Friday, December 31, 2021

Fri 31st December 2021 Current Affairs

My name is David Daniel Ball and I am Voice DDB dot locals dot com a voice of freedom supporting freedom around the world for all peoples. I write on historical and current affairs. I look for the conservative voice where mainstream media eschews it. Around the world media espouses liberalism orthodoxy and proclaims a history of liberalism that never happened. Liberalism of today is based on repeated lies that have been accepted from the past.

Consider these recent truths
Police woman Kim Potter had a work place accident for which she has been convicted of two charges that may see her jailed for up to 25 years. She had been doing her job when a convicted felon had gone berserk and was threatening the lives of her work colleagues. She yelled "Taser, taser,taser." And then reached for her gun, which resembled the taser and waited a few beats and fired. The dangerous felon died soon after. Footage of the incident reveals Kim crying as she realises she is going to jail for her mistake.

At trial it was revealed that Potter was within her remit to have simply fired her gun at the felon. However, despite her clean record as an officer and no evidence of malice, a presumably biased jury convicted her. Meanwhile press are working overtime to manufacture a public image of her guilt. 

Social media is coming under greater scrutiny following a strategic admission in court that fact checking sites they rely on for editorial control of their content do not check facts but proffer opinion. Opinion which social media then use to censor those they disagree with. The legal protections that social media rely on to not get sued rely on them behaving like town squares, where free speech rules, not like publishing houses where their content is filtered. So why is President Trump deemed unworthy of Twitter, because of community standards, while terrorist organisations are accepted? 

Professionally, I’m a math teacher. But I’m here today because I love God, wish to serve God and God is moving in my life. I’m rich, but I don’t have monetary wealth. I’m not here for myself, but I hope that I can show you who God is in my life, and who He may be in your life. I’m going to ask you to read the letters from John, in the Bible. Not right now, but later. Maybe you will read them prayerfully on your own. Maybe you will read them and share them in fellowship. As you do so, I want you to remember an often misunderstood statement: “God is love.”

God is love.

I was raised as an atheist by parents who trained me to distrust God and spit in His eye. People could tell me about God and I could tell them why they were stupid. God cannot build a bridge He could not cross. That is a language creation designed to exploit ultimates. An infinitely strong deity who can create all things, must be able to create anything. Including a bridge that cannot be crossed. And be able to cross that bridge, meaning they could not build that bridge. Such a God could not possibly exist.

God is love.

God is love is an expression used by God’s enemies to discredit God. The puritan Cromwell, leading his Ironsides as Lord Protector of England over 400 years ago had a siege cannon at Ireland’s town of Drogheda with those words on the cannon’s lips. The cannon broke the defences and Cromwell ordered no quarter given to the inhabitants.

God is love.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer was a Christian who stood up to Hitler’s Nazis and policy. He wasn’t violent. He spoke persuasively. He was faithful to God and so Hitler ordered him killed. Dietrich could have recanted publicly, and kept his views private, like others did. But Dietrich stood on conscience.

God is love.

God is love. I cannot tell you precisely what those words mean to you. I can share a bit of what they mean to me. I was weak after I first became a Christian. I was angry. I achieved much with hubris. And I found enemies, because I looked for enemies, not for friends. In anger, I made enemies at work, and at home. But there are things I wanted in my life I could not get from enemies. I had not understood God is Love.

God is love.

There are things I wanted in my life and they never happened. I could point the finger at others, but it was because I was so angry. I wanted family. I wanted a career. I wanted to build things and to be able to look back with satisfaction at my personal achievements, or those of my family. And every opportunity passed.

God is love.

God is love. He gave me things I wanted. But, not in a traditional order. After I lost my career, I was using social media and happened on a foreign girl wanting help with English. I worked with her online, encouraging her to come to Australia and go to university here. She needed a little help, and someone to share her journey. And for a time, I could call Tammy ‘my daughter.’ And now she has a degree, a good man as a husband and she has started her family. God is love.

God is love.

I had wanted to raise children, to be there when they were vulnerable, and point the way to God. I was living in a share house and an Ice addict went berserk and wanted to kill me. A stranger I met on social media invited me to rent a room in his home. I spent some five years with his young family. I did not have skills I needed to work with young kids. But they taught me. And now I dream of the day I can share stories with them when they are adults.

God is love.

After reading the bible, I read it again. Then I read it aloud and shared the video on Youtube. Then Rumble after Youtube shadow banned me. Then I found 365 common bible quotes and wrote about the background and history to them. I wanted to find out about God.

God is love.

Nothing works in the world. People mean well but can't do their jobs. Everything becomes too hard, overwhelming. When we are lucky, we have ordinary tragedies, like losing our parents. And our pets. But, every year, things get better. More are lifted out of poverty. We network better. How can that be? How can things get better while everything falls apart and gets worse? I believe it is because of God's grace and love. Although I failed at my task, I'm forgiven and can persevere again. Although my day ended in tragedy, He gave us a new sunrise. God is love.

God is love.

I was driven to understand who God is after a dream I had had as an atheist child. It was one of those dreams where you feel you can fly or float. And I felt beset by evil. But, I entered a sanctuary, stone cave. I found a throne room and behind the throne room I sensed loved ones from my family I had never known, and a sister who had passed a year earlier. I begged God, whom I realised had authority, to stay. And he said I had not yet known him, but he would send me back for when I would know Him. God is love

God is love.

My sister, Pam, had died of natural causes, but as a younger girl I’d hurt her terribly. Dinner was being cooked in the kitchen. Pam was allowed to stand on a stool and stir some potato we were boiling. I had wanted to help too, but I felt she would never let me. I grabbed the stool from beneath her, and she fell, spilling the scalding water over herself, including her foot. Doctors needed to cut away her shoe and sock and Pam had permanent scars from that tragedy I caused. What had I done to Pam? Years passed, but she got sicker from kidney disease. She was twelve years old when she was offered a transplant in 1977. In 1978, her body rejected the transplant and she knew she was dying. She asked my mother for permission, and wondered what would become of her. Mother told her she believed she would be reincarnated in a better body, that she deserved. I remember thinking that my mother did not believe that. Pam died in the evening of Valentines Day 1978, age 13 at New York’s Albert Einstein Hospital. A year later, in a dream, I felt her in heaven with God. God is love.

God is love.

God gave us life. During that time, we can choose Him. We can choose life. But our life is our time to choose. When we die, our choice is fixed. There is a bridge God cannot cross. Yet God gave us his son, Jesus. Jesus has crossed that bridge God would not. Now we live in a time where we are God’s chosen, thanks to Jesus. Our task is no longer to lead blameless lives for His salvation, but to accept Jesus into our lives and through our embrace of Jesus, our choices become possible to obtain salvation, which is eternal life with God. Not that God welcomes our sin (a bridge he will not cross), but God will accept that which Jesus allows through his sacrifice on the cross.

God is love

I do not know what that means to you. But, I exhort you to read those three letters from John. And remember, God is love.

Today is a big day for  

In 1135, coronation of King Stephen of England. 1481, Battle of WestbroekHolland defeated troops of Utrecht. 1776, American Revolutionary War: In the Battle of Trenton, the Continental Army attacked and successfully defeated a garrison of Hessian mercenaries. 1790, Louis XVI of France gave his public assent to Civil Constitution of the Clergy during the French Revolution. 1793, Second Battle of Wissembourg: France defeated Austria. Also 1793, the wedding of Prince Friedrich Ludwig of Prussia and Frederica of Mecklenburg-Strelitz took place. 1799, four thousand people attended George Washington's funeral where Henry Lee III declared him as "first in war, first in peace and first in the hearts of his countrymen."

1806, Battles of Pultusk and Golymin: Russian forces held French forces under Napoleon. 1811, a theater fire in Richmond, Virginia killed the Governor of Virginia George William Smith and the president of the First National Bank of Virginia Abraham B. Venable. 1825, advocates of liberalism in Russia rose up against Czar Nicholas I and were put down in the Decembrist revolt in Saint Petersburg. 1846, trapped in snow in the Sierra Nevadas and without food, members of the Donner Party resorted to cannibalism. 1860, the first ever inter-club association football match took place between Hallam F.C. and Sheffield F.C. at the Sandygate Road ground in Sheffield, England, United Kingdom. 1861, American Civil War: The Trent AffairConfederate diplomatic envoys James M. Mason and John Slidell were freed by the United States government, thus heading off a possible war between the United States and United Kingdom. 1862, American Civil War: The Battle of Chickasaw Bayou began. Also 1862, Four nuns serving as volunteer nurses on board USS Red Rover were the first female nurses on a U.S. Navy hospital ship. Also 1862, the largest mass-hanging in U.S. history took place in Mankato, Minnesota, 38 Native Americans died. 1870, the 12.8-km long Fréjus Rail Tunnel through the Alps was completed. 1871, Gilbert and Sullivan collaborated for the first time, on their lost opera, Thespis. It did modestly well, but the two would not collaborate again for four years. 1883, the Harbour Grace Affray between Irish Catholics and Protestant Orangemen caused five deaths in Newfoundland. 1898, Marie and Pierre Curie announced the isolation of radium.

In 1900, a relief crew arrived at the lighthouse on the Flannan Isles of Scotland, UK, only to find the previous crew has disappeared without a trace. 1919, Babe Ruth of the Boston Red Sox was sold to the New York Yankees by owner Harry Frazee, allegedly establishing the Curse of the Bambino superstition. 1925, Turkey adopted the Gregorian calendar. 1941,  U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed a bill establishing the fourth Thursday in November as Thanksgiving Day in the United States. 1943, World War II: German warship Scharnhorst was sunk off of Norway's North Cape after a battle against major Royal Navy forces. 1944, World War II: George S. Patton's Third Army broke the encirclement of surrounded U.S. forces at Bastogne, Belgium. 1948, Cardinal József Mindszenty was arrested in Hungary and accused of treason and conspiracy. 1963, The Beatles' "I Want to Hold Your Hand" and "I Saw Her Standing There" were released in the United States, marking the beginning of Beatlemania on an international level. 1966, the first Kwanzaa was celebrated by Maulana Karenga, the chair of Black Studies at California State University, Long Beach. 1972, Vietnam War: As part of Operation Linebacker II, 120 American B-52 Stratofortress bombers attacked Hanoi, including 78 launched from Andersen Air Force Base in Guam, the largest single combat launch in Strategic Air Command history. 1976, the Communist Party of Nepal (Marxist–Leninist) was founded. 1982, Time's Man of the Year was for the first time a non-human, the personal computer.

