Note the extreme left have not covered themselves with glory. Nice of Obama to celebrate an Islamic festival, but tasteless of him to have not acknowledged the damage of jihadism in a hit that same day. The world expects the US President to bring weight and understanding to issues. What the US President says has meaning. But this US President has shown little understanding of process and no remorse for grievous mistakes. Meanwhile ISIL commits numerous atrocities against all. It would be nice for the President to show his endorsement for Islam does not extend to jihadis.
Bronwyn Bishop attacked for allegedly legitimate expense in a campaign similar to that which savaged Credlin. News Limited Editor, Malcolm Farr, who apparently writes exclusively for the ALP, even when sober (to be fair, Glenn Milne threw the punch at Crikey editor Mayne at the '06 Walkley awards), has launched an extraordinary broadside against the Speaker of the lower house, accusing her of not being as good as Anna Burke, an ALP Speaker who presided over arguably the worst government Australia has had. Naturally Burke was a trade union official before she went into government. Bishop is a former actress who became a lawyer. At issue is a helicopter trip Bishop made and claimed as an expense. The trip does not seem to be an expense item and Bishop has paid it back. Channel 9 News has called it a luxury helicopter trip, but Channel 9 are as balanced as Farr.
In 390 BC, Roman-Gaulish Wars: Battle of the Allia: A Roman army was defeated by raiding Gauls, leading to the subsequent sacking of Rome. 64, the Great Fire of Rome caused widespread devastation and raged on for six days, destroying half of the city. 362, Roman–Persian Wars: Emperor Julian arrived at Antioch with a Roman expeditionary force (60,000 men) and staid there for nine months to launch a campaign against the Persian Empire. 645, Chinese forces under general Li Shiji besieged the strategic fortress city of Anshi (Liaoning) during the Goguryeo–Tang War.
In 1290, King Edward I of England issued the Edict of Expulsion, banishing all Jews (numbering about 16,000) from England; this was Tisha B'Av on the Hebrew calendar, a day that commemorates many Jewish calamities. 1334, the bishop of Florence blessed the first foundation stone for the new campanile (bell tower) of the Florence Cathedral, designed by the artist Giotto di Bondone. 1342, Mu'izz al-Din Husayn defeated the Sarbadars in the Battle of Zava. 1389, France and England agreed to the Truce of Leulinghem, inaugurating a 13-year peace, the longest period of sustained peace during the Hundred Years' War. 1391, Tokhtamysh–Timur war: Battle of the Kondurcha River: Timur defeated Tokhtamysh of the Golden Horde in present day southeast Russia. 1555, the College of Arms was reincorporated by Royal charter signed by Queen Mary I of England and King Philip II of Spain.
In 1812, the Treaties of Orebro ended both the Anglo-Russian and Anglo-Swedish Wars. 1841, Coronation of Emperor Pedro II of Brazil, on 18 July. 1857, Louis Faidherbe, French governor of Senegal, arrived to relieve French forces at Kayes, effectively ending El Hajj Umar Tall's war against the French. 1862, first ascent of Dent Blanche, one of the highest summits in the Alps. 1863, American Civil War: Second Battle of Fort Wagner: One of the first formal African American military units, the 54th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, supported by several white regiments, attempted an unsuccessful assault on Confederate-held Battery Wagner. 1870, the First Vatican Council decreed the dogma of papal infallibility.
In 1914, the U.S. Congress formed the Aviation Section, U.S. Signal Corps, giving official status to aircraft within the U.S. Army for the first time. 1925, Adolf Hitler published his personal manifesto Mein Kampf. 1936, an army uprising in Spanish Morocco started the Spanish Civil War. 1942, World War II: The Germans test flew the Messerschmitt Me 262 using its jet engines for the first time. 1944, World War II: Hideki Tōjō resigned as Prime Minister of Japan because of numerous setbacks in the war effort.
In 1966, Human spaceflight: Gemini 10 was launched from Cape Kennedy on a 70-hour mission that included docking with an orbiting Agena target vehicle. Also 1966, Australian children's television series Play School aired for the first time, going on to become the longest-running children's show in Australia, and the second longest running children's show in the world 1968, Intel was founded in Mountain View, California. 1969, after a party on Chappaquiddick Island, Senator Ted Kennedy from Massachusetts drove an Oldsmobile off a bridge and his passenger, Mary Jo Kopechne, died. 1976, Nadia Comăneci became the first person in Olympic Games history to score a perfect 10 in gymnastics at the 1976 Summer Olympics. 1982, two hundred sixty-eight campesinos ("peasants" or "country people") were slain in the Plan de Sánchez massacre in Ríos Montt's Guatemala. 1984, McDonald's massacre in San Ysidro, California: In a fast-food restaurant, James Oliver Huberty opened fire, killing 21 people and injuring 19 others before being shot dead by police. Also 1984, the dismembered body of Swedish prostitute Catrine da Costa was found in Stockholm, the findings later led to a trial that ended in a mistrial for two accused doctors. 1986, a tornado was broadcast live on KARE television in Minnesota when the station's helicopter pilot made a chance encounter.
In 1992, the ten victims of the La Cantuta massacre disappeared from their university in Lima. 1994, the bombing of the Asociación Mutual Israelita Argentina (Argentine Jewish Community Centre) in Buenos Aires killed 85 people (mostly Jewish) and injured 300. Also 1994, Rwandan Genocide: The Rwandan Patriotic Front took control of Gisenyi and north western Rwanda, forcing the interim government into Zaire and ending the genocide. 1995, on the Caribbean island of Montserrat, the Soufrière Hills volcano erupted. Over the course of several years, it devastated the island, destroying the capital and forcing most of the population to flee. Also 1995, Dreaming of You by Selena, released posthumously, became the best-selling Latin album in the United States. It was noted by Billboard magazine as a "historic event" for Latin music. 1996, storms provoked severe flooding on the Saguenay River, beginning one of Quebec's costliest natural disasters ever: The Saguenay Flood. Also 1996, Battle of Mullaitivu: The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam captured the Sri Lanka Army's base, killing over 1200 soldiers. 2012, at least seven people were killed and 32 others are injured after a bomb exploded on an Israeli tour bus at Burgas Airport, Bulgaria. 2013, the Government of Detroit, with up to $20 billion in debt, files for the largest municipal bankruptcy in U.S. history.
Where is God with flight MH17?
"Trust those who seek the truth but doubt those who say they have found it." André Paul Guillaume Gide coined that thought. Oscar Wilde thought he had brought André to discover he was gay, but he had sought him out knowing it already. A writer, who realised the Soviet Union was bad in '36, after he sailed there, but supported the socialist values by leaning.
Communism failed, and spawned Russia and the Ukraine.
"Trust those who seek the truth but doubt those who say they have found it." André Paul Guillaume Gide coined that thought. Oscar Wilde thought he had brought André to discover he was gay, but he had sought him out knowing it already. A writer, who realised the Soviet Union was bad in '36, after he sailed there, but supported the socialist values by leaning.
During the 1930s, he briefly became a communist, or more precisely, a fellow traveler (he never formally joined the Communist Party). As a distinguished writer sympathizing with the cause of communism, he was invited to tour the Soviet Union as a guest of the Soviet Union of Writers. The tour disillusioned him and he subsequently became quite critical of Soviet Communism. This criticism of Communism caused him to lose socialist friends, especially when he made a clean break with it in Retour de L'U.R.S.S. in 1936. He was also a contributor to The God That Failed.My faith in communism is like my faith in religion: it is a promise of salvation for mankind. If I have to lay my life down that it may succeed, I would do so without hesitation
—André Gide, The God That Failed...and after his visit to the Soviet Union:[6]It is impermissible under any circumstances for morals to sink as low as communism has done. No one can begin to imagine the tragedy of humanity, of morality, of religion and of freedoms in the land of communism, where man has been debased beyond belief
—André Gide, quoted in Culture, Civilization, and Humanity Wikipedia
Communism failed, and spawned Russia and the Ukraine.
In the wake of the tragedy from the terrorist strike on Malaysian flight MH17 it is natural for the grieving to ask "Where is God?" They seek God, and so presumably, they can be trusted. It is easy to point to where God wasn't. God was not on the minds of those who shot the missile which downed the jet. They were too busy following orders, prosecuting an agenda which might have been related to wishing to shoot down a Ukrainian Antonov or Putin, depending on allegiance. God was not on the mind of a panic stricken Biden who belatedly offered prayer after blaming Russia. God was also not with the joking Obama who lightly accepted US casualties Two leaders of the US community who did not turn to God, probably thinking instead that they knew the answers. Those who fired the missiles knew what they were doing, and later kew what they had done. And in a monitored telephone conversation, Russian soldiers apparently knew their mistake. Ukraine government knew who to blame. They had not sought the truth.
Clearly Mr Abbott knew what he was talking about when he sought answers for questions regarding whomever was responsible. Those on the plane hadn't suffered. It was quick. They sought an end to their journey. And they rest in His arms. Faith is important. God is real. Not real like Gaia, whom Anglicans seem to worship in place of that biblical being. But real in his reach and power. Some get confused by words. They have heard of 'infinite,' 'Omnipotent' and 'Omniscient.'It throws them, because there is no such creature. How can God be everywhere and not with those firing missiles? If he wasn't with those firing missiles, he wasn't everywhere, and then there is no God, goes the reasoning. But the reasoning is faulty. and those three words meaningless. God is the beginning, and the end. He knows the heart of those victims, and he knows the intent of the aggressors. There is a point to our lives, and a beginning, a middle and an end. Grieve for the loss of life. Rage against the loss of those taken too soon. But God is there, and because of it, devotion to him is not lost, but affirmed. Blood cries out. Not for revenge. For justice. Obama apparently did a deal with Russia over Crimea. This tragedy is a result of that. Trust those who seek the truth.
In history one sees the result every day of Julius Ceaser's campaign in Gaul. But on this day in 390 BC, a tribe of Gaul beat a Roman army and sacked Rome. It would be some nine hundred years before they would do so again. Rome had been weakened from her recent triumph over Etrura. She had sent three diplomats at the request of a besieged North Italian city, but one of the diplomats broke truce, and the Gauls exacted a terrible price in return. On 362 AD, a sixty thousand strong Roman force went to fight Persians, having grown over nine months. The war was fought over 700 years, starting in 92 BC and finishing with Islamic Arabs crushing the war weary and weak Sassanid empire. 1290, King Edward I of England expelled all the Jews. 1389, England and France agreed to a 13 year truce in the hundred year war. It is doubtful England could have mounted any assaults, she was falling into disarray for the wars of the Roses. Blood cries out, and on this day in 1863, the 54th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry comprised mainly of African Americans made a failed charge. 1870, The Pope asserted his infallibility. 1925, Hitler published his personal struggle with reality. 1942, Germany flew the first jet aircraft. 1968, Intel was founded. 1969, Ed Kennedy killed his career and a woman at Chappaquiddick. 1976, a perfect 10 was scored by Nadia Comăneci. 1982, 268 communist peasants killed by nationalist government in Guatemala. 1994 and 2012, Jews are targeted at two separate massacres. 2013, Obama made an election promise regarding Detroit, but broke it on this day. Birthdays notable for WG Grace (1848), Nelson Mandela (1918) and Dennis Lillee (1949). We lost Caravaggio (1610), John Paul Jones (1792) and Jane Austen (1817).
