It used to be said only doctors could bury their mistakes. Was this a mistake? Are any federal agents responsible for the tragedy? What about the Biden administration? The fallen officer was a young father, and his family will miss him dearly.
In this episode, I interview President Donald Trump about the Maricopa County election audit, the stunning new FISA Court revelations, the CNN tapes, his life post-presidency, and his plans for 2024.
News Picks:
- The YouTube communists deleted my interview with President Trump.
- No, “right-wing” terror is not more common than Islamic terrorism.
- Joe Biden is preparing to bankrupt the United States with his outrageous new spending binge.
- The Washington Post “fact-checker” stops keeping a database of Biden’s lies.
- Thomas Sowell’s full interview on the “trickle-down” economics hoax.
- Joe Biden is going to destroy the suburbs.
- Rudy Giuliani is being targeted by the tyrannical swamp.
- The John Solomon article discussed on the show today.
NYC’s de Blasio Calls for Ouster of Gov. Cuomo
Antifa Threatens Portland Mayor in Chilling Video
Liberals Try to Disprove Tim Scott’s Claim That America Isn’t Racist by Being Extremely Racist to Him
CBS Says 85% Approved Biden’s Speech – Only 18% Polled Were Republicans
GDP Grows 6.4% in First Quarter (Annualized) vs. 6.5% Expected
Capitol Hill
Kamala Suddenly Claims She Doesn’t Think America Is Racist
Feds Refused to Take Hunter Biden’s Hard Drive When Offered by Rudy Giuliani
Sen. Hawley Mocks Liz Cheney’s Possible Presidential Aspirations
Gov. Cuomo Explores Legal Options To Overturn Census Count After Losing Congressional Seat
Biden Says January 6th, Not 9/11, the Day of the Worst Attack on “Our Democracy”
Biden Falsely Claims Assault Weapons Ban “Worked Before”
Voters Say Border is Less Secure Under Biden by 46-15 Margin
Biden Sends 500 USDA Employees to Help With Border Crisis
Rahm Emmanuel to Be Named Ambassador to Japan
Seattle’s Socialist City Council Members Are Worth Millions
Dem Sen. Kelly Criticizes Biden for Ignoring Border Crisis
Sen. Tim Scott Rebuts Biden’s Speech
Biden Delivers First Joint Address to Congress
Culture War
“Dumb and Dumber”: Cuomo and de Blasio
YouTube Censors Dan Bongino’s Interview With President Trump
Vogue Says Having a Baby Is “Pure Environmental Vandalism”
Support for Gun Control Continues to Fall
U.S. Catholic Bishops May Demand Biden and Other Pro-Choice Politicians Stop Taking Communion
Seattle 7th Graders Subject to Sexually Explicit White Privilege Slam Poetry
NY Times Admits They Didn’t Contact Crucial Sources for Comment in Legal Battle With Project Veritas
Men Who Shot and Killed Ahmaud Arbery After Being Attacked Charged With Federal Hate Crimes
GOP Governors Nationwide Are Passing Pro-Life Laws
Biden From the Beginning
MSNBC Very Pleased That None of Biden’s Judicial Nominees Are White Men
Mayor de Blasio says NYC to “Fully Reopen” on July 1st
Here’s What’s in Biden’s American Families Plan
Americans Are Buying Less Coca-Cola Following Stance Against Georgia Election Law
Stock Split May be Coming for Amazon Under New CEO
Lumber Prices Are Up Nearly 250%
Oregon’s Biggest Cities Forced to Shut Down Restaurants Again
Dogecoin Mania Continues, Fueled by Billionaires Elon Musk and Mark Cuban
RV Sales Hit Records During Pandemic
Demand for Mortgages Falls Despite Record Low Rates
Could Biden’s Capital Gains Tax Actually Reduce Revenue?
