Friday, February 29, 2008

Korean Beyonce Sexy Dance (Rihanna Let Me)

Kim Ok-bin (born in 1986) named the Korean Beyonce due to her dance skills is an actress and model who was voted Hottie of the year 2006 by M-net. When she won the honor of being the co-host for the annual M-net music festival, as a Lady, she was supposed to do something that is intended to warm up the audience. While supporting her, M-net put some of her moves on the air to help promote the festival. After the dance there is a 'making of' where you get to see her close-up.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Picking Cotton, The Nicola Cotton Story

Police Officer Nicola Cotton
New Orleans Police Department
End of Watch: Monday, January 28, 2008

Biographical Info
Age: 24
Tour of Duty: 2 years
Badge Number: 1869

Incident Details
Cause of Death: Gunfire
Date of Incident: Monday, January 28, 2008
Weapon Used: Officer's handgun
Suspect Info: Apprehended
0:00 / 0:00

15 seconds

15 seconds

Officer Nicola Cotton was shot and killed while attempting to arrest a rape suspect in a parking lot off of Earhart Boulevard.

As she attempted to put a handcuff on the man, who was twice her size, he pulled away and began to struggle. During the struggle she lost control of her radio, but was able to recover it and called for assistance. As the struggle continued the suspect gained control of Officer Cotton's baton, and struck her with it. He was then able to gain control of her duty weapon and shot her fifteen times.

Responding units arrived at the scene approximately two minutes after Officer Cotton was shot and located the suspect still holding her service weapon. He was taken into custody by the responding officers.

Officer Cotton had served with the New Orleans Police Department for two years and was eight weeks pregnant at the time of her murder.
part two deals with Redfern Riots.
part three deals with Macquarie Fields Riots
part four deals with the Cronulla riots
Taps, a month after her death
Bringing up the issue
An early report
Further links to related stories
Redfern Riots
Macquarrie Fields Riots
Cronulla Riots
5T Gang
Jeff Shaw
Tell Us Who She Is
Iemma Gives Up
A Prayer for Police
Another day, Lord to do my work.
Unsure of what lies ahead.
It may hold the chance to help those in need, and that would be my desire.
I pray that you will empower me to be a peacemaker with those I may come in contact with.
To the helpless, may I be a helper.
To the distressed, may I be a comfort.
To those who plan evil may I be a deterrent.
And to those who have carried out their evil plans,
May I be a sword of justice so that they will no longer prey on the weak and hurting.
I humbly ask that you surround me with your angels.
And a wall of fire for protection.
And if, in the course of your plan, I find this day to be my last,
The concern of my life is that you would be a father to my children and a provider to my wife.
In Jesus' name. Amen
0:00 / 0:00

15 seconds

15 seconds
0:00 / 0:00

15 seconds

15 seconds
0:00 / 0:00

15 seconds

15 seconds


Anywhere in the world, these guys have fun.
Meanwhile, in juvenile detention in WA, a 15 yo boy told his 31 yo mother that he had sex while in the detention system. Seeing as his mother had done something similar 16 years before, one might have thought she would have been a bit understanding. But, she probably wants an apology from someone.

TEDTalks: Jennifer Lin (2004) Jennifer Lin is an extraordinary young concert pianist, 14 years old when she appeared at TED. In this performance, she plays Joseph Hoffman's "Kaleidoscope," Robert Schumann's "Abegg Variations" and Jack Fina's "Bumble Boogie," as well as a dazzling improvisation based on a few notes chosen by a well-known audience member (Recorded February 2004 in Monterey, CA. Duration: 24:51)

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

May Wa Leng 2D Animation Demo Reel

May Wa Leng 2D Animation Demo Reel.
Ex-Disney artist, working in Flash animation.
Animation, art, illustration, design.
To view a swf portfolio, feel free to contact me:

In Rudd's Defence

Time to say sorry to gays?, originally uploaded by ddbsweasel.

Mr Bolt time and again acts as an apologist for Rudd. Bolt does not always agree with Rudd, but he excuses Rudd's mistakes by suggesting the Conservatives are insincere, or suggesting Rudd is lying to be clever.
Maybe it is time for Bolt to admit he was wrong to endorse Rudd. Rudd is not, as Bolt claims, an economic conservative. Rudd is demonstrably populist, and beholden to Chinese government bureaucratic technique. Rudd will not make hard decisions, but he will make decisions seem hard.

Chantal Sebire Request To Die

To Die for Chantal Sebire, originally uploaded by ddbsweasel.

The picture, the request and the message are not about dignity, nor about relief of suffering.

Chantal is terminally ill. She will die soon. She has lost her senses of taste, smell and vision.

The tumors in her nose are untreatable. Sometimes, she is in great pain.

So why is she asking the French President to die?

There are a range of treatments available to her. One palliative care technique would have her drugged insensible.

But it isn't about palliative care. This afflicted, unsightly former school teacher is making a political statement. She is asking a question that none would dare ask a left wing statesman.

One cannot help her, physically, but one can pray.


Global Warming Myth Creates Panic

Dying Star, originally uploaded by ddbsweasel.

Biofuel production raises crop prices and threatens the poorest with starvation.

While schools may make 'sacrifices' for global warming, China, the worlds new mega star economy, makes decisions based on its own needs.

Those that got it wrong need to admit it, and allow the public administration to deal with truth.

Rudd Caught behind On Talk Fest

Clarke Bingle, originally uploaded by ddbsweasel.

As Andrew Bolt points out
Rudd wants to select simply the “best and brightest” but also make them “reflect the diversity of the Australian community”, which is another goal completely. After all, the full diversity of our community include babies, criminals, the sick, the insane and the completely indifferent.
Rudd has been caught behind in all of the areas where he promised he had a plan, but failed to outline one in time for the election. But, what of the Opposition, who had plans which worked, and were only narrowly removed from office? A quick turn around to please the antagonistic press? In fact, the conservatives are reflecting the fact that the media driven 'debate' was won by the antagonistic media, and now they have to fight to restore the parity where the decent policy of the past was allowed to work. So, in the short time, border security must fall to inept weak kneed reaction. Budget prudence gives way to ALP trough feeding and service gets rorted to the criminally over indulged.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

ALP and Media Stress Over How Not To Hurt Each Other

Public Transport Stress, originally uploaded by ddbsweasel.

