Saturday, July 31, 2021

Sat 31st July 2021 Current Affairs

Editorial Fauci guilty

Editorial IPA successful in Free Speech outcome

Vaccine Mandate Protest Letter

No authorship claim or copyright asserted...this letter just came to me in a bottle, and I have no idea who might have penned it, nor can I possibly vouch for it, and what you fine folks do with it is entirely in your own hands, as the Gentlemen of the Bar remind me I can proffer no general legal advice in the matter, and must officially disclaim proffering any such advice here...edit and excise as you see fit, amend and append as you desire, and claim authorship or anonymity as may best befit always, as you wish...

Dear Boss,

Compelling any employee to take any current Covid-19 vaccine violates federal and state law, and subjects the employer to substantial liability risk, including liability for any injury the employee may suffer from the vaccine. Many employers have reconsidered issuing such a mandate after more fruitful review with legal counsel, insurance providers, and public opinion advisors of the desires of employees and the consuming public. Even the Kaiser Foundation warned of the legal risk in this respect. (

Three key concerns: first, while the vaccine remains unapproved by the FDA and authorized only for emergency use, federal law forbids mandating it, in accordance with the Nuremberg Code of 1947; second, the Americans with Disabilities Act proscribes, punishes and penalizes employers who invasively inquire into their employees' medical status and then treat those employees differently based on their medical status, as the many AIDS related cases of decades ago fully attest; and third, international law, Constitutional law, specific statutes and the common law of torts all forbid conditioning access to employment upon coerced, invasive medical examinations and treatment, unless the employer can fully provide objective, scientifically validated evidence of the threat from the employee and how no practicable alternative could possible suffice to mitigate such supposed public health threat and still perform the necessary essentials of employment.

At the outset, consider the "problem" being "solved" by vaccination mandates. The previously infected are better protected than the vaccinated, so why aren't they exempted? Equally, the symptomatic can be self-isolated. Hence, requiring vaccinations only addresses one risk: dangerous or deadly transmission, by the asymptomatic or pre-symptomatic employee, in the employment setting. Yet even government official Mr. Fauci admits, as scientific studies affirm, asymptomatic transmission is exceedingly and "very rare." Indeed, initial data suggests the vaccinated are just as, or even much more, likely to transmit the virus as the asymptomatic or pre-symptomatic. Hence, the vaccine solves nothing. This evidentiary limitation on any employer's decision making, aside from the legal and insurance risks of forcing vaccinations as a term of employment without any accommodation or even exception for the previously infected (and thus better protected), is the reason most employers wisely refuse to mandate the vaccine. This doesn't even address the arbitrary self-limitation of the pool of talent for the employer: why reduce your own talent pool, when many who refuse invasive inquiries or risky treatment may be amongst your most effective, efficient and profitable employees?

First, federal law prohibits any mandate of the Covid-19 vaccines as unlicensed, emergency-use-authorization-only vaccines. Subsection bbb-3(e)(1)(A)(ii)(III) of section 360 of Title 21 of the United States Code, otherwise known as the Emergency Use Authorization section of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, demands that everyone give employees the "option to accept or refuse administration" of the Covid-19 vaccine. ( ) This right to refuse emergency, experimental vaccines, such as the Covid-19 vaccine, implements the internationally agreed legal requirement of Informed Consent established in the Nuremberg Code of 1947. ( ). As the Nuremberg Code established, every person must "be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision" for any medical experimental drug, as the Covid-19 vaccine currently is. The Nuremberg Code prohibited even the military from requiring such experimental vaccines. (Doe #1 v. Rumsfeld, 297 F.Supp.2d 119 (D.D.C. 2003).

Second, demanding employees divulge their personal medical information invades their protected right to privacy, and discriminates against them based on their perceived medical status, in contravention of the Americans with Disabilities Act. (42 USC §12112(a).) Indeed, the ADA prohibits employers from invasive inquiries about their medical status, and that includes questions about diseases and treatments for those diseases, such as vaccines. As the EEOC makes clear, an employer can only ask medical information if the employer can prove the medical information is both job-related and necessary for the business. ( An employer that treats an individual employee differently based on that employer’s belief the employee’s medical condition impairs the employee is discriminating against that employee based on perceived medical status disability, in contravention of the ADA. The employer must have proof that the employer cannot keep the employee, even with reasonable accommodations, before any adverse action can be taken against the employee. If the employer asserts the employee’s medical status (such as being unvaccinated against a particular disease) precludes employment, then the employer must prove that the employee poses a “safety hazard” that cannot be reduced with a reasonable accommodation. The employer must prove, with objective, scientifically validated evidence, that the employee poses a materially enhanced risk of serious harm that no reasonable accommodation could mitigate. This requires the employee's medical status cause a substantial risk of serious harm, a risk that cannot be reduced by any another means. This is a high, and difficult burden, for employers to meet. Just look at the all prior cases concerning HIV and AIDS, when employers discriminated against employees based on their perceived dangerousness, and ended up paying millions in legal fees, damages and fines.

