The two major parties involved are Liberal (Lib) and Australian Labor Party (ALP). Lib is led by Matthew Guy, the current opposition leader. ALP is led by Dan Andrews, the current Premier. Before canvassing issues, I wish to point out that ALP are not providing choice to Victorians, and that Liberals are the only viable option for responsible government.
The National party is in coalition with the Liberal party. The Greens claim more independence from ALP, but act as a further left wing coalition party. There are lots of independents, generally all of which will endorse the ALP in minority government. Some exceptions might be Conservatives (Corey Bernardi), ALA, One Nation, and others. None of them have a history of supporting conservative government.
Matthew Guy has been exemplary with his disciplined campaign. He has released policy and planning documents which have involved the population. Over the last two years I have been involved in a large number of events run by the Liberals, discussing planning, population growth, infrastructure, public transport, small business needs, responses to crime, community needs. I have approached the ALP on all those issues and more without response.
Dan Andrews has abrogated responsibility on every single issue. Andrews lied before the last election about Skyrail, About roads, about policing, about schooling, about hospitals, about emergency services, about CFA.
My introduction to Victoria involved moving into share accommodation in Hallam. It was my bad luck to share with a group of males who were Afghan, or one Ice addict who wasn't. Over Easter, 2016, my good Afghan flatmates were off celebrating the Afghan New Year while the Ice Addict decided he would kill me. Over ten hours on Easter Friday, the Ice addict, who was also a registered sex offender, broke my door securing my share accommodation, while brandishing large kitchen knives and calling out threats. I recorded some of it. My Afghan landlord waited outside for police to come (Afghan's are people I respect). When emergency police came ten hours after being first called (about 6am) the officer asked me why I'd kept calling them throughout the evening when the Ice addict had not killed me in the first hour? My premises were unsecured and the police could not arrest the belligerent but counselled me to find my own accommodation until I could secure a court order. Courts had closed for Easter. I turned to my local member, Gabrielle Williams, who was overseas on study tour. Her office would not help, but told me not to turn to my federal member, ALP's shadow attorney general, as he was too busy too.
I was subsequently blessed to be offered accommodation with former Vietnamese refugees. That family show me the spirit of what made Victoria, and Australia great. I'm a high school trained Math teacher, and it is a real privilege to work with younger children as that family has allowed me to. I came to Victoria to find work. However, the Victoria Institute of Teaching and Victorian schools are generally not interested in me. They would rather have children, in the playground, unsupervised, during math lessons, than, hire me. I work for beneath award pay at tutoring colleges that are close to home, but take me two hours each way to get to because public transport is that bad.
Meanwhile, a local council will throw their hands up if an elderly lady tells them a tree is growing in her bedroom. Luckily, a Liberal member was able to intercede and get the council to remove the tree. One does not know what Andrews would do if motivated. Euthanasia? Andrews has that legislation in train thanks to his keeping parliament open this Easter past.
Andrews government has blown up a coal fired power station and prevented gas works because of his belief in AGW hysteria. It is driving up the cost of power while promoting the use of wasteful windmills and solar power solutions that harm the environment. Andrews declined to tunnel more deeply at Yarra, so as to stay on budget, but then went over budget anyway as well as ruining the environment, digging up trees, redirecting traffic and so on. A deeper tunnel would have been cheaper than what is currently being done, and would have meant the trees could stay and the road would not have to be dug up. The claim is Andrews is removing level crossings, but by lifting trains into the air, instead of tunnels, Andrews is wasting, not spending infrastructure money, as it will need to be spent again to fix. A major freight corridor has been ruined going into Melbourne, and prices will have to go up for the extra cost. Population has not been planned, and inappropriate development is ruining the city.
In the country, people who can use skills are restricted from it, even if it could save their lives. A former road labourer who has skills that could pave a road adjacent to his working farm is not allowed to by council, as it would void insurance. Only accidents are more likely on badly maintained roads. A dust storm resulted in people dying because Andrews infrastructure was run down. A man is stabbed to death by a terrorist on bail. Schools promote gender bullying among their youngest students who are largely disinterested in the issues. The Roads minister can approve of political signage posted in his neighbourhood by his fellow ALP members, and stands by, while his own mother calls out baseless Nazi slurs on his opponent.
Media are claiming Guy is invisible while they look to amp up hysteria over any perceived gaff. Guy has been magnificently disciplined and his team have been ably supportive. The Liberals are competent and ready for government.
The ALP have been corrupt. The Red shirts issue has not disappeared. But the ALP members have disappeared as questions are raised about their theft of Electoral office resources. Some ALP members were not involved with the theft. Why?
Saturday, November 17, 2018
Friday, November 02, 2018
How the left argue, on my praise for IPA
I left praise on the Institute for Public Affairs site. Some left wing advocates felt they'd disagree. Watch their arguments.
I love the IPA. Deep thoughts. Great discussion. A think tank that has existed for more than 50 years and consistently delivered.
