Thursday, July 15, 2021

Thu 15th July 2021 Current Affairs

Editorial on Haiti Assassination and Biden Presidency
Because of corruption involving the Clinton Foundation and Haiti reconstruction, the assassination of Haiti's President by a mercenary team involving US citizens takes on a particular piquancy. It does not mean Biden is behind the assassination, But, what must be of concern to non partisan Americans is the circumstance resulting in the death. To draw a parallel, Australia had had a decade of conservative government leading up to the Rudd Government election in 2007. Rudd promised change based on a pragmatic economic conservative approach he never followed. But, before Rudd penned a schoolboy level essay trumpeting the jetison of economic conservatism, he turned to enlightened foreign policy. Rudd would not tolerate insurrection in Timor led by the separatist Alfredo Reinado. Rudd might not have given tacit permission for friendly black ops to hit Reinado, But, the hit almost claimed the lives of Timor's Prime Minister and President. Following, Timor ties with ALP led Australia were poisoned. 

Biden needs a foreign policy win. A strong statement on a nation close to America means a lot for Biden who looks weak and foolish, derided by friends and foes. Who mourns the Haiti strongman? Who mourned Reinado? However, Rudd's bungled foreign policy echoes the Haiti experience. Just like Ukraine's illegal painting of their military aircraft as civilian was never discussed by international media, we may never hear who ordered the hit on the Haiti President, but those involved with the execution will be persecuted. After all, those involved might point the finger, if asked, at .. Biden? 

Editorial Trump policy prosecuting legal cases
Trump legal policy appears to be corruptly deprived of standing and provision. How else can one explain the quandary Trump finds himself? It is as if the Democrats own the judicial process and it is up to the voter to rid the US of Democrats in 2022, so that an independent congress and eventually, judiciary, can reassert themselves. There are powerful truths supporting that view, from Hunter Biden's laptop, through Giuliani's slap down by NY judges, The Russian collusion hoax and two fake impeachment trials. But, sometimes, Trump looks like he is deliberately shooting himself in the foot, as with his lawyer's approach to suing Big Tech. It is as if a Trump lawyer is applying a poison pill to the case to sabotage what Trump could pursue legally in better directions. 

Why else would Trump lawyers use class action to pursue what Trump can claim as a private citizen? Is it because Trump can lose these cases and better pursue public support for 2022? Can Democrats afford to let Trump win these cases so as to avoid losing the publicity war? Or are Democrats geared to lose regardless? 

The corrupt Democrat LBJ stole preselection for Texas from a fellow Democrat in '48. The case went to the Supreme Court which claimed it had no standing as it was a preselection for Democrats, and they were allowed to be corrupt. The federal aspect of any campaign not being decided by Democrats preselecting a thief. It had only been a few years after UK lords had hanged Lord Haw Haw, William Joyce for treason, even though he wasn't English at all, but Irish. The UK Lords had had no standing, but as they say in law, if there aren't double standards, then there are no standards at all. Joyce had had a fake UK passport. I'm sure Barnaby Joyce would understand that such loopholes in citizenship are fraught. 

I no longer care for the opinion of judges. I want Trump to have his presidency restored, and for Democrats to be stripped of their party status. 
Disturbing video emerges out of Cuba which you all need to see. In this episode, I discuss the freedom fight in Cuba, along with the latest absurdity from Fauci meant to frighten you.

News Picks:

=== Bongino Headlines ===
1.8 Million Americans Turn Down Jobs Due to Biden’s Generous Unemployment Benefits READ MORE

Psaki Slammed Over Biden’s Support for Fleeing Texas Lawmakers

Producer Price Index Surges a Record 7.3% in June on a Year-Over-Year Basis

FBI Thwarts Iranian Plot to Kidnap American Journalist in New York for Criticizing Regime

House GOP Crushes Democrats in Record-Shattering Second Fundraising Quarter of 2021

Disgraced Actor Jussie Smollett Proclaims His Innocence in Court

Tucker Slams Democrats’ Growing Hysteria on Voter Integrity Laws

Capitol Hill
Senate Dems Unveil Marijuana Decriminalization Bill
Transit Riders Union Endorses Leftist Who Threatened to Blow Up School Bus
U.S. Updates Xinjiang Supply Chain Business Advisory, Says China Is Conducting Genocide Against Uyghurs
GOP Slams Brakes on Infrastructure Package Over Debt Concerns
Texas State Dem Rep. Mocked After Proudly Referring to Himself as “Fugitive”
GOP Won’t Help Advance Stuck Radical ATF Nominee
Ballots Counted in Arizona Senate’s Audit Of 2020 Election Differs From Tally by Maricopa County Officials
Group of Republicans Send Letter to NSA Demanding Investigation Into Allegations The Agency Illegally Spied On Tucker Carlson
DHS Warns Haitians and Cubans Against Trying to Enter U.S. Illegally
Bail Motion Argues Jan 6 Inmates Suffer “Human Rights Violations on a Daily Basis”