Third, conditioning continued employment upon participating in a medical experiment and demanding disclosure of private, personal medical information, may also create employer liability under other federal and state laws, including HIPAA, FMLA, and applicable state tort law principles, including torts prohibiting and proscribing invasions of privacy and battery. Indeed, any employer mandating a vaccine is liable to their employee for any adverse event suffered by that employee. The CDC records reports of the adverse events already reported to date concerning the current Covid-19 vaccine.( )

Finally, forced vaccines constitute a form of battery, and the Supreme Court long made clear "no right is more sacred than the right of every individual to the control of their own person, free from all restraint or interference of others." (

With Regards,
Employee of the Year


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The Biden administration is absolutely lying to you about the latest coronavirus data. In this episode, I prove it using their own data. I also address the real reason behind their push for a second covid fear campaign, and the reasons are ugly.

News Picks:

=== Bongino Headlines ===
White House Reverses Course After Blowback – Says There Will Be No More Lockdowns READ MORE

Poll: Support for Jan 6 Probe Falls Following Political Theater During First Hearing

Only Months Ago Pelosi Said the Federal Government Can’t Mandate the COVID Vaccine

Top Republicans Demand Answers on Fauci Actively Working to Dismiss Wuhan Lab Leak Theory Early On

Gov. Ron DeSantis to Join “Unfiltered With Dan Bongino”

Senate Advances Infrastructure Bill That Could Be Passed as Soon as Next Week

Hunter Biden Snaps at Critics of Shady Art Dealings

Capitol Hill
Rep. Greene Mocks Pelosi’s Mask Mandate With Checkpoint
Progressives Furious With Sen. Sinema Over Opposition to $3.5 Trillion Spending Bill
Trouble in Paradise: Actress Susan Sarandon Turns on AOC, Leads Protest Outside Her Office
Michigan’s Longest Serving Senator, Carl Levin, Dies at 87
House Freedom Caucus Pushes to Boot Reps. Cheney and Kinzinger Out of the House GOP
White House Opens Up to Possibility of More Lockdowns
Biden’s Honeymoon Period Is Officially Over
George Republicans Take First Step Towards Possible Takeover of Fulton County Elections
House GOP Members Stage Mask Mandate Protest
DOJ Alerts States They’re Closely Tracking 2020 Election Audits
Peter Doocy Grills Deputy Press Secretary Over Biden Flip Flop on Masks: “Why Should We Trust Him Now?”

Culture War
GOP Lawmakers Press Fauci Over Potentially Suppressed COVID-19 Treatments
228 GOP Lawmakers Urge SCOTUS to Overturn Roe v. Wade
Fox Nation Looks to Be the Netflix of the Right
Which Biden Official Asked the NSA to Unmask Tucker Carlson?
Postal Workers’ Union Voices Opposition to Biden’s Mandatory Vaccination Plan for Federal Workers
Tucker Carlson: COVID Has Been Good to Democrats
Former Planned Parenthood President Says She Was Forced Out for Not Promoting Abortion Aggressively Enough
International Olympic Committee Praises Man Competing in Women’s Weightlifting
Sen. Warren: Cancelling Student Debt Is a Racial Justice Issue, or Something Like That
Dems Approve Spending Bill That Funds Abortions for First Time in 45 Years
Chris Cuomo Gets Into Heated Exchange With Restaurant Owner

Lawmakers Think They Can Raise $30 Billion by Collecting More Taxes on Cryptocurrency
Hollywood Halts Production Again Over COVID
Elon Musk’s “Neuralink” Start-Up Raises $205 Million
Gov. Cuomo Begs Businesses to Come Back to NYC
Founder of Electric Truck Maker “Nikola” Indicted on Three Fraud Charges
Pending Home Sales Fall in June
“Robinhood” Stock Dips on First Day of Trading
Shake Shack Founder’s Restaurant Group to Require Customers Show Proof of Vaccination
McDonalds CEO Says Jobs Coming Back Fastest in States That Ended Unemployment Boost
School Shutdowns Will Cost Kids a Staggering Amount in Lifetime Earnings
White House Calls for Eviction Moratorium to be Extended – Again