The shortcomings of the ALP, and by extension of the media that allowed them unfettered access to popular power is too obviously exposed to public view.

Journalists who plumped for the ALP are calling themselves dumb.

Hypocrisy is too evident, so that it is commented on, but none have the courage to seriously examine the meaning.

It is common to hear the statement "But no one is any good anyway."


On January 28, 2008 New Orleans Police Officer Nicola Cotton was attempting to arrest a mentally ill man. He killed her.

I'm all dressed again to face a new day
I walk down the hall and stop on the way
I take one last look and straighten my tie
Inspecting myself as I'm passing by

Then at my front door I stop to prepare
With these words to God as I'm kneeling there
"Dear God, send your strength and wisdom my way
Protect me so I will live through this day

Please help me to not be so full of pride
I don't want to lose what I feel inside
Though I wear a badge and carry a gun
I'm really just here to help everyone

It's nice to see smiles on faces each day
But God, when I'm near the smiles go away
I want them to know when I drive around
I'm just only here protecting their ground

I like to have fun and sometimes I cry
I even get lonely and I don't know why
If given the chance I think they would see
There isn't a difference between them and me

I'll never abuse nor will I condemn
This job was MY CHOICE I do it for them
It's trust and respect that makes me succeed
But it MUST be earned before it's received

When I took that OATH my witness was you
Enforcing our laws as I promised to
So just for today please let people see
A person no different when they look at me

I give you my hand for guidance out there
As I pray to you "A POLICEMAN'S PRAYER"


Freda H. Babinski
A documentary on Nicola cotton is being compiled

Moshe Safdie: What makes a building unique? Looking back over a long career, architect Moshe Safdie digs deep into four extraordinary projects to talk about the unique choices he made on each building -- choosing where to build, pulling information from the client, and balancing the needs and the vision behind each project. Sketches, plans and models show how these grand public buildings, museums and memorials, slowly take form.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Pamelia Kurstin: Theremin, the untouchable music Virtuoso Pamelia Kurstin plays and discusses her theremin, the not-just-for-sci-fi electronic instrument that is played without being touched. Songs include the classic "Autumn Leaves," Billy Strayhorn's "Lush Life" and a composition by David Mash, "Listen: the Words Are Gone." Piano: Makoto Ozone

Sunday, February 24, 2008

George Dyson: Let's take a nuclear-powered rocket to Saturn George Dyson tells the amazing story of Project Orion, a massive, nuclear-powered spacecraft that could have taken us to Saturn in five years. With a priceless insider's perspective and a cache of documents, photos and film, Dyson brings this dusty Atomic Age dream to vivid life.

Rudd Struggles Over Burke Faux Pas

Brian Burke, originally uploaded by ddbsweasel.

If Australians don't mind having a PM in the back pocket of a corrupt entrepreneur, then the struggles of Rudd to avoid questions on the Burke issue are in vain.
But Australians probably won't approve when the extent of Rudd's involvement with the former ALP Premier of WA becomes widely known.

Gang Violence And Police

Nicola Cotton shot, originally uploaded by ddbsweasel.

Nicola Cotton was murdered while going about her duty. For some unknown reason, Nicola was tasked to arrest a suspected rapist, alone and unassisted. The suspect got into a fight with Nicola, drew Nicola's sidearm while she was radioing for back up. Nicola was then murdered with her own weapon. Her killer waited for more police to arrive, and was arrested without further incident. Nicola was praised by her superiors for her actions.
The killing of Nicola is a scene from a wider issue. There is a disconnect between police and the public, some of whom no longer view the police as human.
In Australia, assaults on police, and their integrity, are routine. Some riots have been blamed on police actions, including the 2004 Redfern riots and the 2005 Macquarie Fields riots.
It still is an issue, as Victorians have recently shown us.

A documentary on Nicola cotton is being compiled

NSW Health Shame

Reba Meagher came to power on a lie. She was appointed as the anointed ALP member following an affair with a senior ALP member. She misrepresented an opponent's history to claim domestic violence threats had been made against her.
Now, her incompetence rewards NSW with the revelation NSW Health allowed a mentally ill surgeon to continue with his practise years after the authorities knew.
As impressive as Reba Meagher's claims for incompetence are, WA ALP manage to do better.
The state with a 1% sexual assault conviction rape managed to export a rapist to the UK, where he murdered a model. The UK police were not told of the intelligence WA Police had gathered on the person they had extradited.
The then 20 year old victim of the killer, who's DNA has been identified, showing him to be her attacker, bravely took the stand in the UK.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Iemma Pre Judges Pants Dropping Minister 'Safe'

Joe Tripodi, originally uploaded by ddbsweasel.

JOE Tripodi will be dumped from Cabinet next week if ICAC finds he has a case to answer over the appointment of allegedly corrupt Labor party official Joe Scimone to a $200,000-a-year departmental job.

The extraordinary threat delivered yesterday by Premier Morris Iemma, a close friend of Mr Tripodi's, came with a warning to three other ministers that they would also be sacked if found to have been involved improperly with people named in the Wollongong sex scandal.

Health Minister Reba Meagher, Police Minister David Campbell and Tourism Minister Matt Brown have all been put on notice that they would be investigated over any allegations made against them.

Despite his strong rhetoric, Mr Iemma, however, said he believed Mr Tripodi was telling the truth.

"My gut is telling me, about Joe Tripodi, that he is telling the truth, but if he's not, then he's out," he said.
Joe was the Minister who is known to have dropped his pants at a parliamentary party for a Greens candidate.
What are the standards Iemma applies in which to bestow his trust?

Andrew Bolt's corner for comments

Andrew Bolt Still Not Sorry, originally uploaded by ddbsweasel.

India, how free markets can transform beggars into spenders.

Totalitarian lefty demands everyone go to jail to save the planet.

How the left's 'outrageous bias supports Conservatives' is untrue.

How will the NSW Govt end?

Friday, February 22, 2008

Maximum Choppage

Winner of "Best Film" at the 2005 Shortcuts Film Festival

Martial Art/Comedy

"Cabramatta Local Champion", The Champ calls out for fighters in the local area. Henchman Kanh, is ordered to seek out and test potential fighters in which haplessly chosen, is loser Tim. Tim, lured by the prospect of a great amount of prize money, would have to fight his way through Kanh in order to have a final battle with the Champ at the Dragon Champ Dojo.


