Friday, May 09, 2014

Fri May 9th Todays News

Not long ago, the political chief of Iran claimed that there were no more Gays in Iran. It followed a highly publicised execution of a couple. The justice over reach into people's bedrooms is appalling, and left wing mainstream media immediately began comparing it to times when, in England, people were executed for sodomy. Today is an anniversary of an example, and it highlights the difference between Iran's religiously based judicial system and England's secular administration. It involves the hanging of Gays in England in 1726. They had been the unfortunates to be caught among forty in total at Mary Clap's molly house in London. A molly house is a bit like an ABC tuck shop. People go there to eat, drink and socialise .. and have gay relations. A completely harmless activity that the law has no place investigating .. except the law had been given a foot in the door when a jilted lover denounced his haunts to the authorities. The stool pigeon was never charged, but he identified several places, including Mother Clap's place. The place was raided. Forty were arrested. Five were hung. The executions were despicable, but the letter of the law. Note the thirty five who weren't executed. Clearly the authorities were keener to make an example, rather than declare that there were no Gays in England. And that was in 1726. 
More Iranian 'glory' is related to this day, in 1979, 
when Iranian Jewish businessman Habib Elghanian was executed by firing squad in Tehran, prompting the mass exodus of the once 100,000 member strong Jewish community of Iran. So that it could now be said that no Jews live in Iran. And that is the nation the UN uses to head it's Human Rights committee. And that is the nation Obama is helping to acquire nuclear bombs. 

But, today is not terrible or awful, there are many good things that happened too. Mr Punch made his first appearance in 1662. It took time, but along came Judy. In Mumbai in 1874, the first horse drawn bus began work on two routes on this day. In 1904, a european steam train exceeded 100mph for the first time. Sydney trains struggle to reach half that speed a century later. Billy Joel, Howard Carter and JM Barrie also have birthdays today. Cheers.  ===
 For twenty two years I have been responsibly addressing an issue, and I cannot carry on. I am petitioning the Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott to remedy my distress. I leave it up to him if he chooses to address the issue. Regardless of your opinion of conservative government, the issue is pressing. Please sign my petition at

Happy birthday and many happy returns Leslie-Ann Stoffel. Born on the same day, across the years, as

On The Bolt Report on Sunday

Andrew Bolt May 09 2014 (4:10pm)

On the show on Sunday – Network 10 at 10am and 4pm....
Wreckers on one side, promise breakers on the other. Which is worse?
Our guest: Immigration Minister Scott Morrison.
Our panel: Janet Albrechtsen of The Australian and former Labor campaign guru Bruce Hawker.
On NewsWatch, Roger Scruton, the world’s leading conservative philosopher, analyses the socialist protesters who stopped Q&A.
And more, including a hypocrisy check on the ABC’s new comedy show.
The videos of the shows appear here.

Union of smearers

Andrew Bolt May 09 2014 (1:50pm)

The Electrical Trades Union has apologised for comparing Prime Minister Tony Abbott to Adolf Hitler, infuriating Jewish groups who condemned the portrayal in the union’s newsletter during a campaign.
The ETU released a brief statement on Friday apologising for the newsletter and pulled the offending article from its Facebook page.
“The ETU sincerely and unreservedly apologises,” the statement said.
“The theme of the magazine was to show the demonisation of unions has had a long history.”
The cover of the autumn newsletter for the Victorian branch of the ETU has used a digitally altered picture of Tony Abbott, complete with a tiny moustache and a tattoo on his chest similar to the Third Reich eagle.
Demonisation of conservatives also has a very long history. 

Selfies won’t stop Boko Haram

Andrew Bolt May 09 2014 (8:10am)

