THE Carramar resident will focus on sustainability and increasing Australia’s population if elected as the Federal MP at the election.
He wants to bring back the Bradfield Scheme from the 1920s, which would redirect rainwater inland rather than to rivers and the ocean.
“It would flood the desert ... but it will also provide fresh water to all the major cities,” he said.
“This means we wouldn’t have to build desalination plants.”
- Thank you for the item. The population figure was for 100 to 200 years, and my highest goal is to do with Justice for Hamidur Rahman, but this well covers some of the things I have been discussing with residents. The Bradfield Scheme was last researched by the federal government in the '80s and might have come into being then, but the Greens success in Tasmania has killed all forms of dams needed to provide water for our peoples throughout Australia. - ed.
Not perfect, but I'll take it.
Goes with the how to vote card
===The Champion (Fairfield) had posted earlier this article

In fairness to the Advance, they printed this article on the 29th of July
Safe seats fall off ALP visit listJason was not available during the campaign and so has not been able to defend himself on the issues which the Advance hasn't mentioned.
FAIRFIELD will likely be snubbed by high-profile politicians on the campaign trail, with all three of our federal electorates branded safe Labor seats.
It’s not likely Prime Minister Julia Gillard or Opposition Leader Tony Abbott will bother campaigning for the seats of McMahon, Blaxland or Fowler.
But Ms Gillard did come close last week when she visited Casula to speak at the National Population Summit.
McMahon Federal Labor MP Chris Bowen confirmed Fairfield was not high on Ms Gillard’s agenda.
“The Prime Minister’s schedule in an election campaign is scheduled on a weekly basis, but I am not necessarily expecting a visit,” he said. “The schedule of senior ministers is kept flexible in a campaign, but my campaign is not focussed on high-profile visits from other politicians.”
Mr Bowen himself is likely to spend less time campaigning in Fairfield than previous elections after taking up the role of national campaign spokesman for the Labor Party.
During the election he will split his time between Fairfield and the Labor Party’s Sydney office.
Blaxland Federal Labor MP Jason Clare is also expected to do some travel as part of his role as the Parliamentary Secretary for Employment, but said he had spent the first part of the campaign in his electorate.
Auburn Review posted this:

Bankstown Torch:

other candidates ..
Ronald Poulsen: Communist League candidate for Blaxland
THE 58-year-old meatpacker and machine operator from Hurlstone Park is a defender of the Cuban revolution and is campaigning for a revolutionary working class. - Many good people have died to defend the rights you exercise, Mr Poulsen, in running for government. People see Che Guevarra as a photogenic martyr, but he was a monster who did terrible things, and many Cubans today die trying to flee the tyranny of their home land. - ed.
Bob Vinnicombe: Blaxland One Nation candidate
THE Sefton resident has lived in the electorate for 28 years. - I don't despise those desperate people who wish to come to Australia. I just don't think it is compassionate to drown desperate people, or subject them to piracy. Some families live in units and they have no alternative, they are still allowed to live and deserve every opportunity to prosper. It is overstating things to refer to foreign investment as a takeover. - ed.
Richard Phillips: Blaxland Social Equalist Party candidate
BORN and raised in Warrnambool, Victoria, Mr Phillips, 62, joined the Socialist Labour League, forerunner of the Social Equalist Party, in 1975. - The troops fighting for us in Afghanistan know why they are there, and say they want to finish the job. Why take them back early? What good could possibly be achieved by that? Is the one term of office reference meant to suggest you approve of the ALP's mishandling of the economy? What else would you give away, given another term? - ed.
Abdul Charaf: Blaxland Independent candidate
BORN in Bankstown, 29-year-old Mr Charaf said he has an "intimate" relationship with the people in his electorate because he comes from a non-speaking English background and has a sound understanding of the issues they face. - Mr Charaf, these are fine goals. How would you pay for it? I think lowering interest rates would be good .. but it requires a cut in spending too, or else you get the kinds of economic bubbles we recently saw in the US and see in China, where some 64 million homes have not used any electricity for at least six months, and yet the Chinese are building 50 million more this year. What happens for those who rely on the value of their home if they suddenly become cheaper? Couldn't we just improve average pay through improved production and achieve a better result? - ed.
This has been authorized and partly written by David Daniel Ball
14/168 Sandal crescent Carramar NSW 2163
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