Tim: Timothy ly
Kanh: David Hoang
The Champ: Brian Lee

Wayne Pham

Directed/edited/choreographed by Timothy Ly

Rumble Pictures ( Formely Rumble Productions )

Scene 1 of 3

Scene 2 of 3

The last scenes

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Sometimes When We Touch (Dan Hill Cover)

Sometimes When We Touch is a Dan Hill number from 1977

My inspiration involves unravelling a dream and saying goodbye.
Many thanks to the brilliant Rumble production team for some of the photos. cf Rumbly

You ask me if I love you
And I choke on my reply
I'd rather hurt you honestly
Than mislead you with a lie
And who am I to judge you
On what you say or do?
I'm only just beginning to see the real you

And sometimes when we touch
The honesty's too much
And I have to close my eyes and hide
I wanna hold you til I die
Til we both break down and cry
I wanna hold you till the fear in me subsides

Romance and all its strategy
Leaves me battling with my pride
But through the insecurity
Some tenderness survives
I'm just another writer
Still trapped within my truth
A hesitant prize fighter
Still trapped within my youth
And sometimes when we touch
The honesty's too much
And I have to close my eyes and hide
I wanna hold you til I die
Til we both break down and cry
I wanna hold you till the fear in me subsides

At times I'd like to break you
And drive you to your knees
At times I'd like to break through
And hold you endlessly

At times I understand you
And I know how hard you've tried
I've watched while love commands you
And I've watched love pass you by
Pit Bull Nailed
At times I think we're drifters
Still searching for a friend
A brother or a sister
But then the passion flares again

And sometimes when we touch
The honesty's too much
And I have to close my eyes and hide
I wanna hold you til I die
Til we both break down and cry
I wanna hold you till the fear in me subsides

New Government Fails To Set Standards

Booze Problem, originally uploaded by ddbsweasel.

The Rudd Government promised it would improve on Mr Howard's very high standards, but it has failed.

"The way question time works is that 50 per cent of the questions are asked of ministers by government backbenchers, written in ministers' offices, and they just berate the Opposition," Mr Downer said on Fairfax Radio Network today.

"And the other 50 per cent of questions are organised by the opposition front bench. So if you are an opposition backbencher you just sit there, you are not able to ... play much of a role in the actual activity of question time."

Mr Downer said the lunch was more enjoyable than listening to Ms Gillard, who has been using an array of props during question time to belittle the former Howard government's Work Choices "propaganda".

"For me, as an opposition backbencher, to spend one afternoon not listening to Julia Gillard's childish ranting and party politicking in an era when (Prime Minister) Mr (Kevin) Rudd promised new standards, on reflection, I think I was better off having lunch with Greg Sheridan," Mr Downer said.

Liberal MP Steven Ciobo said Labor was in no position to criticise parliamentary practice.

The Government's decision to have parliament sit on Fridays without a question time was a huge waste of taxpayers' dollars, he said.

"We've got the Rudd day off on Friday which simply isn't good enough," he said.

"Question time is an important part of the parliamentary process. The fact that we've have got 14 more sitting days without question time really is turning this parliament into a part-time parliament."

Tradie Nails Dog, Awarded Both Ears and Tail

Matador, originally uploaded by ddbsweasel.

A raging Pit Bull ate a kitten and attacked two women before it was shot between the eyes and killed by a builder with a nail gun.

The builder did not take his time and consider his actions, but acted quickly in coming to the aid of the women.

"It wasn't premeditated - it had finished having a go at her and it was trying to bite everyone."

The tradesman, who gave a statement to police, said he regretted the animal's death.
Pit Bull Nailed
He had not spoken to either of the pitbull's victims, but said he believed his decision to kill it was justified.

"I'm not happy that I shot someone's dog but I did what I had to do. Some family members thanked us."

Later, a young woman was seen crying over the animal's remains.

Can Tripodi Be Trusted? Can Iemma?

Sex Scandal Government Risk, originally uploaded by ddbsweasel.

Tripodi was entrusted by a local constituent with a complaint concerning a harassment issue of a senior public servant apparently appointed by Mr Iemma's office and a low level public servant who was aware of a cover up of a bungled pedophile investigation and an accidental death of a child.
The constituent asked Mr Tripodi's office to request the relevant Minister to intercede and reverse a resignation and deal with the issue.
Mr Tripodi and the relevant Minister gave the abused constituent the response that nothing was to be done regarding their issue, but they could contact their abuser to discuss the matter.
Mr Tripodi has lied to parliament. googling Hansard will allow one to see that Tripodi made the claim to have visited Canley Vale HS when he did not. The then Principal was aware of the lie made in Parliament. It wasn't a necessary lie, it was a dumb one, showing that Tripodi is less competent than he claims.
Sex scandal details in comments.

Media Chill in Pakistan

asia chill Global Warming?, originally uploaded by ddbsweasel.

Musharraf is standing up to the media spin, but for how long?
A close presidential ally and PML-Q stalwart, Sheikh Rashid, cited three factors for his party's defeat: a deadly army raid last year at a radical mosque in Islamabad, pro-US policies and inflation.
However, had Musharraf had local allies, and had the Taliban and Al Qaeda not been the threats they are, none of those 'issues' would have impacted.
There is nothing wrong with being an ally of the US in the war on terror. There is something wrong with being allied with Taliban and Al Qaeda. Benazir paid for her early mistake of fostering the Taliban with her life.
How long can media spin support an opposition so beholden to terrorist elements?
Interesting picture re global warming. It has been the coolest February in Sydney for 50 years. That Kyoto agreement must have some magic in its paper .. even though there is more co2 than in '98 ..

Geldof wastes breath praising president

Courier letter stolen gen, originally uploaded by ddbsweasel.

By Andrew Bolt
Bob Geldof is astonished by the media’s refusal to write something good about President George W. Bush:

Mr. Geldof praised Mr. Bush for his work in delivering billions to fight disease and poverty in Africa, and blasted the U.S. press for ignoring the achievement.

Mr. Bush, said Mr. Geldof, “has done more than any other president so far."