Culture War
U.S. Drug Overdose Deaths Soared Nearly 30% in 2020, Hitting Highest Number Ever Recorded
Dan Bongino and Jesse Waters Dominate Primetime as CNN Fails
Rochester Embraces Police Intervention After Murder Rate Outpaces Chicago’s
“The Atlantic” Hemorrhages Money Post-Trump
Dinesh D’Souza Slams Biden’s Claim That Election Integrity Laws Are Biggest “Test of Our Democracy Since the Civil War”
Activists and Abortion Providers Sue to Block Texas Heartbeat Law
Glenn Greenwald Hammers Media on Michael Avenatti: Utter Bulls–t to Claim They Couldn’t Have Known He Was a Crook
YouTube Fined $100k+ for Censoring Lockdown Protest Video
Fauci: Of Course 3-Year-Olds Should Be Wearing Masks
Federal Court Rules Banning Handgun Sales to People Under 21 Is Unconstitutional
1619 Project Founder Believes Cuba Should Be a Role Model to America

Dems to Force Through $3.5 Trillion Spending Bill Without GOP Support
Coffee Prices Set to Skyrocket as Brazil Suffers Drought
Bitcoin Dips on News E.U. Is Eyeing Their Own Digital Currency
States Form Coalition to Stop California From Setting U.S. Automotive Standards
Richard Branson Buys Stake in Space Investment Fund
U.S. News & World Report’s Best Places to Live Rankings for 2021-2022
Weekly Mortgage Refinances Jump 20% After Rates Drop to February Low
Bank of England Frees Banks From Pandemic Dividend Restrictions
Biden Admin Expects Inflation Burst to Last a Few Quarters
First Child Tax Credit Payments Go Out This Week
Fed’s Bullard Says Time Is Right to Scale Back Central Bank Stimulus

Swamp Watch
State Department Invites U.N. Racism Investigators to Visit U.S.
Federal Government’s Count of New York COVID-19 Deaths Is 11,000 Higher Than New York’s
Judicial Watch Asks Court to Order Post Office to Release Documents on Social Media Spying
Study Finds Half of Those Released Before Trial in San Francisco Are Arrested for New Crimes While Free
DEA Says Haiti Assassination Suspect Had Worked for the Agency in the Past
Concerns Over Cracked Pool Deck at Collapsed Florida Condo Raised Flags 25 Years Ago
Loudoun County Mom Says Left-Wing Activists Sent a Flyer to Her Employer Calling Her a Racist
Geraldo Rivera Wants Unvaccinated People Prohibited From Stores, Schools, Even Jobs

National Security
Biden Weighs Military Help for Haiti
George W. Bush Slams Afghanistan Withdrawal
Space Force Yet to Finalize Physical Training Standards
One B-2 Stealth Bomber Has More Firepower Than an Entire Aircraft Carrier
U.S. Says There’s No Deadline for Iran Nuclear Negotiations
Six Hospitalized for Dehydration During National Guard Exercises in Connecticut
Navy Secretary Nominee Supports 30-Year, 355-Ship Plan… But Biden’s Budget May Not
Report: US Navy Unprepared for Military Confrontation Due to Focus on Wokeism

Around the World
Google Hit With $500M Fine by France for Failing to Negotiate “in Good Faith” with News Publishers
Watchdog: Cuba Has Curbed Social Media Access Amid Protests
Boris Johnson Pushes Venues to Use Vaccine Passports
State Department Says U.S. Will Hold Hong Kong Authorities Responsible for Erosion of Rule of Law
Afghan Commandos Killed in Taliban Attack After Responding to Call for Help
Dubai Sets World Record With 200-Foot Deep Pool
Cuba Using Chinese Tech to Block Internet Access During Protests
Cuba’s Communist Regime Arrests, Beats, and Kills Protesters

Newt Gingrich: Afghanistan: Overcoming Defeat and Denial
Salena Zito: Seeing America From the Ground
Patrick Buchanan: Are the Good Times Over for Biden?
Todd Starnes: Disney Cancels Christmas
Oliver L. North and David L. Goetsch: Destroying Our Military From Within
Humberto Fontova: Cubans Erupt in Protest Against a Regime Historically Hailed by Democrats
Dennis Prager: The Best Thing Most Americans Can Do to Make America Better
Christopher Barron: Will The Left’s Overreach On Critical Race Theory Prove To Be Their Downfall?

