Monday, December 31, 2007
Auld Lang Syne
Andreas whipped up a gorgeous tune to my posting. This includes the full lyric, although the pronunciation is a little wide and not all the chorus are performed.
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
and never brought to mind ?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
and auld lang syne ?
For auld lang syne, my dear,
for auld lang syne,
we’ll tak a cup o’ kindness yet,
for auld lang syne.
And surely ye’ll be your pint-stoup !
And surely I’ll be mine !
And we’ll tak a cup o’ kindness yet,
for auld lang syne.
We twa hae run about the braes,
and pou’d the gowans fine ;
But we’ve wander’d mony a weary fit,
sin’ auld lang syne.
We twa hae paidl’d in the burn,
frae morning sun till dine ;
But seas between us braid hae roar’d
sin’ auld lang syne.
And there’s a hand, my trusty fiere !
And gies a hand o’ thine !
And we’ll tak a right gude-willie-waught,
for auld lang syne.
Oh, and so as to understand the video, people didn't have to die to get on it (Anna Nicole, Evel Knevel) or lose government (King of Nepal) or suffer (greek fires, california fires) or protest (Burmese monks). I chose pictures of my friend, Maria, which I took for my Big Heart series. She is o/s and doesn't know about this. hehe. I chose pictures of Rudyard Kipling because of a paraphrasing of something he said
Oh, sons of terrorists,
If you are asked why you came to die,
Answer that it was because your fathers lied.
This year has seen some cause for hope in Iraq when it had been given up for lost by many. It has also seen some tragedy, as the fate of Benazir Bhutto illustrates. I drink to a better 2008
Andreas' stunning music is at
The story behind the song is at
Hilary Claims Experience
Never having been questioned as to wether she inhaled, Hilary is claiming Obama lacks experience. She is right about that. But one should also question the experience Hilary claims.
Obama hasn't shrunk the military, but increased the number of fatalities in peace time.
Obama hasn't failed the US on medical insurance, nor the world on intervention in times of need. Yugoslavia? Somalia? Rwanda?
Obama didn't humiliate Yasir Arafat on the verge of a peace deal negotiated with Israel. Cigar anyone?
Obama didn't gut the CIA in the Middle East and contract to the NSA. Still, you can understand why William did: No news means it can't be bad news.
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Bhutto Supporters Angrily Reject Government Claim
Al Qaeda make claim that they don't hit women. In fact, according to their published beliefs they do. According to the known facts, they have.
Bhutto supporters are claiming the assassination was related to government support. This claim is partly based on Bhutto's own statement that her assassination would be from the Pakistan Government. The claim is also based on the assertion that the Pakistan Government is covering up the way Bhutto died, calling it head trauma when her supporters want it to be more directly attributable to a killing method.
Bhutto's allegation regarding the reason for her assassination was made as a political statement from an opposition leader. It is possible that it is a conspiracy, but hardly likely, given the nature of her extremist opponents. The terrible irony is that the organization Bhutto supported as Prime Minister, the Taliban, may well have been behind her assassination.
Responses to Che The Monster
"Ohh wow!! He executed many people such a big criticism by you!!?? There is nothing you can say to change people minds because regardless of your words and efforts to make him look like a monster you will never see him the way most of us do!! You! a white man who can careless and who can know less about the situation of South America have no right to call him a monster! And if he was a Monster.. thank God for Monsters like him who give us hope for a better future for our countries.."
"This is part 1 of a series. Putting aside the allegation of state sanctioned killing of innocents, The guerrilla activity involved some pretty terrible things which has left every single nation he had significant involvement with in poverty. Nothing to do with my skin color, but I'm sorry you can't see past that."
"Quite accurate description and great pictures.
Hero? Monster? As usual, it all depends on what side are you on.
"Dr Jekill or Mr Che ... Who has the answer ???"
"Yes, that picture.... unbelievable how it became an icon for so many of us, without knowing anything about what had gone on before. Food for thought, indeed."
"An interesting historical treat. I'm not fond of political leaders, when they try to persue their aims with force, violence and military power. "
"Isn't it funny how things and what things become icons of the world. "
"Superb narration and reveilling the true nature of an icon. For the common people he was and is still a hero... "
Saturday, December 29, 2007
David Hicks Freed After Bhutto Assassinated
David Hicks, who fought for the Taliban, which is implicated in the assassination of Bhutto, is being released today. His incarceration from the time of his capture in Afghanistan, where he went to fight for the Taliban after 9/11, has been contested by lawyers of the left. He has a control order on his movements.
David Hicks' freedom is in contrast to the assassination of Benazir Bhutto, which may condemn Pakistan to years of misery. No left wing lawyers for her.
Friday, December 28, 2007
Rudd Government Confused Over IR Laws
Acting Workplace Relations Minister Penny Wong, criticized The Coalition of being confused over their policy, but the criticism is based on the fact that the ALP's policy is not yet known.
The Liberal party, under Brendan Nelson, has promised to hold the ALP accountable to their election promises. Deputy Opposition Leader Julie Bishop has reaffirmed Mr Nelson's position by saying that the Coalition's policy, after officially dumping Work Choices, would revert to backing laws that existed over the first decade of the former government.
It was then Ms Wong expressed her confusion. "Does she support the previous government's laws, and if so, which ones? Or does she support her leader's policy, which is apparently to support Labor's policy?"
If only the Rudd administration could say what it intended to do, all the confusion would go away.
Benazir Bhutto Assassinated
The last hurrah for Al Qaeda? Suggestions supporters of Pervez Musharraf committed the crime. Sixteen killed as suicide bomber shoots Benazir in chest and neck, then blows himself up.