Swamp Watch
Biden DOJ: Trump Tax Returns Must Be Released to Congress
American Federation of Teachers Pres Says They’ll “Try” to Open Schools This Fall
AG Garland Threatens Legal Action Over Texas Immigration Order Restricting Movement of Illegals
“Squad” Members Upset That Infrastructure Deal Is Being Negotiated by White People
NY Times Guest Columnist: There’s No Good Reason Non-Citizens Shouldn’t Be Allowed to Vote
Biden’s Infrastructure Partner Profits From Chinese Communist Party-Owned Companies
Thousands of Illegal Aliens Force Proxy Ports of Entry to Form Along Border
BLM Issues Ultimatum to Dem Sen. Whitehouse Over Ties to All-White Club
Biden Outraged When Confronted on Mask Mandate Flip Flop
Republicans Locked Out of Detention Center to View Treatment of Jan 6 Detainees

National Security
Tucker Carlson Has Heated Discussion Over Border Crisis With Geraldo
Minneapolis Sets Murder Record Year After George Floyd Riots
A Look at Russia’s “Brute Force” Approach in Its Cyber War With America
China Is Training for War in the South China Sea (And to Invade Taiwan?)
Lockheed and Israel’s Rafael Join Forces to Build Laser Air Defense Weapon
Joe Biden Thinks Russia Only Has Nuclear Weapons and Oil. Putin Thinks Otherwise.
Securing Our 5G Infrastructure
How Concerned Should the U.S. Be About China’s Nuclear Arsenal?
Vaccinated Defense Sec. Mocked for Arriving in Philippines Wearing Mask and Face Shield
Woman Beheaded in Broad Daylight in Minneapolis Suburb, Suspect Arrested

Around the World
After Biden Delayed Afghanistan Withdrawal, Taliban Launched 22,000 Attacks in Four Months: Report
U.S. Coast Guard Sends 27 Cubans Found at Sea Back to Cuba
Los Zetas Cartel Attempts to Purchase $500K in Grenades, Machine Guns in Texas Border City
U.S. Sending USAID Ambassador to Ethiopia to up Diplomatic Pressure on Tigray
Taliban Assassinations of Afghan Pilots Called “Worrisome” by U.S. Govt Watchdog
UK Police Whistleblower Says Child Rape Gangs Are “Everywhere” in the Country
Russia’s Nauka Space Station Module Encounters Problems After Docking With International Space Station
Energy Firms Total and Equinor Divest From Venezuela

Derek Hunter: They Aren’t “Migrants,” They Are Illegal Aliens
Laura Hollis: Coming Soon: America’s “Social Credit” System?
Alireza Nader: Biden Looks Away While Iranian Protesters Call for the Regime’s Overthrow
Jackie Cushman: Need for Skepticism
R. Emmett Tyrell: The Mythological White Supremacist
Kurt Schlichter: Imagine If They Hadn’t Lied To Us For The Last 18 Months
Charles Lipson: Where in the World is Kamala Harris?
(Cartoon) A.F. Branco: Super Spreader-in-Chief

Logan Paul Interested in Debating Critical Race Theory With Candace Owens
Netflix the First Hollywood Studio to Mandate Coronavirus Vaccination for All Actors
Scarlett Johansson Is Suing Disney Over “Black Widow” Streaming
Jamie Lee Curtis Announces Her 25-Year-Old Son is Now a Woman
Prince Charles and Princess Diana’s Wedding Cake Up for Auction
Lollapalooza Music Festival Will Require Vaccine Passport or Negative Test Result
Rebel Wilson Loses 65 Pounds to Have a Better Chance at Getting Pregnant
Marvel Film Director James Gunn Blasts Cancel Culture, Says He’s “Attracted to Outsiders”

Bill Rhoden, ESPN Sportswriter, “Disturbed” By American Flags at Olympics
Megan Rapinoe Now Complains That Women’s Sports Aren’t Criticized Enough
Suni Lee Wins Olympic Gold in Individual All-Around Gymnastics Competition
Ratings for Tuesday Night’s Olympics Coverage Crater 55 Percent
Gerrit Cole Gets Demolished in 14-0 Embarrassment for Yankees
Aaron Rodgers Reunion With Packers Has a “Last Dance” Flavor to It
Cleveland Indians Name Change in Doubt Due to Potential Lawsuit by Guardians Roller Derby Team
QB Zach Wilson Secures 4-Year, $35.15 Million Deal With the Jets
=== Newsmax Headlines ===
As a House Select Committee probes the riot at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, a big majority of voters also want an in-depth probe of the more than 8,700 riots and protests across the country last summer in the wake of George Floyd's death in Minneapolis, a new Rasmussen survey finds. [Full Story]