NFL’s Top Draft Prospect to Take Entire Signing Bonus in Cryptocurrencies
More Money Has Flowed Into Stock ETFs in 2021 Than in All of 2020
Swamp Watch
Anaheim Commissioner Stripped of Title For Saying “China Virus”
Andrew Giuliani: Americans Should Be “Extremely Disturbed” by Feds Raiding Rudy’s Home
Secrecy Surrounds Solitary Confinement of People Arrested in January 6 Capitol Breach
10 Racist Attacks on Tim Scott From the Left
Official Who Approved Surveillance Warrants on Carter Page Chosen to Advise Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court
Ninth Circuit Court Lifts Ban on Exporting Blueprints For 3D-Printed Guns
The Border Crisis Is Worse Than You Think
Wife of Biden’s Chief of Staff Has Repeatedly Made Appearances on Communist Chinese Media Outlets
Report: Head of Border Patrol Rebukes Biden Order to Stop Saying “Illegal Alien”
Sen. Tim Scott: Left Met My Biden Rebuttal With an 'Uncle Tim' Slur
Sen. Tim Scott said Thursday his rebuttal to President Joe Biden's address to Congress was met with racial slurs from the left, including the phrase "Uncle Tim" used so much that it was trending on Twitter. [Full Story]
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"Jabberwocky" is a poem of nonsense verse written by Lewis Carroll, originally featured as a part of his novel Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There (1872). It is considered by many to be one of the greatest nonsense poems written in the English language. The poem is sometimes used in primary schools to teach students about the use of portmanteau and nonsense words in poetry, as well as use of nouns and verbs
Middle ability students are missing out as schools are increasingly distracted from teaching them effectively. Schools are trying to be safe, bully free zones. Only bullying is related to school dysfunction which is related to focus on teaching and learning. The less teaching and learning, the more dysfunctional a school. Schools are teaching about gender at inappropriate ages and with inappropriate materials. Let adults deal with gender issues, don't confuse school kids who should not be sexually active. Let parents talk to their children about those issues. Let churches discuss moral issues for their communities. The function of schools is academy, and technical subjects like art, music, woodwork, textiles and cooking.
Donald Trump is looking at dumping or fixing the Iran Nuclear deal. The deal was the brainchild of Obama and Kerry and seems to make certain Iran will have nuclear functionality. Iran is using missiles against Israel, and arming Hezbollah with modern weapons.
Whistleblowing is an important issue. Without whistleblowers, corruption can go unaddressed. But some whistleblowers are engaged with corruption too. Snowden was placed in an impossible position when Obama was President and people like Hillary Clinton tried to have him killed. Snowden could not have faced a court and expected justice in Obama's America, and Trump has not yet drained the swamp. Australia has her own issues too. A four part article on whistleblowing can be found here.
Some things should not happen, but they do. Roskam wrote recently of a Clinton campaign theme "It's the economy, stupid." It sounded like a clanger to me, because Clinton's first two years in office were awful for him. The economy stumbled and Clinton was mired in foreign policy disasters that had federal agents storming a house to return a young boy to Cuba, Rwanda, Somalia and terrible errors of judgement on former Yugoslavia. But Clinton was saved by a new GOP congress which would put America back on track. And Clinton took credit for it in time for re-election. It turns out that Clinton did campaign on the slogan. And like many Democrats, the slogan was nothing to do with his policy.
For some, at the moment, the Sex Party has more credibility.
New cases in China and Malaysia regarding alleged Australian drug smugglers caught with death penalty amounts of drugs have arisen. It is unlikely the ALP or ABC will be able to condemn these people fast enough. So they have begun preparing a blame game for the government.
The salient statistics on race and police arrests for 2012 posted yesterday have been 'answered' by Marcus Anderson on Australian Political Debate Open Forum "far far more black people are alienated from American society, on a percentage basis, than white people. Touting sentiments that ignore the historical and important facts reflect your indifference to the problem of racial villification this meme represents." In other words, Marcus feels that the statistics on their own contravenes section 18c of the racial vilification act of Australia. Were that true, then the device would indeed be a meaningless instrument of censorship. It is possible, were one to face the same sentencing judge that Andrew Bolt faced, that Marcus's view would be upheld. Although many have told me that that judge is an effective independent member of the judiciary and not some partisan tool, as evidenced by that judgement on Bolt.
