Andrew Bolt
Nothing seems thought through:
BUDGET cuts have left the diplomatic corps “dangerously” underfunded, risking its ability to implement Kevin Rudd’s ambitious foreign policy, which includes a push for an Asian economic community and reinvigorating international nuclear disarmament.
One kick before I go
Andrew Bolt
If true, were better done yesterday:
US President George W.Bush has enlisted British and US special forces in a final attempt to capture Osama bin Laden before he leaves the White House…
A Pentagon source said US forces were rolling up al-Qa’ida’s network in Pakistan to push bin Laden towards the Afghan border, where the US military and bombers with guided missiles were waiting.
Iguana bosses not so sorry now
Andrew Bolt
It’s looking very ugly for Della Bosca and wife Belinda Neal:
IGUANAS WATERFRONT management has told police its apology to John Della Bosca was inaccurate and was only issued under pressure from the minister - a revelation that will intensify the crisis rocking the Iemma Government…
The (Iguana) staff statements included Ms Neal saying she would have the club’s “f---ing licence” and she would have the “f---ing police down here every weekend to close you down”.
Worth watching - columnist Ezra Levant‘s speech before Alberta’s Human Rights Council, attacking its right to punish him for publishing the Muhammad cartoons.
Your Clarkson fix, before he’s fixed
Andrew Bolt
Mark Steyn may soon be silenced by Canada’s human rights gestapo, but there’s still Jeremy Clarkson:
Not that long ago it was very hard to make big lumps of money. You had to learn Latin, grow a side parting, wear a suit, play squash, do accountancy and get up extremely early in the morning. Friends had to be stabbed in the back and children ignored.
Put a germ in your tank
Andrew Bolt
No wonder greens hate genetic engineering, now that scientists unveil a GM bug they say might keep us in petrol forever:
(T)he genetic alteration of bugs – very, very small ones – so that when they feed on agricultural waste such as woodchips or wheat straw, they do something extraordinary. They excrete crude oil.
Carbon neutral, too.
Indian drivers won’t pay more for pampered Australians
Andrew Bolt
Trying to force Asian drivers pay more for petrol to help out the motorists of rich Australia is not going to win a single heart-beat of sympathy:
The Federal Government is preparing to launch a major assault on Asian petrol price subsidies in a bid to curb regional demand and bring pump prices down for Australian motorists.
Energy Minister Martin Ferguson has warned of a new threat for Australian motorists: the huge subsidies and price caps prescribed by Asian governments to promote development…
He said 85% of the growth in global oil demand had occurred in China, India and the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries, all areas with heavily subsidised markets.
Aussies on endless sickies
A RECORD number of Australians are taking an all-year-around sickie with 723,424 people getting the disability support pension.
Taxpayers foot $20bn bill for war on terror
AUSTRALIANS have covered a Government spending binge to protect the country from terrorists since September 11, 2001 -one senses the Rudd government is claiming the war too expensive. -ed.
Bouncer filmed kicking patron 'off the hook'
A BOUNCER captured on camera kicking a reveller on the ground outside a strip club is unlikely to face criminal charges.
Pedophile fears as students posted online
PHOTOS of thousands of school students as young as five will be posted online by the Government, sparking pedophiles fears.
Obama tells black fathers to behave like men
BARACK Obama has demanded fathers, especially African American men, shoulder their responsibility to heal and protect broken families. -is he looking for an example? -ed.
Childcare fees rise by up to 30pc
SYDNEY families will be hit with rises in childcare fees of up to 30 per cent next month - leading to fears parents will hurry their kids into school earlier than planned. -thank you Rudd. -ed.
Tick, tick, tick
Andrew Bolt
Talk won’t budge Iran:
Iran rejected a six-nation offer of incentives to stop enriching uranium on Saturday, prompting President Bush and French President Nicolas Sarkozy to jointly warn Tehran anew against proceeding toward a nuclear bomb…
Both Bush and Sarkozy ... spoke in unison on the point that the people there have a right to be better represented by a government that Bush said is “creating the depravation inside Iran."…
It was left to Sarkozy to augment this softer message with tough talk. “If Iran gets a nuclear bomb, that is totally unacceptable,” he said.
First the insult, then the lie
Andrew Bolt
Will Belinda Neal today apologise to Parliament for lying - or what is known as misleading the House?
Thank Rudd for Saudi oil
Andrew Bolt
Rudd takes credit:
PRIME Minister Kevin Rudd has welcomed plans by the world’s biggest oil exporter, Saudi Arabia, to increase oil production next month by about half-a-million barrels a day…
Mr Rudd recently urged wealthy nations to “apply the blowtorch” to the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and force the world’s top crude-oil producers to boost output…
A spokeswoman for Mr Rudd said: ”Calling on OPEC nations to increase the supply of oil is one of several practical measures the Government is taking to help motorists deal with the rising costs of petrol. If OPEC countries decide to respond to global pressure to increase supply, that is a welcome development.”
It’s a joke
Andrew Bolt
People can be so po-faced when they get all sanctimonious:
This week, one of the most well-known and influential judges in the country found himself in an embarrassing spotlight after the Los Angeles Times revealed that his private, home-based Web site contained sexually explicit images, including some the judge concedes were offensive.
Offensive? I’d say the even the most notorious clip the judge had on his site, apparently actually run by his son, offended only those wanting to be - including all those journalists who found the words “judge"
and “porn” an irresistible combination, and well worth the price of trashing a man’s reputation:
Can you believe the front of these people? Let’s see how Saudi Arabia explained its decision, and whether it named Rudd as a critical influence - or whether Australia is mentioned by name at all:
Land of cripples
Andrew Bolt – Monday, June 16, 08 (01:01 pm)
Time to sort the disabled from the disinclined. Malingering is not healthy even for the malingerer:
A RECORD number of Australians are taking an endless sickie at taxpayers’ expense, with figures showing 723,424 people getting the disability support pension… -ben was offered one of these. - ed.
Without green labels, they’d lose interest
Andrew Bolt
Socially conscious hypocrites:
FIRST there were hippies. Then there were yuppies. And now, swarming around us in their ethical yet impossibly stylish shoes, we have scuppies, a hybrid of the two.
Standing for Socially Conscious Upwardly Mobile Persons, scuppies are the most influential consumer group of our time. Just like hippies, they care about society and the environment—but, just like yuppies, they care about their quality of life and bank balance, too.
They care about the environment, but it’s a care manifested more by a seeming than a doing.
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