “official” Facebook page a picture of Hitler saluting, along with a quote from the Nazi leader.
UNRWA, which is primarily funded by the United States, is responsible for the education of some 485,000 Palestinian children throughout the Middle East.
“Military rules for success … Assad Allah good morning all,” Haider wrote along with the picture, according to the Israel-based Center for Near East Policy Research.
The text accompanying Hitler’s image reads: “The two most important rules in order to be successful—the first: never give up. The second: remember the first rule,” according to a report and translation performed by pro-Israel blogger Elder of Ziyon.
The quote is attributed directly to “Adolf Hitler.”
===Attorney General Eric Holder announced today that he is changing Justice Department policy so that "low-level, nonviolent" drug offenders will no longer face mandatory minimum prison sentences.
Aggressive enforcement of federal criminal laws is necessary, but "we cannot simply prosecute or incarcerate our way to becoming a safer nation," Holder said.
AUSSIES CHOKE: Australia’s Ashes campaign has been left in tatters after a humiliating batting collapse at Chester-le-Street.
At one stage, the Aussies were 1-147 chasing 299 for victory, but the team then went on to lose its last eight wickets for just 77 runs. England now has a 3-nil lead in the series.
We’ll have more on this story in our afternoon bulletins and in 9 News at 6pm on Channel 9.
#Ashes #cricket #9News
I think they have been as competitive and dignified as they can be. They have been outplayed by a better team. - ed
Kenyan lawyer Dola Indidis argues that the trial was unlawful and is demanding that Israel and Italy be held responsible, The Christian Post reports.
Mr Indidis, a Roman Catholic, and former spokesperson for the Kenyan Judiciary, filed the lawsuit regarding Jesus' death with the International Court of Justice, the primary judicial branch of the United Nations based at The Hague in the Netherlands.
He filed the lawsuit against Pontius Pilate, several Jewish elders, King Herod, Tiberius (Emperor of Rome 42 BC-37AD), the Republic of Italy and the State of Israel.
Italy is under new management. Herod and Tiberius are dead. But I understand the UN are debating the issue of Israel's involvement. - ed===
Is American blood important to the American government?
Number 5 on the list of killers set to be freed by the gov't of Israel are the killers who murdered Freddie Rosenfeld, an American citizen
Steven Frederick Rosenfeld was born to Eugene and Ethel Rosenfeld in New York on 29 August 1941.
He immigrated to Israel in 1968 and volunteered at Kibbutz Masada, where he was injured when a truck he was driving hit a landmine. Followingrehabilitation, Frederick began working onarchaeological digs in the Ein Bokek area, where he met his wife, Rachel.
On Saturday, 7 June 1989, Frederick went on a hike in the hills near Ariel.
He encountered a group of shepherds who stole a knife that he had in his possession, stabbed him to death, and hid his body on the side of the path. A different shepherd who was passing through the area found the body the next day.
Frederick was 48 at the time of his death. He was survived by his wife and brother.
He encountered a group of shepherds who stole a knife that he had in his possession, stabbed him to death, and hid his body on the side of the path. A different shepherd who was passing through the area found the body the next day.
Frederick was 48 at the time of his death. He was survived by his wife and brother.
The killers were caught because Freddie took their picture as they attacked him and, in his dying moments, put the camera in his pocket...
At the time, our agency provided full news coverage of Freddie's murder for the foreign press based in Israel.
Since Israel's justice system has now failed Freddie Rosenfeld, perhaps the US justice system will come through.
As CAMERA has documented in the past, fact-checking for his column is not Thomas L. Friedman's strong suit. But to make matters worse,The New York Times seems unperturbed by such blatant errors.===
The Israel Davis Cup team will be fined 10,000 euros for refusing to compete on Yom Kippur, it was reported Sunday.
While the government claims that the murderers being freed as a “gesture” to the Palestinian Authority (PA) committed their acts before the Oslo accords were signed by then-Israeli prime minister Yitzhak Rabin and PA head Yasser Arafat,Arutz Sheva has revealed that this is in fact not true.
IDF Civil Administration inspectors uprooted a Jewish-owned orchardMonday at Givat Haroe, near Eli, in the Binyamin region.
According to eyewitnesses, dozens of Border Police secured the location, which was declared a Closed Military Zone for the duration of the action. The operation was carried out following a High Court order, issued after judges determined that the orchard was planted on land that belongs to Arabs.
Will they stop the terrorism now? - ed
Police allege 36-year-old Fadi Abdul-Rahman, who featured in Kevin Rudd's 2020 Summit in 2008 and has been a fighter for justice in western Sydney, was part of a commercial cocaine syndicate that was caught with 5kg of the drug hidden in a chess set.
Abdul-Rahman appeared in the Downing Centre Local Court on Tuesday, facing two commercial drugs charges after he was arrested during a police sting at Punchbowl in March. Abdul-Rahman's lawyer Brett Galloway told The Sunday Telegraph he would defend the charges.
"There are no facts which establish any of the offences. . . they are consistent with his innocence or that he was in the wrong place at a bad time," Mr Galloway said.