Nepal has more than 6100 deaths from the earthquakes. She needs fresh food and water and shelter for her survivors. Please give generously. And Pray for her people. Prayer works.
In 313, Licinius defeated Maximinus and united the Eastern empire of Rome at the Battle of Tzirallum. He became co Emperor of Rome with Constantine I. Both were involved with making the Edict of Milan which was to make Christian worship acceptable in Rome. Both emperors were capable and eyed the other as a rival. Licinius married the half sister of Constantine I. Fighting continued between the two. Licinius promoted a rival to Constantine I, Valerius Valens as co emperor. But when Constantine objected Licinius had Valerius killed. After Constantine won a final battle between the two in 324, Licinius' wife begged for the old man's life to be spared. Constantine I spared Licinius' life for a year, and then hanged him on a pretext of conspiring to raise troops.
In 1492, Spain gave permission for Columbus to become very rich by trading in the East by ship. In 1789, Washington took the Oath of Office to become President of the United States of America. In 1803, the Louisiana Purchase took place for a mere $15 million, doubling the land size of the US. In 1871, terrorists afraid of losing federal funding by the US Government attacked American Indians, killing the adults and selling the children into slavery in Mexico, from Arizona. President US Grant ordered Arizona to improve her justice issues or risk being subject to federal martial law, so Arizona proceeded to try Indians on any pretext. It was called the Camp Grant Massacre. In 1894, Coxey's Army reached Washington DC to protest unemployment following the Panic of 1893. It is only coincidence that President Grover Cleveland was a Democrat doing what Democrat administrations do, which is to blame Jews, fail to budget appropriately and mishandle industrial and labour issues. There had been a bubble caused by railroad building and a bust caused by Argentina focused investments going sour after a coup in Buenos Aires.
From Wikipedia:
"Historian Hasia Diner notes that "Some Populists believed that Jews made up a class of international financiers whose policies had ruined small family farms. Jews, they asserted, owned the banks and promoted the gold standard, the chief sources of their impoverishment. Agrarian radicalism posited the city as antithetical to American values, asserting that Jews were the essence of urban corruption."In 1900, Hawaii became a territory of the US. On the same day, at 3:52 AM a great, good, heroic 37 yo family man was killed doing his job for the railroads. He was Casey Jones. He had been tasked with taking a 95 minute late train, Cannonball express, from Memphis Tennessee to Canton Mississippi. He had a reputation of being very reliable and he made up time on the foggy night. But the railroad let him down when he had made up the missing time coming to his destination, freight trains laid across the path of his engine. He saved the colleague next to him, and everyone else, by remaining in the carriage and slowing his train. He died, and the railroads blamed him on a false OHS report claiming he had been warned of the impasse. His widow wore black for the rest of her long life, dying in 1958 at the age of 92, never having considered remarrying after losing the father of her three children. In 1927, Douglas Fairbanks and Mary Pickford became the first celebrities to leave their footprint in concrete in Hollywood. In 1938, the animated cartoon short of Porky's Hare Hunt featured Happy Rabbit, a proto-Bugs Bunny. Also in 1938, the first televised FA Cup final occurred. In 1939, NBC began regular scheduled TV broadcasts with FDR's NY World Fair opening address.
In 1943, Operation Mincemeat had a British Submarine release a dead body dressed up as a British officer with faked invasion plans. It was a plot thought up by James Bond's creator Ian Fleming. In 1945, Hitler found out, after a day, marriage was not for him. In 1956, a corrupt former Democrat VP, Alben Barkley, died during a speech in Virginia. He collapsed after proclaiming "I would rather be a servant in the house of the lord than sit in the seats of the mighty." In 1966, the Church of Satan was established at the Black House in San Francisco. In 2008, skeletal remains were found of the last Tsar and one of his sisters in Yekaterinburg.