Historical perspectives on this day
In 1290, King Edward I of England issued the Edict of Expulsion, banishing all Jews (numbering about 16,000) from England; this was Tisha B'Av on the Hebrew calendar, a day that commemorates many Jewish calamities. 1334, the bishop of Florence blessed the first foundation stone for the new campanile (bell tower) of the Florence Cathedral, designed by the artist Giotto di Bondone. 1342, Mu'izz al-Din Husayn defeated the Sarbadars in the Battle of Zava. 1389, France and England agreed to the Truce of Leulinghem, inaugurating a 13-year peace, the longest period of sustained peace during the Hundred Years' War. 1391, Tokhtamysh–Timur war: Battle of the Kondurcha River: Timur defeated Tokhtamysh of the Golden Horde in present day southeast Russia. 1555, the College of Arms was reincorporated by Royal charter signed by Queen Mary I of England and King Philip II of Spain.
In 1812, the Treaties of Orebro ended both the Anglo-Russian and Anglo-Swedish Wars. 1841, Coronation of Emperor Pedro II of Brazil, on 18 July. 1857, Louis Faidherbe, French governor of Senegal, arrived to relieve French forces at Kayes, effectively ending El Hajj Umar Tall's war against the French. 1862, first ascent of Dent Blanche, one of the highest summits in the Alps. 1863, American Civil War: Second Battle of Fort Wagner: One of the first formal African American military units, the 54th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, supported by several white regiments, attempted an unsuccessful assault on Confederate-held Battery Wagner. 1870, the First Vatican Council decreed the dogma of papal infallibility.
In 1914, the U.S. Congress formed the Aviation Section, U.S. Signal Corps, giving official status to aircraft within the U.S. Army for the first time. 1925, Adolf Hitler published his personal manifesto Mein Kampf. 1936, an army uprising in Spanish Morocco started the Spanish Civil War. 1942, World War II: The Germans test flew the Messerschmitt Me 262 using its jet engines for the first time. 1944, World War II: Hideki Tōjō resigned as Prime Minister of Japan because of numerous setbacks in the war effort.
In 1966, Human spaceflight: Gemini 10 was launched from Cape Kennedy on a 70-hour mission that included docking with an orbiting Agena target vehicle. Also 1966, Australian children's television series Play School aired for the first time, going on to become the longest-running children's show in Australia, and the second longest running children's show in the world 1968, Intel was founded in Mountain View, California. 1969, after a party on Chappaquiddick Island, Senator Ted Kennedy from Massachusetts drove an Oldsmobile off a bridge and his passenger, Mary Jo Kopechne, died. 1976, Nadia Comăneci became the first person in Olympic Games history to score a perfect 10 in gymnastics at the 1976 Summer Olympics. 1982, two hundred sixty-eight campesinos ("peasants" or "country people") were slain in the Plan de Sánchez massacre in Ríos Montt's Guatemala. 1984, McDonald's massacre in San Ysidro, California: In a fast-food restaurant, James Oliver Huberty opened fire, killing 21 people and injuring 19 others before being shot dead by police. Also 1984, the dismembered body of Swedish prostitute Catrine da Costa was found in Stockholm, the findings later led to a trial that ended in a mistrial for two accused doctors. 1986, a tornado was broadcast live on KARE television in Minnesota when the station's helicopter pilot made a chance encounter.
In 1992, the ten victims of the La Cantuta massacre disappeared from their university in Lima. 1994, the bombing of the Asociación Mutual Israelita Argentina (Argentine Jewish Community Centre) in Buenos Aires killed 85 people (mostly Jewish) and injured 300. Also 1994, Rwandan Genocide: The Rwandan Patriotic Front took control of Gisenyi and north western Rwanda, forcing the interim government into Zaire and ending the genocide. 1995, on the Caribbean island of Montserrat, the Soufrière Hills volcano erupted. Over the course of several years, it devastated the island, destroying the capital and forcing most of the population to flee. Also 1995, Dreaming of You by Selena, released posthumously, became the best-selling Latin album in the United States. It was noted by Billboard magazine as a "historic event" for Latin music. 1996, storms provoked severe flooding on the Saguenay River, beginning one of Quebec's costliest natural disasters ever: The Saguenay Flood. Also 1996, Battle of Mullaitivu: The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam captured the Sri Lanka Army's base, killing over 1200 soldiers. 2012, at least seven people were killed and 32 others are injured after a bomb exploded on an Israeli tour bus at Burgas Airport, Bulgaria. 2013, the Government of Detroit, with up to $20 billion in debt, files for the largest municipal bankruptcy in U.S. history.
=== Publishing News ===
This column welcomes feedback and criticism. The column is not made up but based on the days events and articles which are then placed in the feed. So they may not have an apparent cohesion they would have had were they made up.
Editorials will appear in the "History in a Year by the Conservative Voice" series, starting with August, September, October, or at Amazon The kindle version is cheaper, but the soft back version allows the purchase of a kindle version for just $3.99 more.
For twenty two years I have been responsibly addressing an issue, and I cannot carry on. I am petitioning the Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott to remedy my distress. I leave it up to him if he chooses to address the issue. Regardless of your opinion of conservative government, the issue is pressing. Please sign my petition at
Or the US President at
or or
Mr Ball, I will not sign your petition as it will do no good, but I will share your message and ask as many of friends who read it, to share it also. Let us see if we cannot use the power of the internet to spread the word of these infamous killings. As a father and a former soldier, I cannot, could not, justify ignoring this appalling action by the perpetrators, whoever they may; I thank you Douglas. You are wrong about the petition. Signing it is as worthless and meaningless an act as voting. A stand up guy would know that. - ed
Lorraine Allen Hider I signed the petition ages ago David, with pleasure, nobody knows what it's like until they've been there. Keep heart David take care.
I have begun a bulletin board ( which will allow greater latitude for members to post and interact. It is not subject to FB policy and so greater range is allowed in posts. Also there are private members rooms in which nothing is censored, except abuse. All welcome, registration is free.
For twenty two years I have been responsibly addressing an issue, and I cannot carry on. I am petitioning the Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott to remedy my distress. I leave it up to him if he chooses to address the issue. Regardless of your opinion of conservative government, the issue is pressing. Please sign my petition at
Or the US President at
or or
Mr Ball, I will not sign your petition as it will do no good, but I will share your message and ask as many of friends who read it, to share it also. Let us see if we cannot use the power of the internet to spread the word of these infamous killings. As a father and a former soldier, I cannot, could not, justify ignoring this appalling action by the perpetrators, whoever they may; I thank you Douglas. You are wrong about the petition. Signing it is as worthless and meaningless an act as voting. A stand up guy would know that. - ed
Lorraine Allen Hider I signed the petition ages ago David, with pleasure, nobody knows what it's like until they've been there. Keep heart David take care.
Happy birthday and many happy returns André Ruiz and Fiona McBeath, WG Grace (1848), Robert Hooke (1635), Nelson Mandela (1918), John Glenn (1921), Thomas Kuhn (1922), Dennis Lillee (1949) and Kristen Bell (1980). On your day, in 1290, Edward I issued an edict expelling all Jews from England. 1863, American Civil War: Led by Union Army Colonel Robert Gould Shaw, the 54th Regiment Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, the first formal African American military unit, spearheaded an assault on Fort Wagner near Charleston, South Carolina. 1969, After a party on Chappaquiddick Island in Massachusetts, United States Senator Ted Kennedy drove his car off a wooden bridge into a tidal channel, killing his passenger Mary Jo Kopechne, a former campaign worker. 1976, At the Olympic Games in Montreal, Nadia Comăneci became the first person to score a perfect 10 in a modern Olympics gymnastics event. 2005, In a joint statement, Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and U.S. President George W. Bush announced the U.S.–India Civil Nuclear Agreement, a bilateral treaty on civil nuclear cooperation between their two respective countries. I read about Kuhn when I read "What is this crazy little thing called Science" which isn't as deliciously saucy as the question "What is this crazy little thing called, love?" You have the right stuff, and so despite big mistakes, you fix them. You find glory. Like Kennedy, we won't talk about Chappaquiddick. But you got a perfect 10 .. the first .. and if you sign here things won't go badly nuclear. Cheers.
- 1501 – Isabella of Austria (d. 1526)
- 1504 – Heinrich Bullinger, Swiss pastor and reformer (d. 1575)
- 1811 – William Makepeace Thackeray, English author (d. 1863)
- 1848 – W. G. Grace, English cricketer (d. 1915)
- 1850 – Rose Hartwick Thorpe, American poet (d. 1939)
- 1853 – Hendrik Lorentz, Dutch physicist, Nobel Prize laureate (d. 1928)
- 1887 – Vidkun Quisling, Norwegian soldier and politician, Minister President of Norway (d. 1945)
- 1908 – Lupe Vélez, Mexican-American actress and dancer (d. 1944)
- 1913 – Red Skelton, American actor and singer (d. 1997)
- 1918 – Nelson Mandela, South African lawyer and politician, 1st President of South Africa, Nobel Prize laureate (d. 2013)
- 1921 – Peter Austin, English brewer, founded Ringwood Brewery (d. 2014)
- 1921 – John Glenn, American colonel, astronaut, and politician
- 1922 – Thomas Kuhn, American physicist, historian, and philosopher (d. 1996)
- 1925 – Shirley Strickland, Australian runner (d. 2004)
- 1929 – Screamin' Jay Hawkins, American singer-songwriter, producer, and actor (d. 2000)
- 1932 – Yevgeny Yevtushenko, Russian poet and playwright
- 1937 – Hunter S. Thompson, American journalist and author (d. 2005)
- 1938 – Paul Verhoeven, Dutch director, producer, and screenwriter
- 1940 – Joe Torre, American baseball player and manager
- 1941 – Martha Reeves, American singer, actress, and politician (Martha and the Vandellas and The Fascinations)
- 1949 – Dennis Lillee, Australian cricketer
- 1950 – Richard Branson, English businessman, founded Virgin Group
- 1961 – Elizabeth McGovern, American actress
- 1967 – Vin Diesel, American actor, director, producer, and screenwriter
- 1978 – Annie Mac, Irish radio and television host
- 1980 – Kristen Bell, American actress, singer, and producer
- 1993 – Lee Taemin, South Korean singer, dancer, and actor (Shinee)
- 707 – Monmu, Japanese emperor (b. 683)
- 1610 – Caravaggio, Italian painter (b. 1573)
- 1792 – John Paul Jones, American admiral (b. 1747)
- 1817 – Jane Austen, English author (b. 1775)
- 1863 – Robert Gould Shaw, American colonel (b. 1837)
- 1892 – Thomas Cook, English travel agent, founded the Thomas Cook Group (b. 1808)
- 1969 – Mary Jo Kopechne, American educator and secretary (b. 1940)
- 1290 – Edward I issued an edict expelling all Jews from England.