Non-profit organisation · 14,542 Likes
JF IPA are the inheritors of fascism.
David Daniel Ball Can you substantiate your claim?
David Daniel Ball Thank you for providing your insight. You are offended by hyperbole regarding a left wing dictatorship which was overthrown. And you translate that to mean everyone in IPA is fascist.
LU David Daniel Ball That's because they are fascists.
David Daniel Ball fascinating argument you make.
LU Yet you can't refute it?
David Daniel Ball Well, you've not substantiated it. Your opinion is your own, but if you can't say why you hold it, it doesn't sway arguments. Let me know when you find IPA members buying third reich memorabilia as the ALP member for Narellan North is rumoured to have done.
LU David Daniel Ball Is purchasing memorabilia illegal, David? Speaking of Nazis, I watched a programme on the Nazis last night which reminded me that the lead up to the horror that happened was very similar to what's happening now in Australia and in the US, and to a lesser degree elsewhere. the IPA are behind this, particularly the devaluing of honest work. The lies, the distortions the blaming of the poor when the rich are the biggest rorters of taxpayer money of all. The funnelling upwards of our money to the already wealthy, the stealing of the common wealth which belongs to us all.
David Daniel Ball Your substance is to apologise for hate crime?
LU David Daniel Ball Where did you get that idea? 🙄
David Daniel Ball you wrote about something not being illegal
JB David Daniel Ball 🤔🙄🤨😐😑😏😣
JF David Daniel Ball In the early 1940s, former Collins House executive and Mussolini admirer
Herbert Gepp (l.) deployed his assistant, C.D. Kemp (r.), to help
set up the Big Business front, the Institute for Public Affairs. The IPA. So clearly the founder of the IPA was a admirer of fascism. In Victoria, Sir Herbert Gepp,
an intimate collaborator of Collins
House financier W.S. Baillieu for
over two decades, took the point
on creating this new vehicle, soon
to be known as the Institute for
Public Affairs. Its secretary and
chief organiser would be his own
personal assistant at Australian Paper
Manufacturers for the previous
seven years, C.D. Kemp.
Back in the early 1930s, Gepp
had called for a fascist-style corporativist
“parliament of industry”,
where “the office boy could meet
with the Chairman of the Board and
together they could solve industrial
and political problems.” In
such a utopian fascist parliament,
as in Mussolini’s Italy.
JF Clearly the IPA was formed on fascist Ideals.
JF Shocking that the IPA was formed by a admire of fascism the truth can always be found no matter how they try yo hide it.No doubt they would like to use slave Labor like the extreme right used in the war if they could get away with it please share widely.
JB JF Will do, thanks John.
David Daniel Ball Thanks for the substance. Let me address it when I’m home in a few hours
David Daniel Ball Wow, John, you have original research you can put on Wikipedia .. no mention of your fascist denunciations, and Wikipedia usually loves to dog whistle conservatives ..
David Daniel Ball Wait, you are quoting this guy?
David Daniel Ball Have you considered that that is not an independent voice?
Read David Daniel Ball's answer to Why do left wing advocates argue badly? on Quora
Read David Daniel Ball's answer to Why do left wing advocates argue badly? on Quora
Thursday, November 01, 2018
When did the myth of Anthropogenic Global warming arise?
Before AGW became an issue, the prevalent fear was ‘nuclear winter’ from a holocaust of nuclear reprisal resulting in substantial ground dust being thrown into the atmosphere, obscuring the sun. It was ‘reported’ particulate matter from industry was doing that anyway. Environmental awareness was driven in part by Saul Alinskywho used community organising to exploit and expand ghettos.
Hillary Clinton learned a lot of her activism from Rules for Radicals, but it was not Hillary who was behind the shift from Global Cooling to the hysteria of AGW, but former Vice President Al Gore. In running for President in 2000, Gore had needed an agenda to galvanise the public over a policy platform. The world had not been cooling, so the flip side became politically something worth putting political capital into. The Information Superhighway campaign in which Gore was alleged to have started the internet tanked. The election campaign had been nearly successful, Gore did not achieve sufficient electoral college votes and proceeded to do what Nixon had not in 1960, disputing the result and dividing the nation.
The world’s weather climate is changing. The world has been heating since the end of the last ice age. The sea levels have been rising since. However, it has not been science which has underpinned AGW response in politics, but hysteria. Carbon Dioxide has been blamed, when it is a trace element that is an important source of plant food. Figures have been falsified by scientific authorities, for example Russia once reported her territory was hotter than all other northern placed states. Historical records have been falsified. Historical events have been overstated, with earthquakes fingered as evidence of AGW.
Sea levels have not risen as much in recent years as they had a hundred years ago. It is evident that the world is not heating commensurate with CO2 output. China is building Islands in the south China seas. Windmills have been inefficient at producing electricity, but efficient at killing birds of all species. Electric cars with a bigger environmental footprint than a six cylinder are promoted as environmentally aware.
The Myth became a global issue in 1998.
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