"It is the act of those who want to disintegrate Pakistan because she was symbol of unity. They have finished the Bhutto family. They are enemies of Pakistan," senior Bhutto party official Farzana Raja said.
Benazir had been the first female PM of any Islamic nation. She was an alumni of Harvard and Oxford. A classmate of radio 2GB presenter Alan Jones. A moderate who was committed to saving Pakistan from the scourge of extremism.
Her assassination may be viewed as an opportunity for US Democrats and UN liberals to criticize the US President, but how remains a mystery.
In an early act of leadership, Australian PM decides to do nothing. Defence minister Fitzgibbon claims Australian defence forces at 'Full stretch.'
The assassination has occurred within days of Brit MI6 agents being expelled from Afghanistan for holding talks with the Taliban. This will be an embarrassment to UK PM Brown who has been committed to losing the war on terror.
Hicks has not yet been questioned over his opinion of the assassination. However, he is to be released today, having fought for the (likely) assassins. Naturally, Centerlink will provide support commensurate with his status.
Also, Dr Keith Suter has started the attacks on President Bush, saying "It is a terrible end to a terrible year for the US President." Mr Suter ignores the remarkable turnaround in Iraq after the US President, almost alone, persisted with the cause, while the US Democrats begged him to give up.
Thursday, December 27, 2007
David Petraeus, Man of the Year
A year ago US Democrats were working overtime to secure a loss in Iraq. Thanks to the US President not accepting defeat, and the work of those on the ground, that is no longer the case. It is still possible to lose Iraq, but it is no longer the case that Iraq is being lost. Yet both the President and those on the ground had been working for Iraq when it was losing. The difference between then and now, is the leadership of General David Petraeus.
The job isn't completed. there is much more to be done. And next year a change in Presidency can yet secure defeat. but here is a toast to David.
Hillary Clinton's Claims Caught Out
She was wife of a former President, and is famous for having been a doormat in a relationship with her husband. She is now running for office, and she is keen to say what she offers the position. Let us hope that she will be better in office than she is truthful.
Ireland needed peace, and it has had a growing movement which has embraced peace in the last decade. Bill Clinton needed to find an issue he might stamp on his presidency as an accomplishment. Clinton had claimed economic progress from a Republican congress which led to his second term in office. Then he turned to Ireland and was asked to butt out by Major and Blair. So he turned to the Middle East.
Israel, under conservative government, had negotiated a cease fire, and Bill involved himself in the peace process. It is now historical how the ham fisted President Clinton got a humiliated Yassir Arafat to leave the peace process. Pictures had been circulated of Clinton and Arafat smoking cigars before the Lewinsky revelations.
It isn't that Mrs Clinton wouldn't sacrifice much for peace. After all, in her student days, she campaigned vigorously and successfully for communist dictators in Vietnam to be supported by communist dictators in China.
Mrs Clinton offers more in foreign relations experience than Obama, but in the Democratic shoot out for nomination, it is not yet established which of the two can promise more.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Feliz Navidad
Andreas whipped up a gorgeous tune to my posting. Camomilla had posted three lovely pics of early churches and Woodguy posted his penguin in a bear tree.
Christmas was Dean Martin and James Brown's day of passing. Washington crossed the Deleware in 1776 and while Saul wasn't converted that day, it remained special for him.
It is boxing day for me, but I'm sure it is still Christmas somewhere .. maybe Christmas Island (included)
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Dr. Brendan Nelson, MP. Christmas message 2007
The Leader of the Federal Opposition of Australia, the Rt. Hon. Dr. Brendan Nelson's Christmas message 2007.
And So This Is Christmas
A Cranberry glass bell, three porcelain balls (I've been found out for exaggerating?) and the wooden horses, suitable for my fire horse star sign.
Today I celebrate the birthday of Christ. I am invited to a local church. Not having been to church on Christmas since before I was rejected by friends in the mid '90s, I feel reflective in mood.
The view from my unit is lovely. Creek on one side, park on another. It will be a shame to give it up. I have sufficient for January, but even if I find full time work, I may default on my home loan in February.
Last June, I was $10k in front and had sufficient, for the short term, to resign from work. I hadn't wanted to resign, but felt compelled to so as to protect my students from harassment that was directed at me.
Many years ago I appropriately reported a male teacher who had a habit of touching young girls inappropriately and invading their change rooms while they were changing clothes.
Although I had done nothing wrong with reporting the activity, the new Principal panicked and suffered a moral dilemma. In those days, the accusation of paedaphilia could have the accuser sued for more money than they would ever make. The accused had recently gone on what was thought to have been a sex tour to Thailand, and the Principal had joked about it among staff. The result was that the accused was promoted, placed in charge of a junior year where a class of girls had complained, and I was transferred from the school.
That should have been the end of the matter. The accused left teaching soon after. However, I was unaware of how the Principal had begun to bad mouth me to the department of education.
A school I was transferred to was located in the poorest part of Sydney, but was an excellent school, and I prospered there. I acquired a night job as a live in tutor at a prestigious boarding school. The boarding school wanted me to transfer to it, until a meeting occurred between the old school and the boarding school. Overnight, I was not wanted, and the boarding school tried to have me removed. Eventually, I was unfairly sacked, but unable to complain about the process due to a legal technicality. The Department of Education and the Government colluded to cover up the unfair dismissal as, the next year, a boy died from neglect I'd warned the boarding school about.
Then my day job became threatened. I was labeled as disabled for being fat. All my extracurricular programs were attacked until I gave them away. Student referrals were turned into complaints about my teaching. I accepted these forms of harassment, believing the chief harasser would soon retire.