- 1841 – Pedro II, the last Emperor of Brazil, having reigned in minority since 1831, was acclaimed, crowned and consecrated.
- 1870 – The First Vatican Council declared that the Pope is infallible when he solemnly declares a dogmatic teaching on faith as being contained in divine revelation.
- 1995 – After a long period of dormancy, the Soufrière Hills volcano began a still-ongoing eruption (pictured), devastating the island of Montserrat.
- 2005 – Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and U.S. President George W. Bush announced the India–United States Civil Nuclear Agreement, a bilateral treaty on civil nuclear cooperation between their two countries.
Edward is not to be invited. We reign by acclaim. Our arguments are logical and faultless. Challenge us and we erupt. India prospers. Let's party.
- 390 BC – Roman-Gaulish Wars: Battle of the Allia: A Roman army is defeated by raiding Gauls, leading to the subsequent sacking of Rome.
- 64 – The Great Fire of Rome causes widespread devastation and rages on for six days, destroying half of the city.
- 362 – Roman–Persian Wars: Emperor Julian arrives at Antioch with a Roman expeditionary force (60,000 men) and stays there for nine months to launch a campaign against the Persian Empire.
- 645 – Chinese forces under general Li Shiji besiege the strategic fortress city of Anshi (Liaoning) during the Goguryeo–Tang War.
- 1290 – King Edward I of England issues the Edict of Expulsion, banishing all Jews (numbering about 16,000) from England; this was Tisha B'Av on the Hebrew calendar, a day that commemorates many Jewish calamities.
- 1334 – The bishop of Florence blesses the first foundation stone for the new campanile (bell tower) of the Florence Cathedral, designed by the artist Giotto di Bondone.
- 1342 – Mu'izz al-Din Husayn defeats the Sarbadars in the Battle of Zava.
- 1389 – France and England agree to the Truce of Leulinghem, inaugurating a 13-year peace, the longest period of sustained peace during the Hundred Years' War.
- 1391 – Tokhtamysh–Timur war: Battle of the Kondurcha River: Timur defeats Tokhtamysh of the Golden Horde in present day southeast Russia.
- 1555 – The College of Arms is reincorporated by Royal charter signed by Queen Mary I of England and King Philip II of Spain.
- 1812 – The Treaties of Orebro ends both the Anglo-Russian and Anglo-Swedish Wars.
- 1841 – Coronation of Emperor Pedro II of Brazil, on 18 July.
- 1857 – Louis Faidherbe, French governor of Senegal, arrives to relieve French forces at Kayes, effectively ending El Hajj Umar Tall's war against the French.
- 1862 – First ascent of Dent Blanche, one of the highest summits in the Alps.
- 1863 – American Civil War: Second Battle of Fort Wagner: One of the first formal African American military units, the 54th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, supported by several white regiments, attempts an unsuccessful assault on Confederate-held Battery Wagner.
- 1870 – The First Vatican Council decrees the dogma of papal infallibility.
- 1914 – The U.S. Congress forms the Aviation Section, U.S. Signal Corps, giving official status to aircraft within the U.S. Army for the first time.
- 1925 – Adolf Hitler publishes his personal manifesto Mein Kampf.
- 1936 – An army uprising in Spanish Morocco starts Spanish Civil War.
- 1942 – World War II: The Germans test fly the Messerschmitt Me 262 using its jet engines for the first time.
- 1944 – World War II: Hideki Tōjō resigns as Prime Minister of Japan because of numerous setbacks in the war effort.
- 1966 – Human spaceflight: Gemini 10 is launched from Cape Kennedy on a 70-hour mission that includes docking with an orbiting Agena target vehicle.
- 1966 – Australian children's television series Play School airs for the first time, going on to become the longest-running children's show in Australia, and the second longest running children's show in the world
- 1968 – Intel is founded in Mountain View, California.
- 1969 – After a party on Chappaquiddick Island, Senator Ted Kennedy from Massachusetts drives an Oldsmobile off a bridge and his passenger, Mary Jo Kopechne, dies.
- 1976 – Nadia Comăneci became the first person in Olympic Games history to score a perfect 10 in gymnastics at the 1976 Summer Olympics.
- 1982 – Two hundred sixty-eight campesinos ("peasants" or "country people") are slain in the Plan de Sánchez massacre in Ríos Montt's Guatemala.
- 1984 – McDonald's massacre in San Ysidro, California: In a fast-food restaurant, James Oliver Huberty opens fire, killing 21 people and injuring 19 others before being shot dead by police.
- 1984 – The dismembered body of Swedish prostitute Catrine da Costa is found in Stockholm, the findings later led to a trial that ended in a mistrial for two accused doctors.
- 1986 – A tornado is broadcast live on KARE television in Minnesota when the station's helicopter pilot makes a chance encounter.
- 1992 – The ten victims of the La Cantuta massacre disappear from their university in Lima.
- 1994 – The bombing of the Asociación Mutual Israelita Argentina (Argentine Jewish Community Center) in Buenos Aires kills 85 people (mostly Jewish) and injures 300.
- 1994 – Rwandan Genocide: The Rwandan Patriotic Front takes control of Gisenyi and north western Rwanda, forcing the interim government into Zaire and ending the genocide.
- 1995 – On the Caribbean island of Montserrat, the Soufrière Hills volcano erupts. Over the course of several years, it devastates the island, destroying the capital and forcing most of the population to flee.
- 1995 – Dreaming of You by Selena, released posthumously, became the best-selling Latin album in the United States. It was noted by Billboard magazine as a "historic event" for Latin music.
- 1996 – Storms provoke severe flooding on the Saguenay River, beginning one of Quebec's costliest natural disasters ever: The Saguenay Flood.
- 1996 – Battle of Mullaitivu: The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam capture the Sri Lanka Army's base, killing over 1200 soldiers.
- 2012 – At least seven people are killed and 32 others are injured after a bomb explodes on an Israeli tour bus at Burgas Airport, Bulgaria.
- 2013 – The Government of Detroit, with up to $20 billion in debt, files for the largest municipal bankruptcy in U.S. history.
- 1439 – John V, Duke of Saxe-Lauenburg (d. 1507)
- 1501 – Isabella of Austria (d. 1526)
- 1504 – Heinrich Bullinger, Swiss pastor and reformer (d. 1575)
- 1552 – Rudolf II, Holy Roman Emperor (d. 1612)
- 1634 – Johannes Camphuys, Dutch politician, Governor-General of the Dutch East Indies (d. 1695)
- 1659 – Hyacinthe Rigaud, French painter (d. 1743)
- 1670 – Giovanni Bononcini, Italian cellist and composer (d. 1747)
- 1718 – Saverio Bettinelli, Italian poet, playwright, and critic (d. 1808)
- 1720 – Gilbert White, English ornithologist and ecologist (d. 1793)
- 1724 – Duchess Maria Antonia of Bavaria (d. 1780)
- 1797 – Immanuel Hermann Fichte, German philosopher and academic (d. 1879)
- 1811 – William Makepeace Thackeray, English author and poet (d. 1863)
- 1818 – Louis Gerhard De Geer, Swedish politician, 1st Prime Minister of Sweden (d. 1896)
- 1821 – Pauline Viardot, French soprano and composer (d. 1910)
- 1837 – Vasil Levski, Bulgarian priest and activist (d. 1873)
- 1845 – Tristan Corbière, French poet (d. 1875)
- 1848 – W. G. Grace, English cricketer (d. 1915)
- 1850 – Rose Hartwick Thorpe, American poet (d. 1939)
- 1852 – Anthony Sweijs, Dutch target shooter (d. 1937)
- 1853 – Hendrik Lorentz, Dutch physicist and academic, Nobel Prize laureate (d. 1928)
- 1862 – Nikolai Yudenich, Russian general (d. 1933)
- 1864 – Philip Snowden, 1st Viscount Snowden, English politician, Chancellor of the Exchequer (d. 1937)
- 1867 – Margaret Brown, American philanthropist and activist (d. 1932)
- 1871 – Sada Yacco, Japanese actress and dancer (d. 1946)
- 1879 – Adolf Spinnler, Swiss gymnast (d. 1951)
- 1881 – Larry McLean, Canadian-American baseball player (d. 1921)
- 1884 – Alberto di Jorio, Italian cardinal (d. 1979)
- 1886 – Simon Bolivar Buckner, Jr., American general (d. 1945)
- 1887 – Vidkun Quisling, Norwegian soldier and politician, Minister President of Norway (d. 1945)
- 1889 – Kōichi Kido, Japanese politician, 13th Lord Keeper of the Privy Seal of Japan (d. 1977)
- 1890 – Frank Forde, Australian politician, 15th Prime Minister of Australia (d. 1983)
- 1892 – Arthur Friedenreich, Brazilian footballer (d. 1969)
- 1895 – Olga Spessivtseva, Russian-American ballerina (d. 1991)
- 1897 – Ernest Eldridge, English race car driver (d. 1935)
- 1898 – John Stuart, Scottish-English actor (d. 1979)
- 1899 – Ernst Scheller, German politician, Mayor of Marburg (d. 1942)
- 1900 – Machine Gun Kelly, Gangster (d. 1954)
- 1900 – Nathalie Sarraute, French lawyer and author (d. 1999)
- 1902 – Jessamyn West, American author (d. 1984)
- 1903 – Chill Wills, American actor and singer (d. 1978)
- 1906 – S. I. Hayakawa, Canadian-American educator and politician (d. 1992)
- 1906 – Clifford Odets, American director, playwright, and screenwriter (d. 1963)
- 1908 – Peace Pilgrim, American mystic and activist (d. 1981)
- 1908 – Lupe Vélez, Mexican-American actress and dancer (d. 1944)
- 1909 – Bishnu Dey, Indian poet, critic, and academic (d. 1982)
- 1909 – Andrei Gromyko, Russian economist and politician, Minister of Foreign Affairs for the Soviet Union (d. 1989)
- 1909 – Mohammed Daoud Khan, Afghan politician, 1st President of Afghanistan (d. 1978)
- 1909 – Harriet Nelson, American singer and actress (d. 1994)
- 1910 – Diptendu Pramanick, Indian businessman (d. 1989)
- 1911 – Hume Cronyn, Canadian-American actor, producer, and screenwriter (d. 2003)
- 1912 – Max Rousié, French rugby player (d. 1950)
- 1913 – Red Skelton, American actor and singer (d. 1997)
- 1914 – Gino Bartali, Italian cyclist (d. 2000)
- 1917 – Henri Salvador, French singer (d. 2008)
- 1918 – Nelson Mandela, South African lawyer and politician, 1st President of South Africa, Nobel Prize laureate (d. 2013)
- 1920 – Eric Brandon, English race car driver (d. 1982)
- 1921 – Aaron T. Beck, American psychiatrist and educator