Newsmax TV

South Dakota's Noem Doesn't Plan to Ratchet Up Vaccine Push
South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem says she has no plans to ratchet up her messaging to urge people to get a COVID-19 vaccine, even as Republican leaders across the country try to persuade vaccine skeptics to roll up their sleeves and take the shots in response to a new, more...... [Full Story]
The highest ranking Republican in the Wisconsin Assembly said Friday [Full Story]
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Here is a video I made Art Spot-Michelangelo's David returns to Italy from USA 
Art Spot reports on the statue of David, which has completed its tour of the US. Even after five hundred years, the statue reflects the times.
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=== From 2018 ===
Don't give up on hope. Malcolm Turnbull had a vested interest in the Liberal Party not winning a seat in the recent by elections. Had a seat been won, then the margin in the lower house would be two seats, meaning Turnbull could be rolled without him gifting government to ALP. Now that Turnbull retains his knife edge, he can go back to dithering. And so Health Minister Hunt, who bizarrely championed a health medical records package that allowed access to personal records by police and tax agencies, has moved to cover the error. The faux pas is no longer needed to help ALP defeat Libs. Australians have been held hostage, with their personal medical records not available online in emergencies. Civil Libertarians obliged by seeking to block the entire package on information security grounds. I can point to suspicious activity regarding my own medical records and a bungled pedophile investigation and death of school student Hamidur Rahman from school neglect. I want my doctors to have access to my files. Civil Libertarians don't want people who cheated on tax to be arrested for fraud. Hunt did not wish to give the Liberals breathing room to hit Malcolm? 

A daily column on what the ALP have as a policy, supported by a local member, and how it has 'helped' the local community. I'll stop if I cannot identify a policy. Feel free to make suggestions. Contact me on FB, not twitter. I have twitter, but never look at it.

Gabrielle Williams was appointed Parliamentary Secretary for Carers and Volunteers, working with the Minister for Housing, Disability and Ageing and the Minister for Families and Children. An agency designed to address domestic violence in Victoria has been created in time for coming elections. The issue is serious with some 75000 complaints made to authorities annually in Victoria. The agency will be a port of call to those afflicted, as well as having information outlets in schools and other public places. Thing is, such agencies rarely do what they are proclaimed as doing. Instead of addressing bullying in schools, Safe schools promoted a left wing gender bending agenda. And Safe Schools promotes ALP to school children. Why does the ALP need such a funnel for election funding? It should be illegal. It should be the case that Victoria is in caretaker mode pre election and such things be signed off by Matthew Guy, who unlike the ALP, acts responsibly, in the interests of all Victorians. 

As part of the November 24th Vic election campaign I have a petition I want to bring before the Opposition Leader Matthew Guy. I believe Matthew will be the next premier of Victoria and so I am petitioning him as I raise the issues of Employment, Crime and Education in Dandenong. I am also seeking money for my campaign. I don't have party resources, and so my campaign is on foot, and on the internet. Any money I receive that is not spent on the campaign will go to Grow 4 Life. I am asking questions like "What do you love about Dandenong?" and "If you could change something in Dandenong to make it better, what would it be?" I'm not limiting the questions to state issues. I'm happy to discuss anything, and get things done.
=== from 2017 ===
Some things should not happen, but they do. Christian leadership is largely absent on important issues of the day, or wrong headed. The famed Christian Conservatives of world politics are compromised and weak. Where once, Billy Graham, Martin Luther King, Avery Dulles, Charles Finney, Dwight Moody, China Gordon, William Carey, Jerry Falwell, George Whitefield, Charles Spurgeon, John Wesley, Martin Luther, John Wycliffe and many more strode the world pointing to God, now many point to fads. Christians face persecution around the world and on mission. But church leaders point to imaginary states like Palestine, or imaginary issues like AGW or promote racism and moral relativism in place of timeless rock hard values from living a life of faith in Christ. The issue is not ridiculous creationism versus science. Creationism is bunk relative to science, and science offers little in understanding the bible. AGW is a $100 trillion con which will steal from the world's poorest and lower world's temperatures for a fraction of a degree in a hundred years time. Who will speak for the poor? I was willing to give the pope a benefit of a doubt while he settled in to his job. He has a difficult job of trying to unite the world's Catholics. But his leadership has been painfully absent on a host of issues, and he has pointed the wrong way on a number of others. There are walls surrounding the Vatican to protect it from Muslim invaders, yet the Pope despises Israel building walls to protect her from terrorists. In Australia the Anglican and Uniting churches have endorsed drowning migrants as a compassionate alternative to orderly migration. If in fact those bleeding-hearts care for so called Palestinians, then they would stop paying so much money, and stop delegating authority to the cruel oppressors who claim to lead those so called Palestinians. Or the UN. If they want to heal the world, then allow the manufacture of plant food.  
=== from 2016 === 
To play Pokemon Go, some joke about tethering their iPhone to a dog. It means less walking. However, some suggest letting children run around too. The game is fun, but normal propriety rules exist. Children need to be supervised. A child will follow Pokemon onto a street with the same awareness as chasing a ball. Some adults are similarly challenged. One cannot teach common sense in the abstract. Driving and playing Pokemon Go is as safe as it sounds. The ridiculous over reach which prevents people playing the game in some suburbs or at some locations is absurd. Mind you, the thought crossed my mind when I found Blue Apex Park that maybe the in game naming structure was bad, referencing the gang terrorising Melbourne at the moment. It turns out that is the name of the park given by the local council. The gang was named after a street in North Dandenong. So what was PM Turnbull playing at when he examined the possibility of making Rudd UN Secretary General? It wasn't Pokemon. And now it turns out that the recent election gave Turnbull the thinnest of knife edges as majority. Just as Turnbull has burned his second in charge. 

