Sunday, February 14, 2010

Super Teachers: Hiding a failed promise of Rudd

A list was published of some 68 broken promises and back flips of Rudd from the time of his election to last November. An election year is coming up and Rudd needs to justify his performance. He is finding he is hampered by the abysmal news media which failed to find out what he would do in office. He gave broad promises but no actual detail, and now he has failed, he cannot point to any detail contradicting the appearance of failure. This is what drives the promotion of a select few to the well paid position of Super Teacher.
It isn’t very hard to find good teachers worthy of the honor, but it is contentious if you compare who gets the honor with those who did not. One worthy recipient works at Maquarie Fields Selective HS. They worked at that school before their pay raise. They do a similar job as before their pay raise of mentoring other staff and liaising with parents. Would another member of staff at the same school be worthy of similar pay for doing a similar job? What if they didn’t do the same job, but took kids on excursion after school hours? What if they mentored the most troubled students? What if they worked with the most disadvantaged students and managed to improve their numeracy?
Only a few teachers will get this new pay. Only one per school. Not all schools will be deemed worthy. It is interesting that at least one of the worthy schools is a selective one.
But Rudd needs this program to work, and the fact that there is no measurable way that it might fail will seem a bonus for Rudd. His computers in schools program has been an expensive failure with antiquated cheap computers not serving the needs of staff or students wherever they have been implemented .. but not many places have them.

But on this day which marks both Valentines and New Years for many, it is worth comparing this press release banner of money for super teachers with the reality of Rudd’s failure (or Gillard’s) of examining the issue of Hamidur Rahman or the abuse of the whistle blower who has flagged the case. Other staff are aware of what is happening, and it is a powerful example that a whistleblower may be so publicly abused. A warning to all who might challenge the enormous ego of Rudd. I am certain that parents would be concerned that the death was not adequately investigated nor the preceding pedophile case.
This article has been made for posting on Zaya Toma's site.

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