On this day in 1315 Enguerrand de Marigny was hung on the public gallows at Montfaucon. He had been an effective first minister for his king, but when his king died, jealous courtiers conspired to have him hung on charges of witchcraft. In 1513 Edmund de la Pole, Yorkist pretender to the English throne, was executed on the orders of Henry VIII. Henry VII had accepted Edmund as prisoner on terms of not executing him, but left instructions in his will that his son should. Edmund's crime was to be born to the wrong family. On this day in 1863, three thousand Mexican soldiers laid siege to sixty five French Legionaries. Mexico won. Just. On this day in 1945, Hitler took his life many years too late for millions of innocent victims. 1975, Saigon fell days after the US stopped supporting her. China kept funding the North. The peace community had won and many millions would flee tyranny.
In 1789, On the balcony of Federal Hall on Wall Street in New York City, George Washingtontook the oath of office to become the first elected President of the United States. 1803, Louisiana Purchase: The United States purchased the Louisiana Territory from France for $15 million, more than doubling the size of the young nation. 1812, the Territory of Orleans became the 18th U.S. state under the name Louisiana. 1838, Nicaragua declared independence from the Central American Federation. 1863, a 65-man French Foreign Legioninfantry patrol fought a force of nearly 2,000 Mexican soldiers to nearly the last man in Hacienda Camarón, Mexico. 1871, the Camp Grant massacre took place in Arizona Territory. 1885, Governor of New York David B. Hill signed legislation creating the Niagara Reservation, New York's first state park, ensuring that Niagara Falls would not be devoted solely to industrial and commercial use. 1894, Coxey's Army reached Washington, D.C. to protest the unemployment caused by the Panic of 1893.
In 1900, Hawaii became a territory of the United States, with Sanford B. Dole as governor. Also 1900, Casey Jones died in a train wreck in Vaughan, Mississippi, while trying to make up time on the Cannonball Express. 1904, the Louisiana Purchase Exposition World's Fairopened in St. Louis, Missouri. 1907, Honolulu, Hawaii became an independent city. 1920, Peru became a signatory to the Buenos Aires copyright treaty. 1925, automaker Dodge Brothers, Inc was sold to Dillon, Read & Co. for US$146 million plus $50 million for charity. 1927, the Federal Industrial Institute for Women opened in Alderson, West Virginia, as the first women's federal prison in the United States. 1927, Douglas Fairbanks and Mary Pickford became the first celebrities to leave their footprints in concrete at Grauman's Chinese Theater in Hollywood.
In 1937, the Philippines held a plebiscite for Filipino women on whether they should be extended the right to suffrage; over 90% would vote in the affirmative. 1938, the animated cartoon short Porky's Hare Hunt debuts in movie theaters, introducing Happy Rabbit (a prototype of Bugs Bunny). Also 1938, the first televised FA Cup Final took place between Huddersfield Town and Preston North End. 1939, the 1939-40 New York World's Fairopened. Also 1939, NBC inaugurated its regularly scheduled television service in New York City, broadcasting President Franklin D. Roosevelt's N.Y. World's Fair opening day ceremonial address. 1943, World War II: Operation Mincemeat: The submarine HMS Seraphsurfaced in the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Spain to deposit a dead man planted with false invasion plans and dressed as a British military intelligence officer. 1945, World War II: Führerbunker: Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun committed suicide after being married for one day. Soviet soldiers raised the Victory Banner over the Reichstag building. 1947, in Nevada, the Boulder Dam was renamed the Hoover Dam a second time. 1948, in Bogotá, Colombia, the Organization of American States was established.
In 1953, in Warner Robins, Georgia, an F4 tornado killed 18 people. 1956, former Vice President and Senator Alben Barkley died during a speech in Virginia. He collapses after proclaiming "I would rather be a servant in the house of the lord than sit in the seats of the mighty." 1961, K-19, the first Soviet nuclear submarine equipped with nuclear missiles, was commissioned. 1963, the Bristol Bus Boycott was held in Bristol to protest the Bristol Omnibus Company's refusal to employ Black or Asian bus crews, drawing national attention to racial discrimination in the United Kingdom. 1966, the Church of Satan was established at the Black House in San Francisco. 1967, the Aldene Connection opened in Roselle Park, NJ, shutting down the CNJ's Jersey City waterfront terminal and transferring commuters to Newark Penn Station.
