Monday, July 27, 2020

Faith writings of David Daniel Ball

Why not choose both?

I'm proud to have started a series on Christian apology. These are from my bookBread of Life and History of the World in a Year by the Conservative Voice.
The first one, on Revelation of the Holy Spirit, which is the Bread of Life series ender.

Revelation of the Holy Spirit 7th June 2016
Tragedy is not from God, but goes to the glory of God.

The Devil uses tragedy and points to it, showing our separation from God and suggesting that the gulf between us is insurmountable. The Devil points to our past, and tells us that there is no hope that God could love us. The Devil says that God is not real, and not worthy of our praise and adoration. Don’t study the Devil. There is nothing worthwhile to fighting the Devil. The Devil has lost the fight to the Lord, and that future is a black pit with eternal separation from God. But the Devil can still confuse you to the same fate. If you fight the Devil, you can end up dancing to their tune. But if you resist the Devil, and hold to the Lord, you will be part of the triumph.

Terrible tragedy is part of the world. It is not part of what the Lord wants for us. Children orphaned and left helpless victims to those who exploit them mercilessly, and kill them. Trust betrayed, and people poisoned, or trapped in terrible cycles of poverty and corruption. Disease slowly eats away at humanity, and the desperate give everything to lessen their pain. Clever people exploiting the trusting.

The Lord can win against such impossible odds, where we fail. At Calgary, when it had been known in advance what the Lord would do to win, still the Devil fell for the trap. It had looked too inviting for the Devil, to kill God, who had willingly become incarnate in flesh. It had seemed to be a great victory for the Devil. The Devil had exploited a disciple, who had betrayed Jesus with the blessing of Jesus. And men worked as the Devil’s agents, against the possibility of resurrection and redemption. The law was misapplied to kill the innocent. And all men were responsible. And yet that was the basis for the great victory over death.

A thousand years earlier, King David had been at his lowest, over Bathsheba. David forgot to serve God, but served himself for pleasure. And yet from that union, from the death of their firstborn, a boy was delivered who would become King, wisest of all men, and builder of the temple.

My God is the God of second chances. My God gives redemption and hope. My God gives riches in eternity. My God is so great, He loves you, and wishes to share eternity with you. And will forgive your sin, asking you give Him the fruit from his seed.

The second, Sermon on a Miracle, is about an ordinary event which is still miraculous
A sermon on a miracle
From August: History in a year by the conservative voice
We need to be humble. Because if we aren't we miss the blessings He has given us. Because if we aren't, we don't hear His call. It isn't as if He is whispering softly, but when we are arrogant, we don't listen. There are physical limitations. He made the world and those limits should be there. Of course He will express his will by what is, sometimes.
The story begins in Poland in the 1920s. A Jewish family in a land that was healing after WW1, and that had miraculously survived Soviet Assault in the early '20s. A New World called, a land of opportunity and hope, and this family decided to migrate. Only they couldn't afford to migrate at once. Two sisters were particularly close, and one, Anja, was picked to go abroad and prepare the way. In Poland, the family raised money to send the next person. In the US, in Baltimore, Anja's life improved, and she married a good man. Meanwhile in Poland, the sister who remained also married a good man.

Anja worked very hard and prospered, but He had it so she did not have children. But the sister in Poland had children, and was greatly blessed. Except WW2 intervened. The two sisters had kept in touch by mail. But when WW2 came about, the plans to send more family to the US was interrupted and no mail got sent. Following the war, fellow villagers reported to Anja that her family in Poland had all been eliminated. No survivors. And now, a well off middle aged woman in Baltimore yearned for family, and had none. Many people in such circumstances crumble and blame Him. Anja may well have done so. But she also called out to Him. She wanted family to raise for Him. Children that would know his name and call her 'mother.' Family.

She discussed it with her husband, and they agreed to adopt a Jewish baby. Many of the few survivors that were children were available for adoption, and so, negotiating with an agency in New York City, She and her husband set off to see who was available. They wanted a very young child or baby that they could raise in the manner of their people. Only, when they got to the agency, all the babies had been adopted although there was an eight year old orphaned girl named Miriam.

They discussed it, but they weren't for lots of children and they wanted a baby. They went home in an empty car. A year later, they tried again. Lots of babies were available, they were told, and they made the long journey. Only there were no babies left when they arrived. Only the now nine year old Miriam, and Miriam was connected with her younger brother. The agency would not let them be separated. They adopted both. And made the journey home with a car that was not empty.
He hears prayer. He heard her call for family, and he gave her one. Physical realities of the known universe being what they are, He delivered. And had she not been humble, she may never have allowed Him to heal her wounds.

But it isn't humble to limit Him. He has made the world, and He can do whatever He pleases in his garden. When the family got home, the car doors opened and baggage was removed. The door was opened and inside, on display, were familiar pictures the couple had of their life together and loved ones. The little girl spotted them, and cried out. What was wrong, asked the adoptive mother. The girl asked why she had pictures of her 'babcia,' indicating the Sister's mother, and her own sister. 'babcia' means grandmother in Polish, and Anja was confused. Miriam went to her bags, and came back with a picture, the exact one that was shown on display. Because Miriam and her brother were actually nephew and niece to Anja .. true family. Blood from her blood.

He had answered her prayer, His way.

The third one, is about a tragedy that causes one to question goodness
About Tragedy
From October:History of the World in a Year by the Conservative Voice
There is no more painful tragedy than that attached to apparent success that isn’t. A loving couple yearn for a baby as fruit of their union. They become pregnant and everything goes as it should. A baby boy is delivered and is perfect in almost all respects. Except the boy is missing something that allows him to digest food. While he was attached to his mother, her blood had delivered all that he needed to sustain himself, but that was gone at birth. And when doctors notice it, it is too late. The couple can feed their son, but he cannot digest it. And so within a day, that perfect boy will die. He is too young to operate on. And there is not enough time even if an operation were attempted.
Who can describe the pain such a couple feel? They aren’t unique, such tragedy does not happen often, but that it has even happened once is just wrong. It is natural at such times for people to turn to God and ask why? How is it even possible that such a thing could happen if God existed? If God were loving, why wouldn’t he fix it? And so in grief, those that do not know God have their fears confirmed. But those that know God are confronted and challenged.

