it sounds like a bloody cliche but here it is in all of its truth ...."The Australian Government will not take an Islamist Terrorist attack in Australia seriously until it actually happens and people are killed ". - cartoonist===
Journo Ah, but ZEG... aren't the private security guards a leftover from the Howard government?
Leftie Fool yeah howards way cost cutting!! and you know who the security guards are dont you lol same lot are looking afterthe airports lol
ZEG Yes they are Journo, and if we go back a little further you will find Paul Keating's hand in the start of this.I was a security officer since 1987 up until I joined the force last year, so I do have an understanding of the historical content of this industry (including 3 years at Sydney airport Kevin). Keating started the ball of privitisation/casualisation and Howard just left it alone. Howard should have done many thing whilst in power and this is certainly one of the changes he should have made. They are all guilty as sin. Thanks for posting it Journo. Your comment is also valid Leftie.
Journo Thanks for the background, ZEG. Very interesting.
Re "... privatisation/casualisation and Howard just left it alone", let's not sweep Work Choices under the carpet.
Leftie fool work choices is a way of bringing the workers to heel like the jackboot brigade achtung achtung
David Daniel Ball Let us not forget workchoices. Workchoices would have allowed me to stop the cover up of Hamidur Rahman's death, while Gillard's plan extends the cover up and protects the abusers. No worker is safe under the new arrangements, unless they give generously to ALP
David Daniel Ball By the way, great work ZEG. It is disappointing others aren't asking these questions.
Journo DDB,
Thought you were dead. Where have you been?
David Daniel Ball Ah, my friend, (a Journo friend!) I'm working full time in a sweatshop called the NSW Dept of Ed. as a teacher's Aide. I get paid less than the minimum wage. I have no conditions of sick leave or annual leave or holiday pay. That is what it is like to work under Gillard's fair regime.
Journo Let me get this right. You're telling me that Work Choices was better than the current Fair Work? I'd have thought the unions would make a BIG noise about it if that's the case.
David Daniel Ball Yep, work choices was fairer for the worker than the current arrangement and unions are quiet over the issue.
Leftie Fool go to bed with boxing gloves on you fool you r a lib stouge
Journo DDB,
How was Work Choices fairer?
David Daniel Ball Under work choices there was an independent tribunal I could have taken my work place issue to. I have a substantial case against my employer, the NSW Dept of Ed. but I cannot use it because I've been timed out. I was timed out by the deliberate actions of my workplace ALP minister, Della Bosca. Theoretically, I could take the issue to the Union, but they are compromised. I could take it to the Ombudsman's office, but they are calling the death of a school child n employer employee dispute they don't involve themselves in. I could take it to the ICAC, but they claim the issue isn't important enough. I could take it to the press, but the Minister has expressed the opinion that the issue was not in the public interest. The result is (verifiable) that although I'm a highly qualified Math teacher with over 17 years of experience and uniquely desirable attributes I cannot get paid work, casual or otherwise. I'm forced to work casually as a teacher's aide without work conditions.
Journo So when you write "I could take it to the press, but the Minister has expressed the opinion that the issue was not in the public interest", are you telling me that members of the media have actually put in writing to you that they won't touch it because Della Bosca has warned them off?!
I'd like to see that correspondence.
David Daniel Ball Nope, only verbally. From several different sources. Does that really matter to you when the rest can be verified and those individuals involved can be contacted privately?
Journo "Fraid so, DDB. Verbal ain't worth the paper it's not written on.
Surely you emailed those media sources? Did they just ignore you? If so, why do you think that would be when they're always looking for a good story? Did you give them information overload, perhaps?
"If you only ever do what you've always done, you'll only ever get what you've always got."
Try a new and different approach.
Or give up.
Good luck, however you decide to proceed.
David Daniel Ball I'm going to get my story told, but not by dancing to their tune. First up is to expose the corruption surrounding the death of Hamidur Rahman. Once that is done the rest will follow. You may believe th rhetoric about 'good stories' for journalists. The truth is, a with the Balibo journalists, they would rather die than expose their precious party to criticism.
Journo Ummm.. I can tell you from personal experience, there are just as many journalists who lean to the right as lean to the left and not nearly enough in the middle.
How long do you think it will take you to expose this criminal negligence death? How many years ago did it happen already? Have you set a time limit for your goal? That's the only way to achieve your goals.
From everything you've emailed, called me about on-air and written about on Facebook, I have to tell you it looks like you're not getting anywhere in a BIG hurry.
"If you only ever do what you've always done, you'll only ever get what you've always got."
David Daniel Ball Lol, I think that "as many journos on the right as the left" is just your um, 'centerist,' perspective ;) It has been a challenging few years that I have been addressing this issue, and the political wind in that time has blown one way, but that won't happen forever. I have dotted the i's and crossed the t's and I will not be rushed into changing what is going to be a very effective campaign just because I happen to be very poor. Don't think I'm alone on this matter and that I'm not being advised. For the sake of appearances, the road blocks I have faced are going to have to change their ways, eventually, or answer for their own decisions. I have no control over what happens .. I just pulled the pin. === I'm not a martyr, but it may well be the case that I won't live to see this out. But I will make sure it is done properly, regardless.
Journo wouldn't try to tell you about teachers' political leanings, so how come you don't respect my observations on journos?
I've worked closely with journos for over 30 years and I'm telling you... they are fairly evenly divided in terms of the left and right.
Good luck pursuing your fight for justice. Please let me know when you've made some actual progress.
Here is where the Journo feels he is at ..

Here am I
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