Music Fans Send Vinyl Sales Higher, Outpacing CDs
UK Lawmakers Vote to Cut Foreign Aid Until It’s No Longer Financed By Debt
Conservator Accuses Britney Spears’ Dad of Using His Daughter’s Money to Defend Himself
Hollywood Leftist Debra Messing Says America is Racist… Based on “Karen” Parody Video
15 Celebs Who’ve Hobnobbed, Vacationed, or Promoted Movies in Communist Cuba
Charlie Robinson, Known for Playing “Mac” in “Night Court,” Has Died
“Black Widow” Star Says No One Could Disagree with Socialism
TV Academy Got the Emmy Nominations (Mostly) Right This Year

Derek Hunter: It’s Different When Biden Does It
The ESPY Award Ratings Have Been Dead Since the Show Went Woke in 2015
Mets’ Syndergaard on His “Devastating” Injury Two Years Ago
Peyton Manning “Can’t Fathom” Aaron Rodgers Not Playing This Season
Khabib Nurmagomedov Says McGregor Is Done in the UFC
Federer Withdraws From Olympics With Knee Injury
Alex Smith Says Dak Prescott Is Set for a Big Comeback
Video: The Moment Conor McGregor Injured Himself
Former NBA Player Speaks Out Against China’s Oppression of Uyghurs
=== Newsmax Headlines ===

Newsmax TV

The special congressional panel investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol by supporters of former President Donald Trump said on Wednesday it would hold its first hearing on July 27.Members of the Democratic-led panel, known as the Select Committee to Investigate...... [Full Story]
A judge on Wednesday delayed the sentencing of the man convicted of [Full Story]
Fair elections advocate and ex-Trump administration official Ken [Full Story] | 









Here is a video I made Fat Old Hugh Grant 

He never says anything, but he says it all. Comedy. 

David Ball10 years ago
Yep there is a point. It is a mimic of Hugh Grant's on screen work .. he talks around the point and, endearingly, never gets to it. You'll notice this if you look at any of his films .. he is a genius. Sorry I'm not, but this is also a joke ;)

boumqueefster5 years ago
really great video well done very funny and witty 

Khy97605 years ago
YOU are a fat and old man, not hugh. Please shut up. It's better for all. 

boumqueefster5 years ago
great banter ballface

=== From 2018 ===
Don't give up on hope. France has won the World Cup, winning the final vs Croatia 4-2. Croatia played well but could never get in front during the match. Now France is automatically selected to play Mars next year, on Mars. One suggests plenty of high altitude training. 

One result of the fracturing of institutional assets and the promotion of division through minorities is sexual assault. Just as a policeman asking for ID is grounds for racial vilification claims, asking for sex can have unintended consequences. NSW is springing into action, not addressing the issue, but changing the means of expressing consent. The result will be it is easier for lawyers to view evidence in case of dispute. It is probably naive of me to say getting married to each other might inform consent? And domestic abuse is wrong. Is it really so hard to say it is wrong for a twenty something guy to have sex with a teen in a back alley and she was so drunk she couldn't stay conscious? Will the new law address the issue? 

Church leadership in Australia is at a bad low. Cardinal Pell is representative of the glory of the Catholic Church under John Paul II. Brian Houston does a great job with Hillsong, but the leadership of Anglicans and Uniting is sad and depressing, with one expecting to hear them call for AGW support or collections in support of socialism in place of God. Would it surprise anyone if a prominent charity was found to be giving money to terrorists in so called Palestine? Supporting BDS? One does not have to be Jewish to recognise the Holocaust was wrong, but one expects people supporting God would never facilitate it. Historically, good work of missionaries in Australia is now despised by support of the dangerous myth of a stolen generation where it is supported that sexual abuse of children by their relatives is cultural. Maybe those Christian leaders supporting Gaia need to be reminded that Jesus killed a tree. Read my book Bread of Life for a view on Christianity today. If you don't want to kill a tree, read it on kindle. 
A daily column on what the ALP have as a policy, supported by a local member, and how it has 'helped' the local community. I'll stop if I cannot identify a policy. Feel free to make suggestions. Contact me on FB, not twitter. I have twitter, but never look at it. 