The God that the atheists do not believe in does not exist. It is a ridiculous being, composed of artefacts of culture, that combined are impossible. But the God named in the Bible is real and worthy of great praise. He is present at such tragedies, and He does the impossible of loving and healing the lamenting couple, who are helpless. The Hospital staff who are wounded by the grief and sadness and the baby boy who will too soon rest eternally with Him are comforted by Him. A lifetime of love is given to that baby by his parents that day, and the memory of him will be life long. So much that was hoped for will never be. There is pain in the world, that is made clear by His word. But that will not be, come the time when He sits in glory at his throne.

The miracle of life, the grace that is experienced in every loving relationship: that is a gift that God has given us. We do not know why there are such tragedies or even what they mean in the great scheme of things. But such challenge can be met with perseverance. It would be a bigger tragedy if life were inconsequential.

The fourth one, is about God, not the atheist one
About God
From September:History of the World in a Year by the Conservative Voice
The God the Atheist doesn't believe in does not exist. It is a ridiculous and impossible figure, conceived of in changing states of technology and fragile cultural artefacts. That God cannot build a bridge that God could not cross. That God is self sufficient and needy. That God is powerless to impose a will and useless to their followers. That God is not the God of the Bible, but sometimes even the followers of the Bible do not know that. The God of the Atheists has many expressions, none of which match all of his descriptions.

There is a God who is the Alpha and the Omega, who is wisdom and strength and worthy of all praise. But not a computer or program that is artificially intelligent. In many ways, a person might be described as a computer with a software program. But to describe God thus is as inaccurate as to describe a person thus. It is a diminution. It is also a temptation for those wishing to understand who God is.

God's own followers don't know precisely who God is, although they try. The Bible is a key to it, but not a key in the way a keyboard is to access a computer. As an example, in Exodus 4:24-26, Moses has negotiated with God over the plagues and the petitions he will make to Pharaoh. He won't speak directly, because he stutters, but he uses his brother as an intermediary. And Moses has a newborn son. And suddenly, we read God is going to kill Moses. But Moses wife, Zipporah intervenes and circumcises Moses’ son, and Moses is no longer being killed by God. It is a particularly opaque piece of scripture. But it illustrates how we should respond to God, and the scripture.

The Bible has come to us from many different people at different times spread over about fifteen hundred years. It has a structure based on the history of how it was compiled. Early books are written from an oral history and the voice of Moses. Later books are reflective of the work of prophets and activity of God's chosen people whom He trained. Catholics have an Apocrypha which are books Protestants feel don't relate directly to Jesus. Then there is the New Testament, the Gospel regarding Jesus, and various letters from the disciples. No one today knows precisely how it came together. How much is stone-age peasant understanding, and how much is inspired by God? I would argue that both apply, it is a stone-age man's thoughts, and it is entirely inspired. It means what God intended it to mean. What it is not is a code to a future, unveiling plans for a rocket ship to go to Mars. And it isn't as if the author is writing for perfect understanding of a future self. In fact, the writing seems to be for someone who was present. Then the shorthand would make sense.

Exodus 4:24-26 is a very early account with Moses' voice. It is an interlude between Moses negotiating with God over how to approach Pharaoh, and the first approach. But Exodus in this passage does not make sense. Not now, and not three hundred years later when David and his family struggled with it. How long was Moses sick for? How quickly did Zipporah come to the realisation of the cure? Rabbi wanted to know because they wanted to get close to God too, but the words were not there. The information was gone, as the assumption is that 'everyone knew' as they had firsthand knowledge. But nobody now knows, as that firsthand knowledge is lost. And all that is left as a record are those few, terse words. And so later writings of the Old Testament included more words, more detail. But the detail doesn't necessarily bridge the gap. We examine the text and try to learn as much as we can, but not all of what we'd like to find is present.

God exists. He is the Alpha and the Omega. He has a plan for you, a plan that will let you grow and prosper. He is not diminished to be what we would like so that we understand Him. It is natural to want to learn who God is. The Bible does that. But not by diminishing the work to be a code for the future. Instead, it is the inspiration, the dream, of people who knew God then, and walked with him. Like you can too. The God that atheists don't believe in does not exist, but God exists.

The fifth one, is about Prophecy and forth telling
About Prophecy
From December:History of the World in a Year by the Conservative Voice
As an atheist, I was aware Prophecy doesn't work. Nobody sees the future, just like nobody talks to the dead. But I'm reminded of Stephen Fry's QI anecdote on injustice regarding the execution of George Spencer in Connecticut in (April 8th) 1642. Spencer was an ugly man with piggy ears and one eye and a sour disposition. He seemed openly contemptuous of God, echoing modern attitudes. One day a piglet was stillborn that looked like him, with one eye. The puritan community took it as a sign he had committed bestiality. He was charged and tortured into confessing. Told he would receive mercy if he confessed, he confessed. But realising that he might be condemned to death, he retracted his confession. The community decided that his confession and the dead piglet were sufficient to meet the two witnesses protocol for a death sentence and the sow was put to the sword and George was hanged.

And the Connecticut community in their diligence in serving God, respected the biblical law. They were acting through prophecy and the word. But we know that George had not fathered that piglet. And we know he was convicted on an injustice. And such injustice is something that is repugnant to God.

The NZ pastor admitted that prophecy (forth telling) was not perfectly applied by people and he took great care to bind it through three streams. It needed to be based on the word of God. It needed to be for the community, rather than the individual. It needed to be based in love (not romantic love, but love as God for the family of believers). Clearly the Connecticut community had failed that with George Spencer. But even so, there is no perfection with this tool.