The European Union has denounced the proposal for construction in Judea and Samaria and parts of Jerusalem beyond the 1949 Armistice Line.
The EU insisted on Monday that Israel and the Palestinian Authority should "avoid any actions which would halt negotiations," according to AFP.
Michael Mann, spokesman for EU foreign affairs head Catherine Ashton, responded to the announcement for new housing tenders at a news briefing:
"Israeli settlements in the West Bank [Judea and Samaria] are illegal under international law and threaten to make a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict impossible."
Ironic given that individual EU governments are calling for Islamic migrants to conform. - ed
“I find it very ironic. Every week in my hospital we get several seriously wounded patients from Syria. This is besides the ones that go to Ziv, Poria, and Rambam. These patients are taken care of for free and brought to us by the U.N. since no one else will take care of them. So the U.N. knows Jews are the only ones who will help anyone no matter what background, yet they continue to bash us as Arab hating oppressors.”
LaBelle gave birth to a 200 pound elephant calf at the Ramat Gan Safari in Tel Aviv. The successful birth was uneventful for first time mom, who is part of Ramat Gan’s extensive animal conservation program. The female baby, yet to be named, is an Asian elephant and will likely join her mother and grandmother in the elephant breeding program when she is grown.
View more adorable images:
Read Jewish news at
#BabyElephants #RamatGan #IsraeliZoo#BabyAnimals
Maxi- mum whats the weather like today? Me- (looks out window) cold and windy. Maxi- how do you know, you didnt even ask siri?! Me- I did it the old fashioned way, I looked out the window! Kids these days.
Pastor Rick Warren
Buying a more expensive watch won't give you more time, but paying for it will certainly cost you time that could be used in better ways. Your time is your life. Killing time is suicide. (The watch in this photo costs $1 million)
Pastor Rick Warren
14 studies reveal patients with #mental illness get worse medical care from doctors than “normal” patients
- 1624 – Cardinal Richelieu (pictured) became the chief minister to King Louis XIII, and under his supervision, France's feudal political structure transformed into one with a powerful central government.
- 1779 – American Revolutionary War: Off the coast of Maine, the United States suffered its worst naval defeat until the attack on Pearl Harbor during World War II.
- 1868 – A major earthquake near Arica, Peru, caused an estimated 25,000 casualties, and the subsequent tsunamicaused considerable damage as far away as Hawaii and New Zealand.
- 1954 – The complete version of "Qaumi Taranah", the national anthem of Pakistan, was broadcast for the first time on Radio Pakistan.
- 2004 – Hurricane Charley struck the U.S. state of Florida, just 22 hours after Tropical Storm Bonnie inflicted its own damage to the state.
- 29 BC – Octavian holds the first of three consecutive triumphs in Rome to celebrate the victory over the Dalmatian tribes.
- 523 – John I becomes the new Pope after the death of Pope Hormisdas.
- 554 – Emperor Justinian I rewards Liberius for his long and distinguished service in the Pragmatic Sanction, granting him extensive estates in Italy.
- 582 – Maurice becomes Emperor of the Eastern Roman Empire.
- 900 – Count Reginar I of Hainault rises against Zwentibold of Lotharingia and slays him near present-day Susteren.
- 1099 – Pope Paschal II succeeds Pope Urban II as the 160th pope.
- 1516 – The Treaty of Noyon between France and Spain is signed. Francis I of France recognizes Charles's claim to Naples, and Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, recognizes Francis's claim to Milan.
- 1521 – After an extended siege, forces led by Spanish conquistador Hernán Cortés capture Tlatoani Cuauhtémoc and conquer the Aztec capital of Tenochtitlan.
- 1532 – Union of Brittany and France: The Duchy of Brittany is absorbed into the Kingdom of France.
- 1536 – Buddhist monks from Kyoto, Japan's Enryaku-ji temple set fire to 21 Nichiren temples throughout in what will be known as the Tenbun Hokke Disturbance. (Traditional Japanese date: July 27, 1536).
- 1553 – Michael Servetus is arrested by John Calvin in Geneva, Switzerland as a heretic.
- 1624 – The French king Louis XIII appoints Cardinal Richelieu as prime minister
- 1704 – War of the Spanish Succession: Battle of Blenheim – English and Imperial forces are victorious over French and Bavarian troops.
- 1779 – American Revolutionary War: The Royal Navy defeats the Penobscot Expedition with the most significant loss of United States naval forces prior to the attack on Pearl Harbor.
- 1792 – King Louis XVI of France is formally arrested by the National Tribunal, and declared an enemy of the people.
- 1806 – Battle of Mišar during the Serbian Revolution begins. The battle will end two days later, with a decisive Serbian victory over the Ottomans.
- 1814 – The Convention of London, a treaty between the United Kingdom and the United Provinces, is signed in London, England.
- 1831 – Nat Turner sees a solar eclipse, which he believes is a sign from God. Eight days later he and 70 other slaves kill approximately 55 whites in Southampton County, Virginia.
- 1868 – A massive earthquake near Arica, Peru, causes an estimated 25,000 casualties, and the subsequent tsunami causes considerable damage as far away as Hawaii and New Zealand.