In 1991, the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union met and formally dissolved the Soviet Union. 1994, four Armed Islamic Group hijackers seized control of Air France Flight 8969. When the plane landed at Marseille, a French Gendarmerie assault team boarded the aircraft and killed the hijackers. 1996, six-year-old beauty queen JonBenét Ramsey was found beaten and strangled in the basement of her family's home in Boulder, Colorado. 1998, Iraq announced its intention to fire upon U.S. and British warplanes that patrol the northern and southern no-fly zones. 2004, a 9.3 magnitude earthquake created a tsunami causing devastation in Sri Lanka, India, IndonesiaThailandMalaysia, the Maldives and many other areas around the rim of the Indian Ocean, killing over 230,000. 
=== From 2020 ===

We have a good idea as to the path Trump is walking to retain the white house. It is not martial law. It does not involve SCOTUS. Trump is keen not to hurt the union or the constitution. Trump is on his knees, losing unnecessary fights which continue to show that Deep State have had control of the union for a long time and many of the levers of power are not functioning. It is necessary Trump fight these battles, but not necessary he win them. It is not certain Trump will win. But, the cabal have been losing badly with each 'win' they get. The SCOTUS decision of the Texas lawsuit is a case in point. The election was stolen. The evidence is clear. SCOTUS does not need the evidence, the people have it. Even as Big tech and media deny it, the people have seen it and made a decision regarding it. Trump wanted a stimulus for COVID and Democrats delayed it and forced it into a pork barrel. It does not matter if Trump refuses to sign it. The people have seen the Democrats delaying the bill for political advantage as people suffered. The people have also seen that the pork barrels are not meant for them. 

American people are not impressed that Democrats are trying to steal the Georgia senate run offs. They are not impressed with the Democrat candidates. They are not impressed with polling that shows a narrative mainstream media peddle, but which does not reflect reality. People are not impressed with the intimidation of Kemp. People are expecting Kraken will expose attempted fraud in the run off. The mail in fraud is not going to impress the people. The fraudulent votes for Biden will not transfer to support for him if he wins. 

We know Trump is the most popularly re elected President ever. We know Trump is gaining support among minorities as well as regular aspirational voters. What we don't yet know is when Biden and the cabal will face justice for what they have done. But we know Trump is temporising so as to not embarrass SCOTUS. So, the steps are, Trump will secure a win via state legislatures. Then SCOTUS will be brought in to deal with the fraudsters. In all likelihood, Trump does not want another special council in the wings of his 2021 inauguration.

COVID 19 has been inflated by hysterics for the primary purpose of controlling the US elections in 2020. It allowed states to declare states of emergency and suspend normal rules while a cabal engaged in voter fraud. Trump has produced a few vaccines but the cabal need COVID to remain so they can prevent a free and fair election in Georgia for the senate positions. However, in order to achieve what the cabal has, things have had to be sacrificed, including reputations and people's lives. Not all of which are in USA. 

COVID is not worse than a bad flu. The IPA (Institute of Public Affairs in Australia) have researched the death rate at 800 per million, or 0.08%. A bad flu might be 0.1%. However, hysterics have reported death rates as 20% or more. COVID is particularly deadly to the sick and elderly, unlike SARS which afflicted the young and sick. However, elderly people under COVID-19 have longer life expectancies than before. And, older, sick people have always died in large numbers. It is easy to inflate numbers of natural attrition for elderly. A healthy person wearing a mask has no real defence from COVID, and cannot transmit it. Children are not particularly susceptible to COVID. Yet children have been prevented from going to school, and businesses have been closed and treatments have been denied the sick so COVID hysteria can allow rules to be suspended during elections. 

Some people have been very sick from COVID and died. That happens with the flu too, every year. However, there have been treatments for COVID denied the sick by bureaucrats. At first, the treatments were declared as counter to research. But such research was debunked when it was observed it had not been rigorous but set to fail. It is hard to know the exact number who have died from such neglect, but as of June 2020, statistics showed deaths from COVID were some 8 times more likely in Democrat run states. While it is possible that COVID is more virulent against those with left wing values, whose personal hygiene is suspect, the more likely explanation is that bad management is the cause. Herd immunity is still the only long term solution, possibly achieved through vaccine, but in the mean times, treatment is available and cheap. 

In Victoria, in Australia, following the first wave, elimination had temporarily been achieved. However it had been bungled by Victorian Premier Dan Andrews and extraordinary measures were brought to bear, ruling out treatment. Some one hundred people died as a direct result, but the Victorian Premier was able to declare a state of emergency and a state of disaster and introduce a Chinese style curfew on movement. Such virtue signalling was necessary for the pre election pre text in the United states. Australians dying so US peoples could be bound in chains. Similar tragedy ensued in Europe and elsewhere. Notably, poor nations with access to cheap treatments were largely unaffected by the crisis. 

Will there ever be justice for those who paid high prices for COVID hysteria so a cabal could rig an election?

A former and a current CIA chief used their offices to create a fake news attack on then candidate Donald Trump. They did not use, apparently, CIA resources, but private ones which they then had given to FBI and state department as bona fide CIA intelligence. Two former FBI chiefs then colluded to create fake investigations to persecute the candidate, and later, President Trump. The actual application of the CIA to USA operations is illegal. Those chiefs and a few underlings, sponsored by a cabal of Democrats and big tech, have orchestrated crisis after crisis in the United States, and world. And DOJ chief Barr sees nothing wrong? 

It is apparent the spying on Trump prior to 2016 election, and the subsequent attempt to remove him from office was baseless and corrupt. Yet is has become very hard to say so, with FB, Twitter and Google acting to restrict substantive evidence. Mainstream media print lies, but don't retract when corrected. Why did Fox news give North Carolina early, in error, to HRC in 2016? Why in 2020 did Fox news also give North Carolina early? How did pollsters measure fraudulent votes before they were cast? Why were pollsters so wrong about Trump popularity? 

We know that FBI began investigating Trump before the 2016 election. We know it was based on a lie that had not been started by bona fide security channels but was initiated from HRC campaign and shepherded by senior CIA and FBI executives. What does Barr know that allows him to claim what he does?

Trump is fighting to get re elected after he was voted back in. Nothing is certain. I am confident he will walk down one of the roads which sees him inaugurated again on 20th January 2021. I am also certain there are very bad people fighting for their lives as criminals to deny him. The rumour surrounding Governor Kemp does not have to be true. The possibility that Kemp's daughter's significant other was murdered to threaten Kemp illustrates the stakes. If voter fraud is real, and has been detailed, imagine the breadth of the corruption involved in independently and multiply, conning voter authorities. It was not merely using COVID hysteria to change laws to allow voter fraud. It was not merely using trucks to carry fake ballots across state lines. It was not merely opening voting machines to hostile governments. It was not merely foreign governments compromising legislature in significant committees. It is not merely covering up for the corrupt activities. It is not merely tasking tech giants to sideline debate. It is all of that, and more. In order to maintain the lie, what keeps the corrupt pollsters in Georgia in line, and waiting for more? What keeps corrupt judges from respecting the law and the constitution? If the Media editors are corrupt, are the journalists corrupt too? All of them? When was it that not one capable, honest journalist worked at CNN? When was it that entire support structures of Facebook and Google would countenance the deception they perpetrate? 

I can tell you I have no evidence that suggests there is an honest journalist at CNN. NYT, WaPo, LA Times etc etc. I have no evidence that suggests FB or Google are not part of a cabal. My interactions suggest gross incompetence among judges, police and authorities. I see a depraved indifference to the welfare of ordinary citizens as educational authorities persecute children who don't toe their lines, or repeat lies of convenience. 

Allow me to throw some truth bombs illustrating the issues. COVID-19 is not as bad as a bad 'flu in terms of mortality, and the worst affected, elderly people, are living longer now than they were a year ago. Masks do not help healthy people fight COVID. AGW is a lie, and the world's temperatures have been rising since the end of the ice age, but seem more stable at the moment. Carbon Dioxide is plant food, a trace particle in our atmosphere and necessary for life on Earth. Fracking provides cheap, effective gas. Solar power is inefficient. Wind power is poorly implemented, killing birds. Nuclear power is safe, and something Iran should never have. It is ok to pray in school, or in church, or in public. It is ok to swear on a bible, or talk to God. It is not racist to ignore race. It is racist to promote race. Publicly funded wildlife protection is a failure, but farming is incredibly successful. No farm animal is an endangered species. Kneeling in support of racism is not healthy. Standing for God and country can be motivating. Donald Trump got over 74 million votes from people we knew existed, and saw at rallies. Biden's votes did not seem to come from any known source, and he is not as popular as Obama was. Obama belongs in jail for the Russia Hoax and his work to undermine the 2020 election too. Obama started a new cld war because he was deficient in foreign policy. Trump has miraculously achieved what Obama could not, in Israel, NK, Iran, Syria and the United States.

There are two side stories to election fraud that I'm surprised no one is talking about. Biden in 2020 and Kevin Rudd in 2007. Both situations had had tremendous voter suppression played by mainstream media. Biden was too weak relative to Trump, and so the fraud was obvious because too much ground had to be made up. Kevin Rudd was aided by Malcolm Turnbull's betrayal of the Liberal Party of Australia, resulting from the failure of Peter Costello to campaign for the leadership from Mr Howard. But the media are ignoring corruption efforts by Biden and Rudd which they ought to question. 