Gabrielle Williams was appointed Parliamentary Secretary for Carers and Volunteers, working with the Minister for Housing, Disability and Ageing and the Minister for Families and Children. I am running a campaign against Williams for the seat of Dandenong. The ALP have proposed laws changing fundraising in campaigning for their benefit, at expense of taxpayers who will fund it increasingly, or Victorians who will endure it increasingly. My campaign is low cost, I will approach private business and people on the street or through social media. In my last three campaigns I raised no money and paid all expenses. But the ALP want to fix it so that if I have no expenses to declare they will not pay me a return for votes, even if I exceed 4% of votes. Further, they propose capping private donations to $1k, but allowing unions to funnel any amount directly to the ALP through special provision. Also, along with Williams winning the seat and taking her constituents for granted, the ALP will give themselves $10k for each seat they have to maintain their office. That money is to go to any sitting member, including Liberal or Greens (Nationals? DLP?) but not to any independent who does not get the numbers to have a seat. So my campaign on Education, Crime and Employment in Dandenong gets stifled and Williams campaign on social inclusion, school child gender dysphoria, and AFL tickets for criminals, gets heavily promoted. 

As part of the November 24th Vic election campaign I have a petition I want to bring before the Opposition Leader Matthew Guy. I believe Matthew will be the next premier of Victoria and so I am petitioning him as I raise the issues of Employment, Crime and Education in Dandenong. I am also seeking money for my campaign. I don't have party resources, and so my campaign is on foot, and on the internet. Any money I receive that is not spent on the campaign will go to Grow 4 Life. I am asking questions like "What do you love about Dandenong?" and "If you could change something in Dandenong to make it better, what would it be?" I'm not limiting the questions to state issues. I'm happy to discuss anything, and get things done.
=== from 2017 ===
Some things should not happen, but they do. There is discussion regarding Scott Ludlum, WA Green senator who has been found to have been illegally elected, should pay back his salary and entitlements. He has dual nationality, and has signed documents clearly stating he doesn't. More saliently, what of the political party that failed to properly vet him? Scott has been party to some appallingly bad senate decisions during his nearly ten years in the federal senate. Can his bad legislation be overturned? He came to Australia age 3, and now, forty four years later, has not notably become more responsible. 

In 484 BC, dedication of the Temple of Castor and Pollux in ancient Rome. Castor and Pollux were twins, according to Greek Legend. Castor was the son of the king of Sparta, while Pollux was the son of Zeus. Ancient Greeks hadn't got a strong handle on things, Helen of Troy and her twin Sister Clytamnestra were twin half sisters. One feels Leda had a legendary birth. Rome, at this time had recently fought a battle against her last king with the armies of her new republic. The republic won, but only after Castor and Pollux were seen to help in battle, and again spotted during the triumph celebration. 756, An Lushan RebellionEmperor Xuanzong of Tang was ordered by his Imperial Guards to execute chancellor Yang Guozhong by forcing him to commit suicide or face a mutiny. He permitted his consort Yang Guifei to be strangled by his chief eunuch. General An Lushan had other members of the emperor's family killed. Such few words mask the tragedy. An Lushan had been highly prized by the Tang emperor. He had been given an enormous house, beautiful furniture and immense trust which he betrayed. The elderly emperor fled to secure countryside with his court. But the court panicked, blaming his chancellor who had antagonised An Lushan. They also hated his cousin and her sisters. Imagine how the Tang Emperor felt having to order the killing of his concubine to preserve his worthless life? 1099, First CrusadeChristian soldiers took the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem after the final assault of a difficult siege. 1149, the reconstructed Church of the Holy Sepulchre was consecrated in Jerusalem. 1207, King John of England expelled Canterbury monks for supporting Archbishop Stephen Langton. 1240, Swedish–Novgorodian Wars: A Novgorodian army led by Alexander Nevsky defeated the Swedes in the Battle of the Neva. 1381, John Ball, a leader in the Peasants' Revolt, was hanged, drawn and quartered in the presence of King Richard II of England.

In 1410, Polish–Lithuanian–Teutonic WarBattle of Grunwald – the allied forces of the Kingdom of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania defeated the army of the Teutonic Order. 1685, Monmouth RebellionJames Scott, 1st Duke of Monmouth was executed at Tower HillEngland after his defeat at the Battle of Sedgemoor on 6 July 1685. 1741, Aleksei Chirikov sighted land in Southeast Alaska. He sent men ashore in a longboat, making them the first Europeans to visit Alaska. 1789, Gilbert du Motier, marquis de Lafayette, was named by acclamation Colonel General of the new National Guard of Paris. 1799, the Rosetta Stone was found in the Egyptian village of Rosetta by French Captain Pierre-François Bouchard during Napoleon's Egyptian Campaign.