- 1898 – Spanish–American War: Spanish and American forces engaged in a mock battle for Manila, after which the Spanish commander surrendered in order to keep the city out of Filipino rebel hands.
- 1898 – Carl Gustav Witt discovers 433 Eros, the first near-Earth asteroid to be found.
- 1906 – The all black infantrymen of the U.S. Army's 25th Infantry Regiment are accused of killing a white bartender and wounding a white police officer in Brownsville, Texas, despite exculpatory evidence; all are later dishonorably discharged.
- 1913 – Otto Witte, an acrobat, is purportedly crowned King of Albania.
- 1913 – First production in the UK of stainless steel by Harry Brearley.
- 1918 – Women enlist in the United States Marine Corps for the first time. Opha Mae Johnson is the first woman to enlist.
- 1918 – Bayerische Motoren Werke AG (BMW) established as a public company in Germany.
- 1920 – Polish–Soviet War: the Battle of Warsaw begins and will last till August 25. The Red Army is defeated.
- 1937 – The Battle of Shanghai begins.
- 1942 – Major General Eugene Reybold of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers authorizes the construction of facilities that would house the "Development of Substitute Materials" project, better known as the Manhattan Project.
- 1942 – Walt Disney's fifth full-length animated film, Bambi, was released to theaters.
- 1954 – Radio Pakistan broadcasts the "Qaumī Tarāna", the national anthem of Pakistan for the first time.
- 1960 – The Central African Republic declares independence from France.
- 1961 – East Germany closes the border between the eastern and western sectors of Berlin to thwart its inhabitants' attempts to escape to the West.
- 1964 – Peter Allen and Gwynne Evans are hanged for the Murder of John Alan West becoming the last people executed in the United Kingdom.
- 1968 – Alexandros Panagoulis attempts to assassinate the Greek dictator Colonel Georgios Papadopoulos in Varkiza, Athens.
- 1969 – The Apollo 11 astronauts are released from a three-week quarantine to enjoy a ticker tape parade in New York, New York. That evening, at a state dinner in Los Angeles, California, they are awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by U.S. President Richard Nixon.
- 1977 – Members of the British National Front (NF) clash with anti-NF demonstrators in Lewisham, London, resulting in 214 arrests and at least 111 injuries.
- 1978 – One hundred fifty Palestinians in Beirut are killed in a terrorist attack during the second phase of the Lebanese Civil War.
- 1979 – The roof of the uncompleted Rosemont Horizon in Rosemont, Illinois, collapses, killing five workers and injuring 16.
- 2004 – Hurricane Charley, a Category 4 storm, strikes Punta Gorda, Florida, and devastates the surrounding area.
- 2004 – One hundred fifty-six Congolese Tutsi refugees are massacred at the Gatumba refugee camp in Burundi.
- 2008 – South Ossetian War: Russian units occupy the Georgian city of Gori.
- 2010 – The MV Sun Sea docks in CFB Esquimalt, British Columbia, Canada, carrying 492 Sri Lankan Tamils.
- 1311 – Alfonso XI of Castile (d. 1350)
- 1584 – Theophilus Howard, 2nd Earl of Suffolk, English admiral and politician, Lord Lieutenant of Cumberland (d. 1640)
- 1625 – Rasmus Bartholin, Danish physician, mathematician, and physicist (d. 1698)
- 1662 – Charles Seymour, 6th Duke of Somerset, English politician, Lord President of the Council (d. 1748)
- 1666 – William Wotton, English linguist and scholar (d. 1727)
- 1700 – Heinrich von Brühl, German politician (d. 1763)
- 1717 – Louis François, Prince of Conti (d. 1776)
- 1752 – Maria Carolina of Austria (d. 1814)
- 1764 – Louis Baraguey d'Hilliers, French general (d. 1816)
- 1790 – William Wentworth, Australian journalist, explorer, and politician (d. 1872)
- 1792 – Adelaide of Saxe-Meiningen (d. 1849)
- 1803 – Vladimir Odoyevsky, Russian philosopher and critic (d. 1869)
- 1814 – Anders Jonas Ångström, Swedish physicist and astronomer (d. 1874)
- 1818 – Lucy Stone, American activist (d. 1893)
- 1819 – Sir George Stokes, 1st Baronet, Anglo-Irish mathematician and physicist (d. 1903)
- 1820 – George Grove, English musicologist and historian (d. 1900)
- 1823 – Goldwin Smith, English-Canadian historian and journalist (d. 1910)
- 1831 – Salomon Jadassohn, German pianist and composer (d. 1902)
- 1841 – Johnny Mullagh, Australian cricketer (d. 1891)
- 1851 – Felix Adler, German-American religious leader and educator (d. 1933)
- 1857 – Manuel de Escandón, Mexican polo player (d. 1940)
- 1860 – Annie Oakley, American target shooter and performer (d. 1926)
- 1866 – Giovanni Agnelli, Italian businessman, founded Fiat S.p.A (d. 1945)
- 1867 – George Benjamin Luks, American painter (d. 1933)