Then my students were being attacked. A year 12 class had marks stripped from their HSC Trials for no other reason than they were in my class, and my harasser gloated over this in a message to the Principal. A year 7 girl with serious issues was pulled aside and verbally assaulted by my harasser, for the high crime of having been a child in need in my classroom. After many such incidents, I advised the Minister of Education that if the harassment did not stop I would resign. The Minister did nothing.
When I resigned, I had a plan. I would break my story to the media, and get a new job.
The media refused to report my story. It was too close to a federal election. Although I had done nothing wrong, some journalists felt that reporting it would expose them to defamation litigation. Other journalists claimed that the story was too old for them to worry about. Other journalists claimed that nothing significant had happened, and there was no one story to report.
I wasn't going to work for the same employer which harassed me, and I went to Centerlink to find a job. It was then I discovered I was not a citizen and I had not sufficient ID.
My ID should have been sufficient, I needed a birth certificate and I had one. It was supposed to be an official document issued by NYC, and it was. However, it was a photographic copy that NYC had made of the original because the original issued document had been burned in a house fire in ’72. I was told I would need a passport, birth certificate and proof of citizenship or residency.
It took the better part of 5 months to get those documents, mainly because NYC had mailed my birth certificate to Canada. They had no problem billing my address, but they couldn’t send it to my billing address.
In the mean time, Immigration decided they had never heard of my parents, and they couldn’t find a ’95 declaration I’d made stating I was an Australian citizen. Old laws meant I could be an Australian if I could show who my parents were, however, without my parents, I needed my birth certificate.
While waiting for my birth certificate, legislation tightened and I needed a birth certificate to obtain citizenship by descent as well. And my parent’s birth certificates.
Eventually, I passed the immigration test with 20 out of 20, and was approved to become citizen, having paid the money, when it was discovered someone with my name was wanted by police in another state, where I had never been. The delay meant that although I had my passport, birth certificate and the times I had entered Australia as a permanent resident, Centerlink did not have sufficient paperwork to deal with me. So I got timed out again.
Meanwhile, the Minister decided to re examine my case when a local new service expressed an interest. Ten weeks later, the Minister resumed sitting on their hands. The result being the paper did not run my story, making it hard to find a job, and, I later discovered, I’d been timed out of an Industrial Relations court again.
a link to summation
Monday, December 24, 2007
Will Smith Is Wrong, Hitler Was Evil
Within six months of having Rommel commit suicide or face having his family slaughtered and then be killed, Hitler committed suicide.
Hitler's actions were directed, purposeful and prosecuted with knowledge of intent.
Hitler wrote Mein Kampf and proceeded to write the book large.
Will Smith, saying "Even Hitler didn't wake up going, 'Let me do the most evil thing I can do today,"
"I think he woke up in the morning and using a twisted, backwards logic, he set out to do what he thought was 'good'.
"Stuff like that just needs reprogramming."
You are wrong, Will. Hitler knew what was happening, yet did it anyway. probably because he felt it would help him achieve his end of maintaining control of the lives around him.
Pol Pot knew what he was doing. Mao Tse Tung and Stalin knew what they were doing. Che Guevarra and Castro knew what they were doing. It was evil.
ALP Policy Driving Up Petrol Cost
Rudd's policy regarding petrol is beginning to show. After the election, Rudd suggested some inflationary means for dealing with petrol fluctuation in price at the bowser. One suggestion ws to limit price change from day to day. Another involves publishing price data the day before. Yet another is to task the ACCC to do what it does anyway, and call it different.
So, now it is Christmas Eve, and petrol companies are accused of gouging for not discounting mid week .. possibly as they will be penalized should they dare.
Further, the Australian dollar, relative to the US dollar, has fallen from .90 to 0.85, making imports more expensive.
Maybe Rudd can give away a few hundred million dollars to the Middle East and pray for a miracle, or has he done that already?
Conversion of Blair
A few years ago, as head of government, Mr Blair gave an opinion on Prince Charles' marriage to a Catholic. The issue regarded the technicality that should Charles ever become King, he would be in charge of the Anglican Church.
There is not that much difference between the two churches. Both churches agree on all the important aspects of religion. They diverge only on the way they worship. Catholics tend to prefer to show devotion, Protestants prefer to eschew Idol worship, in favor of showing faith through good works.
The truth is, however, that the faithless left tend to make decisions that affect all. I believe the NY Jews call it chutzpah.
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Another Child Dies From Hospital Care
Is there enough children in NSW for Ms Meagher to show her incompetence? Days after grinning through a whitewash of of Royal North Shore's tragic run, comes this report of an 8 yo who dies after being misdiagnosed.
It begins to get confusing, as we are not in the middle of an election campaign, yet the NSW government still project incompetence that threatens the welfare of all NSW. And Meagher keeps her silly grin.
Rudd Obfuscates From Iraq
Ben Cousins returned to Perth today, and had a Christmas message for the journalists who have reported his appalling drug fueled antics. He wishes they would be run over by a bus. It doesn't yet seem to have occurred to Cousins that his selfish behavior might have cost the life of a close friend and ended his career. It will almost certainly end the life of a copycat fan and probably his own.
Meanwhile, onto other worthless beings, Rudd has gone to Iraq to obfuscate his message. 'combat' troops will be home by next Christmas. If they consider Jordan to be their home. Support troops will stay. This has been labelled as Rudd keeping his election promise to .. well, he didn't actually have to make any, but many believed he meant to pull all Australians from Iraq. It is never easy trying to be all things to all people. Anyone who heard the message, and didn't understand it, should be comforted. Those who believe that Australia still has a role to play in Iraq's future will be pleased that the empty gesture doesn't completely curtail that hope.