With Joe Biden, he was VP and had special interests in Ukraine on 17th July 2014 when MH17 was shot down by Russian separatist forces. As the separatists reported the accident to Moscow, US signals intelligence picked up the chatter. The question has never been asked publicly, why was a civilian aircraft targeted? And, why was US signals intelligence so quick in intercepting that particular signal? The answer lies with Ukraine's problem with Russian separatists shooting down their military aircraft, killing many troops. Someone decided that Ukraine could paint their military aircraft with radio civilian identifiers. This trained the separatists to ignore civilian identifiers, and so tragedy resulted. Only the tragedy was not unexpected by Ukraine, who failed to warn Malaysia that Ukraine was a war zone. US signals intelligence were prepared to capitalise on the tragedy. Is the media protecting Biden and Ukraine from war crimes inquiry? 

In '07, Kevin Rudd bragged he had special contacts within Australian defence forces which would address problems he claimed Mr Howard had failed. One issue Rudd identified was Timor's rebel leader, Alfredo Reinado. Reinado had had some training in Australia and Rudd was convinced he could stop him where Howard had not. Soon, after Rudd became PM, on 11th February 2008, Reinado attempted to detain the Timorise leadership of Ramos-Horta and Gusmao, and was killed. It was soon called an assassination attempt. It looked like a bungled black ops which resulted in poisoning what had once been a good relationship between Australia and Timor. Had Kevin Rudd bungled the issue with a rushed black ops mission? My name is David Daniel Ball, and I'm here to help.

Who will be left for Democrats after Obama, Biden, HRC, Schiff, Warren and Pelosi are prosecuted for their Russia Collusion Hoax? What will be left of the FBI and DOJ after Mueller, Comey et al are prosecuted for their collusion? Dan Bongino discusses the explosive exposure of how Russia has had HRC emails from her illegal server in which HRC tried to deflect from her exposure by blaming President Trump. What of the powerful tech business allies of HRC who colluded to get Biden elected President? How will FB, Google, youtube and Twitter be affected? Will their CEO's escape jail time? What of CNN? NBCNews?, CBSNews? FoxNews? 

I'm waiting for delayed gratification. T45 may well be the greatest President USA has had, based on analysis of achievements to date. He fixed a broken economy. He achieved peace by not going to war. He commandeered initiative in science and tech. He worked for all constituents, not the corrupt few which his opponents focused on. 

Opposition to T45 has been substantially larger than for any previous President. The Russia Hoax dominated (swamped) his Presidency. Treasonous activity by tech giants and social elite have persecuted T45. Partly, that was at T45's behest because he was an outsider to Washington. Trump has walked a path others have not because opposition to outsiders is fierce. Including from within his own party, with RINO members part of the swamp. 

Trump won re-election in terms of votes cast in record numbers. The swamp is trying to steal it from him. The swamp are abusing legal avenues to prevent analysis of their illegal activity. What will happen when it is decided that has not worked? How many people will the swamp kill to protect their 'interests'? In order to protect the union, SCOTUS has not acted prematurely. It is up to state legislatures to do the right thing. How will RINO affect the outcome of those state legislature? Will RINO break the union to support the swamp? 

=== From 2017 ===

Don't give up on hope. A young Vietnamese student who works and studies in Australia was working today and so I bought her a Banh Mi thịt nướng. First I went to a Vietnamese shop which served halal and asked for some. They pretended they had never heard of it. But a customer directed me to a new bakery that made some on the top level of Dandenong Plaza. When I watched them make it, I almost kept it for myself. I like, I need, to give. I got some writing done the last few days, and almost finished catching up on the Doctor Blake Mysteries and Dr Who Christmas special. It has been cool, but tonight begins a heatwave that I'm dreading. My sheets are soaked with perspiration, but I got time to wash them too. 

The Advanced Dungeon and Dragons (2nd edition modified) storyline is advancing. I call it the Lords of Kree and it is set in a magical city of Pamplona, which is nothing like the Spanish city. Nothing anyone knows about geography applies in the land which is supported by a Turtle God and has four corners which travellers can fall off. In the New World, the Lords of Kree have subdued Cree 'indians.' One promising young Cree warrior died, and the Lords resurrected him, tested him and sent him back to Pamplona to find and protect the "Most beautiful thing in the world." They are being secretive because although they have high levels of skill and magic, they are under siege from powerful telepaths in another universe which is 'parallel.' The Telepaths seek the beautiful artefact crystal goddess Sharra. Meanwhile, a Lawful Evil Magic User, who is also one of the Lords of Kree,  has Sharra and is using it by storing it where it 'uses' people for its' own ends.  

Recently I have made predictions based on logic, but which have not come true. I thought Malcolm Turnbull was incompetent and would be rolled. Turns out the Liberals are waiting to bust before releasing him. I also reported Trump would ditch the terrorists of so called Palestine. That has not yet happened either. Let us see what happens in the new year. 

=== from 2016 ===
The December IPA Review is out and Jason Potts writes how new technology might be the “Big Cure” for Australia’s health system. There are very strong historical reasons for why our health system is the way it is. Privacy, research, and exploitation of results makes a minefield which prevents change for the better. But modern technology with smart phones, apps, blockchain processing and AI presents an opportunity whereby research can be done, peoples rights can be respected and decisions can be made which benefit people in a truly flexible health system. All that is needed for the paradigm shift is to make ownership of health data something belonging to individuals, as opposed to the government. Creating a lot of data is not hard with a smartphone. Keeping the data secure is not hard with a block chain. Mining data for individualised results is not hard for an AI.

Currently, that is not possible, even though the technology exists, because health data belongs to governments. Research is often not possible because of the impediments governments place on data. Data protection restricts research. Healthcare and Human Services cost $315 billion annually and make up 60% of the budget. Imagine if it were cheaper and better?

It seems like celebrities are dying and fewer are being born. That is a perception thing. George Michael is the latest who won’t attend a Trump inauguration. He was a greatly talented singer who took drugs. Some say he took too much drugs and it ruined his career and took his life. Others say to just cool it. Or legalise it or something. It is getting time, as JN noted, for people to wonder at the cost of Sydney’s fireworks for New Year celebrations. For the same price, we could plunge South Australia in darkness for many hours. At night. Or, keep a celebrity in a jet aircraft flying to venues to warn of Anthropogenic Global Warming. Yeah, that last idea fizzles too.

=== from 2015 ===
 Boxing Day is not a result of a stoush between Kangaroo and Emu. That is a myth. Waleed Aly has not argued with Andrew Bolt, but has attacked Mr Bolt. Had Aly argued with Mr Bolt he would have found that Mr Bolt's concerns regarding Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) alarmism is correct. AGW is another myth. The world has been heating since the ice age. Carbon dioxide is not a culprit of AGW, but plant food. Hysterical attempts to limit plant food will do nothing for world temperature. The substantial increase in recent years of plant food has not heated the world, but has corresponded with a decrease of temperature relative to 1998. Moving forward, we need cheap energy and we need plant food. But Mr Aly lies and abuses Mr Bolt to the cheers of a well paid lobby. 

For some, at the moment, the Sex Party has more credibility.
From 2014
A somber Christmas after Australians had a tough year thanks to others:
  • As shoppers faced the tough task of seeking Boxing Day bargains, Sulayman Khalid, from Regents Park in Sydney’s West, was facing Parramatta Local Court after being charged by counter-terrorism police with possessing documents and material designed to facilitate a terrorist attack. SBS brought him to national attention when they tried to get him to air his 'opinion.' Apparently he won an ISIL flag on the show. 
  • Amnesty International documented a number of cases of jihadi capturing non Muslim girls (some as young as 10) and forcing them into sexual slavery or even suicide bombing. IS have stoned to death for adultery at least 8 women in Mosul, and ten women were killed for speaking out against the group
  • A German journalist has been warned that ISIL intends to conquer Europe. 
  • Former Australian PM Malcolm Fraser slammed police for anti terrorism raids following the Sydney Siege. 
  • Yasir Arafat plays for Scorchers. He has the name of a Palestinian terrorist. He should not be playing where families of holocaust victims must endure. 
  • 'No threat to the dead' according to the judge who bailed a terrorist who committed the Sydney Siege. He was wrong in that judgement. 
Not all stimulus is bad .. Japan is being sensible. Their stimulus is aimed differently to the Australian one, and aims to promote their industry to spark growth. 
From 2013
Alan Turing, convicted of gross indecency in 1952, has been granted a posthumous royal pardon. His crime was in reporting a break in to his residence to police, it was discovered he had a homosexual relationship with another mature man. And rather than be sent to prison, he accepted chemical castration. He took cyanide in 1954. Turing was a genius who had contributed to the world's defence against Nazism as a code breaker. He is considered the father of modern computer science and artificial intelligence. When circumstances are not just, it is nice to believe that the royals can intercede. But this just seems too late. 

On the issue of injustice and forgiveness, the US has imprisoned Jonathan Pollard. Israel's PM Netanyahu has stood up for him, calling for his release, but because of the politics of the situation, Pollard remains in jail. His crime was one of US government mismanagement, he was a known security risk and, through lack of appropriate supervision, became an Israeli spy. It is apparent that the claims are not of the order of Assange or Snowden. Pollard has served more time than any one else convicted in the US of a similar crime. He is an Israeli citizen. Maybe Obama could release him, as a gesture favouring peace? 
We have hope. It is incumbent on us to win back the freedom denied us. And to protect that freedom. We will do that democratically. We will take back our legislature. We will get our courts to return to protecting our constitution.

I have lost everything several times. And yet here I am. Behind me is an Australian flag and a MAGA cap. On my MAGA cap is an American flag. I will die, one day. But, I pledge allegiance to the flag (of Australia and) the United States of America. And to the republics for which they stand. One nation. Indivisible. Under God. With liberty, and justice, for all.