Mr. Geldof said that the president has failed “to articulate this to Americans” but said he is also “pissed off” at the press for their failure to report on this good news story.

“You guys didn’t pay attention,” Geldof said to a group of reporters from all the major newspapers.

Not didn’t. Wouldn’t.

ABC's Jon Faine and Leftwing Cleansing

Office Jokes, originally uploaded by ddbsweasel.

What ABC host Jon Faine today claims he said last week:
We were talking about the need for renewal after an election and the need for renewal that all sorts of individuals and particular organisations search for at this time of the year. Here on this radio station and on this radio program - in so far as I have some control - we ae looking for new voices and we say, well, “Who’s had a good run and who can we find that’s new and fresh and different” and we had a conversation about newspapers doing the same thing.
But here’s what Faine said last week:
I want to expand our discussion to another aspect of media which I think is quite intriguing as the Rudd Government is about to start it’s first session in the parliament, and that is whether or not the media needs to go through a bit of a rethink, as it would seem, according to last year’s election, the nation has. Have things moved on and have some of the staples of the media in the Howard era worn out their usefulness as we enter a Rudd era? ... I’m going to talk in particular about columnists… and Bruce you have some notorious ones of your own? Although I’m going to here, stick my neck right out, and say I think The Australian newspaper has perhaps the most loyal band of Howard supporters amongst its current crop of columnists. And you have to wonder how they’re quite going to adjust, and cope, and fit in when the people they are so well connected to, are no longer in office.

BRUCE GUTHRIE (Editor-in-chief of the Herald Sun): Yes, I’d probably take issue with the word notorious Jon, by the way. I’d say notable rather than notorious…

JON FAINE: But it’s more the columnists (on the The Australian), the sort of Christopher Pearson’s and Janet Albrechtsens and Mark Steyn was the American columnist who was used in the paper yesterday and so on. And you think, well, it kind of represents the thinking that’s out of step with the result of the election in a way, some of the material that those people are very much making their own and their own beat.

BRUCE GUTHRIE: I guess it comes down to whether you think newspapers need to be in step with the Government?

JON FAINE: Oh no, not with the Government with the electorates… But within your newspaper, rather than asking you to speculate about other things, within your own newspaper, does the result of the election mean you rethink any of the component parts that make up your weekly diet?…

BRUCE GUTHRIE: I think it’s very, very hard to contribute a column on a weekly basis over a long, long period of time and so we’re forever monitoring that.

JON FAINE: Very interesting, so you’re not going through a cleansing process?

BRUCE GUTHRIE: Definitely not.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Rudd's Australia

Rudd's Australia, originally uploaded by ddbsweasel.

Andrew Bolt pens several articles bagging the Conservatives. He accuses the leadership of whingeing and cringeing. This is really unfair, if you classify Bolt as a conservative, but Bolt is a social conservative and a former ALP scriptwriter. His views are seen through the prism of social ideology. He is clearly embarrassed by the panderings of the ALP to special interests, but it hasn't changed his advocacy.

Meanwhile, as interest rates set to skyrocket on the back of pro inflationary government policy, the press remain committed to their ALP support and proclaim all posts a winner, no matter how dire.

Fidel Leaves Office Musharraf Defeated Terrorist Victory?

Musharraf Defeat, originally uploaded by ddbsweasel.

As Fidel Castro hands the reigns of communist power to his culpable brother, can Cubans see a brighter future? As Musharraf's party is defeated by those courting terrorists, the media label him a dictator.

There is something wrong with a Western Media which is too mired in its support for the left to be able to report objectively.

Musharraf was a dictator. Fidel was ?

Musharraf has made the decision to pass power to another through elections. Fidel Castro has elected to retain it through family.

The electoral defeat of Musharraf's party is no shock. But the anti US media will be celebrating long and hard.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Official Rumble Pictures Website Launch

Rumble Set, originally uploaded by ddbsweasel.

Western Sydney's youth film production house, Rumble Pictures has just launched their official NEW website. Featuring comprehensive information on the crew, the films and the happenings.

They have now released the the synopsis for Maximum Choppage:Round 2

They've released their new films online
- The Maximum Choppage: Round 2 Teaser : Street Fu
- The 1st official Rumble film, the Martial Art/Comedy- Maximum Choppage
- The hit youth event - WestXpress 2
- The Rumble Pictures 2007 showreel

Also check out the new article from their resident writer Michael Huynh

MC2 Teaser 1: Street Fu infomercial

Rob da Fob, two time champion kicking boxing man and recent star of the Martial/Comedy MC2, would like to present to you his new and exciting self defense matial art -- 'Street Fu!'

Rob Da Fob: Robert Trie
Dude: Ryan Peters
Roxy: Roxie Vuong
Tim: Timothy Ly
Interviewer: Julian Chung

Produced by Maria Tran/Timothy Ly

Edited by Rudge Hollis

Sound design by Robert Trieu

Motion design
Johnny Gei Lei

Directed and Written by Timothy Ly

Rumble Pictures

Humiliating Fat Kids To Make Them Thin

FatKids-Poster_LG, originally uploaded by ddbsweasel.

Deakin University population health chair Boyd Swinburn yesterday called for the establishment of an independent organisation to help address the children's health crisis.

He said the body needed to be independent from government, but well-funded so it could properly research how to drum home messages about the importance of diet and exercise.

"It needs to be an organisation that is prepared to take the risks in getting some hard-hitting messages out there," Prof Swinburn said.

"To say: 'Don't drink this stuff because it rots your kid's teeth and makes them fat' - that would be a tough set of messages for a government to put out.

"They might tramp on some commercial toes."

Prof Swinburn said Quit was a good example because its campaigns were supported by government policy, but its actions were out of the hands of politicians.

He said the first Quit ads were "pretty graphic".
Dr House has already tried this in some first season episodes. An alternative, possibly better, would be to support parents that don't know how to raise healthy children, ala Dr Phil. Might be cheaper too, but not as much fun.

Liberal Media Still Savaging Liberal Party

chutzpah, originally uploaded by ddbsweasel.