A Christmas Message From A Christian Leader
RELIGION has been unfairly blamed for conflicts around the world in recent years, but Christians should remember the benefits of their devotion, Sydney Catholic Archbishop George Pell has said.
In his Christmas message, the archbishop reminds Christians that the birth of Jesus is a symbol of helplessness and hope.
"Christians believe that the almighty God has visited us, not just through prophets, saints and humanitarian heroes, but through sending his son to be born of a virgin in Bethlehem...," Cardinal Pell has said.
"Babies are vulnerable, more helpless initially than any of the animals.
"So too was the son of God, but every birth inspires hope, even when it is only hope against hope."
The archbishop has said God and his believers are not to blame for the world's wars or crimes and Christians should remember the benefits of their devotion.
"...God has been attacked angrily here and there in the English-speaking world and believers have been accused of causing most of the wars and crimes in history," Cardinal Pell has said.
"This is an exaggeration as the moral monsters of the twentieth century Lenin, Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot were atheists and Hitler bitterly hated Jews and Christians.
"But all believers have to acknowledge the downside of their long story, while asking that their positive contributions are also recorded."
In July, more than 500,000 Christians will descend upon Sydney in celebration of World Youth Day and a papal visit.
Cardinal Pell has said followers would travel much further than Mary and Joseph did for the birth of their baby son Jesus in Bethlehem.
"I ask you all to welcome them into your hearts and perhaps, as at the Olympics, into your homes," he said.
"As we celebrate again the birth of the helpless newly-born Christ child, we should remember the sick and the sad, the lonely and the angry and reach out to help them."
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Religious Extravagance
He involved himself in politics, allegedly with the agenda of spreading the message of god, but the Anglican Archbishop of Sydney, Peter Jensen, instead endorsed a Rudd Labor Government. Now that Rudd has been elected, Jensen is left in the awkward position of justifying his endorsement. But the endorsement was a lousy choice.
Rudd makes claims to being Christian, but then those claims are pretty poor when one examines his public statements on the issue. He believes in a god. Mr Howard was far more definitive as leader, being of the Anglican tradition, but accepting peoples of all faiths in his public life. So why was it that the Anglican chief of Sydney was so quick to endorse a backsliding misfit over a committed member?
It seems to be that Jensen is trying that difficult maneuver of being all things to all people. Not good enough to stand for ones own beliefs, Jensen endorses the 'sign Kyoto' paper regardless of any actual impact on the environment. Jensen endorses the economic policy that has more people in poverty, so long as fewer become rich. The populist, feel good movement over the practical 'needs must' of conservatism.
It is no wonder fewer people are going to church regularly, the leaders offer nothing by way of direction. A message from Jensen to his flock, at Christmas.
Downside Filming in Third World
It was a tragedy. A film group asked for, and was given, permission to film in a high crime area. They were filming a crime scene. The crime scene involved pretend shooting.
The tragedy occurred when the right hand of bureaucracy failed to inform the left, and a tactical response group responded .. and began shooting actors. Two actors were killed.
The shooting stopped when the director called out to the police their mistake.
It is tempting for production companies to shoot in the third world because it is cheaper and there are fewer pesky regulations. Actors don't cost as much.
Friday, December 21, 2007
Patrick Awuah: Educating a new generation of African leader -Patrick Awuah left a comfortable life in Seattle to return to Ghana and co-found, against the odds, a liberal arts college. Why? Because he believes that Ghana's failures in leadership -- and he gives several mind-boggling examples -- stem from a university system that fails to train real leaders. In a talk that brought the TEDGlobal audience enthusiastically to their feet, he explains how a true liberal arts education -- steeped in critical thinking, idealism, and public service -- can produce the quick-thinking, ethical leaders needed to move his country forward.
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Chairman Rudd Propaganda: Part Two
Mighty Rudd extends fulsome thanks to eager votepeople for wholeheart embrace of inevitable Rudd ascension.
By Hugh Atkin.
How Maxine Achieved Office Through Racism
It is a short term fix for a short term campaigner. McKew has no long term interest in public administration and, having done the job she was hired to do, might walk away from public office tomorrow. However, McKew has unleashed a very ugly force into Australian politics which may well render the long term goals of her own party unachievable.
There is no such community as an 'Asian Community.' There is greater diversity among Asian peoples than there is between human races. Mr Howard never pretended to represent any one race or community, instead, he represented his constituents and extended his heart to all, regardless of race, color or creed. Mr Howard is a Christian, but as a leader, he governed in the interests of all.
McKew believes in nothing, but hatred of conservatism which Mr Howard represented. In her campaign she enlisted the aid of Mr Hawke, who famously cried after Tiananmen Square, but whose innate racism supported the regime that committed the act. Keating's administration gave us activists with known links to terrorists. One might remember Latham's great difficulty in wishing well to those survivors of tsunami.
Yet McKew has had supporters make promises to people of Korean or Chinese ethnicity which she will not keep. McKew cannot give support to her own electorate to the level Howard gave. It is not Chinese peoples who will benefit, but possibly mainland government. South Koreans will not benefit and the Northern government won't want the endorsement.
How long before Bennelong will realize they were scammed? How will Bennelong respond?
Fred Thompson, A Man I Admire
This is one of those youtube videos that promote and portray hatred. The suggestion being that Thompson is wrong to be a conservative. However, it shows he has serious answers to issues that are dear to liberal hearts.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Jail for Fake Masseur, Pardon for Sexual Assault of Child
A man who posed as a mobile masseur has been jailed for more than ten years for indecently assaulting 14 woman. He had made t shirts and cards claiming he had a business and he visited their houses.