- 1872 – Richard Willstätter, German-Swiss chemist and academic, Nobel Prize Laureate (d. 1942)
- 1877 – William Brennaugh, Canadian lacrosse player (d. 1934)
- 1879 – John Ireland, English composer and educator (d. 1962)
- 1884 – Harry Dean, English cricketer and coach (d. 1957)
- 1888 – John Logie Baird, Scottish engineer, invented the television (d. 1946)
- 1888 – Gleb W. Derujinsky, Russian-American sculptor (d. 1975)
- 1889 – Camillien Houde, Canadian politician, 34th Mayor of Montreal (d. 1958)
- 1895 – István Barta, Hungarian water polo player (d. 1948)
- 1895 – Bert Lahr, American actor and singer (d. 1967)
- 1898 – Jean Borotra, French tennis player (d. 1994)
- 1898 – Regis Toomey, American actor (d. 1991)
- 1899 – Alfred Hitchcock, English-American director and producer (d. 1980)
- 1899 – Soledad Mexia, Mexican–American super-centenarian (d. 2013)
- 1902 – Felix Wankel, German engineer (d. 1988)
- 1904 – Buddy Rogers, American actor and trombonist (d. 1999)
- 1906 – Chuck Carroll, American football player and lawyer (d. 2003)
- 1906 – Art Shires, American baseball player and boxer (d. 1967)
- 1907 – Basil Spence, Scottish architect, designed Coventry Cathedral (d. 1976)
- 1908 – Gene Raymond, American actor, singer, and pilot (d. 1998)
- 1911 – William Bernbach, American advertiser, co-founded DDB Worldwide (d. 1982)
- 1912 – Claire Cribbs, American basketball player and coach (d. 1985)
- 1912 – Ben Hogan, American golfer (d. 1997)
- 1912 – Salvador Luria, Italian-American microbiologist and academic, Nobel Prize laureate (d. 1991)
- 1913 – Makarios III, Greek archbishop and politician, 1st President of Cyprus (d. 1977)
- 1913 – Fred Davis, English snooker player (d. 1998)
- 1917 – Sid Gordon, American baseball player (d. 1975)
- 1918 – Noor Hassanali, Trinidadian-Tobagonian lawyer and politician, 2nd President of Trinidad and Tobago (d. 2006)
- 1918 – Frederick Sanger, English biochemist and academic, Nobel Prize laureate (d. 2013)
- 1919 – Rex Humbard, American evangelist and television host (d. 2007)
- 1919 – George Shearing, English-American pianist (d. 2011)
- 1920 – Neville Brand, American actor (d. 1992)
- 1921 – Louis Frémaux, French conductor
- 1921 – Jimmy McCracklin, American singer-songwriter and pianist (d. 2012)
- 1922 – Chuck Gilmur, American basketball player, coach, and educator (d. 2011)
- 1925 – Benny Bailey, American trumpet player, songwriter, and producer (d. 2005)
- 1926 – Fidel Castro, Cuban lawyer and politician, 15th President of Cuba
- 1928 – John Tidmarsh, English journalist and radio host
- 1929 – Pat Harrington, Jr., American actor and screenwriter
- 1930 – Wilfried Hilker, German footballer and referee
- 1930 – Don Ho, American singer and ukulele player (d. 2007)
- 1930 – Bernard Manning, English comedian (d. 2007)
- 1930 – Wilmer Mizell, American baseball player and politician (d. 1999)
- 1930 – Bob Wiesler, American baseball player (d. 2014)
- 1933 – Joycelyn Elders, American admiral and physician, 15th Surgeon General of the United States
- 1933 – Madhur Jaffrey, Indian actress and author
- 1935 – Alex de Renzy, American director and producer (d. 2001)
- 1935 – Mudcat Grant, American baseball player
- 1936 – Kostas Hatzis, Greek singer-songwriter
- 1938 – Dave "Baby" Cortez, American pianist
- 1939 – Ed Burton, American basketball player (d. 2012)
- 1940 – Bill Musselman, American basketball player and coach (d. 2000)
- 1942 – Sheila Armstrong, English soprano
- 1943 – David Bellotti, English politician (d. 2015)
- 1943 – Fred Hill, American football player
- 1943 – Michael Willetts, English sergeant, George Cross recipient (d. 1971)
- 1944 – Divina Galica, English skier and race car driver
- 1944 – Kevin Tighe, American actor and director
- 1945 – Lars Engqvist, Swedish politician, Deputy Prime Minister of Sweden
- 1945 – Gary Gregor, American basketball player
- 1945 – Robin Jackman, Indian-English cricketer and sportscaster
- 1947 – Fred Stanley, American baseball player and manager
- 1947 – Margareta Winberg, Swedish politician, Deputy Prime Minister of Sweden
- 1947 – Justus Thigpen, American basketball player
- 1948 – Kathleen Battle, American soprano and actress
- 1949 – Jim Brunzell, American wrestler
- 1949 – Bobby Clarke, Canadian ice hockey player and manager
- 1949 – Philippe Petit, French tightrope walker
- 1950 – Rusty Gerhardt, American baseball player, coach, and manager
- 1951 – Dan Fogelberg, American singer-songwriter and guitarist (d. 2007)
- 1951 – Ric Parnell, English drummer and songwriter
- 1952 – Dave Carter, American singer-songwriter and guitarist (d. 2002)
- 1952 – Herb Ritts, American photographer (d. 2002)
- 1952 – Hughie Thomasson, American singer-songwriter and guitarist (Outlaws and Lynyrd Skynyrd) (d. 2007)