Monster Hunter Nation doubts a film star holding a sign will stop Boko Haram from enslaving schoolgirls:
I did a lot of research on human trafficking and modern slavery before Mike Kupari and I wrote Swords of Exodus. It is a horrible, evil, and surprisingly gigantic thing. One thing I’m fairly sure of about the kind of people who do that sort of thing for a living, is that they really don’t give a s..t about a bunch of American movie stars taking pouty selfies of themselves holding up signs with hash tag give our girls back. The disapproval of fat, soft, Americans on Facebook really doesn’t move them. They care about getting paid or getting killed, that’s about it. The self-righteous pouting is useless.
For the idiot libprog pussies with the selfies, the world is a violent place, filled with violent men. If you actually want something to be done about these evil people, maybe you shouldn’t bitch, whine, and moan every time our military takes action against evil people....
This kidnapping event made the news, but this sort of thing happens every day somewhere in the world. You’re shocked and outraged about this, but that just shows how little you know about the subject. There are plenty of outrageous acts of evil out there to choose from. You can take useless photos of yourself holding up a sign, but it will do nothing other than prove to your fellow idiots that you care so hard…
But if your selective outrage is really up in arms about this one, movie stars with the hash tag, I’ve got a simple solution for you. Take some of your millions of dollars and hire some mercenaries to go into Africa to shoot all the members of Boko Haram. I wonder how that would trend on Twitter. #gurkhaskillscumbags
The Left’s avoidance of the real issues here is startling. Last night on The Project former Democrats leader Natasha Stott-Despoja summed up the lessons to be learned from the kidnapping of more than 200 girls by an Islamist terrorist group that has declared war on Christians, murdered thousands of civilians and massacred boys whose “crime” was to go to school. According to Stott-Despoja, this should remind us that slavery was bad and girls’ education was important. No word about the dead schoolboys. And certainly no mention - again - of Islam.
This kind of thing is too much even for some stalwarts of the Left:
The Guardian, too, is now angry with its fellow travellors - although even it is still shy of the word “Muslim”:
Writers are typing with one eye over their shoulder: watching their backs to make sure that no one can accuse them of “demonising the other”.

Why does a refugee program put our children in danger?

Andrew Bolt May 09 2014 (7:34am)

The law insists the safety of this “refugee” comes above the safety of Australian children. That’s why he’s still here:
AN evil child sex predator - who cannot be deported thanks to his protection visa - is now targeting footy training, a school, parks, playground and Melbourne Sports and Aquatic Centre.
Ali Jaffari, an Afghan ­refugee on the sex offenders register, is under police investigation over his behaviour ­towards young children at footy training and Auskick near Albert Park…
And one mum said Jaffari followed her two children after dark in Albert Park, staring and touching himself. “It was truly frightening,” she said.
Jaffari was convicted and placed on the sex offenders register for 15 years over the assault of a boy at Geelong’s Eastern beach in August but received just 300 hours of community service.
Jaffari kissed the boy on the neck, told him he was “sexy” and rubbed himself against him.
In January he was accused of child stealing and unlawful assault of a four-year-old girl at a Geelong West oval…
When interviewed, Jaffari told police: “For us, is not an issue.”
Is a refugee program which produces these outcomes really in the national interest?
Magistrate Ron Saines stood the matter down in March, advising police if he were hearing the matter he would have reasonable doubt finding Jaffari guilty, citing cultural differences.
The charges were dropped.  

Teaching tomorrow’s terrorists

Andrew Bolt May 09 2014 (7:28am)

A wake-up to people who think just signing a peace treaty will guarantee Israel’s safety. From Hamas’ Al Aqsa TV:
Child host (Rawan): “Tulin, why do you want to be a police officer? Like who?”
Girl (Tulin): “Like my uncle.” …
Moderator: “OK, so what does a policeman do?”
Girl: “He catches thieves, and people who make trouble.”
Child host: “And shoots Jews. Right?”
Girl: “Yes.”
Child host: “You want to be like him?”
[Girl nods]
Child host: “Allah willing, when you grow up.”
Girl: “So that I can shoot Jews.”
[Nahul, an adult in a giant bee costume, claps his hands]
Child host: “All the Jews? All of them?”
Girl: “Yes.”
Child host: “Good.”
(Thanks to reader Bob Gorovoi.) 

Nation of dependents

Andrew Bolt May 09 2014 (7:25am)

Hit the rich? How about wean the middle-class off handouts instead:
HALF of Australian families receive more in handouts than they pay in net income tax, new figures reveal.
As the Abbott government sharpens its budget razor on welfare, the figures reveal just how dependent we’ve become.
The exclusive modelling for The Daily Telegraph by the National Centre for Social and Economic Modelling at the University of Canberra reveals 48 per cent of Australia’s 12.2 million “income units” pay no net tax. Any tax they do contribute is offset by the welfare — pensions, family tax benefits or childcare rebates — they receive.