- 1921 – John Glenn, American colonel, astronaut, and politician
- 1921 – Richard Leacock, English-French director and producer (d. 2011)
- 1922 – Thomas Kuhn, American physicist, historian, and philosopher (d. 1996)
- 1924 – Inge Sørensen, Danish swimmer (d. 2011)
- 1925 – Shirley Strickland, Australian runner (d. 2004)
- 1925 – Friedrich Zimmermann, German lawyer and politician, German Federal Minister of the Interior (d. 2012)
- 1926 – Margaret Laurence, Canadian author (d. 1987)
- 1927 – Kurt Masur, Polish-German conductor and educator
- 1928 – Andrea Gallo, Italian priest (d. 2013)
- 1928 – Franca Rame, Italian actress and playwright (d. 2013)
- 1929 – Dick Button, American figure skater and actor
- 1929 – Screamin' Jay Hawkins, American singer-songwriter, producer, and actor (d. 2000)
- 1930 – Burt Kwouk, English actor
- 1932 – Robert Ellis Miller, American director and screenwriter
- 1932 – Yevgeny Yevtushenko, Russian poet and playwright
- 1933 – Syd Mead, American set designer
- 1933 – Jean Yanne, French actor, director, producer, and screenwriter (d. 2003)
- 1934 – Edward Bond, English director, playwright, and screenwriter
- 1934 – Darlene Conley, American actress (d. 2007)
- 1934 – Roger Reynolds, American composer and educator
- 1935 – Tenley Albright, American figure skater
- 1935 – Jayendra Saraswathi, Indian guru, 69th Shankaracharya
- 1937 – Roald Hoffmann, Polish chemist and academic, Nobel Prize laureate
- 1937 – Hunter S. Thompson, American journalist and author (d. 2005)
- 1938 – Ian Stewart, Scottish keyboard player (The Rolling Stones and Rocket 88) (d. 1985)
- 1938 – Paul Verhoeven, Dutch director, producer, and screenwriter
- 1939 – Dion DiMucci, American singer-songwriter and guitarist (Dion and the Belmonts)
- 1940 – James Brolin, American actor, director, and producer
- 1940 – Joe Torre, American baseball player and manager
- 1941 – Frank Farian, German songwriter and producer
- 1941 – Lonnie Mack, American singer-songwriter and guitarist
- 1941 – Martha Reeves, American singer, actress, and politician
- 1942 – Adolf Ogi, Swiss politician, 84th President of the Swiss Confederation
- 1942 – Giacinto Facchetti, Italian footballer (d. 2006)
- 1943 – Joseph J. Ellis, American historian and author
- 1944 – David Hemery, English hurdler
- 1945 – Pat Doherty, Irish politician
- 1946 – Leo Madder, Belgian actor and director
- 1947 – Steve Forbes, American publisher and politician
- 1948 – Carlos Colón Sr., Puerto Rican wrestler
- 1948 – Hartmut Michel, German biochemist, Nobel Prize laureate
- 1949 – Dennis Lillee, Australian cricketer
- 1950 – Richard Branson, English businessman, founded Virgin Group
- 1950 – Jack Dongarra, American computer scientist
- 1950 – Kostas Eleftherakis, Greek footballer
- 1950 – Jack Layton, Canadian politician (d. 2011)
- 1950 – Mark Udall, American educator and politician
- 1951 – Elio Di Rupo, Belgian politician, 68th Prime Minister of Belgium
- 1951 – Margo Martindale, American actress
- 1955 – Bernd Fasching, Austrian painter and sculptor
- 1957 – Nick Faldo, English golfer and sportscaster
- 1957 – Alexander Titov, Russian bass guitarist (Aquarium, Kino)
- 1958 – Chris Ruane, Welsh politician
- 1959 – Jonathan Dove, English composer
- 1960 – Simon Heffer, English journalist and author
- 1960 – Anne-Marie Johnson, American actress
- 1961 – M.J. Alexander, American author and photographer
- 1961 – Elizabeth McGovern, American actress
- 1961 – Alan Pardew, English footballer and manager
- 1961 – Pasi Rautiainen, Finnish footballer, coach, and manager
- 1961 – Krustyo Lafazanov, Bulgarian actor
- 1962 – Lee Arenberg, American actor
- 1962 – Jack Irons, American drummer (Spinnerette, What Is This?, The Wallflowers, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Pearl Jam, and Eleven)
- 1962 – Shaun Micallef, Australian comedian, actor, producer, and screenwriter
- 1963 – Marc Girardelli, Austrian skier
- 1963 – Al Snow, American wrestler and actor
- 1963 – Martín Torrijos, Panamanian economist and politician, 35th President of Panama
- 1964 – Wendy Williams, American talk show host, actress, and author
- 1965 – Vesselina Kasarova, Bulgarian soprano
- 1966 – Dan O'Brien, American decathlete
- 1967 – Vin Diesel, American actor, director, producer, and screenwriter
- 1968 – Grant Bowler, New Zealand-Australian actor
- 1968 – Alex Désert, Haitian-American actor and singer (Hepcat)
- 1968 – Scott Gourley, Australian rugby player
- 1969 – Elizabeth Gilbert, American author
- 1969 – The Great Sasuke, Japanese wrestler and politician
- 1971 – Penny Hardaway, American basketball player
- 1971 – Sarah McLeod, New Zealand actress
- 1971 – Sukhwinder Singh, Indian singer-songwriter and actor
- 1973 – Jasse Jalonen, Finnish footballer
- 1975 – Torii Hunter, American baseball player
- 1975 – Daron Malakian, American singer-songwriter, guitarist, and producer (System of a Down and Scars on Broadway)
- 1976 – Elsa Pataky, Spanish-American actress
- 1977 – Alexander Morozevich, Russian chess player
- 1977 – Alfian Sa'at, Singaporean poet and playwright
- 1978 – Adabel Guerrero, Argentinian actress, singer, and dancer
- 1978 – Shane Horgan, Irish rugby player and sportscaster
- 1978 – Annie Mac, Irish radio and television host
- 1978 – Eddie Matos, Puerto Rican-American actor
- 1978 – Verónica Romeo, Spanish singer-songwriter, producer, and actress
- 1978 – Ben Sheets, American baseball player
- 1978 – Mélissa Theuriau, French journalist
- 1978 – Joo Sang-wook, South Korean actor
- 1979 – Adam Birch, American wrestler
- 1979 – Deion Branch, American football player
- 1980 – Kristen Bell, American actress, singer, and producer
- 1980 – Ryōko Hirosue, Japanese actress and singer
- 1981 – Dennis Seidenberg, German ice hockey player
- 1982 – Ryan Cabrera, American singer-songwriter and guitarist
- 1982 – Priyanka Chopra, Indian model, actress, and singer, Miss World 2000
- 1982 – Dominika Luzarová, Czech tennis player
- 1983 – Carlos Diogo, Uruguayan footballer
- 1983 – Aaron Gillespie, American singer-songwriter and drummer (Underoath and The Almost)
- 1983 – Mikk Pahapill, Estonian decathlete
- 1983 – Jan Schlaudraff, German footballer
- 1985 – Chace Crawford, American actor
- 1985 – Panagiotis Lagos, Greek footballer
- 1986 – Natalia Mikhailova, Russian ice dancer
- 1988 – Änis Ben-Hatira, German-Tunisian footballer
- 1988 – Sofia Kvatsabaia, Georgian tennis player
- 1988 – César Villaluz, Mexican footballer
- 1989 – Jamie Benn, Canadian ice hockey player
- 1989 – Sebastian Mielitz, German footballer
- 1989 – Yohan Mollo, French footballer
- 1991 – Karina Pasian, American singer and pianist
- 1991 – Eugenio Suárez, Venezuelan baseball player
- 1991 – Mizuki Yamamoto, Japanese actress and model
- 1993 – Lee Taemin, South Korean singer, dancer, and actor (Shinee)
- 707 – Emperor Monmu of Japan (b. 683)
- 715 – Muhammad bin Qasim, Umayyad general (b. 695)
- 912 – Zhu Wen, Chinese emperor (b. 852)
- 924 – Abu'l-Hasan Ali ibn al-Furat, Abbasid vizier (b. 855)
- 1100 – Godfrey of Bouillon, Frankish knight (b. 1016)
- 1300 – Gerard Segarelli, Italian religious leader, founded the Apostolic Brethren (b. 1240)
- 1566 – Bartolomé de las Casas, Spanish bishop (b. 1484)
- 1591 – Jacobus Gallus, Slovenian composer (b. 1550)
- 1608 – Joachim III Frederick, Elector of Brandenburg (b. 1546)
- 1610 – Caravaggio, Italian painter (b. 1573)
- 1639 – Bernard of Saxe-Weimar, German general (b. 1604)
- 1695 – Johannes Camphuys, Dutch politician, Governor-General of the Dutch East Indies (b. 1634)
- 1698 – Johann Heinrich Heidegger, Swiss theologian (b. 1633)
- 1721 – Jean-Antoine Watteau, French painter (b. 1684)
- 1730 – François de Neufville, duc de Villeroy, French general (b. 1644)
- 1756 – Pieter Langendijk, Dutch poet and playwright (b. 1683)
- 1792 – John Paul Jones, American admiral (b. 1747)
- 1817 – Jane Austen, English author (b. 1775)
- 1863 – Robert Gould Shaw, American colonel (b. 1837)
- 1872 – Benito Juárez, Mexican lawyer and politician, 26th President of Mexico (b. 1806)
- 1884 – Ferdinand von Hochstetter, Austrian geologist and academic (b. 1829)
- 1890 – Lydia Becker, British suffragette (b. 1827)
- 1892 – Thomas Cook, English travel agent, founded the Thomas Cook Group (b. 1808)
- 1899 – Horatio Alger, Jr., American author (b. 1832)
- 1918 – Princess Elisabeth of Hesse and by Rhine (b. 1864)
- 1925 – Louis-Nazaire Bégin, Canadian cardinal (b. 1840)
- 1932 – Jean Jules Jusserand, French author and diplomat (b. 1855)
- 1937 – Julian Bell, English poet and academic (b. 1908)
- 1938 – Marie of Romania (b. 1875)
- 1944 – Thomas Sturge Moore, English poet and author (b. 1870)
- 1947 – Heiti Talvik, Estonian poet (b. 1904)
- 1947 – Evald Tipner, Estonian footballer and ice hockey player (b. 1906)
- 1948 – Herman Gummerus, Finnish historian and politician (b. 1877)
- 1949 – Vítězslav Novák, Czech composer and educator (b. 1870)
- 1950 – Carl Clinton Van Doren, American author and critic (b. 1885)
- 1952 – Paul Saintenoy, Belgian architect and historian (b. 1862)
- 1953 – Lucy Booth, English-Swedish daughter of William and Catherine Booth (b. 1868)
- 1954 – Machine Gun Kelly, American gangster (b. 1900)
- 1966 – Bobby Fuller, American singer-songwriter and guitarist (The Bobby Fuller Four) (b. 1942)
- 1968 – Corneille Heymans, Belgian physiologist and academic, Nobel Prize laureate (b. 1892)
- 1968 – Manfred Toeppen, American water polo player (b. 1887)
- 1969 – Mary Jo Kopechne, American educator and secretary (b. 1940)
- 1973 – Jack Hawkins, English actor and producer (b. 1910)
- 1975 – Vaughn Bodē, American illustrator (b. 1941)
- 1982 – Lionel Daunais, Canadian singer-songwriter (b. 1902)
- 1982 – Roman Jakobson, Russian–American linguist and literary theorist (b. 1896)
- 1984 – Grigori Kromanov, Estonian director and screenwriter (b. 1926)
- 1985 – Shahnawaz Bhutto, Pakistani son of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto (b. 1958)
- 1985 – Louisa Ghijs, Belgian actress (b. 1902)
- 1988 – Nico, German singer-songwriter, keyboard player, and actress (b. 1938)
- 1988 – Joly Braga Santos, Portuguese composer and conductor (b. 1924)