1815, Napoleonic WarsNapoleon Bonaparte surrendered aboard HMS Bellerophon. 1823, a fire destroyed the ancient Basilica of Saint Paul Outside the Walls in Rome, Italy. 1834, the Spanish Inquisition was officially disbanded after nearly 356 years. 1838, Ralph Waldo Emerson delivered the Divinity School Address at Harvard Divinity School, discounting Biblical miracles and declaring Jesus a great man, but not God. The Protestant community reacted with outrage. 

In 1910, in his book Clinical Psychiatry, Emil Kraepelin gave a name to Alzheimer's disease, naming it after his colleague Alois Alzheimer1955, Eighteen Nobel laureates signed the Mainau Declaration against nuclear weapons, later co-signed by thirty-four others. 1966, Vietnam War: The United States and South Vietnam began Operation Hastings to push the North Vietnamese out of the Vietnamese Demilitarized Zone. 1975, Space RaceApollo–Soyuz Test Project featured the dual launch of an Apollo spacecraft and a Soyuz spacecraft on the first joint Soviet-United States human-crewed flight. It was both the last launch of an Apollo spacecraft, and the Saturn family of rockets. 1979, U.S. President Jimmy Carter gave his so-called malaise speech, where he characterised the greatest threat to the country as "this crisis in the growing doubt about the meaning of our own lives and in the loss of a unity of purpose for our nation" but in which he never used the word malaise.

1997, in Miami, Floridaserial killer Andrew Cunanan gunned down Gianni Versace outside his home. 2002, "American TalibanJohn Walker Lindh pled guilty to supplying aid to the enemy and to possession of explosives during the commission of a felony. Also 2002, Anti-Terrorism Court of Pakistan handed down the death sentence to British born Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh and life terms to three others suspected of murdering The Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl
=== from 2016 ===
A little girl was killed today, clutching a doll, watching fireworks in celebration of freedom. Bastille Day in France is a celebration of the overthrow of tyranny and the foundation of Democracy in Modern Europe. The Bastille only housed seven inmates at the time and in the actual defence of it, only one soldier was killed, and some 98 attackers. The commander of the Bastille was lynched and more blood was shed. The importance of the Bastille lay in the symbolic value of it being royal, and it having incarcerated writers and pamphleteers in the recent past, before it was liberated. The little girl killed today was one of eighty known at the time of writing this. More may follow who were injured by a jihadi in a truck. He was from Tunisia, 31 years old and armed with guns, grenades and the like. He wanted to kill that girl. And he wanted to kill the others too. What had France ever done to him? Had France helped him? There is a myth about terrorists having reasons for their activity. They do. They serve Satan. As do their defenders. There is a new tyranny in France at the moment. Political correctness, which excuses terrorism, is a threat to the existence of France. And France needs the spirit of the siege of the Bastille to overthrow the tyranny and rid themselves of terrorists. 

Vive France
=== from 2015 ===
It is worth remembering how bad Jimmy Carter was as President. He gave his "Malaise Speech on this day in 1979. He hadn't used the word malaise, but described it well, "this crisis in the growing doubt about the meaning of our own lives and in the loss of a unity of purpose for our nation." Carter was religious, but in political terms a terrible socialist who had not protected the important institutions he had been given as sacred trust as President. And in failing to protect cultural assets, he threatened the world with bad policy. Obama is a kindred spirit and the malaise felt through the US now is an expression of that. A dangerous policy of Obama has become a deal for Iran. Iran will be allowed to manufacture a large nuclear power station capable of producing nuclear weapons. The power station has no other purpose, as, were it to manufacture energy and medical isotopes efficiently it would be smaller. And the US will help Iran build ballistic missiles to launch those weapons in ten years. It is an awful deal for anyone who prizes world peace. It is also an example of the new cold war which Obama has reinstated. China and Russia are rising as regional powers to bully smaller nations. Iran and her victims are no more than pawns. 

Children of the Unabomber are demanding we return to times past they view as utopia. A time with people being old in their forties, with 50% death rates for babies. A time where 20% of women die in childbirth. A time without dental care, or eye care. A time when there aren't fat people because they have died. A time with no medication for diabetes, arthritis or cancer. A time when food was cooked using a log fire, or excrement. They are insane. 