Meanwhile, two men accused of sexually molesting an eleven year old boy are not facing rape charges. The case parallels others in which a 10 yo girl was gang raped by 9 who were not given jail time. Also, a 24 yo man was described as being a victim after raping a 13 yo boy.
So if the victims are old enough, the charges are worse?
Mr Nelson "Workchoices is Dead"
I support Workchoices, but the election result highlights one thing, that the legislation is dead.
The Conservatives did nothing wrong in introducing the legislation, nor in championing it. The legislation was effective and the effect beneficial to all.
But the debate over the issue has been crushed through a substantial scare campaign and it will not be possible, in the foreseeable future, for the legislation to be resurrected.
This will cost Australia dearly, but the electorate has to experience that which it has swallowed.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Last Christmas You Gave Me .. ?
From small scale projects to HIV/AIDS programmes NGOs (Non-Governmental Organisations) charities and aid agencies are everywhere in the developing world. They are all the rage in the West too, and are seen as the good people who want to save Africa. But, however well meaning NGOs may be, their programmes often get up the noses of everyone, from African fishermen to shanty town inhabitants. Their idea of improving people's lives by promoting the basics only are a far cry from the aspirations of those they seek to help. Serious development and growth is definitely not in the NGO dictionary. Shot in Ghana, Godbless, Waffa, Deroy and local fishermen and women are articulate and angry. They loathe the peanuts offered and sanctimonious lessons in good behaviour. They want industry, jobs and material advancement and for NGOs and aid agencies to stop treating them like children. As Godbless tells us: "Africans have big brains, big aspirations....and want to live in liberty."
from youtube,
Keeping Africa Small premiere
Why Che Guevara is a Monster
Che died relatively young, and lived violently. His was a world of ideals. He embraced Communism, having been raised a socialist by well to do parents. It is his adult life which earns him the description of 'monster'.
The places where Che had most influence are in poverty, suffering deadly strife which threatens to engulf the regions they inhabit. This wasn't Che's intention, having a goal and a method of prosecution to that goal. Che's goal might be inferred by the poetry he is said to have enjoyed, like that of Pablo Neruda. It is an idealistic world, without social inequality which leads to injustice. To achieve that goal, Che employed brutal injustice.
Compiled episodes part A
Compiled episodes part B
Monday, December 17, 2007
Why This Serial Fantasist Hates USA
He accepted a nomination for a peace prize based on lies. He went to Bali, following the awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize, and he denounced USA efforts in climate management.
A few facts;
In the seven years between the signing of Kyoto in 1997 and 2004, here’s what happened:
•Emissions worldwide increased 18.0 percent;
•Emissions from countries that signed the treaty increased 21.1 percent;
•Emissions from nonsigners increased 10.0 percent; and
•Emissions from the United States increased 6.6 percent.
n.b. these are Al Gore's figures. Yet he says “My own country, the United States, is principally responsible for obstructing progress here.”
If by progress, one understands that Gore is trying to increase carbon dioxide levels, his claim makes sense. Anyway, no serious person believes in the link, it is the sun that affects global warming, and right now, the sun is cooling.
Rudd's Diplomatic Error
"Whilst the US accepted with good grace that Australia had signed on to the Kyoto Protocol, during his speech to the conference Mr Rudd had a swipe at the US," Mr Hunt, opposition climate change spokesperson told ABC radio today.
"The result was that the talk of the conference was that the US had drawn back from Australia, that we had lost our leverage, the work that we were able to do with them in APEC had been pushed away.
"So we had less influence and less leverage and they (United States) were to a certain extent more isolated as a result."
Joel Fitzgibbon promises "We will lose the war in Afghanistan"
On the morning that Sunrise reports that ALP's Rudd is considering not honoring the election promised tax cuts, the new Australian Defence Minister is saying the war in Afghanistan is being lost.
Of course, what Mr Fitzgibbon promises will come to pass, if he doesn't make any of the hard decisions, that the previous Australian Government so often made.
It is even possible to engineer defeat in Iraq.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Fred Thompson, a man I admire
Running for President is serious business. We're facing pressing issues like national security, bankrupt entitlements, a broken tax code, and out-of-control judges. So what did the liberal moderator want at Wednesday's debate? A show of hands. We deserve serious discussion not kindergarten antics.
Don't you want a conservative leader who won't grovel to the liberal media?
If 2,400 people donate in the next 24 hours it will tell the liberal media that the American people are tired of their games.
Stand with Fred and reject the liberal media's "monkey business" and gotcha games. Donate today.
Then send an e-card to your friends letting them know you're standing up with Fred.
Mixed Result Proclaimed As Triumph
A healthy thing happened among the hype. Despite Nobel Laureate Gore and Australian PM Rudd making many wrong and grandiose claims, the US has had substantial influence on the outcomes.
Over two weeks, the US has worked to the sensible position of providing no concrete numbers regarding limiting the little understood contribution of greenhouse gasses. Some radicals have asserted the need for economy crippling, useless gestures of some 40% reduction in carbon dioxide.
US won out, but the media have still proclaimed a victory for greens. Figures.
Eleni Gabre-Madhin: Building a commodities market in Ethiopia Economist Eleni Gabre-Madhin outlines her ambitious vision to found the first commodities market in Ethiopia. Her plan would create wealth, minimize risk for farmers and turn the world's largest recipient of food aid into a regional food basket. "There is no place in the world and no time in history that small farmers have had to bear the burden of risk that African farmers bear today," Gabre-Madhin says. "But I'm not here to lament or wring my hands. I'm here to tell you that change is in the air."
Why worry about helping such people, when by giving money to dictators through greenhouse gas legislation, we can aid them instead?
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Survey Shows Teacher's In Public Schools 'More Bullied'
From the UNE Dr Dan Riley study.