Four Corners gloats over an election win to the ALP. They 'interview' former ministers who are moving on. Nothing new was said. No report is made on the new direction of the party under the new leadership. No criticism is made of the new administration. The viewing public deserve better journalism.
Media Watch ignores the apology fiasco. Rudd announcing Liberal Leader Brendan Nelson would do things before he alerted Dr Nelson that he was asking him. In front of cameras. Mr Howard never behaved that way with Rudd. Rudd further distinguishes himself by withdrawing that which supports the communities in need. The viewing public deserves better criticism.
Andrew Bolt readers are told of the shortcomings of the new ALP admin, but are gushingly assured that there were weaknesses to the other party, too. readers are told that it doesn't matter how bad the NSW government is, under the ALP, it is fault of the opposition, whom they claim to be unpopular.
It is very hard for a Liberal Party member to be heard, unless they are in some way critical of the Liberal Party. That is because of media bias. The public deserve better from the journalists.

Foxtel and Optus User issues

Foxtel, originally uploaded by ddbsweasel.

Radio 2GB listeners are reporting to the station a substantial number of poor service issues.
Telephone calls not answered. Service requests not filled. Misdirection of complaints and so on.
The issues are substantial.
Eleven years ago, a cable company had been notified that its connection could not be maintained, as the user was changing address to a venue they would not service. The cable company overcharged a month's subscription and refused to pay it back for a year.
The user joined an opposing telco and had similar service issues.

In eleven years, Foxtel and Optus have learned nothing.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Tangled Up Puppet of Harry Chapin

A tribute to love and loss
Tangled Up Puppet is a Harry Chapin Number
I am making some very strong statements with the video, but I'm afraid the statements are compromised by my trying to say too much. Chapin passed away too soon.

I'm a tangled up puppet,
Spinning round in knots,
And the more I see what I used to be,
The less of you I've got.

There was a time that you curled up in my lap; like a child
You'd cling to me smiling, yours eyes wide and wild
Now you slip through my arms, wave a passing hello
Twist away and toss a kiss, laughing as you go

You used to say "Read me a story and sing me songs of love"
For you were Princess Paradise like your wings of a dove
Now I chase you and tease you trying to remake you my own
But you just turn away and say "please leave me alone."

And I'm a tangled up puppet
All hanging in your strings
I'm a butterfly in a spider's web
Fluttering my wings

And the more that I keep dancing
And spinning round in knots
The more I see what I used to be
And the less of you I've got

You are a drawer full of makeup and rinses and things
You keep changing your moods like your earrings and rings
But tonight while we played tag for five minutes in the yard
Just for a moment I caught you off guard
But now you write your secret poems
In a room just for your dreams
You don't find time to talk to me
About the things you mean
And what I mean is--

I have watched you take shape from a jumble of parts
And find the grace and form of a fine work of art
Hey, you, my brand new woman, newly come into your own
Don't you know that you don't need to grow up all alone

Do schools today kill creativity? (Ken Robinson, TEDTalks) A must-see for every parent and teacher. Education guru Sir Ken Robinson makes an entertaining (and profoundly moving) case for creating an education system that nurtures creativity, rather than undermining it. Sir Ken Robinson is author of "Out of Our Minds: Learning to be Creative," and a leading expert on innovation in education and business. (Recorded February, 2006 in Monterey, CA.) More TEDTalks at

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Secrets of success: Passion, persistence, pushy mothers

Happy Birthday Johno! Here is to Thinking Solutions for the economically well endowed. Why do people succeed? An unmissable 3-min. talk from the TED Conference on the real secrets of success (Hint: Passion, persistence, and pushy mothers never hurt) Delivered by Richard St. John (Recorded February 2005 in Monterey, CA. Duration: 3:40) More TEDTalks at

Brian Burke Entangled With Rudd

Brian Burke, originally uploaded by ddbsweasel.

The media, having managed to foist Rudd upon the public as PM, are now nibbling away at his image.
It was known Rudd had had a few lunches with corrupt former WA Premier Brian Burke. It was known Rudd had addressed one of those lunches, although Rudd had claimed to have forgotten. What was not known was that there were saved emails of further correspondence between the two.
As Sydney's Telegraph writer, Glen Milne notes
* Rudd's candour is queried over Burke links
* Source alleges Burke-Rudd email exchange
* Rudd is equivocal on restaurant gathering

Having read the emails, included in comments, it is clear that Rudd held extensive private talks with Burke on his political ambitions and Burke was acting as a facilitator. Clearly Rudd has been dishonest in his description of why he met with Burke and what his intentions were.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Apologies to ..

Five Hundred Miles is from the Kingston Trio
This collage is Acapella and emotive.

It was October when Ben had fronted a local paper hoping his issue would be made public, and those who were responsible for the death of a school boy, and for the bungled pedophile investigation would be held to account through public scrutiny.
The paper hadn’t called Ben, but Ben had called them, to see how their ‘investigation’ was going. They asked him to come and see them at their office.
Ben did so, and kept them appraised of the things he had been doing, including activities unrelated to his issues. He was promoting the work of Vu and Vu’s friends, who did a substantial amount of non profit community work on no budget.
In bringing the issues to the newspaper, Ben had included material about himself, Dee and another girl he had never dated twenty two years before. Ben had included that because the issues he brought forward were serious, and would probably warrant an investigation into his personal life. The information would be humiliating for Ben, but was intended to make it less painful for anyone who Ben called a friend. Including Vu.
The issues that Ben was fielding were so serious that Ben was being smeared, and Ben felt that by releasing the truth early on the smear campaign would be derailed.
The paper decided that the story was unprintable. They claimed they were concerned that they would be sued for printing it. The journalist also asked Ben if he had told Vu everything.

iCompositions 2008 Desktop Screenshot

iCompositionsThe music site that David uses, iCompositions is down. It had been backed up on four hard drives, and somehow, all four suffered a fatal crash.
The site has been down for over a week, but hopefully will be back up soon. There are over three hundred items David has posted over three years. The wait is hard.

Update, Icompositions data has been saved. It may take several weeks for full restoration, but the site should be back before March.

Understanding Why Rudd Is So Wrong

A doctor from Queensland has written of her experience in the Aboriginal Communities of the North. She shows us why some have objected to the saving of innocent lives.

A free poem, read by a Frenchman, with images from Capra's "A Wonderful Life" Life is Beautiful, My Child
Update, in comments is a Bolt contribution regarding Rudd on the Stolen Generations issue. Is Rudd a flake, or a fake? Thing is, Rudd has to be one or the other.