Bill Shorten is continuing to obfuscate on policy. ALP are determined to introduce a price on carbon dioxide, which is little different to their tax. A tax on plant food. A tax hurting the poorest the most. They feel it is a vote winner, if only they can sneak it past the electorate. 
From 2014
I don't often focus on those who died, it is the life of a person that is testament to their character. But time stretches things, and alters meaning, and it is important to revisit what happened. Some despise the Crusades, pointing to the futile and death and despair, linked to religion. But that final assault of the first Crusade in 1099 led to the foundation of a remarkable jewel, a European nation in the Middle East with knights and castles and peoples speaking French. The dreams of those people being realized fifty years after on the same day with a reconstructed church. But while those people died with their dream intact, the dream did not last as long as two hundred years. It is worth thinking of that while considering a fractured United States in the 1860's and her great leader, Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln died, and his dream of a United States was being realized. He left behind children. But one child died on this day in 1871, Tad Lincoln. Tad was only 18 years old. He had not been well educated, as he had had a speech impediment and cleft lip and was reputed to be impulsive and unrestrained. He was known to interrupt meetings in the white house and even charge visitors to see his dad. When his father was assassinated, Tad was taken to see his dying dad, and aftterwards is recorded as having said "Pa is dead. I can hardly believe that I shall never see him again. I must learn to take care of myself now. Yes, Pa is dead, and I am only Tad Lincoln now, little Tad, like other little boys. I am not a president's son now. I won't have many presents anymore. Well, I will try and be a good boy, and will hope to go someday to Pa and brother Willie, in Heaven." 

Tad's passing was not the end of the Lincoln line. The last recorded Lincoln was Robert Todd Lincoln Beckwith who died in 1985. There is a disputed son of Robert's but it is a mistake to link mere property and progeny as being Lincoln's heritage. It is Liberty. The freedom of anyone to prosper regardless of colour, or creed. And it is not linked solely to the US, but to all lands aligned with her. And so on this day a young man trying to be good went to be with his family. But today, we have the liberty to be with our living ones. 

John Ball was executed on this day. He was hung, drawn and quartered. As an itinerant preacher, Ball, inspired by the work of Wycliffe, had preached of egalitarian values during a time of high taxation. The then King Richard II was about fourteen years old and ruling with the aid of advisers who were infighting for political power. Richard II's grandfather had England fighting an expensive war with France. Much credit is given the young king for facing his rebellious subjects. However, John's preaching was inconsistent with what England could accept, he called for an end to serfdom. Serfdom would end in England, but it needed the civil war to end the old world. In some ways, the execution of John was the beginning of the English Civil War known as the War of the Roses. 

The Rosetta Stone was found on this day, 1799 by French soldiers of Napoleon. It had been made circa 200 BC during the reign of Ptolemy V Epiphanes. It is a decree, the same decree, in three different languages. Two thousand years after it was made, no one knew how to read Egyptian hieroglyphs anymore. However, two of the languages were known, and because it was the same text, it became the key to understanding how Egyptian was written. And so now all the writing in Egypt is available for the world to learn about what life was like back then. 
Historical perspective on this day
In 484 BC, dedication of the Temple of Castor and Pollux in ancient Rome. 756, An Lushan RebellionEmperor Xuanzong of Tang was ordered by his Imperial Guards to execute chancellor Yang Guozhong by forcing him to commit suicide or face a mutiny. He permitted his consort Yang Guifei to be strangled by his chief eunuch. General An Lushan had other members of the emperor's family killed. 1099, First CrusadeChristian soldiers took the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem after the final assault of a difficult siege. 1149, the reconstructed Church of the Holy Sepulchre was consecrated in Jerusalem. 1207, King John of England expelled Canterbury monks for supporting Archbishop Stephen Langton. 1240, Swedish–Novgorodian Wars: A Novgorodian army led by Alexander Nevsky defeated the Swedes in the Battle of the Neva. 1381, John Ball, a leader in the Peasants' Revolt, was hanged, drawn and quartered in the presence of King Richard II of England.

In 1410, Polish–Lithuanian–Teutonic WarBattle of Grunwald – the allied forces of the Kingdom of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania defeated the army of the Teutonic Order. 1482, Muhammad XII was crowned the twenty-second and last Nasrid king of Granada. 1685, Monmouth RebellionJames Scott, 1st Duke of Monmouth was executed at Tower HillEngland after his defeat at the Battle of Sedgemoor on 6 July 1685. 1741, Aleksei Chirikov sighted land in Southeast Alaska. He sent men ashore in a longboat, making them the first Europeans to visit Alaska. 1789, Gilbert du Motier, marquis de Lafayette, was named by acclamation Colonel General of the new National Guard of Paris. 1799, the Rosetta Stone was found in the Egyptian village of Rosetta by French Captain Pierre-François Bouchard during Napoleon's Egyptian Campaign.