We are being lied to. But not by everyone. Our nations and their justice machinery are not broken, but damaged. Things are bad, but they are supposed to be bad, rather than merely breaking. We can't give up. We must reject the liars, and remove them from public office, and prosecute them lawfully. Things can get better, but we must persevere or risk losing hope. We must not fight the Devil by playing the Devil's game. Rather we must resist the Devil by being free. There is no law against doing what is right. Their utter depravity kills us. They target us and they seek to restrain us. But while the greatest among us a hundred years ago has died, their legacy has not. That which we are, we are. Lockdowns were ineffective in dealing with COVID. Effective medication has been denied whole populations. Herd immunity will prevail. Fraud deleteriously affected recent elections around the world. But, Democracy will prevail. Our oppressors will pass. For us to win, we must assert our freedoms. For us to lose, we must willingly surrender our freedoms forever. Our children will have to pay back our debt. We must sacrifice now so that they can. That means telling truth to power. That means pointing up when when some get confused and lose their way. Stand by the one who sacrificed their pension and freedoms to speak out. Prosecute the ones forgiven by a debauched and self interested administration. Vote for those who help you exercise your freedom. Don't wait for free speech. Exercise free speech.

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Intro to

My name is David Daniel Ball I'm a teacher with three decades experience teaching math to high school kids.I also work with first graders and kids in between first grade and high school. I know the legends of why Hypatia's dad is remembered through his contribution to Math theory. And I know the legend of why followers of Godel had thought he had disproved God's existence. 

I'm not a preacher, but I am a Christian who has written over 28 books all of which include some reference to my faith. Twelve blog books on world history and current affairs, detailing world events , births and marriages on each day of the year, organised by month. Twelve books on the background to and history of Bible Quotes. One Bible quote per day for a year. An intro to a science fiction series I'm planning, post apocalyptic cyber punk. An autobiography with short story collections. 

I'm known in Australia for my failure as a whistleblower over the negligence death of a school boy. I had reported the issue responsibly and had not known I'd blown the whistle. The embarrassed left wing government had responded by imposition of a nationwide ban on the use of peanut butter in canteens, despite failing to address the issue of peanut allergy appropriately. 

I've been de-platformed on Facebook and twitter despite not being an activist. Twitter did not like me asking for Obama to face justice in 2011. FB gave no specific reason for removing me following Jan 6th 2021 in Washington DC where a policeman killed an unarmed woman, so a crowd would know he was in control.

From the Bible, Revelation 21

A New Heaven and a New Earth

Then I saw “a new heaven and a new earth,” for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea. I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Look! God’s dwelling place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. ‘He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death’ or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.”

He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new!” Then he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.”

He said to me: “It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. To the thirsty I will give water without cost from the spring of the water of life. Those who are victorious will inherit all this, and I will be their God and they will be my children. But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars—they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death.”

The New Jerusalem, the Bride of the Lamb

One of the seven angels who had the seven bowls full of the seven last plagues came and said to me, “Come, I will show you the bride, the wife of the Lamb.” And he carried me away in the Spirit to a mountain great and high, and showed me the Holy City, Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God. It shone with the glory of God, and its brilliance was like that of a very precious jewel, like a jasper, clear as crystal. It had a great, high wall with twelve gates, and with twelve angels at the gates. On the gates were written the names of the twelve tribes of Israel. There were three gates on the east, three on the north, three on the south and three on the west. The wall of the city had twelve foundations, and on them were the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb.

The angel who talked with me had a measuring rod of gold to measure the city, its gates and its walls. The city was laid out like a square, as long as it was wide. He measured the city with the rod and found it to be 12,000 stadia in length, and as wide and high as it is long. The angel measured the wall using human measurement, and it was 144 cubits thick. The wall was made of jasper, and the city of pure gold, as pure as glass. The foundations of the city walls were decorated with every kind of precious stone. The first foundation was jasper, the second sapphire, the third agate, the fourth emerald, the fifth onyx, the sixth ruby, the seventh chrysolite, the eighth beryl, the ninth topaz, the tenth turquoise, the eleventh jacinth, and the twelfth amethyst. The twelve gates were twelve pearls, each gate made of a single pearl. The great street of the city was of gold, as pure as transparent glass.

I did not see a temple in the city, because the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are its temple. The city does not need the sun or the moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gives it light, and the Lamb is its lamp. The nations will walk by its light, and the kings of the earth will bring their splendor into it. On no day will its gates ever be shut, for there will be no night there. The glory and honor of the nations will be brought into it. Nothing impure will ever enter it, nor will anyone who does what is shameful or deceitful, but only those whose names are written in the Lamb’s book of life.

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Please enjoy this special "Best of 2021" clip compilation of The Dan Bongino Show picked by producer Justin. Today: Peter Doocy vs. Jen Psaki
=== Bongino Headlines ===
Court Seals Ghislaine Maxwell’s Little Black Book, Other Documents READ MORE

Epstein Victim: Maxwell Did Not Act Alone

Democrats Give Up on Unrealized Capital Gains Tax

Biden Asks SCOTUS to Hear “Remain in Mexico” Case

Rep. Biggs Demands Answers From Biden Admin On Why It’ll Take Up To 75 Years For Info On COVID Vax Approval

Kamala Harris Asks Big Tech, Wall Street to Join Hillary Clinton in Crafting Policy Advice

CNN’s Brian Stelter Hemorrhaged Viewers Throughout 2021

Capitol Hill
Sen. Graham: 2024 Is President Trump’s Election to Lose
Lawmakers Left and Right, New and Old, Remember Harry Reid
Biden Administration Signs $137M Deal For Covid Test Strip Factory…But There’s a Catch
The Most Important Senate Races in 2022
Kristi Noem Says Biden “Doesn’t Have the Authority” for Federal Virus Mandates
Rep. Biggs Warns That Border Is “Overrun,” Could See Larger Migrant Numbers in 2022
Are Biden’s Approval Numbers Even Worse Than We Think?
Durbin on Filibuster “Reform”: “The Voting Rights of Every American Are at Stake Here”
With Build Back Better Stalled, the Left Pushes Biden to Act Alone
Doctor to CNN: Biden “Dropped the Ball” on COVID Testing

Culture War
Critics Argue Critical Race Theory, Left-Wing Ideas Ruining Medical Field
“Delta Karen” Patricia Cornwall Allegedly Once Threatened to Kill Mom & Stepdad
Joe Rogan Thinks Michelle Obama Could Beat Donald Trump In The 2024 Election
Mandates Backfire as COVID Surge Guts Military, Police, Health Care Personnel
Dr. Fauci Suddenly Realizes Isolation Is Harmful to People
Big Questions Remain After Ghislaine Maxwell Conviction
These Were the Biggest Fake News Stories of 2021
After J.K. Rowling Takes Lead in Guardian’s “Person of the Year” Poll Deactivated
Dem Connecticut Gov Rejects Mask Mandates, Points to How Well They’ve Been Working in NYC
CNN Awakens to Biden’s Failure on COVID-19
Woke School Boards Have Republicans Resorting to Calling for Party Labels in Elections

Amazon Hastily Reprograms Alexa After Device Tries to Electrocute 10-Year-Old Girl
New Pig Rules in California May Take Bacon Off the Table
Pfizer Partnered With China’s Vaccine Passport Platform, Is “Proud to Stand With China Leaders”
Elon Musk Sells Another $1 Billion in Tesla Stock
Finnish Man Blows Up His Tesla on YouTube Rather Than Pay $23,900 for New Battery
Stores Look to Beat Supply Chain Woes by Restocking Shelves With Returned Items
Over Half of U.S. States Set to Increase Minimum Wage in 2022
Investors Blame Omicron, Climate Change on Fall in Cryptocurrency Prices in December
Samsung Currently In Talks to Buy U.S. Drugmaker Biogen
One in Three Americans Racked Up $1,200 in Debt This Christmas

Swamp Watch
Top Mitch McConnell Staffer Leads Pfizer’s Lobbying Charge
NIH Allegedly Spent $1.2 Million for Puppies From “Hideous” Virginia Breeding Mill
In Bizarre Intimidation Attempt, Far-Left Jan 6 Commission Seeks Bank Records of Trump Staff
Fauci, Walensky: New CDC Rules Based Not Solely on Science, But By What “People Would Be Able to Tolerate”
Washington State Dems Push Bill Reducing Penalties for Drive-By Shootings
Liberals Outraged Over New, Relaxed COVID Isolation Guidelines
Miami Beach Mayor Complains DeSantis & Legislature “Outlawed” Mask & Vaccine Mandates
Peter Navarro Says Capitol Riot Disrupted Plan to Stop Congress From Certifying Joe Biden Win
Fauci Hits Back After FDA Determines Certain Tests Less Effective With Omicron

National Security
U.S. Navy Aircraft Carrier Strike Group Ordered to Stay in Mediterranean as Ukraine, Russia Fears Continue
Australia’s Apache Helicopters Are Getting Hellfire Missiles
String of Deaths Among National Guardsmen Deployed to Border Raises Questions About Mission
HMS Queen Elizabeth Completes Maiden Deployment
With COVID-19 Cases Surging Over the Holidays, Pentagon Advises Booster Shots
Feds: Smuggler Assaults Border Agent, Kills Migrant During Pursuit in California
Vladimir Putin’s Asymmetric Blind Spot
A Ukraine Invasion Could Put Nuclear Reactors On The Front Line
A New F-35 Stealth Fighter “Variant” Is Coming Soon: What We Know

Around the World
France Forges Ahead With Stripping Unvaxed of Rights in New Year Lockdown
Greece Bans Music at New Year’s Venues Amid COVID-19 Spike
Russia Says “Plan B” for Certification of Nord Stream 2 Pipeline Is Not an Option
Israeli Defense Minister Gantz Under Fire for Hosting PA President Abbas at Home
France Reaches Daily Record of Over 200,000 New COVID-19 Cases
Hong Kong Police Force Closure of One of City’s Last Pro-Democracy News Sites
China Puts On “Cultural Revolution” Style Shame Parade of Coronavirus Lockdown Violators
French Mosque Forced Closed for “Inciting Hatred” and “Advocating Jihad”

Ann Coulter: Happy Kwanzaa, the Holiday Brought to You By the FBI
Ben Shapiro: The Year of Living Unreasonably
NY Post Editorial Board: Biden’s COVID Incompetence, Hypocrisy and Fact-Spinning Are Only Making Things Worse
Tim Graham: Amazon Supports Democracy Dying in Darkness
Steve Cuozzo: Defiant Gothamites Show COVID Panic’s Days May Finally Be Numbered
Judge Andrew P. Napolitano: The Deep State and Its Tentacles
Betsy McCaughey: The Democratic Party Is Now the Party of Welfare — Not Working People
R. Emmett Tyrrell: Will Joe Manchin III Cross the Aisle?