Howard Rheingold: Way-new collaboration Howard Rheingold talks about the coming world of collaboration, participatory media and collective action -- and how Wikipedia is really an outgrowth of our natural human instinct to work as a group. As he points out, humans have been banding together to work collectively since our days of hunting mastodons.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Jury Not Told Facts About Acquitted Mum

Julie-Ann Austin, originally uploaded by ddbsweasel.

A mother acquitted of murder of her six year old daughter, but her jury was not allowed to know about her checkered history of parental supervision.
Reports of drug use, excessive alcohol consumption, prostitution, the sexualization of her daughter or the welfare violations concerning her other children. Sounds relevant, though.

Was Alfredo Reinado Killed By Counter Insurgents?

Alfredo Reinado, originally uploaded by ddbsweasel.

Given, as is now understood, that Reinado wanted to kidnap Gusmao and Ramos-Horta, not assassinate them as had been reported, how did Reinado come to die?

The two hits were clearly done not to kill, but to capture. The shooting at the diplomatic cars was aimed at the wheels, not the occupants.

Ramos-Horta had left his compound, but returned for his niece. Had Ramos-Horta been tipped off about the kidnap attempt? If Ramos-Horta had known, why would he have thought his niece was in trouble? Or, did he know, and go to retrieve his niece in the belief he would be safe?

What went wrong with the kidnap attempt? Was Reinado set up? If Reinado was set up, who did it, was it his own men?
Meanwhile, Rudd sends Australian troops to Timor as he contemplates removing those protecting Aborigines. Clearly, Rudd has not said his last 'sorry' on indigenous affairs.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Taken, for PFB

Pamela Frances passed away on Valentines Day in 1978, 30 years ago. She would have been 43 were she alive today, but she was taken.

From Invisible Dyad 9, competition
Many many thanks to Frozen Entropy for his production, guitar and all round brilliance.
The song and video has been dedicated to an aids charity in the Netherlands, called 'Stop Aids Now.' Pamela never had aids, but she was denied a life, and shares much with many such.

Evolution by Langdon Smith

Evolution by Langdon Smith is a poem that intertwined the love the author had for his wife. Epic in scale. This is my Valentines Day offering, to anonymous.
The lovely Becwil is the talented muso who made this piece possible. Aloha, Beccy.
Evolution by Langdon Smith
When you were a tadpole and I was a fish
In the Paleozoic time,
And side by side on the ebbing tide
We sprawled through the ooze and slime,
Or skittered with many a caudal flip
Through the depths of the Cambrian fen,
My heart was rife with the joy of life,
For I loved you even then.

Mindless we lived and mindless we loved
And mindless at last we died;
And deep in the rift of the Caradoc drift
We slumbered side by side.
The world turned on in the lathe of time,
The hot lands heaved amain,
Till we caught our breath from the womb of death
And crept into life again.
We were amphibians, scaled and tailed,
And drab as a dead man's hand;
We coiled at ease 'neath the dripping trees
Or trailed through the mud and sand.
Croaking and blind, with our three-clawed feet
Writing a language dumb,
With never a spark in the empty dark
To hint at a life to come.

Yet happy we lived and happy we loved,
And happy we died once more;
Our forms were rolled in the clinging mold
Of a Neocomian shore.
The eons came and the eons fled
And the sleep that wrapped us fast
Was riven away in a newer day
And the night of death was passed.

Then light and swift through the jungle trees
We swung in our airy flights,
Or breathed in the balms of the fronded palms
In the hush of the moonless nights;
And oh! what beautiful years were there
When our hearts clung each to each;
When life was filled and our senses thrilled
In the first faint dawn of speech.
Thus life by life and love by love
We passed through the cycles strange,
And breath by breath and death by death
We followed the chain of change.
Till there came a time in the law of life
When over the nursing sod
The shadows broke and the soul awoke
In a strange, dim dream of God.

I was thewed like an Auroch bull
And tusked like the great cave bear;
And you, my sweet, from head to feet
Were gowned in your glorious hair.
Deep in the gloom of a fireless cave,
When the night fell o'er the plain
And the moon hung red o'er the river bed
We mumbled the bones of the slain.
I flaked a flint to a cutting edge
And shaped it with brutish craft;
I broke a shank from the woodland lank
And fitted it, head and haft;
Than I hid me close to the reedy tarn,
Where the mammoth came to drink;
Through the brawn and bone I drove the stone
And slew him upon the brink.

Loud I howled through the moonlit wastes,
Loud answered our kith and kin;
From west to east to the crimson feast
The clan came tramping in.
O'er joint and gristle and padded hoof
We fought and clawed and tore,
And cheek by jowl with many a growl
We talked the marvel o'er.
I carved that fight on a reindeer bone
With rude and hairy hand;
I pictured his fall on the cavern wall
That men might understand.
For we lived by blood and the right of might
Ere human laws were drawn,
And the age of sin did not begin
Til our brutal tusks were gone.

And that was a million years ago
In a time that no man knows;
Yet here tonight in the mellow light
We sit at Delmonico's.
Your eyes are deep as the Devon springs,
Your hair is dark as jet,
Your years are few, your life is new,
Your soul untried, and yet --
Zhang Ziyi
Our trail is on the Kimmeridge clay
And the scarp of the Purbeck flags;
We have left our bones in the Bagshot stones
And deep in the Coralline crags;
Our love is old, our lives are old,
And death shall come amain;
Should it come today, what man may say
We shall not live again?

God wrought our souls from the Tremadoc beds
And furnish’d them wings to fly;
He sowed our spawn in the world's dim dawn,
And I know that it shall not die,
Though cities have sprung above the graves
Where the crook-bone men made war
And the ox-wain creaks o'er the buried caves
Where the mummied mammoths are.
Then as we linger at luncheon here
O'er many a dainty dish,
Let us drink anew to the time when you
Were a tadpole and I was a fish.

ALP Vandals Attack Infrastructure

access_card_sample, originally uploaded by ddbsweasel.