For some, at the moment, the Sex Party has more credibility.  
=== from 2015 ===
When I began writing for my books in 2013, I noticed that August began, from the way July ended, with an unusual take on how people treated victory at different points in time. In England in 1588 and in Alexandria in 30 BC. The responses of Elizabeth I and Mark Antony are an interesting study. She triumphed at her triumph. He suicided. To be fair, Antony did not suicide because he won, but because he won badly. Cleopatra had helped him win, but in doing so they were stuck on land and their troops were running away from Octavian. Antony suicided, partly to protect his underlings from revenge attacks by Octavian. It wasn't perfect, as plans went, because although Antony suicided, Octavian took bloody revenge. 

Bill Shorten is hoping for success. He hasn't had one recently. He has lied about turning back boats. He has lied about protecting the environment with a business ruining tax. He is losing popularity and relevance. However, he is leading another campaign to disrupt PM Tony Abbott. Earlier, Shorten tried to have Peta Credlin booted from Abbott's office. Now he is trying to have the Speaker of the Parliament, Bronwyn Bishop booted. Bishop has done what politicians do. She was entitled to have expenses compensated. The arbitrary public concern over expenses has been successful in the UK with getting conservatives into trouble. It is happening here too. The issues for which Bishop is being attacked are historic. The only answer for Mr Abbott is how to engineer a win. Bishop's political suicide is not the answer, although many are baying for it. And Shorten feels he has earned it. 

One powerful issue which Shorten has fed, but which is not directly related to Shorten, but Rudd, is that of booing former Australian of the Year Adam Goodes. It doesn't mean much in the wider political sense, but is smoke to obscure issues of corruption surrounding the ALP and industrial relations. But, more directly people are booing Goodes and being called racist. Goodes' race was known before he was booed, when he was being lauded. And the people booing may well be doing so based on their beliefs on race. And people supporting Goodes may well be doing so for no other reason than race. But it isn't racism that is booing Goodes but his support of racism to define the world. Racism is a truth that should never be employed by government in its' activity. Goodes is not a product of racism, but of love. It is worth comparing Goodes Australian of the year speech with Elizabeth I's victory speech. 
From 2014
It is said to have happened on this day, but it may not have happened at all, but it is certainly the case that Daniel Defoe was certainly not harmed by his stay in the stocks in 1703. It was said after that he had been pelted with flowers, not the more traditional rotten fruit after he had announced a poem to the Stocks. He had been placed in the stocks because King William had died and Queen Anne had different policies, and Defoe wrote satire. A particular pamphlet in this case had been written by Defoe anonymously, but he had been identified. He had suggested that non conformists be killed. John Robert Moorelater said that "no man in England but Defoe ever stood in the pillory and later rose to eminence among his fellow men". 

Also on this day the Spanish Armada was sighted off the English coast. But, it was never a real threat of invasion as the large number of troops that had been assembled would never have been able to board the ships as they were never able to get past the smaller Dutch ships which would have prevented it in shallower waters. Even so, it was a remarkable success and allowed Queen Elizabeth to later give her stirring speech at Tillbury. 