Deadspin Roasted For Calling Sage Steele the “Black Candace Owens”
Rob Schneider Praises Arizona Police Officers for Helping Him After His Car Breaks Down
Marvel Star Paul Bettany Reflects On Anti-Amber Heard Texts Being Made Public During Johnny Depp’s UK Libel Trial: “It Was An Unpleasant Feeling”
Warner Bros. Announces New Films Will Release On HBO Max Just 45 Days After Theatrical Premiere, Starting With The Batman
PETA Calls For Boycott Of Netflix’s The Witcher Season 2 Due To The Use Of Live Animals
Joe Rogan’s Sold Out Show Canceled Due to Vaccine Mandates
Taylor Swift Requests Judge to “Revisit” “Shake It Off” Copyright Lawsuit Ruling
Male “Jeopardy!” Contestant Wins Crown for Highest-Earning Female Win Streak

Aaron Rodgers Slams NFL’s “Two-Class System” of Vaccinated & Unvaccinated
North Carolina State Coach Says He Feels “Lied To” After The Holiday Bowl Gets Canceled
Golden Knights Beat Kings 6-3 and Extend Road Wins to Six Straight
Tom Brady Gets Warning from NFL After Angry Tablet Toss During Buccaneers’ Loss to Saints
Transgender Swimmer Teammates Considered Boycotting Final Meet in Protest
Kyrie Irving Speaks Out On Return After Nets Exile: “I Knew The Consequences”
Baker Mayfield’s Wife Breaks Silence On Death Threats That Have Come Their Way
=== Newsmax Headlines ===
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene on Thursday defended her suggestion for a national "divorce" between red and blue states and for saying Americans who move to conservative states from California and New York should undergo a "cooling off" period before being allowed to vote. [Full Story]

Newsmax TV
The Department of Defense is constructing a new courtroom for war crimes trials at Guantánamo Bay which will not allow the public inside the chamber. ... [Full Story]
Some Texas schools have dropped their gender-based dress code [Full Story]
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene on Thursday defended her suggestion for a [Full Story]
=== Viva Barnes News ===

1. Court of public opinion issued its verdict: no more lockdowns, no more mandates.

2. Lockdowns hurt kids.

3. Woke sports backfired.

4. Green politics punishes working class the most.

5. Even CNN is catching on, as the Duran discussed with me weeks ago: food price spikes about to get worse.

*Bonus: "nothing caps the evening like a quick, final check-in, asking God for good counsel, protection, and all the mercy we could possibly need."

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Brilliant how he argued without the tools we got from his arguement. Fallacious as it stands, but truly, as a science, it leads to falsification and discovery. But, it is a mistake to believe we are now are now at nub
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Here is a video I made "Space Oddity"
"Space Oddity" is a song written and performed by David Bowie and released as a single in 1969. It is about the launch of Major Tom, a fictional astronaut. The song appears on the album Space Oddity. The BBC featured the song in its television coverage of the lunar landing.
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=== From 2020 ===

We have a good idea as to the path Trump is walking to retain the white house. It is not martial law. It does not involve SCOTUS. Trump is keen not to hurt the union or the constitution. Trump is on his knees, losing unnecessary fights which continue to show that Deep State have had control of the union for a long time and many of the levers of power are not functioning. It is necessary Trump fight these battles, but not necessary he win them. It is not certain Trump will win. But, the cabal have been losing badly with each 'win' they get. The SCOTUS decision of the Texas lawsuit is a case in point. The election was stolen. The evidence is clear. SCOTUS does not need the evidence, the people have it. Even as Big tech and media deny it, the people have seen it and made a decision regarding it. Trump wanted a stimulus for COVID and Democrats delayed it and forced it into a pork barrel. It does not matter if Trump refuses to sign it. The people have seen the Democrats delaying the bill for political advantage as people suffered. The people have also seen that the pork barrels are not meant for them. 

American people are not impressed that Democrats are trying to steal the Georgia senate run offs. They are not impressed with the Democrat candidates. They are not impressed with polling that shows a narrative mainstream media peddle, but which does not reflect reality. People are not impressed with the intimidation of Kemp. People are expecting Kraken will expose attempted fraud in the run off. The mail in fraud is not going to impress the people. The fraudulent votes for Biden will not transfer to support for him if he wins. 

We know Trump is the most popularly re elected President ever. We know Trump is gaining support among minorities as well as regular aspirational voters. What we don't yet know is when Biden and the cabal will face justice for what they have done. But we know Trump is temporising so as to not embarrass SCOTUS. So, the steps are, Trump will secure a win via state legislatures. Then SCOTUS will be brought in to deal with the fraudsters. In all likelihood, Trump does not want another special council in the wings of his 2021 inauguration.

COVID 19 has been inflated by hysterics for the primary purpose of controlling the US elections in 2020. It allowed states to declare states of emergency and suspend normal rules while a cabal engaged in voter fraud. Trump has produced a few vaccines but the cabal need COVID to remain so they can prevent a free and fair election in Georgia for the senate positions. However, in order to achieve what the cabal has, things have had to be sacrificed, including reputations and people's lives. Not all of which are in USA. 

COVID is not worse than a bad flu. The IPA (Institute of Public Affairs in Australia) have researched the death rate at 800 per million, or 0.08%. A bad flu might be 0.1%. However, hysterics have reported death rates as 20% or more. COVID is particularly deadly to the sick and elderly, unlike SARS which afflicted the young and sick. However, elderly people under COVID-19 have longer life expectancies than before. And, older, sick people have always died in large numbers. It is easy to inflate numbers of natural attrition for elderly. A healthy person wearing a mask has no real defence from COVID, and cannot transmit it. Children are not particularly susceptible to COVID. Yet children have been prevented from going to school, and businesses have been closed and treatments have been denied the sick so COVID hysteria can allow rules to be suspended during elections. 

Some people have been very sick from COVID and died. That happens with the flu too, every year. However, there have been treatments for COVID denied the sick by bureaucrats. At first, the treatments were declared as counter to research. But such research was debunked when it was observed it had not been rigorous but set to fail. It is hard to know the exact number who have died from such neglect, but as of June 2020, statistics showed deaths from COVID were some 8 times more likely in Democrat run states. While it is possible that COVID is more virulent against those with left wing values, whose personal hygiene is suspect, the more likely explanation is that bad management is the cause. Herd immunity is still the only long term solution, possibly achieved through vaccine, but in the mean times, treatment is available and cheap. 

In Victoria, in Australia, following the first wave, elimination had temporarily been achieved. However it had been bungled by Victorian Premier Dan Andrews and extraordinary measures were brought to bear, ruling out treatment. Some one hundred people died as a direct result, but the Victorian Premier was able to declare a state of emergency and a state of disaster and introduce a Chinese style curfew on movement. Such virtue signalling was necessary for the pre election pre text in the United states. Australians dying so US peoples could be bound in chains. Similar tragedy ensued in Europe and elsewhere. Notably, poor nations with access to cheap treatments were largely unaffected by the crisis. 

Will there ever be justice for those who paid high prices for COVID hysteria so a cabal could rig an election?

A former and a current CIA chief used their offices to create a fake news attack on then candidate Donald Trump. They did not use, apparently, CIA resources, but private ones which they then had given to FBI and state department as bona fide CIA intelligence. Two former FBI chiefs then colluded to create fake investigations to persecute the candidate, and later, President Trump. The actual application of the CIA to USA operations is illegal. Those chiefs and a few underlings, sponsored by a cabal of Democrats and big tech, have orchestrated crisis after crisis in the United States, and world. And DOJ chief Barr sees nothing wrong? 

It is apparent the spying on Trump prior to 2016 election, and the subsequent attempt to remove him from office was baseless and corrupt. Yet is has become very hard to say so, with FB, Twitter and Google acting to restrict substantive evidence. Mainstream media print lies, but don't retract when corrected. Why did Fox news give North Carolina early, in error, to HRC in 2016? Why in 2020 did Fox news also give North Carolina early? How did pollsters measure fraudulent votes before they were cast? Why were pollsters so wrong about Trump popularity? 

We know that FBI began investigating Trump before the 2016 election. We know it was based on a lie that had not been started by bona fide security channels but was initiated from HRC campaign and shepherded by senior CIA and FBI executives. What does Barr know that allows him to claim what he does?

Trump is fighting to get re elected after he was voted back in. Nothing is certain. I am confident he will walk down one of the roads which sees him inaugurated again on 20th January 2021. I am also certain there are very bad people fighting for their lives as criminals to deny him. The rumour surrounding Governor Kemp does not have to be true. The possibility that Kemp's daughter's significant other was murdered to threaten Kemp illustrates the stakes. If voter fraud is real, and has been detailed, imagine the breadth of the corruption involved in independently and multiply, conning voter authorities. It was not merely using COVID hysteria to change laws to allow voter fraud. It was not merely using trucks to carry fake ballots across state lines. It was not merely opening voting machines to hostile governments. It was not merely foreign governments compromising legislature in significant committees. It is not merely covering up for the corrupt activities. It is not merely tasking tech giants to sideline debate. It is all of that, and more. In order to maintain the lie, what keeps the corrupt pollsters in Georgia in line, and waiting for more? What keeps corrupt judges from respecting the law and the constitution? If the Media editors are corrupt, are the journalists corrupt too? All of them? When was it that not one capable, honest journalist worked at CNN? When was it that entire support structures of Facebook and Google would countenance the deception they perpetrate? 

I can tell you I have no evidence that suggests there is an honest journalist at CNN. NYT, WaPo, LA Times etc etc. I have no evidence that suggests FB or Google are not part of a cabal. My interactions suggest gross incompetence among judges, police and authorities. I see a depraved indifference to the welfare of ordinary citizens as educational authorities persecute children who don't toe their lines, or repeat lies of convenience. 