In 1806, Pike expeditionUnited States Army Lieutenant Zebulon Pike began an expedition from Fort Bellefontaine near St. Louis, Missouri, to explore the west. 1815, Napoleonic WarsNapoleon Bonaparte surrendered aboard HMS Bellerophon. 1823, a fire destroyed the ancient Basilica of Saint Paul Outside the Walls in Rome, Italy. 1834, the Spanish Inquisition was officially disbanded after nearly 356 years. 1838, Ralph Waldo Emerson delivered the Divinity School Address at Harvard Divinity School, discounting Biblical miracles and declaring Jesus a great man, but not God. The Protestant community reacted with outrage. 1870, Reconstruction Era of the United StatesGeorgia became the last of the former Confederate states to be readmitted to the Union. Also 1870, Rupert's Land and the North-Western Territory were transferred to Canada from the Hudson's Bay Company, and the province of Manitoba and the Northwest Territories were established from these vast territories. 1888, the stratovolcano Mount Bandai erupted killing approximately 500 people, in Fukushima PrefectureJapan.

In 1910, in his book Clinical Psychiatry, Emil Kraepelin gave a name to Alzheimer's disease, naming it after his colleague Alois Alzheimer. 1916, in Seattle, WashingtonWilliam Boeingand George Conrad Westervelt incorporated Pacific Aero Products (later renamed Boeing). 1918, World War I: The Second Battle of the Marne began near the River Marne with a German attack. 1920, the Polish Parliament established Silesian Voivodeship before the Polish-German plebiscite. 1922, Japanese Communist Party was established in Japan. 1927, Massacre of July 15, 1927: Eighty-nine protesters were killed by the Austrian police in Vienna.

In 1954, first flight of the Boeing 367-80, prototype for both the Boeing 707 and C-135 series. 1955, Eighteen Nobel laureates signed the Mainau Declaration against nuclear weapons, later co-signed by thirty-four others. 1959, the steel strike of 1959 began, leading to significant importation of foreign steel for the first time in United States history. 1966, Vietnam War: The United States and South Vietnam began Operation Hastings to push the North Vietnamese out of the Vietnamese Demilitarized Zone. 1971, the United Red Army was founded in Japan. 1974, in NicosiaCyprusGreek Junta-sponsored nationalists launched a coup d'état, deposing President Makarios and installing Nikos Sampson as Cypriot president. 1975, Space RaceApollo–Soyuz Test Project featured the dual launch of an Apollo spacecraft and a Soyuz spacecraft on the first joint Soviet-United States human-crewed flight. It was both the last launch of an Apollo spacecraft, and the Saturn family of rockets. 1979, U.S. President Jimmy Carter gave his so-called malaise speech, where he characterised the greatest threat to the country as "this crisis in the growing doubt about the meaning of our own lives and in the loss of a unity of purpose for our nation" but in which he never used the word malaise.

In 1980, a massive storm tore through western Wisconsin, causing US$160 million in damage. 1983, Orly Airport attack was launched by Armenian militant organisation ASALA at the Paris-Orly Airport in Paris; it left 8 people dead and 55 injured. 1996, a Belgian Air Force C-130 Hercules carrying the Royal Netherlands Army marching band crashed on landing at Eindhoven Airport. 1997, in Miami, Floridaserial killer Andrew Cunanan gunned down Gianni Versace outside his home. 2002, "American TalibanJohn Walker Lindh pled guilty to supplying aid to the enemy and to possession of explosives during the commission of a felony. Also 2002, Anti-Terrorism Court of Pakistan handed down the death sentence to Britishborn Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh and life terms to three others suspected of murdering The Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl. 2003, AOL Time Warner disbanded Netscape. The Mozilla Foundation was established on the same day 2006, Twitter was launched, becoming one of the largest social media platforms in the world.

=== Bible Reading ===


Today's reading: Psalm 10-12, Acts 19:1-20 (NIV)

View today's reading on Bible Gateway

Today's Old Testament reading: Psalm 10-12

1 Why, LORD, do you stand far off?
Why do you hide yourself in times of trouble?
In his arrogance the wicked man hunts down the weak,
who are caught in the schemes he devises.
3 He boasts about the cravings of his heart;
he blesses the greedy and reviles the LORD.
4 In his pride the wicked man does not seek him;
in all his thoughts there is no room for God.
5 His ways are always prosperous;
your laws are rejected by him;
he sneers at all his enemies.
6 He says to himself, "Nothing will ever shake me."
He swears, "No one will ever do me harm."

Today's New Testament reading: Acts 19:1-20

Paul in Ephesus
1 While Apollos was at Corinth, Paul took the road through the interior and arrived at Ephesus. There he found some disciples 2 and asked them, "Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?"
They answered, "No, we have not even heard that there is a Holy Spirit."
3 So Paul asked, "Then what baptism did you receive?"
"John's baptism," they replied....