When it comes to fore telling and forth telling the Bible provides examples how words are spoken to enact the miracles. The Lord speaking the world into existence. Abraham literally speaking his promise of a child into being with his name and with Sarah's name. The Apostles speaking Jesus's name for their miracles. Words and prophecy are related. Words have power. Jesus' life was foretold. His resurrection was real.

My fellowship friends illustrated the issue for me several years back. A young woman was the centre of a number of prophecy statements for an interested young man. I was dismissive of prophecy, but felt uncomfortable because I had hopes for the woman too. If I pray for something, I want it to be true. So, I tried to change the atmosphere and was sidelined and left the group. I approached the woman and told her how I felt and what was happening. She told me we were alone and 'could talk like adults now.'

Years have passed. I have longed to talk with her and share time together, but she has not been interested. I've been told she isn't interested. And my question of God is what does He want? I'm old and not fit, and I believe if God wanted me to have the life I can see, I'd need to be fitter. There is no forth telling prophecy for me. But it illustrates what forth telling is for. Because Gods kingdom is not of Earth, yet through forth telling, we can see our way home.

The sixth one, is about the Shroud of Turin.
Shroud of Turin
From November:History of the World in a Year by the Conservative Voice
In the Vatican is a sheet that is centuries old. It has an image of a body, front and back, of a man who had been crucified similar as Jesus. The image has faded over time and now can only clearly be seen through photographic imaging. Records of the shroud date back to the thirteenth century when the shroud had been saved from a fire. Some say it was Christ’s burial shroud, but carbon dating places the shroud to the time of the fire.

It matters little in terms of faith as to the shroud’s existence. Christians aren’t supposed to worship icons. The shroud has no special powers of healing or redemption. But the placebo effect would apply to it as it would to anything else.

Why would that image be on that shroud? Has somebody else in history been crucified the same way? Was it an art project of Leonardo Da Vinci or some such, keen to know about the historical event? If it were the actual burial shroud, why is the image there? As we don’t know for certain how the image got to be there, it is hard to know why. The image is not blood, so no DNA would be extracted. It seems instead to be a kind of photographic image setting technique. Experiments have been done to see how the image got there. One way involves having a freshly washed sheet of the first century next to dead skin. But it wasn’t tradition to have freshly washed sheets next to dead skin, but prized clean sheets that were dried. And that is why the effect is not seen generally in other burial shrouds.

If the shroud of Turin were real, it tells us something of the burial of Christ. It tells us that the burial was rushed and that the shroud used was washed and had not had time to dry prior to being used. Which is in line with what the Bible tells us about the event.

Some are keen to assert that the shroud is real as Christ’s burial shroud. They point out that the carbon dating was performed on a part of the shroud which had been patched up after the fire. They point to the weaving techniques which belong to the first century.

The seventh one, Bible compilation.
How Bible was compiled
From June:History of the World in a Year by the Conservative Voice
About 40 different people have contributed to writing the Bible. The oldest book is Job, going back to 1600 BC. The newest book is Revelation, which is about 65 AD and pre dates the destruction of the Herodian temple at Jerusalem.The Bible is divided into the old and new testament. The old testament is written mainly in Hebrew or a little in Aramaic and the new testament is entirely written in Greek. The work is inspired by God and offers revelation of God, even in English translated forms. It is consistent with archaeological history.

God gradually revealed himself to man, according to the old testament. A promised land was given to his chosen people, divided into twelve tribes. For a time, scriptures were lost, then rediscovered. And the people were removed from their land and scattered throughout the world. Even Japanese people have ancestry from Israeli peoples and aspects of Shinto resemble ancient Jewish traditions. God trained his people and it is telling that of the three known inheritable characteristics, Jewish peoples are high on all three of irritability (not much needed to motivate them), work (large amount of work once motivated) and emotive expression.

God is active today and is involved with the world. It isn't his kingdom. He wants all peoples to be with him. Many are. Many aren't. He offers salvation for all. He blesses all. All have free choice to know him. Without him, there is no choice, and there is no hope for a future. He loves you. He offers you salvation.

The eighth one, is about predestination.
From March:History of the World in a Year by the Conservative Voice
Predestination is not an issue, for people familiar with God's word. The Bible explains who God is, how he revealed himself and what he offers everyone. But in studying the Bible, and applying words used in science, issues have arisen that become confusing. Predestination is one such issue.
God is all knowing. God is all powerful. God is from the beginning of time to the end of time. God is the creator. God created all. God created you and I. God has given all mankind free will. God wants people to worship him. And so the ambiguity of words creeps in. God wants to be loved, and he has given free will. So, some people love God by choice. And some people don't know God. But, how can someone not know God? Did they really choose to not know him? Couldn't God have shown them what they needed to know so they did love him? Or is it that there is no God and those those who worship him are misled on all counts?

Predestination makes God look terrible. He could have softened Pharaoh's heart and not unleashed the murderous plagues. He could have changed the minds of people in Sodom and Gommorah instead of killing them all. He knew in advance what they were going to do. Philosophically, it appears as if logically, God does not exist because he could not be all that he claims. God cannot be all powerful, all knowing, and offer mankind choice, yet wanting to be praised.

However we know from the Bible answers to that argument. We know God created the universe because it says so, which is a cop out answer if one is a scientist but compelling when one realised that the resurrection of Jesus happened and it is the scripture he endorsed. God could have chosen to create as he pleased. He has that authority. The 'how' of universe creation is a very different issue. Scientists answer that. It is wrong to impute scientific meaning on the words of stone age peoples. But we have a very good idea what those stone age peoples meant and what made up their day, their lives, their experiences in worldly terms.

We know God desires to be close to us, for us to praise Him and turn to Him in our times of need. Scripturally we know this from all of scripture, but particularly from Job and the Song of Songs. Job shows us how God wants us to hold to him. The Song of Songs describes God's love affair with us. Solomon's offering shows us that God's love is physical and intimate. People that are loved like to have that love returned. God is like that too. I cannot make others love me in return. But I like it when they do.