- 1989 – Marika Nezer, Turkish-Greek actress (b. 1906)
- 1989 – Rebecca Schaeffer, American actress (b. 1967)
- 1990 – Yun Bo-seon, South Korean politician, 4th President of South Korea (b. 1897)
- 1990 – Karl Menninger, American psychiatrist (b. 1896)
- 1990 – Johnny Wayne, Canadian actor and screenwriter (b. 1918)
- 1995 – Srinagarindra, Thai wife of Mahidol Adulyadej (b. 1900)
- 1995 – Fabio Casartelli, Italian cyclist (b. 1970)
- 1997 – Eugene Merle Shoemaker, American geologist and astronomer (b. 1928)
- 1999 – Meir Ariel, Israeli singer-songwriter (b. 1942)
- 2001 – Mimi Fariña, American singer-songwriter and guitarist (b. 1945)
- 2001 – Fabio Taglioni, Italian engineer (b. 1920)
- 2002 – Louis Laberge, Canadian union leader (b. 1924)
- 2004 – André Castelot, Belgian-French historian and author (b. 1911)
- 2004 – Paul Foot, Israeli-English journalist and author (b. 1937)
- 2004 – Émile Peynaud, French wine maker (b. 1912)
- 2005 – William Westmoreland, American general (b. 1914)
- 2007 – Jerry Hadley, American tenor (b. 1952)
- 2007 – Kenji Miyamoto, Japanese politician (b. 1908)
- 2008 – Khosrow Shakibai, Iranian actor (b. 1944)
- 2009 – Henry Allingham, English soldier (b. 1896)
- 2011 – Georgess McHargue, American author and poet (b. 1941)
- 2012 – Yosef Shalom Eliashiv, Lithuanian-Israeli rabbi (b. 1910)
- 2012 – Jean François-Poncet, French politician, Minister of Foreign Affairs for France (b. 1928)
- 2012 – Rajesh Khanna, Indian actor, producer, politician (b. 1942)
- 2012 – Dawoud Rajiha, Syrian general and politician, Minister of Defense for Syria (b. 1947)
- 2012 – Assef Shawkat, Syrian general and politician (b. 1950)
- 2012 – Hasan Turkmani, Syrian general and politician (b. 1935)
- 2013 – Vaali, Indian poet, songwriter, and actor (b. 1931)
- 2013 – Olivier Ameisen, French-American cardiologist and educator (b. 1953)
- 2013 – Samar Mukherjee, Indian politician (b. 1913)
- 2014 – Andreas Biermann, German footballer (b. 1980)
- 2014 – João Ubaldo Ribeiro, Brazilian journalist, author, and academic (b. 1941)
- 2014 – Dietmar Schönherr, Austrian-Spanish actor, director, and screenwriter (b. 1926)
- Christian feast day:
- Arnulf of Metz
- Camillus de Lellis (optional memorial, United States only)
- Frederick of Utrecht
- Marina of Aguas Santas
- Symphorosa
- Teneu
- Elizabeth Ferard (Church of England)
- Bartolomé de las Casas (Episcopal Church (USA))
- July 18 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics)
- Constitution Day (Uruguay)
- Nelson Mandela International Day
But it’s the Left that brings the worst violence
Andrew Bolt July 18 2015 (12:48pm)
Neither side is attractive, but for all the media hype about the nasty Right it is in fact the Left that once again brings the violence - and are not held to account for it by Left-wing journalists:
===Police have deployed capsicum spray and the horse squad, as well as hundreds of uniformed officers, in a bid to control an increasingly violent protest near Parliament House.
Right-wing group Reclaim Australia, which has attracted only about 50 protesters, had only just began its rally when counter-demonstrators from anti-racism groups and anarchists attempted to breach police lines on Spring Street.
The police reaction came after a small number of hooded and masked anti-racism protests broke through police lines and nearly reached screaming members of Reclaim…
Sue Munroe, a member of the Socialist Party, said she was attempting to hold back jostling protesters from police, but received a full blast of
Bishop must explain chopper bill or resign
Andrew Bolt July 18 2015 (4:44am)
BRONWYN Bishop must
resign — or prove she didn’t try to cheat taxpayers by charging them
$5000 for her notorious helicopter jaunt.
What employee would go unpunished for apparently trying to diddle their boss of that kind of money?
So why set a different standard for the Speaker, someone meant to uphold the standards of our Parliament?
(Read full article here.)
===What employee would go unpunished for apparently trying to diddle their boss of that kind of money?
So why set a different standard for the Speaker, someone meant to uphold the standards of our Parliament?
(Read full article here.)
On The Bolt Report tomorrow, July 19
Andrew Bolt July 18 2015 (2:20am)
On Channel 10 tomorrow at 10am and 3pm:
Editorial: Labor’s latest carbon lie
My guest: Treasurer Joe Hockey
The panel: former Treasurer Peter Costello and former NSW Labor Treasurer Michael Costa
NewsWatch: Nick Cater, The Australian columnist and head of the Menzies Research Centre.
So much to talk about: Bronwyn Bishop’s dodgy expenses, Greens Senator helps ferry in illegal immigrants, what price real tax reform, Q&A’s latest disgraceful stunt and more.
The videos of the shows appear here.
===Editorial: Labor’s latest carbon lie
My guest: Treasurer Joe Hockey
The panel: former Treasurer Peter Costello and former NSW Labor Treasurer Michael Costa
NewsWatch: Nick Cater, The Australian columnist and head of the Menzies Research Centre.
So much to talk about: Bronwyn Bishop’s dodgy expenses, Greens Senator helps ferry in illegal immigrants, what price real tax reform, Q&A’s latest disgraceful stunt and more.
The videos of the shows appear here.
Obama unshackles a nuclear Iran
Andrew Bolt July 18 2015 (2:10am)
Greg Sheridan on Iran’s triumph over the US:
===In my view, the [nuclear] deal represents complete strategic capitulation by Obama to a steadfast and ruthless administration in Tehran…Charles Krauthammer:
At first, US policy was that Iran must not have a nuclear program and it would impose sanctions that it would trade away for Iran abandoning its nuclear program.
Then Washington’s position was that Iran could have nuclear reactors but not a uranium enrichment capacity.
Now, the US position is that Iran is entitled to master the entire nuclear fuel cycle in all its aspects and to sustain a large and growing nuclear capacity, and that within a few short years every single notional restriction should be lifted, except that Iran promise not to acquire nuclear weapons…
Western analysts optimistic about this deal are creating a make-believe Iran in their heads. For a start, the Iranian regime is the first since Adolf Hitler’s to have official anti-Semitism as a core part of its governing ideology…
As recently as a few weeks ago, one of Iran’s most senior military commanders, in making it clear that any deal with the US would not moderate Tehran’s political and regional behaviour, declared that the right to wipe Israel off the map was non-negotiable…
None of this is even to scratch the surface of Iran’s continued illegal importation of dual-use technology, its role in killing American soldiers in Iraq, the testimony by American military leaders that the new wealth Iran will receive from sanctions relief will be used to finance more international terrorism, its support for Muslim Brotherhood Hamas in Gaza or Hezbollah, still defined as a terrorist group in Australian law, in Lebanon, or extremists in Yemen.
When you write a column, as did I two weeks ago, headlined “The worst agreement in U.S. diplomatic history,” you don’t expect to revisit the issue. We had hit bottom. Or so I thought.(Thanks to reader Peter of Bellevue Hill.)
Then on Tuesday the final terms of the Iranian nuclear deal were published…
Who would have imagined we would be giving up the conventional arms and ballistic missile embargoes on Iran? In nuclear negotiations?… Because Iran, joined by Russia — our “reset” partner — sprung the demand at the last minute, calculating that Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry were so desperate for a deal that they would cave. They did…
The net effect of this capitulation will be not only to endanger our Middle East allies now under threat from Iran and its proxies, but also to endanger our own naval forces in the Persian Gulf…
The other major shock in the final deal is what happened to our insistence on “anytime, anywhere” inspections. Under the final agreement, Iran has the right to deny international inspectors access to any undeclared nuclear site. The ... approval process can take 24 days. And what do you think will be left to be found, left unscrubbed, after 24 days? The whole process is farcical.
Labor Left’s “ethical” plan to recognise terrorists and enemies of democracy
Andrew Bolt July 18 2015 (1:29am)
Labor Left MP Maria Vamvakinou says it would be ethical to recognise the Palestinian state:
What planet is Vamvakinou on?
===As a member of the federal Labor caucus and co-convener of the Australian Parliamentary Friends of Palestine, I urge my ALP colleagues and conference delegates to support calls for Labor in government to recognise Palestinian statehood…But hang on. What is ethical about recognising a “state” whose president has refused to hold elections for seven years?:
There are compelling ethical, political, security and community reasons why the ALP should recognise the Palestinian state. It ticks all the boxes for the ALP in forging a responsible, intelligent, pragmatic, engaging, ethically bound policy that serves our community and national interests, while advancing the cause of peace and security in one of the world’s most dangerous and volatile regions.
The more time passes by, the more forcefully the question of the succession of President Mahmoud Abbas is raised. This is because the president is over 80 years old and his legal term in office ended about seven years ago. But still no elections have been held; nor does anyone know when and how they are likely to be held.What is “ethical” and good for “the cause of peace and security” about recognising a “state” that has nearly half the population under the control of a Jew-hating terrorist administration like Hamas?:
Hamas’s charter declares armed jihad the only appropriate means to liberate Palestine, and another conflict at some point seems inevitable…Labor’s Left is mad to think this warring band of thugs and terrorists, allergic to democracy, is ready for statehood and that giving them this recognition is a key to peace in the Middle East.