While teachers in NSW made up the bulk of complaints for the report, teachers in Western Australia and Queensland were over represented. The survey was voluntary.
The youtube offering is part of a comedy imitation of a fat, old Hugh Grant. The Hugh who never gets to the point.
Friday, December 14, 2007
Accusing the Decent
Maxine McKew gracelessly said, on election eve, that her constituents would never be taken for granted again.
Except they hadn't been taken for granted before.
McKew's campaign had been fundamentally dishonest. Supporters of McKew traversed the neighborhood with signs demanding a vote for change, but never detailing what the change would be.
Meanwhile, media plastered the world with suggestive photos of things that never happened.
Mr Howard was always a good, decent man. Passionate about Australia, never lecherous.
New PM Faltering On Issues
Rudd campaigned on the promise of signing Australia up for Kyoto and withdrawing Australian troops from Iraq.
Rudd said that troops needed to be withdrawn from Iraq because 'they could be useful elsewhere.' We now know something of how Australian 'assets' are to be deployed. Rudd has decided to send Australian Assets to monitor Japanese whaling vessels.
Australian Assets will not fire upon Japanese whalers, because that would be an act of war. Instead, they will take pictures of whaling activity.
Meanwhile, the whaling activity is not a secret. Nor is it illegal.
Meanwhile, Rudd has signed Kyoto, but now refuses to commit to targets. A triumph of style over substance. Except the style costs.
More Outrageous Detail Of Controversial Rape
A 10 yo girl is pack raped by 9 older boys and young men. A judge, on the advice of the prosecution, refuses to sentence to custody any of the rapists. One justification for the inadequate sentence is that 'the girl consented' according to the judge. The case cannot be appealed because the reporting took place after the 48 day period that such appeals might be lodged.
Previously, it has been reported that the girl had been raped when she was 7 years old. She had a sexually transmitted disease. She had been placed in foster care. Her foster father had taken two years off work to supervise her welfare needs. Then a welfare case worker, after two years, when the girl was aged 9, decided that placing an Aboriginal girl in the care of white foster parents might be an extension of the 'stolen generation' myth, and the girl was returned to the community where she had been raped.
The new detail is that some of the 9 who pack raped the 'consenting' 10 yo girl were also among those who raped the girl when she was 7 yo.
The Heiner affair, in which a 14 yo girl in youth detention was pack raped is salient. The 14 yo girl's assault was never addressed legally because the Queensland Government, under the administration of current Prime Minister Rudd, shredded the documentation of the evidence. Then Premier Wayne Goss made the claim that the destruction of evidence was a result of legal advice.
As with the 10 yo' s case, the rapists had confessed to their activity. They were never sentenced.
The Heiner affair happened in 1989. The 10 yo girl was raped in 2006. During the November 2007 federal election campaign, the Heiner affair was hosed down as an issue by many in the press, as well as the ALP. The 10 yo girl's case wasn't mentioned at all.
How many other issues have not been reported during the election campaign which are critical of the ALP?
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Final Plea
I want to live.
I have done nothing wrong.
I have been smeared and harassed at my workplace for well over a decade.
When the harassment began to threaten my students on a regular basis, I contacted the appropriate minister and demanded action, threatening to resign and tell my story if my issue wasn’t addressed. It wasn’t addressed.
Before I resigned, I sought and got expressions of interest from media. I collated the information surrounding my harassment, including compromising detail about myself so as to not have an investigation derailed through errata. I had timed my resignation to occur after a state election and well before a federal election so that I wouldn’t expose my students to the hysteria surrounding such. I had exhausted all other avenues of negotiation with my public service employer.
I felt that I was risking much through resignation, but I was to risk much by not resigning, having faced erroneous trumped up charges which had me labelled as disabled, and being the subject of further harassment which threatened to have me fired. I felt by exposing my harassment, which had emanated from sources unknown to me, I might be able to quickly find equivalent, possibly the same work quickly. Worst case scenario was that I might be forced overseas.
What happened following my resignation does not seem fair.
The media groups who had expressed an interest fobbed me off. I was advised my harassment issue was too old for the media to use. I approached a local newspaper, and they promised to investigate my claims. After about six weeks, the paper promised to run with the story. Meanwhile, the minister decided to reinvestigate, and so the paper decided to hold off the story.
Immediately upon resigning, I contacted Centerlink to claim for unemployment. I expected a waiting period. I had saved so as to wait 4 months, if I had to, but didn’t expect that issues would take that long to resolve. However, it has been five months, and still Centerlink have not processed my application. A major impediment being that I thought I was an Australian Citizen, but wasn’t, and I haven’t the paperwork to prove I am a permanent resident. I have Aboriginal ancestry (although I am not Aboriginal), but the department could not locate my Australian born parents on their database and insisted I get my birth certificate from NYC. It took 4 months to get my birth certificate from NYC.
Meanwhile, the minister again decided to not do anything, but gave me a contact that I might discuss my issue with. That contact was a named abuser of mine.
Then the local paper decided it wasn’t possible for them to run my story because their legal division wouldn’t allow them, claiming that it might be defamatory to report that I had resigned, having done nothing wrong, complaining of being harassed.
In desperation, I have approached another local paper. They have agreed to ‘look at the matter.’
I have lived frugally, and so I will survive for six months without income. However, come January, 2008, I will be broke. I will default on my home loan, and probably lose my unit, which is locate in the poorest suburb of Sydney. I have eaten through my equity, trying to get my story told. I have superannuation which could pay off my unit, but I cannot access that.
However, if I write a will, and name a worthy person, and then die by accident, that person will get a paid up unit and a few thousand left over. I am worth more dead than alive. And I never got to tell my story.