The world is not as God wants it. He knows that. But God offers a way to be with him. And if we are with Him, the world is all right. He has made that offer to all. But not all accept that offer. Logically, those who accept God do so of their own volition, of free will. Those that don't accept the offer, don't know God. That is a 'choice' in name only. It is default in choice terms. Without God offering a way, there is no real choice, and so no one would know God.

That addresses the philosophical quandary. Only if God exists is there free will. It is an unsatisfying answer to atheists or agnostics who do not hear His call. But they choose not to.

The ninth one, God is love.
God is love
From April:History of the World in a Year by the Conservative Voice

For people who don't know God personally, it can be an irritating statement. Similar words were painted on a cannon which sieged and flattened the city of Drogheda in Ireland by the Protestant commander Oliver Cromwell. The then Lord Protector of England had not extended the courtesy of protection to the Irish. Even today, the words can be triumphal, used, but not in humble acknowledgement of God. The faithful should know that God is love and apply it. But not as Charles Manson might have, sexually. God is love is a truth. A Christian doing a selfless act through faith that God is love, brings glory to God.

God is love. It is relational love. He is the good father wanting his people to prosper. He desires to be close to them, to walk and talk with them. He wants his people to call to Him in need, and to thank Him when he has been generous in his blessings. To call to Him makes one closer to Him. God likes to be loved. He misses people who reject him. He welcomes them when they turn to Him.
But those that don't know God certainly feel love and practice it. It is a gift from God that all may exercise, and do so without knowing God. A parent loves a child. A spouse loves their partner. It isn't something that only Christians have, and so it is irritating when Christians assert it without acknowledging the broadness.

I heard a sermon recently from a dad whose five year old daughter disappeared from his home in the middle of the day. He was beside himself with panic. The front door was left open, and his two other daughters, 4 and 7 years old had no idea where their sister was. It had only been a few moments when his back was turned, and she was gone. He upended the entire street looking for her, calling out her name. Desperately thinking she had somehow been abducted. That is how God feels for those who do not know him.

People want love in their lives. They do lots of things to find it. But only love with God is satisfying. Not because Christians don't divorce. Not because relationships without God aren't life long. But things are easier for couples and families when their eyes are on satisfying God and not merely their own needs. Serving one's self makes one selfish. Serving another makes one giving. Loving makes one beautiful. And to love is to give. It is the opposite of selfishness. Almost as if God created the world so that those who loved Him would prosper.

The tenth one, Salvation.
On Salvation
From May:History of the World in a Year by the Conservative Voice
Salvation is a hard concept for those who don't know Christ. In fact sacrificing for salvation seems very unrewarding to atheists. What is Salvation and why is it needed?
People are born, live and die. There is a rhythm and through learning and studying the past we create opportunity to maximise what we get from our life. But the concept of sin is personal, not generational. It involves a relationship with God. Sin is a rejection of God. There are many ways to do it. Not praising God for blessings, cursing God for trials, not tithing, not helping friends, family or strangers. Not involving God in your life. Over the years, outsiders have developed memes related to sin. They conflate nature with God and refer to sins against nature. It is puzzling why anyone would need salvation when nature can be so forgiving for sins against her. Worse still, Christians have joined the debate and have begun referring to sins against nature too.

But salvation, as offered through the death of Jesus on the cross, and his resurrection, are for sins against God, not nature.

The person who becomes aware of their sin, and their need for salvation has not made a choice, but received the Holy Spirit. If the awareness is not there, they have not received the Holy Spirit. But they need to hear the word of God and they need to hear of their salvation and that happens when the word is preached. Then they can walk with the spirit and have their heart become aware of the Holy Spirit.

What a person says does not mean their heart is convicted. But a heart that is aware that it needs salvation, is a heart that is ready for it. And God has given it. And if you are saved, and hold to the Lord, He will never let you go.

The eleventh one, Who Jesus is.
About Jesus
From July:History of the World in a Year by the Conservative Voice
The real story of Jesus is confronting. Born 2000 years ago to Joseph and Mary, first cousins and descendants of King David. Mary was the mother. Not married when Jesus was conceived. Close family to John the Baptist's parents, Jesus was a few months younger than John. Jesus' early years were in Egypt. but he was still a child when he returned home near Jerusalem. Jesus grew up and left home, finding and leading some disciples. He was baptised by John. He was loved by God. He sacrificed himself so that God could get close to us. He rose from the dead and has given the Holy Spirit for us to call on him, so that we can be close to God.

Many say they do not believe in Jesus. They don't believe he existed. They don't believe he was God. They don't believe he returned from the dead. They don't believe he did other miracles. They don't believe he died for our sin.

We know Jesus was real because people who knew him testified both for and against him. People who researched his life soon after his death agreed about his journey in life. It is likely the Shroud of Turin has his image.

We know Jesus was God by his actions, signs and miracles which were prophesied in scripture and fulfilled by him. He fed the starving, healed the sick, knew the Law and loved God. He walked on water, calmed storms, turned water into wine and taught with authority. Demons testified he was Lord.

We know about the crucifixion and resurrection because his enemies admitted they crucified him and that he was resurrected. The high priest of the day was buried with a crucifixion nail. Taking his 'secret' to the grave. One enemy, Saul, was converted and became an author of much of the new testament.

Thanks to the Holy Spirit, we can know God personally. Thanks to Jesus. Read his word in the Bible, and learn the sound of his voice. He can talk to you. Everyone has needs. Jesus can satisfy you. He died and rose again so you might know Him.