Wayne Swan shows exactly why we’re in this mess

Andrew Bolt May 09 2014 (7:14am)

Former Labor Treasurer Wayne Swan is in complete denial:

WE keep hearing from Joe Hockey we need to “fix the budget”. The fact is we left the budget in sound shape.
In fact:

The Commission of Audit’s (COA) report ...  notes that without reform to Australia’s tax and expenditure system, Australia “faces 16 consecutive years of budget deficits with net debt rising from $190 billion today to $440 billion by 2023-24?.
Swan diagnoses his problem:
Optimist! Swan, SMH, yesterday:
LIKE many Australians, I’m an optimist about the Australian economy ..
Yes, optimist. Swan, May 11, 2010:

OUR strict spending limits will see the budget return to surplus in three years, three years early — ahead of every major advanced economy.
Boundless optimism. Swan, February 7, 2012:

WE’VE got our colours nailed to the mast. That’s what we’re doing. We’re producing a surplus in 2012-13. We’re determined to do that and that’s what we’re going to do..

The price of a Rudd brain-wave

Andrew Bolt May 09 2014 (6:53am)

Another Labor hot-money scheme:

KEVIN Rudd’s botched insulation scheme left one installer so traumatised his revival as prime minister last year made her physically ill.
In emotional evidence to the royal commission, small business owner Kellie Jackson described how the $2.8 billion program devastated her health and sparked the near-collapse of her and her husband’s decade-old company…
Ms Jackson said she and her husband were forced to dismiss most of their 20 staff, ask for loans from their parents and the bank, and chase the federal government for $100,000 in unpaid subsidies…
In February 2010, she travelled to Canberra with other installers to protest about the program’s cancellation. Mr Rudd addressed the rally — and Ms Jackson, personally — assuring them help in the form of an assistance package was on its way. It never arrived. Eventually, the Jacksons were offered $440 in compensation from the government.
(Thanks to reader Peter of Bellevue Hill.) 

Hockey tweets an argument for cuts, not tax rises

Andrew Bolt May 09 2014 (12:01am)


So why raise taxes with a debt levy and fuel excise rise?
This is what voters expected:” title="MORE than 200 spending programs will be slashed “>MORE than 200 spending programs will be slashed in next week’s federal budget as Joe Hockey vows to shrink the size of government in a “big, structural change” to save billions of dollars.
Agencies will be closed and thousands of staff retrenched over the coming months in a drastic overhaul that will start with the loss of 3000 positions in the Treasurer’s own portfolio.
The axe will fall in major portfolios including environment, transport, industry, agriculture and indigenous affairs.
Mr Hockey told The Australian that spending cuts would do the “heavy lifting” in fixing the deficit, despite growing criticism of looming tax hikes including a lift in fuel excise.
Those are the kind of cuts we voted for. But these are the tax rises we didn’t:

As foreshadowed in The Australian yesterday, fuel excise will be increased to raise an estimated $2.4 billion over four years, amid accusations that the move would be another breach of Tony Abbott’s election pledge to keep taxes down.
The decision is another hit on top of an income tax increase likely to apply to incomes over $180,000 despite warnings from Liberal MPs against the idea.
How does the debt tax meet this promise?
“If there is a change of government, Australian families will be better off. Their weekly and fortnightly budgets will be under less pressure because the carbon tax will go and no one’s personal tax will go up and no one’s fortnightly pension or benefit will go down,” Mr Abbott said.
David Crowe says Joe Hockey himself explained what the Government’s real mandate would be:
The Treasurer’s message has been clear since he warned of the end of the “age of entitlement” in a London speech more than two years ago…
Hockey’s vow to “rebuild fiscal discipline” came with an assurance that raising taxes was not the way ahead.
“Budget surpluses must be restored, ideally until the debt is repaid,” he said.
“This can only be achieved by cutting spending or by raising taxes. And given the general acceptance that the increased drag from higher taxes would compromise economic growth, the clear mandate is to lower expenditure.

49 more good calls like this and we won’t need that fuel excise increase

Andrew Bolt May 08 2014 (8:50pm)

That’s more like it:
The Abbott government is set to scrap the ABC’s Australia Network international broadcasting service in next Tuesday’s budget.
Cabinet approved the decision in a meeting on Wednesday, according to a report in The West Australian. The ABC has a 10-year, $223 million contract to run the network, which broadcasts to 44 countries in the Asia Pacific.






