"My loving people, we have been persuaded by some that are careful of our safety, to take heed how we commit ourselves to armed multitudes for fear of treachery; but, I do assure you, I do not desire to live to distrust my faithful and loving people. Let tyrants fear, I have always so behaved myself, that under God I have placed my chiefest strength and safeguard in the loyal hearts and goodwill of my subjects; and, therefore, I am come amongst you as you see at this time, not for my recreation and disport, but being resolved, in the midst and heat of battle, to live or die amongst you all – to lay down for my God, and for my kingdoms, and for my people, my honour and my blood even in the dust. I know I have the body of a weak and feeble woman; but I have the heart and stomach of a king – and of a King of England too, and think foul scorn that Parma or Spain, or any prince of Europe, should dare to invade the borders of my realm; to which, rather than any dishonour should grow by me, I myself will take up arms – I myself will be your general, judge, and rewarder of every one of your virtues in the field. I know already, for your forwardness, you have deserved rewards and crowns, and, we do assure you, on the word of a prince, they shall be duly paid you. In the mean time, my lieutenant general shall be in my stead, than whom never prince commanded a more noble or worthy subject; not doubting but by your obedience to my general, by your concord in the camp, and your valour in the field, we shall shortly have a famous victory over those enemies of my God, of my kingdom, and of my people"
Mark Antony had had success at the Battle of Alexandria, 30 BC, against Octavion, but instead of a stirring speech to his men, he committed suicide. One can learn a lot by studying Elizabeth Rex. Antony's example is less glorious.

Today is another of infamy for anti semitism. In 1492 the Alhambra Decree took effect, kicking all Jews out of Spain, five years after the Spanish King had instigated the Spanish Inquisition. In 1932 the NAZI Party won 38% of the vote. One can only guess what the 38% wanted of them, their activity was evident from the beginning. Brutal and ugly. In 1941, 
Hitler instructed Hermann Göring to give orders to SS General Reinhard Heydrich to "submit to me as soon as possible a general plan of the administrative material and financial measures necessary for carrying out the desired Final Solution of the Jewish question."

In 1201, John Komnenos the Fat failed to usurp the Byzantine empire. In 1498 on his third voyage, Christopher Columbus discovered Trinidad. In 1658 Aurangzeb took control of India, ending secular administration and putting in place Islamic rule, his administration was to mark the downfall of Islamic leaders in India. In 1715, 12 Spanish treasure galleons set sail from Havana, eleven sank in a storm, allowing their treasure to be claimed centuries later. In 1763, Chief Pontiac defeated British in the Battle of Bloody Run. In 1777, the US Second continental Congress gave Lafayette an honorary rank of Major General of US forces. In 1790, US granted a patent for Potash. In 1856, Christchurch became a city. In 1913, the Balkan states signed an armistice. In 1919, Germany adopted the Weimar constitution. In 1930, radio program The Shadow first aired. In 1931 the future TV WCBS first broadcasted. In 1938, archaeologists discovered gold and silver plates from Darius the Great at Persepolis. In 1945, Pierre Laval, former socialist turned fascist leader of Vichy France, surrendered to allies in Austria. 
Historical perspective on this day
In 30 BC, Battle of AlexandriaMark Antony achieved a minor victory over Octavian's forces, but most of his army subsequently deserted, leading to his suicide. 781, the oldest recorded eruption of Mount Fuji (Traditional Japanese date: July 6, 781). 1009, Pope Sergius IV became the 142nd pope, succeeding Pope John XVIII. 1201, attempted usurpation of John Komnenos the Fat. 1423, Hundred Years' WarBattle of Cravant: The French army was defeated by the English at Cravant on the banks of the river Yonne. 1451, Jacques Cœur was arrested by order of Charles VII of France. 1492, the Jews were expelled from Spain when the Alhambra Decreetook effect. 1498, on his third voyage to the Western HemisphereChristopher Columbus became the first European to discover the island of Trinidad. 1588, the Spanish Armada was spotted off the coast of England. 1655, Russo-Polish War (1654–67): The Russian army entered the capital of the Grand Duchy of LithuaniaVilnius, which it held for six years. 1658, Aurangzeb was proclaimed Moghul emperor of India. 1667, Second Anglo-Dutch WarTreaty of Breda ended the conflict.

In 1703, Daniel Defoe was placed in a pillory for the crime of seditious libel after publishing a politically satirical pamphlet, but was pelted with flowers. 1712, Action of 31 July 1712 (Great Northern War): Danish and Swedish ships clashed in the Baltic Sea; the result was inconclusive. 1715, seven days after a Spanish treasure fleet of 12 ships left HavanaCuba for Spain, 11 of them sank in a storm off the coast of Florida. A few centuries later, treasure was salvaged from these wrecks. 1741, Charles Albert of Bavaria invaded Upper Austria and Bohemia. 1763, OdawaChief Pontiac's forces defeated British troops at the Battle of Bloody Run during Pontiac's War. 1777, the U.S. Second Continental Congress passed a resolution that the services of Gilbert du Motier "be accepted, and that, in consideration of his zeal, illustrious family and connexions, he have the rank and commission of major-general of the United States." 1790, the first U.S. patent was issued, to inventor Samuel Hopkins for a potash process. 1856, Christchurch, New Zealand was chartered as a city. 1865, the first narrow gauge mainline railway in the world opened at Grandchester, Queensland, Australia.