The twelfth one, Jonah and Jesus
My first sermon: Jesus and Jonah May 30th 2012
I was raised as an atheist and the myth of Jonah and the whale as written in the Bible seemed absurd to me. I did not understand or respect the idea of prophecy. Even now I don't feel I understand it and I have been a Christian since I was 18, twenty seven years ago. Jonah was ordered by God to spread the word to his people's enemies? What god would do that? And so those enemies conquered the Jewish peoples. That seemed like an own goal. And also Jonah is swallowed by a whale? Spat out on land? A crew drew lots and the Jewish guy is thrown overboard. It sounds made up.
I have heard sermons on Jonah. One sermon noted that Jonah was not swallowed by a whale, according to the Bible, but a fish. Whales are mammals and fish are not. But fundamental to the Bible, and oblivious to those who feel evolutionary theory somehow disproves the Bible, is that the Bible is the word of God, compiled from the writings of inspired people. Their understandings are not those of us today. They did not write about sea creatures with an understanding of the distinction between mammals and fish. They did not know what a whale was. It doesn't add to the story, it still sounds ridiculous. One 19th century scientist decided it wasn't a whale which swallowed Jonah, as that was biologically too hard .. but possibly a great white shark. Some Great White Sharks have been found with whole bodies. And still the story sounds silly.

Assume for a moment there was a person named Jonah who preached to those in Ninevah and secured their temporary devotion to God so that Jerusalem was sacked. What does the fish swallowing aspect mean? Without witnesses to the event, in the modern sense, could the writers of the day be referring to a person who survived at sea and ended on shore? And not even Jonah would have known precisely how he survived. That would make sense with someone with modern sensibilities and the Bible would not have a single word changed or inferred. But maybe God summoned a big fish which swallowed Jonah.

The story of Jonah was powerful and put into perspective why God trashed the promised land he had given his people. But the story of Jonah includes that interlude where he is swallowed by a great fish. Its interpretation is vague and challenging for the modern believer. And there is more. Jesus referred to Jonah's time in the great fish. Unlike Jonah, Jesus's death and resurrection is public. There are witnesses and eyewitness accounts that puts what Jesus did beyond doubt. Jesus died after being crucified. Jesus rose from the dead. Put in its proper perspective, why doubt the element of the story of Jonah and the fish?

In isolation, these acts of God seem strange. Why must Jonah be captured for three days and nights outside of mortal boundary? Why would Jesus copy it? It seems strange that Jesus would steal the story and change it for his own end. More likely, Jesus copied that story. What needs to be remembered is that God has authority .. but that his people don't always know or understand what he is telling them. Jonah's claim would not be so profound if the Assyrians didn't trash Israel. Jesus' sacrifice would not have been so meaningful had he not risen after. Jonah did not respond well to God's call. Jesus' disciples didn't understand what Jesus was telling them. There is considerable evidence that the disciples were trying to get Jesus to lead an army and assume power. And so Judas leads Jesus' enemies to him. Peter no longer feels safe in his presence, and acts as if the crucifixion is a loss.

Jonah was right to swing the Assyrians into faith in God. Jesus' crucifixion was a crushing victory. But popular feeling didn't colour it that way. And both of these acts are coloured by the miracle three days. Jesus at Gethsemane prays to God that he might find an alternative to his path. He accepts there is no alternative and approaches his mission with great dignity. He doesn't defend himself and doesn't provoke. He is beaten severely, but still has the presence of mind to share a moment with Peter. Naked and beaten, on the cross, Jesus is thirsty, and to humiliate him further, some legionaries give him a vinegar soaked sponge, much like those used in ancient toiletry practise to clean a bottom, lifted on high to his lips. It isn't Romans responsible for Jesus' death, nor Jews. It is the world. An echo of Jonah being dumped at sea by lot. The world prosecutes it's authority with zeal. Who can survive in opposition to the world?

Jesus dies and crushingly, to the devil, rises. Jesus opposed the world, and although the world had no right to kill Jesus .. he was innocent of the charges he was condemned for. Jesus is killed. Jonah tries to follow the world, fleeing God. But he is in opposition God and so he is swallowed by the fish. Jonah spends his time fasting and praying in the belly of the fish. He repents, and sets about doing God's bidding .. resentfully. Jesus is aware of God's purpose. Jonah is not. Jesus is separated from God by the sin of man, not by his own doing.

It seems that the disciples did not understand what Jesus was about, and so he shared his common currency with Jonah. How are the disciples to understand what Jesus meant? Did Jesus mean he was going to preach to heathen and so bring them around from their opposition to God? Was he to be swallowed by a fish? Jesus' resurrection answers the questions of his surviving disciples. And so early Christians adopted the fish symbol. It suggests the resurrection and did so some 800 years prior to Jesus' birth. Today, there is debate as to what happened to Jonah. Was he swallowed by a fish? Did he die? Was he raised from death to serve God's will? Or was he merely sick and delusional? Whatever happened to Jonah, it was God's will and great things resulted. When the devil had corrupted Jewish kings and their people's faith, Jonah, as God's instrument, inflamed the faith of others and so saved Israel from ignominious opposition to God. But the story shouldn't benefit an Atheist view that God doesn't exist. Because Jesus died and was resurrected. And that is beyond doubt, with numerous eyewitnesses and compelling testimony. And if we accept that Jesus died and rose, then the Bible has validity and currency .. and so we reach the conclusion that Jonah existed and served the Lord. I don't know how God did it, but he has the authority to have done it.
And what of Jesus' mission? was it to be swallowed by hell and spat on the beach of the Kingdom? Or, is that merely a journey, and his mission, like that of Jonah, to convict those in opposition to God for their salvation.

I have prayed to the Lord asking for guidance. I believe Jesus' journey was not symbolic, but purposeful to the end of the salvation of all those who are lost in opposition to God. I believe he wants you to be right with God. He knows who you are. You aren't perfect. But if God looks at you through the cover Jesus gives, God will see you, and not your imperfections. He knows what you do and why. He knows who you are. You don't need to do anything more to be in communion with God. You don't need more money or better clothes. You don't need to be a better person. He calls for you. He loves you. He loved you before you were born. And he made himself in flesh, and burdened himself with your sin. So that he might walk with you and be with you. You need do nothing more, than accept his gift. He calls you. You who have not known his love. You who have rejected him and spat in his face, saying he doesn't exist. But he does. And he loves you. And he calls to you. Don't let pride deny you from your gift. Claim it. Come.