While shrinking Centrelink (sacking, as they failed to mention in the election campaign) so as to make a savings, the ALP are now canceling the access card.
It was intended to replace some 18 cards, allowing access to a range of services now tied up with bureaucracy.
There will be a short term gain from not continuing with the card. However, in the long run, there will be a substantial cost.
Some, minor, savings will also be made from some being denied access to needed things on bureaucratic grounds. That is the price of Labor Party policy.
A Valentines Day surprise, clearly hoping that this will get through without others noticing. Thank you Rudd.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

TEDTalks: Jimmy Wales (2005) Jimmy Wales is founder of Wikipedia, the self-organizing, self-correcting, ever-expanding, and thoroughly addictive encyclopedia of the future. In this presentation, he explains how Wikipedia's collaborative system works, and why it succeeds. (Recorded July 2005 in Oxford, UK. Duration: 20:47)

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Rumble Pictures - WestXpress 2 Youth Event

Due the success of the first WestXpress short film and acoustic night held in April 2007, young filmmakers Rumble Pictures with Fairfield's Powerhouse Youth Theatre (PYT) produced the youth event, WestXpress 2 which was held at the PYT School of Arts on Saturday 8th September 07. Gaining wider acclaim in the community, WestXpress 2 boasted 120 people in attendance where film, art, music and the youth remain the focus.

Edited/directed by Michael Zhu

When It Is Wrong To Say Sorry.

Edward Munch's The Scream, originally uploaded by ddbsweasel.

Sorry Won’t Address Women In Pain.
The ill conceived and politically motivated sorry campaign climaxes tomorrow, but it will not end. It isn’t only Aboriginal peoples who are in pain, and need support. In Australia, most adult woman are in pain, and need support.
The stolen generations do not exist. There is, as yet, no one to whom it can be said that they were removed from stable family care for no reasons than that they were Aboriginal. There are three names known on which documents show they were removed from family care, and no more reasons was given that their papers were stamped ‘Aboriginal,’ but even if those labels weren’t mere cover for more extensive reasons than listed, three do not comprise a generation.
But now, as then, children needed to be removed from family neglect.
Only now, there are pressure groups and activists that risk the lives of the young on the myth of the past.
Saying ‘sorry’ will be less substantial than that proverbial dad who gives a sugar sachet to his child desiring something sweet. The child will remember the gesture, but probably not in the way it was intended.
Woman, many of whom lead single lives while bringing up their young feel hurt and betrayed by a society that is increasingly dysfunctional.
Young women no longer have the support networks that a good mate could bring them, even though our lives are more prosperous now than they have ever been.
Count Lepic and Duaghters by Degas
A good mate offers more than love. They offer stability, friendship and support. The time a good mate takes in maintenance is less than that created through interdependence.
Yet consider those to whom the Australian Government will be apologizing. Many will be the children of woman in whom the awesome responsibility of bringing up their family proved too much, often because they were too young, had no support and were abused by their mates.
The lie may be reported far and wide, tomorrow. Schools co-opted to spread the lies. Flags raised in a symbolic gesture of surrender.
In my own way, being of Aboriginal decent, I am aware of the heartache over this issue. My mother was not removed from an abusive home when she was growing up, and she, in turn, abused her young.
Rembrandt's The Storm on the Sea of Galilee
I am aware of my own failings. But for me, what I regret is not my attempt to meet the needs of ones I love. My regret is in failing to be up to the task.
The government needs to act, as the previous one had, by supporting communities in need. The empty gesture is not as sweet as is being made out.

Jose Ramos Horta Survives Despite UN Help

UN Accomodates Rights Abuse, originally uploaded by ddbsweasel.

EAST Timor President Jose Ramos-Horta is "out of danger" and "recovering" following treatment in Australia after being shot in the stomach by rebels, the speaker of the country's parliament said.

"According to the information we have, the president has been operated on and the bullet that was in his lung has been removed," Fernando de Araujo said while on a visit to Lisbon.

"He is in the process of recovery and is out of danger," he said following talks with Portuguese Prime Minister Jose Socrates.
Reports are coming out that UN forces stood by and did nothing while Horta was wounded, 300 m away.

The UN has had a particularly bad run for many years. Ineffective in Somalia, Uganda, Yugoslavia, Chechnya, Haiti and anywhere else the light touches.

In the past, the Cold War was blamed for the inability of the UN peacekeepers to function.

The reality was that was never the case.

The UN is captive to activists. It doesn't function because it doesn't want to. Even the Nobel Peace Prize committee spurns UN efforts, giving the peace prize to the UN's scientific arm, not the diplomatic branch.

Torture is Wrong

Street art or Vandalism Cunts, originally uploaded by ddbsweasel.

Torture is wrong. The interrogation of terrorist suspects is not torture. What the Pakistani authorities have done to an Indian national over 35 years is torture. The Pakistani government, having recently discovered their mistake, are moving to release the alleged spy.
Firstly, the Pakistani authorities had the alleged spy sentenced to death. Then they locked him up. He had half an hour each day to leave his cell overflowing with others, to stretch his legs. For thirty five years. He never had a visitor, probably because anyone he knew thought he'd been executed. He never saw the sky in thirty five years.
Art Heist Cezanne
The Weasel has not been tortured. It is a disappointment to be 41 years old and to have never dated. It is a disappointment to be told by trusted friends that issues that might be discussed won't be because it is 'all too hard' and after all, entirely the Weasel's fault. All he has to do is .. be loved?
All this Indian 'spy' had to do, over thirty five years was to .. ?

Monday, February 11, 2008

I am Pegasus

A Ross Ryan song from the early 70's. No wikipedia listings, but there is a reference to Ross at Peter Dawkin's wiki listing
In interview, Ross said this song was actually two songs he couldn't finish. One was a bout a horse, and another an airline hostess he desired.
One special picture from May Wa Leng .. I have trust issues ;)

I am Pegasus, my name mea-eans horse
And I can fly-y with you
But I've changed my course
I am Michael, I am Jeffery and John
And I don't have to leave you
But I shall be gone

I am Genesis, I have no-o fear
I make my plans to land for
I plan to stay here
I am Simon, I am Demetrius and John
And I don't want to leave you
Unless you want me gone

I am fly-ying, but let me down
Oh I don't need the thi-ings
That once kept me around
It's not too late
To know who I am
I am Sagitarius

I am fly-yin' but let me down
Oh I don't need the thi-ings
That once kept me around
It's not too late
Do you know who I a-am

I am Pegasus, my name mea-eans horse
And I can fly-y with you now
But I've changed my course
I am Michael, I am Jeffery and John
And I don't have to leave you

I am Pegasus, my name mea-eans horse
And I ca-an fly-y with you now
But I've changed my course
I am Michael, I am Jeffery
I am Demetrius and John
And I don't have to leave you, no
No-no-no-no [fade]

Cold, Heartless Labour Party, NZ Admin

Trust, originally uploaded by ddbsweasel.