=== Posts from last year ===
4 her, so she can see how I see her







Larry Pickering

PM Julia Gillard and her hero, Big Bill Ludwig, are no strange bedfellows when it comes to crime and NSW’s Eddie Obeid and his army of corrupt ALP mates should not feel left out. Nor Should the HSU’s Williamson and Thomson. And if you believe that Combet endorsed a dodgy coal mine without knowing it was dodgy then go play with the fairies at the bottom of your garden.

But now it’s Queensland and a series of ALP rorts involving 200 million dodgy dollars that's about to suffer the microscope of a Newman Commission of Inquiry.

No prizes for guessing who’s involved. Yep, Bill Ludwig, the racing industry (RQL) and the Bligh Government.

Just days before the QLD electorate delivered a death sentence to the Bligh Government, $20 million was transferred from QLD Treasury to Racing Queensland Limited’s trust account.

Was Anna Bligh was trying to make something favourite at Doomben? Not really. More likely to line the pockets of her corrupt supporters on the QLD Racing Board and her government employees who were about to be thrown on the job heap.

RQL and the Bligh Government then entered into funding contracts for over $60 million of public works in key Labor electorates.

Interesting also is the arrangement between RQL and Sunshine Coast engineering firm, Contour Consulting. This little deal involved tens of millions of dollars and more than 30 contracts that were awarded without one going to tender.

Coincidentally, two key executives resigned from RQL and immediately took up positions with guess who, Contour Consulting.

The two executives were handed astoundingly large payouts by RQL, the subject of which is now under investigation by ASIC. But there’s more!

The Inquiry will also probe Queensland Race Product Co’s (a non-profit subsidiary of RQL) grant of almost $100 million in deductions to gaming giant Tatts Group. And against legal advice.

Now stay with me here... the boss of QRL is the notorious Bob Bentley and Mr Bentley is also on the board of Tatts Group.

Bob Bentley remained boss of QRL for over ten years without ever facing re-election as required under the RQL’s Constitution.

Both Bill Ludwig and Bob Bentley have insisted they did nothing wrong. Phew! For a moment I was a bit worried there.

Of course Julia has learnt from her friend Anna how to empty Treasury coffers prior to the dreaded conservatives taking over.

Anna was a friend of mine but I guess not now she reads this and Julia hated me anyway.

Bugger, I don’t seem to have much luck with some women.

But some women seem to have a lot of luck getting away with murder!


SWAMI VIKEVANANDA was made famous when he made a speech, over 100 years ago, at a world wide conference of religions. He, more than anyone, called for religious tolerance. His speech made headlines in the major newspapers. His own religious orientation was mystic Hinduism (Vedanta) which calls for nonviolence - AND YET here is what he had to say about the followers of Islam:
“...Every step forward (for the Mohamadeans) was made with the word of the Koran in the one hand and the sword in the other. Take the Koran, or you must die; there is no alternative”. [The speech, delivered in the Universalist Church, Pasadena, California, USA, on 28th January, 1890]



Today, we have released the Coalition’s Policy to Improve the Fair Work Laws.

You can read it here:


Imagine Captain Jack Harkness in the new Star Trek movie?


When they do that .. they are chasing rats .. -ed



ALLEGED MJ ABUSE: A key Australian witness and supporter of Michael Jackson during his 2005 molestation trial, is now saying he was a victim. 

Read more on Ninemsn: 

9 News will cover this story throughout our daytime bulletins today.


You'll be a lot happier, and far more blessed, if you learn to genuinely love people you disagree with.


In a rare sight, lighting struck through a double rainbow over Badlands National Park in South Dakota last week, captured beautifully by Joan Wallner.





Every life without Christ is a mission field; every life with Christ is a missionary.