- 1953 – Thomas Pogge, German philosopher and academic
- 1953 – Peter Wright, English historian and author
- 1953 – Jesudasu Seelam, Indian Politician(Union Finance Minister(2013 - 2014)
- 1954 – Nico Assumpção, Brazilian bass player (d. 2001)
- 1955 – Keith Ahlers, English race car driver
- 1955 – Hideo Fukuyama, Japanese race car driver
- 1955 – Paul Greengrass, English director and screenwriter
- 1955 – Mulgrew Miller, American pianist and composer (d. 2013)
- 1958 – David Feherty, Northern Irish golfer and television commentator
- 1958 – Randy Shughart, American sergeant, Medal of Honor recipient (d. 1993)
- 1959 – Danny Bonaduce, American actor, comedian and wrestler
- 1959 – Martyn Brabbins, English conductor
- 1959 – Bruce French, English cricketer and coach
- 1959 – Tom Niedenfuer, American baseball player
- 1960 – Koji Kondo, Japanese composer
- 1960 – Ivar Stukolkin, Estonian swimmer
- 1961 – Chad Brown, American poker player and actor (d. 2014)
- 1961 – Sam Champion, American journalist
- 1961 – Christos Christodoulou, Greek basketball player
- 1961 – Neil Mallender, English cricketer and umpire
- 1961 – Sunil Shetty, Indian actor and producer
- 1961 – Tomasz Starzewski, English fashion designer
- 1961 – Cary Stayner, American serial killer
- 1962 – Thanos Kalliris, Greek singer-songwriter (Bang)
- 1962 – John Slattery, American actor and director
- 1963 – Valerie Plame, American CIA agent and author
- 1964 – Jay Buhner, American baseball player
- 1964 – Ian Haugland, Swedish drummer (Europe)
- 1964 – Debi Mazar, American actress
- 1964 – Tom Prince, American baseball player and manager
- 1965 – Mark Lemke, American baseball player, coach, and radio host
- 1965 – Hayato Matsuo, Japanese composer and conductor
- 1966 – Shayne Corson, Canadian ice hockey player
- 1966 – Scooter Barry, American basketball player
- 1967 – Dave Jamerson, American basketball player
- 1967 – Digna Ketelaar, Dutch tennis player
- 1968 – Tal Bachman, Canadian singer-songwriter and musician
- 1968 – Todd Hendricks, American football player and coach
- 1968 – Tony Jarrett, English sprinter and hurdler
- 1969 – Midori Ito, Japanese figure skater
- 1970 – Will Clarke, American author
- 1970 – Elvis Grbac, American football player
- 1970 – Alan Shearer, English footballer and manager
- 1971 – Moritz Bleibtreu, German actor
- 1971 – Patrick Carpentier, Canadian race car driver
- 1971 – Adam Housley, American journalist
- 1972 – Hani Hanjour, Saudi Arabian terrorist, hijacker of American Airlines Flight 77 (d. 2001)
- 1972 – Kevin Plank, American businessman, founded Under Armour
- 1972 – John Safran, Australian screenwriter and producer
- 1972 – Michael Sinterniklaas, French-American actor, director, and screenwriter
- 1972 – Hakan Altun, Turkish singer, songwriter and an instrumentalist
- 1973 – Ryoko Shinohara, Japanese singer and actress
- 1974 – Sam Endicott, American singer-songwriter (The Bravery)
- 1974 – Dušan Jelić, Serbian-Greek basketball player
- 1974 – Joe Perry, English snooker player
- 1975 – Shoaib Akhtar, Pakistani cricketer
- 1975 – Marty Turco, Canadian ice hockey player and sportscaster
- 1976 – Geno Carlisle, American basketball player
- 1976 – Nicolas Lapentti, Ecuadorian tennis player
- 1976 – Jody Thompson, Canadian actress
- 1976 – Özge Özberk, Turkish actress
- 1977 – Michael Klim, Polish-Australian swimmer
- 1979 – Román Colón, Dominican baseball player
- 1979 – Taizō Sugimura, Japanese politician
- 1982 – Shani Davis, American speed skater
- 1982 – Kalenna Harper, American singer-songwriter
- 1982 – Gary McSheffrey, English footballer
- 1983 – Dallas Braden, American baseball player
- 1983 – Ales Hemsky, Czech ice hockey player
- 1983 – Christian Müller, German footballer
- 1983 – Sebastian Stan, Romanian-American actor
- 1983 – Ľubomír Michalík, Slovak footballer
- 1984 – Alona Bondarenko, Ukrainian tennis player
- 1984 – Niko Kranjčar, Croatian footballer
- 1984 – Boone Logan, American baseball player
- 1984 – James Morrison, English singer-songwriter and guitarist
- 1984 – Morteza Pashaei, Iranian singer-songwriter (d. 2014)
- 1985 – Grega Bole, Slovenian cyclist
- 1986 – Yasuhisa Furuhara, Japanese actor
- 1986 – Demetrious Johnson, American mixed martial artist
- 1987 – Devin McCourty, American football player
- 1987 – Jason McCourty, American football player
- 1988 – MØ, Danish singer-songwriter
- 1988 – Keith Benson, American basketball player
- 1989 – Israel Jiménez, Mexican footballer
- 1990 – Benjamin Stambouli, French footballer
- 1990 – Sae Miyazawa, Japanese singer and actress (AKB48 and Diva)
- 1990 – DeMarcus Cousins, American basketball player
- 1991 – Alexander Kačaniklić, Swedish footballer