And a thirteenth,  James Branch Cabell's Jurgen exposition

From Jurgen:A Comedie of Justice
From January:History of the World in a Year by the Conservative Voice
I love the book Jurgen: A comedy of justice” it is deep and funny and wise. I don’t subscribe to the protagonists beliefs, Jurgen goes on a journey to do the ‘manly thing’ and win back his wife whom he accidentally wished away. On his journey he seduces Satan’s wife, Guinevere, Helen of Troy, a goddess, a Hamadryad, A Vampiress, and numerous others. All lovingly described .. in the dark .. before making the ultimate discovery. He also meets the God of his grandmother .. and here the writing shows its superiority .. because it describes God’s nature from an antagonists viewpoint .. And how should I know whether or not I speak the truth?” the God asked of him, since I am but the illusion of an old woman, as you have so frequently proved by logic.”

Well, well!” said Jurgen, You may be right in all matters, and certainly I cannot presume to say You are wrong: but still, at the same time--! No, even now I do not quite believe in You.

Who could expect it of a clever fellow, who sees so clearly through the illusions of old women?” the God asked, a little wearily.

And Jurgen answered: God of my grandmother, I cannot quite believe in You, and Your doings as they are recorded I find incoherent and a little droll. But I am glad the affair has been so arranged that You may always now be real to brave and gentle persons who have believed in and have worshipped and have loved You. To have disappointed them would have been unfair: and it is right that before the faith they had in You not even Koshchei who made things as they are was able to be reasonable.

God of my grandmother, I cannot quite believe in You; but remem- bering the sum of love and faith that has been given You, I tremble. I think of the dear people whose living was confident and glad because of their faith in You: I think of them, and in my heart contends a blind contrition, and a yearning, and an enviousness, and yet a tender sort of amusement colours all. Oh, God, there was never any other deity who had such dear worshippers as You have had, and You should be very proud of them.

God of my grandmother, I cannot quite believe in You, yet I am not as those who would come peering at You reasonably. I, Jurgen, see You only through a mist of tears. For You were loved by those whom I loved greatly very long ago: and when I look at You it is Your worshippers and the dear believers of old that I remember. And it seems to me that dates and manuscripts and the opinions of learned persons are very trifling things beside what I remember, and what I envy!” “Who could have expected such a monstrous clever fellow ever to envy the illusions of old women?” the God of Jurgen’s grandmother asked again: and yet His countenance was not unfriendly.

Why, but,” said Jurgen, on a sudden, why, but my grandmother--in a way--was right about Heaven and about You also. For certainly You seem to exist, and to reign in just such estate as she described. And yet, according to Your latest revelation, I too was right--in a way--about these things being an old woman’s delusions. I wonder now--?

Yes, Jurgen?

Why, I wonder if everything is right, in a way? I wonder if that is the large secret of everything? It would not be a bad solution, sir,” said Jurgen, meditatively.

The God smiled. Then suddenly that part of Heaven was vacant, except for Jurgen, who stood there quite alone. And before him was the throne of the vanished God and the sceptre of the God, and Jurgen saw that the seven spots upon the great book were of red sealing-wax.

Jurgen was afraid: but he was particularly appalled by his conscious- ness that he was not going to falter.
What, you who have been duke and prince and king and emperor and pope! and do such dignities content a Jurgen? Why, not at all,” says Jurgen.

So Jurgen ascended the throne of Heaven, and sat beneath that wondrous rainbow: and in his lap now was the book, and in his hand was the sceptre, of the God of Jurgen’s grandmother. Jurgen sat thus, for a long while regarding the bright vacant courts of Heaven.
And what will you do now?” says Jurgen, aloud. Oh, fretful little Jurgen, you that have complained because you had not your desire, you are omnipotent over Earth and all the affairs of men. What now is your desire?” And sitting thus terribly enthroned, the heart of Jurgen was as lead within him, and he felt old and very tired. For I do not know. Oh, nothing can help me, for I do not know what thing it is that I desire! And this book and this sceptre and this throne avail me nothing at all, and nothing can ever avail me: for I am Jurgen who seeks he knows not what.”

So Jurgen shrugged, and climbed down from the throne of the God, and wandering at adventure, came presently to four archangels.

They were seated upon a fleecy cloud, and they were eating milk and honey from gold porringers: and of these radiant beings Jurgen inquired the quickest way out of Heaven. For hereabouts are none of my illusions,” said Jurgen, and I must now return to such illusions as are congenial. One must believe in something. And all that I have seen in Heaven I have admired and envied, but in none of these things could I believe, and with none of these things could I be satisfied. And while I think of it, I wonder now if any of you gentlemen can give me news of that Lisa who used to be my wife?”
He described her; and they regarded him with compassion.

But these archangels, he found, had never heard of Lisa, and they assured him there was no such person in Heaven. For Steinvor had died when Jurgen was a boy, and so she had never seen Lisa; and in consequence, had not thought about Lisa one way or the other, when Steinvor outlined her notions to Koshchei who made things as they are.

Now Jurgen discovered, too, that, when his eyes first met the eyes of the God of Jurgen’s grandmother, Jurgen had stayed motionless for thirty-seven days, forgetful of everything save that the God of his grandmother was love.

Nobody else has willingly turned away so soon,” Zachariel told him: and we think that your insensibility is due to some evil virtue in the glittering garment which you are wearing, and of which the like was never seen in Heaven.

I did but search for justice,” Jurgen said: and I could not find it in the eyes of your God, but only love and such forgiveness as troubled me.”