For the record, my complaint is related to having appropriately reported misconduct. A young Principal inflated the report into an allegation of paedophilia. The young Principal badmouthed me to staff and transferred me from the school. A subsequent investigation did not substantiate the charge of paedophilia, but the investigator contacted me to say I had acted appropriately, but they couldn’t put that in writing.
Meanwhile, I maintained an exemplary record of achievement at other schools, and was accepted as a tutor at a boarding school. An unfortunate meeting between the boarding school and my old school resulted in a souring of my perceived value. I was unfairly sacked from the boarding school. A year later, the boarding school, having ignored an issue I had raised with them, was the venue of an avoidable accident which resulted in the death of a boy. The public service department refused to discuss the illegal sacking with me, or communicate with me at all.
Then, my workplace supervisor, who may well have been cousin to my workplace supervisor at my old school, who had not had problems with my exemplary work before, began inflating complaints about me. I was referred to a unit to assess my fitness to teach, and was labelled ‘disabled with no special provision’ and allowed to continue teaching.
When my students began to lose marks for no other reason than that they were in my class, I decided I had to force the issue of my harassment. When a child was verbally assaulted for being in my class, or when it was suggested I was behind money disappearing, or documents disappearing, or when it was suggested I was behaving inappropriately with children, I decided I had to force the issue. When I was threatened with the sack for maintaining an online presence of 2.5 million words and images unrelated to my day job, I decided I had no other option but to force my issue into the open.
I want to live. It may be too late to report my issue for me ..
a link to summation
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Hicks to be released, but what about that banging?
Mr Hicks, whose own legal team had him held in prison without charge so as to make political mischief is to be released soon. Early.
A highly trained terrorist, whose lesser trained colleague, Johny Walker, is serving 20 years in the US.
Now that Howard is no longer in office, the howling press have gone silent over this issue, even though the police have successfully applied for a control order.
One asks ones self, what would a professional do. Mike Baker provides an interesting insight .. in comments.
Sherwin Nuland: A history of electroshock therapy
Sherwin Nuland, the surgeon and author, talks about the development of electroshock therapy as a cure for severe, life-threatening depression. Midway through, his story turns personal. It's a moving and deeply felt talk about relief, redemption, second chances.
This account is moving for me, as I run out of money late next month. Although I have done nothing wrong, having worked all my life. I was harassed at work. When that harassment threatened my students, I challenged the responsible government minister to deal with it. The rest is history.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
UK's Brown Tries To Engineer Defeat
With so much being successful in Iraq in recent times, one wonders at the policy of the UK PM Brown who has pulled out his troops.
It might seem unfair, but it is irresistible .. Brown seems a little one eyed over the issue.
Monday, December 10, 2007
For Pizza, Size Matters
Hey Dominos and Pizza Hut, delivering small large pizzas? No one thinks big of you...
This advert parody is related to a NSW anti speeding campaign.
Ten Year Old Girl Consents To Gang Rape
A judge for a Cape York Peninsula case has suspended the sentence of three of seven gang rapists who had sex with a 10 yo girl, saying that she 'probably consented.' The four other rapists were juveniles. The oldest offender, 26 years old, was sentenced to six months, suspended for 12 months.
Triumph of ALP legislation?
Sunday, December 09, 2007
Larry Brilliant: The case for informed optimism director Larry Brilliant uses a clip from an old Frank Capra movie to show that we've known about global warming for 50 years -- yet in half a century, we've done almost nothing to solve it. He explores this and other megatrends that could inspire pessimism. But, he says, there is a more powerful case for optimism.
I don't buy into the global scare campaign, but then that is why I am poor and oppressed. This is another tedtalks production, and I think it worthy of seeing, more so than that awful, inaccurate "An Inconvenient Truth."
Saturday, December 08, 2007
The Wizard of Oz
the author of the video wrote
"This idea ended up being too difficult to execute with the available footage. For anyone who is curious, here is the incomplete video."
I want to go home.
Making Bad Behavior Legitimate
Rudd has offered to act as intermediary for China in discussing action with the US.
China has recently refused to allow some US warships the opportunity to harbor in Hong Kong during bad weather. China claims they 'made a mistake' and did not realize what the US was asking of them.
It has been said that there are naval tensions related to the US sending arms to Taiwan. No connection has been drawn with the piracy issue that China has sponsored in recent years, including the unjustified attack on a US surveillance plane a few years ago.
Rudd's actions to act as intermediary mask the fact that China has made a mistake. It illegitimately places the US on an equal footing with the belligerent mainland Chinese nation. As political messages go, it isn't one that Australia should be sending.
Accused of Killing, Finds Platonic Love
The woman who embraces him does not believe he is a killer. She volunteers that her relationship is platonic. Is her judgement sound? Is she recklessly introducing to her life a dangerous man who has no respect for life?
Gordon used to be a driver for the suicide Rene Rivkin. Rene was also a celebrity financier who famously acquired wealth after a bad investment burned up.
Ugly rumors spread regarding the death of Wood's former girlfriend, model Caroline Byrne. Some have said she knew too much about Rene and was killed for that.
Soon, a court will decide. For now, Gordon is on bail, and he is able to go to the beach with his platonic friend.
Murray Gell-Mann: Beauty and truth in physics Wielding laypeople's terms and a sense of humor, Nobel Prize winner Murray Gell-Mann drops some knowledge about particle physics, asking questions like, Are elegant equations more likely to be right than inelegant ones? Can the fundamental law, the so-called "theory of everything," really explain everything? His answers will surprise you.
Friday, December 07, 2007
Mr Nelson's New Front Bench
The Hon Dr Brendan Nelson MP
Shadow Ministry
6 December 2007
Media Release
I am pleased to announce today the new Coalition frontbench.