- 1992 – Lucas Moura, Brazilian footballer
- 1993 – Johnny Gaudreau, American ice hockey player
- 1994 – Filip Forsberg, Swedish ice hockey player
- 2000 – Piper Reese, American entertainment reporter, Internet celebrity and actress
- 586 – Radegund, Frankish princess and saint (b. 520)
- 604 – Emperor Wen of Sui (b. 541)
- 612 – Fabia Eudokia, Byzantine empress (b. 580)
- 900 – Zwentibold, French son of Arnulf of Carinthia (b. 870)
- 1134 – Irene of Hungary (b. 1088)
- 1297 – Nawrūz, Mongol emir
- 1382 – Eleanor of Aragon, Queen of Castile (b. 1358)
- 1523 – Gerard David, Flemish painter (b. 1460)
- 1617 – Johann Jakob Grynaeus, Swiss clergyman (b. 1540)
- 1667 – Jeremy Taylor, Irish bishop (b. 1613)
- 1686 – Louis Maimbourg, French priest and historian (b. 1610)
- 1721 – Jacques Lelong, French author (b. 1665)
- 1744 – John Cruger, Danish-American politician, 39th Mayor of New York City (b. 1678)
- 1749 – Johann Elias Schlegel, German poet and critic (b. 1719)
- 1766 – Margaret Fownes-Luttrell, British painter (b. 1726)
- 1826 – René Laennec, French physician, invented the stethoscope (b. 1781)
- 1863 – Eugène Delacroix, French painter (b. 1798)
- 1865 – Ignaz Semmelweis, Hungarian physician (b. 1818)
- 1910 – Florence Nightingale, Italian-English nurse (b. 1820)
- 1912 – Jules Massenet, French composer (b. 1842)
- 1917 – Eduard Buchner, German chemist and zymologist, Nobel Prize laureate (b. 1860)
- 1934 – Mary Hunter Austin, American author (b. 1868)
- 1946 – H. G. Wells, English journalist and author (b. 1866)
- 1948 – Elaine Hammerstein, American actress (b. 1897)
- 1954 – Demetrius Constantine Dounis, Greek violinist and mandolin player (b. 1886)
- 1958 – Francis J. McCormick, American football, basketball player, and coach (b. 1903)
- 1958 – Otto Witte, German acrobat (b. 1868)
- 1963 – Louis Bastien, French cyclist (b. 1881)
- 1965 – Hayato Ikeda, Japanese politician, 58th Prime Minister of Japan (b. 1899)
- 1971 – W. O. Bentley, English engineer, racing driver and founder of Bentley Motors Limited (b. 1888)
- 1975 – Murilo Mendes, Brazilian poet (b. 1901)
- 1977 – Henry Williamson, English farmer and author (b. 1895)
- 1979 – Andrew Dasburg, American painter (b. 1887)
- 1986 – Way Bandy, American make-up artist (b. 1941)
- 1986 – Helen Mack, American actress and singer (b. 1913)
- 1989 – Tim Richmond, American race car driver (b. 1955)
- 1989 – Larkin I. Smith, American police officer and politician (b. 1944)
- 1991 – James Roosevelt, American general and politician (b. 1907)
- 1991 – Jack Ryan, American engineer (b. 1926)
- 1995 – Alison Hargreaves, English mountaineer (b. 1963)
- 1995 – Mickey Mantle, American baseball player and sportscaster (b. 1931)
- 1996 – António de Spínola, Portuguese general and politician, 14th President of Portugal (b. 1910)
- 1996 – David Tudor, American pianist and composer (b. 1926)
- 1998 – Nino Ferrer, Italian-French singer-songwriter and guitarist (b. 1934)
- 1998 – Julien Green, American author (b. 1900)
- 1998 – Edward Ginzton, Ukrainian-American physicist and academic (b. 1915)
- 1998 – Rafael Robles, Dominican-American baseball player (b. 1947)
- 1999 – Ignatz Bubis, German religious leader (b. 1927)
- 1999 – Jaime Garzón, Colombian journalist and lawyer (b. 1960)
- 1999 – Gopal Shankar Misra, Indian vichitra veena player and educator (b. 1957)
- 2001 – Otto Stuppacher, Austrian race car driver (b. 1947)
- 2001 – Jim Hughes, American baseball player (b. 1923)
- 2003 – Ed Townsend, American singer-songwriter, and producer (b. 1929)
- 2004 – Julia Child, American chef, author, and television host (b. 1912)
- 2005 – Miguel Arraes, Brazilian lawyer and politician (b. 1916)
- 2005 – David Lange, New Zealand lawyer and politician, 32nd Prime Minister of New Zealand (b. 1942)
- 2006 – Tony Jay, English-American voice actor and singer (b. 1933)
- 2006 – Jon Nödtveidt, Swedish singer-songwriter and guitarist (Dissection and Ophthalamia) (b. 1975)
- 2007 – Brooke Astor, American philanthropist (b. 1902)
- 2007 – Yone Minagawa, Japanese super-centenarian (b. 1893)
- 2007 – Phil Rizzuto, American baseball player and sportscaster (b. 1917)
- 2008 – Henri Cartan, French mathematician and academic (b. 1904)
- 2008 – Bill Gwatney, American politician (b. 1959)
- 2009 – Lavelle Felton, American basketball player (b. 1980)
- 2009 – Allen Shellenberger, American drummer (Lit) (b. 1969)
- 2010 – Panagiotis Bachramis, Greek footballer (b. 1976)
- 2010 – Edwin Newman, American journalist and author (b. 1919)
- 2011 – Mishuk Munier, Bangladeshi media specialist and photography director (b. 1959)
- 2011 – Tareque Masud, Bangladeshi flim director (b. 1957)
- 2012 – Hugo Adam Bedau, American philosopher and academic (b. 1926)