Because of that should you rejoice,” the four archangels said; and so should all that lives rejoice: and more particularly should we rejoice that dwell in Heaven, and hourly praise our Lord God’s negligence of justice, whereby we are permitted to enter into this place.”
I keep coming back to this writing. When I first read it, 1992, I was a young Christian and had been handed it by a committed atheist. I was impressed with the art, but not the theology. It puzzled me why I had ever been an atheist and had fallen for the arguments like what Cabell seems to have stumbled on.

Years later, I tried to show the book to my dad, whom I’d always known to be an atheist. He told me his father had tried to share it with him too. He didn’t read it, but returned the copy I had given him. A decade later, he died. I was estranged from him most of my life, and at the time of his death. Recently, I reread this book. And still this passage stands out for me. And thanks to the internet I can post it here. But thanks to God, I can prayerfully read this work, and it enriches my life. I am not turning away from my God, as when I weaken, he holds me tighter, with love.

About James Branch Cabell
From February:History of the World in a Year by the Conservative Voice
Cabell has drawn on many myths and legends for his fantasy. Putting aside his magic coat and Kochei the creator, issues, it is worth looking at his Christian theology implicit to the excerpt. It is worth noting that sincere, faithful Christians have some strange ideas about God which aren't part of the bible. But it is worth noting that Christians don't have to be right or smart to be saved. It may not seem just, but God has forgiven all, and all who know him and hold to him will be saved.
Christians want to know God and they study his word so that they can know him better. But sometimes we don't actually learn, but navel gaze, and forget the purpose of our study. Sometimes knowing God seems like unwanted effort and a back door to heaven is desired. A structure is created which explains heaven and so rules are inferred which mean God would have to let people in for following those rules. But that is fallacious. The only way to heaven is to know God. And yet people can foolishly embrace falsehoods and yet be saved. One reason as to why the only way to heaven is through Christ is that heaven is close to God and if you want to be close, you have to be .. close. And those that are close to God are humble. Because God is very big. and those who are aware of Him know the disparity of size.

Cabell writes about a throne and sceptre, objects of power. All Jurgen need do is wield these items to be like God, and have powers. But that is not the relationship God has with creation. There is no such chair or sceptre. And our relationship with God is different. He loves each of us and wants us, desires us, to know him. He wants us to thank him and worship him. He wants us to call to him in times of need. Not because he tortures us, but because it brings us closer. The good father loves their child and dotes on them, holding them and lovingly calling their name to him. And so the ties of father and child is close and become closer. Just as God wants.

There is an offshoot of an unanswered letter from a pastor.
I recently heard a very good talk on the issue of the trinity and I had some thoughts I wished to share but didn't wish to raise at the talk/church bible study because it might appear argumentative. I want to know if I'm on the right track .. and to be oriented better if I'm not .. so please, I delight in being wrong, it teaches me. My name is David Ball and I attend the JFC at Cabramatta and Pastor DD is a friend of mine. My first blush reaction to the academic argument regarding John's Gospel is to throw up my hands and say it isn't that hard. Putting words into the writer’s mouth is not befitting of the learner, but instructor. In many ways, the gospels are only a reflection of how they are read and it is dangerous to overstate what is apparent, just as it is a delight to know my Lord by what he shows of himself with his word. I want to know more, but I don't want to try hard to know it. But I know I must persevere. Many things are discovered and only by discussing them are they remembered, and if we don't, then, we risk missing out with faulty tools. My second thought is to do with biblical construction. It was written, but the writers were aware of earlier writings. So in Exodus we see Zipporah and Moses and the importance of circumcision. But the event, although described, is not described perfectly well for those who weren't there. I believe that later old testament writers were frustrated by the opaqueness of the text, and took steps to be more explicit. So we see Ezekiel disputing with God how he will cook his food. New testament writers were also aware of the need for transparency, and clearly wrote as plainly as they could, not being raised in academic traditions generally, except for Paul, and a few others. I get the impression that people like John wrote his gospel as he spoke aloud, probably having discussed the issues many times and sermonised many times before writing it many years later. And so I feel that his words are both deliberate and accidental, related to customary usage mixing with unusual ideas the language had not developed to support. I don't see the testimony as being sufficient to know all of God, but an imperfect reflection allowing us to walk with Him and learn from Him. But John knew Jesus and faithfully shared what he knew. The distinctions drawn regarding omniscience, omnipotence, etc seem to me to be imposed constructions related to Greek learning and relevant to things like Physics, but not relevant to understanding God. The Bible, seems to me, to be much easier to read without the imposition of such terms. I have no doubt that Trinity, composed of the five points .. There is only one God. God the father. Jesus is God. The Holy Spirit is God. and that other one I forgot to note, is the case. But is it really such a stumbling block to understanding the text?
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Nascent ideas
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Our hope is not in Job, but in reading Job, we may find hope in Him. He is not the author of our affliction, but our salvation. Or read of Daniel. Daniel cannot save you. But Daniel saw what afflicts you, and how He will save you. As terrible as things are now, most of the perceived problems will disappear November 4th, after the November 3rd US Presidential election. Not because He is temporising, but because the shadows cast upon you will have to hide in the shade.
Mark Rogers David Daniel Ball I have no idea what you are talking about!!😳🥴
Just riffing off your excellent sermon. And off the famous speech of FDR of nothing to fear but fear itself. We must turn to the word of God in our hope and as our comfort. Times will never look good, I find, and it is always a good time to turn to the Lord. But when people read the Bible who do not yet know the Lord, they aren't reading the word, but words. I find it important to pray before bible reading for myself, because I tend to get lost in myself if I'm not walking with Him.
Convicted by jargon or convicted by faith? What about those who did not understand? A lousy preacher may still inspire servants for Christ. Is it a good preacher who turns away those who don't follow? Does anyone else not see how much this video is a shutdown of dialog, explaining nothing? You, who have the gift of eternal life, whose heart is with Christ and who knows the wrongs you have done, but still wishes to serve Christ, are you really satisfied with this? Maybe I can answer your questions here?