In 2006, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and his ruling Fatah party were trounced by Hamas in Palestinian elections, with Gaza serving as the Islamist movement’s power base. But local Fatah cadres refused to honor the results of the election and a brief civil war broke out, ending in Fatah’s defeat and expulsion from Gaza in 2007. In the West Bank, Fatah has continued to rule and the Palestinians haven’t held an election since.
In 2006, Hamas was wildly popular because of Gazan anger at the corruption and thuggery of the Fatah government. But in the years since, the love affair has waned, with Hamas thuggery of its own and a series of conflicts with Israel making life even harder than normal in the isolated coastal enclave…
Israeli officers say that while they could dislodge Hamas by force, the result would be a chaotic environment in which local jihadis, some inspired by the Islamic State, would vie for control…
Israel and Hamas now share a common enemy: Salafi Muslims, who share the ideology of Al Qaeda and the Islamic State, who want to dislodge Hamas and supplant it with an Islamist Caliphate spanning the Middle East.
What planet is Vamvakinou on?
They don’t really hate us. They just want to kill us
Andrew Bolt July 17 2015 (11:21pm)
You can understand why Dr Anne Aly is the ABC’s go-to person on terrorism.
Apparently the best way to fight the Islamic State is not to admit they
hate us, and to choose our language more carefully so we don’t “limit”
our options:
In fact, rather than say the Islamic State hates us, we should admit the niceness of it:
===Astonishing. I’m guessing Aly’s view is that if we pretend they don’t hate us we won’t have to fight them. I’m now wondering how she thinks Jews should have talked of Hitler.
In fact, rather than say the Islamic State hates us, we should admit the niceness of it:
“And I think we have to get our heads round the fact that there might be something nice about ISIS that these people are attracted to.” Not that Aly thinks Islamic State is nice. “I am completely, completely opposed to it on theological grounds, on social grounds — it’s personal,” she adds, with sudden fierceness.Oh, and while waffling is this frightfully post-modernist way, be sure to attack non-Muslims instead:
Violent extremism in Australia is beginning to mirror that of the US, counter-terrorism expert Anne Aly from Curtin University said.
She highlighted a New America Foundation study released last month that found right-wing extremists had killed twice as many people since September 11 as jihadists.
“Violent extremism isn’t just a Muslim problem in Australia,” she said. “The numbers are staggering and growing in right-wing extremism.”
Malcolm Farr's desperation shifts from Credilin to Bishop, in support of the ALP via @newscomauHQ
— David Daniel Ball (@DaOddBall67) July 18, 2015
WH Sends Out Pro-Muslim Tweet After Marines Were Killed by Islamist | Truth Revolt:
— David Daniel Ball (@DaOddBall67) July 18, 2015
@travelinmal @WhiteHouse @POTUS The wording and its timing is so poor in light of today's tragic attack that I'm at a loss for words.
— JayhawkMama (@JHawkintheSouth) July 17, 2015
@WhiteHouse @POTUS Probably not the best time to post this.
— James Beckwith (@jbjamesbeckwith) July 16, 2015
EU green lights $10B Greece loan via @newscomauHQ
— David Daniel Ball (@DaOddBall67) July 18, 2015
What’s Ukraine really up to? via @newscomauHQ
— David Daniel Ball (@DaOddBall67) July 18, 2015
Is energy efficiency really saving you money? via @newscomauHQ
— David Daniel Ball (@DaOddBall67) July 18, 2015
Explosive device found outside Brad Haddin property in Sydney via @newscomauHQ
— David Daniel Ball (@DaOddBall67) July 18, 2015
Japan’s preparations for 2020 Olympics in turmoil after stadium fiasco via @newscomauHQ
— David Daniel Ball (@DaOddBall67) July 18, 2015
Anderson's bowling was deceptive. It made batting look easy .. The Ashes: 2nd Test day two at Lord’s via @newscomauHQ
— David Daniel Ball (@DaOddBall67) July 18, 2015
Labor is hyperventilating referrals and receiving humiliating rejections. #AFP #choppergate
— David Daniel Ball (@DaOddBall67) July 18, 2015
Labor is hyperventilating referrals and receiving humiliating rejections. #AFP #choppergate
— David Daniel Ball (@DaOddBall67) July 18, 2015
Intern’s strikes again: $400m bill for Wall Street CEO via @newscomauHQ
— David Daniel Ball (@DaOddBall67) July 18, 2015
Sydney’s property market is mental, but this is ridiculous. via @newscomauHQ
— David Daniel Ball (@DaOddBall67) July 18, 2015
Fashion’s most unlikely trend: Would you buy clothes chosen for you? via @newscomauHQ
— David Daniel Ball (@DaOddBall67) July 18, 2015
War games hone amphibious skills via @newscomauHQ
— David Daniel Ball (@DaOddBall67) July 18, 2015
Mahmoud's alleged killer behind bars via @newscomauHQ
— David Daniel Ball (@DaOddBall67) July 18, 2015
Dave Chappelle vs the new intolerance | Arts & Culture | Comedy | Free speech | spiked
— David Daniel Ball (@DaOddBall67) July 17, 2015
=== Posts from last year ===
Tim Blair – Friday, July 18, 2014 (3:41pm)
Two presidents, two downed jets, two very different reactions.
Tim Blair – Friday, July 18, 2014 (5:02am)
PM says no carbon tax under her govt
Julia Gillard unveils her plans for carbon tax
Abbott won’t repeal carbon tax: Gillard
Carbon tax is gone: Repeal bills pass the Senate
UPDATE. A feast of sadface Twitter reactions:
• Today is the saddest day for Earth.• My poor stupid country has no climate change policy.• Abbott’s monstrously stupid decision will be incredibly hard to rectify and will be a huge burden for decades.• A sad day.• They even clapped. A shameful victory for old white men over the future. Note their names. History will damn them.• What a joke.• Australia, one of the world’s biggest polluters, becomes the 1st country to ban carbon tax.• Tony Abbott versus the future.• Australia has just gone back 50 years in time.• Well once again Australia, hope you’re proud. You absolute morons.• So much for being the clever country• Ashamed of my country right now.• World should heavily condemn this aggressive selfish action.• Humanity is now one step closer to defeating the Earth.• God forbid we ever place any importance on the environment over money.• I’m weeping on the inside about it.• No jobs on a dead planet.• Can’t even deal with today’s complete & catastrophic failure of the political system.• If you strike the carbon tax down, it shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.
Looking forward to that.
Tim Blair – Friday, July 18, 2014 (4:27am)
Crappy green energy delivers more burn than turn:
Wind turbines may catch on fire ten times more often than is publicly reported, putting nearby properties at risk and casting doubt on their green credentials, researchers have warned.The renewable energy industry keeps no record of the number of turbine fires, meaning the true extent of the problem is unknown, a study backed by Imperial College London finds on Thursday.
An average of 11.7 such fires are reported globally each year, by media, campaign groups and other publicly-available sources, but this is likely to represent just the “tip of the iceberg” …Turbines are prone to catching on fire because their design puts highly flammable materials such as hydraulic oil and plastic in close proximity to machinery and electrical wires, which can ignite a fire if they overheat or are faulty.
They also kill people.
(Via A. R. M. Jones)
Tim Blair – Friday, July 18, 2014 (3:52am)
Believe it or not, this late entry to last month’s old food contest was held up in my spam file:
Tim Blair – Friday, July 18, 2014 (3:36am)
Enhance tonight’s carbon tax repeal celebrations – mine will be held on Sky TV at 9pm with Chris Kenny – by preparing a batch of Chocolate Coal Crackles, recommended by none other than Hector the coal mascot himself:

(Via fellow Hector fan PWAF)
(Via fellow Hector fan PWAF)
Tim Blair – Friday, July 18, 2014 (2:35am)
Great call from Iowahawk:
Salon is the Margaret Dumont of the internet.
It sure is. Here’s dear old Margaret battling Harpo and Chico Marx, much as Salon attempts to combat the likes of our Chicago pal:
UPDATE. Salon will not be mocked. Much like a certain president.
UPDATE. Salon will not be mocked. Much like a certain president.
Tim Blair – Friday, July 18, 2014 (2:19am)
Four months after Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 vanished, Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 has reportedly been shot down by a surface-to-air missile over eastern Ukraine. Nearly 300 people were onboard. Here’s an AFP report.
UPDATE II. 27 Australians among the dead. Vladimir Putin blames Ukraine. Ukrainian embassy blames Putin. Prime Minister Tony Abbott:
This looks less like an accident than a crime. And if so the perpetrators must be brought to justice.
From Barack Obama … not much at all, really
Abbott lashes Russia
Andrew Bolt July 18 2014 (8:29pm)
Very tough talk from Tony Abbott - but not one word too many:
===TONY Abbott has lashed Russia’s response to the downing of the Malaysia Airlines jet, as he demanded Moscow not stand in the way of a full investigation, or protect those responsible…
Russian Ambassador Vladimir Morozov was today summoned for a meeting in Sydney with Foreign Minister Julie Bishop, who sought assurances of Moscow’s cooperation in the disaster investigation.
Mr Abbott said the ambassador’s initial response was to blame Ukraine, where the jet came down.
“This was deeply, deeply, unsatisfactory,” said Mr Abbott, who said he was angry that it appeared the jet was shot down and Australians killed by Russian-backed rebels with what could turn out to be Russian-supplied missiles.
Russian President Vladimir Putin has also said Ukraine must bear responsibility.
But Mr Abbott said the idea that Russia could claim it had nothing to do with the disaster because it happened in Ukraine’s air space did not stand up to scrutiny.
The Prime Minister said Russia must not be allowed to stand in the way of an “absolutely comprehensive” investigation.
“No prevarication, no excuses, no blame-shifting, no protecting of people who may be backed by Russia but who may have been involved in this terrible event,” he said.
“It was not an accident, it was a crime, and criminals should not be allowed to get away with what they have done,” Mr Abbott said.
“It did not crash, it was downed. And it was downed over territory controlled by Russian-backed rebels,” Mr Abbott said. “It was downed by a missile which seems to have been launched by Russian-backed rebels, and again I want to stress that Australia takes a very dim view of countries which are facilitating the killing of Australian citizens.”
The Bolt Report on Sunday, July 20
Andrew Bolt July 18 2014 (8:22pm)
On Sunday on Channel 10 at 10am and 4pm…
Editorial: Australian blood on Putin’s hands
My guest: Foreign Minister Julie Bishop
The panel: Michael Kroger and former Labor Minister Craig Emerson
NewsWatch: The Daily Telegraph’s Tom Blair, master blogger. On how the press gallery warned the Liberals that fighting a carbon tax was suicide.
Plus the dreaded Bolt Question.
The videos of the shows appear here.