- 2012 – Helen Gurley Brown, American journalist and author (b. 1922)
- 2012 – Salvador Escudero, Filipino politician (b. 1942)
- 2012 – Kathi Goertzen, American journalist (b. 1958)
- 2012 – Ray Jordon, Australian cricketer and coach (b. 1937)
- 2012 – Johnny Pesky, American baseball player and manager (b. 1919)
- 2012 – Joan Roberts, American actress and singer (b. 1917)
- 2013 – Kris Biantoro, Indonesian actor and singer (b. 1938)
- 2013 – Lothar Bisky, German politician (b. 1941)
- 2013 – Tompall Glaser, American singer (Tompall & the Glaser Brothers) (b. 1933)
- 2013 – Jean Vincent, French footballer and manager (b. 1930)
- 2014 – Frans Brüggen, Dutch flute player and conductor (b. 1934)
- 2014 – Eduardo Campos, Brazilian politician (b. 1965)
- 2014 – Martino Finotto, Italian racing driver (b. 1933)
- 2014 – Süleyman Seba, Turkish footballer (b. 1926)
- Independence Day, celebrates the independence of Central African Republic from France in 1960.
- International Lefthanders Day (International)
- Women's Day, commemorates the enaction of Tunisian Code of Personal Status in 1956. (Tunisia)
“Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.” 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 NIV
Morning and Evening by Charles Spurgeon
Causes for disquietude there are none so long as this blessed sentence is true. On earth the Lord's power as readily controls the rage of the wicked as the rage of the sea; his love as easily refreshes the poor with mercy as the earth with showers. Majesty gleams in flashes of fire amid the tempest's horrors, and the glory of the Lord is seen in its grandeur in the fall of empires, and the crash of thrones. In all our conflicts and tribulations, we may behold the hand of the divine King.
"God is God; he sees and hears
All our troubles, all our tears.
Soul, forget not, 'mid thy pains,
God o'er all forever reigns."
In hell, evil spirits own, with misery, his undoubted supremacy. When permitted to roam abroad, it is with a chain at their heel; the bit is in the mouth of behemoth, and the hook in the jaws of leviathan. Death's darts are under the Lord's lock, and the grave's prisons have divine power as their warder. The terrible vengeance of the Judge of all the earth makes fiends cower down and tremble, even as dogs in the kennel fear the hunter's whip.
"Fear not death, nor Satan's thrusts,
God defends who in him trusts;
Soul, remember, in thy pains,
God o'er all forever reigns."
In heaven none doubt the sovereignty of the King Eternal, but all fall on their faces to do him homage. Angels are his courtiers, the redeemed his favourites, and all delight to serve him day and night. May we soon reach the city of the great King!
"For this life's long night of sadness
He will give us peace and gladness.
Soul, remember, in thy pains,
God o'er all forever reigns."
"The bow shall be seen in the cloud."
Genesis 9:14
Genesis 9:14
The rainbow, the symbol of the covenant with Noah, is typical of our Lord Jesus, who is the Lord's witness to the people. When may we expect to see the token of the covenant? The rainbow is only to be seen painted upon a cloud. When the sinner's conscience is dark with clouds, when he remembers his past sin, and mourneth and lamenteth before God, Jesus Christ is revealed to him as the covenant Rainbow, displaying all the glorious hues of the divine character and betokening peace. To the believer, when his trials and temptations surround him, it is sweet to behold the person of our Lord Jesus Christ--to see him bleeding, living, rising, and pleading for us. God's rainbow is hung over the cloud of our sins, our sorrows, and our woes, to prophesy deliverance. Nor does a cloud alone give a rainbow, there must be the crystal drops to reflect the light of the sun. So, our sorrows must not only threaten, but they must really fall upon us. There had been no Christ for us if the vengeance of God had been merely a threatening cloud: punishment must fall in terrible drops upon the Surety. Until there is a real anguish in the sinner's conscience, there is no Christ for him; until the chastisement which he feels becomes grievous, he cannot see Jesus. But there must also be a sun; for clouds and drops of rain make not rainbows unless the sun shineth. Beloved, our God, who is as the sun to us, always shines, but we do not always see him--clouds hide his face; but no matter what drops may be falling, or what clouds may be threatening, if he does but shine there will be a rainbow at once. It is said that when we see the rainbow the shower is over. Certain it is, that when Christ comes, our troubles remove; when we behold Jesus, our sins vanish, and our doubts and fears subside. When Jesus walks the waters of the sea, how profound the calm!
