We need your help to ensure that the Department of State makes protecting human rights their top priority in Burma. Right now we have the opportunity and the responsibility to tell the Department of State to impose stronger reporting requirements on American companies.
Strong, transparent reporting on their activities is vital to protecting and empowering communities throughout Burma.
The business environment in Burma has not changed for the better. Rule of law is nonexistent. Various human rights violations and armed conflicts continue in resource rich regions. An increase in foreign investment in the extractive industries will exacerbate the situation. The fragility of ceasefire and peace agreements does not yet guarantee safety for the civilians, particularly in the ethnic nationality areas. Significant amounts of extortion and land confiscation have occurred in both central Burma as well as in the ethnic communities without compensation , much of it done to pave the way for foreign investment.
What can you do to help? We need you, our human rights supporters, to take action on our website. Be sure to send an email that will be sent directly to the U.S. Department of State and let the U.S. government know that you want to impose stronger reporting requirements for American companies investing in Burma. In solidarity, USCB team
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