Allow me to throw some truth bombs illustrating the issues. COVID-19 is not as bad as a bad 'flu in terms of mortality, and the worst affected, elderly people, are living longer now than they were a year ago. Masks do not help healthy people fight COVID. AGW is a lie, and the world's temperatures have been rising since the end of the ice age, but seem more stable at the moment. Carbon Dioxide is plant food, a trace particle in our atmosphere and necessary for life on Earth. Fracking provides cheap, effective gas. Solar power is inefficient. Wind power is poorly implemented, killing birds. Nuclear power is safe, and something Iran should never have. It is ok to pray in school, or in church, or in public. It is ok to swear on a bible, or talk to God. It is not racist to ignore race. It is racist to promote race. Publicly funded wildlife protection is a failure, but farming is incredibly successful. No farm animal is an endangered species. Kneeling in support of racism is not healthy. Standing for God and country can be motivating. Donald Trump got over 74 million votes from people we knew existed, and saw at rallies. Biden's votes did not seem to come from any known source, and he is not as popular as Obama was. Obama belongs in jail for the Russia Hoax and his work to undermine the 2020 election too. Obama started a new cld war because he was deficient in foreign policy. Trump has miraculously achieved what Obama could not, in Israel, NK, Iran, Syria and the United States.

There are two side stories to election fraud that I'm surprised no one is talking about. Biden in 2020 and Kevin Rudd in 2007. Both situations had had tremendous voter suppression played by mainstream media. Biden was too weak relative to Trump, and so the fraud was obvious because too much ground had to be made up. Kevin Rudd was aided by Malcolm Turnbull's betrayal of the Liberal Party of Australia, resulting from the failure of Peter Costello to campaign for the leadership from Mr Howard. But the media are ignoring corruption efforts by Biden and Rudd which they ought to question. 

With Joe Biden, he was VP and had special interests in Ukraine on 17th July 2014 when MH17 was shot down by Russian separatist forces. As the separatists reported the accident to Moscow, US signals intelligence picked up the chatter. The question has never been asked publicly, why was a civilian aircraft targeted? And, why was US signals intelligence so quick in intercepting that particular signal? The answer lies with Ukraine's problem with Russian separatists shooting down their military aircraft, killing many troops. Someone decided that Ukraine could paint their military aircraft with radio civilian identifiers. This trained the separatists to ignore civilian identifiers, and so tragedy resulted. Only the tragedy was not unexpected by Ukraine, who failed to warn Malaysia that Ukraine was a war zone. US signals intelligence were prepared to capitalise on the tragedy. Is the media protecting Biden and Ukraine from war crimes inquiry? 

In '07, Kevin Rudd bragged he had special contacts within Australian defence forces which would address problems he claimed Mr Howard had failed. One issue Rudd identified was Timor's rebel leader, Alfredo Reinado. Reinado had had some training in Australia and Rudd was convinced he could stop him where Howard had not. Soon, after Rudd became PM, on 11th February 2008, Reinado attempted to detain the Timorise leadership of Ramos-Horta and Gusmao, and was killed. It was soon called an assassination attempt. It looked like a bungled black ops which resulted in poisoning what had once been a good relationship between Australia and Timor. Had Kevin Rudd bungled the issue with a rushed black ops mission? My name is David Daniel Ball, and I'm here to help.

Who will be left for Democrats after Obama, Biden, HRC, Schiff, Warren and Pelosi are prosecuted for their Russia Collusion Hoax? What will be left of the FBI and DOJ after Mueller, Comey et al are prosecuted for their collusion? Dan Bongino discusses the explosive exposure of how Russia has had HRC emails from her illegal server in which HRC tried to deflect from her exposure by blaming President Trump. What of the powerful tech business allies of HRC who colluded to get Biden elected President? How will FB, Google, youtube and Twitter be affected? Will their CEO's escape jail time? What of CNN? NBCNews?, CBSNews? FoxNews? 

I'm waiting for delayed gratification. T45 may well be the greatest President USA has had, based on analysis of achievements to date. He fixed a broken economy. He achieved peace by not going to war. He commandeered initiative in science and tech. He worked for all constituents, not the corrupt few which his opponents focused on. 

Opposition to T45 has been substantially larger than for any previous President. The Russia Hoax dominated (swamped) his Presidency. Treasonous activity by tech giants and social elite have persecuted T45. Partly, that was at T45's behest because he was an outsider to Washington. Trump has walked a path others have not because opposition to outsiders is fierce. Including from within his own party, with RINO members part of the swamp. 

Trump won re-election in terms of votes cast in record numbers. The swamp is trying to steal it from him. The swamp are abusing legal avenues to prevent analysis of their illegal activity. What will happen when it is decided that has not worked? How many people will the swamp kill to protect their 'interests'? In order to protect the union, SCOTUS has not acted prematurely. It is up to state legislatures to do the right thing. How will RINO affect the outcome of those state legislature? Will RINO break the union to support the swamp? 

In this episode, I discuss the controversy brewing over the powers of both Congress, and the Vice President, in a disputed election, and the continued efforts by Facebook to interfere in the election.

News Picks:

=== Bongino Headlines ===
Expert Witness Claims He Hacked Into Georgia Runoff Election System

CBP Chief Warns of Surge in Illegal Immigration

Capitol Hill
Coronavirus Relief Bill Includes 180-Day Deadline for a UFO Report
Biden Speaks of “President-Elect” Harris
Ric Grenell: America First Policy Is Never Going Back Into the Bottle
The Fight to Recall CA Governor Newsom is Being Won
Poll: Huge Majority of Republicans Think Trump Should Serve as the Role Model for the GOP
Smaller Government Is the Only Thing That Will Fix the Electoral College
Loeffler Speaks on Runoffs: We’re the Firewall for Stopping Socialism
Report Alleges 368k Fraudulent Votes Across Swing States
Trump Campaign Wants SCOTUS to Consider Wisconsin Election Case
Stacey Abrams’ Sister Rules Against Voter Purge Before Georgia Runoffs
Perdue and Loeffler Back Trump’s Call for $2k Stimulus Checks
Weekday Poll (Rasmussen) – December 30: Trump Approval at 47%

Swamp Watch
Reporter Steps on Rake While Attempting to Correct VP Pence
China Courts Young Liberals Like Jon Ossoff, Eric Swalwell and Hunter Biden
Fauci’s Willingness to Mislead the Public Disqualifies Him From Providing Public Policy Advice in any Capacity
Lawsuit Says Former Apple Employee Punished For Approving App Critical of Communist China
Politicians Bicker Over $600 Million While China Owes Us $2 Trillion
Cuomo Calls Union Boss With Mob Ties “Good Friend to Me and My Entire Family”
Report: Spending Bill Loaded With “Game-Changer” Climate Change Legislation, Funding
Ten Times Kayleigh McEnany Smacked Down the Media in 2020

Culture Wars
2020 Homicide Surge Sets Record Amid “Defund the Police” Hysteria
CNN’s Jim Acosta Roundly Mocked For Claiming That Covering Trump “Might Merit Hazard Pay”
Reporters Admit to a Double Standard in How They Will Treat Biden
The Psychology Behind Why Some Academics and Celebrities Choose to Misrepresent Their Ethnicity
Federal Court Rules Against NY Gov Cuomo, Says Lockdowns Discriminate Against Religion
Massachusetts Lowers the Age of Consent for Abortion to 16
Here’s What Big Tech Didn’t Want You to See on “The Federalist” in 2020
Nevada High School Student Sues School Over “Coercive Ideological Indoctrination,” Critical Race Theory-Based Curriculum
BLM Pressures DC Hotels to Close as Trump Supporters Gather in DC For Rally
=== Newsmax Headlines ===
Election 2020
Sen. Perdue: 'All Hands Are on Deck' for Georgia Runoff Race
Trump Calls on Georgia Gov. Kemp to Resign
Georgia’s Runoffs Will Likely Drag Out Results for Days
Obama, John Legend Team Up for Ossoff Election Ad | 
Jason Miller: We Want to Present ‘Specific Evidence' Jan. 6 | 
Audit Finds No Ballot Fraud in Georgia's Cobb County
Pence Disagreed With Gohmert on Electoral College

Trump Presidency
US Bomber Mission Over Persian Gulf Aimed at Cautioning Iran
Pence Calls Off Planned Middle East Trip as Virus Cases Surge
Gingrich: McConnell's Play on $2K Checks Risk Georgia Races
Pompeo May Designate Cuba a State Sponsor of Terrorism
Trump's $2,000 Checks All But Dead as GOP Senate Refuses Aid
US May Sell 3K Smart Bombs to Saudi Arabia
Incoming NSA: Pentagon Has Not Met With Biden's Team
Gorka to Newsmax TV: McConnell 'Doesn't Get It' | 

=== From 2017 ===
Don't give up on hope. Last year the local Dandenong Council's decision to hold a New Years Eve party without advising bus companies what to do with road closures resulted in chaos for public transport users. This year they repeated their mistake. Catching a 901 to Melbourne Airport West from Dandenong Station at about twenty past two in the afternoon, the bus was redirected and had to skip Langton bus stop and Dandenong Markets. The same was true in each direction. I saw people waiting for busses and contacted PTV (Public Transport Victoria) which did not answer phones, and sent them an email. Then I contacted 3AW. I get it the council are trying, but I find they are not listening or are merely incompetent. 

Miranda Devine still fawns over Malcolm Turnbull. Her article on the incompetent PM who is rotting the Liberals from the head is entitled "Not Drowning, Waving." The reference is to a poem by Stevie Smith about a man who was drowning, but onlookers did not recognise it. Turnbull was three years old when the poem was written. Miranda writes how the deficient Liberals, convinced they cannot win with Malcolm as PM have held onto him. They will see the party ruined before letting go. Even though Malcolm aligned the party with the Clinton Foundation and ruined the party's chances at election in every state and territory in Australia. The Liberals are a better party than the ALP. Even under Turnbull. But not a much better party. 
Nobody heard him, the dead man,
But still he lay moaning:
I was much further out than you thought
And not waving but drowning.
Poor chap, he always loved larking
And now he’s dead
It must have been too cold for him his heart gave way,
They said.
Oh, no no no, it was too cold always
(Still the dead one lay moaning)
I was much too far out all my life
And not waving but drowning.
Joel Osteen provides a great message for perseverance. A blogger "ThisOngoingWar" documents the life of Shirley Temper who is related to lots of martyr/terrorists. The press love her, but ignore her past and her connections. Jeff Kennett has called for Victoria to scrap the mental health defence so as to encourage people to take responsibility for their actions. Social Justice Warriors are calling farmer's markets racist. Apparently it is wrong to feed anyone other than yourself. Even for money. Especially for money. 