Lets innovate and not just imitate. Chris Bowater

Copy that - ed


A woman said, 'I didn't get anything out of the Worship this morning', the Pastor replied, 'we weren't worshipping you' Chris Bowater




May 9Europe Day/Schuman Day in the European Union;Independence Day in Romania (1877)
Thomas Blood




Holidays and observances[edit]

“Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.” - Colossians 4:5-6
Morning and Evening by Charles Spurgeon


"He that was healed wist not who it was."
John 5:13
Years are short to the happy and healthy; but thirty-eight years of disease must have dragged a very weary length along the life of the poor impotent man. When Jesus, therefore, healed him by a word, while he lay at the pool of Bethesda, he was delightfully sensible of a change. Even so the sinner who has for weeks and months been paralysed with despair, and has wearily sighed for salvation, is very conscious of the change when the Lord Jesus speaks the word of power, and gives joy and peace in believing. The evil removed is too great to be removed without our discerning it; the life imparted is too remarkable to be possessed and remain inoperative; and the change wrought is too marvellous not to be perceived. Yet the poor man was ignorant of the author of his cure; he knew not the sacredness of his person, the offices which he sustained, or the errand which brought him among men. Much ignorance of Jesus may remain in hearts which yet feel the power of his blood. We must not hastily condemn men for lack of knowledge; but where we can see the faith which saves the soul, we must believe that salvation has been bestowed. The Holy Spirit makes men penitents long before he makes them divines; and he who believes what he knows, shall soon know more clearly what he believes. Ignorance is, however, an evil; for this poor man was much tantalized by the Pharisees, and was quite unable to cope with them. It is good to be able to answer gainsayers; but we cannot do so if we know not the Lord Jesus clearly and with understanding. The cure of his ignorance, however, soon followed the cure of his infirmity, for he was visited by the Lord in the temple; and after that gracious manifestation, he was found testifying that "it was Jesus who had made him whole." Lord, if thou hast saved me, show me thyself, that I may declare thee to the sons of men.


"Acquaint now thyself with him."
Job 22:21
If we would rightly "acquaint ourselves with God, and be at peace," we must know him as he has revealed himself, not only in the unity of his essence and subsistence, but also in the plurality of his persons. God said, "Let us make man in our own image"--let not man be content until he knows something of the "us" from whom his being was derived. Endeavour to know the Father; bury your head in his bosom in deep repentance, and confess that you are not worthy to be called his son; receive the kiss of his love; let the ring which is the token of his eternal faithfulness be on your finger; sit at his table and let your heart make merry in his grace. Then press forward and seek to know much of the Son of God who is the brightness of his Father's glory, and yet in unspeakable condescension of grace became man for our sakes; know him in the singular complexity of his nature: eternal God, and yet suffering, finite man; follow him as he walks the waters with the tread of deity, and as he sits upon the well in the weariness of humanity. Be not satisfied unless you know much of Jesus Christ as your Friend, your Brother, your Husband, your all. Forget not the Holy Spirit; endeavour to obtain a clear view of his nature and character, his attributes, and his works. Behold that Spirit of the Lord, who first of all moved upon chaos, and brought forth order; who now visits the chaos of your soul, and creates the order of holiness. Behold him as the Lord and giver of spiritual life, the Illuminator, the Instructor, the Comforter, and the Sanctifier. Behold him as, like holy unction, he descends upon the head of Jesus, and then afterwards rests upon you who are as the skirts of his garments. Such an intelligent, scriptural, and experimental belief in the Trinity in Unity is yours if you truly know God; and such knowledge brings peace indeed.

Today's reading: 2 Kings 4-6, Luke 24:36-53 (NIV)

View today's reading on Bible Gateway

Today's Old Testament reading: 2 Kings 4-6

The Widow's Olive Oil
1 The wife of a man from the company of the prophets cried out to Elisha, "Your servant my husband is dead, and you know that he revered the LORD. But now his creditor is coming to take my two boys as his slaves."
2 Elisha replied to her, "How can I help you? Tell me, what do you have in your house?"
"Your servant has nothing there at all," she said, "except a small jar of olive oil."
3 Elisha said, "Go around and ask all your neighbors for empty jars. Don't ask for just a few. 4 Then go inside and shut the door behind you and your sons. Pour oil into all the jars, and as each is filled, put it to one side...."

Today's New Testament reading: Luke 24:36-53

Jesus Appears to the Disciples
36 While they were still talking about this, Jesus himself stood among them and said to them, "Peace be with you."
37 They were startled and frightened, thinking they saw a ghost. 38 He said to them, "Why are you troubled, and why do doubts rise in your minds? 39 Look at my hands and my feet. It is I myself! Touch me and see; a ghost does not have flesh and bones, as you see I have."
40 When he had said this, he showed them his hands and feet. 41 And while they still did not believe it because of joy and amazement, he asked them, "Do you have anything here to eat?" 42 They gave him a piece of broiled fish, 43 and he took it and ate it in their presence....

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