===Editorial: Australian blood on Putin’s hands
My guest: Foreign Minister Julie Bishop
The panel: Michael Kroger and former Labor Minister Craig Emerson
NewsWatch: The Daily Telegraph’s Tom Blair, master blogger. On how the press gallery warned the Liberals that fighting a carbon tax was suicide.
Plus the dreaded Bolt Question.
The videos of the shows appear here.
Abbott demands Russia come clean on downed plane
Andrew Bolt July 18 2014 (11:03am)
Tony Abbott tells Parliament the Malaysia Airlines MH17 was shot down “it seems by Russian-backed rebels” and at least 27 Australians are dead.
“This looks less like an accident than a crime and if so the perpetrators must be brought to justice.”
He wants a UN resolution for a full investigation with full access to the site and officials. The Russian ambassador will be summonsed to give an assurance that Russia will fully cooperate.
The “bullying of small countries by big ones” should have no place in this world.
===“This looks less like an accident than a crime and if so the perpetrators must be brought to justice.”
He wants a UN resolution for a full investigation with full access to the site and officials. The Russian ambassador will be summonsed to give an assurance that Russia will fully cooperate.
The “bullying of small countries by big ones” should have no place in this world.
Shorten won’t learn Gillard’s lesson
Andrew Bolt July 18 2014 (9:51am)
The Herald Sun gets it said:
===Palmer beckons, Wong jumps
Andrew Bolt July 18 2014 (9:03am)
Wong exposed:
===IT is, as they say, all in the timing. Take, for example, the start of Senate question time [on Wednesday], which Penny Wong got under way by taunting Mathias Cormann over alleged deals with Clive Palmer over Future of Financial Advice reform. A short time later ... who should appear in the door but Palmer, who beckoned to Wong, who made for the door with some haste to spend some time outside with Palmer. The accidental cherry on the cake was Bill Shorten’s observation earlier in the day: “All of a sudden the government’s running around like Mr Palmer’s butler trying to keep him happy.”(Thanks to reader Peter of Bellevue Hill.)
Australia’s second suicide bomber strikes
Andrew Bolt July 18 2014 (8:39am)
A second Australian suicide bomber has reportedly struck - but not yet on Australian soil:
===The first Australian suicide bomber in Iraq reportedly killed three people in the heart of Baghdad on Thursday…(Thanks to reader the evil right.)
The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) announced on an affiliated Twitter feed overnight that a man called Abu Bakr al-Australi had detonated an explosives vest near a Shiite mosque in a market near the middle of the Iraqi capital. More than 90 people were also injured in the blast.
ISIL did not give the man’s real name, but most Australian jihadists use “al-Australi” in their nom de guerre, and such official reports by ISIL are usually accurate…
Notorious Sydney jihadist Mohamed Elomar welcomed the news on his own Twitter account, writing “may Allah accept him"…
In September, a man believed to be Australian, going by the name Abu Asma al Australi, blew himself up in an attack on an army checkpoint in north-eastern Syria…
Malaysia airlines jet shot down. UPDATE: 27 Australians dead. Russia’s responsibility?
Andrew Bolt July 18 2014 (8:28am)
Four months after the loss of its MH370, Malaysia Airlines loses another plane to what seems a terrorist attack:
Malaysia Airlines says 27 Australian passengers were on board. Also 154 Dutch. DFAT has a hotline for Australians seeking further information: 1300 555 135.
If the plane was shot down by the rebels, who gave them the missile? The separatists have already shot down two Ukrainian military aircraft.
Prime Minister Tony Abbott says at least 23 Australians were on board. He says it’s a “fair point” to suggest that a missile hitting a plane at 10,000 metres - if fired by separatists - could only have been supplied by Russia, but says we should not “leap to conclusions” about who is responsible.
“There is some evidence this aircraft was brought down by a surface to air missile” which - if true - would make this “an unspeakable crime”.
Evidence grows that the pro-Russian separatists are indeed responsible - and Russia is involved:
The weakest president in living memory:
Disgusting evasion:
===A MALAYSIA Airlines plane carrying 295 people from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur has crashed in rebel-held east Ukraine in what has been called a “terrorist” attack…A tragedy for the families, the possible end of Malaysia Airlines and a setback to Russian President Vladimir Putin, who has inspired the pro-Russian separatist movement. Putin will come under enormous pressure over this.
Ukraine’s government and pro-Russian insurgents traded blame for the disaster, with comments attributed to a rebel commander suggesting his men may have downed Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 by mistake, believing it was a Ukrainian army transport plane.
There was no sign of survivors at the crash site near the rebel-held town of Shaktarsk in the Donetsk region, where an AFP reporter saw dozens of severely mutilated corpses strewn through the smouldering wreck of the decimated airliner… The official spokesman for President Petro Poroshenko said he believed pro-Russian insurgents downed the jet and said the “incident is not a catastrophe. It is a terrorist act”..
Malaysia Airlines says 27 Australian passengers were on board. Also 154 Dutch. DFAT has a hotline for Australians seeking further information: 1300 555 135.
If the plane was shot down by the rebels, who gave them the missile? The separatists have already shot down two Ukrainian military aircraft.
Prime Minister Tony Abbott says at least 23 Australians were on board. He says it’s a “fair point” to suggest that a missile hitting a plane at 10,000 metres - if fired by separatists - could only have been supplied by Russia, but says we should not “leap to conclusions” about who is responsible.
“There is some evidence this aircraft was brought down by a surface to air missile” which - if true - would make this “an unspeakable crime”.
Evidence grows that the pro-Russian separatists are indeed responsible - and Russia is involved:
Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777-200 flying from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur was allegedly shot down by a group of Russian-backed Cossack militants near the village of Chornukhine, Luhansk Oblast, some 80 kilometers north-west of Donetsk, according to recordings of intercepted phone calls between Russian military intelligence officers and members of terrorist groups, released by the country’s security agency (SBU).UPDATE
One phone call apparently was made at 4:40 p.m. Kyiv time, or 20 minutes after the plane crash, by Igor Bezler, who the SBU says is a Russian military intelligence officer and leading commander of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic. He reports to a person identified by Ukraine’s SBU as a colonel in the main intelligence department of the general headquarters of the armed forces of the Russian Federation Vasili Geranin regarding the shot down plane, which is about to be examined by the militants.
The second intercepted conversation released by the Security Service of Ukraine was apparently between militants nicknamed “Major” and “Greek” immediately upon inspection of the crash site.
“It’s 100 percent a passenger (civilian) aircraft,” Major is recorded as saying, as he admitted to seeing no weapons on site. “Absolutely nothing. Civilian items, medicinal stuff, towels, toilet paper.”
In the third part of conversation Cossack commander Nikolay Kozitsin talking to an unidentified militant cynically suggests that the Malaysia Airlines airplane could’ve been carrying spies, as, otherwise, it would have no business flying in that area.
Read the full transcript of an intercepted phone call below:Igor Bezler: We have just shot down a plane. Group Minera. It fell down beyond Yenakievo (Donetsk Oblast).SBU comment: After examining the site of the plane the terrorists come to the conclusion that they have shot down a civilian plane. The next part of the conversation took place about 40 minutes later.
Vasili Geranin: Pilots. Where are the pilots?
IB: Gone to search for and photograph the plane. Its smoking.
VG: How many minutes ago?
IB: About 30 minutes ago.“Major”: These are Chernukhin folks who shot down the plane. From the Chernukhin check point. Those cossacks who are based in Chernukhino.
“Grek”: Yes, Major.
“Major”: The plane fell apart in the air. In the area of Petropavlovskaya mine. The first “200” (code word for dead person). We have found the first “200”. A Civilian.
“Greek”: Well, what do you have there?
“Major”: In short, it was 100 percent a passenger (civilian) aircraft.
“Greek”: Are many people there?
“Major”: Holy sh__t! The debris fell right into the yards (of homes).
“Greek”: What kind of aircraft?
“Major”: I haven’t ascertained this. I haven’t been to the main sight. I am only surveying the scene where the first bodies fell. There are the remains of internal brackets, seats and bodies.
“Greek”: Is there anything left of the weapon?
“Major”: Absolutely nothing. Civilian items, medicinal stuff, towels, toilet paper.
“Greek”: Are there documents?
“Major”: Yes, of one Indonesian student. From a university in Thompson.
Militant: Regarding the plane shot down in the area of Snizhne-Torez. It’s a civilian one. Fell down near Grabove. There are lots of corpses of women and children. The Cossacks are out there looking at all this. They say on TV it’s AN-26 transport plane, but they say it’s written Malaysia Airlines on the plane. What was it doing on Ukraine’s territory?
Nikolay Kozitsin: That means they were carrying spies. They shouldn’t be f…cking flying. There is a war going on.
The weakest president in living memory:
President Barack Obama provoked fury in the U.S. on Thursday by casually devoting less than a minute to the deaths of 295 people aboard a Malaysian airliner, as he began an often jokey 16-minute speech about the need to expand America’s transportation infrastructure.UPDATE
Twenty-three Americans are feared dead after the jetliner crashed in eastern Ukraine, although that number has not been confirmed.
Disgusting evasion:
Russian President Vladimir Putin said Ukraine “bears responsibility” for the crash because the plane was brought down in the country.The plane is believed to have been shot down by a Buk missile launcher. Ask yourself: how did separatists get their hands on something so sophisticated? Who gave it to them? Who operated it?
“This tragedy would not have happened, if there had been peace on that land, or in any case if military operations in southeastern Ukraine had not been renewed,” Putin said in televised comments, according to Reuters.
But Russian news outlets say Ukraine had Buk launchers and moved some to near Donetsk a day earlier.
Tantrum on twitter: carbon toy removed from warmists
Andrew Bolt July 18 2014 (8:14am)
Rita Panahi is enjoying the outrage:
Add this:
A retrospective: six years of climate madness.
===The full blown unhinging on Twitter today was a sight to behold; the lunatic Left gave up any pretence of intelligent discourse and resorted to shameful scaremongering and deranged sermonising…
Add this:
A wailing and a gnashing of teeth:
A retrospective: six years of climate madness.
Idiotic: Senate scraps the tax, still spends the money
Andrew Bolt July 18 2014 (7:31am)
How stupidly reckless is a Senate which insists on keeping spending while scrapping the taxes to pay for it? What fantasy land do these characters live in?
===The Senate last night passed the repeal of the mining tax but only after amending the bills to retain spending programs costing billions of dollars.
The Australian has confirmed that the government will refuse to accept the amended bills today, sending them back to the Senate…
The approach could heighten pressure from the industry on the Palmer United Party to support the repeal without insisting on any amendments.
Labor promised several spending programs from when it announced the first resource super-profits tax four years ago and later announced further ideas to be funded by the minerals resource rent tax unveiled in July 2010. The spending includes about $1.3bn a year on the Schoolkids Bonus and about $1bn a year for the low-income superannuation contribution, which gives workers a rebate on their super taxes if they earn less than $37,000 a year. Other spending measures include the Income Support Bonus that costs about $300 million a year and a tax write-off on company assets that costs about $900m a year.