=== Morning and Evening ===



"If thou lift up thy tool upon it, thou hast polluted it."
Exodus 20:25
God's altar was to be built of unhewn stones, that no trace of human skill or labour might be seen upon it. Human wisdom delights to trim and arrange the doctrines of the cross into a system more artificial and more congenial with the depraved tastes of fallen nature; instead, however, of improving the gospel carnal wisdom pollutes it, until it becomes another gospel, and not the truth of God at all. All alterations and amendments of the Lord's own Word are defilements and pollutions. The proud heart of man is very anxious to have a hand in the justification of the soul before God; preparations for Christ are dreamed of, humblings and repentings are trusted in, good works are cried up, natural ability is much vaunted, and by all means the attempt is made to lift up human tools upon the divine altar. It were well if sinners would remember that so far from perfecting the Saviour's work, their carnal confidences only pollute and dishonour it. The Lord alone must be exalted in the work of atonement, and not a single mark of man's chisel or hammer will be endured. There is an inherent blasphemy in seeking to add to what Christ Jesus in His dying moments declared to be finished, or to improve that in which the Lord Jehovah finds perfect satisfaction. Trembling sinner, away with thy tools, and fall upon thy knees in humble supplication; and accept the Lord Jesus to be the altar of thine atonement, and rest in him alone.
Many professors may take warning from this morning's text as to the doctrines which they believe. There is among Christians far too much inclination to square and reconcile the truths of revelation; this is a form of irreverence and unbelief, let us strive against it, and receive truth as we find it; rejoicing that the doctrines of the Word are unhewn stones, and so are all the more fit to build an altar for the Lord.


"As it began to dawn, came Magdalene, to see the sepulchre."
Matthew 28:1
Let us learn from Mary Magdalene how to obtain fellowship with the Lord Jesus. Notice how she sought. She sought the Saviour very early in the morning. If thou canst wait for Christ, and be patient in the hope of having fellowship with him at some distant season, thou wilt never have fellowship at all; for the heart that is fitted for communion is a hungering and a thirsting heart. She sought him also with very great boldness. Other disciples fled from the sepulchre, for they trembled and were amazed; but Mary, it is said, "stood" at the sepulchre. If you would have Christ with you, seek him boldly. Let nothing hold you back. Defy the world. Press on where others flee. She sought Christ faithfully--she stood at the sepulchre. Some find it hard to stand by a living Saviour, but she stood by a dead one. Let us seek Christ after this mode, cleaving to the very least thing that has to do with him, remaining faithful though all others should forsake him. Note further, she sought Jesus earnestly--she stood "weeping". Those tear-droppings were as spells that led the Saviour captive, and made him come forth and show himself to her. If you desire Jesus' presence, weep after it! If you cannot be happy unless he come and say to you, "Thou art my beloved," you will soon hear his voice. Lastly, she sought the Saviour only. What cared she for angels, she turned herself back from them; her search was only for her Lord. If Christ be your one and only love, if your heart has cast out all rivals, you will not long lack the comfort of his presence. Mary Magdalene sought thus because she loved much. Let us arouse ourselves to the same intensity of affection; let our heart, like Mary's, be full of Christ, and our love, like hers, will be satisfied with nothing short of himself. O Lord, reveal thyself to us this evening!

=== Bible Quote ===

=== Message ===


I am a decent man and don't care for the abuse given me. I created a video raising awareness of anti police feeling among western communities. I chose the senseless killing of Nicola Cotton, a Louisiana policewoman who joined post Katrina, to highlight the issue. I did this in order to get an income after having been illegally blacklisted from work in NSW for being a whistleblower. I have not done anything wrong. Local council appointees refused to endorse my work, so I did it for free. Youtube's Adsence refused to allow me to profit from their marketing it. Meanwhile, I am hostage to abysmal political leadership and hopeless journalists. My shopfront has opened on Facebook.


I am publishing a book called Bread of Life: January.

Bread of Life is a daily bible quote with a layman's understanding of the meaning. I give one quote for each day, and also a series of personal stories illustrating key concepts eg Who is God? What is a miracle? Why is there tragedy?

January is the first of the anticipated year-long work of thirteen books. One for each month and the whole year. It costs to publish. It (Kindle version) should retail at about $2US online, but the paperback version would cost more, according to production cost.If you have a heart for giving, I fundraise at (Gofundme finished the fund raiser, 2017)


Editorials will appear in the "History in a Year by the Conservative Voice" series, starting with August, September, October, or at Amazon The kindle version is cheaper, but the soft back version allows a free kindle version.

The Amazon Author Page for David Ball

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I'm now on MAGAbook to sidestep FB censorship


I'm looking for former students to endorse me


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