In 1904, Russo-Japanese WarBattle of Hsimucheng: Units of the Imperial Japanese Army defeated units of the Imperial Russian Army in a strategic confrontation. 1913, the Balkan States signed an armistice in Bucharest. 1919, German national assembly adopted the Weimar Constitution, which came into force on August 14. 1930, the radio mystery program The Shadow aired for the first time. 1932, the NSDAP (Nazi Party) won more than 38% of the vote in German elections. 1938, Bulgaria signed a non-aggression pact with Greece and other states of Balkan Antanti (TurkeyRomaniaYugoslavia). Also 1938, Archaeologists discovered engraved gold and silver plates from King Darius the Great in Persepolis.

In 1941, The Holocaust: Under instructions from Adolf HitlerNazi official Hermann Göring, ordered SS General Reinhard Heydrich to "submit to me as soon as possible a general plan of the administrative material and financial measures necessary for carrying out the desired Final Solution of the Jewish question." 1945, Pierre Laval, the fugitive former leader of Vichy France, surrendered to Alliedsoldiers in Austria. 1948, at Idlewild Field in New York, New York International Airport (later renamed John F. Kennedy International Airport) was dedicated. Also 1948, USS Nevada was sunk by an aerial torpedo after surviving hits from two atomic bombs (as part of post-war tests) and being used for target practice by three other ships.

In 1954, first ascent of K2, by an Italian expedition led by Ardito Desio. 1961, at Fenway Park in Boston, Massachusetts, the first All-Star Game tie in Major League Baseball history occurred when the game was stopped in the 9th inning because of rain. 1964, Ranger programRanger 7 sent back the first close-up photographs of the moon, with images 1,000 times clearer than anything ever seen from earth-bound telescopes. 1970, Black Tot Day: The last day of the officially sanctioned rum ration in the Royal Navy. 1971, Apollo programApollo 15 astronauts became the first to ride in a lunar rover 1972, the Troubles: In Operation Motorman, the British Army re-took the urban no-go areas of Northern Ireland. It was the biggest British military operation since the Suez Crisis of 1956, and the biggest in Ireland since the Irish War of Independence. Later that day, nine civilians were killed by car bombs in the village of Claudy. 1988, thirty-two people were killed and 1,674 injured when a bridge at the Sultan Abdul Halim ferry terminal collapsed in Butterworth, PenangMalaysia.

In 1991, the United States and Soviet Union both signed the START I Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty, the first to reduce (with verification) both countries' stockpiles. 1992, Georgia joined the United Nations. 1999, Discovery ProgramLunar ProspectorNASA intentionally crashed the spacecraft into the Moon, thus ending its mission to detect frozen water on the moon's surface. 2006, Fidel Castro handed over power to brother Raúl Castro. 2007, Operation Banner, the presence of the British Army in Northern Ireland, and the longest-running British Army operation ever, came to an end. 2009, three members of the popular South Korean group TVXQ, (Kim JaejoongKim Junsu, and Park Yoochun), filed lawsuit against their Korean management S.M. Entertainment. 2012, Michael Phelps broke the record set in 1964 by Larisa Latynina for the most medals won at the Olympics.

=== Bible Reading ===

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Today's reading: Psalm 51-53, Romans 2 (NIV)

View today's reading on Bible Gateway

Today's Old Testament reading: Psalm 51-53

For the director of music. A psalm of David. When the prophet Nathan came to him after David had committed adultery with Bathsheba.

1 Have mercy on me, O God,
according to your unfailing love;
according to your great compassion
blot out my transgressions.
2 Wash away all my iniquity
and cleanse me from my sin.
3 For I know my transgressions,
and my sin is always before me.
4 Against you, you only, have I sinned
and done what is evil in your sight;
so you are right in your verdict
and justified when you judge.
5 Surely I was sinful at birth,
sinful from the time my mother conceived me.
6 Yet you desired faithfulness even in the womb;
you taught me wisdom in that secret place....