Israel sends army into Gaza
Andrew Bolt July 18 2014 (7:13am)
Israel goes in:
===Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on Thursday night directed the IDF to send ground troops into Gaza to strike the terror tunnels into Israel.
A statement put out by the Prime Minister’s Office said ... the security cabinet approved the operation after Israel agreed to the Egyptian cease-fire proposal on Tuesday, which Hamas rejected. In addition, the statement said, Hamas even fired rockets during the Thursday’s five-hour humanitarian cease-fire…
The ground invasion comes hours after a Hamas assault squad of thirteen highly armed terrorists attempted to carry out a massacre of civilians at Kibbutz Sufa, near the border, before being blocked by the IDF.
Infantry, Armored Corps, Engineering Corps, artillery, and intelligence units are ... operating in northern, central, and southern Gaza, where Hamas has dug an extensive terrorist tunnel network…
Hamas bombarded Israel on Thursday with rockets after the end of the humanitarian truce, firing over 100 projectiles after 3 p.m.... The IDF on Thursday warned citizens of Gaza to evacuate their homes and make their way from less populated areas to the Strip’s major cities. Close to 100,000 leaflets containing the message were dropped over the territory and hundreds of thousands of citizens from all over Gaza received recorded phone messages warning them to vacate villages.
The story of the carbon tax, in headlines
Andrew Bolt July 18 2014 (6:44am)
10 Aug 2010:
===PM says no carbon tax under her govt10 Jul 2011
Julia Gillard unveils her plans for carbon tax10 Jun 2012
Abbott won’t repeal carbon tax: Gillard17 Jul 2014
Carbon tax is gone: Repeal bills pass the Senate(Thanks to reader Alan RM Jones.)
Racism is stupid. It’s an insult to God, arrogantly implying that God goofed-up when he chose to make us all different.
My article on "True leadership is based on character, not
Are you getting my free Ministry Toolbox?
Are you getting my free Ministry Toolbox?
Pastor Rick Warren
Dear friends, I'd appreciate your prayers for my family tomorrow. Matthew would'd been 28 on July 18. It'll be a hard day.
A tremendous sense of confidence that the PLO entertains in assuming the upper-hand and playing the propaganda card; a gambled statement and openly waged, that again, dares to assume a directive, American spurn, and as thus, one that is meant to encourage a certain isolation under a perceived socio-political trend.
This is tiresome and cannot continue.
It is my hope that the US Congress snubs a rising inclination and popularised attempt of continued inroads at delegitimisation agendas.
Playing the 'settlement cards' is merely a ploy, that, as a prominent global Left, Islamists, Arab diversionary tacticians and anti-Semites et al, have quite determined, is a means at furthering a demonisation effort on a broad, socio-economic-political and altogether, comprehensive scale. And, power in wielding these objectives lies foremost, amidst the balance of ignorance.
Judea and Samaria, are as much, the land of Israel.
There should be no question, and so-called 'settlers' are coined as such, due to grotesque and purposed, ingrained lies, flourished amidst decades of permitted revisions of history and indoctrinated, falsifying propaganda. Shortly stated, they are bases rooted with familiar hatred.
The creation of modern Arab state(S) and one modern Jewish state after the Ottoman breakup. It should be that simple, and present day statistics include 22 Arab states and still, only one Jewish state?
What the hell?
This is tiresome and cannot continue.
It is my hope that the US Congress snubs a rising inclination and popularised attempt of continued inroads at delegitimisation agendas.
Playing the 'settlement cards' is merely a ploy, that, as a prominent global Left, Islamists, Arab diversionary tacticians and anti-Semites et al, have quite determined, is a means at furthering a demonisation effort on a broad, socio-economic-political and altogether, comprehensive scale. And, power in wielding these objectives lies foremost, amidst the balance of ignorance.
Judea and Samaria, are as much, the land of Israel.
There should be no question, and so-called 'settlers' are coined as such, due to grotesque and purposed, ingrained lies, flourished amidst decades of permitted revisions of history and indoctrinated, falsifying propaganda. Shortly stated, they are bases rooted with familiar hatred.
The creation of modern Arab state(S) and one modern Jewish state after the Ottoman breakup. It should be that simple, and present day statistics include 22 Arab states and still, only one Jewish state?
What the hell?
Procrastinating or temporising vs delay. Doing something at the right time is best. Doing something early is preferable to late. - ed
(Trans) Whatever you call it, though if you can detect where the problem lies, but with solving the problem would have to admit that he had made incorrectly prior years the course? - The decision was, therefore, prefer to deal with resulting problems in 1000, and attempts to curb at enormous cost to some extent. This is so much work that welds together all stakeholders so that while all have to suffer, but you can even ascend socially paradoxically reputation. The real problem becomes the taboo and remains the long term. What's this?
"Today" is a song by American alternative rock band The Smashing Pumpkins, written by lead vocalist and guitarist Billy Corgan (pictured in 2010). "Today" was released in September 1993 as the second single from the band's second album andmajor label debut, Siamese Dream. The song, seemingly upbeat, contains dark lyrics. Corgan wrote it about a day when he had suicidal thoughts, exemplified by the reference to self-mutilation in the chorus. The contrast between the grim subject matter of the song and the soft instrumental part during the verses, coupled with use of irony in the lyrics, left many listeners unaware of the song's tale of depression and desperation. Although Corgan opted for "Cherub Rock", the lead single from the album, to be the opening track, "Today" and its follow-up "Disarm" are credited in AllMusic for popularizing the band and "sen[ding] [Siamese Dream] into the stratosphere". "Today" has been generally well received by critics, and in an article about the song in Blender it was described as having "achieved a remarkable status as one of the defining songs of its generation, perfectly mirroring the fractured alienation of American youth in the 1990s." (Full article...)
===- 1389 – France and England agreed to the Truce of Leulinghem, establishing a 13-year peace during theHundred Years' War.
- 1870 – The First Vatican Council declared that the Pope is infallible when he solemnly declares a dogmaticteaching on faith as being contained in divine revelation.
- 1976 – At the Olympic Games in Montreal, Nadia Comăneci(pictured) became the first person to score a perfect 10 in a modern Olympics gymnastics event.
- 1984 – A gunman massacred 21 people and injured 15 others at aMcDonald's restaurant in the San Ysidro section of San Diego, California.
- 2012 – A suicide bomber attacked an Israeli tour bus at Burgas Airport, Bulgaria, which later led the European Union to list the military branch of Hezbollah as a terrorist organization.
“For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile.” Romans 1:16 NIV
Morning and Evening by Charles Spurgeon
"Knowing, brethren beloved, your election of God."
1 Thessalonians 1:4
1 Thessalonians 1:4
Many persons want to know their election before they look to Christ, but they cannot learn it thus, it is only to be discovered by "looking unto Jesus." If you desire to ascertain your own election;--after the following manner, shall you assure your heart before God. Do you feel yourself to be a lost, guilty sinner? go straightway to the cross of Christ, and tell Jesus so, and tell him that you have read in the Bible, "Him that cometh unto me, I will in no wise cast out." Tell him that he has said, "This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners." Look to Jesus and believe on him, and you shall make proof of your election directly, for so surely as thou believest, thou art elect. If you will give yourself wholly up to Christ and trust him, then you are one of God's chosen ones; but if you stop and say, "I want to know first whether I am elect," you ask you know not what. Go to Jesus, be you never so guilty, just as you are. Leave all curious inquiry about election alone. Go straight to Christ and hide in his wounds, and you shall know your election. The assurance of the Holy Spirit shall be given to you, so that you shall be able to say, "I know whom I have believed, and I am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed to him." Christ was at the everlasting council: he can tell you whether you were chosen or not; but you cannot find it out in any other way. Go and put your trust in him, and his answer will be--"I have loved thee with an everlasting love, therefore with lovingkindness have I drawn thee." There will be no doubt about his having chosen you, when you have chosen him.
"Sons we are through God's election,
Who in Jesus Christ believe."
"Let not one of them escape."
1 Kings 18:40
1 Kings 18:40
When the prophet Elijah had received the answer to his prayer, and the fire from heaven had consumed the sacrifice in the presence of all the people, he called upon the assembled Israelites to take the priests of Baal, and sternly cried, "Let not one of them escape." He took them all down to the brook Kishon, and slew them there. So must it be with our sins--they are all doomed, not one must be preserved. Our darling sin must die. Spare it not for its much crying. Strike, though it be as dear as an Isaac. Strike, for God struck at sin when it was laid upon his own Son. With stern unflinching purpose must you condemn to death that sin which was once the idol of your heart. Do you ask how you are to accomplish this? Jesus will be your power. You have grace to overcome sin given you in the covenant of grace; you have strength to win the victory in the crusade against inward lusts, because Christ Jesus has promised to be with you even unto the end. If you would triumph over darkness, set yourself in the presence of the Sun of Righteousness. There is no place so well adapted for the discovery of sin, and recovery from its power and guilt, as the immediate presence of God. Job never knew how to get rid of sin half so well as he did when his eye of faith rested upon God, and then he abhorred himself, and repented in dust and ashes. The fine gold of the Christian is oft becoming dim. We need the sacred fire to consume the dross. Let us fly to our God, he is a consuming fire; he will not consume our spirit, but our sins. Let the goodness of God excite us to a sacred jealousy, and to a holy revenge against those iniquities which are hateful in his sight. Go forth to battle with Amalek, in his strength, and utterly destroy the accursed crew: let not one of them escape.
Today's reading: Psalm 18-19, Acts 20:17-38 (NIV)
View today's reading on Bible GatewayToday's Old Testament reading: Psalm 18-19
For the director of music. Of David the servant of the LORD. He sang to the LORD the words of this song when the LORD delivered him from the hand of all his enemies and from the hand of Saul. He said:
1 I love you, LORD, my strength.
2 The LORD is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer;
my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge,
my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.
my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge,
my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.
3 I called to the LORD, who is worthy of praise,
and I have been saved from my enemies.
4 The cords of death entangled me;
the torrents of destruction overwhelmed me.
5 The cords of the grave coiled around me;
the snares of death confronted me....
and I have been saved from my enemies.
4 The cords of death entangled me;
the torrents of destruction overwhelmed me.
5 The cords of the grave coiled around me;
the snares of death confronted me....
Today's New Testament reading: Acts 20:17-38
17 From Miletus, Paul sent to Ephesus for the elders of the church. 18 When they arrived, he said to them: "You know how I lived the whole time I was with you, from the first day I came into the province of Asia. 19 I served the Lord with great humility and with tears and in the midst of severe testing by the plots of my Jewish opponents. 20 You know that I have not hesitated to preach anything that would be helpful to you but have taught you publicly and from house to house. 21 I have declared to both Jews and Greeks that they must turn to God in repentance and have faith in our Lord Jesus....
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