A 101 year old man, with substantial liquid wealth wishes to spend his remaining time with his adopted New Zealand son. The son is his only remaining family. He has nothing tying him to his English home.
New Zealand have decided to deport him, claiming he does not have special circumstances allowing him to stay. They even go so far as to claim that he is fit enough to travel, should he choose.

Jaime Lerner: Sing a song of sustainable cities With maverick flair and a strategist's disdain for accepted wisdom, Jaime Lerner re-invented urban space in his native Curitiba, Brazil. Along the way he managed to revolutionize bus transit, awaken green consciousness in a populace accustomed to litter and blight, and change the way city planners and bureaucrats world-wide conceive what's possible within the tangled structure of the metropolitan landscape.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Anonymous Opposes Scientology

Opposing Scientology, originally uploaded by ddbsweasel.

The Church of Scientology is facing a global day of protest led by the group known as 'Anonymous.'
Only 150 people gathered in Sydney's CBD, but that is 50 more than the number that celebrated the anti whaling ships that sailed into Melbourne recently. The anti whaling protest was named a 'mass rally' so the anti Scientology protest must be something more significant.
Confused Scientology
The truth is that Scientology deserves its appalling reputation. It's spokespersons have behaved irresponsibly. It is not a conservative force, but adopts some of the worse aspects of liberalism.
Even so, opposing the Church is not as sensible as some might feel. What would be more decisive would be to cut public funding to the grouping. It calls itself a church, but it is spiritual, not religious and highly misleading. Let celebrities support it, but don't give them the tax breaks they get from doing it.

ALP Stunt Over Voyager Disaster

RAN's Voyager 1961, originally uploaded by ddbsweasel.

It was the worst military disaster, for Australia, in peacetime. The Voyager collided with the aircraft carrier Melbourne.
from Wikipedia
"Melbourne and Voyager had been steaming together at 22 knots when Melbourne signalled Voyager to take station in routine preparation for night flying. Voyager, at that time ahead and to one side of Melbourne, swung away from Melbourne's track then unexpectedly turned back across her bows, leading to the collision. Both ships took last minute avoiding action but with little effect. The forward part of Voyager capsized, sinking minutes later, causing many casualties. All Voyager bridge officers perished, including her captain. In accordance with maritime 'rules of the road' with Melbourne at flying stations and showing the appropriate signal, it was Voyager's obligation to keep clear."
The ALP delayed any compensation until the very end of their tenure in office, in '95. Cases were being heard by tribunal, under Mr Howard. 50 cases were cleared in 2007.
Now Rudd has announced a stunt. He will appoint some people to look at clearing cases. 44 years after the event. The appointments will be made soon. But probably not soon enough. Great headline by fawning press.

Everly Brothers, Bye Bye Love

Artist: Everly Brothers, The
Song: Bye Bye Love

Bye bye, love.
Bye bye, happiness.
Hello, loneliness.
I think I'm a-gonna cry-y.

Bye bye, love.
Bye bye, sweet caress.
Hello, emptiness.
I feel like I could di-ie.
Bye bye, my love, goodby-ye.

There goes my baby
With-a someone new.
She sure looks happy.
I sure am blue.
She was my baby
'Til he stepped in.
Goodbye to romance
That might have been.

Bye bye, love.
Bye bye, happiness.
Hello, loneliness.
I think I'm a-gonna cry-y.

Bye bye, love.
Bye bye, sweet caress.
Hello, emptiness.
I feel like I could di-ie.
Bye bye, my love, goodby-ye.

I'm a-through with romance.
I'm a-through with love.
I'm through with-a countin'
The stars above
And here's reason
That I'm so free:
My lovin' baby
Is a-through with me.

Bye bye, love.
Bye bye, happiness.
Hello, loneliness.
I think I'm a-gonna cry-y.

Bye bye, love.
Bye bye, sweet caress.
Hello, emptiness.
I feel like I could di-ie.
Bye bye, my love, goodby-ye.
Bye bye, my love, goodby-ye.
Bye bye, my love, goodby-ye.

David Macaulay: All roads lead to Rome Antics Despite a love and fascination for Rome dating to his days as an architecture student, David Macaulay found the path to his book Rome Antics took some unusual (and frustrating) turns. Through failed pop-up designs, scribbled out title possibilities, surreal sketchbook pages (think "Piranesi meets Escher"), and rambling story lines, Macaulay details each step of his winding journey towards completion of his illustrated homage to the city.

Saturday, February 09, 2008

Bill Clinton Admits To .. ?

Hilary Clinton and Obama, originally uploaded by ddbsweasel.

One can understand why Bill is apologizing now. But can the world work out what he is apologizing for?
Adult Bill Clinton
Bill was reported as saying some unkind things about Hilary's black opponent, Obama. It is hard to believe that two people so far to the left might have something to disagree on, but this is politics, and they have found many things.

Bill is apologizing for being mis-reported. He admits that he was defending his wife, but not in the way that was reported.
Peace Talks
As the former (Democrat) US president says
"I think whenever I defend her, a) I risk being misquoted and b), risk being the story,'' he said.

"I don't want to be the story.''

From now on, "I will do what I'm asked to do. I will not be in cabinet, I will not be on the staff full-time,'' he added.

"I will do what we've always done for each other. I will let her bounce ideas off of me.''

Media Assault on Conservatives Continues

Mr Howard Abused in Art, originally uploaded by ddbsweasel.

from Mr Bolt
"Who isn’t coming to Kevin Rudd’s sorry to the “stolen generations”?

The Age headline is damning:
Howard to snub “sorry” day

The Age text is forgiving:

Former Labor prime minister Bob Hawke cannot make it. His office said while he will be in Canberra for parliament’s opening day on Tuesday, he had other ”long-standing commitments” on Wednesday.

Paul Keating’s office said the former Labor leader’s schedule for next week had not yet been finalised."