In 1973, Watergate scandal: U.S. President Richard Nixon announced that top White Houseaides H. R. Haldeman, John Ehrlichman and others had resigned. 1975, Fall of Saigon: Communist forces gained control of Saigon. The Vietnam War formally ended with the unconditional surrender of South Vietnamese president Dương Văn Minh. 1980, Beatrixbecame Queen of the Netherlands. Also 1980, the Iranian Embassy siege began in London. 1982, the Bijon Setu massacre occurred in Calcutta. 1993, CERN announced World Wide Web protocols would be free. Also 1993, Monica Seles was stabbed by Günter Parche, an obsessed fan, during a quarterfinal match of the 1993 Citizen Cup in Hamburg, Germany 1994, Formula One racing driver Roland Ratzenberger was killed in a crash during the qualifying session of the San Marino Grand Prix run at Autodromo Enzo e Dino Ferrarioutside Imola, Italy. 1995, U.S. President Bill Clinton became the first President to visit Northern Ireland.
In 2004, U.S. media released graphic photos of American soldiers abusing and sexually humiliating Iraqi prisoners at Abu Ghraib prison. 2008, two skeletal remains found near Yekaterinburg, Russia, were confirmed by Russian scientists to be the remains of Alexei Nikolaevich, Tsarevich of Russia and Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna, one of his sisters. 2009, Chrysler filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy. Also 2009, seven people were killedand another ten injured at a Queen's Day parade in Apeldoorn, Netherlands in an attempted assassination on Queen Beatrix. Also 2009, Azerbaijan State Oil Academy shooting: Twelve people were killed (students and staff members) by an armed attacker. 2012, an overloaded ferry capsized on the Brahmaputra River in India killing at least 103 people. 2013, Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands abdicated and Willem-Alexander became King of the Netherlands. 2014, a bomb blast in Ürümqi killed three people and injured 79 others.
=== Bible Reading ===
Today's reading: 1 Kings 6-7, Luke 20:27-47 (NIV)
View today's reading on Bible Gateway
Today's Old Testament reading: 1 Kings 6-7
Solomon Builds the Temple
Today's New Testament reading: Luke 20:27-47
The Resurrection and Marriage
=== Morning and Evening ===
=== Bible Quote ===
=== Message ===
I am a decent man and don't care for the abuse given me. I created a video raising awareness of anti police feeling among western communities. I chose the senseless killing of Nicola Cotton, a Louisiana policewoman who joined post Katrina, to highlight the issue. I did this in order to get an income after having been illegally blacklisted from work in NSW for being a whistleblower. I have not done anything wrong. Local council appointees refused to endorse my work, so I did it for free. Youtube's Adsence refused to allow me to profit from their marketing it. Meanwhile, I am hostage to abysmal political leadership and hopeless journalists. My shopfront has opened on Facebook.
I am publishing a book called Bread of Life: January.
Bread of Life is a daily bible quote with a layman's understanding of the meaning. I give one quote for each day, and also a series of personal stories illustrating key concepts eg Who is God? What is a miracle? Why is there tragedy?
January is the first of the anticipated year-long work of thirteen books. One for each month and the whole year. It costs to publish. It (Kindle version) should retail at about $2US online, but the paperback version would cost more, according to production cost.If you have a heart for giving, I fundraise at (Gofundme finished the fund raiser, 2017)
Editorials will appear in the "History in a Year by the Conservative Voice" series, starting with August, September, October, or at Amazon The kindle version is cheaper, but the soft back version allows a free kindle version.
The Amazon Author Page for David Ball
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I'm looking for former students to endorse me