Finally, 3AW was discussing with Bernie Finn the issue of ethnic gangs which are often inspired by Islamic terror. Press are really keen to call it resistance to capitalism and excuse the terrorism. One caller claimed that none of the refugees involved were bad "at home' but learned to be bad in Australia. He argued further that the parents did not teach the bad behaviour or they would similarly be behaving badly. He said refugees needed more, and were jealous of kids who had more, and so committed crimes. That does not explain why similar bad behaviour from similar refugees happens in US, UK etc etc. But the disparity between NSW and Victorian crime stats suggests that ALP laws are responsible for a lot of crime in Victoria, with police being restricted from policing effectively. Gangsters need to be locked up to protect the community. 
=== from 2016 ===
The December IPA Review is out and John Hajek writes “A Surfeit of Cash” about the Kenneth Rogoff book “The Curse of Cash.” John is a Libertarian and doesn’t like governments having information, even if it means preventing crime. The idea espoused by the book is that cash should be phased out of daily use in commerce. Starting with large denominations. because a large portion of the 80% of top bill currency is in the hands of gangsters. If cash was eliminated, then gangsters would need to find others means, but the portability of Steinway pianos or even Rolex watches is not as good as large bill currency. Hajek notes that, but also feels that convenience for illegal immigrants, or students working for cash, is preferable. Another argument is that central banks could set a negative interest rate. Hajek feels that that would be stealing from individuals, much like printing paper money beyond replacement is today. Of course people with loans might not feel that way. What student gets paid in $100 notes? The beer fairy?

It is approaching New Years, the anniversary of the time when baby Jesus was circumcised. Not a botched operation as happened in Malaysia the other day when a surgeon accidentally amputated a penis. But it is ok, lawyers will be compensated. For me, my year has been the challenge of rebuilding after losing everything. I will turn 50 in 2017 and still I do not have full time work. Yet I was one of the best teachers of my generation, not just in Mathematics, but in team building at the schools I worked at. Eddie Obeid is facing jail time, and maybe Joe Tripodi will too. But I have been forced to move interstate and only by the grace of God, and friends, have I been able to hang on. And still more impediments pile up. This year I was given a life long ban from the Liberal Party of Victoria for no reason, only procedural matters. I volunteered for IPA but they would not have me. But I can still read too. I recommend the book “Face to face with God” by Bethel Church’s senior pastor Bill Johnson. Anyone familiar with Bethel music and Hillsong will know there is a difference, although they are also exactly on message. It is inspiring for me. Like reading “If” by Kipling for the first time. I can rebuild. I expect to find work early in 2017. Maybe not Victoria. I will go anywhere in Australia. Happy New Year. 

=== from 2015 ===
Press are gung ho in denying the effectiveness of Dyson Heydon's Trades Union Royal Commission, claiming that Shorten and Gillard have been exonerated. But the truth is not what they have reported. Neither Gillard nor Shorten are going to jail for their apparent corruption. That doesn't mean they are clean. It means that the transparency necessary for the trades unions to benefit their members has not been present. But it will be. It is a stunning success for union members who previously may have assumed their union money will be siphoned for their leaders to use at sex parties and election opportunities. It is disturbing the way Kathy Jackson has been so easily slimed for whistle blowing. And it is worth comparing Jackson with Thomson. ALP insurance covers a lot, except whistle blowing. Happy New Year union members. You will soon find your dollar goes further. And you misplaced your trust in your union leaders. 

For some, at the moment, the Sex Party has more credibility.
From 2014
In defence of the faithful for the new year.
Not just one religion, the faithful come from Western religions and Eastern philosophy. But as Herodotus observed in his inquiry into the world of the fifth century BC, The Histories, faithful people tend to be good people everywhere. He distanced his comment from zealots. He travelled the world and wrote about what he saw. We know he lied about things too. But his simple observation regarding the faithful has as much truth today as it did then.  The faithful would offer Herodotus food, drink and advice. He sought local knowledge, and when he came to a new town or village, it was the faithful he could rely on. Those who cared little for faith also cared little for strangers who were poor. 

The same might be said today, but for the confusion of the description 'faithful' being applied to zealots and jihadists who, rather than following a God, seem to make up self serving rules. Some will be quick to denounce all Islam as jihadist, but they aren't. And not all so called Christians know Christ. Some Christian parents are enduring the pain of their child suiciding over the issue of gender conformity. The press are quick to blame the parents. Maybe the parents are responsible for the dysfunction, but the extreme response of suicide suggests more is at play. Possibly the child had unrealistic expectations of what gender reassignment would mean. No one gets all they want all the time in life. But, while it is the case that aid organisations have a secular outreach, they are often funded by the faithful.  

The New Year is a change of number, but also a time for reflection and evaluation. You aren't a greater person for having faith, or a lesser person for being Atheist. But you are responsible for your choices and behaviour. And you have been too. The Indian Philosopher Deepak Chopra said regardless of where you are, you are there because of choices you made. Happy New Year. 
From 2013
 I was about 15 years old when my father said I could achieve a more balanced political view if I were to watch what the politicians and parties said, and looked to see if they kept their promises. I had said to him that I thought Greiner was a 'Wide Mouthed Frog' which he had been labelled by papers in '83. I was a lefty as my mother wanted me to be. about 31 years later .. here is what I have seen.

On budgets, ALP have never balanced a budget. They had a surplus a few times, long ago, but they have spent big on things that are useless, and have promised to spend bigger when they were desperate. Unsworth promised a birthday cake for Darlinghurst if he were elected over Greiner.

On corruption, ALP have had all the running. There were a few Liberal ministers who shipped on military vessels some colour tv sets for themselves and lost their positions under Fraser, but compare that with involvement in drug trade, pedophilia, theft, extortion, murder, organised crime and a press that won't investigate when the ALP are involved, and the ALP win the category.

On increased wages for fair work, ALP have cut pay on average, while the Libs have increased pay on average, about 2% each way, so that voting conservative has meant a 4% wage boost each year.

On work conditions, ALP tend to kill workers, soldiers, casual employees, railway fatalities. Natural disasters tend to be badly managed under ALP, or inflamed. cf floods, fires, cyclones.

On police, ALP promise more police on the streets, but they blow their budgets and so there are fewer where they are needed. The producers have worked hard to obscure it, but note the lack of will in police when the ALP are in government as seen in Underbelly productions, or the will that police have to support individuals under conservatives.

Teachers and schools are promised much by the ALP, but it is always resulting in them being taken for granted. Large classrooms are not the problem, but dysfunctional schools are. ALP spend big on education, but rarely is it well directed. Meanwhile conservatives have worked to keep the systems from falling apart. Australian schools aren't bad, when the office ladies aren't too busy making gender neutral pupil records. Blowing billions on bad computers or school halls that are overpriced is not a kept promise to anyone.
Health is a boom industry with an ageing population and improved but expensive care, and medicare would not work had Howard not made important decisions in everyone's interest, or had Greiner not saved the state from falling into the black holes ALP led the others to in the late 80's.

Roads, railways infrastructure, NBN, the promises the ALP make are broad, but fail. NBN is not as effective as wireless. It is very expensive. Roads under ALP are poor .. compare the sound of travelling NSW roads and their bumps with Victorian ones .. the big difference is NSW usually has an ALP government while Victoria is usually Liberal. The last time NSW and Australian governments were Liberal the Opera House and Snowy Mountain scheme were completed. Last time NSW and Australian governments were both ALP and both disavowed responsibility for education, hospitals etc etc.

Environment and dams are built by conservative governments and Australia is a wet continent in the north, and dry in the south. With a significant body of fresh water in central Australia summer heat waves emanating from a heated central Australia would not happen. The population could increase safely. ALP build desalination plants.

Migration under conservatives is high, as it should be, and far safer

Welfare is better directed under Liberals to poor people. ALP point to what they call middle class welfare but the figures show the ALP spend more .. on more people. Aboriginal welfare under Howard was effective with the intervention. But the white activists benefit under ALP.

Happy New Year, folks. And Australians should be pleased with their shiny new federal government
Historical perspective on this day
In 406, VandalsAlans and Suebians crossed the Rhine, beginning an invasion of Gaul. 535, Byzantine general Belisarius completed the conquest of Sicily, defeating the Gothicgarrison of Palermo (Panormos), and ending his consulship for the year. 1225, the Lý dynastyof Vietnam ended after 216 years by the enthronement of the boy emperor Trần Thái Tông, husband of the last Lý monarch, Lý Chiêu Hoàng, starting the Trần dynasty. 1229, James I of Aragon the Conqueror entered Medina Mayurqa (now known as Palma, Spain) thus consummating the Christian reconquest of the island of Majorca. 1501, the First Battle of Cannanore commenced. 1600, the British East India Company was chartered. 1660, James II of England was named Duke of Normandy by Louis XIV of France. 1687, the first Huguenotsset sail from France to the Cape of Good Hope. 1695, a window tax was imposed in England, causing many householders to brick up windows to avoid the tax. 1757, Empress Elizabeth I of Russia issued her ukase incorporating Königsberg into Russia. 1759, Arthur Guinness signed a 9,000 year lease at £45 per annum and starts brewing Guinness. 1775, American Revolutionary WarBattle of Quebec: British forces repulsed an attack by Continental ArmyGeneral Richard Montgomery. 1790 Efimeris, the oldest Greek newspaper of which issues have survived till today, was published for the first time. 1796, the incorporation of Baltimoreas a city.