Today's reading: Psalm 84-86, Romans 12 (NIV)
View today's reading on Bible GatewayToday's Old Testament reading: Psalm 84-86
1 How lovely is your dwelling place,
LORD Almighty!
2 My soul yearns, even faints,
for the courts of the LORD;
my heart and my flesh cry out
for the living God.
3 Even the sparrow has found a home,
and the swallow a nest for herself,
where she may have her young-
a place near your altar,
LORD Almighty, my King and my God.
4 Blessed are those who dwell in your house;
they are ever praising you....
Today's New Testament reading: Romans 12
A Living Sacrifice
1 Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God-this is your true and proper worship. 2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is-his good, pleasing and perfect will....
Mark, Marcus
[Märk,Mär'cus] - a large hammer orpolite. John Mark was a Jew and a son of Mary, who was a leading Christian at Jerusalem.
[Märk,Mär'cus] - a large hammer orpolite. John Mark was a Jew and a son of Mary, who was a leading Christian at Jerusalem.
The Man Who Recovered Himself
Mark was the Roman surname of this young associate of the apostle, while his first name, John, was his Hebrew name. Mark was an apostle but held no official position among the original Twelve. The first time we come across "John, whose surname was Mark," it is in connection with one of the most remarkable prayer meetings ever held. Herod, who had just beheaded James, had Peter under arrest. But the many friends of "The Big Fisherman" gathered in the home of "Mary the mother of John Mark" for prayer, which the Lord wonderfully answered (Acts 12:12).
Mark's mother was a godly, well-to-do widow in Jerusalem and her house was a favorite meeting place for the saints (Acts 12:12; Col. 4:10). Her brother, Barnabas, Mark's uncle, was a wealthy Levite from the island of Cyprus (Acts 13:1-5). In Barnabas, Mark had a staunch and gifted friend and counselor (Acts 11:24). While we are not told how or when Mark became a disciple of Christ, it is evident that he owed his conversion to Peter, since the apostle speaks of him as "Marcus, my son" ( 1 Pet. 5:13). Thereafter he became a close companion of Peter for about twelve years. Doubtless Mark had heard and seen Christ. Tradition identifies Mark as "the certain young man," who followed Christ when all His disciples forsook Him and fled (Mark 14:51).
Mark became an attendant of Paul and Barnabas when they set out on their great mission tour (Acts 13:5 ), and these two godly men must have had a formative influence upon the character of young Mark. However, our next glimpse of him is disappointing. In the early years of his service, Mark was guilty of vacillating (Acts 13:13; 15:38). The ploughman looked back. So full of promise, Mark failed Paul and Barnabas at a crisis and brought about a severance of friends. The fear of what lay ahead in arduous missionary enterprise moved Mark to retrace his steps (Acts 13:13; 15:38).
But Mark won his spurs again and recovered his place in apostolic esteem. The years the locusts had eaten were restored and he became a valued colleague of Paul (Col. 4:10, 11; Philem. 24). A further impressive testimony to Mark's reinstatement is found in Paul's tribute to Mark's usefulness (2 Tim. 4:11). The wound was thoroughly healed. In the eventide of his life, Peter could write affectionately of Mark (1 Pet. 5:13). Tradition says that Mark became a bishop and a martyr and that his body was removed to Venice and buried there. St. Mark's of Venice is dedicated to his fragrant memory. The Lion, the emblem of Mark's Roman Gospel, is emblazoned on the standard of the Venetian Republic.
As the ministry of Mark was peculiarly a Gentile one, he is recognized by his Gentile name. Writing specifically for Romans, who stood for power, Mark manifests Christ's power in service. Accustomed as Mark was to the might of Rome's legions, he exhibits the soldier's rapidity of movement and readiness to repel attack, and gives us in his shortest and simplest gospel, a progressive series of victorious conflicts. Vividness, compactness, direction, circumstantial evidence characterize his gospel.
The main lessons to be learned from the life of Mark are apparent:
I. The blessings of a godly home. The Christian Church owes much to "Mary, the mother of John Mark."
II. Much depends upon the choice of friends. Mark's life was lived in the company of godly men such as Peter, Paul and Barnabas.
III. The possibilities of life. A widow's son became an apostle and a great historian, and his name is upon the lips of men the world over.
IV. The reward for faithful service. We do not read of Mark preaching a single sermon or performing even one miracle. All that is said about him is that he was a helper of others. Such service never fails to receive its reward.
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