This takedown is based on scripture and has been well researched by Reformed Christian Voice Radio. It does them very little credit, however, and fails to bring glory to God. Osteen is a frail vessel, and he admits as much. His failure to engage in politics is not something of religious significance. Now point to me a better preacher who is faithful to God. Please don't use those who are behind this video, they judge others, not prayerfully, but with the arrogance of ones who know scripture and twist it to their ends, as Pharisees once did. Were Pharisees wrong in denouncing Jesus? In claiming high authority, was not Jesus deserving of death for his blasphemy? And didn't that trap the devil too? God has won the fight, the future of the devil is a black pit, eternal separation from God. It is not our job to fight the devil, but resist it, and hold to the Lord. Be righteous, but admit your mistakes. Whose job is it to look for it in others? Osteen's message is not perfect, but it is rooted in faith in Jesus. The criticism of him, however, is rooted in a fight against the Devil we are not called to do.

I was curious to know what the current popular idea was concerning “apostles” in the Church. My curiosity was piqued by the number of African Pastors I see online calling themselves “Apostles”. I have always believed that there are only 13 Apostles: the 12 who walked with Christ plus Paul.
So, I Googled “Are there only 12 Apostles?”
Here’s the answer I received:
“Nowadays, there are only 8 apostles left, with others slowly cutting down further and further until there will be none.”
I thought “Whaaat??!!!”
What are they talking about?
Then it dawned on me that they were talking about the “12 Apostles” off the South East Coast of Australia, a deteriorating natural rock formation standing in the Tasman Sea!! There are now only eight of these eroding stony pillars remaining of the original 12

Words sometimes mean something different to the hearer than what the speaker intends. What we say is not always clear to the person who hears.

“Yet, God has spoken to us clearly in the words and the Person of Jesus Christ His Son. To the one who is prepared to truly listen and hear the Truth, it is clear”. (Hebrews 1:1-4)

As for those false apostles that promote themselves today, there were no true apostles after that original generation of eyewitnesses who had walked with Lord plus Paul who describes himself as “one born out of time”. (1 Cor.15:8)

Anyone else claiming to be an Apostle today is a fake.
We live in a generation where people will fall for anything. Devoid of scruples, they suck up every new idea without question.

We must hold everything up to the Light of Scripture. When we do this, many precious ideas will crumble into the sea.

Hold onto the Truth. Cast off the lies.

Mark R. 20/10/2020

People call themselves many things. I pay little notice. Along with Apostles there are disciples and there is overlap between the two. So, putting definitions aside, what were the Apostles of the early church and how were they bestowed with such an epithet? Our current reading of the word stems from 16th century French for missionary. The older latinate, referring to epistles, relates to messengers, probably of the Word. I'd argue Apostles includes Mathew, Mark, Luke, John and Paul and the one who wrote Hebrews, Timothy, James etc. But what I say means little. I believe the Lord will look at my heart, covered with Jesus's blood come judgement, and it matters nothing to me that I'm not called apostle. I've known impressive messengers who might have called themselves Apostles of the New Life Church I attended, which is evangelical Christian and they would have pointed to Jesus and been witness to Him, not summoning arcane powers. Is it an issue in your church organisation? Are you worried about the organisation of other churches? Or, are you just concerned that false teachers are overstating things? For me, the latter is a persistent issue and we should police that. Thank you for the question.
I welcome any suggestions for topics in future releases
About the Righteous and the Wise

People mistake Righteousness, they confuse it with being right. But the righteous may well overturn conventional thinking and do what is thought to be wrong. Embrace the Lord, serve Him and you won't go wrong, but you may be denounced by those pharisees who claim the moral high ground. A good example is Jesus overturning trade tables in the Temple. Let me give some secular examples that appear to contradict. There was a policy involving nuclear weapons called MAD, for mutually assured destruction. Should our enemies use nuclear bombs on us, we would use it on them. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, President Bill Clinton re imagined the policy to be the US would use nuclear bombs even if chemical or biological weapons were deployed. However, that is yet to be the case. Even post Wuhan. 

How does an individual Christian, unrelated to any chain of command, respond to that MAD policy? Some have opposed the idea of nuclear weapons. The reasoning being that God told us to multiply, not to exterminate. But then the peace movement had been led by the former Soviet Union to oppose US interests, including defence. MAD policy may well have prevented world war, as with the Cuban Missile crisis. 

How does a Christian respond on the issue of nuclear generated power? It is true that coal is still cheaper and more efficient and also provides abundant plant food. Yet, safe modern nuclear power stations are an essential part of any mix with modern industry in the US and Europe .. and Asia. Yet self proclaimed environmentalists, formerly led by the Soviets, and NAZI Germany before them, oppose nuclear power. Unless it is oil rich Iran. And on this issue, many individual Christians act righteously, but in ignorance of wisdom, cause or effect. 

Did God call on His people to abandon security and bankrupt themselves so non believers can prosper? 

What of Wisdom? Wisest of all men was Solomon, who built the temple, and sadly was led astray by hundreds off wives and concubines. Solomon short changed himself. Had Solomon had one spouse, whom he loved. Whom he nurtured. Whom he looked to as an equal in partnership with raising his children. But, there is risk when investing in one person. We die. And, so the Taj Mahal majestically stands as testimony to loss. Or another monument builder, King Herod, misunderstood what nurturing meant. The Pharisees in Jesus' day showed righteousness in opposition to wisdom. They were right to test faith. But they wrongly relied on their tests. 

Proverbs was nearly left out of the bible, because some of them are in opposition to others. Wisdom is like that. 

This is from the sayings of the wise in the book of Proverbs.

Saying 17
Listen to your father, who gave you life,
and do not despise your mother when she is old.
Buy the truth and do not sell it—
wisdom, instruction and insight as well.
The father of a righteous child has great joy;
a man who fathers a wise son rejoices in him.
May your father and mother rejoice;
may she who gave you birth be joyful!
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