The new Coalition team strikes the right balance between fresh faces and experience. The Shadow Ministry has been chosen on the basis of both proven performance and new members with the potential to contribute to the Coalition over the longer term.
This team has the drive, skills, experience and commitment to offer a credible, viable and attractive alternative Government.
Julie Bishop will take on the important role of Shadow Minister for Employment, Business and Workplace Relations. As the Deputy Leader, Ms Bishop will hold the Government to account and work to ensure the significant employment gains of the past decade are not eroded.
Opposition Senate Leader Nick Minchin will assume responsibility as Shadow Minister for Defence. Senator Minchin is one of the Coalition’s most experienced and skilful operators. His talents are greatly valued by the Liberals and Nationals.
Along with his role as Deputy Leader of the Opposition in the Senate, Senator Eric Abetz becomes Shadow Minister for Innovation, Industry, Science and Research.
Malcolm Turnbull will serve as my key economic spokesman as Shadow Treasurer. Malcolm’s economic experience, drive and intellect will be highly valued on the Coalition frontbench.
The Nationals’ Leader Warren Truss will serve as Shadow Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Local Government. As our valued Coalition partner, I look forward to working closely with Mr Truss and his colleagues.
Senator Nigel Scullion will provide an alternative to the Government’s approach on Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry.
John Cobb will serve as Shadow Minister for Regional Development and Water Security.
Andrew Robb takes on the important and challenging role of Shadow Foreign Minister. Mr Robb is a proven safe pair of hands. Andrew’s experience will be a great asset to the Coalition team I look forward to his valued contribution on the frontbench.
Joe Hockey will hold the Government to account on Health, while Peter Dutton becomes Shadow Finance Minister, Ian MacFarlane becomes Shadow Trade Minister and Tony Abbott takes on responsibility for Families, Community Services, Indigenous Affairs and the Voluntary Sector.
Senator Chris Ellison becomes Shadow Minister for Immigration and Citizenship, Senator Helen Coonan takes on Human Services, Senator George Brandis becomes Shadow Attorney General, while Senator David Johnston brings his drive and talents to the position of Shadow Minister for Resources and Energy and Tourism.
Tony Smith, Bruce Billson and Greg Hunt also join the Shadow Cabinet. Mr Smith’s energy, skills and talent make him the ideal candidate to take on the Government in the important Education portfolio. I have also added the important areas of Apprenticeships and Training to Tony’s responsibilities.
Bruce Billson will enthusiastically develop the alternative Government’s plans for Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy.
Greg Hunt becomes Shadow Minister for Climate Change, Environment and Urban Water. Greg will work tirelessly in this critically important portfolio.
There are a number of new faces in the Outer Shadow Ministry.
Senator Michael Ronaldson brings his considerable experience and talents as Shadow Special Minister of State. I welcome Michael Keenan to the frontbench as Shadow Assistant Treasurer and Steven Ciobo as Shadow Minister for Small Business, the Service Economy and Tourism.
Christopher Pyne becomes Shadow Minister for Justice and Border Protection, Sharman Stone takes on Environment, Heritage, the Arts and Indigenous Affairs and Bronwyn Bishop returns in the role of Shadow Veterans Affairs Minister.
The Nationals’ Luke Hartsuyker will take up the position of Shadow Minister for Business Development, Independent Contractors and Consumer Affairs.
Bob Baldwin, Andrew Southcott, Margaret May, Sussan Ley and Pat Farmer also join the Coalition frontbench.
The following Members and Senators will serve as Shadow Parliamentary Secretaries; Cory Bernardi, Richard Colbeck, Mark Coulton, John Forrest, Jo Gash, Barry Haase, Peter Lindsay, Ian Macdonald, Louise Markus, Brett Mason, Sophie Mirabella, Marise Payne and Don Randall.
Climate Change Joke
Germanwatch is author of Climate Change Performance Index (CCPI).
CCPI has just made the ridiculous claim that Australia is third last in the fight against climate change.
To date, the ridiculous document called Kyoto has had carbon emissions targets which Australia has met, although Australia was not signatory.
Nations which failed to meet the targets, but which were signatories, include New Zealand, Italy, France and many others.
The CPPI blamed the previous conservative government for the failings, without suggesting why this erronious result should be true.
ALP Delivers New Train Wreck
Epping to Chatswood's underground line has been built too steep to accept modern train carriages. Instead, only the older carriages, that Morris promised to phase out can work on the line. Yet another mistake by a tired administration which still has much popular press support.
Trumped Up Charges
Iran rushed an execution of a boy. He was 20 years old, but 13 when he was charged with, and jailed for, rape. His confession had been coerced. His accusers had changed their minds. The authorities had rescinded the decision. But the local authorities executed him anyway.
Discredited international bodies, such as Amnesty International, tried to intervene. It is possible that Amnesty has committed too much of its resources, protecting international terrorist wannabes, to be of much help to the boy.
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Going Against Nature?
Russel Crowe tries to find a positive beat for his club, South Sydney. He seems to feel that banning pokies from the club, a source of revenue, can be made into a virtue. Perhaps it can, if it attracts family and wholesome activity to the club, while eschewing vice. The community deserves something good. But can something good come from the ARL?
Meanwhile, in Victoria, there is uproar over Sikh boys who carry daggers to school. The issue involves the religious practise of Sikhs for their initiated.
If those Sikh boys have their daggers banned, what about other school children who carry scissors? Maybe the issue isn't religion or culture or even sharp instruments. Maybe schools are better placed to decide on issues of custom, and maybe state governments have better things to do than regulate religion.