In 1831, Gramercy Park was deeded to New York City. 1853, a dinner party was held inside a life-size model of an iguanodon created by Benjamin Waterhouse Hawkins and Sir Richard Owenin south London, England. 1857, Queen Victoria chose Ottawa, then a small loggingtown, as the capital of Canada.1862, American Civil WarAbraham Lincoln signed an act that admitted West Virginia to the Union, thus dividing Virginia in two. Also 1862, American Civil War: The Battle of Stones River began near Murfreesboro, Tennessee. 1878, Karl Benz, working in Mannheim, Germany, filed for a patent on his first reliable two-stroke gas engine, and he was granted the patent in 1879. 1879, Thomas Edison demonstrated incandescent lighting to the public for the first time, in Menlo Park, New Jersey. 1906, Mozaffar ad-Din Shah Qajar signed the Persian Constitution of 1906. 1907, the first New Year's Eve celebration was held in Times Square (then known as Longacre Square) in New York, New York. 1909, Manhattan Bridge opened. 1923, the chimes of Big Ben were broadcast on radio for the first time by the BBC. 1944, World War II: Hungary declared war on Nazi Germany. Also 1944, World War II: Operation Nordwind, the last major German offensive on the Western Front began. 1946, president Harry S. Truman officially proclaimed the end of hostilities in World War II.

In 1951, the Marshall Plan expired after distributing more than US$13.3 billion in foreign aid to rebuild Europe. 1955, General Motors became the first U.S. corporation to make over US$1 billion in a year. 1960, the farthing coin ceased to be legal tender in the United Kingdom. 1961, RTÉ, Ireland's state broadcaster, launched its first national television service. 1963, The Central African Federation officially collapsed, subsequently becoming ZambiaMalawi and Rhodesia. 1965, Jean-Bédel Bokassa, leader of the Central African Republic army, and his military officers began a coup d'état against the government of President David Dacko. 1967, the Youth International Party, popularly known as the "Yippies", was founded. 1981, a coup d'état in Ghana removed President Hilla Limann's PNP government and replaced it with the Provisional National Defence Council led by Flight lieutenant Jerry Rawlings. 1983, the AT&TBell System was broken up by the United States Government. Also 1983, iNigeria a coup d'état led by Major General Muhammadu Buhari ended the Second Nigerian Republic. 1986, a fire at the Dupont Plaza Hotel in San Juan, Puerto Rico, killed 97 and injured 140. 1988, Pittsburgh PenguinsMario Lemieux became the only National Hockey League player to score goals in five different ways: even strength, shorthanded, power play, penalty shot, and empty net, during an 8–6 win over the New Jersey Devils. 1988, first Winter Ascent of Lhotse(8,516m) by Krzysztof Wielicki (solo).

In 1991, all official Soviet Union institutions had ceased operations by this date and the Soviet Union was officially dissolved. 1992, Czechoslovakia was peacefully dissolved in what was dubbed by media as the Velvet Divorce, resulting in the creation of the Czech Republic and Slovakia. 1994, this date is skipped altogether in Kiribati as the Phoenix Islands and Line Islands changed time zones from UTC−11:00 to UTC+13:00 and UTC−10:00 to UTC+14:00, respectively. Also 1994, the First Chechen War: Russian army began a New Year's storming of Grozny. 1998, the European Exchange Rate Mechanism froze the values of the legacy currencies in the Eurozone, and established the value of the euro currency. 1999, first President of RussiaBoris Yeltsin, resigned from office, leaving Prime Minister Vladimir Putinas the acting President and successor. Also 1999, the United States Government handed control of the Panama Canal (as well all the adjacent land to the canal known as the Panama Canal Zone) to Panama. This act complied with the signing of the 1977 Torrijos–Carter Treaties. Also 1999, Indian Airlines Flight 814 hijacking ended after seven days with the release of 190 survivors at Kandahar AirportAfghanistan. 2004, the official opening of Taipei 101, the tallest skyscraper at that time in the world, standing at a height of 509 metres (1,670 ft). 2009, both a blue moon and a lunar eclipse occurred. 2010, Tornadoes touch down in midwestern and southern United States, including Washington County, ArkansasGreater St. LouisSunset Hills, MissouriIllinois, and Oklahoma, with a few tornadoes in the early hours. A total 36 tornadoes touched down, resulting in the deaths of nine people and $113 million in damages. 2011, NASA succeeded in putting the first of two Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory satellites in orbit around the Moon.

=== Bible Reading ===

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Today's reading: Zechariah 13-14, Revelation 21 (NIV)

View today's reading on Bible Gateway

Today's Old Testament reading: Zechariah 9-12

Cleansing From Sin
1 “On that day a fountain will be opened to the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem, to cleanse them from sin and impurity.
2 “On that day, I will banish the names of the idols from the land, and they will be remembered no more,” declares the LORD Almighty. “I will remove both the prophets and the spirit of impurity from the land. 3 And if anyone still prophesies, their father and mother, to whom they were born, will say to them, ‘You must die, because you have told lies in the LORD’s name.’ Then their own parents will stab the one who prophesies.
4 “On that day every prophet will be ashamed of their prophetic vision. They will not put on a prophet’s garment of hair in order to deceive. 5 Each will say, ‘I am not a prophet. I am a farmer; the land has been my livelihood since my youth.’6 If someone asks, ‘What are these wounds on your body?’ they will answer, ‘The wounds I was given at the house of my friends....’

Today's New Testament reading: Revelation 21

A New Heaven and a New Earth
1 Then I saw “a new heaven and a new earth,” for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea. 2 I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband. 3 And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Look! God’s dwelling place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. 4‘He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death’ or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.”
5 He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new!” Then he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true....”

=== Morning and Evening ===

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"Better is the end of a thing than the beginning thereof."
Ecclesiastes 7:8
Look at David's Lord and Master; see his beginning. He was despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief. Would you see the end? He sits at his Father's right hand, expecting until his enemies be made his footstool. "As he is, so are we also in this world." You must bear the cross, or you shall never wear the crown; you must wade through the mire, or you shall never walk the golden pavement. Cheer up, then, poor Christian. "Better is the end of a thing than the beginning thereof." See that creeping worm, how contemptible its appearance! It is the beginning of a thing. Mark that insect with gorgeous wings, playing in the sunbeams, sipping at the flower bells, full of happiness and life; that is the end thereof. That caterpillar is yourself, until you are wrapped up in the chrysalis of death; but when Christ shall appear you shall be like him, for you shall see him as he is. Be content to be like him, a worm and no man, that like him you may be satisfied when you wake up in his likeness. That rough-looking diamond is put upon the wheel of the lapidary. He cuts it on all sides. It loses much--much that seemed costly to itself. The king is crowned; the diadem is put upon the monarch's head with trumpet's joyful sound. A glittering ray flashes from that coronet, and it beams from that very diamond which was just now so sorely vexed by the lapidary. You may venture to compare yourself to such a diamond, for you are one of God's people; and this is the time of the cutting process. Let faith and patience have their perfect work, for in the day when the crown shall be set upon the head of the King, Eternal, Immortal, Invisible, one ray of glory shall stream from you. "They shall be mine," saith the Lord, "in the day when I make up my jewels." "Better is the end of a thing than the beginning thereof."


"Knowest thou not that it will be bitterness in the latter end?"
2 Samuel 2:26
If, O my reader! thou art merely a professor, and not a possessor of the faith that is in Christ Jesus, the following lines are a true ketch of thine end.
You are a respectable attendant at a place of worship; you go because others go, not because your heart is right with God. This is your beginning. I will suppose that for the next twenty or thirty years you will be spared to go on as you do now, professing religion by an outward attendance upon the means of grace, but having no heart in the matter. Tread softly, for I must show you the deathbed of such a one as yourself. Let us gaze upon him gently. A clammy sweat is on his brow, and he wakes up crying, "O God, it is hard to die. Did you send for my minister?" "Yes, he is coming." The minister comes. "Sir, I fear that I am dying!" "Have you any hope?" "I cannot say that I have. I fear to stand before my God; oh! pray for me." The prayer is offered for him with sincere earnestness, and the way of salvation is for the ten-thousandth time put before him, but before he has grasped the rope, I see him sink. I may put my finger upon those cold eyelids, for they will never see anything here again. But where is the man, and where are the man's true eyes? It is written, "In hell he lifted up his eyes, being in torment." Ah! why did he not lift up his eyes before? Because he was so accustomed to hear the gospel that his soul slept under it. Alas! if you should lift up your eyes there, how bitter will be your wailings. Let the Saviour's own words reveal the woe: "Father Abraham, send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue, for I am tormented in this flame." There is a frightful meaning in those words. May you never have to spell it out by the red light of Jehovah's wrath!

=== Bible Quote ===

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=== Message ===

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I am a decent man and don't care for the abuse given me. I created a video raising awareness of anti police feeling among western communities. I chose the senseless killing of Nicola Cotton, a Louisiana policewoman who joined post Katrina, to highlight the issue. I did this in order to get an income after having been illegally blacklisted from work in NSW for being a whistleblower. I have not done anything wrong. Local council appointees refused to endorse my work, so I did it for free. Youtube's Adsence refused to allow me to profit from their marketing it. Meanwhile, I am hostage to abysmal political leadership and hopeless journalists. My shopfront has opened on Facebook.


I am publishing a book called Bread of Life: January.

Bread of Life is a daily bible quote with a layman's understanding of the meaning. I give one quote for each day, and also a series of personal stories illustrating key concepts eg Who is God? What is a miracle? Why is there tragedy?

January is the first of the anticipated year-long work of thirteen books. One for each month and the whole year. It costs to publish. It (Kindle version) should retail at about $2US online, but the paperback version would cost more, according to production cost.If you have a heart for giving, I fundraise at (Gofundme finished the fund raiser, 2017)


Editorials will appear in the "History in a Year by the Conservative Voice" series, starting with August, September, October, or at Amazon The kindle version is cheaper, but the soft back version allows a free kindle version.

The Amazon Author Page for David Ball

UK ..

French ..

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Other Stuff


I'm now on MAGAbook to sidestep FB censorship


I'm looking for former students to endorse me


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