Today's New Testament reading: Romans 2

God's Righteous Judgment
You, therefore, have no excuse, you who pass judgment on someone else, for at whatever point you judge another, you are condemning yourself, because you who pass judgment do the same things. 2 Now we know that God's judgment against those who do such things is based on truth. 3 So when you, a mere human being, pass judgment on them and yet do the same things, do you think you will escape God's judgment? 4Or do you show contempt for the riches of his kindness, forbearance and patience, not realizing that God's kindness is intended to lead you to repentance?

=== Morning and Evening ===

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Font size"And when he thought thereon, he wept."
Mark 14:72
It has been thought by some that as long as Peter lived, the fountain of his tears began to flow whenever he remembered his denying his Lord. It is not unlikely that it was so, for his sin was very great, and grace in him had afterwards a perfect work. This same experience is common to all the redeemed family according to the degree in which the Spirit of God has removed the natural heart of stone. We, like Peter, remember our boastful promise: "Though all men shall forsake thee, yet will not I." We eat our own words with the bitter herbs of repentance. When we think of what we vowed we would be, and of what we have been, we may weep whole showers of grief. He thought on his denying his Lord. The place in which he did it, the little cause which led him into such heinous sin, the oaths and blasphemies with which he sought to confirm his falsehood, and the dreadful hardness of heart which drove him to do so again and yet again. Can we, when we are reminded of our sins, and their exceeding sinfulness, remain stolid and stubborn? Will we not make our house a Bochim, and cry unto the Lord for renewed assurances of pardoning love? May we never take a dry-eyed look at sin, lest ere long we have a tongue parched in the flames of hell. Peter also thought upon his Master's look of love. The Lord followed up the cock's warning voice with an admonitory look of sorrow, pity, and love. That glance was never out of Peter's mind so long as he lived. It was far more effectual than ten thousand sermons would have been without the Spirit. The penitent apostle would be sure to weep when he recollected the Saviour's full forgiveness, which restored him to his former place. To think that we have offended so kind and good a Lord is more than sufficient reason for being constant weepers. Lord, smite our rocky hearts, and make the waters flow.


"Him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out."
John 6:37
No limit is set to the duration of this promise. It does not merely say, "I will not cast out a sinner at his first coming," but, "I will in no wise cast out." The original reads, "I will not, not cast out," or "I will never, never cast out." The text means, that Christ will not at first reject a believer; and that as he will not do it at first, so he will not to the last.
But suppose the believer sins after coming? "If any man sin we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous." But suppose that believers backslide? "I will heal their backsliding, I will love them freely: for mine anger is turned away from him." But believers may fall under temptation! "God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it." But the believer may fall into sin as David did! Yes, but he will "Purge them with hyssop, and they shall be clean; he will wash them and they shall be whiter than snow"; "From all their iniquities will I cleanse them."
"Once in Christ, in Christ forever,
Nothing from his love can sever."
"I give unto my sheep," saith he, "eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand." What sayest thou to this, O trembling feeble mind? Is not this a precious mercy, that coming to Christ, thou dost not come to One who will treat thee well for a little while, and then send thee about thy business, but he will receive thee and make thee his bride, and thou shalt be his forever? Receive no longer the spirit of bondage again to fear, but the spirit of adoption whereby thou shalt cry, Abba, Father! Oh! the grace of these words: "I will in no wise cast out."

=== Bible Quote ===

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=== Message ===

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I am a decent man and don't care for the abuse given me. I created a video raising awareness of anti police feeling among western communities. I chose the senseless killing of Nicola Cotton, a Louisiana policewoman who joined post Katrina, to highlight the issue. I did this in order to get an income after having been illegally blacklisted from work in NSW for being a whistleblower. I have not done anything wrong. Local council appointees refused to endorse my work, so I did it for free. Youtube's Adsence refused to allow me to profit from their marketing it. Meanwhile, I am hostage to abysmal political leadership and hopeless journalists. My shopfront has opened on Facebook.


I am publishing a book called Bread of Life: January.

Bread of Life is a daily bible quote with a layman's understanding of the meaning. I give one quote for each day, and also a series of personal stories illustrating key concepts eg Who is God? What is a miracle? Why is there tragedy?

January is the first of the anticipated year-long work of thirteen books. One for each month and the whole year. It costs to publish. It (Kindle version) should retail at about $2US online, but the paperback version would cost more, according to production cost.If you have a heart for giving, I fundraise at (Gofundme finished the fund raiser, 2017)


Editorials will appear in the "History in a Year by the Conservative Voice" series, starting with August, September, October, or at Amazon The kindle version is cheaper, but the soft back version allows a free kindle version.

The Amazon Author Page for David Ball

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I'm now on MAGAbook to sidestep FB censorship


I'm looking for former students to endorse me


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